#the visual and gore was nice tho
omegawolverine · 19 days
QUESTION!!!! what do you think stu’s opinions on the walking dead would be? what characters do you think he would like? characters he’d hate? what about how the zombies are portrayed? or how the storytelling is or how the writing is in general?
(this is peak autism for me lol :3 i have thought about this and wanted to ask you and forgot til now)
eeeee this is also peak autism for me ive been obsessed with twd since i was literally in the 5th grade and was reading carl x readers daily that's how you KNOW its serious
anyways!!! i think stu would enjoy the earlier seasons but get really bored during alexandria and no amount of hot jeffrey dean morgan can fix that. he'd probably stop watching and then pick back up during the last couple seasons when it picks up pace again and he'd REALLY like some of the spin offs (namely ones who live bc his bisexuality makes a show about michonne and rick specifically perfect for him, theyre like eye candy to him)
he'd think the visuals, gore and sets/locations are fantastic and are a large part of what drew him in during s1 bc the story didnt really work for him until the later half of s2 and early s3 when it gets real brutal. that's not to say he thinks its bad, he just has a short attention span and he obvs loves watching action driven horror bc it means more blood and guts so once the show picks up he gets real into it. he probably forces billy to watch it weekly with him while its airing even tho billy is very meh towards the show.
in terms of how the zombies are portrayed, i think he'd like it. its leans towards classic and stu is a man of classic horror so you wont find him complaining. he really thinks any portrayal of zombies is fine as long as theyre scary enough. fast zombies, slow zombies, zombies that can climb or whatever the fuck those zombies in army of the dead are doing where they like perform rituals and have a buff zombie king with intelligence, he doesnt give af as long as it looks disgusting and horrifying.
as for characters...here's a bit of an unnecessarily long breakdown:
s1: he'd like shane at the beginning (he can get that he thought rick was dead so he doesnt fault him for screwing his wife), he'd def think glenn is a sweetheart and have a soft spot for him, he'd find lori annoying but not really care that much and he'd have conflicting feelings about daryl. on one hand, aggressive asshole's are kind of his fave, on the other, s1 daryl is the worsttttt. any other characters either dont stick out to him or they die too quick to be relevant.
s2: he'd stopped liking shane halfway through s1 for the obvious but now he's become insufferable and stu cannot wait for him to die (bc he knew it was coming, they couldnt stick with a loose canon like that), he also really cannot stand lori now and he finds dale to be increasingly annoying even if he is right about things like half the time. daryl is now his fave but glenn is a close second. he likes rick now too! he was neutral on him in s1 bc he was just kind of a good guy and stu likes more edge to his characters, but now rick is finally getting that. he thinks the new farm characters are nice enough but the only one that really stands out is maggie and he has mixed feelings on her but they lean towards positive. he doesnt like andrea but he doesnt hate her.
s3: stu has mixed feelings on michonne but thinks she's gorgeous and he fucks with the sword and how brutal she is so he hopes she sticks around. carl is growing on him, he likes that he's a bit cold compared to the other older characters. he's glad lori is dead as hell but misses tdog a bit even if he did fuck all. he likes carol!! she's not a fave but he's grown an appreciation towards her. hershel is okay, beth is probably his least favorite but he doesnt hate her. he thinks the whole governor plot is badass but he cannot stand the governor or merle as characters. andrea is really insufferable to him now. he doesnt care for sasha or tyreese but theyre like so irrelevant at the moment anyways. glenn is still his goat and so is daryl but his attachment to merle pisses him off.
i wont go past that bc ik ur still on s3 but just know he will have a major hard on for negan despite all the bullshit he pulls (and maybe even partially bc of it, that bat and all the murder does something for him) and he'd also love rosita <3
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ghoooooooooooooooost · 4 months
rewatched genazo with some recently made fansubs so i can finally fill in anything i didn't understand yaaaaaay i also noticed some subtle visuals that i missed on the first watch
the early scenes with tokiya are soooo cutes
but btw this is a very dark movie (visually n mentally) don't let my cute posts n all the yaoi out there fool you.....!
(still as non spoiler as possible my tags turned into paragraphs n i ended up rewriting my review (mostly still the same))
it's one of those movies where you latch onto the nice moments n go into delusion world after finishing n i think thats part of why theres crazy amounts of chichimizu yaoi lmao. even the hetero &/ canon couple fanart tends to be silly-sweet what-ifs
i do want to engage in more of the canon horror tho... but i don't wanna spoil.... maybe i'll pile up art to post en masse eventually. the ghooost solo gegege zine…
(review rewrite)
pacing is very fast but imo you just kinda go along with the speed while watching it, at least on the first watch? the main charas are rlly great (+cute). the environments n colors n framing are soooooo pretty especially whenever there’s an emphasis on red. there is INCREDIBLE VIOLENCE in this n in addition to the plot its rlly wild that this movie is PG12.... i really appreciated how despite the gore they didn't show or overly explain certain things n i'm double grateful that the scenes closest to "fanservice" were aimed at mizuki like thank gooood. when ur into stuff like death mark seeing other media show restraint is such a relief
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ilaiyayaya · 4 months
"My cool gore gamer deskmat arrived, that's half of my cool gore gamer order the other half is idk probably in hell or something it'll be here someday I'm sure I can wait I can be patient" Misaka says while vibrating furiously. Now I have 2 (technically 3) deskmats, the other of which is for a semi-cancelled mmo maplestory 2 clone that I got by winning a review contest where I did pretty much nothing but shit on the game's beta lmao (I own 2 of that deskmat because so few people participated in it that I won 2 different categories.) That deskmat is shit it's like, the lowest quality print I've ever seen like, like it's funny levels of low res, it kinda makes it more epic tbh. That game was cool, I mean it was kinda shit, but like, fun kusoge, too bad the soft launch did so poorly that it got shut down before making it to a full launch 😔. I got a shit cool deskmat out of it tho >:) and also a bunch of other garbage like a cup, and a bag, and acrylic standees all of which have been sentenced to eternity in a box in my closet. The bag was kinda nice I can't complain too much about the bag I like it :).
Wtf the cool gore deskmat I bought is too big spongebing womp :c Time to make my desk 12x more scuffed looking by forcing it to fit >:) Nevermind I found a perfect spot for it by just putting it on the side section of my desk instead of underneath my keyboard, now it fits and also just looks significantly better than the original plan anyways 😎
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Hehehe all the cables and stuff I need to mod my PSP came in I am gonna fucking destroy this thing I am so gonna brick it within a month I'm probably not even gonna actually play many games on it I just think PSP modding is fascinating :). Like the PSP is so cool and is like the most interesting semi-modern console for so many reasons imo but like, it's probably tied with the Xbox Series X (I hate that name so much why did they name it that, it's like a worse name than the Wii U, at least the Wii U had the benefit of being the freaking coolest thing ever made I love the Wii U it's so shit but like in fun ways) when it comes to emulation and modding specifically, but the Xbox has an unfair advantage because hardware-wise it's a fucking PC like there's nothing special about it, it's just good for emulation because any normal computer is good for emulation. The PSP however is special, it can fit in my hand, and it can emulate N64 really really well which is weird af because N64 emulation on PC even today is like super flawed, and it's cool because it's the PSP and the PSP is cool! My epic officially licensed uncensored borderline-lost media PSP eroge didn't arrive today tho so I'm still gonna have to wait like 2 weeks for that, le sigh so no UMD-PG rant today 😔. But I can still rant about other things! Like, like how it's so cool that you can change the PSP background to any image you want! like I can make it this-
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-I won't, because this is a terrible image. Why do I have this saved? I save very few memes why is this one of the ones I chose to save? Why is it named "ground beef heritage post.jpg??? Not anymore I'm deleting it, gone forever. Absolutely vile picture, I would never desecrate my dear, beloved Playstation Portable with such filth. But I could! The possibilities are endless!
Nevermind I found the REAL PSP background, it's so fitting, so good, see it's a reference to the visual novel Tsukihime, which probably has a PSP port! maybe, possibly, idk I'm not a big enough Tsukihime fan to look into all of it's ports, and acting like I am would simply be disingenuous behavior.
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Just learned while writing this that the PSP has a camera peripheral sigh I can't waste more money on PSP related junk so soon it'll have to wait. BUT SOMEDAY I WILL SO RECORD A LIVESTREAM USING THE PSP CAMERA AS A WEBCAM LIKE THAT PERSON THAT USED THE GAMEBOY CAMERA AS A WEBCAM!!! It would be way less impressive than that was, but now I've conjured the idea and I can't just let it go, it's a part of me now, an inseparable scheme from the core of my very being.
I'M STILL WAITING FOR 2 MORE PACKAGES TOO AND I WANT THEM NOW NOW NOW they probably won't be here for anywhere from 1 week to like idk several months i hate ben saint sorry that was rude i'll apologize once i get my dire apple pin and thus regain basic human compassion.
One of the packages that came today also included a skirt I ordered. I like it looks nice :). I have nothing more to say about it that is all.
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Sorry that was a visual representation of an allergic reaction I had. To the pollen. Like in the air. I am inside of a beehive. HELP ME GET ME OUT AAAAAAAAAAAA skirts are nice :)
Tune in next time where I will finally answer the long awaited question: Where did Yugi Muto go after the ending of Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal? The answer will shock you because I don't actually have the answer to that question and am just going to make something up I apologize in advance for lying to my audience it will happen again.
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totallynotgoat · 2 years
I’m honestly not surprised that Martha is Dead was a bad game considering the same company also made Town of Light and that game was absolute shit
You think they’d realize that using mental illness as the spooky factor in your game is a bad idea considering it didn’t work the first time.
It’s pretty sad that I could come up with a better ending to Martha is Dead in under five minutes that doesn’t villainize DID and the message isn’t “everything is better for the mentally ill now” (which is bullshit btw)
I have so many problems with this game that I can’t even be bothered to list all of them
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lonelyghosts-stuff · 3 years
Marvel’s What If Episode 8 Reaction
What if Ultron won? Is this gonna be a continuation off of the last episode?
I wonder if The Watcher will ever step out of his solely “watching” role. Or if he’ll show up in Dr. Strange Multiverse of Madness
This episode breaks the watchers heart but not the Dr. Strange centered episode???
Ayo? Clint has the invisibility cloak???
Clint is wannabe Bucky? What??? How did he lose his arm?
