#the text says 'bad romance' but the line read says it fondly
trans-ruffboi · 1 year
you've heard of MotA damsel kink Anders. now get ready for Gamlen's Greatest Treasure damsel kink Anders
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lostbookmark · 2 months
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MDNI 18+
Summary: After four years your sister's ex-boyfriend comes back into your life. Can you keep your entanglement a secret? Will the guilt eat you alive? 
Pairing:  Sisters ex Yoongi x Insecure F. Reader. 
Genre: SMUT, angst, hurt - comfort, romance. 
Warning: Explicit sex, fingering, Possessive Yoongi, swearing, reader is insecure, jealousy, punishment, unprotected sex, drinking, dirty talk, praising, degradation, spanking, spanking as punishment, teasing, hair pulling, arguments. Overuse of the name, baby.
A/N: Updating a day early. I almost have the story completed.
One more week before another smutty chapter. This is just pure plot again. 
Is ginger haired Yoongi his own warning?
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He lied. He promised that he would call you every day and he lied. You spent the two days leading up to him leaving, together.  You found out just how good of a cook he was and how bad you were compared to him. He tried explaining the art of producing and writing a song. You'll admit that one went over your head, but he seemed excited to talk to you about it. You jokingly asked him to write a song for you. He smirked, and with a kiss, he said he would. The first day he was gone, he did call like he said he would. The second day was a couple of texts. Third day, he left you on read, then the fourth…delivered. It's been two weeks now. Not one week but two. Fourteen days, a fortnight. 
“Jimin says that when they work, sometimes they stay up for days at a time. He probably crashed at the hotel to catch up on sleep,” Lisa tried to reason. 
“You really think he would ignore you?” Jisoo asks you as she pays for her coffee. You don't know how to answer that.  You wanted to be able to say, of course, he wouldn't, but you can't. You honestly can't. 
“You know he wouldn….” Lisa trails off as you three leave the coffee shop. You follow her line of sight to see who she is staring at. You squint your eyes a little harder. “Is that him?” She asks, pointing her finger at a couple on the sidewalk.
“Is his hair…red?” Jisoo questioned. “Orange?” 
The three of you move a bit closer but stay hidden behind some cars to get a closer look.  It was, she was right. Yoongi was here and he was right across the street. He was home and he didn't tell you. You watch him across the street talking to someone. A woman, a pretty blonde woman with long hair. She was taller than you, about his height. He wouldn't need to bend as much to her like he does with you. You can't hear them but whatever she said has him laughing. His gummy smile is on display, full and bright. She reaches up and gently rubs his arm over his green jacket and he doesn't push her away, he is familiar with her. He looks at her fondly as he nods his head at whatever she's saying. Is that how he looked at you? You watch as he opens a door to the building they stood in front of and they walk inside together. You can feel your heart shatter as if someone stabbed it with a sharp knife. You can actually feel it crack into a million pieces and fall to your stomach. Sharp pieces like glass shards, obliterating your insides. Your eyes don't leave the door they went through.  You can't see through the intricate stained glass windows no matter how much you tried.
“I'm sure it's not what it seems,” Jisoo tells you. 
“Bull fucking shit,” Lisa exclaims. “I'm going to beat his ass.”
“Lisa,” Jisoo hisses.
“What?” Lisa exclaims. “He left her hanging for over a week, and he's literally right there. She should have been his first stop.” 
“No,” you hiccup. Dammit you're crying. You wipe your eyes on your sweater. The fabric is itchy and makes the wet skin of your cheeks feel irritated. Your eyes still don't stray from the door. You hope and pray with everything you have that he walks back out. Please walk back out, you beg. You hold your breath…please?  He doesn't.  “I'm just going to go.” 
“Let us come with you,” Jisoo suggests. You just shake your head. She sighs and opens her arms for you.“I'll keep her in line,” she whispered as she pulled you into a hug.
You ran to your car, slamming the door as you got in. You had let the tears flow freely then. You try to hide your face from the people that pass by as you rest your head on the steering wheel. How dare he. After everything he put you through with Kai. Kai didn't even touch you. You were barely a participant in the conversion. You shouldn't have gone home with him that night. You should have kept it as a one-time thing. Let it be a lapse in judgment, a meaningless fling. You could have blamed the drinking. No one would have to know you were stone cold sober. Yoongi made your expectations high. He made you feel warm and see colors for the first time in a long time outside of your friends.  He broke you. 
When you got home, you threw on an oversized shirt and got into bed. Cocooning yourself in your plush blankets, you try to seek comfort and warmth. It wasn't helping.  It was only 5 pm, and you had nothing to do and no one to distract you. Time on your hands leads to overthinking. Overthinking can lead you to bad decisions.  You don't want to think right now.You looked at the messages you had sent him. Delivered. He never opened them. You sent them days ago, but he still hasn't opened them. You were so stupid. He fooled you. Were you a pawn in a game for him to get back at your sister?  Your phone chimed, and your heart stopped. Please, please , you whisper into the still, quiet room. It's not him. It's Lisa. 
“Did you make it home? I didn't do anything, I swear. I won't tell Jimin . Promise.”
“I made it, thank you.” 
Your chest hurts. A heavy weight just sitting there where your heart used to be. It's suffocating, holding you down. It's wanting to drown you, and you can't make it back to the surface. You place your hands where the weight is. Thump, thump thump, it's still beating….your heart. It's still there, and it's pumping. Taking a deep breath, you close your eyes. You concentrate on the rhythmic beating. Maybe your sister was right. Maybe Yoongi was a loser. He promised you…promised! He said he would take care of everything, and now he just broke it all apart. He ripped it all up into tiny red shreds and dropped them off the highest cliff he could find. He was probably laughing as he did it. Your tears start leaking out of your eyes again. Focus, focus on the rhythm. You close your eyes. Thump, thump, thump.  Your phone chimes again. 
Jimin said that the guys got in last night. I swear I brought it up casually. I didn't mention what we saw. Lisa tells you, and you choke on sob. This makes you feel worse. That means he had all day that he could have talked to you.  
Thanks. Let Jisoo know I'm turning my phone off for a while.
I will. I love you, sweets.
Me, too, you reply and power down your phone. 
He didn't want to see you. He has made that clear. All you needed was one call, one message. You just needed him to tell you that he had arrived. If he needed time alone, that was fine. He should have just told you. He's such a hypocrite. Telling you how you needed to talk to him and he's straight up ignores you too.  The thing is, you never lied. Yes, you may run and shut down, but you never lied. Screw this, you think, and you turn your phone back on after a few minutes. You immediately open your messages. 
“I know your home. I hope you're having fun with her.” 
You let out a loud breath. You delete the message and get out of bed. Padding to the living room, you try to lie down there.  The weight is still in your chest. It's so quiet, and the thoughts are so loud in your head. You want him here eating your favorite chicken, and you'll make sure there's extra rolls. You'll even let him pick a movie to watch even if you don't like it.  You stare up at your clock. The second hand seems to be moving extra slow today. It hardly makes any noise, though. A small, quiet ticking noise reminiscent of his metronome.  You don't want to hear it. Your memories make the agony hurt more. 
“Did you stay the night with her?” You stare at it for a minute. “Did she go on your trip with you?”  Delete. “Are you sleeping with her? That's fine, I'm with Kai right now.”  You press delete. “I miss you.” Delete. 
You should eat. Your stomach growls, angry with hunger. Your kitchen seems so far away, and you know there’s not much in there. You don't want to eat anyway. Getting up from the couch, you make your way back to your bedroom. Turning on your TV, you leave it on the first thing that comes on. You don't know what it is, but it makes the deafening silence better. You close your eyes, and you're still drowning. Waves of sadness and hurt lapping against your soul.  Your body starts to relax. You give in and let the waves take you away. 
Your eyes pop open. Immediately, they land on your alarm clock. The red glare is blurry, and you can't quite make out the numbers. Blinking away your sleep, you see it reads 8:30 pm. You had been out for about three hours. Your head swivels to your hallway when you hear a sound. There's a knocking at your door. Who the hell would come to your place this late? Picking your phone up, you see 6 missed texts and 4 calls from Yoongi. You refuse to open them. Absolutely not. You will not give him the satisfaction. Your phone chimes. You look down at your lock screen. Are you....was the only thing you could read from the push notification. Am I what? You ask yourself. Angry? Yes. Sad? Yes. Scared? Yes. The knocking seems to have stopped. You know it was him, but yet you didn't win anything for making him reach out to you first. Your phone chimes. I'm sorry. You laugh to yourself….sure. 
The next morning was quiet, and you were tired.  Lisa didn't come to work today. She had texted that Jimin had surprised her with a day trip. A couples spa thing. You were happy that she finally found someone who liked the same things she did and actually took care of her.  She called in with the flu, and after that, you decided to turn your phone off. You look at Seungkwan, and he looks happy that he gets to work in peace for once. Everynow and then you can hear him sing to himself. It makes you smile. He has a nice voice.  You actually managed to get a lot of work done, and Seungkwan seemed more than happy to help you when you needed it. You were wrong about him. He always seemed intimidating, but he's sweet. Admittedly,  you knew that Lisa being gone helped. She didn't distract you with office gossip or the retelling of her dates. You didn't have to talk about Yoongi. You feel bad, but you almost want to say you like it this way.  
5 o'clock on the dot you clock out. You wrap your sweater around you tight and throw your bag over your shoulder. It's colder and the daylight shorter. You can almost smell winter coming in the air. The crisp, clean smell of cold air and snow isn't too far now.  It will probably come early. You should probably grab a warmer jacket tomorrow. Stepping out of the building you stop dead in your tracks. Yoongi is standing there, waiting for you. The new orange…ginger hair on display. He's wearing the same green jacket from yesterday, you bet it smells like her.  He smiles when you see him. A true honest,  smile lights up his face. You…you  just stare. A blank stare that held no emotion. His smile drops a little before he quickly recovers and approaches you. 
“I went over to your place last night,” he said. So, it was him. “Were you asleep? You didn't answer my messages. I was getting worried.”  You visibly scoffed at that and your eyes flicker back to his hair.  “Yeah,” he said, reaching up and running his hand through it.  “Joon, he talked me into it. Do you like it?” 
“You ignored my messages,” you said quietly, not answering  his question. He sighs and tries to take your hand, but you pull away and shake your head. You don't want him to touch you, not after her.  Did she make him happy? Did he come over to your place right after leaving hers? “Two weeks?” You question.
“Baby, can we talk about this privately. Let's go to my place,” he suggests, but you shake your head no.   You'll give in there, you know it. “Can we at least sit in my car? Baby, you’re shivering.” You nod in agreement after a moment of hesitation and walk to his car. You rub your hands together as the wind bites at them. Yoongi tries to reach for you to warm them up for you. You don't let him. Instead, you jam them into your thin sweater, although it didn't do any good.  Getting in the car, he turns the heat up and points all the vents to you. “I know I said a week when I left, but the group we had a meeting with. They needed an album quickly. There were lawsuits involved and everything. I didn't even have time to eat or sleep. Namjoon took my phone away at one point. I couldn't make him mad.”
You don't know what to say to that. You feel him stare at you and he's fidgeting in his seat. His hands keep checking the air blowing out of the vents. Making sure it's warm enough for you. He's probably just nervous and needs something to do. 
“Did Namjoon sign them?” you asked. 
“Yeah, he did,” Yoongi confirms and you nod your head silently. “There's a lot of lawyers and paperwork involved but yeah, he did.” 
You look out the windshield. The trees that lined the street have long lost their green leaves. The leaves now have fallen to the ground as they turn into their beautiful fall hues of yellow and orange, crunching when people walk on them through town holding their warm coffees and other pumpkin spiced drinks. You watch as they swirl off the ground as the breeze picks them up, and they dance along the road as they pass by. You sigh. The sun is already starting to set. 
“Baby?” he asks, trying to get you to look at him. “Y/N?”
“I saw you.” you tell him. You surprise yourself with the lack of emotion in your voice.
“Where? What are you talking about?” he inquires. 
“Yesterday,” you answer, as a singular leaf twirls across the window. “We were getting coffee. We saw you with some woman. She was pretty. You looked happy.  Lisa told me you guys landed the day before that.” 
“That was…” he started but you didn't let him finish. 
“No, you waited…what 24 hours after being home to get a hold of me?” you asked. “Seeing those messages not even opened. Then seeing you with her,” you shook your head. You are tired, so very tired. “I get it.” 
“Will you let me explain?” he begs. You want to, you really do, but you're still too hurt. The wound is still raw and gaping.  You're still trying to make it to the surface.  Did he cheat on your sister, too? 
“My bus will be here soon. I need to go,” you tell him and you put your hand on the door handle. He throws himself over you to stop you from opening the door. “Yoongi!” 
“Let me take you home. I won't say anything. I won't try to come in. Baby, please just let me take you home?” you see something in his eyes that you can't decipher.  Is he scared? Is he scared like you were? Good. You nod your head silently. 
You lay awake in your bed. You couldn't sleep and you have been trying for hours. Tossing and turning, you kept getting tangled up in your blankets. Yoongi stuck to his word and just dropped you off. He didn't say anything on the drive home. He just kept stealing glances at you and you…you kept your eyes as straight as possible. It looked like he wanted to say something to you but you bolted from the car before he could put it fully into park. You regret it now. You wish you would have let him explain who she was. It's messing with your mind. All the scenarios you can think of that could have happened are driving you crazy. You look at the clock. 11:30pm. You're going to take a chance. You need to have a clear mind. You pick up your phone and call Yoongi. Thankfully, he picks up.
“Baby, is something wrong? Are you okay?” he asked. His voice is worried. Perfect. 
“Can you come over?” you ask. 
“On my way,” he says and hangs up.
Getting out of bed, your hair is a mess. You try to finger comb it, but you have to give up as the knotting gets worse and throw it up on the top of your head. Little pieces are standing up everywhere…oh well. You think about changing your clothes as you look through your closet  but honestly, you think that would seem desperate. You are, though …desperate. Wanting his answers, hugs, kisses. You wanted him to hold you so you could sleep. Hell, he didn't even need to hold you. He just needed to be next to you. You go to sit down on your couch to wait for him. No sooner did your butt meet the cushion. There was a knock at the door.  Taking a deep breath, you get up and walk to the door. Opening the door, Yoongi smiles at you, an unsure, nervous smile. You move to the side without a word to let him pass through the doorway. It's then you notice that he has two large bags with him.   
“I'm happy you called,” he said softly. You gesture him into the living room, and you sit across from each other. You on the old pea colored couch with frayed threads, him on the oversized chair. He looks so small sitting there alone. You studied him sitting there. Really studied him. Yoongi looked just as tired as you felt.  
“I…I'm ready for you to explain,” you tell him. You rub the palms of your hands on your knees nervously. You take a deep breath and brace yourself for the worse.  
“She's an old friend from college. She dated my friend Jooheon,” he explains. “She’s an art dealer that travels all over the place. I texted her about art supplies. If she knew what the best ones were. She said she did and she could probably get anything I wanted. I was supposed to meet her Saturday but after I showered and changed…I fell asleep so we met on Sunday instead. I tried calling you but you didn’t answer. So, I ended up coming over….I,” he sighed and looked at his hands. “I just wanted to surprise you.”
He wasn't a liar or a cheat. You study his face, and he looks defeated, like his world is about to crumble. You know how that feels. Your hands cover your face as you break out in sobs. You were a fool for believing the worst in him. The couch dips, and Yoongi takes you in his arms. His movement seems cautious.  He pulls you as close as he can get you. It only makes you cry harder. That feeling of drowning, the weight in your chest, it was because of you and not him. It was because you couldn't trust him enough. You feel like an awful person, sister, and partner.
