#the umber war :: updates
owenstark · 1 year
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The war rages on in the North as the forces of the Little King, his name destined to be wiped from the history, continue their chaos, they have experienced push back from communities of people from the East who have banded together to join the efforts to protect White Harbour and have started their own search parties hoping to locate Manal II Manderly.
The King's Party ( King Owen Stark and Prince Cregan Stark, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Yuan Anya and Cassana Stark)
King Owen Stark and his brother @crreganstark are travelling to the wall where they will crush the rebelling watchmen where the King intends to leave his brother with the task of protecting the Northern Front from wildlings and providing support to @wintervsuns (Lord Brandon Karstark). As the brothers travel Owen has started using their nights at camp to teach Cregan about warging into creatures, starting with teaching him to warg into his wolf and control it. Between practicing with Cregan, Owen has taken to sitting in his tent before sleep and warging into the Smoke and leading wolves into an Umber camp where the commander of the camp is ripped apart by wolves. Tales of the Warg King are spreading across the North as more animals have started to attack people on the roads. Owen hopes to warg into a bear soon, a bear he's been trying to attach to since spotting in while in Smoke. Cregan is taking well to his training and has become a great help to Owen. They never break the rules of warg or skinchanging: no feasting on human flesh, no mating, and no taking over the body of a man or woman.
Princess @cassvstark continues to lead her group of female archers. she is staying close to her brother's side, relaying all information from her visions to him no matter how small it might seem. However she is starting to pick up on some dangerous rumors coming down from the Umber forces but needs to verify them before speaking with Owen.
Lady @anya-snow has capitalized on the yitish relation and soldiers from the regions of Wan and Shizi have travelled to the westerosi kingdom of the north in the past weeks. The forces under Owen have grown, with a troop of 1000 yitish soldiers arriving. The blacksmith, for her part, has supplied the Night's Watch with weaponry and has been travelling across camps with a team of smiths to reforge and fix blades for the army of the true north.
House Manderly
Lord @amirofmanderlys made the difficult choice of continuing on with his journey to Skagos after providing much needed assistance to Brandon Karstark through a restock of supplies and support before continuing to Skagos where he will be for some time. Owen has sent word to their YiTish allies who will meet Amir at Skagos.
Duke @nasirofmanderlys is leading the charge of taking down the forces of the Little King as he tracks the man in hopes of securing his sister and bringing her home. The people of the East who has been welcomed into White Harbour have ventured out to joke Nasir. Tirius Rowan has sent 500 volunteers to White Harbour for an attack on one Old Way family is an attack on them all and as word reached Goldengrove the Marshall of the Northmarch sought out volunteers who wished to travel North before going to Alayim.
House Karstark
Duke Brandon Karstark has been hit hard, his home lands surrounded and his wife @northernseer believed to be dead needs to be buried. Unknown to the King, Meera appears to be alive. Brandon has been intensely defending the borders of his land with help from Amir Manderly's resources. The YiTish arrive to provide assistance to the Duke per the agreement between the North and the YiTish.
The Stark in Winterfell
Queen @rosaaaryn continues to be the Stark in Winterfell. She is doing her best to help take in any known loyal women and children who need shelter if umber forces are over taking their lands. She is writing correspondences between various lords and ladies to try and help pass information along if she can.
The Military Commanders
Prince @adam-stark and lord @jin-renshu have continued to lead the berserkers to raze Umber forces. A warning had already been given so no men is left alive. Adam has made an example of every commanding officer and treacherous lord that falls on the battle, beheading them and leaving their headless corpses hanging from trees as continuous retaliation for the murder of the young prince, Jon.
The Loyal Bolton:
Princess Consort @northernglorie (Glorie Bolton) [updates in part 2]
Magics of the North
Princess @allysannestark has travel with a party to her lands where she has provided the support of a Stark presence along with her skill in regards to the North and it's many plants. She has started to seek other means to provide support to the Northmen in their battles. [Further Updates in Part 2]
The Western Front
Ren left the legion after a bit, as sea dragon point has been turned into a refugee area. The new ruling lord has been granting food and shelter for those that come to his land.
Duke @xavariglover has left men to protect their Western Front by land and sea, he is aware that any word of Manal Manderly requires forces to be sent. She is of priority along with tracking and keeping the rebellious Mountain Clans in check as they terrorize the Western lands of the North. [ Further Updates in part 2 ]
Final Note
The North will be forever changed by the choices of the Little King and his choice to target the people of the Old Way with such ferocity. As the war rages on, people have started to defect from the Little King, a steady bleeding of Northmen after the acts against the Old Way. To stop this bleeding support traitors are being killed by the Little King and his commanders.
The Hugors, some call the people taking a personal touch in attacking the camps of the traitors to the North, have started to poison the water barrels of Umber forces, steal their food, and kill them in the night. These are acts carried around by rumor residents of White Harbour though others whisper it is the worshippers from the east where men are more use to such treatment and have made it a point to fight back and show appreciation to their hosts. And the daughter who welcomed them, different as they are. [Further Updates in part 2]
(ooc: i think that in a place where there are many gods there would also be people who fight and if the rhllorist of the east are attacking Alayim then the Braavosi calling White Harbour home aren't strangers to intolerance.).
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squirrelwrangler · 1 year
Ingwë of Cuiviéven, (9/?)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Look. yes. I know. hasn’t been a real update in years. Didn’t think it was four years. Pretend it’s only been one or two. Oh god please I’m sorry just pick it back up.
Some of the delay was because this wanted to be the short pre-Road Trip chapter and I worried that it won’t be enough without starting to include Oromë ferrying to boys to Valinor. Final scene of family angst means I could delay the Maiar fun times.
Primitive elvish names and terms still left mostly untranslated, but context clues should explain them. More world-building in my mode from Klingon-Promotion-Vanyar and young bucks of Cuiviénen.
The earth tremors ceased, and as the duration of their absence lengthened so grew the easing of the Kwendî’s tension and fear. Such mollification was not universal. Enel, chieftain of the Third Tribe, monitored the volume flow of the waterfall beside his village with lingering trepidation, for the quantity of water had diminished in the shakes, and the song of the waterfall had altered. Nervously he awoke and listened for its roar, irrationally fearful that if the cascading water was ever silent, then he that was The-Third-to-Awake would no longer wake. In those first seconds of life, opening his eyes to see the bright stars without knowing what he saw, only their beauty, Enel’s ears had not yet opened as his eyes had. But in the irrational yet deeply emotional center of his mind Enel thought that it was music, not starlight, that woke him. He could not prove this thought, but he believed that when the first drops of water poured into the lake the beautiful sound that was created was the cue that awoke the Kwendî. He wished not to hear of logic establishing that the waterfall flowed over the rocks beside his village in a time before he awoke, because to Enel all time before his existence was null. The song of water hitting the surface of the lake only started when his lungs took in breath, and the working of his lungs only persisted with that song. Waterfall and wakefulness were one and same to him that was The-Third-to-Awake.
Enelyë, his spouse, chastised her spouse for his paranoia, dragging him away from the stakes that he had driven into the muddy bank to measure the water depth and fret over each shift in the watermark and change in color. She told Enel that he saw nothing more than the progression of tides, ignoring the evidence of the receding shore. The Great Mother Lake was eternal. Enel must be wrong. The hammer blows of lightning had not dislodged the stars from the black sky. Thus it followed that none of the earth shakes had touched the water. The shells and beads of her netted cap rattled as she shook her head. Her hand on her spouse’s arm, tugging him from the riverbank, her own ankles sinking deeper into the mud, her voice pleading with Enel to return to their village and attend his duties as leader of the Third Tribe - all noise of Enelyë, all pointless. “Something eats my lake,” Enel muttered. “Something drains it. Enelyë, release me. I must see it. See the proof. You must see it, too. My waterfall.”
Daunted by the ineffectiveness of her efforts to erode the stubborn stone that was her spouse, Enelyë returned to their village and her cold pillow.
Enel stood at that waterfall when the Vala Oromë rode out of the northern shadows atop the luminous silver Nahar. A piercing horn blast heralded Oromë’s arrival, so Enel was not startled when the rider pulled out of the mist. He did not care. The call faded into the darkness beyond Enel’s torch lamp, and silence hung over their meeting. Enel’s wide umber eyes met those of the Vala, unconsciously begging for reassurance but wary of what new missive might upend his world. Before the unseen war to capture Melkor Enel would have treated the arrival of Oromë with glad hope, most eager of the first awoken three to celebrate the Vala’s arrival and aid, but now after the earth tremors and lightning-filled skies he was chary of the Rider’s gifts. His trust had receded with the shoreline. Enel did not yet directly blame Oromë for all the ills that would follow, cursing the Valar along with their apostate Melkor, as they who would name themselves the Penni did. Those were the words of the Unwilling and the first division of the Eldar, a time that had not yet come to pass.
Nahar’s footsteps slowed, the horse reluctant to approach the waterfall, as if he sensed the doubt and coldness of Enel’s thoughts. “I know of your fears,” Oromë called above the roar of the water and the mist that hung above its churning wake, “and I bring a proposal that shall soothe it.”
Oromë’s proposal irrefutably did not.
Of the grave conference between Oromë and the first three elves: Imin, Tata, and Enel, little is known and details unspoken. Only Oromë’s words were recorded, his offer of the Valar’s own homeland to the elves, that the Children of Eru should relocate across the vast sea and be enriched by their protection and gifts, greatest of all being the light of the Two Trees. The reluctance of the three chieftains is known and their reasoning easy to guess at. The shores of Cuiviénen, the Great Mother Lake, was all of the world that they knew, and Oromë’s words alone would not cleave them from the site of their birth. The war against Melkor to lay Utumno to its foundations had fostered dread in all Powers that were not the familiar Hunter and his shining horse. Oromë anticipated their reluctance. “Let me choose three to bring with me to Valinor, one from each of your tribe, to see the truth of my words and return to you with their validity, as I myself tarried among you to learn your ways before I returned to my king and kin.”
It is said that Imin nodded first, and that Tata tapped his lips and agreed, and that Enel turned away to look at the waters behind them before he turned back to Oromë and said, “We know the three that you wish to take with you, the three boys that found you.”
“It is fitting,” said Tata, and Imin looked, it is said, to the stars above them as if seeing solace or sign.
“Those three I wish as the ambassadors,” Oromë replied. “They were the first to speak to me and speak on behalf of all Speakers, to inform me of your woes brought upon you by Melkor, of your lives and joys and sorrows, your needs and dreams. Let them speak again in the Maharaxë before the full council of my peers and let them see and hear of what we offer up to the Children of Our Father. They are the three that I choose.”
“Who else but them?” murmured the first leaders of the elves.