Poor Russia lmao
Ah man they didn’t get James Spader for Ultron
Oof why do I have the feeling Vision is gonna die again lmao
Bruhhhh how was Thor defeated so easily by Ultron-Vision??? They should both be pretty evenly matched
Lmao wow it’s weird to see Vision talk and have it not be Paul Bettany
OH MY GOSH POOR CLINT HE HAS A FAMILY (I mean so did everyone else but damn)
Thanos hi
Wow they really just killed him like that huh? Sooooo why is this vision with the same powers more powerful than sacred timeline vision? And damn guess Thanos is made out of clay. No guts or blood. Although I’m not a fan of gore so I’m not complaining…
Soooo Thanos was a weak chump?
hahaha bye bye grand master
Wow Ego died way too easy too
Oh damn someone knocked him down?
Ayo Captain marvel, you’re a little late. He’s already destroyed like four planets including your own.
Nice Captain marvel. Destroy the planets core. Sounds like a good idea.
Oop there she goes
And all other planets
So like… this is game over… right?
Eh I don’t feel bad for him lmao
Oh no now he’s aware of the multiverse. Nice job.
Bruh if he literally disintegrated all of the planets, why was earth left alone (albeit nuked)
Marvel tryna prove to us that these two unsuper dudes are useful lol. Don’t get me wrong, I like them, Nat is like my favorite, but it’s obvious lol.
Yo it’s the red guardian shield. It’s your dads shield nat!
Oh depressed Clint hours… can’t blame him. All of his friends beside Nat and his family are gone and there’s literally nothing he can do to bring them back…
Cmon buddy. Intervene. Who’s gonna stop ya?
Arnim Zola? I thought it was Armin Zola this whole time lol. Oopsie
I wonder how Zola is the answer?
How have the infinity stones given ultron the ability to see beyond this universe? There’s Time, Space, Power, Mind, Soul, and Reality. But from the Loki show, we know they’re not really all powerful. They only work in their timeline. That begs the question: are different timelines the different multiverses? Or does each multiverse ALSO have multiple timelines? Agh too much thinking.
Cmon buddy, interfere. DO IT.
Clint is in his feels. Cmon Watcher, the sake of the multiverse rests on you.
Oh that code. How did Nat know about it? Oh wait yes this comes after Winter Soldier
Still hope eh? Like… A New Hope? Ehhh??? Ehhh? Ok I’m sorry
welp that does it. We’re doomed. Nice knowing yall
Cmon watcher. You gotta have some powers or something???
We gonna use an evil hydra agent to save the universe eh? Alright
Oh yay they got Toby Jones again yay!!!
Haha Zola you’re cornered into being helped
That’s a terrifying image. Why are some sentries crawling on all fours and others climbing the walls???
Captain Black Widow-ica (sorry)
Wow Clint how the frick did you fit a metal laser net into an arrow?
Oh yay it worked! But I don’t trust Zola with the ability to move
Oh that should solve that
Sloooooooo mooooooooo
Okay wow Clint you have some OP arrows that make me question why I’ve never seen them before lol
Ah. Yep he’s fallen. I bet Clint is gonna die this episode. Marvels way of appeasing the people who thought he should die instead of Nat in end game.
Good thing their aim sucks
Oh yay Zola is helping
CLINT I KNOW YOU DONT WANT TO FIGHT ANYMORE BUT CMON. You do have at least one thing left to live for and she’s staring you in your face! Yknow, your best friend?
Damn Clint pulling a Natasha
BRUH WHY DIDNT YOU SHOOT A BOMB ARROW AND THEN THE SHIELD ARROW IN THE FIRST PLACE? You could have killed them all AND lived and not left your BEST FRIEND and possibly only other human left all alone! Really dude?
Oh crap yea I forgot ultron is in the area between the multiverses
I love the animation for this fight scene! Feels like a comic!
Cmon watcher man. You gotta have some op powers
Ahhhh there ya go
Oh nvm
Bruh where are we? What planet is this?
Oh there go the forests
Who did you swear an oath to, watcher? Who is your overseer?
YO IS HE KANG??? (If so I totally called it the first time I saw him)
Bruh do these holes in the multiverse repair themselves or???
Yoooo how did ultron get giant? He’s pulling a friggin Dormammu or Galactus move lol. Eating the Galaxy
Damn there goes the neighborhood
Yo Steve Rogers is president in this dimension
Oh that’s a cool visual. Each punch goes through a universe
Cmon watcher fight back!
Cmon watcher bro you gotta do something
Ayo doctor strange again?
Soooo who did the watcher make the oath to tho??????? Who’s in charge of him? Why is Dark Dr. Strange allowed to leave the dimension he destroyed?
The episode is over? Soooo they must be continuing directly from this episode in the next one… right? I mean, they kinda have to right? Seeing as the watcher is involved directly now?
Also, at the beginning, the watcher said this one makes him sad… so has he seen this universe before but only on this watching ultron has broken out? Or was that the watcher from the future looking back on it?
I wonder if this show will have any impact on the upcoming films, or if they’ll be an isolated experience within the show?
Soooo I’m assuming sometime during the watchers planning with dr strange, ultron goes to party thor world? Cmon man leave my Jotun loki alone.
Oh heartbeat sounds at the end of the credits? I wonder why
Well this episode was very unexpected and tense. I can’t wait for next week’s episode!
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mozaikrolez · 4 years
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              alright  !!  i ’ ve  complied  some  new  muses  that  i  will  be  adding  to  this  blog  !  i’ll  be  working  on  adding  them  to  my  muse  list  in  the  next  few  days  (  or  so  ...  )  while  i  edit  a  few  things  on  here  .
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miu iruma : secondary list
miu comes from danganronpa v3 . she’s a very loud & crude person who speaks her mind , full stop . i’ve portrayed her briefly on another rp multimse , but alas , i’ve abandoned that blog . i wish to change her up a bit & make her a lot less crude . i will still stay true to her character mostly , but i will tone her down a bit because she’s the type to say ANYTHING to WHOEVER & that’d be too much lol !
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gaito kurouzu : secondary list
another muse i briefly portrayed while i took sometime off the tumblr rp scene . i enjoyed my time rp-ing as him but the chatrooms didn’t fulfill my rp wants like the community on tumblr, so here we are ! giving it a go again ! things i would like to see happen for gaito ? well i’d like to look into his fear of cats more & other stuff regarding his motivation . ngl , i wasn’t a fan of the explanation on why he suddenly up & left his house sooo i’m gonna headcanon the hell out of him .
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shido magoroku : secondary list
he’s funny ! i need more doofuses on this blog , ok & he’s hands down best doofus i’ve seen in a while . i enjoy him & i’m sure many will too ! what do i want out of him ? some laughs & lonely child needs some damn friends ! LONELY CHILD NEEDS SOME DAMN FRIENDS !
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ikazuchi ( bolt fuchigami )
another muse i wanted to try out but ended up not placing him on the blog . now that there are more FCBF muses i’ll add him ! i can make some au’s for him too ! maybe a demon slayer verse or something ? breathe of thunder all the way ! btw , i’m more inclined to portray him as ikazuchi rather than bolt ( i’ll get into more detail on his about page ) .
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gwyn ronny : secondary list ( considering main tbh )
the moment i saw this boy i thought he wasn’t human . i’m gonna keep it brief ( lord knows i could go on ) but gwyn gives me hardcore faerie/starchild vibes ... SO IMMA HEADCANON HIM TO HELL .
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mitsuru ichihoshi : secondary list
aaaaaaaa , i love this starboy !! i was thinking about adding him but opted not to . & yes , to those that know -- i will be portraying mitsuru not hikaru . because i have shirou & i’m playing him in his original verse ( which is similar to hikaru’s ) i’m gonna be portraying mitsuru in an au . a lot of headcanon’s with this one .
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valentine : secondary muse
yet another muse that i’ve written elsewhere at one point ! due to her appearance & aesthetics n shit , she’s primarily seen as like ... a fanservice character but i ( & many others ) know that she’s so much more than that ! i actually love her so much but feared too many ppl would only interact with her for smut ( i’ve had ppl ignore this rule on old blogs & on other platforms as well ) . she’s a sad villain tbh & i want to explore that !!
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eliza : secondary muse
she’s just great ! pure evil  -- i love it . blood manipulating powers presented nicely . eliza is another fav of mine from skullgirls ( aside from valentine & double ) .
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mitsuri kanroji : request / selective list
i really really want to give mitsuri a shot as a muse but i wasn’t that confident in my ability to . i decided to try but i’ll be fairly selective with who i use with her for now ( only for my own comfort ;w; ) .
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kanae kocho : request / selective list
i want to give kanae a try , but due to her backstory --- all possible interactions with her will be plotted & have a storyline to a slight degree. random memes can be sent to her , but only after we’ve discussed a plot of some sort . both kocho sisters on this blog are linked in a way , so kanae is mostly here for younger shinobu days , but now there’s an option of having a thread with just kanae !! yay ! *ugly cries*
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sassy : fandomless oc on @sassysnax
oh , hey !! a fandomless oc i’ve been working on in the last lil bit ! it’s a horror oc ( cuz ya girl just loves hORROR BABY ) based off of one of my bunnies !! yes , u read that correctly ! my rabbit sassy ( i had for 9 years ) was very peculiar . a lot of rabbits have unique personalities & i’ve grown up with them all my life & never have i seen one act that much like the other . they had distinct personalities -- but sassy was by far the funniest ! in fact , part of my main oc ( hiromi konoe from @wiccanflare ) has some personality inspo from her . obviously , it’s exaggerated to the max & combined with my close friends tho --- but anyway , i decided to make an oc purely based on my dear sassy . btw , due to the nature of the blog , major trigger warnings for fake blood portrayed as real , fake gore portrayed as real , weapons , religious themes , themes of death , partial nudity ( nothing necessarily sexual in nature ) & creepy teeth ? all will be tagged of course , but these themes will be present in writing & visuals . btw , this is a sideblog to this one so i won’t be able to follow back from that blog .
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if anyone wants to plot with one of these muses or get a starter written out for them , i can still do that even if they aren’t listed yet ! feel free to jump in the im’s at any time !!! 
