#the warzone skins are so cute honestly...
0318k · 9 days
most fucked up thing is i know the bullies i had in all my schools (all boys including the dedicated long term ones lol which involved taunting me even in front of my friends or pushing me or making me fall on the ground winters were the worst because they would throw rocks embedded in snow balls and getting to a bus was a warzone. since i was really short and small they knew i couldnt even fight back id be the easiest target theyd throw me on the ground and put snow behind my clothes right on my naked skin on my back and id be coming home like this biting my mouth to not cry in the bus. the short term situational ones where theyd point fingers at me or make remarks on my appearance to their friends and laugh) i didn’t understand what i was doing for them to say and do these things to me i was just trying to exist walk these fucking corridors and talk to my friends like everyone else. but i know something always made me look like a target to these people. the amount of times i fantasized about meeting them as i am now and spitting in their pathetic faces i know they would most likely think i am cute or wtv now and they would treat me like a human (not really but you know what i mean) but honestly the amount of times i cried in my bath through these years wishing i could die i cant count. it was so helpless
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fnf-brain-rot · 3 years
We're In This Together [Pico's School AU] Prologue
"Yo, Pico! Catch!"
Pico could recognize the voice immediately as one of his real good friends, Darnell. He looked up from the sidewalk, spotting the boy from the other side of the fence of his home.
Darnell was an average looking dude, just like Pico. He had dark brown skin, and always wore the same tacky looking purple and yellow hoodie, and same normal baggy denim jeans. He always wore his hair in a flat top, but after a stupid prank from his older brother, it was lopsided. He ended up liking the look, so he kept it, much to Pico's dismay.
Darnell was taller than Pico, but the ginger always said when they get older, he was gonna be taller than both of his friends. they doubt that, always to get him riled up.
He rolled his eyes at the thought, then shot Darnell a playful scowl. "What're you doing, dumbass? We got school today." As he spoke, a ball came flying his way. He didn't have time to think before it hit him in the face, bouncing against the pavement and into the street. "I even gave you a warnin' man!" Darnell cackled as Pico put a hand on his head, now actually scowling at him.
He took the long walk around his fence, then ran to grab his ball before any cars decided to run it over. "You know I don't do sports!" Pico shouted back at him, only to feel an arm sling around his shoulder. He groaned, somewhat irritated from how much air is probably in Darnell's head right now. "Get your bag, and let's go." Darnell laughed at his seriousness, then went off back to his house. "Didn't know you were so eager to see Nene." he joked, and Pico's face flushed. "I do not like Nene!!" Darnell either didn't hear, or just didn't respond. He wanted to punch that guy sometimes.
The walk to school was playful, the two talking about what ridiculous stunts they would do on the way there. Nene was the only one in the group who certainly didn't understand Darnell's obsession with burning things, or Pico's obsession with breaking things. She only expressed her violent tendencies when she needed to.
Speak of the devil.. There she sat on the doorstep of the school building, obviously looking out for the two, trying to make sure they didn't die on their way to school or something. Her usual dress up was somewhat of an eye sore, clad in all pink gear, a bright pink tank dress, and lighter pink long sleeve under that. She always wore the same shade of tights underneath the darker pink dress, little pink Mary Janes with a cute little heart design, and to top it all off, a pink head band to keep her short, black hair in tact.
"Where have you two been?? Class already started!!" Nene shouted at the two. Pico rolled his eyes, nudging Darnell on the arm. "C'mon, before she gets any louder." They playfully gagged at each other, and caught Nene crossing her arms and puffing her cheeks. "Guess I just won't skip with you guys anymore." She scoffed, and the two boys looked to her urgently. "Noooo!"
"You always bring good snacks!!"
Nene scoffed, smacking both of them upside their heads as they approached her. "So all I'm good for is snacks?" Darnell rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, shrugging. "Basically?" Pico sighed lightly, rubbing his own head as well. "No, Nene." He reassured her. With a satisfied huff, she turned on her heel, opening the school doors for them. They're lucky they got there before they locked that shit shut.
The three ventured inside, turning right on the very first door, and walked inside. "Pico, Nene, Darnell.. You three are late." The teacher seemed to deflate a little a their entrance. Pico couldn't care less. "We're very sorry Mrs. Fee." Nene spoke for the two, and Darnell groaned. "I'm not." His retort elicited small giggles from within the class, and Mrs. Fee shook her head. "Just sit down, and get your text books. We're on page four forty-one." She informed them. Now it was Pico's turn to groan in protest. There weren't days any more boring than text book days. Well test days are a close second.
Pico, Nene, and Darnell sat in a perfectly straight line horizontally from each other, Nene on Pico's left, and Darnell on the right. Nene hated her seat sometimes due to being near one of the goth kids of the school, Cassandra. She was so brooding, and quiet. Pico thought she didn't have friends for a long time, until he had a run in with all those weird kids.
