#the takaway here is
beardedmrbean · 10 months
The Extinction Rebellion campaigners admitted using hammers and chisels to break windows at HSBC in Canary Wharf in the morning of 22 April 2021, but denied this was criminal conduct.
They were protesting against the bank's investments in coal and for facilitating other fossil fuel financing.
They wore patches with the words "better broken windows than broken promises" - a phrase coined by the Suffragettes - and put up stickers on the windows saying: "£80 billion into fossil fuels in the last 5 years."
According to the group, the jury made several requests for further information during the course of the trial, including for an explanation of the Paris Climate Agreement, information on what the British government had done to address the climate crisis and an explanation as to how HSBC was able to come up with the estimated cost of the damage to the windows - just over half a million pounds - within hours of the action.
The jury returned a not guilty verdict after two hours of deliberation.
The nine women - including 40-year-old Extinction Rebellion co-founder and sustainable fashion lecturer Clare Farrell - all denied criminal damage.
The other eight defendants were: Jessica Agar, 23, Holly (Blyth) Brentnall, 32, Valerie Brown, 71, Eleanor (Gully) Bujak, 30, Miriam Instone, 25, Tracey Mallaghan, 47, Susan Reid, 65, and 41 year-old former fashion designer Samantha Smithson.
British fashion designer Stella McCartney lent the women shirts, blazers and suits to wear during the three-week trial. The jury returned the verdict on Thursday.
The climate activist group is known for previous tactics - including blocking a London Tube train - that involved disrupting the general public's every day life.
However, it announced in January that it was ditching such methods for fear of alienating the public and later admitted blocking the train was a mistake.
Following the verdict, Extinction Rebellion co-founder Clare Farrell, said: "This was a trial of unusual agreement, the facts of the day were not in any dispute, and the fact that we're on course for civilisational breakdown and climate collapse seemed strangely not to be in dispute either.
"It's tragically surreal to live in times when the justice system agrees we're totally f****d but has nothing to say about the cause, the remedy, the victims or the perpetrators. We must continue, we will."
Grandmother and retired community care worker from Preston, Susan Reid, said she took part to protect children from the damage wreaked by burning fossil fuels, funded by groups like HSBC.
"Unicef estimated that over 20,000 children are displaced each day, and that climate change is the key driver," she said.
"That means over the course of our three-week trial, over twenty thousand children have had to pick up the things around them and leave."
HSBC declined to comment.
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macabresymphonies · 5 months
Here's my takaway from this and past episodes, Bonzo is:
a homeowner, which implies he pays taxes
an actual, legal UK citizen (born in UK AND recognized by the government)
civil worker who gets more jobs than Nigel does these days
he does not break the law, since it's implied he's exempt by the government from the consequences
All of this means that Mr Bonzo is actually a more productive and valuable member of the society than his jobless bum of a roommate (Nigel). No wonder he's the one wearing fleshpants in the relationship.
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AITA for telling my Grandma I'm not going to have a specific conversation with her and just walking away?
So context, I (28) am currently between jobs because one of my ex-coworkers was the asshole who got me fired, and I haven't found anything new.
My mother (50) and I both live in my Grandma (80)'s house which is divided into an upstairs and a downstairs. Grandma lives in the downstairs. So do my mom and sister. I live alone in a two bedroom upstairs which belonged to my late aunt.
Right after my aunt died, I wanted to clean the apartment, organize, donate, toss, keep her stuff. To make sure everything gets where it'd ought best go, but my mother told me I had no right to go through my aunt's things alone and sort keepsake from takaway; if I was to do anything it was to be with her.
Well, three years of me trying to get my mom up here to sort through it with me because I want to respect her wishes, and my stuff accruing in a layer over top of my aunts stuff because I can't get rid of it, and the apartment is a lifetime and three years mess. My mom never made the time to do what she told me I wasn't allowed to do without her, me respecting these wishes which she probably doesn't even remember. I've been living up here too afraid of trespassing against my aunts memory to clean the cobwebs full of her red hair. Because my mother said, I had no right to do it.
And that cleaning anxiety is on top of executive dysfunction, depression, having too much shit, being a sprawler type adhd, and working a 40 h/week 'part-time' retail position. I didn't have it in me to clean by myself, and the mess kept getting worse and no one would substancially help me no matter how much I asked. Not my mom and not my sister (who gets a pass because she's got post-exertional malases from Long Covid).
