#the very regency (un)ladylike guide to fortune hunting
gryffindormischief · 1 month
Hi! I tragically am looking for one of my favorite Jily fics that I didn't bookmark, but I think you or one of your writing friends wrote it. It's a Jily regency au where Lily is set up to marry Lucius Malfoy, and James Potter comes in and saves the day. (love me a "marry me instead" moment.)
AH I found it!!
properly improper by lizardcookie
“Marry me,” Mr. Potter repeats, closing the distance between them by striding back up towards the sofa, only to stop and crouch to one knee right there at her feet, looking up at her. Burning. “Pick me,” he elaborates. “Pick me, choose me, love me instead.”
(arranged marriage, regency au)
also in my search found some other regency AUs that sound fun but I have not read I don't think:
The Very Regency (Un)Ladylike Guide To Fortune-Hunting by ritaskeetered (rated M)
certain sharp things by thequibblah (rated M)
The Season by missgryffin (rated E)
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annabtg · 9 months
For @hprecfest day 31: A fav among favs.
I read The Very Regency (Un)Ladylike Guide To Fortune-Hunting by @wearingaberetinparis last summer while on vacation and I loved it!! Beautiful writing, fantastic characterizations, Regency Jily, intriguing but also light and fun! A definite favourite and I can't rec it enough!
This concludes my recs for the fest. Thank you to all the mods for their work on this event and to everyone who sent in recs! I hope I could provide some interesting choices to the mix :) Happy New Year!
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Fic Author Self-Rec
Thank you for tagging me @missgryffin and @kay-elle-cee! Those that know me, will recognise that I find it very difficult not to be critical of my own work, but I need to be proud of what I write more often, so this is good practice! (Also: how do you choose anyway? Every fic is my baby and there are so many memories attached to writing them.) Rules: When you get this, reply with your favourite fics that you've written. Then pass it on to fice other writers. Spread some self love.
Shout Out To My Ex (Series)
Phoenix Radio is going through a rough period with the arrival of the new and controversial Riddle Radio. Albus Dumbledore, founder of the country’s number one radio station, asks his team to get ready to rebrand. Gone are the days of family friendly radio, a show where two exes talk about where their relationship went wrong and deliver relationship advice live on air, named Shout Out To My Ex, is exactly what Phoenix Radio needs. Who better to co-host this show than Lily Evans and James Potter, two Phoenix Radio employees who absolutely despise each other, or do they? A Jily Modern AU inspired by Rachel Lynn Solomon’s "The Ex Talk". LINK HERE
ocean eyes (Series)
Lily Evans had been eleven when she and her family moved in next door to the Potters. It was the summer before she would start her year at Hogwarts, a prestigious school for gifted students. From their bedrooms, James and Lily witness each other’s highs and lows, watching the other grow as they go through life apart and yet very much together. A Jily Neighbours/Coming of Age AU LINK HERE
(Didn't I?) (Didn't I?) Didn't I See You Crying?
James Potter has fancied Mary Macdonald for as long as he can remember. Everything about her is practically perfect, except for – if he were being honest and he always liked to be – her choice in friends. For Mary’s best friend, Lily Evans, is a right shrew and, much to his dismay, the Head Girl to his Head Boy. Lily Evans had disliked James Potter with a passion after their first interaction on the Hogwarts Express. A dislike that turned into hate – never mind that she also has an infatuation going, but no one needs to know about that – as soon as he decided to make her life a living hell. Unfortunately for her, he also decided (a few years earlier) that her very best friend in the world was the worthy object of his affections. (Which was fine, really. She wasn't about to cry over it, for Godric's sake. She was a strong and independent young woman, thank you very much. And yes, perhaps she was a little in love, but it was all for nothing, so she had to keep calm and carry on.) Certainly, their complicated past would result in major disaster if common ground was not soon established. For the love of Merlin, though, why did either of them think it would be a good idea for Lily to help James woo Mary Macdonald? LINK HERE
The Very (Un)Ladylike Guide To Fortune-Hunting
"Without thinking highly either of men or matrimony, marriage had always been her object; it was the only honourable provision for well-educated young women of small fortune, and however uncertain of giving happiness, must be their pleasantest preservative from want." (Jane Austen) Lily Evans finds herself wanting, or: so her sister seems to believe. While out on the hunt for a fortune - again: that would be Mrs Dursley mostly - the affection of a number of suitors is most welcome. Especially when a young Viscount's heart is set aflame. A Regency Jily AU. LINK HERE
Lily In The Sky With Diamonds
A series of interviews with the UK’s hottest band, The Marauders, and the singer-songwriter Lily Evans, conducted by Nymphadora Tonks, as they prepare for the UK Tour after the release of their album “Lily in the Sky with Diamonds”. Everyone worships The Marauders. Everyone loves Lily Evans. Together they make hearts bleed. Inspired by "Daisy Jones & The Six" by Taylor Jenkins Reid. LINK HERE
Tagging anyone that would like to do this, but @annabtg and @practicecourts as well. I'm sorry if you did this already. I was obviously MIA for a couple of days.