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interstellix · 4 years
if you're not busy could you please reccomend some animes? preferably something gory or horror related? i remember you posted your anime recommendations a while ago but i can't find the post😅
the fact?? that you remember i posted that?? that was ages ago omg that’s so cute lmao but!! no worries, i got you, the post is righttt here haha uwu
it needs a few updates and i don’t think there are all too many horror or gory related ones but i’d be more than happy to drop some more recs!! c:
it’s not the type i myself usually watch but the first anime that comes to mind what goes this genre is another! it’s visually,,, let’s say fairly gory haha, i really liked the plot though and all in all it was really nice :)
boku dake ga inai machi is already on the list, and it’s not particularly gory or horror-ish but it’s rEaLLy good and still has a pretty “eerie” underlying tone to it :’)
it’s been agggges since i watched parasyte, so i don’t remember how much it leans to that direction. i do remember it being pretty good though and if my memory isn’t lying all too much i believe it still has horror-ish vibes (i mean it’s classed as a horror anime lmao)
yakusoku no nerverland.... wELL this one kinda depends on what you define as horror it’s getting a second season in january and it’s not bad so i’ll recommend this one as well :’)
gakkougurashi is, ngl, fucked in more ways than one asdfghjkl like- it’s somehow both cute and fucking terrifying at the same time ?? i don’t often see people talk about it but i personally found it pretty okay :)
jujutsu kaisen isn’t all too horror-ish or gory... like. at all. more or less. but it’s still sO dAmN gOOD and it’s on-going so i’m gonna recommend this one too pfft
i haven’t personally seen these so i can’t say much for a personal opinion, i do know they’re supposed to contain some horror and/or gore so i’ll drop those as well (idk how much you’ve watched but i’ll include the mainstream ones too asdfghjkl):
mirai nikki
highschool of the dead
elfen lied
deadman wonderland (pls for the love of god if you watch this lmk how it was bc it’s legitemately been y e a r s since i told myself i’d watch it - have i? absolutely not)
shinsekai yori
ghost hunt
part of me doesn’t want to recommend it bc eh the horror is arguable lol but ye tokyo ghoul
devilman: crybaby
higurashi no naku koro ni
jigoku shoujo
corpse party
again, horror and gory anime have never been my alley, i don’t mind them but i just never come around to watching them either fjdjkfj. so yeah i can’t promise much with these recommendations, especially since the list is purely based on what i’ve heard about them. still, i hope you’ll find one that you’ll like and if you do, feel free to let me know uwu
also listen i’m deadass honoured you’re coming to me for anime recs LMAOO so if you’re ever up for watching something else, you’re always welcome around even tho my taste in anime is absolute shit c: aaaalso, idk if you already know about this?? trick?? or whatever but the links lead each anime’s profile/database on myanimelist. if you already have an anime you like and wanna see something along those lines, you can look its profile up on the the website and hit the recommendations tab !!
lol ok i’m gonna shut up now glhf 😌😌💕
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purbleplaces · 4 years
4, 11, 13, 49, 50?
4. Film preference (gore, psychological tension, or supernatural elements?)
Ummm i love all three but im gonna go with psych horror because idk :) big brane
11. Do you have any odd habits?
ok I've meditated on this one for a while and I think I've figured out a few things
for certain things in my life i’ll only do things in fours, like if I'm walking down a sidewalk ill cross the cracks with every other foot and ill count them in fours uhh
when I get really sad i’ll listen to the clown by charles mingus and ill draw clowns on ms paint
and whenever I'm crossing the street with my friends ill say abbey road. (now i’m realizing i’ve referenced the beatles twice in this post. wth. i don't listen to the beatles. wtf) anyways its really obnoxious
13. Do you like ASMR?
Mmmm nah not really :) its acceptable tho
49. When you’re affected by a horror movie, is it the sounds or the visuals?
this is a weird question tbh. i wanna say sounds? but there’s no way its not a combination of both. idk it depends on the movie
50. Do you ascribe to any conspiracy theories?
I like hearing about conspiracy theories but I’m pretty critical of a lot of them now bc of most of them having antisemitic origins. But u kno whats fun? That conspiracy about paul beatle being dead. Alien stuff is nice! I also think about the mattress firm conspiracy all the time. way too much. always on my mind
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kiralovermoved · 5 years
for my anime asks: 9,11, and 16!
9- Does art/animation style matter much to you? What's the most visually pleasing anime you've watched, in your opinion?
Nah but some make me go 👀 and uhhhh mp100 is good and promised neverland but a recent one that is super nice on my eyes is one called kizumonogatari (tw for lots of gore tho) theres a v good scene with fire and its 👌👌👌
11- Top three op/ed?
Fuck um not in any order
1. Vinland Saga op is 👌👌👌
2. HXH op is so good makes me feel so nice and ready for an adventure!
3. Anohana ed always makes me sob its so good dhjdgjsdf
16- Have any anime merch? What about cosplay?
I think i only have 4??? That i can remember at least which are in order
1. Hetalia shirt
2. Ciel plushie
3. The FMA sigil thing necklace (that sadly broke but i have the charm still!)
4. Kakashi shirt that i got like last week ghhfgh
And nothing for cosplay nor have i cosplayed anime yet dghgh
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ilonacho · 8 years
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verdigrisprowl · 6 years
May 7 Dancitron Movie Night - Alien 3
Prowl and Soundwave are Completely Frigging Exhausted.
On the bright side, Prowl figured out that he can send his alternate visual feeds of the movie so she can watch too.
Today ItsyBitsySpyers 7:46 pm *Soundwave's tired as Pit from barely recharging - when he's brave enough to try - but he's here and attempting to be alert. He has plans for another of his favorite pieces of content and by Pri... by Solus, he will watch it.* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:47 pm *So he's in his seat, slouched down more than usual, but trying to stay upright nonetheless.* VProwl 7:49 pm *on the other hand, Prowl shows up, sits down, leans on Soundwave, and immediately falls asleep.* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:51 pm *Soundwave leans into Prowl right away. It's so nice to not have to rely on his own strength to stay upright... ish.*
*One feeler slips out to form a protective loop over Prowl's lap, up the back of the couch, behind his shoulders, and back down. To Pit with what anyone else sees. It's kind of hard to care when you keep having nightmares about dark energon infesting your loved ones.* Specs 7:52 pm *In comes a slightly-frazzled looking dragon! For Ravage, she's got energon fish with tinsel skeletons. For everyone else, it's the usual assortment of mercury cakes, rust sticks, and other delightful draconic goodies. For Soundwave, she has a carefully-made gummi version of the dancing chestburster from last weeks movie. And, since this is SPECIFICALLY for Soundwave, she's approaching him with it before putting everyone else's goodies on the table.* Um... ItsyBitsySpyers 7:53 pm *Ravage is strolling down the stairs and sniffing before she even gets to Soundwave. He smells tinsel. Don't mind him licking his chops.*
*Soundwave lifts his helm to look at the dragon, and then at the chestburster gummi.*
[[...Is that...]] Specs 7:54 pm It's the one from last week's movie. I, uh, I didn't quite get the hat right, but it should still taste good... *hopeful dragon grin* If you'd like it, of course... Magnum Ace 7:55 pm -pings Soundwave for entry- ItsyBitsySpyers 7:57 pm *He keeps staring at it, unable to process its existence all the way. It's so - it's so ridiculous. He can't believe the dragon actually reproduced that damned thing with energon.*
[[He won't be able to eat it, but it is...]] *Finally huffs, if quietly. Mustn't disturb Prowl.* [[It's amusing. He will keep it. Thank you.]] *Ace gets a bridge, albeit a little slower than usual. Calculating bridges is hard when you're sleepy.*
*He also gets a warning.*
@M: [[Frightening content tonight.]] *Well. Frightening for anyone who isn't him, anyway.* Magnum Ace 7:59 pm -Don't worry. Hopefully him and Bull are too tired to register much- Specs 7:59 pm *the dragon made seven iterations of the damned thing. she was determined to give this to Soundwave. sometimes, it's not talent, just spiteful determination.* You're very welcome, Soundwave. *with a happy churr, the dragon heads over to the rest of the snacks, stopping at the bar to give Ravage his tinsel fish* VProwl 7:59 pm ((sw voice: [[Well, mark him down as scared AND horny.]])) ItsyBitsySpyers 7:59 pm ((LMAO)) Specs 8:00 pm ((bless u prowl)) Magnum Ace 8:00 pm -But he's going to ping back that he got the warning, and trot through the bridge- Bull 8:01 pm *Bull comes in after Magnum looking tired and still has a patch to cover up the fresh repair to his left side* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:01 pm *Ravage is practically getting high just off the THOUGHT of tinsel at this point. He actually goes so far as to bunt the dragon before pulling the fish under the bar with himself.*
*Soundwave just tiredly toys with the gummi, wiggling the tail. He nods at Ace and Bull. Noting the patch, of course.* [[Hurt?]] ItsyBitsySpyers 8:03 pm ((TEN MINUTES grab ur snacks and stuff)) Specs 8:04 pm *a ravage bunt! she is... blessed... the dragon chirrups delightedly, getting to placing the snacks in their rightful place with vigor* Bull 8:04 pm Yeah, had a rough game today. *Bull was just happy for the pain blockers in the patch* Magnum Ace 8:04 pm -is standing below the table and just looking up. Kinda hard to climb when his leg is still healing- Some teams still like to rough their opponents up ItsyBitsySpyers 8:05 pm *Oh. Oh, he should... hold on.*
