#the things people get mad abt sometimes are so incredibly dumb like just take a nap
chatonnoir · 3 years
You are the reason I am sane after this saltwave due to Glaciator 2 really THANK YOU SO MUCH
I absolutely loved this episode and think the writing was pretty amazing. And people saying that it sucked and I am like wtf-
I also saw people bashing Mari for the Adrienette scene saying she was taking advantage of Adrien's sadness and literally comparing her to FUCKING HAWKMOTH I-
She just wanted to cheer him up and that was actually pretty sweet. Moreover if people want to blame her for that, I think they are the same nutcases salting on Chat for GoS where he took LB to a movie💀
Anyway, what did you think of the confession scene? Because that seems to have pissed off people too (Never mind Chat was actually having the time of his life in the scene lol)
I’m glad to be of service lmao those of us in the fandom with brains really are the only ones who can keep e/o sane every time things like this go down
This fandom has a thing for acting like romantic love somehow “taints” platonic love or is shallow or an "ulterior motive" and it's not cute at all.
Marinette saw Adrien was sad and wanted to cheer him up because she loves him. Oh no, how terrible /s
Adrien wants to be more genuine and vulnerable around Ladybug because he wants to be closer to her because he loves her. Oh no, how terrible /s
Loving someone isn't wrong. Wanting to be closer to them because you love them isn't wrong. Adrien loving Ladybug is not a character flaw or something for him to overcome, the way he ACTS on it is. Marinette loving Adrien is not a character flaw or something for her to overcome, the way she acts (or fails to act lmao) on it is. The show has long since established how deep and genuine their love for one another is. This isn't them being like, "oh if I do this thing for this hot person they'll kiss me." It's actual love, not a shallow attraction. They're already good friends as Adrienette and best friends as Ladynoir ON TOP of their romantic love. Like I said in a different post, this series is a ROMANTIC COMEDY, so if you hate when things are always made to be about their romantic love or see it as somehow making their platonic bonds less genuine or expect them at any point to lose their feelings for one another, you’re definitely looking in the wrong genre.
And that kind of helps me segue in to the confession scene - the second part of that genre title is that it’s COMEDY. Chat Noir was clearly having fun laughing his ass off and being goofy doing his dramatic reading and I'm sure it was a pleasant and welcome distraction from the heartache and internal conflict he was going through at the time. They made Marinette get angry for the comedic effect of her angrily reading a corny love letter. Not because "haha she's yelling at Chat Noir and its funny when girl yells at boy" or whatever people might try to spin it as, but because of the juxtaposition of the words she's saying and her actual tone ("I'M NOT ANGRY WITH YOU I'M IN LOVE" she says while angry) and it was fucking hilarious
In addition to that we know the idea of confessing to Adrien is something that stresses her out big time, so she was on edge and acting accordingly -- people don’t always act rationally when they’re under stress. Chat Noir noticed her stress and that’s why he offered the distraction of going to the movies. At no point was he legitimately bothered by anything she was doing --- he would have spoken up if he was, because he wasn’t Adrien in that moment but Chat Noir. People take this shit way too seriously for the kind of show that it is. I literally didn’t even think anything abt that scene beyond “haha dumb and dumber” and then I came online and saw people salting and I was like “wait .... y’all actually care abt this?? y’all actually gave this dumbass scene, which was made solely to show both of them having 0 brain cells, more than 3 minutes of thought?” Idk people in fandom are always gonna throw a fit whenever female characters so much as Breathe near their fan favorite pretty white boy wrong and that has been true for decades in every fandom under the sun, you can’t ever win with those lmao
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ethospathoslogan · 6 years
Omg I would probably die from happiness if you did a sanders sides superhero au. Like I'm really curious about your take on the characters and their roles. Tbh I just love how unique you make the characters while staying true to their personalities. Also your aus are absolutely fantastic and I adore them.
