#super visor will ask the OTHER super visor whos now a manager if hes okay w it too
narutomaki · 1 year
would it be possible for you to apply and interview and then make a decision if they offer you the job? that way maybe during the interview you can find out a little bit more about the job and then decide once you actually know if its a possibility? i struggle with long shifts too and talking to the interviewer a little bit and getting to know the role always helped me decide if the pay was worth the physical strain
I applied 😭
I did talk it through with my career coach first too and we went through it and shockingly my frustration at her not getting it (it is, from what I have seen, mostly helping people fill out and submit forms and ensuring identity and accuracy on them) (she was asking me "Tell me what you can see" which to me means "Answer me in theory" and I was answering her in theory from my existing knowledge base and she was going back like "Well its going to be more involved than that and it wont be judt that and you're going to need to do more research about all these things" and I'm like I Know I Thought We Were Doing Scenarios. but I digress) and then I did spend another 2 hours doing research and interview prep after submitting it.
Despite. Yknow. It being guaranteed I won't hear from them IF I EVEN GOT AN INTERVIEW for another 8-10 weeks (4-8 weeks from posting closure). But again. I digress.
This is. Unfortunately. The kind of job I want and am good at (providing information, helping people find information, processing and filling information, and processing transactions).
Except the options for employment are "full time Monday to Friday with weekends as needed lol lmao teehee" and "our company is making this posting so we can hire Greg's kid shhh for after school a couple times a week" and this one which is. a union job that is DEFINED. AS A COMPETITION. MAN....
I just want a job that is this but they think I'm a silly little guy and hire me on the spot for 5 hrs a day 3 times a week. Is that so hard to ask? (Apparently yes.)
Any way I think they have chairs and high desks with the option to stand so I'm gonna go whimper and whine at their door near closing so they hire me.
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blueberry-sunshines · 3 years
Late Night Rendezvous - Keith x Reader One Shot
You are a fellow pilot at the Garrison and Keith's only friend, he sneaks you out to show you something during the night...
Word Count: 3.2K
Slight Angst | Sweet, Vulnerable Keith
{This can also be found on my wattpad: @/blueberry_sunshines}
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{POV: Yours}
You were sitting criss-cross on top of your small bed in your dorm at the Garrison. The dim yellow glow of the school commissioned lamp lightly lit up the pages of your biology textbook. You were staying up late trying to study. Your roommate offered to stay up with you to help but you told her just to go to sleep. You didn't want her to be all sleep deprived.
Keith Kogane wasn't in all of your classes, but he was in a few. You were both fighter class pilots so your curriculum was quite similar. Everyone always says they're so surprised he's nice to you, and your roommate loves to tease you about it. She says that Keith has a 'soft spot' for you, but Keith just says that you're the only person he can stand.
Besides, you've known each other since you were kids. You both transferred to the Garrison at the same time and were partnered together. At first Keith was really cold towards you, but you always just thought he was shy and it didn't bother you that much. He seemed bored with the simulator and you always found his showing off to be rather funny. After what happened with James, Keith finally opened up to you and after that, you two were rather close. By the end of the year you two definitely started to become real friends...
You guys are 16 years old now and Keith is probably your best friend. There's always been a thin barrier between you two, but you've been ignoring it because you don't want him to push himself further away. You kind of always wished he would open up more. You thought about asking him to help you study tonight, but boys and girls aren't allowed in each other's dorms and you've been trying to make sure he stays out of trouble because you've been worried about him recently. He's been kind of distant lately and much more aggravated. A lot of people had been antsy lately because the Kerberos mission was a few months away. You knew that Keith sees the pilot, Shiro, as an older brother figure. He took Keith under his wing, so maybe that's what he was thinking about all the time when he was out of it. You had talked Shiro many times about Kerberos and he seemed very confident about it, so you never thought to worry about it. You shook your head, trying to refocus on your biology book. You turned around to look at your alarm clock and saw it flash "1:13 AM" in its big, red numbers. Damn, you really needed to wrap this up and get to bed soon...
-Knock Knock-
You had just about jumped from the surprise of someone knocking on your door. You looked over to your roommate's bed to see her definitely asleep. You sprung off your bed knowing exactly who it would be. Shaking your head in half disappointment, you put your hand on the button on the wall and let your door slide open to see none other than Keith Kogane. You felt the accidental smile form on your face the moment your eyes met his. He looked uncharacteristically nervous as he stood there in the hallway all dressed up in his red jacket and boots. You loved seeing him in his outfit because the Garrison uniforms were rather bland. Although, you thought, Keith could probably pull of anything.
"Are you gonna let me in?" Keith whispered to you with a furrow on his face. Your face began to heat up in embarrassment from spacing out.
"Sorry, just tired..." you whispered back, peeking outside the door to see if there was anyone there before grabbing Keith's sleeve and pulling him into your dorm room.
"I didn't think you'd be awake..." he admitted quietly as he walked towards your bed.
     "What's up?" You asked curiously. Normally he tells you he's coming before he does, so you weren't sure what he was doing here.
"Get changed, we're going out." He was sitting on your bed now and had his arm crossed. You looked down at yourself and realized you were still in your old T-shirt, sleep shorts combo. Eh, well this isn't the first time Keith's seen me in my pajamas.
"Keith," you sat back down on your bed, pulling him down with you. "I don't know if we should." You cautioned, "You're always getting in trouble and you can't afford losing your scholarship. You are the best pilot here, you were born for this."
     He frowned at you before speaking, "(Y/N), we're not gonna get caught. Besides, if I get kicked out, they have you left." He bumped into you jokingly.  "Where are we going?" You asked quietly to make sure your roommate doesn't wake up. Keith started standing up then and shook his head, "You'll find out soon." He said shortly, not leaving any room for you to guess what he's planning.
     "Come on," he stood up quickly and held his gloved hands out to you. You placed your hands into his and felt the warmth of his palms. It made your heart jump for a second. He pulled you up off your bed and slightly spun you over towards your big, gray wardrobe.
    "Now get dressed and come with me~" he whispered into your ear and pulled back with a smirk. He let go of your hands then and slipped out towards the door, "And hurry before we get caught!" He whisper-yelled to you as the door slid shut.
     Your heart was beating so fast. Something about Keith always made your adrenaline start pumping. Maybe it's because we're always doing things that could get us in trouble. You thought to yourself.
     Okay maybe more like convinced yourself. You then started changing out of your pajamas and into your regular outside of school outfit to distract yourself from your thoughts. You didn't want to like Keith. You guys are best friends and there's no reason to ruin that just for a silly crush. Once you were changed you made a dash to the door and snuck out next to Keith as quietly as you could. You smiled up at him and he looked down at you kindly before heading down the corridor with you stealthy following after him. You were glad to see him like this, this is the first time he's really seemed happy in the past couple weeks.
     You slipped around past some adults and teachers before making it out of one of the dock's open doors. You and Keith had snuck out of the Garrison many times before but you normally don't go with him every time he goes out. He likes being alone and so do you, so you understand.
Keith was leading you around the side of the building to stay out of cameras' and lookouts' lines of vision you eventually managed to creep around to a corner and ran until you were in the spot where you are completely hidden, there you two found Keith's land speeder. Keith plunked a helmet onto your head and started to get on before you protested.
     "Hey I wanna drive!" You whisper shouted to him hoping he'd let you be in charge of the speeder. Shiro had taught Keith to ride them ever since you've known Keith, you tried to convince him to let you join them when you were younger but he always refused. It wasn't until you were older you realized your boundaries much better. Over the past year, though, you had asked Keith to teach you and he's been trying. You weren't the greatest yet but you were definitely learning.
Keith let out a soft chuckle, "No way, sweetheart." He snipped at you in a playful tone while using a sarcastic nickname that always caused your chest to ache. "Besides, you don't even know where we're going." He fully sat down on the seat now and patted the seat behind him, other hand on the handlebar. You reluctantly obliged and slid on behind him. He turned his head around to look at you and gave you a smirk, "Hold on tight, we're going fast."
     You grinned and nodded then wrapped your arms around his torso and hung on as he revved the speeder and you two went rushing across the desert. Your heart began to race as you pulled yourself closer to Keith, feeling the wind on you as you flew through the air. You began thinking to yourself where Keith may be taking you as you looked around at your surroundings blurring past you. You eventually leaned your cheek against his back as the ride wasn't super short.
"We're almost there!" He yelled back to you, not turning his head back this time. You could hear the smile on his face and it made you smile too. You picked your head back up to start looking around again to see if you knew where you were. As you slowed to a stop, you peeked your head around his shoulder to look in front of you.
"Hey!" You began laughing, "You liar! I so know my way here!" Keith had driven you guys to his old house he used to live in with his dad. You guys have come here many times in the past. Keith comes here all the time and even skips classes to be here. It's a cute little home but it's not very cleaned up inside. Perhaps Keith likes it the way it was left and you can see why. Keith joined in on your laughter.
      "This isn't the place, we're just stopping to pick something up." Your laughter subsided as Keith got off the speeder. "Stay here," he smiled down at you, "I'll be right back." He then pushed down the visor on your helmet just to tease you before he walked off towards the house. You flicked back up the visor and rested your hand on your palm tiredly. You were starting to feel tired again after that adrenaline rush. You yawned as you thought about what on earth Keith could be grabbing. By the time he came back you started to feel more awake when you began having conversation again. Keith had a long case in his arms and he strapped it safely to the back of the speeder. Keith got back on and began driving you two up a long hill a small while away from the old Kogane house.
Once you made it to the peak, you two both got off the speeder and you got to see the beautiful sky line over the dessert mountains. You let out an amazed sigh at the sight. You were pulled out of your awed state when you heard the sounds of Keith doing something behind you. Turning around, you saw Keith setting up a telescope. You looked at him in confusion because you didn't think Keith liked telescopes, especially not after that full semester on telescopes and astral charts two years ago. He looked up at you through his long hair that was sagging in this face from his bent over stance. He didn't really look so amused either which just pushed your confusion even further.
"Come here." He beckoned after he was done setting it up. "Come here and see what you can see, right in the middle of the scope."
You looked at him skeptically before getting down to look into it. In the middle of your view was a small faint blip in the sky. "Dude," you snorted, "what star is this?" You still had no idea what he was having you look at.
"It's a moon. Jupiter's Europa." He said shortly. You stood up from the telescope and saw Keith sitting nonchalantly on the ground now. You walked back and sat down next to him, letting your hands fall behind you to hold yourself up.
"Europa is about 365 million miles away. That's nothing compared to Kerberos." He said, his voice starting to sound a lot more unhappy. "It's over 3.2 billion miles from here. And Shiros actually going!" He shouted with a growl in his voice. There it is, you thought, this is about Kerberos.
You kept quiet. You knew during times like this, it was better to just let Keith talk and you were perfectly fine with that. Looking over at him, you could see him still looking up at the night sky. His eyes were sad, his gaze was lost, yet angry. "I heard him fighting with Adam when I was outside his door a couple hours ago. Adam told Shiro that if he goes to Kerberos, that he won't be here for him when he gets back." His eyes wavered down at the ground between you two now. "And it got me thinking, everyone's been saying this is just a routine mission but, why would Adam be so worried about it?" He looked over to you now, helplessly, you didn't have an answer, and he didn't expect you to have one.
       "I think you should confront Shiro tomorrow and ask him to tell you the truth about it." You offered finally after a small moment of silence. Keith nodded slowly, thinking about your response.
      "Thanks, Y/N." He gave you a small grateful smile before laying down on the ground now, face up to the sky. You followed suit and laid down, suddenly even closer to him than you were before.
      "Anytime, Mullet." You grinned turning your head to face him. You saw him looking at you with a disappointed scowl on his face, causing you to let out a small laugh. Keith let out a sigh as you stopped giggling. You never knew what he was thinking, and the look on his face, you could tell he was thinking deeply about something. "What are you thinking about?" You decided to ask him, thinking there'd be no better time to have real conversations with him than tonight.
Keith looked back at the sky now opening his mouth to speak and then closing it again. Most likely thinking over his words.
"I've been thinking about something else too. I don't know what I would do in Shiro's shoes. I'm impulsive and stupid as hell, and when I want to do something I don't let anything stand in my way, but if someone I really loved tried to stop me from doing it, I don't know if I could, even with the thought of them leaving me for me. And it scares me, Y/N, so many people have left me and I don't know what I'd do if it were my fault you left."
You felt a lump form in your throat from hearing Keith talk about this. This is one of the times in a very long time he has let you in on how he feels about anything. Hearing him openly express your emotions was touching and you felt so honored to be the one he tells them to.
"Y/N?" Your name escaped his lips again, this time asking as if he was longing for you. You turned your head again to look at him. You held your breath when you noticed that your faces were close enough that your noses could be touching if either of you moved any further.
"Yeah?" You asked him suddenly much more quiet now, you cursed yourself for sounding so nervous but you couldn't control your pounding heart at the proximity. You were searching his eyes to see if you could guess what he was thinking, he's never been very touchy and you were oh so close to touching, you started to sit up a bit to give him space, but you were stopped in your tracks when you felt Keith's hand grip onto yours as he sat up too, pulling your hand towards him.
The warm touch so foreign and yet so familiar. An hour ago in your dorm, a month ago while guiding you in the simulator, a year ago when he tried to help you fix your bad hair day, all the way back to age 13 when he handed you back your glitter gel pen in class and you felt the flaming rush in your chest.
"I want you to know," he whispered, holding onto your hand a little tighter now, "no matter what happens, I will never do anything on purpose to make you leave me."
You didn't know what to say, so instead you flung your arms around him and pulled him into a loving hug. You let out a shaky sigh as you felt Keith's body relax into yours. "I know you wouldn't." You were in this weird state of shock having never seen Keith this vulnerable before.
"God I'm so fucking stupid..." you hear his muffled voice growl from your shoulder. He pulled away from the hug then, angry at himself for just simply showing you his emotions. You shook your head quickly and put his hand back into your own.
"No you're not, Keith." You reassured him, "Thank you for telling me this." You said then, hoping to make him feel more secure again.
"Yeah..." he sighed then, "Let's get you back in your dorm, they should be switching look outs soon." He quickly changed the subject. You frowned at him, both for putting back up his wall and for making this night coming to an end. You agreed nonetheless, you were glad Keith was beginning to let you in and you were willing to accept that the boundary was back up. Keith means the world to you, and you'd never let that go.
Keith drove you guys back to his speeders hiding place before helping you sneak back in and back through the halls to your dorm. There wasn't any talking on the way back but it was a comfortable silence. Once you were back at your door, you thanked Keith for the wonderful night and told him to get some sleep before the sun starts to come up. You turned them to your door and were about to open it when,
"Hey, uh, (Y/N)?" He whispered for your attention once again. "You're really important to me." He said shortly but still full of so much love. You pulled him into another hug. "You too, Mullet." You whispered into his ear, "Never forget it... please?"
You felt Keith nod and he gave you a quick squeeze before letting go of the embrace, slowly, his hand sliding down your arm as he began to walk away, once it reached your hand and gave it another quick squeeze before he finally let go and slipped around the corner into the darkness. You let out a large breath you didn't know you were holding once you saw him disappear. God were you in love with him. Even if he's never usually like that during the day, you love every Keith and maybe one day you'll tell him....
Hey!!! Let me know what you thought of this one shot :))) I know Keith was pretty ooc, but I like thinking of him being very sensitive around the ones he loves!
Also this didn't proof read yet because I rlly wanted to get this chapter out to you guys !!!!!
This is my first like official Voltron work so bare with me!
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mandos-sluts · 3 years
The Ambiguous Bet
The Mandolorian x Fem!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Wordcount: 2.5k
Warnings: Smut, rough sex, mentions of sex work
Summary: Mando doesn’t think you could handle being a sex worker and you set out to prove him wrong
A/N: This is our first time writing any sort of fan fiction (much more to come) so we would really appreciate reblogging/reposting! We would LOVE feedback as well!
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You’ve been working on the Razor Crest for about six months ever since the Mandalorian hired you to be his live-on mechanic. With everything the Crest has been through, Mando knew he had to hire you once he observed your mastery mechanical skills…you being drop dead gorgeous had nothing to do with it, Mando told himself.
Of course, Mando’s attraction was not one sided. You had watched him take down ruthless criminals with no problem at all. It didn’t matter that you had never seen his face. His strength, composure, and confidence (perhaps cockiness) made him incredibly attractive. Not to mention his rock-hard body. Every night you would lay on your cot and wish that he would just storm in and fuck you sensless. Alsa he never did, so you defaulted to pleasuring yourself and imagining that scenario.
Mando would never act on his desire for you, however. In fact, he often went out of his way to give you more than enough space or make the conversation more than appropriate. But this was becoming harder and harder for him to do. Before hiring you, Mando would relieve his stress and sexual tension at the local brothels on whatever planet he was hunting a bounty on. But once you came aboard, he stopped this practice as he could never find the time or excuse to leave the ship without you for enough time. Since you had started accompanying him on his bounty hunts to assist him in whatever he may need.
You were pleading with Mando. The two of you were walking back to the ship after acquiring a new puck, and you were starving and there was no food back on the Crest.
“Fine.” Mando snapped with his low modulated voice. “We can stop quickly at the cantina and grab something to eat.”
The two of you walked through the door. “Alright, hurry up–” Mando said, turning to you.
But before he could even finish his sentence, you were running up to a random group of girls, none of whom he recognized.
“OMG hiiiiii‼!” One of them screeched.
“Y/n what are you doing here?!?” Another one exclaimed.
Mando just stood a few feet away watching you excitedly greet the four girls.
They were old friends of yours. It turns out, they all worked at the brothel down the road. While catching up with them, they told how fun and effortless their jobs were. They made great money having great sex for a living. It was a high-end brothel, and it was completely safe and clean; clients had to pass health and background tests before purchasing services. Your friends made thousands of credits and spent them travelling the galaxy, going out to fancy clubs, and buying luxury goods.
After getting a drink with them, you walked back to the ship. Mando had already returned. Unsurprisingly, he didn’t want to join you and your loud friends for a drink.
You step into the Crest. You take in the filthy floors and musty smell and can only think about the flashy and cushy lifestyle that your old friends are living as sex workers. You honestly love working with Mando and travelling with him as a mechanic/assistant. But a lot of the excitement of the job revolved around your flirtatious relationship with Mando, and you couldn’t help wonder how much longer that would last. You let out a deep sign, and climb the ladder to the cockpit.
“Finally.” Mando says standing up and facing you. You stood in the doorway. “You need to rewire the calcinator before we take off. Get to it.” He said shortly.
You stand there, and simply stare at Mando.
“...What?” Mando says with his modulated voice.
“Ohhhhhh nothing.” You sign crossing your arms and slouching. “I’m just thinking about how much more glamerous my life would be if I were a sex worker instead of a rouge Mandalorian’s mechanic.”
Mando scoffs. “That’s funny.”
You tilt your head as you stare into his visor.
“You would never last as a sex worker. Trust me, y/n, you’re much better suited being my mechanic.”
“What?!” you say, feeling slightly offended. “Excuse me, but I would be an amazing sex worker. Trust me, Mando.”
“Yeah…definitely not.” Mando says.
“And why is that?” You shoot back.
“You’re too stuborn to be a sex worker.” Mando says nonchalantly, leaning back into his chair. “You have to put up a lot of shit. You basically have to do whatever your client wants you to do. You have to let creepy guys fuck you any way they want.” Mando says.
“Creepy guys like you?” You say with a smirk, staring directly into his visor.
“Exactly.” Mando expresses, maintaining “eye” contact with you.
You take in a breath. “Alright, Mando, I’m bored, and our next bounty isn’t due for three days.” You say stepping closer to the chair he’s sitting on.
“I’m going to work at the brothel tomorrow and prove that I can be a great sex worker.”
“Ha, I bet you won’t last a day.” Mando spits, crossing his arms.
“You’re on.”
The terms of your bet were unclear or nonexistent? But it didn’t matter to you, and apparently not to Mando either.
You weren’t a registered sex worker, but your friends pulled some strings and you were able to work at the brothel for the day under the pretence that you were “shadowing” one of your friends to see how the job worked.
Inside the brothel, you sat in the area where the girls hung out. This was a lavish, very expensive brothel. The procedure was simple: the sex workers all lounged around this beautiful gold hotel loby. Clients who didn’t already know which sex worker they wanted would enter and observe the sex workers, speak to some of them, and choose one (or more).
You sat comfortably in a big velvet chair. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t nervous. But the deal was that you only had to make it through a day. Maybe you wouldn’t get any clients at all! There were a considerable number of sex workers, and perhaps no one would choose you. Just as you were starting to feel better at that thought, the manager called your name.
“Y/n! You have a client. Head up to room 279, they’ll be up there shortly.”
Your heart starts beating fast. Okay, so you have a client within the first five minutes of starting your day, no big deal!
You head up to the room with your heart still racing. It’s a really nice room. It’s gold pleated and there’s a lounge area, a bar, and a huge bed. You walk over to a large mirror and examine yourself. You’re wearing a red silk and lace two-piece set. You look super hot, this is definitely the hottest you’ve looked since taking the job on the Crest. You take your hair clip out to redo it when the door swings open.
Your heart drops and your head swings around to see who your client is. To your surprise, Mando stands at the door. He stands tall and confident, legs a little further than shoulder width apart.
“Mando! What are you doing here?” You say in confusion.
He doesn’t say a word, but takes one step into the room.
Your confusion is written on your face.
“Mando, you have to get out of here. I have a client on the way.”  
He still says nothing
“Seriously! They’ll be here any moment, you really need to go!” You say with urgence.
His silence continues as he slowly creeps forward, slamming the door behind him.
“Why would I leave?” He purrs. “I paid for this.”
“Wait, you're my client!?” You ask.
Mando stops just a few in front of you. In a slow, deep voice, Mando says “Y/n, you can quit now, admit you were wrong... and we’ll head back to the ship.” You can tell he has a devilish smirk under his helmet.
You pause for a moment. “Ha…..no way, Mando. I’m not backing down.” You say nervously.
“Are you sure about that, pretty girl?” He says, taking another step closer to you. He looks down on you, staring directly into your eyes. Your “gulp” is audible. Your pussy starts to pulse as you take in everything that’s happening.
Towering over you, he puts his fingers under your chin and lightly tilts your head up to meet his gaze. “Because I won’t hold back.” He asserts. “I’ll be as rough with you as I am with every other whore I’ve fucked.” He says, pulling off his gloves.
“Good.” You say. “Don’t hold back.”
With that, he steps forward grabbing your neck, shoving you into the wall. You whimper loudly and he grinds his rock hard cock onto your crotch before turning you around and pushing you harder into the wall, and rolling his cock against your ass. You could tell he was big, very big. He quickly pulls back and shoves your shorts down with a grunt, exposing your bare ass. You gasp and he rubs the soft skin on your butt before slapping it hard. You let out a yelp as your mouth falls open. He aggressively slaps your ass several more times.
He chuckles lightly. “You said you could take this, so show me how good of a slut for me you can be, little girl.” He says. Your pussy throbs at the filthy language he’s using.
He drags you to the bed and bends you over. One finger enters you as you moan. “I spent a lot of credits on this, it better be worth it.” He says as he pumps his finger in you repeatedly. You cry out.
“Damn this pussy is fucking tight!” Mando says through his modulator. You moan loudly as his thumb starts circling your clit.
Still bent over the bed, and his free hand moves up your body and roughly grabs and kneads your tits. He aggressively rips off your shirt. You can feel your pussy dripping on Mando’s hand as your arousal pulses through. He continues to tease you as he circles your clit. “Fuck, this pussy is wetter and tighter than I imagined. Why you so wet, little girl, you like it rough?” Mando says.
All you can respond with are light, breathy moans. And then, Mando pulls his fingers out and lightly slaps your pussy. You let out a yelp. “Answer me.” Mando commands.
“Ye– Yes. Fuck, I like it rough Mando.” You respond.
“Good. Let’s see your skills, my little whore” he says as he kicks your feet apart to spread your legs. You feel his finger flick your clit and you whine loudly.
Without warning you feel his thick long cock enter your pussy. The pain was so pleasurable that you see stars. He sets a brutal pace. He continues to rail into you as you scream his name. “Mando! Fuck Mando, ahh!” You hear his heavy breathing through his modulator.
“Fuck.” Mando spits out. “This is the tightest pussy I’ve ever fucked.”
“You– you ha– have the biggest cock– cock that has ever fuc– fucked me.” You return. Your pussy starts to throb. Without warning you cum and release a rush of fluid onto his cock as your entire body shakes.
“Ahhh, what a good girl, cuming around my cock” Mando says as he pulls out of you.
Your leg muscles give in, you sink forward into the bed. Mando flips you over so you’re lying down facing up toward him. “What a desperate little thing you are.” He growls. Mando takes a moment and admires your completely naked body all spread out for him. You are so small underneath him. Your doe-eyes are wide, your mouth still agape, panting for breath, and your pussy glistening from your cum.
Mando then grabs you by your waist. “On your knees.” He orders as he shoves you to your knees. He takes his length in his hand and strokes his cock in front of your face a few times.
You quickly gather your composure and take a second to admire his enormous member. You bite your lip and look up to him. Mando puts his hand on the back of your head and takes a fist full of your hair. You stick your tongue out and lick his cock up and down a few times before putting the tip in your mouth. You try your best to tease him, but before long, Mando pushes your head further down his cock. You start bobbing your head up and down, trying each time to take more of him in your mouth. Mando remains still at first, just using his hand to guide your head up and down his shaft. You start moaning and move your eyes up to his helmet, with this Mando begins thrusting into your mouth. His cock hits the back of your throat. “Fuuuucckkk.” Mando lets out while face fucking you. You hear his little moans in between your gagging. “I love the sound of you gagging on my cock.” Mando asserts. “And you look so pretty on your knees with it shoved down your throat.”
Doing your best to breathe through your nose, you can feel his length tensing in your mouth. “Mm gonna fill that pretty mouth of yours up with my cum.” You let out a moan and can feel his hot liquid shooting into your mouth. Mando pulls out of you and puts himself back in his pants. You’re now naked kneeling in front of him while he towers over you fully clothed and armored. You’ve never been so turned on in your life.
You pant and look up at him. Your face is covered in spit and cum and your hair is a mess. He bends down and runs his thumb across your bottom lip before putting it in your mouth. You suck his thumb. “Good girl.” Mando purrs.
Mando pulls his thumb out of your mouth, stands up, and takes a few steps back. You slowly rise up and take a deep breath, trying to comprehend everything that just happened. You turn around to reach for your clothes.
“Thanks for destroying my new work clothes, Mando.” You say picking up the ripped pieces of the tiny top he tore off of you.
“You won’t need them anymore, you’re only working here for a day.” You grab a short white silk robe hanging on the wall, and put it on. “And what if I have other clients today?” You say mockingly.
“You won’t.” Mando says. “I purchased you for the entire day.” He says walking to the door. You stand there feeling a mixture of astonishment and arousal at the knowledge that Mando paid a ship load so that only he would be able to fuck you.
Mando opens the door. “After you.”
“You realize that this means I win the bet, right? You understand that you paid me in order for you to lose the bet?”
“Sure, sweetheart. Congratulations. Now, we need to get back to the ship, and you need to rewire the calcinator.”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
To Be Human--To Be Alive
Hal Jordan x Reader One-Shot
Word Count: 3.5 Warnings: Explicit Language, Mentions of Death, Angst
Author's Note: I've been listening to Calum Scott's "Biblical" on repeat since it came out and I thought about this. Enjoy! -Thorne
Hal Jordan was no stranger to pain. He’d felt it all: emotional, psychological, physical, mental, the list goes on and on, up and down, left and right, every which way until the end of time. That being said, he still wasn’t used to being thrown into concrete walls by meta-humans who had strength equivalent to Superman’s.
He rolled onto his side, feeling his broken ribs shift beneath his skin, and groaned, trying to find the will in him to get to his feet. All he had the strength to do was look over at Barry who was busy getting his own ass handed to him by another meta-human who seemed overly fond of freezing his feet.
A sinister laugh came from above him and Hal turned his head, eyes widening as he saw the meta-human standing before him a slab of concrete raised in his hands.
“Oh fu—”
He saw it before he heard it. The meta-human’s head intact one second and exploding into a hundred shards of brain matter and bone, some of it splattering across Hal’s suit and face. The concrete slab fell behind the meta-human and then he went to his knees, body pitching forward to land beside Hal’s feet.
The echo of the gunshot was enough to gather the other’s attention and her eyes had barely widened before another shot echoed across the street and her head exploded too, body falling beside Barry.
The two superheroes scrambled to their feet, and Hal was already forgetting about his broken ribs, willing constructs to life in order to provide protection for him and his best friend. Whoever killed the two enemies wasn’t firing anymore, but Hal wasn’t going to take any chances.
Green Lantern. Flash. Come in.
Barry skidded a stop beside Hal who shifted his hand, making the constructs combine into one giant wall; he put his free hand to his ear. “We’re here, Batman.”
What just happened? The life signs of your targets just went offline.
Hal looked to his friend whose blue eyes were wide, equally shocked about the turn of events. “Uh…about that…”
What happened?
“Batman, we’ve got a sniper somewhere in the range of our local. Took down both meta-humans within seconds of each other.”
Hal glanced behind him at the freezing meta-human’s corpse, a giant pool of blood growing from the spurting arteries. “Well, they don’t have heads anymore, so, yeah. They’re deceased.”
Understood. Superman’s coming in for protection.
The line clicked and Barry looked at Hal. “I think we should move. If that sniper’s still in the area, we shouldn’t be hanging around waiting to find out.”
Hal let the speedster pick him up, speeding down an alley away from the street so they’d be out of the line of sight. “What type of gun do you think they used?”
Barry shrugged, setting Hal down. “I don’t know. Normal rifles don’t do that much damage, even from that distance.” He didn’t even want to look out the alley way. “That had to be a high caliber rifle.”
“You think they’re a friendly?”
“Hal, they just blew off two people’s heads. That doesn’t seem friendly to me.”
He shrugged. “Well yeah, but they didn’t blow our heads off so…” he tipped his head side to side. “Seems like they were helping.”
Barry glowered at him. “Blowing people’s heads off isn’t helping superheroes. It’s vigilantism gone dark.”
“Sheesh, you sound like Spooky with that attitude.” Hal griped, turning with a new construct when a flash of red appeared in their visions. He lowered it when he realized it was Superman. “Supes!”
“Are you two okay?” Superman asked.
“We’re fine,” Barry replied. “The bullets came from the right. If I had to take a guess, it would’ve been the parking garage in the distance.”
Clark shook his head. “I checked. There were no signs of scuffing from a gun stand, or GSR around the area.”
“So, where’d they fire from?” Hal questioned and Clark nodded towards the street.
“Somewhere farther than just this street.” He glanced at them. “Whoever it was is gone now. C’mon, Batman’s getting a statement ready for the local PD.” He flew off, leaving Hal and Barry standing beside one another, more confused than anything.