*Soundwave stretches the other feeler out to the opposite side of the room and pulls it back with a small stair set in tow.* *Plop. There you go, both of you.* VProwl 8:06 pm ((when is somebody going to address ravage's terrible addiction)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:06 pm ((whenever someone actually realizes that bird's food hoarding is unhealthy and addresses that)) Magnum Ace 8:07 pm Thanks. -that makes this easier. Now they can climb stairs instead of table legs- Specs 8:07 pm ((in all fairness to the dragon, food hoarding is PERFECTLY NORMAl in her culture, which is why it's such a big thing to give other people food- of course Bird hoards food, everyone hoards food)) Bull 8:07 pm Thank you. *makes sure to stay close to Magnum incase he needs a hand. Specs 8:07 pm ((she has no excuse for dealing tinsel to ravage, tho)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:07 pm [[Gave them a rough time right back, he hopes.]] Magnum Ace 8:10 pm -Bull, he's stubborn. He'll be fiiiiine- You mean us? We don't do that. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:11 pm [[What do you do?]] Magnum Ace 8:11 pm Dodge ItsyBitsySpyers 8:11 pm *He can't imagine telling the owners that they're being attacked helps, since the humans seem to think them replaceable objects.* [[...That is all?]] Bull 8:11 pm And play the game as it's meant be played. Specs 8:11 pm Why not? Eat those who would harm you. *the dragon hops onto the back of a couch, and gets into a comfy loaf* Magnum Ace 8:12 pm I....don't think that would work Specs 8:12 pm Well, you don't have to ACTUALLY eat them. The point of the phrase is that you shouldn't just let people beat you up. Omicron 8:13 pm *big predacon comes in, walks outside after the bridge and carefully, shakes herself out there of clinging ice crystals and once sure she got ride of most of it, comes in and sits. oo, she's foggy, nice* Magnum Ace 8:13 pm We won the last championship without attacking the other teams ItsyBitsySpyers 8:15 pm [[The point is to stop them from attacking you at all, championship or not... but as you like.]] *As long as they aren't murdered.*
*Soundwave tilts his helm at the steam rising off Ice Queen. How dramatic looking.* [[Greetings.]] Magnum Ace 8:16 pm -So, best not to bring up more of what can happen on the field. Got it- Swoop 8:16 pm *teeeeeeeeeeeenntitively pings soundwave* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:17 pm ((WARNINGS: I already packed the DVDs so I couldn't prewatch this and am going based on memory. I might miss some things here. Outdated incorrect beliefs about extra chromosomes, violence, blood and gore, deeply unpleasant death, animal death, mentions of and attempted rape, prisoner abuse, mentions of drug use, probably some flashing lights or flickering somewhere. Tonight is not an easy watch.)) Bull 8:17 pm *Keeps silent since he's sure they wouldn't understand their reasons* Magnum Ace 8:17 pm They 're slowly realizing that their way isn't working...we can take a few injuries VProwl 8:17 pm ((sounds like a barrel of laughs)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:18 pm *Soundwave pings Swoop. Solus have mercy on his head, he is not alert enough for a rampaging Dinobot. Please let him behave...*
@S: [[Greetings.]] Omicron 8:18 pm *biiig fanged, happy grin from Icy back at soundwave, she's so cold that the air is making fog more then steam but hey, it works, happy predacon* Hello Swoop 8:18 pm *is unusually hesistant over the comm with Soundwave* Bird watching movie? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:18 pm @S: [[She is not down here. He can call her if you intend to come and behave.]] Swoop 8:19 pm Kay... Bull 8:19 pm ((Boy this movie brings back memories. It was the one Alien movie my dad didn't want me watching... even though I had seen far worse as a kid)) Magnum Ace 8:20 pm -carefully sits on table, wincing slightly- Considering the game we have tomorrow, I'm glad they didn't aim at my shoulders ItsyBitsySpyers 8:20 pm [[What is tomorrow?]] Magnum Ace 8:20 pm Baseball game Swoop 8:20 pm ((I don't love how much of this movie's plot comes from contractual decisions but tired, don't give a fuck Ripley is wonderful.)) Magnum Ace 8:21 pm Today was soccer ItsyBitsySpyers 8:21 pm [[No arms in soccer?]] Swoop 8:21 pm *wanders into dancitron in pterosaur form, low to the ground, head twitching around as he looks for Laserbeak* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:21 pm *Laserbeak is on her way down. She's as tired as the Boss, but if she can perch-sit with Swoop, she will.* Magnum Ace 8:22 pm Right, only goalies can use their arms and hands when it comes to the ball Everyone else cannot Swoop 8:22 pm *makes a beeline for her* Bird. Bull 8:22 pm *Bull raises his hand* I'm our goalie for soccer. Prowl 8:23 pm *arrives immediately after Swoop* Omicron 8:23 pm *icy waves a wing* VProwl 8:23 pm *Doesn't even stir as the movie starts. He's still sound asleep.* Swoop 8:24 pm *doesn't know what to do with himself* Magnum Ace 8:25 pm . . . ItsyBitsySpyers 8:26 pm *Bird pats him gently with a feeler.* {{Swoop.}}
[[Then your arms are more important?]]
*Glance at Prowl. Hmm.... slight nudge.* Swoop 8:26 pm *leans into the feelers and closes his optics* VProwl 8:27 pm *doesn't stir.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:27 pm *Sleep it is. He'll just curl the feeler a little tighter and resume watching.* Magnum Ace 8:27 pm In soccer he's the one that keeps the other team from scoring points if the rest of us fail ItsyBitsySpyers 8:28 pm *Nod.* Bull 8:28 pm Need every part of my body for that. Just hoping my side will be good enough to still bat tomorrow. Specs 8:29 pm ((sorry, cat tried to turn off the computer)) Omicron 8:29 pm *chrips* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:29 pm ((np)) Magnum Ace 8:29 pm -pats- You'll be fine, don't worry VProwl 8:29 pm ((is the stream going in and out or is it just me?)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:30 pm ((audio wise?)) Swoop 8:30 pm Bird Miss you VProwl 8:30 pm ((whole stream)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:30 pm ((no problems here)) Swoop 8:30 pm ((doing okay for me)) VProwl 8:30 pm ((video is stuttering)) ((boo)) Magnum Ace 8:30 pm ((all good here ItsyBitsySpyers 8:32 pm {{Bird miss Swoop too. Away long, long, yes.}} ((close browser and restart?)) Swoop 8:32 pm *perks up a little, bird missed him!* Omicron 8:33 pm [I had my laptop muted *turns on and listens*] Swoop 8:33 pm *but then his brain catches up with him* yah... Bob dead Omicron 8:33 pm (seems fine here)) Specs 8:33 pm ((audio's fine here, for the computer having been nearly restarted by a horrible goblin who I love and cherish)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:34 pm {{Bird remembers. Very sad, so sad. Poor, poor Bob bug.}} Swoop 8:34 pm *shrugs uncomfortably* Omicron 8:34 pm ((*releasing the noodles here*)) VProwl 8:35 pm ((why doesn't she just tell them)) Prowl 8:35 pm ((newt ;v; Omicron 8:35 pm ((scared to?)) Swoop 8:35 pm ((doesn't want xenomorphs on the books?)) Magnum Ace 8:36 pm ...... VProwl 8:36 pm ((also you might want to WARN this guy that a tiny alien might be inside of the corpse waiting to pop out)) Magnum Ace 8:36 pm -doesn't like where this is going- Prowl 8:37 pm ((well it should be dead at this point yeah? Swoop 8:37 pm *shifts his weight from forelimb to forelimb* Specs 8:39 pm ((mr. clemens has one of Those Voices that I have to lip-read to understand. im die.)) Omicron 8:39 pm (*patpats*) VProwl 8:40 pm *suddenly starts upright with a shout.* Specs 8:40 pm ((it's fine lol. I just get to squint at his face a lil more)) Swoop 8:40 pm *HOPS and turns reflexively at shouting* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:40 pm ((i'm sorry, this movie has a real problem with too soft/too loud audio, i never watch it without subs))
*Soundwave jerks upright and reflexively squeezes the coil, but quickly loosens it again* VProwl 8:40 pm *where the hell— what— who— where— what— how—* Magnum Ace 8:40 pm -shifts around a bit more uncomfortably at the sight of the furnace- Prowl 8:41 pm *startles* Swoop 8:41 pm ((okay NOW I'm getting jumpy video)) Omicron 8:41 pm *gives a chirp to the smaller mecha* Bull 8:42 pm *is just not watching at this point* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:42 pm *Bird just keeps petting Swoop. Nobody needs him to start breathing fire in a startle or something.*
*Soundwave pings Prowl.*
@P: [[Calm, calm. Prowl: safe. Prowl, here.]] Magnum Ace 8:43 pm -ducks head- Omicron 8:43 pm *fans her wings* VProwl 8:43 pm ((hell of a flower)) Omicron 8:43 pm *Icy's warming up, if someone needs to hide under wings they can* Swoop 8:43 pm *is a big fan of Bird pets and easily distracted to boot* Specs 8:44 pm *she's got a fur coat, she can take advantage of the Safe Wings anytime she wants. which is about now.* Swoop 8:44 pm *wanders somewhat aimlessly looking for where to camp himself, giving a wide berth to places he usually goes* VProwl 8:44 pm *grabs Soundwave's arm as he looks around, trying to orient himself. Right. Right. Movie night.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:44 pm *Picks the upstairs remote out of his subspace and stretches it over to the baseball players. Just in case.* Omicron 8:44 pm *Icy carefully lays her wings in a loose flop, she does chirp to the dinobot from the back* Prowl 8:45 pm *sits back down slowly* Swoop 8:45 pm *chirps back reflexively* VProwl 8:45 pm *looks around the room.* ... Sorry. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:45 pm *Soundwave rests his other hand atop Prowl's to try to provide comfort, not minding the grab. If it's necessary, it's necessary.* Magnum Ace 8:45 pm -give them another scare like that last one, and they just might- Prowl 8:45 pm It's fine. Swoop 8:47 pm *wanders into an unfamiliar corner and climbs on top of a table to perch* Magnum Ace 8:48 pm -hope it's not the table him and Bull are on- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:48 pm {{What you going here for, eh?}}
*Spins a hovery circle around Swoop, curious. Is it easier to see from here?* Swoop 8:48 pm For sit Omicron 8:49 pm *if he's near, Ice Queen stretches out her neck to sniff at* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:49 pm {{Why sitting so far?}} Swoop 8:49 pm *hope you like the smell of dust and caves and burnt metal* Dunno VProwl 8:49 pm *lets go of Soundwave and slouches back down.* Omicron 8:50 pm *she's smelled worse, and there's not a lot thats truely 'bad' to her* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:51 pm @P: [[Resuming recharge?]] Omicron 8:52 pm *checks on fluffy dragon?* Specs 8:52 pm *fluffy dragon is the fluffiest loaf. it's safe here.* Magnum Ace 8:52 pm ........... Omicron 8:52 pm *gives them a lick then* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:53 pm {{Kay. Want snack?}} VProwl 8:53 pm @S «No, I'm up now.» ItsyBitsySpyers 8:53 pm @SProwl: [[Are you all right, there?]] Swoop 8:53 pm Huh? Oh. Nah. *pauses* Bird want snack? Omicron 8:54 pm I dislike that warden ItsyBitsySpyers 8:54 pm {{No, no. Bird fine.}} She was in the middle of pigging out when Soundwave called her down.* {{You change mind, you letting Bird know, kaaaaay?}} Specs 8:54 pm *licks Icy's snout right back. she's okay! just a little nervous after seeing something more her size get chestburst.* Swoop 8:54 pm Kay : > Prowl 8:54 pm @S: Hm? *she didn't expect to be asked after* Yes, yes, I just wasn't expecting anyone in the room to shout. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:55 pm *Soundwave nods to the Prowl at his side and lets his hand drop. Seems to be all right now.*
@P: [[Can he do anything to be of service?]]
