#the super visor who stepped down (?) if shes okay w it.
narutomaki · 1 year
would it be possible for you to apply and interview and then make a decision if they offer you the job? that way maybe during the interview you can find out a little bit more about the job and then decide once you actually know if its a possibility? i struggle with long shifts too and talking to the interviewer a little bit and getting to know the role always helped me decide if the pay was worth the physical strain
I applied 😭
I did talk it through with my career coach first too and we went through it and shockingly my frustration at her not getting it (it is, from what I have seen, mostly helping people fill out and submit forms and ensuring identity and accuracy on them) (she was asking me "Tell me what you can see" which to me means "Answer me in theory" and I was answering her in theory from my existing knowledge base and she was going back like "Well its going to be more involved than that and it wont be judt that and you're going to need to do more research about all these things" and I'm like I Know I Thought We Were Doing Scenarios. but I digress) and then I did spend another 2 hours doing research and interview prep after submitting it.
Despite. Yknow. It being guaranteed I won't hear from them IF I EVEN GOT AN INTERVIEW for another 8-10 weeks (4-8 weeks from posting closure). But again. I digress.
This is. Unfortunately. The kind of job I want and am good at (providing information, helping people find information, processing and filling information, and processing transactions).
Except the options for employment are "full time Monday to Friday with weekends as needed lol lmao teehee" and "our company is making this posting so we can hire Greg's kid shhh for after school a couple times a week" and this one which is. a union job that is DEFINED. AS A COMPETITION. MAN....
I just want a job that is this but they think I'm a silly little guy and hire me on the spot for 5 hrs a day 3 times a week. Is that so hard to ask? (Apparently yes.)
Any way I think they have chairs and high desks with the option to stand so I'm gonna go whimper and whine at their door near closing so they hire me.
0 notes
ruffsficstuffplace · 8 years
Of Rocks, Romantic Rivalries, and Rune Rangers (Part 4): The Siren’s Song (Part 1)
It was pandemonium in one of Valentino's biggest beachfront districts, Zarkon's troops swarming all around the storefronts and the hotels, civilians, tourists, and military types alike escaping through the streets, or out to sea.
The Armed Forces of Avalon set up barricades and helped evacuate the area, but against the vastly better armed Galra Empire, they could only wait, pray for help to arrive, and hope no one was still trapped inside.
Atop one of the tallest roofs, Haggar's latest Robeast loomed, a bizarre, humanoid creature that looked like a mix of a fish and a human woman, too alien and inelegantly-designed to be Fae.
“That's right, everyone! Run! Run from my super scary troops!” she cried. “This city is under Galra control now and I, Mero, am going to be the one ruling it, okay?!”
Through the psychic link to Galra's headquarters, Zarkon noisily cleared his throat.
Mero groaned. “Okay, alright, fine! Emperor Zarkon is going to be ruling it, but I'm like, gonna be the branch manager or something! So bow down and respect me, peons!”
“Sorry, your highness, but looks like your reign's going to end before it even starts!” Lance cried.
Mero scowled as she noticed six familiar figures standing in the deserted boardwalk. “Ugh!” she cried. “Can't you guys just NOT show up and totally ruin Emperor Zarkon's plans for once?!”
Keith laughed. “Yeah… that's not happening.”
As one, they thrust their hands through the air and raised their runes to the sky, the carved gems glimmering in the afternoon sun.
“Strength of the Suns!” / “Light of the Moons!”
The Rune Rangers' and Allura's bodies glowed with their respective colours, so radiant they blinded and warded off the Galra footsoldiers around them until they exploded in a brilliant shower of light. Now in their armour, they got into their respective poses and cried:
“Defenders of Avalon! Rune Rangers, Celestial Guard!”
Multicoloured pillars of smoke erupted from behind them.
Mero groaned. “Are you done?! Have you done your whole bit now, complete with your stupid catchphrases?!”
Their runes transformed into their weapons, and they held them at the ready. In Shiro's case, he socketed it into his prosthetic arm, the magic holding it together now glowing a brilliant crimson and purple.
“Yes,” Shiro replied.
Mero harrumphed. “Good! Minions: ATTACK! And don't suck so much this time!”
The Galra attacked, a horde of swordsmen, riflemen, and hulking brutes with shields and maces.
