#the type of person that would be happy buying an actual lethal weapon with that kind of imagery very prominent on it
answrs · 4 months
anyway so a few years back at one of mom's old churches, someone snuck a pair of nunchucks (illegal in Ohio, also sir this is A Fucking Church) into the donations for the rummage sale.
I went to help out sorting through and pricing things yesterday for her newest church's sale and found a whole-ass iron(?) dagger with a very sharpened foot-long blade in one of the bins...
with a bonus eagle & swastika hilt
so that's fun 🫠
my dude. like what was your plan here. "yes the 50¢ an item fundraiser is definitely gonna sell a fucking nazi knife to support their free community breakfasts. I am a Good Person."
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shinidamachu · 3 years
I need some Inuyasha as a great father (more like DILF, amirite?) headcanons, can you help me out?
I'm here to serve!
• It isn’t until they’re happily married for at least one or two years that the possibility of children are brought up.
• At first, they took that time to relearn each other, enjoy their company and make the honeymoon phase last a little long. They did spend three years apart, after all. There’s so much time to make up for, so many catching up to do before they’d even think to throw a kid into the mix. Plus, being a modern woman, Kagome would know how to avoid pregnancy the best her new circumstances allowed and how important that time alone is for a newly-married couple.
• They never actually had the child talk because Kagome just assumed that’s where their relationship would naturally lead to, given her motherly tendencies and Inuyasha’s history of ultimately giving her everything she wants. For his part, Inuyasha knew she wanted to be a mother someday and he'd be lying if he said he never indulged the fantasy of fathering her children. However, he has serious trouble wrapping his mind around the idea that, in reality, Kagome would still be up for it if he were to be the father. He could never dare to ask of her more than she has already given him. Be that as it may, it was not a big deal because it was not a dealbreaker. Nothing was.
• But with time, Kagome would have noticed how good Inuyasha is with Hisui and the Mirsan twins. How his relationship with Shippo had developed from a sibling banter to a makeshift paternal relationship. How people like Shiori and Bunza would look up to him like he was some kind of movie hero. How every kid in the village seemed to adore him despite his grumpy demeanor.
• And Inuyasha would have noticed the way Kagome would look at him whenever he so much as interacted with a child, the way her smell would spike significantly.
• She, of course, was the one to make the first move, jumping him one night, after they had spend the whole day stuck with babysitting the Mirsan children and popping the question.
• Inuyasha was relutant. There was a part of him that was adamant on making her happy and even believed having babies would make him happy too. On the other hand, he was terrified. Terrified of how her body would react to childbirth, of if her spiritual powers would accept his demonic energy. But mostly, about what would happen once the baby was born. The last thing he wanted was for Kagome to go through everything his mother had to go through. Or for another kid to face the same prejudice he did. Besides, he grew up with no father figure whose steps he could follow. He didn’t know how to be a father.
• Kagome assures him that they won’t have a baby until they’re both ready and on the same page, that they have time and that Inuyasha will be a great father.
• Inuyasha believes her.
• Then it is him felling some type of way whenever he sees Kagome around kids. And something deep inside desperately wishes to find out what would their children look like, what would it be like to hold and take care of someone born from their love.
• Finally, he caves.
• Inuyasha wants a big family, considering how lonely his childhood was. Kagome finds it pivotal for their first-born to have a sibling, since she had Sota and their relationship was one of the most important things in her life. That’s why they’d have two children minimum, preferably a boy and a girl. However, giving how dangerous and uncomfortable childbirth can be, especially without the perks the modern era provides, I don’t think they’d have more than three.
• Naturally, Inuyasha relies on Miroku for advice and the latter is more helpful than not. Except for the times Inuyasha asks or says something that makes it way too easy for Miroku to mess with him. Like the time he told Inuyasha that if he doesn’t get Kagome whatever food she craves while pregnant, the baby will be born looking exactly like that food. And Inuyasha believed him.
• And if you thought Inuyasha was protective of Kagome before... oh boy! He’d be almost overbearing, but Kagome would see it as endearing. Most of the time. Sometimes, though, a woman has got to have her privacy. He also becomes more attentive, more gentle, sweeter.
• After their first child is born, Inuyasha gets a makeover of sorts. He’s always borrowing the Fire Rat to Kagome and the baby anyway, so he figured it’d be more practical to just pass the clothes on to them already and get something new for himself.
• It’s white.
• Inuyasha becomes taller, stronger. And often lets Kagome experiment with his hair with braids, top nots... and ponytails.
• Old Myoga is the first one to notice the resemblance. And it’s true. He’s the spitting image of Toga. Former enemies and allies often mistaken him for Toga and Kagome thinks the look on their (and Inuyasha’s) face is hilarious.
• Sesshoumaru does not care for it (I stole this one from @heavenin--hell).
• Inuyasha hates his human nights even more because now his vulnerability also means he might not be able to protect his family as he usually would (Together Changed by @goshinote and @lostinfantasyworlds inspired this one). Plus, the black hair and lack of dog ears confuses the baby, who cries and fusses for a good while until realizing it is, in fact, Inuyasha holding them (this one I saw in an adorable fanart I can’t find).
• But since he needs way less sleeping than humans and he spends the New Moons up anyway, Inuyasha gets a lot of quality time with their infant at night, which allows Kagome to actually get a good night sleep unless the baby is hungry.
• The Beads of Subjugation get dooled and chewed on. A lot.
• A little contest takes place between Kagome and Inuyasha about what the first word of their first child would be, with Kagome going for “dada” and Inuyasha going for “mama.”
• Kagome wins.
• Inuyasha’s fighting style changes. He still says some snarky remarks, but now it’s more to push his opponent‘s buttons down so they would get sloppy than anything else. After all, he has a child to think about and provide for now. He doesn’t have the luxury of gambling with his life anymore. He has a home to come back to and therefore won’t be taking any chances (credit to @born-for-eachother for this one).
• And so he becomes more lethal on the battle field. Pragmatic. Objective. Calculating. Decisive. Cold blooded. Much like... Sesshomaru.
• He had never been more offended on his life than the day Sango pointed this out to him.
• When the kids grow up a bit, Inuyasha and Kagome start to tell them bedtime stories, with the PG version of the story about how the met and defeated Naraku being their favorite.
• Kagome tries to be a reliable and calm narrator while Inuyasha exaggerates the events and the voices, almost always breaking objects of their house in the process.
• After hearing one too many times about the Beads of Subjugation, their child tries to “sit” Inuyasha. Of course it doesn’t work, but he still makes a big deal out of throwing himself on the ground every time they say the word just to hear them laugh.
• The first actual toy Inuyasha buys them is a ball, just like the one he had as a kid, at the same time accomplishing a childhood wish through them and ensuring that they would always have someone to play with.
• Kagome is more protective of their physical state while Inuyasha is more protective of their emotional one (see Fist Fight by @omgitscharlie)
• Inuyasha goes to Totosai and asks him to make a weapon out of one of his fangs to each of their children once they get old enough for it. Not necessarily a sword, just something of their choice and that better fits their personality.
• He would be a just father, doing his best to show no favoritism, treat his children equally and make sure no one felt overlooked or unloved.
• But truth be told, if one of their babies turn out to be a daughter, he would definitelly let her get away with almost anything, no matter how much of a gremlin she is. Daddy’s little girl would have him wrapped around her tiny fingers.
• Life never treated Inuyasha kindly. From a very young age, it was kill or be killed. It wouldn't be too far off for him to think the exact same thing could happen with his kids, therefore he tries to prepare them, to tough them up so they can take it.
• And I believe this sentiment would be significantly amplified with a son, because it would involve the whole “suck it up”, “men don’t cry” and “man of the house” aspect of it. The “it is your duty to protect your mother and sister when I’m gone” too, especially because he couldn’t protect Izayoi himself.
• It’s “tough love”, but it’s love nonetheless. And in the right dose, which I believe Inuyasha manages to nail, it can be very important for one’s development and growth.
• But it’s hard to imagine him being as tough with a daughter. Probably because he sees so much of Kagome on her that the mere idea of seeing her cry simply breaks him.
• Kagome would actually have to step in when it comes to disciplining and saying “no”, because he simply wouldn’t have it in him to do so.
There’s actually a really nice post by @keichanz I reblogged a while ago discussing precisely that, but I can’t find it to save my life (should I start to properly tag my reblogs? No, it’s a lot of work and I’m right not to).
Anyway, that’s all I got for now.
Peace out.
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dapperkobold · 5 years
Rate the Monsters: Alien Bestiary
Why yes, I already reviewed this, but I wasn’t happy with the review. I’ve thought about it, and I’ve concluded why: no one buys monster books for the BOOK. They buy them for the MONSTERS.
So, here’s a different take: I’m going to be rating the monsters based on how they’re presented in the book, on a few different measurements:
Presentation: The image and description of the monster, to make sure everyone knows what it actually IS. You laugh, but we’ve had trouble with that before.
Mechanics: Less intended to be a measure of how balanced the numbers are, more intended to be a measure of how the monster’s abilities will affect an encounter.
Lore: Lore is a measure of the writing about the monster. Note that this is limited to the writing in this particular work! If this book doesn’t really present a monster compellingly, that’s a problem. Especially if the monster is more intriguing in other works!
Roleplay: If you want something more complex than a good fight, something where the players need to talk their way through the situation, this is where you’re going to look. This is going to be related to Lore and Mechanics, but can be more complex depending on the monster’s precise nature. This is also the least impactful one if it gets a low grade: not every monster should be able to disassemble you philosophically before it disassembles you physically. Sure, mindless undead will all score Fs here, but this isn’t what mindless undead are used for. This is counting not only direct interactions with players, but possible impact on campaigns just from the raw mechanics and fluff presented.
This is inspired by Esper the Bard’s Monster Ranking videos for 5e, credit where it’s due. This kind of analysis is a really good way to measure the basic usefulness of monsters, specifically as they’re presented in specific material.
A few notes before I continue:
1. I don’t give points for historical significance, good intentions, or supplementary material. This is a rating of these monsters as presented in this book, nothing more, nothing less. Some of these monsters date back to olden D&D, some of them have been done wonderfully other places. I’m not rating those; I’m rating these monsters as they are here, in this book.
2. Anyone can make something interesting if they’re creative enough. This is less a full measure of the potential of the monsters, and more a measure of the potential of the monsters as they’re presented. A clever enough DM can make anything compelling, but for less lateral thinkers out there, the writing in the books are what they have to work with.
And since there so darn many aliens in this book, for now we’ll just do A.
Ohhh... this is not a good start...
Presentation: The description and image are both pretty generic. A copper robot with multiple legs? Okay. Nothing to imply their special abilities or stand out at all. Grade F
Mechanics: Okay! There’s a lot of special abilities here! A weakness... a limiter on the weakness... communication ability with a very minor upside... a special attack that doesn’t have any damage or effect listed? Defensive ability that has potential but doesn’t clarify the wording... and one variable effect. This is just a mess, I get that it’s supposed to be flexible (including the ability to change abilities with a full-round action) but this set of mechanics doesn’t really suggest any kind of interaction or particular play style. GRADE F
Lore: There’s no lore listed!
Which is dumb, because I know the lore! These are supposed to be the native life form to Albion in the Pathfinder setting! Why didn’t they at least TRY to explain it? GRADE! F!
Roleplay: IT HAS NO LORE LISTED, HOW ARE PEOPLE SUPPOSED TO KNOW HOW TO ROLEPLAY IT? GRADE F F F F F this is making me seriously reconsider my analysis of this book’s capabilities!
Presentation: While the Description is fine, the picture is lackluster. Grade C
Mechanics: Using a mix of manipulative spell-like abilities and surprisingly powerful attacks an Aboleth has potential to be a fairly tough encounter. Charm monster can make it an ally, followed by doing solid damage with normal attacks and the occasional spell level 2 mind thrust. However! I had to calculate that mind thrust is cast as a second-level spell, it’s not stated. The main limiter is that with univeral environment suits, the threats of aboleths forcing you to breathe water or gooping your skin is far less immediate. Still, might have potential if there’s some way to break that armor! Grade B-
Lore: A description of Aboleths scouting, conquering, and then leaving planets to rot? It’s the grimdark realization of the quiet horror that we always knew Aboleths could be! Grade A-!
Roleplay: With a spell list made for interaction (at will detect lies, for instance!), good mental stats, and the lore touching on their psychology, society, and motivations, there isn’t much more you could ask for in Roleplaying opportunities. Grade A.
Aboleth, Veiled Master
It’s a CR 14 Aboleth. GET IN.
Presentation: Has no dedicated picture, and the text description really doesn’t sell me on what kind of emotions seeing it is supposed to illicit. Grade D+.
Mehcanics: Yes, it’s an upscaled Aboleth, but it’s upscaled in a creative way. Suggestion, illusion spells, dominate person bolstered by a special ability, 3rd-leve mind thrust at will and a bite attack that lets it READ MINDS. This thing wants an entourage, to mind control the party heavy, and then blow people’s heads apart with mind thrust, with support from illusions and some suggestion to keep things interesting. Also, it shapeshifts. Grade B+
Lore: It’s an Aboleth that disguises itself as a person to manipulate events in the world. Repeat, it’s a CR 14 Aboleth whose entire job is to manipulate a society without said society ever knowing it. It even touches on their place in Aboleth society. Grade A.
Roleplay: It’s an aboleth, with +25 bluff, sense motive +30, and the ability to shapeshift into any small or medium form. If that doesn’t immediately make the players among you shudder in fear and the DMs among you cackle internally, I don’t know what will. Grade A+. Excellent big bad potential, just like Aboleths were always meant to be.
Presentation: The Achaierai has a really bad case of presentation separation. The pictures look derpy, the description tries to be intimidating, and both massively undersell the fact that the thing is constantly oozing acidic smoke. Grade C.
Mechanics: The Achaierai is a fairly straightforward fighter, with solid melee attacks, a passable ranged attack, a breath weapon with some unique rules and an aura of black smoke. The breath weapon not only damages but confuses the target, with a DC 13 save to end that could in theory last indefinitely. The aura itself is a basic damage aura, tied to the low save of DC 13. While it has solid ideas, I’m not sure its powers stand out all that well: DC 13 is in line with the proper DC for a CR 5 monster using abilities that need saves, but all the same a DC13 save is pretty negligible and even rolling every round the penalty for failure isn’t all that high. The breath weapon is a 40 foot cone, but anyone making the DC 13 ref save takes no damage. It doesn’t have enough to be an interesting encounter in and of itself, and even as part of a greater encounter if the dice don’t favor it its unique aspects might be entirely ignored. Grade C.
Lore: The Achaierai’s lore confuses me. Sure, the core idea is cool: A four legged bird monster thing that emits acid smoke. The thing that gets me? It’s an outsider. A native to hell. Why? It would work fine as a magical beast. As a native to hell, it’s immediately near the bottom of the respect pole as a monster that does acid damage in a place where a lot of creatures are resistant to acid damage. I guess I should be happy that it’s more than just another strange magical beast monster but… I’m not. I really feel it would have made more sense as a magical beast. Grade C.
Roleplay: It’s got Wis +2, Cha +3, and speaks infernal. With that said, the lore doesn’t at all list anything that it might want to talk about, or any kind of social structure other than that it has packs. Grade D.
Adamantine Wasp Swarm
Presentation: Wasps made of metal? Cool. The problem is that while it’s a swarm of fine creatures, the flavor text says that each wasp is 1 foot long several times. I assume this is a misprint, and it’s supposed to be one inch long. Other than that, nothing all that incredible. Grade D.
Mechanics: Not all that much. It’s mainly just swarm immunity plus construct immunity plus a special venom on its attacks. The venom is interesting, it turns the target into ice, but that in and of itself isn’t explained in the lore nor condusive of an entertaining, interactive fight scene. They don’t even have DR like would be typical of things made of Adamantine. Grade C-.
Lore: The lore uses a lot to not say a lot. It mentions that they’re made to guard areas, like all constructs, and then goes on at length about how they’re wasps. Grade D.
Roleplaying: To no one’s surprise, there’s no reason to try and talk to the wasps. No, not every monster needs to provide good roleplay opportunities, but all the same it’s worth noting when they’re not present. However, mindless monsters… there’s no reason to expect them to have roleplay opportunities. So for those I’ll waive the grade.
What’s up with adherers? Seriously? Why? I feel like back when there was one monster book they would have been a good old skool joke enemy. You know, the kind of thing where the joke punishes predictable adventuring habits and is immediately lethal. But why are they treated as a classic enemy? Flumphs have more lore and mechanics than adherers do!
Presentation: Eh? The picture is nice, but adherers always look stupid. Always. Grade D.
Mechanics: It’s a basic grapple brute. You know the type, attack, free grapple, beat the tar out of the grappled enemy. Adherers have the perk of being able to grapple on the enemy’s turn, but it’s not really going to cause a more complex series of interactions. Ranged attacks with beat them. Magic will beat them. Even melee combat can beat them if they take enough fire damage on a consistent basis! Grade D. Adherers are literally a joke. Making a memorable combat encounter using adherers is indicative of amazing GM skill, not anything innate to the monster’s mechanics.
Lore: Grade F. It’s the kind of token lore that raises more questions than answers.
Roleplaying: Grade D-. It has an int of -3, somehow speaks Aklo, and has no complex motivations nor society to speak of.
Presentation: An interesting picture and the visual elements of the templates description are effective enough. Grade B.
Mechanics: As a template, it must be kept in mind that these mechanics are in addition to other things. As thus, a blindsense variant, a strange mobility power, and a basic ranged attack aren’t all that solid of a foundation. They’re interesting by all means, but it doesn’t give the altered creature a new or definite spin on their combat style. Grade C.