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jilyawards · 2 years
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Favorite AU Multichapter Nominations
Part 2 of 2
Bluebird by Ocean_away
Crisis Management by Ocean_away
better put your kingdom up for sale by @oneofthesirens
Even the bones will do by @oneofthesirens
Fearless by @petalstofish
London has Fallen by @scriibble-fics
the thing about (il)licit affairs by @startanewdream
The song remains the same by @startanewdream
bury it and rise above by @startanewdream
Who Knows Who Cares by @the-dream-team
Save the Groom by @theresthesnitch
one last time (never enough) by @theresthesnitch
Knocked Up By My Ex by @wearingaberetinparis
(Didn't I?) (Didn't I?) Didn't I See You Crying? by @wearingaberetinparis
Lily in the Sky with DIamonds by @wearingaberetinparis
Shout Out to My Ex by @wearingaberetinparis
Shout out to my ex (You're really quite a man) by @wearingaberetinparis
The Very Regency (Un)Ladylike Guide To Fortune-Hunting by @wearingaberetinparis
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Austen & Jily, of loving ardently!
Any Austen lovers here? 
For sure P&P has enough magic on its own. But wouldnt mr Darcy make a pretty solid 10.000 a year pureblood and I cant be the only one who sees similarities in the lovely miss Bennet and a smart pretty and stubborn Muggle born.  She is his equal in their magical abilities and as a gentleman’s daughter she would be a fine catch if he only proposed. Wouldn’t lady Catherine agree?
But did someone write it? Could someone write it please? Always want to know what I missed so send me your recommendations please
Meanwhile check out:  pride and purrejudice by snapslikethis 
A pretty exciting multi-chap set in regency (no magic)times   A Misstep of Fate by @hogwartslivy
Also have some Bridgerton love to appease you need for Jily Austen
The Season by @missgryffin
Some Regency jily one shots: certain sharp things  two’s a crowd, regency mixed with some airbending by the quibblah
Updated with @wearingaberetinparis regency jily FINISHED AND ITS SUCH A GOOD READ The Very Regency (Un)Ladylike Guide To Fortune-Hunting
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The Very Modern (Un)Ladylike Guide To Fortune-Hunting
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Even though I posted about my Holiday Season schedule, this fic - including Penthouse Of Your Heart - defies the rules as it's been a long time coming and I had planned to start updating it (and finish it) before the start of the holidays. The Very Modern (Un)Ladylike Guide To Fortune-Hunting is part of my Fortune-Hunting series of which I posted The Very Regency (Un)Ladylike Guide To Fortune-Hunting in august. You can read this completed work HERE.
Although part of the same series on AO3, the fics are very different, yet they are inspired by the same Jane Austen quote: Without thinking highly either of men or matrimony, marriage had always been her object; it was the only honourable provision for well-educated young women of small fortune, and however uncertain of giving happiness, must be their pleasantest preservative from want.
I hope you enjoy the Prologue of The Very Modern (Un)Ladylike Guide To Fortune-Hunting.
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13 and 14 for the asks, please!
@kay-elle-cee 🌻
Thank you for these excellent questions!
13. How much planning do you do before writing?
It really depends on the fic. I knew that Love Is A Lie was going to have 45 chapters from the start and I knew how I was going to start and end things, which means I'd kind of made notes for the main events, but nothing else.
When it comes to SOTME (The Series), I have known what the final installment will be from the first chapter I wrote in the series, so that one has had a clear plan.
Other fics I often tend to make up as I go. I would say that there's a 30 to 70% planning ratio with 30% of my fics being planned out and 70% of them seeing me go with the flow.