After their discussion with Oromë, each of the three elves mounted a horse and rode towards a village, leaving in one direction whereas they had rode in from three. To the village that Rúmil founded did Tata ride, and Finwë greeted the news of his task with loquacious delight. Praise flowed like a torrent from his lips, and Tata applauded himself for his wisdom. This orphan boy with his mountain of words and ingratiating attitude was the perfect choice to send to Valinor and bring back accountings of its land. Rúmil and the other Unbegotten adults of their village watched as clever Finwë charmed Chief Tata, nervous that the clever lad would tip the scales into an unctuousness of obvious falsity or his clever tongue edge into an offense. The villagers piled gifts onto their chieftain: beautiful items of metal and ceramic and salt. With loaded bags to weigh down his horse, Tata rode home, head full of new words and Finwë’s eager promises.
Further west at the village at the river’s mouth Enel beheld tall Elwë appoint his brothers as stewards to watch over their people, officially bequeathing their parents’ hut to Elmo. “I know we promised a telu celebration to build you and Linkwînen a new house in which to welcome your firstborn child, but if I am to leave to this land of the Balî, there is no time, and our parents’ house has space,” Elwë said as he clasped his youngest brother’s shoulder.
“I will help,” Olwë added with laughter in his voice to mask his fear. “And sleep in the house of Nôwê when the infant’s cries drive me to tears.” Olwë smiled at his brother, and Elwë rolled his eyes and pointed his knowing gaze to Nôwê’s comely sister. The teasing interplay between the three brothers amused Enel. The-Third-to-Awake regretted that his own son had no siblings, thinking that Nurwë would be strengthened by the support of a brother or sister. The shift in Enel’s mood -and the return of her husband’s attention to her- pleased Enelyë. Of this thought’s naivety one should not be quick to judge, for the third generation of Kwendî were yet unborn and dynastic struggles between siblings and cousins likewise nascent. And the sorrows that this began among the Nelyar Avari, grave as they were, paled to those of other tribes.
Only to his own village did Imin return, the sprawling singular Minyar home ringed by a mighty palisade and pasture pens full of horses and sheep. His son, Inkundû, was not at the gates to greet him and turn the horse loose in a pasture. His son’s absence neither surprised nor consciously aggrieved Imin, and Inkundû was found, as expected, in the cleared circle of the dueling ring, wrestling with Asmalô over leadership of the next hunt. A minor squabble, the bout lasted only to the first ground pin, and Imin watched his firstborn win the match. Inkundû failed to notice his father’s observation, preoccupied with crowing victory as Asmalô rolled his eyes and grumbled a final time about herds moving away from depleted grazing fields. Nor did the chieftain stay to congratulate his son. The dueling ring was a sour reminder of the one that never partook in the rituals. Imin asked if the young man that would be Ingwë was inside the palisade or once more roaming the darkness far from his people. “Skarwô-iondo, where is he?”
Feinting an ignorance of the peevish tone of Imin’s question, Elnaira bowed to her chieftain and answered, “Inside, as he has been since before the Nelya messenger came for you.” Imin turned to the approaching Iminyë and sighed in relief as his wife looped her arms through his and led him deep into the village. He poured his concerns over the meeting into her waiting ear.
“The scarred ones’ son is with Elnaira’s spouse, dutifully helping him butcher and dress meat. I decreed that we roast a sheep to celebrate your return. And if Great Arâmê graces us, a lamb we shall roast.” Iminyë smiled as she walked her husband to the large campfire prepared with grilling racks and beyond to where several elves knelt over animal carcasses with various stone knives. Two elves who were butchering a young sheep carcass, carefully separating the ribs into beautiful racks, lifted their heads at Imin and Iminyë’s approach, but it was the third elf still focused on the least-desirable offal that Imin wanted. “Skarnâ-Maktê’s son, attend us.”
Ingwë raised his head. 
“Great Arâmê made a request for you and your friends. End this task and hear what you have been commanded to do,” spake Iminyë.
With blood-dried fingertips the young man answered Iminyë, “If the Great Hunter calls for me, I obey.”
Imin’s eyes narrowed. There was an insult buried in those words that he could not see, but Iminyë smiled. Imin trusted his spouse. Her judgment was his.
Judgment was not foresight.
Imin and Iminyë believed that there would be no danger to himself or his position as the chieftain paramount of all Kwendî in sending this boy to the abode of the Valar.
One person who slept in the finest house in the Minyar village was still doubtful. Inkundû returned from a disappointing hunt to learn the specifics of his father’s meeting with Oromë and the other two chieftains. He sulked through the feast repurposed into a farewell gift for the chosen ambassador. Imin’s son listened with growing alarm as his mother, already appraised of the details, saw no need to listen to a tale repeated and commentary made upon it, more concerned with the final food preparation. Iminyë’s displeasure with her son’s recent failures was subtle, but of its two most recent causes which had more weight was unclear: that his judgment on the hunting trip resulted in little quarry to show for the expenditures or that Inkundû had not been ready to greet his father at the village gate. Inkundû regularly disappointed Iminyë. This Imin knew and accepted, as he knew and accepted Inkundû’s jealous and untrusting moods. To his father alone did Imin’s son make his displeasure known.
“If to be sent as scouts to the homeland of the Powers is a task of great trust and honor, then why do we send Ûkwendô? Father, why not me?” Inkundû petulantly asked.
Imin framed the choice as one that the three leaders had come to independently of Oromë, and perhaps in Imin’s mind he had refashioned the decision as a debate that he had won, such that was his pride. Inkundû would have still protested Oromë’s decision had he known the truth of who made it. He would have argued that Imin should counter Oromë’s decree, as Imin had once done to a poor decision of Tata’s or his reprimands to Enel about the various Nelyar that ran free, like wandering Denweg or Awaskjapatô who lived out on rafts on the lake. Imin’s role was to rule over all elves, even fellow chieftains, and curtail their blunders.
Again the twinge of dissatisfaction with his first-born child bobbed to the surface of Imin’s thoughts before sinking once more, like one of the giant salamanders that swam in the lake.
“Ûkwendô can be spared, and if mortal doom befalls him, our tribe is not greatly harmed by his loss.” Disposable, like the Noldo orphan, the chieftain did not say aloud. Or that the third one, the Nelyar young chieftain, had two capable brothers as suitable replacements. Great Imin frowned. “I have decided that the scarred ones’ child has proven himself useful and able to fulfill responsibilities to his tribe that he has neglected. This is my test of the gift of my trust, as it is also a test of the Powers and if Their promises can be believed or honored.”
“And what if the Powers speak the truth of how wondrous their Paradise is? Do we believe then that Ûkwendô will return to us?”
Imin turned to stare across the village to where Maktâmê struggled to adjust the infant daughter strapped across her chest, shifting Indis’s head so that the small infant could nurse with ease. “He will return for his sister, even if the sullen boy has no sense of duty towards his tribe.” Inkundû scoffed at this evaluation of Ingwë’s motivation, how unbalanced the scales were if the home of the gods was half as glorious as promised. His younger sister, Ravennë, watched her father and older brother in keen, frownful silence.
With a leather satchel packed tightly with freshly smoked mutton, Ingwë waved a greeting to his two best friends outside the palisade of the Minyar village. To the west, under the dark shadows of the encroaching trees, Nahar shone brilliantly white. Oromë waited.
The travel kits of Elwë and Finwë were many parts: reed woven mats slung as rolled knapsacks across the hip, heavy bags full of tools, blankets, and food, belts hanging with more items like the fine pouches for flint and dried moss to quickly tinder a fire, and in their finest clothing. Everything spoke of their villages’ collective efforts to outfit these favored sons with the wherewithal to face every imagined possible disaster and a hope to impress the Valar. Finwë in particular carried the illusion that he had half his weight in borrowed beads and copper jewelry. Elwë’s hat shimmered with the iridescence of bird feathers, and this was not the only garment of his that played opalescent in the village light.
The Minyar dressed not their Ûkwendô in fancy garments. As a hunting party scout, he was given dried food and a filled water skin to carry him on the long trek. The only addition to his normal appearance was a line of ritual paint across his heart and outlining his jaw.
Before he joined his friends, Ingwë turned back around. His mother, standing a few feet away from the others at the gate, knew that her son would need this final farewell. Dried paint flaked off of her one good hand as she raised it for a gesture to beckon him towards the patiently waiting Oromë.
Strong hands caught those fingers and lowered them.
Stuttering, aware of the eyes of the First Tribe upon them, Maktâmê repeated the instructions that she had given her son before the feast started and Imin had dropped his world-shattering proclamation.
Ingwë gripped his mother’s shoulders and pulled her close to him, foreheads touching as he pleaded for the final time. “If I don’t return- if you cannot stay, Mother, if you cannot stay in the village,” and the young man could not articulate which dire outcome he feared as more likely, that his tribe force his family out by a formalized banishment or merely through the absence of communal aid or via the internal grief of his absence driving his mother to despair, “then you go to Rûmilo. You go to the Tatyar. The journey is quick. Is safe. You take the goods that I left for you, the knives, you trade. Phinwê left some pottery in your name. They will help, the Tatyar. And if you cannot settle in their village, go only as far as the river. The next village is Elwê’s. It is the closest. The braided river to the shore, the lights are easy to find, reflecting off the water. His brothers lead their village. Kind boys. Promise me, Mother. You take Indis to them. Do not stay in this place.” Years of negligence and cruelty from his people forced Ingwë’s whispered words in a cornered snake’s desperate hiss. “Go to them. Elmo’s spouse is gravid; soon their first child will be born. A new mother will welcome you and Indis. Someone to help nurse, if nothing else. They have food to share, a place at their fire. Please, promise me.”
Crying, Maktâmê kissed her son’s brow. “Stop. This fear, do not carry it with you to the land of the gods. We shall be safe, your sister and I. We are provided for. Go with hope, my son. With joy and excitement. Explore this new land that they have promised with the same wonder that filled your father and I when we first stepped away from the lake-shore. The beautiful light when we first saw the stars.” Her voice shook. “When Imin lit fire and gave us all warmth and light. The Powers promise greater than that. Go. See if it is true.” A thumb smoothed away the deep creases of his brow. The dried paint did not leave a mark. “Look forward, as a brave scout of our people. As Alakô’s son, fleet-footed light and sure, Star-beacon. A torch is for the unknown path before us. So look forward.”
Ingwë closed his eyes and willed his heart to steady and slow its rhythm. “I promise.”
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iccarian · 1 year
anakin skywalker: star wars. canon based w/au arcs. knowledge from all movies & the clone wars. trilla suduri: star wars (respawn game based with knowledge of all clone wars & rebellion era media). canon divergent (alive & redeemed au). reine adkarr: star wars oc. padawan survivor of order 66, bounty hunter, scrapper, taker of whatever job is needed really. clone wars & rebellion era based. marlais sawyer: tlou oc, game & show timeline flexible. survivor from the san francisco quarantine zone. corrin umber: asoiaf/got oc. canon flexible. daughter of the greatjon.
vex'ahlia vessar: critical role. stream based with influence from tlovm. imogen temult: critical role. canon through campaign 3. susan pevensie: chronicles of narnia. movie based. canon-ish but heavily headcanon inspired. jane facciano: grease: rise of the pink ladies. canon. test muse until i find people to write with :')
clary fray: shadowhunters. show based with some book lean/inspiration. not clace friendly. daisy johnson: agents of shield. mostly canon but prefers not to follow the plotline after season 5. robin buckley: stranger things. canon & open to au's / crossovers until the 5th season airs.
gideon nav: the locked tomb. love her dearly but the verse is nonexistent.