Now fast foreward to two weeks ago. My mother final finds the motivation to clean the upstairs apartment because she's got a boyfriend now, and they wanna have sex upstairs where my grandma can't hear it. They didn't ask me if it was okay or anything: just decided that my space is now OUR space because it's convinent to her. I don't really care, and I'm annoyed, but finally someone to clean the fucking apartment with. She said, two weeks ago that he'd be coming around in about four months time. We spent the day getting a lot of cleaning done. Not anywhere near all of it, but a lot. And I've finally gotten what I see as permission to start sortitioning my aunts things. I'm pacing myself cleaning on that four month timetable.
And then today she bursts into the apartment to announce that BF will be here in a week, and she starts hauling major ass with my late aunt's heavy as shit sewing supplies. For my part, I vent the new timeline to my friends and then get to work cleaning my bedroom so I can move the stuff I have sprawled over the living room into my bedroom. Because my bedroom being messy is what's getting in my way the most.
When she's done hauling boxes, she goes to start cleaning the bathroom, and because she's in too much of a hurry on this new self-imposed and sprung upon me timeline, she hurts herself cleaning the toilet. Spasms her wrist, locks up her back. I help her downstairs but she's obviously done for the day, probably done for the week even. I get back to light cleaning with breaks, pacing myself to the new timeline I have to deal with. And I get a call from my grandma.
G: "Hey anon can you come down here." A: "I'll be down in a minute." I pull on pants and a shirt and head down.
And here we get to the key events all that context was building toward.
G: "What happened with your mom." A: "She hurt herself cleaning." G: "I know that, I mean why was she cleaning your apartment. You're an adult who's lived here for three years, and she's the only one working, and now she can't move. Why's the apartment you live in such a state that she needs to clean it for you."
Now, I know my grandma. A mule would be jealous of her stubborn demeanor. She's on an oxygen machine 24 hours a day and she still smokes two packs a week. You can't change her mind once she's made it up.
So I'm doing calculations in my head while she's laying into me, and I conclude she's made her mind up: She thinks I'm 100% in the wrong and nothing that came out my mouth would convince her that my mom is just as much an adult as I am who is responsible for her own decisions that got her to overworking when cleaning and hurting herself in the process, and also several inter-related key factors in why so much cleaning needs to be done on an 'oh fuck, immediately' timescale.
Doing the math makes me a bit angry, and I don't like the type of person I get to acting like when I'm angry, especially because anything I say will just make her more upset, so I say, "Grandma, I'm not going to have this conversation with you."
And I walk away. I leave while she yells at me to come back and let myself be yelled at. I'm angry, so I mindfully do not to slam her door on my way out and go back up stairs
After some scrumbling and a bit more light cleaning with breaks to pace myself, best I can, to this newly imposed and unreasonable timetable, my room is 90% clean and ready for me to put my stuff in it. And now that I'm not as angry anymore, I started to feel guilty that I didn't even try to explain anything to her. I just decided she'd made up her mind and made up mine to walk away without even trying. So, I typed this up to ask:
AITA for refusing to engage her in that conversation and just walking away?
What are these acronyms?
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masquayla-the-splendid · 10 months
It seems a chain reaction of reblogs have drawn in a hoard of Ennard enjoyers. Yall heard Tynado's Ennard song???? It's very rare that I find songs that actually fit his character well, and aren't just "oOoG I'm a BiG scArY RobOt ComIn to GetCha wjbbw LORE!"
Needless to say it's lyrically #3 of "best Ennard centric songs," #2 being "Every Body" By Rockit Gaming, and #1 being "My Ennard" by Groundbreaking. Instrumental wise, Rockit Gaming almost has it, but it's a little repetitive, and the vocals aren't cutting it for me.
Tynado's instrumental has a lot of reverb, and is very reliant on the vocals. To me, the type of instruments that fit Ennard best are super gritty synths that only a blast proccesed FM chip could produce. Not only would it be fitting because of the industrial techy sounds, but they're found in arcade cabinets and Genesis/Megadrives, which would fit the window of time SL takes place.
