#the unfollow spree continues...
alwayslcyal · 2 years
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rylivers · 6 months
its really annoying when you unfollow someone that has annoyed you for a good long while and then they keep showing up on your dash anyway bc people keep reblogging their posts...
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xhanisai · 2 years
It’s sad that in almost every huge fandom, you always have to deal with leaks and spoilers :’))))
Some of us like to patiently wait to see what we got as a gift and being surprised about it :’))))))))))))
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queer-geordie-nerd · 1 year
Jfc, the unfollowing spree continues - I cannot believe how many unrepentant antisemites I was unwittingly following. For the record, there is a way to oppose Israeli governmental policies without supporting extremist terrorist groups deliberately targeting civilians. When you have utterly rancid takes like "no such thing as an innocent Israeli civilian" and "Zionists need to die" you are absolutely not on any side I want to be anywhere fucking near.
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graciegoeskrazy · 1 year
Last Resort
Sebastian Stan x Teen!reader
HEAVY talks of Self-harm, mentions of mental hospitals/psych wards, reader has 2 moms (if that bothers you then just unfollow me), New York City lol, some language, not entirely proofread
Word Count
Can you tell I got really lazy at the end? Lol. Sorry for being mia again. Also send me all your fic recs. I’m a update the list soon. Semi proud of this one. Xoxo.
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To put it lightly, it had been a rough couple of months, but the long awaited spring break had finally arrived. Your parents didn't tell you where you were going. You only assumed it was some nice dinner or lunch or a fun activity they had planned to kick off your week off. Going on weekend trips to the city wasn’t unusual. You lived not even an hour away, and your online schooling routine gave you and your family the flexibility needed to do fun things like this. This weekend, however, felt…different.
Before you and your parents left, you caught them putting one of your small duffel bags into the back of the car. You didn't think much about it. It wasn't until they pulled into an unfamiliar parking garage once you got into the city, that you started to ask questions.
“So, where exactly are we going?”
“It's a surprise.” Your mom said. A hint of mischief in her voice.
“I thought we were just gonna get something to eat?” You continued.
“We are technically. Well…you are.” Your other mom gave her a light smack on the arm as she drove through the building trying to find a parking spot.
“Don’t spoil it too much!”
They both stopped talking and sat in silence, placing mental bets on how much longer it would be until you started talking again. You shot another glance to the back of the car, then continued. “What’s with the duffel bag?”
Your moms exchanged gitty glances, having a silent conversation with their eyes, debating whether or not to explain more, or just let you see for yourself. They landed on the latter. You sat back abruptly in your seat, arms crossed, pondering what your mothers could possibly have in store.
The car finally pulled into a spot, and the car unclicked. As you got out and stretched your legs you caught a peak of your mom getting out the driver seat and heading to the back out the car. She pulled out the duffel bag and kept walking past you to the elevator. Your mothers paused, exchanged glances at each other's phones which seemed like some sort of text, then continued walking, signaling for you to follow them.
What in the world was happening?
The cool New York City air greeted you as you stepped foot on the pavement. Although it was spring and people were dressed like it was the hottest day of summer, there was still a chill in the air.
Your parents turned various corners and ended with you right behind. Ou asked a couple questions here and there, along with some not-so-educated guess…
“Is it…the zoo?”
“Is it a Broadway show?
“Are we seeing the Jonas Brothers in concert?!?!”
“Is it the Disney store? I think I deserve a shopping spree after all I've been through.”
You gave up eventually. With the unhidable smirks your parents kept giving as they walked in front of you, you could tell you were getting nowhere. One of your moms kept checking her phone every 2 seconds, so you felt as if you all were about to reach your destination. She grabbed your arms gently and led you forward so you were now walking in toe with them.
“You know we both love you more than anything in this world right?”
What the fuck is about to happen?!
You kept you cool and just nodded.
“And you know all we want to do is help. Right?”
Your first instinct was that they were about to send you to another mental hospital. You silently hoped and prayed that was not it. You already spent some time there and it was (simply yet accurately put) the deepest darkest hell you have ever experienced. It made some sense with the duffel bag, but still did not entirely add up. You just sent another nod her way.