Calling in late to work had never been Hal’s thing. Honestly, as lazy as he was sometimes, he loved his job. Loved the thrill of getting up in the air, loved feeling the shock sending him into his seat as he broke the sound barriers in the sky. Scrounging around parking garages and abandoned buildings for a ghost-shooter wasn’t his idea of a good day.
So far, he’d searched at least three abandoned buildings in the area, each coming up empty, and the last one showed the exact same signs. He sighed, letting the construct fade. Even the ring couldn’t make heads or tails with any of the evidence around him. Whoever their shooter was, was practically a specter. Hal had no idea how someone managed to shoot two meta-humans down that fast and then leave just as quickly, escaping both Barry and Clark’s abilities.
Hal had seen people killed before. Had even done the same a few times, even up in the air on combat missions and in his suit when he had no other choice. But seeing someone’s head burst like a watermelon hitting concrete right in front of his very eyes was something completely different. A different level of fear that there was someone out there ready to do the same to him, and all it would’ve taken was a random whim and a finger pulling a trigger. But it was like he told Barry—whoever their shooter was, wasn’t shooting to kill them, they were helping.
He drew his eyes along the wall of the empty room, finally resigning himself to the fact that he wasn’t going to find whoever it was that had helped them; with that, he sighed, letting his shoulders droop—he was going to lose fifty bucks to Barry because of this.
“Giving up so soon?” Hal spun around, coffee eyes wide as he scanned the room around him. “I’m surprised Green Lantern showed up. I was expecting Superman or Batman.”
“Who said that?” he questioned, spinning in a circle.
“Who or what?”
Hal growled. “Quit screwing with me.” Apparently, they already knew who he was, and he let the green suit flash to life. “Show yourself.”
“Why should I?” they asked in return. “I saved your life.”
“You blew off two people’s heads.” He retorted.
“Should I have let the metas crush you and freeze off Flash’s legs? And here I thought you wanted to live and let your best friend be safe.”
“Killing people isn’t always the answer.” Hal said, turning around again and then he saw it, the glimmer of what looked like a tactical cloak. He pointed to the corner of the room and let a construct come alive. “Show yourself.”
The glimmer appeared again, and then something booted down and he watched as the tactical cloak faded, leaving a woman in its place, sitting up against the wall, one leg stretched out, the other pulled up near her chest, her elbow resting on her knee—and a big sniper rifle was resting against her chest, barrel pointing up towards the ceiling.
She was decked out in some kind of cyber armor that Hal could only describe as futuristic, solid black with purple electric currents running through the slots where the plates of her gear met, mainly down her shoulders and arms, and down the sides of her chest to her ribs to her feet.
“What’re you doing here, Green Lantern?” she inquired, the mask she wore muffling her voice enough that it wouldn’t give identification; her visor was darkened too. “Shouldn’t you be in the air, flyboy?”
Hal tipped his head curiously. “You know who I am?”
She nodded. “I do. And who Batman and your friends are.”
“How?” Batman’s identity was practically unidentifiable unless he told someone.
“Government databases as well as a hacked encryption into the Justice League computers.” She seemed awfully nonchalant as she shifted and rose to her feet, slinging the rifle to her backs. Even when Hal aimed the construct at her, she didn’t seem phased. “Why are you here?”
He blinked. “I wanted to find you.”
“What for?”
“Well…I’ve got a bet riding on finding you, but I also wanted to see where you’d shot from.”
She eyed him momentarily then gestured him over to the window; he stood beside her, and she pointed down the street. “I shot from here.”
Hal’s eyes almost bulged out of his head—he couldn’t even see the street they’d been on. “That’s gotta be at least eighteen hundred meters. Maybe farther.”
“Fifty caliber rifles are built for long range.” She merely replied. “I heard the commotion when the JL got into the city. Then I heard you and Bartholomew Allen getting beat down and decided to level the playing field.”
“How’d you hear commotion that far away?” he asked, and she tapped the side of her head.
“I’ve got enhanced senses. But the detection cameras around the city help too.”
Hal looked at her, watching as her eyes were darting around the street, like she was trying to work a strategy in her head; it reminded him of Barry. “Are you some kind of super soldier?”
She nodded. “I was. Designation Spectre.” Her head turned and she met his eyes. “I was created for covert military operations.”
“You mean assassinations?” he mused, and she nodded.
“Amongst other things, yes.”
“So, if you’re a military toy, why are you here?”
Something shifted in the air and Hal shivered. “Because when they cut the operation, they started hunting down all the soldiers. I went AWOL before they got to me.”
“You’re on the run?” Hal was sympathetic to her, reaching out to place a hand on her shoulder. “I can help you. Come to the Watchtower with me and we’ll see about setting you up with us.”
Her head turned again, this time staring at the hand gripping her shoulder; he didn’t seem to get the hint because he squeezed her arm. “You mean come to the government regulated superhero operation? That one?”
He winced. “Okay, maybe that wasn’t the smartest thing I could’ve said.” He pulled away. “But we can protect you. Or at least get you to safety away from any enemies.”
She grunted quietly. “There’s a lot of enemies after the bounty on my head.”
“How many?”
“Well, Deathstroke’s been a recurring figure.” She rolled her shoulder and turned around, walking away from the window. “He’s more annoying than dangerous. Like a brown recluse infestation that you just can’t kill.”
“Do you want to come with me though? I can take you directly to the Watchtower and call Batman.”
“I don’t think someone like Batman is going to like someone like me coming into his territory.”
Hal made a face. “Excuse you, the Watchtower is our territory.”
“Yeah, everyone but Wonder Woman is Batman’s bitch.” She bemused. “You just think the place is for everyone.”
“Still waiting on a yes or no.” Hal griped.
“I’m thinking it over.” Then she fell silent for a few moments; she hummed and looked at him. “Alright I’ll go with you.”
Hal cocked a brow. “It took you that long to think about it?”
She scoffed and led him from the room. “Don’t be ridiculous, my mind moves at a speed similar to Bartholomew Allen’s or Bruce Wayne’s.” She glanced at him. “I was looking over the watchtower floor plans in case you decided to collect my bounty and I needed to escape.”
He merely blinked at her and formed a construct outside the building, watching as she climbed in. “Something tells me you’re going to be a handful.”
“Well, I can tell you like having your hands full, Hal Jordan.”
Hal chuckled. “What’s your name?”
“(Y/N) (L/N).”
***Months Later***
Oddly enough to Hal’s surprise, (Y/N) fit right in with the League. She and Barry could talk about forensic science for hours, going into their own little world that only batman knew anything about, and occasionally, the Big Bat himself would involve himself in their discussions. It was the one time Hal thought that Batman was enjoying himself. Of course, Batman also seemed to enjoy training with her.
They’d go for hours on the mat, switching through different forms of martial arts, and Hal and the others kept a betting ring on who would win each match because for all the greatness Bruce Wayne was as Batman, (Y/N) seemed to be the only person who could match him blow for blow and still win sometimes.
Diana loved her, or so she loved the idea that (Y/N) didn’t back down from fights or simply let enemies off the hook. And he understood from listening and learning, that (Y/N) enjoyed Greek literature and culture, prompting the two women to delve into deep conversations over history and stories.
Everyone loved (Y/N). She was like Bruce if he were lethal and was kind. And Hal? Hal wanted nothing more than to take her to dinner, but surprisingly, (Y/N) was either extremely dense or she just didn’t want to date anybody because every time Hal asked her out, she had an excuse. And while Hal backed off when a woman said no, she’d not said no yet, so he was merely wondering if she was waiting it out—something he was going to find out, come hell or high water.
He watched as she held the soldering iron in one hand and held up the gauntlet in the other, examining her work before deciding it was decent enough to call it a day. Setting both the armor and the tool down, she stood from her seat and stretched, rolling her muscles, and popping her joints. She didn’t like to be still for long periods of time unless she was doing something, like sitting in a sniper nest or enhancing equipment; he’d learned that the hard way after they were set on global patrol in the Watchtower one night.
“Do you want something?” she asked, not looking at him as she gathered her armor together.
Hal chuckled, walking over to lean against the table. “A few things.”
“Gonna ask me out again?” (Y/N) questioned, putting the gear into a footlocker.
“Finally gonna say no?” he responded, and she stood up, meeting his gaze.
“Do you want a no?”
Hal shrugged. “It’d be easier than having to come up with another excuse for asking you out.”
(Y/N) hummed, walking past him and he followed her as she wandered through the hall of the Watchtower. “So far you’ve asked me out twenty-one times.”
“I’m tempted to make twenty-two, if you’ll say yes.”
She paused and turned on him, giving him an odd look. “Why do you want to go out with me? Aren’t you worried about fraternization?”
“Fraternization is only regulated in the military,” Hal shrugged off. “We’re no longer in the force.”
“That only answered part of the questions.”
Hal reached out, thumbing a smudge of oil off her face. “I’m interested in you.”
“That’s it?” (Y/N) inquired. “You’re interested in me and that’s why you won’t quit asking me out on dates?”
“You’re smokin’ hot?” he offered with a snarky grin, and she rolled her eyes, turning around.
“Every day I’m reminded of why you’re such a skirt-chaser.”
As she walked off, he hurried behind her and grabbed her upper arm. “(Y/N), wait.” She paused and he pulled her around. “Go out with me tonight.”
“Are you asking or telling?” she challenged. “Because the latter isn’t going to fly with me.”
Hal snorted. “It’s a bit of both.” When she cocked a brow, he added, “Go out with me tonight, and if you don’t have a good time, we’ll never talk about it again and I’ll stop asking.”
(Y/N) regarded him a moment. “Promise?”
“Cross my heart.”
She pulled her arm from his grip and spit into her hand holding it out to him. “Shake on it, flyboy.”
Hal pulled a face and grabbed her hand, shaking it firmly, and when (Y/N) pulled back and stalked off, he grimaced and wiped his hand down his pants—but he was happy she finally agreed.
“It’s been a long time since I had good Cuban food,” she murmured, glancing towards the stars in the sky. “I’d forgotten how good it was.”
Hal looked over at her, folding his hands in his lap. “Before or after the program?”
(Y/N) hummed. “Before…I grew up in an old neighborhood in the suburbs of Jacksonville…there was a Cuban restaurant down the street from my house and we used to go there all the time for dinner.”
“Who’s ‘we’?”
“My family.”
Something in her tone seemed bitter, but also disheartened and lamenting. “Have you seen them since you came back?”
(Y/N) looked away and muttered darkly, “The government executed them when they couldn’t bring me in.” Her lips pulled down. “I heard that none of my family gave into their demands…they were loyal to me until the end.”
Hal felt his heart sink in his chest. “I’m so sorry, (Y/N). That’s horrible.”
She shrugged. “I killed the squad that attacked them…I got my revenge.” Her eyes found his as she looked back over. “What about you? Is your family still around?”
He found it hard to believe she didn’t know even though she knew everyone before she joined. “You don’t know my history?”
“I only know your name,” she responded. “And what little you’ve shared. Well…little is for Batman, you share an awful amount of yourself with everyone.”
Hal snorted and nudged her in the ribs. “Hey, just tryin’ to be friendly.” She smiled, waiting for him to speak, and when he did, his voice was just as sad as hers was. “I have a big family. Me, my siblings, my mom, everyone else.”
“No dad?” (Y/N) questioned and he looked at his hands.
“My dad died in a plane crash when I was a kid.” He sighed. “I witnessed it.”
“That’s…I’m sorry.”
“I swore I’d never bow down to my fears and when I turned eighteen, I joined the Air Force and followed in dad’s footsteps.” He huffed a breath. “I still get terrified when I fly…always have…but I do it to honor him.” Hal swallowed thickly, feeling warmth in his eyes. “I’ve always wanted to be someone that would’ve made proud.”
A hand touched his and he looked down at it, then to her, eyes widening when he saw tears silently running down her cheeks. “I’m sure your father is looking down on you with pride wherever he is, Hal.”
He couldn’t help but reach over with his free hand. “You’re crying?”
(Y/N) nodded. “Your story is…heart wrenching.” She leaned into his palm. “I feel your pain.”
“I—I can’t believe you’re crying for me though…no one’s ever done that.”
She reached up and wiped a tear that had fallen form his eye; he hadn’t realized it did. “You can cry too, Hal.” (Y/N) smiled sadly. “We might be strong…but we’re still human.” She reached up with her free hand and pulled his hand down from her face, squeezing it in hers. “Cry if you want to, Hal. I won’t judge you if you do.”
Hal didn’t want to cry. Not in front of her at least and he squeezed his eyes shut to keep them at bay. “It’s not manly to cry in front of a woman.”
“Everyone cries, Hal, even men.” (Y/N) leaned forward and took his face in her hands, pressing her forehead to hers. “You are allowed to feel.” He gazed into her eyes, this time not stopping the tears as they gathered in his; she smiled. “Fall to pieces, Hal…I’ll put them all back together.”
“Yeah?” he breathed tearfully, and she nodded, pressing her lips to his.
Hal pulled from her grip and buried his face in her strong shoulder, and soon his body was shaking with sobs. And (Y/N) merely wrapped her arms around him.
“Let it go, Hal. Fall to pieces, darling.” She whispered, pressing kisses to his skin. “I’ll pick it all up.”
He kept apologizing, “I’m sorry’s” rolling off his tongue with each cry and she merely shook her head.
“Don’t be sorry, darling.” (Y/N) replied, turning her face to his cheek, pressing her lips to his skin. “Be human…be alive, Hal.”
His grip only tightened on her, and he shifted his face so he could see her, and he stared into her eyes, his own big, brown ones saddened, but full of heart and emotion. She threaded her fingers in his hair and smoothed it with gentle stokes and caresses.
He sniffed strongly and croaked, “The next time we go out, can we forgo the emotional moment?”
(Y/N) huffed a laugh and kissed him. “Sure, Hal.”
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damn-stark · 4 years
This Town
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Chapter 13 of Dark Temptations
A/N- Hehe 🎢
Warning- ANGST, sweet fluff, violence, long chapter, just slight bit of explicit content, but nothing major.
Pairing- Dark!Poe x Skywalker!reader
(Let me know if want to be tagged)
“I thought we had more trust in each other, than to be hiding secrets from each other, Ben.” You argue in a sharp distasteful whisper. “Especially things like you talking to Rey through a force connection!”
Ben keeps looking down at the surface of the table and continues to hide his face behind his hair, giving no indication of what he truly was feeling. You hoped it was shame though.
“Because you do trust me right?” You ask in a much softer and hesitant tone, sitting back down in your seat on the booth and turning your head to try and meet his eyes that you notice only widen at your comment. “I know I’ve been absent for the past couple of months, but you still trust me right?”
“I do!” Ben quickly interjects, making you just as quickly press your question.
Ben simply shrugs and that causes your anger to heighten, making you stand from your seat abruptly and storm off to the cockpit of the Falcon. Where the silence is only imaginative and the company brings peace to your mind.
“Hey, junior.” Your uncle Han greets as he looks at you over his shoulder. “Are you doing okay?”
“Yeah,” you nod stiffly. “I’m fine. How much time until we reach Lothal?”
Your uncle Han looks back out to the transparisteel and shrugs. “Not long, now. Why? You excited for the grand meeting?” He asks sarcastically.
You scoff and cross your arms over your chest. “Super, can’t you tell?”
Your uncle Han looks back at the feigned excited expression you managed to express on your face and he laughs. “Well that makes two of us.”
“I told you already, Han that you didn’t have to come, I’m fine with Ben and y/n.” Your aunt Leia argues from the co-pilot seat.
“And what was I supposed to do at base? Sit on my ass and wait for you to return?”
You can’t help the genuine smile that grows on your lips at hearing them both bicker so lightheartedly. It has been so long since you’ve seen them both and even longer since you heard them bicker like this. The last time you had seen them it was so little and you were barely in the mood to talk. Not like that has changed much.
“Where’s chewbacca? Why didn’t he come?” You question curiously, from the corner of your eye catching as artoo and Ben joined everyone in the cockpit.
“He had to stay at base,” your uncle Han answers, “but he sends his greetings to the both of you,” he looks over his shoulder again and looks from Ben and you. “He says he misses you both, he says he can’t wait until you two join us out on runs again.”
You quirk your brow and smirk. “He does?”
You snicker and hide your smile with your hand. “Well when you see him tell him I miss him too. Just like I missed you too uncle Han.”
He instantly spins back around to look away from you and tries to act nonchalant about your comment. “I knew that.”
From the transparisteel, you see your aunt Leia's reflection roll her eyes at the behavior her husband displayed and even after years still couldn’t really take. She tried to comment on it, but he was quick to change the subject as the ship jumped out of hyperspace and saved him from having to hear any more of it. “We’re here kids, get ready.”
Wanting to meet Ben’s gaze as a force of habit to silently pick at his fathers doings, this time you restrain yourself since you were angry he had hid that he was talking to Rey through a weird force connection in the past couple of months. Instead, this time you look out to the incoming scenery of Lothal; noticing that it was unchanging since the last time you had been here with he who shall not be named. The fields were still dry and beige, the sky was grey as if it was going to pour at any moment. The rock spirals were still scattered around the planet, the town was the same and just as old—this time instead of landing in the middle of nowhere, you had the pleasure of arriving on a landing pad by the elegant white castle. This time you were greeted by overdressed guards and droid butlers. It was overwhelming. You wanted to go back home already.
“Artoo, if you could be a friend and hold one of my lightsabers, yeah?”
The old droid reveals a small opening and takes your lightsaber, beeping back an assuring response once the saber has disappeared inside him. You offer him a small smile and then lift your head to watch the scenery painted outside the castle, not being able to help but be in awe at how everything outside looked like from inside the castle; it was clear, you could clearly see the fields, it wasn’t like how you imagined it would look like from so far in the ground. The castle was almost made entirely out of thick glass, which explained why from afar the building looked white and elegant.
Albeit the calmness that such a scenic view brought, was ruined by the sound of the advisor's voice bringing back your realization of where you were, and why in fact you were here. “General Organa, if you could please stay standing here until I announce your presence to Lothals Governor.”
“Of course.” Your aunt Leia agrees sweetly, proceeding to watch as the tiny woman marched into the intended gathering room and did as she said in a loud booming voice that was heard even with the golden doors closed.
“Governor Starwind, may I formally present to you, the General of the resistance and Princess of Alderaan, General Leia Organa! And her Husband General, Han Solo!” The doors swung open and Ben and you were left out on getting presented (not like you would want to anyway), instead you were finally given permission to enter, letting yourself fall behind your aunt and uncle, as Ben walked in first, for just in case. Instantly at that moment the presented couple stepped inside, getting welcomed by another booming voice.
“Welcome, Generals! Please come on in and welcome to Lothal and my humble home.”
Lastly you walk in with Artoo beside you, lifting your gaze and at that instant moment finding amongst the crowd, the person you’ve been dreading, and wishing to every damn star that you wouldn’t see; Poe Dameron, in all his glory. Who just like this town, was unchanging, his choice in black clothes, choice in leaving his helmet over his face and everything else. You couldn’t see his face, but you imagined that too was not different, he probably still had his scar and the same brown eyes, the same face that never left your damned memories.
Curse him and this stupid town.
And just as you imagined he would, Poe's visor found you and followed your every step, not for any second leaving you and only making you squirm and fight the urge not to run and hide beside Ben, like a frightened child. You were the one that had to rip your eyes away and look at who you were here to help protect, being grateful at the fact that you couldn’t see his face.
At least for that you were grateful for. Being here on the other hand not so much, you still had to sit through a long meeting that was of no importance to you really. You were only left to listen and ignore the burning sensation that was caused by someone’s stare.
This was going to be a long day.
“I’m unlike my other predecessors, I care for my planet, for my people and their well being, we’ve been mistreated for far too long, I want to see peace fall upon Lothal.” Governor Starwind continued in that formal voice that was beginning to sound so dreadfully monotone in your ears. Any more time inside this elegant glass room and you’d probably die of boredom; it was not fair that Ben got to patrol outside and avoid hearing this meeting.
“And we’ve promised that you will get that with us and only with us, with the Resistance—”
“Commander Nomad, please,” the Governor cuts Poe off, “I will not accept slander of any kind, we are at a formal meeting, I’m sure you’re used to those. I have enjoyed hearing what The First Order has to offer to try and convince Lothal to stay, but let’s keep this professional. Alright?”
You don’t look to Poe, but you figure he nods since you don’t hear his modified voice respond out. All you think about while the meeting drags on is the fact that Poe was addressed as Commander and not General; such a drastic change was strange, and suspicious. It made you wonder too long on how it could’ve happened, why? You wouldn’t get answers, but you could wonder and keep yourself busy until you heard the holy words that woke you up.
“As of now, it’s late, you all must be tired, we will reconvene tomorrow to discuss further,”
You hear your uncle Han groan beside you at the words that made you dread tomorrow as well, it was a mutual feeling that you expressed with a single shared look.
“There's a banquet in the great hall, and some live music if you all would like to visit there to calm your minds.” The governor finishes, making everyone around the long table stand up, stretch their limbs, and start to head out while you beamed at the sound of food and getting to leave.
“Damn, I thought it was never going to end,” your uncle Han says as the three of you walk out and meet up with Ben in the hall. “I felt like I was going to just knock out, or die there.”
Your aunt Leia scoffs and shoots her husband a glare over her shoulder, not having the energy for a quick witty comeback and instead focusing on the great hall you had been welcomed into. Seeing as you did walk in that it was ten times more lively than the meeting, there were more people in fancy attire then there was in the meeting, the music as promised was a live band playing music you would hear at a cantina at times past midnight when everyone was already half wasted. The great hall was great indeed, as it seemed to have an opening that led to two other huge rooms lit by bright, elegant chandeliers.
Overall it was all overwhelming, but you stuck through—“come on kids, let’s present you two to the Governor and try and make a better impression.” Your aunt Leia instantly instructed, already guiding all of you towards the Governor in the back of the room, not waiting for a single argument, or the chance for any of you to explore on your own. Instead pulling you instantly in front of the Governor that looked young and quite charming, not compared to others you’ve met. “Governor Starwind, I would like to introduce my son and my niece accompanying me.” She looks at Ben beside her with a proud smile. “This is my son Ben solo.” She looks at you and keeps her smile, “and my niece, Y/N Skywalker.”
The Governor offers all of you a small charming smile, bowing his head slightly before his eyes drift from Ben and you, unknowingly showing a glimmer in his purple eyes as he stops to focus on you—“I've heard stories of Jedi as a child, and when I heard that not only one, but three Jedi were joining me today, I couldn’t help but feel like a little kid once again. It’s a pleasure having the three of you.” His eyes drift to Ben for a moment, but they end up back on you, shooting you a crooked smile. “And I am confident to say that what I hear of your beauty is not a lie, it must run in the Skywalker family.” His eyes flicker to your aunt Leia and he offers her the charming grin.
“Oh,” you breathe, trying to hide the fact that you were flustered. “Why thank you, but I can’t take all the credit, it seems that what I’ve heard of the Governor of Lothal is all true.”
The Governor chuckles and his face shows how suddenly flustered he felt. “Oh well all good things I hope?”
Before you could answer with a response that would surprise even you, Poe’s familiar voice interrupts you. “Governor Starwind,” he pauses and his head tilts to you, but you avert your gaze. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I seem to have a message from General Hux that he says is rather significant.”
“Oh,” Starwind looks away from Poe and turns his attention back to you to offer you an apologetic look. “I’m sorry to cut this short, but I do hope I find you later to continue our conversation.”
Your eyes fly to meet his, before briefly flickering to see Poe’s visor already looking at you and you can’t help but smirk and glance back at the Governor and bat your eyelashes. “I’m looking forward to it, Governor Starwind.”
He smiles and nods, letting you and your party walk off, not at all letting yourself have one last look at Poe. Instead hearing Artoo comment on what had happened; something that led your uncle Han to agree with an over exaggerated mannerism. “The droid is right, If the two of you needed a room, all you had to do was ask.”
You choke on your own saliva and slowly drag your eyes to him. “I was simply talking to him.”
Your uncle crosses his arms over his chest and nods slowly. “Sure kid. It’s okay to admit something if you want, I can give you a few pointers since well I wasn’t too bad at—”
“Dad.” Ben cuts him off. “Please leave her alone.”
Your uncle Han lifts his hands as if offended before he counters Ben’s comment. “What did I do?”
You chuckle and just roll your eyes, letting them continue with their unnecessary argument and focusing on the people dancing to the upbeat music, wishing Finn was here so you had someone to dance with, if even just to one song; but no, he had to stay back on the Island to continue with training. Maybe it was a good thing since Rey was there, Finn could watch over her while Ben, nor you couldn’t.
But you still would like the company. Even if you had to remember you weren’t here to mingle, you were here on a mission. So instead you kept yourself busy and walked around the great hall, eyeing the place and enjoying the droid by your side as your company. Unaware of the shadow watching you close and following you as far away as he could as to not be suspicious and spotted. Even if it ached him not to fall by your side, he lingered behind. Also unaware of the other presence searching for you around the feast, and the extra pair of beady eyes watching not only you but every other guest suspiciously.
“You know,” you tell Artoo as you eye the food with your mouth watering. “I’m quite hungry, let’s break away from the patrol and get something to eat, yeah?” You don’t wait for a response from someone who can’t eat and head to the food tables, carefully looking at every piece of food and taking too long to choose something to eat. An action that let the unexpected happen.
“Can we talk?”
You don’t dare look to your side once you recognize Poe’s voice and feel his body beside you, instead you go stiff; even if you had heard his voice before, even if you knew he was here you grew stiff, because for the first time since you left him behind and he said those cruel things, he was finally addressing you personally, he was talking to you. You didn’t know what to do, Ben wasn’t around to help you, nor was anyone else, it was just him and you. That sole fact made you grip onto your plate so hard that it broke in your hand, it made you feel as if your heart was going to rip out of your chest. Your breathing hitched and you parted your lips.
But you didn’t dare acknowledge him. “Come on Artoo, I’ve lost my appetite with that horrendous foul smell that suddenly hit my nose.” You put the broken plate down and turn on your heels with your head held up high, ignoring Poe and trying not to look back, instead paying all your attention to Artoo. “Yeah, of course you can come back home with me, I’m sure my dad would love it too.”
Artoo expresses a happy whir and you try to smile, but can’t manage one, whatever blissful daze you had built to be here and not look so grim had been destroyed by Poe’s interaction. It’s like you went through a glitch that left you with how you were before you left the Island. It was mind numbing and you only broke from your stupor when you joined Ben and your uncle Han.
“So has Luke made you two Jedi Masters yet?” Your uncle Han asks curiously, trying to break the tension that he even felt surround the small group.
“Not yet,” Ben answers, making you scoff and add a witty quip.
“Actually Ben is already Master, uncle Han.”
“Yeah,” you smile innocently, “Ben is the master at lying and hiding truths from people.”
Ben scoffs and shakes his head, while your uncle Han is left bewildered at your unexpected remark.
“Come on I said I was sorry, I just didn’t want to worry you.”
You shoot him a raging glare and scoff, folding your arms over your chest and internally trying to calm yourself down. “No, save it Ben. You had all the time in the universe to tell me. And you never did!” Unknowingly you raise your voice to a sharp tone that was beginning to turn heads and worry Ben and his father alike. “After I kept asking if you were okay, you lied! I’m not a child, nor a wounded animal for you to be treating me as such!”
“Hey kid, calm down.” Your uncle Han tries to diffuse the situation, trying to grab your shoulder as you ripped your arm from its folded position and pointed your finger at Ben. When you feel the sudden touch on your shoulder, you snap your gaze away from Ben to look at the sudden touch. “I’m sure whatever Ben did can wait to be discussed for later.”
Feeling as if one word went through one ear and fell out the other you spin your attention back to Ben and continue to snap at Ben. “What if something had happened, and you were gone, huh? I wouldn’t have a clue of where you are because you kept things Ben! I thought we could trust each other.”
Ben’s own anger begins to rise at your claims that you threw at him, but his anger didn’t cloud his mind, he was rational about the situation and knew that adding more fuel to the fire would cause an explosion, so instead he stormed off with nothing to say. Leaving you to stare at the empty space where he once stood. Letting your uncle Han step in to try and check on your sudden outburst. “Kid, are you okay?”
You inhale and exhale deeply, nodding to say yes, but not at all assuring his worry. He wanted to press deeper into the subject, but you cut him off before he could try. “I’m going to get some fresh air, I’ll be back later, or just go to the room.” Without waiting for a response you walk past him, but don’t make it far as Artoo began to follow you. “It’s okay buddy, I’ll be fine, I just need some time to cool off, okay? Stay here and watch after aunt Leia, and uncle Han.”
The droid assures you and rolls back to where he was before, letting you maneuver your way through the crowd until you made it out of the great hall and to some balcony in the far end of the hall. And just as you stepped out you got out your comm and contacted your father. You didn’t have the chance to take a nice breath of air, you just stepped out and instantly contacted him.
He, who didn’t take long to answer. “Hey, kid, I’m surprised you called. I would’ve thought you were having too much fun to check in.”
You laugh softly, but can’t manage a smile even if you wanted to. “I just….It’s night time here already, I just wanted to say good night and check in on the current prisoner.”
There's a moment of silence on the other end, you wait, having no other option and instead rest your hands on the balcony’s railing; hearing him only minutes later. “She’s been good, nothing suspicious has happened and she’s been cooperative. I think she was being sincere when she said she meant no harm. Finn seems to be having more trouble than Rey.”
You scoff lightheartedly and shake your head even if he couldn’t see. “Well, that’s good….you let me know if she acts up, okay?”
“Promise.” He pauses again and talks in a softer, more assuring voice. “Are you doing okay? Do you need me to read you a bedtime story like when you were young, or something?”
You snort. “No. I just wanted to say goodnight and that I can’t wait to go back home.”
“Ah, well goodnight little sun, I love you.”
Tears well up in your eyes at his words, but you restrain yourself from doing so, albeit you let it be known that you were holding back tears when the crack in your voice gave you out. “I love you too.” And just like that the call ended and you were left with an aching throat and a cloudy vision. Left looking at the city below and the town in the distance.
Anger and fear still clouded your mind, but you tried to calm that by putting your head in your hands and talking to yourself. “I’m okay, I’m okay. I’m okay,” you sigh and look back at the sparkling city, drawing in a shaky breath and taking a moment before you slowly released it and rested your head back in your hands to try and avoid the echoing voices in your head. “I’m okay, I’m okay, I’m….” You suddenly pause at the sound of the tinted glass door opening behind you, you don’t lift your head and instead slide your eyes to the corner to see only a pair of black boots a couple feet behind you. You don’t speak and just lift your head from your hands to stand up straight. Instead you slide to the side to try and make it to the second door to leave, but of course, before you could try doing such an attempt you’re stopped by the voice of the man you expected it to be.