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simply-yelly2 · 2 years
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I am sorry if this ends up coming out kind of weird, I am using my Ipad to post. And once again, I tag @opal-tea and @justawfulxmenart for another Kiesha’ra babe.
Due to unexpected errors, I am currently updating Sive’s picture and I feel I am almost done now. It has been a saga, though. However, this picture made me want to draw yet another Kiesha’ra character, specifically a certain wolf lady who is strong and sweet. On Saturday, I went out and got some new supplies, a sketch pad, some brushes, and some paints and as soon as I got home, I went to work and finished her on Monday.
And now here she is and it is time for me to try explaining the process and then personal thoughts and how Betia would relate to the Rewrite AU.
Here we go…
So first I looked at the map that Opal-tea’s partner had created that features where the shifter nations might be located, as well as what groups of people were present. It was kind of hard to make out, but it looked like the Frektane’s pack is located between the Utartu and another group. I decided to go with Utartu and based Betia’s design on this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Art_of_Urartu#/media/File%3AUrartian_Art_04a~.jpg
I always saw the wolves as having dark, dusky complexion so for Betia I used three shades of brown. For her skin, I used the color paint “Dark Umber”, for her hair the color paint used was “Melted Chocolate”, and finally Nutmeg Brown paint for her eyes. Maybe darker than I’d imagined, but I think she turned out pretty amazing. For her outfit, I used three different shades of green; Kelly Green, New Shamrock, and Lime Green. I imagine that Betia probably would blend in to the forest during spring and summer.
Now for the hard part…but you know what? Just because I might struggle to accept one pairing it does not meant I am against the LGBTQ+ community. If you do not know me, then don’t judge. Plus I feel like I have a valid reason for why it is hard for me to fully accept a pairing.
I love Oliza and Betia, both as individuals and as a couple. I think they fit each other well and each helped the other. The problem is that I don’t think the circumstances behind their pairing is very fair. Oliza did choose Betia because she loved her and Betia understands her, but the problem is that unless Oliza chose a woman, she would face a future of civil war or a child whose magic is out of control and would destroy the world. How is that fair to either Oliza and Betia? Of course I feel now there was hidden influence going on in Wyvern’s Court. Somebody putting the right word or thought into heads and then sit back to let the kindling catch fire. I would reveal that in the Rewrite.
So Oliza and Nicias are mates, arranged at birth with the challenge of proving to the dancers that sometimes you can find love even when married for politics. Nicias leaves to travel to the White Island, hoping to convince Araceli to show him how to bring Hai back from Ecl.
Oliza, meanwhile, is trying to hold things together back home. Even though the people have accepted her rule and having a falcon as she pair bond and nag, some do question now that things have gone wrong. You wouldn’t get problems with a proper hawk or cobra on the throne. Then to make matters worse, Oliza is kidnapped by the lions and is taken away. Instead of this being some scheme on her own part, which makes no sense? Oliza was kidnapped by somebody who was hoping that the incident would cause the Avians and Serpiente to fight once more, each side blaming the other for the loss of their wyvern queen.
Oliza is rescued by the Frektane Pack and has an unsavory encounter with Velyo (the audacity, for one she is a married woman and she has no right to lay hands on her even if she wasn’t). Oliza escapes and encounters Betia. Most of the events of Wolfcry are still the same, but then comes the main difference. I kind of need to figure out how it gets to this point, but the most critical event in Wolfcry AU is this.
Wolves value themselves on strength and intelligence, with those being key ingredients for an Alpha to have. The throne is usually passes from parent to child, though anyone can challenge the alpha if they wish. The price of losing, however, is exile.
When Kalisa Vahamil is injured during a hunt, this opens the door for her rank to be challenged. Naturally there are many people who want the chance to be in charge of one of the largest, most economically successful packs. The process goes like this, all would-challengers must fight each other until the last one standing, only this wolf can challenge the alpha for their throne.
Shockingly, Velyo Frektane is the last one standing and challenges Kalisa the very next day. Kalisa might be old and injured, but she is still a capable fighter and holds her own until her injure leg threatens to give out. Sensing his approaching triumph, Velyo makes his intentions for Kalisa crystal clear, she might be old (would probably count as a seven year old wolf, so getting up there in age) but she could still produce him heirs. Unknowingly, Betia happens to be close enough to hear his words. She remembers that terrible day and refuses to left such a thing happen to this dignified wolf. Betia surprises herself when she lunges forward and slams into the gloating blue-eyed wolf. Velyo is bigger than she and is stronger, but he is caught by surprise and ends up rolling onto his back. That means he instantly loses and is driven off in disgrace. But there is some grumbles, for Betia did not follow proper protocol. Kalisa has been silent the entire time, watching the younger female with awe and when Betia looks at her….there is something in those nutmeg brown eyes…Kalisa slowly picks herself up off the ground and approaches Betia, then surprises everyone when she rolls onto her back. Betia is then declared the winner and later confesses her feelings to Kalisa, naming the former alpha female as her mate and consort. Betia’s brother is asked to sire Kalisa’s last litter of pups, who are raised by both Kalisa and Betia as their children and heirs.
Some background information, Betia actually had a crush on Kalisa for a long time. Since the first time she visited the Vahamil pack. Due to Betia being a lower-rank wolf (omega), Kalisa never paid her any attention then, though she did acknowledge that Betia was a decent hunter on her own.
Velyo gathers his pack and takes them home, but he takes his loss very hard and unleashes his aggression on the other members. Finally they get fed up with his shit and one wolf kills Velyo before leading the pack back to Vahamil and swearing allegiance to Betia and Kalisa.
Wolfcry then ends with the two queens wishing Oliza good luck and the wyvern returns home.
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Writing Update August 31, 2022
Progress made: 3300 words drafted, ~450 words of planning/outlining done, and about 4 chapters edited fully WIPs worked on: Goddess-Touched [total wc: 3.3k], Echoseers [total wc: 144k], Firebreathers [total wc: 158k] Writing streak: 382 days Current chapter + POV: just finished drafting Goddess-Touched Chapter 1, ensemble POV; about to start editing Echoseers Chapter 5, Ember POV
Favorite line(s) (Dusk POV):
Into the quiet, into the space behind where everyone fades away for just a minute, into the shade under my cloak and the breath clustering in my own curled form, I ask a question.
Silence greets me. Too much of it.
“Why did you ever let Venn make this?”
Still, Lib doesn’t answer.
“How could you give one person this much power?”
The infinite folding geometry I’ve come to recognize, the perpetual ache of mourning and adoration and nostalgia, the urge to cry and laugh and paint and dance--none of them answer.
All I receive, all I know, is the simple glass image of her cloak made of stars beckoning thousands of umber silhouettes with open arms.
She’s still shepherding the dead.
What I’m looking forward to next:
Next up in editing for me is a conversation I hold near and dear to my heart between Dusk and Ember and I’m very excited to get to revisit it again! And to start leaning hard into the sci-fi aspects of the world in Goddess-Touched >:)
This week’s soundtrack:
Dusk of War, Ion Storm, and Elysia’s Eyes, all by Audiomachine.
editing is definitely easier when I’m drafting something alongside it, but I have a feeling it’ll start getting difficult as drafting gets harder, because the start of a book is always the hardest for me to figure out </3
BUT i do have a lot of ideas for GT, so hopefully it doesnt bog me down too much in the early details :D
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rosella-writes · 2 years
Unusual Muse Associations
Thank you for the tag @cleverblackcat, @darethshirl, and @rakshadow 💚
For Virelan Lavellan
SEASONING: lemon pepper, cardamom, pink salt
WEATHER: a cold, bright, sunny winter's day, so cold everything seems sharp and so bright it blinds
COLOUR: forest green, deep red, umber
SKY: so blue that it hurts the eyes, almost white
MAGICAL POWER: Endurance. She takes the hits and keeps getting back up again... and again... and again. If Luke Cage and Jessica Jones were one person.
HOUSE PLANT: pothos — easy to care for, hard to kill, will reach her arms around anything and everything, poisonous and unexpectedly pretty
WEAPON: flanged axe with spike for piercing armour, later on the Sulevin Blade
SUBJECT: phys ed, shop class
SOCIAL MEDIA: is a boomer about it probably, doesn't really know how it works, has a wordpress blog that she updates with blurry progress photos of a project and like three technical descriptions of said photos
MAKEUP PRODUCT: greasy black kohl, shea butter
CANDY: liquorice
FEAR: that everything she does is for nothing, or worse, that her best efforts only harm
ICE CUBE SHAPE: no ice, it hurts her teeth
ART STYLE: smithing, charcoal on parchment
PIECE OF STATIONERY: calligraphy nib
CELESTIAL BODY: mars — named for the god of war but the only other planet with the potential to support and nurture life
I'll pass it on to @melisusthewee and @thebookworm0001 if they like!
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datgurlevie · 2 years
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HI HI Chapter 14 is uuuuup on AO3!! I am so sorry everyone, I might have missed posting a few chapter updates on here (mental health no good da past few weeks...), but fret not I am still keeping a consistent schedule on AO3 :)) Please have a read if you are into a Salim x female OC ship!
Plot Summary:
Aria Chang, a 30-year-old General Major of the USMC Force Reconnaissance and a human weapon of war, is sent to investigate the suspected chemical weapons at Target LZ. But once foundations start crumbling (literally), she is forced to fight for her life against the vampiric creatures of the underground that were out for cold blood.
In the ominous underground, she encounters Iraqi soldier Salim Othman and is compelled to make a strained alliance with him if they are to all survive the House of Ashes. After being honed to kill any enemies on sight for many years, Aria must learn to cooperate with the opposition no matter the uniform they donned.
But what happens when bonds start to form, lust begins to grow, and secrets come to the light? How will their American weapon of war deal with the lurking demons that not only creep in the shadows but those that begin to grow in her head?
Together with Eric, Rachel, Nick and Jason, they must not only face their inner demons as they enter the temple doors but also be prepared to atone for their sins if they were to escape the underground.
Weekly Updates: Every Sunday 2:00pm PST/ 10:00pm GMT
Chapter 14 Sneak Peek:
Jarah, Iraq, 2003
Keen umber eyes locked onto the gate entrance that led into the giant factory facility. The sun was scorching down on the soldier who was hidden among the desert cliffs, rifle pointed steadily and directly at the targeted building.
Aria continued to focus on the large doorway and kept watch of the Iraqi soldier standing guard at the front of it. The sun was at its peak, and her skin was drenched in sweat at the heavy layers of camouflage gear and uniform she had to put on for this mission. Unlike the other operation for Target LZ, this mission was a game of waiting.