“I'm sorry,” you cry. Yoongi grabs your face and makes you look at him. His hands were warm, and it was a welcoming feeling on your skin. “I'm so sorry, Yoongi.” Tears were streaming down your face.
“You have nothing to be sorry for. You had every right to think what you did.” he tells you, wiping the tears away with his thumbs. “I should have told you when I was coming home. I’m so sorry for not calling you. I fucking missed you,”  he says then captures your lips in a kiss. He has a sturdy hold on the back of your head. He doesn't want you to pull away and you don't. You're done fighting him. Yoongi pulls away and gives you a real smile. Letting you go, he gets up and grabs the bags he brought. He placess them by your feet and motions to them with his hands,“Go ahead.” 
You open the bag, and you want to cry again. He was telling you the truth. He got you art supplies and not the generic, big box store brands either. Graphite pencils of different grades, pastels, erasers, blending sticks, blow-bulbs, a portfolio, rulers, paper, and even a finishing spray. You can't even begin to think how much he spent on this. You run your hands over the black portfolio you sat on your lap. You never had access to these items before. You were lucky you had lined paper and a number 2 pencil back in the day. It's perfect, more than perfect. 
“Drawing used to make you so happy,” he says quietly. “Just how music makes me happy. I want you to have that back.” 
“Thank you,” you say as you throw yourself into his lap, hugging him. He holds you to him, both of you silent, relieved, tired.  Pulling back, you run a hand through his hair.  “I really like your hair.” Yoongi laughs heartily. 
“Good,” he responds, pulling you down for another kiss.
That night, as you laid in your bedroom, it wasn't filled with deafening silence like the night before. It wasn't filled with the sounds of passionate sex. It was filled with his quiet snores and both your heartbeats. 
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
After reading that, I think it's safe to say that Miraculous Ladybug is more of a horror/psychological thriller than romance/comedy. And now I want an AU where Marinette takes the earrings off and realizes that they're messing with head
Marinette felt strange, and after getting used to the feeling of being on the Startrain, she knew it wasn't the cause. She felt lighter - less restricted - somehow, and while a part of her had expected that due to handing off the ladybug miraculous, it wasn't in the way she'd expected.
Once she was done sending Alya all the Ladybug tips, Marinette had figured they'd start talking about Adrien or what their next scheme would be once she got back, but she ended up finding the idea tiring. It was odd in the way that finding something in her room just slightly out of place would be (at least before the kwami began living there).
Everything she'd thought she might feel - anxiety over what could go wrong while she was gone, concern over how the kwami were doing in her absence, and longing for who she'd pictured as the love of her life - wasn't there. It felt completely unlike her, just as it felt unlike Alya to not reply to her messages considering how much she liked to be on her phone.
Abandoning the idea of texting Alya for now, she closed their conversation and idly started browsing her phone. Even still, the weird feeling didn't cease and her hero senses were going off.
Something was wrong, or... maybe right? It wasn't as if she was feeling anything bad, but she felt entirely different than when she was in Paris. It was hard to get a gauge on exactly how she should take it.
Marinette glanced at her parents, catching herself frowning before they could glance back. She looked at her phone, acting like nothing was wrong and idly scrolling through her various apps so as to look busy. In the process, she stumbled upon her gallery, finding her mass of Adrien images inside. It took up a majority of her pictures, and she found herself blushing in embarrassment rather than fondness.
Did she really have this many normally? How much time had she taken getting them?
She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, thrown off by just how different she felt. The reaction to seeing Adrien that she'd normally have where she'd lose all focus had virtually disappeared, and the only reason she'd missed it at all was because it gave her an absurd amount of mental clarity concerning how she'd be acting otherwise.
The word brought a particular face to her mind: pink lips, blue eyes, and black hair highlighted blue at the tips. Marinette ran her fingers through her own hair, ruffling it as she tried to piece out how she was feeling. All she knew was that - whatever it was - it was significant and she didn't have Tikki to vent to.
Though perhaps she wouldn’t had much to provide anyway.
A mix of trepidation and curiosity filling her. Switching away from her gallery, she went back to her conversations and pulled up her texts with Luka. Despite her confusion over whatever was happening to her at the moment, she managed a smile at Luka's contact image staring fondly at her.
After a moment of consideration, she typed out:
Hey. Sorry if you're busy. Thought we could talk?
That done, she navigated back to her gallery to look at all her Adrien pictures. She shifted in her seat again, as if it would change things or help her mind adjust to the unfamiliar sensation. It wasn't like looking at Adrien didn't make her feel anything at all, but that feeling could only be described as "normal," like the way she saw him before he'd given her that umbrella.
Before she officially became a ladybug holder who agreed to protect the people of Paris...
Her lips twitched in hesitant thought, her thumb brushing against her screen as she skimmed through the assortment of Adrien pictures. Her brain registered a feeling - or rather, lack thereof - and the foreign emotions encouraged her to act.
She tapped the garbage can icon experimentally, a notification popping up accordingly and asking her if she'd like to delete the picture. She brought the phone closer to her chest, like she felt she was doing something wrong, yet there was only a second of pause before she confirmed the decision.
She watched as Adrien disappeared, a message indicating that the picture had been trashed.
Marinette blinked at the message until it had timed out, bringing her back to the gallery. She was frozen in place, her fingers twitching against the side of the phone as she processed what she'd just done.
Then, she did it again. She tapped on another picture of Adrien, a weird mix of eagerness and interest urging her thumb along as she pressed the garbage can icon again, confirming the decision just as quickly.
Just before the image disappeared, a stray thought said aloud in her mind: black hair and blue eyes would've worked better for an outfit like that.
This time, her body finally moved, a shudder going up her spine as she took in a breath. Her eyes darted over to her parents, knowing how strange this must look to them, but they weren't watching her anyway, meaning the moment was kept firmly in her own personal bubble. It was so odd; normally, someone would've seen her acting off, or laughed and made muttering comments about it.
But nothing was happening, and she didn't know whether to question it or not.
Marinette glanced back at her phone, almost challenging herself as she started to run through the assorted Adrien pictures. She could've thrown them in the metaphorical bin all at once, but instead, she went one-by-one. She waited for something to break, either a sense of regret to settle in over the deletion or for her heart to start fawning over the face on screen, but neither happened.
She was in control, and it felt good. Really, really good.
Part of her felt like she was being ridiculous. The idea of getting some kind of emotional high out of deleting a few pictures sounded stupid, and yet she felt powerful. It was like a veil had been lifted and suddenly she had choices.
If her parents saw her visibly vibrating in her seat, she didn't hear them make mention of it.
The only thing that made her snap out of her rapid thumb movements was a text notification at the top of her screen, and only due to the flash of black, blue, and white. Her lips curved into a smile, originally being pressed together in focus, and she clicked to open her text messages with Luka.
Hey, Marinette. I'm not busy at all. What's up?
She felt warm, knowing that the guy who always made her feel comfortable and happy was on the other line. it was such a shame that they hadn't been able to work it out because of Adrien.
Marinette paused just as she went to reply, those thoughts catching up to her as she remembered that day with Luka underneath the bridge. She'd been so sure that she'd had to break up with him because of Adrien, but as she purposefully tried to recall the memory, something registered like a mental fog clearing in her mind.
Hadn't it actually been her responsibilities as Ladybug that had done it? In fact, that added up alongside all of the other memories of his akumatization; she hadn't been ditching him during their dates out of discomfort or her crush on Adrien, but because of akuma and sentimonsters.
How could she have forgotten? Or rather, how could she have remembered otherwise?
Marinette just barely managed to snap herself out of her trance, her phone having dimmed from inactivity and the sight of her furrowed brows and worried frown staring back at her from the blackened screen. She blinked rapidly, then shook her head to clear herself of the unnerving thoughts.
Lighting her phone back up, she hurriedly typed back as she realized she'd left Luka on read, trying to ignore the way her thumbs shook.
Nothing much.
She hesitated, already seeing him typing back. Guilt burrowed around in her stomach, knowing very well that it was not "nothing" but being unable to properly convey what was going on to him when she didn't even understand it herself.
She typed again, his own typing ceasing to let her add to her comment.
Actually, I've been thinking a bit lately. I'm going to be in London for a while and I'm on the train ride there right now. It's given me some time to myself and it's... weird.
I'm sorry, I know that doesn't make sense.
Even though he hadn't replied, she knew he was taking her seriously as he was typing back.
It makes sense. Background music doesn't work for everyone.
Marinette realized that her shoulders had been tense when they relaxed at his message. She pressed her lips together, feeling vaguely like she didn't deserve him and pushing down the thoughts just as quickly. He'd never approve of that kind of talk.
My head's just been a bit of a mess. Or... not a mess? Things were really foggy but I didn't realize that they were? It's like I'm thinking clearer but I don't know if I like everything that came with that.
What was the phrase? Ignorance is bliss? She had no idea where these changes were coming from, but something had indeed changed and she didn't know the significance of it. She was indeed happy that she felt so in control now over her thoughts on Adrien, but why now? What caused it, and what about her memories?
Would it go away?
Marinette shuddered at the idea, but tried to focus on her conversation with Luka. Having a crisis wasn't going to do her any good, and he was there with her, even if only through text.
I can't know what you're going through, but I think I get it.
You do?
Yeah. Do you remember my birthday, when everyone heard about my dad being Jagged Stone?
He already continued typing, so she just nodded even if he couldn't see it. She'd only been with Juleka when the reveal had happened, but she imagined it'd been just as much of a shock for her as it'd been for them. She couldn't even imagine when Luka could've learned about it.
Wait--no, she'd already known, actually, hadn't she? He'd been akumatized and had gone after Jagged, and she'd been there when he forced Jagged to tell him the truth about being his father.
Marinette winced at the filling of a gap in her memory that she hadn't realized had been there. Once again, she'd remembered something that she couldn't fathom having forgotten or misremembered, even with how spotty her memory could be under normal circumstances.
She turned towards the back of her seat and the window, trying to isolate herself so it felt like just her, her phone, and Luka. She desperately needed his texts as a distraction.
I'd wanted to know who my dad was for so long, but learning that it was my favorite musician all this time was a lot. I had to redo all the notes I’ve ever written about him, and I wasn't sure how I felt about it for a while.
He kept typing after that, and she merely stroked the side of the phone with her thumb as some form of support, even knowing that he couldn't know about it.
But I'm glad I knew in the end. He's doing his best to make up for all the lost time, and I don't have to go on never knowing what that song would've sounded like.
Their situations weren't exactly the same, but it was enough to reach her deep down. Whatever her situation was, if it really did mean something, she'd rather know it was there than go on never knowing. She hated the idea of being left in the dark, just as she hated being lied to.
As she took a calming breath, she found it in herself to type back.
I'm glad you know too. You deserve people who make you happy, Luka.
Thank you, Marinette. You do too, and I hope that whatever you're going through goes at least as well as it did for me.
She bit her lower lip at her reply, which felt clipped in tone even though she hadn't meant it that way. She just had too much on her mind and it was hard to think about what emotion was coming across when she was typing to him.
She tapped away at the on-screen keyboard, hopefully before he could think anything in particular about it.
Though she wanted to explain further, she wavered, her legs bending as she curled further in on herself. The conversation had already been so deep and she didn't want to make it worse.
But just as she debated on dismissing her feelings and insisting that he not worry about her, the memories that had been cleared up from before came back to her, reminding her of a warm hug on top of a bridge.
"When you're ready, I'll be here, Marinette."
She inhaled shakily, but steadied herself immediately afterwards, letting the warmth of the words calm her. Luka was there for her and she trusted him.
She was ready.
...I'm scared, Luka. I thought I had my clarity, but I don't. Something's wrong.
Then, almost on cue, the train screeched to a halt, jostling her out of her seat as the lights went off. The simultaneous sound of phones ringing followed soon after.
Marinette held her breath, crouched down in the restroom while she listened closely for the sound of her parents' footsteps. Her throat let out a whine, but she managed to keep it silent enough to where she was sure that no one on the other side of the door would hear it. She'd have to leave eventually or risk being cornered, courtesy of the power being off and the restroom's lock being electronic, but she felt safe enough to pull out her phone.
She also set it on vibrate just in case.
There was a reasonable concern at first that Luka's texts would indicate that he'd fallen victim to the akuma, but what she found when she checked their conversation reassured her.
Is everything okay?
Did the akuma's power reach you? Did they call you too?
The panic in simple letters on a screen made her feel noticed and loved. Keeping enough of her focus on potential footsteps approaching outside the door, she typed out a reply:
Sorry. I had to run from my parents.
I'm okay. What about you?
You're alright. I'm so glad.
I'm okay too. I hid somewhere and I doubt anyone can find me.
That's good. Be careful.
You too.
She took another breath, certain she'd be captured soon if the akuma wasn't taken care of. The train was limited and there weren't many places to go, so unless she could find a blunt object to smash her parents' phones, she was at a loss.
Regardless, Luka was there, her phone vibrating as he added onto his previous text:
I know this isn't the time, and I hate that the akuma cut into the song we were writing, but I'm here for you, Marinette. Whatever's going on, I'll help you figure it out as long as you want me with you.
Her heart fluttered pleasantly, a pink blush even tinting her cheeks. She welcomed it, unlike the fear that'd come with the changed memories. Feeling the way she did for Luka was too natural to be afraid in any way.
Thank you, so much. You're the only one I could trust with something like this.
She meant it. She'd trusted Alya with her identity in a moment of weakness, and even passed the ladybug earrings to her, yet that somehow paled in comparison to the emotions she was choosing to share. Luka would take her seriously, she was sure, even if she came up with the craziest theory in the world for why her feelings and memories were the way they were. He wouldn't doubt her, or laugh, or dismiss her as "Marinette being Marinette."
And as she sat there, completely without a miraculous or any way to get back to Paris without help, she reached up with her free hand and tugged at her earlobe, processing what she could with the information she had as one such theory started to form in her head. The fear from before never quite went away, but the idea of figuring things out with Luka brought her a sense of comfort.
Though perhaps, when she got back to Paris, she would take back her miraculous with a sense of hesitance that she hadn't had before, and there would be some testing that followed after the fact, because there were two things she refused to give up from her experience on the train.
Her sense of freedom and choice, and the feelings for Luka that she can't believe she ever questioned.
Or, if her working theory was correct, that her miraculous had her question.
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minor-solemnity · 3 years
Hi, you’re writing is so beautiful, thank you for sharing it :)
Can I request a Tom x Reader where they take a mini vacation somewhere really secluded and they’re so happy to be finally spending time with eachother and they’re both just being super domestic and sweet.
Thank you! 🤍
Thank you my love! This prompt is giving me life istg, sweet and domestic Tom is my jam <3 I hope you like it (also am I basically writing what my dream holiday is? it's definitely possible)
Tag List : @mainlynonsense @cakesarecute @jinxqsu​  @naps-and-lemons​  @riddles-wifey​ (send me a message if you'd want to be added to the tag list!)
We are Mosaics
Tom turns to look at you and you recognise the determined glint in his eye and the set line of his lips which lets you know that a plan is forming and he won’t be dissuaded easily. “The Malfoy’s have a cottage in the Dolomites. I’ll talk to Abraxas.” He says it with such finality that you’re almost surprised before you remember that this is Tom. Tom who’s had his Slytherin cohort eating out of the palm of his hand for years, Tom who had marriage offers from a few of the lesser-known pureblood families, Tom who puts the fear of God into the hearts of most men. Of course, Abraxas would give him his family cottage.