“Wait, please.”
You grow stiff and tighten your grip on the railing of the balcony, looking away from him as you saw him come to your side.
“Can we—”
“Leave,” you hiss, “get out and leave me alone.” You keep your eyes away from him and keep them on the raining night sky, hearing no indication of what you had asked. “Just leave,” your voice unwillingly cracks and you grip onto the glass railing harder. “Fine I will.” You push yourself away and try to leave, but a hand instantly catches your wrist and stops you. The unexpected grasp makes you gasp. But still not look back.
“Wait please listen to me.” He tries again, letting you know he removed the helmet off his head by throwing it across the balcony. Revealing a much softer, and less monotone voice. “Just listen for a minute.”
His voice however didn’t give you the serenity he expected, instead it infuriated you even more, causing you to snatch your lightsaber from your side and whip back to ignite it and threaten him with the end of the blade inches from his throat. “I told you to leave me alone!”
Poe’s eyes widen and he lifts his head so no part of his skin would touch the burning blade, he slides his eyes from the green blade and then looks back at you, not recognizing the anger that glazed your eyes. You kept trying not to get a better view of his face. Yet you just knew his dark eyes watched you. You hear the same voice that enraged you seconds ago and calmed you months ago. “If that’s what you want?”
You draw in a breath and hold it, trying to keep the same angry mask on your face. Albeit not maintaining it long as Poe tries to step closer to the end of the blade, and causes you to instinctively deactivate it and step back until your heels touch the railing and your hilt falls out of your hand and down to the castle. You run and hit the edge, throwing your hand out as if that was going to get it back. “NO!” You bellow, wiggling your fingers, feeling those tears that had been itching to fall out, roll down your cheeks. “No.”
Before the lightsaber hilt was out of sight, you see the lights of the castle and the city reflect on it as it comes flying back, albeit not to you (of course) but to Poe’s hand. When you look back at him, again you avoid looking at his face and look at your lightsaber in his hand and take a fearful step back as he tries to hand it out to you.
At your attempt however, you had already gotten to a dangerous edge and when you step back your body loses balance, causing you to almost fall back, but not managing to do so as Poe’s hand wraps around your wrist and pulls you to him. Instantly remarking on your dangerous actions. “Fuck Princess, be careful.”
Your breath hitches and you pull away from him, snatching your lightsaber from his hand and yet staying in your new spot.
“You welcome.” He retorts, not at all getting the answer he wanted. “Will you listen to me now?”
With your eyes still on the ground you shrug, “I guess.”
“Good,” Poe mumbles under his breath, stepping towards you and trying to cup your cheek, but receiving an instant decline. “Right, well, I just wanted to say that I-I I’m sorry.”
You gasp and your eyes fly to his, feeling your eyebrows furrow and your heart race. Your mind couldn’t comprehend what he was saying, or really didn’t want to. It was unexpected for some reason.
“I’m really am sorry, what I said to you before you left, I’m sorry, I didn’t—”
“Why?” You cut him off, fully seeing his face now and realizing that he had grown a beard, that more bags were under his eyes and his eyes expressed that same exhaustion. He looked like he hadn’t slept in months, he looked terrible; yet you wanted nothing more but to feel his face under your fingers, and got lost in his eyes. As much as you wanted to forget what you felt, to replace what you felt with hatred, you couldn’t, your heart still ached for him and made flips the moment you saw just the smallest bit of him; “why are you telling me this? I don’t want to be played again, so if that’s what you’re trying to do, just leave or I’ll call Ben. I’m sure he’d love to have a few words with you.”
Poe parts his lips, but nothing comes out, he just keeps looking at you with that same star struck face. He tries to get close again, but you step back towards a wall this time. Hearing as he managed to find his voice. “No, I don’t want to hurt you again, I promise,” he sighs and you notice his eyes are filled with tears. “I'm just sorry. That day you left, after you asked me to go with you, I said horrible things that I regret every damn day. I didn’t mean them, I didn’t, but I still said them and I’m sorry. I just…” his voice cracks and he pauses to collect himself, not for once breaking away his gaze, instead, taking a step towards you that you let him take while you froze in your spot because of what came out of his mouth. “I just wanted you to leave, and I couldn’t find another way to make you leave. I’m sorry.” His frown deepens and his eyebrows knit together, he swallows back the lump that kept forming in his throat and takes another careful step towards you.
“But why did you say those things, Poe? The things you said, they...they hurt me.” You finally share softly, mirroring the same long expression.
“Because would you have left if I didn’t?” He questions making your eyebrows furrow. “Tell me you would have left if I didn’t. That you wouldn’t have gone back for me.”
Just as you were going to say ‘no’, his last comment caught you off guard because it was true. You would have gone back for him. He knew that.
“I know I broke your heart, I know that I hurt you in more ways than I can ever know, but just know I’m sorry.” He continues softly and sincerely, taking that final step towards you and slowly reaching to cup your cheek, smiling softly as you let him be so near without turning him away. “Knowing I hurt you, hurt me too, deeply. And I thought I was going to forget, forget what I said, the way I saw your heart break through your eyes. And I didn’t, I wanted so badly to forget, forget the way you make me feel, how you would treat me like no one has for a long time. I thought I was going to forget and just return to myself before I saw you again, but my love, you-you took part of my heart along with you that day.” A wobbly smile spreads on his lips and he cups your cheeks with both hands, roaming his eyes all over yours to try and see what you felt. But you hardly knew; you wanted to be angry, but at the same time you felt a light of happiness that had been lacking from your life lately. You simply just let tears show your feelings. You let him continue.
“The other part you took years ago,” he expresses a soft huff of air and tears finally escape from his eyes.
You sigh. “Poe.”
“You don’t have to say anything,” he reveals, “you don’t have to forgive me, I just wanted you to hear me, I just needed to see you.”
A smile finally breaks on your lips and you carefully reach to cup his face, gently stroking his cheek and part of the scar that ended on his cheekbone. “I….I understand why you did it. I do.”
More tears stream down his face, but you're quick to wipe them off. He expresses a sigh of relief and grabs your hand to press a soft kiss on your palm, smiling wider as he sees the bracelet around your wrist. “You’re still wearing it.”
“Everyday.” You assure him.
He stays quiet and his eyes keep roaming your face, he only manages to speak minutes later as if he couldn’t believe he was speaking, or you were here. “I missed you, I missed seeing your face, I missed your touch, I missed kissing you. Stars I just fucking missed you.”
You grin shyly and scoff. “Oh gosh, Poe.”
“What? It’s true.”
You look at your bracelet and then look up at the stars that seem to show a glow that you’ve haven’t seen from them in months. You look back to Poe and see a sort of color return to your view, and a warmth return to your body. A peace. “Truth is Poe, none of my feelings have changed, not since the day I met you, even after years I still feel my heart race just the same. With you everything just makes sense, you...you’re the light to my stars, everything shines brighter when I’m with you.” You smile softly and feel the salt of your tears on your lips, Poe expresses a soft chuckle as his own tears keep slipping from his eyes. “You completely stole my heart the day I met you, and I know I was young and a little naive, but I know that you completely captivated me that day. I’ve never felt the way I feel for you with anyone else. Never.”
Poe expresses another soft chuckle and his eyes fall to your lips just like yours do with his, he leans in but stops and looks back to you. “I really am sorry.”
“It’s okay, you’re okay.” You reassure him, continuing to look down at his lips but not giving in to the temptation. “But you have to know that I can’t leave—”
“Please, don’t. Let’s just not talk about that right now, okay? I just want to be with you for however long I can without getting mad.”
You sigh and nod. “Fine.”
He grins and pulls away. “I should leave you for now then. Can I meet you in your room later?”
You smirk and nod. “Please do.”
Poe grins wider, showing you a child-like grin as he summons his helmet to his hand. “Okay, good, good. Go see your family before they send an army out for you.”
You scoff. “They won’t but okay, I’ll see you later.”
Poe nods, walking back and clumsily hits his back on the door before he pushes it open and nods again. “Later. I’ll see you later.”
“No I’m sure, yes,” you assure Artoo, “I am perfectly fine being on my own.” You walk back further and further into the room and just peak your head out of the door, adding an assuring smile big enough so Artoo could leave you alone. “tell Ben I said goodnight, okay!”
Artoo shoots you with an annoyed, sassy answer that you just shrug off. “I know you’re not my messenger, but I’m still mad at him. Soo please do it and annoy him.” With one last feigned smile you finally close the door and face a beautifully moonlit room. An unemotional straight line forms on your lips however, as beautiful as the blue light reflected on the elegant white themed room. You trace your fingers along the dresser before heading to the balcony, quietly shuffling throughout the room and going unaware of the person hidden within the shadow of the room that finally decided to make himself known and sneak up behind you, covering your eyes and instantly making you freeze and hold in your breath.
In the sudden darkness that took over your eyes, you tried to reach your hand towards your lightsaber, or your comm to contact Ben, but you were frozen, feeling the breath of the mystery person behind your ear and feeling their hands slide down to your neck. Without the force you’re unable to detect anyone’s presence, you’re left completely blind.
The first thing that manages to squirm through to your mind is realization and then the signal to feel your arms and legs. So you move your hands to claw your nails onto their arm and attempt to flip them. But before you could, a voice stops you as it registers in your head. “Princess, it’s me, it’s me. I’m sorry.”
Your eyes widen and you rip away from Poe, grabbing onto your chest to exhale out your shaken deep breaths. “Poe! What the hell?!” You exclaim loudly.
Poe rubs his wrist and shrugs, “what do you mean? You told me it was okay to come to your room!” He protests.
Your eyes narrow on him and you scoff. “Yes, but not scare me half to death! I could’ve killed you!”
“I just wanted to surprise you.” He claims in a much lower voice, pulling his sleeve and seeing your nail markings on his skin. “Ow.”
“Oh don’t be such a baby.” You roll your eyes as you move to sit on the corner of the bed to kick off your shoes. “It’s your fault for sneaking up on me.”
Poe sits beside you and just scoffs. “Whatever.”
His comment makes you turn your head to offer him an amused look, scoffing and throwing yourself back on the bed as your boots are successfully off. “So, what do you want to do?”
Poe shrugs as he twists his body to look at you laying there and staring at the ceiling. “I don’t know, you tell me. We could talk.”
“About how you’ve been? How…” he hesitates for a moment and looks to the balcony, hiding his pained expression. “How Finn is doing? Or I don’t know we could do something,” he looks back to you and smirks. “We can skip the talking and do something fun, I can finally give you what you want.”
You blink and slowly lift your head to meet his gaze, noticing his smirk. Poe takes off his jacket and throws it on the floor, followed by his shoes, continuing to fully turn around and crawl on the bed with you, examining your body before moving to be on top of you; placing both hands on either side of your head and tilting your head with the tip of his fingers so you’d be facing him. “Stars you’re beautiful.”
Your lips part and your eyes flicker down to his lips before you blink to look back up at him, wrapping your arms around his neck and repeating your previous actions. Wanting to speak, but instead keeping to yourself as your mind raced with so many thoughts—“was this something I want?” “Him?” “Yes.” “But not like this.” “Not here.” “It’s something I wanted before and he fills a void in my heart.” “But is this how I want this to go down?” “No.” “Yes.” “He keeps the voices at bay, yet not the temptation to act out what’s been asked of me.” “I want this. Forget everything and everyone else.” “I love him.”
“Do you want to do this, sweetheart?” Poe asks for assurance.
You let your eyes wander back to his lips and a smile tugs on your lips before you lean in and make the first move by crashing your lips with his. Instantly getting bambered with the feeling of relief and longing, passion and desire. You pull away only to give him a soft clear answer. “Yes, I do.” The answer makes a happy, boyish smile grow on his lips before he leans in to press a kiss on your lips, sliding his tongue on your bottom lip to part them and deepen the kiss, making his lips tug wider as he leans in closer and moves one hand to cup your cheek.
Whatever doubt you had before completely disappeared. Joy replaced the feelings that were missing and more desire burned within you. This moment was truly like no other. You were unmistakably happy with Poe.
Said man pulled away, but stayed close, taking a moment for the both of you to catch your breaths as he began to leave a trial of soft kisses all the way down to your collarbone, taking a bit of skin between his teeth and beginning to gently suck on it before you pushed his intentions away. “Don't you dare do that again. Last time I had to wear anything that had a turtle neck so Ben, nor my father would see the hickey.”
Poe licks his lips and chuckles. “Fine not there then,” his smirk deepens and he slowly slides his hands to the bottom of your shirt to basically rip it off of you. Leaving you shirtless and nude, your bare chest glowing under the moon light that shone inside. Poe’s pupils blew up and his smirk faltered as he went breathless. “Truly beautiful.”
A soft smile grew on your lips and you grabbed his face to pull him in for a passionate kiss, feeling his bulge rub against your thigh and a fluttering feeling in your stomach—yet as much as you didn’t want Poe to stop kissing you, he desperately pulled away to once again press kisses down the premises of your skin, until he stopped on your breast and repeated what he had intended to do on your collarbone.
Causing you to knot your fingers in his hair and gently tug on his hair as he sucked on the skin. You felt at that instant that your heart was going to rip out of your chest, even if so little had happened so far. You ached for him as he was taking his sweet old time, pulling away from you and shooting you a smug grin. You rolled your eyes at his expression, proceeding to move your hands down to his hips to pull his shirt off him, feeling your eyes widen in more desire, and worry as you finally saw his bare chest and torso.
His body was beautifully carved, his abs were perfectly toned and ripped through his skin; his chest and biceps were beautifully tan and glowing with the light of the moon reflecting on his bare skin. You ran your hands over his skin and little goosebumps grew all over his body. He smiled and tilted his head slightly so he could follow your fingers running over the premises of his warm and soft body. His smile however faltered, like yours did in fact, at the moment you stopped at each scar that was littered all over his body. They weren’t big scars, just small ones, like puncture wounds—“Poe,” You whisper, “what happened?”
Poe places his knuckle under your chin and lifts your head so your eyes could meet his, and he could assure your increasing worry. “Just old scars baby, I’m fine.”
Your eyebrows knit together and you part your lips to try and argue, but he cuts you off by pressing his lips on yours and deepening it by the second. Neither of you want to pull away, but you have to express your thought. One he had said first the day before you left, and one he had said today, but one you had yet to express.
“Stars, I missed you.”
Poe smiles softly and leans in to whisper by your ear. “I missed you too, my love.”
You grin like you haven’t done in a long time and can’t help but think in the deepest part of your brain, “this wrong. Being with Poe. Confessing everything and having sex was wrong. But it was a good mistake. Even if I knew it was going to cost me. A lot.”
Your battles that you were pushing aside, were only going to brew deeper after this. But it’s a consequence you’d deal with.
“So what? We’re supposed to act like we hate each other now or something?” Poe asks, combing his hair back with his fingers as he hesitated to put his helmet over his head.
You scan the hall you’re walking down and shake your head. “No, we just don’t talk, like yesterday, pretend like we don’t know each other.”
Poe scoffs. “It’s not that easy, you’re tempting.”
You roll your eyes and can’t help the smile that tugs on your lips, you scan the area to make sure no one is near to grab him by the arm and pull him towards a dark dead end hall. An action that Poe snickers to and gets all too cocky about what he thought was going to go down. “Princess, I knew you took risks, but here, really?”
You narrow your gaze on him and slightly tilt your head. “What are you talking about?”
“Well, aren't we going to have a quickie before returning?”
Your eyebrows pinch together and your eyes study him before you chuckle and shake your head. “No, no, I’m too sore and well we’d probably be caught, Ben and Artoo should be looking for me shortly.” You cup Poe’s cheek and smile sweetly, “I just wanted to say that I like the beard.”
Poe smirks and strokes his chin, “really? I thought you would.”
You roll your eyes and hit his shoulder playfully. “It suits you, just like you without one. I like either.”
Poe’s hands go to your hips and he leans in to take you in for a heated lingering kiss, slowing down only to gently bite your bottom lip before completely parting away and look at you with a lingering look. “I'm going to miss you.”
You smile and stroke his cheek one last time with your thumb. “I’m going to miss you too.” You walk back and look back to the clear main hall, peaking your head past the wall and looking to both sides to check that the ghost was clear for you to walk out without being detected.
“Come with me.”
You grow stiff at Poe’s words and slowly pull away to stand up straight and keep your back faced to him.
“We can be together without having to hide. I can help you.”
You ball your hands into tight fists and look down to talk to the ground. “Help me with what?” And just like that, all color left from your view and darkness took over everything again.
“What you’re dealing with, Supreme leader Snoke can help.”
Kill the spare. Do it now, he’s there. He’s open.
“We can be a good pair, just you and me” Poe continues, making anger begin to boil within you.
“Poe.” You warn softly. “Please stop, or you’re going to ruin everything.”
“Ruin everything? Baby, we make each other happy,” Poe grabs your arm to turn you to face him, cupping your face to lift your head so your eyes could meet. So you could see the desperation behind his eyes. “I can see that, why can’t you? You're struggling but I can help.”
Your gaze doesn’t falter, but your hand does. Slowly you uncurl your fists and discreetly reach for your lightsaber as your mind was overcome with the tempting voice of “your grandfather”. Happiness seeps away from your mind, face and is replaced by nothing but that same numbing blankness that has overcome you entirely in the past months.
“I can correct what I did wrong. If you come, Master Snoke can bring back Jacen. We can overthrow Snoke and we can rule over the First Order, change it to our will and finally win this war. Together. Be with me.”
Kill him. Kill Poe Dameron. Now!
“I’ll kill him,” you whisper under your breath as an unusual evil smirk unknowingly tugs on your lips and that same sinister darkness grows in power within you. You pull your lightsaber from your side and slide your thumb to the activation button, moving your hand to cup Poe’s face and offer him a sweet smile that he couldn’t help but mirror; his filled with joy, unlike yours—“I,” you say out loud, “I will—”
Before you could finish your sentence however, you’re suddenly pulled back forcefully and hitting your ass on the ground with a painful thud. In that quick and sudden action, what had possessed you broke away and you were fully back, looking up to see Ben throwing Poe to the wall and lifting him off his feet with the force, proceeding to slowly close his hand as he began to force choke Poe.
“Ben! Leave him alone!” You exclaim sharply as you stand to your feet and run to Ben to try and pull his hand away, but ultimately getting pushed back by said man. “Ben! Please!” Your eyes water and you try to plead again. You knew you were meant to act like you didn’t care for Poe in front of other people, you knew that the voices inside your head told you to kill him, but seeing his life hang in the balance, watching the fear in his eyes broke you in different ways. “Ben! Leave him alone!”
“No!” He growls, dropping Poe from the death grip and stepping closer towards him to swing his fist over his face. You tried to stop him again, but Ben was physically stronger, without the force you were useless in your attempts. All you could do was try to see if you shouting at the top of your lungs would knock some sense into Ben. Even if you knew it wouldn’t—“we trusted you and you killed him! He loved you, he treated you like family and you betray him by killing him!” Ben exclaims, anger clearly in his voice and actions, the veins on his neck clearly showed as he shouted to Poe with that one single emotion. He was hurt and it was painfully clear. “Then you proceed to break my cousins heart and break her trust too! I should kill you!” Ben throws Poe another punch that makes you wince and Poe groans before looking up to Ben with a wide-stricken expression that he tried to hide his fear and own hurt behind.
“Then do it.” Poe groans, not even trying to fight back.
You take a step closer to the pair and plead again. “Ben, please leave him alone.”
Said man looks over his shoulder for a second before glaring back at Poe and continuing with a surprising comment. “But I won’t because the best punishment is you drowning in your own guilt,” Ben smirks and let’s go of Poe to stand up slowly. “I want you to remember everything you’ve done because I know that’s your weakness. You try to act tough, scary, but I know what you aren’t. You’re nothing, but a child, in a mask.”
Your eyes widen at his insult and Poe stays quiet, parting his lips and just that.
“And if you have any ounce of respect for Jacen, or me, I want you to leave my cousin alone. She’s gone through enough pain because of you. I don’t want to see you close to her again, because if I do, I’ll make sure I’m the last thing you ever see.” Ben finishes, fuming out of ears and pulls his foot back to land one last hard kick on Poe’s side, shooting him one last burning glare before turning around and grabbing your wrists to pull you away without a chance to check on Poe’s wounds.
You part your lips to argue, but Ben catches your before you can. “Don’t you dare try to defend him, or I’ll turn back and actually shove that lightsaber in your hand through his chest.”
You gasp and glance at the lightsaber still in your hand, instantly putting it away and choosing to stay quiet on that matter instead. “When are we going home?”
“Later,” Ben reveals, still bitter. “Theirs one last meeting and after we should be good to go.”
You hum softly and from the corner of your eye you see a masked Poe pass by the both of you. Not daring to even look your way. You want to go after him and talk, but you’d be a fool to do so. You had to watch him from a distance now, leave with many things left unsaid, even if he was only feet away, you had to fight the temptation. You had to pretend he wasn’t here.
“Where’s Artoo?”
“In the great hall with my mother and father, the meeting is taking place there.”
Your eyebrows knit together at his response. “The great hall? Why there?”
Ben shrugs and let’s your wrist go once he sees Poe enter the great hall and not be a threat to you anymore. “I don’t know, but it’s there.”
You both enter the hall yourselves and try to walk towards your family, but in that exact instant something stops Ben, and has you bumping into him. He grows stiff and looks back to the doors as they close, and the windows as the curtains cut off light from beaming in. You want to protest Ben’s actions, but a sudden hologram of an odd masked man in all black cuts you off. “I’ll keep this short. We the people are tired of you. The resistance and the first order, we don’t want to be in this petty fight. We’re tired of getting overworked and not paid enough. We don't want to be ruled, we want to rule. Our own planet.” The curtains swing open again, blinding you with the light, but yet demonstrating something outside; multiple battleships now littering the sky as they come out of hiding—“so I fortunately I report that now, we have to get rid of all of you. For good. No more light or darkness. Just peace.”
And with nothing else to add, the hologram cut off and five soldiers in the same all black outfit came out of hiding from within the walls, all surrounding everyone, even the governor. Ben grabs your hand to try and rush towards his parents, but explosions outside the castle stops him from moving. The castle rumbles and then a blazing and blowing fight breaks between the soldiers and everyone inside. Ben snaps from his stupor and grabs and urges you to follow him, ducking and avoiding blasts and punches from the armored-soldiers.
“Don’t look back and just reach my parents no matter what!” Ben shouts to you, both at the same time activating your lightsabers to deflect blasts and swing at the armored-soldiers.
Your eyes search all over the place and grow desperate to try and feel any spark of force within you. But nothing, you’re left with nothing, just jumping as the castle rumbles again and a window explodes as an explosion hits the side of the castle you were on, causing the building to tilt and your fear, and anger to rise. You slide slightly to the side but firmly grip onto Ben, spotting his mother and Artoo a few feet away. He quickens his pace and pulls you along, reaching his mother and not hesitating to be protective and curious. “Where's dad?”
“I sensed something was off, so I sent him to the ship he should be here soon! One of you help, Artoo break the window to be ready to jump when Han comes.”
You instantly nod and join Artoos side, stabbing your lightsaber through the thick glass and slowly, but surely attempting to melt a circle on the window. You try to avoid turning back at the sound of blasts all over, and screaming echoing in your ears, but you remind yourself that not only will you provide an escape for your family and you, but for these people too. That keeps you motivated to keep trying to cut the window. Albeit, all until another explosion hits the whole wall at your side gets blown in, making you flinch as debris flies past you and the force of the explosion sends the tower to tilt more and for you to almost slide out if it wasn’t for Artoo wrapping a cord around your wrist.
“Thanks bud,” you smile, digging your heels into the floor and picking your lightsaber off the floor; “you’re always there when I need—” you suddenly stop and your eyes widen as they focus on one single scene playing across from you. It takes you a moment to break from your stupor as your face expresses pure fear at what you see, but once you do, you’re slightly bending your knees to begin to run towards Poe getting badly hurt by three of the shadow-like, special all black uniformed soldiers. But before you could take your first step, arms wrap around you and you’re pulled back into a firm chest. When you look back you see no one other but Ben holding you back.
“No! Leave him, the Falcon is here we have to go!”
“No!” You bellow, kicking your feet and trying to break from his hold, feeling angry tears roll down your cheeks. “I need to help him!” The gleam of a vibro-sword catches your attention and that same fear from when you lost Jacen sparks in your brain, that same adrenaline. You feel it makes you stronger. This time you were.
Were you faster though?
Without the force could you save Poe before the blade punctured his body?
“No Ben, Poe needs me!” You cry, wiggling your arm out and throwing your elbow back to hit Ben’s jaw. Causing his grip to loosen, and giving you your chance to escape, instantly breaking into a full sprint towards Poe. Feeling your heart pump wildly in your ears, and your chest heavily heave, tears mixed with sweat, and your attempts to avoid being hit, or shot felt like a breeze. However nothing felt greater than jumping over your last obstacle and jamming your lightsaber on one of the special soldiers back as you landed on the floor.
The two soldiers trying to hold Poe down, stop as they see you throw their comrade to the side and you hear Poe utter your name in a surprised gasp. “Y/N?”
You offer him a faint smile and whisper, “I made it in time.” After one last short lingering look, you take out your other lightsaber from your side, flipping it in your hand so you could swing it and activate it, so the blade could scratch one of the soldiers helmet, making their hold on poe fall and letting him grab his blaster to swiftly shoot their other one at his side.
Leaving Poe ultimately ripping his helmet off and showing you the soft and shocked mixed expression on his face. “You came back for me?”
The corner of your lips tug into a smile, and just before you could speak your thought out loud, another loud, impactful blast hits the castle and this time you’re sliding off the castle that’s now hanging by a thread, while the top floor off you were on, hangs on its side. Before you could fall off the castle and free fall into the sky, you come to a skidding stop and manage to stop yourself on the rubble of the broken wall, staring out at the rubble, broken and tilting ceiling, fire and chaos hundreds of feet below. Poe however didn’t stop himself in time and hung from the side of the castle. Looking up at you with a fear-stricken look.
You instantly reach for his hand to try and pull him up, but in the dark temptation hits again, harder than ever. Kill him. Let him fall and you’ll get your brother back. Your family will be complete. You’ll end this war. Kill him. Let him fall.
“Y/N, pull me up.”
Your gaze snaps to Poe, and you meet his brown eyes, blinking to break from the cloudy daze and using both hands to pull him slightly, ignoring the blinding pain in your head and trying to pull him up with all the strength you could manage. “Poe, you’ve got to help me a little, you’re too heavy.”
Poe nods, heaving as he dares to look down before holding to your arm and helping you pull him up. “Okay, okay.”
“Drop him,” a real voice whispers by your ear, making you jump and snap your head over your shoulder to see one of the shadow-like, special soldiers beside you, it’s helmet caved in by the impact of your lightsaber, and showing a yellow eye.
“What?” You gasp.
“Drop him. I know you want to. You feel it, don’t you, Skywalker.”
Your hold on Poe weakens and your eyes remain wide, unable to blink out of the terror you felt by his words. “Wh-what. Who are you?”
They come closer and lift their helmet to just reveal their pink lips. “Your solution. Drop him.”
“To make myself legit, I’ll say this, you’ll find your first key to bring your brother back, in Dagobah.”
You gasp again, feeling your eyes fill with tears. The soldier drops its helmet and steps back, you keep looking over your soldier and let something completely cold take over. In one moment you feel Poe’s hand, the next you feel nothing, but a cold breeze. You’re lost in a dark cloud, and feel nothing but anger.
But it all disappeared in a snap as the sound of your name coming from below snaps you back and out of whatever faze you were stuck in. “Y/N!”
Instantly you fall on your knees and get close to the edge, feeling the heat of the fire below burn your face and the breeze howl in your ears. You throw your hand out and scream for him with the tears streaming down your cheeks, and complete heartbreak expressed in your eyes. “POE! NO!” Again you try with all your will to reconnect to the force.
But nothing. You feel nothing but failure. You see nothing but a disappearing figure as Poe is falling down and covered by the black smoke. Leaving you numb and broken. Leaving you to hear no one but the same soldier return to your side to grab the back of your shirt and pull you to them, proceeding to only whisper in your ear, “long, live, the Dark side.”
Before you could fight back, the soldier hits the side of your head hard and has your concinosess fading to black.
You’re only left to feel the breeze hit your body, see the blue sky above you, feel the sun rays dry your tears and warm your face, hear the wind howl in your ears and the soldiers' words echo in your ears after they throw you out of the broken window.
The last thing you feel is your body crash onto something hard that stops the feeling of yourself falling. You hear Ben's voice echo in your ears, but you block it out as a numbness takes control of every part of your brain. You hadn’t fallen into unconsciousness like you thought you would, so you weren't saved from hearing the soldier's voice in your mind. “Long, live, The dark side.”
You weren’t saved from seeing Poe’s face haunt your mind.
A/N- haha :)
Tagged- @thescarletknight2014 , @softly-sad @golden-guide​, @abysshaven , @a-dorky-book-keeper @kit-jpg , @zoeyangels, @algenforthewin, @leilei-draws , @throughparisallthroughrome
Permanent taglist- @ms-dont-care​ , @commondazy , @paintballkid711 @dankfarrikdin
29 notes · View notes
dindjarriiin · 5 years
din djarin || spaceboy.
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Request: Love your writing!! Can you write an imagine where the reader is kidnapped by some Empire sympathizers and used as bait to catch Mando and the child? They hurt her/try to get information out of her but Mando saves her and then bandages her up? Super fluffy and awesome? Thank you so much!
The metallic taste of blood filled ___’s mouth. She spat the crimson tar onto the cement floor in distaste, a weak chuckle leaving her dry lips as her head lolled back. “I gotta say,” She began, a light smirk on her face as she schemed. “You got a mean right hook.” Another punch to her stomach made her groan and lurch forward in the chair. The metal keeping her bound in said infernal chair was beginning to cut into her skin, the edges too clean and too sharp. “’s that all you got?” Blood shot out of her nose in a gruesome fashion as the fist slammed against her face.
“Your sarcastic wit will soon run thin, bounty hunter.” The cloaked man had yet to reveal his face, stood in the corner of the room amongst the shade and shadow. “At least by the time Rax is done with you.” Despite the dim lighting, ___ could see the yellow of his teeth as he grinned, even from where she was bound.
“Look, how many times have I gotta tell you? I don’t know anything about a Chil-” Rax knuckles collided with ___’s face yet again. The right side of her face had gone numb, but the hard blow didn’t make her head spin any less. “I’m telling you, you got the wrong gal.” Her voice was much weaker this time as her eyes trailed up and tried to look at the figure. 
“You have been seen with the Mandalorian and the Child on numerous occasions, bounty hunter. Do not try to deny your...involvement.” The crude smirk on his face was just visible, making a shiver run down ___’s spine. She gulped, leaning back into her chair once more as the cloaked figure began to pace in the shadows. “Our sources are never wrong. So you will tell me where the Child and that hunk of metal is or I will gut you like the feral beast you are.”
