#the vaguest of noncon mentions
whump-ventures · 2 years
First Meeting Storyline: Zinjiq. Part 1- The Ten-Year War Main OCs: Rahim and Sajia
I don’t want to marry a monster.
Her protests fall on deaf ears, not a soul caring for her own desires. As much as she’s begged her father “Don’t make me do this”, all he has ever said in response is that it is her duty as a noblewoman. Her mother has no sympathy either. Her fears are not important. Her family just wants the power from this marriage.
She’s a pawn to them. As she has been since day one.
“Mother, please…” Sajia tries once more, pouring all her desperation into the plea. “You have heard what kind of a man His Majesty is. Why would you agree to marry me-”
“Sajia, I will hear no more of this.” Her mother snaps, interrupting her. “You are a noblewoman of Khurzan, and you should consider it an honor that you were chosen to marry the emperor himself. Promised since birth. Many women would kill to be in your position.”
Sajia shakes her head, ignoring the hiss of frustration as her mother continues to work on her hair. “And what if he harms me?” The real fear starts to creep up, imagining his hands on her, grabbing her, pinning her down… “What if he believes that I-”
“I said that is enough, daughter.” The last word is said without any feeling and makes her heart sink. Her mother pulls hard on her hair, twisting another ornament into it, the softer touch she was working with earlier all but gone. “Not another word about this, do you understand me?”
Sajia swallows hard. She nearly nods her head in response before remembering that she is supposed to be holding still. “Yes, ma’am.” Her voice is barely audible.
“Good.” Another ornament is twisted in and her mother’s voice is slightly more pleased when she speaks next. “Let’s take a break there before finishing up and getting you dressed. Do try to find some gratitude in your heart while I’m gone.”
The servants bow to her mother as she sweeps out of the room, half of them following Lady Aziz. The other few stay nearby. One young girl bows and with a quiet voice murmurs, “Is there anything I can do for you, My Lady?”
Sajia smiles politely at her, hoping that the poor girl wasn’t upset watching the two nobles argue in front of her. “I’m just fine, thank you. Why don’t you all go take a break? I would like the room to myself for a bit.”
Her maids excuse themselves, and Sajia gets to her feet. She twists her hands together, trying to stop them from shaking. It’s normal to be afraid, she tries to tell herself. Everything that she heard about Rahim is just… rumors. Maybe he won’t be anything like what she fears.
Sajia has heard her family speak of the battle on the border of Sakhta many years before she was even born. A powerful region, with trade cities, and many resources. The Emperor Zuhayr of Khurzan attacked the region in a bid to expand his own kingdom. He was successful. That’s why her marriage is so important- why it was decided before she was even born. It’s her region’s way of recognizing the Khurzanese rulers as their own. It’s her family line turning its back on Sakhta and forming an alliance with the emperor’s family. 
Zuhayr is the true monster here. Maybe Rahim was right to drive his father away: Exile him and take over. Maybe the young ruler has a kinder heart than she expected. Maybe she needs to go for a walk, get out of her head, and breathe. It’s normal to be frightened. But she can not allow herself to become neurotic.
The knock on the door makes her jump.
With a sigh, Sajia walks over. Her maids- bless their hearts- are too concerned for her mental state to leave her alone right now, and she’s preparing to let them in for a polite conversation. But when she opens the door, she’s left blinking in surprise at the sight that greets her.
It’s a young man- her age- standing in the doorway. He has dark skin like her, and curly black hair that goes just past his chin. He seems polished and dignified, broad shouldered and well-muscled. His black eyes are sparking with a playful curiosity and they match his slightly lopsided grin and the few curls that have sprung out of place. To her surprise, he’s not much taller than her. There are a couple scars on his face that draw her attention, and she tries not to study them too closely.
“Hey there, sorry if I’m interrupting-”
“Who are you?” She blurts out the question without meaning to, and almost immediately regrets interrupting. Whoever this man is, he’s clearly a noble of some sorts, and it’s beyond rude for a woman to cut him off mid speech.
He doesn’t seem offended by her interruption, if anything, his eyes seem to sparkle more as he looks at her. “Well, I was about to introduce myself if you would have given me more than two seconds.” She’s notes that his tone matches his appearance- kind and teasing, and surprisingly not even a slight of anger over her disrespect. “My name is Rahim Al Khalil. There’s a rumor going around that we’re getting married today.”