Shiro held thrust out his prosthetic arm. “Keith, Allura, Pidge, with me: we're cutting a path to the Robeast!”
“My name is Mero, you doucheschnozzles!”
Shiro ignored her. “Lance, Hunk: fire support! Focus on the shooters!
“Celestial Guard: CHARGE!”
The Rune Rangers and the Galra Forces clashed, the air ringing with the sounds of gunfire and violence as the robotic minions were slashed to pieces, crushed to bits, or left staring at the new holes in their bodies before they collapsed, inactive.
“This is way too easy!” Keith cried as he blocked a Galra trooper's mace with his shield. “You guys having an off-day?!” he cried as he retaliated with an upwards slash across its chest.
Shiro thrust his prosthetic arm into the trooper's chest before the metal could mend itself. “Don't tempt fate! It never ends well!” he cried as he ripped out its power core, then threw it at the minions further up.
Mero shielded her eyes with a webbed fin-hand as a good chunk of her forces were wiped out or severely damaged. “Too late, Rune Jerkbags!” she cried as she lowered her arm. “Behold: my super awesome secret weapon!” she proudly raised her head and breathe in deep.
Pidge shocked a swordsman with her katar, Allura smashed its head in with her staff while it was defenseless. The two of them plus Shiro turned to Keith, opened the visors of their helmets, and glared at him.
Keith raised his hand and sword in apology. “Sorry.”
Mero let out a powerful, ear-piercing screech, waves of magic erupting from her body and spreading all around the beach. The Rune Rangers all fell to their knees and clutched their heads, her “song” ringing in their heads, getting even more agonizing and out-of tune as it went on.
Not even her own troops were immune, all of them spitting out error messages and jerking around as their auditory sensors were overloaded.
Then, it stopped, and faded away into nothing.
The Rune Rangers groaned and shook their heads; they looked around, saw the Galra troopers still stunned and recovering.
“Hah!” Lance said as he held up his rifle. “Is that your 'super awesome secret weapon'? A stun wave that affects your own guys? Lame!”
“Hmph!” Mero crossed her arms. “Look again, doucheschnozzle, because I turned one of you to my side!”
The Rangers frantically looked around, until they saw Pidge still on her knees.
Lance sighed in relief, and lowered his gun. “Oh, great! It's just Pidge—I was worried for a moment there!”
Pidge got up, turned around, and shot her grappling hook onto Lance's chest.
By the time he realized what had happened, she was already zipping towards him.
Pidge crashed into Lance's chest feet first, knocking him flat on his back. He tried to grab her and throw her off, she was already plunging her katar into him.
Lance screamed as hundreds of volts of electricity were pumped into his body.
“HUNK!” Shiro cried as he, Keith, and Allura fended off the fully-recovered Galra. “GET HER OFF!”
Hunk yelped and aimed his cannon at Pidge.
She snapped her face to him, opened her visor and showed him her amber eyes, now glowing an ominous shade of purple.
Hunk whimpered, then clumsily swung his cannon at Pidge.
She jumped up, easily dodging his attack; she launched off him, and back into the fray with the others.
Hunk staggered back in surprise. He watched her somersaulting and scampering between the Galra's legs and the space in between them, the troopers ignoring her completely as she crept up behind Allura, Shiro, and Keith.
“GUYS! BEHIND YOU!” he cried as he aimed his cannon at the Galra.
Keith slashed a trooper in front of him, destroying it. He turned around, just in time to see Pidge crouching in front of him, before she sprang up and slashed a line up his chest.
Pidge somersaulted through the air and behind them, Allura and Shiro stared in horror as the Galra quickly swarmed in front of her to protect her.
“Retreat!” Shiro cried as he and Allura carried Keith between them as they ran back.
Hunk covered their escape, Lance lay on the ground, unmoving.
Up on the roof, Mero stared. “Oh, wow… this is like, going way better than I expected it to...”
“Indeed...” Haggar hummed through the psychic link. “To turn the Emerald Ranger against her comrades was a move even I did not think of! Perhaps I should base all my future Robeasts off you, to ensure power and cunning...”
Mero looked nervous. “Okay, so like... before you go poking into my brain, and stuff, I just choose the green one like, at random? I didn't know this was all going to happen, you know…?”