*Confirmation ping to the other Prowl. All right. He wasn't sure.* Prowl 8:57 pm *a ping of concern to her alternate* Omicron 8:57 pm yeah, I don't like this warden ItsyBitsySpyers 8:57 pm [[Neither does he.]] *May he get himself infested and serve as a host to a better life form.* Swoop 8:57 pm *has no idea what's happening and doesn't particularly care to try to catch up* VProwl 8:57 pm @P «... Yes?» @S «No, I'm fine. Sorry for being disruptive.» Swoop 8:58 pm *instead he rocks a little on the table so it ends up going off balance and then falling back in place, not a wild rollercoaster but still a little bit of a balancing act for a dinoborb* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:58 pm @P: [[No apology needed.]] ((it's going to be very rough in a moment iirc so people might want to be afk as needed)) Prowl 8:58 pm @P: Your status? Omicron 8:59 pm I've dealt with that kind, type when younger. *rumbles, and folds up one wing, helping to keep specs braced under and let them peek out better, other wing is streached out.....and then low growling* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:59 pm ((and clear)) *Bird whistles in surprise at the sudden movement and grabs the table with feeler claws. Don't fall...* Magnum Ace 9:01 pm ohno Swoop 9:01 pm *isn't the best at a lot of things but being in the air is his jam, this is easy peasy* VProwl 9:01 pm @P «Normal. Sorry for disturbing you, I'd been dozing.» Magnum Ace 9:01 pm -hides face- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:03 pm *Ahh. Even if the rest of his life is a sleep-deprived shambles, he can still have this moment to appreciate a delightful alien.* Omicron 9:03 pm well *closes wing on specs* VProwl 9:03 pm ... Oh, it's one of these movies. Omicron 9:03 pm *she still has another free wing to hide under if anyone needs* Specs 9:03 pm *thanks* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:03 pm [[It is.]] Swoop 9:03 pm *gets bored with his self-imposed earthquake and flops down over the table, wings ending up on either side* VProwl 9:04 pm *SLJDFKLJ NEEDLES IN HEAD* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:04 pm ((lmfao and here i thought this movie was safe for prowl as far as needles in head go)) VProwl 9:04 pm *HWY THIS* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:04 pm ((*just gives up and facepalms*)) @P: [[...He apologizes. He did not know.]]
*Well, if Prowl wasn't going to sleep before, he definitely isn't now.* Swoop 9:05 pm *is now a tablecloth* VProwl 9:05 pm *not going to watch the screen.* @S «Yep.» Prowl 9:05 pm @P: No apology needed. Specs 9:06 pm *blinks* It was me? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:06 pm *Bird decides to see if she can get Swoop to stay still by going to grab treats to put them on his tablecloth wings.* [[What was you?]] Omicron 9:07 pm ?? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:07 pm [[Oh. He sees.]] VProwl 9:07 pm *looks tentatively at the screen.* Swoop 9:08 pm *makes a sad little noise when Bird zips off but is quite content to watch her set up a tea party on his wings* Omicron 9:08 pm can someone smack that warden? *loosens wing for fluffy dragon?* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:08 pm [[Perhaps the alien will.]] Specs 9:08 pm *peeks out, to see if there's Actually A Dragon* Omicron 9:09 pm good Prowl 9:09 pm *scowls* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:11 pm *Blips.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:13 pm *There. Bird has arranged a full smorgasbord on Swoop's wings.*
*...Maybe she'll take a FEW things. But the rest is just gonna sit there.* Swoop 9:14 pm *looks at what she arranged sideways and gives the littlest of snickers* Omicron 9:14 pm that's a big needle....*clamps wing again* Swoop 9:15 pm Now Swoop table Specs 9:15 pm *nope nope nope nope nope nope nope* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:15 pm *One of the first times he's seen one with a changed shape based on the host. How fascinating.*
*...But, hmm.* {{Swoop not Dinobot. Now, Swoop Tablebot.}} Swoop 9:16 pm Keehee That BORING altmode, Bird Prowl 9:16 pm Did it get him? Omicron 9:16 pm ....HAH VProwl 9:16 pm It got him. Prowl 9:17 pm ...Good. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:17 pm [[...He's tired. He thought he heard you say]] [][][]Good.[][][] Swoop 9:18 pm ((that expression of hers)) ((goddamn)) ((so far passed unimpressed)) Specs 9:19 pm ((I'd let her punch me)) VProwl 9:19 pm *... hmmm. pings his alternate; offers a video feed from his optics.* Prowl 9:19 pm You heard correct. *oh! accepts* VProwl 9:20 pm *it's got Prowl's HUD measurements and calculations riddling the feed, sorry about that.* Omicron 9:21 pm -oh yeah loosens wing again- Prowl 9:22 pm *it's almost familiar the calculations and everything* Swoop 9:22 pm *for once isn't wiggling enough to send goodies everywhere* Prowl 9:22 pm @P: Many of these Earth documentaries have audio description but these Alien ones do not. Thank you. Swoop 9:22 pm *most of his twitching remains from the neck up for now* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:23 pm *Soundwave's hands twitch.* VProwl 9:24 pm @P «You're welcome.» *glad his alternate can process visual data.* «Let me know any other time you want a feed.» Omicron 9:24 pm hmmm Prowl 9:25 pm @P: I will. Magnum Ace 9:25 pm -NOPE!- VProwl 9:25 pm *he's just gotta hold very still for the rest of the movie. no problem.* Omicron 9:25 pm *twitches slightly and tilts head before giving out a poof of cold-cloud like a smoke ring.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:27 pm *Can sense the cold from here. He twitches again. No cold, thank you.*
*And then a third time.* Omicron 9:27 pm *its not much, just a poof, she won't make ice inside* Prowl 9:27 pm @S: You heard me correctly earlier. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:28 pm @SProwl: [[You cheered a warden's death?]] Magnum Ace 9:30 pm -whelp, if Bull doesn't mind he's taking the remote and going upstairs, possibly pulling Bull with him- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:30 pm [[...He thought so.]]
*Slump.* Bull 9:30 pm ((I'm gonna head off. Got headache and too tired; so night all)) VProwl 9:30 pm ((gnight)) Magnum Ace 9:30 pm ((g'night! ItsyBitsySpyers 9:30 pm ((night <3 rest up, hope your head gets better)) Omicron 9:30 pm (rest well!) Prowl 9:31 pm @S: He was clearly a terrible warden. The conditions of this prison are abysmal. If he had listened to Ripley when she tried to warn him the first time, he wouldn't have died. Swoop 9:31 pm Bird ItsyBitsySpyers 9:31 pm {{What what?}} Swoop 9:32 pm Tell a story Omicron 9:32 pm hmmm Swoop 9:32 pm please? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:32 pm @SProwl: [[...That is fair.]] *Bird flops on Swoop and folds her wings up.*
{{Bird tiiiiiiired. Not want story telling.}} Swoop 9:33 pm *lays his head down so his beak is hanging off the table too* Kay *is now a combination snack tray and bed and is totally fine with it* VProwl 9:35 pm *he rests an arm on Soundwave's feeler.* Omicron 9:36 pm (has anyone seen the isolation game based on these earlier movies?) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:36 pm *The whole thing slithers a bit more to allow for the part under the arm to scooch into a loop and cling to it.* ((i have it but have yet to play it)) Omicron 9:36 pm [I was playing some of it] VProwl 9:39 pm ((how convenient, to need to die, and be in a base full of murderers)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:39 pm ((i hope it's as good as it looks)) Windchill 9:40 pm (( I hear it's good once you get into it. Haven't played though. )) Swoop 9:42 pm *chirps and murmers to himself, it's not really a song, it's just a way of not being totally still* Windchill 9:42 pm *Windchill is here. He has two heads tonight; one stacked on top of the other. The top one is Blue, riding around like a jetpack baby.* Swoop 9:43 pm *is a tablecloth covered in goodies and a borb friend* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:43 pm *Bird whistles tiredly to Blue and goes back to being quiet, listening to Swoop carry on with his sorta-song.* Windchill 9:43 pm *Swoop...has become a tablecloth?* Omicron 9:43 pm *big dragon predacon with fuzzy dragon under a wing over here* Swoop 9:43 pm ((ngl that is actually one of my favorite movie "rallying the troops" speeches)) Specs 9:44 pm *fuzzy dragon is fuzzy* Windchill 9:44 pm *Blue cheeps, it's almost polite....* Swoop 9:44 pm *is draped right over that table, wings and beak over the edge* Omicron 9:44 pm *fuzzy dragon gets another lick* *chirps at Blue, hello young wiggly one* Specs 9:45 pm *Icy gets another lick onna snout* Windchill 9:46 pm *Windchill gives Swoop a once over...and decides it's better to not have noticed. He's gonna take his squeaky spawn and make for a seat.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:47 pm *Clutches the arm tighter.* Windchill 9:47 pm *But he's interrupted when Blue spots Food and cheeps her demands.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:48 pm *The ship is coming...* Swoop 9:48 pm *isn't looking to socialize beyond Bird and is quite content with his spot* VProwl 9:48 pm *... pats feeler with his other hand. is he stressed for the humans or for the xenomorph? ... or excited for the xenomorph?* Windchill 9:48 pm (( Well, that's didn't age well but I'mma ignore it. )) Swoop 9:49 pm ((yeah this was during that "we tried real hard" period of cgi)) Windchill 9:49 pm (( Yeeeep. )) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm ((yeah they had some problems with the Runner, and this was apparently better than the puppet)) *Oh, a little of A, a little of B... pinch of C...* Swoop 9:49 pm ((it'd be a REALLY complicated animatronic)) ((it makes sense to use cgi)) Magnum Ace 9:50 pm ((wow, did they really screw it up? VProwl 9:50 pm ((i'm blessed by a cruddy internet connection, it keeps stuttering and the image is low definition.)) Magnum Ace 9:50 pm ((shit, they did)) VProwl 9:50 pm ((i can't tell CGI from a jim henson puppet rn)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm ((i'm sorry ;; )) Windchill 9:50 pm *Blue slams her chubby hands over dad's eyes. He grunts, his mouth forming a firm line of patience.