#i have to go ask my old super visor that i like if shes okay with me using her as a reference. also my fav old co worker. and see if the
narutomaki · 1 year
would it be possible for you to apply and interview and then make a decision if they offer you the job? that way maybe during the interview you can find out a little bit more about the job and then decide once you actually know if its a possibility? i struggle with long shifts too and talking to the interviewer a little bit and getting to know the role always helped me decide if the pay was worth the physical strain
I applied 😭
I did talk it through with my career coach first too and we went through it and shockingly my frustration at her not getting it (it is, from what I have seen, mostly helping people fill out and submit forms and ensuring identity and accuracy on them) (she was asking me "Tell me what you can see" which to me means "Answer me in theory" and I was answering her in theory from my existing knowledge base and she was going back like "Well its going to be more involved than that and it wont be judt that and you're going to need to do more research about all these things" and I'm like I Know I Thought We Were Doing Scenarios. but I digress) and then I did spend another 2 hours doing research and interview prep after submitting it.
Despite. Yknow. It being guaranteed I won't hear from them IF I EVEN GOT AN INTERVIEW for another 8-10 weeks (4-8 weeks from posting closure). But again. I digress.
This is. Unfortunately. The kind of job I want and am good at (providing information, helping people find information, processing and filling information, and processing transactions).
Except the options for employment are "full time Monday to Friday with weekends as needed lol lmao teehee" and "our company is making this posting so we can hire Greg's kid shhh for after school a couple times a week" and this one which is. a union job that is DEFINED. AS A COMPETITION. MAN....
I just want a job that is this but they think I'm a silly little guy and hire me on the spot for 5 hrs a day 3 times a week. Is that so hard to ask? (Apparently yes.)
Any way I think they have chairs and high desks with the option to stand so I'm gonna go whimper and whine at their door near closing so they hire me.
0 notes
blueberry-sunshines · 3 years
Late Night Rendezvous - Keith x Reader One Shot
You are a fellow pilot at the Garrison and Keith's only friend, he sneaks you out to show you something during the night...
Word Count: 3.2K
Slight Angst | Sweet, Vulnerable Keith
{This can also be found on my wattpad: @/blueberry_sunshines}
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{POV: Yours}
You were sitting criss-cross on top of your small bed in your dorm at the Garrison. The dim yellow glow of the school commissioned lamp lightly lit up the pages of your biology textbook. You were staying up late trying to study. Your roommate offered to stay up with you to help but you told her just to go to sleep. You didn't want her to be all sleep deprived.
Keith Kogane wasn't in all of your classes, but he was in a few. You were both fighter class pilots so your curriculum was quite similar. Everyone always says they're so surprised he's nice to you, and your roommate loves to tease you about it. She says that Keith has a 'soft spot' for you, but Keith just says that you're the only person he can stand.
Besides, you've known each other since you were kids. You both transferred to the Garrison at the same time and were partnered together. At first Keith was really cold towards you, but you always just thought he was shy and it didn't bother you that much. He seemed bored with the simulator and you always found his showing off to be rather funny. After what happened with James, Keith finally opened up to you and after that, you two were rather close. By the end of the year you two definitely started to become real friends...
You guys are 16 years old now and Keith is probably your best friend. There's always been a thin barrier between you two, but you've been ignoring it because you don't want him to push himself further away. You kind of always wished he would open up more. You thought about asking him to help you study tonight, but boys and girls aren't allowed in each other's dorms and you've been trying to make sure he stays out of trouble because you've been worried about him recently. He's been kind of distant lately and much more aggravated. A lot of people had been antsy lately because the Kerberos mission was a few months away. You knew that Keith sees the pilot, Shiro, as an older brother figure. He took Keith under his wing, so maybe that's what he was thinking about all the time when he was out of it. You had talked Shiro many times about Kerberos and he seemed very confident about it, so you never thought to worry about it. You shook your head, trying to refocus on your biology book. You turned around to look at your alarm clock and saw it flash "1:13 AM" in its big, red numbers. Damn, you really needed to wrap this up and get to bed soon...
-Knock Knock-
You had just about jumped from the surprise of someone knocking on your door. You looked over to your roommate's bed to see her definitely asleep. You sprung off your bed knowing exactly who it would be. Shaking your head in half disappointment, you put your hand on the button on the wall and let your door slide open to see none other than Keith Kogane. You felt the accidental smile form on your face the moment your eyes met his. He looked uncharacteristically nervous as he stood there in the hallway all dressed up in his red jacket and boots. You loved seeing him in his outfit because the Garrison uniforms were rather bland. Although, you thought, Keith could probably pull of anything.
"Are you gonna let me in?" Keith whispered to you with a furrow on his face. Your face began to heat up in embarrassment from spacing out.
"Sorry, just tired..." you whispered back, peeking outside the door to see if there was anyone there before grabbing Keith's sleeve and pulling him into your dorm room.
"I didn't think you'd be awake..." he admitted quietly as he walked towards your bed.
     "What's up?" You asked curiously. Normally he tells you he's coming before he does, so you weren't sure what he was doing here.
"Get changed, we're going out." He was sitting on your bed now and had his arm crossed. You looked down at yourself and realized you were still in your old T-shirt, sleep shorts combo. Eh, well this isn't the first time Keith's seen me in my pajamas.
"Keith," you sat back down on your bed, pulling him down with you. "I don't know if we should." You cautioned, "You're always getting in trouble and you can't afford losing your scholarship. You are the best pilot here, you were born for this."
     He frowned at you before speaking, "(Y/N), we're not gonna get caught. Besides, if I get kicked out, they have you left." He bumped into you jokingly.  "Where are we going?" You asked quietly to make sure your roommate doesn't wake up. Keith started standing up then and shook his head, "You'll find out soon." He said shortly, not leaving any room for you to guess what he's planning.
     "Come on," he stood up quickly and held his gloved hands out to you. You placed your hands into his and felt the warmth of his palms. It made your heart jump for a second. He pulled you up off your bed and slightly spun you over towards your big, gray wardrobe.
    "Now get dressed and come with me~" he whispered into your ear and pulled back with a smirk. He let go of your hands then and slipped out towards the door, "And hurry before we get caught!" He whisper-yelled to you as the door slid shut.
     Your heart was beating so fast. Something about Keith always made your adrenaline start pumping. Maybe it's because we're always doing things that could get us in trouble. You thought to yourself.
     Okay maybe more like convinced yourself. You then started changing out of your pajamas and into your regular outside of school outfit to distract yourself from your thoughts. You didn't want to like Keith. You guys are best friends and there's no reason to ruin that just for a silly crush. Once you were changed you made a dash to the door and snuck out next to Keith as quietly as you could. You smiled up at him and he looked down at you kindly before heading down the corridor with you stealthy following after him. You were glad to see him like this, this is the first time he's really seemed happy in the past couple weeks.
     You slipped around past some adults and teachers before making it out of one of the dock's open doors. You and Keith had snuck out of the Garrison many times before but you normally don't go with him every time he goes out. He likes being alone and so do you, so you understand.
Keith was leading you around the side of the building to stay out of cameras' and lookouts' lines of vision you eventually managed to creep around to a corner and ran until you were in the spot where you are completely hidden, there you two found Keith's land speeder. Keith plunked a helmet onto your head and started to get on before you protested.
     "Hey I wanna drive!" You whisper shouted to him hoping he'd let you be in charge of the speeder. Shiro had taught Keith to ride them ever since you've known Keith, you tried to convince him to let you join them when you were younger but he always refused. It wasn't until you were older you realized your boundaries much better. Over the past year, though, you had asked Keith to teach you and he's been trying. You weren't the greatest yet but you were definitely learning.
Keith let out a soft chuckle, "No way, sweetheart." He snipped at you in a playful tone while using a sarcastic nickname that always caused your chest to ache. "Besides, you don't even know where we're going." He fully sat down on the seat now and patted the seat behind him, other hand on the handlebar. You reluctantly obliged and slid on behind him. He turned his head around to look at you and gave you a smirk, "Hold on tight, we're going fast."
     You grinned and nodded then wrapped your arms around his torso and hung on as he revved the speeder and you two went rushing across the desert. Your heart began to race as you pulled yourself closer to Keith, feeling the wind on you as you flew through the air. You began thinking to yourself where Keith may be taking you as you looked around at your surroundings blurring past you. You eventually leaned your cheek against his back as the ride wasn't super short.
"We're almost there!" He yelled back to you, not turning his head back this time. You could hear the smile on his face and it made you smile too. You picked your head back up to start looking around again to see if you knew where you were. As you slowed to a stop, you peeked your head around his shoulder to look in front of you.
"Hey!" You began laughing, "You liar! I so know my way here!" Keith had driven you guys to his old house he used to live in with his dad. You guys have come here many times in the past. Keith comes here all the time and even skips classes to be here. It's a cute little home but it's not very cleaned up inside. Perhaps Keith likes it the way it was left and you can see why. Keith joined in on your laughter.
      "This isn't the place, we're just stopping to pick something up." Your laughter subsided as Keith got off the speeder. "Stay here," he smiled down at you, "I'll be right back." He then pushed down the visor on your helmet just to tease you before he walked off towards the house. You flicked back up the visor and rested your hand on your palm tiredly. You were starting to feel tired again after that adrenaline rush. You yawned as you thought about what on earth Keith could be grabbing. By the time he came back you started to feel more awake when you began having conversation again. Keith had a long case in his arms and he strapped it safely to the back of the speeder. Keith got back on and began driving you two up a long hill a small while away from the old Kogane house.
Once you made it to the peak, you two both got off the speeder and you got to see the beautiful sky line over the dessert mountains. You let out an amazed sigh at the sight. You were pulled out of your awed state when you heard the sounds of Keith doing something behind you. Turning around, you saw Keith setting up a telescope. You looked at him in confusion because you didn't think Keith liked telescopes, especially not after that full semester on telescopes and astral charts two years ago. He looked up at you through his long hair that was sagging in this face from his bent over stance. He didn't really look so amused either which just pushed your confusion even further.
"Come here." He beckoned after he was done setting it up. "Come here and see what you can see, right in the middle of the scope."
You looked at him skeptically before getting down to look into it. In the middle of your view was a small faint blip in the sky. "Dude," you snorted, "what star is this?" You still had no idea what he was having you look at.
"It's a moon. Jupiter's Europa." He said shortly. You stood up from the telescope and saw Keith sitting nonchalantly on the ground now. You walked back and sat down next to him, letting your hands fall behind you to hold yourself up.
"Europa is about 365 million miles away. That's nothing compared to Kerberos." He said, his voice starting to sound a lot more unhappy. "It's over 3.2 billion miles from here. And Shiros actually going!" He shouted with a growl in his voice. There it is, you thought, this is about Kerberos.
You kept quiet. You knew during times like this, it was better to just let Keith talk and you were perfectly fine with that. Looking over at him, you could see him still looking up at the night sky. His eyes were sad, his gaze was lost, yet angry. "I heard him fighting with Adam when I was outside his door a couple hours ago. Adam told Shiro that if he goes to Kerberos, that he won't be here for him when he gets back." His eyes wavered down at the ground between you two now. "And it got me thinking, everyone's been saying this is just a routine mission but, why would Adam be so worried about it?" He looked over to you now, helplessly, you didn't have an answer, and he didn't expect you to have one.
       "I think you should confront Shiro tomorrow and ask him to tell you the truth about it." You offered finally after a small moment of silence. Keith nodded slowly, thinking about your response.
      "Thanks, Y/N." He gave you a small grateful smile before laying down on the ground now, face up to the sky. You followed suit and laid down, suddenly even closer to him than you were before.
      "Anytime, Mullet." You grinned turning your head to face him. You saw him looking at you with a disappointed scowl on his face, causing you to let out a small laugh. Keith let out a sigh as you stopped giggling. You never knew what he was thinking, and the look on his face, you could tell he was thinking deeply about something. "What are you thinking about?" You decided to ask him, thinking there'd be no better time to have real conversations with him than tonight.
Keith looked back at the sky now opening his mouth to speak and then closing it again. Most likely thinking over his words.
"I've been thinking about something else too. I don't know what I would do in Shiro's shoes. I'm impulsive and stupid as hell, and when I want to do something I don't let anything stand in my way, but if someone I really loved tried to stop me from doing it, I don't know if I could, even with the thought of them leaving me for me. And it scares me, Y/N, so many people have left me and I don't know what I'd do if it were my fault you left."
You felt a lump form in your throat from hearing Keith talk about this. This is one of the times in a very long time he has let you in on how he feels about anything. Hearing him openly express your emotions was touching and you felt so honored to be the one he tells them to.
"Y/N?" Your name escaped his lips again, this time asking as if he was longing for you. You turned your head again to look at him. You held your breath when you noticed that your faces were close enough that your noses could be touching if either of you moved any further.
"Yeah?" You asked him suddenly much more quiet now, you cursed yourself for sounding so nervous but you couldn't control your pounding heart at the proximity. You were searching his eyes to see if you could guess what he was thinking, he's never been very touchy and you were oh so close to touching, you started to sit up a bit to give him space, but you were stopped in your tracks when you felt Keith's hand grip onto yours as he sat up too, pulling your hand towards him.
The warm touch so foreign and yet so familiar. An hour ago in your dorm, a month ago while guiding you in the simulator, a year ago when he tried to help you fix your bad hair day, all the way back to age 13 when he handed you back your glitter gel pen in class and you felt the flaming rush in your chest.
"I want you to know," he whispered, holding onto your hand a little tighter now, "no matter what happens, I will never do anything on purpose to make you leave me."
You didn't know what to say, so instead you flung your arms around him and pulled him into a loving hug. You let out a shaky sigh as you felt Keith's body relax into yours. "I know you wouldn't." You were in this weird state of shock having never seen Keith this vulnerable before.
"God I'm so fucking stupid..." you hear his muffled voice growl from your shoulder. He pulled away from the hug then, angry at himself for just simply showing you his emotions. You shook your head quickly and put his hand back into your own.
"No you're not, Keith." You reassured him, "Thank you for telling me this." You said then, hoping to make him feel more secure again.
"Yeah..." he sighed then, "Let's get you back in your dorm, they should be switching look outs soon." He quickly changed the subject. You frowned at him, both for putting back up his wall and for making this night coming to an end. You agreed nonetheless, you were glad Keith was beginning to let you in and you were willing to accept that the boundary was back up. Keith means the world to you, and you'd never let that go.
Keith drove you guys back to his speeders hiding place before helping you sneak back in and back through the halls to your dorm. There wasn't any talking on the way back but it was a comfortable silence. Once you were back at your door, you thanked Keith for the wonderful night and told him to get some sleep before the sun starts to come up. You turned them to your door and were about to open it when,
"Hey, uh, (Y/N)?" He whispered for your attention once again. "You're really important to me." He said shortly but still full of so much love. You pulled him into another hug. "You too, Mullet." You whispered into his ear, "Never forget it... please?"
You felt Keith nod and he gave you a quick squeeze before letting go of the embrace, slowly, his hand sliding down your arm as he began to walk away, once it reached your hand and gave it another quick squeeze before he finally let go and slipped around the corner into the darkness. You let out a large breath you didn't know you were holding once you saw him disappear. God were you in love with him. Even if he's never usually like that during the day, you love every Keith and maybe one day you'll tell him....
Hey!!! Let me know what you thought of this one shot :))) I know Keith was pretty ooc, but I like thinking of him being very sensitive around the ones he loves!
Also this didn't proof read yet because I rlly wanted to get this chapter out to you guys !!!!!
This is my first like official Voltron work so bare with me!
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lordabovehelpme · 4 years
Small Fingers- Din Djarin x Reader
Summary: The children of the covert are fascinated with you. 
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Little hands trace your features. Soft fingertips run through your hair. The children of the covert have never seen someone’s face other than their parents. They find you fascinating and you’re happy to let them explore.
When you first got to the covert the children had looked up at you in awe. Din had to talk to the armorer so he left you, but took the child with him. The few brave ones slowly made their way to you, the others soon following behind. One of the older ones promptly asked why you had no helmet. When you explained you were with Din they all got closer, trusting Din’s judgement.
Now, you’re sat on the floor with twelve kids piled on top of you. Each taking turns tracing your eyelids or braiding your hair. The smaller ones are sat in your lap while the bigger ones explore. Giggles and laughter fill the hall.
Some of the parents are smiling at the scene unfolding in front of them. One very pregnant mother ushers her barely walking son to you. Noticing the tired way her limbs move, you smile and open your arms for the small boy to run to. He looks at his mom before stumbling his way to you. Flashing the mom a smile, she nods and walks into a room.
The children fill you in on all the gossip of the covert. How so and so’s parents won’t let them out of their room today because they were bad. They tell you stories of what they had for breakfast and what games they played before you arrived.
One little girl taps your shoulder before asking, “Can you tell us about the world outside?” At first you are taken aback, but then it all makes sense. Of course you would keep the children inside where they are safe.
“Sure I can!” Cheers are made from the children as they all sit down in front of you. However, the little boy sits himself down in your lap, focusing on twirling a strand of your hair. “Well, where should I begin?”
“Have you ever seen an ocean? My dad says that there are places that hold so much water, you can’t see the other side.” An older boy asks.
“Yes, I have seen oceans. They really are amazing. Your dad is correct, oceans are giant bodies of water.” All the children lean in further. “However, the water is not still, it moves and shifts with the tides. Giant and powerful waves crash against the land where the water stops. It’s also not like drinking water, it’s salty.”
“Salty!?” One girl interrupts.
You nod and smile at her excitement. “It is also a brilliant blue color.”
“But water is clear!”
“Yes, but when you have so much water in one place it reflects the light more and it appears to be a magnificent color.”
Ooo’s erupt from the children. “What else have you seen?”
Where could she have gone? Din had just finished giving some credits to the armorer for the children when he made his way to where he left you. He sets his son down as he looks around.
The child runs off in the direction of the main hall. “Hey, kid, where are you going?”
Cooing, he continues to run before turning a corner and disappearing from Din’s watch.
When he turns the corner after him, he stops in his tracks.
“And then it all went silent. Nobody made a move.” You’re standing in front of the covert children, one hand in the middle of portraying the story you’re telling. You have the newest addition to the covert on your hip, holding him steady as you describe the scene. The children are obviously enthralled as they clutch one another.
“Then the ground started to rumble, and out of the ground he flew from the dragon's mouth. Finally killing the great beast!” The children laugh and squirm as you finish your story.
A hand lands on Din’s shoulder. “You didn’t tell me you killed a Krayt dragon!” One of Din’s oldest friends greets him with a strong hug.
“It wasn’t that big of a deal.”
“Well you’re little lady sure had the entire covert holding their breath for what happened next. She sure is great with the kids.”
He turns his head to really look at you. Your hair is in lots of little braids and you practically have all the children hanging off of you. Warmth fills his body as his heart swells with love.
“She is, isn’t she.” Din can’t help but agree.
“So when are you planning on having your own?” His head spins and he chokes.
A loud laugh comes from his friend. “Don’t worry, I’m just teasing you. But really, you should snatch her up before someone else does. Trust me, the children are not the only people here she’s caught the attention of, especially with how motherly she is.” Patting his back once more, the friend leaves Din to himself.
“Come on, it’s time to go.” He says to you. Instantly, all the children groan and wrap themselves around you. You give him these eyes, the eyes he hates because they always work.
“Just a little longer?” Pushing your bottom lip out, you fully pout at him.
He sighs because he can’t say no to you. “Five minutes.”
A wide smile works itself onto your face as the children cheer and pull you around, insisting you play one last game.
Din goes to sit down at one of the tables near the side of the room. One of the male mandalorians approaches him.
“Hey man, so are you and her like a thing?” When Din makes no effort to reply he continues, “Great because I wanted to make sure before I go make a move.”
“We are.” It’s gruff and possessive.
“What did you say?”
“She’s mine.”
“Oh sorry.” The mandalorian holds his hands up and walks away. Din stands up and makes his way to you.
“Time to go.” He grabs your arm, as if he wants to physically pull you from the heap of children.
“Wait, let me say goodbye.” He drops your arm and watches as you say goodbye to every single child. However, the little boy won’t let go of you. He watches as you sway and pat the boys back, whispering things into his ears that even his helmet can not pick up. He sees the little boy nod and when you set him down he gives you a wave. You turn back to face Din, swooping up his son into your arms. “Okay, I’m ready.”
“Din, what's wrong? I can feel your annoyance all the way from here.” You’re sitting in the co-pilot seat, next to him, with the child fast asleep on your lap.
“Yes…” You trail off with confusion evident in your voice.
“I want-... I just... seeing you with the children. It made me realize something.” His visor turns to meet your eyes. He sees you nod reassuringly. “I love you, Cyar’ika.”
Your head snaps to meet his visor. Placing the sleeping child in his old pram, you launch yourself into Din’s arms. “I love you too.”
I am going to start working on requests again! I have just been super busy lately. Hope you guys liked this one.
Love, Lordy. 
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writeforfandoms · 3 years
Merry Go Round of Life 9
Find my masterlist
Part 9! I’m only a day late, it’s fine. We’re meeting another character in this chapter, and I hope y’all like who we meet. I’m super excited to see how you guys like this chapter. 
This will be Din Djarin x f!reader eventually. Don’t hold your breath folks, this one’s a slow burn. Sort of.
Word count: 2k
Warnings: People being Dramatic and Irritatingly Vague. 
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Chapter nine: In which there are more wizards
You and Djarin stayed quiet around each other for the next few days. He hadn’t returned from his outing until the next day, as far as you saw. By that time, the child was awake and normal again, devouring practically his weight in breakfast. Peli, for once, didn’t offer an opinion and stayed low in her logs. 
Just as you thought you were going to break down and actually apologize to the wizard (if only to break the tense silence), he surprised you by speaking first.
“I need to go see my mentor tomorrow. You two are coming with me.”
You coughed as your tea tried to go down the wrong pipe. “Beg pardon?” 
Djarin sighed. “Please come with me,” he said, completely monotone.
“Not what I meant, but I appreciate being asked,” you told him primly, setting your cup down. “Where is your mentor?” 
Djarin hesitated for a moment before he sighed. “Mandalore.” 
“Right,” you drawled, watching him. “Why are we going with you? I’m not disagreeing. I just want to know.” 
Djarin sighed again, louder this time. He also tapped his fingers against the table briefly. “I need her opinion on something,” he spoke slowly, looking over at Peli instead of you. “And I’d like you two with me.”
“Alright,” you acquiesced easily. “Tomorrow morning?”
“Yes.” Djarin’s shoulders relaxed slowly when he realized you weren’t going to put up a fight about it. “I’d like to leave early, before the markets start.”
“You’ll have to wake me, then,” you told him. “I’m not normally up that early.”
Djarin huffed something that might have been a laugh and inclined his head to you. He stood, presumably to leave, and you spoke up again.
“Your mentor. Do they wear a helmet too?”
Djarin nodded. “This is the way,” he agreed. The words sounded like more than just words, though. Like something he’d said thousands of times. You felt a little ripple down your spine at the words. 
“Okay. Do I need to… do anything?” You waved vaguely at yourself. You’d cleaned up, of course, since the creature so you were no longer covered in mud and sand. But you didn’t exactly have anything better to wear.
“No,” Djarin assured you. “She won’t care.” He picked up the kid and headed back upstairs.
“Do you know who his mentor is?” you asked Peli, starting to feel a little anxious.
“How would I know?” Peli grumbled. “It’s not like I can leave here.” 
“That’s not what I meant,” you said, frowning at her. “Maybe she’s been here before? Or he’s talked about her?” You paused for a moment. “Well. Maybe not the second option, actually.”
Peli spluttered a laugh, sparks flaring bright as they drifted up and away from you. “Nope. No other helmets have entered the castle. Trust me, I’d know. Bad enough dealing with one, I’d have to quit if there were two.” 
You sank back into your chair, murmuring enough encouragement to keep Peli ranting while you tuned her out. Well, you weren’t exactly surprised that Djarin’s mentor wore a helmet too, but you were surprised he was taking you to meet her. You had no idea why he would. 
But you’d already agreed to go, so there was nothing more to be done about it now. Honestly, you were curious. This was the first time the wizard was going to show you anything more of himself and where he came from. Maybe, if you were lucky, you’d even get to know him a little better. 
True to his word, Djarin woke you early the next morning, and made tea while you hobbled about getting ready to go. The child was still half-asleep, cuddled into Djarin’s shoulder watching the two of you with sleepy eyes. You had to grin at the sight. Djarin was an excellent father figure, clearly. 
The two of you left, emerging onto the streets of Mandalore. It was early enough still that there wasn’t much foot traffic around the two of you. A few people here and there, really, but no more than that. You struggled a little to keep up with Djarin’s longer strides, and were quickly completely turned around in the city.
“Almost there,” Djarin told you after several minutes of walking. The kid peered over Djarin’s shoulder at you and cooed. You pretended it was encouragement, and not outright amusement.
“Wizard,” you huffed. You’d remembered to bring your walking stick along this time, and it thumped gently on the cobblestones as you walked. “I could clobber him,” you muttered to the stick. “If he’d slow down a little.” 
Djarin finally stopped in an alleyway, turning to look at you. You puffed up next to him, leaning a little more heavily on your walking stick. “This way,” he said, waving two fingers at the end of the alley. The brick shimmered and vanished, leaving an opening. Your jaw dropped. Djarin might possibly have chuckled before he stepped into the opening, heading down the narrow staircase revealed there. You followed him a little more slowly, your eyes taking time to adjust. 