___ shook her head, a defiant smirk on her face as she looked into his soul. She didn’t need to see him to feel his surprise at her resilience. Blood trickled down her forehead, her lip split and bleeding too. One side of her face had already begun to swell, a nasty green colour beginning to flourish across her cheekbone; she looked like hell, yet still, she managed to hold her head up high. “I ain’t tellin’ you shit, old man.”
The cloaked figure appeared to let out a hum in what could only be described as faux-surprise. “I expected as much...” He sighed, readjusting his cloak. “Rax, do what you must. The Mandalorian will be here soon. Whether she remains alive or not, I do not care. It is not her that I want.” The figure began to leave the dilapidated room, the realization of the situation suddenly dawning on ___.
“Wait! Please! D-Don’t hurt him!” She cried out, arms tugging on the metal restraints. “Please.”
“Ah, so you do know him?” The figure turned, one shaft of light from a hole in the roof shining down on his face. ___’s face paled. Of course. She should have known that voice.
“You...” She whispered, eyes trained on him intently as she swallowed her fear. “What do you want from it, huh? It’s just a kid.” The Client laughed, humoured by her questioning.
“Why is it that you bounty hunters simply cannot just keep your mouths shut?” The Client asked mockingly, eyes squinting down at ___ with assured malice which she could feel from her chair. It seemed to pierce into her skin and sting her insides sharply. 
“He isn’t going to come after me, you know?” ___ called out as The Client turned once more to leave. “He’s got no idea where I am.”
“I wouldn’t be too sure of that, dear.” The Client taunted. The sudden distant sound of gunfire only made his grin widen. “It appears he is as stupid as I thought.”
“Look, there are other ways we can sort this out, just don’t hurt him h-”
“Your Mandalorian broke the code and stole what was mine. And for that, he will pay with his life.” He hissed, spit flying from his mouth. “As will you...” The Client left without another word, leaving ___ alone in the room with the looming Rax, who smiled down at her in excitement as he cracked his knuckles.
Din was panicked. He hadn’t felt this panicked since his last gunfight which nearly ended up with him dead. A cold sweat had formed on his forehead, his heavy breathing fogging up his visor. Where was she? The Child remained in his ship, sleeping in his cot as Din traversed through the busy market on the seventh level of the Underworld. ‘I’m going to the market.’ she had told him with a smile. ‘I think it’s time for a new blaster. I won’t be long.’
It had been two hours. The Underworld itself was a dangerous place, but Din knew ___ could handle a simple pickpocket or drunkard. A feeling in his gut told him something bad had happened.
Pushing through multiple bodies in the dimly lit level, he finally noticed a stall adorned with numerous weapons; blasters, staffs, blades. A lone Clawdite manned it, trying to entice as many customers as he could, though was often met with disinterest. Din, however, flocked to his call immediately.
“You. Have you served a woman recently? Human. ___ hair and ___ eyes?” Din asked almost desperately, though luckily his helmet softened his desperation. The Clawdite seemed to think for a moment, hand on its scaly chin as he pondered.
“Oh, why yes I have! After a DL-44 she was, haggled me down to a measly 700 credits too! The gall on that one, but I must say she was very convincing, she would have had me head if-”
“Do you know where she went?” Din interjected, already tired of the incessant rambling of the merchant.
“Well, as a matter of fact I do...But it will cost ya!” He exclaimed with a grin. Din rolled his eyes before deciding that he didn’t really have any other choice. He could be roaming this place for hours before he found her.
“What’s your price?” He asked through gritted teeth.
The Clawdite pretended to think for a moment, humming to himself before almost leaping over the counter as he pointed to Mando’s waist. “That blaster on ya belt.” Din subconsciously touched it, frowning at the thought of parting with it. There was nothing particularly grand about the blaster itself, in fact, it was quite a poor model. But what made it so special was the fact that ___ had given it to him.
“This blaster?” His question was met with an enthusiastic nod. “And you’ll tell me where she went?” The Clawdite nodded once more, holding his hand out with desperate excitement. “Fine.” Din grumbled, placing the blaster into his hand. The Clawdite exclaimed in glee, jumping on the spot as he admired the metal object. “Hey- you said you’d tell me where she went.” 
“Oh, yes!” The Clawdite pulled his gaze from the blaster for a moment to look at Din. “There were a few stormtroopers and a mean lookin’ Barabel. Snatched her right up. Caught wind of them talkin’ about a client after they knocked her out.”
“And you didn’t stop them?”
“It’s the Underworld, m’boy. Kidnappin’ and the likes are just a part of livin’ down ‘ere.” The Clawdite dismissed, attention falling back onto his new blaster. “That’s all I can tell you I’m afraid.” 
Din let out a growl, kicking the stand in anger as thoughts of what The Client would do to her filled his mind. He couldn’t let anything happen to her. Not now. With newfound determination, he made his way back to his ship, and set course for the place where it all started.
“So, Rax...You’re a merc I take it?” ___ began to rattle off nervously, attempting to buy herself some time. She prayed to the Maker that it wasn’t Din out there making all that racket. The remnants of the Empire were sneaky. They had snatched her when she was alone, far from Din and the Child. A simple refuel gone to shit in a matter of seconds; one minute she was walking down the markets of Coruscant, the next she was bound to a metal chair and being beaten by a half-wit. 
“No more talking.” Rax growled out, edging closer to her. “Now you bleed-”
“Hey, wow, Rax. Let’s just think about this, okay?” She smiled shakily up at the tall Barabel who had already poised his fist ready to lay another punch on her. Her hands felt around the edge of the cuffs for anything, fingers finally settling on a screw which wiggled under her grip. Idiots, she thought. “You’re a merc, right? Which means you can be bought?” Rax’s head tilted at this, ___’s eager smile and talk of credits distracting him for the time being.
“Empire pays me good.” He snapped out of his intrigue for a moment, punching ___ round the face yet again. Her tongue traced her bleeding lip, blood beginning to drip down onto her shirt. Her patience was running thin, but her fingers couldn’t work any faster as she tried to unscrew the damned screw. The sound of gunfire drew nearer.
“But there is no Empire, Rax. Not anymore. You know that.” She spoke to the reptile as if he were a child, but somehow she knew this was the way to get through to him. “The Empire have nothing, and The Client,” ___ laughed. “He’s not got enough credits for the clothes on his back let alone your paycheck.” Rax frowned at this, the grey scales of his brow contorting. “They are gonna cut you off, Rax. And you’ll be left...with nothing.”
Rax thought for a moment; long and hard. But something stirred within him. “You lie!” He roared, bringing his fists up above his head, ready to smash down onto to ___’s skull. But before he could lay the lethal blow, ___ felt the cuffs detach from the chair, allowing her to leap from her seat and onto the floor.
It took Rax a moment to realize he hadn’t just squashed ___ into thin air, giving her time to leap onto her feet, all the while her hands remained bound behind her back. The Barabel was overcome with a newfound rage as he looked at the woman before him, hot air almost steaming out of his nostrils. ___’s eyes widened as he plucked a dagger from his thigh, blade twinkling in the shaft of light. “Now, now, Rax... Let’s not do anything- rash!” ___  managed to dodge the first swipe, leaping on her tiptoes to the other corner of the room. “Rax, calm down...” 
“Stop talking!” Rax yelled, pure rage in his eyes as he bounded towards ___. Thinking on her feet, ___ ran partially along the wall, pushing off just as Rax charged at her and kicking him in the face. She breathed out as he fell to the floor, but her face quickly fell as he stumbled back up again. 
“Oh, shit-” Her grumble was cut off as Rax swung his dagger violently, ___ bending almost backwards as she tried to avoid it. At one point her foot caught a loose rock, making her lose her balance. In the time it took her to regain it, Rax had taken a swipe and caught her cheek, the searing pain making her grunt. “Did I ever tell you how dumb the name Rax is?” She hissed, thoroughly pissed now. 
The insult only fueled Rax’s rage more, and she only just managed to roll out of the way of his fury. “Stop moving!” His voice tore through the walls as he threw the dagger in anger.
___ yelled out in pain as it lodged itself into her shoulder. She looked down at the hilt and then back to Rax, who seemed to admire his aim with smugness. Glaring at the Barabel, ___ took the leather-wrapped hilt in between her teeth, pulling it out in one swift tug. A strained groan left her mouth as the sensation rippled through her, but she kept her focus. Her tongue manoeuvred the dagger so that it faced forward, her teeth clenching down hard. “Come on, big boy.” She spat, words muffled slightly by the weapon in her mouth.
Rax seemed shocked, eyes wide as he processed her words before he returned to his natural pissed mindset. With a low grunt, Rax started to charge towards ___ who stood her ground, waiting until he was only a few feet in front of her before swinging her leg around, boot smashing into the side of his head.
He fell to the ground with a discombobulated groan, head dizzy. In the time it took him to process what was going on, ___ had straddled him. "W-Wha- ah!" Rax yelled as ___ brought the dagger down into his eye, pushing with her mouth until his body fell limp.
The sound of a blaster hitting the ground made her head snap up, eyes falling on none other than the Mandalorian. "Din," She beamed, shakily standing up and running over to him. Din caught her in his arms, holding her to his chest as he basked in her being. "Din, you shouldn' have come. It's a trap." She breathed out, energy depleted entirely as the pain from her injuries finally began to surface.
Din took notice of the slight slur of her words and gripped her arms, pulling her back so he could take in her injuries. His gloved hand ghosted over the cut on her left cheek, his other hand gently caressing the bruised and swollen right side. Blood had crusted in her hair, a lone trickle which had dropped down the side of her head now brown as it dried. His thumb traced her lip, still bleeding. He wouldn't have noticed the wound on her shoulder if it weren't for the red which seeped into the white of her shirt. "You're hurt."
He knew how dumb that sounded, but it's all he could fathom. ___ chuckled, relishing in his tender touch. "You should see the other guy." Oh, I have, he wanted to say. But no words came out. He just smiled in relief behind his visor as he took in the sight of her, as beaten and dishevelled as she may be. A soft silence fell over them as they took a minute to take in each other, the fact that they both stood alive being quite a miracle. The sound of distant yelling, however, brought them from their admiring. ___ turned, flashing her conjoined hands to Din, fingers wiggling for emphasis. “Get me outta these things, huh, spaceboy?”
Din got to work immediately; fiddling with his micro-probe until the cuffs dropped loose from her wrists and onto the floor. ___ smiled up at him, taking in her newfound mobility before throwing her arms around his broad shoulders, this time able to hug him back. Her head nestled within the crook of his helmet and shoulder only momentarily before Din pulled -albeit reluctantly- away. “Come on, we should be able to get back to the ship without them seeing us.” He poked his head out the door, scanning the carnage outside the small hut they were currently in. ___ was quick to follow until she skidded to a halt in front of him. “___, what are you doing?” 
“My blaster,” She exclaimed, returning back to Rax’s body which lay dormant on the floor. With a heave, she managed to roll the mass over, fishing out her DL-44 from the back of his trousers. “Aha!”
Din wouldn’t admit that he found the action incredibly endearing, instead, he masked it with an impatient wave of his hand, beckoning her over. “We need to hurry before they get reinforcements.”
“It’s the shitstains of the Empire, they don’t have reinforcements.” ___ scoffed, walking straight past Din and out into the open. Din stood still, watching in disbelief as she turned the corner, only for her to casually return in a matter of seconds. “Okay, so they have reinforcements...” 
“Ow! Ow! Ow! Easy on the stabbing there, Din.” She hissed as Din pulled the needle through her skin for the fourth time. “You know maybe if you took the gloves off it would be easier?”
Din sighed, head tilting in a way that ___ knew he was raising his eyebrow at her. She returned his gaze with an eyebrow raise of her own, the usual battle of stubbornness commencing. As usual, ___ won. Din slipped off his gloves, placing them neatly next to the med box before picking up the needle again. ___ was silent this time as he stitched up her cheek with much more ease and practice. “You’re burning holes into my head, ___.” Din said without even glancing away from the needle and thread.
___ hummed, not particularly ashamed in being caught staring; it was just his visor after all. She liked to imagine what he looked like. She had a vague idea, from what he had told her. That, and she had traced every inch of his face with both her fingers and her lips. She just couldn’t help but picture it; morphing each time she glanced away into another form. Her favourite was the image of him she imagined fleetingly; dark hair and darker eyes. “I like it when you take your gloves off.” She said softly, still looking straight into him. “Your hands are the only part of you I can touch without closing my eyes.” Her smile was gentle, but also sad. Din knew she didn’t resent him for his religion. She supported him in every way, but he knew how hard it was for her not to look him in the eye, not when he had that privilege himself. He longed for her to look into his eyes and see the way he looked at her, with so much love and adoration...not that he would ever admit to that. 
He snipped the thread after finishing up the stitch, putting the scissors and needle down onto the table next to them both. He watched her for a moment, staring right back at her before his bare hand reached up to her bruised cheek. She relished in his touch, cancelling out the light pain the pressure caused and closed her eyes, but only for a moment. They opened when he brought his other hand up to wipe away the dried blood from her nose and lip, tenderly dabbing the areas with a damp cloth, all whilst keeping his hand on her cheek.  After a few moments of peace, Din awkwardly muttered: “...you should get some grog on that cut.”
___ groaned dramatically, standing up from her chair and hauling herself to the other side of the ship where the cot hovered. “Way to ruin the moment, spaceboy.” She teased, smirking to herself as Din quickly put away the medical supplies in a flurry. He always reached the point where it was too much and his rational thoughts and senses flew out the window and into the vast nothing of space. ___ did that to him. “How’s the kid been, anyway?” She said, changing the subject so he wouldn’t get too embarrassed. The cot opened with a hiss to reveal the sleeping creature, blissfully unaware of the shameless (on ___’s end, at least) flirting going on outside the steel doors between his parents. 
“He’s been asleep the whole day,” Din informed her from across the ship as he placed the medkit back in its rightful place. “good thing too, he would’ve been a handful if he realized you were missing.” ___’s finger traced the soft green skin gently as a warm smile graced her face. Din watched in awe at her tenderness towards the green baby, and found a smile of his own reaching his face. “___,” Her head instinctively turned, but it immediately whipped back as she noticed his hands on the bottom of his helmet, ready to take it off. He didn’t need to tell her to close her eyes, she knew, even before the hiss his helmet made when he took it off, or the clunk that echoed as he placed it on the table. Even before his footsteps slowly made their way towards her and the baby, and even before his bare hand lightly touched her neatly bandaged shoulder. 
He guided her to face him by lightly gripping her chin, entirely at his mercy as she turned away from the baby. She could feel the heat from his breath, her hands instinctively moving to cup his cheeks, basking in the warmth of flesh beneath her fingertips. Soft tendrils of hair tickled her fingers as she moved her hands down and to the back of his neck. “What’s my prognostic, doc?”
Her jest made Din chuckle, a glorious sound that wasn’t masked by his visor. It was a warm sound, not the robotic jargon that usually came out, and ___ could feel it against her chest. “I’d say you’ve had one helluva ass-kicking; busted lip, busted nose, stab wound on the shoulder and cheek,” he listed teasingly, enjoying the laugh that escaped ___’s lips. “But I think you’ll pull through.” He said, much softer this time. ___ wanted to open her eyes, to be able to see the warm smile that adorned his face as he looked down at her. But for now, she could settle for the softness of his lips as they met hers, mindful of her cut. 
His hands tightened around her waist, pulling her closer to his chest as hers wrapped around his neck entirely so that their bodies were as close as they could possibly be. Din allowed the kiss to deepen, the affection being lacking as of late due to the influx of near-death experiences and quick getaways. He only pulled away when he could feel himself getting lost, a groan leaving his mouth as ___ traced his lip with her tongue and pulled on the hair at the nape of his neck. “Thanks for saving me back there, spaceboy.” She whispered against his lips, foreheads touching each other. 
Din laughed quietly, smile wide as he pressed another kiss to her lips. “Seems to me that you didn’t need saving.” ___ shrugged her shoulders, acting coy as she debated his reply.
“Mmm...Maybe,” Din shook his head at her antics with a grin. “But it sure as hell beat bein’ stuck out there alone.” She sighed in content as she rested her head against his chest, Din’s chin settling on the top of her head as they held each other close. “Besides, these scars will make me look badass.” Din breathed out a laugh into her hair. “Hey! Don’t laugh at me! I killed a Barabel with, might I add, my hands bound!” She protested, pulling away so she could frown up at him, eyes still closed which only made the situation more humorous to Din. “I tell ya, the things I put up with for you, spaceboy...”
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that-one-jasper · 4 years
Soundwave X Curious! Reader
(I changed the request a bit since I feel like Decepticons would be a little more hostile and careless to humans, so I hope that's okay.)
Regular. P.O.V
       Soundwave thought you were very peculiar to your species. When Megatron had first claimed you for ransom, all you did was wander around the Nemesis, and ask every single Cybertronian you saw a handful of questions. You also seemed to develop a bad habit of exploring the ship without anyone to guard you, meaning you've had more than a few close calls with meeting an unholy fate.       Megatron noticed how you would wander, and decided to put Soundwave in charge of you, though you thought he was boring. How would you learn anything if all he is, is silent? You had managed to slip away a few minutes ago, Soundwave getting busy with talking to Megatron about something-or-other. You were on your way to see Knockout, who had become accustomed to your daily visits to the medbay. He also didn't seem to mind answering any questions you had, as long as it didn't relate to any sensitive information.   However, due to your small size, and the lack of care from the cons, they didn't care if they crushed you, so you had to always be alert. One con who seemed to have it out for you was Starscream. He hated humans with a burning passion, and would blatantly ignore your shouts of 'be careful!' And would just keep walking, narrowingly missing you.     This seemed to be the case now, but just as you opened your mouth to call out for him to watch out, when a thing tendril wrapped around you and lifted you into the air, and safely onto your guardian's shoulder. "Watch-Out," He stated, using clips of others to communicate. "Thanks, Soundwave!" you smiled, before glaring over to Starscream, who had stopped to look at the two of you. "I suggest you watch your fleshy, Soundwave," he snarled. You narrowed your eyes at the feminine seeker. "Well, at least I don't look like a slut," You jabbed, pointing a finger at him.     The seeker looked like he was about to retaliate before Megatron was heard across the commlink. "Starscream. Head to the flight deck with an aerial patrol unit. Do not keep me waiting." Said seeker merely 'Tched' and shoved passed Soundwave. "He always seems to have a dick up his ass," you commented, crossing your arms. Soundwave had then taken you back to the main control room, where you watched him type in Cybertronian for the rest of the day.
    Ever since then, whenever Starscream found you wandering the Nemesis alone, he'd deliberately tried to step on you, so you made sure to always keep an eye out for him. Today, however, as your curious nature got the better of you, you roamed around different parts of the ship where you haven't been before, like the Energon storage, where the vechicons hang out, (You met a sweet one named St3v3), and to areas where they planned out digging excavations for the Energon. Megatron, of course, had made to keep other sensitive stuff heavily guarded, like the weaponry or other secret-stuff like that. You didn't mind, you just liked to explore the new environment.
        You were, headed to see Soundwave again, having filled your need of curiosity for the day when you encountered Starscream again. Instead of insulting him, you decided to shy away to the corner of the wall, however, he mirrored your movements, and started coming dangerously close to you, making you anxious. "Hey man! I'm walking!" "And soon you won't be," he growled, and just as he went to step on you, a quick snake like tendril wrapped around you again, and quickly brought you away from the grey seeker, and closer to the dark shoulder plates os Soundwave, who stood tall next to The Decepticon Leader.     "Starscream," the words sounded almost venomous, and it snapped the Seeker into attention. "Y-Yes, Lord Megatron?" His raspy voice asked, making you cringe. "What were you doing to the fleshy?" "N-Nothing, Lord Megatron." Said 'Con raised a brow. "Oh? Because the surveillance tapes show otherwise." The Leader stepped forward, and Starscream almost visibly shrunk. "This is our only bargaining piece for the Autobots, do not, disobey me again." He eagerly nodded, and practically ran off, while Megatron turned around and sent a glance towards Soundwave. "And you, fleshy. Don't go around the ship unless you are accompanied by Soundwave or Knockout. We don't have time to go out and get another fleshy if somethings happens." You nodded your head, "Yes, sir." As the fearless leader walked away, you turned your attention to Soundwave. "Starscream is a huge glitch," You muttered, rolling your eyes. "Affirmative," Soundwave responded, making you laugh.
       Some days have passed and per Megatron's orders, you were always accompanied by Soundwave or Knockout, though usually you were seen with the silent observer. You enjoyed spending time with him, and since you've been reading so much Cybertronian, you've managed to learn bits and pieces of the ancient code. You'd always be shy to admit, that you've grown rather...fond, of the Decepticon. You always seemed to notice the small things he did, the barely noticeable reactions he'd have, it became easier to tell how he was feeling, too. Of course, there was always the question if he liked you back. Did Cybertronians even date? And how would dating a giant Cybertronian work? Did he like humans? Naturally, not to your surprise, curiosity took hold into your mind, those questions constantly ringing in your ear.      You looked over to the large bot who was typing away, seemingly unaware of his surroundings. You weren't aware fo the words that left your mouth. "Soundwave?" You said out loud, catching said bot's attention. He didn't say anything, as usual, but he looked over to you. "Yes?' You took a deep breath, "I like you. As in, dating-courting, as your kind may know it as." The once confident demeanour that once radiated off of you seemed to simmer in the silence. "I just wanted to tell you, before I left or if something happens, I don't even know how dating a Cybertronian would work, let alone you dating a human," you began to ramble, but you caught yourself.     Still not receiving a response, you looked up at him and saw that he has a smiley face on his visor, something you've never seen him do before. "The feeling is, reciprocated," his monotone voice echoed, making you smile. "Really? You mean it?" He nodded. "Wicked! Does...Does this mean we're, you know, together?" You fumbled a little bit but your nervousness completely evaporated at the nod he once again gave you.     It had been a few hours and currently, you were resting on his shoulder plates, peacefully napping. The observer just kept typing away, occasionally stopping when he felt you stir in your sleep. When you said you liked him..He was very happy. A warm emotion had flooded through his systems, and he was always curious about human nature, so now that you two were together perhaps he could get more research done. He felt you stir again, causing him to pull away from the keyboard once again, he used one of his tendrils to give you a poke to see if you were waking up, and when he didn't feel or hear you moving anymore, he dove back into his work, his mood much lighter and happier than before.
Gahhhh I am so sorry for this *v* It's not my best, and honestly it's very short. I don't think I've ever written for Soundwave before? So this was a first for me, and I'm super sorry if I botched your request. I do hope you enjoyed it, though, and that it wasn't too unbearable lmao.
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thewritewolf · 4 years
Two For Two Chapter 18: Close Call
A team of four enemies might be a little too much for our heroes to handle... especially with the elemental powers each of them possess.
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“Okay, Hawkmoth is definitely getting some extra power somehow,” Dragonbug said as she did her best to hold off what appeared to be a person made out of fire and a living whirlwind.
It was a frustrating combination - the whirlwind was scattering embers from the fire akuma, leading to a blaze that was slowly spreading across her city. A glance at the scene around her - all fire and smoke and heat haze - was enough to make her grateful once again for her miraculous cure. Soon enough, neither of them would be able to breath in this arena, let alone fight in it.
“Four akumas seems like an awful lot,” Snake Noir replied as he tried to stay ahead of two more enemies. “Do you think he’s been doing his homework? Or did he just find a new magic crystal or something in his cereal box?”
One of his opponents was similar to Stoneheart in that it looked like a person made out of boulders. The main differences were that this one was more the size of a large person rather than a giant, and it lacked a face. The other looked like a rolling tidal wave with a giant human face in the seafoam. As much as she would hope the water would cancel out the fire, it was doing a great job avoiding being helpful, instead constantly striving to slam into her partner.
“Only two of them are akumas,” Dragonbug corrected, using her yoyo shield to block a heat blast and getting a little singed anyway. “I think the earth and air ones are amoks.”
“Great, so Hawkbutt still has help. At least I feel better about this!” Snake Noir slammed his baton full force into the earth amok’s side, sending it flying into one of the burning buildings.
As glad as she was that they’d managed to get all the citizens out of the area before Hawkmoth’s crew arrived, she also recognized a losing fight when she saw one. And seeing the building collapse into a hellish blaze reminded her that they still had options.
“Chat, follow me!”
Latching onto an as-of-yet intact piece of masonry with her yoyo, Dragonbug pulled herself away with the wind roaring in her ears.
Or so she had thought, until she realized it wasn’t the usual wind whipping past her, but the living whirlwind assaulting her. She was being battered all around, her grip on her yoyo slipping as she held on for dear life.
It ended in an instant. There had to be something solid inside the air amok, otherwise Snake Noir’s baton extending into it at max speed would’ve done nothing. With a nod of appreciation at her partner, she pulled on her yoyo and they both got out of there.
A few streets over and they leapt through the windows of an abandoned office building.
“Over here!” Snake Noir grabbed her hand and pulled her into a bathroom. He let go of her and rushed into one of the stalls. She took the one next to his.
“Longg, Tikki! Divide!” Longg’s powers left her and for a moment, Ladybug stood in the bathroom stall. It didn’t last long before she called off that transformation as well. “Tikki, spots off.”
While the kwami looked up at her expectantly, she heard Chat go through the same process, less than a meter away from her.
“Sass, Plagg! Divide. Plagg, claws in.” Whoever it was behind his mask addressed her. “So, my lady. What’s the plan?”
“Well, the red potion for Tikki and Plagg, for sure. I'm not sure what else we should use, though.”
“‘Cause of all the fire, yeah, I figured.” There was a pause. “Wait, does that mean…?”
“Yes.” Marinette looked into her kwamis eyes and saw some surprise, but also steady resolve. “I think it’s time to use two potions at once.”
“Well,” Tikki said with some uncertainty. “You won’t have access to both at the same time, I think.”
“How would we use both then?” The boy who was Chat asked. “Is it wasted?”
“No…” Sass said. There was a hint of worry in his voice, but Marinette couldn’t figure out why. “You’d have to either turn off your primary miraculousss or redo the unification.”
“Sounds easy enough.” Marinette nodded. “Got it, Chat?”
“Y-yeah,” he said. Before she could wonder about his uncharacteristic nervousness, he pushed on. “So, second potion. What are you thinking?”
“Well… ideally we’ll be beating the fire akuma with the red potion.”
“It might be good to take out the water guy at the same time,” Chat added. “That way, we can put out some of the fires.”
“And if I’m right about them being the two akumas-”
“-which you no doubt are, knowing you-”
“-then that means we can focus on the mindless monsters afterwards. So maybe something that gives us some leeway. Flight again?”
“No orange?”
“If its true that Hawkmoth is copying the potions we use, then I’d like to keep that in the bag for now. I think we can manage with the others.”
“Spot on as usual, my lady. Ready to feed the kwamis and suit up?”
A smirk crossed her face. “Always.”
Snake Noir was working hard to keep the whirlwind and boulder monster at bay for his lady. Teaming up on the fire guy had ended up in disaster, but a quick reset and a change in strategy later and things were going a little better now. Even if he felt the loss of having more allies now more than ever.
Against his better judgement, he snuck a look over his shoulder toward Dragonbug while his opponents were still reeling from one of his attacks. Black covered her hands and feet, with bright flame markings ending the soot-like marks at her wrists and ankles. A scale pattern had replaced her usual suit texture, and gleamed like hot embers. He caught a look of determination as he saw through the blue tinted visor of her new helmet.
Then she swung her sword turned axe, its blunt side sweeping against the water monster and splashing the fire guy with a sizzling hiss. His attention was pulled back to his own fight just in time to dodge a rocky fist.
In comparison, his suit hadn’t changed all that much - instead of his smooth black leather, his suit almost looked like bronze. Tufts of tawny fur edged the cuffs of his gauntlets and boots, and a whole mane of it surrounded his head - a head which was now completely covered in something similar to a motorcycle helmet.
Which was topped with cat ears, naturally. A perfect match to the lion’s tail that had replaced his leather belt tail.
In this fight, the tail was less useful than the ears, which often gave him his only warning about when an attack was coming in. Sure, he didn’t need much help when it came to the rock monster since it telegraphed its attacks in what felt like hours ahead of time. But that wasn’t the one he was worried about.
No, what he had to listen for was the whistling wind that rapidly built to a howling gale as the air amok tried to slam into him. There was never much time to evade since it came so quickly, but the trade off was that it didn’t hit all that hard.
The problem was that the rock monster did pack a punch and being hit by the gale stunned him long enough for the boulder fist to wind up and hit him, something he’d figured out the hard way. Thank all the kwami for Second Chance or this battle might have been over already.
All that to say, this fight was on a razor’s edge but only for him. He was struggling to make any offensive moves, but then again, he didn’t really need to.
“Found you!”
The eager shout from his lady saw him look back just in time to see a splash of water reveal a necklace around the fire guy’s neck, buried in flame. But while she was busy rushing for that, he caught a glimpse of something in the water akuma as it took a moment to recover. Something weirdly shaped located at the core.
On the bare-looking akumas and amoks, odds were that it was the source of their power. He waited and listened, staring intently at the rock monster as he positioned himself just right.
The whistling started just where he thought it would, but even then he waited, tensing all his muscles, until the howling gale were nearly on him then-
He threw himself to the side with as fast as he could, at the very last possible second. The living whirlwind breezed past him to slam into the stone beast, staggering it back a step and stunning the wind as well. The two of them distracted briefly, he whipped around and ran.
As he approached, Dragonbug was making desperate grabs for the now freely dangling necklace, but the fire akuma was keeping just out of reach. The water akuma, trying to support its ally, was too focused on Dragonbug to notice him. At least until his baton was slicing through it. It connected with something solid which shattered satisfyingly.
The water creature began to shrink in on itself as it transformed back into a human. The sight of which must have surprised the fire akuma and uncertainty flickered in its flames. A moment of hesitation, but more than enough to give Dragonbug the upper hand as she lunged forward and yanked the necklace off it. A swift punch shattered it and the fires coating the person extinguished.
Two purifications later and two citizens in The Last Airbender cosplays stood blinking in bewilderment on the battlefield. Trusting Dragonbug to fix things, Snake Noir returned to the remaining amoks who were even now barreling down on them.
“Water Dragon!”
A sudden rain, like a tropical deluge, fell all around them. The fires were extinguished, leaving the area much colder and darker than before.
“Chat, come on! Get the civilians out and swap out!”
After blocking a swing from the rock monster and dodging the whirlwind, he nodded and scooped up one of the civilians. Dragonbug got the other and they escaped the area. The whirlwind seemed to be playing it safe now, since it didn’t chase after them.
The four of them landed on a rooftop, where they dropped off the civilians.