Sajia steps back immediately when he reveals who he is, not sure what to say or do at the revalation. The young emperor isn’t nearly as intimidating as she thought he would be, but there’s still the urge to sink into a bow and beg him for forgiveness for her earlier rudeness. Her hands go to the door handle, still staring at the young man in shock. “I- I don’t believe you’re supposed to see me before the ceremony, Your Majesty.”
He shrugs, but doesn’t move from his spot in the doorway. He’s leaning up against the doorframe now, arms crossed. There's a recent wound that looks to be a deep sword cut, and she remembers hearing about the infamous duel between the former emperor and the new one standing right in front of her. “I don’t really get along with rules. I thought it would be vastly more polite to introduce myself beforehand. If we are to get married, I would love to get to know you as soon as possible.”
“Oh.” Sajia swallows the lump in her throat. His scanning eyes are starting to make her uncomfortable now. Is he looking forward to what comes after the festivities? Does he believe that his kindness now may make up for what she must sacrifice later? “Well, I’m Sajia. Sajia Al Aziz. But I’m guessing you already knew that, considering that- that I- we-” She’s tripping over her words now, and Sajia breaks off, shaking her head. “Forgive me, Your Majesty, it’s just-”
His eyes soften to something akin to concern, but it only serves to make her more uncomfortable. “You can call me Rahim, if you wish. I am to be your husband, not your emperor. My goal is to work with you, not have you be merely a pretty face standing next to me.”
Sajia looks down and away at that. “I’m sorry to be so dismissive, your Majesty- Rahim.” His name feels foreign on her lips, too informal to belong there. “But I really should continue getting ready.”
“In theory, I should do that too. But I doubt they can make me any more handsome than what I already am.”
Sajia laughs softly at his playful arrogance, feeling a little lighter than before when their eyes meet for a second time. Sajia notices first, and she quickly looks away again, starting to fiddle with her bracelet as a distraction.
“Well I must be the luckiest man alive.” He still hasn’t left, and when she looks up, his smile returns. “I was told I was marrying for political reasons, and yet I get to marry the prettiest woman in all of Zinjiq.”
The compliment catches her off guard- like everything else His Majesty has been doing since he first arrived in her room. She smiles back at him- it’s a genuine smile at the compliment. She’s been told that before, but never in a way that seemed so… sincere. Her head ducks slightly in embarrassment before she speaks again. “Thank you, You- Rahim. Your words are kind.”
He looks at her for a moment longer before laughing, almost nervous, and brushing a curl behind his ear. It pops right back out of place. “I promise I’m not trying to make you uncomfortable.” Is he just now realizing her discomfort? Men really are blind. “I just meant that… you really are beautiful, and I am hoping I can find a way to make you happy.” There’s a new seriousness to his tone that wasn’t there before, along with a new awkwardness like he’s suddenly ventured into a path that he’s uncertain of. “I wish to give you the best life possible, Lady Aziz, and I will strive to be the greatest husband I can be for you.”
He bows to her, a gesture that seems wildly out of place considering his status. “It is truly an honor to meet you.” His words sound like a farewell now. “I’ll see you in a few hours- and don’t worry.” That playful gleam is back as he winks at her. “I’ll pretend to be surprised when I see your beauty for the first time.”
Sajia can feel another soft smile flicker across her face at that, a laugh nearly escaping. He hesitates for just a brief moment, as if he has more to say, but then he turns and leaves, closing the door gently behind him. His footsteps fade away into the distance, and Sajia is surprised at the disappointment that strikes her when they’re gone completely.
How did he manage that? How did the man that she’s so scared of manage to make her smile, to make her laugh? Are her perceptions about the man he is that off? Or is he simply that good of an actor?
She moves to sit back down in the chair, looking at herself in the mirror. Her hair is only halfway finished, the bronze and diamond ornaments only adorning one side of her head thus far. Her makeup isn’t on yet, and she’s wearing simple robes, not her elaborate wedding gown. What did he see in her? Why did he call her beautiful when she looks like a mess?
All that Sajia knows is that the strange interaction with her future husband has left her more confused than ever before.