She was very used to the waiting game and did not mind enduring the extreme environmental climates in order to wait for her prey to come out. Other operations had her wait in extreme hot and cold climates for multiple days in a row with minimal food and water. Being stationed here for only four hours so far was considered nothing to her.
“Jackal Two-One, this is Eagle One reporting for zero zero four zero hours. No signs of the HVT1 yet, over.” Aria muttered over her radio while not breaking eye contact with the gate entrance.
“Roger, awaiting signal. Over.” A male voice was heard over the radio.
She went back to being comfortable in her scouting position and continued to keep watch over the area where the soldier was lingering around.
It had been two weeks since she had left the quarantine zone back in Camp Slayer, and three weeks since her escape from the House of Ashes. Aria had been too busy preparing for this mission that she did not have sufficient time to process what had happened while she was in the underground. However, due to her honed abilities to repress any traumatic events at this point she was able to push those thoughts aside while concentrating on the mission she was currently on.
For now.
Read more on AO3...
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heart-of-flames · 4 years
I know this isn’t an in-character ask question but I truly want to know. What was the old story called? And did it have any ROs?
It’s been so long, but I believe it was called the Catalyst Chronicles.
There were a total of 4 ROs— I believe. (I need to look for their specific names but I remember what they were.. so I’ll just call them by their titles. I think there are two more but I can’t remember them completely either. Once I find my notes I will update you all.)
The Diplomat: Pretty self explanatory to be honest. The Diplomat is a strong contender for the next Council member. They’re a Lohith. Which means that they’re a mixture of human and aquatic life. With oceanic blue hair and bright green eyes they stand out within the crowd. The light dusting of scales along their arms and neck only heightening the affect— their scales being the color of softest blue.
The Soldier: A war veteran in their home world. The Soldier is quite the figure. Being a Aqnai certainly doesn’t help. Having horns and a reptilian tail tends to draw eyes— if they weren’t also a certified giant. Being around 6’9”-7’2” (female and male). Their eyes being a deep red while their hair was the fairest white.
The Mage (there’s another term I just can’t remember it off the top of my head): The Mage is a being that would sooner slip out of your mind before they vanish from your sight. They’re quite wily but very loyal to the ones that earn it. They’re the more humanoid of the species— being a Erkra. Skin the color of umber and eyes the color of diamonds. The Mage exudes a sense of otherworldly power.
The Thief: The Thief is a being that keeps to themselves. Watching, analyzing, everyone else around them before they made their move. Their keen blue-gold eyes never missing anything. After all the Ar’ul were some of the best thieves in the known galaxy— being half feline and all. The Thief themself is a mixture of human and tiger. Causing them to stand at substantial height compared to their brethren.
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wingsoffireaus · 5 years
Fanfiction Recommendations
Just a few of my personal favorite Wings of Fire fanfictions. I'm going to try and keep them organized but no promises.
Also please give these fics love by leaving a review. They are honestly really good and lot of them have like maybe five reviews at the most. I'm trying to get better at leaving reviews myself. It is so important to make sure they know it is being enjoyed by others.
If anyone has a fic they don't see on here let me know since I might have forgotten it or not read it yet. Thank you and enjoy!
Healed by @sandshadow
Summary: Flame has a lot of issues and has been sent away to the healing center in the Sky Kingdom to deal with them. The last dragons he expected, or wanted, to see there were Umber and Sora. As Flame spends more time in the healing center, and with Umber, he starts to heal in more ways than one. But can he overcome the hate that's been growing in him for so long? T for coarse language.
A personal favorite of mine. And Flumber has quickly become a favorite pairing of mine in this fandom. The only problem I have is there's not a lot of Flumber outside of this fic. But that's okay since there has been an addition to the lore (is that the right word here?) of the fic with an adorable two-shot that takes place a little bit after the events of this fic.
But on other news it's honestly just a good character piece as well. Umber and Flame get great focus and we also get to see Sora again. And there's therapy. Honest to goodness these characters are getting therapy. Praise the Moon's!!!!
10/10 will read again. (Honestly its become one of my therapy fics that I read when I get upset. 😆)
Embracing Peril by Ilral (for the life of me I couldn't find out if there was a Tumblr for them so please let me know so I can add it onto this post.)
Summary: Peril always knew she was different, of course, but it still surprised her just how many ways the world came up with to make her distant. Oh well, at least Clay is here now to buoy her up. And they might just have more in common than she realizes...
A pretty good Cleril fic that deals with a lot of potential prejudices the dragon society might have. A lot of these aren't my headcanons but I can still appreciate the work that went into the fic. And the characters are written pretty well. I like seeing Clay and Peril as an established couple.
A perfect example of it being possible to enjoy a fic even if you don't necessarily share all of the same headcanons as the author.
How to Dance with Rainwings by @quasimagical
Summary: Deathbringer had never anticipated the harsh reality of being pushed away by the love of his life. But when the RainWing queen presents him with a new assignment, he finds himself trapped in the middle of an even more puzzling predicament. AU.
OMG. It's a Jambringer fic. Honestly this one is really cute and I totally ship it. Just a warning Glorybringer isn't the only ship the author breaks up. And while I personally don't ship all the ships they went with I'm the type of person who can still roll with it. Haha.
Another issue is it actually has not been finished but from what I've heard the author does plan on picking it up again sooner or later. But it's definitely worth a read. It's good to see a Deathbringer fic where he is actually treated as a character and not... Well you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Anyway give it a read and review! It's worth it. :)
The Prince and the Body Guard by @a-croissant (based off of their bio on ffnet so hopefully that's right.)
Summary: A oneshot between Turtle and Pike. When Turtle notices that Anemone gets rid of Pike, and Pike runs away, he decides to go after him.
That's right it's a Pike/Turtle one shot. Low key this is really cute. That's kind of all I have to say about it. I ship it and it's adorable.
Character Fics
Winter: A Character Study/Faded Portraits by @sandshadow
Summary: Winter lies awake thinking of everything he's done wrong. The family he disappointed, the love he lost, and the friends he pushed away, but as the night wears on he comes to a new realization about himself.
Wow! Two @sandshadow fics on the list? What?!
Nah but seriously guys this is potentially one of my favorite fics in the fandom. Because I don't know if you know this but I am a Winter fan. And I am still bitter about how he was treated at the end of DoD.
(Also if I have to read any more Winterwatcher fics about him apologizing to Moon for being reasonably upset about a legitimately traumatic experience I am going to scream. )
Anyway. This is what I wish his epilogue in DoD had been. Read it for yourself. Leave a review... I practically an essay myself. My bad. 😅
Winter Returning by Fatespeaker (I can't find a Tumblr for this author so if anyone knows please let me know so I can add it to this post.)
Summary: A week before Icicle's trial, Winter returns to the Ice Kingdom for a very awkward visit. Tensions are high. Old conflicts have resurfaced. With his tribe still reeling from the recent disaster, his family destroyed, and a complicated friendship to deal with, Winter is left picking up the pieces of his old life...and discovering hope for a new one.
Surprise, surprise. It's another Winter fic. I love this boy so much.
Honestly this is done pretty well and we also get to see Winter interact with his family some more as well as getting to see him face some of his own trauma.
It's angsty in all of the best ways.
Aftermath by Fatespeaker (this author has some pretty good stuff honestly.)
Summary: When it comes to living family, Starflight definitely got the short end of the stick. He's kept his distance from his mad scientist father. Well-meaning Fatespeaker wants to help her friend by interviewing Mastermind, but even the briefest of conversations can dredge up uncomfortable truths. War is complicated...its aftermath is messier still.
Kudos to the author for touching on a pretty controversial character. I mean I completely understand why people dislike him. But I can't help it. The fact that his first thought when meeting Starflight was "look at my beautiful boy isn't he astounding!" It was just so refreshing in all the best ways.
I knew the shoe would drop, and what a shoe it was, but I still have a weird fondness for him. And don't fuss me. People can like characters who did horrible things and the thing is I think he's not beyond saving. It will be a lot of work but its possible.
Mastermind- The Scientist and Mastermind- The Monster by The Friendly Space Marine (Again. I don't know if there is a Tumblr for this author. I am so sorry.)
Summary: Mastermind. The NightWing who would become infamous for experimenting on live RainWing subjects. But what is the story behind Starflight's often demonised father? Why did he do it? What drove him to such lengths?
Mastermind. The NightWing embodiment of the mad scientist archetype. A dragon held in contempt by his own son. A monster responsible for unspeakable crimes against the RainWings. What made him do it? Did he ever truly realise the gravity of his actions? 
I really like this take on the character! It adds a new layer to him that nobody really wants to acknowledge or see which I think comes back to the fact that people want to always see characters as good or bad. And I've already stated that I hate that mindset. Like... Wow, people with that mindset must live in a very boring and frankly cold world. I'm sorry for your loss.
Story Driven
Stories that are a little more story driven. Although some are very character-based too so this was kind of hard for me separate. Anyway enjoy!
Finding Peace by @warriorofspectra (for some reason it won't link. I don't understand Tumblr!!!)
Summary:Peacemaker has enjoyed a happy seven years. Raised by his mother and living amongst the RainWing and NightWing Tribes, he would ask for no better life. But with the emergence of nightmares, which have grown increasingly vivid upon arriving at the Jade Mountain Academy, Peacemaker begins to question whether or not the life he lives truly is his own or the shadow of another.
Ey... I already talked about this one before but it's definitely up there as one of my favorite fanfictions and probably my favorite Peacemaker fanfiction.
I don't even want to say anything in too much detail because it's just too good. All you need to know is the characters are great, including OCs. Peacemaker is adorable and almost makes me feel bad for hating the strawberry scene... Almost. Seriously just read it. And then take a peak at the authors side drabble series from POV of the other characters. There's one about Winter that I read just because it makes me so happy to see him again. Agh!
In the Light of the Moon's by Qebui (which is actually a group of people. So I have no clue if there are any Tumblrs associated or not)
Summary: We know the Dragonets of Destiny. Five dragons hatched on brightest night. However, what if the dragonets had hatched in the moonlight instead?
That's right we got a thrice born Starflight and Sunny Fanfiction. Not too much to say about this one. I just love this concept and I like what the authors are doing with it. :D
And... I think that's pretty much it. Wow, this was a lot of hard work. But fun. Lots of fun. And it was good coming back to some of these. Again if there was any I missed please let me know and I will glad I do an updated list adding them to it.
Thanks so much and see ya next time!
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owenstark · 1 year
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the civil war update pt. 2
In this update for the civil war we continue to see the moving pieces of the North and efforts of the lords and ladies to protect their lands and their people, the efforts to keep North going. Owen knows that wisdoms have called for a long summer, his heart worries about the winter. Winter is always coming.