Haggar sighed heavily. “Of course...”
“Shiro!” Hunk cried as they stood around Lance. “What do we do?”
Shiro gritted his teeth. “Let me think...”
“Minions!” Pidge cried as she raised her arm. “Attack the blue one! Finish him off, then get the rest! I don't care how many of you fall, just do it!”
The Galra Troopers all looked at each other in confusion, before they shrugged, and attacked.
“Hey!” Mero cried. “I'm the one in charge here!”
Pidge opened her visor to glare at her. “Oh, I'm sorry: do you want to actually win this fight or no?!”
Mero reeled. “… Gosh, no need to be a bitch about it!” she turned to the Galra. “Minions! Do what she says, I guess...!”
The rangers stared at the incoming swarm in horror, before they raised their weapons.
Hunk began to take potshots at the swarming Galra. “Shiro...?! What do we do?!”
“Keith: get Lance somewhere safe! Hunk: fend off those Galra! Allura, with me: we're taking out Mero and getting Pidge back!
Keith threw Lance over his shoulder and ran into the nearby streets, Allura and Shiro charged straight into the horde.
Some of the Galra slowed down, preparing to engage them.
“Keep going!” Pidge cried. “Ignore them: get the Blue one! We may lose this battle, but watch them crumble when one of them dies!”
“Sweet Shepherd, Pidge!” Keith cried as he laid Lance against the side of a building. “Who's side are you on?!”
“Not yours!” she shouted back through their helmets.
Lance groaned in pain.
Keith's eyes widened as he knelt down beside him, grabbed him by the shoulders. "Lance? Lance!" he cried as he shook him. "Don't die on me now, man, we're going to make it through this like we always do!"
Lance coughed. "Pidge... get Pidge...! I need Pidge!"
"Uh, newsflash for ya: she's still brainwashed and crazy! She's the one that stabbed you, for fuck's sake!"
"I know. I want her to stab me again."
Keith groaned and dropped Lance.
“Ow! Come on, man, I'm dying over here!”
“Well bleed out with your head down!” Keith said as he turned around and readied his sword—the swarms of Galra had gotten too close for Hunk's comfort, and he was now running as fast as he could to them.
Meanwhile, Shiro and Allura raised their suits' grappling hooks to the rooftop Mero was standing on. They were about to fire, when an EMP exploded and shorted out their gear. They turned their heads to Pidge, standing nearby with her finger still on the “gadget-panel” of her gauntlet.
They couldn't see her smug smirk for the designs of their helmets, but they could just tell.
They readied their weapons.
“Stand down, Pidge!” Shiro called out. “We don't want to hurt you!”
Pidge laughed. “Oh, I know—which is why you're all going to lose,” she growled as she crouched low, her dagger held at the ready.
Allura stepped forward. “I'll handle her—your reflexes may be good for a human, but you're no match for a Fae, however skilled.”
Shiro nodded, and looked up at Mero. “Guess I'm going up the old-fashioned way…!” he cried as he charged into the nearest building, breaking through the doors and running towards the nearest set of stairs.
Pidge turned around and tried to fire her grappling hook at his leg, before her ears twitched. She ducked just as Allura's staff came swinging past her head. She retaliated with a dagger thrust, one Allura just barely dodged herself.
“Snap out of it, Pidge!” Allura cried as they began to fight, dodging and dancing around each other, their attacks just barely missing one another. “I really don't want to hurt you!”
Pidge jumped back, somersaulting through the air and landing on all fours. “Good, because that works out great for me!” she yelled as she pounced.
From above, Mero watched as Allura barely blocked Pidge with her staff, former staggering back as she tried to stab and slash her with her dagger. “Uh… like, do you need any help or something...?”
“I'VE GOT THIS!” Pidge yelled.
“Are you sure?” Mero asked. “It kinda looks like you're losing down there, and those guys at the back are having a really hard time!”
Mero gasped, before she scowled. “Rude! Who does that little twerp think she is?”
“Someone vastly more effective than you have been so far...” Haggar hummed.
Mero gasped in offense. “Excuse me? Whose side are you on?!”
“Whoever is the strongest and most cunning...” Haggar replied, watching the duel between Pidge and Allura with interest.