* *Can he see anything? No.* Prowl 9:51 pm ((it's for the best honestly Swoop 9:51 pm *is a lazy boy* *still twitchy and making constant noise* *but lazying with borb* Omicron 9:52 pm sparkling you'll get things faster if you're calming most times Windchill 9:53 pm *Tries to gently pry off one hand at a time, but with limited success. As in, none.* Swoop 9:53 pm ((fuckin brutal)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:54 pm [[They are all in trouble now...]] VProwl 9:54 pm Mm. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:55 pm *The Ripley human is dying, they're running out of bait, the Company is arrived...* VProwl 9:55 pm ... Why is it hunting them so fast? It's just using up its own food source. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:55 pm [[It came from a dog. Perhaps it doesn't have the intelligence the human-hosted ones do?]] *Shot in the dark. He has no idea why.* VProwl 9:56 pm The others hunted just as fast, didn't they? I just didn't notice at the time. Specs 9:57 pm ((oof, as a CGI animator, I feel the struggle making that beast, but at the same time...)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:57 pm [[Mm... true. More prey, here.]] Windchill 9:57 pm *Chirps plaintively, trying to coax his spawn into releasing his eyeballs. She does, and crawls down to rest on his shoulders like a fat scarf.* Finally. Specs 9:57 pm ((it definitely looks like they wiggled a rubber alien in front of a camera)) Windchill 9:58 pm (( It is a thing of beauty. )) Swoop 9:58 pm ((I love him taking his glasses off. He's ready for a real fight.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:58 pm *Bows his helm a bit.* Omicron 9:59 pm dramadic VProwl 9:59 pm Unless the xenomorphs are secretly domesticated and provided prey at regular intervals by their owner species, they would easily and rapidly slaughter any natural range they live in, both by overbreeding and overhunting. Unless prey species are far more durable on their home planet? Windchill 10:00 pm *He picks up a few snacks to the tune of excited peeps and licks one before offering it to her.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:00 pm *Perk? It survived molten lead?* Omicron 10:00 pm I thought those things were spread out? Prowl 10:00 pm *not for long* Windchill 10:00 pm *She gobbles it down GREEDILY while he finally takes a seat, if only for a little while.* VProwl 10:01 pm *oh, they killed it with thermodynamics. Prowl's delighted.* Prowl 10:01 pm Ah, the lead on its body reacted to the cold water. Clever bit of thinking on their part. VProwl 10:01 pm *hey alternate hope you don't mind half the screen being covered in a fuckton of calculations pertaining to that maneuver because Prowl's delighted by it and wants to mull it over.* Prowl 10:02 pm *not at all, she absorbs the data along with him* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:02 pm *Slump. Never mind. It's dead, and now they've come for the Ripley human.*
[[They might hibernate, away from home. Wait for new hosts. New locations. The eggs last...]] VProwl 10:03 pm He's definitely lying. Windchill 10:04 pm *Blue snags another treat out of Chill's hand. She's rude.* Are you gonna watch the movie now? Omicron 10:05 pm ((soundwave mun, did I miss a posts from you from the trip to icy's ship? *poking things on tumblr*)) VProwl 10:05 pm Seems a poorer strategy than just evolving to not overhunt. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:05 pm ((i think you did? i don't remember seeing one from you after my last one)) Omicron 10:05 pm [bugger *goes to look*] Windchill 10:05 pm *Chill gets yelled at for daring to ask such an impertinent question. He'll be quiet, then.* Gross. Omicron 10:06 pm blah ItsyBitsySpyers 10:06 pm *And it's bowed again.*
[[A brave human.]] VProwl 10:06 pm ((i appreciate that a frigging alien is bursting out of her chest and her first instinct is to grab it by the neck.)) Omicron 10:07 pm *nods* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm ((time marker: 10:28pm)) Swoop 10:07 pm *looks at Bird sideways* Windchill 10:08 pm Well. They made another one after that. VProwl 10:08 pm *movie's over, he gets to look around again without depriving his alternate of the view.* Windchill 10:08 pm *He's trying to ignore the gross eating noises in his ear.* Specs 10:08 pm *the dragon squirms out from under the safety of Icy's wing* I need to go. Thank you for the movie, Soundwave! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:08 pm [[You're welcome, dragon.]] Magnum Ace 10:08 pm -peers down the stairs. It safe?- Prowl 10:09 pm A pity she had to sacrifice herself. *will end the connection with her alternate with a grateful ping* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:09 pm *Soundwave pings the baseball mechs. Yep. It's safe.*
[[Another? He knows of the fight with the Predators, but...]] *Shakes his helm a little.* [[He will look for it.]] VProwl 10:09 pm *acknowledgment ping.* Indeed. It was unfortunate. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:10 pm *It won't be the same without the Ripley human, though. She was one hell of a fighter.* Windchill 10:10 pm Yeah, or...so I hear. I haven't seen the entire thing. *Might have tried to watch and took a nap instead...maybe.* Omicron 10:11 pm *gives dragon one more lick in farewell, getting back up. paaauses, winces at some water of the floor* oh...sorry about that. Windchill 10:11 pm I think that's the order they go in. Swoop 10:11 pm Bird ItsyBitsySpyers 10:12 pm [[He appreciates the data.]]
*To Ice Queen.* [[We will clean it later.]]
{{Eh? What? What want?}} *Bird twitches awake.* Magnum Ace 10:12 pm -okay, good, he and Bull need to be going now- Swoop 10:12 pm Me Swoop want to nap too *twitches* Windchill 10:12 pm *Peers at Swoop from the corner of his optic. but is sure to not make eye contact. * Omicron 10:13 pm *Icy is still in a really good mood, so someone gets a headbump- carefully on her way out* [I'm apoofing] ItsyBitsySpyers 10:13 pm {{Oh. Come on, us go. Upstairs lounge good nap spot. Warm.}}
((bye all who are going!)) Windchill 10:13 pm (( 'Gnight! )) Swoop 10:14 pm *fidgets* Me Swoop.... other Dinobots. Windchill 10:15 pm *With a mouth full of half-chewed snacks, Blue peers around Chill's head at the rest of the room.* Magnum Ace 10:15 pm ((and g'night from me too)) ((thanks for the stream!)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:15 pm {{Ohhh. Kay. Hold on. Bird fix Swoop table.}}
*She'll start picking the snacks and things off of him so he can move without making a mess.* Omicron 10:16 pm (good night! and I'll hunt for that last post) Swoop 10:16 pm *nods his head and shuffles awkwardly in place once he can move* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:16 pm *She pats his cheek.* {{You Swoop go nap. Bird tell story after wake up.}} Windchill 10:17 pm *Are these people...edible?* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:17 pm *Ravage thinks so. Of course, he's out of his head on tinsel right now, and you probably shouldn't take advice from a cannibal anyway. Bad life decision.* Windchill 10:18 pm *Her dad is a cannibal, it runs in the family.* Swoop 10:19 pm *puffs up with a little bit of excitement* Kay. Windchill 10:19 pm *Everyone is too far away to hunt down for more snacks, so she'll go back to the ones in Chill's palm. Windchill, for his part, seems largely unaware of her malicious thoughts. Mostly.* Swoop 10:20 pm Me Swoop love You Bird : > ItsyBitsySpyers 10:20 pm {{You Swoop funny.}} *Pat pat.* Swoop 10:20 pm yah *and, with that, he hops off the table and out of Dancitron back to sleepy town in the Dinocave, the other Dinos will surely thank her for putting Swoop to bed* Windchill 10:21 pm *He has to wave bye at Swoop without turning his head, making him look like more of a weirdo than usual.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:22 pm *Bird cackles softly and floats back upstairs. Time for her to crash out as well. She doesn't sleep well unless the Boss sleeps well, and lately...* Windchill 10:23 pm I should take the bitty home, too. *Stands...CAREFULLY. Spawning requires having a sense of balance, apparently.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:23 pm *As a carrier unit, he'd believe it.*
[[Do so safely.]] Windchill 10:24 pm Mmmm. *Gives Soundwave a Look, as if he can't quite decide what the funniest response to that is.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:25 pm *That's probably for the best. Soundwave's being 1000% serious for Reasons.* Windchill 10:25 pm We'll try. I'm sure she'll keep me straight. Windchill 10:27 pm *He prods his spawn's pale underside; she's eaten enough to put him to shame today and he has to be careful with that, too.* Say bye, Blue. *The room at large gets a gross grunt and a yelled "BAH." Good enough.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:27 pm *Soundwave copies Windchill's "bye" and parrots it at Blue, whether she says it or not. Might as well be nice to younglings.* Windchill 10:28 pm Well..We tried. *Gives a mental shrug, and heads for the door.* Bye, suckers. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:29 pm [[Goodbye.]] Windchill 10:29 pm *Blue stares rudely back at Soundwave as they leave.* *The End.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:32 pm *Nobody here but him and two Prowls. He finally stops trying to look like he's alert and upright and leans into Prowl rather heavily.* VProwl 10:32 pm *meets him in the middle.* Prowl 10:34 pm *will leave with a ping to them both and drop it down to just one Prowl in the room* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:34 pm *Returns the ping goodbye.* [[...How tired are you.]] VProwl 10:35 pm *bitter laugh.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:36 pm [[You too.]] VProwl 10:37 pm Me too. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:38 pm [[Do you /feel/ like trying to recharge?]] VProwl 10:38 pm I'd better. Do you? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:40 pm [[...No. He'd rather not.]]