She smiled and looked forward again. “We hope you have the best time. You will call us if you need anything at all. Understood?”
You quirked your head in confusion as all your steps slowed. “Okay. I need some serious context right now. What the hell do you mean?”
A new voice spoke up. “She means, you're coming with me.”
You whipped your head around and were relieved and equally confused to see a familiar face you adored so much.
You and Sebastian had met when you were 7. You were working on a film together and since then have become inseparable, working on 2 other projects, seeing each other frequently, and practically trusting each other with your lives.
You both smiled as you hugged and greeted each other. “What the hell are you doing here?! What do you mean I'm coming with you?”
“One sec my love.” He said. He turned past you and greeted your parents. Your mom gave him the duffel bag while talking in hushed whispers. You couldn’t make out anything they were saying, but it didn't matter, you were too busy standing in shock from what was happening to try and figure out what was happening.
Your moms voice brought you back to the present. “We love you sweetie! We’ll see you later.”
Sebastian walked back towards you. “You ready?”
“Okay are you gonna be the one to tell me what’s happening?”
He sighed, “You need a break. So, I’m giving you one.”
Still vague.
“Okay? So where are we going?’
“First, grab a quick snack. Then, the park, and then after, my place.”
Your day was filled with scenic walks around NYC, delicious sweets provided by Sebastian, and it all led you to now. This duffel bag your parents brought was filled with some clothes and bathroom stuff for an overnight stay or 2. After getting showered in changed back at Sebastian’s apartment, you walked out of the bathroom to find Sebastian pumping up and air mattress for you to sleep on.
“You know I’ll just end up sleeping on the couch right?”
“Nope, I get the couch and you get the air mattress.”
“Hmm. In that case I’ll just take your bed.”
“Very funny. What happened to our movie night? I though you were gonna force me to watch the latest Spider-Man movie?”
“Yeah okay fine.”
You sat on the couch as Sebastian continued to set up the mattress, finishing it with pillows and blankets.
“Okay, I’m still confused. Why did my parents bribe you to hang out with me?”
He chuckled, “They didn’t bribe me, y/n. No one needs to bribe me to hang out with my favorite person.”
You smiled. “Okay, but why now? I still feel like I'm missing something.”
He put the air mattress pump down and sat across from you on the sofa.”
“Your parents and I are just worried, that’s all.”
You pondered his response for a moment. “Worried about what?”
He sighed, “About you.”
He knows
You let out a small fake chuckle. “Why on Earth would you need to-”
“Your parents told me what happened.”
All the color drained from your face. Sebastian must have noticed. He placed a comforting hand on your knee. He knew you kept a lot of things private. Although he knew of some things you were going though, now and in the past, he still knew you were a secretive person, you liked to handle things on your own. He knew it was hard for you to talk about things like this and also knew you definitely didn't want him to know about your most recent struggles, but your parents were desperate in getting you to open up, and Sebastian seemed like the safest bet.
“I- W-what are you-”
“Don't play dumb, y/n.”
The pain and worry seemed to turn to anger. You stood up and went to the kitchen to refill your drink. “I’m fine, Sebastian.”
“Trying to kill yourself doesn’t sound fine to me.”
“Shut up will you!”
“Tell me what happened.”
“Go slow. Take your time. I’m here, and I’ve got all night.” He said that last part in an attempt to make you laugh, but it didn’t seem to work.
“A couple months ago…I don’t know, I was really tired. I was still in real school, the bullying was nonstop, everyone made fun of me for the stupidest things. I know I I better than what they said, or the stupid things they called me, but it still ge5s to you, you know? My grades were dropping as a result, I was being treated like shit at work with these terrible directors, and I just reached my breaking point.”
You looked at Sebastian, eyes asking for permission to go on. He nodded, pulling you in closer to him.
“I rarely told my parents about anything. They knew something was wrong, but they never would have suspected it got this bad. One night..I found a bottle of some old prescription pills that used to belong to my mom. I locked my self in the bathroom and just…”
The tears fell faster. You didn’t move. Sebastian just held you as you cried into him. His chin resting on your head. After a moment of catching your breath, you tried to continue.