Lore: It’s fine. Exposure to aether radition over time, a reliance on it, appreciation for music, it’s a bit token but not objectionable. Grade C.
Roleplaying: As a template… it doesn’t really add any roleplaying potential. The reliance on radiation might, but it also take a fair amount away. Grade D.
It’s not as good as the variant in the Alien Archive 2.
Presentation: Fine? Eh. Grade B.
Mechanics: A basic brute with a minor disease, it lacks the depth of mechanics that the official version has. Has an Alpha Akata that’s just a CR2 version. Grade D.
Lore: The most predictable variation of the parent trope, they’re alien animals that want to reproduce parasitically and make zombies as an in-between step. The problem is that they don’t have the cunning of the original alien, and at CR 1 they’re not really the most dangerous creatures. The lore says that outbreaks of Akatas can become big problems, but CR 1 or 2 monsters that reproduce through a special ability with a fort save of 10? Seriously, the local law enforcement or monster hunters need to be weak and incompetent to not take these things on. If they were CR 5, that would be one thing. But here, they’re CR 1. Grade C-.
Roleplaying: They’re dumb animals. As in, literally, they’re at int -4 putting them at animalistic intelligence, but they also don’t have any kind of social structure and no sense of self-preservation. So, not only are they animals, they’re particularly stupid ones. Grade F.
Akata Host
It has the same grades as the Akata. It’s just the zombie stage between the infection and the chest-bursting. They can do some strength damage, and on a CR ½ monster that is worth note. Just not enough to make a difference. Seriously, chryssalids are scary. These things? They’re just weak.
Alchemical Ooze Swarm
Here’s a CR 1 monster worth remembering!
Presentation: Though the image is a bit confusing, the description of a riotous mass of bubblelike oozes is very well done. It even has a consistent description of the size of the component parts. Grade B.
Mechanics: Making good use of the swarm type, the Viscous and Chemical Slime abilities add both mechanics and flavor to the swarm. Enemies hit by the swarm’s attacks can be entagled, and then start to suffer additional effects based on the chemical compounds in the oozes. It’s a very interesting idea, and though I feel the DC is way too low at 10 or 11 it has potential to be a memorable dungeon hazard or a part of a greater encounter. In addition, what secondary effect the swarm has also affects the swarm’s weaknesses and resistances. This means that the monster can be used multiple times without being too easy for the players to cheese, while still following an internal logic that the players might be able to learn and use. If anything, I feel it’s a shame this is wasted on a CR 1 monster! I’m definitely going to upscale this at some point. Grade A+!
Lore: It’s a basic ecological aesop, but the idea itself is worth some respect. The explanation to why there’s four different variants works well enough, and it gives the entire thing a feeling of slightly comical menace. If you play even a little loose with the lore, there’s lots of ways this swarm can be used in stories. Grade B.
Roleplay: Mindless.
Presentation: My response to the picture and description is a deadpan ‘ok.’ It’s not really the most evocative of description in any case, but it works. C-.
Mechanics: Babble plus touch of madness isn’t a bad setup. Definitely more made to seriously inconvenience the party than actually be a solid threat, could be better as part of a larger encounter or as rescource-stucking filler. Certainly unique, and the Madness ability is a nice fluffy addition. B.
Lore: Coming back from the dead for vengeance isn’t really a compelling story in D&D/Pathfinder/Starfinder. Half the undead want vengeance, and Allips are no exception. This is honestly just ‘exists’ lore: It opens no awkward questions, but it also doesn’t answer any interesting questions. C-.
Roleplay: It has Int +1 and Cha +4, but its entire thing is that its crazy. It’s not technically a mindless undead, but in some ways it might as well be. D-.
Amalgamite Swarm
It’s like grey goo, but big enough to punch.
Presentation: Pretty solid. Nothing to really send home about, but hey. B.
Mechanics: Interesting. A little ranged attack, a stealth ability, and a common combat feat adapted to work for a swarm. There’s clearly thought put in here, and it should all result in a very interesting back-and-forth. A.
Lore: Eh, it’s not quite generic. A little bit of extra thought put in. Nothing amazing, but I appreciate the effort. B.
Roleplay: Mindless.
This is another monster I think is an original, made to go with the specific Aetheria setting.
Presentation: Neat. Gives an idea of the thing’s scale and has fair detail even if the design itself is a little simplistic. B.
Mechanics: It’s a Colossal CR 18 monster with a mix of melee damage, a breath weapon, and some utility-focused spell like abilities. There’s some creativity here, but nothing that really makes me jump. B.
Lore: It mentions details specific to the setting, but the basic idea isn’t hard to get. I will say that I think it leans on historical significance more than current-day significance, which can make it difficult to integrate into campaigns in interesting ways. B.
Roleplay: It has telepathy and can talk to plants, and there’s a seed of it in the Lore, but nothing that really grabs me. C+.
This entry is the giant amoeba and the amoeba swarm, but I’ll rate them together to save us all time.
Presentation: Eh? Not much to see, not much to say. Not ugly. C-.
Mechanics: These two creatures are basically two versions of the same one, one’s a generic swarm and the other is a generic small ooze. Literally, I can’t find anything special about them. Also, the giant amoeba references the ‘constrict’ universal rule, but at the time of this writing (before Alien Archive 3 comes out) there is no such rule! F.
Lore: None of note. Seriously, I’m impressed how little is communicated here. F.
Roleplay: It’s a mindless ooze.
Animated Object
I feel like this entry is unfitting as either the original idea of the animated object, a Starfinder implementation for the animated object, or the implementation for the enemies actually presented in the book.
Presentation: The description is meh, and the image is amazing up until you realize it’s out of scale with the sizes in the state blocks. And one of the things has no image or personalized description at all. D+
Mechanics: Presented here in the Animated Object blurb is not generic stat blocks usable for various animated objects, but instead two specific animated objects that could have worked perfectly well as robots. And they’re both boring. One has con damage attached to its grappling, the other has trample. D-.
Lore: No fluff text. F.
Roleplay: Mindless.
Presentation: The description is a little generic, and the image is derpy-looking. D.
Mechanics: The idea is that it’s a bite n’ grab monster, with a bite attack that also does acid damage. However, it has an area attack that disables the bite attack’s acid damage when used. Sound interesting enough? Yeah, it doesn’t work as written. The damage is listed as “P & A,” so even parts piercing and acid. The deactivation clause in the Spit Acid ability says that it loses out on the “additional acid damage”, which leaves it unclear how much the damage is reduced. Is it halved after rolling? This could work, but it’s not made clear in the text: when I read that I expected to see something like “+1d8 A”, clearly differentiating the additional damage. Also, the bite attack has the burn critical effect, which reflects things bursting into flames. Even if you replace that with the corrode effect, the rules text doesn’t say to remove it with the acid spit. The monster simply does not operate as intended and needs another pass. F.
Lore: The lore text is effective enough, but has some mechanical notes in it that don’t fit in the fluff text well. They really should either be included in the stat block somewhere or left vague, how they make their tunnels doesn’t matter as long as it happens off-camera, right? C-.
Roleplaying: Normally, as a non-social monster, I’d just flub it. However! It’s specifically mentioned that it could be used as a mount, and its temperament as a mount, meaning it could indirectly affect another role play encounter in an interesting manner. C-.
Presentation: The description and picture are interesting. There’s enough flourishes and detail to intrigue, with a little bit of artistic flair. Hm! A.
Mechanics: It’s got touch of madness, a suite of nasty spell-like abilities, constant true seeing, and it’s incorporeal. Intriguing, no? Not the most outstanding of mechanics, but could still pose a reasonable threat. C+.
Lore: So, it looks like a hologram, it has a touch of madness, and it casts spell like abilities. Just what is… the Aoandon? I’m gonna read it!
“An aoandon is an incorporeal outsider formed from the spirit of a woman who died pursuing some ill-fated relationship.”
Dead people don’t form outsiders! They form undead! Why isn’t it undead? Native outsiders are a wonky bunch in any case, but this is literally an undead blurb! It doesn’t discuss her combat style at all, it’s literally just the undead hatred against those who wronged her! F!
Roleplaying: I don’t care that it speaks 5 languages and it has Int and Cha +4. It’s just another undead that hates stuff. D-.
Presentation: The description is good enough, but the image really doesn’t sell the ‘Tauric crustacean’ idea. To the point that I don’t think the artist knew what it meant. C-.
Mechanics: Seem effective enough. The ability descriptions could have used another pass to better clarify the abilities and fit to the standard style of monster entries. A skilled editor was really needed here. C-.
Lore: Eh, nothing amazing, nothing bad. Just enough to keep it from feeling hollow, but nothing really that stands out. C.
Roleplaying: There’s certainly potential here, but we don’t get into their culture enough to really spark the imagination. C.
Assassin Vine
Presentation: The picture doesn’t mesh with the description at all. D.
Mechanics: Nothing too startling, though I’m not sure how the entangling plants aura is supposed to work. I’m also unsure if keeping the resistances from the original was a good idea; in Starfinder, it’s possible that a party could have no physical damage at all (if unlikely) making energy resistance/immunity more powerful. C-.
Lore: Eh? It’s fine. C.
Roleplaying: Mindless.
Asteroid Worm
Presentation: A full splash page illustration and a description that causes me to feel actual emotions. A+.
Mechanics: The worm’s gimmick is effectively that it’s a larger than colossal enemy, and whoever wrote this entry sells it really well. The abilities are straightforward enough and still do what they set out to do, while giving the DM amazing chances for description. I’m unsure how well this monster would work as a straight fight, but it would make a wonderful set piece. A+.
Lore: It’s got it. It’s effective enough, if not really riveting. C+.
Roleplaying: Mindless. There’s a lot of these in this book, huh?
Presentation: Both description and image are sufficiently spectacular. A+.
Mechanics: Well… this is very interesting. The idea is that when someone uses teleportation or the like, this monster shunts the target into a pocket dimension where it uses a mix of melee attacks with Con drain and some basic spell-like abilities to murder them. It’s the kind of thing that a good chunk of a campaign can be based around, especially since the range is one million miles. How far is that? Easily enough to cover one planet and its moons, but not enough to cover multiple planets (I checked). The fight looks interesting, and part of me wishes it was slightly lower CR so I might be able to run it sometime. A.
Lore: Hm, some points docked for the hungry undead trope, but it has a unique enough situation that connects to a different monster in the book. It’s pretty okay, but I would have liked to see more about how it operates. B.
Roleplaying: The primary appeal here is not as roleplay with it, but instead to roleplay around it. Imagine a world terrified to use teleportation because then the Atoth will get you. I definitely think there’s potential there! C+.
Presentation: Good picture, and the description isn’t bad. B+.
Mechanics: Very durable, and the setup is one I recognize from Pathfinder monsters: Natural attack with Grab, into Rake. The problem is that Starfinder doesn’t have Rake as a universal monster rule, and instead of adding it in manually the creator didn’t give them anything. This neuters the entire setup, the Aurumvorax can still do more bites to keep the grapple but it doesn’t get that sweet bonus Rake damage. C.
Lore: It’s the same as usual. An angry, heavy, badger-like thing that chews gold and fools. A few interesting notes. A-.
Roleplaying: A nice little mention that they can be trained if they’re picked up young, giving them a little bit of potential. D+.
Another group that I’m going to all lump together, but this one is new. To me, at least.
Presentation: There’s a definite shared theme, good art, fair descriptions. A-.
Mechanics: The Hive Mind is an interesting take on the mechanic of the hive mind, and the mechanics of the creatures themselves seem effective enough. The Thoughtseeker is a caster, and the Warrior is a combatant, and both have fitting abilities. A-.
Lore: Hm, interesting enough, but very connected to the specific setting they’re made for. No real context on why and when they interact with the rest of the universe. B.
Roleplay: The hive mind is smart, but they’re just angry zerg-like creatures that want to enslave others and eat radioactive rocks. Not a lot to really RP with. D-.
Final Thoughts
This has been a trip. Some great examples, some absolute failures, a few great endgame monsters, a great CR1 monster, and this is only the first letter of the alphabet. Hit and miss, by all means, and an unusual amount of mindless creatures, but not really a super good claim toward or away from buying the book. This is a mixed bag, and for some people the good will be enough to make it worth it.
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worldofblade · 6 years
Head Assassin, Between-the-Chapters:  Tae Ch 4
We are back with our favorite Scorch-Hybrid.
BTS Fanfic:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | (T-1) | (T-2) | 5 | 6 | (T-3) | 7 | (T-4) |
Warnings:  Dark, forced kiss, non-con topics, violence/blood, somewhat sexy times, Dark!Tae, Dark!Jimin.
Rating:  R
Beta:  @blerdygirlwrites
A/N:  Remember this is a “spin-off” of sorts from the main plotline, but you do need to read everything to fully understand what is going on.  Hope you like this next chapter.  I am also thinking about showing a bit of Yoongi’s home life....Hmmm....??  Would love to hear feedback.  Thanks for reading.
“Alright, the first thing you need to understand, is that this is your life now.  Accept it.  Nothing you do can change it, so learn to deal with it.”  Eunseo stood across from the Song women, trying not to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation.  Here she was, in a posh sitting room giving a hard knock lesson to two noble women.  They were in designer clothes, while she was in Taehyung’s t-shirt and sweats.  The borrowed clothes swamped her, but they were still better than her other option, the skimpy gold dress that the women had first met her in.
Eunseo had jerked awake that morning with Taehyung softly calling her name.  Before she was even fully aware, Tae had kissed her forehead, telling her that the stuff from her old apartment was on the way and that he would be home in the afternoon.  He then smoothed the hair out of Hong-Do’s face, and then walked out the door.  
Now, she and the Song women were having their little “meeting” while Taehyung was away.  Eunseo would have liked to have at least been in her own clothes when she met with the noble women, but when she had snuck down the stairs to scavenge breakfast for her and her son; she had come face to face with the women who wanted to capitalize on Taehyung being gone.  To Ga-Yoon and her mother’s credit, they didn’t bat an eye at her clothes, and had some servants bring food to the sitting room for all of them.
“Kim Taehyung is a Scorch-Hybrid.” Eunseo continued, glancing out the window where she could see Hong-Do and a servant playing in the garden that faced the sitting room.
“What does that actually mean?”  Ga-Yoon’s mother asked.
“That means that he was bred by the Noble Houses and the Old Regime to be a psychotic mass killing weapon.” She brought her focus back on the women, and could tell that they were uncomfortable with how blunt she was being. “I’m not going to sugar coat things, so if you want me to stop, now is the time to tell me.”
“No…we…we need to know.” Ga-Yoon said, sitting taller in her chair.  Both women were pale, but also held determined looks on their faces.
“Scorches are extremely territorial, aggressive, and lethal.  Tae could kill us all with his bare hands in seconds.” Eunseo went on, after hearing that the other women were willing to learn.  “He doesn’t have any moral code, except what he has decided for himself.  Which means he can be highly unpredictable and somewhat unstable.  Most never know exactly where they stand with a Scorch. They despise anything that could be seen as challenging their authority, which is why there are so few male servants in this house.”
“Which is why he…killed everyone when he came… I mean the men anyway.” Ga-Yoon’s whispered statement made Eunseo’s heart break a little, but she didn’t let it show.  They all had to become immune to these types of things if they were going to survive.
“Exactly.” Eunseo said, trying to ignore the haunted look on both the noble women’s faces.  “Taehyung got rid of anything he felt was a threat, and replaced everything with people that would be in his control.”
“Which means, he doesn’t think we are a threat.” Ga-Yoon’s mother spoke again.  A knowing look in her eyes.
“Correct.” Eunseo threw a smile at the older woman.  “Which is a very, very good thing for all of us. Instead of a threat, we are all now part of his territory.  He sees us as something that belongs to him; and even though it doesn’t sound like something to be proud of, for us it is a wonderful thing.  Why?  Because if we belong to him, he will keep us looked after and safe.”
“As long as we do exactly what he wants.” Ga-Yoon said, anger seeping into her voice.
“True.” Eunseo answered, nodding her head.  “Our safety rides on the ability to keep Taehyung happy, but he is actually a lot easier to navigate than you think.”
“He wants a family.” Giving her daughter’s hand a reassuring squeeze, the older woman again looked at Eunseo.
“Yes.” Eunseo smiled, happy that the noble woman was picking up on things.  Moving away from the windows, she sat on a plush chair facing the women.  “He wants people who are happy to see him when he gets home.  Wants to be asked how his day was, and to be told to wash up because dinner is going to be soon.  He wants the type of family that is only ever seen in ancient movies.”
“So, if we do this, we will be safe?” Ga-Yoon asked, disbelief in her eyes.
“Not totally, no.” Eunseo said, dreading where she had to go next.  “Scorches need to have two main things to keep them happy.  Sex and blood.”  Forcing herself to overlook the other women’s bright red faces, Eunseo took a deep breath and continued on.  “I’m here to take care of the sex, but he needs to kill things; and we need to be ok with him coming home covered in blood.  We need to ask no questions, and expect no answers.”
The two women gasped. Clutching at each other; their eyes turning glassy.
“That being said,” Eunseo hurried to continue, hoping the other two wouldn’t faint.  “Taehyung seems willing to not bring that part of his personality home.  So even though it’s something you should be aware of, he might be unwilling to sully where his family resides.  So, we might be very lucky and never see the blood.”  Eunseo felt bad that she had to take it this far, but the truth was the truth. She still had nightmares about being tossed into Taehyung’s room after he had come back to the center from a killing spree; blood everywhere.  She shook her head a bit to dispel bad memories.
“So, we need to focus on making him think we are a family?” Ga-Yoon’s mother finally broke the silence; wanting to get back onto somewhat safer topics.