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whump-tr0pes · 4 years
Honor Bound 4 - 2
Honor Bound 4 - 2 (Sleep deprivation), requested by anon
This is a series. Start here. 
This is a sequel to Honor Bound, Honor Bound 2, and Honor Bound 3.
Cw: thoughts of death, surgery mention/brief description, noncon mention, narcotics, vaguest mention of dissoci@tion, emesis mention, broken bones, death mention (but it’s Colleen Stormbeck so yaaaay), blood, panic attack mention, needles
Sam’s head lolled on Finn’s shoulder. They weren’t asleep, not even close, but exhaustion dragged at their body, ate away into their bones until they felt like they would shatter with a single touch. They were miles from sleep. The agony pounding through their arm every single moment made sure of that.
Finn was dozing against the seat, their head tilted back. Their mouth was open and they snored softly, little noises with each breath that wouldn’t have bothered Sam at all on any other day. Right now, every sound was a blow to Sam’s skull.
They hadn’t slept properly in weeks. Almost a month. Almost a month of lying on a cold cement floor in chains with lights that never turned off. Almost a month of starting awake with nightmares of Colleen holding her knife to Isaac’s throat, to Vera’s, to Gavin’s. Almost a month of crying themself to sleep as Isaac whimpered softly beside them, or Tori sobbed in the next cell. They hadn’t slept at all, the last night they’d been in Colleen’s captivity. When Isaac didn’t come back from Gavin’s room, Sam was terrified to their soul. She’s been torturing him all night. She’s killed him. She’s made Gavin kill him. They’ve hurt him so badly he needed a doctor, one who can do surgery and set bones and sew up his insides. When Isaac returned, Sam had wailed with relief. They’d cried harder when Isaac told them he had a plan to get them out.
They wouldn’t have slept that night anyway. They’d heard what Leo said about them when he was threatening Finn. They understood what Leo meant. They understood Leo wanted them in the worst possible way, wanted to hold them down as they screamed and fuck them. Leo wanted that the whole time. And Gavin stopped it. Gavin stopped it, even back when he was so twisted. That’s what Gavin saved them from, even then.
Vera drove over another bump, and a scream tore from Sam against their will. They didn’t mean to. They knew it was making it harder for everyone to sleep. They pressed their lips together and whimpered. Isaac stirred in the front seat and turned to look back at them.
Sam hated themself for making the sound. The pain that twisted in Isaac’s eyes, the guilt, was more than Sam could bear in that second. They couldn’t take the burn of Isaac’s gaze as Sam read what he was thinking, as clearly as if he was saying it out loud: this is my fault. I should have taken the bullet. I should have been the one to bleed out, be cut open, scream. Sam had always been able to see it. They just never realized how deep that pain really went.
Another bump. Agony lanced through Sam, through their arm, their back, their chest… everything. They clenched their teeth against the scream that forced its way up out of their chest. They fell back against the seat, cradling the arm that was tied against their chest. Something was wrong in their arm, they could feel it. Something in their hand. They just didn’t want to think it. Didn’t want to know.
The road to the farmhouse was bumpy, and it was excruciating. The directions had been right: up to Burmingham, take a right, a fork, a lake. They couldn’t see in the dark, but Sam thought they might be halfway around it by now. They prayed. They desperately waited for the next pill that would dull the pain. Make it simply unbearable, instead of something that would crush them alive. Sweat soaked into their clothes. Made them shiver. They could feel the sweat and blood on their skin. The pain rose, like a spike was being driven through their arm. They moaned and pressed themself against Finn.
Finn’s head shot up and their hands flew out towards Sam. Finn scrubbed drool from the corner of their mouth and blinked slowly. “W’s happ’nin?” they slurred.
Sam shook their head and squeezed their eyes shut, sending a cascade of tears down their cheeks. “S-sorry,” they whispered.
“No, no… it’s okay.” Finn checked their watch. “It’s… fuck, it’s four. Jesus.” They rubbed their eyes. “Wh-when was your last pill? Ten?”
“I th-think so,” Sam whimpered. Please, Finn, please take the pain away.