anon this is... an incredibly sweet and heartwarming message (that also means a lot to me bc i know i’ve been kinda........ lacking in my AUs recently) so!!! you’ve inspired me to actually go through and at least bang out some headcanons omg
so, for some general background stuff, i was inspired by the adventure zone: commitment to make this!! kinda like how taz balance inspired a lowkey fantasy AU except this one is so much easier to do bc i can be inspired by commitment w/out actually being like “okay so logan would be [insert character] and roman [insert character] and etc etc etc”
basically the part that i really liked and that really got me thinking abt the AU is that, in commitment, the heroes don’t get their powers by dumb luck or birth or anything, but they’re given them scientifically through a corporation? like their powers are basically implanted in them by this scientific heroic organization and they don’t have a choice in what powers they get, and i thought that was really interesting!!!
also again idk if this is gonna be an Actual AU just bc my writing life has been crazy really, but if anyone is actually interested in this AU after reading this, i’ll happily accept questions/prompts :)
also also, i have to get ready for work, but i got mad excited abt this, so below the cut are roman and logan’s characters, if people want patton and virgil, i’ll reblog with them, too!!
**this is an AU in the making. aka, im really intrigued w/ this idea but im still working on the general outline of it. so, if i actually continue with it, some things might change or become more structured.
roman prince:
age: 26
so i picture this AU taking place in a city, and i feel like roman is the son of a very wealthy businessman within that city
he def has a balling penthouse that overlooks the city skyline
he’s charismatic and outgoing and definitely has a bit of an edge to him. like, there’s a bite to him, but it’s more like “i’ll smile and play nice and smile while tearing you to shreds if i need to”
like, don’t get me wrong, he’s a nice guy!!! an overall good person, just he’s not afraid to start shit and call people out on his bullshit if he has to. this has gotten him into trouble more than once.
he’s an aspiring performer and he’s incredibly talented in singing, acting, and dancing, but none of his roles ever felt Right bc it was obvious that the casting directors chose him to appeal to his father
which was always concerning for roman because he has a...... complicated relationship with his father
he actually got involved with the Scientific Organization because of his father
his father, the CEO of Prince Corp., started a partnership with the CEO of Sanders Institute. while Prince Corp. deals with finance along with more artistic fields, like films and fashion, Sanders Institute deals more scientifically, like with researching and developing new technologies. together, they formed almost an alliance of sorts.
so, Prince Sr. was told by Sanders Sr., “i have a new idea that could change the way the world functions” and, almost instantly, Prince Sr. offered Roman
when roman finally arrived at the Sanders’ Scientific Organization that will definitely have a name if and when i work more on this, he thought he was just going to be trying out new technologies or taking a couple fitness tests or trying some new serum or something
he didn’t expect that, after multiple screenings and tests, he would be told that he’d be receiving superpowers
or, more so, the scientists told him that he would become “an enhanced, more powerful version of himself,” which everyone knows translates to “kickass superpowers”
it’s not that he’s reluctant at first, but he’s almost disbelieving. like, things like this happened in movies and comic books. not in his life. but, then again, he knew that technology was advancing along with science, and it seems very possible...
needless to say, he became very enthusiastic very fast
his powers: pyrokenesis and he can put people under a type of thrall with his voice
pros of his powers: he can command people at will. he can set shit on fire.
cons of his powers: people know that they are being controlled and can fight against it. even if they fail in fighting it, they will know once the thrall wears off that they were controlled. he can set shit on fire. cue moral dilemmas on whether or not he’s toeing the line of superhero/supervillain bc of the devasation his powers, both physical and mental, can have.
this will be logince bc im logince trash
logan sanders:
age: 28
the son of Sanders Sr., and twin brother to thomas sanders
his entire life has been science. when thomas went to college for environmental engineering, he went for biology. outside of school, both brothers got very involved in technology. they’ve been exposed to their father’s science from a young age.
it was always expected that they would inherit Sanders Institue together and expand it with their fields of study
however, even logan and thomas didn’t know what their father was planning with this new Scientific Organization. they knew that Something was going on, but they thought perhaps a new technology was being developed, or a new experiment was taking place
well... they were partially correct
logan and thomas were both brought into the experimentation. they were the first ones to undergo the process, actually. they were told that it was because they deserved to receive this enhancement first, but they’re smart, they knew the real reason: to their father, science came first, and that meant using his sons as guinea pigs
now, logan is an incredibly analytical and logical man. where thomas was trusting and compassionate, always looking to help his father, logan was skeptical. what if something went wrong? what if the experiment didn’t work? it didn’t take long for him to learn that they were planning for other people to be brought in; what was the criteria?
why were they enhancing people like this?