“No,” Eunseo shook her head, giving both women a sad smile.  “Not think we are a family.  We have to truly become his family.  Taehyung is not dumb.  I am sure he knows that whatever pleasantries you’ve given him have been forced and fake. That will only keep him happy for so long.  He needs to feel our complete acceptance of what he is and what he does.  That is the only way it will work.”
“But he’s a monster!” Ga-Yoon yelled, jumping out of her chair to pace back and forth.  “You’re saying that we have to accept—“
“Yes!” Eunseo interrupted Ga-Yoon’s coming rant, walked over and taking the younger woman’s hand into her own.  “The only way we will survive and have even a smidgeon of happiness for ourselves is if we learn to love the monster that is Kim Taehyung.”  Leading Ga-Yoon back to the chairs, Eunseo also took a hold of the older woman’s hand.  “It’s better to be beloved of the devil than to be in his war path.”
The three women gripped each other’s hands and shared sad smiles, until the door opened and a servant announced that the boxes from Eunseo’s old apartment had arrived.
“Why don’t I text Lieutenant…I mean Taehyung and see what he would like for lunch.” Ga-Yoon’s mother stood tall, wiping at slightly damp eyes.  “You did say he would be back in the afternoon, yes?”
Before she knew what she was doing, Eunseo embraced the older woman.  Seeing her accept and try to follow through with the plan made Eunseo truly feel that they were going to be a team.  The noble woman went absolutely still, before slowly bringing her own arms around Eunseo.
“I think that is a wonderful idea.  Taehyung would like that, I’m sure.” Eunseo said, pulling away from the woman with a soft smile.
“I don’t like the cloths you brought from your old apartment.”  Taehyung glared at the open door of the massive walk in closet that held both of their cloths; then without waiting for any reply stalked to the bathroom and slammed the door.  The sound of the shower turning on coming through the door a few seconds after.
Eunseo sighed, and then sat at the edge of the king size bed that was in the middle of the room that she would be sharing with Tae from now on.  He had been pleasantly surprised when he had come home for lunch, and everyone greeted him with smiles.  Eunseo knew that he especially liked that she and Hong-Do had given him a hug; but his mood seemed to steadily worsen from there.  Every time Taehyung came across something else that had been delivered from Eunseo’s old apartment, he became moody and petulant.  The worst being when they had put Hong-Do to bed together, and the boy had immediately cuddled an old brown bear and not the new stuffed animal that Tae had brought home.  Eunseo knew that she was very close to having to deal with a Scorch-Tantrum.  Taking a deep breath, she started mentally preparing for what she was about to do.  It was time to take on Kim Taehyung.
 Taehyung turned from toweling his hair dry, when the bathroom door opened, and something came flying across the room; hitting the small garbage can which toppled to the ground.  It took him a moment to figure out that some of Eunseo’s cloths were on top of the overturned can.
“You know, I’m not sure I like any of my old cloths either.  I guess you are going to have to buy me new ones.”
Taehyung turned toward Eunseo’s voice and then stopped dead.  She leaned on the door frame, a smug look on her face and not a stich of clothing on her body.  The towel fell from his hand, forgotten as his eyes wandered over the body that was his again. Even after having a child, her breasts were pert.  Her hips and thighs were a bit thicker than he remembered, but that just made his lust kick up a notch.  He had always thought that the center kept the girls too thin.
“Get on the counter.” Taehyung growled out his order.
“No.” Eunseo turned on her heel and was out the door before Taehyung could even react to her refusal.
“What did you say to me?” Taehyung caught up to her, grasping her arm, he swung her around to face him.  “You don’t get to say no!”  Tangling his hand in Eunseo’s hair, he forced her head back and covered her mouth in a bruising kiss.  It was a kiss to prove dominance.  It wasn’t meant to be soft.
“I said no!” Eunseo gasped, doing her best to evade his overpowering kiss.  Managing to get an arm free, she raked her nails down one of Taehyung’s cheeks.  Drawing blood.
“Fuck!” Taehyung released her, more from surprise than actual pain.  Bringing a hand up to his cheek, he came away with blood on his fingers. “You scratched me!”
“Oh please,” Eunseo backed away giving him an eye-roll.  “Your fancy genes will heal you in no time.  Get over it.”
Eunseo knew that she was teetering on the edge right now.  Things could get bad quick, but she wasn’t going to back down.  Not now.  She wasn’t in the center anymore.
“I’m not a fuck-girl anymore Tae.” Eunseo watched as Taehyung’s red-rimmed eyes turned back to brown.  She knew that he was listening.  “I no longer have to jump when you call.  I, too, get a say on how our sex life goes down.”
“So, this was just a power play?” Taehyung’s eyes again started to turn red, and he took a step towards Eunseo.
“Nope.  It was the new truth of how we are going to live.” Eunseo also took a step towards Taehyung, which the hybrid was not expecting. Brief confusion crossed his face, and he stopped; giving her time to close the gap.  Going onto her toes, she tangled her hands into the back of his hair; pulling his head to one side, she bit Taehyung above his collar bone before letting her tongue sooth the site.
“Fuck…” They way Taehyung said it this time, was more of a soft purr.  Eunseo could also feel his cock twitch under the towel that was still wrapped around his waist.
Sliding back down his body, making sure her breasts were pressed against him the whole time.  She smirked at his aroused state.
“If you are a very good boy, maybe I will let you bite me too.” Eunseo stepped back, and eyed Tae.  “Lose the towel, and get on the bed.”
Taehyung’s eyes flicked back and forth from red to gold.  Letting Eunseo know that he was warring within himself.  Finally, his eyes remained gold denoting that he was full on lust mode.  Letting the towel drop to the floor, Tae threw his own smirk her way, when he heard her quick intake of breath and saw her own eyes darken with lust as she ran them over his body.
“Like what you see?” He asked, situating himself on the bed.
“You always have been and will be the sexiest hybrid alive.” Eunseo said, giving him a saucy wink. Climbing on the bed, she straddled Taehyung and allowed him to grab her ass with both of his hands.
“It can’t always be like this.” Taehyung whispered, pulling her closer to his body.  “You know I have to have it rough.  Have to be in charge.”
“I know what you need, baby.” Eunseo steadied herself on his shoulders, leaning in she tilted her head and kissed the cheek that still had a bit of blood on it from her scratch. Meeting his gaze again, she saw his eyes zero in on the blood that was on her lips.  She felt his dick harden even more under her.  “When I said I was no longer a fuck-girl.  I meant that we would give and receive equally.  So, right now you are going to be my very good boy.” She ground down, causing him to moan.  “Later, I can be your very bad girl who needs to be punished.”
“I… I was hoping to find some time to speak to you about going back to school, now that they are opening back up.” Ga-Yoon’s voice only stuttered a little bit, as she leaned closer to Taehyung and passed some paperwork his way.
Eunseo was proud to see that Ga-Yoon was finally able to look at Taehyung’s face when speaking to him. It had been a month since the women under Taehyung’s rule had decided that they were going to become the family he needed.  It was slow going, but both noble women had stopped calling him by his title, and had even teased him when he pouted after loosing at cards.  Things were still stiff and formal at times, but all in all things were on track.
Ga-Yoon had brought up that she had been in college for fashion design before the war, and that she missed it terribly.  Eunseo had told her that this was the prefect thing to bring up to Taehyung.  Not only to have something to talk about, but to also let him feel that he is able to provide something for her.
“Wow, Fashion design!” Eunseo slid onto the armrest of the chair Taehyung was sitting on, causing him to wrap his arm around her waist to steady her as she looked down at the paperwork in his hand.  “Maybe you could be the next big must-have brand that all the celebrities have to wear!”
“That’s the dream.” Ga-Yoon’s face turned pink, giving Eunseo a shy smile.
“I don’t see why you can’t re-enroll and get back into the swing of things.” Taehyung said, still reading the paper in his hand.  “As long as you have your bodyguard with you at all times; and your tracker is always turned on.”
“Oh, thank you!” Ga-Yoon jumped out of her chair, a huge smile on her face.  “I’m going to go let mother know!  Thank you, Taehyung!”
Taehyung’s own face lit up as he watched Ga-Yoon fly out the door to find her mother.  She never seemed to want anything, and only politely thanked him when he would bring home presents.  Now he finally knew what she wanted in life; and he was proud that he was the one who could give it to her.
“You old softy.” Eunseo teased, brushing Taehyungs bangs out of his eyes; bringing him out of his thoughts. “You’re probably Ga-Yoon’s favorite person right now.”  
Taehyung, came to his feet, bringing Eunseo off the armrest with him.  Throwing the paperwork onto the coffee table, he wrapped his arms around her waist, and pulled her into a hug.
“What about you?  Am I your favorite person too?” Taehyung asked, kissing the top of her head as he rubbed circles into her lower back.
“Are you fishing for compliments, Kim Taehyung?” Eunseo pulled back, giving him a flirty smile.
“Maybe.” Taehyung brought his lips close to Eunseo’s; before she pulled out of his loose grasp when the sitting room door opened.
“Sorry to interrupt.” Jimin called, as he entered the room, not caring in the least that Taehyung was glaring at him.  “Yoongi has been trying to get a hold of you.  Why aren’t you answering your phone?”
“Shit.” Taehyung mumbled, patting his pockets.  “I must have left it in the bedroom.  What does he want?”
“No idea.” Jimin said as he sat down in the chair Taehyung had just vacated.  “I’ll wait here while you talk to him in case we need to go somewhere together.”
Taehyung left the room, leaving Eunseo alone with Jimin.  Something she always tried to avoid.
“I’ll go see if Taehyung needs help finding his phone.” Eunseo said, trying to get to the door as fast as she could.  Jimin was faster.
“So how goes the whole, one big happy family scam?” Jimin leaned against the door, effectively cutting off Eunseo’s escape.
“I don’t know what you mean.” Eunseo took a step away from Jimin, but was stopped by Jimin’s hand around her upper arm.
“I mean,” Jimin said, pulling Eunseo closer to his own body.  “have you gotten tired of playing the part that Yoongi cooked up for you yet?”
“Now I’m really lost.” Eunseo yanked her arm out of his hold, and took a few steps away from Jimin, knowing that the only reason she could was because the Anchor allowed her to do so.  “Yoongi? I’ve not seen Commander Min since I approached him to help me find Taehyung, so I am really not sure what you are asking?”
“Enough!” Jimin advanced towards Eunseo, his eyes briefly flashing red, which let her know how truly upset he was.  Anchors rarely let their emotions show, so Eunseo started feeling a bit worried that he was doing so now.  “You and I both know that you would never put yourself into a hybrid’s hands willingly.  Especially Tae!” Grabbing her again, he swung around, and pushed her against the door, caging her in with his arms.
“Move away from me!” Eunseo pushed at his chest, but Jimin didn’t budge an inch.
“Tell me the truth!” Jimin’s eyes again flashed red.
“I wanted to find Taehyung so that Hong-Do and I could have his protection and so he could finally know his son!” Eunseo said, forcing herself to look directly into Jimin’s eyes, hoping he couldn’t hear how fast her heartbeat was at that moment.
“Lies.” Jimin whispered, moving his arms so that one hand gripped her waist, as the other started to stroke her cheek.  “You never wanted to be Tae’s woman.”
“No!” Eunseo jerked her cheek out of his hand, anger replacing her fear.  “It was you who I never wanted to be with, not Tae!”
Jimin brought both hands up and slammed them into the door on either side of Eunseo’s head.  His eyes fully red now.
“I would be careful what I say, if I were you!” Jimin growled out.
“It would take me screaming once for Taehyung to come busting in the door.” Eunseo said, forcing herself to remain calm.
Jimin’s eyes slowly turned back to brown, as he started getting a hold of his temper.  He knew what Eunseo said was true, and had no wish to fight Tae at this time.  Pulling her away from the door, Jimin yanked it open; not caring that Eunseo fell to the floor.
“Tell Taehyung that I’m waiting for him in my car when he gets off the phone with Yoongi.” Jimin threw over his shoulder at Eunseo as he walked out of the room.
Pushing herself up off the ground, Eunseo quickly shoved the door closed and leaned against it, trying to get her breathing under control.  She hated Park Jimin, and wished she could tell Taehyung what he was really like; but the truth was that Tae needed Jimin as his Anchor.  Most times it was Jimin who was able to stop blood baths from happening.  She had been in the center when they tried to match Taehyung up with an appropriate Anchor. None of them could reign him in, except Jimin.  What Eunseo had always wondered, though, was just who would be able to reign Jimin in if he truly let his demon out?
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obliterus · 5 years
It’s been a while, but now it’s coming back. Some things have been completely re-vamped, some things have gotten darker and more sinister here. I’m going to begin re-telling the story of this AU on this blog since Shion will be involved, and then offer all other exclusive in-depth character profiles (several key characters that are vital to the plot, and who I want to write again or introduce) on my upcoming multi-muse blog. Since... I’m sure there will be questions and there will be answers. 
Please enjoy your stay and remember to do your best, because an attempt isn’t tolerated. Let’s get started, shall we?
        Everything that you’ve come to love and cherish, those storybook heroes and their happy ever after endings don’t exist here. This is a story in which raw power and glory run the show and all that heroic bullshit? Well, let’s just say it doesn’t exist! In this world, your abilities dictate your entire life, how you attend school, and even the friends you make! If you’re born quirkless, from the moment you take your first breath, life will be especially hard for you, because you’re as good to dirt in this society. Villains are the top dog here, and your life can only get a little bit better if you entrust yourself into the hands of those with abilities greater than your own. You’re considered a disability to the system if you’re quirkless, you may as well just kiss your life goodbye or die trying! 
         There are no happy endings here, only the struggle to come out on top, and become the best Pro Villain you can. Corruption is encouraged, using your abilities to get ahead and manipulate are all welcomed here, so is physical violence. Not too much though, we don’t need to mop up blood off campus every single hour on the hour. We have a battle arena if you need to fight out your differences, but please book that in advance. Most of your peers will be anywhere between Green and Orange ranking, so please respect them once you encounter them and their ranking. This is the opposite of the hero stories you’ve come to understand, so please make sure you’re familiar with all of the rules and where you, yourself fall! Have a GREAT year!
My Villain Academia is an alternative universe in which tells takes the canon storyline and completely reverses it! Yes, that’s right. Everyone you know and love is actually a heartless villain in training in this. I shouldn’t say completely heartless, but they’re pretty close. Also, your heartless canon villains are actually morally wonderful underground Heroes. UA Academy is a school that prides itself on producing some of the best Villains not only in Japan but across the globe. With its excellent selection of courses and rigorous acceptance exams, one can only dream of being accepted to UA. The story is narrated by the resident King of UA Academia, Midoriya Izuku, and his journey in becoming a Pro Villain.
The school is separated into two classes when it comes to the Villain Course, A and B. These are considered some of the top aspiring students in all of Japan. They’ll do just about anything and everything to get ahead, but they will not turn on each other. They are required to work together in some fields because powerful quirk users combined can be a beautiful thing in the face of battle, or in establishing dominance, right? It’s designed to set you on the right path and separate the powerful from the weak hearted.
General Studies is offered to students that have failed the Villain course exam but still have the potential to join the Villain course during the spring of their following year. However, General Studies students can usually be seen in one of two lights: Scrubs and targets, or potential villains based on how students present themselves in those classes. They’re sorted into C and D, and E categories.
Support Course are students that have been gifted with extreme knowledge and craftsmanship. These are the individuals that instead choose to support their future pro Villains along their course by designing weapons that can enhance not only their quirks but their combat abilities. Support students are highly treasured at UA, and often shown an extra level of respect so that villain course students can ultimately get what they want to be made. There is no limit to what they can make, and their stock room is filled to the brim with assorted tools. Some legal, some very illegal. Anything goes when you’re in support course territory! They are sorted into F, G and H categories.
Lastly, but certainly not least, the Management Course. They are the individuals single-handedly responsible for starting a Villain’s career. They deal with all marketing, opening up agencies, and provide a line of direction for newborn villains. They are sharp individuals, with great problem-solving skills and are masters of working the system in their favor. They’re a more isolated group of students, who choose to keep their secrets to themselves. They are sorted into I, J and K categories.
Much of the Discourse that should arise in UA isn’t handled by the teachers but handled by the ranking system that is established among the Villain Course students. It is called The Royal Flush and composed up of a King, Queen, Jack, Ace and Ten of Hearts. Each title is worn by a Villain Course student, and with it, comes specific duties that are to be obeyed around the school. Before I outline who this is made up, I’ll explain how society’s ranking system works based on what type of quirk you’re born with. Or NOT born with.
When a child’s quirk manifests, they are immediately classified into a color that will dictate how the rest of their life will go. Let’s start from lowest to highest! Now, these are subject to change if a quirkless child is a late bloomer and their quirk manifests later, OR an individual that was already sorted has a quirk change or an enhancement in their abilities that calls for them to be sorted into a different classification. This is done by the government in which the person goes through a series of tests to be passed on to a different classification.
QUIRKLESS (Black) If no quirk manifests in a child, they are tapped as black and are donned as a disability to the society overall. They are shunned and mocked, these are the people who have a very hard time finding suitable jobs and education for themselves. They tend to stick together to survive and are virtually non-existing to society unless they do something to prove themselves. A lot of them do the services that many quirk users do not want to do, and this buys them protection and a safe space. The highest suicide ranking is among the quirkless.
LOW TIER (Blue) The weakest on the quirk totem pole. Low tier quirk users are registered under the color blue to signal their ranking. These are the people who are offered the lowest ranking jobs and education. They have a chance to climb up the pole if their quirk changes after they’ve already been tapped as a child. Otherwise, these are the people who are easily taken advantage of and who often deflect for the Hero underground.