House Bolton
Princess Consort Glorie Bolton is currently in Winterfell handling matters of coin for the efforts against the umber cause. via raven she's sent for Bolton forces still loyal to her to join Stark factions at points where they're needed most along with sending smaller forces to aid the glover troops in Manal's recovery per his request. She is also handling the recovery of the iron banks repayment from the attack on the Manderly vessel. it is a matter that may require travel despite orders to remain in Winterfell, and she is prepared to do so. @northernglorie
The Hugors
The Formation of Seven worshipers has become a tale whispered among the people of White Harbor, hushed tones and quiet admiration for the strange men of the East who have taken the acts of the little King personally. Wearing black from head to toe, only their eyes are visible if one is lucky enough to see who brings them death. The Tales have reached the King of the North who has decided they are a special force and it will be written that they act on the orders of the Gods and their King.
The Hugors have taken to using the gorilla tactics often used by those of the Neck. Cloaking themselves in darkness they move through the black night of the North and poison water, seat food, and kill all they can reach in the camps without raising the alarm. They are leaving many camps sick, hungry, and bloodied.
The Warg King and Prince of the Night
King Owen Stark and his brother, @crreganstark, are establishing a hold as they fight their way to Castle Black. In THE BATTLE OF THE CAT the King was nowhere to be seen then his direwolf, Smoke, came charging in alongside Bandit, as the wolves took down horsed men, none noticed the King on the hill, his eyes rolled back as the great shadow cat descended on a Umber cousin, mauling him to death as the men around him ran.
"It's the corpse queen, risen again."
Meera Reed (@northernseer) has returned from the dead so say the rumors and with those rumors come whispers of the same sorcery used to trick Night's King in the Age of Heroes, that she will drain the life from Brandon Karstark ( @wintervsuns ) and make him twisted as that nameless King. As the Duke of Karhold protects his lands, his word is getting far more confusing.
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tallisstark · 5 years
the courts offer bread and salt to TALLIS STARK of HOUSE STARK. many say that the TWENTY FOUR year old PRINCESS of THE NORTHERN KINGDOM is known to be DARING and LIGHTHEARTED, though ill tongues whisper that she is RECKLESS and UNFORGIVING. when her name is uttered , one is reminded of a thrown knife meeting its target, the smell of well-worn riding leathers, dark hair in elaborate braids. may she blessed and protected in this war of crowns. (fc: Anya Taylor Joy)
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Hi all!! I’m Shay. I was in this RP briefly before, but I don’t expect anybody to remember me at all. I am excited to see this back in the tags and can’t wait to get started writing with you all. Under the cut is some more information about Tallis, though I have kept things fairly vague so as not to contradict anything her family may have already written, so this may be altered later. If you’d like to plot, please do drop me a message or like this and I’ll come to you! 
Updated 09/02/2020
Tallis is the daughter of King Brandon Stark and Queen Betha, nee Mooton, one of four children. As well as her siblings, she has three cousins on her mother’s side - the Mooton sisters. She loves her family dearly, and is proud of her lineage. 
From the moment she had been born, Tallis Stark was the apple of her father's eye. A lesser man than King Brandon Stark might have been disappointed that the child was a girl, but not he. She had been born early, smaller than most, with skin thin as paper and eyes too big for her head. She came into the world in the dead of a Winter, and few but King Brandon expected her to survive, until they heard her cry. Nothing with a shriek that loud could ever be weak. 
She was a noisy baby, her wails heard all through Winterfell. Even when she was content, she yelled and gurgled and made herself known. They should have realised that was an omen of things to come, for Tallis Stark had a will as unyielding as valyrian steel, and would never learn to be silent. 
Shrieking babe became wild toddler, wild toddler became feral child. She grew slowly, always dwarfed by others her age, with bones as fragile as a fledgling bird, but Tallis Stark was no bird. She was every inch a direwolf, a true child of the North. Her father delighted in her, and the pair of them were close, rarely away from each other's sides. He celebrated in her passion, his fire of the frost, he called it, and turned a blind eye to her behaviour, amused by antics that only grew bolder over time. 
Queen Betha was not so amused. She despaired over her daughter at times, wringing hands in frustration, knowing not how to turn her wild, willful child into a respectable, Northern lady. She tried to arrange many a plot to foster Tallis, with her family in Maidenpool, to The Vale, the south, but King Brandon would not allow it. He would have missed her too greatly, and in any case, it was only he who had any degree of control over her. He rarely put his foot down, but when he did, she listened. 
To anybody who worked in Winterfell, Tallis Stark was the bane of their existence. She terrorised the servants, the gardeners, the cooks, the squires. Nobody was safe from her unique brand of mischief, and though some were as fond of her as her father was, others would curse her name to delighted laughs from the royal brat.
She was always quick-witted, sharp and bright, but she didn't shine academically. Perhaps she could of, if she had put her mind to it, and she could recite the houses, their sigils and banners from memory. She liked history, but some of the more basic skills were lost to her. She struggled to read, and her penmanship is dreadful, her maths even worse. Eventually, she gave up trying. She grew good at listening and remembering, learning the stories of legend by ear and mimicking them perfectly. She could sew when she concentrated, but cared little for it, and never tried. 
Where she did excel was in all things physical. She was small, but with that she was lithe and nimble, and she moved with a fluid grace that one would not expect from a girl with so much chaos in her soul. She could dance better than anyone, and rode a horse like she was half-centaur. She can hunt, she can climb, and she is fast, and of that she is most proud.
It was perhaps her boisterous nature that led her to seek out the company of the various boys if Winterfell, be they wards or the sons of visiting lords who made regular appearances. There was Eliar Umber, with whom she rode and played and made wishful plans to set off into Westeros in the search of glorious adventure. There was Aeron Greyjoy, who had recognised her warrior's spirit and placed a sword in her hand and an idea in her heart. And there was Rodrik Forrester. Since he had arrived at Winterfell as a ward, Tallis took great delight in his company. 
Most believed Tallis would calm as she grew, and one day make a wonderful wife and mother. They are still waiting for this day to come. As she has got older, Tallis has only become more hedonistic. She does as she pleases with little regard for what it may mean for other people. She’s a drinker, and a gambler, and intensely passionate in her relationships with others. She has trained hard at weaponry, can throw a knife with great accuracy at 100 paces and has grown skilled with a sword. She fights with two now, light, but sharp blades clutched in either hand. Though she has never tasted battle, she is good, more than capable of holding her own. She knows that, though strong for her size, she cannot win a fight on strength and force alone, and so relies on her agility and speed to win, a tactic that serves her well. 
The fire in her can be a beautiful thing, warm and bright and leaving her humming with an energy that comes from deep within her, a passion and a zest for life that can't be touched. She makes a warm and loving friend, but behind that is a danger. She can scorch hot enough to burn, and is prone to jealousy and quick to anger. The temper of Tallis Stark is legendary, and once you have fallen out of your favour, she will hold a grudge that she may never relinquish, her stubborn nature leaving her unforgiving, even long after she has forgotten why she was ever angry. 
She is an animal lover, particularly dogs, birds and horses. She has a collection of birds of prey she is particularly proud of, and is usually in the company of a large, black and white dog. Originally named Kermit, as he grew gigantically big, she lovingly nicknamed him Crackbones after one of her favourite stories of old. 
Tallis is adventurous by nature. She can be incredibly charming and affable when it suits her, and would never intentionally harm somebody without cause, however, she is selfish, even more so as a result of her hedonistic ways, and can often cause unintended hurt to others as a result.
Tallis is proud to be a Stark. For that reason, she doesn’t think she will ever intentionally seek a marriage. She wants to retain her name and her status, and if that means remaining unmarried, then so be it. There was one she would have given it all up for, but it wasn't to be and over time she lost hope. 
At the core of it, she's a girl Who doesn't truly know what she wants. To travel, certainly, and see the world beyond The North, but to stay a woman of Winterfell. She longs to wander, but knows she will always return home, even as she resents being stuck behind stone walls. She isn't one for castle life, would be an awful wife and a worse mother. She loved once, and he was the only man she would ever consider marrying, but he was given to another and her heart was broken. 
Now, she's struggling to find her place, hurting from the loss of her dear father, but knows it's at her brother's side. She harbours dreams of serving as a Northern ambassador, or even as a Kingsguard, anything to give her purpose and open up a part of a world she can only imagine.
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benjaminjofaiho · 5 years
The Captain Next Door Ch.3
Summary: You’re a doctor who also just so happens to be a fan fiction writer. You love lots of fandoms but Captain America is by far your fave, so what happens when you get a new job, move to Brooklyn and realize that the brownstone you bought is right next door to Captain America? Obviously shenanigans ensue.
Warnings: Swearing. Light Mentions of NSFW material.
AN:  I’m sorry for the super late update. I am actually in London right now for vacation so I thought it would only be right for me to post an update. Hopefully this will be the last time I have to take a hiatus like this. Thank you for all your reblogs, comments and likes. Your feedback is always welcome and I love hearing from y’all. It’s worth noting that I do not care for or abide by the timeline, there are some people mentioned that haven’t technically been brought together yet [ As per Winter Soldier ] but I did it anyway.  P.S. I do not currently have a beta and the ‘f’ and ‘u’ keys on my keyboard are messed up so incase you see repeating letters anywhere they aren’t supposed to be feel free to let me know.
“It’s my genuine pleasure to be here Y/N, and please, Steven is far too formal, ma’am. Steve is just fine. Thank you for your befriending Sam-” Steve started.
           “Samuel! Samuel, yes, Sam, Samuel. Samuel Wilson. Wilson comma Samuel on government documents right Samuel?” You looked at him like a fire that needed to be put out. Grabbing the bottle from Captain America who was, literally standing in your foyer looking like all of the things that your fanfiction fantasies could hope for. However  there was a look of something on his face. It was an emotion you couldn’t place. He looked down and rubbed his strong arms over his neck and your eyes jumped to his biceps.
           “Please,” you said out of breath, and gesturing to your living room “make yourself at home, I just need Samuel’s help in my office with that thing I told you about earlier. Remember Samuel?” Grabbing his collar like a drowning child. Steve quirked a brow.
           Laughing and prying your fingers from his shirt “Aww come on Doc we’re back at Samuel? I thought we were friends Y/N-”
           “Samuel PLEASE” you screeched wringing your hands around the wine bottle.
           “Alright, alright fineeee I’m coming Doc” He rolls his eyes and juts his thumb out while sticking out his thumb at you and Steve laughs a little. You both start up the stairs and to the left into your office. Closing the door and turning swiftly and taking in a sharp breath you prepare to give Sam the haranguing of his life.
           “Samuel Wilson!  If that even is your name!” You accused, pushing his chest “How could you not tell me?! You know I’m basically in love with him right? Why did you not tell me you were roommates with Captain Fucking America?”
           “Listen Doc, I’m going to be honest with you. Getting to know you these past few weeks, we have our fun but I’ve never seen you flustered… and I’m a little bit of a prankster. Plus the added bonus that whenever you talk about how great the Avengers are you always focus on Cap really made me want to be able to have a front seat to this reveal without you being able to prepare yourself and be composed. ”
           Unable to help it your shoulders start to shake lightly and then uncontrollably and before you knew it you were open mouth laughing. “Ok, ok. You got me but I just want you to know that you’ve started a prank war. You brought this upon yourself, Samuel! And you owe me! You have to be super nice to me for the foreseeable future because that was just cruel and unusual punishment.”