*Soundwave shakes his helm.*
[[He still hasn't figured out where to go on that... vacation. The one you suggested. He will look into that.]] *Rubs fin against Prowl's shoulder.* [[But you should. One of us should.]] VProwl 10:43 pm Mm. When did you last recharge? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:47 pm [[He tried th... four days ago.]] *Shakes his helm.* [[It's fine. He's gone longer.]] VProwl 10:48 pm ... What's AVERAGE for you? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:50 pm [[It used to be longer.]] *But Prowl's not going to let him have that answer, is he. Long vent.* [[Post-multiverse, twenty hours.]] VProwl 10:50 pm *Prowl stares.* ... What would help make it easier. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:51 pm [[Time travel.]] VProwl 10:51 pm What's plan B. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:53 pm [[Chips from - someone else. A few years ago. They'll give him another three days.]]
*He's banking on being so exhausted at that point he won't dream and can catch up on rest.* VProwl 10:54 pm "Chips"? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:57 pm *Pinches the air with thumb and a finger, leaving a tiny space.* [[Small devices. Plugged in. Temporary hack.]] VProwl 10:58 pm *DARK look.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:58 pm *Leans back.* VProwl 10:58 pm Side effects? Physical AND psychological? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:05 pm [[Slowed internal function in all but brain module, longer physical response times, processor overheating, chilling elsewhere, faint visual auras if optics move too quickly, increased paranoia, spark strain with use beyond recommended timespan, occasional docking program glitches. The glitches aren't suspicious; he investigated them himself and they are all a result of not sharing full process data with the creator.]] VProwl 11:07 pm Uh-huh. Go to sleep. Wake up screaming a few times. It's better for your system. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:10 pm [[Mph.]] *Soundwave buries his face again. He really doubts waking up terrified that he's become a zombie or that he's enslaved again or that he's had his spark ripped out or that he had to kill all of his minicons again is better for his spark than the chips.* VProwl 11:13 pm *... sighs, and leans more heavily on Soundwave.* Or get some software that'll regulate your defrag cycles or something. Staying up like that isn't healthy. /You/ know that. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:16 pm *Equivalent of a mutter.* [[Was trying to avoid going back to Ratchet.]]
*But he's not denying that it's unhealthy.*
[[Fine. Only if you rest as well. You were--]] *Spine twitch.* [[You need it, too. Sleeping through that crowd.]] VProwl 11:19 pm ... I've been sleeping. Just—not very well. Or long. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:20 pm [[As he said. You still need it too.]] *Sits up enough to look at Prowl.* [[Can he - is there /any/ way to help? Few see him working, but you are - you're the face of the police.]] VProwl 11:24 pm The face of the police spends most of his time in an office. They know I—well. They're under the impression that I personally fought a Megatron directly channeling the Dead Universe. They've been forgiving if I've had to reschedule a few meetings. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:27 pm [[As they should be.]] *But even now, he has his worries.* [[You're sure none of them want to try it themselves? The channeling. And the Constructicons - are they helping?]] VProwl 11:29 pm Channeling the Dead Universe? God no. Unicron might have been mythologized as a dangerous source of immense power in YOUR universe—but in MINE, the Dead Universe is associated with nothing except danger. *doesn't answer the Constructicon question.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:30 pm *He hears - or, more appropriately, doesn't hear - that dodge, there.*
[[If you need somewhere else to be...]] VProwl 11:31 pm ... You don't need to—to make a special offer out of it. Thought you always set aside movie nights for me. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:32 pm [[He does. He meant other nights.]] VProwl 11:33 pm You're not sleeping. *half shrug.* I think I caused your berth enough trauma the last time we were left together without supervision. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:38 pm [[/That./]] *Strange, low, electronic warbling noise.* [[He didn't - /doesn't/, care about that. It was just a berth.]] *And it's been fixed, besides.* [[He only meant to offer you the right to stay in the apartment alone if you needed it. He isn't using it right now. Won't be, on vacation.]] VProwl 11:39 pm I was joking. My point is—there's no point in sleeping at your place if I'm not sleeping with you. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:41 pm *...That reminds him. He's been wondering all about Prowl's breakdown that night. There isn't time to ask about it right now, and he doesn't want Prowl to think he'd only brought it up to escape talking about the rest of everything anyway. But he will, soon. He promises himself that much.*
[[Oh.]] *Lifts his head and looks at the stairs.* [[...Come with him, then?]]
*Ravage and Laserbeak could use the break from being in the room with him when he tries to rest anyway.* VProwl 11:43 pm *pauses, then nods.* Are you going to try to recharge tonight? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:48 pm [[He supposes so.]] *Faintly playfully, in that really exhausted and sort of resigned way:* [[The law frowns on his intended alternative.]] *And just in case, a humor tag.*
*He carefully extricates himself from Prowl, gets up - that is definitely a wobble - and stares a moment longer. A reassurance must be given before he can go on vacation in a couple of weeks. Or try sleeping tonight.*
[[You'll tell someone if you do require more assistance? Himself, Tarantulas, Ratchet, his alternate... somebody.]] VProwl 11:49 pm They're illegal, too?! *Soundwave. Soundwave please. Soundwave you're killing him.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:51 pm [[...You. He meant you.]] VProwl 11:52 pm ... Oh. *can you tell how sleep-deprived he is.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:53 pm *About as much as him, it seems.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:54 pm *He's still staring.* VProwl 11:55 pm *he gets to his feet as well, and automatically puts a hand to the small of Soundwave's back; he saw that wobble.* I promise. I'll talk to someone if I need it. I've—already talked to Tarantulas, a little. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:57 pm *Silently appreciative. He doesn't need it while standing still, but they'll be going upstairs in a second.*
[[Good. Good. Did he - did it help?]] Yesterday VProwl 11:57 pm *... nods.* Some. VProwl 12:01 am ... You tell someone if you need more help, too. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:02 am *Relieved. At least he isn't keeping it all to himself.*
[[Then he owes Tarantulas his gratitude.]] *Straightens up some.* [[He won't pry unless you open that door first.]] *Prowl talked to someone. If Prowl doesn't want to tell him right away, or ever, that's fine.*
[[Ravage and Laserbeak have been watching over him. The others as well, but - mostly them. He will tell them.]]
[[For now... yes. Recharge.]] VProwl 12:03 am *a weary nod. And up the stairs they go.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:05 am *He'll be asleep before he finishes getting comfortable.*
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the-cryptographer · 7 years
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My tiny yugioh shrine - before and after pics. The Jounouchi figure still up top, holding a chain and ready to shank you with a scapegoat~ But I thought I’d zoom in so we could see my BEAUTIFUL NEW ISHTAR SIBS CLEARFILE INSTEAD~
I thought my shrine was getting a little too shippy. And especially a little too shippy in the absence of Mai. WHERE IS ALL THE KUJAKU MAI MERCHANDISE?! i need it pls, thx. But, anyhow~ I bought the Ishtar clearfile off of auction. And I thought it might be an old one, but on the back is actually a logo for the 20th anniversary of ygo, last year in 2016. And they weren’t even really in the movie, so now I’m wondering maybe there is also the chance of some recent Mai merchandise out there, hmm, so she will properly be represented in my collection >3>
But yeah, this is just by the exit to my room so i can stop by before i leave for the day and, offer coins or pieces of fruit or whatever and pray at my card game based alter, and maybe then Jounouchi’s good luck will rub off on me a little~
And there’s also a gore version of the shrine, but I usually keep that picture in the back so visitors don’t think i’m a creep. i guess i’ll put this picture in the front if i ever decide to host ritualistic demon summonings in my room or smthn~
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(Both prints are from toxicosis by the way.)
Doujinshi are in another location. And I was only going to talk about my stupid ygo bookshelf shrine thing today, but then my doujin shipment came in and I decided FUCK IT i will brag about my crippling lack of impulse control cool swag all at once if i want to... Under the cut-
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If you remember this one~
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tdah~ Basically it seems like a Kaiba Corp has put out a game, some kind of ridiculous fantasy RPG where Atem is some kind of Ron the Death Eater villain and Jou may or may not be the princess or smthn. And Mokuba invites Jounouchi over to play it or playtest it or something of that nature. Which seems like as good a premise as any for this kind of thing. And it’s got all the cute platonic Joukuba vibes which is a plus~
But yeah, Jounouchi goes over to Mokuba’s place, has some kind of fight with Seto, and some kind of conversation with Atem, and Mokuba’s kind of confused or upset about something, and then Jou gets all cute and announces that he and Kaiba are dating~ which i’m pretty sure Seto didn’t want Mokuba knowing about or whatever~
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But, see, now I’m making this doujin sound sweet when, to be really blunt, i didn’t like it. At some point Seto slaps Jounouchi across the face for something.
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I guess I shouldn’t pass judgement when I can’t even read the moon runes that explain why this has happened, but- no. (I’m trying to articulate. It’s not that I think Jou and Seto are incapable of being violent with one another (jfc how hypocritical would it be of me) but there’s something about the whys and the hows~? in my mind, Seto doesn’t gets hands on with that kind of thing unless it’s landing a measured martial arts blow in self defense, or lashing out from a place of extreme vulnerability - the kind that involves him being five seconds away from curling up in a ball of self-protection. So... Seto being collected and composed and instigating violence on Jounouchi’s triggers all my ‘no’ responses. And I also doubt Jounouchi would take that kind of thing without complaint, unless he was actually raving or spiraling and it was, like, a calm-the-fuck-down slap. I think he would definitely retaliate with shouting and intimidation, if not a physical blow. With Jounouchi it’s a little harder for me to define what would prompt physical violence, partly because i think his idea of what violence is is narrower than mine, and doesn’t include things like grabbing somebody’s jacket collar and shaking them around. But, hmm, I think by the time he’s through canon he doesn’t exactly break out the fistcuffs lightly.)
The point was that this doujin made it to the top of my shit list very fast. And I was concerned because, see, I had been avoiding buying KaiJou (in that order) doujins because most of them kind of do this thing to me and completely miss the glass cannon type of volatile fragility I see as being kind of central to Kaiba’s character. But then I caved and ordered a whole bunch. But, actually, I was pleasantly surprised by the other couple of ones I bought, so maybe the curse has finally lifted~ I liked this one in particular-
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But, tbh, it also knew the way into my heart~
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The way into my heart is Wheeler siblings :x
First of all, I got POLARIS and it was good!
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I don’t know what to share about it other than that because it was mostly porn. But I felt like it was kind of sweet and sentimental and Kaiba and Atem going on silly dates at the beginning with gorgeous background details. Also they sit on the throne together at the end and look very in love teehee~
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But, yes, thank you for reccing~ I enjoyed a lot~!