You’re sitting on your sofa in the small flat you’ve rented above Flourish and Blotts glaring at the letter that sits innocently on the coffee table in front of you when Tom apparates through your wards. Your mood, which has been growing increasingly dark with the setting sun lifts somewhat when you see him. His jacket folded neatly over his arm and his white shirt slightly rumpled from the day, his hair, which he styles with care every morning is falling in soft waves across his forehead. In short, he looks like every one of your daydreams and you’re filled with a contented sort of triumph that it’s you who he comes home to most evenings. Your flat is small and certainly not big enough for you both to live comfortably, but he spends more time here than he does at his own, equally poky, abode.
His gaze flickers over the letter on the coffee table and you can see him putting the pieces together. “Bad news, I take it?” He asks in a slightly cautious tone that tells you he’s waiting for your imminent breakdown. You nod and sigh as you push yourself up from where you’ve been sulking for most of the afternoon. You gravitate towards him like a moth to a flame, the same way you always do, the same way you always have, and nestle yourself against him, allowing yourself to feel comforted and protected by the feeling of his arms around you.
“I just don’t understand why no one will give me a chance. I had the best marks in Arithmancy in the year,” You grumble into his chest. “Did you hear that Pearson got that Potions Mastery? He got an A in his NEWTS, Tom. Why does he get to do a Mastery and all I get is rejection letters?” You sigh because you know the answer. It’s the same reason that Tom wasn’t offered any of the prodigious jobs at the Ministry despite being the most talented wizard you’ve ever met with a resume that proves it. Wizarding society might be more progressive than the muggle world in some ways, but in the ways that matter to you and Tom, it was still stuck in the Middle Ages.
Eventually, you disentangle yourself from him and you spend the rest of the evening curled up on the sofa with him, reading and chatting idly about the stranger aspects of your respective magical theory texts. “Did you know about the coven in the Dolomites from the 1450s?” He asks, eyes trained on the page in front of him.
“Mmm, they’re the first known herders of thestrals, weren’t they?” He nods and you smile softly, “I’ve always wanted to visit there, you know? Ever since we learnt about thestrals in fourth year.”
You don’t think anything of it but Tom turns to look at you and you recognise the determined glint in his eye and the set line of his lips which lets you know that a plan is forming and he won’t be dissuaded easily. “The Malfoy’s have a cottage in the Dolomites. I’ll talk to Abraxas.” He says it with such finality that you’re almost surprised before you remember that this is Tom. Tom who’s had his Slytherin cohort eating out of the palm of his hand for years, Tom who had marriage offers from a few of the lesser-known pureblood families, Tom who puts the fear of God into the hearts of most men. Of course, Abraxas would give him his family cottage.
“The perks of having rich friends, I suppose,” You say with a small laugh and the smile he gives you in return is indulgent.
When Tom had first told you about Abraxas’ family cottage, you had imagined that your definition of a cottage and the Malfoy’s would be vastly different. You’d gone with Tom to one of the Malfoy Christmas parties once and had almost cried at the luxury and decadence. You’re pleasantly surprised though to find that the cottage is exactly as you’d hoped it would be: sturdy white stone, lattice windows, and a multitude of wild mountain flowers that make the place look like a fae dwelling. “This is gorgeous,” You murmur as you wander through the garden, letting the warm summer mountain air fill your lungs. “I never would have thought that the Malfoy’s would own somewhere quite so homely.” Behind you, Tom laughs softly.
“I think there’s a distant cousin who fancied herself a Marie Antoinette figure,” He says, stepping closer to you and resting his chin on the top of your head. “Are you happy?” He asks and you hum in response, bringing your arms up behind you to card through his hair. You twist around pull him closer and his hands drop to your waist as he kisses you.
You spend most of the rest of the day exploring the paths and trails close to the cottage whilst Tom sets up the wards. The worries and stresses of London seem so far away and you relish in the slight breeze against your bare arms and the feeling of long grass and wildflowers against your legs.
You think back to your childhood, to the holidays spent in English seaside resorts with your parents; when the war broke out, the holidays stopped. Your father disappeared into a trench somewhere and your mother had taken you back to her parents home and left the muggle world for good but she was never quite the same after. Hogwarts and the wizarding world, in general, offered you an escape. A home away from the sorrow of watching your family drift and sink into unspoken grief and sadness. You’d found Tom somewhere along the way, both of you finding some kind of solace and familiarity in each other. A tentative friendship had formed that had turned to a tentative romance.
You wonder sometimes, why he sticks around. Unlike the boys he surrounded himself at school with, you can’t offer him money or power or glory. You’ve had to fight for every opportunity given to you, just the same as him, and it’s still not enough. In your more anxious moments, you think about his future and your uncertainty over where you fit into it. Now, under the clear Italian skies, you think that maybe the answer is obvious: you fit together like pieces of a mosaic. Each of your broken and jagged edges finding a home next to his.
“You’re aware that you’re a witch, aren’t you?” Tom’s voice floats through the open doorway and you chuckle from where you’re standing on one of the kitchen workbenches. You glance over your shoulder and find him watching you with a mix of exasperation, confusion, and mild amusement. He walks over to you and stares at the pile of dough you’re kneading, his eyebrows knitting together. “I’ll get Abraxas to send one of his house-elves.”
You roll your eyes and shake your head fondly. Tom’s disdain for all things muggle has diminished since you’ve known him, or at least, he’s less likely to voice his opinions to you. “That’s not the point, making bread is meditative. Come on, here,” You gesture for him to take over and watch with poorly hidden amusement as he frowns and takes a step back. “You once made Peeves cry out of fear, Tom, you can’t honestly be intimidated by some flour and water.” You raise an eyebrow and try to smother your grin with an unimpressed expression. You’ve found that the easiest way of getting Tom to do anything is to suggest that he can’t.
As expected, he glowers and rolls his sleeves up. “I’m not intimidated, darling, I just don’t see the point in slaving away over something that could easily be accomplished with magic,” He says smoothly even as he approaches the dough and gingerly pokes it. This time, you don’t manage to hide your laughter and you cover his hands with yours and begin to guide him through the motions. A companionable silence falls upon the two of you and you relish the feeling of his chest against your back, his soft breathing in your ear, his hands moving under yours. Sunshine filters through the open window and you listen to the distant birdsong in quiet contentment.
Once the bread has baked, the two of you wander along the mountain trail that leads to a secluded lake. The water is crystal clear and the kind of icy blue that you’ve only seen in paintings. Tom leads you to a small jetty and conjures a pile of blankets and pillows that you quickly set about making a nest out of. You sit cross-legged, Tom’s head resting in your lap as he reads passages from the book he’s brought with him out loud to you. “According to legend, the Monti Pallidi used to be formed of dark looming rock face and the lakes were murky and black, but there was a princess from the moon who took refuge in the Dolomites and to ease her homesickness, the mountains remade themselves with pale stone and clear waters.”
“She must have been lonely, being so far away from home,” You murmur, carding a hand through his hair as you tilt your head to stare at the pale mountains that surround you. “You know, I sometimes think of you a bit like that, like you’re a moon and I’m a satellite in your orbit.” He hums softly, and you’re not sure if it's in agreement or contemplation. You shift slightly and reach for the food that you’ve packed: fresh fruit, cured meats, hard Italian cheese, a bottle of wine that you’d found in the cellars (no doubt worth more than Tom makes in a year), and of course, the bread you’d made earlier.
You tear off a couple of chunks of bread and pass one to Tom, who takes it and sniffs it delicately before he takes a small bit. You breathe a huff of laughter at his behaviour and he lazily reaches up to cuff the side of your head. “See, it’s good, isn’t it? This kind of thing is always better when you make it yourself,” He rolls his eyes but tears off another chunk, which you take to mean he is, in fact, enjoying it.
The afternoon fades into evening, and twilight descends upon the mountains. You rearrange yourselves so that your sat side by side, gazing up at the moon that is just becoming visible. “You know, I would do more than remake a mountain range if you asked.” Warmth settles deep in your bones despite the chill in the night air. Tom turns to watch you and you don’t bother hiding your smile. “I would remake the entire world for you.” You don’t doubt him either, Tom is a force of nature, always has been. He’s a visionary and you’re not always sure if that’s a good thing, but, years ago, he saw something in you and now he looks at you as though you are everything that he wants in the world.
You reach over and hold his hand, letting his touch ground you, “For now, this is enough.” You mean this moment, sitting here with him. You also mean the life you are slowly patching together, one mosaic tile at a time.
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stariwrites · 3 years
👀👀👀👀 Ship your moots
Alright I’m putting this under a readmore because I’m going to try and include all of my moots so let’s see how I do. They’re going to be split up half and half so this is the first half. I’m determined also I may have gone overboard but it’s chill
Edit: adding more here!
@dabitdabi Keigo for sure, they’d be so powerful it would be insane😩, he’d be so cute and flustered and Cheshire is such a sweetheart he’d practically drop everything for her if she needed it. The type of couple who compliment each other, she’d remind him to take care of himself and make sure he knows that shes somebody he can depend on/talk to at the end of the day. And he’ll take care of her too, make sure he remembers her favorite food, flower, blanket you name it he’ll remember.
@sleepyrintaro (ik you’re on a hiatus love but I wanted to include you too) Kuroo, another absolute unit. When I tell you they’re both geniuses and when they’re together they’re either the most intelligent people or have one brain cell shared and there’s no in between, there’s no in between. Rin is amazing and is so kind/has such a big heart the two of them would have so much fun together and be so fun to be around. Kuroo would love hearing about psychology and it would basically turn into talking about hyperfixations going back and forth.
@rukunas Sukuna hands down. Rue is so sweet and has the best vibes and I feel like Sukuna would be drawn to that. The soft but only for you trope definitely comes into play here. Sukuna would look so intimidating and tease Rue but then get flustered half way through. King of curses or not he can be really intimidating one minute but as soon as you need him he’s instantly like ‘what’s wrong baby what happened?’ (Basically the Gordon Ramsey with kids vs with adults comes into play here).
@kkodzvken Dabi or Toga, Lune is a sweetheart and I feel like both Dabi and Toga would look at them and instantly think ‘I want to protect them.’ This relationship would be very cute in its own way because they’d all watch out for each other. Dabi would smile so fondly it would be a crime, but if he’s ever called out on it he would 100% deny it and you can’t convince me otherwise. He’d let Lune wear his coat around if they wanted to. With Toga, she’d do skin care (if you wanted to) and would adore shopping dates! Loves cuddling and just snuggling up to you too!
@katslutski I cannot stress this enough: Nanami Kento. They both value independence and Nanami would take care of you if you needed it. He’d love chilling and watching movies or reading quietly with Kat and nobody can convince me otherwise. Slow dancing in a kitchen would be a must at least once. They’d have separate apartments but spend a lot of time at the others. He’d send texts from time to time asking how she is and would enjoy making dinner together with her. Nothing relaxes him more than the time they have together. Kat is so fun to talk to and is honestly amazing and so is Nanami so they would for sure have the best convos too.
@pupimouto Chuuya hands down. Babi is honestly amazing and Chuuya would be so enamored. He’d also have the thought of ‘Must protect.’ Adores her, the red and pink aesthetic for sure. He’d get into a fight if anybody looked at her the wrong way. If there’s a bad day he’d be there to hold her close to her and reassure her and if she kisses him or holds his hand/tells him she loves him? Gone he has ascended, he’ll smile for the rest of the day.
@oilivia Oikawa. Liv deserves the best and who is Oikawa if he doesn’t provide? Their relationship is super fun, he’d listen to her playlists and playfully tease her a bit but it’s all in good fun. (He makes sure not to go too far and cross a line) the type of relationship where they both bicker playfully, but also have really deep convos. They also balance each other out and help each other to either break out of their shell or relax and just focus on the present. Communication between them is amazing, they make it look so easy. Both of them are able to confide in the other knowing it’s a safe space and there will be no judgement. Oikawa also loves to fluster her in public by calling her cute pet names.
@bakugohoex Jean Kirschtein, they’re able to be independent but also comes together. The best friends before being lovers type of thing. Ria is amazing and Jean would be there to hang out with her and makes sure to call her beautiful everyday. He adores the little domestic moments the most and would love hearing about her day and would check in throughout the day with ‘Hey baby how are you doing?’ Attentive and he’s a very good listener. They’d both work so well together! He seems like the type to theorize movies and so they’d both exchange their own and see who’s closer to what’s actually going on.
@chaos-night *deep inhale* ATSUHIRO SAKO please they’d be so perfect I’m not even kidding! He’d take up ballroom dancing lessons so they could dance in the kitchen and their relationship would be so soft and wholesome. Chaos is a wonderful person and is a great listener as well as fun to talk to so they would both revel in each other’s presence. Atsuhiro would shower her in praise all the time. He’d adore her so much and everyday would fall a little more in love with her. King of romantic dates whether it’s extravagant or just hanging out and watching movies either way he adores it. Will hold her close to his chest as they sleep whispering how much he loves her and how lucky he is to be with her.
@raes-still-rambling the sweetest I can’t even articulate. Tamaki Amajiki they would work so well together. He’d find so much comfort in them. His favorite would be if they just cuddled together and watched a movie. He isn’t big on romance but he’d put his all into it regardless. Loves holding their hand and would smile softly whenever he sees her. They’d definitely have a cuddling playlist and he’d show them he loves them through small actions
@m-mortimer Christa and Ymir 100%. Izzie has such a big heart and I feel like she’d fit into this dynamic so well! They’d both take care of her, Ymir has strong mommy dom energy and would make sure both her girls are doing well. They would all live the cottage core lesbian dream I guarantee you. Would dance around and just have a lot of laughs together, making flower crowns would be an absolute must. They’d all take care of each other and would help if any of them got into a bad headspace. This relationship would feel like a home.
@deludedimagines Levi Ackerman, Sorcha has to be one of the coolest people ever and who better to match that energy than Humanity’s Strongest. Their relationship would be comfort. Both of them would find solace in each other whether it be making tea late at night to playing games in the morning. The two of them would work so well together, completely content to dwell in the comfortable silence they’ve created. They’d also clean together with soft music playing in the background and Levi can’t get enough of it. Their relationship is full of understanding one another. The phrase/lyrics “Life is not the things that we do it’s who we’re doing them with” very much applies here.
@fuwushiguro Toji Fushiguro no questions asked. The most interesting and fun relationship ever, Venus is a goddess and is so kind/compassionate Toji would start out being like ‘I have no intention of falling in love’ and then before he knows it he’s in love. Would protect her no matter what, they would have amazing stories. Their life would be like a movie. He’d hold her and in the soft moments tell her how much he loves her and how he feels complete with them together. He’s the type to use action instead of words so if he sees her sad? He’s off to get ice cream and put on her favorite comfort movie. He grumbles about her making him soft but when she just gives him a smile and says he likes it he can’t help but smile fondly, he can’t argue with that.
@fushigurocockslut Mahito, they too have a fun relationship. Tessa is one of the chillest people I’ve ever had the joy of knowing and her and Mahito would be so chaotic im living for it. They share one brain cell and it’s to wreak total havoc, both of them have the friendship dynamic down to the point where people have to ask if they’re dating or just close friends. Mahito loves spending time with her and they both would absolutely prank the hell out of Nanami. Also they’d find/have the coolest hang outs to chill and listen to music, eat snacks and vibe. Although they may be chaotic they’d also have really chill moments where they would just relax and stargaze. The two of them could talk about everything and anything.