           “Still with the Samuel?!” He laughed along with you “C’mon, Doc!”
           “Fine, Sam. Let’s go down stairs, I think we’ve kept him waiting long enough.”
====================Steve’s POV=======================
           Stepping out of the shower Steve was happy to be back in his own home after another strenuous mission. He was supposed to be on vacation. Matter of fact, Falcon was the one that was meant to be handling things for about 3 weeks but hey, when the your country needs you, and Nick Fury personally calls for you, what are you going to say, no?
           Usually when he comes back home from a long mission he goes to Sylvia’s in Harlem and picks up a plate and continues to make it through his to-do list. Next on the list was season 2 of Friends, which from his googles he learnt was maybe a rip off of a show called Living Single? Never the less it was added to his watchlist. He was unusually happy though because his roommate Sam told him all about their new neighbor who apparently was very blessed when it came to throwing down in the kitchen. Speaking of his loud roommate he heard him shouting over the Troubleman soundtrack that he didn’t want his food to get cold. Pulling on a plain white shirt and some khakis he put on some sneakers he jogged down the steps he quickly got a bottle of wine out of the fridge and followed Sam out of the house and locked the door behind him.
           Meanwhile Sam was skipping like a child on Christmas. He knew Sam loved his food but he felt as if this excitement was a bit over the top. He’d eaten with her several times. Was the food that wonderful? Why did he look so happy? Standing behind him on her stoop he was getting more and more confused. Raising an eyebrow at Sam who was almost bouncing out of his shoes, Sam turned around and gave him a large gap toothed grin.
           “You alright buddy?” He asked gently placing an arm on Sam’s shoulder.
           “Yeah, sure man. Just really happy about what’s about to happen” before he could respond, the door swung open and a tantalizing aroma started wafting out as he heard Sam say exactly what he was thinking. The house smelled amazing. Before he knew what was happening he was being asked if he thought you looked nice. He could have sworn that he heard his favorite song, Unforgettable by Nat King Cole playing while she spun in what seemed like slow motion and stopped to look at him. He heard his mouth saying she absolutely did look gorgeous. While they were having whatever exchange they were having the music in his mind was still playing and he couldn't stop looking at her like the magic she was. Slowing drawing his eyes over her umber skin, this dark yellow-brown that looked so warm and inviting. He looked at her eyes like onyx and was getting lost in them in the best way possible. She was tall for a woman, around 5’8 at least, and she was definitely what the internet told him was thiccc. Looking to the top of her head he wanted to run his hands through her hair and then twist it around his hand and pull back and expose her neck and pepper kisses there. His eyes were pulled to her breasts and as he watched them rise and fall he thought about palming them and taking a Hershey’s Kiss into his mouth and  all of a sudden his member started to wake after such a hibernation. He had to snap out of it. This was grossly inappropriate, this respectable woman invited him to her home being neighborly and here he is, violating her in his mind. Imagining terrible sinfully delicious things he could do with her, and to her. Imagining pulling her dress up and finding that she forgot to wear panties. He caught her looking at him crazed and to be honest he hadn’t been listening or even hearing anything said between her and Sam. His eyes shot down to the floor and he rubbed the back of his neck. He had to convince himself that she couldn't read minds. Yes he had met some special people with special abilities but he had to just pray to Christ she wasn’t one of them. Feeling guilty he continued looking at his feet. He heard her tell him to sit and she took the bottle of wine from him. Her long beautiful fingers briefly grazed his and he felt as if he was diving into that ice cap all over  and there’s the music again! That same song! What the hell was happening? Okay she was beautiful and ethereal and quite frankly looked like a painting that someone slaved over and like she was made out of love and light, but so what? He’d been with other women since Peggy, sure, but none of them made him feel this way. None of them made him hear music for Pete’s sake. While she and Sam went upstairs  he was grateful to be able to adjust himself without anyone seeing. He took a seat on her sofa.
           Looking around Steve was loving the ambiance. He looked around and then stood up to get a closer look of everything. Laughing to himself he saw the record player propped open and spinning with Nat King Cole’s smile looking up at him. At least he wasn’t completely crazy. Okay, well maybe he had to get laid? It had been a while admittedly. He let out a stressed sigh and continued to look around. He saw pictures leaning up against the wall in frames and the nosier part of him got the best of him and he started thumbing through them. He saw little girls and a teenage boy, assumedly her family. Her parents and then her. There was one of her smiling with her white coat and remembered that Sam does call her the Doc. Thinking of Sam he turned wondering what was keeping them, listening keenly he heard hearty laughter. Sam came down first and held a hand out to help her down the stairs. She clutched her imaginary pearls and in an exaggerated Southern Belle accent said
           “Oh my, thank you kindly sir! You’re just too sweet! ”
           “Of course darlin’! Anything for you!” Sam said in a likened manner. “ Plus you know our agreement and all. I’m yours until you say so”.
He caught her wink at him. What was she winking for? Why was Sam hers? He just met her for crying out loud how close could they possibly be? In an instant he felt something in the pit of his stomach. What was that? It felt heavy and uncomfortable. He actually shifted in his seat thinking his stomach started acting up when he was about to have the meal of his life. More importantly he wanted to know what the hell was going on with Sam and Y/N. All he knew was Sam needed to back the hell up. Why was he getting so angry? Why was he feeling so…so…- that train of thought was cut off immediately when he saw her smiling and her lips moving with no sound coming out. It was as if a shining light was upon him and in an instant he felt better. Like any issue he had could be solved. What was this?
           “Captain” She said in a voice as smooth as silk “Are you ready?”
He wasn’t sure what she was asking about but he knew right then he would do whatever and go wherever she wanted. He would follow her to the ends of the earth if she smiled at him like that.          
           “Yes ma’am. And please it’s Steve!” He said giving her a patented Captain America smile.
           “Well if I have to call you Steve you have to call me Y/N. Dinner’s ready and the table is set. Are you ready?” She repeated.
           “After you” He said with an out stretched arm.
           Seated at the table he was admiring her while she whizzed around the kitchen. He didn't know how long he was staring at her before he heard Sam clearing his throat. Turing his attention back to his roommate he caught him with a mischievous smile on his face.
           “What is it?” He inquired
           “Nothing man, just looking at that stupid grin on your face every time you look at the Doc. You like what you see?”      
           “Sam, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
           “Mmhmm, yeah, sure, whatever you say Cap”
           “I hope you guys brought your extra loose pants because there’s a lot of food here!”
           Turning his head to the sound of her voice he found himself getting up.
           “Can I help you with anything ma’- I mean Y/N.” He corrected
           “That's so sweet of you Steve.” She said passing him a big plate of fried chicken in one and a bowl of mashed potatoes in the other. “Sam why don’t you come get some plates as well?”          
           “I think the Cap’s got it”
           “It’s no problem, helping out is the least I can do.” They said in unison. She laughed at their harmony and agreed. After a 2 more trips to the kitchen the table was set and they were all seated around it.
           “Everything looks delicious Y/N, I can’t wait to try it” He said.
           “I’m more than happy to oblige. You both were so helpful the first day we met, Sam has been really handy around the house as well. It's the least I could do, plus he told me that you loved soul food. Although he didn’t tell me you were Captain America, it was a little bit of a surprise. Kept that little bit of information for himself.”
           He looked at her tentatively “I hope it was a good one, hope you’re not disappointed”
           “Absolutely not” She rushed out. A silence fell in the room and he was getting lost in her again.
           “Well!” Sam’s voice irrupted, shattering the moment “Now that the cat is out of the bag, lets dig in!” He snapped out of  whatever daze he was in and for the next hour they ate and laughed. He had his fill of the most amazing fried chicken that was just spicy enough, corn bread, mac and cheese,  greens, black eyed peas and things he’d never even tried before. He looked at her and realized he hadn’t stopped laughing all evening. She was a fantastic host,  just as he’d thought.
           “The chicken is amazing Y/N”
           “Thank you! You don’t think it’s too spicy? She asked.
           “Not at all” He started “ I actually added a little bit of Frank’s hot sauce on it”
           “Don’t listen to that mad man” Sam said “Mr. Boner was right, the chicken is hot.”
           “Mr. Boner…?” Steve said confused.
           She laughed“ Sam means Dr. Boner, the bone man. He’s just my work husband and lowkey a little bit of my husband, husband. We were friends back in med school and now we work together. He was the one that recommended me for the job. And I’m sure as you remember from the first day we met, I can do most things by myself, however when I really do need help and I’m completely out of my depth I call him.” For some reason Steve started to feel that thing he felt when he was watching Sam help Y/N down the stairs.            “Wow,” he breathed “So you both must be close”
           “Yeah what can I say? He’s…peculiar but he’s always there when I need him. He’s one of the people I think I depend on second to my family. In fact I would love for you all to meet officially one day.”
           “Officially?” Steve inquired.
           “Yeah Sam here has spoken to him a couple times on Facetime and they make fun of me and Boner tries to tell him some embarrassing school stories.-“
           “Yeah! The Doc here is trying to keep this calm and collected façade up and I would like to know what she was like before she turned into this statue of constant perfection” Sam said rolling his eyes.
           She kissed her teeth “Boy please, I’ve been perfect from the day I came out the womb!”
           A comfortable silence fell over them and Steve imagined to himself that there probably wasn’t a time she wasn’t perfect,
           “I hope y’all have space for desert! I’m keeping it real simple with apple pie, homemade  vanilla bean ice cream sprinkled with pralines.” She started to push her chair backward from the table but Sam told her he would do get it. Did he really know her home thatwell? After a little back and forth and a lot of  convincing she decided to stay. It was only the two of them at the table and then she turned  her full attention to him.
           “So Steve, tell me about yourself.”
======================Your POV=======================
           Try and act normal Y/N , please Y/N, please please, please I am begging you just be normal for once in your life. Try to act like you didn’t fall asleep after rubbing one out to this man last night.  Think of anything. ANYTHING else. Anything but how you want  to be devoured by him and how you want to eat him up too.
           “So Steve, tell me about yourself” Nice one Y/N! Way to fucking go! tElL mE aBoUt yOuRsElF. What the hell is this? 60 minutes?
           “That’s a really broad question…” He started. Of course it is! Here I fucking go trying to be all Fox and Friends, meanwhile there is a whole ass museum about ‘himself’ that I now have to act like I’ve never been to.                                                  
           “That's fair” you said, trying to save face “How about what do you like to do when you aren’t wearing the stars and stripes?”
           “Hmm. I enjoy the internet as whole. So much helpful information on there. I like that when I become a fan of something in real life I can meet people who also love said thing and they can give me more information about it and even new recommendations. I enjoy painting. I consider myself a little bit of a foodie. I like going to movies that are barely full so I can get that theater experience without so many people around. That’s all I can think of off the top of my head.”