“I spent a little more than a week in a mental hospital. It was like…pure hell. I never want to go back. And I know it all sounds dumb. I’m lucky, I went to a good school, I was working on a movie for christ's sake, I probably should’ve just sucked it up. I know it probably It sound like I’m a stupid spoiled brat-“
Sebastian grabbed your face genially in his hands “Hey! None of that. You do not need to apologize for what you did. You were struggling and weren’t in a good place. You do not have to apologize for that, you understand me?” You nodded. “All that matters now is that your here now, you're safe, you’re better, and you will get even better, okay? You’ve reached the bottom my love, but you made it out, and now there is nowhere to go but up.” You fell into him again. “And you’re not alone. You have your amazing moms, some of your friends, I beg there is people at work who care about you, and you have me, and you can’t get rid of me that easily, ok?”
“I just wish all of this was over. I wish I was fine, I wish I was normal. I hate feeling this way. This all just happened so fast. I miss myself, I miss being normal.”
“You will feel better again. And what even is normal? Normal is so boring. My love, you were never normal. You were this beautiful, intelligent, superstar young woman, leading a nowhere near normal life. The last thing I would want for you is for you to be normal.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“All you need to do now is focus on getting better, and know I will be there every single step of the way.”
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urszn · 2 months
Hello to the anon who sent me an ask about a specific person on blr, Me and some other moots don’t associate ourselves with her anymore due to that same issue you had + some other things we’ve found out/realized. I’ve been on a unfollowing spree ever since the issue with that specific person happened. If you have any sort of platform yet don’t speak on the issues that are happening in the world right now I suggest logging off and touching some grass, The person that you (anon) are talking about never used their platform to show any sort of support for what’s happening now in Gaza, yet they continue to post smaus and new fics atleast every week. If you have time to make a whole oneshot, smau chapter, post about ur school day, then you have time to post about what’s happening in Gaza. And about the moots still being associated with the person, I’m sure their moots don’t know or realize that the person hasn’t posted anything about it, so I wouldn’t really come at them, but again If you can post on blr about your day, smaus, oneshots or whatever then the LEAST you can do is repost about anything that could possibly help others. Also the person who you’re referring to (anon) has stated to one my other mutuals that she’s doesn’t think that she has a big enough platform to share any thing about gaza and has said that “all her followers are dead” She has 2k+ people who follow her yet doesn’t think she has big platform, There’s people with not even 100 followers posting about and so i don’t why she thinks she can’t post about it either.
please check out the following :)
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torntruth · 1 year
i just truly don't have the positive energy to continue uplifting y'all and liking all your 'unfollowing spree!' posts when y'all don't put the same energy in. send a meme. say hello. blah blah, roleplay is a two way street. i just don't wanna do all that work.
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chemnections · 1 year
Can I ask you something? I’m not trying to start anything but why is it okay for Frank and Mikey to repost fan art from 3 Cheers era but Lola can’t repost fan art for the record the account was made to promote? The sole purpose for the account was for Hesitant Alien. Yeah it was a decade ago but 3 Cheers is one year short of two decades ago. I understand Lola , Gerard and Lynz isn’t everyone’s cup of tea (I follow none of the three) but it seems hypocritical to not react the same way when Mikey and Frank do it over 3 Cheers or even Electric Century and Pency Prep. Like I said, I’m not trying to start anything, I’m just trying to understand your posts.
that's okay, i understand my posts can seem a little out of no where if you don't have the background context.
first thing is that hesitant alien was born out of the band break up. gerard was the only member signed to their record label of warner brothers for a solo album - he might have cut a deal as mcr was falling apart behind the others backs but either way it was warner brothers keeping gerard and tossing the others aside hoping that gerard solo would be profitable if mcr wasn't going to continue.
the other thing with the album being born from the breakup is that he took the opportunity to write some shady songs, mainly pointed at frank because between them was the highest point of conflict. lyrics to millions and get the gang together are probably the most blatant. drugstore perfume is also very shady. he would announce as 'being about a girl whose never leaving jeresy - this one was apparent to both be aimed at his mother who he was having conflict with and frank's wife, jamia (fans will often look at the fact that jamia unfollowed gerard on twitter during the band breakup but still follows everyone else including bob as a sign of conflict there. but gerard has shaded her in the umbrella academy because if five is frank, the dolores the mannequin represents jamia. it's safe to say that jamia is a stable down to earth person, the comparison is very sexist.)