Inside the building, Shiro pounded up the stairs, taking them two steps at a time before he burst through a door leading out to the roof. He looked around, cried in frustration as he realized he had ended up behind and several stories below Mero.
Then, his suit's gadgets hummed back to life. He grinned as he fired his grappling hook to just below the roof Mero was on and began to rocket up towards her.
In the back-lines, the other rangers were backed into a corner, Keith desperately holding his shield up to block a constant rain of blows and bullets, while Lance and Hunk blindly fired into the swarm—wherever they pointed, they were going to hit a Galra.
“Guys, we've got Pidge back, right?!” Keith cried. “'Cause we're not going to last much longer back here!”
“I'm afraid”--Allura ducked--”that she's going to have to”--she somersaulted backwards, avoiding a furious series of slashes from Pidge--”sit this one out!”
She swung for Pidge's head, one end of her staff connecting with her helmet.
Pidge flew off, flying off to the side and into a bench. The wood broke apart on impact, Pidge lay in the wreckage, groaning in pain.
Allura stared in horror. “PIDGE!” she cried as she rushed over to her. “Oh Eluna, are you alright?!”
Pidge groaned and slowly raised her head. “Ugh…! What happened…?” she muttered.
“You were under the spell of that horrid wench Mero,” Allura replied as she grabbed her hand and pulled her up. “Thankfully, I seem to have knocked you out of it!”
Pidge's visor opened, revealing glimmering purple eyes. “Actually: you didn't.”
Faster than Allura could react, she thrust her dagger into her chest.
At the same time, Shiro tackled Mero from behind, wrapping his arms around her as they flew off the roof and headed straight for the ground.
Allura collapsed, twitching as stray sparks fell from Pidge's dagger.
She chuckled as she stepped around her. “Too easy...” she hummed as she looked at the concentration of Galra in the distance.
Her ears twitched as she heard something very large falling through the air, very fast.
Pidge looked up, her eyes widening as she just barely avoided getting crushed by Mero and Shiro.
Mero's impact broke the pavement and the mind control.
Pidge blinked, her eyes growing wide in horror as everything that had just happened came flashing through her mind. She looked at Shiro, pushing himself up from Mero, at Allura, writhing on the floor, then back at the swarms of Galra overwhelming the others.
She rushed back to Allura, picked her up and held her dagger to her neck. “MINIONS! RANGERS! EVERYONE! STOP!”
Keith's shield broke, bullets and strikes struck him unimpeded. He was about to slash with his sword for his final stand, when Pidge's face with her now-normal eyes showed up inside all the rangers' helmets, invisible to the enemy.
Confused, the Galra Troopers stopped attacking, though they didn't let their guard down, still aiming their guns at the others and holding their melee weapons at the ready.
“I suggest you rangers surrender now,” Pidge growled. “I'm sure we can all see that you've lost this battle, and all that you can really change is how quick and painless you want your deaths to be.”
Mero threw Shiro off of her, and brushed off stray bits of cracked concrete off her body. “Alright, go Green Girl!”
“Shut up! Gah, I can feel my brain cells dying every time you open your mouth!”
Mero scowled and crossed her arms. “Hmph!”
“Minions: bring the other rangers back to me. I want them all to see each other one last time, before I end them.”
“Do it...” Allura muttered, feigning hopelessness.
“And make it quick, minions!” Mero added. “We've got a LOT of things to do when I take over this city!”
Haggar frowned. “Something's up.”
“No worries, Boss, I got this!” Mero said.
Haggar was about to speak up, before Zarkon stopped her. “Let her be...” he hummed.
The Galra minions marched Keith and Hunk back to Pidge at gunpoint, while Lance was unceremoniously thrown over the shoulder of one of the giants.
“Agh! Hey! I'm pretty sure I've got cracked ribs or something here, be more gentle, will you?!”
The Galra ignored him.
Soon, the Rangers were all pilled up by Pidge's feet, their heads hung in defeat and their weapons laying abandoned on the ground.
“So like, this is it, right?” Mero asked. “We win and I get to totally take over this city?”
“Oh, Valentino's going to be part of the Galra Empire alright—just not with you ruling over it,” Pidge replied calmly.