You heard her before you saw her. The rhythmic clang of metal on metal echoed down the flat corridor you emerged onto, and Djarin pulled you up level with him as he walked down the corridor. You had no idea how far underground you were, but it was chilly. At least, it started out chilly. The temperature slowly rose as you approached a doorway. Djarin stepped through first, holding the curtain for you to enter after him.
The room was circular and mostly open, but largely dominated by a forge in the center. Tending the forge was a woman with a golden-bronze helmet, her back to the two of you. You sat where Djarin ushered you, and he sat next to you to wait, the child now perched in his lap, bright eyes surveying everything. 
“You brought them?” the woman asked. She set down the hammer and plunged the piece of metal she’d been working on into a bucket of water, which hissed and steamed. 
“Yes.” Djarin didn’t say anything else or move. 
The woman set the piece of metal aside and finally turned, looking at your little group. Her helmet was different from Djarin’s, and not just in color. The visor was different. And there were little… horns? Maybe? On her helmet. She took a couple steps closer to Djarin, looking at him. Or possibly the child. It was a little difficult to tell through the helmet.
Then the helmet turned to you and you froze, feeling abruptly like prey. You went very still, hardly breathing, eyes wide as you stared into the visor. This lasted for long enough that your heart started to pound against your ribs.
And then whatever it was passed, and the helmet turned back to Djarin. You swallowed hard, hiding your shaking hands against your legs. 
“You were correct,” the woman told him simply. “You were wise to bring them here.” 
Them? Wait, what? You had a feeling you were missing something.
“I brought the rest, as well.” Djarin nudged a bag you’d failed to notice earlier, and the bag clinked when the woman picked it up, looking through it. She pulled out a reddish crystal, holding it to the light and examining it for several moments. The child cooed, and for a moment you could have sworn the crystal started to glow. Then the woman put it back in the bag. 
“Well done,” she said. “These will be greatly beneficial.” She set the bag down by the back of the room before turning to look at the three of you again. “You know the king has been asking after you.”
“I know.” Djarin sounded like he was grimacing, voice a little tighter than normal. 
“Nothing from Viszla?”
The woman nodded slowly, seeming to consider something. Her helmet tipped towards you again, and you swiftly looked away. Just in case. You weren’t keen on feeling that again. She was silent for several long moments before she nodded, seemingly to herself. “You are to find Viszla.” 
“And the king?” Djarin rasped.
“You will have some time before he becomes a problem.” 
Djarin nodded. “Anything else?” 
“You are lacking your heart, not your brain.” The woman stepped over and rapped her knuckles on Djarin’s breastplate. Djarin flinched but made no retort. “You have everything you need, Djarin.” She stepped away again, over to the forge, and started working. 
Apparently that was all the signal that Djarin needed, because he stood, still holding the kid, and assisted you to your feet as well. He stayed quiet as he led the way back out of the room, down the corridor, up the stairs, and back into the alleyway.
Enough time had passed that you could hear the markets opening, the calls of the vendors and the tapping of shoes on the stones. It was odd to think - you were in Mandalore, near one of the big markets. But the entrance to the castle wasn’t far, and back in the castle you would be roaming the area around Kalevala. And if you really wanted to, you could pop out to Kamino for an afternoon stroll. 
You tried to stifle your laughter. You really did. But a squeak escaped you. 
“What?” Djarin turned to look at you, giving you an obvious look over.
“Nothing, nothing,” you tried to tell him, waving him off and biting your lower lip.
“Tell me.” He wasn’t afraid of using his height to his advantage, looming over you. But far from feeling intimidated, you felt protected. 
“I just… never thought this would be my life.” You shook your head, incredulous. “A greater adventure than I could have dreamed, and all I had to do--” The words caught in your throat. Right. You weren’t allowed to talk about the curse. You shook your head again, this time to dislodge the magical blockage. “Well, all I had to do was get old, I suppose.” 
“Hm.” Djarin looked at you before he huffed a laugh of his own and shook his head. “We’re making a detour on the way back.”
“We are?” You scrambled to keep up with him, thumping your walking stick along. 
“Only a brief one.” Djarin didn’t turn to look at you again, instead leading the way straight into the market.
The market was incredible, unlike anything you’d seen in Kalevala. The vendors were varied, clearly from all over. There were vibrant colors everywhere, from clothing to awnings to fruits to spices. The whole place was a mess of scents that you tried to decipher - spices here, fish there, fresh bread off that direction. It was very nearly sensory overload, and there weren’t even that many people about yet. 
The only reason you didn’t get overwhelmed and stop at every other stall to try something was Djarin. He carved a determined path through the market, simply trusting you to keep up with him. And you did, although it pained you to go past a few of the stalls without even a look. There was one that you very nearly abandoned him for, full to the brim with colorful cloth and trims, ready to be shaped and created into something wonderful. 
Finally, Djarin stopped at a fruit vendor on what had to be the far end of the market. He passed over a few coins, and took a bag in return. With a nod to the vendor, he turned to you and held out the bag.
“Try one,” he offered, shaking the bag a little to help entice you.
You peered inside. The fruits were unlike anything you’d seen before - small and red and plump. You picked one carefully, examining it.
Djarin huffed at you again. “There’s a pit in the middle,” he told you. “Careful of that.” 
“Thank you.” You bit into it cautiously, and your eyes went wide at the flavor. Sweet and a little tart, juicy, delicious. You very nearly made an indecent sound, covering your mouth with your free hand as you chewed on your unexpected treat. 
“Come on,” Djarin told you again, ushering you along with him. This time, he stuck next to you, keeping close even as the market got busier and busier. “I have an idea where to look for Viszla.”
“That’s good,” you said, smiling. “I’m sure that will be helpful. Where are you going to start?”
Djarin was quiet for a moment, leading you now through side streets and back towards the entrance to the moving castle. “Kalevala.”
Taglist:  @tibbietibbs @zinzinina @fandom-blackhole @pedrocentric @shoopidly @beskarprincessjenny @sarahjkl82-blog @cannedsoupsucks @liviiii98 @adriiibell @seasonschange-butpeopledont @princessxkenobi @thirddeadlysin @pbeatriz @oonajaeadira @kiizhikehn-cedar @withakindheartx​ @linkpk88 @pedro4ever @evyiione @janebby @anditsmywholeheart @ohheyitsokay​ @miraclesabound​​ @amneris21​ @recklessworry​ @the-feckless-wonder​ @kotemorons​ @anaaaispunk​ 
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
oh ok what about a blurb for sc where Daniel and Marigold go on their first date?
↳  A/N Such an iconic moment and such a simple yet special night🥺
↳ Word Count: 3793
↳ Seasons Change Taglist: @stuffofseaveyy @randomlimelightxxx @jonahlovescoffee @hiya-its-amber @hopinglimelight @onlyangelavery @sbrewer21 @bessonsbxtch @viamiasoncrack @the-girl-who-cried-wolf @21burritoseavey @queenseavey23​ @xkelsev - Please click the link in my bio to be added to the taglist!
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May 16, 2008
Daniel was sure that if he bit his lip any harder, he would draw blood. The high school hallways were bustling with students who all spoke and shouted over each other as they gathered their things after final bell before the weekend. The slamming of lockers and bumping of bodies didn’t even seem to phase Daniel as he stared right down the hallway to where Marigold was standing.
She had her hair in braids that day and she smiled so widely when Daniel gave her a weak compliment in first period. Even just thinking about it now had his stomach in knots. He had never been smooth and never been flirty and even that simple statement in passing made him nervous.
They had talked almost every day since they officially met in first period English. There was nothing Daniel looked forward to more than her sweet ‘Good morning, Daniel’ every day as she walked into the classroom and took her seat behind him. Talking with his friends at lunch led him to accept that he had a wholehearted crush on her and if he didn’t ask her out he would be royally doomed.
Thing is, Daniel made that realization only two weeks after they met and planned to ask her out on Valentine’s day but totally chickened out. Three months later, he was driving himself insane for putting it off so long. His friends said if he didn’t ask her out that week then they would do it for him and wouldn’t that be embarrassing.
It was Friday. After the last bell. He couldn’t put it off any longer.
With one more nervous pet to his hair and a straightening of his back, he made his way over. Marigold glanced up at him as he approached.
“Hey.” she grinned, “You never come visit me. What do I owe the pleasure?”
Daniel licked his lips nervously as he watched her tuck her binders into her rose patterned backpack.
When he didn’t answer, she looked back at him with a chuckle, “Hello?”
Daniel rose his eyes to hers and took a deep breath, “Do you wanna go out with me this weekend?”
A sweet smile played at the corner of Marigold’s mouth as she slung her zipped up bag over her shoulder and closed her locker, “I’m at my grandparents’ this weekend but I’m free tonight.”
Daniel’s eyes went wide, his breath stuttering in his chest for a moment, “Tonight? Tonight…y-yeah, okay, yeah, I can do tonight.”
“Okay.” Marigold nodded in agreement. “I gotta go…mom’s waiting…but message me on AIM with a time and place.”
“Yeah.” Daniel breathed out, watching her rush off past him with a hurried ‘bye!’ and into the hallway crowded with teenagers. He couldn’t hold back the little air punch in celebration for that and he hurried off into the crowd in the opposite direction before anyone could see his bit of a happy dance.
The moment Daniel got home, he was rushing towards the basement, “I need the computer! I need the computer!”
He nearly threw himself into the computer room, only to find his older brother already there.
“I’m mid-game.” Christian said without looking up. “You can have it after dinner.”
“No. No, no, I need it now. Please.” Daniel stood over him impatiently.
“For what?”
“None of your business.”
“I need to know to decide if it’s worth stopping my game.”
“It is! I need to get on AIM, like, now.”
Christian paused his playing and looked up at his brother, “Is it a girl?”
With the distraction that obviously worked, Daniel threw himself on his brother’s lap and unplugged the game controller and closed the window himself. Christian shouted at him in protest and Daniel did his best to hold his older brother back as he opened up AIM and found Marigold’s contact – labeled as ‘online’ - and drafted a super rushed message.
C u at 6 for dinner?
“Mom! Daniel is hogging the computer!” Christian shouted towards the stairs. “And rubbing his nasty butt on me!”
Daniel ignored him, muttering under his breath as he saw the typing icon pop up, “Come on, come on.”
Yes. Where?
I’ll pick u up
A smiley thumbs up emoticon came through as is reply just as Christian shoved him off his lap and onto the carpeted floor. Daniel only picked himself up with ease and tossed the controller at his older brother’s head.
“Go play your stupid game while I have a date with a real girl.”
He rushed for the stairs before Christian could smack him for the diss.
By 5:30, Daniel had showered and dressed in pants and a button-up and fixed his hair three times in the mirror in his room. He grabbed his jacket and keys and hurried for the door. He made it right out to the driveway before realizing he was forgetting something.
Marigold thought farther ahead than Daniel did – that wasn’t odd – and her address was waiting for him in their AIM messages when he returned to the computer. He scribbled it down on a scrap piece of paper and nearly tripped up the stairs on his way back upstairs to type it into the old GPS in his hand-me-down truck. Daniel wasn’t necessarily a clumsy guy but the nervousness that was pumping through him certainly made that his momentary unfortunate reality. He even forgot to take the car out of park before trying to back out of the driveway. A marigold flower that he had picked from his mother’s garden rested in the cupholder.
The robotic voice of the GPS led him through the suburban streets of West Hartford to a red brick Tudor house with lush gardens and a perfectly trimmed lawn. Daniel lingered in the driveway for a moment, staring up at the front door that was framed by two small lights, waiting for him. He took a deep breath, stepped out of his old truck, and walked cautiously up the few stone steps to the hedge trimmed front porch. He barely knocked on the wood door before it was pulled open, revealing Marigold on the other side.
His heart did a little skip.
“Hi.” she said sweetly.
Daniel tried to word his response as he stared at her with her long blonde hair left in their natural waves and her face dusted in light makeup. He finally got out a soft, “Hi. You…look so good.”
Marigold tucked her hair behind her ear, “Thank you. You look good too.”
Daniel shifted and held out the marigold flower to her, “I…would have brought more but this was kinda last minute.”
“Well aren’t you as sweet as sugar?” Marigold giggled as she took it from him and twirled it between her fingers, “But my favourite flowers are hydrangeas.”
“Shit.” Daniel muttered.
“Just remember for next time.” she said as she closed the front door behind her.
Daniel nodded lightly, “Next time.”
They headed to his truck and he opened the door for her and held out a hand to help her up the slightly large step into the passenger seat. Marigold thanked him with a smile and took his hand although the way she easily hopped in meant she really didn’t need any sort of help.
“Where are we going?” Marigold asked once Daniel turned the key in the rumbling ignition.
“It’s a surprise.” Daniel said, switching the truck into reverse and tucked his hand behind her chair to back out of the driveway.
Marigold smiled over at him, “I like surprises.”
“Don’t get your hopes up.” Daniel added quickly.
“Don’t second guess yourself.” she retorted, although her tone was gentle.
Their eyes met briefly from across the front seat of the truck and Daniel looked back quickly to the road, stuttering to a stop at a crosswalk. Marigold reached out a hand to the dashboard.
“Sorry.” Daniel said, “Not quite used to driving this thing yet.”
“That’s okay.” Marigold said easily. “I can’t drive at all so you’re already impressing me.”
Daniel smiled to himself as he continued driving more towards the centre of town. Marigold hummed softly and tucked the flower behind her ear, pulling down the sun visor to look in the small mirror to make sure it was sitting nicely.
“It’s a gorgeous shade of yellow. Did you grow it yourself?” she asked, tapping the petals gently before shutting the visor again.
“No.” Daniel chuckled. “My mom did. I don’t…know a lot about gardening.”
“What a shame.” Marigold tisked. “I love it.”
Her eyes went wide as they turned into a parking lot and she gasped as she threw out her hand to touch his arm. Daniel was sure shivers tore down his spine at her simple touch and he glanced over at her in surprise.
“Are we going to Wendy’s?” she asked.
“Is that okay?” Daniel retorted quickly.
“Yes!” Marigold grinned, clapping her hands together a little in excitement. “Wendy’s is my favourite!”
Daniel let the truck drift to a stop in the drive-thru lineup and he looked over at her, “Really? It’s mine too.”
“Wow. We sit next to each other for three entire months and yet we are still learning about each other.”
“I mean we talk more about Shakespeare than fast food and flowers in class but…yeah.” Daniel chuckled.
Marigold smiled at him, the sweetest giggle falling from her lips, and the dim lights from the restaurant sign and almost setting sun outside the windows cast a pretty yellow glow across her face. Daniel was sure he had never seen anything or anyone as beautiful.
She told him her order and he paid at the window and passed her the takeout bag to hold as he pulled out of the drive-thru. Marigold peeked open the bag and snuck a fry for herself before taking a second and holding it out in front of Daniel’s nose. He smiled shyly and leaned in to let her feed it to him as he drove. She folded up the top of the takeout bag and let her gaze drift out the window as they headed towards the outskirts of town.
“Where are you taking me?” she asked.
“You’ll see.” Daniel answered casually.
Marigold glanced over at him as he was focused on the road and she let a small smile come to her lips. He had this seriousness about him when he drove, or maybe that was just his first date jitters taking over, as his bottom lip stayed wedged between his teeth and his hands stayed wrapped around the steering wheel. He took them out of the suburbs and into the outskirts of town where the buildings moulded into farmland and the street lamps turned into rickety telephone wires. Daniel - who only had his license for a few months - drove extra cautiously as pavement turned into dirt roads. The sun was still just over the horizon but was dropping quickly and the hues of sunset were fluttering through the truck and across their faces.
Daniel finally pulled into an alcove at the side of the road, down a slightly narrow dirt path that somewhat resembled someone’s driveway. Marigold simply held their takeout bag on her lap and trusted his process. He did a slightly rusty three-point-turn to reverse at the end of the path and then parked.
“Where are we?” Marigold asked with a slightly nervous giggle.
“Come.” Daniel opened the door and hopped out onto the dirt below. Marigold followed him around the truck with the takeout bag and he opened the back to reveal the bed of the truck made up with blankets and pillows.
Marigold bit back her smile and turned over her shoulder to the vast expanse of farmland beyond and a perfect view of the sunset and the outskirts of the city in the distance.
“Is it stupid? You can tell me.” Daniel said quickly.
“No.” she answered right away. “I really love this.”
“Good because my other option was bowling and I really suck at bowling.” Daniel sighed.
Marigold laughed sweetly and climbed up into the back of the truck. He followed quickly and they got the pillows arranged to rest back on with the blankets under them to prevent the hard plastic of the truck bed from becoming too uncomfortable. They split their food and ate on their laps while watching the sunset. Daniel was almost too nervous to eat - he felt like he might be sick any moment - but he ate anyway and focused on the soft humming coming from the pretty blonde girl beside him.
“How’d you find this spot?” Marigold finally asked.
“By chance, honestly.” Daniel shrugged. “I was practicing my driving before I got my full license and I was up around here and pulled over to answer a call from my mom and...I dunno...it looked kinda nice.”
Marigold nodded in agreement through a bite of her burger before answering, “It is kinda nice.”
“You’re the first person I’ve taken here.”
“Oh really?” Marigold smiled over at him, “I’m glad. Maybe this can be our spot.”
Daniel bit his lip to prevent himself from smiling as wide as he possibly could back at her and he nodded, “Okay.”
They finished their meals in near silence and by the time the sun finally dipped below the horizon and sent the land into near darkness, they rested back against the pillows comfortably. Daniel pulled up one of the blankets over their laps to keep warm as night fell and the temperature started to drop. Marigold was entranced by the views, her gaze unwavering as she stared up at the stars starting to appear across the inky sky.
“You can never see the stars from town.” she whispered.
Daniel looked from her up to the sky himself and smiled lightly at the blinking stars staring back at them.
“They’re so pretty.” Marigold said.
He looked back over at her, certainly finding her much prettier than the stars. He couldn’t believe she was really truly there with him - after months of psyching himself out and putting it off. She was the prettiest girl in the whole school, Daniel was sure of it, not to mention the sweetest and thinking about the fact that she so easily agreed to go out with him made his heart jump in his chest.
As if reading his thoughts, she asked, “Why’d you want to ask me out?”
Daniel was startled by her question and when he didn’t answer right away she looked back at him expectantly.
“I...You...were the prettiest girl I’d ever seen when you walked into the classroom at the start of term and...so nice to me and so...sweet and...I’ve had a serious crush on you for weeks now but I was too scared to ever do anything about it.”
Marigold lolled her head back against the rear window of the truck and listened so intently to him that you’d think he was preaching the gospel.
“So why now?” she challenged.
“Truth?” Daniel asked.
She nodded.
“My friends said if I didn’t ask you out by the end of the week, they’d do it for me and I don’t think I could ever recover from that embarrassment if they did.”
“Ah, so you waited for the eleventh hour?” Marigold giggled.
“Yeah.” Daniel laughed lightly, looking back down to his lap where he was picking nervously at the loose threads on the blanket draped over them.
Marigold spoke quietly to him, her eyes focused on his face even when he wasn’t looking back at her, “Well you know I’m not shy by any means but...I kinda always got a little nervous around you.”
Daniel finally looked back at her, “What? Really?”
She bit her smiling lip and nodded, “I kinda had a serious crush on you too. I’d get all nervous before first period because I knew I’d be seeing you.”
“Shut up. You did not.” Daniel blushed, looking away from her shyly.
“I did. I did, I swear.” Marigold giggled. “You were just so cute and quiet and made me feel like a little kid all shy.”
“You shoulda told me.” Daniel mumbled, his cheeks flushed pink.
Marigold nudged him, “You shoulda told me.”
They looked back out to the stars, smiling to themselves quietly at the confessions of the other. By the light of the stars, Marigold slid her hand out and brushed over his wrist ever so gently. His eyebrows furrowed a moment in confusion and turned his left hand out palm up as if expecting her to pass him something but all she did was slide her fingers into his and held his hand. Daniel kept his eyes on the sky but gladly kept a snug grip on her hand, ignoring the sickening sweet butterflies that flew around in his stomach.
“My mom says I can get too friendly sometimes so if I cross a line just tell me.” Marigold said.
“You’re fine.” Daniel assured her with a whisper.
She shuffled closer and leaned her head on his shoulder and he swore the feeling of her so close had the most blissful warmth radiating throughout his whole body. He gently rubbed his thumb over hers and she gave his hand a squeeze. Is this what heaven felt like? Daniel never wanted to leave. Just to sit forever just them and the stars.
They sat just like that for a while, sharing whispered conversations about home and their families and their favourite movies. Even when their palms got a little clammy as the minutes moulded into hours, they didn’t move from their spot.
Their spot.
Curfew approached faster than they would have liked to admit and Daniel turned to look at her in their close proximity. Their noses touched as she was still leaned up into his side but she just brushed hers over his and they shared little shy giggles. He could have kissed her right then and there. The stars sparkled in her light blue eyes and he could feel the warmth of her body against his and she was staring at him like she wanted him to.
Daniel shifted slowly and dusted a kiss over her cheek instead before slipping his hand out of hers, “We should head back.”
His shyness made her smile and she let her gaze linger on him a moment longer as he gathered their empty takeout bag and shifted the blanket off of their laps. Daniel never often noticed the way she stared at him when he wasn’t paying attention, always with that same soft smile and adoring light eyes, ever since that very night of their very first date.
Daniel mentally beat himself up the entire drive back into town for not kissing her. The opportunity was right there and he chickened out. As they pulled into Marigold’s driveway, he told himself he was going to kiss her and end the date as it should end. He parked and took a deep breath before looking over at her.
“Thank you for tonight.” Marigold smiled. “I had fun.”
“You’re welcome.” Daniel replied quickly.
“Dinner was great...the stars...everything...it was incredible.”
Daniel only nodded, trying to find that perfect beat of silence so he could go for it but Marigold wasn’t really one to ever stop talking.
“I haven’t really been on dates before...but this one was certainly my favourite. Even the flower. Especially the flower.” she touched the yellow marigold that was still tucked behind her ear before grabbing her small purse and opened the door.
“I’ll walk you up.” Daniel said hurriedly and jumped out of the truck with her.
He stuffed his hands in the pockets of his pants as they headed up the front steps and she smiled widely at him.
“What a gentleman.” she complimented, a hint of teasing in her tone just to make him blush.
She reached for the door handle but turned back to him almost expectantly. Daniel almost went for it but she spoke again.
“So...are we dating then?”
Her question took Daniel by surprise but she smiled sweetly at him as she waited for his answer.
He licked his lips nervously but nodded, “Yeah. I’d...I’d like that.”
“Daniel, will you be my boyfriend?”
“I’m supposed to ask you!”
���You asked me on the date so it’s only fair I can ask you to date me.”
“That’s...that’s not...Marigold, will you be my girlfriend?”
“Only if you agree to be my boyfriend.”
“You’re so stubborn, oh my gosh.” Daniel laughed nervously.
“Is that a yes?”
“Yeah, obviously.”
“Yeah, obviously.” Marigold giggled, using his words as her reply too, their momentary banter falling into silence.
This was the moment.
Daniel stepped closer to her and leaned down slightly, sliding his hand to the side of her neck and gently tilted her head up towards him. They were only a mere inch apart before the front door was tugged open and Marigold, who still had her hand on the handle, went stumbling backwards with a gasp.
Marigold turned to her younger sister with a huff, “What, Iris? What is it?”
The blonde girl in the doorway - who looked a heck of a lot like Marigold apart from her slightly darker blonde hair and much greener eyes - continued loudly, “Do you know where my purple skirt is? I need it for this weekend!”
“You couldn’t have waited two more minutes for me to come inside?” Marigold scolded lightly.
Daniel shifted shyly on his feet and kept his hands in his pockets as she reprimanded her little sister.
“Hey,” the younger teenager looked past her to Daniel, “Aren’t you Anna Seavey’s brother?”
Daniel nodded stiffly, “Yeah.”
“Jesus! She’s like the coolest freshman in the entire school. Mari, are you dating Anna’s brother?!”
“Iris! You’re being rude. And don’t say Jesus.”
“Okay, but have you seen my skirt? Can you help me find it?”
Daniel chuckled at Marigold’s obviously unimpressed expression but she sighed in defeat, always too nice for her own good.
“Fine. I’m coming.” Marigold looked back to Daniel, “Sorry.”
He waved his hand between them casually, “Nah, it’s fine.”
“I’ll see you on Monday.” she smiled. “Thanks again for tonight.”
Daniel nodded and watched her be pulled inside by her fourteen-year-old sister. He lingered on her front porch for a moment before exhaling deeply and running his hands through his hair. Merely a few hours before he was pathetically pining over this girl from his english class and suddenly, by nightfall, he was her boyfriend.
Daniel drove home in his hand-me-down pickup truck that lingered with the scent of her floral drugstore perfume. No junior would ever say this, but he couldn’t wait until Monday.
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harveywritings92 · 4 years
DMC BOYS: They find out you're an assassin [Assassin's creed crossover.]
Dante: It was supposed to be a simple bodyguard job, a bunch of old dudes were having some super villain-ish meeting and one of them hired Dante to guard him, the devil was a little vague on the details all he remembered was the guy saying he'll pay upfront! And like that Dante blocked whatever else was said... 
to sum it up someone wants the old guy dead and Dante just there to make sure he doesn't croak, simple enough he can do that... what he couldn't do was kill the assassin who just killed his client...
She was his girlfriend.