the other thing with the breakup is that frank came out rough. he was looking rough during danger days, too. frank wrote stomachaches all on his own - i think he might have brought someone in for some of the drum tracks - but ultimately its all him. and it was fucking good and he got signed to a label all on his own. but if you look up his first live performance with the cellebration, he looks scared. despite being in so many bands and have done solo projects. with pency prep he was the front man so that wasn't even new to him. but the conflict at the end of mcr clearly took away a lot of his confidence to the point he was unsure if he could really do what was second nature to him. he has talked in interviews thinking about not returning to music after mcr, he talked about considering being a writer or even a mailman. he really had to rise from the ashes.
gerard did get help on the album, from james dewees, doug mckean and others. his solo live shows are also hard to watch, he seemed so unsure of himself when he doesn't have the mcr members supporting him. (even though getting rid of the band was supposed to fix his problems). he was a hesitant alien indeed.
so with that context in mind - the behaviour of when frank and mikey repost fan art is very different compared to when 'lola' reposts fan art. frank and mikey truly don't repost a lot of art. it is different posting mcr fan art because that is their life work - and when they were all united. they both don't have separate accounts dedicated to promoting their old solo albums. frank often uses his projects to encourage gerard to get back into music. electric century never really got its feet off the ground in the sense they never toured. they would never go on a 88 fan art repost spree to their story in the middle of the night. they both do not encourage fan art with fans' declarations of love and would not repost something like that. they keep healthy boundaries with fans.
lola is not a person. who is running the could is concealed from fans. lola encourages fans to profess their love to it by reposting and liking those kind of fan messages on mass - even though the fans don't know who they are saying that too, just a representative husk. (unless they do but that's a whole other issue).
lola is an account made for the promotion of hesitant alien, but has been converted to gerard's 'spokesperson', which is a strange move as he has a career outside of hesitant alien. what do new umbrella academy fans make of it - it's confusing. especially when gerard does have his own instagram who he could just hire a tech for to update it for him. but that's the thing, it doesn't have the anonymous animosity factor.
also lola is willing to promote ray and mikey. but lola would never promote or even acknowledge frank - until the reunion tour.
lola also comes alive to promote themselves and bask in fan attention at strategic times, like when frank is working on his projects. it is a way to take attention, shade as well as remind of an ugly time by way of a record that was not kind to frank at all.
essentially, the lola account is hostile under a layer of plausible deniability.
right now, this behaviour suggests that it is lindsey behind the account. when lindsey was on her public account she was notorious for shady tweets and bread crumbing. i'm not sure how much you know about lindsey, but she is dangerous to fans and the people around her she has a problem with. as much as i wish not to talk about her, i believe it's important to warn other fans to steer clear away from her. and try to deter some of the underhanded manipulation by calling it out.
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forgaeven1 · 10 months
spring winter cleaning ! i will be purging aka begin my unfollowing ( via soft-blocking ) spree of any mutuals who haven’t been interacting with me. while i really enjoy your content on my blog, i’m afraid if there isn’t an approach, i would rather prioritise the content that are relevant to my roleplaying circle just to keep my blog a bit organised ! of course, pls always feel free to reach out to me if you'd like to start or continue anything ♡
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feydrautha · 1 year
Idk how many people still go on unfollowing sprees (as in 'i follow too many blogs, it's driving me nuts and im gonna need to let some people go') but i hope that if they follow me and they see my little icon, my username, and when i last updated, even if they might not recognise me because of my icon or because i had a different URL when they first followed me, even if they dont remember since when they follow me, that they go ":) oh, i like her presence on my dashboard, she can stay" and continue scrolling
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champagnepodiums · 2 years
max is not losing too many followers anymore, is he? think he's rather gaining at a very slow rate... do you reckon it'll be like this for the entire winter break? these past few weeks have been very fascinating to me because personally ive never seen something like this ie the unfollow spree happen at such a huge scale w a driver especially
Max does not seem to be losing followers any more.