Mero grinned, before she realized just what she had said. “Wait, what…?” she asked, her face falling. “You're on my side, aren't you? I mean hello, we're all Galra here!”
“Not anymore you're not...” Pidge muttered as she raised her hand. “Minions! Prepare to get rid of this sorry excuse for a Robeast!”
Mero looked at her in disbelief, before she stared in horror at the Galra troops aiming their guns at her, coming in closer with their weapons at the ready. “Boss? Lady Haggar?! Emperor Zarkon! You're not going to let her do this, are you?!”
Haggar huffed. “You've 'got this,' don't you…?”
Mero's eyes widened as the Galra formed a circle around her.
Pidge stepped back closer to the others. “Before you all fire and destroy Mero over there, I'd just like to say:
“Thanks for falling into my trap!”
Pidge blasted out a wave of healing energy, bringing all the rangers back up to their feet.
The Galra and Mero couldn't see her smug grin, but they could just tell.
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writteninkat · 3 years
xiv - life is good
w/c - 2,586
"when I come off cold, I'm not doing it on purpose"
In the corner of your eye you notice something flying your way. You push Iida off of you, running over to where Izuku was to push him out of the way. The flying Nomu’s bird-like claws grab a hold of your waist, taking you away from your classmates and the heroes.
You try to pry its claws open, but you have no energy left- not only that but if you were to fall from this height without any sort of support, you’ll get seriously injured. In a flash, the Nomu stops flying and begins to fall.
“The word hero has lost all meaning to this society.” Stain yells, running over to where you are currently falling. The world is overrun by fakes and criminals like you three!” He pushes you and the Nomu, somehow cushioning your fall. “You must all be purged.” He growls, sitting on top of you.
Stain smiles, twisting the life out of the Nomu’s exposed brain. “Everything that I do, is to create the strongest society.” Your body freezes up in fear, the sight of a villain totally losing his senses right above you definitely is something else.
As you struggle to push him off of you, he shrugs off your futile attempts and turns around to a familiar voice. “Endeavor.” He growls, causing you to follow his sight. Stain stands up, stepping away from you as he faces Endeavor. His eye mask falls off, giving you a clear look of his face. “You false hero!” He yells, his bloodlust so powerful it has your stomach turning in different ways, causing you to grow nauseous.
Who does this villain think he is, trying to make us kneel with blood lust?
/No, stop. He’s actually terrifying, don’t make me go near that-
Terrifying? You’ve known me for years. Your eyes widen as your heart drops to your stomach, You should know who among the both of us is actually terrifying.
“Come now! Just try and stop me with your flames!” Stain yells, slowly taking steps towards your classmates.
Give in. Unless you want your friends dying right in front of you, let us take over. You’ll learn the true meaning of strength, Y/n. Let us take control.
You take in a deep breath, your body relaxing as it slowly grows cold. You close your eyes, neon blue lines once more appearing on your skin. You open your eyes, showing a complete glowing neon blue color as you stand up. The white stripes begin to grow the same color as you take a step towards the hero killer.
“Hero Killer; Stain.” Your voice isn’t yours- it’s much deeper, much more bold as it demands everyone’s attention. “You dare let out your bloodlust in my presence.”
The villain turns around, “Hah? And who might you be?”
“Someone like you does not deserve to know of my name, more so speak it. But I will tell you this- you will die by my hands tonight.” You extend your hand at him, a glowing blue chain appears on your palms, attached to a collar around the villains neck. “Come on, villain. Give me everything you’ve got.”
You pull him towards you, a glowing blue scythe appearing in your hands as you bring the blade up, slashing it downwards. It creates another huge slash behind the villain and on the ground, but it’s bigger, much deeper than what you created before the heroes came. Your eyes fly to the right, widening at the sight of your father standing beside you with his hand around the staff of your weapon. With one powerful squeeze, he breaks the weapon of light and you watch as it crumbles into nothing.
“Give me back my daughter.” He says, placing a hand on your shoulder. “She would hate to hear you call her that.” You say before the lines around your body disappears and the glowing light in your eyes return to normal. Your lids drop halfway through as you look up at your father. “Go to sleep, Y/n.”
You push his hand off of your shoulder as you stagger back, “It’s right. I hate hearing you call me your daughter.” You pant, out of breath with how much power you’ve consumed in one night.