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
Oh, goodness. This is a tough question. There are multiple ones, I'd love to see adapted. I think that the SOTME Series lends itself well to a TV Show format and I'd quite like for The Very Regency (Un)Ladylike Guide To Fortune Hunting to be a mini series. Other fics, I'd love to create audiobooks for. In an ideal world, really, I'd create audiobooks for all my fics, so you could listen to me read the stories as I intended them to come across. (Even if no one would be interested, LOL!)
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wearingaberetinparis · 9 months
Long-winded ask below:
I am loving pinkest bluestocking of the ton and as a jily and bridgerton lover, regency is my vibe. PBOTT lead me down a jily rabbit hole = the very regency (un)ladylike guide to fortune-hunting (which i devoured upon release and just devoured again). I then - naturally - read the very modern (un)ladylike guide to fortune hunting, which i loved. My ask is, do you have any plans to finish TVM(U)LGTFH? I completly understand that life is life and it throws too much sh*t at us. anyone that's one long ask - i hope 2024 is treating you well xx
Do not worry, anon! I love long-winded asks and am such a rambler myself that I truly do not mind receiving longer asks. 💛 Thank you so much for your enthusiasm for PBOTT! I am happy to have led you down the Jily rabbit hole. I am so sorry that I haven't gotten round to the The Very Modern (Un-)Ladylike Guide To Fortune Hunting yet. I really, really, really should, because I quite liked the story I came up with, but as you said... yes, real life and it's throwing too many things at us. My New Year's resolution for the first bit of 2024, however, is that I try to finish as many of my WIPs as possible, so this one is on the list as well. Having said that, I am currently focusing on PBOTT and Happy Place. After that, I will turn to - most likely - RAKWME and nbnc. After that I will decide what's next.
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wearingaberetinparis · 9 months
Maaaaary, you've got my hooked on all 3 of your WIP jily regency fics. I cannot decide a favourite but I want you to update them all!! - So I can never let go - Crossed in love - Pinkest bluestocking How do you still have such original and awesome ideas for regency jily after The Very Regency (Un)Ladylike Guide To Fortune-Hunting?? This surely defies some science behind the brain. Your characterisations and plot are just *chef's kiss* Actually, I love all your stories BUT I especially wanted to give your regency ones some love. Basically this is just me fangirling over your writing, don't mind me!
Thank you so much! 🥹
Regency is something I live for, I’m afraid. I’ve spent a bit of time adding to Chapter 2 of Pinkest Bluestocking of the Ton and I quite genuinely want to hug both James and Lily in this one. The next chapter will be up on Wednesday and Chapter 3 should then go up on Saturday.
I also need to work on those other fics, in all honesty, but I’ll work on PBotT first! ❤️
I am so happy you are enjoying this fic so far! I know I keep writing new things, but this one will be completed before I start anything new, I promise!
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Ritaskeetered - Jily Awards 2022
To celebrate the fact that 2022 has been such a fruitful year for me (so far) when it comes to writing, I thought I'd create a post with all of my Jily Awards 2022 nominations in one place.
Once again: thank you so much! It means the world that people enjoy what I write and I can't tell you how many times I just gaped at the screen as I made this list.
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Shout Out To My Ex
Favourite Contemporary Romance | Favourite Humour / Crack | Favourite Smut / NSFW | Favourite AU Multi Chap | Favourite James Characterization | Favourite Fluff | Favourite Angst | Favourite Fic of the Year
Shout Out To My Ex (You're Really Quite The Man)
Favourite Contemporary Romance | Favourite AU Multi Chap
Knocked Up By My Ex
Favourite Contemporary Romance | Favourite AU Multi Chap | Favourite James Characterization | Favourite Lily Characterization | Favourite Kiss | Favourite Fluff | Favourite Angst | Favourite Fic of the Year
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Lily in the Sky with Diamonds
Favourite Contemporary Romance | Favourite AU Multi Chap | Favourite Fluff | Favourite James Characterization | Favourite Lily Characterization
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(Didn't I?) (Didn't I?) Didn't I See You Crying
Favourite AU Multi Chap
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The Very Regency (Un)Ladylike Guide To Fortune-Hunting
Favourite AU Multi Chap
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i've been watching you for some time
Favourite Contemporary Romance | Favourite AU One-Shot | Favourite Smut / NSFW | Favourite James Characterization | Favourite Fluff | Favourite Angst | Favourite Fic of the Year
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(You're So) Golden
Favourite Contemporary Romance | Favourite AU One-Shot | Favourite Kiss | Favourite Fluff | Favourite Angst
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The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy (You're The Sun In My Universe)
Favourite AU One-Shot
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Ain't No Mountain High Enough (To Keep Me From Getting To You, Babe)
Favourite Contemporary Romance | Favourite AU One-Shot | Favourite Fic of the Year
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Kiss My (Uh Oh) XOXO
Favourite Fluff | Favourite AU One-Shot
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Always Waiting For You To Be Waiting Below
Favourite Canon One-Shot
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2 & 5 - if there even is such an idea you versatile genius 😂😘