@doinmybesthere Shoto Todoroki. Emme has a huge heart with so much love and she deserves to receive all that love back and more. Shoto is not big on pda, but behind closed doors he loves intimacy. In the quiet moments of just waking up he’d kiss her forehead with a groggy ‘Good morning love’ their dynamic is ‘Two sweethearts in a room they might love each other unconditionally’ and then they did. Slow dancing in the kitchen? Absolutely. Shoto is also attentive and adores Emme’s beautiful singing voice, on bad nights he loves nothing more than to feel her fingers in his hair and hear her voice as he drifts off. If the roles are reversed he holds her to his chest and hums softly while rubbing soothing circles against her back. Their relationship is wholesome and they bring out the best in each other.
@izukine Takemichi for sure. Both would try and protect the other and they’d both be flustered by the other since they’d both of the thought process of ‘Theyre so cute my heart feels like it’s about to burst’ Liyah is so friendly and awesome and I feel like Takemichi would be drawn to that. Whether it be walking around or just chilling both of them would just like the time they spend together. Every time Takemichi sees her he instantly perks up and has a cute smile on his face. Their relationship holds solid communication and trust.
@cupcake-rogue Bakugou Katsuki without question. King of making sure Star is taken care of and has a soft spot for her. Everybody makes fun of him for it, but he doesn’t care. Star would mean the world to him and knowing that he comes home to see her face would relax him and keep him calm. He loves holding her in his arms and if she runs her fingers through his scalp he’s gone. Instantly falls asleep. Uses actions over words so he’ll make sure he has her favorite foods/drinks stalked in the fridge. If he notices it’s a bad day he’ll ask how he can make it better. The two of them would have a relationship that’s all about care.
@nomadmilk Kirishima Eijirou both of them take care of each other and have so much fun together. Matching outfits? Sure. Cute couple photos? Absolutely! They’re the definition of couple aesthetic/goals. Love being affectionate, it doesn’t matter if they’re in public or not. Kirishima will constantly praise Noma and be like ‘that’s my baby!’ Whenever you do something. He loves supporting you and if you ever comfort him/do the same he’ll be so happy. Loves to hold and cuddle Noma a lot. Both of them together would radiate so much love they both deserve wonderful things.
If I didn’t get to you this round just you wait cause tomorrow is part 2
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
Love Talk - Namjoon
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Pairing: Namjoon x reader (nicknamed Vixen)
Wordcount: 6.1k words
Genre: romance, minor fluff, mild smut
Rating: suggested 18+
Hello cuties! Welcome to the Love Talk scenarios.
In these small series we’ll see how the guys handle the turn-ons turn-offs conversation, talking about their previous relationships, kinks and limits.
In this first piece we’ll see how our perfect leader plays his cards with his not-yet girlfriend, fondly nicknamed Vixen. It’s their fifth date and Vixen meets him at hers for a lovely homecooked meal. Expect the situation to escalate. 
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Consumption of alcohol (wine), swearing, toxic past relationships. Discussion of sexual topics, [DDLG/daddy kink, oral, voyeurism, sex toys and impact play, restraints (handcuffs and manacles, spreader bars), lingerie fetish, discipline and rules, mind games, pornography, slight roleplay, sensation play, edging, orgasm deprivation and control, bruising and marking kink, blindfolds. Mentions of angst about Vixen’s past relationship. Mentions of a series of hard limits (hardcore bdsm, heavy pain kink, knife play, electric play, suspension play, water sports, degradation and humiliation, chastity devices, infantilization, dubious consent, asphyxiation, triple penetration, touch deprivation). Just in case you didn’t know already, Vixen is a brat and Joon is the smoothest brat tamer to exist (Can you imagine him sweet talking and tricking his brat into obedience? I. Am. Shaking.)
Wordcount: 6.1k (listen, these two flirt a lot, they like talking to each other and Joon could dirty talk for days. Anything less than 5k would be an insult to them and I GOT CARRIED AWAY) Also, here is my Masterlist
Do you want to read what happened next? You can find it here!
He didn’t expect it. Yeah, last time you’d made out in the backseat, the driver hopefully uninterested in your anthem, but that doesn’t mean he expected you to ask him out. Usually he was the one texting first and asking out.
International, Korean or fusion? The text read. 
Are you thinking of bringing me lunch?
I’m thinking of asking you out this Saturday. If you’re free, of course.
Picnic at Han river? He asked, hopeful.
They say it’s gonna be stormy. Dinner at mine. I’ll cook.
You can cook? His computer went on screensaver mode. He was too caught up texting. He was already done with the demo anyway. 
You’ll see. You teased. 
He smirked. Then it’s a deal. Want me to bring wine and dessert?
Just wine, you wrote before adding a flirty smirk. 
He was blushing. You’re so naughty. He replied. A pause. Cook your signature dish.
Don’t get ideas. You texted back cheekily. 
That was nice. However, a few seconds later you found yourself questioning how long it would take you to lose your cool and throw yourself at him. The night was going to be disastrous. 
That’s how you found a drenched Namjoon on your doorstep the following Saturday. “Sorry, my umbrella broke on the way. I’m a mess.” He spoke, checking how bad he looked, the words spilling out of his mouth lightning fast. With an apologetic smile he looked up at you, his jaw going slack, a little shocked. “Wow.”
He noticed you had dolled yourself up. You blushed and thanked him for the compliment quickly, your main interest focused on taking care of his situation. You quickly dragged him in, already fussing over him before he got cold, your apprehensive side taking control.
You smiled at him and asked him to wait for a towel. When you came back you noticed he was wearing a thin cotton t-shirt, now perfectly sticking to his skin. You were ready for self-ignition. Fortunately, you managed to find a spot for his dripping jacket and tell him to get comfy. He was already barefoot, his sandals on your entry mat. You offered him your oversized sleeping t-shirt and left as he dried himself and got dressed. 
“Let me see if I have a pair of sweats for you.” You came back a few minutes later with some basketball shorts you didn't even know you had. “Sorry, I don’t have boxers. You could use one of my thongs, if you fancy those.” You smirked, giving him an awkward thumbs-up. He snickered at that, shaking his head. 
God, he felt fond of you already. 
After a few minutes he was sitting at the kitchen table, looking like boyfriend material in his exceedingly domestic outfit, and fidgeting with his hands. Previously you had led him to the bathroom, giving him space to change and asking him to give you his stuff so you could put it in the dryer. In the meantime he had noticed the small details in your bathroom. Your pink toothbrush. Your sleeping robe hanging from the heater. And a small collection of delicate lace — too delicate for machine washing and drying — hanging from a small rack. 
“It’s almost ready. I hope you like lasagna. It’s a classic.” You called from the stove. 
“That’s nice.” He admitted. “It feels amazing in here. Smells good. And it’s nice, toasty. Great autumn vibes.”
He was probably talking out of nerves. He should stop. He was painfully close to slapping himself.
“Thank you. I know you like hardwood. And that’s exactly the vibe I go for.” You said referring to your furniture.
“Your house is truly lovely, ____.” He spotted more details, trying to ignore the rumbling of his stomach, both from nerves and the mouth-watering scent coming from the oven.
“I’ll give you a tour later. Don’t expect a lot, though. It’s just the living room, the studio and the bedroom. Other than the bathroom and kitchen, that is.”
Bedroom. Hell. Keep calm, Namjoon, she said don’t get ideas. “I’d love to.”
Dinner was easy, you talked about his job and your job, and how you’d moved to Seoul and found that incredible, small apartment in such an exclusive neighbourhood. 
Together with conversation flowed the wine. You both were red cheeked by the end of the meal and your head felt a bit light when you stood up. He noticed and smirked kindly. “Need help?” A hand sweetly supporting your waist. 
You were standing in front of him now and you couldn’t help but notice how his head reached your navel while he was sitting. “Have I already told you you look breathtaking tonight?”
You blushed. “Maybe.” You stroked his hair back, the gesture incredibly intimate. He closed his eyes and pushed his head against your hands, inviting you to do that again. You obliged. “And you look ravishing in my pink and frilly sleeping shirt.” You joked. 
“Yeah I feel incredibly cute. But don’t jump my bones, please. Right now this place feels like the dragon’s den.” He confessed. “And you keep luring me in.”
“I might eat you. Be careful.” You teased. “This dragon can be very hungry.”
He looked up at you and smiled, his eyes crincling. “That sounds amazing.” 
You took your chance and poked his dimple, then you grabbed his hands and removed them from your waist, getting ready for dessert. You started collecting the dishes and bringing them to the dishwasher, leaving only the wine and glasses on the table. As you turned and bent he let his eyes run down your tight-fitting dress, biting his lip as he noticed the lack of panty lines on your behind. “Do I get the dessert now?” He growled quietly. You turned your head, pretty sure that he was enjoying the view, which you had no intention ruining.
“Have you been a good boy?” You questioned playfully. 
“I’m always good.” He replied “Maybe not a good boy, but good for sure.”
“You can go in the living room, we’ll eat dessert there.” You directed him. 
He let his hand caress your lower back, catching your attention. “Need me to take the wine and glasses there?” He asked.
“Yes, thanks, sweetie.” You whispered, somehow entranced by the small touch. 
You were starting to get intimate and it felt right. Comfortable. You took a few minutes to yourself, cleaning up the kitchen and loading the dishwasher, then trying to get dessert ready, your movements slower both because of the wine and because you felt like you needed more time to get psychologically ready for him and your bantering.
Meanwhile he reached the other room and fumbled around a little, searching for the light switch. Suddenly the place felt comfy. And dangerous. The lights were low, the sofa looked soft and inviting with a big woolen comforter thrown over it. 
You were well-read. He knew that already, but noticing the big library and the books laying a little bit everywhere really made him wonder how many things you knew. He put down the glasses and bottle and explored, careful of where he put his feet. 
You had Korean books and English ones. A few in one or multiple languages he didn’t know. On your wall there were a few movie posters. Studio Ghibli. The Grand Budapest Hotel. Lost in Translation. Lolita. 
He knew that one. He would ask about that later. 
Moving back to the library he noticed other books he knew. The Unbearable Lightness of Being. Again, Lolita. The Memoirs of a Geisha. The Delta of Venus. A thorough guide to the language of sex… A thorough what?
“You found my forbidden stash.” You asked him, propped against the door jamb, dessert in one hand, spoons in the other. 
“If it’s forbidden, then why are you displaying it so openly.” He asked, moving away and innocently sitting on one edge of the sofa, legs closed, trying to occupy as little space as possible.
“No one visits here, usually. And why should I hide being interested in erotism?” You laid the heavy bowl on the table. “It’s tiramisu. It’s coffee-based. I thought you would like it. If you’re bold enough I might tell you the story of it.”
“Come on, try me.” He teased.
“It was invented in Italy. It’s said that prostitutes would make it to reinvigorate their clients.” You took a spoon and dipped it in before bringing it to your mouth. 
He laughed. “Really.”
“It’s a quite popular legend.” You smiled. 
“Did you learn that in The thorough guide to the language of sex?” He asked flirtily, his ears blushing.
“I learnt that during my cuisine lessons.” You replied matter-of-factly.
“And what did you learn from that interesting book?” He wondered, keeping eye contact as he fed himself some cake.
“A lot of things, actually.” You lowered your eyes, playing hard to get. 
“And have you ever used them?” He asked, his curiosity now poked and fully awakened.
“Are you asking me if I’ve had sex before?” You questioned.
He shook his head. “I assumed you have.” He stopped, embarrassed. “I mean, you’re in your mid-twenties and you mentioned having a couple past relationships.”
“Correct. Even though those factors are actually insignificant. But yeah, I’ve done it before.” You shrugged. “So have you, right?”
“Yes. I’ve had three committed relationships. A few casual flings. That’s it.” He admitted, completely unbothered by the fact. 
You looked at him, swallowing your mouthful before asking: “Now we’re gonna talk bodycounts and turn-ons, right?”
“Only if you want to, darling.” His voice became soft, caring. He was your boy now. 
“Then yeah. Well, let’s go through some history.” You poured some wine in both glasses and took a sip of yours. “Lost my virginity at 19. First serious boyfriend. He was a lot older than me. A lot. Like a loooot.”
“How old?” He asked, cocking his head to the side. 
“Like… twelve years...” You said, as if it were a question. 
“He was… thirty-one?” He asked, eyebrows raised.
“Yeah...” You exhaled. 
“And why did it end?” he asked. 
“We were together for two years. Then he wanted family. I wanted career. Seems fair.” You told briefly.
“He must have been important, then.” He assumed out loud.
“We’re actually still friends. He has a family. But he really made me what I am. Actually, he helped me grow up and past some traumas.” You admitted with a smile.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked, again warm and comforting. 
“The usual. Daddy issues.” You giggled. 
He bit his lip anxiously. Now what?
“I was overly responsible from a young age. I wanted rules, restrictions. Attention from my parents. I was always wound up tight and with no one taking care of me.” You shrugged. “He helped me find an outlet and discover how my mind works. I realised sometimes I just need someone to take care of me when I'm too tired to do it myself.”
“I noticed the Lolita theme. I was going to ask you about that, honestly. Is that what you’re into?” He asked, tiptoeing around the huge black hole that was calling to him. Asking you to get into his lap and then praise and cuddle you until the little girl eventually came out to play. 
“Are you asking me if I have a daddy kink or if I like owning multiple versions of the same book in different languages?” You asked, putting some humour in the heavy conversation you would be diving into shortly. 
“Obviously the different versions.” He shrugged with a teasing smile. 
“Yes.” You took another small sip. “To both of those.”
He felt like he needed to stretch his neck. “I’m glad this came up.”
“I’m pretty sure you have one yourself, don’t you?” You licked your lips before taking some more dessert.
He took a sip of his wine. “Yes. I think.”
“From one to ten, how far up?” You asked, eyes sparkling bright.
“I would say eight. Maybe nine.”
“Don’t underestimate yourself. You’re safe with me. I was hoping that by now you knew I wouldn’t ever judge you.” You murmured, a pout on your lip. 
“A solid nine. But I won’t go higher up. There’s some kinky stuff out there that I’m seriously not into.”
“What’s that?”
“Stuff like pacifiers and drawings and plushies and playing tea party. That’s not me.”
“No, I’m not into infantilization either.” You agreed. “Honestly I’m more of a brat than a baby girl.” Now that the ball was rolling it was easier getting to the core of things, using terms and explaining kinks. The initial dive is always traumatic, but now you only had to swim. Metaphorically speaking.
“I could tell.” he smirked. “Too teasing and independent to keep your head low and say “yes, sir”, aren’t you?”
“You got me.” You lifted your eyes to him, batting your lashes a couple times. “And where’s the fun in that? The fun is in the chase. All the sweet talking and the manhandling that lead to surrender and conquest. I need to be won, earned, deserved. Of course I will bend, but I want you to show me how much you want me, how far you’re willing to go to get me. If it suits my taste, I will give in.”
He swallowed and took another spoonful of tiramisu. You were getting to his head faster than the wine. “So you’re a brat.” He stated, then licking his lip. 
You nodded. 
“What else are you into?” He asked, his stare dark and serious. 
You subtly clenched your legs. “I like the fight. I like the sensationof my partner overpowering me. But I also like feeling loved and taken care of.”
“That’s right and natural, darling.” He supported you. 
You felt your body caving in slowly, the desire in his eyes felt intoxicating and the sweet understanding and tenderness oozing from his mouth made you want to please him immensely. You were already yielding without him even touching you. “I like rules.”
“Oh, you do, sweetie?” He lured you in, inviting you to share more details. 