Your father’s eyes widen, in shock that you didn’t pass out after using so much power. You slowly step towards your classmates, your body feeling drowsy as you bump your lowered head onto Izuku’s shoulder.
“I think that’s enough hero work for one night.” You mumble, letting your body fall onto the green-haired boy as he wraps his arms around you, making sure you don’t fall. “You did great, Y/n.” You would have smiled if it weren’t for the feeling of his body shaking in fear of what he had just witnessed- the side of you that he had just witnessed.
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A familiar sense of being in the same room as the night before wakes you up and just as you expected, you’re once again in a hospital room. You sigh to yourself bitterly, hating how weak you still are. If you don’t stop passing out and leading yourself to the hospital they’re going to be reserving a room solely for you.
At the sight of you gaining consciousness, Iida, Shoto and Izuku rush towards you, crowding around your bed. “Are you feeling okay now?” Iida asks and you nod to him silently, reaching up to your forehead at the throbbing pain.
You notice that you’re the only one with an IV tube in your hand and the boys merely have bandages all over their limbs and heads. “Listen, Y/n… What we witnessed back there,” Izuku starts, “we promise not to tell anyone. Your father had asked us to keep quiet about it and he’s also asked the heroes present to stay quiet about it.”
You nod, a sense of relief washing over you. The door opens and in comes the same short yellow man who kicked Izuku in the face last night.
“Oh, so the injured young ones are awake.” He starts, Izuku calling him ‘Gran Torino’. “Idiot! I could yell at you for hours right now. But before I do, you got a visitor.”
You all turn back to the door to see a tall man with a dog’s head. Your jaw falls at how weird it was- it’s the first time you’ve actually seen someone like him. As everyone including you tries to stand up in respect, he tells you all to sit down with a ‘woof’ following right after.
“So, you’re the UA students who brought down the hero killer, huh?” He starts and something odd begins to stir inside you. “Right now Stain’s in the hospital under strict guard.” He keeps his eyes particularly on you which made you feel very uncomfortable with how strong his gaze was. “It’s against the law for uncertified individuals to use their quirks for injury without superior permission. Whether you were against the Hero Killer or not, none of you have the authority to hog the villain” You furrow your brows at his words.
“What are you saying-“ he cuts you off, “That means the four of you- including your super visors, Endeavor, Manual and Gran Torino will receive harsh punishment for this abuse of your powers.”
It was first a scoff that slipped from your lips, taking everyone else’s attention and then follows a chuckle before finally leading up to loud laughter. “No way! They plan on punishing us after we saved their little city!” You yell, clutching on your stomach as tears begin to form the corners of your eyes.
You wipe the tears away, your laughter dying before you pull your IV tube from your hand, dropping it to the floor as blood drips down the back of your palm. You walk towards him, “Listen here you Walmart version of wolverine-“ You press your index finger on his chest, “If it weren’t for us, the hero killer may still be in the loose and the heroes would receive backlash after ruining the city and still not catching that villain.” You narrow your eyes at him, “You owe us.”
“So it’s okay to break the law so as long as it goes your way?” He asks, his figure looming over you, making you scoff. “But sir- isn’t it a hero’s job to save people?” You hear Shoto yell behind you to which Tsuragamae shakes his head at, “This is why you’re not a fully fledged pro yet. Fair enough, what a shame.”
Your blood boils at his words. Your friends almost died for what? This bullshit? If you had known this would happen if you guys stopped the Hero Killer then you shouldn’t have done anything in the first place. You scratch the back of your head, walking over to your bed. You lay yourself down, taking out your earphones from your bag Endeavor’s agency probably brought over for you. You connect your earphones with your phone, opening the RPG you planned to play with Shinsou after watching that movie you guys planned.
The apologies from your classmates to your supervisors and the thanks Tsuragamae gives you four go unnoticed by you as you continue playing with your game, tapping away with your thumbs.
The door opens and in comes your father, to which the chief, Manual and Gran Torino quickly bow down to. He laughs, greeting them before asking them to stop bowing as he walks over to you.
“Y/n, how are you feeling?” He places a hand on your foot to which you pull back, exiting your game. You look at him with dead eyes, raising a brow at him. “I’m doing fine. Not that any of that is your business.”