But you are right -- he is gaining followers at a much slower rate than what he was before Brazil (and I do realize that the offseason is a big part of that).
Since Monday, Max has gained ~3,416 followers. That actually puts him 11th out of 24 drivers in the gain rankings so it's not like everybody else is gaining tons and Max just is not.
But yeah, I could not believe the amount of people that unfollowed + how long it continued to drop (like 5 days or something, it was WILD). I'm not sure if we will see that happen again, honestly.
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liveshauntedmoved · 9 months
with this reset of blogs, i think i might do an unfollowing spree. nothing against you, also i am not able to go through everyone's blog about soft blocking so, i might just soft block all them, but should you still want to continue to write with me, let me know ( send a meme or like this ). i'm going to start with inactive blogs and maybe the one piece blogs i followed for when my one piece blog was a sideblog ( if you are one of those and would like to interact with my muses here ; let me know )
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waglifeornolife · 1 year
He did an unfollowing spree either while Claire was here in October or after she left and everyone thought it was because of her. That was when he stopped them following him but continued to follow them and no one could understand the rationale 😂
it’s probably to do with trusting them i reckon
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wolfsp1der · 1 year
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#𝚆𝙾𝙻𝙵𝚂𝙿𝟷𝙳𝙴𝚁 : a  selective low  activity  kaeden ' kae ' klein  aka  wolf  spider  roleplay  sideblog  for  an original character  based  in  sony's into / across the spider - verse.      un - affiliated with earth - 13989's spider - wolf, crossover friendly !
an ode to  :  terrible, horrible,  no good, very bad luck, a good liar's web, and making a home in your own skin.     𝟶𝟼/𝟷𝟷/𝟸𝟹.     spun  by  jean,  23,  white,  they/any,  cst.
prompts.     footnotes.
dash rules.
you do not need to be following my main to follow and interact with me over here.     however,  i do require that i be following you from there before interaction.
000. . .     disclaimer.
just a little one !     i am very new to dc + marvel comics and find myself often overwhelmed with the amount of issues there are to read.     i’ve got the spirit,  but i may or may not know the basics about your muse when it comes to comic based portrayals.     i apologize in advance,  but it’s nothing a little plotting can’t fix,  so if i pop into your ims with stupid questions about your muse, this is why.     but as always,  if you’re still down to clown,  i am very much too !
001. . .     activity.
i'll be frank : i write pretty sporadically, and this goes for ic and ooc interactions. i can get overwhelmed juggling responsibilities often, and socializing is one of the first things to go.     i un  /  fortunately work 40 hour work weeks,    and only get every other weekend off,  so my schedule makes consistent activity difficult on top of my focus. if i can successfully plot something with you, i find my muse is sooo much more involved, but i'm contradictorily bad at it due to the reasons above ; it's truly hit or miss, and i understand if that becomes frustrating for any of my partners.    sometimes i’ll be able to get out a couple drafts a week,  others merely once,  or not at all. if i haven’t replied or answered something in a while,  please know it’s nothing personal, i’m just taking my time until i feel good about what i can put down.     writing is a hobby i enjoy, but if you're looking for a blog with any sort of regularity, this isn't the one for you. i have other rp blogs i try to run as well,  therefore i might be very slow on this one at times.     i can be quite the flaky rp partner,  so i apologize in advance for that and completely understand if my antics   [  or lack thereof  ]   result in an unfollow. if i go longer than two months without activity, i'll try to make a hiatus notice.
002. . .     following.  
because of the previously stated,  i’m also highly selective with who i rp with.     i want to not to bite off more than i can chew,  and for the sake of pacing myself,  my activity will be reserved for mutuals only.     if my thread count gets too high for my liking, it's not uncommon that i drop threads, but i will absolutely try and let you know if that happens.     duplicates are always welcome <;3   [  let me know if you need me to tag same - muse posts and i’ll be happy to !  ] i regularly go on softblocking sprees to keep my follower count semi - low, but do feel free to re - follow if you feel like the stars merely misaligned for our first bout of mutual following and i'd be very down to give it another shot. on that note, it'll take me a week+ to follow back sometimes, as i like to read through not only rules, but dossiers and verse pages, especially for ocs, so it can take a hot minute.