“They make me feel like the other person is giving me boundaries to protect me.” You confessed.
“I like those too.” He diminished the power imbalance between the two of you, showing you his more delicate side. “I like giving them. And I like receiving them. I also feel like the other person is teaching me how to respect them. How to love them right. And is also indirectly protecting me from harm.”
“That’s right.” You agreed. “That’s exactly how I feel.” You smiled shyly. 
“Do you like punishment, in any forms?” He asked, his voice so delicate it felt like a butterfly landing on the tip of your nose.
You blushed and exhaled. “I like spankings.” You bit your lips, hiding your face in your hands.
He caressed your hands tenderly. “I’d love to spank your perfect ass, Vixen.”
You giggled at the nickname. He’d used it at the end of your fourth date, when your hand had started playing with his belt.
Mood lightened, you lifted your head, smiling brightly. “I like it barehanded. It’s my favourite. But I also like the paddle and the hairbrush.”
“Not afraid of bruises?” A shiver ran down his spine, even though his blood was boiling. 
“Not really.” You took more dessert. He stared at the spoon as it disappeared in your mouth, your lips latching and sucking at the silverware. His eyes then moved to your fingers as they held the spoon elegantly but energetically. “Actually the more the better. But tell me about you.”
He took in a deep breath before exhaling quickly. “I like bruising. Of different sorts. As I said, I’d love to cover your behind in those, if you’ll ever allow me to, that is.” He put down the spoon after he realised he was gesticulating with it. Dangerous. He was getting dumber. “This might sound very horny teenager but I like hickeys. Loads of them. Like marking. I really like marking.”
Your attention sparked up. He could claim you like that whenever he wanted to. 
“And other stuff like biting. Licking. A lot of mouth activity in general.” He admitted, toying with his hands and shifting in his seat.
You couldn’t contain a small squeal and a giggle. “Oral fixation. Sounds nice. I have that too. Official member of the oral squad.” You grinned as you saw the gleam in his eyes. You took a small pause analysing your next move. “However, I can assume from your size that you’re a lot.” You gestured to his shoulders and height.
He only opened his mouth, raising his eyebrows and averting his gaze. 
“And my gag reflex sucks. So I can only guarantee you I’ll try. Enthusiastically. Over and over.”
He felt like evaporating. “The only thing that counts is that you’re okay with receiving.” He waited for your answer expectantly, eyebrows raised, heartbeat galloping.
“Yes. Anytime.” You deadpanned. Eyes already closing at the thought of his mouth between your legs. “But don’t expect me to be shy about it. I will ask for it. Repeatedly. Until I’m a blabbering mess.”
He could make you a blabbering mess right in that second. He took a deep breath. Don’t start thinking of that.
“Come on, say it.” You flirted. 
He laughed his big old grandpa laugh. “Say what?” He looked at you, happy and excited.
“Come on, you’ve admitted it to national tv but won’t talk to me about it.”
“Oh, you mean porn.” He blushed to the tip of his ears. “Fuck. I’m so fucking dumb.”
“Just clumsy. It’s lovely.” You complimented. “It’s a nice contrast to the hot daddy look you have eighty percent of the time. But don’t get distracted. Talk to me about your voyeurism kink.” You spurred him on. You needed to unlock that part of him. Craved it. 
“Okay, fine. but we’re getting back to the hot daddy part later.”
“I’ll make sure of that.” You quipped. God, the chemistry was getting insane.
"Honestly, back then I used to watch it a lot more. Now I'm sort of… Lazier. It's so difficult finding what I like, and actually liking it the way it is carried out." 
"Like, you're not sure you like how they're doing it." You suggested.
He clicked his tongue in agreement. "Yes. And it just lacks that… Spark. The intimacy, you know." 
"Yeah, I know. That's why I one night stands aren’t it for me. I need to build that trust.” You admitted. 
"I feel the same. And I get it, sex is amazing and everything, but only when you do it right. Like — with the right person. Someone that understands you and someone you're free enough to do it with. Someone you know, mentally and emotionally."
"Sex that comes from knowing and understanding is so much more intense." You said with a dreamy tone.
He looked at your face, longing blatant on your lineaments. He wished he could give you that. He wished he could take it from you. "That's the right word. Intense. You know, like the way lovers look at each other, like ‘yeah, I know your tits look great but you know what looks even greater? The way your chest flushes when you're close and your eyelids flutter and you subconsciously wet your lip with that little, oh-so-familiar flick of tongue’."
You felt your body soften at the words, secretly answering to his description. "You just explained intimacy." You agreed, nodding along and picking up a spoonful of dessert. 
"That's why I watch a lot more amateur stuff these days. I would never have the audacity to film anything — too risky for my taste — but I like watching, at least."
"And how do you feel about watching… Live?" You asked, curious but also guarded. 
"You mean watching my partner as she touches herself?" He asked, eyes blown wide.
"Yes." You said, shrugging.
He licked his lips and gulped, though his mouth was awfully dry. Wine. That's what he needed. 
As he downed a large sip, you waited for his answer expectantly, almost ready to change topic when he started talking. 
"Yeah." His voice was deeper now and an obscure part of you stood to attention, your hearing enhanced to capture any order he was ready to give you. None came. "I would love to. I love looking at a confident woman showing off her lingerie —  and don’t think I forgot about your little collection.” He licked his lips and parted his legs, trying to ease his discomfort. “Sadly, I think that the vision would be an exercise in restraint, since I have zero patience and I can't stand being provoked. But I would watch, were she to touch herself with bare hands or with… Toys."
Lord, save me. You thought, your legs squeezing tighter. 
This time it seemed Namjoon had noticed, although he did not show any reaction except for a cocky smirk, which he hid readily. 
"If it's such an exercise in patience maybe some restraints could help you rein yourself in." You suggested. 
"Being tied up by you as I watch you take off your lovely, expensive lingerie set and then watch you touch yourself? Is that what you're asking me?" 
"A girl can dream." You teased with a cheshire grin.
"Good thing dreams do sometimes come true." He suggested, an eyebrow raised, mouth quirked to the side, panty-dropping dimple in tow.
You smiled and moved half an inch closer to him. 
"You said once you did it a lot more. How much then and how much now?
"Well, back then I did it at least once a day or every two days. Now it's three times a week, roughly." He looked just slightly ashamed, but not really. You couldn't quite decypher his mind in that second. "May I ask about your… Needs."
Your brow creased, fingers entangling. "If I watch stuff? Or how often?" 
He looked stuck somewhere in his brain and you tried helping him out. "Yeah."
Both, then. "Not films. Usually it's just pictures or short clips. When I'm especially needy I might listen to audios—” 
"Of people having sex?" 
You nodded. "Yeah, or just having some alone fun-time. "
God, he wanted one of those. Of you. "That sounds interesting." 
"Sounds interesting in more ways than one, indeed." You offered back with an innuendo. 
Your silver tongue and quick brains would be the end of him. "Talking with you is like a dangerous tango. Like that scene from Mr and Mrs Jones."
You laughed. "I'll have to catch up on that one."
"We could watch it together, next time." He suggested. 
"I'd love to." You were sure that watching the film would probably be the last thing you’ll do. If you did it at all… "About frequency…" You took a pause, trying to verbalise decently what you felt wasn't decent at all. "I must say I'm quite high maintenance."
He poked your side, leaning across the sofa, but staying respectfully two feet away from you. He wanted to see if you would come closer. "Don't be shy. You made me grade my daddiness, now grade how needy you are from one to ten."
"Nine?" You were getting panicked. "Ten?" 
"How often, baby?" His voice was so deep and husky it made your stomach shake with the reverberations of it. 
"Like normally at least once a day?" You confessed in a shrill, insecure voice. 
He nodded with a dark smirk. "Very needy indeed." He turned towards you slightly, his body language showing openness and inviting you to cuddle up next to him. 
He wanted to touch you. Platonically. He wanted to comfort you throughout this conversation as you opened up and showed your vulnerabilities to him, but he also wanted to respect the distance you were keeping. Little did he know it was just a facade. All you wanted was to feel his hands combing your hair, his solid chest pillowing your head, his lips whispering sweet nothings at your ear. 
"So you said you like rules, spankings, power struggles and discipline, anything oral, toys and mature content. Anything else you need me to know, little vixen?" He asked, and the addition of "little" to your nickname made you understand that you were completely out of your mind for this man. You were ready for anything he commanded you. 
"I like restraints." You admitted. "I tend to fight back a little unless my daddy sweet talks me into things. Sometimes I like feeling a bit helpless, like my daddy can manhandle me and maneuver me into positions. That's why I like harnesses and cuffs, especially thigh cuffs. Also spreader bars. And manacles. I don't like handcuffs, they hurt and leave marks which are a bit difficult to hide, and embarrassing to explain."
Namjoon's mouth watered at the thought of thigh cuffs. Of the way your flesh would swell there, of how much skin there would be to bite. However, he also realised he had a lot to learn about you. And he needed to learn new things to play with you. 
"I am absolutely okay with that. I must admit I have never explored this deeply into restraints, so I need to tell you I'm inexperienced with stuff like spreader bars and bondage. I know basic knots for wrists, but that's it. I don't usually have much patience for shibari and the likes. The furthest I've gone is handcuffs and using ribbons or belts, on wrists only." He explained. 
"That's okay. Bondage is something too tricky for me too. Lengthy." You admitted. "Do you have any special need I should know of?" 
"Not really. Except privacy and absolute monogamy." He states coldly. "I like experimenting, and you mentioned a spreader bar earlier. I'd love to try that. Both on you and on myself. Same thing about manacles. They seem less aggressive than handcuffs."
You nodded and explained further. "The pressure is distributed on a wider surface, which minimises the risk of injuries and markings. Especially on rebellious… individuals." You chose your word carefully. 
Namjoon bit his lip and hummed in understanding. By now the discourse was getting highly technical, the need to verify and negotiate interests and limits coming to the surface. "We're both voyeurs, but I'll ask anyway, what about blindfolds?" 
"Soft limit. Really depends on how you handle it. I need constant reassurance and guidance, it really destabilizes me."
"Understood. I might be into those when paired with sensation play, but we'll get into that when the time is right." He conceded tenderly. "Just one last thing, baby. I need to know your hard limits. Stuff you really don't want to do."
"Degradation and humiliation are a big no no. My second — and most recent — relationship was with a degrading bastard. He hurt me in ways I'm not comfortable remembering."
"Okay, love." He looked you in the eyes and waited a second for your approval before caressing your face in comfort. 
"Stuff like hardcore BDSM, water sports, triple penetration and most anal play. And asphyxiation or choking."
Namjoon nodded quickly. "Anything else?" 
"Okay, orgasm denial and chastity devices are an absolute no. That should be it, about hard limits. There are a few things that make me safeword but that I can stand to a certain point, like edging, blindfolds, and touch deprivation."
Namjoon nodded once more, waiting for you to finish."Okay. I think that the only stuff I might meddle with is blindfolds and edging. I have no interest in controlling your orgasms — our aim is to please." He winked and smirked at you, your knees growing weaker and weaker. "Also, believe me when I say I tend to assume a very nourishing and protective role, therefore it would go against my nature to humiliate you or degrade you. I don't intend to attack your emotional stability, so if you're interested, we can tackle the problem with blindfolds a bit at a time. Same with edging, we'll take baby steps if you decide you trust me and want to give me the honour of trying." His brow creased as he tried to remember the other thing he wanted to say. "Oh, about touch deprivation, I always need my little one close to me, so you should never feel touch starved." He took a meditative pause." And I intend to touch you a lot, baby." 
You shivered and leaned closer to him, attracted to the comfortable nook he was creating while leaning on his side against the back cushions of your sofa. It looked so warm. And safe. 
He noticed your wandering glance and quickened the pace. He had ideas. And he needed you closer. 
"My hard limits are including other people in our intimate life. I don't share like that." He warned perentoriously. "Also, you know my clumsiness. If there's any chance that it could damage you, then there's no going that way. I'm thinking of stuff like knife play and kinks that involve obviously dangerous material. Like violet wands. Anything involving hardcore BDSM, suspension play, infantilization and dubious consent is a non-negotiable hard limit. Are you still with me, baby?"
You nodded, making eye contact. 
"Good. I might be interested in some anal play. No penetration and no strap-ons. Maybe rimming. Both giving and receiving. But we'll see. Same for sensation play." He scratched his neck, trying to think of things he doesn't like doing. "I don't like being edged and I have poor control of myself, so orgasm control and denial are kind of softish limits." And then you noticed the shift, like his spine getting straighter, his shoulders rolling back in the process, looking broader, still his voice came out sweet and caring. "Listen carefully now, little vixen. I have little tolerance for disobedience and insubordination. If you have a temper or challenge my dominance, you will have to face consequences. Also, I like claiming my partner entirely. What is mine is mine. I don’t like sharing. Infidelity is a deal breaker. Understood, ____?"
"Yes, sir." You replied, automatically, without even intending too. You did’t feel ready for that title. And sir felt neutral enough.
"Such nice manners." He praised with a proud smile. "Now, would you like to come closer, baby?" 
You batted your eyes a couple times. You were sliding into subspace quickly and you found yourself questioning whether it was a good idea to get closer. Still,  your body was faster than your brain, making you nod and crawl next to him, settling inside his embrace. "Can I sit on your lap, Joonie?" 
He blushed, smiling kindly at you. He was beginning to melt at your complicated charms. "Of course, babe." He sat elegantly with his back leaning against the sofa, legs slightly parted so you could place yourself between them, your thighs across his and your side pressed to his front as his arms slowly wrapped around you, ready to retreat at your first show of discomfort.  "Does it feel nice, darling?" 
"Yes." You whispered. You were so close to him, his body warm while the late summer night felt chilly on your skin.
He cupped your cheek with his hand and pulled your head to his breastbone, building a calm cocoon for you. "You mentioned I look like a hot daddy before. Care to elaborate, little one?" 
You purred at his term of endearment, cuddling into him some more. "You look so hot with your glasses on. Sometimes I close my eyes and still see you in your outfit for Gayo Daechukje in 2019. Grey three piece suit, necktie and glasses. Everyone was fantasising about you as their hot kinky professor in classroom roleplay."
He had some troubles reminiscing the details, but he saved in his mind some keywords. Glasses, suit, necktie, kinky professor roleplay. With your face burrowed in his chest, he propped his chin on top of you hair, his spare hand soothing your skin from your waist to your knee, raising goosebumps in its wake. 
"Did that outfit cause discomfort, baby thing?" He questioned, hands caressing your hair gently. 
"It did fuel some steamy dreams, yes." You conceded. 
"And did you wake up all hot and bothered for me?' He kept teasing. 
"Mh mh." You confirmed, head nodding slowly and timidly. 
His chest shook in a breathy laugh. "Poor little girl, so desperate for the hot professor."
He sounded so cruel, basking in your needy struggles. "I'm so lucky I'm a smart girl who can take care of herself." You counterattacked.
"Smart indeed. But now that I know maybe I can take care of it for you." He pressed a kiss to your head. It was the first time he did a gesture so tender and so intimate. 
"What else gets my little girl all ticklish and lightheaded?" He asked, curling tighter against you and around you. 
"When you call me little." You admitted. 
"Do you like it, ____?“
“Yes, Joonie. I like it a lot." You replied meeting his gaze. 
He leaned down and pressed the tip of his nose to your earlobe, a spot he had discovered during your first make out session. "What if I whispered it here, little vixen?" 
Your eyes closed, lost in sensations, your insides clenching so violently that your body followed the movement, knees pressing against each other, thighs squeezing for relief.