“I’m super sorry about all this,” the woman wearing a Water Tribe cosplay said. “I didn’t think an argument would be enough to cause… that.” She gestured toward the scorched section of the city, now dripping wet.
“Just an argument turned you into such powerful akumas?” Dragonbug’s eyebrows rose.
“Well, it was a pretty heated fight,” the man in a Fire Nation outfit said with a smirk. Snake Noir chuckled appreciatively.
“Any clue where the… control thing for those things are?” Snake Noir tapped his chin in thought. “It’ll probably be something tied to your fight.”
The man and woman glanced at each other, then patted themselves down.
“Uhh… Do you have that wood leaf?”
“The one painted to look slightly burned, like Aang had practiced firebending on it, right?” The woman shook her head. “No, I don’t. Do you have the glowy crystal, like from the cave of two lovers?”
“Nope,” the man replied, popping the ‘p’. He turned to the two heroes. “Looks like you’re after a crystal and a wooden leaf.”
Dragonbug tapped her chin. “I bet the leaf is lightweight, huh?”
“Oh for sure,” the woman said. “It kept getting blown away by the fan.”
“I see…” Dragonbug took out her yoyo and jumped up onto the roof ledge, Snake Noir following her lead. “Thanks for the help, you two!”
Snake Noir waved at them as he jumped off the roof after her. “Stay out of trouble!”
“I’ve got-” Dragonbug stopped when Snake Noir’s bracelet let out a shrill beep. “Take care of that first and meet me at the amoks. Just follow my lead and we should have this one in the bag.”
“I never doubted it for a second.” He gave a quick bow and dashed off.
“Perfect timing, Chat,” Dragonbug said as she engaged in an aerial duel with the living whirlwind and nimbly dodging the occasional thrown boulder from the rock monster.
Snake Noir’s emerald green wings carried him into a flanking position, no doubt intending to help her beat up on the wind amok. But she had different plans. It had taken her a while to figure out which piece of floating debris was the leaf in question, but once she saw it she had refused to take her eyes off of it. All she had to do was wait until-
“Wind dragon!’ A gust of wind, even stronger than her enemy but very short lived, blew straight at the leaf… and right into her partner.
Although he was surprised at the sudden attack, it all clicked for him once the leaf smacked him in the forehead. A quick punch shattered it and the winds finally died down around them.
The purification must have been the final straw for Hawkmoth and Mayura, since they retracted the feather from the rock monster’s amok after a moment of hesitation. The feather slipped from between the monster’s fingers, causing it to drop the crystal the cosplayers had mentioned. Despite its best attempts, the feather didn’t get away either and it too was purified.
“Lucky Charm!” A first place medal landed into her hands and a smirk crossed Dragonbug’s face. She immediately tossed it back into the air. “Miraculous Ladybug!”
Dragonbug put her hands on her hips and watched with satisfaction while the city was mended before her very eyes. Snake Noir stepped up to her with a smile and a raised fist.
“May I interest you in a ‘pound it’ for a job well done?”
She pretended to consider it for a moment before nodding and returning the fist bump. “You may.”
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comicgeekscomicgeek · 4 years
Their Hero Academia – Chapter 59: Final Exam Part 1: Read the Directions
Presenting the next chapter of my on-going, next-gen, My Hero Academia fic, Their Hero Academia!
All chapters can be found here
The two weeks had passed very quickly, filled with cramming and practicing, and just a little time for themselves.   Midoriya and Tokoyami had been very insistent on that last point, stressing that looking after their mental health was just as important as their physical health and their academic progress.  Isamu had been glad for the breaks, however brief they had been, as he’d gotten time to spend with his girlfriend.  Class 1-B was just as busy with their exam prep, of course, but maybe once things were all over…
And the academic exams had indeed been rigorous, making the midterm look like a cakewalk by comparison. He was sure he’d done well on the physics exam, less so on the math exam (yes, physics was math, but the practical applications in physics made it a lot easier), with the rest falling on a spectrum of certainty.   He was pretty sure he hadn’t failed any of them, at any rate.
And then it was Friday morning, the day of their Heroics Exam.  The day all of them had been dreading.  Class 1-A filed into the classroom that morning with a tension hanging over the room like they were waiting for the dam to burst.
At the front of the room were Aizawa and All Might.  The former looked less his unusual dispassionate self than like some vulture eagerly awaiting the moment where the guy drops dead.   Isamu had a strong suspicion that whatever was going to go down in the exam, he had a heavy hand in it.  All Might looked slightly more serious than usual as well.
“All Might is going to brief you on the details of the exam,” Aizawa said.  “As well as some additional announcements.  Once those are complete, you’ll change into your costumes and then we’ll travel to the exam site.”
“Ahem, yes,” All Might said, stepping up to the podium.  “First… the announcements!  Starting with the next semester, I will no longer be your Heroics teacher.”
That got a collective gaps from the class.   “You didn’t say anything about this, Grandpa Might!” Midoriya piped up.  “What’s going on?”
“Ah ah ah, you did not allow me to finish, Young Grandson!” All Might bellowed.  “Yes, I will no longer be your Heroics teacher… for I will be your Principal!”
Well, that was unexpected. Sure, somebody had to get the job, but All Might?   Isamu supposed he was a veteran Hero and teacher, but sometimes he just seemed so goofy it was hard to picture him in a position of authority like that!  
All the same, he joined the rest of the class in clapping and cheering at the news.  Of course, that left a new question open…
“We are current looking into a candidate to replace me as your teacher,” All Might said, as though sensing the question lingering on the air.  “We’ll make the announcement about that when things are more certain.”
Satisfied with that, All Might moved on to the matter of their exam.  “As you already know,” he began, “your exam will be pass or fail for the entire class.  Aizawa, Vice-Principal Midnight, and I will be watching you during the entirety of it and scoring your performance accordingly.”
All Might pressed a button on a small remote and a diagram of a vast cityscape.  It looked like one of the training grounds, but not one Isamu was familiar with.   “This is Training Ground Omega,” he began.   “A vast cityscape.  While we have done numerous training exercises there with the second and third year Hero Courses, this will be your first time there.  While Heroes typically patrol and act around their Agencies and familiar territories, they never know when they may be called to more distant action.”
He pressed the remote again, cycling through pictures of the cityscape until it came to rest on a civilian defense shelter, a heavily protected building used in larger cities to give civilians a place to safely gather in the event of giant Villains or large-scale disasters and Villain attacks.
“For the purposes of your Exam, though,” All Might continued, “it is Omega City.  An isolated city devoted to scientific development.  An unknown number of Villains have attacked the city, forcing the population into hiding. Many of them were able to make it the defense shelter, but many more still remain outside it.  Furthermore, the Villains are after Doctor McGuffin.”
A picture appeared on the screen.   “Recovery Girl?!” the class shouted.
“Er, ah, no,” All Might said.  “Doctor McGuffin.   They’re after her Quirk research, which will make their own Quirks that much more powerful. But for the moment, she is safe in the shelter.”
He clicked the remote again, bringing up a series of bulleted points.  “You will have three hours for this exam and your objectives are threefold.  In order of priority: protect the civilian defense shelter and Doctor McGuffin. They Villains will try to attack it and capture her.  If they manage to get to the shelter and get her more than 100 meters away, you lose.
“The second objective is to rescue as many civilians still outside the shelter as possible.  The Villains may potentially operating in any area of the city, so you many have to protect the civilians from them, in addition to rescuing any trapped or injured by the damage the Villains caused.  We won’t be giving you specific numbers, but if too many of them die, you lose.
“The third and final objective is to defeat or capture the Villains, or failing that, delay them long enough for time to run out and “help” to arrive.  There’s failure conditions built into this as well.  You can’t simply hole up and wait them out.”
That… that was a lot. Almost to the point of being overwhelming.  Even with sixteen of them out there, it was a lot of ground to cover and a lot to keep track of.  Isamu could see Midoriya in the front row, already hunched over and scribbling furiously in his notebook. The way his mind worked, he probably already had the layout memorized and six plans in mind. And it didn’t look like All Might was done either.
“However, we will also be evaluating you on a variety of criteria, including your performance in the field, your decision making, your initiative and innovation, and your ability to work together.  Being defeated or knocked out does not necessarily mean a loss or a failing grade, depending upon the circumstances involved.”
Which meant he couldn’t just sit back and let the others take the lead.  He was good at letting other people take charge like that.  But maybe he could step up here.  So many people had seen something in him.  They couldn’t all be wrong.  …Could they?
“In addition to those watching and Recovery Girl,” All Might added, “Doc Clock and Water Spout will be in the shelter as civilians and will intervene if and only if it becomes absolutely necessary for your safety.  Robots will represent civilians in the field.  
“Make no mistake,” All Might finished, “this is as serious a challenge as you have ever faced.  But you have all performed remarkably this semester and I have every faith in your ability to go beyond!”  He flashed a “V”-sign.  “Plus Ultra!”
Before the class could join in, Aizawa shut that down.  “You’ve been briefed.  Get changed into your costumes and be outside on the bus in ten minutes.”
There was fifteen seconds of stunned silence before they bolted from their seats to their costume storage cubbies.
The civilian defense center was behind them, along with several smaller buildings, most of which looked damaged and broken.  But there was nothing behind it, so they only had to worry about attacks coming from the sides and front.  And maybe above, if any of the Villains had flying Quirks.  Those weren’t super-common, but not uncommon either, especially when there were two of them in their class alone.  Off in the distance, the sounds of destruction could be heard, and smoke could be seen rising from a few different points.
Yeah, Isamu thought, they were definitely being dropped right into the middle of the action. Sixteen of them against an unknown number of Villains with unknown powers, an unknown number of civilians to rescue, and a whole lot more unknowns.
They had ten minutes to strategize and then the exam would begin.  Isamu adjusted his gloves and kneepads, then made sure his bandanna and goggles were on tight.  
“What’s the plan, Gravi-Might?” he asked, using Midoriya’s codename now that were in the field. Maybe he shouldn’t have been deferring to him so easily, but the green-haired boy was usually the first one with a plan.  Isamu had given it some thought on the way over, mostly recognizing that he should probably be one of the people out in the field.  The more space he had to operate in, the better, even with perfecting his ability to turn his sliding field into projectiles.
Midoriya bent down and sketched a quick outline of the cityscape in the dirt, getting some on his bare fingers.  “Okay, so some of us need to stay here and protect the shelter.  The Villains are after Doctor McGuffin, so they’re going to show up here before too long.  But the rest of us need to cover the cityscape and look for civilians.”
“And the Villians,” Kirishima-Bakugo (Bombshell, he reminded himself) said, fiddling with the disk-launchers built into her gauntlets.  Of course she’d be more interested in fighting.
Midoriya drew three arrows in the dirt.  “Three search and rescue groups, one going this way, one going this way, and one going this way.  Splitting up as needed.”
There was the sound of another explosion.  Mineta (Purple Rein) pointed off in the distance.  “I recommend starting the opposite of thattaway.”
“Who goes where?” Sero asked, his pink face visible behind the clear visor of his helmet.  Isamu still couldn’t believe he’d gotten “Stick ‘Em Up” approved as his Hero name.
“We need to focus on defense, mobility, and rescue,” Midoriya said.   “I’m going to stay here.  I’d like Shock Jock, Purple Rein, and Thermo-Dyanmic with me.”
Izumi winced at that, the indicator bands from the regulator rig on her blue and orange costume showing a cheery green.  “I am capable of field action,” she said, firmly.  The look in her eyes was challenging, reminding him of her match with Kirishima-Bakugo in the Sports Festival.  She and Midoriya were good friends, but Isamu thought he respected her abilities more than that to sideline her…
Midoriya shook his head rapidly.  “It’s not that.  Your ice walls will make for the perfect defense if it comes down to the wire,” he said.
Oh, right.  Duh.  Fortunately, Izumi accepted the answer with a small nod.  “Very well.”
“Other than that… Slyde, Jet-Red, Jet-Blue, I want one of each of you in each of the rescue groups.  Somebody who can get from place to place quickly if they have to. And then I want Bombshell, Radiance, and Amaterasu to go with separate groups to spread out our heaviest hitters.”
“About time you recognize my usefulness,” Aoyama said, giving his cape a flick.  He was already glowing brightly in the sun.
A rapid-fire discussion followed and teams were quickly assigned.  Isamu was working with Tokoyami, Ojiro, and Sero.  A pretty good balance of skills there.  He just had to be sure he was pulling his own weight and not letting anybody down.
An alarm klaxon sounded.
All Might’s voice rang out over the loudspeakers.  “Your exam begins… NOW!”
As Toshi watched the three search and rescue groups move off, he wished them all the best of luck. He had a feeling they were going to need it.  Everyone was going to have to give their all here, himself included.  No coasting, no trying to boost the others at the cost of himself.  If they all didn’t do this just right… they all failed.
So no pressure or anything.
They’d all been issued headsets for communication.  That would make things easier if things got bad in any direction.  Plus he had Kaminari on his team, who had additional communications equipment in her new costume she could power with her Quirk.  He tapped the headset twice, the frequency for inside the shelter.  “This is Gravi-Might,” he said.  “My fellow Heroes and I are the scene.  No signs of trouble here, but we’ve dispatched Heroes to look for survivors. Everyone okay in there?  Is Doctor McGuffin safe?”
“We’re all right here,” came Uncle Kota--Water Spout—‘s voice, playing the part of a civilian.  “Including Doctor McGuffin.  Scared, but alive.”
“Over a hundred, counting myself.  I don’t know how many are still out there.”
To be expected.  Their teachers wouldn’t make this easy on them.
“Thank you,” he replied. “Don’t be afraid.  We’re here and we’re not going to let those Villains get past us.”
In the distance, he could hear a rumbling.   “Okay,” he told the others.  “I’m going to get some height.  Thermo-Dynamic, ice barriers at the choke points.  Shock Jock, Purple Rein, get ready for anything.”
Toshi took a breath, canceled his gravity, and jumped.  The civilian defense shelter was only two stories tall, with most of its space being underground.  He landed easily, quickly scanning in every direction.  Even if there was no “behind” the shelter, due to how the training ground was set up, he didn’t want to be docked points for missing a potential avenue of attack.  Too many small mistakes would probably be just as bad as a big one.
Below, he saw Izumi’s ice walls going up, blocking off the streets.  Maybe not the best idea?  They’d keep the search and rescue team from returning easily, but between the Twins, Haimawari, and his own Quirk, they could probably work past it?    Protecting the shelter was the primary mission objective…
Dammit, there were way too many choices here.  Was this what Dad and Mom felt like all the time?
The rumbling continued. Something big and heavy was definitely coming their way.  He could see them now.  A massive metal man, coming in from the north.  Not one of the teachers or any of the rest of the school staff.  Maybe it was another Hero that Aizawa had roped into things?  There were a few different Heroes who could turn themselves into metal, but at this distance, he couldn’t tell if it was any of them.  Maybe binoculars would be a good idea to add to his costume.
He tapped his communicator. “Coming in from the north,” he said. “Big metal guy.”
“My ice wall is in place,” Izumi said.  “Solid and a foot thick.  I am not sure how long it will hold.  But I can reinforce it, if needed.”
“This isn’t a sprint,” Toshi said.  “It’s a marathon.  Let’s see what he does.”
Below, he could see Mineta seeding the ground in front of Izumi’s barrier with her sticky balls. Kaminari adjusted some device on her new costume’s gauntlets, plugging her Cords into them.  Ever since she’d gotten the new costume, Kaminari hadn’t fried her brain once during training.  He hoped that would stay true for the exam.
“Coming up quick,” he told the others.  How could anybody that big—built like a sumo wrestler—and made of what looked like solid metal move that fast?  Had he seen him before, maybe in some old video?  The distorted metal face and the distance made it difficult to see.  For a moment, he’d wished he’d kept Shota on his team.  He’d probably know, even that far out.  “Brace yourselves.”
The metal man crashed through Izumi’s ice wall like it wasn’t even there.   Toshi took a couple steps back, then launched himself off the roof. He dropped like a missile, increasing his gravity several times over.
Toshi hit the metal guy hard, making a sound that made his ears hurt.  But he bounced off, smacking into the outside of shelter with an impact that made his bones rattle, even with the gravity turned up.
There was a terrible screeching sound as the metal man’s face twisted up in a cruel smile.  “Gonna have to do better than that, kid.”
“What could do this kind of damage?” Iida asked, as Katsumi’s team made their way through the cityscape.  His expression was unreadable behind his silver helmet, but the tone was unmistakable. “I am seeing intense structural damage, multiple fires, compromise power grid…”  He dropped out of the sky, firing his Jetpack Quirk in short bursts to land.
“Doesn’t matter,” Katsumi said.  “We get the people out and if we run into any Villains, we hit them until they stop moving.”   Something about this whole thing felt… off.  Maybe she was just still wound up over, well, everything going on in her life right now. But nothing was ever easy or simple where Aizawa was involved.
Right now, though, there was a job in front of them: search and rescue.  Not her forte, but there wasn’t anything out there she couldn’t do.
“Heroes are here!” she shouted.  “Call out!”
“Over here!’
“Oh thank goodness!”
“I need help!  I’m hurt!”
“My wife… you’ve got to help my wife!”
More voices quickly followed, tinny and robotic.  Most were coming from the nearby ruined buildings.   Too many of them.  How the hell were they supposed to know who to help first?  They were all buried inside or trapped somewhere.  No way to assess.
She took a breath. Make a decision and commit to it. The same way she did everything else.
“Okay,” Katsumi said. She was grateful now, more than ever, for having done her Internship with Aunt Ochaco.  Even if it has started disastrously, she was more prepared than ever for the ins and outs of rescue work.   “With Villains on the loose, we gotta play this smart.  Nobody on their own.  We do pairs.  Arms, you’re with me. We’re going right.  Lips, go with Jetset to the left.  Call out if you need help.”
“Question,” Sato said, raising his hand.  “Do you not actually know our names?”
“Question time’s over,” she snapped.  “We’re burning daylight!  Move!”
She didn’t bother looking to see if Shoji was following her.  Instead, she took off to the nearest building.  The storefront was damaged, but accessible. Even the plate glass window was intact for the moment. Inside, shelving units had been overturned and the lights were out. The lights were out, but enough sun still filtered through from outside that she could see.  A thick cloud of dust hung in the air, causing her to cough.   Definitely needed a filter or a rebreather or something on her suit when this was over.  Canned goods, boxes of nonperishable, and fresh fruits and vegetables were strewn all over the ground.  “Rescue’s here! Call out!” she shouted again, eyes scanning.
A tinny but clear groan reached her ears and she saw a robot pinned under one of the shelves.  With Shoji behind her, she quickly sprinted over. “Hey,” she said, “we’re here. It’s gonna be okay.”   She reached out and touched his neck, then double-checked the stimulated pulse in his free arm.  “Breathing” seemed okay too.  The robots designed for rescue training were stupidly lifelike in some ways.
Not like what had happened during her Internship.  Safe, survivable injuries.  This, she could handle.
“Vitals are stable,” she said.  “We’re gonna get you out of here.”  She felt a little foolish reassuring a robot, but they’d had to do so during rescue training at the USJ, so she figured it was being tracked here too.  She turned to Shoji.   “Think you can lift this?  Doesn’t look like any real crush injuries.”
Shoji nodded, not bothering with words.  They weren’t close, couldn’t even really call him a friend, but she respected that he just got down to business without wasting a lot of words.  Definitely in the least amount of nonsense category for her classmates.
With not even a grunt, he hefted the shelf off the robot.   “Anyone else here?” he asked.
“Just me,” the robot reported.  
That was some good news, at least.  Shoji scooped him up to carry him outside, carefully using his many arms to support him in case of other injuries.  As they passed the doorway into the street, a light one of the robot’s chest turned green.
“Rescue complete,” the robot said.  “You may set me down.”
As Shoji did so, Katsumi looked around.  The building across the street’s entrance had been blocked when they’d first passed, covered in rubble.  Now though, it looked like someone had eaten their way through it.  Sato then.  Good. But where was he and Iida?
The answer to that came in the form of the sound of a fist hitting metal.  Iida’s body came flying through the chewed-entrance, landing on the street in front of them.  He was still moving, though, even with a dent to his chest armor, slowly getting back to his feet,  His arrival was followed shortly by the biggest woman Katsumi had ever seen, larger and more muscular than even All Might in his heyday.  
Of Sato, there was no sign.
Though her own exams had finished on Thursdays, Koharu wasn’t thinking too much on the results. With her getting into the Hero Course being partially dependent on passing those, she’d studied like there was no tomorrow, cramming in knowledge until she felt like she could practically fire out her String Shot in the shape of the texts she’d consumed.  She was pretty sure she’d run Mogura and Tokuda ragged with all the studying.
No, what she was thinking about was the Hero Course final exam unfolding in front of her on a wall of monitors.  When All Might had offered her the opportunity to watch the exam and get a first-hand look at what she’d be getting herself into, she’d jumped at the chance.
So now she was in the monitor room with the former Number One Hero, a woman who despite being more than old enough to be her mother was still distractingly attractive, and Class 1-A’s homeroom teacher, who gave off the impression of being a hobo they’d picked up off the street, despite also being, somehow, incredibly frightening. He was sitting bolt upright in his chair, eyes darting from screen to screen.   All Might and Vice-Principal Midnight were watching too, but they paused occasionally to take notes.  Aizawa never looked down.  She was glad to be on the other side of the room from him.  He was frighteningly intense.
And he was going to be her teacher next year!
Midoriya and Haimawari she knew already, and she’d been talking with Ojiro, Sero, and Sato since the Sports Festival.  The others, she was mostly unfamiliar with.  She’s fought Mineta at the Sports Festival, and had been on Kirishima-Bakguo’s team during Quirkball, but beyond recognizing some names, she didn’t really know anything about the rest.  
She found herself scribbling down as many notes as she could.  What to do in emergency situations, what her future classmates were capable of, questions to ask later.  She’d been given a great opportunity and was determined not to waste it.
The way Class 1-A worked together…  she could tell most of them had grown up together.  There was a trust and teamwork between all of them that she envied. Even Haimawari, who was the self-professed “new guy,” seemed to fit in like a glove.
And despite how well it had carried her, her Quirk suddenly seemed very small and insignificant by comparison to theirs.  Powers over gravity, electricity, speed, fire and ice… could she really keep up with that?
“Your grandson is a natural leader,” Midnight told All Might.
“He gets that from Izuku,” All Might said.  “He always had a way of finding friends and making people want to listen to him.”
“They’re too reliant on him,” Aizawa said, flatly.  “We should have forbidden him from coming up with any of the plans.”
“You know as well as I do that wouldn’t have worked,” Midnight said.  “You might as well try and stop the Iida twins from being exuberant or Mineta from being so enthusiastic.”
“I would if I could. And that isn’t the word I’d use to describe that girl.”
“Still,” All Might said, “they’re off to a good start.”
“We’ll see what happens when they get into the real meat of the exam,” Aizawa replied.  “Which should be right… about… now.”
“I’m still not sure about this,” All Might said, actually sounding a bit worried.  On a few of the screens, Koharu could see costumed individuals starting to engage with the teams. “I know you vetted them, Aizawa, but still…”
“What?” Aizawa asked. “Their world just got infinitely more dangerous over their Internships.”   That was putting it mildly, Koharu thought.  “History is repeating itself.  You don’t think they need this push?”
“No, that’s not what I…”
“There’s no room for playing it soft anymore,” Aizawa said. But it was what he said next that made her blood run cold. “They’re fighting real Villains now.”
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shera-dnd · 5 years
The Hunter - Like Everyone Else
So yeah this one is a bit rushed, but it’s still good...I hope
Also I hold no shame over all the references I made in this
Lonnie had been surprisingly chatty the next morning. As they chased after their mark once more, she retold some stories of her time in the wastes and even some odd rumors she heard whispered about herself.
“You know how I only started doing this once the portal opened?” Lonnie asked, not really wanting or waiting for a confirmation “Because of that a lot of people think I’m some sort of alien bounty hunter who came to Etheria in search for more exotic and dangerous prey” She put on a gruffer voice as she spoke those last words, getting a loud laugh out of Catra. Lonnie couldn’t help but smile at that sound.
“How do people even come up with that shit?” Catra asked once she managed to contain her laughter.
“Right? And you haven’t even heard the worse ones” Lonnie answered, with that same bright smile from last night “Like there is one where I lost both my parents to bandits and then I spent my whole life training with assassins so I could someday take revenge on-”
Catra raised her hand and they both halted. She took her binoculars and looked towards the horizon. Among the mountains and canyons in the distance there was one pass that seemed to have crumbled onto itself, the same pass their target was currently riding towards.
“Looks like we found where that ship landed” Catra commented. She turned to see what Lonnie planned on doing now, but the woman was busy looking through the scope of her rifle.
“There seems to be a small settlement at the entrance of the pass” She informed Catra “Probably not their main camp. I suggest we go up and around and rappel onto the ship from above”
“How good is that scope?” Catra asked, dumbfounded by how far that thing could see.
Lonnie took a shot and their mark dropped unconscious onto the floor. “Good enough” She answered with a smug smile.
“Show off” Catra complained. This was a challenge and she would absolutely take her up on it.
The climb around the pass was surprisingly easy. Catra had always been the best at those climbing exercises back in the Fright Zone and Lonnie was perfectly equipped for this kind of terrain. Now from their vantage point they could see the clear trail of destruction the massive warship left as it crash landed.
Beneath them the pass seemed closed off by a terrible landslide, but knowing what to look for it was easy to find bits and pieces of the ship poking out from the rubble. Yet there were no signs of life down there.
“You think they’re hidden inside the ship?” Lonnie offered.
“It would be the most defensible position” Catra agreed “Good thing one of us knows their way through Prime warships” 
“And how did you get that information again? Right, you got captured” Lonnie taunted playfully. Catra played along, sticking her tongue out at Lonnie and getting a chuckle out of her “Okay, I’ll take us down and you guide us through the ship” She secured a grappling hook to a rock and extended one hand to Catra “Hold on”
Catra took her hand and was pulled close. Held safely against Lonnie’s chest as she began rappelling down the pass and towards the ship. Those stray thoughts about Lonnie’s defined muscles returned with full force. Catra refused to look up as to avoid seeing the undoubtedly smug and overconfident look on Lonnie’s face.
She wondered if Lonnie could do all this without the powered exoskeleton, probably not with the same ease, but she had seen what Lonnie could do last night and she wouldn’t be surprised if she could. The more she thought about it the more tempted she was to look up and see how Lonnie looked doing this.
Before she had the chance, her feet hit the ground and she pushed herself free of Lonnie’s embrace, trying to focus on more professional thoughts. When she turned around to look at her companion she looked almost hurt. It was the second time she looked at Catra like that in less than 24 hours. Catra mentally kicked herself for that.
Lonnie sighed and put her helmet back. She too had to be professional now and, liking it or not, the helmet was useful. It would just be a weird for Catra to get used to the helmet again after nearly a whole day of normal Lonnie.
“I’ll set up a breaching charge” Lonnie declared in her distorted voice “You lead the way once we’re there”
“Where the fuck did you get a breaching charge?” Catra asked. Lonnie gave her a look that, even with the helmet, Catra understood meant ‘don’t ask’ “Fine. Ready when you are” She sighed.
With military precision Lonnie placed and detonated the charge, leaving a whole with the perfect size for the both of them to enter. They jumped in to find an old, dusty, and poorly lit corridor. It looked exactly the same to either side of it, but Catra already had a good idea of where they were.
“This is the way” Catra declared and began marching down the corridor. Lonnie following behind.
“And what way is that exactly?” Lonnie asked.
“We gotta hit engineering first to see what parts of the ship are still standing so we can have a better idea of where to go” Catra explained, taking a turn as she spoke.
After a few more turns and a considerable amount of walking they found themselves in a large open room, covered wall to wall with complex machinery, several layers of scaffoldings traversed the room and at its centered sat a computer console. Catra completely ignored the proper path leading there and simply jumped through the machinery and climbed onto the platform with the computer, leaving Lonnie to take the long way around. 
“When did you learn how to operate alien computers?” Lonnie asked as she calmly walked down the path to meet her.
“I had to learn a few tricks before my daring escape” Catra answered, half jokingly. Lonnie shook her head and continued walking, but as she went further into the room she couldn’t shake off the feeling that there was someone else in there with them.
Quickly wiping around, Lonnie drew her rifle and aimed towards a figure in the shadows between the machines. The figure darted through the shadows and Lonnie followed in pursuit until it was cornered.
“I’m sorry! I wasn’t trying to escape, I swear!” The shape pleaded as it threw itself on the ground before Lonnie, revealing itself to be a scraggly old man in torn clothes “I got lost is all. I’ll get back to my post immediately” the man scampered to his feet and began running for the exit
“Hey, wait!” Lonnie called, causing the man to halt in the spot “We’re not here to harm you” The man turned around with a confused look on his face, that was soon replaced by one of admiration.
“The Hunter” He whispered and Lonnie had to contain a sigh at the title “We are saved!”
“Saved from what?” Catra asked as she landed behind Lonnie “Who is the old guy?” The man took a trembling step back at the sight of Catra’s whip.
“She is a friend of mine” Lonnie explained, surprising both the man and Catra “We are here to deal with the gang”
“Then you’ll free us?” He asked. Catra shot him a confused look and he explained “They raided our village and when they found out we knew how to work this machinery they forced us to build weapons for them. Please, you must be here to save us”
“You built those weapons?” Catra asked “So you know how to break them?”
“Yes, of course” The man agreed “We can teach you how to destroy what we created”
Lonnie and Catra looked at each other. They had a new plan.
An entire village hidden inside the hangar bay of a massive spaceship. That was not something Catra ever expected to see, but here she was now, crawling through a vent and watching the poor villagers be dragged from place to place to work on the machinery of the ship. In the farthest corner a massive tent hid what Catra could only presume was the super weapon, but dealing with that was Lonnie’s job.
Catra dropped from the vent, silently landing behind one of the thugs roaming the village and swiftly taking them out. One down, several dozen more to go. Time to prove she was still the best at her job.
One by one the thugs dropped. Not all of them, for that would be a waste of her time, just enough for the captives to have an opening, but not enough for the other thugs to notice. Stealth came naturally to her, like martial arts came to Lonnie and Rogelio and like most things came to Adora.
“Take the back door” Catra whispered to a few villagers as she opened one of their tents “The way is safe, but keep quiet” They moved as fast as they could, whispering ‘thank you’s as they passed Catra. A wave of satisfaction washed over her. She never expected to enjoy helping people as much as she did.
Catra started making her way to the next tent when the ground shook beneath her. She looked towards the large distant tent just in time to see it being torn apart by a terrifying explosion and from the green flames walked a colossal spider bot. Dozens of weapons adorned its sides and on its back stood what Catra knew was the ship’s main cannon.
“Change of plans!” A way too familiar voice commands from the ship’s speakers “We march today and tomorrow the Fright Zone falls and I’ll have my revenge!”  