“because people like you will be able to help the entire world,” his father had said, a smile plastered on his face. “you and thomas are both boys of science, and the people we plan on recruiting are just as beneficial. don’t you want to be of assistance to the world?”
logan did and, so, convinced by his father and intrigued by the science around it and interested in what these enhancements could be, he agreed.
plus, there was no way in hell he was going to let thomas go through this alone. if something happened... it happened to both of them. they were a package deal, and an experiment wasn’t going to take it away.
even though logan had his doubts, as time grew closer to when the enhancements would take place, he grew more and more excited. he loved science, lived for it! and he was truly about to become a man of science! everything for their world was about to change (logan never said it outloud, but he knew it: they were going to be heroes) and logan was going to be a part of that.
he always wanted to be a part of something that did good.
his powers: he can tap into any and all electronic devices and basically take total control over them. he also has lightning/electricity powers.
pros of his powers: can access any information in electronical databases. can shoot lightning beams.
cons of his powers: just how you can burn out a fuse by putting too much power in it, logan can “burn out.” electrical storms can actually be painful for him bc of how much electricity is in the air, and if he taps into too many devices in a short amount of time, he actually shorts out and basically electrocutes himself. it’s nonlethal but, nonetheless, painful, and leaves him powerless for a little while. all the electrical powers make him feel a bit too... robotic sometimes.
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heesgf · 6 years
zeen out of curiosity can u ship ur mutuals with sb?
hihi!!! omg i’ve always wanted to do this so im rlly happy someone finally asked🤧🤧💖 im gonna put this under ‘read more’ bc i have a lot to say!! pls enjoy :’)
((i want to apologize in advance bc i have the sweetest mutuals ever and im gonna be writing a lot for each of them bc i love all of you guys!! sm!!😚))
firstly, im gonna ship hyunsuk with @forhyunsuk (courtney ilu💞)!!! when i think of the two of you, i think of really cute and spontaneous dates in the summer :’)) like getting ice cream and going to the beach!!! maybe burying him all the way in the sand and then running away jsdiojs. i also imagine you two doing this cute thing where you go to clothing stores and pick out the randomest, most CRINGEY items you can find LMAO, and then you make each other do little fashion shows???? long story short: u have him wearing a bright yellow romper and a trench coat…and he has u wearing weed socks with overalls and a sombrero??? WILD🤪🤪 but ya’ll are the cutest!!! and at the end u take rlly sweet selfies and cuddle at home :’)) sweet bbys!!!
i also wanna ship hyunsuk with my love, sim ( @hyunsukmyass ) !!! i feel like you guys would travel together uwu🤧💘??? i think of the sweetest domestic life, and there’s nothing more beautiful than exploring the world with the person you love?? i see you guys sitting together on planes and you always!! have your head on his shoulder, and he’s holding your hands, caressing it gently, and kissing it softly when you take off :’)) sometimes he’d just slump over into your seat and you’d wrap your arms around him!! he’s not asleep, he just wants a piece of you sim sdijsojf💖💖💖 he takes LOTS of photos of you while you’re sleeping omygod!!!! and they go all over instagram…. uwu u guys are the cutest couple ever!!! (w/ the best ig feeds ever DAMN) 
lastly i ship hyunsuk with lika, @moonxlika (world’s cutest person uwu😚)!! lika, you guys are so that adorable couple that joke around with each other like crazy, but when things are serious, u always have each other’s backs!!! if u come home after a long day, and ur upset or really tired, suk is ready to FIGHT SOMEONE FOR YOU😤😤💪 (bc he wants his baby to be happy always :’) but once u explain to him that it’s just a bad day, and there’s no one to fight, he immediately takes u into his arms and u guys eat every snack the convenience store has to offer, along with every cheesy movie u guys can find on netflix!! (maybe u guys are doing other things more than watching the movie but that’s none of my business🍵🍵🍵) also i mean kissing jiofsj nobody come for me pls im fragile
@seunghunn my angel maddi !!!!💕💕💕 it’s no surprise that i ship you with seunghun!!! you guys are definitely the sweetest couple on this entire planet, and i think you guys would have the randomest, but MOST FUN, dates ever??? like seunghun would randomly pull up at ur house 2pm on a saturday (he didn’t even tell u tf??) he calls you, and when u look outside, he’s waving at you like crazy!!! and he’s smiling SO HARD!!! and ur just staring at him like ‘:ooo ????’  u kinda wanna go back home and change bc ur wearing sweats, but he looks so cYUTE and excited, you just jump into the car uwu❣️❣️❣️ and that’s when ur adventure begins :’))) he takes u to a finger painting place??? u guys promise ur going to draw each other omg; u decide to be a lil playful and paint him kinda funny looking, and long story short, he chases u around the place and threatens to rub his paint hands on ur face🤧 he gets somehow manages to get some on ur lips??? it’s ok bc he kisses it off uwu!!!! maybe call poison control???