Dante's mind replayed the scene over again: one second the old fat geezer is drinking whiskey and being chatted up by a call-girl, Dante gets distracted by one of the strippers, next thing he knows there's a shriek! the half-devil whipped his head in the direction of the commotion and saw his client looking at another old man in a dark suit in shock, his hand was clamp securely around his neck all in a vain attempt to stop the blood from seeping from his slashed throat he fell forwards and his assailant was revealed standing behind him.
They were a woman in a fav/c hooded jacket with some sort of retractable blade attached to her wrist, he could see tiny smirk grace the woman's lips as she stared across the club room at same old man who Dante assumed was the big boss behind this meeting, and another target on this won's list...
Dante grimaced and took a step forwards only to freeze when the familiar scent of his girlfriend's perfume caught his nose through the blood and booze, then he saw those eyes the half-devil knew them well the second they looked through the crowd at him, he was soon snapped out of his shock by the big boss boss bellowing "Get her! tear that dog apart!?" soon the y/ht woman was surrounded by armed men; Y/n took them down like they were nothing and seemed to be having fun with it before making a quick get away, he last saw her run out through one the exits.
He chased her just in time to see her jump off the roof and land in the back of a dump truck filled with leaves waiting in the street before the truck drove off into the night, needless to say Y/n was in for a major what the hell fest when she got home.
Nero: Anger was the first thing that crossed his mind, then betrayal he thought he knew you and that you could trust him with anything, but him finding out you were a killer? that's been fighting a goddam centuries old war, he didn't know what to think! how he found out in the first place was that you had gotten hurt and he was contacted against your wishes.
He demanded to know what happened? you had lied claiming you fell down some stair. "Stairs don't stab peopl-" Nero too a breath "Y/n you better tell me what's going on, or I'm walking out that door and I'm not coming back." you looked at him stunned hoping this was an empty threat but he was dead serious.
You kept your mouth shut but the second he took a step towards the door you sighed "Wait." Nero turned to look at you gestured for him sit down, and like that it was like dam had opened Nero sat and he listened, you told him of the creed, the artifacts of Eden, Abstergo and your involvement the more upset he looked, he silently left you alone claiming he couldn't be here. he had to think, after few hours he came back and paused when he heard a male voice talking to you...
Nero swallowed his inner demon growled hearing an unknown male in your room. "I don't think it's a good idea to be using the animus in your condition." You snapped at the guy the shut up you're gonna be stuck here for a week might as well do something other than mope about destroying the best relationship you've ever had in a while.  "okay, your good go."
Nero silently walked in without either of you noticing him and saw you hooked up to some oculus looking thing and this surfer looking guy looking over a screen, suddenly he jumped back at the sound of a pot shattering. "What the hell?!" you exclaimed as the guy chuckled. " I think ..uh-oh think Amir's wife Esha just found out he's an assassin she not taking it to well" he laughed nervously keeping a hand on his chest as Nero came up behind him to watch the scene, You grumbled something under your breath as a woman angrily shouting in Hindi filled the hospital room as more pottery in thrown.
 "Esha, please calm down, mera Pyaar!*my love*" a man pleaded as the woman snarled. 
"Don't you Mera Pyaar me! Five years we've been married and you kept this from me, How dare you?!"
"Look I didn't want to keep you - [dodges a vase.] please stop throwing things at me!"
"I should've listened to my brother when he said there was off about you! kameene!*Bastard*" *About to throw another vase*
Amir catches her arms  pushes her toward a wall "I was just trying to protect you dammit!" he snapped Esha tried to say she didn't need to be protected because her father but Amir cuts her off. "Can do nothing, these men and their order have been on earth as long as my creed has, they have more power then your family combined and they to destroy free will as we know it..." the door behind them sudden broke down to reveal a British man and few heavily armed guards.
Esha who was still enraged shoved Amir aside, demanding they leave their house did they know who her father was? he'll hear about this- she was cut off by the men laughing at her before dropping the bomb. "On her who do you think told us where to find your husband?" the Indian woman's fell in shock and started shaking her head in disbelief next thing that happened, a cloth was tied around her mouth as the smoke quickly filled the room the sounds of fighting started Amir quickly started dragging his shell shock wife out of their home … 
The sequence ended as you sighed waiting for the next one to load "that is exactly why I didn't want to tell Nero, one slip up, one loose end and the Templars could find him, Kyrie or the kids and use them to hurt me." The y/ht huffed wincing as she tried to pull herself up, and failed nearly falling off the bed luckily a pair a arms caught her and sat her up right.
"urg... Thanks Wally." Y/n's heart sank into her feet when she heard Wally voice on the other side of her room. "uh.. That not me N/n." the ginger man said sheepishly while adjusting his glasses as the familiar scent of Nero's cologne caught her nose, Y/n cautiously lifted up the Animus visor off her eyes to find Nero staring at her.
the y/nat woman's stomach tightened and her face felt hot as a tense silence filled the air, before Nero spoke up pretty saying that her reasons for hiding this life from him were the exact same reasons he keeps her away from Devil hunting to protect her. 
He sighed knowing there was no way talking her out of the creed like he had planned, but Nero urged her not to get killed and not to hide things from him anymore... Y/n promised then Nero sheepishly asked if she'd put the Animus back on? because he kind of wants to see what will happen to Amir and Esha.
Vergil: Like Dante he was hired by a shady old man to protect him, what he didn't expect was to be thrown into a special security called alpha squad filled with a bunch of arrogant humans who pointed a laughed at the white haired weirdo and using a sword in this day and age! Vergil ignored them seeing as this was just a temporary gig, and he'll never see them again. 
Of course nothing would prepare him for what happened next, alarms were blaring and the were bodies littering the hallways, Vergil examined as he went along noting that they alpha squad members and they'd been stabbed or had their throats slashed... 
It was Ironic that they died this way the more he thought about it, he snapped out of his thoughts when he heard his employer yelling at someone to back off.
 Vergil looked around the corner to see his employer and a hooded man with a strange blade on his wrist the two were engaged within a conversation while Vergil silently approached.
"I had dream about you Mr. Vesta."
"aww...how sweet, too bad you're not my type!"
"In my dream you never made it out the Paris Catacombs alive..."
"What can I say? I too stubborn to die!"
Vergil was just about to strike when the three were interrupted by an explosion, "Why Hello, Partner!" Vesta happily greeted the woman cautiously walked into the courtyard, Vergil felt a chill go down his spine as a familiar shouted at the man. "Jason, we have to go!" Vesta shook his head keeping eyes on the old man. "We can't let them find the box." 
The woman took a an aggressive stance not liking that answer "Screw that, I killed half of Alpha squad and destroyed the map, let's get out while we can!" footsteps were heard rushing down the alley, her partner growled in frustration finally complied with her. "See ya in your dreams old man.." Vesta jeered then threw a smoke bomb he and his partner ran from the scene being chased by Vergil.
Who caught up to them fairly quickly he knocked out the man and got a hold of the woman pulling her hood off confirming his suspicions. "Y/n what's meaning of this?" he hissed coming face to face with his gobsmacked girlfriend. "Only to be interrupted by remnants of Alpha squad, who ordered him to hold her down! Without a word Vergil used summoned swords on the men causing them to scatter.
before using the Yamato to open a portal; he threw Vesta over his shoulder and he and Y/n rushed through it landing in Nero's garage, the portal closed as Vergil dropped the passed out man none too gently onto the floor then turned his girlfriend who had a lot of explaining to do.  
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cut scene that didn’t fit anywhere really the way the chapters ended up lying out, but lands somewhere between chapters four and the upcoming six of For Science! (And Love?) and I just didn’t have the heart to delete into the void permanently.
“Alright, let’s just flip a coin!”
“Is this even an argument? Doesn’t the Gizmoduck helmet only respond to you anyways?” Gandra asks, leaning against the sink.
“Well." Fenton twists the helmet in his hands. "Normally, yes, since the core processor to the suit is, you know, my brain, but I did some tinkering so it can respond to you as a virtual reality helmet, too. Since we only have one right now.”
Her eyebrows jump.  “The suit’s controlled by your brain?”
“Yeah.” He says it like one might say the sky is blue or Scrooge McDuck is very rich. "It used to be in the suit, but it kept overloading, so Huey did some rewiring and now it's controlled by me. Because the brain is the best core processor you have."
Gandra has several questions. "A...twelve-year-old connected your priceless, technologically advanced robot suit to your brain?"
"Yep. Said it got him a Philosophy and a Robotics badge."
He shrugs. "I don't know. I sort of blacked out. And there were a bunch of fires Mark Beaks set that I was more worried about at the time. And the aforementioned overloaded core processor that was about to explode. That's how I ended up in a body cast, actually."
None of that answers any of her questions, so she just shakes her head. “Okay, flip the coin, Suit.”
Patting his pockets, Fenton pulls out a quarter, balancing it on his thumb. “Call it.”
Two sets of eyes follow the quarter as it flips in the air. “He—tails. No, heads. Definitely heads.”
He catches it, slapping it on his opposite hand. “Heads. You ready?”
She hops up on the diaper change station, figuring it's better than the toilet. “That’s not going to zap me, is it?” she asks warily.
Scoffing, he gives her a look. “That’s rich coming from the woman who electrocuted me.”
“I didn’t mean to!” she says, kicking at him. Jeez, accidentally electrocute someone one time...
He turns on the monitor, pulling up the program levels. “Okay, does this look right?”
Gandra peers over his shoulder to look. “As right as it can for a first test. Everything's in the green, anyways.”
Fenton hits record on his phone and begins speaking as he sets up the helmet. “First official test of the virtual landscape. We’ll be using the Gizmoduck helmet for the beta test. Gandra Dee will be entering the landscape first—”
“Gandra Dee would like to go on the record and ask why we’re in the men’s room and why it’s so unnervingly clean,” she interrupts, nudging his shoulder with her foot. She hasn't said anything up until now, but she definitely wants to know why, in a whole lab, their project is stuck in the bathroom.
"That is a much longer story that we can either get into now or run the test," he says, swatting at her shoe.
Tilting her head, she considers her options. She definitely needs to know, but... "Yeah, okay, tell me later. Let's do this."
Picking up the helmet, he moves to stand in front of her. “Ready?"
She hesitates a moment, then nods. Fenton won't let anything happen to her.
"Alright, first test is five minutes. Starting in…One, two, three…” The helmet is lowered over her head, obscuring him from her vision.
Gandra opens her eyes and, instead of the purple visor of the Gizmoduck helmet, she’s met with a blank white space that stretches beyond what she can see.
“Whoa…” she whispers, turning in a circle. “Oh, Suit, you’ve gotta see this.”
On the edge of her subconscious, she’s aware of a hand holding hers in reality, and she squeezes it.
“Okay, okay.” She rubs her hands together. Time to test the landscape. “Thought-based manipulation. Something simple…”
Just as the thought forms in her head, a vase of blooming purple irises appears next to her, just like the ones her mom kept around the house. The vase is even the same one she broke when she was sixteen, Mom’s favorite.
She reaches for the vase, expecting her hand to go through it, like a projection. The image glitches and pixilates horribly, but she’s able to pluck a flower out of the vase and hold it in her hand, twisting the stem between her fingers.
“Oh…” she breathes.
Suddenly, the white expanses glitches and the bathroom appears around her again as the helmet is lifted off her head.
Immediately, her eyes are drawn down to her hand, surprised that the flower has disappeared from her grasp. Even though she knew it was pixels, it’d felt so real.
“Sorry." Gandra looks up with a start to see Fenton standing in front of her. Right. Reality. "We said five minutes to make sure it didn’t overwhelm the system.”
“That was five minutes?” she asks, surprised. It barely felt like a full minute to her.
“Yeah," he says, nodding, eyes bright. "The levels still look good, too. Were you able to manipulate anything?”
Gandra nods absently. “Yeah, I just…it was just some flowers. Glitchy, not all there, and apparently took longer than I thought to put it there, but I held one for a little bit, right before you pulled me out.”
His whole face lights up at that. "That's fantastic!" he says, grabbing her biceps. "That’s one step closer, right?” 
His enthusiasm is infectious, as it always is, and she finds herself cracking a smile, shaking off the nearly ten-year-old memory that had rattled her. 
“Yeah,” she agrees, sliding her hands to his shoulders. “Super science for the world?” 
“Super science for the world!”
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I’m super into The M/andalorian right now and couldn’t resist writing some sick!D/in.
1.7 k. Set some time in the first half of S2. There are some minor mess mentions. Enjoy!!
Din was startled awake at the helm of the Razor Crest by a blaring alarm and flashing red lights. His eyes jumped from scanner to scanner trying to determine the source of the malfunction, and his grip tightened around the controls, bracing for a crash landing, when the beeping and flickering stopped. Turning his head to the right, he watched the Child sheepishly remove his hand from a switch.
Din sighed. "I told you not to do that."
Though the alarm had gone silent, it still echoed in Din's head, and he could feel a headache budding. "I'll be right back. Don't touch anything while I'm gone." The Child leaned towards the switch again, looking at Din the entire time. "Hey. No." Din tried to sound his sternest, but a tenderness in his throat which hadn't been there before he dozed off prevented him from speaking as loudly as he would've liked. 
"Here. You can have this." Din unscrewed the shifter knob and tossed it to the Child who cooed excitedly and rolled the silver ball in his hands. Now satisfied that his kid wouldn't cause mischief, Din proceeded to his quarters and pressed a button to shut the door behind him. He glanced back, confirmed that he was alone, and removed his helmet. He downed a pouch of water hoping to relieve some of the scratchiness in his throat and clear his head, but his symptoms persisted. 
To make matters worse, an obnoxious prickling teased his sinuses. Din did nothing to stave off the expulsion, well aware by now that he was coming down with something, and he sneezed openly toward his chest. "GSHHHHuh! hh...h'EKSHHHoo!" He grabbed a rag to blot his nose. "Ugh. Dank farrik."
The Mandalorian didn't get sick often, and when he did, he always hid himself away in his ship for a few days so he could cough and sneeze without his helmet on. Now that he had the Child, that would be impossible. The thought of keeping his dripping nose in his helmet was disgusting, but the thought of showing his face to another living being was unfathomable. There was no convenient solution.
Resigned, Din blew his nose a final time and put his helmet back on before returning to the cockpit. The Child was in the same place Din had left him, laser-focused on his ball. 
"Hey, kid. What do you think about spending a few days with Cara and Greef on Nevarro?" Din asked. The Child tilted his head curiously. "I have to take care of something on my own, but you should be safe there, and I'll be back as soon as I can."
The Child responded with a gurgle that Din took as an agreement. He sent a vague message to his friends on Nevarro stating that he needed help with childcare while he took care of a personal matter and left it at that. They were already in the correct sector, so the journey to the planet was quick and Din was able to keep his symptoms in check by breathing shallowly through his mouth, knowing that any attempt to breathe through his nose would be disastrous. 
When the ship landed on Nevarro, they were met by Cara and Greef, the latter of whom squatted and held his arms out towards the Child. "There's the little guy!" As fast as he could, the Child waddled over to Greef and allowed himself to be scooped up.
"Thank you for watching him," Din said. "I should be back in a few days."
Cara put a hand on her hip. "I'm surprised you're letting him out of your sight."
"I don't want to, but I—" Din paused as an annoying itch spidered through his nose. Though wearing a helmet while sick was mostly a hindrance, it did allow him to covertly scrunch up his face, attempting to quell the sensation in any way possible. "I... hh! need to be alone for thi-IH!-s."
Greef frowned. "You okay, Mando?"
"I'm f-fine. hxtCH! ngx'CH!" Din stifled as well as he could, but he knew he would have to give the inside of his helmet a good cleaning. 
"Yeah, that doesn't sound fine," Cara said, giving him a quick head-to-toe inspection and noting his tired posture. "Are you ditching the kid to take a sick day?
Din sighed, deflating. "Yes. I'll be staying here in my ship, so I'll be nearby if anything happens."
"Why don't you come stay in town?"
"A nice bed and a warm meal should heal you right up," Greef agreed.
"I need privacy," Din explained. Urgently, he wanted to add as mess dripped on to his lip. 
"You'll have privacy," said Cara. "You can stay in the back bedroom at my place. I just use it for storage."
The Mandalorian relented. "Fine. Let me grab some things."
He frankly didn't have much worth grabbing, but he was desperate to blow his nose before heading into town. He did so, and while it granted him momentary relief, the congestion was persistent. Aware that he would be fighting an uphill battle against his dripping nose, Din filled a satchel with clean rags that would surely be sullied by day's end.
"You can bunk in here." Cara drew back the curtain to her guest room, a cramped space filled with old shock trooper gear and unlabeled boxes on either side of a bed. The bed was small, but no doubt softer than the sleep mat in the Razor Crest. "Greef'll keep watch outside in case anyone tracked you here. I'll be hanging out around the house with the kid." She bounced the Child on her hip, and he giggled. 
"Thank you," Din said. "Will you be okay watching him?"
"As long as he doesn't try to choke me again." The Child blinked at her with his big eyes and tilted his head.
Din knelt down so his visor was level with the Child's eyeline. "Hey. Be good. Cara has very kindly agreed to help us out, and I want you to be on your best behavior, okay?"
The Child made a gesture that Din took as a nod, and Din patted him between the ears.
Steadying himself with a hand against the wall, Din stood back up despite his muscles' protests. He felt utterly drained. Given his constant travelling, it was impossible to say where he'd picked up this illness which made it difficult to know what exactly it was, but it was hitting Din hard and fast. He turned away from Cara and failed to suppress a chesty coughing fit.
"Go rest," Cara said. "That sounds disgusting." 
"Are you sure you can handle—?"
"Yes, Mando. Now get in that bed, or I'll make you get in." 
Cara walked off with the Child in tow, and Din closed the curtain at the room's entrance behind him. Finally alone, he set his helmet on some boxes beside the bed and let himself collapse into the mattress. 
Din was startled awake by a knock on the wall outside of the room. Unsure whether he'd been laying there for minutes or hours and head heavy with congestion, he hastily redonned his helmet.
"Mando?" Cara called. "I'm leaving some food outside if you—"
The curtain opened, and Cara raised her eyebrows upon seeing the Mandalorian out of bed and in full beskar armor. 
"You didn't take your armor off?" she asked, giving him a once-over.
"It's—" Din cleared his aching throat. "It's easier to leave it on in case something happens. I slept without my helmet, though."
Cara gave him a half-teasing, half-affectionate grin. "Nothing's going to happen. I promise. The kid is safe, and Greef and I have been keeping an eye out for any trouble. Just rest, okay? We've got your back."
Din nodded and accepted a bowl of soup from Cara. "Thank you."
"Don't mention it. I'll let you have your privacy now, but I'm not far if you need anything."
Closing the curtain and setting the soup aside for the moment, Din debated the pros and cons of taking Cara's suggestion. On the one hand, he would be much more comfortable without the weight of cold metal encasing his body, but on the other hand, trouble was drawn to him like a flea to an Ewok. As a faint buzzing settled in his nose, Din decided to take the risk and remove his armor. 
He tried to keep his hitching breaths at bay as he took off his helmet and tossed it on the bed. He brought a lazy arm up to his face, keeping it far enough away that he wouldn't accidentally slam his nose into his gauntlet if he pitched forward, but this rendered the attempt to cover was more symbolic than effective. 
"ih-hih... IHhh’GYZSHHHuh!" Droplets gleamed on the smooth beskar. His armor had certainly seen worse, but nonetheless, Din felt a little gross. His mild disgust only served to increase the relief he felt as he stripped his armor off piece by piece, revealing his skin to the cool air. Though the sensation of anything other than metal against his body was welcome, it sent a chill through him that reignited the urge to sneeze. Din tented his hands over his nose. "hihh'IKshHHuh! hh'ATShHOO! hihhh-ih... G'SHHUHH!"
Din sniffled wetly against his fingers and bent over to grab a rag from his satchel. He blew his nose unceremoniously, and his head felt five pounds lighter. Tossing the rag aside, he fell back into bed and idly sipped the soup Cara had prepared, savoring a rare moment of quiet. He knew that Cara was right: he and the Child would be safe here, and his friends would be there should anything go awry. It was unusual to find non-Mandalorians whom he trusted so completely, but it was a pleasant feeling. Holed up in Cara's back room, Din felt more at peace than he had in ages, even with the obnoxious itch in his throat and stuffiness in his nose. 
Maybe, mused Din, I should take a sick day more often.
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fanfoolishness · 4 years
getting better all the time (SUF)
Steven confronts the Gems about a test they gave him years ago.  Angst and anger and a little hope.  One month after ‘I Am My Monster,’ Amethyst POV, 4150 words.
Things were… getting better.  At least, Amethyst was pretty sure they were.
(They certainly couldn’t get any worse than Steven hunched and glowing on the floor, gasping those terrible things, crumpling, vanishing, swallowed up in a monster so massive he dwarfed the Diamonds —) 
But that was over.  They’d finally gotten through to him, finally gotten him to realize how much they all loved him.  It had been a whole month.  He was talking to a human therapist and spending time with the three of them again, and she could see glimmers of the old him coming back.  That had to be better, right?
There were times she wasn’t exactly sure, though.  Maybe it was normal when humans were stressed, those days where he snapped at them over every little thing and glowed pink and cried, or days when he slept so long Amethyst would have been jealous if it didn’t scare her a little bit.  None of the days ended in Steven the monster (he’d looked so scared, somehow, even through the fangs and the roaring voice), so she told herself to stop worrying.
Then again, that’s what she’d told herself before this all happened.  I knew.  I knew something was wrong.
Like, this, just now, she wasn’t sure about.  Steven had come down from his room at a normal time, sleeping in until mid-morning but not until three in the afternoon.  He’d had a few jokes for them.  He’d made breakfast with her, laughing when she did the old egg-in-the-eyes trick for him.  He’d settled in on the couch with a cup of tea instead of bitter black coffee.  He had even said yes when Pearl suggested they watch a movie together.  He’d picked something silly, Crossroads Jones and the Lost Diadem, a goofy old movie about an archaeologist hunting treasure.  Amethyst hadn’t seen it in years.  Progress!  It was good, right?
So why, an hour into the movie, was Steven sitting there with his hands tightening around his mug until it cracked?
Garnet was the first to notice, of course.  Amethyst watched with concern as Garnet gently removed the mug from his hands, getting up and putting it carefully in the sink.  “Steven, we don’t have to watch this movie if you don’t want to.”
“Of course I want to,” he said, but his voice sounded weird, and just as he spoke the picture shorted out.  He jumped to his feet and turned the TV off, looking embarrassed.  
Amethyst gave Pearl a worried look, then turned back to Steven.  “You okay there, bud?” she asked.
“Yes, of c --” he started to say.  Then an irritated look crossed his face as if he was remembering something.  “No,” he said instead.
“Thank you for telling us.  Would you like to talk about it?” Pearl asked carefully.  Amethyst could tell she was thinking of the house meetings they’d been having, where they’d started trying to hammer out what they could change in their own behavior to help Steven.  
One of the rules Steven had given them was Just don’t... corner me.  I’ll try to talk more, but I need you guys to give me space sometimes too.  Amethyst relaxed as Pearl tried to look casual instead of panicky.  
Good job, P.
Steven exhaled heavily.  They all stared at him, then realized they were staring at him, then all looked at each other instead.  Garnet removed her visor, letting it vanish in a twinkle.  
“So… ugh, this is hard,” said Steven.  He closed his eyes for a moment. “One of the things I’ve been, um, talking about in therapy… Dr. B’s been trying to encourage me to talk about things when they bother me, instead of pretending I’m fine.”
“We want to listen, Steven,” said Garnet, leaning against the kitchen counter.
“Yeah, but… sometimes my problem is with you guys?” he said in a rush, not meeting their eyes. Amethyst watched him carefully, trying to figure out how a movie about a nerd hunting treasure had bothered him, and what it had to do with them.
“Dude, that’s okay.  Sometimes we mess up.  Sometimes we really mess up, and if we did, we want to fix it,” said Amethyst.  “What did we do this time?”
Steven flinched.  “You didn’t do anything today,” he said.  “It’s just, the movie -- did that last scene remind you of anything?”
Pearl considered.  “Well, the humans were in danger,” she said slowly.  “Did that bother you?  Like when we would go on missions and they would get too dangerous?”  She sighed.  “Sometimes I wonder what we were thinking, taking you to some of those places —“
“No, no, that’s not what I mean,” said Steven.  “Not exactly.  I mean, things were gonna get dangerous at some point no matter what.  You guys couldn’t keep me away from Peridot and J— Homeworld stuff, that wasn’t your fault.”
“They were seeking treasure in the movie,” said Garnet, laying a hand over her mouth as she thought.  “As you sought our approval.  But we failed to give you what you needed —“
“Oh jeez, no,” said Steven, clearly annoyed.  “No, it was —“
Amethyst exclaimed, “Oh yeah!  They just almost got crushed by a giant rock in a cave!  It’s like my room in that test we gave you!  Oh man, did you get squished by that thing?  I mean, it wasn’t supposed to actually hit you —“ She stopped, remembering that they hadn’t told him about the failsafes.
Steven gave her a pained smile.  “Yeah.  That’s what it reminded me of, that test.  It -- uh, it didn’t go the way you guys thought it did.”  He laughed, a nervous sound, and paced around the living room.  His feet padded against the floor. 
“What do you mean?” asked Pearl, tilting her head.  “You did so well.  You passed every obstacle --”
Steven shook his head.  “You still won’t admit it.”  His hands were fists.  He slowly opened and closed them, again and again, staring at his palms.  He opened his mouth.   “I didn’t pass it.  One of Garnet’s spikes came down on me.  It would have broken some more of my bones, probably — um, I don’t remember if I told you guys, but we found that out at the hospital —“
“Your bones were broken?” Pearl yelped, thunderstruck.