Several question flashed through Catra’s mind at that moment. How was Tung Lashor still alive? How did he manage to command this whole operation at all? But the most important of all those questions was, is Lonnie okay? Catra ignored the bandits as they ran to keep up with their leader’s war machine. She dashed for the wall of green flames, hoping that Lonnie was still alive somehow. 
She couldn’t lose Lonnie now, when she had just found her again. She lost her when she pushed her away, she lost her when she fled to the Wastes, she refused to lose her a third time. Even if she had to burn in her place, Catra would not let Lonnie die here.
A dark shape emerged from the flames. Her armor was charred, the outer plates melted, the visor cracked, her weapons were completely destroyed, but she was still alive and she wasn’t stopping. She limped past Catra and began following the escaping bandits.
“What are you doing?” Catra asked. She would have held Lonnie back, but the heat from her armor kept her away.
“Chasing them” Lonnie coughed out. Clearly struggling to breath.
“There is no way you can go after them like this” Catra said as she jumped in front of Lonnie.
“We can’t let them reach the Fright Zone” Lonnie declared, trying to make her way around Catra, but she wouldn’t let her.
“And we won’t, but if you don’t get help right now you will die” Catra pleaded.
“I’m fine!” She insisted “Now get out of my way”
“Lonnie, I’m not-”
“Get out!” She shouted.
For a moment their roles were swapped. A young Lonnie tried to comfort a very tired Catra. ‘Go! Leave like everyone else!’ Catra screamed and Lonnie scampered away. They froze in place as the memory hit them both. Lonnie stepped back, looking anywhere but at Catra.
“I-” Lonnie started, before collapsing on the floor.
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betweenlands · 5 years
? ? ?
[ a fic written for @mine-sara-sp‘s shadow people au, specifically the “season 7 shadows” au-of-an-au. fun fact, simplysarc did a series with zedaph once. ]
content warnings: possession.
ZEDAPH - S7 - 00
Okay, so they’re still working out all the issues with the shadow mob - apparently it wasn’t supposed to become a new form of artificial intelligence, who’d have thunk it? X managed to do some admin stuff and port the old shadows over, though, so I’ve still got Merino.
A lot of the new shadows have turned out, uh, concerning though? Bdubs got a plant monster even though the whole nHo plotline was two entire seasons ago, Grian’s is - well I don’t know what Grian’s is, but it’s got wings and eyes on it. Honestly, even Joe’s new one seems sort of off-putting for some reason. Keeps staring at me.
Or maybe there was just something on my face that day and he was too polite to point it out?
Whatever the case, I kind of want to get my hands on some shadow equipment as soon as possible, mostly so I can fend off Grian’s double-trouble shadows. Which means I’ve gotta head into the shadowlands as soon as possible, and I figure I’m gonna do it right now before my new shadow ends up sentient and has back pain from me trying to get a full armor set.
Also, I’m taking notes, because that’s the difference between science and screwing around.
ZEDAPH - S7 - 01
I have to admit, I was really worried about going into the shadow temple and doing the whole summoning thing considering that so many people have gotten big spooky monsters as their shadows. I guess the devs wanted to buff them because some of the stuff that happened with people’s shadows, like Shadoc and Murmur?
But, you know what? Everything went great! Sort of. Okay, so I didn’t actually see my shadow because I double-summoned it as quickly as possible and then leapt right on into the shadowlands. I’m sure it’ll be fine - it seems like you can hit any yellow-colored shadow with the scythe to get out, and guess what I got on my first run of the shadow boss! And… the second one. And the third one.
I think it’s probably a guaranteed drop.
I had to leave after three fights, though, because it turns out they definitely nerfed the livability of this dimension when they updated the Nether to be more homey. If you stick around for too long, you start getting slowness; stick around even longer, you get a really slow version of wither. Supposedly there’s a third drawback, something about the bottom of the shadowlands. I didn’t read the update notes too closely.
Anyway, I’ll have to go back soon, I want a full armor set and I only managed to get the chestplate - you know, the piece of armor I probably won’t use most of the time. Oh well, having spare scythes isn’t that bad.
ZEDAPH - S7 - 03
Full armor set obtained. Also, I think the third consequence for staying in the shadowlands too long is bugged. I got the slowness and wither effects in the middle of finishing off the last boss, and when I headed back to leave, it looked like something was rising from the bottom of the abyss?
But the animation sort of… looped, glitchily, like the amorphous blob of shadow was only consuming the bottom layers of the shadowlands repeatedly and not actually advancing upwards. So, yeah, it might be bugged.
I did get hit with a killer headache when I left the shadowlands this time, though. But hey, I don’t actually have to go back there for a good amount of time when I have the full set of gear, so I don’t have to worry about getting a post-shadowlands-exploration headache for a little while.
Merino’s been staring at me like there’s something wrong, recently, I’m not sure what’s going on. I tried to ask them and they just said it was nothing.
I guess it’s nothing to worry about, then. Maybe they just want me to get back to herding sheep so they can kill them again, like old times. I’ll do that.
ZEDAPH - S7 - 04
Okay, maybe there’s something to worry about. Thing is, Merino’s not the only shadow that’s been staring at me. Now it’s Joe’s new shadow - Joyful - tailing me, and Puzzler - Grian’s brand-new bastard - is always watching me specifically when it’s not being creepy at Grian.
I’d assume they’re jealous of my really cool clothing, but the shadowvex are normally all over that kind of thing and both the old and new ones are… I think they might be avoiding me? Which would be super convenient if not for the fact that it’s very out-of-character for them to outright avoid people.
The other thing is that… I still have that headache from exiting the shadowlands. Maybe that’s the third consequence, is a really long-lasting headache that can’t be cancelled out by milk? Either way… ugh. Just, ugh, I’ll start seeing what might cure it.
ZEDAPH - S7 - 05
I’m going to talk about the not-interesting part of today first, because I know someone’s reading these notes and I think it’s more fun if I add narrative spice to their poking and prodding.
Yeah, that’s right, buddy, I’m talking about you. I don’t know who you are but I know you’re reading this. (Are you Joyful? I think you’re probably Joyful.)
Anyway, boring parts first! I went into the shadowlands again to test something - turns out, the headache debuff might be a thing that happens when I’m not in that dimension, because the moment I teleported there, it went away. That was a real relief, honestly, because I’d had a rough morning. The glitchy stuff at the bottom of the abyss was still glitching, everything seemed as normal as a weird dark hellscape could be.
So, about the rough morning…
I was heading out to the shadow temple to do more shadowlands testing when someone grabbed me by the back of the collar. Biffa’s old shadow, Apex - I could tell it was him and not the nearly identical new one, on account of his visor being up and his eyes being blue. And, y’know, him lifting me up by the collar.
Basically, we had a talk - apparently, according to him, there’s something very bad in the bottom of the shadowlands. He called it the “old shadows” and told me that since I was there so often, I should be extremely careful.
He said even the Vex were scared of it. I told him that the old shadows seemed to be glitched, because last time I saw them they were only rising up to a certain point (and my trip inside later proved it). Apex just dropped me, and shook his head, told me to be careful again.
So yeah, Joyful, there’s your juicy tidbits for the day. While you’re reading these, d’you mind helping me clean my desk? It’s the least you could do in exchange for me letting you snoop around my stuff.
ZEDAPH - S7 - 06
Something really weird happened.
Grian’s been menaced by Puzzler a lot lately, and I sort of ended up running into one of those menacement sessions? I figured I should chip in and help out, so I butted into the conversation and tried to be obnoxiously cheerful, as Puzzler plays nice around anyone that isn’t Grian.
The second I popped out of the bushes with a “he-LLO guys!” though, purple shadow jerk’s eyes widened - all of them, even the ones on its wings - and it took a step back. Eyes flicked from me to Grian and then back again.
“He’s dangerous,” it told Grian, and then flew off.
I have no idea what that was about, because it’s not like I’m particularly skilled at PvP or even PvE, and I don’t have a special creepy shadow like Joe (or any shadow besides Merino, actually). Grian didn’t seem to know what was going on, either, but he thanked me for the help.
My headache flared up as soon as he approached… went from background annoyance to full-on migraine. Grian seemed worried, but I told him it was really just a me problem and that I’d be fine.
After that, I headed out to the shadowlands for a bit, because my head just wouldn’t stop pounding and I needed a break from it. I didn’t do any dungeon-crawling this time, just sat on the uppermost layer and stared into the abyss.
It didn’t stare back because, y’know, it’s a pit, pits don’t have eyes, but the cool air made me feel a lot better and when I returned my headache was less bad.
ZEDAPH - S7 - 07
So apparently the person reading my notes isn’t Joyful, because I confronted him today and he seemed… super, super on edge, but about something entirely else. Apparently, he’s got some sort of outcome-controlling power, except he can’t use it on me. He says that he blanks on the words whenever it comes to me.
He said I should be careful. And then my headache flared up again, particularly badly this time, and Joyful got concerned and said he’d leave me alone for the time being.
I tried to track down Puzzler again, since it seemed to actually know what was going on with me, but nobody’s seen Grian’s shadow around in a while, even Grian himself. From what Grian says, Puzzler might have gotten desummoned somehow, and nobody really wants him resummoned except for the shadowvex.
I really hope I don’t run into desummoned Puzzler in the shadowlands next time I go, because that would be even worse.
ZEDAPH - S7 - 07.1
Maybe the old shadows are rising. The glitchy abyss seemed to have risen up a little more than before - I was going to leave off the week’s entry before, but I wanted to make note of this before I forgot to do so.
I didn’t see Puzzler anywhere, though.
ZEDAPH - S7 - 08
Still no sign of Puzzler. Good riddance, Grian says. But now, in addition to the other shadows, even the jerks like Apex and Jigsaw are starting to avoid me, and I’m really not sure why. I don’t think I’ve changed much as a person, and none of the other hermits have come up with anything.
Joyful used to sort of watch me from around corners, and now he’s intensified that activity. If he wasn’t reading my notes before, then he definitely is now. So, uh, hi - please stop staring at me, and actually talk to me? I promise I’m not going to start a fight.
ZEDAPH - S7 - 09
I woke up and my mouth tasted like oil.
ZEDAPH - S7 - 09.1
Okay, I don’t remember writing the first part of this entry, so I guess I must have woken up really early, written it, and then immediately fallen asleep again? Best guess, I might actually be sick - between the headaches and now me feeling a little woozy while in the overworld, I’ve probably gotten a very mild version of the bends.
So I stayed in bed today, drifted in and out of sleep as a couple of the other hermits stopped in. One of them - the guy that stuck around the longest - was Joe.
Apparently nobody’s seen Joyful around for a few days…
I’m not an idiot. Something’s wrong.
ZEDAPH - S7 - 09.2
Snuck out of bed to check the shadowlands. The old shadows rose another few blocks. I watched the abyss for a few minutes, glad to be rid of all the weird illness symptoms, and then I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. They didn’t push me, so I just let them leave it there for a minute more…
And then I turned to look up at them, and there was nobody there. The hand still felt like it was on my shoulder, but nobody was actually there.
I should probably not go to the shadowlands again.
ZEDAPH - S7 - 10
So, I’ve abstained from going to the shadowlands for a while now, but shadows keep vanishing, and my bends keep getting worse and worse. It’s the new shadowvex, this time, they’re just straight up gone-gone. Can’t be summoned even to go into the shadowlands.
Man, this new mechanic is really buggy.
ZEDAPH - S7 - 10.1
I caved.
The abyss has risen higher.
It’s not staring back yet.
ZEDAPH - S7 - 11
I keep waking up places that I don’t remember going to sleep. I’ve decided this is way too dangerous, because I’m pretty sure I’m the reason that shadows keep vanishing. So far it’s been mostly the mean ones. I don’t want them to get at anyone else, either one of the nice shadows or one of the actual hermits.
I also don’t remember writing the entry for 10.1, so it’s safe to say that something is horribly, awfully wrong. And it’s probably my fault…
I have a dumb idea - I’m gonna see if jumping into the abyss does anything. Maybe it’ll reverse all this if I die to the mechanic? Also, it’d be my first death on this new server, and that’d be a pretty neat way to go out.
ZEDAPH - S7 - 11.1
So I’m standing there, fully prepared to yeet myself into the abyss, when I feel a hand on my shoulder again. And this time, when I turned around, there was something there.
I’m pretty sure it was my shadow, because it had the same proportions as me, only it was absolutely as pitch-black as the abyss below. I couldn’t make out any details besides yellow eyes and the glint of sharp white teeth when it spoke.
“Not yet,” it told me.
And now I’m back in the overworld somehow. My mouth tastes like oil again.
ZEDAPH - S7 - 12
Xisuma’s gone.
...My eyes have always been yellow, right?
ZEDAPH - S7 - 13
It told me, one last thing, the place I should go when it’s all done.
I’m going to see an old friend.
58 notes · View notes
rough-n-randy-rando · 5 years
Edd and Flow; Jitters, Junk, Fireflies
Eddward Vincent had never been on a clandestine date before. Or any date for that matter.  He’d gone to Sadie Hawkins with Nazz, but it had been a pleasant outing between two friends. Nazz had met his parents, he’d met Nazz’s, pinned a corsage, danced together under the supervision of chaperones, drank punch that may or may not have been spiked. It had been a quick affair, never repeated and with no misunderstandings or hurt feelings.
     As he decided on what to wear, he thought over the situation in terms of what a date classically is and found that it was beyond typical categorization. If anything, it was a rendezvous. It had all the thrill, danger and intrigue of one at least. And it was hot, but not just hot, humid at that. A romantic rendezvous in a tank-top and shorts? It would be so.
    There was another point of consideration; was that all this would be? A passing… something… in the night? Is that worthwhile? Is that something to look forward to? So many questions, and nothing but a time and place to answer them. As well as an auburn-haired boy. That raised more thoughts, lewd, personal thoughts. He humored them and changed again. Messy, messy, messy.
    By four in the afternoon he’d run out of things to catalogue and alphabetize; every advisory note left by his parents was read and followed; Jim and the ant colony fed and watered; any and every bit of clothes washed, folded. Now he’d resorted to an impromptu one man play in the living room, portraying both himself and a suddenly erudite and proper Kevin, replete with baseball cap. Then, a knock at the door.
    Actually, it was less a knock than it was Eddy strolling in, Ed in tow. “Hey Sockhead why dontcha answer your phone?” He tracked in mud, fresh, blackened mud likely from a runoff canal near the Creek. “Ed and I found a great spot ta set up Slippery Eddy’s Super Summer Splash Park and we need ya ta draw up the plans.”
    “Eddy, shoes, please!” Double-Dee sprung over the couch and dialed a command into his wristwatch, sleeker models of the cleaner bots from the café emerging from the hall closet and setting to work.
    Ed swept Double-Dee in his arms and crushed the air from his lungs in a rib-cracking bear hug. “Eddy told me you’d been taken by the sewer people, to build them a radioactive claw they’d use to steal the Earth’s core!” He mimicked a gnarled claw and snapped at various objects on the end table near the couch, curling his lip and crossing his eyes in his best impression of a sewer person.
    “Ed, we’ve talked about unnecessary roughness in our greetings.” Double-Dee felt the pressure around him relax.
    “Sorry Double-Dee.” Ed seemed on the edge of tears, sincerely remorseful he’d slipped up and possibly disappointed his friend.
    Double-Dee had a special place in his heart, and therefore his patience, for Ed, and gave him a reassuring smile. “It’s perfectly fine, Ed, just a friendly reminder. Now, if you wouldn’t mind releasing me.” Ed dropped him bodily to the floor and stood smiling.
    Eddy had meanwhile helped himself to one of the pre-made sandwiches Double-Dee had spent the morning preparing for himself and was lounging on the couch, a phone in his hand. “All my missed calls and you didn’t even try to get back to me.” He seemed taken aback by something he saw on the screen and flew into a rage. “Kevin? What, he tryin ta shanghai ya ta help him with his summer school?”
    Double-Dee scrambled over the couch and tried his best to get his phone back, Eddy keeping him at bay with his leg. “My correspondence with other people is my own business, Eddy; so unless you’re listed as the account holder or contribute directly to my service bill, I’d appreciate you returning my property to me and pondering your own social interactions, thank you very…” he kicked off the arm-rest of the couch and managed to spring past Eddy’s leg, grabbing ahold of his phone as he sailed off towards a crash landing, “much!”
    He made a hard landing against the opposite wall, knocking over a waist-high bookshelf. Ed scrambled over and helped unbury Double-Dee, lifting him up to his feet and dusting him off.
    “Are you okay, Double-Dee?”
    “Yes, thank you, Ed… you didn’t take off your shoes?”
    Sure enough, there was a long, thick trail of viscous, blackened mud from the entryway to him, the cleaner bots chugging along frustratedly.
    “Forget his shoes, what’s Shovelchin tryin ta rope ya into, huh, huh?”
    Double-Dee held the phone to his chest and turned his nose up at Eddy, moving off towards the kitchen. “None of your ‘beezewax’ to borrow from your own crude vocabulary.” He glanced at the screen and saw he had indeed received a message from a number identifying itself as Kevin.
Hey Double-Dork, it’s Kev, don’t forget.
    He felt a bolt of lighting shoot up his spine and crash back down in the pit of his stomach, flooding him with warmth and energy, his heart racing. Now how to go about responding. He wanted to send a long-heartfelt message filled with his excitement and anticipation, the concern and worry that had been consuming him ever since their brief intimacy the day prior. Then he thought of how Kevin, up till now the smoothest of operators when it came to romance, would take this outpouring of deep emotions, especially in such an early, fragile state of their… relationship.
    “Hello, Double-Dee, ya have a stroke or somethin?” Eddy had finished his sandwich, wiping his hands on the couch, and was looking at him expectantly.
    “Eddy, how would you respond to someone who had asked you out on a date, wishing to maintain a level of distance and mask your enthusiasm?” He looked to Eddy, who had a crestfallen look on his face.
    “Oh come on, not Boxhead…”
    “The identity of the individual is irrelevant, but the question stands.”
    “Is Double-Dee in love, Eddy?” Ed again closed the distance between himself and Edd, wrapping him up in a cautious embrace.
    “I wouldn’t call it love, Ed, but someone has piqued my interest, yes.” Double-Dee relished the affection afforded to him by his gregarious friend and returned the hug.
    “What you have to do is beat up their enemy like in Ultra Space Adventure number six-hundred and four, where Tim Cobalt, space explorer, fought for the love of an alien with a thousand mouths by defeating the hairy mutants from X-O-Nine!” Again, sudden silence, pleasant smile.
    “I’ll take it under consideration, Ed.”
    “I say leave him hangin, never text back, move away, save yourself the headache.”
    “Come now, Eddy; could it be your prior antagonistic encounters with Kevin have soured your opinion of him?”
    “Kevin’s a jerk, always will be a jerk, ask Nazz.”
    Double-Dee bit his lip and tapped Ed to release him. He moved into the living room and sat in his father’s recliner, looking off to a spot on the carpet. “I admit, Kevin’s romantic record to this point has been less than stellar. But could it be that that’s a part of adolescence? After all, Kevin and Nazz remain close friends, despite their history.”
    Eddy looked Double-Dee over and shook his head, standing to leave. “Double-Dee ya could marry a hornet’s nest and I’d ask when the reception is…” he picked at his teeth with the nail of his pinky-finger and examined what he’d scraped loose, “but Kevin?” He tutted and walked towards the door. “Just don’t ask me ta be nice ta him.” He paused and said over his shoulder, “Keep it loose, say when and where, then be there, keep him guessing.”
    “Remember Double-Dee; defeating your love’s enemies is the key to the heart.” Sudden silence. Pleasant smile.
    “Ed, your advice, as always, is illuminating.”
    “Wait for me, Eddy!” Ed raced after Eddy and practically bulldozed him out the door, the pair alternatingly laughing and arguing as they made their way back to whatever spot they’d staked out.
     Save for the cleaning machines lethargically scrubbing away at the last of the Ed’s mess, the house was quiet. Double-Dee looked at his screen again and considered a response. Then, another text popped onto the screen.
Don’t flake on me or I’ll pound ya.
    It seemed Kevin was also in the throes of pre-date jitters. He thought on it for a moment, then replied.
Eight o’clock, the park.
    And that was that.
       The Park was one of the oldest in Peach Creek, planned back when the cul de sac and other suburb outcroppings were still just blueprints and promises. It was simple, a few play structures, slides and swings, as well as a sandbox. Ringed by tall, old trees that were always last on the town’s list of landscaping priorities, a canopy had formed in some places, and in others crowded saplings and bushes fought for space. Otherwise, it was a straight shot through the park from one end to the other, wide open views from the street that anyone could take in unobstructed while passing by.
    These observations were obvious to Double-Dee as he sat at the picnic table, glancing at his phone every few seconds. 7:55pm. He’d arrived promptly at 7:30 to allow himself the opportunity to settle in, seem casual, build an alibi should anyone from the neighborhood or beyond happen upon him and subject him to interrogation. He’d imagined a million and one scenarios, his stories becoming more and more fluid as the questioning increased in severity. By 7:45 his resolve had faltered a bit, though he quickly reminded himself that it was Kevin who’d set the time and Kevin who’d sent a reminder, as well as a, hopefully, playful threat.
    The summer sun set late. It would be almost 9 by the time it fully set beyond the western mountains, casting everything into deep, dark night. Now, at 8pm, there was more than enough light to show someone mounted on a restored, candy-red ’92 Honda VT600 Shadow roll up to the curb beyond the park’s entrance.
    The mystery rider cut the engine and sat back in the seat, arms crossed, the tinted, visored helmet clearly looking towards him, “You comin or what?”
    Double-Dee felt both underdressed and intimidated. Whereas he’d resolved to wear cargo shorts and a simple band tee, Kevin was clad in black denim with a weathered, adobe-colored leather jacket. He needed to retain some of the rehearsed blasé attitude he’d constructed.
    “I’d accuse you of showing off but I’m afraid I don’t know enough about motorcycles or the necessary safety gear to offer any real criticism.” Humorous, self-effacing, humble.
    “Shut up Dork, put this on.” The careful waltz of clever witticisms was shattered, and Kevin lobbed a small backpack at Double-Dee. Inside was an equally weathered chartreuse leather jacket and an older, Italian motorcycle helmet.
    “First of all, Mr. Barr, don’t speak to me in that way.” Double-Dee let the bag drop to his feet and crossed his arms. “I’ll admit I’m positively disposed towards you but this disposition does not mean I’ll forgive disrespect.”
    Kevin kept his helmet visor down, a black-eyed cyclops that stared him down wordlessly. He triggered the kickstand switch and let the bike settle at a cant, dismounting and walking straight up to the other boy. He stood a full head taller, and he still didn’t raise the visor.
    “Well?” Gasoline fumes mingled with the aseptic bite of a cologne that had given up the ghost long ago. The closeness of the two as well as Kevin’s facelessness revived the sense of enticing danger Double-Dee had dismissed as romantic fantasy.
    Kevin flipped up the visor and was smiling. “You’re cute when ya want to act all tough, Mr. Vincent.” He scooped the bag up and handed it daintily to Double-Dee. “Pretty please, with sugar on top, put this on.”
    “Very well, but only because you asked so nicely.”
    Soon, they were off, riding for about an hour to the west, halfway between Peach Creek and Lemon Brook. Suburbs gave way to orchards, the new moon providing more than enough light to navigate the many backroads Kevin detoured. Here and there you’d spot farmhouses; lonely old things that looked abandoned, only the motion-activated security lights close to the road reminding you that people lived there.
    Even with earplugs, the sound of the bike’s engine was monstrously loud, the vibration of the road rattling Double-Dee numb. He’d kept his eyes clamped shut for much of the ride, but as Kevin slowed to take the winding roads to their unknown destination, he’d allowed himself to peek out into the night, take in the sights. In the milky-white brilliance of the new moon, details were discernable; old collapsed fence posts with depression-era barbed wire; an actual honest-to-god phone booth at a crossroads that still had a functioning light on the inside; an abandoned tractor that had been consumed by wild grass and weeds, a thicket forming around it; acres upon acres of anything and everything that grew on trees.
    Though named for the citrus fruit, no lemons grew in or around Lemon Brook. The main employer of the community, Staple and Citrus Cargo Company, named the town after the first product they’d shipped in upon opening in 1890: Lemons for the Navy from California. Rail-lines, weigh stations, turntables, fuel and water depots cross-hatched and dotted the county. This area surrounding the town was known as the badlands, beginning and ending at an old district boundary no one bothered to review.
    They finally came to a halt at the beginning of a gravel road that disappeared through a cluster of beech trees. Kevin killed the engine and sat for a moment, then turned his helmeted head.
    “Hey, uh, you can let go now.”
    Double-Dee did so, the blood rushing back into his arms, hands, fingers. “My apologies, Kevin, I’m not used to this mode of travel.”
    “It’s fine, Nazz hated riding this thing too.”
    Double-Dee dismounted shakily, his legs waking up. “I’m glad to know how other people you’ve dated enjoyed the experience.”
    “Come on, Double-Dee, I didn’t me-” Kevin saw that the other boy was politely stifling a laugh. “Good one, you really made me feel like a jerk.”
    “I can’t make you feel what you already suspect.” Eddward allowed himself the laugh and removed the helmet, his beanie pressed flat underneath.
    “I’ve never seen someone get helmet HAT before.” Kevin dismounted as well and walked the bike off the side of the road into a stand of already dying paper birches. Double-Dee was waiting for him as he reemerged, and Kevin thought on how ridiculous he looked in the oversized jacket, shorts, and chipped-white helmet, old-school driving goggles sitting crookedly across the brow. “You look like you shop at the Salvation Army.”
    Double-Dee considered what he was wearing and shrugged, “Half of this outfit was provided by you, so I’d say it reveals more about your own stylistic choices than mine.”
    “Fair enough, come on, we’re almost there.”
    They set off along the gravel road and entered the stand of beeches, Double-Dee taking note of the many bottles and cans strewn about the ground.
    “I take it this is a popular place for revelry, shame they’re so inconsiderate of the local flora.”
    Kevin stooped and came back up with one of the cans in hand. It was so faded, half-covered in a slimy, mossy sludge that he couldn’t make out any kind of date or design. He let it fall back among its brothers and wiped off the sludge on a tree as he walked by. “Used to be, all the upperclassmen would come here.”
    “We’re the upperclassmen now.”
    Kevin chuckled, “Yeah, we’re in the big leagues.”
    They exited the stand of trees and stood at the edge of a field of tall grass about two acres long by two acres wide. Rising out of the grass here and there were old hulks of various vehicles. They were rusted husks without engines, without seats, skeletons of skeletons. In the center of the field there rose a jagged mound of earth and steel. Bicycles, shopping carts, weathervanes, melted and crushed together into a chaotic mass half-buried by an abortive burial attempt. The earth that had been heaped upon it had, over time, solidified and compacted, and now was topped by thin, white, fluted flowers.
    What gave this mound shape was the most surprising specimen of all; beneath the wreckage and dirt sat an old tank, its turret turned slightly to the right, main gun held aloft by a sturdy-looking support brace bolted to the chassis.
    Kevin took Double-Dee’s hand and squeezed it. “Welcome to the ThunderDome.”
   Double-Dee giggled and took the lead, pulling Kevin along as he walked towards the mound. “I’d be interested to see what species of flower that is, as well as the model of the …”
    They’d only taken a few steps in when the fireflies, as though they had fallen asleep on the job, rose and began their display. The two teens were surrounded by a flurry of light, a chain reaction rippling outward across the field, legions upon legions of the luminescent insects taking flight. The new moon was obscured by a blanket of clouds that threatened rain and thunder, the night deepening across the land. The fireflies were transformed from points of light to living stars, meteors caught in the atmosphere of this private universe, celestial bodies that collided and danced all around them.
    “It’s beautiful, it’s like experiencing the moment after the Big Bang!”
    Kevin looked at Double-Dee and was struck by the awe, the wonder in his eyes. As those wide orbs of glacial blue diamonds took in the beauty of the moment, reflections of fireflies that passed close by blinked in and out of existence like sparks from a flint. For a moment Kevin was party to Double-Dee’s immense knowledge, imagination, and understanding, and in that moment he felt afraid. He was one of the most intelligent people Kevin had ever met, an inscrutable mind of unknowable potential. What could he offer him? What could he give to him that he couldn’t create himself, better, at ten times the scale with ten times the power?
    Double-Dee moved in close and laid his head on Kevin’s chest. “I could live in this moment for the rest of my life.”
    At a loss for a response, but feeling victorious, he held him close and said nothing.
49 notes · View notes
a-table-of-fics · 4 years
Oddworld: Conar’s Ambition, Chapter 1, Draft 1
           It was another uneventful day in Slog Hut 1884. Little Sloggies were being raised and trained. Food was brought in by the Mudokon Scrubs, and sometimes they would act as surprise treats for well-behaved, or simply fortunate, Slogs. Of course, they also had to clean up after the animals. The Sligs were too busy training them and making sure the Scrubs knew their place. They had a place to fill and a payroll to maintain.
Conar sighed as he punched in. Not that he didn’t enjoy his job; the visor, gun, and mechanical legs were the dream of any Slig. He was also fond of the Slogs. They were vicious, loud, and smelled awful, but there was something endearing about them.
But was it really worth being a nobody in a glorified animal pen? Making next to nothing overseeing both the future guard Slogs and the Mudokon janitors?
Eugh. Maybe he’d feel better if he caught a Scrub doing something wrong. Physical therapy was relaxing, he heard.
He walked out to the pens, passing several ravenous Slogs. They seemed to stare at him intently, but Conar knew they’d be trained and focused killing machines soon, and would be shipped off to Rent-a-Cop stations everywhere.
And Conar would remain assigned here. Maybe he’d be lucky and get a promotion from Slog Hut Corporal to Slog Hut Sergeant, but he’d still be here, just with a shinier pair of Slig Pants and maybe a small raise.
He shook his head. Sligs were supposed to know their place; it was part of the deal. What could he even accomplish if he had his things taken away? Crawling around without Slig Pants to hold him up, totally defenseless against people who would squash him after one look at his hideous unmasked Slig face.
He came up to his coworker, and gave a standard, professional greeting.
“Whaddap, you slime-skinned bastard?”
“Piss off,” came the return greeting. Conar’s colleague turned around, and only a Slig could see a grimace on another’s be-tentacled face, rather than casual boredom.
“Whoa. What’s gotten into ya, Wiren?”
“You ugly AND stupid?” came the tart response. “Boss is comin’ for a visit.”
Conar groaned. He completely forgot, but Wiren was right. Their Glukkon manager Zeb was gonna throw his weight around some today. Their pay was likely to be docked, but maybe it would sting a little less as they all sucked up to him.
“Well,” Conar said, hopefully, as they did last-minute patrol rehearsals, “the Anum Press said that we were sellin’ more Slogs than ever before. That oughta impress ‘im!”