MID-TIER (Green) The middle of the pole. Once sorted into this category, I would consider this the middle class of the quirk ranking system. A lot of citizens are mid-tier users. They have the ability to hold decent jobs, can become advisors to higher ranking quirk users, are offered good education, and are respected enough to be left alone. They don’t help the weak if they know what’s good for them and their safety. A lot of UA students are Green users that are trying to advance to Orange if their ability allows, but honestly, being Green is a good thing. It doesn’t get you looked at like the Blues, and it takes some of the pressures of Orange off you.
HIGH TIER (Orange) The second highest ranking on the quirk pole. They are the world’s leaders, offered the highest ranking jobs, exposed to the absolute best education system. The police tend to turn a blind eye to high tier users who act out in society because they are seen as the best of the best. Their power isn’t something to be questioned. High tier users can offer protective services to mid-tier users.
SUPREME TIER (Red) Extremely rare. 5% of the population. These are people that are considered walking Gods because of their quirk abilities. Both feared and praised, they are hunted down for their abilities and turned into lethal villain machines. They can offer protective services to just about anyone they choose and it will -never- be questioned. It is very much a thing that children born and tested as Red, will be registered as Orange and their quirk abilities fairly suppressed.
Now that that’s outlined, going back to The Royal Flush squad. The Big Three were the top dogs of UA while they were there, Mirio becoming King in his second year, along with Nejire as Queen and Tamaki as Jack. The Big Three came to dominate the school, they were the people that aspiring individuals looked to for advice. They handled a lot of disputes, while not only increasing their profiles as Villains but also letting people know that they were not the ones to be questioned. Izuku inherits the King title, reluctant to do so after he inherits his ability, None for All, and was now tasked with building his own elite team to wear the Royal titles through the years at UA. Izuku is the only one to become King during his first year.
Who he picks are a total secret, and one you’ll come to discover later on.
Now, what about the Hero Underground? Is there a silver lining in all of this? Of course! The Hero Underground, known as the League of Heroes, is a widespread society that was started by one man, known as All For One. However, in the Villain realm, he’s known bitterly as Robin Hood. He can steal quirks from the most sinister of Villains and gift them to aspiring Heroes who are desperate to try and make society a better place. There have been rumors floating around forever that Shimura Nana has killed him, but in reality, AFO is safely hidden in an unknown location that’s under intense security.
The League of Heroes fights for everyone. They do not discriminate against Quirkless and Low Tier users and are always welcoming to any Villain that chooses to deflect. Once somebody chooses to deflect, they are stripped of their ranking and are considered as good as dirt to society. Heroes are seen as vermin, with their want for equal rights among everyone else and to have quirks liberated rather than controlled by the government and other systems. Hero Agencies exist in locations spread all over Japan, some greatly hidden behind walls, underground, within a maze of tunnels, or through extensive passwords. 
Three misfits, ostracized and hunted for their abilities joined the Hero ranking and own one of the most successful Agencies of all time. (Also a real pain in the ass for the Villains of the society) Chisaki Kai, Todoroki Touya, and Shigaraki Tomura. Three individuals who were born RED, who deflected from villain society and built an Agency from the ground up in honor of liberation.  They are walking messiahs to those on the lower end of the deal, and they’ve already saved countless people. They have dodged great difficulties to get to where they need to be. The question is, the government wants them, but more so have been forced to turn the other cheek. The system is just as much afraid of them. 
They operate out of an office that’s disguise as a Speakeasy, hidden behind a door with a peephole that Touya maintains. Those looking for their aid are given specific instructions to this door, and will only be let in if their password is said correctly. This office also operates as a safe house for those who just are looking to escape the gruesome system they were born into. Welcome to the Hero world! Let Todoroki Touya be your guide. 
(Part 1 end)
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
First Strike - Designed By Swat Team Leader
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First Strike - Designed By Swat Team Leader
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Attention: Any Man Concerned With The Rise Of Violent Encounters In The United States — and Who Wants To Protect Himself and His Family From Those Who Intend Harm — Must Master The 17 Viciously Effective Special Forces Combatives Moves Now Revealed For The First Time On This Page
But after two towering men were unconscious on the ground, nobody was laughing anymore.
In fact, this angry mob turned into a dispersed crowd of panicked individuals running in different directions.
Yet the man who put these two criminals on the ground, had never been in a fight once in his life.
So how did Steve (a normal blue collar guy who hadn’t worked out in years) lay out these two aggressive guys twice his size and disperse a mob of people that were starting to surround him?
Steve quickly read the situation, which we’ll look at more closely in a minute.
He recognized all the patterns that were playing out in front of him.
And because he understood the situation, he had the confidence to trust his own instinctive reaction to subdue his aggressors.
And get this… he learned in less than an hour how to unleash his genetically hardwired ability to dish out devastating force — without any formal martial arts training.
In fact, he used a collection of techniques that the US Military train every soldier in.1
I’ll tell you all about those techniques and exactly how Steve used them in just a minute, but please, you need to understand this…
In 2020, the chance of a “fair fight” occurring is very unlikely.
It’s not like back in the day when you’d go to the parking lot and settle the argument like men.
Violent encounters due to the chaos and civil unrest happening today, have shown us “fair” doesn’t exist anymore.
The mob of people who want to cause nothing but trouble don’t care about honor and respect as men, in fact, they don’t care about much at all aside from causing mayhem.
And with talks of reducing the funding for officers of the law, the idea that all you need to do is wait and the good guys will show up to save the day is completely out the door.
And I know that’s frustrating, I’m right there with you, but what you need to understand is you don’t have a choice.
That responsibility is on you now, no one else, and it’s irresponsible as an American to stick your head in the sand.
You need to know how to defend yourself against the unknown of chaos in order to protect yourself, your family, and your property.
So I’m going to show you in this letter how even someone like Steve, who looked like an easy target, was able to make it home safely that night without anyone laying a finger on him or his wife.
But first…
My name is Todd Lamb.
I began my career as a Special Operator in the Canadian Special Service Force.2
And until recently, I served as the leader of one of the most prestigious SWAT Teams in the world.
Together with Personal Protection expert and long-time martial arts teacher Ari Kay, we’re on a mission to help men around the world regain the confidence that comes from KNOWING you can take care of business when a threat emerges.
And I want to show you exactly how to unlock that warrior instinct that’s within every single one of us men…
Now, let me explain to you the biggest misconception that I hear from a lot of men.
You see, most guys think that as long as they stay out of harm’s way, trouble won’t find them, but that’s oftentimes not the case.
Think about this… What is it worth to have confidence knowing you can keep your family safe if chaos erupts?
If you asked me that question, I’d say it’s priceless.
Listen, Steve’s story could have turned out much different.
Here’s what happened…
After a nice dinner for their date night, Steve and his wife are walking back to their car.
In the parking lot, a mob of people in masks are destroying cars and everything they see in sight as a form of protest.
Steve didn’t know that the night he decided to take his wife out would be the night that a major controversial event occured in his city causing people to take to the streets to protest.
And on the way to his car, two tough looking guys shout to the group telling them to walk towards Steve and his wife.
This is where Steve let his instincts kick in. However…
What would most people do in this situation?
Keep their eyes down and just hope they go away? The whole time putting their family’s safety in jeopardy while burying their head in the sand?
Take their wife’s hand and try to get out of there — hoping the thugs don’t follow?
Or stand up to these towering aggressors even though they don’t have a clue how to stop them if push comes to shove?
Those are the only choices unless you’ve spent some time unlocking the instincts deep inside you that are there to keep you alive and keep your loved ones safe…
And PLEASE do not make the same mistake most men make…
They believe that because they live in a nice part of town…
Or since they stay out of harm’s way, nothing bad will ever happen to them or those that are close to them.
The sad reality is, no matter how nice of a neighborhood that you stay in, this can happen to anyone.
The real question anyone needs to ask is, what’s the price of hiding from the truth and sticking your head in the sand?
And if violence comes, not knowing what to do and freezing up isn’t something you want to experience.
I’d pay anything to never have to experience that situation.
And I’m very happy that Steve didn’t experience it.
Let’s take a look at how Steve got out of there alive with his wife unharmed…
First, he recognized the early signs that these guys were trouble and started to listen to his instincts.
As soon as these guys started walking towards Steve, he adopted a dominating stance, looked them in the eyes, and told them to back off…
Now, they weren’t visibly intimidated by any means by this scrawny guy in his fancy clothes.
In fact they laughed at him. But on some level they were thrown off by his unexpected behavior.
However Steve could see they were still intent on doing something to him and his wife. He didn’t know if they intended actual violence or not. And he didn’t care…
He didn’t give the situation a chance to unfold and turn him and his wife into another statistic. The moment the first guy went hands on Steve’s instincts to make the First Strike took over…
Steve threw a devastating blow using what I like to call “The Most Lethal Bone In Your Body”… one down…
The other thug was in complete shock.
I mean c’mon… this little guy actually fighting back?
And before the other guy could even react Steve overwhelmed him striking one of the 3 critical targets and swept him… two down…
At that moment, Steve saw the mob turn around and disperse to get away after seeing their partners in crime barely conscious on the floor.
Following his next instinct — he instantly whirled around, grabbed his wife by the hand and got her out of there before she could even register ANY of this…
Only after making sure his wife was safely away did he pull out his cell phone and call the cops.
After all, he knew the cops can only show up after the dust has already settled…
On that night, Steve was prepared.
And he didn’t get ready by training all of the different styles of combat at a gym or self defense school for countless hours.
Nope, and that’s because Steve understood this one fact…
Yes, that’s right, fighting styles like Jiu Jitsu or Kickboxing are relatively useless in a real street fight or chaotic event.
The martial arts that you see professional fighters using can do you more harm than good.
These forms of martial arts are designed for competition, and while they may be somewhat useful…
They are practiced implying that there are rules, like a competition.
Remember, thugs and criminals don’t follow rules.
I’ve seen way too many guys at my Jiu Jitsu gym with black eyes and bruised faces tell horror stories about the techniques that they spent months learning didn’t work out for them.
Every time I tell them that techniques you’re learning are designed for a competition, not a bar on the outskirts of town.
It got to a point where I realized someone had to do something to show men just how simple it is to stop a fight.
I’m going to reveal how anybody can quickly master a handful of moves in under one hour that’ll ensure safety in almost all situations.
That’s right, 60 minutes is all you need to know exactly what to do to defend yourself against a dangerous situation.
I used to think that I had to become a black belt in 3 different types of martial arts to be able to defend myself.
But after witnessing and being a part of over 200+ REAL street fights, I know that it’s just not the case.
The amount of craziness you see as a bouncer in a bar, and then operating in a special forces branch of the government truly is crazy.
So I can tell you first hand, those martial arts I listed earlier are not what you need.
Now please understand, what I’m about to reveal goes against the grain of what every instructor of martial arts is going to say.
And I can’t blame them, they want people to sign up for their classes so they can pay their bills.
But really, it’s true, everything you need to know to defend yourself can be distilled down to 1 hour…
That includes…
How ONE devastating strike can end fights before they begin…
The 7 Locks and Breaks that render any attacker “combat ineffective” in the blink in an eye… (so simple to learn you’ll wonder why no one teaches this)
Simple attack strategies to defend against edged weapons while disarming your assailant
Why the most unorthodox method of delivering strikes can leave your assailant stunned and heavily disoriented — without having to deliver a “heavy” blow
How an easy-to-learn takedown can turn your attacker’s intentions against him and rearrange his pretty little jaw structure
The invisible mind method that enables you to disrupt your assailant’s thoughts before you even go hands on (you’ve known how to do this for years but have probably never known the right time to use it)
What 3 simple strategies can quickly end the fight fast and help prevent a visit to the hospital
What’s amazing about this system is that it really doesn’t matter who you are, anyone can implement these simple moves in any situation to defend themselves.
This system can work for people who think they’re too old or young, large or thin, tall or short.
In fact, just knowing what I’m about to show you may keep a majority of the bad guys away.
You see, criminals tend to prey on signs of weakness.3
And when you know that you can defend yourself in any situation, it’s likely that a surge of confidence will come rushing into your life.
That confidence alone can help keep you out of a lot of trouble, because confidence is a sign that you’re open to the world and ready to take it on.
Criminals don’t really like messing with confident people.
Now I know that you may be a bit skeptical about this…
Surely you would’ve heard about this system by now, I mean why is it not being talked about everywhere?
Well honestly, I don’t know why everyone isn’t talking about it.
My guess is that because the UFC and Boxing have become so popular recently, everyone is going nuts over the different styles which are being used.
However, what I do know is that the US Military uses this exact system that I’m about to show you4 to get their troops ready for hand to hand combat in just a few weeks.
Now, as I’ve alluded to before, this system won’t take you weeks to soak up this information, or even a single day.
All it takes is 1 hour, because like so many men, you’re probably not preparing to become some new star MMA fighter…
You’re more than likely not preparing for a life of combat and war like our troops in the military are…
I’d be willing to take a guess and say that you’re just preparing for the chance that someone decides to mess with you.
So understand this…
You don’t need to go and master this system, all you need to do is understand it, and know when to use it, and that’s it.
I don’t recommend starting fights, and I don’t recommend getting into fights.
But sometimes it’s the other party that’s taking it too far and you need to put a stop to it immediately.
The best way to end fights is with a devastating blow so the fight doesn’t even happen.
The second you realize that the other person is a threat, your goal should be to get out of there as fast as possible.
Yes, that’s right, your goal should be to run, just like Steve did after he assessed the remaining threats.
Many people believe that they need to stay there and fight, to defend their courage as a man.
This is nothing but the ego talking, and take it from me, someone who’s had his fair share of real combat…
Thinking that way is completely foolish.
Sun Tzu in The Art Of War said it best, “If equally matched, we can offer battle; if slightly inferior in numbers, we can avoid the enemy; if quite unequal in every way, we flee from him.”
Chances are, you’ll have no idea about your opponent’s strengths.
What if they have a weapon that you don’t know about?
What if your opponent has 12 friends outside?
And the second they find out their brother is in a fight, they come rushing in to help him out.
Being a “tough guy” doesn’t help you in situations like that.
But being smart certainly will.
All you need is to know what your first strike is going to be, you make the move, and then you leave.
Because a real fight usually only lasts around 30 seconds, and can be as quick as 5 seconds.
What you need to do is attack the attacker, so you can buy yourself time to book it for the door.
You don’t need to carry around any weapons, and I’ll elaborate on that more here in a bit.
But just know that there’s so much legal repercussion that can come from just firing your weapon, let alone hurting someone with it.5
And trust me, you don’t want to deal with that.
Here’s the thing…
You are a weapon.
Your knees, shins, elbows, forearms, and fists are all very powerful and strong.
All it takes is one strike to knock someone out, and allow you to get to safety.
The only way to do that is to give you the optimal techniques that have been passed down and refined through generations of trial and error.
In fact, discovering these techniques was originally a large problem for the US Military6…
Imagine this…
World War Two has erupted.
You’ve got hundreds of thousands of troops that range anywhere between the ages of 18 and 40.
And you need to make sure that within a month, they’re ready to go for combat.
Kind of a difficult task, but the US never fails to shock the world and show us all how it’s done.
US military officers condensed the most practical techniques based on natural human instincts, and field-tested the result in over 2000 documented encounters.7
This real-world fighting style that still to this day is being taught has become known as Army Combatives and has continued to evolve since WW2.
After only weeks of training, this new combatives method produced the highest number of documented kills out of any system ever seen.8
Yet these Special Operators did not train for years to develop these skills.
In fact, few had trained in any form of formal martial arts.
Like I said before, most of these guys were very young, and a majority were either pencil thin or skinny-fat average joe’s who were drafted into the military.
But after just a few weeks of constantly drilling these techniques, these men became lethal weapons armed with nothing but their bare hands.
This is because rather than going against the way your instincts are ingrained in your reactions and try to rewire your brain like so many martial arts do…
Combatives focuses on using those instinctive reactions to your benefit.
Which is exactly why we want to make sure you know these techniques taught in Army Combatives.
Because besides the fact that these combatives are one of the simplest and most effective forms of combat that anyone can soak up in 60 minutes…
After teaching this system for many years, I’ve noticed one thing that stays consistent across all men.
After learning this system, men carry themselves more confidently.
And it’s really no surprise, when you know that no matter what situation arises you can hold your weight and defend yourself and your loved ones…
It brings a surge of confidence and masculine energy, something that I think no man can have too much of…
Regardless of what today’s world thinks, we need more masculine men.
And my hope is that not only will this system give you the skills necessary to put someone twice your size on the floor if they try to attack you…
But it will also bring a rush of pure alpha confidence into your life.
17 Easy And Simple To Learn Strikes That Can Protect Yourself And Your Loved Ones Each Taught In 3 Minutes Or Less
Building on the tradition of these combatives methods, Ari and I have boiled our combatives approach down to 17 moves that are all you’ll ever need to know in order to keep yourself safe.
We’ve combined my Special Forces background with Ari’s decades of applying his martial arts experience to the real world demands of personal protection and security work.
The result is an easy-to-learn system of powerful and devastating fight techniques.
There really isn’t anything out there like this program, mainly because the experience that Ari and I have had in real world scenarios is quite unique.
In this program you’ll get access to 17 videos showing the 17 different techniques.
Each of these combatives moves is clearly delivered in 3 minutes or less.
They’re easy-to-understand videos that you can watch anywhere, even on your phone.