“What?  Seriously, what?” Amethyst squawked.  “When?”
“Steven!” cried Garnet.
“I don’t know exactly,” said Steven, shrugging uncomfortably.  He bit his lip.  “I have some guesses?  Like any time I actually had a bruise or a cut.  I think my gem healed a lot of stuff right as it went down, but anything I actually remember hurting… I think it might have done really serious damage.  There were x-rays… my bones have all these old fractures —“
“I’m so sorry,” gasped Garnet.  She stopped leaning against the counter and stepped forward, raising her arms to give Steven a hug.  He pulled away from her, shaking his head again.  
“No, I mean, that stuff is bad, and we should probably talk about that too sometime, but that’s not what I was… it’s not why the mug cracked.”  He waved a hand and kept pacing.  “Can I just finish saying what I’m trying to say?”  There was an edge in his voice, a hardness that made Amethyst wince.
“Sorry,” she said quickly.
“We’ll stop interrupting,” said Pearl, but there were big tears in her eyes.  Amethyst nudged her and she wiped them away, trying to smile encouragingly at Steven.
“Anyway, what I’m trying to say — you guys rigged the test. All of it.  So it didn’t work at all.  That stupid rock chasing the guy in the movie, t just reminded me of that.”
“But you seemed so happy afterward!” Pearl protested. 
“Yeah, you were super proud!” Amethyst said, trying to figure out why Steven was so upset.  Okay, so maybe he’d realized he couldn’t really mess up the test, but why did that matter?  
Garnet looked as confused as Amethyst felt.  “I don’t understand,” she murmured. “I saw you passing the test, and becoming more confident in your powers, like we hoped.  And you did start becoming improving so much afterwards --”
Steven held up a hand.  “Maybe that’s what it looked like?  But not for the reason you think.  I went over this with Dr. B a week or two ago, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to tell you guys but I think I have to, or it’s gonna keep bothering me.”  He crossed his arms over his chest, sucking in deep breaths through his nose and letting them slowly out through his mouth.  “It’s not just that it was rigged.”
“What do you mean?” asked Pearl.
“I sneaked out through the back of the test and made it outside into the temple.  I overheard you guys --”  He rubbed at his eyes. “You said you were bad at helping me. You said you didn’t know what I needed.  That I couldn’t lose my confidence again.  And Garnet said there wasn’t anyone like me, that there’s never been ‘anyone or anything like Steven.’”
“Oh, no, Steven, we never meant for you to hear that --” Pearl cried.
“Crap!  We were bad at it!” Amethyst swore.
“And -- and I wanted to yell at you, all of you -- I was so mad you gave me another fake test, that you didn’t trust me for real -- that you wouldn’t actually ever let me fail at something --”  He was pacing harder, footsteps louder on the wood floor, breathing heavily, a pink flush starting on his cheeks.  “But you know what I thought?  You know what I realized?  I realized that there was something I could do right.”  
He laughed a little, but there were tears starting in his eyes. “I realized that I had to take care of you.  I couldn’t let you know that I knew.  So I pretended -- I lied -- so you would all feel better.” 
He sank back down onto the couch, burying his face in his hands, sniffling.  “And that’s what I’ve been doing ever since.  Lying.  Telling everyone I was fine.  Pretending I never messed up.  Because that way, no one would ever have to feel bad because of me.”  He let out a long, shuddering sigh.  “And we all know how that turned out.”  He waved angrily out at the ocean.
For a moment, nobody spoke.
Amethyst stared at the floor.  She could see Steven marching out of the final test chamber, his little arms and shoulders stiff, his face frozen.  And they’d all been so worried that they’d messed it up again, that they were never going to be able to help him be a Crystal Gem or use his powers, and they had to figure it out.  They had to help him.  What if Homeworld was coming?  How could they protect Steven when it was just the three of them?  They had to try and help him get stronger, they had to get him to stop beating himself up.  They had to help him use Rose’s powers in case he had to protect himself.  But they had no idea how to do it.
She remembered how tense she’d been, how they’d all watched him approach in silence.  And he’d suddenly become so happy.  The way he talked up each of their parts of the test!  The grin on his face, the way his eyes lit up! And Amethyst remembered how proud she’d been.  How proud they’d all been, folding him into a sweeping hug, grateful that they’d finally gotten it right.
Except he lied.
“We fucked up,” Amethyst mumbled.
“Amethyst!  Language!” Pearl snapped, scandalized.  Then her face softened.  “Yes.  You’re right.”
Garnet sat on the end of the couch, folding her hands together and gazing sadly at Steven.  “I didn’t know.”
“Well, I didn’t want you to,” muttered Steven.  “I mean… I wish I’d been honest.  Maybe it wouldn’t have messed me up so much if I’d just said something.  Or if you could admit I failed.  Sometimes it was scary, feeling like I could never do anything wrong because I’d disappoint you.”  
It echoed in Amethyst’s mind.  You all think I’m some kind of angel, but I’m not that kid anymore!  She swallowed.
“Steven,” said Pearl, reaching out and gently laying a hand on his shoulder.  “You were a child.  We should have realized you were upset.”
“We messed up, man.  We didn’t know what we were doing,” said Amethyst, leaning against Steven’s other shoulder.  He leaned his cheek against hers reluctantly.  “Is that why you never wanna tell us when something bothers you?”
Steven snorted.  “Well, there’s a lot of reasons, but I guess that’s one of them.” His voice softened.  “Like I felt like I had to take care of you.  Like I was only good if I could keep you guys from feeling bad.”
“Steven, our feelings are our own,” said Garnet.  “They are not your responsibility.  You don’t need to protect us anymore.  We should have been protecting you all along.  Even from ourselves.”
“You’re right. You should have.  You didn’t!” he burst out, jumping back to his feet.  
They fell back against the couch, staring at him.  Crap.  That was another one of the rules he’d asked them to follow.  Please don’t stare at me if I’m freaking out. It just makes it worse.  
Amethyst tried looking out the window, but out the window she could see the ocean, and the ocean was where he’d fought the Cluster, where he’d screamed and nearly poofed them, where he’d cried in the ocean air for an hour afterwards, inconsolable --
“Why did you even want me to live with you?” he shouted, and she forgot her effort not to stare at him when she realized he was flaring pink.  It glowed through his skin and hair, but his eyes weren’t diamonds, they were still Steven’s, scared and upset.  “You had no idea what to do with me!  You were all messed up from Mom dying!  Pearl, you almost killed me more than once, Amethyst, you hated yourself so much I think I learned how to do it from you, and Garnet, you made me feel so small all the time -- I love you guys but you have to admit, my childhood was fucked up!”
He stood alone in the middle of the living room, chest heaving, pink hands curled into fists, tears streaming down his face.  
“We wanted you to live here because we love you, Steven,” said Pearl, her voice shaking.  “We wanted to teach you about your heritage.  And we wanted to protect you.”
“I -- I know you love me, that’s not  --”  His voice was strangled.  His hands rose up, fingers twisting into his hair as he grimaced.  “Sometimes things were just so hard!”  His voice rang through the stillness, a burst of energy that rippled through them all and sent the coffee table shaking, but nothing cracked.  He clapped a hand over his mouth, looking panicked, his shoulders heaving.
Amethyst fought back tears of her own.  Don’t make it about you, she told herself firmly.  You gotta help him!  “Steven?”
“Yeah?” he whispered raggedly.
“You’re right.  Things sucked sometimes.  And you had to go through all of that, and that sucks, too.  And you’re mad because sometimes we made things worse, right?”  
He nodded, staring at her with wide eyes with his mouth clamped shut.
“This is really hard for you.  That’s okay.  But is it cool if I do one of your exercises with you?” she asked, getting to her feet.  She hoped this was the right thing to do.  Steven himself had suggested it a week or two ago, but she didn’t know if it applied now.  Hopefully it did.
He laughed, and it was more like a sob.  “I -- I guess.  Yeah.  Okay.”
She took his hands in her own, trying to remember what he’d told them.  “Okay, you tell me if we’re doing it right.  Deep breath in?”
He took a deep breath, following her lead, and nodded slightly through his tears.  
“And deep breath out?”
“Yeah,” he said softly, dropping his head so that it leaned against her own.  His hands trembled in hers.
“That feels pretty good, right?” she said, trying to keep her voice strong.  “Let’s do it again.  Deep breath in….”
She felt a hand on her shoulder, then another on the other side.  Garnet and Pearl stood on either side of her and Steven, all of them taking slow, calming breaths.  
Steven lifted his head up after a few minutes, his face blotchy but peach-colored again.  “You guys aren’t… mad?”
“No, Steven, we aren’t angry,” said Garnet, wiping her eyes.  “We wish we’d made different choices, but we’re not upset with you.  You spoke a lot of truth.  I know I can seem… distant, but I never wanted to be distant from you.  I wanted to protect you.  I’m sorry.”
“Steven, I’m sorry too,” wept Pearl.  “I’m so sorry.  I should never have let my pain affect you.  I just… I didn’t know what to do after your mother died.  It hurt so much to talk about her, and sometimes I made choices I regret because I felt so lost --”  She kissed his cheek.  “I love you so much, Steven.  I wish I had known how to show you that.”
“I mean, I still knew,” he said, giving her a wavering smile.  “And you haven’t done anything dangerous with me in years. Unless you count Steven Tag.”
“We did go a little all-in on that, didn’t we?” Pearl mused, her tears slowing.  She wiped them from her eyes, gazing fondly at him.
“It was fun, though,” he admitted.  “It’s not like everything was bad, you know?  It just feels that way sometimes.  Especially now that I’m finally trying to figure things out in my own head.  All the bad stuff feels so big it kinda overpowers everything else right now.”
“We want to help you,” said Garnet.  “Even if it’s difficult for us to hear.  You deserve to be able to share your feelings with us.”
“Even if it hurts,” said Pearl.
“I’m sorry, Ste-man,” said Amethyst, flinging her arms around his waist.  It was still hard to believe sometimes how tall he’d gotten.  “I know I had my issues.  I’m sorry I let them be yours, too.”
He ruffled her hair with one hand, sighing.  “Thanks.  All of you.”
“How are you?” asked Pearl.
Amethyst lifted her head up from his chest, gazing up at him.  Steven looked exhausted now, wiped out the way she was starting to get used to after moments like this. Moments.  Fights.  Venting. She wasn’t sure what to call it.
“Tired,” he said.  His eyes were puffy.  “I’m sor--”  Another deep breath.  “I’m not supposed to keep apologizing,” he said quietly.  “At least not for everything.  Dr. B was very clear on that.”  He considered.  “I’m sorry for yelling.  But I’m not sorry for telling you guys why I was upset.”
“Good,” said Amethyst.  “Apologizing too much isn’t healthy.”
“Pfft, you never apologize,” he chuckled.
“Dude!  Did I not just apologize two seconds ago?” Amethyst cried, pretending to be mortally offended with a hand over her chest in her best Pearl impression.
“Okay, okay,” said Steven.  He jammed his hands into the pockets of his jacket, then looked around at each of them in turn.  “Are you guys… How are you guys?”
“You said something that needed to be said,” said Garnet.  “I’m disappointed in myself, and I regret how our mistakes have affected you.  But those feelings are for me to worry about, not you, Steven.”  She brandished a double thumbs up at him.
“I’m sorry you were carrying around that secret for so long,” said Pearl.  “We were trying so hard, and I wish -- I wish we’d done things differently.  And I wish you hadn’t overheard us.”
“I’m fine,” said Amethyst.  She suspected she might go into the temple later and scream her head off at how badly they’d apparently messed Steven up with that one day, a day she used to be proud of.  But that was for her to deal with, and Steven to find out about never.  Though what if that was part of the problem?  Argh.  
She amended, “I mean, I’m super bummed that our test backfired and made you feel like you couldn’t talk to us.  Of course I am.  And it sucks that it hurt you bad enough that a stupid movie brings all of that back for you and makes you frea-- makes you so upset.”  Her words weren’t coming out right.  Why was it so hard to say exactly what she felt?  
She gave up and tapped Steven square in the chest.  “So what do you want to do now?”
“I guess we could see how the movie ends,” said Steven, wiping his eyes.  “Might as well. We’ve made it this far and it can’t be any worse than the CPH reboot.”
“Would you like some cocoa?  I can make some for you,” said Pearl cheerfully, though her smile was a little too wide to be entirely genuine. 
“Sure,” said Steven.  He shook himself free of them and flopped back on the couch, turning the TV back on.  The static was gone, the picture crisp and clear.
The movie wasn’t complicated.  It was loud and ridiculous and there were too many silly stunts that humans definitely couldn’t perform on their own.  It was exactly the sort of thing that was her favorite, and yet she couldn’t focus on it.
She just kept glancing up at Steven out of the corner of her eye, watching him sipping his cocoa, watching him to see if he’d really said what he needed to say.  But every time she did so she fought multiple versions of him, images of younger Steven telling them, again and again, not to worry about him; images of the Steven of a month ago, glowing pink, taller than Garnet, insisting shrilly he was fine, he was fine, everything was fine; images of Steven in the temple surrounded by star-shaped balloons, his smile so wide and happy and fake.
They’d really hurt him.
More than once.
And she didn’t know what to say, didn’t know how to fix things that had happened years ago, how to make up for all her flaws and Pearl’s and Garnet’s and Rose’s.  All she knew was that Steven was heading into human adulthood with -- what did humans call it -- scars, scars that ran through his brain like they apparently did through his bones, and she was part of the reason why.
So she curled up against him and poked him in the side to make him laugh and fetched him more cocoa when the mug ran low.  He giggled when she poked him and laughed uproariously when Crossroads Jones ran into a pit of weasels.  But the rest of the time he watched the movie with little shadows under his eyes, a puffiness that hadn’t been there earlier this morning.  
The movie ended, credits rolling to bombastic music as bloopers played.  
“That was… a movie,” said Garnet.
“It was incredibly historically inaccurate,” said Pearl.  “I don’t even know where to begin.”
“It’s an action movie, P, they’re not supposed to be like real history,” said Amethyst.
“It was all right,” said Steven.  “Even with… you know.”  He dropped his gaze.  “Thanks for listening, guys.”
“How are you feeling these days?  Overall?” asked Amethyst.
She wondered what he would say.  Fine!  Things are so much better!  I’ll be back to normal in no time!  She ached, thinking of him squashing everything down again, pretending for their sake and his own.  
Steven shrugged, quirking his mouth to one side as he thought about his answer.  “Some days are pretty good,” he said.  “Sometimes I feel like my old self again. But some days are still so hard I -- I get scared it’s going to be like that day last month.  Like I’m gonna explode again into something I can’t control.”  He shivered.  “But most days are like… this.  With parts that suck.  And parts that are pretty okay.  I dunno.”
“You know what I think?” asked Amethyst.
“You just told us things are less than good.  You yelled at us about something we screwed up, and yeah, it sucked to hear it, but we got it out in the open.  And you’re not pretending everything’s fine when it isn’t,” she said.
Pearl and Garnet smiled at him.  He didn’t return the gesture, looking confused. “So?”
“I dunno, man.  To me, that seems like you’re getting better, even when it doesn’t always look like it.  And hopefully… we’re getting a little bit better at helping you.”
Steven raised his eyebrows, then smiled slightly.  “Huh,” he said.  “I guess that’s not so bad.”
“We love you so much, Steven.”
“All of us.”
“And don’t you forget it,” said Amethyst, hugging him tightly.  
He sighed contentedly, hugging her back.  “Love you guys.”
She sank against him in relief.  Yeah.  Things were getting a little better, all the time.
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damn-stark · 4 years
This Town
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Chapter 13 of Dark Temptations
A/N- Hehe 🎢
Warning- ANGST, sweet fluff, violence, long chapter, just slight bit of explicit content, but nothing major.
Pairing- Dark!Poe x Skywalker!reader
(Let me know if want to be tagged)
“I thought we had more trust in each other, than to be hiding secrets from each other, Ben.” You argue in a sharp distasteful whisper. “Especially things like you talking to Rey through a force connection!”
Ben keeps looking down at the surface of the table and continues to hide his face behind his hair, giving no indication of what he truly was feeling. You hoped it was shame though.
“Because you do trust me right?” You ask in a much softer and hesitant tone, sitting back down in your seat on the booth and turning your head to try and meet his eyes that you notice only widen at your comment. “I know I’ve been absent for the past couple of months, but you still trust me right?”
“I do!” Ben quickly interjects, making you just as quickly press your question.
Ben simply shrugs and that causes your anger to heighten, making you stand from your seat abruptly and storm off to the cockpit of the Falcon. Where the silence is only imaginative and the company brings peace to your mind.
“Hey, junior.” Your uncle Han greets as he looks at you over his shoulder. “Are you doing okay?”
“Yeah,” you nod stiffly. “I’m fine. How much time until we reach Lothal?”
Your uncle Han looks back out to the transparisteel and shrugs. “Not long, now. Why? You excited for the grand meeting?” He asks sarcastically.
You scoff and cross your arms over your chest. “Super, can’t you tell?”
Your uncle Han looks back at the feigned excited expression you managed to express on your face and he laughs. “Well that makes two of us.”
“I told you already, Han that you didn’t have to come, I’m fine with Ben and y/n.” Your aunt Leia argues from the co-pilot seat.
“And what was I supposed to do at base? Sit on my ass and wait for you to return?”
You can’t help the genuine smile that grows on your lips at hearing them both bicker so lightheartedly. It has been so long since you’ve seen them both and even longer since you heard them bicker like this. The last time you had seen them it was so little and you were barely in the mood to talk. Not like that has changed much.
“Where’s chewbacca? Why didn’t he come?” You question curiously, from the corner of your eye catching as artoo and Ben joined everyone in the cockpit.
“He had to stay at base,” your uncle Han answers, “but he sends his greetings to the both of you,” he looks over his shoulder again and looks from Ben and you. “He says he misses you both, he says he can’t wait until you two join us out on runs again.”
You quirk your brow and smirk. “He does?”
You snicker and hide your smile with your hand. “Well when you see him tell him I miss him too. Just like I missed you too uncle Han.”
He instantly spins back around to look away from you and tries to act nonchalant about your comment. “I knew that.”
From the transparisteel, you see your aunt Leia's reflection roll her eyes at the behavior her husband displayed and even after years still couldn’t really take. She tried to comment on it, but he was quick to change the subject as the ship jumped out of hyperspace and saved him from having to hear any more of it. “We’re here kids, get ready.”
Wanting to meet Ben’s gaze as a force of habit to silently pick at his fathers doings, this time you restrain yourself since you were angry he had hid that he was talking to Rey through a weird force connection in the past couple of months. Instead, this time you look out to the incoming scenery of Lothal; noticing that it was unchanging since the last time you had been here with he who shall not be named. The fields were still dry and beige, the sky was grey as if it was going to pour at any moment. The rock spirals were still scattered around the planet, the town was the same and just as old—this time instead of landing in the middle of nowhere, you had the pleasure of arriving on a landing pad by the elegant white castle. This time you were greeted by overdressed guards and droid butlers. It was overwhelming. You wanted to go back home already.
“Artoo, if you could be a friend and hold one of my lightsabers, yeah?”
The old droid reveals a small opening and takes your lightsaber, beeping back an assuring response once the saber has disappeared inside him. You offer him a small smile and then lift your head to watch the scenery painted outside the castle, not being able to help but be in awe at how everything outside looked like from inside the castle; it was clear, you could clearly see the fields, it wasn’t like how you imagined it would look like from so far in the ground. The castle was almost made entirely out of thick glass, which explained why from afar the building looked white and elegant.
Albeit the calmness that such a scenic view brought, was ruined by the sound of the advisor's voice bringing back your realization of where you were, and why in fact you were here. “General Organa, if you could please stay standing here until I announce your presence to Lothals Governor.”
“Of course.” Your aunt Leia agrees sweetly, proceeding to watch as the tiny woman marched into the intended gathering room and did as she said in a loud booming voice that was heard even with the golden doors closed.
“Governor Starwind, may I formally present to you, the General of the resistance and Princess of Alderaan, General Leia Organa! And her Husband General, Han Solo!” The doors swung open and Ben and you were left out on getting presented (not like you would want to anyway), instead you were finally given permission to enter, letting yourself fall behind your aunt and uncle, as Ben walked in first, for just in case. Instantly at that moment the presented couple stepped inside, getting welcomed by another booming voice.
“Welcome, Generals! Please come on in and welcome to Lothal and my humble home.”
Lastly you walk in with Artoo beside you, lifting your gaze and at that instant moment finding amongst the crowd, the person you’ve been dreading, and wishing to every damn star that you wouldn’t see; Poe Dameron, in all his glory. Who just like this town, was unchanging, his choice in black clothes, choice in leaving his helmet over his face and everything else. You couldn’t see his face, but you imagined that too was not different, he probably still had his scar and the same brown eyes, the same face that never left your damned memories.
Curse him and this stupid town.
And just as you imagined he would, Poe's visor found you and followed your every step, not for any second leaving you and only making you squirm and fight the urge not to run and hide beside Ben, like a frightened child. You were the one that had to rip your eyes away and look at who you were here to help protect, being grateful at the fact that you couldn’t see his face.
At least for that you were grateful for. Being here on the other hand not so much, you still had to sit through a long meeting that was of no importance to you really. You were only left to listen and ignore the burning sensation that was caused by someone’s stare.
This was going to be a long day.
“I’m unlike my other predecessors, I care for my planet, for my people and their well being, we’ve been mistreated for far too long, I want to see peace fall upon Lothal.” Governor Starwind continued in that formal voice that was beginning to sound so dreadfully monotone in your ears. Any more time inside this elegant glass room and you’d probably die of boredom; it was not fair that Ben got to patrol outside and avoid hearing this meeting.
“And we’ve promised that you will get that with us and only with us, with the Resistance—”
“Commander Nomad, please,” the Governor cuts Poe off, “I will not accept slander of any kind, we are at a formal meeting, I’m sure you’re used to those. I have enjoyed hearing what The First Order has to offer to try and convince Lothal to stay, but let’s keep this professional. Alright?”
You don’t look to Poe, but you figure he nods since you don’t hear his modified voice respond out. All you think about while the meeting drags on is the fact that Poe was addressed as Commander and not General; such a drastic change was strange, and suspicious. It made you wonder too long on how it could’ve happened, why? You wouldn’t get answers, but you could wonder and keep yourself busy until you heard the holy words that woke you up.
“As of now, it’s late, you all must be tired, we will reconvene tomorrow to discuss further,”
You hear your uncle Han groan beside you at the words that made you dread tomorrow as well, it was a mutual feeling that you expressed with a single shared look.
“There's a banquet in the great hall, and some live music if you all would like to visit there to calm your minds.” The governor finishes, making everyone around the long table stand up, stretch their limbs, and start to head out while you beamed at the sound of food and getting to leave.
“Damn, I thought it was never going to end,” your uncle Han says as the three of you walk out and meet up with Ben in the hall. “I felt like I was going to just knock out, or die there.”
Your aunt Leia scoffs and shoots her husband a glare over her shoulder, not having the energy for a quick witty comeback and instead focusing on the great hall you had been welcomed into. Seeing as you did walk in that it was ten times more lively than the meeting, there were more people in fancy attire then there was in the meeting, the music as promised was a live band playing music you would hear at a cantina at times past midnight when everyone was already half wasted. The great hall was great indeed, as it seemed to have an opening that led to two other huge rooms lit by bright, elegant chandeliers.
Overall it was all overwhelming, but you stuck through—“come on kids, let’s present you two to the Governor and try and make a better impression.” Your aunt Leia instantly instructed, already guiding all of you towards the Governor in the back of the room, not waiting for a single argument, or the chance for any of you to explore on your own. Instead pulling you instantly in front of the Governor that looked young and quite charming, not compared to others you’ve met. “Governor Starwind, I would like to introduce my son and my niece accompanying me.” She looks at Ben beside her with a proud smile. “This is my son Ben solo.” She looks at you and keeps her smile, “and my niece, Y/N Skywalker.”
The Governor offers all of you a small charming smile, bowing his head slightly before his eyes drift from Ben and you, unknowingly showing a glimmer in his purple eyes as he stops to focus on you—“I've heard stories of Jedi as a child, and when I heard that not only one, but three Jedi were joining me today, I couldn’t help but feel like a little kid once again. It’s a pleasure having the three of you.” His eyes drift to Ben for a moment, but they end up back on you, shooting you a crooked smile. “And I am confident to say that what I hear of your beauty is not a lie, it must run in the Skywalker family.” His eyes flicker to your aunt Leia and he offers her the charming grin.
“Oh,” you breathe, trying to hide the fact that you were flustered. “Why thank you, but I can’t take all the credit, it seems that what I’ve heard of the Governor of Lothal is all true.”
The Governor chuckles and his face shows how suddenly flustered he felt. “Oh well all good things I hope?”
Before you could answer with a response that would surprise even you, Poe’s familiar voice interrupts you. “Governor Starwind,” he pauses and his head tilts to you, but you avert your gaze. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I seem to have a message from General Hux that he says is rather significant.”
“Oh,” Starwind looks away from Poe and turns his attention back to you to offer you an apologetic look. “I’m sorry to cut this short, but I do hope I find you later to continue our conversation.”
Your eyes fly to meet his, before briefly flickering to see Poe’s visor already looking at you and you can’t help but smirk and glance back at the Governor and bat your eyelashes. “I’m looking forward to it, Governor Starwind.”