Wiren shook his head. “Stocks been takin’ a hit since the Rupture farms fire. I don’t get it either, but the boss said sales don’t matter.”
Conar thought about this. It didn’t make sense. Gazillions of moolah and the stocks were crap?
They were stationed by the front-facing pens, so there wasn’t much to their patrol routes. They just had to make sure the scrubs were doing their jobs. A few shouts at and smacks upside the heads of the hapless Mudokons seemed like it was enough.
Conar felt his worries melt away as he enforced some discipline on them. It was what he was born for, after all.
“You call that feedin’?!” he demanded, hitting the back of one hapless Mud carrying an enormous bag of Slog chow. “You ain’t eating until all o’ the Slogs have! Now MOVE IT!”
The Mudokon grunted, stumbling a little on his path.
Conar heard Wiren behind him, repeatedly beating on one of the scrubs with the butt of his gun. He sighed. He’d be called a Mud-lover for weeks, but he never understood why his coworkers went to town when a simple jab or smack would do. Not that he cared about anyone under his charge, by any means – no self-respecting Slig employee would. No; it just didn’t make sense. If the Mudokons were here to work, they should be in decent condition so they can get it done.
With that in mind, he shoved Wiren to the side.
“What the hell? I was getting’ ‘im good!”
“Yeah, yeah, save some for the rest of ‘em. Now c’mon, we got a pissed-off Gluk to worry about.”
Wiren grumbled, moving back on path. Conar heard him grumble something about “no fun” and “scrub softie”.
Anyway, there was also the matter of which Slogs to showcase in the front pens. Neither Conar nor Wiren were in charge of those decisions, but it was known that they would need to help get the loudest, most vicious Slogs to the front. Obedience was the real goal, sure, but nothing impressed clients more than a slavering maw on legs ready to tear them a new one, apparently. Maybe they fantasized about those teeth ripping apart those beneath them.
Conar couldn’t reflect on this. Not only did he have the boss coming in, but he had the more pressing issue of one of the escorted Slogs breaking off its chain, and it was making a beeline for him. Without thinking, he turned to flee. He’d seen what happened to those who shot and missed. He’d rather step into the Recycler than suffer that.
The guffaws from his colleagues echoed in his mind as he ran, even though he would likely be doing the same any other day if one of them got into this. The laughs were being drowned out by the furious barks of the Slogs, but it was clear the other Sligs weren’t about to wrangle the animal until he gave this show an ending. He just had to get to the ladder, and he’d be fine. Hopefully, his co-workers could help get the thing back into its pen.
The Slog was fast, but Conar had a head start, and was quickly able to get to the ladder. He started to climb for safety, but a sudden weight and cheers from the other Sligs told him the Slog had clamped itself onto one of his mechanical legs. He looked down and, yup, the thing had its teeth imbedded into his lower leg. His joint whirred as he tried to shake the red thing off, but it held fast.
“It smells the Mudokon on ya!”
Wiren’s crack caused ripples of laughter across the workforce. Even Conar heard a chuckle come out of himself. You had to have a sense of humor at work.
Finally, after much shaking, the Slog slipped off its own saliva, grunting as it landed on the floor. Conar quickly clambered higher before it could focus on jumping at him again. The Slog was still snarling and snapping in his direction, and no one was too eager to move close.
Conar sighed. Seemed he would have to do this himself.
“Open that pen!” he yelled to a Scrub who was on cleanup duty in it. Without question, the Mudokon opened the gate. So there was that, at least, but the Slog wasn’t exactly inclined to go into the pen. Okay, lessee…
Moving carefully around the second floor, Conar guided the Slog into the pen, and shouted for the same Mudokon (he believed the scrub’s name was Mike) to close it. Mike made a mad dash out as the Slog shifted its attention to him, and quickly slammed the gate back shut.
“Right,” Conar said, as the other Sligs groaned. “Show’s over. Let’s try to make the boss happy for once.”
The rest of the time was spent trying to get everything perfected. Of course, there were a variety of stains on the floor the Muds could not scrub out, no matter how many whacks and threats they got from their managers. The tiling was still an ugly green, the Recycler looked as rusty and bloody as ever, and the back room with all the Slog huts was just too poorly-lit.
Still, the facility looked…at least a little more presentable. The Slig patrol routes were memorized down to each step, their guns were full and ready, the Mudokons were compliant, and the Slogs were not only safely contained, but slavering for anyone stepping out of line.
Everything was set up just in time – Zeb’s valet had come, clad in cheap brass armor and wielding a sizable hand cannon, to announce the boss’ arrival. Every other Slig’s posture unconsciously straightened around this higher-ranked one as he said “All right, you slack-jawed Stunkz, listen up! Zeb is here, and he’s already pissed, so make his day!”
Behind the valet/bodyguard, the unmistakable silhouette of a Glukkon stood. Orange eyes looked around, scowling as they searched for problems. Waddling forward, into the light of the Sloghut’s lobby, he revealed his unfeatured, deep blue suit, with a pin at the lower stomach area signifying his recent favor with the Magog Cartel.
Conar remembered the ceremony – very boring if you weren’t a moneymaker.
Zeb’s unusually thin mouth chomped on a small Sickly Smooth cigar – not a super-premium choice, but a far cry from the cheap Lungbuster cigarettes the middle management and security forces used. He waddled through the facility on a pair of shiny black dress shoes, barely acknowledging the saluting and bootlicking from his security, or even the cowering and sniveling from his Mudokon Scrubs.
He walked all the way to the back, and went up to the bulletin board, humming tunelessly as he assessed the personnel numbers.
“Oy!” he finally shouted, turning to the nearest Slig (Gurol from Slog training). “Explain why we have retired employees!”
“Ah, erm, sorry, boss! Some of the younger Sloggies are still teething, but…”
Gurol looked up at the board, reading the numbers.
“…That can’t explain all of ‘em, boss,” he noted. “We only ‘ad one Slig and a coupla workers get attacked back here…”
           “You serious?” Zeb asked, shaking his head. “You lot don’t know how much it costs to replace ya – you can’t even keep track of each other?”
           “Sorry, boss, but I’m in Slog trainin’. Maybe one of the front-facing guys can explain it.”
           The Glukkon turned to his valet and nodded. There was a little bit of spring to the Slig’s step as he marched back to the front of the facility, where the guards were patrolling once more.
           “You there!” he called out, grabbing the attention of the nearest Slig, who happened to be Wiren. “Boss wants answers!”
           Conar was about to follow as well, but he bumped into the valet’s outstretched hand.
           “Yer not desertin’ your post, Scrub-watcher. I just need the one.”
           Conar couldn’t help but to chuckle a little as Wiren tentatively followed the high-ranking Slig. At least he wouldn’t be facing the boss’s wrath. He just hoped his co-worker wouldn’t cost him any of his pay.
           In the meantime, he knew that if anything worsened up here, it’d be on his head. So back to patrolling it was. He had to make sure the Mudokons didn’t relax just yet. Besides, he needed to keep his mind off the risks he might face. He could have his pay cut, get a reassignment to one of the worse Slog Huts, or even be fired and sent to Skillya as a soup ingredient.
           None of that. Focus on the job.
           Step, step, turn, step, step, step, hit Mudokon, step, turn…
            He had to give the Scrubs credit; the floor was less rough and grimy than it should have been.
           Step, step, hit Mudokon, turn, step…
           The Slogs up front seemed calmer, though the one that harassed him earlier still faced him at all times. It was less intimidating, but at least they were all still alert.
           Step, step, turn, step step…
           Okay, what was taking Wiren so long? He couldn’t keep concentrating on stepping and smacking Mudokons upside the head. He was supposed to start on his break ten minutes ago, and he really needed a Lungbuster, but if he left now, no one would be watching this Odd-forsaken floor, and he’d get chewed out for that. He just had to keep focus for a little while longer, that was it.
           Not like anything ever happened…
           The minutes stretched on and on, as did Conar’s need for a smoke. Nothing was happening, as usual, and his mind screamed that his break should happen now, if not sooner. Normally he wouldn’t have an issue just lighting up on his patrol, but it wasn’t technically allowed, for reasons Conar had trouble understanding. Everyone did it when the boss wasn’t around, and he wasn’t around often at all.
           Screw it. He was going to step outside. The Scrubs could take care of themselves for a minute.
               He was almost to the door when he felt a presence behind him. He turned, and winced as he saw those dress shoes tapping impatiently under that suit. Conar could hear that valet snickering behind him.
               “Uh, hi Boss. Just goin’ on break.”
               “Mhm. And I guess you’re leaving the Scrubs on their own, when there’s A KNOWN TERRORIST ON THE LOOSE?!”
               The secondhand smoke as Zeb leaned forward to get into Conar’s face wasn’t enough to satiate his needs, but it did help clear his head for a moment.
               “…But boss, that Abe guy was last seen at Rupture Farms, right? That’s nowhere near here!”
               “What?! When did that happen, boss?”
               “Watch the news for once, you insignificant ! It was just on an hour ago!”
               “Sorry, boss,” Conar said, shaking his head. “I was workin’ then. Couldn’t watch the tube.”
               “Well,” Zeb sneered, “the ‘tube’ says that that blue Mudokon bastard’s gonna try to break into Soulstorm! Is that close enough for you to take your job seriously?!”
               A cheer came from behind Zeb, cut short by a hand going over his mouth. It was one of the Scrubs, and Conar recognized him as the one he called “Slim”. Yeah, he probably had a name, but he was noticeably lankier than other Mudokons, and a little bit taller and thinner for it. Even his cap looked a little taller on his grey head. His yellow eyes quivered as Zeb’s valet spun around in an instant.  
               “Y’see?” Zeb said, over the sounds of punches and grunts. “We gotta keep ‘em in line in these trying times! If someone like that Abe guy shows up, who knows what’ll happen?! Moolah’s already tight as it is!”
               Conar had, just the other day, saw in the Daily Deception how Zeb and his associates at other Slog Hut chains gave themselves sizable bonuses this quarter. He silently thought about this.
               “Now, since your worthless co-worker couldn’t answer me, maybe you can …WHY ARE WE HAVING EMPLOYEES RETIRED!”
               “It ain’t my fault, boss! Idiots keep stepping into the Recycler!”
               He pointed to a giant fan of rusty blades that was on the wall opposite them. It was an effective way of making Slog chow, but all it took was one wrong step for the blades to start, and the suction power of the machine was insane. There wasn’t any way to turn the sensor or the fan off, either.
               “Well maybe if you bums didn’t try to sneak outta work, accidents could be prevented!”
               “It was past time for my break, boss…”
               Conar immediately winced, realizing who he said this to.
               “With your pay, I’d think you’d need the extra work time… LIEUTENANT!”
               The valet stopped beating Slim and was at his boss’ side in an instant, holding a notepad. “Yes, sir!”
               “Take a note! This incompetent Slog Hut is getting half pay.”
               “Already on it, sir!”
               Conar sighed. He could already guess who was going to have to deliver the news.
               “Oh, and there are gonna be some longer hours ‘round here… these upstart Mudokons need some closer watching. All hands on deck, at all times.”
               “Yes, sir,” Conar said, trying his best to keep his voice neutral.
               The lieutenant finished writing down everything, humming to himself the whole time. He pulled out a rubber stamp, signing the note on his boss’ behalf, before handing it to Conar. He read everything over, and his tentacles sagged as he saw Zeb nod at him. He started to walk over to the back, as he heard the boss and crony start to walk out the door. He overheard a little bit of their conversation as they left.
               “Smart way to save Moolah, sir!”
               “Just a few more cost cuts and Ma’s sure to be proud!”
               Slim gave Conar a weary look and slowly got to his feet. He was shaky, but he walked over and extended a hand for the note.
               “C’mon,” Slim sighed, “I know you’re gonna have me tell ‘em anyway.”
               Conar looked at the note in his hand, then back to Slim. The guy already took a wallop, and such news would make him an outlet for Slig rage. Conar would enjoy the view as much as the next guy, but really, they were down enough workers as-is, and delivering news like these pay cuts was a good way to get a Mud thrown into the Recycler. Besides, the guy still had to clean up after the Slogs.
               “You tellin’ me my business?” Conar demanded, slapping the Scrub in the face. “Ya still gotta get the Slog crap!”
               He watched Slim carefully. The Mudokon’s eyes were wide as he rubbed his cheek, and it looked like he was trying not to smile from gratitude. Conar couldn’t stand it; he was a supervisor, dammit, not a caretaker!
               “And pick yer hat up! We got uniforms for a reason, and I don’t wanna see your ugly bald head!”
               That seemed to snap him out of it. Slim nodded and ducked to get his cap back on.
               The other Sligs reacted as well as could be expected. A lot of groans and pointing fingers echoed across the back room. Several Lungbusters came out and the room was quickly full of little red lights. The foul-smelling Slog Hut barely changed its smell. The Scrubs winced instinctively before the Sligs began to resume their duties their way. If the boss wasn’t around, why not? And they had a lot of stress they needed an outlet for…
               It wasn’t much longer until quitting time anyway. Conar didn’t mention that they were just being used as a ploy for Margaret favor; what would be the point? He was pretty sure everyone already knew. He simply waited in line to silently clock out. His fellow Sligs were already chatting as if nothing had happened, talking about different kinds of guns, grenades, and liquor. Not that Conar didn’t enjoy those things, but the boss had given him a lot to think about.
               No one noticed as Conar hailed a cab home. He’d normally hit the bar with his colleagues on days like this, but he wasn’t really up to the hell he’d get for delivering the news. He remembered the laughs he had when some other chump had to give the update. No Scrub was available, so the sucker was stuck paying on top of being raked over the coals after work was over.
               Conar was sure he’d still have to do that, but he wasn’t in the mood today. He just wanted to lie in bed for a bit, maybe watch some Name That Trauma, and get himself ready to endure another day. Thankfully, the Mudokon driving the cab knew to drive fast. Yelling at Scrubs was great, but it wore at the throat after a long workday.
               The cab stopped at a part of the city where a lot of Sligs lived. It wasn’t hard to tell, what with it looking like a barely-controlled war zone. Scorch marks, shrapnel, and bullet holes were everywhere. There was the smell of not only gunpowder, but also chemical weapons that were tested here. Even the Mudokon that dropped him off had a rag over his face ready. Conar never got it; every Slig knew the gas weapons were weak stuff. The Mudokons were just chumps, but that was no surprise.
               Conar pulled a keycard from a compartment on his pants’ waist, stepping over a broken mask and a discarded blunderbuss on his way to the apartment gates. He shouldn’t have bothered; he could see that someone smashed the lock again, and a couple of Sligs were working on it. One of them nodded absently while Conar just strolled in through the gate. Obviously, they weren’t security detail. They didn’t have the guns for it.
               No, once again the guy at the front desk had a pistol ready, loudly demanding to see the keycard of anyone coming in. Conar rolled his eyes as he showed his. The clerk grumbled, but let him in. Conar could tell the offending Slig was already taken care of; the clerk grumbled about “only gettin’ to take one shot” as he climbed the stairs.
               It was otherwise uneventful getting to his apartment, but Conar groaned as he opened the door. Ratz had gotten in. The place was more of a mess than normal, and green glowing eyes gave him a shudder. He knew it was a real load, but he couldn’t shake the feeling they were watching him, and taking mental notes for… something. He just wished they took notes of the gunfire that came their way when he came in. It was getting expensive for multiple reasons.
               And there was a reason outside of the bullets – this time he blew a hole into the wall. He could see his neighbor shooting out of bed with a start, turning towards him.
               “What the hell?!
               “Ech, Ratz,” Conar explained, taking another potshot.
               His neighbor rolled over, reaching for something.
               “No, don’t,” Conar said, shaking his head. “They’re already gone.”
               The neighbor sighed, carelessly dropping his gun again, and pulled the sheets over himself again.
               Conar walked over, and dragged his gun locker to cover the hole he made. He did not need this after a pay cut. What he needed was to unwind and turn the tube on. It took time to find the remote and dig through the fridge for some Paramite Pies, but it would be worth it for the season finale of Name That Trauma. It was always fun to see the Mudokons squirm and scream, and this one promised to have the most exciting and elaborate tortures.
               Thankfully, he got the TV on in time. Just at the end of the title card.
               It was a fine season finale, but Conar felt it was less creative and exciting than last season. It just wasn’t as fun when the Mudokons passed out before anyone could even answer.
               Still, it was good for taking his mind off things. He was able to guess along with the contestants, and more correctly than they were. He wished he was there on one of the podiums, because obviously none of the Glukkons, Sligs, or Vykkers they pulled from wherever worked security detail. He’d be able to retire a happy Slig. Hell, he could probably host. He’d put up with wearing that stupid fake toothy grin and gaudy wig if it meant he had moolah to throw around because people guessed things right.
               The Terminal Trauma round arrived. Conar was hopeful; they always saved the craziest and most challenging torments for last, and he hoped this would live up to expectations. Last season involved four different assaults on the Mudokon, one on each limb. How would the ante be upped this time?
               The hapless Mud shivered in the spotlight. His eyes darted nervously, as the crowd waited with bated breath. Two Sligs emerged from either wing of the stage, and the curtain came down…
               And that’s when an emergency bulletin from Magog on the March came on. Conar groaned; he knew that they’d be selling the season finale at an inflated price, and wouldn’t be doing reruns.
               “Special bulletin from the Magog on the March – news you can’t abuse!” the newscaster began. “Mudokon terrorist Abe was seen in Slig Barracks. General Dripik declares martial law!”
               The broadcast cut to a shot of the Glukkon general, surrounded by microphones at a press conference. Any Slig who graduated the Barracks could recognize him.
               “No mamby-pamby Mudokon meat puppet’s gonna make me look like a fool!” he barked. It was a similar inflection to the one he had at Conar’s class graduation speech, which was surreal to say the least. “We’ll have that traitor Abe in no time, or my name ain’t….uh…”
               All the brave resolve and vicious spittle stopped, as his one real eye looked around nervously. His brow furrowed.
               “Dripik, sir,” Conar said, automatically. He could hear a chorus of the same coming from other apartments.
               Apparently, someone there reminded him too, as he perked up and repeated “DRIPIK! …I knew that, I-I did…”
               Conar sighed as the broadcast’s sponsor came on, M.O.M. ended, and it abruptly cut back to the credits of the game show. There went that highlight of the day.
               Amazing how some random Mudokon could have the big shots shaking in their expensive dress shoes. Abe had to have had that effect; why else would M.O.M. deal with this? Yet, such a powerful figure would be a humiliating way to be ruined? Sure, he was a Mudokon, but he’s the one who caused the Rupture Farms fire!
               “…gonna make me look like a fool!”
               Those words echoed in his head as Conar turned off the TV. He hadn’t put his mask or Slig Pants away yet; he was too distracted with the gears slowly turning in his head. Zeb seemed to be pretty scared of any of his Scrubs following in Abe’s footsteps, even as he and everyone else called them inferior.
               He looked at his pistol. He realized that Zeb might have the Moolah, but Conar might have the power to take it away.
               Of course, he mused, pacing around, he couldn’t do it alone; any Glukkon worth his suit had loyal security of some kind, who would eliminate any threat, no questions asked. He might become a very rich Slig, but he’d also be a short-lived one.
               The scary thing with that Abe guy is no one knew how he did it. How did he cause the Rupture Farms fire with nothing but a loincloth and a feather to his name? Surely if one Mudokon could cause such a ruckus, another could help him raise hell, too…
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lettercastauthor · 5 years
Spider-Barista: Part One, Pumpkin Spice Latte, Extra Whip
AU Summary and Warnings: Tony Stark survived the snap that killed Thanos and only lost his arm, Steve Rogers has returned from his brief time travel escapades after realizing he’s not as straight as he thought he was, and his feelings for Tony went far beyond friendship. Tony, Steve, Peter, Rhodey, Pepper, and Nebula are in a polyship and were living at Stark’s private New York residence located somewhere in the city “near all the action,” also close to Peter’s school. Peter, 18, is finishing senior year. Recently, Pepper and Morgan Stark have left for upstate New York to begin Morgan’s private school. Overprotective “auntie” Nebula joined them due to her own safety concerns, leaving the boys to fend for themselves. Unknown to everyone, Tony is having a secret sciencey-fling with Bruce Banner, kept private for shy Bruce’s sake. Aunt May is on a cruise in the Bahamas.
Tony has offered to pay for Peter’s college, but Peter is being stubborn and wants to earn it for himself, so he gets a job at the local coffee shop and quickly finds a love for the job. In fact, he loves it so much that he begins to neglect his Super-Hero duties. At first Tony is supportive of a break from the dangerous life of saving New York on the daily, despite Cap’s urging Peter to take on bigger baddies and hone his skills. But they both soon realize Peter’s interest in coffee is mainly tied to a cute customer who comes in on Peter’s every shift. Unbeknownst to Peter, this customer lives a double life. This will be a serial story, updated when I have time. There will be NSFW content, each section that includes NSFW content will be marked accordingly so the reader can choose to enjoy the story while skipping the lewd parts should the desire.
Everyone in this story is 18 or older.
Tl;Dr: Adult Tom Holland Spider-Man is working as a barista post-blip. He’s in a polyship with Tony, Steve, Rhodey, Pepper, and Nebula. He has a crush on one of his patrons and is neglecting his heroic duty. There’s NSFW stuff in here. 
Part One: “Pumpkin Spice Latte, Extra Whip”
Warm yellow sun pierced through the sepia tinted windows of the coffee shop. It was a nice clear day. The taxi cabs sat bumper-to-bumper, the people hurriedly walked the sidewalks like a fashion-show runway, carrying their coats over their shoulders on this uncharacteristically warm November afternoon. A flash of green dashed through the crowd of customers as Peter Parker raced round the back entrance of the counter to clock in. His apron whooshed around him as he stopped at the register, punched in his employee ID number, and jumped into the flow of things, watching the front door intensely as he worked the hot bar with lightning speed. 
Customers loved Peter. He was quick, he never messed up a drink, and he always served with a smile. Pete’s co-workers loved him because whenever he worked, everyone got higher tips. The manager liked him because he always showed up for every shift, but she felt he could be better at the cleaning part of the job; she made sure to mention that in his quarterly review. Right on time, five minutes after 2:00 p.m., Peter’s favorite customer walked in. He told all the customers they were his favorite, but this one in particular was actually his favorite. 
The bell chimed and a man walked in, brown coat draped over his arm, gray knit sweater hugging his broad shoulders and chest just tight enough to portray a hint of modelesque musculature. This was Jamie. Jamie always wore a steel-blue tie, pulled tight around his white collared button-up shirt. Today, he sported a pair of well-fitting khaki slacks, brown oxfords, argyle socks. Clothing tells you everything about a person in New York City. Jamie’s clothes told Peter this: that Jamie had a job in the city, a real job, the kind you do in an office that looks over the hustle and bustle of the commoner’s everyday lives. Or so Peter imagined. He looked like most New York businessmen, but to Peter he was the definition of heaven. He was also unattainable. Peter rarely worked the register, due to being what the manager called “too friendly.” All his chatting with the customers slowed up the line. Unfortunately, Pete’s normal position at the bar fixing drinks kept him behind a wall of glass and noisy machines. The barrier made it near impossible to communicate effectively with customers.
His only chance was at the passthrough area, where he would set each hand-crafted beverage and call out the name of the customer it belonged to. Jamie changed up his drink often, which both frustrated and intrigued Peter. He wanted to be able to make Jamie’s drink quick enough that he could have a second to drop him his number on a napkin, but by the time Peter learned Jamie’s drink (usually three or four shifts), it was usually too late. He’d switched it up again. But Peter liked that about him, too. Jamie clearly liked to try new things. It was a good sign. 
So, as Jamie placed his order, Peter rushed to fill it before the payment was even processed. Today, Jamie ordered a pumpkin spice latte with extra whipped cream. Pete lucked out. He could make that drink in his sleep! Since the seasonal drink made its yearly debut in September, he was making hundreds of these each day. As he steamed the milk, Jamie looked over and gave him an easy smile. The light danced off his brown skin, his eyes twinkled. Peter felt his cheeks tingle with blush as he returned the grin. Milk frothed and mixed with the pumpkin spice flavor, the drink was almost complete. The payment processor beeped its approval to Jamie, and Peter raced to put the extra whip and autumn seasonings on the drink, meeting Jamie at the passthrough counter and carefully putting the lid on the cup.
As Jamie reached for the drink, Peter slipped a napkin toward him. “Don’t forget your napkins, Mr. Jamie, sir.” He’d written his number on it this morning, in preparation for this very moment.
Jamie smiled again, “Thank you, Peter. I’d hate to get coffee all over my suit.”
“You’re welcome, sir.”
Jamie took the napkin and left without showing signs of having seen the number written on it. All Peter could do now was wait. Waiting was hard. The time ticked by slower than usual today, but finally it was closing time. Peter helped clean up the floor, sweeping, mopping, and wiping frantically. His co-workers joked about him having a hot date, but when Peter blushed they realized he might actually have a hot date! So they pushed him for answers as to who the mystery guy or girl could possibly be. 
“I don’t have a date, guys. It’s just that I - uh - I have school in the morning. You know, senior year and all. Gotta finish strong,” he said.
At this, Tammy the night shift manager, bursted out with her typical hyena-cackle laughter. “Okay, sure Pete, you have school on a Saturday. Dumbass, it’s Friday night. If you didn’t have a date tonight I would be worried. You need to loosen up, Peter. You can’t just stay single forever!”
Peter’s co-workers had no idea he was actually dating, like, five people, so he just grinned and laughed, “I guess you’re right! Well I have to go now, goodbye!” He clocked out and dashed out of the store as quickly as he came in. As he walked home, green apron hanging over his shoulder, visor flipped backwards, he turned on his phone and waited impatiently for the messages to load. One-by-one they came in.
Aunt May: “Just arrived at the port in Jamaica, having a lovely time on the cruise!”
Cap: “Peter, please remember to do your laundry tonight. Your room smells like feet.”
Mr. Stark: [sent you a picture message]
Ned: “LEGO building party tonight at Josh’s, are you coming? 10pm.”
Pepper: “Morgan says hi!”
MJ: “LOL You look so funny in that coffee uniform.”
But nothing from a mystery number that could possibly be Jamie’s. He responded to the messages somewhat halfheartedly, then descended the subway stairs to take the train home. Headphones in, he thought about Jamie’s smile as he was ordering. His chest felt tight again, blood pumping, music blasting. He daydreamed until his stop, then took the headphones out for his walk home. He entered the tall apartment building and took the elevator up to the top. Nothing but the best for Tony Stark and his family! The penthouse smelled of a home-cooked meal. It was Cap’s turn to cook, so they were bound to have a feast. Rhodey was setting the table and greeted him first.
“Peter! How was work?” He laid down the last fork at the big oval dining table.
“It was good, I made some tips today!” Peter put on an extra layer of cheer to compensate for the disappointment of not hearing from Jamie.
“That’s great, Pete.” Rhodey was Peter’s metamour, Tony being their shared partner. Occasionally there was tension between them. It wasn’t jealousy, but they were known for calling each other out on their bullshit, and Peter could tell Rhodey’s bullshit detector was going off.
But before Rhodes could say anything, Steve Rogers walked in carrying a turkey pot pie. His kiss-the-cook apron, denim cut-off booty-shorts, and crab-claw oven mitts really made for a unique kind of vibe far and away from the Captain America the rest of the world saw. The daisy dukes certainly showed off America’s Ass in the least wholesome of ways. Peter and Rhodey both gulped, eyeballing that thicc snack as Cap bent over the kitchen table and set it at the center. The pot-pie didn’t look too bad either. Both had been interested in Steve for quite some time, but were not sure how to approach that, since he was so newly out of the closet.
“Where’s Tony?” Steve asked, pulling the oven mitts off and reaching back to untie his apron.
“I don’t know, I just got home,” Peter shrugged, heading up the loft stairs.
Steve turned to Rhodey and asked, “What’s up with the kid? He seems off.”
Rhodey wrapped an arm around Steve’s waist and pulled him close, “Don’t you ever take that apron off.” He grinned, then released Steve and headed to the kitchen to grab the green beans and bread rolls. Steve stayed stuck there for a moment, trying to control the blush that spread across his face before going upstairs to check on Peter and find Tony.
Since Peter’s room was down the hall from Tony’s workshop, Steve decided to stop there first. He poked his head in and spotted Pete sulking at his desk, staring listlessly at his phone. Pete didn’t notice him, so he observed and admired for a minute before knocking and entering. “Hey Pete, don’t you have laundry to do?”
Startled, Peter jumped up and threw his phone under his bed. “Yes, that’s exactly what I came in here to do, laundry.” Frantically, he searched for the laundry basket. Unable to find it, he quickly picked up some of his dirty clothes and balled them up in a pile in his arms. Once his hands were full, he used his toes to pick up the boxers and socks that littered the floor.
“Pete…” Steve tried to get his attention.
“I know, Mr. Rogers it smells like feet in here…”
“Pete… well, I mean yes it does but Peter—” he stepped in front of the teen. “Peter, stop.”
“What?” Peter was clearly upset, though his face wasn’t visible behind the pile of clothing that filled his arms.
“Put the laundry down.”
“But my room smells like feet…”
“Fine,” he dropped the laundry on the floor, then plopped defiantly on the bed. “What.”
Steve sat gently beside Peter. “Pete, you’re upset.”
“I am not upset, I’m fine.”
“Did you have a rough day at work?” Steve scooted closer, leaning into Peter. He smelled sweetly of coffee. Peter said nothing. “You can tell me, I’ll keep a secret.” He wrapped a reassuring arm around Peter’s shoulders.
The young man looked up at him, eyes red from both tiredness and emotions. “There’s a guy.”
“A guy?” Steve had only come out of the closet three months ago. He could feel the blush coming back to his cheeks. He glanced toward the door, secretly hoping Tony would come in and fix everything. Tony could always fix anything, especially Peter’s broken heart.
Pete sniffed. “He’s a customer. His name is Jamie.”
Suddenly suspicious, Steve perked up. “Is he the reason you turned off your police scanner and keep picking up extra shifts at the shop?”
Peter rolled his eyes and sighed. “You have no idea. How hot. He is. Like, he walks in the room and I can’t breathe. And he doesn’t even know I exist beyond that I am some guy in a green apron who works at a coffee shop.”
“I know what you mean, sport, but you so many of us here who adore you, you know?”
“I know, but…” Peter stopped and suddenly realized what Cap was insinuating, “Wait a second… Mr. Rogers are you saying you’re—?”
Just then Tony knocked on the door. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”
Steve stiffened up and suddenly there was a whole 12 inches between him and Peter. “Hey Tony! Peter had a rough day at work. I told him he needs to do his laundry… ah… dinner is ready, bye!” Steve bolted out of the kid’s room and down the stairs before Tony or Peter had a chance to respond.