           “What forums are you a part of? What do you like to paint? Are you into realism or do you kind of just do your own thing?  I love making food and eating it even more. I do that theater thing too! I want to be able to cry without anyone seeing my ugly crying face.”
           “I highly doubt anyone would ever consider you ugly”
           You looked down quickly thanking God for the melanin because chile, the blush. He probably is this nice to everyone he meets. He is, after all, THE Captain America.
           “I kind of just like random stuff,” he continued “probably nothing you’ve ever heard about. And as for my paintings I also just do whatever comes to mind. And drawing and painting things that are fandom relevant.”            
           “Fandom?” You said with the quirk of a brow “You sound like someone from Tumblr. Now I’m really curious. What do you get into online Captain Rogers?” You noticed a redness creeping up on his face. Hopefully you hadn’t upset him by getting too flirty. He was from the old school after-all. Before you could put your foot in your mouth any further, Sam came out with the desert.            
           “Now listen here!” Sam boomed “ I had to take just a sliver of this here pie to make sure it was good. In our line of work we have lots of enemies. One can never be too careful. I did this for the greater good. I did this for my country! That being said I don’t want to hear anything about this further! We’ve spoken about the missing piece long enough!”
           After a brief second passing between you all, laughter broke out and you told Sam to sit his ass down. You got up and served Sam first, since he did ‘work so hard to insure the pie was good’. Next you turned to Steve and served his up. You served yourself a plate last and sat down to wait for the verdict. You heard a deep moan coming from the Cap and turned to see him with his eyes closed. That moan was definitely going to be thought about later.
           “You like?” you asked. The only response you got was a slowly nodding captain savoring your food. You were on cloud nine at this point. He opened his eyes and looked at you. You started on your pie as well. The night continued and you brewed some coffee for the gents and a nice cup of honey ginger tea for yourself. You all eventually moved to the living room and were all laughing like old friends. It was as if even though you just met you had some type of rhythm going. A push and pull of sorts.
           “Well” Sam slapped his hands to his knees standing up “Thank you so much for dinner Doc”
           “It was great to have you as always Sam,” turning to Steve “ And it was an absolute pleasure to meet you. I hope to get to find out eventually what exactly you’re into Captain Rogers.” There goes that redness again. You had to get this shit under control and stop making him so uncomfortable in your home.
           “Trust me Y/N, the pleasure was mine.”
           “I hope we can do this again sometime soon”
           Shutting the door behind them you leaned up against it and let out a squeal. You couldn't believe it you actually had the Captain America over at your house.  For the last few hours you wined and dined him. Now all that was left was to 69 him. You laughed at your immaturity and went to clean up the kitchen.
           The next day you went into the hospital. You had unofficially started and not everyone knew you yet. The guy that had your old position’s name was still on the door. You walked into your office and greeted your assistant, Sonia. She was from the UK and had everything and everyone in the hospital on lock. She knew everything about everything, how to get what you needed, and if she couldn’t get it herself she always ‘knew a guy’ who could. Usually you had a rule about not mixing business with pleasure, but for her you were thinking about making an exception.
           “Good morning Dr. Y/L/N. How was your weekend? She said in her beautiful voice.
           “Nothing much, just had some friends over for dinner”
           “And I didn’t get an invite?” making the cutest pouty face, you had to laugh.
           “Damn” You said with a contemplating look on your face, raising a Tupperware with her name on it “Now what am I gonna do with this? I mean I thought I was going to bring this to my wonderful super ADULT assistant but all I see is a little baby. Little baby? Do you know where my assistant is?”  
           Straightening her back and stretching out her arms with grabbing motions “ Gimmie, gimmie! I’m a big girl!”
           Laughing even more you hand her the Tupperware. You lean on her desk and prepare to ask for your messages when a man walks in.
           “Sonia, my darling, do I have any messages?”
           “I didn’t know you were his assistant Sonia” You said turning to her.
           “I’m not” she remarked making a biting motion at the gentleman. Completely ignoring you he rolls his neck.
           “Christ. I had to cut my vacation short. I heard the new boss has started up. He wasn’t even supposed to start for another 2 weeks. Since I got passed over for the whole promotion to head of Cardio at least I could make a good impression with the guy and be a sturdy number two. I’ve heard his work is flawless and I’ve heard he’s developed his own technique for plaque removal and I want a front row fucking seat. What’s his name again? Dr. Y/L/N?  From the what I hear we have a new cardio god in our midst. It’s about time. I really needed that deep tissue massage too. I hope he notices my efforts, fuck.” You scoff and he rolls his eyes over to the schedule wall as he squints. “There’s an angioplasty scheduled?  I need to be in on that. Sonia, babe, you have to get me into that.”
           With your chin in your arm casually leaning on the desk and looking out the window you remarked “ I don’t think you’ll be able to Dr. Daniels. Seems like you’ve had your own procedure scheduled for the same time.” He finally turns to face you, while you continue to look out the window at the Manhattan skyline.
           “How’d you know my name?” he asks abruptly. You lazily turn to him and tap a finger to his badge. “Right you are…ma’am. Well I can understand that this is a little complicated for you.  medical schedules were difficult for me to read when I first started working here–”
           “Dr. Daniels” Sonia tried to interrupt. He put his hand up to silence her.
           “As I was saying I understand how complicated medical jargon can be for...” How did he manage to look like he was undressing you yet belittling and patronizing you at the same time? “someone like you.”
           “Dr. Daniels!” Sonia said a little louder this time.
           Cutting a look at her he continued “Even though it seems that I have a scheduled procedure I would like to move it as something more important would be taking place at that time.”          
           “More important than patient care?” You questioned “Seems like bad doctoring to me.”
           “Again ma’am, I am sure this all has gone over your head and I would be happy to get someone to explain this in layman’s terms to you-”
           “Sonia please! I have been trying to explain to this… woman.” He looked you over again, this time with more annoyance than anything else. Starting to mumble he started “ Honestly these people watch one lifetime special and get a WebMD membership and think they’re doctors now. Honestly I didn’t go to John’s Hopkins to deal with this bullshit.”
           “That is no way to talk to a patient” You remark “that how you talk to all your patients?”
           “First of all, you aren’t my patient ma’am; I am just trying to be curious to you, and you’re making that pretty difficult by the way. Secondly you come in here acting like you know everything because what? You read my name super fast and can read a procedure board? Thirdly, you’re putting me in a foul mood when I have an important meeting any minute now. Quite frankly I am done with this conversation so good day. He’ll be here any minute” He said straining and looking past you, down the hallway while adjusting his jacket trying to look his best.  
           “Well then this is as good a time as any I suppose” You reply. Fully turning to face him you badge dangled from your neck. “ I’m ‘Him’.  Hello Dr. Gerald Daniels. My name is Dr. Y/F/N Y/L/N. You can just call me Dr. Y/L/N. I’ve heard I am the resident Cardio God.”
           He looked as if he was going to shit a ton of bricks. All that could be heard was Sonia snickering and when you turned to look at her she was typing jibberish on a blank word document. You had to laugh at her antics. Flinging your coat onto the couch in her office, you called over your shoulder “Sonia my messages in 5 please. I’d like some tea as well. Surprise me.” You slammed your door closed and sat at your desk. Damn it felt good to be the boss.
           The rest of your day went by without a hitch and at 4:55 you heard a knock coming from your door.
           “Come in!”
           The door opened slowly to reveal a humbled looking Dr. Daniels with a blueberry scone in one hand and a cheesy mug in the other. You didn’t want to laugh but you did. You loved bad jokes.
           “Dr. Y/L/N, listen I am so sorry about this morning. I was really amped to meet you and I went about things the wrong way.  I would like us to start again… If that’s alright with you. Please don't let my poor behavior taint your opinion of me. I get a little high strung with a  mix of competitive and it usually doesn’t manifest in the way it did today and I cannot stress how sorry I am about it-” You put your hand up cutting him off.
           “ Look dude. You were totally an asshole and should actually be reporting to HR. I was going to report you myself but I asked around about you and apparently you aren’t usually that way with patients. In fact doctors and patients around seem to love you, I couldn't get one bad thing said about you. So I’m giving you a second chance, because I believe in those. But you’re on probation with ME.”
           “Thank you Dr. Y/L/N! This is such a relief for me!”
           “But tighten up! I don't want that kind of trash in my halls again, Daniels! I mean it!” Looking at the clock “And after hours it’s just Y/F/N. Are those for me?
           “Of course!” Handing you the scone he got a packet of heavy cream and jam and gave that to you as well. “Blueberry tea. I sort of have a thing for blueberries and I grow this myself.”
           Nodding you took a sip. It was delightful. It tasted as if you could bottle up the feeling of a country afternoon eating a picnic on some grassy hill with cows roaming over yonder.
           “Daniels this is delicious. I’m going to have to get the leaves from you sometime.”
           “If I give them to you, could you lift my probation?”
           “Don't push it!” Throwing his hands up he made a ‘no offense motion and laughed’ backing out of the office he said he would see you tomorrow.
           Officially off the clock you brought out your laptop and logged onto Tumblr. You sent your beta a message.
MSG to Jay: Jaybaby. I know this is coming late. I know, I know. Works got me swamped but on the up and up I’ve come up with some new heat and I’m sure the readers will love it.  Here are the next few chapters. Could you get them back to me within the week? Love ya big time. X
           You sent that and started with your new fic. This one was about a girl moving next door to captain America and basically falling in love with him. It’s going to be super fluff and light hearted cuteness. There’ll probably be a situation where oh no! they have to sleep in the same bed or some trope shit like that. Before signing off  you heard a ping and it was a couple jpegs from Rod. It was a picture of you this time. Well part of you anyway. You had your identity to worry about but your icon was a picture of your eyes and part of your hair  behind your glasses. He made the most beautiful rendition of it. He also sent a couple of pictures of T’challa, Aquaman for your amusement. Attached you found a note:
Doc. You were one of the first people to start reblogging my pictures and you were the first person to write a fic based off something out of my imagination. You really gave me great feedback and support and I’ll always be grateful for that. Take care for now and happy writing.
           You changed you icon to the one he painted and closed your laptop smiling. You turned off the lights to your office and started on your way home.
Tag list.