More goth kids?
Sure, Pico knew his class wasn't the only class in school. He just rarely saw anyone outside of their classes other than their five minute break for lockers. He was being forced to stay after school for math tutoring, which sucked ass. He'd rather do half of what he knows and get a D than be forced to actually learn the shit.
He spotted the group standing around the bathroom, the only one he could recognize being Cassandra. "Hey, Prick-o." Speak of the devil, she must have caught him staring, given she now had a hard smirk on her face. The other two boys turned to him as well. One of them had blue skin, which was weird, and the other had an eye patch. The one with the eye patch was pretty tall for a thirteen or fourteen year old. Pico wouldn't be caught dead fighting him.
"You got something to say, then say it." She scoffed at Pico's lack of response, and he sneered back at her, gripping his hold on his backpack. "I didn't know you had friends, Cassandra." He said, and Casandra growled. "You little.." She was about to go off on him, but Cyclops stepped forward, which honestly intimidated the Ginger. "Yeah she has friends, who wouldn't hesitate to beat your ass if you don't keep walking." He threatened him. He must be at least fifteen, he sounded like he hit puberty already.
Pico clicked his teeth and rolled his eyes to seem unfazed, so he continued on his way. Yeah, his heart was beating out of his chest, so what? Doesn't mean he's a pussy. Just.. let him call Nene and Darnell first, shit..
Fuck those guys.. He laughed under his breath. They weren't worth the energy.
"Have you heard about the desolate battlegrounds just outside the city?"
God they were so noisy..
"No you nerd. What does that have to do with us?"
Why couldn't he nap in peace..
"That means we'd be hit first if anything got through!"
"What are you two even talking about??"
Pico opened his eyes with an irritated grunt, pouting his lips and looking behind them. They had been walking home from school, but decided to stop at the park. They had hijacked the playground from all the younger kids, and Pico had decided to take a peaceful little nap near the slide, sitting on the steps that led up to it. Of course, Nene and Darnell were right by him, talking as loud as fucking possible.
"Duh! The fact that we're right next to a fucking warzone!" Pico scoffed at how worried he sounded. "We'll be just fine. My-" He had a wide smirk on his face as Darnell stopped him. "Don't you fucking say it."
"My dad-"
"Don't do it!!"
"-makes for a good condom."
Nene made a sound of disgust, and Darnell groaned as Pico burst into laughter. He really got his sense of humor from his dad. And damn proud of it. "That doesn't even make any sense." Nene huffed softly, and Pico sat up, now fully facing the two. "yeah it does! The military is protecting the city from being penetrated, therefore, condom joke." The ginger grinned proudly, showing off the gap right between his front teeth. he thought it was fucking adorable, fuck anyone who said it looked weird.
"You really need to stop hanging around your dad." Darnell grumbled, pulling out his phone. The sky began to transition to an orange color, so Darnell's parents wanted him and Pico home. Pico would stay over Darnell's house, since his dads only had so much to come back home and relax. Maybe only a couple weeks max, considering his dad is the captain. He likes to flex that a lot.
"We should get going. We'll walk you home first though." Darnell socked Nene in the arm, making her whine and rub the spot. That would probably bruise later. "Fine. But I can protect myself." She huffed as the group began to leave the playground. "You're a thirteen year old little girl Nene."
"You so can't protect yourself!"
"You don't know that!"
Pico snickered as they bickered. Nene really thought she was so tough just because she took a few karate classes. In her defense, her parents did make her, specifically after finding out her two main friends were boys. He suddenly stopped in his tracks, glancing in the wake of the duo. He felt.. like he saw something in the corner of his eye. Weird.. He stared down the street, watching the street lamps turn on almost simultaneously. "Yo, Pico?" He turned around. Nene and Darnell had stopped, now looking at him. "C'mon dude, I don't feel like getting yelled at again." He exasperated.
Pico simply snorted. "I was yelled at too you dip." He retorted, quickly shuffling to catch up with them. Well, whatever it was, if it was anything, it would have to fight all three of them, so fuck it.
Everything was gonna be just fine.
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imajoonations · 5 years
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Namjoon x Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Word Count: 2917
Warnings: None
The unseen consequences of murdering another to absorb their magic wasn't revealed until the next generation was born. Children only possessed bloodline magic, causing some abilities to vanish from the world entirely.
This led to another unfortunate discovery, killing one's own parents would allow us to consume what they themselves had stolen.
When I was 7 years old, my father demanded I kill my mother. Of course I refused, but this only prompted her to attack me. I had never been in a fight before and I definitely was no match for my mother. While she unleashed powerful attacks, her goal was never to hit me.