He smiles and nods, letting you and your party walk off, not at all letting yourself have one last look at Poe. Instead hearing Artoo comment on what had happened; something that led your uncle Han to agree with an over exaggerated mannerism. “The droid is right, If the two of you needed a room, all you had to do was ask.”
You choke on your own saliva and slowly drag your eyes to him. “I was simply talking to him.”
Your uncle crosses his arms over his chest and nods slowly. “Sure kid. It’s okay to admit something if you want, I can give you a few pointers since well I wasn’t too bad at—”
“Dad.” Ben cuts him off. “Please leave her alone.”
Your uncle Han lifts his hands as if offended before he counters Ben’s comment. “What did I do?”
You chuckle and just roll your eyes, letting them continue with their unnecessary argument and focusing on the people dancing to the upbeat music, wishing Finn was here so you had someone to dance with, if even just to one song; but no, he had to stay back on the Island to continue with training. Maybe it was a good thing since Rey was there, Finn could watch over her while Ben, nor you couldn’t.
But you still would like the company. Even if you had to remember you weren’t here to mingle, you were here on a mission. So instead you kept yourself busy and walked around the great hall, eyeing the place and enjoying the droid by your side as your company. Unaware of the shadow watching you close and following you as far away as he could as to not be suspicious and spotted. Even if it ached him not to fall by your side, he lingered behind. Also unaware of the other presence searching for you around the feast, and the extra pair of beady eyes watching not only you but every other guest suspiciously.
“You know,” you tell Artoo as you eye the food with your mouth watering. “I’m quite hungry, let’s break away from the patrol and get something to eat, yeah?” You don’t wait for a response from someone who can’t eat and head to the food tables, carefully looking at every piece of food and taking too long to choose something to eat. An action that let the unexpected happen.
“Can we talk?”
You don’t dare look to your side once you recognize Poe’s voice and feel his body beside you, instead you go stiff; even if you had heard his voice before, even if you knew he was here you grew stiff, because for the first time since you left him behind and he said those cruel things, he was finally addressing you personally, he was talking to you. You didn’t know what to do, Ben wasn’t around to help you, nor was anyone else, it was just him and you. That sole fact made you grip onto your plate so hard that it broke in your hand, it made you feel as if your heart was going to rip out of your chest. Your breathing hitched and you parted your lips.
But you didn’t dare acknowledge him. “Come on Artoo, I’ve lost my appetite with that horrendous foul smell that suddenly hit my nose.” You put the broken plate down and turn on your heels with your head held up high, ignoring Poe and trying not to look back, instead paying all your attention to Artoo. “Yeah, of course you can come back home with me, I’m sure my dad would love it too.”
Artoo expresses a happy whir and you try to smile, but can’t manage one, whatever blissful daze you had built to be here and not look so grim had been destroyed by Poe’s interaction. It’s like you went through a glitch that left you with how you were before you left the Island. It was mind numbing and you only broke from your stupor when you joined Ben and your uncle Han.
“So has Luke made you two Jedi Masters yet?” Your uncle Han asks curiously, trying to break the tension that he even felt surround the small group.
“Not yet,” Ben answers, making you scoff and add a witty quip.
“Actually Ben is already Master, uncle Han.”
“Yeah,” you smile innocently, “Ben is the master at lying and hiding truths from people.”
Ben scoffs and shakes his head, while your uncle Han is left bewildered at your unexpected remark.
“Come on I said I was sorry, I just didn’t want to worry you.”
You shoot him a raging glare and scoff, folding your arms over your chest and internally trying to calm yourself down. “No, save it Ben. You had all the time in the universe to tell me. And you never did!” Unknowingly you raise your voice to a sharp tone that was beginning to turn heads and worry Ben and his father alike. “After I kept asking if you were okay, you lied! I’m not a child, nor a wounded animal for you to be treating me as such!”
“Hey kid, calm down.” Your uncle Han tries to diffuse the situation, trying to grab your shoulder as you ripped your arm from its folded position and pointed your finger at Ben. When you feel the sudden touch on your shoulder, you snap your gaze away from Ben to look at the sudden touch. “I’m sure whatever Ben did can wait to be discussed for later.”
Feeling as if one word went through one ear and fell out the other you spin your attention back to Ben and continue to snap at Ben. “What if something had happened, and you were gone, huh? I wouldn’t have a clue of where you are because you kept things Ben! I thought we could trust each other.”
Ben’s own anger begins to rise at your claims that you threw at him, but his anger didn’t cloud his mind, he was rational about the situation and knew that adding more fuel to the fire would cause an explosion, so instead he stormed off with nothing to say. Leaving you to stare at the empty space where he once stood. Letting your uncle Han step in to try and check on your sudden outburst. “Kid, are you okay?”
You inhale and exhale deeply, nodding to say yes, but not at all assuring his worry. He wanted to press deeper into the subject, but you cut him off before he could try. “I’m going to get some fresh air, I’ll be back later, or just go to the room.” Without waiting for a response you walk past him, but don’t make it far as Artoo began to follow you. “It’s okay buddy, I’ll be fine, I just need some time to cool off, okay? Stay here and watch after aunt Leia, and uncle Han.”
The droid assures you and rolls back to where he was before, letting you maneuver your way through the crowd until you made it out of the great hall and to some balcony in the far end of the hall. And just as you stepped out you got out your comm and contacted your father. You didn’t have the chance to take a nice breath of air, you just stepped out and instantly contacted him.
He, who didn’t take long to answer. “Hey, kid, I’m surprised you called. I would’ve thought you were having too much fun to check in.”
You laugh softly, but can’t manage a smile even if you wanted to. “I just….It’s night time here already, I just wanted to say good night and check in on the current prisoner.”
There's a moment of silence on the other end, you wait, having no other option and instead rest your hands on the balcony’s railing; hearing him only minutes later. “She’s been good, nothing suspicious has happened and she’s been cooperative. I think she was being sincere when she said she meant no harm. Finn seems to be having more trouble than Rey.”
You scoff lightheartedly and shake your head even if he couldn’t see. “Well, that’s good….you let me know if she acts up, okay?”
“Promise.” He pauses again and talks in a softer, more assuring voice. “Are you doing okay? Do you need me to read you a bedtime story like when you were young, or something?”
You snort. “No. I just wanted to say goodnight and that I can’t wait to go back home.”
“Ah, well goodnight little sun, I love you.”
Tears well up in your eyes at his words, but you restrain yourself from doing so, albeit you let it be known that you were holding back tears when the crack in your voice gave you out. “I love you too.” And just like that the call ended and you were left with an aching throat and a cloudy vision. Left looking at the city below and the town in the distance.
Anger and fear still clouded your mind, but you tried to calm that by putting your head in your hands and talking to yourself. “I’m okay, I’m okay. I’m okay,” you sigh and look back at the sparkling city, drawing in a shaky breath and taking a moment before you slowly released it and rested your head back in your hands to try and avoid the echoing voices in your head. “I’m okay, I’m okay, I’m….” You suddenly pause at the sound of the tinted glass door opening behind you, you don’t lift your head and instead slide your eyes to the corner to see only a pair of black boots a couple feet behind you. You don’t speak and just lift your head from your hands to stand up straight. Instead you slide to the side to try and make it to the second door to leave, but of course, before you could try doing such an attempt you’re stopped by the voice of the man you expected it to be.
“Wait, please.”
You grow stiff and tighten your grip on the railing of the balcony, looking away from him as you saw him come to your side.
“Can we—”
“Leave,” you hiss, “get out and leave me alone.” You keep your eyes away from him and keep them on the raining night sky, hearing no indication of what you had asked. “Just leave,” your voice unwillingly cracks and you grip onto the glass railing harder. “Fine I will.” You push yourself away and try to leave, but a hand instantly catches your wrist and stops you. The unexpected grasp makes you gasp. But still not look back.
“Wait please listen to me.” He tries again, letting you know he removed the helmet off his head by throwing it across the balcony. Revealing a much softer, and less monotone voice. “Just listen for a minute.”
His voice however didn’t give you the serenity he expected, instead it infuriated you even more, causing you to snatch your lightsaber from your side and whip back to ignite it and threaten him with the end of the blade inches from his throat. “I told you to leave me alone!”
Poe’s eyes widen and he lifts his head so no part of his skin would touch the burning blade, he slides his eyes from the green blade and then looks back at you, not recognizing the anger that glazed your eyes. You kept trying not to get a better view of his face. Yet you just knew his dark eyes watched you. You hear the same voice that enraged you seconds ago and calmed you months ago. “If that’s what you want?”
You draw in a breath and hold it, trying to keep the same angry mask on your face. Albeit not maintaining it long as Poe tries to step closer to the end of the blade, and causes you to instinctively deactivate it and step back until your heels touch the railing and your hilt falls out of your hand and down to the castle. You run and hit the edge, throwing your hand out as if that was going to get it back. “NO!” You bellow, wiggling your fingers, feeling those tears that had been itching to fall out, roll down your cheeks. “No.”
Before the lightsaber hilt was out of sight, you see the lights of the castle and the city reflect on it as it comes flying back, albeit not to you (of course) but to Poe’s hand. When you look back at him, again you avoid looking at his face and look at your lightsaber in his hand and take a fearful step back as he tries to hand it out to you.
At your attempt however, you had already gotten to a dangerous edge and when you step back your body loses balance, causing you to almost fall back, but not managing to do so as Poe’s hand wraps around your wrist and pulls you to him. Instantly remarking on your dangerous actions. “Fuck Princess, be careful.”
Your breath hitches and you pull away from him, snatching your lightsaber from his hand and yet staying in your new spot.
“You welcome.” He retorts, not at all getting the answer he wanted. “Will you listen to me now?”
With your eyes still on the ground you shrug, “I guess.”
“Good,” Poe mumbles under his breath, stepping towards you and trying to cup your cheek, but receiving an instant decline. “Right, well, I just wanted to say that I-I I’m sorry.”
You gasp and your eyes fly to his, feeling your eyebrows furrow and your heart race. Your mind couldn’t comprehend what he was saying, or really didn’t want to. It was unexpected for some reason.
“I’m really am sorry, what I said to you before you left, I’m sorry, I didn’t—”
“Why?” You cut him off, fully seeing his face now and realizing that he had grown a beard, that more bags were under his eyes and his eyes expressed that same exhaustion. He looked like he hadn’t slept in months, he looked terrible; yet you wanted nothing more but to feel his face under your fingers, and got lost in his eyes. As much as you wanted to forget what you felt, to replace what you felt with hatred, you couldn’t, your heart still ached for him and made flips the moment you saw just the smallest bit of him; “why are you telling me this? I don’t want to be played again, so if that’s what you’re trying to do, just leave or I’ll call Ben. I’m sure he’d love to have a few words with you.”
Poe parts his lips, but nothing comes out, he just keeps looking at you with that same star struck face. He tries to get close again, but you step back towards a wall this time. Hearing as he managed to find his voice. “No, I don’t want to hurt you again, I promise,” he sighs and you notice his eyes are filled with tears. “I'm just sorry. That day you left, after you asked me to go with you, I said horrible things that I regret every damn day. I didn’t mean them, I didn’t, but I still said them and I’m sorry. I just…” his voice cracks and he pauses to collect himself, not for once breaking away his gaze, instead, taking a step towards you that you let him take while you froze in your spot because of what came out of his mouth. “I just wanted you to leave, and I couldn’t find another way to make you leave. I’m sorry.” His frown deepens and his eyebrows knit together, he swallows back the lump that kept forming in his throat and takes another careful step towards you.
“But why did you say those things, Poe? The things you said, they...they hurt me.” You finally share softly, mirroring the same long expression.
“Because would you have left if I didn’t?” He questions making your eyebrows furrow. “Tell me you would have left if I didn’t. That you wouldn’t have gone back for me.”
Just as you were going to say ‘no’, his last comment caught you off guard because it was true. You would have gone back for him. He knew that.
“I know I broke your heart, I know that I hurt you in more ways than I can ever know, but just know I’m sorry.” He continues softly and sincerely, taking that final step towards you and slowly reaching to cup your cheek, smiling softly as you let him be so near without turning him away. “Knowing I hurt you, hurt me too, deeply. And I thought I was going to forget, forget what I said, the way I saw your heart break through your eyes. And I didn’t, I wanted so badly to forget, forget the way you make me feel, how you would treat me like no one has for a long time. I thought I was going to forget and just return to myself before I saw you again, but my love, you-you took part of my heart along with you that day.” A wobbly smile spreads on his lips and he cups your cheeks with both hands, roaming his eyes all over yours to try and see what you felt. But you hardly knew; you wanted to be angry, but at the same time you felt a light of happiness that had been lacking from your life lately. You simply just let tears show your feelings. You let him continue.
“The other part you took years ago,” he expresses a soft huff of air and tears finally escape from his eyes.
You sigh. “Poe.”
“You don’t have to say anything,” he reveals, “you don’t have to forgive me, I just wanted you to hear me, I just needed to see you.”
A smile finally breaks on your lips and you carefully reach to cup his face, gently stroking his cheek and part of the scar that ended on his cheekbone. “I….I understand why you did it. I do.”
More tears stream down his face, but you're quick to wipe them off. He expresses a sigh of relief and grabs your hand to press a soft kiss on your palm, smiling wider as he sees the bracelet around your wrist. “You’re still wearing it.”
“Everyday.” You assure him.
He stays quiet and his eyes keep roaming your face, he only manages to speak minutes later as if he couldn’t believe he was speaking, or you were here. “I missed you, I missed seeing your face, I missed your touch, I missed kissing you. Stars I just fucking missed you.”
You grin shyly and scoff. “Oh gosh, Poe.”
“What? It’s true.”
You look at your bracelet and then look up at the stars that seem to show a glow that you’ve haven’t seen from them in months. You look back to Poe and see a sort of color return to your view, and a warmth return to your body. A peace. “Truth is Poe, none of my feelings have changed, not since the day I met you, even after years I still feel my heart race just the same. With you everything just makes sense, you...you’re the light to my stars, everything shines brighter when I’m with you.” You smile softly and feel the salt of your tears on your lips, Poe expresses a soft chuckle as his own tears keep slipping from his eyes. “You completely stole my heart the day I met you, and I know I was young and a little naive, but I know that you completely captivated me that day. I’ve never felt the way I feel for you with anyone else. Never.”
Poe expresses another soft chuckle and his eyes fall to your lips just like yours do with his, he leans in but stops and looks back to you. “I really am sorry.”
“It’s okay, you’re okay.” You reassure him, continuing to look down at his lips but not giving in to the temptation. “But you have to know that I can’t leave—”
“Please, don’t. Let’s just not talk about that right now, okay? I just want to be with you for however long I can without getting mad.”
You sigh and nod. “Fine.”
He grins and pulls away. “I should leave you for now then. Can I meet you in your room later?”
You smirk and nod. “Please do.”
Poe grins wider, showing you a child-like grin as he summons his helmet to his hand. “Okay, good, good. Go see your family before they send an army out for you.”
You scoff. “They won’t but okay, I’ll see you later.”
Poe nods, walking back and clumsily hits his back on the door before he pushes it open and nods again. “Later. I’ll see you later.”
“No I’m sure, yes,” you assure Artoo, “I am perfectly fine being on my own.” You walk back further and further into the room and just peak your head out of the door, adding an assuring smile big enough so Artoo could leave you alone. “tell Ben I said goodnight, okay!”
Artoo shoots you with an annoyed, sassy answer that you just shrug off. “I know you’re not my messenger, but I’m still mad at him. Soo please do it and annoy him.” With one last feigned smile you finally close the door and face a beautifully moonlit room. An unemotional straight line forms on your lips however, as beautiful as the blue light reflected on the elegant white themed room. You trace your fingers along the dresser before heading to the balcony, quietly shuffling throughout the room and going unaware of the person hidden within the shadow of the room that finally decided to make himself known and sneak up behind you, covering your eyes and instantly making you freeze and hold in your breath.
In the sudden darkness that took over your eyes, you tried to reach your hand towards your lightsaber, or your comm to contact Ben, but you were frozen, feeling the breath of the mystery person behind your ear and feeling their hands slide down to your neck. Without the force you’re unable to detect anyone’s presence, you’re left completely blind.
The first thing that manages to squirm through to your mind is realization and then the signal to feel your arms and legs. So you move your hands to claw your nails onto their arm and attempt to flip them. But before you could, a voice stops you as it registers in your head. “Princess, it’s me, it’s me. I’m sorry.”
Your eyes widen and you rip away from Poe, grabbing onto your chest to exhale out your shaken deep breaths. “Poe! What the hell?!” You exclaim loudly.
Poe rubs his wrist and shrugs, “what do you mean? You told me it was okay to come to your room!” He protests.
Your eyes narrow on him and you scoff. “Yes, but not scare me half to death! I could’ve killed you!”
“I just wanted to surprise you.” He claims in a much lower voice, pulling his sleeve and seeing your nail markings on his skin. “Ow.”
“Oh don’t be such a baby.” You roll your eyes as you move to sit on the corner of the bed to kick off your shoes. “It’s your fault for sneaking up on me.”
Poe sits beside you and just scoffs. “Whatever.”
His comment makes you turn your head to offer him an amused look, scoffing and throwing yourself back on the bed as your boots are successfully off. “So, what do you want to do?”
Poe shrugs as he twists his body to look at you laying there and staring at the ceiling. “I don’t know, you tell me. We could talk.”
“About how you’ve been? How…” he hesitates for a moment and looks to the balcony, hiding his pained expression. “How Finn is doing? Or I don’t know we could do something,” he looks back to you and smirks. “We can skip the talking and do something fun, I can finally give you what you want.”
You blink and slowly lift your head to meet his gaze, noticing his smirk. Poe takes off his jacket and throws it on the floor, followed by his shoes, continuing to fully turn around and crawl on the bed with you, examining your body before moving to be on top of you; placing both hands on either side of your head and tilting your head with the tip of his fingers so you’d be facing him. “Stars you’re beautiful.”
Your lips part and your eyes flicker down to his lips before you blink to look back up at him, wrapping your arms around his neck and repeating your previous actions. Wanting to speak, but instead keeping to yourself as your mind raced with so many thoughts—“was this something I want?” “Him?” “Yes.” “But not like this.” “Not here.” “It’s something I wanted before and he fills a void in my heart.” “But is this how I want this to go down?” “No.” “Yes.” “He keeps the voices at bay, yet not the temptation to act out what’s been asked of me.” “I want this. Forget everything and everyone else.” “I love him.”
“Do you want to do this, sweetheart?” Poe asks for assurance.
You let your eyes wander back to his lips and a smile tugs on your lips before you lean in and make the first move by crashing your lips with his. Instantly getting bambered with the feeling of relief and longing, passion and desire. You pull away only to give him a soft clear answer. “Yes, I do.” The answer makes a happy, boyish smile grow on his lips before he leans in to press a kiss on your lips, sliding his tongue on your bottom lip to part them and deepen the kiss, making his lips tug wider as he leans in closer and moves one hand to cup your cheek.
Whatever doubt you had before completely disappeared. Joy replaced the feelings that were missing and more desire burned within you. This moment was truly like no other. You were unmistakably happy with Poe.
Said man pulled away, but stayed close, taking a moment for the both of you to catch your breaths as he began to leave a trial of soft kisses all the way down to your collarbone, taking a bit of skin between his teeth and beginning to gently suck on it before you pushed his intentions away. “Don't you dare do that again. Last time I had to wear anything that had a turtle neck so Ben, nor my father would see the hickey.”
Poe licks his lips and chuckles. “Fine not there then,” his smirk deepens and he slowly slides his hands to the bottom of your shirt to basically rip it off of you. Leaving you shirtless and nude, your bare chest glowing under the moon light that shone inside. Poe’s pupils blew up and his smirk faltered as he went breathless. “Truly beautiful.”
A soft smile grew on your lips and you grabbed his face to pull him in for a passionate kiss, feeling his bulge rub against your thigh and a fluttering feeling in your stomach—yet as much as you didn’t want Poe to stop kissing you, he desperately pulled away to once again press kisses down the premises of your skin, until he stopped on your breast and repeated what he had intended to do on your collarbone.
Causing you to knot your fingers in his hair and gently tug on his hair as he sucked on the skin. You felt at that instant that your heart was going to rip out of your chest, even if so little had happened so far. You ached for him as he was taking his sweet old time, pulling away from you and shooting you a smug grin. You rolled your eyes at his expression, proceeding to move your hands down to his hips to pull his shirt off him, feeling your eyes widen in more desire, and worry as you finally saw his bare chest and torso.
His body was beautifully carved, his abs were perfectly toned and ripped through his skin; his chest and biceps were beautifully tan and glowing with the light of the moon reflecting on his bare skin. You ran your hands over his skin and little goosebumps grew all over his body. He smiled and tilted his head slightly so he could follow your fingers running over the premises of his warm and soft body. His smile however faltered, like yours did in fact, at the moment you stopped at each scar that was littered all over his body. They weren’t big scars, just small ones, like puncture wounds—“Poe,” You whisper, “what happened?”
Poe places his knuckle under your chin and lifts your head so your eyes could meet his, and he could assure your increasing worry. “Just old scars baby, I’m fine.”
Your eyebrows knit together and you part your lips to try and argue, but he cuts you off by pressing his lips on yours and deepening it by the second. Neither of you want to pull away, but you have to express your thought. One he had said first the day before you left, and one he had said today, but one you had yet to express.
“Stars, I missed you.”
Poe smiles softly and leans in to whisper by your ear. “I missed you too, my love.”
You grin like you haven’t done in a long time and can’t help but think in the deepest part of your brain, “this wrong. Being with Poe. Confessing everything and having sex was wrong. But it was a good mistake. Even if I knew it was going to cost me. A lot.”
Your battles that you were pushing aside, were only going to brew deeper after this. But it’s a consequence you’d deal with.
“So what? We’re supposed to act like we hate each other now or something?” Poe asks, combing his hair back with his fingers as he hesitated to put his helmet over his head.
You scan the hall you’re walking down and shake your head. “No, we just don’t talk, like yesterday, pretend like we don’t know each other.”
Poe scoffs. “It’s not that easy, you’re tempting.”
You roll your eyes and can’t help the smile that tugs on your lips, you scan the area to make sure no one is near to grab him by the arm and pull him towards a dark dead end hall. An action that Poe snickers to and gets all too cocky about what he thought was going to go down. “Princess, I knew you took risks, but here, really?”
You narrow your gaze on him and slightly tilt your head. “What are you talking about?”
“Well, aren't we going to have a quickie before returning?”
Your eyebrows pinch together and your eyes study him before you chuckle and shake your head. “No, no, I’m too sore and well we’d probably be caught, Ben and Artoo should be looking for me shortly.” You cup Poe’s cheek and smile sweetly, “I just wanted to say that I like the beard.”
Poe smirks and strokes his chin, “really? I thought you would.”
You roll your eyes and hit his shoulder playfully. “It suits you, just like you without one. I like either.”
Poe’s hands go to your hips and he leans in to take you in for a heated lingering kiss, slowing down only to gently bite your bottom lip before completely parting away and look at you with a lingering look. “I'm going to miss you.”
You smile and stroke his cheek one last time with your thumb. “I’m going to miss you too.” You walk back and look back to the clear main hall, peaking your head past the wall and looking to both sides to check that the ghost was clear for you to walk out without being detected.
“Come with me.”
You grow stiff at Poe’s words and slowly pull away to stand up straight and keep your back faced to him.
“We can be together without having to hide. I can help you.”
You ball your hands into tight fists and look down to talk to the ground. “Help me with what?” And just like that, all color left from your view and darkness took over everything again.
“What you’re dealing with, Supreme leader Snoke can help.”
Kill the spare. Do it now, he’s there. He’s open.
“We can be a good pair, just you and me” Poe continues, making anger begin to boil within you.
“Poe.” You warn softly. “Please stop, or you’re going to ruin everything.”
“Ruin everything? Baby, we make each other happy,” Poe grabs your arm to turn you to face him, cupping your face to lift your head so your eyes could meet. So you could see the desperation behind his eyes. “I can see that, why can’t you? You're struggling but I can help.”
Your gaze doesn’t falter, but your hand does. Slowly you uncurl your fists and discreetly reach for your lightsaber as your mind was overcome with the tempting voice of “your grandfather”. Happiness seeps away from your mind, face and is replaced by nothing but that same numbing blankness that has overcome you entirely in the past months.
“I can correct what I did wrong. If you come, Master Snoke can bring back Jacen. We can overthrow Snoke and we can rule over the First Order, change it to our will and finally win this war. Together. Be with me.”
Kill him. Kill Poe Dameron. Now!
“I’ll kill him,” you whisper under your breath as an unusual evil smirk unknowingly tugs on your lips and that same sinister darkness grows in power within you. You pull your lightsaber from your side and slide your thumb to the activation button, moving your hand to cup Poe’s face and offer him a sweet smile that he couldn’t help but mirror; his filled with joy, unlike yours—“I,” you say out loud, “I will—”
Before you could finish your sentence however, you’re suddenly pulled back forcefully and hitting your ass on the ground with a painful thud. In that quick and sudden action, what had possessed you broke away and you were fully back, looking up to see Ben throwing Poe to the wall and lifting him off his feet with the force, proceeding to slowly close his hand as he began to force choke Poe.
“Ben! Leave him alone!” You exclaim sharply as you stand to your feet and run to Ben to try and pull his hand away, but ultimately getting pushed back by said man. “Ben! Please!” Your eyes water and you try to plead again. You knew you were meant to act like you didn’t care for Poe in front of other people, you knew that the voices inside your head told you to kill him, but seeing his life hang in the balance, watching the fear in his eyes broke you in different ways. “Ben! Leave him alone!”