Here's a sample of my reconstruction of a banger:
From what I compared, the bell chords in the bridge (beginning of the video) gave it an extra mood. I also ripped a lot of instruments from fire themed levels, because Help Wanted. Even figured out how to make the low bell sound used in SL/UCN. Adds a lot more personality to it.
Takaway, Instruments hold as much character as the writing.
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yes there are more and more childrens works nowadays that do talk about the moral implications of putting children in dangerous situations but it’s usually like. really clear if that’s what the work wants to talk about. otherwise children’s media have child protagonists get up to funky adventures and save the world because it’s children’s media. targeted towards children. who have rich internal lives outside of their interactions with adults. who want to see people like themselves be the hero of a story same as adults do.
like as a fan of childrens shows myself im certainly not going to scoff at adults who like children’s shows bc some of them are genuinely good but. if youre not part of the target audience then it’s expected that you go into children’s media with some suspension of disbelief? like no a plucky 12 year old irl probably can’t fight god no matter how much they love their friends and if a creepy old man beams out of the sky to tell them to then you should probably call the police. but if the show is positing the plucky 12 year old as the protag and the creepy old man as their mentor then just. go with it?
there is media that shows how a child protagonists’s adventures could be traumatizing and how the adults around the protag have failed them by letting them go on an adventure in the first place. that kind of story can resonate with kids too. but your takeaway from that kind of story should be “sometimes adults put kids in unfair situations and this is a fantastical representation of an irl situation.” your takaway shouldn’t be “the adults in this story suck for letting a 10 year old fight a dragon therefore every single story where a 10 year old fights a dragon should also talk about why all the adults involved suck and if they don’t then it’s a bad story” like. the dragon is not the point here!
frankly if you look at children’s media and cannot bring yourself to do the one bit of suspension of disbelief needed to keep the story going then. what are you doing here? if you want to explore how adults put children in dangerous situations and use an adventure style story as a backdrop then there are many works, both for children and adults, that explore this. but just because a piece of children’s media has the same vibes as another piece that explores something doesn’t make the first piece bad if it doesn’t explore it.
what you want is just a different story at that point. possibly one targeted at older audiences. or you’re just trying to be edgy. either way if you’re complaining about something like that then you need to understand that there are some stories that you’ll only be satisfied with if you rewrite the entire plot itself. at that point just reread/rewatch the thing you actually like instead of rewriting the whole book/show/movie to be a clone of it.
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Shadows of Treachery (HH Vol. 22)
Another anthology of short stories. But Honstly? Until now I have not been a fan of those. It's always a coin-toss in these stories, with the range being "neat" and "absolute boredom". Luckily, the average on this book was a lot better than the previous ones.
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Story #1 "The Blood Red Fist" was more on the boring side, mostly because it is essentially loyalists fighting and getting absolutely wrecked. I do not remember a single named character aside from Peturabo, but the main takaway here is the absolute fuckery of chaos. Rogal Dorn's order for the fleet to return to terra came in the wrongest moment. If it had come before the fight, they would have run and made it home safely with some luck. After the fight, it would have been useful as a rally point for the survivors - even if there would barely be any as Peturabo would totally shred them. But it broke through right in the middle of the maneuver, completly ruining any chances they might have had. Don't get me wrong, they wouldn't have won, but they would have dealt a devastating blow to the Iron Warrior fleet
Overall pretty lame, but I guess that's loyalists for you.
Story #2 "The Dark King" meanwhile tunes us in to what will later be the highlight of the book, mostly focussing on the Night Lords and Curze in specific. Let's just say thet Curze already murdered Astartes before the Heresy even began. Rogal Dorn and Fulgrim attempted to contain his madness, but they did not stop the man from LITERALLY BLOWING UP HIS HOMEWORLD BECAUSE HE DEEMED IT UNWORTHY. Curze at max. level insanity, so a pretty good read.
Story #3 "The Lightning Tower" meanwhile is also a lot more interesting. Also a loyalist tale, this is essentially just a conversation between Rogal Dorn and his first captain (I think). Also it directly references the first story from Dorn's perspective, which is pretty neat. Also it once again hammers home just how much Dorn hated his job for fortifying the palance.
Story #4 "The Kaban Machine" mostly is Mars being weird, and telling people the Dark Mechanicum exists? We got a confirmation that they are working on a functional AI, but that's not very shocking really. For anyone who has read "Mechanicum" it is absolute filler material.