“Hm.” Finn fumbled at their pockets and pulled out the bottle of pills. It was halfway gone already. They poured out one into their hand and passed it to Sam. Finn reached for a mostly-empty bottle of water.
“Finn, please,” Sam whispered. “Please, can I have… just one more, please…”
Finn’s hands shook. “I c-can’t,” they said desperately. “Sam, the… the Tylenol…”
“I don’t care,” Sam said, a little louder. “Please, Finn, I don’t care. It hurts.” They bit down hard on their lip.
“Sam, I…” There was a rustle of fabric as Finn slumped against the seat. “I can’t.”
Sam shuddered as the car went over another bump. They looked up and saw everyone in the car turned back, looking at them, pain tightening all of their faces. All except Tori. Sam looked down. Their cheeks flushed with shame.
“M-maybe I can find you something else,” Finn said weakly. “Something without Tylenol. Maybe I can do that.”
Sam’s head dropped back against the seat. Bitter rage curled around their chest, dug claws into their heart. The pain stole every thought from their head, every plea, every moment of sanity. They were sick with pain. They dropped the pill into their mouth and washed it down with the water Finn held out to them. They held very still, waiting for the pill to make it all the way down. They prayed they wouldn’t vomit it up. They closed their eyes and leaned their head against the window. The glass was cool on their cheek. They drifted in the pain.
The car rolled to a stop. Sam sat up, then cried out as it jostled their arm. They whimpered as the cry grated their cracked and aching ribs. For a moment, they nearly went out of their mind with the inescapable agony. It froze their chest. They felt a chill down their neck, and their head swam. They fell against the seat, stunned. The light in the car turned on as someone opened the door. A black spot appeared in Sam’s vision.
Someone gently touched their shoulder. “Sam?”
Sam tried to turn their head, but they could see nothing. Were their eyes open, or shut? There was a buzzing in their ears, so loud they momentarily couldn’t hear anything else. The world spun and they fell sideways. Directly into someone’s arms.
Sam was pulled from the backseat. They screamed raggedly against the hands that tugged at them. They fell roughly out of the car, still half-supported by the arms that wound around them. They stumbled over the uneven ground as they were dragged towards the house.
“I-it’s okay, Sam,” someone murmured into their hair. Finn.
“We’ve got you, honey,” someone else said softly from their other side. Vera. Sam whimpered and slumped in their arms. They stopped, and Sam nearly disappeared into the blackness then. Three dull thuds echoed through their brain. They couldn’t lift their head. They could barely keep their eyes open.
“Wh… wha…” Their lips were numb. Their arm was on fire.
“We’re at Gray’s house,” Vera said at their side, with something like a whimper in her voice.
Sam sagged against their hold and let out a broken sob. Maybe I can sleep. Maybe I can rest. Their arm flared with pain and they quivered, leaning their head against Finn. I’ll never sleep with my arm hurting like this. Their eyes burned, but no tears came. They were out of tears to cry. It felt like they’d been crying for days. Maybe they had been. They weren’t sure where they were, or what day it was. They weren’t sure how they were still standing.
Someone knocked on the door again, three louder thuds that pounded in Sam’s head. They flinched and staggered back. Finn’s arm tightened around their waist, and they didn’t fall.
“What if they’re not home?”
“What if it’s not really their house? Maybe we followed the directions wrong…”
“We weren’t wrong. Those directions were exactly right. Maybe they—”
Sam’s head spun. They couldn’t tell who was talking. There was a rustle behind the door and everyone fell silent at once. There was the scrape of the turning bolt of a lock, and the door swung open. Sam opened their eyes. Light streaming out from inside the house made them blink. They wobbled on knees that threatened to give out.
There was a gasp. “What… what happened…?”
Sam collapsed forward with a thin wail, nearly pulling out of Finn’s grasp. They stumbled forward, searching for Gray, willing their eyes to focus until they could see them. They fell hard against someone and the air was forced from their lungs in a startled cry. They felt warm arms around them. They pressed their face into someone’s shirt and unraveled in their embrace.
“Sam,” Gray murmured, their chest rumbling against Sam’s ear. “Sam, you’re… Isaac… Vera… what happened?” Sam nearly fell and Gray moved with them, guiding them into the house. They saw warm wood floors and painted white walls and deep purple curtains all mixed in with copper and dark furniture. Then everything was a swirling mess.