next i ship seunghun with the lovely vale @seunghunies 💘💘💘 vale omg you and seunghun,,, literally the cutest concept ever :’)))) i feel like the two of you would love to venture out into town casually?? like he’d pick you up after school and you’d drive into the city!!! and believe me, the two of you look so in love, people would be staring in awe left and right🤧🤧 when hun sees the tip of your nose getting red, he takes his scarf off and wraps it tightly around u!!! and then he kisses ur nose for good measure uwu :’))) !!! when it gets darker, he’d drive a little bit toward the hills, and you would cuddle against each other and watch the stars… u guys would talk about everything!!! when u go off on lil rants abt ur day, he’s just staring at u like 😻😻😻 oh he’s so in love with u!!!!!!
and ofc i wanna ship seunghun with the beautiful @kimseunghoney 💛💛💛 christina when i think of you and seunghun, i think of adorable morning dates!!! i can see you and hun starting off ur days together at a cozy little breakfast place, and the whole time, he’s just giggling and staring at u with the fattest heart eyes!!! i think seunghun would buy u things spontaneously?? like ‘here’s a bouquet of flowers bby, i saw them and thought of you’ or ‘here’s a sweet treat for my sweet girl✨’!!!! uwu uwu uwu, you two are really just the cutest!!! sometimes, in the morning, if he has to leave before you, he’ll leave a sweet love note on the bathroom mirror. not that you’d ever forget how much he loves u, bc trust me, he says it everyday!!! but he just wants u to smile :’) he loves u sm💖
@byoungggon ess, my angel, i obviously ship you with gon!!!💫💕 i see u guys as the adorable couple that literally everybody can’t help but fall in love with??? like you will wear gon’s oversized grey hoodies, and his camera roll will be filled to the brim with photos of you!!! anyone from miles away would be able to tell that u two are so in love with each other??? and if it isn’t obvious enough, this boy shows up to every single music performance u have, with a beautiful bouquet of red roses, the widest smile, and the LOUDEST WHISTLE IN THE WORLD!!!! hes always in the front, and he’s always cheering the loudest bc he’s so proud of his bby uwu🤧 u guys are the sweetest couple ever!!!
@speckofglitter tiyi i would ship you with byounggon too!!!!💞💞💞u can’t tell me y’all wouldn’t be the chillest couple that hangs out at parties, and y’all look so sweet talking to each other, everyone’s kinda just gawking at u!!!! also, driving in the car and listening to music??? THAT’S KARAOKE TIME!!!! ppl driving past might look at you guys like 👀 but y’all don’t even care!!! you’re too busy screaming lyrics at the tops of your lungs and laughing together omg :’))) why are you two so cute omygod…
@hynusuk taryn we don’t talk that much but I know you and gon would be the best couple ever❣️❣️❣️ i can totally see him sending you lyrics to his next song late at night, and his heart is beating so fast because he just loves you so much!!! and you’re melting bc the lyrics are about you, and they’re the most beautiful things you’ve ever read :’))) I feel like he’d make you mixtapes!!! and whenever ur feeling down, you guys would take spontaneous trips around the city and maybe makeout a lil hehe😚😚!! cuties
@yeetdam dara my angel!!! i ship you the human emobident of sunshine, yedam😚✨✨because he’s such a smart bby, and so are you, I can see you guys studying together before a big exam :’))) perhaps ur a liiiiiittle unmotivated so yedam makes a deal with you 👉🏼👈🏼!!! if u study with him for a couple hours without any distractions, he will sing you to sleep for every question you get right :’)))) and bby!!! u get all those questions right, so you are SET❣️❣️❣️ the night before your exam, yedam cuddles you in his arms, and sings you the sweetest lullaby you’ve ever heart uwu!! and the next day, when your exam is finished, he gives u the sweetest kiss😭😭 and then u guys race to the nearest icecream shop and eat icecream until u drop!!!!