@athenasparrow 💛
2. Do you read/reread your own fics?
I've answered this before already, but - yes, I do. But it gives me loads of anxiety if I do so too soon after posting. When I read my own fics again, I edit everything I read.
Having said that, I did reread The Very Regency (Un)Ladylike Guide To Fortune Hunting a couple of weeks ago and I did really enjoy going over that one again. Maybe because period dramas are my comfort food!
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
Uhm, Athena, you're too kind! I love you for saying I'm versatile. I suppose there's very little I wouldn't write. I am quite nervous about writing action-packed scenes, though, so I have not written many scenes in which Lily and the Marauders fight in the First Wizarding War. (There's some of it in a couple of my fics, but those are mostly introspective, I'd say.)
In all honesty, my approach is: never say never! I just know that if I'll tell you: "I'd never write this", I'd probably end up eating my words as I post that fic next. LOL!
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annabtg · 2 years
12, 16 and 17 from the asks! ❤️
My dear Claudia! ❤️
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
If it counts, I used to dislike Muggle AUs in general. But I've read so many good ones in the last year, I'm much more open to them now!
16. What’s an AU you would love to read (or have read and loved)?
I am a Jane Austen gal, so I loved The Very Regency (Un)Ladylike Guide To Fortune-Hunting by @wearingaberetinparis ! I know there are more Regency Jily fics and I must remember to look into them when I get the chance!
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
I'm going to be very on the nose here and say: a James and Lily as competing pharmacy owners and business rivals-to-lovers fic. 😁 I've thought up a scenario for this (except potion stores instead of pharmacies, but is it really all that different?) but haven't worked on it at all, it's just an idea.
(Also, not the very definition of AU but It's A Long Way To The Top (If You Wanna Rock 'n'Roll) was, exactly, a whole fic of me writing about an activity that I wasn't sure anyone else would be interested in reading about.)
Questions for fic writers here! Come play!
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3, 10 and 20 for the ask game plss!!!
Thank you so much for these three questions, Anon! 3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
I find this such a difficult question to answer, because it's like asking a parent: "Who is your favourite child?" Actually, come to think of it, it's like asking a teacher: "Who is your favourite student?" too. The thing is, I think you always love whatever you created. Every fic I've written carries a piece of my heart and soul with them. They are my children in many ways and I cannot say without feeling guilty: "This one of my children is the one I love the most." So, I will say this: I love that (Didn't I?) (Didn't I?) Didn't I See You Crying allowed me to embrace the parts of me that can be witty and funny. I love that The Very Regency (Un)Ladylike Guide To Fortune Hunting is my first period piece and I love that the Shout Out To My Ex series helped me return to the fandom. This all goes to show that there is something I love about all of them, even though I also know they are flawed still. But that's the thing: love is unconditional.
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting? Excellent question! Honestly, I expected people to send me hate mail for Love Is A Lie (And Other Sh*t My Friends Say To Help Me Get By), but everyone's support in this journey has been incredible. Thank you! I suppose there are some oneshots that I find to be of mediocre quality that have gathered a lot of kudos. This never fails to amaze me. I sometimes have to stop myself from asking: "Really?! You guys liked this?!" (Not to shame you for liking something, but because I'm honestly stunned that some of these fics which I sometimes feel have been self-indulgent or written on a deadline could have been so much better.)
20. What’s a favorite title for a fic you’ve written?
My previous answer for this question (last ask) was And Then I Could Not See. I also like the title The Platonic Roommate Chronicles, because let's face it... there's nothing platonic about Jily in this fic.