“We… C-Colleen Stormbeck,” Isaac rasped. “We… she took us. And we—”
“She… what?” Gray cried, their voice thick with distress. They eased Sam down onto a couch and let them lay flat. The room stopped spinning, just a little bit. Gray sat down at their head.
“She, um, took us,” Isaac said miserably. “K-kept us. She… um…” Sam’s eyes were able to focus and they saw Isaac standing over them, one hand reaching hesitantly towards them, tears rolling down his cheeks. “…she tortured us. But we… we got out. We k-killed her. She’s… she’s dead.”
Gray’s fingers moved gently through Sam’s hair. Sam grimaced at how it stuck to their scalp. “Colleen Stormbeck… is dead?”
“Yes,” Isaac said. He bit his lip and turned to Vera.
“I put a bullet in her head,” Vera said harshly. “And in Leo, too. And in half her guards.” Vera’s arm tightened around Tori’s shoulders as Vera guided her onto the couch beside Sam. “I killed Colleen.”
“But…” Gray looked down at Sam. Their gaze moved over Sam quickly, taking in the sling, the bandages, the blood still staining their skin. They sucked in a breath through their teeth and turned to Finn. “What—”
“They were shot,” Finn said tightly. Gray gasped and turned back to face Sam. “They were sh-shot in the, in the arm. I we-went in and, um, I, uh, fixed it.”
For a moment, there was no sound in the room but Sam’s ragged breathing.
“You… fixed… it?” Gray’s voice cracked.
“Um…” Finn hung their head. “Y-yeah, I, um, I did.”
“Um…” Finn flushed red and looked at the floor. “I… um… I know I’m not a surgeon, but I didn’t see any other option, since Beringer was almost two hundred miles away and there wasn’t anyone we could trust and we were still in Fort Meyers, and they were, were, um, b-bleeding out so we, uh, went to Tori’s friend’s house and he, Topher, he’s a vet tech so he ha-had the stuff I needed so I, um, went in and… I, um, I sewed up the ar, ar, artery and I sutured the muscles and I, uh… stopped the bleeding and I know that was dangerous and I know I could’ve m-messed it up, but Gray there was so much blood and I didn’t know what else to do and—”
Gray got to their feet and drew Finn into a crushing hug. Finn sobbed and their head dropped onto Gray’s shoulder.
“I am so proud of you,” Gray whispered. “Proud of all of you.” They released Finn and looked around at them all. Their eyes fell on Tori and stayed.
Sam shuddered and whimpered as the pain flared. Why won’t that pill start working? Please… please… Everyone’s eyes turned at once towards Sam.
“Oh, god,” Gray breathed. “You all must be… you must be exhausted. How long have you been—”
“Since yesterday afternoon,” Isaac said heavily. He swayed on his feet.
“Jesus.” Gray looked around at all of them. “I should have enough rooms for all of you. Sam, I can—”
“Please don’t move me,” Sam sobbed. “Please. I want to be here. Please… please just… let me sleep here.” The couch was quite possibly the softest thing Sam had ever lain on. They thought they maybe might possibly be able to fall asleep right this second… if only their arm would stop feeling like it was being stabbed, over and over and over.
“Gray, do you…” Finn whimpered desperately. “I only have Vicodin, and I can’t double up doses. Do you…?”
“I have morphine,” Gray said softly.
Sam’s heart lifted for a moment at the thought of relief. Their chest ached.
“You have… what?”
Gray pressed their lips into a line, their eyes swimming with tears. “I thought… I worried… that when you came back… you would be in, um… rough shape,” Gray said softly. “So while you were gone, I got some things. Some medical supplies, fluids, and painkillers, and some, ah, Ativan for panic attacks…”
Finn rushed forward and nearly tackled Gray into a hug. “Thank you,” Finn whispered.
Gray rubbed circles into Finn’s back, then pulled away. Gray disappeared behind the couch. The room wavered around Sam’s head.
Isaac knelt beside Sam on the couch and took their hand. Finn stood by, nervously wringing their hands. Ellis was stuck to their side like glue. Vera had her arms around Tori. Sam could see the cracks in Vera’s iron mask, the strength she carried like a shield starting to fall. They were safe now. They were with Gray. Vera could afford to fall apart now and as she looked at Tori, Sam realized she was crumbling hard.