@champagnesugamama @smooth-sunflower @queenwinchester27 @hamilboots @trees-are-friends (y’all didn’t ask to be tagged explicitly but I assumed you may want to be, If not let me know and I’ll remove you from the taglist xx)
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Chapters: 17/? Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Petyr Baelish/Sansa Stark, Ramsay Bolton/Sansa Stark, Satin Flowers/Jon Snow, Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth, Arya Stark/Gendry Waters, Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Jon Snow/Ygritte (mentioned) Characters: Ramsay Bolton, Sansa Stark, Petyr Baelish, Brienne of Tarth, Jon Snow, Myranda (Game of Thrones), Tormund Giantsbane, Davos Seaworth, Edd Tollett, Original Female Character(s), Arya Stark, Rickon Stark, Bran Stark, Lyanna Mormont, Lysa Tully Arryn, Original Male Character(s), Robb Stark, Catelyn Tully Stark, Ned Stark, Maege Mormont, Dacey Mormont, Brynden Tully, Robett Glover, Melisandre of Asshai, Cley Cerwyn, Donella Hornwood, Roose Bolton, Barbrey Dustin, Jonelle Cerwyn, Walda Frey, Jaime Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Bronn (ASoIaF), Satin Flowers, Ghost (ASoIaF), Medger Cerwyn, Maester Rhodry, Varys (ASoIaF), Daenerys Targaryen, Sandor Clegane, Cersei Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Loras Tyrell, Olenna Tyrell, Qyburn (ASoIaF), Gregor Clegane, Thoros of Myr, Beric Dondarrion, Hugo Wull, Yohn Royce, Robin Arryn, Theon Greyjoy, Samwell Tarly, Gilly (ASoIaF), Alys Karstark, Sigorn (ASoIaF), Wildlings, Maester Wolkan, Donnel Flint, Artos Flint, Meera Reed, Howland Reed, Harald Karstark, Wyman Manderly, Jorah Mormont, Wun Wun, Borroq (ASoIaF), Brandon Norrey, Brandon Stark, Podrick Payne, Gendry Waters, Jon "The Smalljon" Umber, Edmure Tully, Roslin Frey, Lyanna Stark, Jaqen H'ghar, Larence Snow, Ellaria Sand, Beth Cassel, Yara Greyjoy, Grey Worm, Missandei (ASoIaF), Lady (ASoIaF), Nymeria (ASoIaF), Ramsay Bolton's Dogs Additional Tags: Older Man/Younger Woman, Scars, Dominance, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Oral Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Dark Sansa, Jon Snow is a clueless disaster bi, Wargs, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Control Issues, Kink, Trust Issues, Canon-Typical Violence, Explicit Language, Explicit Sexual Content, Trauma, Everybody has daddy issues, Queen in the North, Partners to Lovers, War, Minor Canonical Character(s), The Prince That Was Promised, Valonqar Prophecy, Warging, Warg Jon Snow, Warg Sansa Stark, Strategy & Tactics, House Stark, The North Remembers (ASoIaF), R Plus L Equals J, Ramsay is His Own Warning, The show runners fucked up so I'm fixing it Summary:
Sansa Stark has fled Winterfell, and has reunited with Jon Snow. His army plans to take back Winterfell and the control of the North. A raven carries a message, a promise of a meeting on the wind. Sansa and Brienne of Tarth ride to Molestown to meet with Petyr Baelish. She thinks she understands Petyr Baelish more now than ever, after her treatment at Ramsay's hands. She comes to this meeting with ideas of her own.
Canon divergence from the scene in Molestown.
New chapter update ~ ❤️ ❤️
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tymptir · 5 years
I know I promised myself I wouldn’t add new muses before my inbox and drafts were empty but after extensive plotting via discord, I have decided to, at least somewhat, break that little promise to myself. so from tomorrow onward if everything goes as planned, you peeps will have good old Harrion Karstark to bother around here. and since Harrion is an absolute genius who manages to get captured by the enemy whenever he leaves the house apparently, there is next to nothing we know about him. so            here’s what to expect!
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Harrion is the eldest son of Rickard Karstark. remember? that grumpy old git whose other two sons were killed by Jaime Lannister during Robb’s rebellion, and who, in turn, killed those two little Lannister boys after which Robb chopped his head off? yeah, that guy. even before his brothers were killed, Harrion got himself captured by the Lannisters and was imprisoned in Harrenhall for         basically the rest of the war. Roose Bolton eventually frees him, but given that Roose, at the time, already worked against the Starks, he sent Harrion off with a handful of Karstark men to take Duskendale, which by then is basically a death trap. instead of dying however, Harrion is captured again and then imprisoned at Maidenpool, where he canonically still is.
Harrion, after the death of his father, of course is the new Lord of Karhold, which however pisses his uncle Arnolf off because, well, he’d like Karhold for himself. so Arnolf plans to a) wed Harrion’s little sister Alys to his son Cregan, and b) declare for Stannis, hoping that this will set the Lannister off into executing Harrion. with Alys married to Cregan, Karhold would then ultimately fall to them. which isn’t a bad plan, but thank god for Jon Snow, because Alys finds refuge with him and Jon, seeing through the plan, eventually has her wed the Magnar of Thenn, essentially saving Harrion’s line of the family, and also rats Arnolf off to Stannis, who then has a couple of Karstarks executed.
now the ultimate plan of course is that Harrion is eventually freed/manages to escape from Maidenpool, and to return north to his little sister. so here’s how I plan to play Harrion from then on out, which is interesting to basically any Northerner
despite House Karstark declaring for House Bolton after Rickard dies, Harrion remains loyal to the Starks. he doesn’t love Robb for executing his father, but he is grateful enough to Jon for saving Alys, plus Roose in the end had betrayed him too, so no love is left for the Boltons. will he be happy to side with Stannis? we’ll see.
he will claim his rightful title as Lord of Karhold and he will try and restore what little is left of this ancient, noble House.
he’s not happy about Alys’ betrothal to Sigorn, but he sees the necessity of the arrangement.
overall, Harrion has been described as much more mellow than his father, so chances are that he is one of the few actually reasonable Karstarks along with his sister. he, for instance, unlike his brothers, didn’t mock or laugh about Bran for being a cripple when he greeted the Karstarks upon their arrival at Winterfell, but instead was very courteous and kind to him.
he is still considered a fierce warrior, and is a very tall, broad man with long dark hair, a beard, and the trademark greyish-blue eyes of the Karstarks.
this is a personal HC but Harrion is already in his late 20s by the time he goes to war, and enters his mid-30s by the time he is freed. he has been married to a girl from House Umber, but she unfortunately died in childbirth and the baby was stillborn.
as for HBO show canon: again Harrion was captured at the beginning of the war and spent five years imprisoned at Harrenhall. after Ramsay’s death and the subsequent reclaiming of Winterfell, Sansa has a conversation with Petyr Baelish, who is then acting castellan of Harrenhall, asking him about the state of the ruined castle. Petyr off-handedly mentions a few remaining prisoners, one of them being the Lord of Karhold. Sansa sends for Harrion to be freed immediately, and he is brought to Winterfell where he can recover and figure out what to do and where his loyalties lie. an important note: Harrion does not like Daenerys, and he will fiercly oppose the idea of her ruling the North, given that half his family died in a war for Northern independence, and their deaths then would have been for nothing. he will be very outspoken about that. he also will not support Jon as King in the North, believing that since Jon is a member of the Night’s Watch and may not hold title, the title and seat should go to Sansa.
if anyone wishes to plot or if any questions arise, by all means always do IM me. I am personally very (!!) excited to have him on the blog and I’m excited to see where this is going.
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ofumber-blog · 5 years
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hello and welcome to what is going to be the world’s most unorganized intro and explanation of my guy rowan. don’t be afraid to message me if you want to plot!
( richard madden, he/him ) — high greetings to ruling lord rowan of house umber, lord of the last hearth. the thirty-one year old is known for being staunch but has the tendency to be obdurate too. ( groomed to rule and primed for war, your loyalty to the north outweighs the needs of yourself. blood red leaves and powdered snow fall upon a crown of dark curls and heavy furs. you know nothing but the comfort of a drawn sword, the familiarity of violence. although the north is home, duty and honor pulls you south. )
full name: rowan umber. age: thirty-one. gender and pronouns: male, he/him. sexual orientation: heterosexual.  allegiance: to the north, house stark more specifically. 
hair color and style: dark brown, medium-length with curls. if he is out fighting, it does grow long with less distinctive curls.  eye color: blue. height: 6′0″. attire: in the north, there isn’t much to see besides leather and fur. however, as he is traveling down south, he takes on a more noble dressing of the finest materials. they are dark red and brown in color with silver detailing in honor of his house sigil. 
true to his northern roots, he is wary of outsiders. it takes time to earn his trust. being a rather reticent man, he thinks far more than he acts and because of this, he can come off as a bit standoffish at times. 
once his mind is set on something, there is nothing that can change it. this can be particularly frustrating for those around him and it can sometimes get him in trouble. he does not typically listen to the opinions of other people unless he has great respect for them. 
he is incredibly loyal. he does have a sense of honor, seeing as he was trained from a very young age to be put into this role of ruling house umber. his father and those before him have always been loyal to house stark and thus so is he. rowan takes command well and strives to be the best that he can be in representing house umber. 
although he is considered a good man, there is a hint of violence and anger that resides within him. he can be quick-tempered if the situation calls for it. 
considering there are no spots for family within house umber that come before him, i have done a bit of thinking about where he came from. similar to ned umber from the show, i think that he was an orphaned boy alongside his brother at a rather young age. he was thrust into this role far earlier than anyone ever intended. 
because of this, he can be a bit brutish. as a young lord, he had to grow up faster than most. this can lead to him having problems expressing emotion. the loss of his parents affected him deeper than he cares to acknowledge. with that being said, it is hard for him to prioritize anything that is not ruling, serving, or protecting. family sometimes get prioritized below his duty. 
trained at a young age, he has become a talented swordsman. it is one of the first things he turns towards if he is feeling upset. it is an outlet of sorts. 
i might update this at a later time but this is all i got for the time being 
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meisiesmut · 6 years
Chapters: 57/? Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen Characters: Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Brienne of Tarth, Samwell Tarly, Jorah Mormont, Davos Seaworth, Jaime Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Qyburn, Yara Greyjoy, Theon Greyjoy, Beric Dondarrion, Tormund Giantsbane, Edd Tollett, Euron Greyjoy, Bronn, Sandor Clegane, Robett Glover, Lyanna Mormont, Ned Umber - Character, Melisandre of Asshai, Kinvara (Game of Thrones), Night King (Game of Thrones), Varys Additional Tags: Screenplay/Script Format, Realistic, Canon Compliant, Canon Universe, Canon - TV, Endgame, Season 8, War for the Dawn, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-typical Sex Summary:
. Faux “script leaks" for Season 8, written in the style of the official screenplays by D&D. . This is meant to be a believable S8, extrapolating forward from S1-S7, with endgame for every major remaining storyline. At the same time, I've carefully avoided any knowledge of actual S8 leaks, so this fic is purely speculative and spoiler-safe. . I’ve actually been publishing these since June 2018, and there's an existing reader community on r/freefolk and r/shipwisescripts. Seven episodes are finished, out of a total of twelve planned. Expect daily updates as I port them to AO3. Or, if you prefer to binge it, you can do so at aliceshipwise.com. :) Hope you enjoy! . I don’t understand why more people aren’t reading and admiring this astonishing piece of work. Fine, read your coffeeshop, cheerleader-football player AU’s or whatever, but this is really really good people.
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