@yedarnit how could i not ship you with yedam???? that would be blasphemous jskssk🤧 you guys are SO that dreamy smart high school couple that everyone loves, not only because they’re incredibly ADORABLE, but also bc you two are so mature and down to earth???💕💕💕 i can see you and yedam cramming for tests at the school library, and you guys do that so often, perhaps the librarian is ur #1 fan??? she is the biggest micro and yedam supporter omygod💘💘💘 sometimes the two of you fall asleep, and you’ll rest your head on yedam‘s shoulder while he has his arm around you!!! and she is MELTING at the sight of y’all!!! ofc, she snaps a couple pics, and when u guys wake up, she shows them to guys!! tbh, y’all are kinda melting too???? damn cute!!!
  @doyeongs j, you and doyoung are the most angelic couple ive ever seen???💗💗💗 i think you two are the resident sweethearts at your highschool, and literally everyone, including the teachers LOL, is in love with ur relationship!!! I can imagine doyoung making jokes under his breath in class to make you laugh, and you can’t help but burst out laughing every time!!! most of the time, ur teacher thinks u guys are so sweet, she doesn’t even get mad :’))) i also see doyoung walking you home❣️you guys basically just gush abt ur days, and talk abt how much u miss each other :’))) maybe when he notices you shivering, he hands you his jacket, and maybe when he sees the blush on ur cheeks, he leans in to kiss it uwu!!!!
@sonjuyeonnie lydia i ship you with doyoung too!!!💝💝💝 the purest couple ever :’))) i think you and doyoung would spend a lot of time together during school; and he’s always getting in trouble bc he does dumb things to make you laugh (all in good fun ofc!!! nothing bad). i can see doyoung teasing and playing with you!!! like sometimes he’ll just kneel down in front of you and be like “hop on😎”!!! and then he piggy backs you the whole way home and you’re just giggling the whole time :’))) cutest bbys!!!
miss haejin @junkyuity …. u KNOW u and kyu are my one and only😞💝💝💝 me, you, kyu, and gon are richmond gang :’))) the strongest group out there uwu!!!! I could talk abt you and kyu for days BUT, one thing i rlly always think about is how u two go on the sweetest, most casual dates!!! like to a cute lil convenience store somewhere omg :’))) u two would share a strawberry milk with one straw, and maybe have some instant ramen if ur hungry, or other snacks!!! perhaps he’d steal a couple of ur snacks when u aren’t looking, but tbh, you aren’t that mad??? bc the second you raise an eyebrow at him, and ur like, ‘hmmm🤔🤔🤔… didn’t i have more pocky???”, he immediately bombards you with the sweetest kiss!!!!💕💕💕 and let’s just say,,, it’s so heart fluttering, u forget everything??? yeah… u guys are the cutest💘💘
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glitterdustcyclops · 6 years
so tumblr, what incredibly petty, ridiculous things are you fully planning on literally dying mad about? cuz for me, there are two very specific incidents in my life that i have actually out-loud sworn to still be bitter about while lying on my deathbed, both of them involving food establishments that have wronged me
okay this post got wildly out of hand (i am a dramatic bitch) so the rest is under the cut
first, the Saga of the Medium Dipped cone. so a few years back when i still lived in vegas, a brand new dairy queen opened up a few blocks away from my house which was personally like a gift from the heavens. idk if u know this abt me, but literally one of my favoritest things on this earth is a chocolate-dipped vanilla soft serve cone, and honestly tbh nobody does it as good as my queen of dairy do. so i was excited to have such unfettered access to my supplier so wonderfully close to my abode, and as soon as i noticed they were open, i begged my dad to take me one day. now, i may love a dipped cone but i’m not an animal, so when drivethru dude asked what size i wanted for my frosty chocolate treat, i said medium. sensible, i thought. not pathetically tiny, but not complete hedonism either. a reasonable amount of chocolate-shelled cream to apply directly to my face parts, or so i thought.