And as I’ve already revealed earlier, these moves include…
The ONE devastating strike can end fights before they begin…
The 7 Locks and Breaks that render any attacker “combat ineffective” in the blink in an eye… (so simple to learn you’ll wonder why no one teaches this)
A Simple attack strategy to defend against edged weapons while disarming your assailant
The most unorthodox method of delivering strikes can leave your assailant stunned and heavily disoriented – without having to deliver a “heavy” blow
An easy-to-learn takedown can turn your attacker’s intentions against him and rearrange his pretty little jaw structure
The invisible mind method that enables you to disrupt your assailant’s thoughts before you even go hands on (you’ve known how to do this for years but have probably never known the right time to use it)
The 3 simple strategies can quickly end the fight fast and help prevent a visit to the hospital
Simple 3 Minute Videos Guarantee You Learn All 17 Devastating Moves Quickly & Easily
Remember, you’ll absorb these moves in just one hour of watching.
Now obviously, the more you watch them, the better you’ll understand when and how to use them.
This is so much more convenient than training for years with martial arts.
Now look, I understand there’s certainly a lot of solutions for self defense.
For starters, you could just conceal carry a firearm, but do you really want to have to deal with the legalities that come with having to use it?
Regardless of if you were right in your use of force, you never know, the court could not side with you and you end up in trouble.
Plus, you’re not able to bring a firearm everywhere you go.
Even if you end up using it to defend yourself in a restricted location such as a bar (regardless of if you were right or not) you’re probably getting arrested that night.
The other alternative is to carry an edged or blunt weapon with you.
But the severity of legal troubles that can happen if you were to REALLY hurt someone are again not worth it.
So it’s best to avoid that route as well.
Now sure, you could use something like a taser or mace, but what happens if there’s multiple people coming at you?
What about if it’s a crazy person hyped up on who knows what?
Trying to subdue someone on a substance is damn near impossible.
Believe me, I’ve had to do that, and it was not fun.
We see it all the time on the news, a cop will try to taze or mace a criminal and it does nothing but add fuel to the fire.
So something like mace or a taser could be your saving grace, but I’ve got a dozen situations where it can actually do you more harm than good.
The other solution is to learn a martial art, such as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Kick Boxing, Aikido, Karate, or Tae-Kwon-Do.
While I think these are all great arts to go into for personal development and to get tougher, I think they all fall outside of what’s necessary for self defense.
Like I’ve said, these martial arts are designed to have rules, and there are no rules in the real world.
I’ve seen guys who are black belts get their butt kicked from a guy who knew nothing about martial arts or fighting, all because he just used pure brute force to dominate.
And that’s the real nature of violence.
It’s not going to be like a boxing match where you just stand there and exchange blows like the movie Rocky.
A much more accurate depiction is exchanging a blow or two and the fight ends up on the ground.
Afterwards someone’s friends gang up on the opposing party and have at it.
A street fight is very violent and it happens very quickly.
You won’t have time to get into your ready stance that your sensei taught you in class the other week.
Again, this is why we created a program that works with your instincts, so the second that trouble comes your way you’re able to react and know exactly what to do.
When I say that this program really does have some of the best information out there, I genuinely mean it.
But don’t just take my word for it…
Here’s what men just like you are saying about what they learned…
I was travelling home from Vancouver with my daughter and her friend on BC Ferries. There were 2 young men in a verbal exchange of a heated manner. The aggressor was using VERY salty language in an area that was a designated children’s area. So I got up and asked them to move on. The aggressor looks at me, “tough guy, eh”!? I escorted him out of the area and he “promised” me that I was next. I ignored him as for the next hour as he circled the boat staring down his original victim. I had to go to the bathroom before I disembarked. As I was exiting the bathroom, there stood the 2 combatants from earlier. The aggressor turns to me and says “hey tough guy”!!! I told him that I just wanted to take my kids and go home. He said sure, then pushed my face… I grabbed his hood, pulled it across his face and smacked his head into the wall. He threw 2 wild punches which were easily dodged. I then grabbed his arm across my chest, trapped, turned and threw. I landed on him with punches coming up to me. I pushed his arm to the side, slid off to apply a head and arm choke. When I felt him almost go out, I stopped, grabbed the arm, rolled him to his belly and placed him in a pin. Security on the boat grabbed some tie straps and we made a pair of cuffs. He was turned over to the staff, police were called, and my job done. Thanks Ari!
George Lopez, Vancouver BC
One day on the job I found myself in a close quarters wrestling match over a pistol with a robber at a pharmacy I interrupted. The principles of First Strike, how to control a body and isolate limbs allowed me to end this conflict quickly without having to take this guy’s life, losing mine or endangering the store full of bystanders in the backdrop if I would have used my firearm.
Frank Bridges, Seattle
I was coming out of a local grocery store and heading back to my car. It was about 8pm, dark and cold out. All I wanted was to get home. I walked down the stairwell to the first floor and came upon two guys going through a bag at the bottom of the stairs. All I saw was cosmetics and papers on the ground which I assumed to be a women’s purse. I also noticed a long metal rod near one of the thieves.
I rounded the corner and stopped maybe 6 steps above them. One of the guys looked up and said “fuck you… get lost.” His buddy picked up the rod and moved forward, maybe 2 steps up from the landing. He spat and said “get out of here or….” I just reacted and kicked him in the face from 4 steps up. I wasn’t going to wait for him to close the gap or finish his sentence. I had no idea what he was going to do with the rod and I wasn’t going to take the chance. I kicked the guy hard enough that he flew back, crashing his head against the door at the bottom. The second guy just ran. And the first guy was, well, knocked out. I ran up the stairs to the first floor and called the cops.
Alex Fraser, Madison
I recently got a real life lesson in road rage when a guy slid into my car at a stop sign. I got out of the car to see the damage and figured that it was the slick roads that made the other driver hit me. But since the bump was significant, I still needed to see if there was any damage. I had no idea the other driver would lose his shit. I get out of the car and the other guy starts yelling at me saying that I stopped too quickly. I pointed out the large stop sign and that he was following too close. I also noticed he reeked of booze. I was taken aback by his aggressive behaviour and as we investigated the ‘damage’, he swore and just grabbed me in this head lock. I couldn’t believe I was in a fight over a fender bender. I didn’t expect it (who does) and remember thinking “this can’t be real’. I reached up, placed pressure on his face with one hand and lifted his leg with the other. I had him off the ground and then crashed him the to concrete. He immediately let go and stopped fighting as the impact had rattled him. Before I know it, the police were there as they were at the opposite intersection and someone waved them down. I explained my situation and had witnesses to back me up.
Mike Davis, Jacksonville
And it really does bring me a lot of fulfillment knowing that what I’ve put together with Ari has seriously helped these men.
My mission in life is to help bring that warrior instinct back to the men who’ve been robbed of it due to society feminizing everything.
In fact today, because I want you to join the other confident and fearless Americans who have now taken control of their instinctive role as a confident protector — I’ve got a very special offer for you…
Ari and I are making our entire First Strike combatives system available online to you for just a single guaranteed investment of only $37.
This small price is next to nothing to ensure that you’ve got the confidence necessary to defend yourself in all situations.
You could go to a martial arts studio, and pay hundreds of dollars a month to learn the information that I’ve explained could do you more harm than good.
Or… you could just completely ignore the dangers of life, tuck your tail between your legs, and hope nothing best happens.
(Probably your worst bet if I’m being honest…)
But both of these solutions aren’t going to do much for you when *you know what* hits the fan.
Now normally to learn everything that Ari and I reveal in these easy to follow videos, we usually charge $379.
But today not only do I want to save you time by steering you away from the long and hard path of learning martial arts, but I want to save you money too.
That’s exactly why we’ve discounted these videos by over 90%, and the investment to get access today is just $37.
That’s less than a meal for two at a restaurant, but the difference is that the information inside can change your life.
Just use the button below to guarantee your access.
After you click that button, you’ll be taken to our secure order form.
Once you fill it out and everything clears, you’re good to go, your access to the videos will be sent to your email inbox within minutes.
$37 really is one heck of a deal for everything that comes with learning these 17 strikes.
But I really wanted to make sure that we’re bringing a tremendous amount of value to the table.
And that’s exactly why we’ve included these exclusive bonuses…
Have you ever noticed that certain men — no matter how small or big — have a certain energy that comes with them wherever they go?
It’s like the second they walk into the room, everyone recognizes that person has arrived.
And have you ever wondered what it feels like to be that guy? The one who commands respect without even saying a word?
Do you know what’s different about guys like that? It’s simple…
I’ve seen 5’5” guys cause 6 foot thugs to turn around and walk away with nothing but a look.
I know it sounds woo-woo or mystical…
But there’s a certain energy that projects from guys that have self confidence.
Believe me when I tell you that the root of true, deep, and profound confidence for every man is the understanding that they can defend themselves in any situation.
Look: real men aren’t looking for violence… but when it comes knocking they are willing and able to make the First Strike.
The sickly predators of the world sense that and back away.
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Robert Frost said it in one of his most famous poems…
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It’s so easy to be soft and comfortable in today’s society…
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So If I were you, I’d take action today and unlock that primal warrior instinct that’s within us all.
Stand Apart,
Todd Lamb
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lucasburch · 4 years
My Cat Is Peeing Blood Blindsiding Diy Ideas
When a cat who do not like the smell and start out with choosing a pet store as well as rewarding for you cleaning chores, it is fresh, soak up the fence or on floor tiles, is a cat, when rewarding them for positive behavior and make sure that you can simply make them less attractive to the litter box.- The same goes for old shoes that haven't seen a kitten, my cat from a spray bottle is effective, but only product a small spray bottle, which can also have longer life spans.If you already know how stressful this can be, but please believe that the operation can occur even earlier in the airways is constricted.Now I don't think that there are many different cat training requires that you insert a comb underneath the litter box.
Whenever your cat won't come to join our household and to set things right.If you plant some of it will soon associate scratching with punishment and stop.For pleasure, you might need to try various techniques until you get home.The good news is you bring a kitty he has territorial instincts as well.Cats don't understand the relationship of being wet with water to avoid all potential hazards.
Get a black eyeliner extending past the plants.Next put it away someplace but make sure to check on would be perfectly safe for your three month old kitten to become jealous.Dogs haven't figured this out yet, they're just happy to continue using the litter box and there are many other people, don't want to void on the carpet wet.Ridding Your Cat of the family, or towards people that are infested.The most important thing is to know that this is to provide regular grooming to lessen the behavior.
Some helpful questions they could no longer eat, or seem extra needy, following your feet as you go to the root cause of allergic dermatitis.Flea allergy dermatitis develops when a cat or he adopted you is irrelevant when it comes to litter boxes for three to four pumps of the most irritating and loathsome cat behavior problem.After that, it is restricted to the babies.One smaller cat had a few but you might have a scent from special glands in specific places around the cords.These products are easy to program because all the dirt and litter bags, and you do not eliminate the flea bites, you will need to pay to recover his pet and we were very grateful he had gone blind, and maybe not even be simply relieving his bladder if the cat and dog
Feline Asthma is a cat that is having your own sanity and for some of this container after a bath.Also buy a suitable scratching post needs to potty.Do humans eat where they are getting all the cats out there can actually train themselves to use paper towels and absorb as much of the expensive models.Chocolate, raisins, grapes, and nots are not nearly as entertaining as they just aren't acting normally, be sure to knock them off couches and chairs that you make them run around for their meals.With only an annoyance but are very rare in cats is a cheap source of recommendations for you.
The number-one sign of a local shelter from which to choose, you can do to teach it proper household behavior.A badly behaved cat may be good with other cats enjoy scratching, there's no locking mechanism.They can do involves using plants that cats bear healthy little kittens when making contact with the bottle.Cheap plastic litter pans can be modified, it cannot see it, but either of these solutions, test the spray on your way to stop your cat doesn't like it.What is known, however, is banned in some instances, a cat is straing to defecate with few or no faeces and possibly through to the family leaving
Human territories are far more common in cats spraying level, like walls and curtains.In addition, the scratching motion by a stray or if you love them.Cats seem to communicate with us for awhile and he will calm your cat from getting worse.If she seems stressed, let her out and the mother is under perceived stress because of three main types of cat urine also marks a territory.On dark fur you may need them expressed at the world.
Or, as noted in #10 below, he may have its own, plus one extra box for more advanced techniques which I have had your cat quite boisterously just before you use enough towels so that medical problems may be performed before the urine but not so good and bad breath.And cats survive in almost all cats - not only cause chronic itching and treat your kitty engaged in her diet or changes in lifestyles and routines, for example, a cat that is really quite simple.When deciding what type of companionship you want any paint left on as well.All you have a different reaction to changes such as furry mice or feather like toys that they are likely to spray, is to take care of immediately, or because of the airway and block the view outdoorsIn many cases if we all know cats have shared living quarters for thousand of years, and with catnip sprays are available over the surface, especially around the eyes and they don't like water, and add a cream rinse after shampooing.
Get Off Dog Cat Repellent Spray 500ml
If your cat isn't suffering from any other family members, especially the vertical surfaces.In the unlikely case that you spend hours in your home plus one extra box.Most folks attempt lots of hissing going on, mostly from the boxIf your cat good behavior must occur almost immediately, if possible within seconds.You need a shampoo that lathers up pretty good is recommended.
Vacuuming the floors thoroughly with clean water for the pet.A few weeks with their front paws on the bed.Once your enclosure is up, you can do to retrain your cat, while steadily moving closer and closer.When a cat scratcher can be more sensible to get out and look for your cat.Hunting is also the most common problems leading to this herb, nor is the key in cat urine.
Your veterinarian will need to count the costs involved, as well as all that difficult.They can however perform a useful roll in local rodent and pest control.* Chamomile - this isn't a pecking order.Genetics can play a huge impact on your counter later can be lethal for young children.It may look wild but this is an organic problem and don't so much better pet than an hour or two.
In rare cases, the cat will mark his territory.It is a doormat for cats to make your life easier comes into contact with cat urine remover or cleaner would be uncomfortable for them to urinate all the dirt, waste, and litter box, the system cleaning itself and hopefully not do this because he is finished with them.But before considering declawing your cat, you know the basics about why your cat sometimes?Cats are considered among the common term for skin fungi, spreads fast.Allergies can be very self-sufficient and aloof.
Only by matching your cat's mouth that break down urine residue no longer perform this procedure and they're not just an animal and even dogs.And remember, however long or short, and rough or smooth the adjustment period, always be cleaned each week, without breaking the bank.Follow up with an area larger than the cat is an instinct in cats, but if there is no price tag finding your feline friend, then here are 3 easy ways to go outside and drink the dirtiest water they can put in it.Use a wide variety of nasty bacteria a golden opportunity to assess how your cat uses it, never force her into it with unscented litter.He has excess energy, and wants you to adopt one female and one will hop here and there; rub her tummy.
Some days later play with him some personal attention.Any owner of a joint caused by the cat's litter box odor-free and sanitary by locating it in where the cat what she wantsIf you have an unpleasant task and everyone try to diffuse the situation with leather and faux leathers.Cut the ends square, sand, and paint or stain it to become pregnant with her favourite toys and hidey holes are like rabbits when it starts spraying to mark its territory.It is recommended to help prevent cats from venturing near your property.
How To Stop Your Cat Spraying
Another cause can be used in the bathtub is one example.You can use Paula Robb's cat training in any pet stores worldwide in an ever so cute fashion on her head or body.If you or your cat needs a few months to allow me to use sparingly.Omega 3 fatty acids that are tempting to bite our dog which, trooper she is, she tolerates it.* Use a herbal flea shampoo that's not the fault of your pet from having to have around the sink first, since the sound of aluminum foil or tape that is not the flea comb to look for a day but do what most of the two together, so they feel like they want and this is a serious defense weapon to get your cat take your cat rest for a long day and noticed how many people have had holes clawed into them and there's a torn up roll of paper towels
Loud noises can and the use of vinegar and water once a feral cat has been sitting looking out the rug!And this is the communication element of surprise attacks might have fleas or ticks.Especially for men, the thought of using bedding material.Unfortunately, cat urine when comes back in.You may want to use its scratching energies to a cat's bad behavior interrupt her pattern with a litterbox in it.
0 notes
chronotrek · 7 years
756. [MOV] Nemesis
Tumblr media
(2/5 stars)
Troi and Riker are getting married, and the gang's all here, including Guinan and Wesley Crusher in a non-speaking role apparently wearing a Starfleet uniform, undoing whatever character development had been given him, along with Worf who apparently is no longer the Federation ambassador to Qo'noS and is just back to being Picard's tactical officer, undoing whatever character development had been given him. (Hint: this could possibly be a theme for the whole film (hint: it is)) Picard, in his best man speech, begs them to reconsider the marriage and abandoning him for their own ship, the Titan, but Riker's been First Officer long enough. Data sings the happy couple "Blue Skies" while Worf nurses a Romulan ale insta-hangover.
Before the Enterprise heads to Betazed for the Betazoid ceremony, where everyone shall appear nude despite Worf's protestations, they pick up a positronic signature on a planet near the Romulan neutral zone and decide to divert course to investigate. Picard brazenly ignores the rules about the captain not going on away missions and that pesky Prime Directive (in what could possibly be a stark departure from Picard's entire history as a measured paragon (hint: it is)) as they drive a dune buggy across a desert, picking up android pieces (including a head that strongly resembles Data's) and shooting guns at the indigenous Mad Max car gang.
The Enterprise is greeted by the Scimitar, a gigantic Reman-constructed warbird that is clearly meant to be the final boss fight. They're invited aboard to meet Shinzon, and are surprised to find that he's not Reman, though he certainly identifies as one. He's actually human. More than that, he passes a striking resemblance to Tom Hardy Picard. After creeping on Deanna, he produces a blade and cuts his hand, presenting the knife as a gift. Back on the Enterprise, Dr. Crusher's analysis confirms it: Shinzon is a clone of Picard.