003. . .     etiquette.
the basics  ;  don’t be an asshole,  any transphobia,  biphobia,  homophobia,  racism,  whitewashing,  pro - shipping,  incest,  etc,  will be blocked on sight.     no godmodding,  please cut your threads,  continue asks in new posts,  etc,  and no stealing of any personal concepts of mine.     loose inspiration is fine,  but if i see repeated similarities,  i may or may not approach you about it.     formatting - wise,  here is an example of my prose style.     i primarily use big ol’ text and static or no icons,  beta editor + xkit rewritten,  but feel free to format however you like and i’ll try to match you somewhat. since my concussion, however, i will no longer be threading with super small text or anything heavily formatted, as this can strain my eyes and make headaches worse, even with my glasses.
004. . .     shipping.  
i’m all about exploring meaningful dynamics,  whether they be platonic,  familial,  antagonistic,  pre - established,  etc,  so feel free to shoot me a message if you’d like to plot something out between our muses !     while the mun of this blog is 18+,  smut just really isn’t my thing  ;  referenced  ‘ offscreen ’  as it were is fine,  as are nfsfw headcanons and such,  maybe fade to black  /  time skips,  but for the most part,  you won’t find any roleplayed smut on this blog.     this of course is muse dependent and does not apply to any underage muses.     romance is fine to some degree,  but again,  if they are a child,  anything beyond lighthearted and innocent experiences are off limits,  no exceptions.     if i see you’ve aged up a minor character for shipping purposes,  it will result in an instant unfollow.     if at some point i flesh out adult verses for them,  these shipping rules will not change.     on that note as well,  i do prefer to rp with muns who are also 18+.     i don’t see your age somewhere in your rules or pinned,  it will affect my willingness to follow.
005. . .     memes.
memes from anyone,  anytime,  for the muse or for the mun,  are always welcome,  and often a go - to ice breaker of mine since starter calls make me nervous.     please don’t hesitate to send a good handful since i try not to cage myself into answering ones i just don’t have muse for.     i find if i force stuff,  i’m just less likely to ever actually get it done,  so don’t feel like you’re overwhelming me if you send more than just a couple for me to choose from.     please remember to specify which muse your asks are for unless it’s to one of my sideblogs.     if you want to start a thread from an ask,  i greatly encourage it since i try to write most answers as potential starters anyway ! lastly, any memes in my tag aren't expired. if i don't want them sent in anymore, i'll delete them from the tag.
006. . .     triggers.  
this blog leans horror - adjacent in many ways,  and this blog will be portraying that accordingly,  including trigger - heavy content such as  :  depression,  ptsd,  panic attacks,  body horror, violence,  murder,  kidnapping,  abuse  /  neglect,  animal death,  horror elements,   expirimentation,  death  /  resurrection,  religious imagery,  etc,  but i will try to tag it as  ‘ trigger // ’.     on that note,  please do keep in mind  :  any abuse present on my blog will be in headcanons or backstories,  never actual threads.     if i’m writing with villain muses,  physical harm may be present,  but i refuse to roleplay any domestic  /  animal  /  harm or abuse in any form.     my personal triggers are visual eye gore,  visual self harm,  and visual vomit.     please do feel free to say something if i forget to tag a post and i’ll try to tag it for you right away !
whew. all that said, i'm jean, 23, white, and i use they/any pronouns ! thank you for taking the time to read my rules,  and rest assured if i follow you,  that means i’ve read through yours as well <3 discord is available for mutuals upon request.
007. . .     blogroll.
enslaughts.     a medium activity horror - heavy multimuse. dvrast.     a selective jesper fahey. low activity.     follows from enslaughts. wolfsp1der.     an original spider - person. low activity. wayfares.     a selective western multimuse. hiatus. greatloss.     a selective slow five hargreeves. hiatus. clericlost.     a selective slow william byers. hiatus. mindsflayed.     a selective slow mind flayer + vecna. hiatus.     follows from clericlost.