cuz what i in fact received from drivethru dude was a giant fucking cone,literally almost a foot of that fuckin sugar styrofoam nonsense  (easily the worst part of the ice cream cone experience we are all in agreement, right?) with maybe abt a half an inch of soft serve on top, hastily slathered in some chocolate shell. and y’know, i understand mistakes can be made sometimes, so i asked my dad to double check the sitch, because that didn’t seem like my previous experiences with a medium dq dipped cone. so my dad is like “this was supposed to be medium?” and this guy, this fucking guy, looks my dad straight in the face with his cold, lifeless demon eyes and goes “oh, well, it’s just the cone that’s larger.”
THE CONE. THAT IS LARGER. JUST THE CONE. JUST THE CONE. *deep breaths* i like to think i’m a reasonable person, esp when it comes to exhausted retail/food service workers. we’re all just trying to get that bread, i understand. but yall. YALL. i about leapt over my father into that fuckin window and pummeled this dumb motherfucker. THE CONE. the fUCKING CONE IS LARGER.
i came home actually, literally, ranting about how the fuck this fuckin guy thought he could get away with giving me a “medium” dipped cone that was literally just a small ice cream in a giant ice cream package. i ate the cone, of course, and it turned to ashes in my mouth. my heart grew as icy cold as the pathetic amount of soft serve i consumed, and merely a moment later, it was gone. and my mom, my beautiful perfect precious mom was just like “next time you go, just get a small cone, and proportionally it will be more ice cream!” which honestly, is just a portal to madness at that point.
so anyway, me and the moms went back a few weeks later and i thought surely, surely they wouldn’t try that shit again, right? it was just a fluke? just a single, cruel person who hadn’t known love or joy and was too fuckin lazy to make my ice cream properly, but this time, surely, it would be different. dairy queen could redeem themselves! i believed in the power of redemption!! second chances!! so i, like an idiot, ordered a medium. dipped. cone.
AND GUESS WHAT I FUCKIN GOT. GUESS. GO ON. YOU’LL NEVER GUESS. because it was actually, somehow, less ice cream than last time, still on a medium-sized cone. like which demon thought when i ordered a medium-sized ice cream cone what i was really hoping for, what my truest heart’s desire, was a medium-sized empty-ass cone to eat. ice cream, guys. ice cream is what you serve, ice cream is what i thought i was ordering what is WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE. i was livid.
and from that day forth, i actually and literally swore that i would go to my literal and actual grave still seeking vengeance upon this establishment that had wronged me so egregiously. every time i go to a diary queen now i order a medium dipped cone, almost spitefully, and wait to see what they give me. thus far no one else has been dumb enough to try the “oh it’s just a larger cone” bullshit on me, and i haven’t had to try and nuke the entirety of dairy queen as a brand from orbit. for now.
my second story isn’t quite as dramatic but definitely still just as petty and ridiculous. this is The Sushi Incident, and it goes like this: when we first moved to utah, me and mom were shopping around for a sushi restaurant. our expectations for the food culture in this state had been already thoroughly disillusioned by this point, and after a few too many 4-star yelp reviews that surely must have been posted sarcastically led us down some dark, dark paths, we were desperate for anything approaching edible at this point. and so we hit up a pretentious looking place near where i worked, and it was busy and loud and took forever for us to get a table, but i was trying to be positive here. and i was looking over the menu and it actually kind of all looked terrible but-positive, i’m trying to be positive here, so i was searching for something that sounded good. and i noticed- under the basic sushi rolls, there was something missing. my number one, go-to staple sushi order. my version of the cheeseburger. my safe haven, that thus far not even the worst restaurant has managed to ruin for me. the rainbow roll. (yes, 95% of the reason i order it is because it’s called a rainbow roll, and therefore, it is the gayest sushi option).