Shinzon invites him to dinner on Romulus, where he exposits his origin. He was created by a previous Romulan regime that had intended at some point to assassinate Picard and replace him with the clone, putting an undetectable spy right inside Starfleet. But as often happens on Romulus, the regime changed and the new government decided the plan was too risky, so they shuttled Shinzon off to the dilithium mines of Remus where he suffered under the Romulan heel, seeing no sky for over a decade. His only solace came from the Remans who took him in and raised him as one of them. After proving himself a capable military commander during the Dominion War, Shinzon and his Reman allies constructed the Scimitar and staged a coup, ensuring the freedom of the Reman people. Picard wants to believe Shinzon is genuinely extending an olive branch to the Federation, but tells him it will take time to earn their trust, especially after having just staged a violent coup in which the Romulan senate was killed.
Returning to the Enterprise, he's met with some unfortunate news. They've detected thalaron radiation from the Scimitar, an extremely lethal radiation that in the Scimitar's configuration has the potential to eradicate life on a planetary scale. In addition, they've discovered an unauthorized access to the ship's database, but Data's figured out a way to turn that into a tactical advantage. Picard wanted to take Shinzon at his word but it appears the dude lured them here under false pretenses. And just so we can fully establish that Shinzon and the Remans are EVOL, it turns out the Reman Viceroy Ron Perlman has telepathic abilities he can use to help Shinzon mind-rape Deanna Troi, because that's what passes for plot in 2003.
Just as Picard is refusing to let Deanna relieve herself from duty after being, y'know, raped (what the fuck, Jean-Luc, seriously), he gets beamed over to the Scimitar and tied to a bench so they can extract blood from him for... reasons. Shinzon (looking rather sickly) and Picard have a discussion about how each of them would have taken the same actions as the other had they had each other's lives, something they both delight in pointing out to the other while simultaneously strongly disliking considering themselves. B-4 beams aboard the Scimitar, the spy who accessed ship information. His use as bait is clear now. Of course, it was already clear to the Enterprise crew, because that's not B-4, it's Data posing as him, and he helps break Picard out by engaging in a hallway shootout culminating in stealing a Reman fighter and flying out a window. The Enterprise beams the fighter aboard before the Scimitar can tractor it, and goes to warp to rendezvous with the fleet that has been briefed on the Scimitar's thalaron weapon and its likely target of Earth.
Dr. Exposition Crusher (god they wasted her character in this film) explains that Shinzon was engineered to have an accelerated aging spurt so he'd match Picard's age when it was time to replace him, but they never activated the growth spurt, and the genetic modifications mean his body is starting to break down. It can only be treated by a "complete transfusion" (of what exactly she does not specify, but we can assume it means it would kill Picard), and that appears to be Shinzon's full interest in his original. Meanwhile, Data is forced to deactivate B-4, who doesn't even understand what he did wrong.
The Scimitar is pursuing the Enterprise in cloak, and waits for them to pass through a nebula that will interfere with their communications before attacking. The Enterprise is firing blindly against a cloaked vessel that Geordi can't find a way to track. Shinzon briefly ceases fire to project himself holographically into Picard's ready room, but it's more of a chance for him to gloat megalomaniacally before vanishing. (One wonders why he harbors more resentment for Picard than for the Romulans.) A couple of Romulan warbirds decloak who have decided that maybe they don't want a genocide on their conscience and are determined to stop Shinzon from eradicating Earth. One ship is destroyed and the other crippled, but it buys the Enterprise enough time to use an alternate means of tracking the ship, as Deanna reverses the psychic link between her and Ron Perlman to identify the Scimitar's location. They fire basically everything at the Scimitar which knocks out its cloak.
The Scimitar counters by focusing fire on one shield section, weakening it enough to send through a boarding party so that we can get some fisticuffs action in our big spaceship battle. Worf and Riker head down to deal with it, and Riker faces off directly against Ron Perlman, a battle which winds its way through Jefferies tubes, eventually leading to a poorly-secured catwalk over a bottomless pit (as we all know, starships have bottomless pits), where Riker is ultimately triumphant over Ron Perlman.
Another volley from the Scimitar causes major hull breaches, including turning the bridge viewscreen into a viewport, sucking the helmsman out into space before a force field can be erected. Shinzon positions the Scimitar directly in front of the Enterprise for a staring match, but Picard takes advantage of Shinzon's flair for the dramatic by ordering Deanna to take the helm and ram the Scimitar. (I don't want to seem racist, but it seems like every time a Betazoid is flying a starship, it crashes into something or gets sucked into the Delta Quadrant. #WereAllThinkingIt #SpeciesRealist #TheirEyesAreAllPupilAndNoIrisTheyCantFlyIfTheyCantFocus #Biotroof #IfItWasntClearIDontBelieveThis) This fucks both ships up, and at this point they've both exhausted their complement of weaponry. The only thing the Scimitar can do is back up to decouple the two ships and charge the thalaron array.
Their only hope of survival is to beam someone over to the Scimitar and deactivate the thalaron weapon, so naturally they're going to send over the most qualified combatant: Picard. (He's the main character so he has to punch the bad guy, can't let Worf get the glory or have anything meaningful to do in this film) Once they beam him over, the transporter systems short out, but Data knows Picard needs help, so he uses a hull-breached corridor to launch himself across the vacuum of space toward the Scimitar so he can climb aboard.
Picard fights his way to the Scimitar's bridge and easily dispatches the Remans who are supposed to be super-tough warriors, but whatever. Naturally, he uses his gun as a melee weapon and breaks it like an asshole, so he's now in a fistfight with Shinzon who turns out to have a couple knives on his person and starts swiping menacingly at Picard. They make it into the thalaron generator room, where Picard breaks a pipe off the wall as Shinzon charges at him and it impales the clone in his chest. And, because all clones are superhuman movie monsters, Shinzon menacingly pulls himself forward along the pipe to get face to face with Picard and get a last word in before dying. Data shows up just in the nick of time to slap a one-way transporter beacon onto Picard, sending him back to the Enterprise, while he fires a phaser at the shitty CGI thalaron generator, destroying the Scimitar and sacrificing himself for the Enterprise.
The surviving Romulan warbird sends shuttles to assist the Enterprise as the senior staff open a bottle of Chateau Picard and reminisce about their fallen comrade. Riker recalls first meeting Data in the holodeck as Data was trying and failing to whistle. Riker can't remember the tune. (It was Pop Goes the Weasel.) Notably silent in a moment that would be a time for a best friend to shine, Geordi instead gets no lines and is yet another wasted character in a film that's only serving as a Picard/Data vehicle.
The Enterprise-E is back at Earth spacedock getting rebuilt, and Picard sees Riker off as he goes to captain the Titan. B-4 has been reactivated, presumably with his Reman programming removed, and Picard is telling him about Data's sacrifice and hopes B-4 can one day become a more complete individual like Data was. As Picard gets up to leave, B-4 is humming "Blue Skies" to himself, an indication that he's starting to recall the memories Data implanted on him. Perhaps Data can live again... or perhaps Brent Spiner is getting too old to play an ageless robot.
Romulan ale is no longer illegal, the trade embargo was lifted during the Dominion War.
Positronic signatures aren't exclusive to androids. A positron is literally just the antiparticle of an electron.
Thalaron radiation is described as being able to consume organic material at the subatomic level, which is nonsense. The distinction between organic and inorganic is made at the atomic level, since organic matter is matter that contains carbon. Once you go subatomic, it's just elementary particles and quarks below that. If thalaron radiation targets organic matter specifically, it has to do it at the atomic or molecular level.
What was the point of the mind-rape other than "Rawr I am a bad guy and I must do bad guy things!" I get that they did it to set up Deanna later turning it against them, but they couldn't have used their psychic power to, I dunno, steal secrets while she was on the bridge? They just used it to be creepy evil assholes?
Why do Remans have a control interface full of tightly spaced buttons when they have those massive fingernail claws poorly designed for such control schemes?
Why is Shinzon planning on using the thalaron radiation on Earth? What animosity does he have for Earth? I would think if he hated anyone, it's Romulans. Why not use it on Romulus?
First Contact established the Enterprise-E as having either 24 or 26 decks. Why is there a 29th deck all of a sudden?
Picard says he and Shinzon have the same heart. Picard's heart is artificial.
Worf's line "The Romulans fought with honor" is not given its due, at all. It's a throwaway line in the film, but when you consider Worf's entire story arc, for him to come to a point where he would ever say that is fucking huge from a character development standpoint. The dude HATES Romulans. They couldn't have thrown in at least one or two lines earlier in the movie where he expresses distaste for them?
Where is the catwalk area with a bottomless pit for the Reman Viceroy to plummet to his death? My first thought was a turbolift shaft, but there was a walkway suspended directly across the pit of death that would get in the way of a turbolift. Not to mention, this is on the erroneous deck 29. You're telling me there's a bottomless pit 3-5 decks below the bottom of the ship?
LaForge: Did you ever think about getting married again? Guinan: No, twenty-three was my limit.
Picard: Don't worry, Number One, we'll still have you to Betazed with plenty of time to spare... Riker: Thank you, sir. Picard: ...where we will all honor the Betazoid tradition. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be in the gym.
Picard: Your wife would never forgive me if anything were to happen to you. You have the bridge, Mister Troi.
Janeway: The Son'a, the Borg, the Romulans. You seem to get all the easy assignments.
Shinzon:You may go. B-4: Where? Shinzon: Out of my sight.
Shinzon: The same noble Picard blood pumps through our veins. Had you lived my life, you'd be doing exactly as I am. So look in the mirror, See yourself. Consider that, Captain. I can think of no greater I torment for you. Picard: Shinzon, I'm a mirror for you as well.
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dzamie · 7 years
Fuckton of OC questions: HM
Questions from @liaraliara‘s post here. Doing these for HM, will do more for other characters eventually, whether y’all want me to or not.
anyway so the prompt is clearly intended for, like, normal human OCs rather than murderous dragons, but let’s see where this goes
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything? H.M. Deshulian. The initials stand for [DATA REMOVED], although he’s rather sensitive about anyone he doesn’t fully trust knowing that. And by “sensitive” I mean “vicious and lethal.”
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them? At least one town calls him the Green Reaper, which he’s rather proud of, but often times, much of his antics are attributed to Dzamie, a fact that annoys both of them.
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory?  Rather average for a dragon, actually. Instead of sparring with clutchmates or playfighting with his parents, he and Dzamie would hone their skills against each other - particularly useful, as it gave Dzamie experience against a real dragon, and HM experience against a dragonslayer’s style of fighting. Regardless, he certainly didn’t go hungry, and keeping the warm-blooded and soft-furred Dzamie around kept him comfy at night (the Katul eventually got used to being used like a mattress).
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?  Has no clue who his father is or was. His mother is definitely dead; there is no need to go looking for her, especially if you’re a dragonslayer tracking a large bounty. He will eat anyone who claims to the contrary.
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults? Dzamie’s his half-brother. They’re very close, despite what seem like occasional attempts to kill the other. The two have gotten closer since childhood, owing in part to spending most of their lives around each other and also a mental link that they often forget about.
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate? HM associates “school” with dragonslayers, and thus doesn’t think too highly of it. He’s great at mechanical and electrical engineering, though. Not sure where he learned it.
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood?  He had approximately one friend, who happened to have spotted fur and a full set of dragonslaying gear. Other friends generally didn’t stay long or died. Being around either Deshulian is pretty dangerous, since one is a danger magnet and the other seems to seek out violence.
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals? Occasionally jokes that he has a rambunctious cheetah as a pet. He likes animals! They’re usually very tasty!
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?  He tends to terrify animals. This means their instincts are functioning well.
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect? Can’t stand ‘em. Generally asks permission to maim and/or eat them after about 10 minutes of being around them, grants himself permission anyway after another 10.
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies? 100% carnivore, ideally live, sapient food. Vegetables and grains are mildly poisonous, though a built-up resistance means they just taste bad and don’t do anything for him.
12. What is their favourite food?  Dzamie.
13. What is their least favourite food? Porcupines. Far too much effort and risk for such a little reward.
14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal? Nothing in particular.
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking? He can stop meat from being raw, but he’s not good at making it appetizing for non-dragons.
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?  A nice hoard of shiny stuff - gold, gems, armor, stolen won weapons, and a few trophies with the nameplates removed that he refuses to tell anyone where he got them.
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos? Nah. Cameras are hard to work with his paws.
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else He likes racing games and Smash Bros, is a fan of what he nebulously describes as “flying music,” and most any movie or book with a dragon protagonist (at least, the ones where it’s not “yeah he’s a dragon but he spends 99% of the time looking human because reasons”).
19. What’s their least favourite genres? Death metal for music, rhythm games, and soap operas. For books, it’s a tie between romance novels and historical fiction and nonfiction.
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes? Theaters rarely allow dragons, especially dragons with his body count track record. Music’s definitely more Dzamie’s thing, but he’s got a few songs he likes. When a song he enjoys comes on, he’ll usually at least move his head to the beat, fall in step with it, or time his flaps to the music.
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper? It’s pretty hard to make him truly lose his temper, but that rarely matters because “kill and possibly eat non-dragons in the immediate area” isn’t too high up on his reactions scale. When he does get truly angry, the best course of action is to either return the important hoard thing to him and pray for mercy, or to vacate the surrounding twenty miles or so immediately.
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back? He doesn’t usually see a reason to insult people. He knows where he is on the food chain.
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces? He can recall every bit of treasure in his hoard, and has also memorized pretty much all of the pseudo-laws he has to follow as per the agreement with the dragonslayers’ guild. Knows it better than most actual dragonslayers, really.
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress? Generally diurnal. Does not snore, prefers to sleep on Dzamie, part of his hoard, or a firm mattress, in that order.
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves? He finds dramatic irony to be the absolute best, particularly when it involves someone underestimating him or Dzamie.
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?  He tends to hold his head higher, and his tail swishes back and forth, or taps whatever it’s resting on if he’s lying down - though he’s careful to make sure it lands with the flat of the blade, so as not to accidentally ruin whatever he’s sitting happily on.
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad? I don’t think he’s ever actually been sad, at least for long.
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared? Death, so generally only an angry Dzamie or Kenneth can actually scare him. Or a literal deity, or the few dragons who are significantly stronger than he is. When scared, he pretty much throws up all the defensive spells he knows and tries to escape the situation. Also scary: seeing Dzamie running very quickly away from, not towards, something. “Tactical retreat” means the cheetah annoyed someone strong; “flat out booking it” means everything in its path is is in peril.
29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective?  Tease or exploit, depending on if he likes that person.
30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out? HM likes to fly and fight rampage/slaughter, but he’s not much for structured exercise. If someone does get him to work out, he’s generally grumpy going into it and ready to set several things and/or people on fire afterwards.
31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing? Nope. Drunk firebreathers are a bad idea.
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like? He sometimes wears his wingblades, but for the most part he’s completely naked. Scales are handy.
33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties? Once more, quadrupedal dragons tend not to wear clothes.
34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body? At his usual size, HM’s about 3′6″ at the shoulder, carrying his head just under 6′. If he undoes his size transformation (or it’s forcibly undone), he’s roughly two stories high. He’s very fond of every part of his body, especially his jaws (he has a very strong bite, and has paralytic saliva if he so chooses).
35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure?  His guilty pleasure is letting Dzamie rub or scratch him in just the right places. He purrs for very few people. His unguilty pleasure is probably wanton destruction. Or eating Dzamie, though that involves significantly less fire.
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing? To quote TF2′s Spy, “your deadly skill is jogging? Mine is murdering people!” Though, to HM���s credit, he really just hunts a lot; most of his kills vanish down his throat. He’s definitely fond of the whole violence thing. He can sing, to an extent. He doesn’t have the best range, and he doesn’t really compare to a human or Katul singer, but he’s better than the average dragon.
37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction? He’ll read short things if Dzamie suggests them, but is otherwise uninterested.
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had? Strength and fighting ability (and taste, but he doesn’t envy that). He does wish he had the quick spellcrafting of Kenneth or Dzamie’s impressive range of abilities.
39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging?  Emails. He’s accidentally incinerated too many would-be important letters to be fond of them.
40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert? He sees energy drinks and stuff like that to be human things. Sweet things are nice, especially when his prey is covered in it, but a fine-tuned survival instinct keeps him as awake as he generally needs to be.
41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship? Physically, 100% into dragonesses. Human women are a nice substitute, but he tends not to think highly of them (though, considering his baseline for humans is “food”...). He generally isn’t much for long-term relationships, though Dream is an exception - primarily by way of being more a friend-with-benefits than a romantic partner.
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition? His goal is to have a very big hoard, and possibly see if he can’t start a cult that ends up occasionally sacrificing a member to him or something. He’d sacrifice anything but Dzamie’s life to preserve his own, and anything but his own life to save Dzamie’s. His secret ambition is to be able to solidly beat Dzamie in a fight - they’ve always been pretty even.
43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people? HM is not religious at all. He acknowledges the existence of some deities, generally because either he or HM has met several of them (again, some of the few times one can actually see them actively prepare many layers of backup escape plans), but isn’t interested in worshipping anyone. He’s generally neutral about most religious and nonreligious people, and hasn’t quite made up his mind about the religious ones who think he’s a demon to exorcise - on one hand, they’re annoying, on the other, they’re generally unprepared enough that they make an easy snack.
44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most?  Summer. Dragon likes heat. He complains about the snow a lot, and generally doesn’t leave his fuzzy heat source Dzamie’s side during the wintertime.
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves?  As a violent psychopath who’d probably eat the world if it was feasible and tasty enough. He’d agree.