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dvrast · 1 year
#𝙳𝚅𝚁𝙰𝚂𝚃  :  a  selective  slow  jesper fahey  roleplay  blog  for  the  character  featured  in  leigh  bardugo’s  six  of  crows.     sideblog to enslaughts.     duology based + compliant,  netflix influenced.     headcanon heavy.     an ode to caged birds.     fabricated 04/18/23.     cherished by jean,  23,  white,  they/any.
guidelines.     dossier.     playlist.     pinterest.
dash rules. . .
you do not need to be following my main  to follow and interact with me over here.     however,  i do require that i be following you from there before interaction.
001. . .     activity.
i'll be frank : i write pretty sporadically, and this goes for ic and ooc interactions. i can get overwhelmed juggling responsibilities often, and socializing is one of the first things to go.     i un  /  fortunately work 40 hour work weeks,    and only get every other weekend off,  so my schedule makes consistent activity difficult on top of my focus. if i can successfully plot something with you, i find my muse is sooo much more involved, but i'm contradictorily bad at it due to the reasons above ; it's truly hit or miss, and i understand if that becomes frustrating for any of my partners.    sometimes i’ll be able to get out a couple drafts a week,  others merely once,  or not at all. if i haven’t replied or answered something in a while,  please know it’s nothing personal, i’m just taking my time until i feel good about what i can put down.     writing is a hobby i enjoy, but if you're looking for a blog with any sort of regularity, this isn't the one for you. i have other rp blogs i try to run as well,  therefore i might be very slow on this one at times.     i can be quite the flaky rp partner,  so i apologize in advance for that and completely understand if my antics   [  or lack thereof  ]   result in an unfollow. if i go longer than two months without activity, i'll try to make a hiatus notice.
002. . .     following.  
because of the previously stated,  i’m also highly selective with who i rp with.     i want to not to bite off more than i can chew,  and for the sake of pacing myself,  my activity will be reserved for mutuals only.     if my thread count gets too high for my liking, it's not uncommon that i drop threads, but i will absolutely try and let you know if that happens.     duplicates are always welcome &lt;;3   [  let me know if you need me to tag same - muse posts and i’ll be happy to !  ] i regularly go on softblocking sprees to keep my follower count semi - low, but do feel free to re - follow if you feel like the stars merely misaligned for our first bout of mutual following and i'd be very down to give it another shot. on that note, it'll take me a week+ to follow back sometimes, as i like to read through not only rules, but dossiers and verse pages, especially for ocs, so it can take a hot minute.
003. . .     etiquette.
the basics  ;  don’t be an asshole,  any transphobia,  biphobia,  homophobia,  racism,  whitewashing,  pro - shipping,  incest,  etc,  will be blocked on sight.     no godmodding,  please cut your threads,  continue asks in new posts,  etc,  and no stealing of any personal concepts of mine.     loose inspiration is fine,  but if i see repeated similarities,  i may or may not approach you about it.     formatting - wise,  here is an example of my prose style.     i primarily use big ol’ text and static or no icons,  beta editor + xkit rewritten,  but feel free to format however you like and i’ll try to match you somewhat. since my concussion, however, i will no longer be threading with super small text or anything heavily formatted, as this can strain my eyes and make headaches worse, even with my glasses.
004. . .     shipping.  
i’m all about exploring meaningful dynamics,  whether they be platonic,  familial,  antagonistic,  pre - established,  etc,  so feel free to shoot me a message if you’d like to plot something out between our muses !     while the mun of this blog is 18+,  smut just really isn’t my thing  ;  referenced  ‘ offscreen ’  as it were is fine,  as are nfsfw headcanons and such,  maybe fade to black  /  time skips,  but for the most part,  you won’t find any roleplayed smut on this blog.     this of course is muse dependent and does not apply to any underage muses.     romance is fine to some degree,  but again,  if they are a child,  anything beyond lighthearted and innocent experiences are off limits,  no exceptions.     if i see you’ve aged up a minor character for shipping purposes,  it will result in an instant unfollow.     if at some point i flesh out adult verses for them,  these shipping rules will not change.     on that note as well,  i do prefer to rp with muns who are also 18+.     i don’t see your age somewhere in your rules or pinned,  it will affect my willingness to follow.