“What’s his deal?” Tony asked, sitting down in the warm spot where Steve’s butt just was.
“I think… actually I really don’t know, Mr. Stark.” Peter stood to pick up his clothes.
“Hey, kid, come here for a second.” Tony pulled Peter back onto the bed and pinned him down, his mechanical hand caressing Peter’s cheek. Peter had a momentary flashback to that day but shook it out of his head. He focused on Tony’s piercing eyes.
“You are clearly not okay. And from what I heard, because you know I hear everything that goes on in this house, it has to do with some boy at work?”
Peter rolled his eyes. “It’s nothing…”
“Yes, that’s absolutely right, it is nothing. Hey. Look at me, kid.” He waited until Peter turned his head and made eye contact. “Whoever this guy is, maybe he’s cute. Maybe you even gave him your number on that little napkin from breakfast, but in the end when you’re like us, like you and me and Cap and Bruce, you just can’t date civilians. It never works out. They don’t understand the pressures of the job... or worse: they get killed. Ask any super hero you’ve ever met.”
“But you and Pepper—”
“Yes, Pepper is a special lady who also does the super hero things from time to time. Pep and I have a kid together, but there were years of turmoil before Morgan was born. Stick with what you have, dating outside our kind will only make it hard for you in the end.”
Peter sighed. “I guess… you’re probably right. He’s just so handsome, I… there’s something about him.”
“Pete, I’m not saying don’t go knocking on that door, I’m just saying… be safe about it.”
***NSFW INCOMING. Look for the 3 asterisks at the end of this passage if you wish to skip the naughty stuff.***
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Peter glanced up at Tony, feeling flush. Thinking about Jamie, feeling the weight of Tony pressing down against him, it had all started to become a little too much. His hard-on strained against the fabric of his black work pants. “Tony, I…”
“I know, kid,” Tony went in for a kiss. They were still eager and new, Peter only having turned 18 less than three months ago, but the kiss was so familiar and comforting. Tony pulled back and smiled, unbuttoning Peter’s pants. “I don’t want you thinking about that guy anymore. It’s just you and me in here, alright?” He pulled out Pete’s member and rubbed a finger at the base of the head.
“Yes, Mr. Stark, sir…”
“It’s Tony.” He palmed Peter’s cock, then slowly stroked.
Peter could only whimper in response.
“Good boy.” He released Peter. “Get naked for me, I have something I want you to try on.” Tony left the room to grab the skimpy maid outfit from his bedroom closet while Peter disrobed and hastily threw his dirty laundry in a pile in the closet. 
As Peter cleaned, he muttered to himself, “I really should have listened to Cap and done this last week… Where’s that fabreeze?”
Meanwhile, Tony bumped into Steve on his way to their shared bedroom at the other corner of the massive loft. “Steve, what’s up with you today?”
“What are you talking about?” Steve feigned coolness.
“Do you have a thing for Pete?”
“Who? Pete? The kid? Nah. Not me.” Steve sped up, walking quicker toward the bedroom, but Tony caught up with him easily.
At the doorframe, he stopped him, cornered him, pushed him back against the wall. “Steve, I want you to join us.” His lips were so close to Steve’s. Steve quivered.
“Join you?” Steve chuckled nervously, turning red again. “Tony, even if I liked him, how could I handle both of you at once?”
“Yep, that’s it you’re coming with me.” Tony gripped Steve’s forearm tight with his bionic hand and pulled the protesting Captain back toward Peter’s room. The maid outfit could wait for another day, but breaking Steve in with another young buck had to happen someday... and today was as good as any!
By the time they entered the room, Peter had made it spotless. Not a single smell of feet to be found. Tony and Steve both knew he had probably just shoved everything in his closet, but the bed was made and the desk was cleared and the room smelled nicely of linen fabreeze. Peter was nude, sitting on the bed, waiting patiently for Tony to return with some outfit or other. He was shocked to see Steve Rogers standing in the doorway beside Tony, looking shyly down, cheeks frosted rose.
“Mr. Stark… you said you wanted me to try something on… D-do you want me to try on Mr. Rogers?” His voice broke a bit.
Stark sighed. “Kid, how many times do we have to tell you? it’s Tony. And Steve. And... there was a change of plans. Remember how I said it would be only you and me in here?” Pete nodded, swallowing hard as he saw Steve’s growing erection through the tight daisy dukes he’d donned to prepare dinner. “Well, now it’s you and me. And Steve.”
“S-steve, sir, I would love that... it’s just…” Pete had never seen Captain America be so shy. “I think your dick might ruin me…”
Steve glanced at Peter. Tony glared at Steve. “Say it, Cap. Go on! Tell him.”
“Peter.” Steve was looking at him lustfully, passionately now. “I want you. I want you to take me. I need you... I need you inside of me.”
Peter gave a breathy sigh. Partly from the way Cap’s words made his own dick throb, and partly from relief that he wouldn’t have to try to take the horse-sized dong that seemed to be endlessly growing in Steve’s shorts. He stood, approached Steve, and smiled. “I would like that very much.” He glanced over at Tony, unable to hide his surprise and apparent elatedness that Steve was in fact a bottom, and also that his dick really was that huge.
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*** End NSFW Section***
So, that’s it for now! What do you think of part one? Do you like the partition for the SFW vs. NSFW content? What do you think will happen next? Part 2 takes place the next day. It will be coming soon! Probably tomorrow, or next week, depending on when I find time between work and school.
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imababblekat · 6 years
Imagine Knockout/Ratchet Hearing Their Blind Charge Is Going Into Surgery
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(A/N: Oooooo, Ik what imagine ya talkin’ about anon! Of course it’s okay! ^^)
Characters For Ask:
Tfp Knockout /Tfa Ratchet
Knockout hears about the surgery through Soundwave, only because the red con’s constant droning about why his charge was taking so long to get out of school/work was really annoying him
as soon as the display is put onto Soundwave’s visor, Knockout just stops, optics wide and mouth partially open from when he was about to say more about his s/o
at first he’s pretty irked, why hadn’t they told them?! But he doesn’t have much time to dwell on it as the next thing he knows is there’s a ground bridge open via Soundwave and he realizes that the surgery is today
he rushes through, finding himself behind the large hospital building in a dark alley
after managing to find a place to park, he rushes in to the front desk in his holoform
the lady at the desk is gawking at him, and I mean who wouldn’t, even in his holoform he’s pretty dang handsome, and while Knockout would love to stay and bask in the flustered presence of the nurse, turning on his suave to get more attention, he’s too preoccupied with finding the one person he’s loyal to
after being directed to the waiting area, he sits there anxiously, bouncing his leg while resting his arm on it
his charge had been blind since before they met, and while he picked fun at them in the beginning for it, once they were a thing and maybe even a bit before that, he always felt concerned about their well-being
Knockout thought about doing a procedure himself, but other then not knowing a single thing about human biology, that last time he worked on an eye, or rather optic, left him with some bad memories he’d rather not look back on
not right now anyways, and to help distract himself from thinking about his partner from the past, he instead flooded his processor with questions of what his charge would think when they saw him; would they think he was hot? Would they be even more stunned when they saw his actual form? What would be the first thing they’d want to see? A movie? The starry night skies of Nevada?
this is what he does for the next few hours till he’s told by the doctor that he can see them now
after their friends/family have left he’ll walk in to greet his s/o, thinking of what to say, something along the lines of indirectly while jokingly bringing up why they didn’t tell him
but, then they look away from the window at hearing his steps, and he just freezes upon seeing their gaze directed at him, focused directly on him
“huh. . .thought you’d be taller”
the comment and the sly smirk on his s/o’s face bring him back to focus, eliciting a love filled chuckle from the red doc
Ratchet doesn’t even wait for the kids to finish telling him about his charges surgery; just transforms and tells them to get in or he’s leaving them at the base
normally he’d ask Optimus if it’d be alright for him to leave, seeing as he only ever did so if only told to, which was very rare, but since the Prime didn’t seem to have any intention of doing so Ratchet booked it out of the base and straight to the hospital
the kids are clinging to the seats for dear life, and Miko snaps at him why he’s speeding so much, hell, why does he even have his sirens on
Ratchet’s just like, I don’t know Miko? Maybe because my charge never told me that they were going into surgery and now I’m mad? Maybe because I’m a bit irritated that they’d figure telling y’all first instead of me? Maybe because human technology is so under advance and anything can go wrong, and his s/o could be in danger?!
he seems very irritated on the outside, very snippy to the kids demand to slow down and calm down, but only those who truly know him know that that’s not necessarily the case
if anything, he’s super worried about his s/o
he knows first hand how primitive, as he would put it, human technology is, and after sometime of learning human biology and the ropes of their medical field/s from Ms Darby, and what horrible outcomes that can come from them, he had every right to be racing through the streets, alarms blaring, and horns honking
it might seem slightly uncharacteristic for sure, but Ratchets lost a lot in this war, and as a medic who couldn’t save a soldiers voice box with high tech technology, how can one expect a human medic to fix the sight of another with tools his race deemed child’s play
as soon as they get there, he’s speed walking inside in his holoform, the children following right behind
the lady at the desk looks like she’s about to pass out when this old man slams his hands on the counter and very aggressively demands for (y,n)
Ms Darby comes and saves the day, telling the lady to go on break and she’ll handle them
she tells Ratchet he’ll have to wait, and directs him and the kids to a waiting room
the whole time they’re waiting, Ratchets mumbling things with a scowl, and the kids can occasionally hear a few such as, “primitive”, “can not believe!”, “the nerve of them!”, “when they get out I swear...”
finally they’re called by the doctor, and are told that they can see his s/o now, but with the way Ratchets stomping off toward his s/o’s room Jack holds the two others back advising that it would be best to give them some time alone
as soon as Ratchet opens that door, he’s already chewing his charges ears out
even when they look at him, eyes wide and taking him in, the old doc continues to rant on about how they should have told him and a million other things
“. . .you’re old”
Ratchet just, stops
he was in the middle of a rant, but that comment stopped him like a dear caught in headlights
his brows furrow and he’s about to go off some more when he hears a melody all to familiar to him
with the sound of his s/o giggles, indicating that what they said about his appearance was a fun little jab at him, Ratchet finally takes a breath and sighs
a soft grin warms its way onto his face, as he watches his s/o’s eyes crinkle in the corners from smiling, a loving and happy gaze starring back at him
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that-one-jasper · 4 years
TFP Miko X Pansexual! Reader
(To make things easy, I'm making the read pansexual for this story.)
Regular. P.o.V. (Friday Lunch at School) ----------------------------------------------------
           You never tried hiding the fact that you have been attracted to women, or really, anyone. You were very open with your sexuality, and your friends loved that you were able to feel comfortable with yourself. You were very shy and sensitive with your crushes, so you made sure to only mention them to your closest friends, which happen to be Miko, Jack and Raf. The four of you would always hang out on the weekends you got free from work, or during lunch, as well as sharing some classes as them too.       Though somewhere along the line, the feelings of friendship you held for Miko soon grew into something more, and that certainly scared the hell out of you. You didn't want to ruin what you had with her, so you always buried your feelings when you were around her. Jack and Raf had both noticed a slight change in your behaviour, small glances you'd take or your almost constant blushing when around your friend. When they asked you about it, you hesitated to tell them, but after they promised not to let anyone else know, you admitted about your crush on Miko, not aware of a certain someone standing near the table you were sitting at.
       "That's great Y/n!" Jack smiled at you, so did Raf. "Thanks for telling us, we promise she won't know," Raf answered. You sighed in relief, "Thanks guys, I was kinda stressing about it for a while." "Stressing about what?" Miko's voice cut into the conversation, causing you to clamp up a little more. "N-Nothing, I was stressing about nothing," you answered hastily, suddenly finding the ground interesting. "Aw c'mon, you can tell me!" Miko encouraged, poking your sides. You looked towards Jack, who looked towards Raf who then looked back at you. "I have a crush," you chirped out quickly, hiding your face in your hands. Miko squealed and jumped excitedly beside you. "Oooo! Y/n you have to tell us who!" Miko exclaimed, amusement showing in her eyes. You shook your head though, "Sorry Miko, it's super private," Even though she whined, she accepted your request and left it alone for the moment.
      Soon enough the bell rang, signalling the end of lunch and the start of period 3. You waved goodbye to Jack, Raf and Miko and was about to head over to your locker when Vince cut you off. You stood stiff and looked away from Vince's harsh gaze. "So I heard you like that weird girl you hang out with," Vince practically snarled at you. You shakily nodded your head, "H-her name is Miko, a-and what about it?" "If you don't want me to spread it around the school you'll be happy with doing my homework this weekend." Your once timid look turned into a glare as you narrowed your eyes at him. "Why? You too dumb to do it?" You shot at him. He looked angry for a flash but kept his temper in check. "Fine, then your secret is being spread around the school." He turned and was about to walk away before you gave in again and asked him to wait. "I'll do your stupid homework. Just, don't tell anyone." You grumbled. Vince turned around and smiled a fake smile at you. "Then I'll be at your locker with my homework at the end of the day."
       Your next two classes went by much faster than you hoped, you didn't bother bringing up what happened with Vince to Jack or Miko, and just mainly tried acting on as if nothing happened and that you don't have more than 10 sheets of homework to do now.        You knew Jack would've been busy this Friday due to his work, and the same with Miko since she had detention. You didn't know what Raf did after school but you assumed he just went straight home. Keeping with his word you saw Vince stand cockily at your locker, a stack of homework in his arms. "How the hell do you have this much homework?" You frowned. He shrugged, "I guess I told some other kids that you'd do their work and they all happily chipped in." You glared at Vince and debated kicking him in the balls. "What if I can't get everything done? I do work." Vince shrugged, "not my problem Girlie," and with that, he sauntered off.
        You had finally managed to get home after a fairly long walk from the school, and threw all the homework and textbooks out of your bag and onto your bag, immediately getting to work on the giant pile of questions.     A few hours had passed and you have gone through about half the stack of work Vince decided to hand you. Looking at the time on your phone you noticed it was 5:00 and decided to go grab something for dinner, seeing as your mother would be working late again tonight.       You drove down to Jack's work and ordered, waiting in the drive-thru. You never drove to school since 1. You'd have to pay for parking and 2. It would draw way too much attention to you. You drove your dad's old motorcycle, which was a sleek black sports motorcycle. Pulling up to the window, you lifted the visor on your mask and smiled and waved at Jack. "Hey, Darby!" You greeted excitedly. "Hey Y/n, going out for a spin?" You nodded, "Of course I am, though I should probably head home, I have a ton of homework." He nodded in understanding as he gave you your food. "See you later then, Y/n," "Bye Jack!" You switched your visor down and drove off.
       On your way back, you noticed a bright red car trailing you, though you paid no mind to it, you'd see fancy cars like that once and a while so it didn't concern you. You watched as you pulled into the driveway of your home, and the red car seemingly slowed down before turning a corner and disappearing from your sight. Parking your bike into the garage, you went and spent the rest of the night doing homework and eating fast-food.
               The weekend was spent doing more homework than anyone needed, and about halfway through you said "fuck it," and wrote down random answers on the pages, knowing that the answers would be wrong. Vince had met you at the front of the school and you handed him the stack of homework back, though he didn't even bother to check the answers at all, so you seemed to be in the clear.     Grabbing your stuff from your locker you begrudgingly make your way to your first-period class with Jack. "So I half-assed everything else," you were explaining what happened with Vince to Jack since the teacher gave you some extra time to pair off and work in groups. "That sounds horrible," he answered, "oh, trust me, it was. But they'll get what they deserve. I was just worried he'd spill the tea, y' know?"       Soon enough the bell rang and you went off to your second class, which you shared with Raf and unfortunately Vince. When you walked in, you saw the teacher already giving Vince hell for his homework, which was half-assed with no effort into it. You quickly take your seat next to Raf, and briefly explained the situation to him. "Y/n you better be careful around him," Raf warned, making you nod. Just as you went to turn your attention to the front, Vince locked eyes with you and sent a harsh glare your way, making you shrink back into your seat. "Raf I'm so dead at lunch" You whispered over to your friend, who gave you a concerned look.
         Lunch drifted around slowly, though you didn't care about that, all you knew was that the sooner lunch came, the sooner your ass would get kicked. "Do you want me to go to your locker with you, Raf asked, seeing Vince storm about of the classroom. You shook your head, "no, you shouldn't risk it. I decided to mess with him after all,"  Raf nodded and walked out of class with you before going separate ways.     You looked around your locker and gave a breath of relief when you didn't see Vince anywhere near your locker. You put your binders away and grabbed your lunch, making your way to your usual eating place. Your heart got caught in your throat though when you saw Vince standing a little far off the side from the table where you'd sit with Miko, Raf and Jack, and tried to seem inconspicuous when going to sit down. Though that didn't seem to be the plan, fate decided.
        Vince stood up on the table in the cafeteria and cleared his throat. "Can I have everyone's attention!?" He shouted, causing the cafeteria to go quiet. "I seem to have heard, that Y/n L/n was in love with Miko Nakadai!"  Your heart stopped, and your blood ran cold. Everyone in the cafeteria looked over to you, and Miko didn't say anything.      "Oh? Doesn't she like you back? Too bad," Vince taunted, tears welled in your eyes from the anxiety, and finally, you stood up and bolted for the door, racing down the hallways until you were out of the school, though that didn't stop you at all. You could faintly hear the shouts and calls from your friends, though you blocked them out after getting outside.     Running down the street and into a more sketchy part of the town, you came to a stop, lungs burning as the adrenalin pumped through you. You sat down in the front of an alley so you'd at least have some shade and cool off from your sudden sprint when that red car you noticed from Friday pulled up and came to a stop in front of you.
        The door opened, and a guy with red hair slicked back wearing a red racing outfit moved towards you. "Get in the car." He demanded, practically looming over you. "And what if I don't?" You demanded, standing up. As soon as you said that though another car, pulled up on the other side, and another male stepped out. He had grey coloured hair and an eyepatch over one of his eyes. "Or you'll have to deal with both of us beating you senseless," the second male snarled, and that seemed to be all it took before the first male forced you easily into the red car, before getting into the front. "What do you want with me?" You questioned, looking back outside. You didn't want to show you're scared if you did they could use that against you. You didn't get an answer, however, the male that forced you in seemed to disappear, and the car started driving on its own.      "O-Okay, what the fuck is going on," you stated, getting out of your seatbelt. "Be quiet, fleshy. You'll learn all you need to when Megatron sees that you've been obtained." The dashboard lit up when the voice spoke, and you connected that the male was the car. "I don't think so, pal," you growled, before moving and yanking the wheel, causing the car to drift off the dirt road and almost tip over. "Get your hands off me!" The vehicle screeches, and he balances himself out. "K.O you okay? What's with the swerving?" A voice crackled over the static radio. You could hear K.O's voice waver a little. "Y-yeah Breakdown, we're fine. The fleshy tried to crash but I've handled it."       There was something about this interaction that made you calm down, however only very slightly. "Y/n." You stated. "Pardon me?" K.O answered, sass evident. "It's my name. You keep calling me fleshy but my name's Y/n." You mumbled, hearing a small chuckle from him. "Well Y/n, you seem calm for someone who's in danger." You stayed quiet, not wanting to say anything else. Ten or so minutes went by and a green swirly type portal showed up and the two cars zoomed through it.
               You stepped out of the car the kidnapped you and was roughly picked up by a large red robot. "We have the fleshy, my Liege." He held you out to a much larger grey and purple robot, you felt your anxiety rise when he also yanked you roughly out of the palm of the other. "Good. Prime needs to know we're not joking around." he snarled out. He walked over to some computer, and another giant robot had appeared on screen, and you were shown up to the screen. Faintly, on the other side of the screen you heard, "Is that Y/n?" and you immediately recognized it as Miko's.     Forgetting where you were for a moment, you called out, "Miko?! Are you there?!" A chorus of gasps could be heard and the red and blue bot looked surprised. "Ah, so you do know them," The one holding you growled. "What're you doing with a human, Megatron?" Though, he merely grinned down at you. "Knockout wanted to test some newfound chemicals on it. It'd be a shame if it died on your watch, Optimus." Your eyes widened, and you started shaking. "No! Let me go!" You rebelled, though his grip tightened around you. "Shut up! You're lucky I don't kill you here and now," you wheezed against his grip, not getting enough oxygen. "He's hurting her!" You could faintly hear Miko's voice. "Come get your human, Prime. That is if you can find them." Megatron turned the computer off and only faintly loosened his grip, though you continued to struggle against him. "It's certainly a rebellious one, my liege," K.O noted, grinning the same menacing grin down to you. He nodded. "You should fix that, Knockout. Tell Shockwave as well we have a fleshy and see what he can do." He thrusts you towards Knockout and carelessly drops you into the open palm.
               You're taken to a what seems to be a lab and strapped down to a table, the purple one named Shockwave stares at you and your movements intensely. "You'll make a fine specimen," his robotic voice held no emotion, and you felt hopelessness rise in your chest. He took a scalpel and dug it into your arm, making you cry out in pain and start to sob. "Weak armour," he muttered. He did this in a few more areas, the pain becoming too overwhelming to you, you were starting to blackout. He moved away, though only came back with a long needle, and through all your movement, injected it into your side. Slowly, your movements slowed to a stop and your eyes drifted close, no matter how hard you fought to keep them open, and soon you're in nothing but dreamless sleep, left defenceless to whatever testing he was planning.
-----With the Autobots-----
               "They have Y/n!" Miko shouted, the computer turning off as Megatron cut off the communications. "You know her?" Bulkhead questioned, looking down at his charge. "Yeah! She's one of my best friends! She hangs with Jack, Raf and Me at lunch and during classes!" Miko was freaking out, the anxiety of not knowing if you were okay was stressing her out massively. Jack and Raf looked at each other as well, frown's on their faces and they got up to give Miko a small group hug. "You know Y/n, she's strong," Raf answered. Jack nodded. "She's a fighter, if I know her she'll make it out of this." Miko narrowed her eyes. "How can you be so sure?" "To send us that communication, Megatron had to let the force-field around the Nemesis down, so we have their last known location," Raf said matter of factly.
      Optimus looked over at Ratchet. "We do have their last known location, it'll be risky to bride you all onto that ship, however," The medic explained. Optimus nodded. "We'll have to take that risk if we want to bring Y/n back." "We'll send Arcee, and Bumblebee to go with you Optimus, Bulkhead will stay here if there is need for reinforcement." Ratchet explained and started typing in the coordinates, the swirly vortex opening up. "I'm coming with you!" Miko shouted, though as she went running ahead Raf and Jack held her back. "You can't Miko! It's the Decepticon's warship, no place for a human!" Jack tried to reason with her. "All the more reason I should go to help find Y/n!" She struggled against them, to no avail.      Optimus looked down at the distressed human, "I promise we will do whatever it takes to bring Y/n back, Miko." She stopped struggling, and with tears in her eyes she looked up to the Leader of the Autobots. "I-I'm holding you to that, Optimus!" Said bot merely nodded, and turned around to Arcee and Bumblebee, both ready to depart. "I'll keep the comm-link open, be sure to keep a low-profile for as long as possible." Optimus briefed, to which both nodded, and all three departed into the vortex.
------Back to You------
       Even in your sleep, you seemed to be able to feel the pain, and after another adrenalin shot, you were awake and fighting against your restraints, though your struggles only got you another deep slash on your leg, blood pouring out of it as it did on your arm and multiple other places. It seemed like a miracle that you weren't dead from blood loss yet.     The mad scientist came back and injected a bright pink liquid into your system, forcing another scream to erupt from your throat, though after a few minutes, you felt a new emotion.
       Shockwave had injected you with....something. It made you feel powerful and destructive. Whatever he gave you, you noticed gave you more muscles, so it obviously enhanced your strength, but what else? Something else still felt off. You were still restrained, however more heavily now. All down your arms and legs were metal clasps restraining your movement, as well as a larger one going over your torso. "Shockwave!" Megatron's voice sounded throughout the room. "Yes, Lord Megatron?" Said dictator sauntered into the room, and a menacing grin crept upon his face when he saw you restrained. "What're you experimenting for?" Shockwave looked over to you. "So far, my liege, all I've done is enhanced strength. However soon I predict that we'll be able to create an unbeatable superweapon." He answered. All you felt was exhaustion, your body wanted to shut down now. Shockwave moved over to you, a new chemical in the needle he injected you with, this time near your neck.       "Let me demonstrate, my liege."  
------Your. P.o.V-----
  I felt another power surge injected into my brain, and my heart picked up its pace. I let out a blood-curdling scream and wrestled with my restraints, to no avail. My once soft flesh was becoming hard and cold, like metal, however, it hardly looked any different though. I calmed down for a moment and Shockwave walked over to me once again, this time a small scalpel in hand. he dragged it across my skin, though the blad should've cut through me, it didn't. I panted and felt like passing out once more. Shockwave filled something again in the syringe and tapped it a few times. "No need to worry, this will be the last test for now," he informed, once again making the path to me.       Instead of my neck, or my torso, he injected it into my temple, and a sharp pain went through me. I screamed out, though it was mixed with pain and something else. My eyes shot opened and my pupils dilated, and a chilling shriek left my throat, and I fell into attack mode, my newly found powers being put to the test. With a rush of adrenalin, I broke free of my restraints, and just as I did a red alert blasted throughout the ship and a vehicle rushed towards Megatron. "My liege! Autobots have been spotted on the ship!" He reported though I paid no mind. Megatron lashed out in anger and demanded them to be caught.      As those two left, Shockwave looked back at me to try and restrain me again, but I was too fast. I had more strength now, let's see what else I could do. Shockwave went to grab me again. though this time I made the scalpel he held earlier pierce through it, causing him to grunt in surprise. "Telekinesis too? A nice touch!" I growled out, before bolting and escaping the lab.      "Autobots!" I howled, looking for them to find me. "Y/n here!" My voice echoed along the empty hallways, and as I turned the corner,  I was faced to face with a blue bot with blasters out. "Autobot?" I asked, scaring her. "Yeah, You're the human." "I am. When do we leave," I asked, though it sounded more like I was demanding it. "Optimus, I have the human, tell Ratchet to open a bridge," She declared, probably through a link. She tried staying the relative area, with me in her hands while we waited for the other two, Optimus and Bee.    Luckily we weren't there for long, and a portal opened up and they went through, eagerly I jumped from Arcee's hand, causing shouts of surprise and concern. Though I stood up perfectly fine, my new strength and tough skin make me a tough opponent. "How are you not hurt?" Arcee questioned, though I didn't care, I was too busy looking around for Miko. "Miko?" I called out, looking around, though I was met with silence. As I was looking around, Bumblebee picked me up. "Bulkhead took them out for a ride to calm their nerves," A white and Orange bot told me. "What did Shockwave do to you?" Finally, I calm enough and looked around at the bots, and sat comfortably on Bee's hand. I shrugged, "he shot me up with a bunch of different things, but I've learned that I have super tough skin, heightened senses, and I used telekineses at one point. He was going to use more, to make me the ultimate bio-weapon, but you guys raided the ship just in time." I explained. Ratchet started mumbling to himself and picked me up carefully, before hooking me up to a bunch of wires. "I'm going to run a diagnostic to see exactly what it was that he gave you," I nodded in understanding. "Do any of you know when Miko will be back? I don't want her to worry." Arcee and Bee seemed to let out chuckles and whirls of amusement to your comment.  "Don't worry, I've already contacted Bulkhead," Bumblebee whirled. I nodded and smiled, "Thanks, Bee!" I beamed, and the room fell quiet again. "You understood him?" Arcee questioned, to which I nodded. "It probably has to do with whatever I was given," I reason. "I never got to thank you guys for rescuing me, though. So, thank you." I shifted my gaze between all of them. "You're welcome, Y/n," Optimus replied. "Do any of you know why Megatron wanted me? I mean, he had K.O and another pick me up in an alleyway, but they never really told me why." Optimus nodded, "He thought you knew of us since you knew Miko." I made a sound of acknowledgement. "Just wait until Jack and Raf hear about this, kidnapped by a bunch of evil robots because I was friends with Miko."  I giggled, but Arcee and Bee looked towards one another. "Oh Don't tell me they were with Miko too!" I gasped. The two nodded, and Arcee chuckled. "Y/n, I do have to tell you that you can't let anyone know that we exist. I'm assigning myself as your guardian." Optimus declared. "Guardian? So you'll watch over me? And I'm going to assume you two," I motioned to Arcee and Bee, "are Jack's and Raf's guardians?" They nodded and Optimus went to reply. "In a way you're correct. I'll be picking you up from school and escorting you home or to the Base." "Makes sense."
      A few minutes of chatting and Ratchet running a few more other diagnostics that Bulkhead had came driving into the base, Miko, Raf, and Jack inside his alt mode. Within minutes of spotting me Miko's eyes light up. "Y/n!" She shouts excitedly. I get a little too excited and quickly disconnected from the wires and jumped down to give her a hug, though not before she let out a scream of fear when she saw me jump. "Don't worry! I'm okay! That stuff Shockwave gave me made me a superhuman!" I giggled as she engulfed me in a hug. "Y/n! I'm not done you're tests!" Ratchet scolds. I look over sheepishly. "Sorry, Doc-bot." I looked back to Miko and my two other friends who stood behind her. "You guys knew about them all along, huh?" I question, to which they nodded.    "We wanted to tell you! But, You know..." Jack trailed off and I nodded. "Yeah, though it seems like that didn't even keep me out of trouble." The next few hours were spent with me explaining what Shockwave did to me again as Ratchet re-hooked up all the wires I previously disconnected, and how I could understand Bee and had telekinesis. After a while though,  the conversation switched to what happened today at lunch, and Jack and Raf were polite enough to give Miko and me some space.    
       I looked towards the ground. "I know being called out in front of the school today probably made you really uncomfortable, and I'm sorry for that." I apologized. Though, her reaction was one I didn't expect. Miko started giggling and shook her head. "It's alright, I was shocked at first, but, I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel the same.." She trailed off, a light blush over her cheeks. "You mean..?" "Yeah," She nodded her head. A large smile graced my features and  I engulfed her into a hug, which he happily returned. "So..What does this make us?" She asks. I thought for a moment, "Miko, would be so kind as to go on a date with me this Saturday?" I chuckled at my own formalness. "I would love to, pick me up at 5?" She replied also giggling. "Sounds good."
-----Bonus (Regular P.o.V)----
           Thanks to the test Ratchet was running, he learned what Soundwave did to your system, and though he can't reverse the effects, he's been documenting your powers and the human body and nature. Vince doesn't mess with you as much anymore, especially now since you've been using your telekinesis to scare him off. You spend most of your time at the base, though you do usually drive yourself with Optimus driving behind you.       You and Miko have been dating for a few months, and you've decided that if you had to go through everything again, you would, just for her.
This was a longer chapter compared to the ones I've recently been doing. I really hope I did the request well, and I added my own small spin to it.
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