so i asked the waiter, innocently, curiously, oh, do you guys not have a rainbow roll on your menu? and this monster, this eldritch abomination in the shape of a white guy (it’s always fuckin white guys, isn’t it) stared at me, like i’m fucking with him. complete blank face. like i was veering wildly off menu here, some demanding spoiled brat asking for herculean tasks in my honor. the fuckin grocery store makes rainbow rolls. this is entry level bullshit. i tried halfheartedly to explain-y’know, it’s a california roll, but it’s got slices of raw fish on top. like, c’mon dude. it’s the ham-and-cheese sandwich of the sushi rolls. and he just shrugged awkwardly and wandered off.
i don’t remember what we ended up ordering that night, i think i blocked the traumatic experience from my memory. but i do remember appending another black mark to my Record, and one day i know that i’m going to be old and withered, in a hospital somewhere surrounded by generations of my family, my wife beside me holding my hand. and i’m going to beckon towards one of my great grandchildren, and i’m going to pull them close, and i’m going to whisper they didn’t fuckin know what a rainbow roll was and then my heart is going to stop beating. those will be my last words.
so, like, pls, tell me i’m not the only one with these ridiculous stupid petty grudges against things?? pls???
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rapmonphile · 7 years
getting to know me
i was tagged by the incredible and sweet @chim-jiminie-cricket to do this question game! tysm chim, ily!!
your last . . .
1. drink: a s’mores frappuccino from starbucks
2. phone call: i literally never talk on the phone but it was probably with my mom (tbh ......i was probably at the grocery store and called her in a panic bc i couldn’t find smth)
3. text message: i sent my sister a screenshot of that post that’s like “i wanna run away but like in a ghibli movie .....” bc we spent all day yesterday watching ghibli films
4. song you listened to: polarize by twenty one pilots
5. time you cried: um this is embarrassing™ but it was a few days ago bc i’d been having a Bad Week and the last straw was when i went to dairy queen and when they turned over my blizzard n handed it to me (why tf do they do that) it made a goddamn mess and got all over my shirt and seatbelt and i was so mad i started crying jhhgsdghhg
have you ever . . .
6. dated someone twice:  no but i did almost date the same guy like 4 times in high school (it was so needlessly complicated.... i sometimes wonder what would have happened if we’d ever gotten it together and started dating)
7. kissed someone and regretted it: u m i have actually never kissed anyone tbh
8. been cheated on: no
9. lost someone special: yes
10. been depressed: uh yeah i think i might be depressed? but it also might just be my anxiety but idk who knows man
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no, i don’t drink and i’m legit terrified of throwing up
list 3 favorite colors
12-14. mint green, oxblood, and hunter green
in the last year, have you . . .
15. made new friends: yes!! so many, esp on here
16. fallen out of love: nope
17. laughed until you cried: yes :’)
18. found out someone was talking about you: hmm no i don’t think so?
19. met someone who changed you: lmao i literally hate this question.......,, i mean yeah i guess? i mean nothing dramatic but i think everyone you meet changes you a little
20. found out who your friends are: ohhhh yes
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: no, ew
random questions
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: most of them, the ones i don’t know are friends of friends or we went to the same high school (i never use fb though so it rly doesn’t matter to me)
23. do you have any pets: yeessss i have a pit bull and she’s the single love of my life
24. do you want to change your name: no i don’t think so, mags is just a nickname but my real name is p unique and even tho i wish people could spell/pronounce it on the first try, at least idk anyone else with my name
25. what did you do for your last birthday: one of my best friends has a bday like 5 days before mine, so we just combined our birthday celebrations and us and a couple more friends went to steak n shake and saw beauty and the beast together
26. what time did you wake up: 9:20 am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: watching the gong show, lmao
28. name something you can’t wait for: i’m going to a music festival in september and i’m soooOOo excited!! also i can’t wait to go to the beach with my family
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: i am looking at her rn
30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish i wasn’t so afraid to do new things and i wish i didn’t have so much anxiety about things that literally everyone has to go through (i.e. change)
31. what are you listening to right now: my mom running around putting things into boxes (we’re moving soon)