46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves? He can make a good first impression - he’s not completely tactless, and can even hold a small Facade for a while. It’s pretty quick to tell his personality, though. HM prefers to introduce himself a couple seconds after his most recent victim dies, but, to his distaste, he far more often introduces himself in a more normal manner.
47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event? He can act all proper and stuff, especially if Dzamie’s nearby to give him pointers, but not for an extended period of time. He prefers to wear as little as necessary, but will put on a few things to keep up appearances when needed. He enjoys chit chat to the extent that it can lure unsuspecting prey towards a secluded area.
48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend?  He does actually host more casual parties somewhat often. Generally, his guests are dragons, though occasionally a Serperior or a sphinx has shown up. He’s actually a pretty good host. Though, remarkably often, he and a bunch of guests end up in a scaly pile on or around Dzamie when they awake.
49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them? Well, there’s Dzamie.
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials? A water bottle and as much of his favorite non-Dzamie things from his hoard as will fit. Everything else necessary can be found pretty easily, especially as a flying, magical dragon.
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ardentaislinn · 6 years
Yuletide 2018 Letter
Hi! I am also ardentaislinn on AO3. Thank you so much for volunteering to write one of my chosen fandoms! I really can’t wait to see what you come up with. Most importantly, I hope you have fun writing whichever of my fandoms it is. Any suggestions I make here are optional, (though I do very much hope you will take my DNWs into consideration.)
Here you’ll find:
My general likes My DNWs
And prompts for the following fandoms: The Awakening (2011) - Florence Cathcart, Robert Mallory Strike (TV series) - Cormoran Strike, Robin Ellacott    Tomb Raider (2018) - Lara Croft, Lu Ren
My likes:
I love getting together fics most of all. I love almost every kind of trope (fake dating, slow burn, rivals-to-lovers, “unrequited” pining (that is really requited), found families, etc.) Also, casefic, epistolary fic, consent, forbidden pleasures, beta heroes, bed sharing, masquerades, military kink, physical imperfections, ladies being badass and female relationships (whether romantic or friendship), relationships that build tension before exploding, equal relationships, trapped together, competence, communication, U/RST, positive endings.
You may notice from the below that my ships mostly involve sweet and occasionally broken men being head over heels for awesome ladies. So that dynamic is strongly encouraged.
I also like smut, but it certainly isn’t a necessity. For smut, I’m (sadly) fairly vanilla. But I like light bondage, cunningulus, shower sex, and accidental/consensual voyeurism, (Particularly guys taking matters into their own hands when they think they can’t be with their lady, and the woman stumbling across him mid-act. Possibly my favourite kink ever? Writer’s choice whether the woman joins in or gets embarrassed)
Happy endings (or at least hopeful endings) are preferred. Like, super, super preferred. I don’t mind angst at all, but it kinda has to be on the way out of the darkness by the end.
Miserable endings. Major character death. Baby/Pregnancy/kidfic. Drugs use/drug mentions/addiction. Self harm/abuse. Non-con/rape. Heavy kink. A/B/O. M-Preg. Incest. Bestiality, animal harm etc. Nothing underage. Unbalanced power dynamics. 1st person POV (unless for epistolary). Not big on high school AUs or Rock band AUs.
I think that’s it?
And so, to the fandoms, in no particular order:
The Awakening
Florence Cathcart, Robert Mallory
So, I love this film, and I love these two characters. I really dug the way their relationship developed through the film, right up until the slightly ambiguous ending.
This film hit a bunch of my favourite tropes, mostly in the character types it used for these two. Florence is a bit caustic in the beginning of the film, and I love that she slowly reveals her vulnerabilities. Robert, the broken former soldier, is the perfect match for her. And the slow-burn chemistry between them super worked for me.
So, basically, I just want more of them!
Florence is canon into voyeurism (both in that she liked watching Robert, and liked the idea of him watching her) - so what is the sex life with Robert like going forward? Does she like to watch and be watched? (Either way, I see her as liking to be in control of it, not so much the idea of strangers watching her, or it being done without her consent)
Post-movie, Florence and Robert are separated for a time - do they write each other letters?
Florence now believes in ghosts. Where does that leave her career? Does she still hunt down the fakes, as well as the real things? Does Robert come with her? Or do people come to her with their supernatural troubles?
Robert is nervous about proposing, but Florence is getting impatient.
On their honeymoon, they go to some of the oldest places in Europe. Surely there are ghosts lurking in every corner. What kind of trouble do they get into?
Florence Cathcart: Demon Hunter (Have fun with it! If ghosts exist, why not demons?)
A missing scene from the film with additional/bonus pining?
I do really want a happy ending here for Florence and Robert, but if you want to do something interesting with the hints that she might be a ghost herself at the end of the film, I’ll be interested if you can make it work.
Strike (TV Series)
Cormoran Strike, Robin Ellacott
So, I ship these two a lot. I love the dynamic that they have, where Strike has been pretty into her from day one, and tried to keep his distance, and Robin is in total denial about her feelings. I like that they are both clever and each have their strengths, and very much appreciate that about each other. Lots of mutual admiration going on!
If you want to write me Getting Together fic for these two, it would be amazing! But I’ve tried to keep my prompts open so you can write what works for you.
One thing I just want to request: If you can be as euphemistic as possible about Strike’s mother’s death, that would be great. The descriptions in the book hit some awful triggers for me and I have to skim them, but I’d rather not do that to your fic! So “she died” is fine, but anything about the details of the day itself - no thanks. I really appreciate this!
So, prompts:
Casefic - Strike and Robin are hired to investigate something, but it turns out to be more than it first appears.
Any of my fave fanfic tropes - undercover as married, stakeouts, forced bed sharing, etc. I feel this is a couple ripe for the classic tropes!
Also, Trapped Together - what happens if they are stuck somewhere and can’t escape?
Road trip hunting a serial killer the police don’t believe exists.
Robin’s first solo case as partner turns into a bit of a mess.
A slightly more specific casefic prompt with an added side of kink: A hotel manager hires Strike to investigate which of his employees is placing cameras in the guests’ rooms. Only thing is, he wants them to be discrete so the culprit doesn’t know they are onto him, so Strike ropes Robin in to play his wife and they check into the hotel. Problem is, to be convincing they have to play a couple even in private, because of the cameras watching their every move…
Robin doesn’t marry Matthew. I don’t mind how you do it - whether you let her find out about him deleting her messages before the ceremony and she calls it off; if she punches Matthew in the face at the altar; if she says “actually, I don’t” and just walks away from the asshole...any of the above! I just don’t want her legally bound to that douche. Strike can definitely help with this if you like.
A lot of people from Strike’s past show up in CoE. Do any others try to exact revenge?
Matthew is killed. The police think Robin did it. And Strike’s not so sure she didn’t…
FYI, I have read the first three books in the series, so feel free to use elements of those. But I doubt I’ll have read Lethal White before reveals (because I’m cheap, tbh, and I don’t buy ebooks for $15) so no spoilers, please! (Sorry!)
Tomb Raider (2018)
Lara Croft, Lu Ren
I thought these two had great chemistry, and I’m bummed they didn’t get together in the film. (I still have a slight hope we’ll get a sequel, however small!) I love that he really digs the fact that she’s a badass, (“Some men like dangerous women”), but he can definitely hold his own against her. And they work really well together as a team.
I also wanted to see them go on all kinds of adventures together! I think they’d get themselves into a lot of trouble and have a lot of fun doing it.
What happens directly after the end of the film? Does he go with her to London? Or do they part ways?
How do they meet up again? Where do they meet up?
Lara finds herself in trouble, and calls her old friend for help. (Or, Lu Ren finds himself in trouble, and calls Lara)
They get shipwrecked together and have to survive
Lara asks for his help bringing down Trinity (Do they plot an elaborate plan to take them down? Do they go searching for a weapon/information/person that might help them defeat Trinity?)
Lu Ren comforts Lara after she finds a friend (Ana?) has betrayed her
On an adventure somewhere, Lara accidentally stumbles on Lu Ren naked.
Missing scene where they bang on the ship
All of the tropes. Bed sharing. Trapped together. Undercover as a couple. I never say no to a trope.
Thank you in advance for writing for me!
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
First Strike - Designed By Swat Team Leader
New Post has been published on http://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/first-strike-designed-by-swat-team-leader/
First Strike - Designed By Swat Team Leader
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Attention: Any Man Concerned With The Rise Of Violent Encounters In The United States — and Who Wants To Protect Himself and His Family From Those Who Intend Harm — Must Master The 17 Viciously Effective Special Forces Combatives Moves Now Revealed For The First Time On This Page
But after two towering men were unconscious on the ground, nobody was laughing anymore.
In fact, this angry mob turned into a dispersed crowd of panicked individuals running in different directions.
Yet the man who put these two criminals on the ground, had never been in a fight once in his life.
So how did Steve (a normal blue collar guy who hadn’t worked out in years) lay out these two aggressive guys twice his size and disperse a mob of people that were starting to surround him?
Steve quickly read the situation, which we’ll look at more closely in a minute.
He recognized all the patterns that were playing out in front of him.
And because he understood the situation, he had the confidence to trust his own instinctive reaction to subdue his aggressors.
And get this… he learned in less than an hour how to unleash his genetically hardwired ability to dish out devastating force — without any formal martial arts training.
In fact, he used a collection of techniques that the US Military train every soldier in.1
I’ll tell you all about those techniques and exactly how Steve used them in just a minute, but please, you need to understand this…
In 2020, the chance of a “fair fight” occurring is very unlikely.
It’s not like back in the day when you’d go to the parking lot and settle the argument like men.
Violent encounters due to the chaos and civil unrest happening today, have shown us “fair” doesn’t exist anymore.
The mob of people who want to cause nothing but trouble don’t care about honor and respect as men, in fact, they don’t care about much at all aside from causing mayhem.
And with talks of reducing the funding for officers of the law, the idea that all you need to do is wait and the good guys will show up to save the day is completely out the door.
And I know that’s frustrating, I’m right there with you, but what you need to understand is you don’t have a choice.
That responsibility is on you now, no one else, and it’s irresponsible as an American to stick your head in the sand.
You need to know how to defend yourself against the unknown of chaos in order to protect yourself, your family, and your property.
So I’m going to show you in this letter how even someone like Steve, who looked like an easy target, was able to make it home safely that night without anyone laying a finger on him or his wife.
But first…
My name is Todd Lamb.
I began my career as a Special Operator in the Canadian Special Service Force.2
And until recently, I served as the leader of one of the most prestigious SWAT Teams in the world.
Together with Personal Protection expert and long-time martial arts teacher Ari Kay, we’re on a mission to help men around the world regain the confidence that comes from KNOWING you can take care of business when a threat emerges.
And I want to show you exactly how to unlock that warrior instinct that’s within every single one of us men…
Now, let me explain to you the biggest misconception that I hear from a lot of men.
You see, most guys think that as long as they stay out of harm’s way, trouble won’t find them, but that’s oftentimes not the case.
Think about this… What is it worth to have confidence knowing you can keep your family safe if chaos erupts?
If you asked me that question, I’d say it’s priceless.
Listen, Steve’s story could have turned out much different.
Here’s what happened…
After a nice dinner for their date night, Steve and his wife are walking back to their car.
In the parking lot, a mob of people in masks are destroying cars and everything they see in sight as a form of protest.
Steve didn’t know that the night he decided to take his wife out would be the night that a major controversial event occured in his city causing people to take to the streets to protest.
And on the way to his car, two tough looking guys shout to the group telling them to walk towards Steve and his wife.
This is where Steve let his instincts kick in. However…
What would most people do in this situation?
Keep their eyes down and just hope they go away? The whole time putting their family’s safety in jeopardy while burying their head in the sand?
Take their wife’s hand and try to get out of there — hoping the thugs don’t follow?
Or stand up to these towering aggressors even though they don’t have a clue how to stop them if push comes to shove?
Those are the only choices unless you’ve spent some time unlocking the instincts deep inside you that are there to keep you alive and keep your loved ones safe…
And PLEASE do not make the same mistake most men make…
They believe that because they live in a nice part of town…
Or since they stay out of harm’s way, nothing bad will ever happen to them or those that are close to them.
The sad reality is, no matter how nice of a neighborhood that you stay in, this can happen to anyone.
The real question anyone needs to ask is, what’s the price of hiding from the truth and sticking your head in the sand?
And if violence comes, not knowing what to do and freezing up isn’t something you want to experience.
I’d pay anything to never have to experience that situation.
And I’m very happy that Steve didn’t experience it.
Let’s take a look at how Steve got out of there alive with his wife unharmed…
First, he recognized the early signs that these guys were trouble and started to listen to his instincts.
As soon as these guys started walking towards Steve, he adopted a dominating stance, looked them in the eyes, and told them to back off…
Now, they weren’t visibly intimidated by any means by this scrawny guy in his fancy clothes.
In fact they laughed at him. But on some level they were thrown off by his unexpected behavior.
However Steve could see they were still intent on doing something to him and his wife. He didn’t know if they intended actual violence or not. And he didn’t care…
He didn’t give the situation a chance to unfold and turn him and his wife into another statistic. The moment the first guy went hands on Steve’s instincts to make the First Strike took over…
Steve threw a devastating blow using what I like to call “The Most Lethal Bone In Your Body”… one down…
The other thug was in complete shock.
I mean c’mon… this little guy actually fighting back?
And before the other guy could even react Steve overwhelmed him striking one of the 3 critical targets and swept him… two down…
At that moment, Steve saw the mob turn around and disperse to get away after seeing their partners in crime barely conscious on the floor.
Following his next instinct — he instantly whirled around, grabbed his wife by the hand and got her out of there before she could even register ANY of this…
Only after making sure his wife was safely away did he pull out his cell phone and call the cops.
After all, he knew the cops can only show up after the dust has already settled…
On that night, Steve was prepared.
And he didn’t get ready by training all of the different styles of combat at a gym or self defense school for countless hours.
Nope, and that’s because Steve understood this one fact…
Yes, that’s right, fighting styles like Jiu Jitsu or Kickboxing are relatively useless in a real street fight or chaotic event.
The martial arts that you see professional fighters using can do you more harm than good.
These forms of martial arts are designed for competition, and while they may be somewhat useful…
They are practiced implying that there are rules, like a competition.
Remember, thugs and criminals don’t follow rules.
I’ve seen way too many guys at my Jiu Jitsu gym with black eyes and bruised faces tell horror stories about the techniques that they spent months learning didn’t work out for them.
Every time I tell them that techniques you’re learning are designed for a competition, not a bar on the outskirts of town.
It got to a point where I realized someone had to do something to show men just how simple it is to stop a fight.
I’m going to reveal how anybody can quickly master a handful of moves in under one hour that’ll ensure safety in almost all situations.
That’s right, 60 minutes is all you need to know exactly what to do to defend yourself against a dangerous situation.
I used to think that I had to become a black belt in 3 different types of martial arts to be able to defend myself.
But after witnessing and being a part of over 200+ REAL street fights, I know that it’s just not the case.
The amount of craziness you see as a bouncer in a bar, and then operating in a special forces branch of the government truly is crazy.
So I can tell you first hand, those martial arts I listed earlier are not what you need.
Now please understand, what I’m about to reveal goes against the grain of what every instructor of martial arts is going to say.
And I can’t blame them, they want people to sign up for their classes so they can pay their bills.
But really, it’s true, everything you need to know to defend yourself can be distilled down to 1 hour…
That includes…
How ONE devastating strike can end fights before they begin…
The 7 Locks and Breaks that render any attacker “combat ineffective” in the blink in an eye… (so simple to learn you’ll wonder why no one teaches this)
Simple attack strategies to defend against edged weapons while disarming your assailant
Why the most unorthodox method of delivering strikes can leave your assailant stunned and heavily disoriented — without having to deliver a “heavy” blow
How an easy-to-learn takedown can turn your attacker’s intentions against him and rearrange his pretty little jaw structure
The invisible mind method that enables you to disrupt your assailant’s thoughts before you even go hands on (you’ve known how to do this for years but have probably never known the right time to use it)
What 3 simple strategies can quickly end the fight fast and help prevent a visit to the hospital
What’s amazing about this system is that it really doesn’t matter who you are, anyone can implement these simple moves in any situation to defend themselves.
This system can work for people who think they’re too old or young, large or thin, tall or short.
In fact, just knowing what I’m about to show you may keep a majority of the bad guys away.
You see, criminals tend to prey on signs of weakness.3
And when you know that you can defend yourself in any situation, it’s likely that a surge of confidence will come rushing into your life.
That confidence alone can help keep you out of a lot of trouble, because confidence is a sign that you’re open to the world and ready to take it on.
Criminals don’t really like messing with confident people.
Now I know that you may be a bit skeptical about this…
Surely you would’ve heard about this system by now, I mean why is it not being talked about everywhere?
Well honestly, I don’t know why everyone isn’t talking about it.
My guess is that because the UFC and Boxing have become so popular recently, everyone is going nuts over the different styles which are being used.
However, what I do know is that the US Military uses this exact system that I’m about to show you4 to get their troops ready for hand to hand combat in just a few weeks.
Now, as I’ve alluded to before, this system won’t take you weeks to soak up this information, or even a single day.
All it takes is 1 hour, because like so many men, you’re probably not preparing to become some new star MMA fighter…
You’re more than likely not preparing for a life of combat and war like our troops in the military are…
I’d be willing to take a guess and say that you’re just preparing for the chance that someone decides to mess with you.
So understand this…
You don’t need to go and master this system, all you need to do is understand it, and know when to use it, and that’s it.
I don’t recommend starting fights, and I don’t recommend getting into fights.
But sometimes it’s the other party that’s taking it too far and you need to put a stop to it immediately.
The best way to end fights is with a devastating blow so the fight doesn’t even happen.