005. . .     memes.
memes from anyone,  anytime,  for the muse or for the mun,  are always welcome,  and often a go - to ice breaker of mine since starter calls make me nervous.     please don’t hesitate to send a good handful since i try not to cage myself into answering ones i just don’t have muse for.     i find if i force stuff,  i’m just less likely to ever actually get it done,  so don’t feel like you’re overwhelming me if you send more than just a couple for me to choose from.     please remember to specify which muse your asks are for unless it’s to one of my sideblogs.     if you want to start a thread from an ask,  i greatly encourage it since i try to write most answers as potential starters anyway ! lastly, any memes in my tag aren't expired. if i don't want them sent in anymore, i'll delete them from the tag.
006. . .     triggers.  
many of my muse has canonically been through some messed up stuff,  even if he would never admit it out loud,  and this blog will be portraying that accordingly,  including trigger - heavy content such as  :  anxiety,  c - ptsd,  panic attacks,  general repression,  gun violence,  internalized prejudice,  neglect,  body horror,  gore,  murder  /  death,  criminal activity,  etc,  but i will try to tag it as  ‘ trigger // ’.     on that note,  please do keep in mind  :  any abuse present on my blog will be in headcanons or backstories,  never actual threads.     if i’m writing with villain muses,  physical harm may be present,  but i refuse to roleplay any domestic  /  animal  /  harm or abuse in any form.     my personal triggers are visual eye gore,  visual self harm,  and visual vomit.     please do feel free to say something if i forget to tag a post and i’ll try to tag it for you right away !
whew. all that said, i'm jean, 23, white, and i use they/any pronouns ! thank you for taking the time to read my rules,  and rest assured if i follow you,  that means i’ve read through yours as well <3 discord is available for mutuals upon request.
007. . .     blogroll.
enslaughts.     a medium activity horror - heavy multimuse. dvrast.     a selective jesper fahey. low activity.     follows from enslaughts. wolfsp1der.     an original spider character. low activity. wayfares.     a selective western multimuse. hiatus. greatloss.     a selective slow five hargreeves. hiatus. clericlost.     a selective slow william byers. hiatus. mindsflayed.     a selective slow mind flayer + vecna. hiatus.     follows from clericlost.
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needsfans · 1 year
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Hello! I'm Ash ( 30 , she / her ) Welcome to my independent canon divergent roleplay blog for Jill Roberts from Scream 4. Jill will be written where she survives. This is a multi verse and multi-ship blog. Personals & minors DNI. I'm here to write and have fun! Please be respectful of me and my rp partners. Thank you and happy roleplaying! Affiliated with @biigscene
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No God-moding (pretty much a given)
I DO NOT accept any hate towards me or my fellow rpers.
I’m always open for plotting and planing out threads so just drop me an ask if you want to rp.
This blog will most likely have NSFW pics, gifsets and threads. they will be tagged. if i post something that triggers you please, feel free to ask me tag.
I follow who I can see myself and muses interacting with. I’m not 100 mutuals only but I can be selective with who I follow. If you follow me and then unfollow and follow again you’ll earn a soft block and if you continue to do it I will hard block. That gives me anxiety please respect my choice not to follow back. I can at times be selective but it doesn’t mean I'm ignoring our threads I just write what I have the most muse for
Please note that this blog will have dark themes, such as violence and horror at times.
Jill Roberts is the younger cousin of Sidney Prescott. She was just a few years old when Billy and Stu killed her mother’s sister and then started their murder spree. She grew up as the cousin of a final girl and thus watched her live a life of being well known. Sidney hated it. In Jill’s eyes her cousin took it for granted. She could have it all and she lived her life in solitude. Jill began to want that. CRAVE IT. She devised a plan. She roped her friend Charlie into it. A boy she could manipulate into helping her become Jill Roberts, Survivor, though he didn’t know that.
Jill’s plan for FAME and final girl status ALMOST worked. She had it. She was close. However Sidney survived. AGAIN. Jill was subdued and her trial started. This was technically fame in a sense. Not the fame she had wanted but it would do. She was sentenced to ten years in a psychiatric hospital where she began taking medication and started seeing a psychiatrist. She was there for a decade and then was moved to a halfway house for a year where she stayed until she was able to live on her own
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