Story #5 "Flight of the Raven" is also not very interesting - it takes place before Corvus' book and that one sorta spoils the ending. Mostly how the Raven Guard and their Primarch made it out after the Dropsite Massacre. No relevant information was gained, aside from establishing Corvus' supernatural perceptive abilities. Also pretty boring.
Story #6 "Death of a Silversmith" is also filler-material, but so, SO much better at its job. It's essentially a civillian's perspective on the whole thing, an artisan working under the Lunar Wolves right before the heresy who got murdered by a heretic and the pages are essentially his last thoughts as the life is bleeding out of him. What makes this so good is how short it is. The author had an idea, put it down, executed it well, but never overstayed his welcome. THIS is how you write filler!
But now, to the actual star of the book - not a short story, but a novella in lenght, story #6 "The Crow Prince" which was my first introduction to the Night Lords character Sevatar - who is in equal parts a new favourite of mine and also an absolute bastard. You see, he sees himself at very rational, efficient, and all that, but is also the prime exampe for "if you want to be REALLY stupid you need to be smart first, because the dumb person will never rationalize the truly stupid decisions or in fact never realize they coud make them".
The man is beyond reckless, both in combat and social situations. Also I love how he just takes absolutely no shit from his Primarch, and Curze is also delightfully insane in this story as well.
Not going to spoil much but I sure hope there will be more Sevatar in the future, mostly because I definetly want to see where this high-functioning-absolute-idiot will end up.
The next book will be Angelus Exterminatus, and I am excited for I heard a lot of good stuff about this one...
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rfpiner · 2 years
Refrigerator compressor repair
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Flipped the disc around and slid it back in, cleaned the pitted contact, and reassembled. I had the PTC out, apart, and was searching the part number looking for a replacement when I ran across this. At first, I thought the board had gone on my again. I have two of these units and have replaced the control board on the same one with this problem about a year ago. BTW, this is a Vinotemp Model VT60 unit and has been in service for over 8 years now. It saved me hundreds of dollars for repair or replacement of the cooler. THANK YOU THANK YOU for this gREAT article. After reassembling the unit and plugging it back into the compressor, the compressor immediately started running and the cooling the wine cooler. As soon as I cleaned off the oxidation, I read 0 ohms (a short circuit). Before that, using a multimeter it appeared as an open-circuit. I simply scraped the oxidation off of both the disk and the connector. The connector on the marked side was very dark and oxidized. My disk looked exactly like yours with one side looking new and the other having four distinct marks on it. The central disk is apparently a temperature sensor that opens up when it gets too hot. Wow, this posting SOLVED my problem in less than 5 minutes. And thanks to the Alabamian for the (now working) fridge! Within 20 minutes the fridge was down to 40 degrees! Hopefully this will provide others with some DIY troubleshooting inspiration. Voila! Whatever contact or circuit that is supposed to make wasn't being made on the destroyed side. I think this disc acts as either a sort of discharge capacitor or a large overload resistor.Įither way, I decided to flip it and put it back in the overload protector. One looks like it has been shocked/burnt and the other is only slightly scratched. You can see a strange white disc shape that separates the two sides.Īs you can see, the two sides of the disc are in different condition. Now after removing the metal securing strip and the cover. After taking it off this is that it looks like. (P6R8MC OR0510, just in case someone searches) The common wire attaches to the overload protector. The overload protector is the small black plastic housing attached to two terminals protruding from the compressor housing. If the compressor is gone then I'm hosed so I decided to check the relay and overload protector. The takaway from that and a few other forums with posters with similar symptoms was that its either a bad relay, overload protector or compressor.
Same result, so I did a little Google searching and found a convenient How to Test a Refrigerator Compressor article. Making sure to not touch any of the exposed contacts I plugged it in again. Here is the thermostat with the dial and cover removed. The first step was to bypass the thermostat, sending an "always on" to the compressor to eliminate that as a potential problem. All that was let was to pull off a cover exposing the relay and circuitry for the compressor. I had to bend some of the brass tubes in the process, being careful not to kink them. I took off the condenser (panel of tubes on the back), removed the thermostat housing and finally pulled out the compressor. There was no change inside but the compressor was almost too hot to touch. I let this go on for about 15 minutes while I monitored the temperature inside the fridge. Then it would click and the cycle would repeat itself. I finally had time this weekend to troubleshoot it.Īfter plugging it in,the compressor would hum for 15-20 seconds and then there would be a click and it would be silent for about two and half minutes. Regardless, I've had this fridge sitting in the middle of my apartment now for the better part of a month. This Alabamian gave me a non-working wine cooler mini-fridge, half out of generosity because I might be able to fix and use it, half out of wanting to get rid of it :-).