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Hi Mary! Hope you are doing well.
I just want to ask about what The Very Modern (Un)Ladylike Guide To Fortune-Hunting is about? Like will it be the part 2 of your Regency AU?
And I read your recent KUBME chapter and it was so lovely.Even though I'm waiting for our darling Harry to be born, I just can't believe only one chapter is left now.
Lots of Love💛
I'm doing well, thank you, love! Very tired after this week of teaching, but it's a rewarding fatigue and there have been so many moments this school year so far that I want to treasure, so I'm very happy.
Like you, I can't wait for you to see our darling Harry arrive on the KUBME scene. I'm trying to finish it as quickly as possible, so I can get out the final scene, which was the first thing I wrote for KUBME and I'm quite fond of it. (Not saying it's great, it's just that I really like it for sentimental reasons too.)
Thank you for your question about The Very Modern (Un)Ladylike Guide To Fortune-Hunting. Honestly, when I first came up with the Regency version of this story, I had another storyline - Modern - floating about and I figured I'd write them both. I will say that the modern version is quite different from the regency one. Seeing as you seem interested... find a snippet below the cut!
While it may have been a truth universally acknowledged - thank you, Jane - that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife, Lily found that - if this was the case - the opposite may also tragically prove to be true. That is, if you were to ask her sister and - currently - Lily herself as well. Apparently, there was nothing quite as humbling as not being able to pay the rent due, without skipping meals for the rest of the week. Therefore, it must also be a truth universally acknowledged - Jane would certainly agree here too - that any woman lacking the financial means to live the life of her choosing, must take fate in her own hands and find a partner – male, female, platonic, romantic or otherwise – who can assist and remedy said situation. It was this fact and some liquid courage - the latter she had to thank Mary and Marlene for as they had offered to pay for her drinks that evening after Lily had shamefacedly admitted that she couldn’t afford to buy any herself that evening - that made her lean into the posh-looking young man at the bar. He had a beautiful face. One that screamed that he had once attended Eton, followed by an Oxbridge education that had prepared him to join the Tories, which - inevitably - would land him in a tragic sex scandal, which - this was as inevitable as the first - he would get out off with a strategic flash of his sharp, white teeth and a deeply apologetic tone to his heartfelt speech, which would then - given the current state of British politics and the mass of Brexit voters - prove to help him move to Downing Street 10 with remarkable ease. He was, clearly, just that sort of man; too handsome for his own good, but also - and this Lily was more than interested in at this moment - a man that had possibly never heard of terms such as budgeting or frugality, due to the fact that he was as fortunate as they came. (It must be said that she was not proud to be a fortune-hunter, but desperate times called for desperate measures, did they not?) So, she watched him as he lazily waited for his drinks to arrive - four glasses of scotch, the expensive kind too - angling herself just so that he would simply have to look at her - breasts about to fall out of her dress, but attractively so - as she pretended to catch the barman’s attention. The handsome object of her desires – not sexual perhaps, but certainly carnal as she was quite ravenous for actual food – snorted beside her “You can seize your efforts,” he said snobbishly, eyes on her exposed cleavage for a good five seconds but face impassive, “you are not my type.”
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🎥 🧍‍♀️for the ask <3
A movie or TV show... this is a fun one! I suppose I would go for:
Shout Out To My Ex Series as a TV Show (SOTME can be Season 1, KUBME Season 2 and RAKWME Season 3).
When it comes to a film, I'd go for one of the following: The Very Regency (Un)Ladylike Guide to Fortune-Hunting or (Didn't ?) (Didn't I?) Didn't I See You Crying? I think the drama in both would translate well to screen.
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Complete: Jily Regency AU
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I just posted the final chapter of my Jily Regency AU The Very Regency (Un)Ladylike Guide to Fortune-Hunting! I hope it won’t disappoint and that - when you’ve finished it - you’ll have enjoyed this dip into Regency England with Lily Evans and James Potter. Read the final chapter HERE.
I admit I haven’t edited the chapter properly, because I was too eager to get the story finished. So, I hope there are not too many typos. I will go back and check it at a later time. As always, I’m so nervous! Endings are terrifying. I never know if I did the right thing... I just hope you will think I did. *Fingers crossed!*
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