"I guess you really like this spot, am I right, little girl?" He pushed you closer and you started recognising the shape of him against your hip. The basketball shorts he was wearing did no good job at hiding him. 
"Please Joonie."
"Please what, darling?" He pressed his lips there, kissing you with a featherlight touch, impossible to perceive, were not for the sound of his disclosing lips. The tip of his tongue met the skin there, your back arching into him. "When I first saw you you looked like a wet dream, _____, in your smart formal attire, looking like the most confident, adult, unbreakable woman in the world. Legs for days and an ass I wanna bite like a ripe, juicy peach. You looked polished like a model, negotiating over the price of a painting in a private gallery. You looked so damn hot." He bit into your neck, moving your hair aside. "You looked like the most refined and expensive thing I have ever seen. Polished, edgy. So sexy." He bit into you again. 
This time you whimpered. 
"I thought I stood no chance, with my clumsy character and boyish ways." He giggled, and his voice vibrated against your throat. "Now you're in my arms, all cosy and needy, begging me to please you with your big doll eyes and pretty, plush lips, behaving like the cutest, sweetest little girl I could ever dream of." He sucked at the column of your throat gently, hard enough to cause a blush but soft enough to avoid a bruise. He leaned closer to your ear. "You're my fucking wet dream, Vixen."
You whined loudly, turning your head towards him, hoping he would put you out of misery and kiss you. 
Instead he grabbed your cheeks passionately and murmured on your mouth, staring intently in your eyes. "All mine. To enjoy, to ruin. But most importantly to protect and nourish and care for." He kissed you like you were made of porcelain, lips stiff against yours, afraid of letting go. "What do you want, little girl?" 
You stared with equal intensity in his eyes. "Kiss me. Please, daddy, I'll be so good to you." You had no problem using his title this time, your brain completely surrendering to him.
"Good girl." And as you felt your lungs bloom at the praise, wetness pooling between your legs, you slowly gave in to him, opening your mouth, letting his tongue dance with yours, mixing with the fruity taste of the wine and the creamy texture of the dessert. His hand stayed at your waist while the other, once gripping your face, slithered into your hair and cupped your nape, dragging you closer. You didn't know what to do with your hands. 
He kept kissing you as your lungs began burning, his technique impeccable. He kissed you thoroughly, licking your tongue and angling your head to give you access to his mouth. He fuelled your desire with short jabs of his chin, giving you the feeling of him caving in but then retreating and making you chase him. It was… Heady. 
"We need to stop, little one. We need to take our time." He exhaled heavily, his cheek against your forehead as he calmed down. "Why don't we cuddle as we watch something?" He suggested.
"No more making out?" You cried out in tiny disappointment. 
"You told me not to get ideas. First I'll learn about you. Properly. Then, when my brain gives me the green light, I guarantee you my body won't hold back. Just, give me time, ____.” He explained, controlled and at the same time empathetic.
You nodded in understanding, caressing his face and pressing a kiss to his chest. "I wanna kiss you again though."
"Don't worry, baby, we'll have the chance later. Let me calm myself down first." He replied, adjusting you in his lap, trying to separate you enough for decency. 
You were glad that at least the dampness between your thighs was matched by the severity of his hard on. 
"What do you say, I go to the bathroom, recompose myself real quick while you choose something to watch?" 
You agreed. 
Date five finished with a sweet kiss at the doorstep as he left after the film you watched together. 
However the following morning you found a lengthy paragraph in your chat with Namjoon containing a detailed description of his intentions towards you. Let's just say you were glad for the girthy, buzzing friend you keep in your bedside table and for its assistence as you read his text and crumbled, calling his name. 
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cactusnymph · 4 years
Prompt fill #1 for @dimension20alphabet:
Riz knows that he’s a good detective. He has solved many mysteries, big mysteries even. He solved the case of his missing friend Penny, he solved the case of his dad, he solved—or well, helped solve—the puzzle of The Nightmare King. He’s good at his job.
 But there is one mystery Riz has trouble solving, and that is the mystery of himself.
 He’s not good at asking for help even though he’s sure he could need some. Maybe he could talk about this with his mom. The thought of that alone makes him break out in a nervous sweat. It was already kind of the worst to talk to his dad about it. Jawbone is probably good at this, but Jawbone is poly and had sex with many people just like everyone else he knows.
 Everyone else he knows is just so goddamn horny. All the damn time.
 Riz stops pacing in front of his desk and stares out of the window for what feels like two minutes straight but is probably only a millisecond.
 Finally he decides to be brave. He managed to walk through the forest of the nightmare king, this is going to be a piece of cake. No big deal. As easy as stabbing a huge dragon, probably.
 His mom is sitting at the kitchen table buried in a bunch of papers and thick textbooks.
“Hey mom. Can I—uh. Can I ask you something?”
His mom looks up from her work and she seems a little disoriented for a split second until her eyes focus on him and she nods.
 “Sure, sweetie. What’s up?”
 She pushes away a stack of papers from the second chair at the table so he can sit down. Riz feels the need to start biting his nails, so he stuffs his hands into his pockets and sits down on the chair, his leg bouncing and his throat dry.
 “So. Uh—“
 He searches for the right words. Words are hard and he’s never been very good at them. He knows clues. Feelings are just weird.
 “Have you ever—uh. Did you ever, like—um. Feel. Totally alone about something? Like, something that makes you you?”
 Sklonda blinks for a second and then her gaze softens as she stretches out her hand to reach for his. Riz hopes that she can’t feel how sweaty his palms are as she squeezes his fingers.
 “Honestly? I think that is a very integral part of being a teenager. You think you’re really weird and no one would ever feel the same way and then somewhere along the way you find out that there are actually tons of people who are going through the exact same thing”, she says.
 Riz stares at the only spot on the table that hasn’t been covered with papers or books.
 “So, what you’re saying is... I have to look at the clues again and—and find out who else fits the profile?”
 His mom ruffles his hair and Riz can see her shake her head fondly.
 “I wouldn’t have put it like that, sweetie. But. Sure, yeah. Find another suspect and interrogate them until you find the truth.”
 Riz can work with that.
 “Thanks, mom”, he says and flees from the kitchen to leave Sklonda to her studies. Back in his room he looks at his pin board that, during the last two weeks, has been carefully prepped with Riz’ most difficult case yet—the case of Riz.
 His eyes follow the differently colored threads across pictures of his friends and notes that he took.
 All his friends are on the board and Riz looks at all their picture, one after the other.
 Everyone is horny. Everyone.
 Everyone except—
 Riz grabs his crystal. He knows that, if he thinks about it too much and starts making plans, he is not going to do it because this is scary. And if he learned one thing on their quest for the Nightmare King’s crown, it’s that sometimes scary things are easier if you just rush ahead without a plan.
 “Do you have time to talk?”, he texts.
 Riz chews on his bottom lip without realizing that it started bleeding because his teeth are too sharp. He looks at his crystal and tries to will his beating heart to go slower but he fails miserably and as soon as he sees the three small dots that indicate typing on the other end of the line, he sucks in a breath and stares at the display as if he might will the answer to appear faster.
 “I have free time. Do you want to come over? Is everything alright?”
 Riz sucks the blood off his bottom lip and weighs the options. He loves the manor, but it’s loud and noisy. Noisy in a way that sometimes makes his skin crawl. He swallows, lets his fingers hover over the keyboard for a second.
 If everything goes to shit he can always leave the manor, but it would be awkward to throw a friend out of his office.
 “I’ll come over. Be right there.”
 Riz stuffs his phone into his pocket and rushes out of his room with adrenaline pumping through his veins. Maybe he isn’t such a great detective after all if he never really connected the dots about one of his closest friends.
 He remembers a conversation about “please don’t have sex in our tent when we’re also in there” and “this is too much information and I’m very uncomfortable right now” now that he really thinks about it.
 Adaine isn’t interested in dating anyone. Just like him. Well. No, that’s not correct, Riz thinks, as he rushes down the street to catch the bus. Maybe he would consider dating someone. But sex. Sex seems. Well.
 Maybe Adaine doesn’t want to talk about sex. Maybe she will look at him the same way Aelwyn looks at people sometimes. Riz really doesn’t want to think about Aelwyn, because that makes him think about Fabian and that on the other hand makes him think of them together and how much Riz wishes they weren’t a thing.
 If Riz cannot solve the mystery of Riz, maybe Adaine can help him like when they were investigating her mom’s room back on spring break. He goes through his pinboard in his mind and comes to the conclusion that Adaine is on there, but she has only been connected to Biz by a green threat, meaning one-sided sexual interest.
 He is so occupied by his own oversight that he barely registers getting to the manor. The thought of going through the whole house and potentially risking questions about why he’s visiting makes his skin crawl uncomfortably, so he uses his sword and teleports directly into Adaine’s bedroom. A loud shriek accompanied by the sound of a heavy book dropping to the floor makes him turn his head.
 “Was it really necessary to do this? We have doors”, Adaine says and Riz looks around to find her sitting on the bunkbed she shares with Aelwyn. Thankfully Aelwyn is nowhere to be seen so Riz can freak out in peace about what he’s supposed to talk about.
 “Yes. Sorry, uh—I thought maybe I might meet Kristen or—or Jawbone or. Someone else. And then they might look at me and ask questions or maybe Kristen would joke about something sex related and then I might have to vomit all over the stairs and—“
 “Riz, slow down. Do you want to hold Boggy?”, Adaine asks and scoots over on her bed to make space for him. Riz doesn’t really feel like sitting down so he starts pacing instead but he does take Boggy into his hands. His brain has gone into overdrive, he knows it as soon as it supplies him with the question of whether or not frogs feel conflicted about sex.
 “What’s wrong?”, Adaine asks, her pale blue eyes following him as he walks through the room as if the movement could calm his nerves.
 “So—uh. You know. I was wondering if maybe... I could talk to you about. You know. Sexandstuff.”
 “Sorry, about what?”
 “Sex. And... stuff”, Riz repeats and he can feel his face burning as he stares down at Boggy so he doesn’t have to look at Adaine’s face.
 “Oh, um. Well, I’m not sure if I’m the best person for that—“
 “I know! That’s why—that’s why I wanted to talk to you. Because. Like. You know. You think it’s icky when Kristen talks about sixtynine and stuff.”
 Riz takes a quick glance at Adaine and is relieved to find that she doesn’t look at him the same way that Ragh looked at him the first time they met each other. That is certainly encouraging. She actually looks a little thoughtful. Maybe even understanding. Maybe he’s reading her all wrong. Maybe she’s about to punch him out of the window because he mentioned Kristen and sixtynine and—
 “You mean because I’m probably asexual.”
 “Yeah, you’re—what?”
 “Asexual. And aromantic, but I suppose this is about the sex part, not the romance part.”
 “You’re. Wait. Ohhh—“
 Adaine pulls up her shoulders and gestures to the free space on the bed beside her. Riz’ brain has frozen over because he’s heard a term he hasn’t heard before and now he wants to find out what it means.
 The truth is that he considered searching for stuff like this on the crystalweb, but the thought of typing anything sex related into a search engine had him almost vomiting all over his office floor because it made him feel so terribly embarrassed and nervous that he quickly put the thought aside.
 “So—uh. What’s... that?”
 “Well, I talked about it to Jawbone and he gave me some things to read and I’ve been doing some research, because... you know, everyone is going on dates and talks about kisses or masturbation and all that and—um. Well. This stuff mostly just always makes me uncomfortable. And I thought, you know. It’s maybe because elves are a bit prudish, but Aelwyn is certainly not like that and she talks about sex like it’s no big deal, so I... I wanted to figure out what it means.”
 Boggy makes a sound like a squeaky toy as Riz accidentally squishes him a little too hard in his sudden excitement in the face of new clues and he quickly hands him back to Adaine.
 “So. You’re saying that—that it’s like... normal?”
 Adaine shrugs.
 “Probably not normal, if you’re going by the textbook definition of normal. But not normal doesn’t equal bad, you know. Just how being poly isn’t necessarily normal but that doesn’t mean it’s inferior to monogamy. It’s just a thing that some people are.”
 “So. So, uh—can I read that stuff? That you read?”, he asks, trying very hard not to keep chewing on his bottom lip again.
 Adaine gives him a smile that makes warmth spread all through his body.
 “Sure. I can lend you the book”, Adaine says and gets up from the bed, hands Boggy back to Riz and goes over to one of her numerous bookshelves to pull a small, purple book out from the top row.
 “It’s really interesting, from a strictly scientific standpoint, you know”, she says as she hands it to him. Riz looks down at the book. A whole book. Just about feeling weird about dating and sex. His mom was right after all.
 “Thanks”, he croaks and blinks rapidly.
 “I’m really glad there’s at least one other person who isn’t so terribly horny all the time”, Adaine says and Riz looks up at her, his heart twice its normal size.
 “Yeah. Me too.”