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alienshepard · 6 years
I really want to continue ranting on the dumb responses I got on that one post but I'm tired of this and I feel like the rest of you is also tired so we're just going to pretend nothing happened
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rileysecretfox · 4 years
- Martin and Melanie: we didn't know we needed it but we DID and I am LOVING IT.
- Martin finally got to sit in a comfortable chair.
- Martin's love for Jon continues to be expressed in the best ways.
- Jon got an apology!!!!
- Jon got to be a little shit and we love to see it.
- I'm glad the Admiral is enjoying himself.
- Martin is the only one who is allowed to write bad poetry about Jon, okay??!!!
- Evil Supermarket.
- The fluff and fanservice has me in Fear of what comes next, but it was still nice.
- Of course the tape recorderd like Martin, no being in existence can resist Martin ♥️
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arevadochi · 5 years
Know, most screwed up takaway from all star wars is just how in original timeline, chewbecca was pretty much the only oj person that died. While the everybody else got to live out their lives. Here with new movies, almost everyone BUT chewie dies and I cant imagine what that’s gotta be like.
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alecjmarsh · 6 years
2k18 positivity
I got tagged to write a list of good things that happened to me in 2018, but tbh I’m having trouble remembering a lot of the year. Here’s my best efforts
-Black Panther
-Into the Spiderverse
-Found an awesome playlist on spotify called “religious with horny undertones” that has been my writing playlist
-Read 54 books, more than my goal of 52!
-I wrote somewhere around 100k-120k words this year
-Won nano
-Returned to my terrible vampire project with clear eyes about its problems and the bravery to rebuild it from the ground up
-Laid some old writing to rest
-Started a few new projects that haven’t gone anywhere, but I started them
-Really embraced fanfiction
-Signed up for a bang and wrote a 20k story and finished it
-Joined the penumbra bang discord, which has been an incredible force of good and inspiration in my life
-Joined an enby writing group and made new friends!
-I drew probably 3x as many finished pieces as I did last year
-One of my goals was to do more backgrounds and scenes—did okay on this, getting better
-Also tried to think about light and shadow more. Again, I improved!
-Got better at digital painting
-Got some pieces done for a zine. Really hope I get them finished/ready for sale in 2019
-Kept my grades up
-Study abroad!! I’m currently finishing up a semester at Cardiff university which has been frustrating, isolating, exciting and inspiring all at once. I think the main takaway is all the time I’ve spent in my own head in the last few months, more than any academic opportunity it has given me.
-I’m doing so much travelling though! Really getting to see other cities and think about what my values and needs and wants are
-I know I should be connecting with other people (and I have, I made some good friends!) but I also live in a state of constant personal doubt and I’m being forced to unpack that.
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Carina Mackenzie answers questions about Roswell, NM and writing via her Instagram stories. Here are a few takaways:
Paul Wesley will direct an episode.
The first season will be 13 episodes.
Filming begins on Monday, August 13th.
Carina knows how both the season and series ends.
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shigarakitomura · 7 years
no i meant it for you! tumblr probably ate my first ask i’m guessing lmao what’s new. but what i said is that i have been here since 2011. i /know/ what dan backtracking/trying to cover up looks like (survivor of 2012 rip) and that was not it at all. and he didn’t even put anyone down for pointing out/putting emphasis on the joke either but a lot of people are saying he did. he even defended them and was like oh you know everyone has their own takaways from things. so idk why the uproar.
Mood BIG M O. O D. ThankYouU
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Angelus Exterminatus by Graham McNeil
I think this one is the perfect example of what makes the Horus Heresy books unique: the book doesn't give a shit even if you have the outcome spoiled already. In most cases, people who are 20+ volumes deep into the series are aware of how things will end. The only question is the "how" and here's where a number of curious twists and developments come in.