He frowns at your words, “Well of course it’s my business, I’m your fa-“ “Oop- no, no. You don’t get to use that F word on me.” You bring your hand up, hopping off of your hospital bed to bow down at the chief. “I’m sorry for my terrible attitude towards you, sir.” You apologize to which the chief shakes his head at as he chuckles.
As the other adults leave as well as your other friends, you’re left I the room with your father who’s fidgeting nervously. “What? You obviously want to say something. Spit it out.” You raise a brow at him to which you breathes in nervously. “There’s a small ice cream parlor I go to when I get free time from work. I was thinking-“
“No.” You quickly shut him down, making yourself comfortable as you close your eyes. “I’m tired, now go away.” He sighs in defeat, walking out of the room to leave you with your thoughts.
As you try to lull yourself to sleep, your mother’s call replayed in your head. “I just thought maybe you wanted to know about that boy’s abrasive and violent past? “ You furrow your brows, tossing and turning to try and get comfortable, distracting your self with other thoughts.
What abrasive and violent past?
At the inclusion that you wouldn’t be able to sleep, you pick up your phone once again, about to dial your mom when your screen shows a notification that someone is calling you. Rubies is calling… It reads and no matter how hard you push them down, the butterflies in your stomach are as wild as ever.
You bite on your lower lip, letting you phone ring two times before accepting the call. “Hello?”
“Y/n.” You bring your phone down in front of your chest as you clutched o it tightly, sinking your teeth onto your lower lip. “His voice sounds so handsome.” You whisper before recollecting yourself, bringing your phone back up your ear.
“Yeah? What do you need?”
“Are you alright? I heard that there was a Nomu attack around the area you were interning? You’re not hurt, are you?“
“How did you know I was interning with Endeavor?” Your question causes for the other line to grow silent for a while.
“I heard Best Jeanist talking about it with someone on a call.“
“Ah, so our little fluff ball of anger knows how to stick his nose on other people’s business too, huh? Interesting.”
“What did you say?! I didn’t- It wasn’t anything intentional!“ he yells, making you laugh.
“Sure, whatever you say. But to answer your question, yes I’m alright. Is that all you need?”
“Actually, there’s something else I need.“
“Hmm? What is it?”
“After the week of internships, can I ask for some your time? I need to… I need to tell you something important about what kind of person I am.“
Now you’re the quiet one. You feel your mouth and throat drying up in anticipation but at the same time you feel relieved that Katsuki os finally going to talk to you- he’s finally going to open up to you.
“Yeah, alright.”
“Okay, stay safe out there.“
You smile, missing how your cheeks always warmed up and how your mood was always lifted whenever Katsuki was around. “You too, gremlin.”
The call ends and you’re suddenly in a better mood than before. You chew on your lip, shaking your head no. This is a bad idea, Y/n. Don’t do it. Don’t do it. Don’t you-
You step out of the room, running through the halls and to the elevator, pushing the ground floor button multiple times. You tap your feet on the floor impatiently, quite literally pushing the doors open as you ran towards the exit of the hospital.
“Mr. Kawamata!” You yell, your father turning around with a raised brow. His face falls to worry at the sight of you running over to him barefoot. “Y/n what the hell do you think you’re doing running over here? You’re not yet discharged!” He yells, not the scary type of yell that he did back when you were a child but the kind of yell similar to what your mother sounded like when you hurt yourself by running around the house.
You reach him, palm on your knees as you panted heavily. He immediately takes his guard’s arm, pulling it near you so the umbrella was covering you instead.
“You bring me to the agency so I can change and then we can go out for ice cream.” You say, feeling the whole world stop at the sight of your father smiling. It was a slow smile- as if he were trying to process your words to him for a few minutes before he starts nodding his head.
“You’re just like your mother- she never meant anything she said to me when we fought. Whenever we fought before you were born, she’d always tell me to cook my own dinner, and then proceed to get angry when I actually do.” He chuckle and you have to turn away to hide the flustered look you have on your face.
“We won’t be able to have ice cream together if you don’t drive away now. The nurses will get here soon.” You point out, causing the guards to jump. They immediately open the door for you and you slide in, looking out at the window as you stared up at the clear sky.
Life is good.
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