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honeymoonjin · 6 years
BTS Reaction: How they show you they love you
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• Momma bear is obviously going to cook for you, but also will clean up after himself and do the dishes without being asked
• Definitely has a mile-long backlog of compliments in the form of puns, will never say something romantic without it being in joke form
• Is super traditional but very spontaneous, so sometimes you’ll come home from a long work day and see he’s set up an entire romantic candlelit dinner for the two of you
• Texts you before every show saying he’ll blow you a kiss on stage and he does every single time
• Loves to spend hours in bed kissing you even though it’s late and he should probably get some sleep
• He usually reserves his ultimate crackhead status for when he’s with his bandmates, but the second something’s got you down he is distracting you with his antics
• Always notices when you get your hair cut even if it’s just a trim
• You’ll be snuggling with him on the couch watching a movie and all of a sudden he’s asking you if you want kids because he can’t stop thinking about starting a family with you
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• We all know how yoongi loves to quietly care for others and with you it’s no different
• he has your favorite drink in the mini fridge in his studio so that you can have one when you come and visit
• he brings an extra scarf with him when you go out because he knows you always forget and then freeze
• takes your opinion about his music seriously even though you don’t understand the technical aspects, because he wants you to feel like you belong in his world, and music is such a big part of it
• regularly asks the other members of bangtan to check up on you if he’s doing a long stint in the studio
• will hold your hand and fiddle with your fingers while he works so that you know he’s not ignoring you when he gets in the zone
• is always completely honest with you, even if it hurts
• he doesn’t explicitly declare his love for you often, but you do find him staring at you fondly whenever you are telling a story or focusing on something
• will remember that one time you told him in passing that you loved a certain artist and gets you two tickets when there’s a concert; he always keeps track of everything you tell him, no matter how small
• always happy to go down on you when you’ve had a bad day. Always happy to go down on you period
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• desperately wants you to become friends with the rest of bangtan so that you all can be in one happy cesspool of Hobi Sunshine
• while he doesn’t get jealous, he will assert his dominance over his bandmates if they get a little too jokey or flirty around you (cue him choking jimin or hitting tae)
• sends you a million snapchats when he’s away so that you don’t feel left out
• knows when you have the slightest change in mood, and will know the exact right thing to say to cheer you up, or help you see things more positively
• very good with important dates and milestones, and is the first one to send an anniversary text ten times out of ten (and you can rest assured he has booked a fancy restaurant a month in advance)
• but maybe his biggest show of love is that he lets himself be vulnerable around you
• if you feel down, he will open up about times he’s struggled with the same thing as you so that you don’t feel alone in your problems
• will cry after a long day because he knows he doesn’t have to be strong all the time for you, and that you can only comfort him if he’s honest about having a rough time
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• namjoon’s shows of affection are probably as nerdy as he is
• all I’m saying is that he definitely has a reminder on his phone calendar saying when your period starts so that he can be extra sympathetic and make sure the pantry is stocked with dark chocolate
• and he leaves you little notes everywhere, like on your bedside table when he leaves before you wake up, or stuck to the bathroom mirror when you have an important meeting
• he recommends you a million books a day because whenever he gets excited about something all he wants is to share it with you
• when you do read a book he recommends, he gives you his copy, where he’s highlighted lines that spoke to him, and left little comments in the margins for you to read
• is the most vocal of the hyung line about specifically telling you he loves you, because he’s so self-aware of his own behavior and will always make sure he’s doing enough
• gets super flustered when interviewers ask him about his relationship, but always has a beautifully worded romantic answer to give, and you melt every time you watch the video of it
• is very open with you about the struggles of being the leader of BTS, and feels guilty that he can’t spend more time with you
• wants your family to like him SO BAD
• namjoon acts like the perfect mature boyfriend when he’s around your parents and if you have siblings he’s absolutely bribing them with whatever he can get his hands on
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• mr praise kink jimin gives as good as he loves to get
• this boy worships the ground you walk on and he makes damn well sure you hear about it every day
• words of affection are his priority when it comes to romance – he whispers sweet nothings in your ear when you two make love, he is very vocal to his bandmates about how perfect you are, and he wrote serendipity for you one night when he felt so in love he could cry
• he is very touchy touchy, not necessarily with pda, but with small things like warming your hands up with his own, leaning into your side when you sit next to each other, and fiddling with your hair
• basically, jimin just wants you to feel his presence whenever he’s around you
• when you two are apart, it becomes a game of finding the best substitute for physical contact
• we’re talking phone sex here people jimin is calling you up every night of tour to whine about how he misses you and how needy he is for your touch, and he won’t jerk off without being able to hear you and pretend you were with him
• jimin is pretty terrible with household chores and errands and you both know it, but he makes up for it by telling you how grateful he is – he may never ever actually do his own washing but he never forgets to give you a sweet kiss as a thank you for doing it for him
• when you two are lying in bed, ready to go to sleep, he aligns his breathing pattern with yours so he can feel closer to you and nuzzles into your neck to smell your body wash (the one he buys you every Christmas because the scent reminds him of when you first started dating)
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• if he could release an entire gallery of photos of you, he would, and he certainly has enough of them to do it
• he has a habit of singing away to himself which you find incredibly endearing, and whenever he’s around you it’s always a love song
• wants to cuddle all day every day, and you best believe that whenever he’s around you’ll never sit on a single chair because his lap is the only place he’ll let you be
• takes you out on dates where you can enjoy each other’s company in peace rather than a loud activity, so get ready for stargazing, watching the fireworks, and going to the movies to see arthouse films
• he’s almost always the softest of soft, but when he’s in a mischievous mood he knows exactly how to tease you to get you all hot and bothered (and then he’ll make you wait until you’re desperate just for the fun of it)
• really struggles with going on tour and being away from you for so long, so he buys you and him matching stuffed toys so that you can always have something to cuddle with in bed (he probably sprays yours with your perfume, so it smells like you)
• will go to his hyungs for advice about you all the time so that he can be the best boyfriend he could be, but doesn’t actually like you spending a lot of time with them as he gets a little jealous
• has written a song about you but doesn’t want to release it as a BTS track because he thinks it’s too intimate, and hates the thought of broadcasting it to the world, so he sings it to you in private
• invites you round to spend holidays with his family, and loves seeing you interact with his nieces and nephews because one day he hopes you two will have little kids of your own
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• for the first few months, maybe even first year of your relationship Jungkook will do anything to impress you, no matter how ill-advised or dangerous
• he just wants you to think he’s a cool guy because he already thinks the world of you
• once you’ve been together for a while, he stops feeling the need to put on a show, and he starts acting more natural around you
• he still spends hours in the gym working out so that he can look good for you, though, and he probably always will
• his hyungs always tease him about you, so he invites you backstage all the time so he can show you off
• wants every date to be more fun than the next, and soon enough the two of you are riding rollercoasters, going paintballing, and skinny dipping in a lake
• he likes to buy things for you, as it makes him feel less like a maknae and more like a man, so he’ll often arrive home with a gorgeous necklace or fancy jacket for you, and will always pay for meals when you dine together
• likes trying new things during sex, and will definitely pull you into a closet ten minutes before he needs to go on stage because he gets so needy when his adrenaline shoots up that high
• after a few weeks on tour, he goes into jin’s room and cries because he misses you so much and doesn’t know what to do with himself anymore
• is actually extremely soppy and would die from embarrassment if his bandmates ever read any of the mushy texts he sends you multiple times throughout the day
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tabbytabbytabby · 7 years
So, I have a new prompt for you, if you up for it. The Sheriff finds out that Stiles likes Derek. The Sheriff (John) is totally fine with Stiles liking Derek. After Stiles tells his Dad that he wants to pursue Derek, the Sheriff makes a quip about stopping for "supplies." To which Stiles gets embarassed, and an awkwardly hilarious conversation ensues
Thanks for your prompt! I had a lot of fun with it. It can also be found on AO3
The Sheriff looks up from hispaper as Stiles comes bounding down the stairs. He barely stumbles when hereaches the bottom step, having grown into his limbs and became morecoordinated thanks to all the training he’s been doing. He still has all theenergy, but it seems more controlled.
“Did you make coffee?” Stilesasks, making his way into the kitchen.
“There’s a pot on the counter,”John calls after him, ���pancakes too.”
“Thanks Dad!”
Stiles walks into the living room,a cup of coffee in his hand and a pancake hanging out of his mouth. John rollshis eyes fondly, “you know plates are a thing that exist.”
Stiles swallows, shooting his Dada grin, “Sometimes you just want pancakes without syrup.”
“No I think that’s just you.”
Stiles shrugs before taking a sipof his coffee, “I guess it’s just become a habit. Sometimes I didn’t have timeto stop for breakfast and had to grab what I could on the go. Pancakesincluded.”
“And you get onto me about myeating habits,” John says.
Stiles’ phone goes off, alertinghim to a text. Stiles puts his coffee down on the table and picks up his phone.John watches as a wide smile takes over his face when he reads the message.Stiles only gets that look about one person so it’s not too hard to figure outwho the text is from.
“How’s Derek doing this morning?”
“Fine, he just got back from hisrun and wants to know if I want to grab lunch,” Stiles brow furrows after amoment, “wait… how did you know I was texting Derek?”
“One, he’s the only one of yourfriends that would be up this early,” John responds, “Two, you always get agoofy smile on your face whenever you two talk.”
“What? I do not!”
The phone beeps again, drawingStiles’ attention away momentarily. The same look crosses his face causing theSheriff to chuckle, “You’ve got it bad Son.”
Stiles looks like he’s going todeny it but instead sighs, falling back against the couch with a groan, “Iknow. I do. Now I just need to figure out what to do about it.”
“If it makes you feel any betterhe’s got it just as bad for you.”
“Really?” Stiles asks, facehopeful.
“Really,” John says, “he missedyou a lot while you were away at school. He was always asking me questionsabout how you were, even though I’m pretty sure he talked to you more than Idid. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone more in love than Derek Hale is withyou. I’d be careful son.”
“Derek won’t hurt me Dad.”
“I know that. That’s not what I’mworried about. He’s been through a lot Stiles.”
“I know,” Stiles says, voice firm.He can’t even bring himself to care that his Dad seems more worried about Derekgetting hurt than he is about Stiles. Stiles understands that feeling all toowell. He tells his Dad as much, “and I wonder hurt him either. Believe me, ifthere’s anyone leading the Derek Hale deserves to be loved and cared for clubit’s Stiles Stilinski.”
“So what does that mean for youtwo?” Job asks, happy that his son is finally admitting to his feelings forDerek.
Stiles grins, “It means I’m goingto ask him out on a date and romance the shit out of him.”
“Just make sure you stop forsupplies beforehand,” John says. Stiles stills, staring at his Dad with wideeyes and a blush quickly covering his cheeks. John thinks back to what he said,trying to figure out what could cause such a reaction. When he realizes his ownface heats up, “That’s not what I meant! I meant flowers and dinner. But youknow, if you two are going to be doing that you should be prepared. Iknow you can’t get pregnant or catch anything but the mess. You should stillmake a trip to the drugstore…”
“Oh my god Dad! Stop! Please.”Stiles hides his face in his hands, clearly wanting to be done with thisconversation. “We haven’t even been on a date yet. Hell, Derek hasn’t even saidyes…”
“I believe you have to ask firstbefore someone can say yes,” Derek says, amusement clear in his voice fromsomewhere behind Stiles.
Stiles jumps up, turning to faceDerek, his face going even redder, “Jesus Derek I thought we’d gotten past thecreepiness.”
“You knew I was coming to pick youup,” Derek reminds him, “and I used the front door, coming right in like youtold me.”
“Yeah well that’s…” Stiles rubsthe back of his neck, not quite meeting Derek’s eyes, “how much did you hear?”
“Enough,” Derek says, walkingfurther in the room towards Stiles, “So are you going to ask?”
Stiles’ eyes snap up to meet his,“You want me to?”
Derek nods, his smile softening,“Of course I do. I’ve been trying to think of a way to ask you for a whole buthaven’t been able to work up the nerve.”
The Sheriff looks between the twomen for a moment before deciding it’s time he takes his leave. He pats Stiles’back on the way out of the room, “Go get him son.”
Stiles barely acknowledges him,giving a small nod as he walks towards Derek, his eyes never leaving the man infront of him, “Now that I’m here I’m not sure how to do this either.”
“Stiles Stilinski at a loss forwords, go figure.”
“What can I say?” Stiles grins,stopping right in front of Derek, “you make me speechless.”
Derek shakes his head, not evenbother to hide his answering grin, “Leave it to you to bring out the cheesy pick-uplines.”
“Just one of the things to loveabout me.”
“It is,” Derek agrees, “now Ibelieve you had something to ask me.”
“Right,” Stiles takes a deepbreath, “Derek Hale, will you go out with me?”
Derek grins, “I’d love to.”
“Good, because I hear we’re bothavailable for lunch.”
Derek raises an eyebrow, “You wantto go on a date now?”
“Why not?” Stiles shrugs, “thesooner we go on that date the sooner I get to kiss you. Unless you’re not akiss on the first date person, which I am also okay with.”
“Stiles we’ve known each other foryears, and probably loved each other almost as long,” Derek tells him, bringinga hand up to his neck, “I don’t think any of that typical stuff applies to us,do you?”
“You keep saying things like thatI’m not going to be able to resist kissing you,” Stiles attempts to joke, buthis words come out slightly choked up. He’s been imagining this happening foryears. Now that’s finally here, finally has a chance at dating Derek Hale he’sfeeling a little overwhelmed.
“I’d be okay with that,” Derekwhispers, lowering his head until their noses are brushing, “if you are.”
Stiles nods frantically, handsmoving up to grip Derek’s shoulders. He can’t suppress the groan he releaseswhen Derek’s lips finally meet his. It starts off slow, both of them gettingused to the feeling. Then when Derek moves a hand around Stiles waist and pullshim closer things become more heated. Derek nips on Stiles’ bottom lip, beforesoothing the bite with his tongue. Stiles moves a hand up to Derek’s hair,tugging gently on the locks, causing Derek to moan into his mouth. Stiles takesthat as an invitation and slips his tongue into Derek’s waiting mouth, both ofthem moaning at the sensation of their tongues moving together.
The sound of a throat clearingloudly nearby causes them both to break apart, but neither move too far away,only turning their heads to look at where the Sheriff is watching them, lookingtorn between amused and uncomfortable. “Not that I’m not happy you two have finallysorted things out, but you’re still standing in the middle of my living room.I’d prefer if you’d take this someplace more private.”
Stiles and Derek share a look,silently communicating before Derek reluctantly pulls back, “I believe we havea lunch date.”
“If that’s what you kids arecalling it these days,” John says, turning and heading back towards thekitchen, “just don’t forget what I said about supplies.”
“Dad!” Stiles calls after him,putting a hand over his face.
Derek smirks, “No worries Sheriff.I have plenty of supplies at my house.”
There’s a crash from the kitchenbefore John calls back, “I didn’t need to know that!”
Derek chuckles, pulling a gapingStiles out of the house. “I can’t believe you just said that to my Dad!”
“He started it,” Derek shrugs,opening the door allowing Stiles to slide into the car. He runs around to theother side, sliding in smoothly, “if he wasn’t prepared to hear about it heshouldn’t have brought it up.”
“God I love you,” Stiles grinsover at Derek who grins back, lacing their fingers together, “now can we reallyget lunch? I’m sure I’m going to need to be well fed if you plan to have yourwicked way with me.”
“This coming from the guy who wasworried about kissing on the first date,” Derek jokes, pulling out of thedriveway.
“Yeah well, that was before youkissed me. Now that I know that just kissing you feels like that I amdefinitely not opposed to moving things along. Unless you are. You’re part ofthis too and if you want to slow things down we will.”
Derek squeezes Stiles’ hand butdoesn’t say anything right away, eyes focused on the road. Stiles notices hishesitation and breaks the silence, “I mean it Der. I don’t want you to feellike we have to do this now. Do I want to have sex with you? Yes, at somepoint. But there are plenty of other things I want to do with you as well. Likego out to dinner and to the movies and cuddle on the couch. Do romantic thingslike take moonlit walks and watch sunsets together.”
Derek’s shoulders visibly relax,his eyes flicking over to meet Stiles before going back to the road, “I do wantto wait. I don’t know how long. I just know that I don’t want to rush things.You’re important to me and I want to do this right.”
“Then we’ll wait,” Stiles smiles,running soothing circles over Derek’s hand with his thumb, “now where are youtaking me for lunch?”
Stilesand Derek have dinner with his Dad a few nights later. The Sheriff looks smugand gives them both knowing looks. Stiles knows it wouldn’t do any good to denythat something happened, at least not right now. His Dad can believe whateverhe wants. Stiles looks over to see Derek chatting happily with Melissa andsmiles. He knows people are going to make their assumptions. But he has Derekand they’re happy, Derek’s happy. That’s all that matters to him.
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eversall · 7 years
jimon + jace taking a simon 101 class??? idk what this is
i know what it is its an adorable prompt
to: parabrotai, izzybelle, clearlyfray, supermaia
[jace] i can’t believe i’m stooping to this, but how can i win simon over? 
i. [izzybelle]: simon likes those lame pick up lines, and puns, and bad jokes.
“Simon.” Jace calls out as he slips out of the Hunter’s Moon. “Wait up.” 
“Well this is a surprise.” Simon says cheerfully, his hands in his pocket. “What brings you to my side of the docks?”
Jace snorts. 
“Alcohol.” He jerks his head at the bar. “What, you heading back to the boathouse?” 
“I have a 9 AM class tomorrow, yeah.” Simon says. Right. Simon’s going to NYU now, trying to get a normal life back. Jace isn’t sure how he manages to go to class in the morning and then sneak into their missions at night. How is he sleeping?
“I’ll walk you back.” Jace says, shoving his hands in his pockets. 
“I’m not a damsel in distress.” Simon scowls at him. 
“But what if I am?” Jace asks, smiling winningly and strolling alongside Simon. This is easy for him. Flirting is a game he knows. Too bad it never works on Simon. 
Case in point - 
“I get it, you’re the big bad Shadowhunter and I need to stop interrupting your missions.” Simon’s frown deepens. “I said I was sorry.” Jace blinks at him and sighs. 