“No!” He growls, dropping Poe from the death grip and stepping closer towards him to swing his fist over his face. You tried to stop him again, but Ben was physically stronger, without the force you were useless in your attempts. All you could do was try to see if you shouting at the top of your lungs would knock some sense into Ben. Even if you knew it wouldn’t—“we trusted you and you killed him! He loved you, he treated you like family and you betray him by killing him!” Ben exclaims, anger clearly in his voice and actions, the veins on his neck clearly showed as he shouted to Poe with that one single emotion. He was hurt and it was painfully clear. “Then you proceed to break my cousins heart and break her trust too! I should kill you!” Ben throws Poe another punch that makes you wince and Poe groans before looking up to Ben with a wide-stricken expression that he tried to hide his fear and own hurt behind.
“Then do it.” Poe groans, not even trying to fight back.
You take a step closer to the pair and plead again. “Ben, please leave him alone.”
Said man looks over his shoulder for a second before glaring back at Poe and continuing with a surprising comment. “But I won’t because the best punishment is you drowning in your own guilt,” Ben smirks and let’s go of Poe to stand up slowly. “I want you to remember everything you’ve done because I know that’s your weakness. You try to act tough, scary, but I know what you aren’t. You’re nothing, but a child, in a mask.”
Your eyes widen at his insult and Poe stays quiet, parting his lips and just that.
“And if you have any ounce of respect for Jacen, or me, I want you to leave my cousin alone. She’s gone through enough pain because of you. I don’t want to see you close to her again, because if I do, I’ll make sure I’m the last thing you ever see.” Ben finishes, fuming out of ears and pulls his foot back to land one last hard kick on Poe’s side, shooting him one last burning glare before turning around and grabbing your wrists to pull you away without a chance to check on Poe’s wounds.
You part your lips to argue, but Ben catches your before you can. “Don’t you dare try to defend him, or I’ll turn back and actually shove that lightsaber in your hand through his chest.”
You gasp and glance at the lightsaber still in your hand, instantly putting it away and choosing to stay quiet on that matter instead. “When are we going home?”
“Later,” Ben reveals, still bitter. “Theirs one last meeting and after we should be good to go.”
You hum softly and from the corner of your eye you see a masked Poe pass by the both of you. Not daring to even look your way. You want to go after him and talk, but you’d be a fool to do so. You had to watch him from a distance now, leave with many things left unsaid, even if he was only feet away, you had to fight the temptation. You had to pretend he wasn’t here.
“Where’s Artoo?”
“In the great hall with my mother and father, the meeting is taking place there.”
Your eyebrows knit together at his response. “The great hall? Why there?”
Ben shrugs and let’s your wrist go once he sees Poe enter the great hall and not be a threat to you anymore. “I don’t know, but it’s there.”
You both enter the hall yourselves and try to walk towards your family, but in that exact instant something stops Ben, and has you bumping into him. He grows stiff and looks back to the doors as they close, and the windows as the curtains cut off light from beaming in. You want to protest Ben’s actions, but a sudden hologram of an odd masked man in all black cuts you off. “I’ll keep this short. We the people are tired of you. The resistance and the first order, we don’t want to be in this petty fight. We’re tired of getting overworked and not paid enough. We don't want to be ruled, we want to rule. Our own planet.” The curtains swing open again, blinding you with the light, but yet demonstrating something outside; multiple battleships now littering the sky as they come out of hiding—“so I fortunately I report that now, we have to get rid of all of you. For good. No more light or darkness. Just peace.”
And with nothing else to add, the hologram cut off and five soldiers in the same all black outfit came out of hiding from within the walls, all surrounding everyone, even the governor. Ben grabs your hand to try and rush towards his parents, but explosions outside the castle stops him from moving. The castle rumbles and then a blazing and blowing fight breaks between the soldiers and everyone inside. Ben snaps from his stupor and grabs and urges you to follow him, ducking and avoiding blasts and punches from the armored-soldiers.
“Don’t look back and just reach my parents no matter what!” Ben shouts to you, both at the same time activating your lightsabers to deflect blasts and swing at the armored-soldiers.
Your eyes search all over the place and grow desperate to try and feel any spark of force within you. But nothing, you’re left with nothing, just jumping as the castle rumbles again and a window explodes as an explosion hits the side of the castle you were on, causing the building to tilt and your fear, and anger to rise. You slide slightly to the side but firmly grip onto Ben, spotting his mother and Artoo a few feet away. He quickens his pace and pulls you along, reaching his mother and not hesitating to be protective and curious. “Where's dad?”
“I sensed something was off, so I sent him to the ship he should be here soon! One of you help, Artoo break the window to be ready to jump when Han comes.”
You instantly nod and join Artoos side, stabbing your lightsaber through the thick glass and slowly, but surely attempting to melt a circle on the window. You try to avoid turning back at the sound of blasts all over, and screaming echoing in your ears, but you remind yourself that not only will you provide an escape for your family and you, but for these people too. That keeps you motivated to keep trying to cut the window. Albeit, all until another explosion hits the whole wall at your side gets blown in, making you flinch as debris flies past you and the force of the explosion sends the tower to tilt more and for you to almost slide out if it wasn’t for Artoo wrapping a cord around your wrist.
“Thanks bud,” you smile, digging your heels into the floor and picking your lightsaber off the floor; “you’re always there when I need—” you suddenly stop and your eyes widen as they focus on one single scene playing across from you. It takes you a moment to break from your stupor as your face expresses pure fear at what you see, but once you do, you’re slightly bending your knees to begin to run towards Poe getting badly hurt by three of the shadow-like, special all black uniformed soldiers. But before you could take your first step, arms wrap around you and you’re pulled back into a firm chest. When you look back you see no one other but Ben holding you back.
“No! Leave him, the Falcon is here we have to go!”
“No!” You bellow, kicking your feet and trying to break from his hold, feeling angry tears roll down your cheeks. “I need to help him!” The gleam of a vibro-sword catches your attention and that same fear from when you lost Jacen sparks in your brain, that same adrenaline. You feel it makes you stronger. This time you were.
Were you faster though?
Without the force could you save Poe before the blade punctured his body?
“No Ben, Poe needs me!” You cry, wiggling your arm out and throwing your elbow back to hit Ben’s jaw. Causing his grip to loosen, and giving you your chance to escape, instantly breaking into a full sprint towards Poe. Feeling your heart pump wildly in your ears, and your chest heavily heave, tears mixed with sweat, and your attempts to avoid being hit, or shot felt like a breeze. However nothing felt greater than jumping over your last obstacle and jamming your lightsaber on one of the special soldiers back as you landed on the floor.
The two soldiers trying to hold Poe down, stop as they see you throw their comrade to the side and you hear Poe utter your name in a surprised gasp. “Y/N?”
You offer him a faint smile and whisper, “I made it in time.” After one last short lingering look, you take out your other lightsaber from your side, flipping it in your hand so you could swing it and activate it, so the blade could scratch one of the soldiers helmet, making their hold on poe fall and letting him grab his blaster to swiftly shoot their other one at his side.
Leaving Poe ultimately ripping his helmet off and showing you the soft and shocked mixed expression on his face. “You came back for me?”
The corner of your lips tug into a smile, and just before you could speak your thought out loud, another loud, impactful blast hits the castle and this time you’re sliding off the castle that’s now hanging by a thread, while the top floor off you were on, hangs on its side. Before you could fall off the castle and free fall into the sky, you come to a skidding stop and manage to stop yourself on the rubble of the broken wall, staring out at the rubble, broken and tilting ceiling, fire and chaos hundreds of feet below. Poe however didn’t stop himself in time and hung from the side of the castle. Looking up at you with a fear-stricken look.
You instantly reach for his hand to try and pull him up, but in the dark temptation hits again, harder than ever. Kill him. Let him fall and you’ll get your brother back. Your family will be complete. You’ll end this war. Kill him. Let him fall.
“Y/N, pull me up.”
Your gaze snaps to Poe, and you meet his brown eyes, blinking to break from the cloudy daze and using both hands to pull him slightly, ignoring the blinding pain in your head and trying to pull him up with all the strength you could manage. “Poe, you’ve got to help me a little, you’re too heavy.”
Poe nods, heaving as he dares to look down before holding to your arm and helping you pull him up. “Okay, okay.”
“Drop him,” a real voice whispers by your ear, making you jump and snap your head over your shoulder to see one of the shadow-like, special soldiers beside you, it’s helmet caved in by the impact of your lightsaber, and showing a yellow eye.
“What?” You gasp.
“Drop him. I know you want to. You feel it, don’t you, Skywalker.”
Your hold on Poe weakens and your eyes remain wide, unable to blink out of the terror you felt by his words. “Wh-what. Who are you?”
They come closer and lift their helmet to just reveal their pink lips. “Your solution. Drop him.”
“To make myself legit, I’ll say this, you’ll find your first key to bring your brother back, in Dagobah.”
You gasp again, feeling your eyes fill with tears. The soldier drops its helmet and steps back, you keep looking over your soldier and let something completely cold take over. In one moment you feel Poe’s hand, the next you feel nothing, but a cold breeze. You’re lost in a dark cloud, and feel nothing but anger.
But it all disappeared in a snap as the sound of your name coming from below snaps you back and out of whatever faze you were stuck in. “Y/N!”
Instantly you fall on your knees and get close to the edge, feeling the heat of the fire below burn your face and the breeze howl in your ears. You throw your hand out and scream for him with the tears streaming down your cheeks, and complete heartbreak expressed in your eyes. “POE! NO!” Again you try with all your will to reconnect to the force.
But nothing. You feel nothing but failure. You see nothing but a disappearing figure as Poe is falling down and covered by the black smoke. Leaving you numb and broken. Leaving you to hear no one but the same soldier return to your side to grab the back of your shirt and pull you to them, proceeding to only whisper in your ear, “long, live, the Dark side.”
Before you could fight back, the soldier hits the side of your head hard and has your concinosess fading to black.
You’re only left to feel the breeze hit your body, see the blue sky above you, feel the sun rays dry your tears and warm your face, hear the wind howl in your ears and the soldiers' words echo in your ears after they throw you out of the broken window.
The last thing you feel is your body crash onto something hard that stops the feeling of yourself falling. You hear Ben's voice echo in your ears, but you block it out as a numbness takes control of every part of your brain. You hadn’t fallen into unconsciousness like you thought you would, so you weren't saved from hearing the soldier's voice in your mind. “Long, live, The dark side.”
You weren’t saved from seeing Poe’s face haunt your mind.
A/N- haha :)
Tagged- @thescarletknight2014 , @softly-sad @golden-guide​, @abysshaven , @a-dorky-book-keeper @kit-jpg , @zoeyangels, @algenforthewin, @leilei-draws , @throughparisallthroughrome
Permanent taglist- @ms-dont-care​ , @commondazy , @paintballkid711 @dankfarrikdin
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vs-redemption · 4 years
Hello! Congrats on hitting 300 followers!❤🎉🎉 much more are to come I'm sure of it! I would like to request a hawks x fem!reader where his s/o is taller than hawks but she is just super cute and bubbly, but some people are scared of her because of her hight. Can be scenario or headcanon, what's easier for you.
Thanks for the request dnarez! And thank you so much for the support!
I hope what I wrote is okay! 
If anyone else is interested in sending in a request, the rules are here!
My masterlist is here!
Stand Out 
(Hawks x Tall! Bubbly! Fem! Reader)
It was sometime during you final year in middle school that you’d had your first growth spurt. You’d been so excited after noticing the way your clothes seemed to have shrunk overnight, causing your ankles to stick out awkwardly from the bottom of your pants. A few of the other girls in your class had begun experiencing changes in their bodies as well, so it wasn’t something you were particularly worried about. It was a sign of maturity, as well as an excuse to go shopping!
The excitement slowly turned into concern once you started high school and realized you were taller than almost everyone else in the school, including the upper classmen. It was a little embarrassing being a taller than average girl because you tended to stand out in crowds and attract the stares of the people around you. It made you self-conscious at times, but thankfully most of your peers seemed to get over the height difference once they got to know you. Your sweet, chipper personality helped people feel more at ease around you.
It wasn’t until after you graduated high school and got hired into your first job that you really began to have negative feelings sometimes about your height. You made friends easily enough, but sometimes it started to wear you down when children shied away from you or people openly gawked at you in public. Still, you tried to keep your friendly smile in the hopes that people would feel less intimidated. It was on one of your more stressful days that you first met Hawks.
The weather had just started to warm up and the cherry blossoms were in full bloom. You’d decided to use your day off as a chance to visit one of the most popular parks in your city which was hosting a Sakura Festival. The place was unsurprisingly packed with people. You were used to the stares at this point, but you’d also been stopped multiple times already by people feeling the need to make a comment about your height. You knew the attention was harmless, but you just wanted to enjoy your time in the park.
“Hey! What’s the weather like up there?” A middle aged man teases after getting behind you in line with his family at a shaved ice stall. You tilt your head and smile politely. If you had a dollar for every time you heard that question…
“Not bad! But a little on the breezy side.” A voice comes from above you and suddenly a familiar guy with bright red wings drifts out of the sky and lands next to the man. “Thanks for asking!” You instantly recognized the number two hero. You knew he patrolled around your city sometimes, but you’d never seen him this close up.
“Oh!” The man who had teased you seemed to get star struck. His family and the rest of the people around you were all getting excited too. “I was actually talking to the lady in front of us. She’s so tall!”
“And has pretty eyes,” Hawks grins while pulling off his visor and giving you a playful wink. Before you can even process his actions, he looks around the line of people to check out the stall. He looks back at you with a contemplative expression. “You know, I flew past a stall just like this a few minutes ago and it had a lot more flavors. Come on! I’ll show you.”
You had no idea what was happening but you nodded and followed him away. By the time you got to the stall he’d mentioned, you had already forgotten about the teasing man from before. Hawks knew what it was like to stand out and attract unwanted attention too, so he had been able to recognize your frustration right away even though you did your best to hide it most of the time. You felt shy around him for a few brief moments, but that quickly went away as he rambled about patrolling the festival and getting to try all the delicious food. His casual attitude allowed you to feel more comfortable and soon you were laughing and chatting away like old friends as you ate your cup of shaved ice.
What you assumed was going to be a brief encounter with the pro hero ended up turning into quite a bit more. Hawks acted cool and confident most of the time, but he also had to deal with the pressures of being a hero. He faced off against the darker parts of society every day by dealing with villains and taking orders from the higher ups in the hero commission. Something about your bubbly attitude and cute smile provided some respite from his hero duties, and he found himself not wanting to give up your company right away. Before he went back to his patrol, you agreed to his offer to go on a date. One date turned into two, and soon the winged hero was asking you to be his girlfriend.
The difference in height never seemed to be an issue for him. If you ever brought it up, he would just smile and say “what height difference?” before flying up to your level and kissing you once on the nose. He was also very good at diffusing uncomfortable moments when you were out together in public too. Whenever anyone mentioned your height, he would always make you blush by saying that your hair, eyes, or smile stood out the most to him. Sometimes you even forgot that you were taller because he or his feathers were always there to get something down for you before you could even reach for it.
And as great as it was to have someone like Hawks as a boyfriend, he felt equally as lucky to be with you. He always looked forward to seeing you after a hard day of hero work because you would welcome him back with your cheerful smile that erased all the stress every time. He loved to make you laugh by swooping down from the sky for surprise hugs and kisses too. The happiness and support that you and Hawks provided for each other made it so neither of you had to worry about gawkers or unwanted attention, because even if you did still stand out, you stood out together.
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fallen420 · 4 years
Rebel Spy - Chapter 1: The Child
Mando x OC
Summary: Aurora life becomes lonely after the war ends but when a familiar Mandalorain needs her help who is she to refuse
Series Playlist 
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It's a nice breezy day on Naboo. I walk into one of the many cantinas, I order a drink, and I sit down in one of the booths in the back. I take out a book and begin to read.
Ever since the empire fell 5 years ago I've resided on the planet I always dreamed of living on, Naboo. The people are nice, the scenery is beautiful, and almost no crime happens here.
The door to the cantina opens and I can feel people around me getting tense and I hear whispers. I look up to see what the fuss is about and I see the same silver Mandalorian from Tatooine in front of me. Behind him is a floating pod of some kind. It's closed so I can't see what's inside.
I put the book down as he sits across from me. "I'm not here to hurt you, Aurora."
He remembers my name. It's been years how does he remember? He only ever saw it on the tracking forb.
"That's what somebody who wants to hurt me would say."
"Look Jabas dead anyway. You're safe." I look up into his visor feeling the weight being lifted off my shoulders. He adjusts in his seat then says quieter, "I need your help."
"Help? Me? You want my help? Why me?"
"Because you owe me."
"I can't be the only person in the galaxy who owes you something."
He takes a moment, "I have this...kid." He glances at the pod still floating there.
"You have a kid? A Mandalorian has a kid?"
"It's not mine mine. I..."
"Adopted it?"
"What do you want me to do?"
"Watch it while I collect bounties. Help take care of the ship. Stuff like that."
"Okay. I'll do it."
"Really? Just like that?"
I look around and shrug "What else am I doing?"
We start to walk back to his ship, "So can I actually see this kid?" He walks in front of me while the pod floats by his side. Why I chose to trust him, I don't know. I mean he let me go the last time, yeah but he's still a Mandalorian. It's not like my life was super fun and exciting anyway might as well babysit a mystery kid and hang out with an even more mysterious Mandalorian.
"You can on the Razor Crest where it's safe."
"Razor crest?"
"My ship."
He stops walking, "Wait. Don't you have a family to say goodbye too? You're not coming back who knows how long."
I look at him confused by the sudden burst of - caring. Very out of character for a Mandalorian. I shake my head no, "Nope. No family."
He turns around and walks forward again.
He closes the door to the ship and he finally opens the pod. It reveals a green baby with big eyes and ears. It's cute but also kinda ugly. "I was not expecting that."
I wave at it and coos while waving back.
"Where'd you get it?" I ask looking back at the Mandalorian.
"He was a bounty but I uh- I couldn't it."
"Mhm, so Mandalorians do have hearts."
He doesn't acknowledge my statement. "This is the fresher," he says pointing to a tiny room with a toilet and a small shower. "This is where you will sleep." he motions towards a tiny cot. He points into a room with the door closed. "That's where I sleep. Don't go in there."
"Wasn't planning on it."
"I'll give you half of what I get from collecting bounties for taking care of the kid." He begins to walk towards the cockpit.
"Wait," he stops, "What do I call you?"
"Mando." He climbs the latter.
I sit down on the cot and the kid looks up at me and coos, "This should be interesting."
The first night I get woken up to the ship shaking around. I check the kid who is still somehow asleep. I stand up holding onto the wall so I don't fall down. I make my way up to the cockpit.
"What the hell is going on?!" I yell over the shooting as I sit on the co-pilot's chair.
"We're being shot at."
No shit.
Mando dodges the blasts well.
"What can I do?"
"Hand over the child mando,"  his voice comes out the intercom.  He hits one of the engines and sparks fly around. "I might let you live."  
He hits us again.
"Hey you know you might want to uh shoot him back." He hits us again and alarms go off and Mando presses some buttons. "Look you fly, I'll shoot. Just get us behind him and I'll get the fucker." He nods and I grab hold of one of the guns,
"Hold on," Mando says and he flips us upside down dodging blasts, "Come on,"
"I can bring you in warm or I can bring you in cold."
"That's my line," Mando pulls the ship back and it grazes over the other guy's ship knocking out his gun. Now that we are behind him, I aim my gun and shoot. It hits his ship square on blowing it up. Mando looks at me and nods as a way of saying thank you.
He clicks a few more buttons, "Losing fuel." Then the power shuts off.
"Great." He gets up and clicks a button behind my chair. He sits back down clicking more things and the power turns back on, "Stars, this thing has a lot of buttons."
He turns on the radio, "This is Mos Eisely tower. We are tracking you. Head for bay three-five, over."
"Copy that," Mando says, "Locked in for three-five."
"Mos Eisley," I chuckle a little, "Ironic." I stand up with a yawn, "Well, while that was exciting I should get some sleep."
I was able to sleep for a few hours only to be awakened by the child's whines.
"Good morning," he coos back, "Hungry?" I stand up to grab him something to get
Mando climbs down the ladder from the cockpit, "Good you're awake."
"Good morning to you too."
"I found some work it shouldn't take me long to catch this bounty." I nod, "You stay here and watch the kid." He hands me a comlink, "If one of us gets into trouble we can use that to communicate. And somebody will be working on the ship outside. Do not let them see the kid."
"Got it," I say putting the comlink in my pocket. and with that the leaves. I turn back to the kid and hand him his food, "Looks like its just us."
I play with the kid for a while, read my book.
I take a shower in the tiny fresher. I look in the mirror to see my pink hair is fading away. Soon it'll be back to its natural color. I glance over the scars that cover my body from the war. I get dressed and decided the kid and I could use a good nap.
We wake up to hammering from the ship being repaired. I decided to make myself useful clean up around here. I grab a rag and start dusting the shelves.
There's another room that Mando didn't show me. Curiosity gets the best of me and I open it. It opens and reveals a weapon room. He has blasters along the walls. "Woah." I pick up one of the smaller silver blasters. They feel new considering the pre-empire old ship.
I put it back but it wasn't balanced and falls. But it doesn't it the ground.
I blink to make sure I'm seeing it right.
It's floating.
I look back at the kid who has his little hand out. Then it hits me.
He's using the goddamn force. I've only seen it once before but what else would this be.
I grab the gun and put it back carefully this time. He puts his hand down and slumps in the pod.
"Are you a-? Did you just use-?  Where did Mando find you?"
"Help!" I hear a woman's voice scream outside. Immediately I close the kid's pod and I grab the gun I looked at earlier, I grab the bullets and load it. I hear struggling and then the door opens but I already have my gun pointed at whoever it is.
A guy has a gun pointed to the women, who I assume was fixing the ship, head. They stand on the ramp while I still stand on the ship.
"Where's the kid?" He asks.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Drop your blaster or I shoot her."
I weigh my options. I mean yeah I don't know her but I still don't want her to die.
I remember the comlink in my pocket but if I reach for it who knows what he might do.
"I wouldn't try that I have a clear shot of your head right now." I don't
"Give me the kid."
"I don't have a goddamn kid. You got the wrong ship buddy."
Behind him I see Mando approaching slowly trying not to make his presence know.
"No, you see if I get that kid and that Mandalorian I'm gonna be famous."
It takes everything in me not to laugh at this arrogant kid.
Mando can't shot him without him shooting her on reaction.
"Ambitious there. Let's make a deal, let her go and we'll talk mhm? "
"How do I know you won't kill me?"
I sigh before putting the blaster down and putting my hands up, "Let her go."
He throws her to the side and before he can speak Mando shoots him and he falls to the ground.
The woman looks at both of us, "Thank you."
"The kid?" Mando asks me.
"Right here."
"Good," he hands the women credits before climbing onto the ship and closing the hatch.
"Where did you get the blaster?" he asks. I point towards his weapon room thingy. "Keep it."
"Are you sure?" He just nods, "Thank you."
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primroseprime2019 · 3 years
Darkness Rising- Part One
The sun's rays pierced through the clouds. On the road, a red Dodge Challenger drove down the road. "So there I am on the lookout when out of nowhere, these highlight beams light up my rearview," the red Autobot said, "and then it hits me. I'm illegally parked!"
"Another parking ticket?" A blue and pink Kawasaki Ninja 250R asked in a knowing tone as she drove down the road. "Better. The boot," the red bot said.
"Big metal tire clamp impossible to remove," the motorcycle said.
"Bingo! So the local police do their thing, and I let 'em get all the way down the back," the red bot said, "that's when I kick off my new shiny shoe and bang!" "New York's finest soil themselves," the motorcycle said, amusement in her voice.
"You know me Arcee," the bot said, "you mess with Cliffjumper-" "And you get the horns," Arcee said, earning a laugh from her partner, "not sure how that complies with Autobot rule number one: keep a low profile."
"What can I say? Patrolling out here in Dullsville gets lonesome," Cliffjumper said, "almost makes me miss the Decepticons." "Like Jasper Nevada's a party? We're alone wherever we travel on this rock Cliff," Arcee said.
Cliffjumper's GPS navigation system started going off. The screen changed from the road route to a sonar picture of the area he was in. "I'm getting a signal," he said.
"Need backup?" Arcee asked, alert. "Do I ever need backup?" Cliffjumper said before going off-road. At the highest speed, Cliffjumper sped towards the location. When he arrived, he skidded to a stop at the edge of a ditch. There were big and small dark blue energon crystals sticking out of the bottom of the ditch.
"I just found a whole lot of energon!" Cliffjumper said. A shadow suddenly loomed over the Autobot and the energon. Cliffjumper transformed into his bipedal form and looked up to see a large ship. "Decepticons," he said.
The Decepticon warship- or the Nemesis, as most called it- loomed over the energon. A gun-like blaster unfolded on the side and fired at Cliffjumper. The blast exploded at Cliffjumper's pedes, the force of the explosion sending Cliffjumper flying into the ditch. The Autobot warrior got on one knee as he looked up to see a few Decepticon troops flying out of the ship and landing near the edge of the ditch.
"Arcee... about that backup," Cliffjumper said, "fair warning boys. I'm gonna put a few dings in ya." He transformed into his vehicle form and drove up the wall of the ditch before he flew off it, transformed into his bipedal form and began to fight the Vehicons.