“Th-thank you, everyone,” Sam groaned softly. “For, um… you got m-me up here, and I… Finn…” Sam swallowed, the pain latching onto them and threatening to pull them down again. Sam’s eyes rolled back as they tried to find Finn. They felt a hand in their hair and peeled their eyes open to see Finn looking down at them, smiling brokenly with tears in their eyes. “You…”
“I’m s-sorry I couldn’t help with the pain, Sam,” Finn said. The tears spilled over and they swiped them away.
“You—” Sam croaked. They swallowed drily. “You… s-saved me.”
Gray reappeared holding a few things: a bag of fluids, a pile of IV supplies… and an orange bottle that rattled in their hands. Finn snatched the bottle up and checked the dose. They poured one pill out and looked around. “Gray, could I get some water for…?”
“Of course.” Gray set the supplies on the table and went to the kitchen. Finn knelt at Sam’s side and tore open the packets of IV supplies.
“I want to get you more fluids,” Finn said softly. “Morphine’s got vasodilator properties and I wouldn’t want it to—”
“Sounds good,” Sam whimpered as Gray reappeared with the water. They sat beside Sam and held the cup to their lips. Sam took a sip and took the pill Finn gave them. As soon as it was down, they fell back against the cushions, and the jolt dragged a cry from them. Sweat beaded on their forehead.
Finn had the tourniquet on, the needle in, and the extension set attached before Sam could even blink. Their head swam again as they swirled downwards, circling a drain that would pull them under into blackness again. They moaned as they watched Finn hang a bag of fluids from the tall lamp that stood beside the couch. The world darkened, the sounds muted, the pain fading. Sam knew it wasn’t from the pill yet. They walked willingly towards the oblivion.
From above them, they heard words that passed sluggishly through their mind.
“I want to stay with them. Make sure the morphine doesn’t—”
“No, Finn. Go sleep. You look half-dead. I’ll stay up with them. It’s alright. It’s pretty close to when I get up, anyway.”
“I want… Do you think we should get them to bed? They’ve been… we haven’t been able to sleep with the lights off in weeks. Maybe we could—”
“I’ll turn the lights off, and just use a reading light to read my book. They can be in the dark. If they wake up when the sun comes up and they feel up to it, we can get them to bed then. For now I just want to get a few hours of sleep in them. The pain won’t get better if they don’t sleep and start to heal.”
“O— Okay. I guess we…”
“…worry about anything. I’ll make sure you…”
“…no, I’m… I’m not hurt…”
“…don’t care about me, I just want to make sure they…”
“…to sleep, Isaac. They’ll be here when you…”
“…want them to know that I love them. And I’m sorry.”
Sam stirred, and the world lurched around them. Their head fell back against the cushions. “Love you, too, Isaac,” they whispered. The darkness claimed them.
Continued here
@untilthepainstarts, @womping-grounds, @free-2bmee, @quirkykayleetam, @walkingchemicalfire, @inpainandsuffering, @redwingedwhump, @burtlederp, @castielamigos-whump-side-blog, @insomniacscoprio, @cursedscribbles, @whumpywhumper, @stxck-fxck, @omega-em-z-02, @whumps-the-word, @justwhumpitwhumpitgood, @justplainwhump, @moose-teeth, @slaintetowhump, @finder-of-rings, @inky-whump, @thatsthewhump, @orchidscript, @insanitywishes, @this-mightaswell-happen, @newandfiguringitout, @whumpkitty, @pretty-face-breaker, @cinnamonflavoredhugs
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timeisacephalopod · 6 years
For the fic writer meme no.s 4,11,16,20,28
For the fic writer meme no.s 4,11,16,20,28
I can always count on you for asks lol.