“That’s not what I meant at all. It was a joke.” He supplies, helpfully. 
“That’s not a joke. Here’s a joke.” Simon says, snapping his fingers, his eyes brightening. “What’s the ocean stressed out about?” 
“Global warming.” Jace says immediately. “Melting ice caps. The polar bears - “
“Current events.” Simon snickers, and Jace tries hard not to let that get to him, but he can’t help the tiny snort and his lips twitching upwards. “See!” Simon crows, pushing excitedly at Jace’s shoulders. “You do think I’m funny.”
“I think,” Jace says, arching an eyebrow, “that you’re not taking global warming seriously enough, Simon.”
“Not taking - you’re a real piece of work, Jace.” Simon says, sighing, but he’s smiling too. Jace grins again and waggles his eyebrows. 
“A piece that everyone wants.” He tries again, and this time Simon blushes and shoves him. He misjudges his own strength and sends Jace careening into the lamp post. “Jace - shit!” He’s immediately in front of Jace, fussing over him for injuries. Which - ridiculous. Jace is a Shadowhunter. He fights off demons, and Simon’s still afraid of his own strength in comparison. 
“Hey, chill, I’m fine.” Jace says, straightening up and laughing. “It’s just so easy to fall for you, Simon.” He winks, for added effect.
Simon storms off. 
Well. Back to the drawing board, then. 
ii. [supermaia]: you should wine and dine him, he’s into cheesy shit like that. like a proper, romantic date - if you even know what romance means, herondale. 
“Hey!” Simon skids to a stop in front of Jace, breathless. “Sorry I’m late! You said to dress nice, and, well, I’ve got a lot more options since Raphael forced me to update my wardrobe.” 
“Forced?” Jace asks skeptically, trying his hardest not to ogle at Simon. It’s a difficult task when Simon’s in a tailored blue button-up, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbows, his dark jeans ending in smart looking oxfords. 
“Raphael doesn’t hold with even exiled members of his clan looking like a fashion travesty.” Simon grins at him. “So what’s this undercover mission? Are one of the waiters demons?” 
“Oh. Hm. Yeah.” Jace clears his throat and folds his arms. “Our source reported that the demon’s moved on, but Alec wants us to check the place out just in case.” 
“Argh, really? So this is like a throwaway mission?” Simon asks, scuffing his shoe on the ground. The valet’s starting to look at them funny, and Jace realizes with a jolt that he still has his glamour rune on. He hurriedly tugs Simon into the shadows and lets his eyes flash, activating the rune again as he slides his hand down to grip Simon’s. The valet stares hard at the spot where Simon must have just disappeared. 
“You sound really disappointed.” Jace remarks, his grip on Simon’s hand tight. “It’s a free fancy meal.” 
“I want to help.” Simon scowls at Jace. He hasn’t let go of Jace’s hand either. Jace’s heart starts to pound faster, and he’s sure Simon can hear it. He doesn’t care, he wants Simon to hear it, wants Simon to understand how much Jace wants this. 
“You always help, why not take a day for yourself and put it on my card?” Jace asks, cajoling him. Simon squints. 
“You -” He says incredulously, and then he stops. And starts again. “You have a credit card?” 
Jace gives him a look. “How did you think I lived in New York? Do you think I just fight demons and then power off for the day or something?” 
“Or something.” Simon says wonderingly. “So like, what, you go grocery shopping and stuff? You go to the library? Do you - “
“I told you I go to book club.” Jace says, feeling peeved. “I’m just a normal guy, Simon.” 
“That”, Simon says, pointing at Jace triumphantly, “is the most humble thing I’ve ever heard you say. Well done. Congratulations.” His cheeks dimple as he grins impishly at Jace, and Jace can’t help but shake his head, the corners of his mouth twitching. 
“Careful,” Jace teases, “that was almost a compliment.” He lets go of Simon’s hand and steps away, trying not to feel disappointed as he smooths the lapels of his jacket. It was a long shot anyway, he thinks to himself. 
Simon’s staring at him, his brow furrowed and his expression thoughtful. “You wanna go get burgers then?” 
Jace sighs and shakes his head fondly. He can go home and sulk about not getting a date with Simon, or he can get burgers with his friend. The choice is pretty easy. 
“Yeah, let’s go get burgers. You can watch me eat and be sad.” 
iii. [parabrotai]: i’m no expert but i’ve been told you should try to talk about your feelings?? like be open. don’t hide stuff. i think simons into that kind of communication thing
“I play the piano.” Jace says as he drops into the seat next to Simon in the Institute’s kitchen. He means to say it conversationally, like an opening to better topics, but instead he blurts it out into the silence. Simon raises an eyebrow and takes out one earphone. 
“Huh.” He says, tilting his head. “This may come as a surprise to you, but you lose this competition. I play the piano too.” 
“You play the keyboard.” Jace scoffs back automatically, before he backtracks. “No, no, I meant - you know. Now you know. I play the piano.” 
“Okay.” Simon agrees bemusedly, sipping at his cup of blood. “Now I know? What, are you trying to tell me I play the piano badly? I thought you liked my songs - “
“I do.” Jace shakes his head as he crosses his arms and leans against the counter, grinning. “Angel help me, I’m not sure why, but I do.” 
“Hey.” Simon throws his wadded up napkin at Jace, who ducks, laughing. “I’m a hot Downworlder commodity.” Jace raises an eyebrow, and waits - 
Simon flushes an attractive pink. “I mean - like I’m popular - like not hot hot - you know what, I think I am, honestly, what - “
“Don’t worry your pretty face.” Jace says sincerely, patting Simon’s cheek as he pushes off the counter and goes in search of a mug to make himself tea. Simon splutters behind him. 
“Are you making fun of me? You’re making fun of me.” Simon declares. Jace hides his smile as he roots through the cabinets. 
“I’m not.” 
“I don’t even know whether to believe you or not. You’re messing with my mind, man.” Simon moans, a thunk sounding. Jace turns to see that Simon’s let his head fall forward on the counter, desolately draped over it like some sort of tragic hero. 
“Write a song about it, why don’t you.” Jace says, grinning. Simon bolts upright at that, a strange gleam in his eyes.
So he never actually gets to have a conversation with Simon about feelings, but they do spend the next hour creating increasingly awful lyrics for a song. It’s something. 
But he’s getting tired of being rejected unwittingly at every turn. It feels like maybe friendship is all he’s ever gonna get from Simon, and that’s fine. It’s fine. Whatever puts that stupidly gorgeous smile on Simon’s face is enough for him. 
iv. [clearlyfray]: don’t be an idiot. just be you. he likes YOU
Jace goes into a state of shock when he reads Clary’s text. She looks over at him, through the crowd at Hunter’s Moon for Simon’s gig, and winks. He splutters into his beer and looks back at Simon, who’s really getting into it now, his eyes lowered as he croons into the mic. Strobe lights flash around them, and the crowd is loud and wild; Simon’s a popular act. 
He waits through the set, his heart in his throat as he obsessively smooths his thumb over his phone screen. When Simon finally finishes, Jace forcefully pushes through the crowd until he can clamp a hand around Simon’s shoulder. 
“You,” He hisses, and Simon looks at him, alarmed, “Come on, we have to talk.” 
“Izzy if he kills me you’re my witness!” Simon screeches as Jace drags him out through the back door. Jace snorts. 
“Shut up.” He commands, unable to stop himself from smiling at Simon, a fond feeling bubbling in his chest. “I’m not - Simon. You idiot.” 
“You know, I just - yeah, I’m lost at this point.” Simon says, bemused. “You alright, buddy?” Jace ignores him. 
“I’ve been flirting with you for weeks.” He murmurs softly, stepping closer and noting the way Simon’s eyes widen and his lips part ins surprise. “I even asked Maia for help, and - now Clary tells me I didn’t have to try so hard.” 
“You - flirting?” Simon asks helplessly. “I thought you were just - being you.” 
“Yeah.” Jace presses closer, and Simon swallows, holding his ground, looking up at Jace through his lashes. He’s almost Jace’s height, but his eyes are absurdly large and beautiful, and it’s embarrassing how weak Jace is for everything about Simon Lewis. “Apparently you like that, even though I made a fool of myself.” 
“I do.” Simon agrees nervously, biting his lip. “God help me, I do. I never thought I could have this, though.” 
“Neither did I.” Jace admits, honestly, and it’s his heart on his sleeve as he stares at Simon. 
“Fuck, Jace,” Simon says, and then he launches forward and crashes their lips together, hard and demanding. The kiss is fierce, unyielding, taking Jace apart and stitching him back together as Simon’s tongue parts his lips like it’s the easiest thing in the world. Jace is breathless with desire, an overwhelming want clouding his mind as he knots his fingers in Simon’s hair and pulls him closer, pulls him in to take everything that Simon’s willing to give. 
They kiss for hours, or minutes, or seconds; all Jace knows is that he has to rip himself away at the end to suck in deep, ragged breaths, shaking as he leans against Simon. Simon, the rat bastard, just laughs, content with not needing to breathe. 
“That was awesome.” Simon enthuses, his arms encircling Jace’s waist. His smile crinkles the corners of his eyes, and he traces a thumb over Jace’s cheek. It’s soft in a way that Jace is still getting used to, and he hums and leans into the touch. 
“Just shut up,” He says, laughing breathlessly, “and kiss me.” 
And Simon does. 
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cover2covermom · 5 years
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*Books included in this batch of mini book reviews: The Night Tiger by Yangsze Choo, A Spark of Light by Jodi Picoult, The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin, and Challenger Deep by Neil Shusterman
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» The Night Tiger by Yangsze Choo
*3.5 Stars*
Set in Malaya in the 1930s, The Night Tiger weaves the paths of two characters, Ren & Ji Lin, together while unraveling the mystery surrounding a missing finger…
I think the author captured the essence of the setting here, which was the best part of the book for me.  The 1930s Malaya setting felt very authentic and well researched.  I tend to be very critical of my historical fiction.  I want to feel like I am there!  The historical context was on point in The Night Tiger.  I also liked that the author really showcased what it was like for a woman in Malaya in the 30s, particularly one that had ambitions of a career in the medical field.
The Night Tiger is historical fiction with a touch of fantasy/magic realism, which is a mashup that I absolutely adore.  I really enjoyed the fantasy/magic realism elements blended with the Malayan folklore & superstitions.  This story had a very surrealistic & atmospheric feel to it.  Choo tackles many heavy topic throughout The Night Tiger: domestic violence, social hierarchy, gender norms, superstitions, complex family relationships, etc.
The Night Tiger includes a variety of characters, not all exactly likable.  There were a few different characters where you are not sure how to feel about.  Are they “good” or “bad”?  What exactly are their motivations?  This added to the sense of mystery since you didn’t know who to trust for the majority of the book.
On the flip side, the length of the book was far too long and the pacing was way too slow, particularly in the middle.  It took me a long time to trudge through this story, which hindered my enjoyment of the story.
I also did not care for the romance… to be honest, it was off-putting.  In my opinion, the book would have been much stronger without it.
» A Spark of Light by Jodi Picoult
I’ve read 6 of Picoult’s books so far, and have enjoyed each of them.  A Spark of Light was classic Jodi Picoult.  If you are not familiar with Jodi Picoult, she likes to take controversial topics and challenge your stance on the issue by shedding light blurring the lines between “right” and “wrong.”   Her books make for excellent book club selections.
A Spark of Light has an interesting format in which we start at the climax of the story, and work backwards while filling in all the details.  The story starts off in the midst of hostage negotiations at a women’s reproductive health clinic where a gunman has stormed the clinic and taken everyone inside hostage.  The story then works backwards, hour by hour, slowly revealing the character’s back stories and what brought them to the center that day.  I will admit that the format was a bit disorienting at first, but once I got used to working backwards I found it to be a very creative & effective way to tell this story.
I respect that Jodi tackled such a hot button issue like abortion, despite the fact that it must have had a negative impact on her career.  Is there a topic she won’t touch?  Unfortunately when you are dealing with the abortion debate, most people are firmly pro-life or pro-choice.  There isn’t much of a gray area for most people and tensions tend to run high when people debate abortion.  I think Picoult did a wonderful job of showing the perspective of women that choose to have an abortion and got the point across that it isn’t typically an easy decision for most women.
Picoult addresses many issues in the abortion debate that are very relevant right now like all the hoops women need to jump through to safely and legally obtain an abortion, the financial burden of abortion, underage girls obtaining parental consent for an abortion, abortions for fetuses with genetic defects, abortions after a rape, abortion vs. foster care system, etc.  No matter which side of the debate you fall on, you’ve got to admit that this is a very complex issue.
I had a hunch about one of the twists, but the other took me completely by surprise.  Picoult never fails to throw me at least one big curve ball in every book of hers I read.  I’ve never been able to guess every plot twist in any of her books.
» The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin
I had actually never heard of this book before one of my book clubs selected it for our book of the month.  Not sure how this little gem escaped my radar, but I am so glad I read it.  The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry will definitely be one of my top reads of 2019!
The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry is about a young widowed man that runs a bookstore on the remote Alice Island.  A.J.’s life is not turning out how he expected it to, causing him to be lonely, jaded, and a bit moody.  One day something is left in A.J’s bookstore that changes the course of his life…
The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry is what I fondly refer to as a “bookworm’s delight.”  Basically, a story that captures the essence of the love for books, bookstores, and the people that love books. 
The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry was heartwarming, funny, and emotional.  This is very much a character driven contemporary, thus a slower paced story.  I’d recommend this book to fans of quirky characters & fans of books like A Man Called Ove, The One-in-a-Million Boy, and Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine.
» Challenger Deep by Neil Shusterman
*4.5 Stars*
I’ve finally read my first Neal Shusterman book and it was awesome!  Challenger Deep was not what I was expecting at all!  I went into this one blind, so when I started listening to it, I honestly thought this was a pirate fantasy novel…. Let’s just say that I was completely thrown off that this book was so much deeper (see what I did there?) than I ever anticipated.
Challenger Deep is about a boy named Caden who is slowly beginning to sink into the depths of mental illness.  Caden’s family & friends slowly start to notice that Caden is not acting like himself.  Is Caden doing drugs?  Is he abusing alcohol?  What is going on with him?
The way Neal chose to tell this story was very unique and unlike any other book I’ve read.  I must admit, I did not understand what he was trying to do at first, but once I “got it” I was really able to appreciate what he was doing with this story.   Neal really gives us such a personal account of Caden’s mental illness that I felt like I was inside Caden’s head.   Challenger Deep was probably one of the most authentic mental illness representations that I’ve ever read.  The mental illness representation felt so well done, which isn’t surprising since one of Shusterman’s sons struggles with mental illness. 
Not only are we given access into Caden’s mind, but we also get to see the impact that his mental illness has on his family, friends, and in other aspects of his life.  This is such an important aspect of mental illness that is often overlooked in books portraying mental illness, or at least the ones I’ve read.  Mental illness effects more than just the individual themselves, it effects everyone around the individual.  Again I assume Shusterman’s own personal experiences influenced this inclusion.
If you’ve ever wanted to be able to better understand someone with schizoaffective disorder and what they go through, I’d highly recommend picking this book up.  I definitely have a new respect for anyone struggling with this disorder & their family/friends.
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Have you read any of these books?  If so, what did you think?
Comment below & let me know 🙂
I share a batch of mini book reviews on my blog today! What have you been #reading lately? #BookReview #Books #BookBlogger #Bibliophile #Bookworm *Books included in this batch of mini book reviews: The Night Tiger by Yangsze Choo, A Spark of Light…
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