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: u mean 707′s neighborhood friend tom? ... yes i actually have met someone named tom
33. something that is getting on your nerves: it’s too hot in this room and i am dying
34. most visited website: tumblr or youtube
35-37. ok so i’ve answered these same questions like probably 10 times over the years and these 3 q’s have literally always been missing. whats the deal
38. hair color: rn it’s brown with blonde highlights
39. long or short hair: it’s getting longer
40. do you have a crush on someone: no
41. what do you like about yourself: hfgdhs idk ,,, i think i’m a fun person and i won’t judge people for liking “weird” things bc i have a lot of ... eclectic interests and i hate how it feels to be teased for that
42. piercings: i just have one in each ear.... i want a cartilage piercing but i’m scared of pain and also it bugs me that you can’t remove it for like 6 months
43. blood type: that’s a good question, i should know that but i don’t
44. nickname: mags, except ppl in real life don’t actually call me that lmao
45. relationship status: single and tbh i’m comfortable with it, i tried dating recently and tbh it is so fucking exhausting
46. zodiac: i am literally a textbook aries
47. pronouns: she/her
48. favorite tv show: the office, bbc sherlock, gravity falls, or anything on the food network/hgtv
49. tattoos: none, i’m scared of pain and commitment
50. right or left handed: right
51. surgery: never had one, thank god
52. piercing: um,,,.,, repeat question
53. favorite sport: tbh i hate sports but i am completely obsessed with the olympics, particularly swimming, diving, figure skating, and women’s gymnastics (seriously.... idk if any of you followed my main during the olympics last year but it was p much all i blogged about)
55. favorite vacation: disney world (i go every year and i went this january but i’m missing it so bad rn)
56. favorite pair of trainers: i have a pair of light gray and light blue nikes that i looooove but i’ve had them for like 3 years and they’re getting worn out
57. eating: nothing, but i did have an eggo waffle this morning
58. drinking: ice water
59. i’m about to: finish packing up my bedroom :(
61. waiting for: my mom to take a shower so we can go grab lunch (there’s literally no food in our house since we’re abt to move)
62. want: the ac to kick on so i can stop dying (it’s already so hot today)
63. get married: hhdgsd idk, ,,, probably (i always say how much i hate romantic shit but tbh i can’t wait to find someone who makes me rethink all the cynical stuff i’ve ever said about love)
64. career: don’t even ask i’m gonna have an anxiety attack (i’m in college and haven’t declared a major yet can u tell)
which is better
65. hugs or kisses: hugs, kissing grosses me out a bit tbh
66. lips or eyes: both (but if i had to pick i’d say eyes i think)
67. shorter or taller: don’t rly care but i guess i’d pick taller
68. older or younger: older
70. nice arms or nice stomach: both (or either)
71. sensitive or loud: these aren’t mutually exclusive but i’d say sensitive
72. hook up or relationship: relationship
73. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
have you ever . . .
74. kissed a stranger: no
75. drank hard liquor: no
76. lost glasses/contact lenses: no, my glasses are 100% always on my face
77. turned someone down: yes
78. sex on the first date: mm no
79. broken someone’s heart: yes :/
80. had your heart broken: yes ://
81. been arrested: lmao NO
82. cried when someone died: yes
83. fallen for a friend: yes lmao
do you believe in . . .
84. yourself: i try to !!!!!!
85. miracles: yes
86. love at first sight: no dude... that’s honestly such a dumb notion in my eyes
87. santa claus: um tbh i wish?? like every time i watch rise of the guardians i’m like “that is 1000% what santa would look like” and then i wish he was real
88. kiss on the first date: i wouldn’t want to, just bc i’ve never kissed anyone and i want to get to really know someone first bc i’m so nervous when it comes to things like that
89. angels: no, like i believe that loved ones who’ve passed on can watch over you but i think that’s different from angels
90. best friend’s name:  eva and kendall
91. eye color: hazel
92. favorite movie: i have millions....,,,,, the secret world of arrietty, monsters university, tangled, big hero 6, how to train your dragon, power rangers, ghostbusters (2016), the incredibles, teenage mutant ninja turtles 2, ratatouille, jersey boys, zootopia .... i’m forgetting a million but yeah. i love animated films, esp. disney/pixar
i’m literally not tagging 20 people but if i didn’t tag u and you wanna do this, pls pls go ahead and tag me in it!! also i’m soooo sry if i tag you and you’ve already done it/been tagged. anyway i tag: @bbysucculents, @yxonkook, @yoobin-nie, @missmarymoo, @escapaertist, and literally anyone else who wants to do this!! tag me in your answers <3
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