4- how many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
The answer is many. Always many. Some are new, some I’ve had for years, some are just the vaguest of snippets. Right now though I’m in the process of trying to decide what to do post Inimitable and I’m caught between something long and a series of shorter things. One of my longer ideas is a spy/ BDSM/ soulmate AU with Steve/Natasha/ Tony in which Steve works for SHIELD and they’re their typical Nazi selves but Steve doesn’t know about it while Tony and Nat, who work for another organization do. So it’s Tonys job to catch Steve out and figure out what HYDRA is up to but Tony is a subtle as a stingray on a coffee table so yeah. Shenanigans ensues, Steve finds out he’s basically being catfished, Nat is freaking out because her poor sub with with a NAZI as far as she knows and Tony is just mad no one trusts him. But you know, they figure it out obviously. I haven’t written it because that just sounds like a LOT of tropes throw together but I keep coming back to it too so. Plus my writing tends to be grounded enough that I think it wouldn’t be terribly strenuous for the reader to buy into it. We’ll see tbh.
Another idea I’ve (IW SPOILERS AHEAD) had kickin around in my rat brain is a Tony&Thanos thing post IW post snap where Thanos finds Tony and takes him in like he did with Gamora and favours him. Tony obviously fucking RESENTS this and Thanos does his typical ‘very empathic alongside some of the most horrific actions I’ve seen in the MCU’ type shit. Potential bonus points for Tony&Nebula bonding as they try to reverse the snap. Darkfic isn’t my usual deal though and this would be pretty fucked up given the noncon nature of the relationship but I LOVED Thanos as a character and would love to explore that scene after Tony was stabbed and the respect Thanos has for him. Granted it’s SO twisted and demented but I think it’s an interesting dynamic and the messed up nature of the whole thing would push my limits writing and I’m always looking to do that so.
11- is writing a passion or a hobby?
I don’t think these are mutually exclusive but writing is a passion. I’ve mentioned it in posts and on fics but I’m in a script writing program currently. I’m hoping to make a career out of writing but I’ll make sure to write fic of my own stuff too, see if anyone finds it lol.
16- if you could only wrote one pairing for the rest of your life what would it be?
Either Tony/ T’Challa or Tony/ Bucky. T’Challa is a lovely and nuanced character and Bucky is so bland in canon I can make him into anything I’d like. Both are pairings I write a lot of anyways too. I’d lean more towards IP though because there’s more world building opportunities and I L O V E world building. It’s one of my favourite things to do.
20- describe your perfect writing conditions.
At home on my bed with either nothing in the background or classical music playing. I write a lot to TV in the background but it’s distracting to me. If I hit a stride though it doesn’t matter- if I’m REALLY in stride I can spit out a 10K story in like 4-5 hours.
28- share 3 favourite fic writers and why you like them.
😬😬😬. I don’t actually read that much fic anymore lol. But @tsuki-chibi is a fave of mine. They do a lot of age play, which I don’t like, but the stuff that’s not age play is SO good (well, so is the age play but that’s not my thing). I can appreciate anyone who can write so cleanly and so well. This is literally the only author I can think of right now and I’m currently on a train so I don’t feel like looking more up lmao. But I’d highly recommend this author, especially if you like age play and Tony centric stuff. From You I Cannot Hide is a personal fav of mine.
I lied- @reioka is another fav of mine 😊😊
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orphanedshadow · 7 years
Dark Munday Questions: 7, 17, 24.
Dark Munday Questions
7) What do you prefer, supernatural horror or psychological horror?
Honestly I love both pretty much equally, although I do have a preference to supernatural horror simply because it is more often done properly.That being said I do love it when the two are mixed properly, that is when you get the best horror experience as it plays on multiple things at once.
17) What is the most disturbing aspect of your muse’s storyline?
With Kara I’d have to say it would be the reason that she’s sterile in her hunter-verse. It’s something I haven’t even written out anywhere because it’s actually majorly squicky and horrible and Kara definitely didn’t deserve it…but it happened and it’s something she’d never tell anyone about no matter who they are.
24) What is the most wicked thing you could imagine your character doing?
Honestly Kara could do almost anything to someone, and she has. The girl is the sort who tortures, maims, leaves people crippled for life, leaves them dying a slow painful death where they can’t be rescued…and she’s done all of those things. She may not have the thousands of years of experience that her demonic ancestor has, but she certainly has the instinct for it, as well as a knack for that sort of thing.
The only thing I can’t imagine her doing is any sort of non-consentual sexual stuff, simply because she’s rather asexual and also feels that there are better ways to destroy people that are more fun for her.
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