BUT- !!! More importantly this finally came in the mail!
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To answer your question, it’s a normal rivalshipping anthology. 112 pages, comics and fic~ Exciting things happen like Yuugi and Kaiba playing twister~
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And in another story they’re out travelling and having punishment games of some sort and Yuugi gets a beard painted on his face~
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AND HIS MOM OMG!! I love when odd characters cameo in my doujins. I think you can tell~
But, no, I lied- I addition to the anthology I got all this other stuff too~
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I don’t know. There’s a set of tiny playing cards you have to disentangle. Some have exciting images.
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Notably Jounouchi and Atem are the jokers, heh~
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I still haven’t checked out the CD. This is a very rushed post where I don’t attempt to read things carefully or any of that~ But it comes with a manual with a bunch of character avatars - lots of expressions for Yuugi and Kaiba, as well as one avatar each for Jou, Anzu, baby Seto, Kisara, and BEWD. So I think it may be a visual novel of sorts. Undetermined~
So now you’ll know what you’re getting if you decide to order, in theory at least. I’m not sure because I bought this off the author’s BOOTH, so idk if the extra merchandise is limited in any manner or if toranoana only sends part of it(?)
ugh, let’s see.
I also got another anthology- a Yuugi-centric one.
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It’s mostly rivalshipping, which I’d expect. rivalshipping is really popular in the jp fandom. but, tbh, i enjoyed the more odd ships more-
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Like Juudai/Manjoume/Yuugi... Kaiba walks in on the Kohais basically crushing yuugi with love after this it’s so cute~
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And Otogi/Yuugi. Ah~ I love the DDM chapters in the manga and how softly Otogi warms up to Yuugi~
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A Duel Monsters themed art book I spent too much on~ I’m ashamed to say I don’t recognise a whole lot of the cards
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but you’ll recognise Yubel, perhaps~
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or the lady that Y!Bakura crossdresses as ;)
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and there were quite a few dark magician girls and blue eyeses.
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from another illustration book~
and i found a couple of apprenticeshipping doujins on BOOTH, but none of them wow-ed me really~
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although I’ve been thinking a lot recently about how Mana inherited the Ring in manga canon. I feel like there are things to consider here. This picture struck me as a result.
Alright~ And now for my favourites~
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OMG! A WHOLE DOUJIN ABOUT MALIK AND HIS SIBLINGS!!! I think this one was a predictable fave. I loved it so, sooo much. I was absolutely filled with quality Malik and Rishid moments.
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Malik and Rishid go biking and run into Mai which is very !!!
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There are vacation photographs~
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It looks like Malik tries to feed Ra a revival slime and gets eaten himself. I don’t know. But it was good. I’m so happy~ Ishtar family doujins. My life is complete. not really. i can’t die until i finish my fics.
Okay, but my other fave I didn’t see coming at all.
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I don’t ship this! I shouted into the void. But nobody really believed her, not even herself. It’s too late for me. I’m just multiship trash. I will ship anything you put in front of me...
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Okay, but the real reason I decided to get this was because of this preview panel. Of course I knew it was puzzlleship. But actually I love Mana and vaseshipping for reals. And this was so cute and the art was so pretty I thought- We might as well check the rest of it out~ (the idea of top!Yuugi didn’t hurt either...)
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And then jackels happened~ And this kind of ethereal magic stuff~
There was some confusion I think with the cultural imagery in the doujin. Some of it looked vaguely Indic to my untrained eye but- I don’t know what to say, the art was so gorgeous and detailed.
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And the smut was all facials and frot so obviously the doujin artist has my gd number, smh.
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And Jou appeared near the end, looking amazing, and Jou is automatically about +50 points for any doujin.
I don’t know what to say. Very nice. Would recommend.
Also- just fyi- I do buy doujins for things that aren’t ygo. pls forgive my focus on my ygo obsession tho.
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I’m really glad I stumbled across this in the hetalia tag~
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And there’s a picture of Tifa being so bad at games at the golden saucer that Nanaki, who doesn’t even have opposable thumbs, can defeat her in PvP. Beautiful~
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wickedbaggins · 8 years
2016 in Review - Movies
Movies are easier to finish than video games. However, it’s not always much easier to remember what you watched in retrospect. Here’s at least a good chunk.
Captain America: Civil War - Don’t hate me, but I struggle to remember this one past ‘adorable Spiderman’ and ‘handsome cool Black Panther’ and ‘I love Vision, was he in this, yes, he was!’ It wasn’t bad or nothing, it’s just part of the haze I’m getting around crowded action movies, comic book or no. 
Zootopia - What a nifty movie. I will watch well-animated animal people all day, but had a great time with the rather frank look at intersectual prejudice! Also noir. If light noir.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - Ugh, this was stupid. I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t caaaare. The only character I liked was that senator, and she got the piss jar. Wonder Woman was fine, I guess, because she couldn’t deaden us all to her presence with badly scripted posturing and repetition, uuugh.
Deadpool - I love Negasonic Teenage Warhead. And the core relationship! And the silly soundtrack. It’s on the edge of too much for me (not in gore, just in ANTICS), but a good time. A good time.
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - I’m sorry, Potter-fans, I was incredibly bored. The Muggle was the only good character, if not the only character. Up Muggles, man, enough wizards and their stupid fascist information hoarding.
Suicide Squad - Will Smith is a charming guy. I liked the fire dude. This movie didn’t make any sense, though, and total, tragic waste of ADAM BEACH. 
Rogue One - Whelp, here’s Normandy Beach, but with Star Wars. Neat ensemble, really impressive to look at. 
Saving Private Ryan - Whelp, here’s actual Normandy Beach. That first bit is perfection, the rest is still pretty great, even if the flag-waving bookends are pretty incongruous.
The 5th Wave - This was a terrible, stupid movie in which a young woman was unconscious for like a week and still had her legs perfectly shaved. Love triangle between alien and hollow-eyed dude. Hollow-eyed dude at least was visually interesting.
The Witch - Wanted to have its horror cake and maybe make a feminist statement and maybe you can’t have both with witches. The horror cake is delicious and deliciously written, though, real pleasure of an unnerving thing to watch. Oh is it unnerving.
Hail, Caesar! - It’s like a series of sketches more than a firm narrative, but almost all the sketches are plain terrific and often hilarious. I am excited for clever, but callow Hobie to turn into Han Solo in a Star Wars spinoff near you.
10 Cloverfield Lane - It’s Gravity, but John Goodman is space. Great little thriller, didn’t need aliens, but whatevs.
Keanu - It’s not quite as good as the best Key and Peele sketches, but that kitten is very cute.
X-Men: Apocalypse - This is another super dumb movie that didn’t make any sense, and made me actively fed up with Fassbender’s Magneto and McAvoy’s Xavier. Kinda liked the bb X-Men, tho.
The Nice Guys - I loved Ryan Gosling’s glassy-eyed luck magic and his hyper-competent daughter and Russell Crowe a soft-eyed murderous brute on the cusp of change. This is a neon neo-noir and a whole lot of fun.
Independence Day: Resurgence - I can’t remember anything about this movie other than I saw it and Will Smith is DEAD and his child should have been the protagonist, but some other guy was, and I can’t even remember his face.
Ghostbusters - I thought this was perfectly nice. McKinnon is dangerous. Star Trek Beyond - Kinda bored, folks, sorry Trek-stars. Waste of Idris Elba, did not commit to thematic conflict, too easy.
Kubo and the Two Strings - Wonderful, wistful film about storytelling and loss, commits 100% to both, best fight scenes all year, prove me wroooong. 
The Magnificent Seven - Pretty neat. Liked the whole cast a lot. Thought deaths were reasonably affecting. It’s not the SEVEN SAMURAI, but WHAT IS.
The Birth of a Nation - Liked this more than most people ultimately did, even setting all director controversy aside. More an intimate character piece than anything, that first real sermon is thrilling.
Doctor Strange - A good time. Benedict Cumberbatch don’t do much for me and I know the Ancient One is problematic, but I still like luminous Tilda Swinton and my dear Ejiofor’s delicate, weepy face. The trippy parts are also actually trippy.
The Lobster - Delightfully, brutally bleak and funny. Everything hurts, and everything is cruel, but it’s such a good cruel.
Moana - Beautiful and uplifting. Disney’s showing off now as easily as Pixar did a few years ago. Maui is a wonderful, manic creation, but Moana is and remains the star of the show.
Sing - Aggressively bland in many ways, but Matthew McConaughey’s koala is such a sneak and a rascal that he almost channels Harold Hill. His lies-upon-lies-upon-trickery storyline is genuinely fun, and the music ain’t bad on the whole. Some quite good indeed.
La La Land - Stunning showpiece, bit melancholy without being glum, follow-your-dreams rooted in a quiet and not so quiet sense of cost. Great time.
Belladonna of Sadness - I can’t in good faith recommend this to anyone, but it is absolutely amazing and deserves to be the inspiration point for even more things than it is. It is also one of those things that means to make a feminist statement and does, but also subjects the viewer to a lot of sexualized violence, some of which is super uncomfortably gazed. I gotta post some screenshots, though. It’s all surreal painterly sex death magic.
Miss Hokusai - Nifty little slice of life about the daughter of an accomplished painter who is also a pretty terrific painter. It is slice of life almost to the point of plotlessness, a character study in distance and restraint.
Tropic Thunder - Wild and rollicky comedy that’s jerkish without being JERKISH and actually funny, in that poke holes in Hollywood kinda way. 
Clockwork Orange - Years, years, after it was released and also, apparently, on fire, Clockwork Orange is still disturbing and every-shot-memorable, but the wild controversy seems almost quaint. I find it hard to believe that tons of folk were certain kids-these-days would find petty cowards in long johns and codpieces irresistibly imitable, but what do I know.
Running Man - No good. Well, okay, I liked the ads and junk. THIS WAS NOT THE BOOK!! AT ALL!!
Return to Oz - I saw the first half hour or so long, long ago. Everyone remembers the wheelers. Everyone remembers the pending electroshock. The bizarre horror of the whole thing never quite lets up, quite a bit here’d disturb anyone. What a great kid’s film. :D
John Wick - A masterpiece of choreographed murder. So much choreography, so much murder.
The Thing - A masterpiece of paranoia and body horror. You know. So much paranoia, so much body horror.
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