"Arcee to Optimus! The 'Cons are back. Cliff might be neck deep in scrap," Arcee reported to her leader, Optimus Prime. "Understood," the Prime replied, "Ratchet, do you have Cliffumper's coordinates?"
"I'm locked onto his signal Optimus," Ratchet said as he drove through a snow-covered area, "but our teams are scattered across time zones."
"Arcee, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Firestorm, Primrose, rendezvous back to base and prepare to ground bridge," Optimus ordered.
Cliffjumper was having a rather hard time fighting the troops. The odds weren't in his favor now as the Decepticon troops punched him hard. One punched him hard enough to send him flying back into the ditch and the punch sent one of Cliffjumper's horns flying off.
Cliffjumper got to his pedes. "You want the horns," he said, unlocking his blasters, "you got 'em." With that said, he began to shoot at the Decepticons, taking one of them out before the others started to fire back at the red Autobot. Cliffjumper dodged the shots before the energon exploded, the force of the explosion sending Cliffjumper flying into the wall.
As the smoke drifted into the air, two Vehicons dragged Cliffjumper to the warship.
A silver and dark grey Seeker stood in the command center. "The energon," he said bitterly, "it's worthless to me now." He turned to see the Vehicons dragging in a nearly burnt and beaten Cliffjumper.
"Scream... been a while," Cliffjumper coughed, "so... where's your master?"
"Nevermind him!" Starscream snapped, "I am my own master." With that, the Seeker slammed his digits into the left side of Cliffjumper's chestplates. "Any last questions?" The Seeker growled.
Cliffjumper let out a weak groan and when Starscream pulled his claws out, the Autobot fell to the floor limp.
Starscream stepped back, "clean that up."
Once the Decepticon warship flew away, a ground bridge opened. Firestorm, Bulkhead, Arcee, Bumblebee, Primrose and Ratchet jumped out, their weapons out. Optimus came out last, his blasters out.
"An untapped energon deposit," Optimus said. "What's left of it," Bulkhead said.
"The first Decepticon activity we've seen in three years," Ratchet said. "That we know of," Firestorm huffed.
"If the Decepticons are scouting for energon, they may be preparing for his return," Optimus said gravely.
Primrose, Arcee and Bumblebee bounded down the wall of the ditch and to the bottom. Primrose looked around before she froze as she saw something.
Arcee followed her gaze and widened her optics. It was Cliffjumper's horn. She scooped it up into her servos, "no." Optimus walked up beside her before he looked to Ratchet, "Ratchet, can you track his position?"
Ratchet opened a mineature computer in his wrists. "No... Cliffjumper's signal... just went offline," he said gravely. Firestorm widened his optics.
"No," Primrose whimpered, "no." Arcee wrapped her arms around the young Prime, feeling despair in her spark.
Starscream stood in the command center. A slender Decepticon Seeker with black and purple colors and a visor silently walked up to the other Seeker.
"Soundwave," Starscream said, "what is it?" "Like Jasper Nevada's a party? We're alone wherever we travel on this rock, Cliff," Soundwave recorded the conversation between Arcee and Cliffjumper before the red Autobot's death.
"Ah, the one called Arcee," Starscream said with a smirk, "why slay one Autobot when we still have the advantage of surprise?"
"We must not allow our anger over the loss of Cliffjumper to impair our judgement," Optimus said as he and his teammates stood on the roof of the silo, "as of today, only we seven Autobots remain on this Earth. We owe it to ourselves, to the memory of Cybertron, to any Autobots in any galaxy seeking safe harbor, to humankind."
Primrose knelt down and placed a rose next to Cliffjumper's horn. "And we owe it to the memory of our fallen comrade to survive," Optimus said and he looked to Arcee, "Arcee."
"If Cliff's gone, standing around here sulking won't bring him back. So unless anyone minds, think I'll get back to protecting humankind," Arcee said bitterly as she walked away before she transformed into her vehicle form and drove away.
"Optimus, helping humans will only result in more tragedy," Ratchet said. "Your opinion is noted," Optimus said with a nod.
In the busy part of Jasper, Nevada, a sixteen year old boy was working at a local fast food restaurant called KO Drive-In.
He had raven black hair and deep blue eyes. "Welcome to KO Drive-In where every patty's a knockout," the boy said in a bored tone, "may I take your order?"
"Uh, two super combos, extra fries," the customer said. "Okay, dos numeros twos," the boy said as he prepared the order, "anything else?"
"Yeah," the customer said, "some advice. How do I get an awesome job like yours?" Then the sixteen year old boy heard laughter in the background and his eyes narrowed.
"So that's two we're-not-as-funny-as-we-think-we-are combos with a side of bite me," Jack sniped.
The customer laughed before he realized what Jack had said, "what you say?"
"5.59, sir," Jack said, "at the window." When he said that, he turned away as the customer drove up, grabbed the bags and drove off, laughing.
"H-hey! You have to pay for that!" Jack said. However the customer didn't get far as a fourteen year old girl stood in the way. She had midnight black hair, light brown eyes and she didn't look happy.
"I suggest you pay my friend- even though I don't do violence, would you rather have your precious car vandalized?" The girl asked with a smirk.
The customer quickly backed his car up and paid Jack before he drove away. Jack gave the girl a thankful look, "thanks Paige."
"No problem Jack," Paige said with a soft smile, "you coming outside yet?"
Jack laughed softly and he nodded.
Arcee drove down the road, almost getting lost in her thoughts. She hadn't meant to leave her teammates behind.
Cliffjumper's death was really hard on her. First it was Tailgate, now it was Cliffjumper. Something caught her attention and she shifted her side mirror and saw two Vehicons driving after her.
"Twins," she said to herself before she sped up and drove over to the restaurant. She drove into a spot and watched as the two Vehicons drove past.
"Take five Sadie," she said once the hologram of the motorcyclist disappeared and she turned off her engine.
After a few moments, Jack walked out of the restaurant and his phone started to ring. He took it out of his back pocket and answered it. "Hi Mom," he said, "I just got off. No, I'm not going to the dance. Experience says I should never cut a rug; unless it's stolen carpet."
Paige smiled at Jack as she walked up beside him. She saw the motorcycle and went over to it.
"Be careful? Seriously? This is Jasper," Jack said with an amused smile. He paused in mid-step when he saw the motorcycle. "I love you," he said dreamily before he realized he was still on the phone, "uh, yeah, Mom. Love you too. Gotta run." He hung up and he hurried over to the motorcycle.
"Hello, beautiful," he said, "where have you been all my life?" Paige chuckled slightly as she looked the motorcycle over curiously. She squatted down in front of the motorcycle and gazed at it's headlights.
Something felt strange about this motorcycle. She didn't know what it was but she could almost feel it's presence surrounding hers. She could feel it's emotions.
She looked up at Jack as the sixteen year old mounted the motorcycle. "It may take a few KO paychecks but I am gonna own a ride like you someday," he said.
"Are you talking to your motorcycle?" He and Paige looked to see two girls laughing.
"U-uh, to my motorcycle? N-no," Jack stuttered, "but- to you, I am." He pressed his palm to his forehead in embarrassment, 'lame.'
"Smooth Darby. Smooth," Paige said with a slight smirk, earning a light glare from Jack. "So how's things, Sierra?" He asked the girl, "take you for a spin sometime?"
"C'mon, smooth operator," Arcee whispered as she kept her side mirror on the two arriving Vehicons, "wrap it up." Paige looked at Arcee for a moment before she sat behind Jack and placed her hand on his shoulder.
"You know my name?" Sierra asked. "We're in home room together," Jack said, "I'm Jack. Jack Darby." Lights shone in the teenagers' direction.
"Scrap," Arcee hissed. The two Decepticons drove towards the group. Sierra and her friend ran away. Arcee started her engine and drove towards the Vehicons. Jack shouted in fear. Paige shut her eyes tightly in fear and shock as Arcee sped past the Vehicons and she drove out onto the road.
"Do not let go," Arcee said to Jack and Paige. "Who said that!?" Jack shouted, freaked out.
"Commander Starscream, target sighted, acocmpan by two human youths," one of the troops said. "Destroy them all!" Starscream ordered.
When Arcee had Jack and Paige safe in an alleyway, she finally stopped and let the two off. "What are you?" Jack asked, stepping back.
"I don't exist," Arcee hissed, "tell anyone about me and I will hunt you down."
Paige widened her eyes slightly before she ran away with Jack quickly following. Arcee drove out of the alleyway and the Vehicons drove after her.
One of them turned down the alleyway. "Scrap!" Arcee said. In the process, she jumped over the oncoming vehicon before turning the corner. In the alley, Jack and Paige were running. Jack grabbed Paige's hand so she could keep up.
"We don't even know her!" Jack shouted at the Decepticon that was chasing them. "What do you want with us!?" Paige shouted.
Arcee drove past the Decepticon and up beside Jack and Paige, "hop on!" Once the two did just that, Arcee sped ahead of the two Vehicons.
Once Arcee was on a highway, the Decepticons followed in pursuit and started to shoot at the Autobot femme.
"Why are those guys shooting at us!?" Jack asked nervously. "There's no us, kid," Arcee said firmly, "and there are no guys."
Bumblebee joined them on the highway and rammed into the Decepticons. After skidding around the highway a little bit, Bumblebee regained control and immediately went to follow Arcee.
"Friend of yours?" Paige asked curiously. "Family," Arcee corrected.
Under the bridge in Jasper, Nevada, a young boy was racing a toy car around by himself. As he had fun with his remote control car, his phone rang, which he immediately answered.
"Hey Mama," he said, "racing right up the street. Okay. Just five more minutes?" He hung up and started to drive his toy car around.
Arcee drove over the bridge and landed a few yards away from Raf who dropped his remote in surprise. "Whoa," he said.
"You have no idea," Jack sighed. Raf walked over to Jack and Paige. Paige got off of Arcee's vehicle form and let out a breath of relief.
The sound of revving engine caught the kids' attention as the two Decepticons drove over to them. Paige widened her eyes slightly and she pulled Raf close protectively.
Arcee transformed into her bipedal form. Jack, Paige and Raf hurried to the side.
"This ends here, Cons," Arcee said and she charged at the two Vehicons. That's when the fight started.
"Wh-what are they?" Raf asked. "Talking cars that turn into robots," Jack said, "or the other way around."
Arcee punched one of the Vehicons multiple times, "this. Is. For. Cliff!" Her punches didn't seem to phase the Vehicon as he looked at her.
She stepped back before she started to dodge the Vehicon's blaster shots by doing backflips. There was one she couldn't dodge as one of the shots hit her right in the abdomen, sending her skidding back across the ground.
The Vehicons walked towards her only to stop when Bumblebee jumped down and attacked the two. He punched the closest Vehicon next to him before he kicked the other away. He walked forward until there was a loud crunch under his pede, causing him to pause in surprise. Looking down, he lifted his pede and saw Raf's crushed toy car.
"Sorry about that," he said, looking to the kids. "No problem. Really," Raf said.
Suddenly Bumblebee was shot, the force of the shot sending him flying back and landing on the ground. He pushed himself up only for one of the Vehicons to slam their pede on the back of his helm. The scout turned towards them and they aimed their blasters at him.
"No!" Paige shouted. "Leave him alone!" Raf shouted angrily. Bumblebee and the vehicons turned towards them.
"Please?" Raf squeaked. "Bad call," Jack said. One of the Vehicons walked towards the three. "Go! Go!" Paige exclaimed and she quickly ushered Raf to run ahead with her and Jack quickly following.
The three climbed into a storm drain and continued to run as the Vehicon reached towards them. Suddenly the Vehicon was pulled away from the storm drain. Bumblebee peeked into the storm drain. "You kids alright?" "Thank you," Paige and Raf said in unison.
"No problem," the scout said before he quickly left to help Arcee.
"Don't look back," Jack said. "What did we just see?" Raf asked. "No idea and I'm not sure I wanna find out," Jack said.
The fight between the Decepticons, Bumblebee and Arcee continued. One of the Vehicons punched Bumblebee hard, sending him flying back next to Arcee who quickly knelt down to help the scout.
The Decepticons walked towards the two Autobots only to stop when a green Lamborghini LM002 drove towards Arcee and Bumblebee. He transformed into his bipedal form, standing beside his comrades, "who's ready to rumble?"
The Vehicons looked at each other before they transformed into their vehicle forms and drove away.
Bumblebee bent forward, placing his servos on his knees in exhaustion. Arcee looked to Bulkhead, "what took you?"
"Traffic," Bulkhead said with a shrug.
At the base, Arcee was explaining the events to Optimus. "And the Cons would've been scrap metal if I wasn't distracted by the human," she said.
"Human?" The Prime repeated. "Two boys and one girl," Bumblebee said.
"I guess the other one caught us in action? I don't know. Was a little busy at the time," Arcee said, crossing her arms over her chestplates.
"If the Decepticons are targeting us, anyone perceived as our ally will be at great risk," Optimus said. "Well this will be interesting," Firestorm said, leaning against the wall.
At the school, Jack walked down the stairs and he looked towards Raf and Paige who waved at him. Jack hurried over to the two, "guys, hey. Look, let's just forget this ever happened okay? Keep this between us?"
"I honestly doubt that'll happen," Paige said and a honk caught her and Raf's attention. "Jack," Raf said happily.
"Oh not again," Jack groaned as Bumblebee drove up beside them and opened his door.
"You two, get inside," he said. "It wants us to get in," Jack said.
"No. Just me and Paige," Raf said. "How do you know that?" Jack asked, surprised.
"He said so," Paige said. "What!?" Jack gasped. "Yours is over there," Raf said, gesturing to Arcee who was parked on the other side of the street.
"Yeah, I really don't think-" "How's it going?" Raf asked as he and Paige climbed into Bumblebee's venicle form.
"Wh-hey! Stop!" Jack protested but Bumblebee was already driving down the road. The sixteen year old boy frowned before he sent a glare towards Arcee and walked away.
A fifteen year old girl sat on the stair, drawing a sketch of Arcee. "Coolest bike ever," she said. Her phone rang and she picked it up. "Host parents? Ignore," she said with a huff as she closed her phone and continued her drawing.
When she looked up, Arcee was gone. She groaned in disappointment before she saw the motorcycle drive down the road. She quickly got up and ran to follow it.
In an alleyway, Arcee drove up and stopped in front of Jack. "Relax. I just want to talk to you," she said.
"Don't you mean you and your new friend?" Jack asked. "Kid, there's a lot you don't understand," Arcee said, making Sadie disappear.
"I get it, I get it," Jack said quickly, stepping back, "the first rule about robot fight club is you don't talk about robot fight club." He turned and started walking away and much to his dismay, Arcee began to follow him.
"What you need to understand is that I don't want any crazy, talking robots following me around trying to get me killed!" Jack snapped. Arcee transformed into her bipedal form, kneeling down, "look. Jack, is it? Your personal safety is exactly why Optimus Prime requested your presence."
"O-Optimus who?" Jack asked, confused. "You may be in danger because you are one of the few- one of the only who have ever seen us," Arcee said.
"Dude, what're you waiting for?" They both looked to see Miko standing next to the corner, looking excited. "Go with!" She said.
"Scrap," Arcee sighed.
Arcee and Bumblebee drove down the road. Miko was cheering loudly in Jack's ear, much to his and Arcee's annoyance.
"And why exactly are we bringing her?" Jack asked. "Rules," Arcee said. The two Autobots drove down the road and sped past the stop sign.
"Whoa!" Jack yelled in surprise and fear. A rock slab slid down and the two Autobots drove into the base. They drove down a tunnel and into a large room.
"Whoa," Jack and Miko gasped. "Cool," Raf said. "Amazing," Paige said.
Bumblebee stopped and Raf and Paige stepped out of his vehicle form, allowing him to transform. "I thought there were three," Ratchet said.
"Haven't you heard? Humans multiply," Arcee said sarcastically. Paige looked at Arcee then at Firestorm and Primrose.
"I'm Raf," Raf said to Miko. "I'm Miko," she said as she ran up to Bulkhead, "who're you?"
"Bulkhead," Bulkhead said nervously. "Are you a car? I bet you're a truck- a monster truck! Do you like heavy metal? How much do you weigh? Ever use a wrecking ball as a punching bag?" Miko asked eagerly.
Primrose chuckled softly. "So if you guys aren't robots, who made you?" Raf asked. Ratchet scoffed, "puh-lease."
Paige couldn't help but frown and she tensed up when there were heavy, rumbling footsteps. She turned to see Optimus Prime walking over to them.
"We are Autonomous Robotic Organisms from the planet Cybertron. Also known as Autobots," he said. "Why are you here?" Jack asked.
"To protect your planet from the Decepticons," Primrose said as she walked up beside Optimus.
"The jokers who tried to bump us off last night," Arcee clarified. "Okay... why are they here?" Jack asked.
Optimus knelt down so he could be a comforting sight to the humans, "a fair question, Jack. In part, they are here because our planet is uninhabitable; ravaged by centuries of civil war."
"Why were you fighting a war?" Raf asked. "Foremost, over the control of their world's supply of Energon, the lifeblood of all Autobots and Decepticons alike. The combat was fierce and endured for centuries," Optimus said, "In the begining I fought alongside one who I considered a brother. But in war, ideals can be corrupted. And it was thus that Megatron lost his way."
"Is there gonna be a quiz?" Miko sighed and she grunted as Paige lightly elbowed her in the arm.
"So what does Megatron or any of this have to do with us?" Jack asked.
"Megatron has not been seen or heard from in some time," Optimus said, "but if his return is imminent, as I fear, it could be catastrophic."
"Those transmissions are aminating from deep space. I would hate to waste the Energon," Starscream sighed, "unless you are absolutely certain." Soundwave nodded his helm in confirmation. Echo looked at her brother then at Starscream.
"Then lock on transmission coordinates and activate the space bridge," Starscream said.
In the darkness of deep space, a space bridge opened up. In mere seconds, a silver and purple jet flew out of the space bridge and transformed into his bipedal form.
"DECEPTICONS! I have returned," Megatron said with a triumphant grin.
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kurt-nightcrawler · 5 years
I’ve got a boyfriend
Request: could you possibly do a warden x reader where she’s like super sweet and innocent (has like nature/healing powers and in this au avengers are there) anyways the Avengers visit the mansion and peter meets reader and is like all heart eyes and she’s super sweet and he mistakes it as she likes him too and then warren returns from a mission or somethin and she’s happy and is like pitching him up and peter realizes and the avengers are like it’s okay kid and warren is all smug and like yeah mine. also with that warren x reader ft. peter request. bc she’s so in tune with nature and herself can her eyes kinda be like a mood ring and shift with her feelings. so it’s like a warm green or yellow for happiness and so peters like yeah she likes me but then when she’s with warren he watches them shift to like a soft pink. like literal heart eyes and warren teasers her a bit (in a good way)
Word Count: 2.3k
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Peter swung over to the Avenger’s headquarters on a Saturday. He always did this. 
“What’s on the agenda for today?” He asked Karen.
“Mr. Stark wants you to join the Avengers to Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.”
“Xavier’s? Where—  What is that?”
“It’s a boarding school in New Salem.” Karen didn’t say anything else, leaving Peter with lots of questions. 
“Why are we going to a boarding school? What’s at Xavier’s?”
 Steve and Bucky chuckled at his curiosity.
“This isn’t like any other boarding school… It’s like Area 51.” Tony said.
“Didn’t you buy Area 51?” Bruce asked.
“That’s beside the point. We’re going here to talk to The man himself, Xavier.” 
Peter still had a lot of questions, but he had no idea where to start. Area 51 the boarding school? Is that where Carol’s Kree friend’s kids went to school? Peter took his phone out of his pocket and texted Ned. 
PETER: What is Xavier's school for gifted youngsters?
NED: It’s some boarding school for really smart kids. Trey from Bio tried to get in but didn’t pass the exam. Why?
PETER: Mr. Stark is taking me there. He and a couple of other Avengers are like, visiting or something. Idk.
NED: DUDE! You gotta tell me everything when u get back! I bet there are tons of really hot nerd girls there!!
Peter snorted to himself. Of course, Ned would think of girls. 
But there was some truth in his statement. There probably would be tons of smart girls there. But Tony described it as Area 51… 
NED: If you can get a girl’s number from Xaiver’s we’d be super cool. 
PETER: Yeah. But Mr. Stark called it Area 51 the school. What if it’s full of aliens?
NED: Okay? And? Technically Princess Leia is an alien. 
PETER: She’s also fictional.
NED: And? You’re seventeen and never been kissed before. You don’t have room to be picky.
PETER: You’ve never been kissed either!! 
NED: Shhhhhhh This is about u, not me
PETER: *eye roll emoji*
Peter turned his phone off and gazed out the window. He saw trees. The trees eventually started to die down and the car slowed down. They came to a set of gates and a sign that said Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.
Once entering through the gates, Tony drove around and parked the car. Peter could see glimpses of the school grounds. He saw a few students and at first glance, they didn’t look like aliens. But Kree could shapeshift. Maybe they just shifted to blend in. 
Then he saw a kid with a tail.
Maybe not. “I thought this was a school for aliens.”
Everyone stared at him blankly. 
“Aliens?! Kid, we didn’t mean that literally. When I said Area 51, I meant it’s kinda secret. Not that it’s full of aliens.” 
“Oh.” Peter felt rather foolish. “So it’s just a normal boarding school?” 
“No.” Bucky slammed the car door shut. “It’s a school for mutants.” 
“Mutants? But like, I thought they were kind of a myth. I mean besides Magento and Mystique, but they were around in like, the 70s.”
“And they’re still around. Let’s hope Erik isn’t here. I don’t want any trouble like last time.” Steve said the last part while staring Tony down. 
“It’s not my fault he can control metal and I’m Iron Man!” 
Peter was super confused. Didn’t Magento try to kill the president? Was he evil?
Bucky killed a president, but he’s not inherently evil. I need to give Magento a chance. I need to give everyone at the school a chance. Maybe make some new friends— flex on Flash that my girlfriend has superpowers or something. Wouldn’t that be hilarious?
They walked up a few stairs out front and opened the doors leading inside. 
“Oh wow. Wow.” The building was old looking but had a few modern touches here and there. Every room was bustling with people— mutants, going about their lives. 
Peter saw all kinds of mutants and he had only been inside for a few minutes! 
“Oh wow, Mr. Stark… Where’s uh… Professor… Professor... uh—“
“Professor Xavier’s in his office.” 
The Avengers turned to look at the speaker. She had vines wrapped around her legs and arms, along with some flowers and leaves scattered in her hair, and her eyes were a bright yellow color. 
“Thanks, kid. We know where his office is.” 
She nodded, “No problem.” 
Tony glanced at Peter’s slightly pink cheeks and back at the plant girl. “Do you wanna come with us or are you sticking with Mother Nature?” 
“I can show you around if you want.” Everyone looked at Peter, anticipating an answer. 
“Yeah, sure. I’ll catch up with you guys later.” 
“Alright, have fun. And don’t forget to be safe!” 
Peter blushed again, trying to ignore Tony’s teasing remarks, already figuring out he liked the plant girl. 
“My name is (Y/N) by the way.” 
“(Y/N), Hi. I’m Peter. Peter Parker.” 
She smiled, “What’s your mutation, Peter Parker?” 
“Oh um, I don’t— well it’s not a mutation, but, when I was fourteen I got bit by a radioactive spider and I got spider abilities.” 
“Spider abilities?”
He nodded, “I’m uh, really strong and I stick to things. Plus I have this like weird sixth sense sort of, like a spider-sense.” 
“You’re strong and sticky?” Peter nodded, a little flustered. (Y/N) laughed. Peter laughed with her. “I’m sorry, but that’s a hilarious description.” 
“I mean— yeah, yeah… What can you do?”
“Oh! I’m really in tune with nature. I can manipulate plants, and my eyes change color based on my mood. Red is angry, blue is calm, green is happy, yellow is excited— there’s more, but those are the most common.” 
Her eyes are green and yellow right now. That means she’s happy and excited— they haven’t changed since we met. Maybe she’s into me. Oh my god! What if she’s into me? She might be into me. Play it cool Pete, play it cool. “That’s really neat!”
(Y/N) nodded, “Yeah. It’s fun, I guess. Kinda annoying sometimes but nothing awful.” 
“I know what you mean. One time my algebra textbook got stuck to my arm and it wouldn’t come off. I had to like, sleep and shower with it on all day.” (Y/N) laughed at Peter’s retelling of his sticky situation. 
“That must have sucked!”
“It did. Eventually, I got it to come off, but it was annoying to sleep with.” 
“Oh god, I can imagine. Sometimes I fall asleep and a fully grown watermelon or pumpkin is next to me in bed.” 
Peter almost snorted, but he held it back. “Free food, I guess.” 
“Yeah— a nice perk.” 
The two wandered aimlessly around the mansion, talking about everything— freshman, classes at their schools, hobbies, friends— everything. 
Peter was going to ask for her number. Maybe ask to see her outside of the mansion. Possibly on a date… If he wasn’t too nervous.
“Could I… get your number?” Peter held his phone in his hands tightly.
“Yeah! Yeah, totally!” (Y/N) recited her number while Peter typed it in his contacts. He shot her a message. 
“I texted you. So you have my number now.” 
“Cool thanks.” Peter felt his phone vibrate in his hands and he glanced down at it.
Mr. Stark: How’s it going with Mother Nature?
Peter: Great! I got her number. I might try to ask her out on a date. Will I be free on Friday?
Mr. Stark: You don’t usually come over on Fridays.