The second you realize that the other person is a threat, your goal should be to get out of there as fast as possible.
Yes, that’s right, your goal should be to run, just like Steve did after he assessed the remaining threats.
Many people believe that they need to stay there and fight, to defend their courage as a man.
This is nothing but the ego talking, and take it from me, someone who’s had his fair share of real combat…
Thinking that way is completely foolish.
Sun Tzu in The Art Of War said it best, “If equally matched, we can offer battle; if slightly inferior in numbers, we can avoid the enemy; if quite unequal in every way, we flee from him.”
Chances are, you’ll have no idea about your opponent’s strengths.
What if they have a weapon that you don’t know about?
What if your opponent has 12 friends outside?
And the second they find out their brother is in a fight, they come rushing in to help him out.
Being a “tough guy” doesn’t help you in situations like that.
But being smart certainly will.
All you need is to know what your first strike is going to be, you make the move, and then you leave.
Because a real fight usually only lasts around 30 seconds, and can be as quick as 5 seconds.
What you need to do is attack the attacker, so you can buy yourself time to book it for the door.
You don’t need to carry around any weapons, and I’ll elaborate on that more here in a bit.
But just know that there’s so much legal repercussion that can come from just firing your weapon, let alone hurting someone with it.5
And trust me, you don’t want to deal with that.
Here’s the thing…
You are a weapon.
Your knees, shins, elbows, forearms, and fists are all very powerful and strong.
All it takes is one strike to knock someone out, and allow you to get to safety.
The only way to do that is to give you the optimal techniques that have been passed down and refined through generations of trial and error.
In fact, discovering these techniques was originally a large problem for the US Military6…
Imagine this…
World War Two has erupted.
You’ve got hundreds of thousands of troops that range anywhere between the ages of 18 and 40.
And you need to make sure that within a month, they’re ready to go for combat.
Kind of a difficult task, but the US never fails to shock the world and show us all how it’s done.
US military officers condensed the most practical techniques based on natural human instincts, and field-tested the result in over 2000 documented encounters.7
This real-world fighting style that still to this day is being taught has become known as Army Combatives and has continued to evolve since WW2.
After only weeks of training, this new combatives method produced the highest number of documented kills out of any system ever seen.8
Yet these Special Operators did not train for years to develop these skills.
In fact, few had trained in any form of formal martial arts.
Like I said before, most of these guys were very young, and a majority were either pencil thin or skinny-fat average joe’s who were drafted into the military.
But after just a few weeks of constantly drilling these techniques, these men became lethal weapons armed with nothing but their bare hands.
This is because rather than going against the way your instincts are ingrained in your reactions and try to rewire your brain like so many martial arts do…
Combatives focuses on using those instinctive reactions to your benefit.
Which is exactly why we want to make sure you know these techniques taught in Army Combatives.
Because besides the fact that these combatives are one of the simplest and most effective forms of combat that anyone can soak up in 60 minutes…
After teaching this system for many years, I’ve noticed one thing that stays consistent across all men.
After learning this system, men carry themselves more confidently.
And it’s really no surprise, when you know that no matter what situation arises you can hold your weight and defend yourself and your loved ones…
It brings a surge of confidence and masculine energy, something that I think no man can have too much of…
Regardless of what today’s world thinks, we need more masculine men.
And my hope is that not only will this system give you the skills necessary to put someone twice your size on the floor if they try to attack you…
But it will also bring a rush of pure alpha confidence into your life.
17 Easy And Simple To Learn Strikes That Can Protect Yourself And Your Loved Ones Each Taught In 3 Minutes Or Less
Building on the tradition of these combatives methods, Ari and I have boiled our combatives approach down to 17 moves that are all you’ll ever need to know in order to keep yourself safe.
We’ve combined my Special Forces background with Ari’s decades of applying his martial arts experience to the real world demands of personal protection and security work.
The result is an easy-to-learn system of powerful and devastating fight techniques.
There really isn’t anything out there like this program, mainly because the experience that Ari and I have had in real world scenarios is quite unique.
In this program you’ll get access to 17 videos showing the 17 different techniques.
Each of these combatives moves is clearly delivered in 3 minutes or less.
They’re easy-to-understand videos that you can watch anywhere, even on your phone.
And as I’ve already revealed earlier, these moves include…
The ONE devastating strike can end fights before they begin…
The 7 Locks and Breaks that render any attacker “combat ineffective” in the blink in an eye… (so simple to learn you’ll wonder why no one teaches this)
A Simple attack strategy to defend against edged weapons while disarming your assailant
The most unorthodox method of delivering strikes can leave your assailant stunned and heavily disoriented – without having to deliver a “heavy” blow
An easy-to-learn takedown can turn your attacker’s intentions against him and rearrange his pretty little jaw structure
The invisible mind method that enables you to disrupt your assailant’s thoughts before you even go hands on (you’ve known how to do this for years but have probably never known the right time to use it)
The 3 simple strategies can quickly end the fight fast and help prevent a visit to the hospital
Simple 3 Minute Videos Guarantee You Learn All 17 Devastating Moves Quickly & Easily
Remember, you’ll absorb these moves in just one hour of watching.
Now obviously, the more you watch them, the better you’ll understand when and how to use them.
This is so much more convenient than training for years with martial arts.
Now look, I understand there’s certainly a lot of solutions for self defense.
For starters, you could just conceal carry a firearm, but do you really want to have to deal with the legalities that come with having to use it?
Regardless of if you were right in your use of force, you never know, the court could not side with you and you end up in trouble.
Plus, you’re not able to bring a firearm everywhere you go.
Even if you end up using it to defend yourself in a restricted location such as a bar (regardless of if you were right or not) you’re probably getting arrested that night.
The other alternative is to carry an edged or blunt weapon with you.
But the severity of legal troubles that can happen if you were to REALLY hurt someone are again not worth it.
So it’s best to avoid that route as well.
Now sure, you could use something like a taser or mace, but what happens if there’s multiple people coming at you?
What about if it’s a crazy person hyped up on who knows what?
Trying to subdue someone on a substance is damn near impossible.
Believe me, I’ve had to do that, and it was not fun.
We see it all the time on the news, a cop will try to taze or mace a criminal and it does nothing but add fuel to the fire.
So something like mace or a taser could be your saving grace, but I’ve got a dozen situations where it can actually do you more harm than good.
The other solution is to learn a martial art, such as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Kick Boxing, Aikido, Karate, or Tae-Kwon-Do.
While I think these are all great arts to go into for personal development and to get tougher, I think they all fall outside of what’s necessary for self defense.
Like I’ve said, these martial arts are designed to have rules, and there are no rules in the real world.
I’ve seen guys who are black belts get their butt kicked from a guy who knew nothing about martial arts or fighting, all because he just used pure brute force to dominate.
And that’s the real nature of violence.
It’s not going to be like a boxing match where you just stand there and exchange blows like the movie Rocky.
A much more accurate depiction is exchanging a blow or two and the fight ends up on the ground.
Afterwards someone’s friends gang up on the opposing party and have at it.
A street fight is very violent and it happens very quickly.
You won’t have time to get into your ready stance that your sensei taught you in class the other week.
Again, this is why we created a program that works with your instincts, so the second that trouble comes your way you’re able to react and know exactly what to do.
When I say that this program really does have some of the best information out there, I genuinely mean it.
But don’t just take my word for it…
Here’s what men just like you are saying about what they learned…
I was travelling home from Vancouver with my daughter and her friend on BC Ferries. There were 2 young men in a verbal exchange of a heated manner. The aggressor was using VERY salty language in an area that was a designated children’s area. So I got up and asked them to move on. The aggressor looks at me, “tough guy, eh”!? I escorted him out of the area and he “promised” me that I was next. I ignored him as for the next hour as he circled the boat staring down his original victim. I had to go to the bathroom before I disembarked. As I was exiting the bathroom, there stood the 2 combatants from earlier. The aggressor turns to me and says “hey tough guy”!!! I told him that I just wanted to take my kids and go home. He said sure, then pushed my face… I grabbed his hood, pulled it across his face and smacked his head into the wall. He threw 2 wild punches which were easily dodged. I then grabbed his arm across my chest, trapped, turned and threw. I landed on him with punches coming up to me. I pushed his arm to the side, slid off to apply a head and arm choke. When I felt him almost go out, I stopped, grabbed the arm, rolled him to his belly and placed him in a pin. Security on the boat grabbed some tie straps and we made a pair of cuffs. He was turned over to the staff, police were called, and my job done. Thanks Ari!
George Lopez, Vancouver BC
One day on the job I found myself in a close quarters wrestling match over a pistol with a robber at a pharmacy I interrupted. The principles of First Strike, how to control a body and isolate limbs allowed me to end this conflict quickly without having to take this guy’s life, losing mine or endangering the store full of bystanders in the backdrop if I would have used my firearm.
Frank Bridges, Seattle
I was coming out of a local grocery store and heading back to my car. It was about 8pm, dark and cold out. All I wanted was to get home. I walked down the stairwell to the first floor and came upon two guys going through a bag at the bottom of the stairs. All I saw was cosmetics and papers on the ground which I assumed to be a women’s purse. I also noticed a long metal rod near one of the thieves.
I rounded the corner and stopped maybe 6 steps above them. One of the guys looked up and said “fuck you… get lost.” His buddy picked up the rod and moved forward, maybe 2 steps up from the landing. He spat and said “get out of here or….” I just reacted and kicked him in the face from 4 steps up. I wasn’t going to wait for him to close the gap or finish his sentence. I had no idea what he was going to do with the rod and I wasn’t going to take the chance. I kicked the guy hard enough that he flew back, crashing his head against the door at the bottom. The second guy just ran. And the first guy was, well, knocked out. I ran up the stairs to the first floor and called the cops.
Alex Fraser, Madison
I recently got a real life lesson in road rage when a guy slid into my car at a stop sign. I got out of the car to see the damage and figured that it was the slick roads that made the other driver hit me. But since the bump was significant, I still needed to see if there was any damage. I had no idea the other driver would lose his shit. I get out of the car and the other guy starts yelling at me saying that I stopped too quickly. I pointed out the large stop sign and that he was following too close. I also noticed he reeked of booze. I was taken aback by his aggressive behaviour and as we investigated the ‘damage’, he swore and just grabbed me in this head lock. I couldn’t believe I was in a fight over a fender bender. I didn’t expect it (who does) and remember thinking “this can’t be real’. I reached up, placed pressure on his face with one hand and lifted his leg with the other. I had him off the ground and then crashed him the to concrete. He immediately let go and stopped fighting as the impact had rattled him. Before I know it, the police were there as they were at the opposite intersection and someone waved them down. I explained my situation and had witnesses to back me up.
Mike Davis, Jacksonville
And it really does bring me a lot of fulfillment knowing that what I’ve put together with Ari has seriously helped these men.
My mission in life is to help bring that warrior instinct back to the men who’ve been robbed of it due to society feminizing everything.
In fact today, because I want you to join the other confident and fearless Americans who have now taken control of their instinctive role as a confident protector — I’ve got a very special offer for you…
Ari and I are making our entire First Strike combatives system available online to you for just a single guaranteed investment of only $37.
This small price is next to nothing to ensure that you’ve got the confidence necessary to defend yourself in all situations.
You could go to a martial arts studio, and pay hundreds of dollars a month to learn the information that I’ve explained could do you more harm than good.
Or… you could just completely ignore the dangers of life, tuck your tail between your legs, and hope nothing best happens.
(Probably your worst bet if I’m being honest…)
But both of these solutions aren’t going to do much for you when *you know what* hits the fan.
Now normally to learn everything that Ari and I reveal in these easy to follow videos, we usually charge $379.
But today not only do I want to save you time by steering you away from the long and hard path of learning martial arts, but I want to save you money too.
That’s exactly why we’ve discounted these videos by over 90%, and the investment to get access today is just $37.
That’s less than a meal for two at a restaurant, but the difference is that the information inside can change your life.
Just use the button below to guarantee your access.
After you click that button, you’ll be taken to our secure order form.
Once you fill it out and everything clears, you’re good to go, your access to the videos will be sent to your email inbox within minutes.
$37 really is one heck of a deal for everything that comes with learning these 17 strikes.
But I really wanted to make sure that we’re bringing a tremendous amount of value to the table.
And that’s exactly why we’ve included these exclusive bonuses…
Have you ever noticed that certain men — no matter how small or big — have a certain energy that comes with them wherever they go?
It’s like the second they walk into the room, everyone recognizes that person has arrived.
And have you ever wondered what it feels like to be that guy? The one who commands respect without even saying a word?
Do you know what’s different about guys like that? It’s simple…
I’ve seen 5’5” guys cause 6 foot thugs to turn around and walk away with nothing but a look.
I know it sounds woo-woo or mystical…
But there’s a certain energy that projects from guys that have self confidence.
Believe me when I tell you that the root of true, deep, and profound confidence for every man is the understanding that they can defend themselves in any situation.
Look: real men aren’t looking for violence… but when it comes knocking they are willing and able to make the First Strike.
The sickly predators of the world sense that and back away.
Just knowing you can take care of business can inflate you with a supernatural feeling of confidence and power.
However there are certain tricks you can use instantly to magnify your aura of Alpha Dog confidence even more!
Once you master these simple tricks — everyone around you will sense it.
Which is why I created a simple manual called Command Presence so you can quickly master the art of silent domination. And…
Since I want you to have the upper hand on the bad guys, for a limited time I’m giving you this valuable manual — that usually sells separately for $19.95 — absolutely free.
But let me make this deal even better for you…
Yes, I want to GIVE you another free bonus…
Too many guys walk through life like blind sheep — completely trusting that decency and the rules of society will protect them…
Listen, that’s just naive. And it’s DANGEROUS to you and your loved ones…
You don’t have to be paranoid or become a conspiracy theorist.
In fact as a Special Forces operator and then SWAT Leader, if I let that happen I probably would have gone crazy…
Your survival depends on creating a balance between vigilance and still experiencing and enjoying your life and activities…
Which is why Ari and I used our collective experience to create the Advanced Situational Awareness manual.
These simple observation, scanning, and monitoring techniques in the Advanced Situational Awareness guide are exactly what will help make sure you know a threat is coming before they even make their first move.
Every skill in this easy-to-understand book will quickly become second nature so you can stay out of harm’s way without even thinking about it!…
We sell this manual separately for just $29.95. However if you act quickly you’re going to get it absolutely FREE today with First Strike, because we truly want to empower you to face any situation with confidence and skill…
Now when I showed Ari everything I had put together for this exclusive offer, he told me we need to give more.
Which is exactly what we did.
So ontop of both of those free training manuals…
We’ve got one more special bonus for you.
When I was in the military, and then SWAT, there’s one thing above all others that pushed me to be the best I could be.
It was the team of guys at my back.
It’s a proven fact that support, follow up and accountability are the #1 secret to success in anything.
Which is why I was inspired to create a one-of-a-kind community of motivated men called Alpha Nation.
And I want to get you into this group of Alpha’s for free so you can see the power for yourself.
That’s right, I’m giving you FREE access for the next 30 days to help you get a head start on mastering the First Strike skills.
That’s not all though… you’ll also find hundreds of other videos and articles covering every aspect of being a well rounded, respected and highly regarded man and leader.
You’ll discover everything from how to survive an urban disaster to how to trim your beard and everything in between — including priceless information on how every man can easily get and stay in top physical shape.
Remember, this is only free for a very limited time because I’m only able to take on a limited number of men in this exclusive coaching community.
So act now to secure this free $79 value bonus.
Listen, Ari and I have been at this for a while. We’ve seen all kinds of guys quickly master the system. They come in every shape and size. And they all come to us with all kinds of excuses in their heads as to why it won’t work for them. And…
It’s the best feeling in the world to see how quickly their excuses disappear once they see how simple and natural the First Strike system is, and how easy it is to master…
So rest assured, this is guaranteed to work for you even if…
You’ve never thrown a punch in your life
You really want to do everything to avoid a fight
You studied martial arts but you are not confident you could use it in the “real world”
You’ve never lifted a weight in your life
And even if, deep down you struggle with confidence in your ability to stand up to confrontation (believe me, within days your confidence will surge to new heights!)
Now, I’m positive you’re really going to enjoy this material and you’ll find so much value in everything we show you in these videos.
But I really want to make sure you’re confident with your purchase, which is exactly why we’re taking on all of the risk.
I’m going to give you an entire 60 days to evaluate the First Strike system for yourself.
If at ANY time in the next 60 days you decide the system is not for you, just let me know and I’ll make sure you get a full refund the very same day!
So go ahead and see for yourself without any risk.
Just make sure you act today so you secure the current low price and get all the extra manuals and free membership that we’re giving to you absolutely free for a very limited time…
Robert Frost said it in one of his most famous poems…
“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”
I want to tell you today that there are two roads in front of you right now.
Either you ignore the problem at hand, and leave it up to chance that you never have to face a dangerous situation.
Or you face the problem head on, and make sure you’re prepared for whatever this crazy world throws your way.
The path of making sure you’re prepared, is the road less traveled.
It’s so easy to be soft and comfortable in today’s society…
It takes a real man to do what he needs to do, and go the path that many other can’t because they’re too naive.
Now look, there’s a pretty high chance that this path of investing in our program and materials so you can know how to defend yourself could be closing up very soon.
I’m not sure how long I can maintain this limited time offer and all your free bonuses.
You see, First Strike is becoming so popular that we’re being forced to expand the business so we can accommodate the demand.
Which means we won’t be able to continue offering the system at such a low price and giving away so many of our manuals for free.
So If I were you, I’d take action today and unlock that primal warrior instinct that’s within us all.
Stand Apart,
Todd Lamb
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