We all know Fulgrim will achieve his goal - although the road to it was a lot more bumpy than he would have wished. We all know that Peturabo would make it out, albeit somewhat damaged in his health, and he draws the completly wrong conclusion from it. Like, he was so, so close to realize that all his traitor brothers were egomanical shitheads only caring for their own agenda, and his takaway is "alright, they all suck but HORUS will at least appreciate me" - which for one speaks of the man's maipulative capabilities but dang Perty you were SO close to getting it.
Generally this book is mostly about Peturabo and his boys, with the secondary role being the imperial remants of Istvan V trying to do something at least. There's also some Eldar fuckery on the side, indicating that the Heresy in its details was not entirely a human affair - but the true antagonists here are Fulgrim and the Emperor's Children.
The true genius of this book is that while Peturabo is a bitter, paranoid, strict, and all around unpleasant person to be around with, who's mood swings can get him to beat whatever poor soul just screwed up to death, he is the perfect vehicle to unload all that shittiness on those who deserve it - and oh boy do Fulgrim and his bois Fabulous Bill and Lucius the Walking Taunt Spell try their utmost hardest to deserve it.
Generally the Iron Warriors are uncompromising assholes, but you can't help by sympathize with them given the absolute insanity they need to put up with the Emperor's Children. One is a military formation following orders, the other is a bunch of insane chaos cultists. At least decision of the Iron Warriors to join Horus has a bit of rationality to it, they were entirely unaware of the warp-madness going on in the background by the time they picked a side.
Also: poor Forrix, that guy definetly did not deserve all the shit coming his way. Generally his three commanders are in bad spot, but he's had it so rough that even Peturabo internally in the end is like "wow, mood".
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leighlim · 6 years
#108 - Freshly Cooked Popcorn
(And I’m talking about the one from the pot!)
If I had assurance that those microwave popcorn satches were healthy...I would still keep using them...and like cutting back on takaway (I’ve got my soups sorted out --- so I think Risotto would be the next one to tackle)...I’ve yet turned to popcorn that I’ve popped myself from kernels bought in a pack (I enjoy coming across those 1 kg ones from greengrocers!).
Initially it was sunflower oil....and now...since I’m pretty much an EVO convert, I aim to do a lot of my cooking with it. Since it is such a low heat oil, I’ve learned to just cook low (maybe 40% heat on the hob?) and wait until the ‘frenzied pops’ occur, then turn off as they taper
Another fact about EVO from the Olive Oil Times :
“ It is the only cooking oil that is made without the use of chemicals and industrial refining.”
Note: If I had a chance to stick a sticky note, that had ‘awesome’ written on it, on something or someone  (There’s an ad that had people walking around with sticky notes one them that said ‘like’ —- was it from Canon?).
I do know that because this would be a long list (10,000 WHAT!?), there is a chance that I may double up (or triple? I hope not!)…so I give you my blessing to give me a ‘stern talking to’ if you do spot duplicates.
To get all the other entries: just click here.
PS: Somehow #58 & #93 doesn’t show up even with the tag. :(
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heartthatfollows · 6 years
the end of the world
I want to talk about the way worlds end all the time, but as with most things I’d like to write about, I don’t feel equipped to. 
In the 70s the Communist party of China purged the state of capitalism and traditional elements of Chinese society. Mao Zedong conducted his campaign through forced relocation, torture, and destruction of historical artifacts. At the time, China had been a communist country for nearly thirty years, yet the 70s saw massive migrations of Chinese out of the country. The world was ending.
America participates, has participated, in proxy wars since its inception in Africa, South America, Asia, the Middle East. This country has been the reason that worlds have ended. And finally here we are, Americans, at the end of the world.
The environment is changing rapidly and as we barrel faster and faster toward the deadlines that scientists have set for humanity, our conviction grows weak. My conviction grows weak. The companies control all meaningful changes to emissions, and under capitalism there doesn’t seem to be vectors for consumers to affect them. 
As the lakes dry up and the ocean begins to bubble, the world will end. As island nations are swallowed up and the coasts are ravaged we will migrate inland, and the world will end. As the most powerful among us control resources that are necessary for human life, most of the population will die, and the world will end. 
But this is not interesting, nor does it have anything to say. There doesn’t seem to be a story here. No larger takaways to glean from it. No organizing principle, or call to action, or even an interesting ideology to critique. Bland, milquetoast takes on the end of the world.
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