Peter mentally shrugged. Tony was right, Peter usually didn’t go to the Avengers HQ on Fridays. 
Mr. Stark: We’re gonna be leaving soon. I’ll let you know when.
Peter: Ok
(Y/N) was also on her phone. “Sorry! Mr. Stark texted me. I don’t want you to feel like I’m ignoring you or anything.”
“You’re fine. Jubilee was just messaging me.”
“About what?” 
Her focus went back to the screen. She gasped. “Oh my god! We have to go downstairs, come on!” (Y/N) grabbed Peter’s hand and sprinted down the halls. 
“Where are we going?” He asked.
“The Jet hanger downstairs. They’re back!” 
Peter frowned and furrowed his brows as they went down the stairs. “Who’s back?”
“The X-Men.” 
Peter was about 99% sure he shouldn’t have been downstairs. If the school had a level of secrecy to it, why would he be allowed to know all this stuff? To see the X-Men and their jet and training room and everything.
Then again, he was an Avenger.
(Y/N) and Peter weren’t the only ones in the hanger watching the black jet land. Professor Xavier and the other Avengers were there, along with a few other students Peter didn’t recognize. 
The jet doors opened and people started walking out. The first one was a young guy, no older than Peter, with brown hair, a blue suit, and a red visor on. Next was a blonde woman in a white bodysuit that was styled almost like a dress. She looked familiar, but Peter couldn’t remember why. Wit the blonde woman was a big, furry, blue man. He had on a suit similar to the boy from before, minus the visor. Finally, two more boys came out. One had silver hair, goggles, and his suit was a metallic ice blue with a white lightning bolt on it. 
The last guy had lines all over his face and giant, metal, wings. 
Peter turned to (Y/N) to ask who everyone was, but she was gone. 
“WARREN!” She engulfed the winged boy in a bone-crushing hug. 
Peter squinted his eyes a little in confusion. (Y/N) didn’t mention a Warren. Who was Warren? A friend? Her brother maybe even?
“Hey, baby. I missed you.” Warren placed a kiss on (Y/N)’s forehead. 
“Aww no love for me?” The silver-haired guy whined.
“Piss off Pete.” (Y/N) laughed. 
“By the way! There’s someone I want you guys to meet… This is Peter, and he’s an Avenger.”
“You’re an Avenger? My sister is an Avenger! Wanda, you know her—“
“Yeah, Wanda is really nice.” Peter was trying to take both the guys in and figure out (Y/N)’s relationship with the blonde.
Then Peter noticed it. Her eye color. It hadn’t changed all day, she was happy and excited to meet Peter. He thought maybe she was into him— but now…
Her eyes were pink. What does pink mean? 
“And this is my boyfriend, Warren.” 
Peter felt his heart drop, or maybe break. He wasn’t sure, but he felt his world get flipped upside down. (Y/N) has a boyfriend?! 
“Nice to meet you.” Warren and Peter shook hands. He tried not to seem too dazed. 
“You too… (Y/N) didn’t say she had a boyfriend…” Peter noticed the silver Peter was gone but didn’t press on the matter.
“Oh?” Warren rose his eyebrows and looked at (Y/N). “Trying to keep me all to yourself?” He teased.
“Maybe… You don’t know…” Warren chuckled and kissed the top of her head again. 
“Hey, Angel! We’re gonna do a write up with Beast and shower.” 
Warren rolled his eyes, “I’ll join you later Cyclops.”
“Mystique said now.” 
Warren huffed, “I’ll be back in like an hour, baby.” He pecked her lips before leaving. “Nice to meet you, Peter.”
 “You too…?”
Tony and the others walked over to Peter and (Y/N). “How’d you like the school, kid?”
“It was really cool. I like it here. It’s almost like a college campus or something.” Peter was still too focused on the fact (Y/N) had a boyfriend. A really cool, attractive, powerful, mutant, boyfriend. Peter couldn’t compete even if he wanted to!
Everyone walked back to the main entrance room. Peter walked slightly behind the group. (Y/N) asked Bucky questions about his arm. “Does it weigh a lot? Warren’s wings do. His posture isn’t great because of them.” 
Mr. Stark walked slowly to meet up with Peter’s pace. 
“Why’re you down? Sad we’re leaving?”
“No,” Peter mumbled. “It’s not important.” 
“Did someone say something to you? (Y/N)’s boyfriend? I can kill him if you want. I know his dad.” 
“I just… I didn’t know, (Y/N) had a boyfriend. I thought maybe she was into me, I guess. Most girls don’t like me and she said her eye color changes based on her mood and she was excited the whole time we hung out, but I guess it’s like that for everyone.”
Tony put his hand on Peter’s shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. “I’m sorry, Peter… There’ll be other girls though.”
He nodded, “Yeah, yeah. I’ll be fine. Just kinda sucks.” 
“I get it.”
“I’m gonna bake some brownies. I know Warren and Peter really like them and they’re probably hungry. Do you want to stay and have some?”
“Thank you for the offer, (Y/N),” Steve said. “But we really have to get going.”
She shrugged a little. “Alright, maybe next time. It was so great to meet all of you! You’re all really cool. Tell Wanda, Peter said hi.” 
“Will do.” 
They were all about to get in the car and go. 
“Bye Peter! I had a lot of fun today. If you’re ever in the area text me. We should really hang out sometime.” (Y/N) hugged him, and Peter hugged back, trying not to seem sweaty due to nerves.
“Yeah, definitely… Bye.”
The Avengers got in the car and drove away.
“I love you, but sometimes you’re a little oblivious.”
“Am not!” (Y/N) scolded her boyfriend. 
“Peter was definitely into you. He almost passed out when you said I was your boyfriend.”
(Y/N) poured flour into a bowl starting her brownies, “He was probably just intimidated by your wings.” Peter doesn’t like me… Right?
Warren kissed the top of her head before walking over to the fridge to get a drink. “You’re cute when in denial.” 
“Shut up!” She joked.
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rubyinasnuggie · 4 years
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Rosegarden Week Day 1 — Modern AU
“You know, you could always try… talking to her.”
Oscar jumped and turned around to see Nora standing behind him, grinning. “What? I don’t… I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You’ve been staring at that girl for five minutes, Oz,” Nora replied.
The girl in question was Ruby Rose, a sophomore at Oscar’s university. Currently, she was sitting in the quad wearing adorable red and black headphones. Oscar, meanwhile, had been silently debating what kind of music she liked, and if maybe they had similar tastes. After all, his favorite band was about to have a concert—
Nora grabbed Oscar’s hood and pulled it down over his face. “You didn’t even notice my texts.”
He glanced down at his phone to see five texts from his sister: messages informing him that she was there with varying degrees of patience. He winced. “I’m sorry, Nora. I—”
“Nope. No time to apologize, let’s just goooooooo.”
Oscar scrambled to grab his backpack and swing it over his shoulders without looking too frazzled.
The motion must have caught her attention, and Ruby glanced up from her studying. She smiled and offered a small wave.
A blush spread across his cheeks as he waved back. Even though he had seen her eyes countless times, they still blew him away everytime she looked at him. They were silver, like little mirrors. And god help him when they reflected the lights, bouncing the tiniest of rainbows back at him.
Nora beamed and waved enthusiastically, earning a slightly confused laugh from Ruby. Ruby watched in amusement as Nora dragged Oscar away, recognizing an older sister when she saw one.
“You did a terrible job parking,” Oscar commented as he pulled open the passenger door.
The junky old orange truck was at a diagonal, it’s bumper clearly over the line and into another parking spot.
“I thought you’d be ready to leave and I wasn’t going to have to park,” Nora replied, hopping into the driver’s seat. “So. Who’s the girl?”
“Ruby,” Oscar admitted, knowing it was futile to hide it from her. “We have a history class together.”
“Is she a freshman too?”
“No, at the beginning of the year she said she was a sophomore. But I’ve only really seen her hang out with seniors.”
“Yeah? Like who?”
“You know the Schnees?”
Nora let out a hoot. “Ruby is friends with the Ice Queen?”
“I think so. I think they might be roommates, actually.” He frowned, trying to remember the other girls in Ruby’s group. “Then there’s this pretty girl with dark hair, Blake? And then her girlfriend, I think. Blonde girl.”
“Yang? Oh!” Nora grinned. “You know, I think Ruby might be Yang’s little sister, actually. That must be why she always hangs out with seniors. Cracked it!”
Oscar frowned. “I wasn’t… really wondering?”
“No, this is good. This means Ruby’s just as shy and awkward as you!”
“Thanks, Nora.”
“What are sisters for?”
You can do it. Just talk to her.
Mustering up all the courage he had, he strode up to Ruby Rose. She glanced up at him approaching and removed her headphones with a smile. “Hey Oscar.”
She tilted her head. “What’s up?”
Okay. This is it.
“I was… wondering. If you’d like to maybe go to a concert? With me?”
Ruby’s eyes lit up in interest. “A concert? Sure. Where is it?”
“It’s at the Beacon Lounge, this Saturday. My sister bought two tickets.” Oscar rubbed his neck and laughed. “And then she promptly made plans so I had to ask someone else to go.”
“Older sisters,” Ruby laughed. “What band is it?”
“The, uh, Mechanisms? They’re this—”
“No, wait! Don’t tell me! I want to be surprised!”
“Are… you sure?” he asked.
She grinned and nodded. “Want me to pick you up? I can swing by on my way from work at 7.”
“Y-yeah! Sure!”
A loud engine roared across the parking lot, and the two looked up to see an orange and yellow motorcycle zooming up.
“Oh, my sister’s here, I gotta go!” Ruby pulled out a pen and grabbed Oscar’s hand, scribbling some numbers. He tried to hide his shock at her touching his hand. “Text me your address, okay? See you Saturday!”
The blonde girl on the motorcycle tossed a helmet to Ruby and gave Oscar a two-fingered salute. Oscar waved as the motorcycle zoomed off, leaving him alone in the parking lot.
“What are you gonna wear on your date?” Nora asked, waggling her eyebrows.
“Oh, I was just going to wear this,” Oscar answered, realizing immediately this was the wrong answer. He shrunk back into his shoulders like a turtle, eyes wide.
She shook her head. “I knew you were going to do this. Ren!”
Without a word, Ren strode in and tossed a bundle of clothes at him.
“Thanks for letting me borrow bumblebee!” Ruby called.
“I’m sorry, what?” Yang demanded, whirling around to see her sister holding the keys. “Ruby!”
Just when he thought he couldn’t get any more smitten, Ruby rode in on a motorcycle. She lifted the visor of her helmet so he could see it was, in fact, her. She handed him an orange helmet, one he recognized her sister wearing the other day.
“Hold on tight!” she cried over the roar of the engine.
Despite his face burning, Oscar looped his arms around her waist and held on for dear life.
They made it to the venue just in time. Ruby whipped the helmet off and beamed at the crowd. She turned to look at Oscar, eyes sparkling.
“Hey, Weiss!”
The icy-eyed girl shot daggers at Ruby, and Oscar’s heart shot into his throat. “We’re closed, you dolt.”
Oscar was about to back away and leave, but Ruby propped her face in her hands and leaned against the counter. “I know you made me something.”
Weiss rolled her eyes. “You don’t know that, actually.”
“Yes, I dooooo.” She turned back to Oscar, winking. “What do you want?”
“She said it was closed…” Oscar whispered.
Ruby leaned in close and cupped her mouth mockingly, “She’s just teasing.”
“Oh. Uh.. I guess a heath bar sundae? Is that okay?”
“Sure thing! Go sit at that picnic table, I’ll bring it over.”
Oscar smiled as he walked away, chest still thrumming from the heavy bass and the crowd singing.
She returned to the table, ice cream in hand. She handed him his heath sundae before sitting down.
“What’d you get?” he asked, peering at her sundae. It was chocolate ice cream with what looked like cookie dough mixed in, and the entire thing was absolutely covered in sprinkles.
“Clown car,” she answered with a grin.
He paused. “That’s not a real thing.”
“Sure is,” Ruby replied with a smirk. “Weiss wouldn’t stop teasing me about it for years.”
Oscar chuckled.
“So… what made you finally talk to me?” Ruby asked, looking at her clown car as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. She looked up at him, her silver eyes once again taking his breath away.
“I hope you had fun,” Oscar said, shifting back and forth on his heels. “I-I know I did.”
“I had a great time,” Ruby replied. “We should do it again sometime.”
“Well, I don’t think they’re coming back, they’re from London—“
She cut him off with a quick kiss to the cheek. “I’ll see you on Monday.” While he reeled from the kiss, she put her helmet back on and revved up the engine. With a wave, she took off.
Oscar smiled so wide his cheeks hurt as he waved goodbye.
//okay this is like,, super unpolished but oh well (: honestly my struggle w modern AUs is I just come up with a bunch of headcanons instead of any kinda plot. so this is just a bunch of moments scattered around their first date!
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Under Your Spell
Day 6 - AU
AU: Drive (2011 Film) with some of my own twists; Star Wars-verse(ish). No space magick, Jedi, or Sith. Pairing: Maul x Móni (OC) Rating: T Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: So... did a thing. Hope you enjoy :]
A small window framed a dark location covered in smog and sweating buildings, often a flash of bright lights from speeders zooming past was about all the color that splashed onto the bleak picture. It was also the bedroom’s only view, the resident never bothering to cover up the gaping reminder of a life she had to force herself to wake up every morning to.
Durmónia tied her thick head of black curls on top her head, unable to pull back the stray strands over her forehead. She checked her dark features in the bathroom mirror and noted the black circles forming under her eyes--their sunset hues dimmed under the poor lighting. For a moment she considered hiding her weariness with some layers of make-up but decided it wasn’t worth the risk of being late.
Outside the room was the chattering voices of the holonews coming from a hologram displayed before a theelin teen in a hoverchair. He stared on without interest in what was being said, his thoughts far away from the drab apartment.
“Kyp,” Durmónia returned him to the present. “Want me to bring you something back from the diner?”
He angled his hoverchair to face her better, his blue eyes blinking slowly with a hardship no one his age should be allowed to carry.
“No. I’m okay. Betts is making something for me right now.”
Coming around the kitchen was a service droid on a single wheel holding a tall cup that gave off a whiff of fruit juices Durmónia was skeptical about.
“Where did you get those ingredients from?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” was its terse response before holding the smoothie’s straw to Kyp’s mouth.
With no time to argue, she gathered a double-breasted jacket with faded stains off a chair and slung a bag over her shoulder.
“Okay. I gotta go,” she pressed a kiss to Kyp’s lavender forehead then smacked Betts’ metal head. “We’re having a talk about stealing when I get back.”
Checking the chronometer, she cursed under her breath and sped down the hall of doors and glowing numbers to the lift at the end of it. The seconds it took to reach the garage floor, irritation igniting her nerves when it halted for other residents, was endless. At its final stop, she slivered her way out the moment the door spun open and sped walked to her landspeeder, passing the silent neighbor who was making their way to the lift.
His crown of ivory horns curved out prominently against the crimson skin where black tattoos marked every section of his bare skull, face, and neck. She glanced his way a moment and caught drops of golden amber peeking back at her as well.
A hand smacked a panel with buttons bent and faded from the number of times it had been pressed for an order ready at the window. Within the steam of food in the clamorous kitchen, a balosar female sigh in aggravation.
“Hey!” she pressed the panel several more times. “Get the kriffing food! Stupid droid…”
“Shysha, give them a second,” Durmónia came around and plated sizzling, charred meat. “Their processors are as old as some of the freeze packages of food still packed in the storeroom.”
“You know you can do better than work in some backwater diner, right?” Shysha rubbed one of her antennaepalps with discomfort from the oil spitting at them. “Only reason why this place is still open is because of you.”
“Yeah, well,” Durmónia finished sautéing a pan of multicolored vegetables and distributed them on several plates, “not easy to find work when you have an extensive criminal record you’ve been falsely accused of.”
“Thanks to that we got less shoot outs and bar fights in here.”
Durmónia broke into a laugh, “Is that the real reason why I’m being kept here?”
“Secret’s out.”
“And here I thought it was because of my charming personality.”
Shysha raised her brows, “Charming isn’t quite the word I would use to describe you.”
The order she had placed on the window was still being warmed under the heat-panel and slammed the panel prompter again.
“I got it.”
Durmónia checked for the table number on the console and took the plate to the customer who had their blue hands patiently folded over their face. He moved aside his wide-brimmed hat to make space for the meal.
“Sorry, Bane,” she met the striking, red gaze meant to keep bystanders at bay. “It’s on the house.”
He waved a hand of indifference and spoke with grains in his throat and the support of his breathing tubes, “I’ll pay what needs to be paid.”
Unconvinced, she grinned at a proposition, “Ale on the house?”
“Two,” he agreed easily.
Durmónia squinted, “You didn’t sabotage our droid did you?”
“What gave you that idea?” he hid a coy smirk by taking a bite into his meal.
“I’m only allowing it this one time as a thank you for taking your bounty outside the restaurant and not shooting up the place the other day.”
“Much obliged, ma’am.”
Past the transparent pane that extended across the diner’s front face, a speeder bike parked alongside the other vehicles and a male with a horned helmet and a black, leather jacket swung off the seat.
“Is it our steel-legged regular?” Cad Bane observed. “What does the fellow order here anyways? Don’t think I’ve ever seen him eat.”
Durmónia followed the masked male, the neon lights of the diner’s sign reflecting off the visor.
Bane hummed with mild interest and remained silent when the being with crimson skin removed his helmet and sat himself down.
“He’s a strange one.”
“You’re one to talk,” she scoffed. “You order the same thing every week too.”
“He wears the same jacket every night he comes here,” he explained. “New markings on it each time. New bruises. Carries no blaster. And he’s no bounty hunter. I would know.”
“That’s quite a study. You thinking of asking him out on a date?”
He released a grainy growl, “Get me my ale. Two of them.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Her eyes followed a droid hovering to the zabrak’s table and taking its order before returning to the kitchen where there was a single order on the console’s display.
“Same thing?” Shysha came up behind her.
“Same thing,” Durmónia confirmed.
“You have got to be kidding me.”
Three in the morning and her feet hurt from being on them all day without taking a single break, but her speeder decided to steam and made strange noises when she started it. She opened its hood and was engulfed with black fumes she waved and coughed at then stared at the coils, cylinders, and wires as if they were her greatest enemy.
“Okay,” she calmed herself and started to reach for the first thing Kyp had taught her from memory. But she yelped in pain at her burning fingers.
In the corner of her eye was a shadow looming beside her and on impulse slid her foot forward and brought a fist into an undercut that was stopped with ease by a leather bound hand.
Amber eyes gleamed with mild amusement at her hand in his, then fell away to the somber exterior she always saw on him in the sparse seconds of their silent interactions.
“Sorry!” she returned her hand. “Didn’t know—didn’t hear you. You’re so quiet.”
Durmónia cleared the nerves building in her throat at the proximity and catching the details of his tattoos for the first time; how well the designs accentuated his features.
“Do you require assistance?” his voice rumbled smoothly from his chest.
“Ah,” she rubbed her bare arm, the uniform discarded long ago to release the kitchen’s heat. “A bit. Not good with machines. They have a vendetta set out against me.”
“Let me take a look.”
“Oh, no. You don’t have to,” she held her hands up. “It’s really late and I can take the train home.”
Halfway through her protests he maneuvered his way to the speeder and dug his hands into the engine.
Durmónia scratched her head in thought, considering several times to push him out of the way and be more direct about it being alright to take the train. However, she lost herself in his tinkering, the knuckles moving under the fabric of his gloves in the low light of the neon sign which also reflected a helix earring.
“You need more light?”
“No. Almost finished.”
“That was fast.”
“A temporary fix to get you home. You will need to have it looked at.”
“I know someone who’s pretty savvy with this stuff. Keeps telling me to just get a new one.”
“It is...,” he faded as he straightened himself up, “not a good speeder.”
“The model?”
“This one specifically.”
“No need to be so harsh,” she patted the vehicle. “It’s been through some tough times.”
“Its time has ended.”
Durmónia barked a laugh, “Alright. Well…” What am I thinking? “To thank you for your troubles would you like to come over for tea? I have your favorite kind.”
He paused halfway to shutting the hood.
“I mean—,” spurts of panic elevated her heart rate and backtracked. “I mean, maybe not now. It’s super late and you probably have other things to do and I take stuff from the diner all the time, so I have a bunch of other stuff at home, not just that tea specifically. Plus, I don’t live alone and—”
“Now is fine,” he closed the lid then turned from her being able to see his face. “I will see you there.”
It wasn’t until he reached the speeder bike and placed on his helmet did Durmónia stumble into the driver’s seat and whirred the speeder’s repulsorlift to life.
The lift’s glowpanels flickered when they raised to their floor.
Durmónia softly chewed on her lower lip, taking in the disciplined posture of the being beside her who also stared intently ahead of them.
“I’m Móni.”
His rigid form softened, the shoulders dipping in just the slightest, and showed her a bit more than his profile.
Steaming, black liquid poured through a strainer and into a cup, which was then set on the kitchen’s island that divided the living area. Durmónia did her best to not stare at the black diamonds on his knuckles when he grasped the beverage in his hands.
He didn’t take a seat, instead standing while he took a sip.
“How long you been on Coruscant?” she leaned back against the sink, steadying the quake in her legs.
“Several years.”
“So, only relatively new here in the building.”
“Yes,” his attention was taken away to subtle movements behind a closed room. “You live with a boy.”
She nodded to Kyp’s room, “Yeah, he’s been with me a year before you moved in.”
“Uh,” Durmónia shifted her weight with discomfort and decided to start cleaning the single cup Kyp drank his smoothie out of before she left. “No. I’m a friend of his father who’s in prison. Taking him in until he gets out.”
The cup striking the counter hit her ears louder than the running water, and from over her shoulder caught a scowl pouring into his cup. Before he could open his mouth to speak his apologies, she dropped the dishes and dried her hands on her pants.
“What do you do?”
This time, it seemed it was her turn asking the wrong questions when he searched for an answer to give off to the side.
“I am a contractor for a businessman,” he chose his words carefully.
“Oh,” Durmónia felt she had broached a taboo subject which pushed her curiosity. “What kind?”
Maul remained unmoving, a shadow of anger casting over his features; hardening his appearance into something wild.
Cad Bane’s warning echoed in her head, inciting her to scan the leather jacket that was frayed at the ends and had darkened splotches of carbon scoring. There was also a decolorization on his cheek bone she recognized from experience what the cause was.
He downed the remainder of the tea and gently set it aside.
“The kind that provides my services to those in need of it,” the helmet slid off the counter and under his arm. “You should rest.”
Before Durmónia could try to act like a good host and show him out, the area littered with articles of clothing she really should have put away when she woke that morning, Maul already had his finger to the door panel.
“Thank you for the drink.”
“Not a problem. Hard to pass on a free drink, right?” 
Maul inclined his head some, unable to hide the deep furrow of concern on his brow ridge. 
Not wanting to end the night on a sour note, Durmónia sucked in a deep breath.
“See you at the diner again?”
He stopped just past the doorframe and faced her.
Their similar height forced them to look directly at the other, a spark igniting in between the distance.
How long had she watched the unnamed zabrak? From the moment he moved-in to his constant appearance at the diner. Never eating, only taking the same order while staring past the customers and the muggy moisture that fogged Coruscant’s lower levels. Always deep in his world, never been seen with another or held any interactions with another lifeform, except when she caught his stray glances into the kitchens.
But now the mysterious rider had a name to the face, and he had become a reality she could possibly touch and not this unattainable being. And when the lines of his discomfort smoothed away, she melted into the kindness that rose on the corner of his lips.
She watched him off, the joints of his cybernetics whirring past several doors down the hall, until he reached his apartment.
“Who was that?”
Durmónia jumped at Kyp hovering close behind her.
“A friend,” she recovered from the scare then gathered her clothes from the couch and chairs.
“That’s good.”
She faced the teen with a pile in her arms, “Good?”
“Yeah,” he maneuvered the hoverchair to the couch and motioned his eyes to the space behind it. “You haven’t hung out with anyone since I’ve been here.”
“That’s…,” a bra was recovered she thought had been lost forever. “It has been awhile.”
“Shouldn’t stop your social life on my account. Also, if you’re worried about how I feel about it because of Dad, don’t be. I know you two haven’t really been together for some time now.”
Durmónia spun on her heel, “Alright. What do you want?”
Kyp hovered back to his room, hiding his victory, “I get to bring a friend over too.”
“I never said you couldn’t bring him over.”
“Yeah, but,” he gave a dramatic sigh, “didn’t want to make you feel like a third wheel.”
“How considerate of you. Little monkey-lizard,” she paused at pulling out a pair of shorts from under the couch. “Wait a second. Maul isn’t that kind of friend.”
“Alright,” Kyp didn’t sound convinced. “Tell me that when you’re not actually cleaning the apartment you haven’t touched in months.”
She clicked her tongue at him and carried the high stack to her room, “Go to bed. And tell Betts I haven’t forgotten her recent escapades.”
“Night, Móni,” he chuckled.
Durmónia collapsed on her bed, breathing in the rush still thrumming in her veins from the encounter and hugged a pillow to bury her grin into.
Her grip loosened when she recounted Maul’s possible occupation, though. How it could affect her life. Kyp’s life. If it was something that should be pursued.
She undid her hair and massaged the scalp under the thick mass of curls from the main dilemma at hand. How she had been completely trapped under his spell.
A/N: I will be writing Maul’s POV for the SWPOC week for coded characters of color. As for the story itself.. depending on how many notes the fic gets, may or may not continue with this.
Thanks for reading!
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