Magic takes life force which can replenish over time. However, if too much magic is used at once, it can have a devastating effect on the caster.
I didn't attack my mother, the toll the spells took on her body were what killed her. That is how my powers were inherited.
That day, I decided to only use my bloodline magic, creation, and aligned with those who did the same. The only way to avoid fighting is to hide. That's how Eva and I came to be.
I created a manor from a mountain. It took less effort to twist my surroundings into something new than to materialize it from thin air. To outsiders, Eva has disguised it to appear as if it's still just a mountain. This allowed us to survive, but not to live. That's why I created a new world, one without magic. I needed something to focus my energy on in order to stay sane. However, I can't perfect this world and it's slowly driving me mad.
"Desi~" Eva said. Her voice pulled me out of my thoughts.
She wrapped her arms around me with her head rested on my shoulders. "You've been locked in this study for days, staring at that world of yours. Can't you focus on me for a bit, love?"
I wrapped my hand around one of her arms, as I pulled her into my lap. I gestured to the billions of tiny cogs inside a glass orb, "What do you see?"
Her brows furrowed in confusion as she looked into my eyes, her beauty never ceases to amaze me. I've looked at her face every day for thousands of years, but I still don't think I've taken in all her features yet. She leaned forward watching for a bit. "Your favorite creation working as intended. Self sustaining.", Eva said as she glanced back at me.
I let out a sigh and tangled my arms around her slim waist. "It's missing something, don't you think?"
She chuckled and turned her body so she could wrap her arms around my neck. "What do you see when you look at it Desi?"
I sucked in my cheeks as I thought of an answer. "Failure," I pressed my forehead into the crook of her neck, her Auburn hair tickled my cheek. "Something that falls short of perfection.", I said.
She pressed her lips to my temple and whispered, "Nothing is perfect dear."
My grip tightened around her waist and I tilted my head as her smile pressed her gentle, green eyes into crescents. "You are Eva.", I mumbled into her skin.
Her smile widened and those green orbs disappeared behind her eyelids. "You flatter me, but my beauty is just an illusion, love. Everyone sees what they want to see when they look at me.”, Eva said.
I laughed and her face twisted in annoyance, demanding an explanation from me. "I sometimes forget that you are a mirror of one's desires."
Her face softened with my words as she pushed my bangs away from my face. "Well what do you desire in this world of yours?"
"I want those in it to break my expectations. However, they never seem to be capable of that no matter how I change the design."
My eyes followed her as she got up from my lap to pace around the dimly lit room. I could almost see her brain working it's hardest to find my answer. Even if it's not an easy task, she had always tried to ease my burdens.
She turned around and ran to me and grabbed my hands, "I know!" She grinned from ear to ear as her excitement grew.
"Know what?" She scowled at me like I should already know what she was thinking. "I can't read your mind.", I said.
She rolled her eyes and huffed out a breath, "Have you ever been to this world? I honestly don't know how you expect something to be perfect when you've distanced yourself from it." Bringing her gaze to be level with mine, "Do you trust me?"
I looked at her bewildered, "Of course."
She smirked as her eyes began to glow, "Good," I gazed into them and felt my surroundings fade as the world I created materialized around me, "If you need me, talk into anything with a reflection. I'll be waiting."
I chuckled as I looked into the window of a nearby store, "At least she made sure to hide my true appearance and with quite a handsome face too."
I turned to face the crowd of people on their morning commute and let out a sigh at my creations. It's as if they are a herd of mindless sheep, so disappointing. There has to be at least one person here that is extraordinary and I will wander as a silent observer until I find you.
"Alright I'm heading out!!", I yelled to no one. Sounds a bit stupid, but it makes my home feel less empty. I've only lived in Seoul for about two months now and honestly it's not living up to the hype I had built in my own head before coming. Sure. South Korea was great and living in another country has been my dream since I was little. It's just very humbling to realize I don't matter at all.
It hadn't been long enough since the big move for me to make any close friends, just a few coworkers and classmates I talked to in passing. I have people who loved and cared about me, but they were on the other side of the world. Add that to time zones differences and life got pretty lonely. Well there is one person I enjoy, but we only met shortly after I moved here. "Maybe I should get a cat..."
As I started my walk to school, it was as normal as always. The kind, old man greeted me as I passed by his store. He bowed to everyone though, so it's not like he is truly saw me. He just hoped I would divert my course and buy something, I guess. A few people tried to hand me flyers or told me about some cool new item that I couldn't live without. I didn't even own a proper bed frame yet.
I've been way too busy just trying to keep my grades up to buy one. It's not that I am stupid, just that all my classes proved to be a major pain when everything is in Korean. Guess I didn't realize real life didn't come with subtitles.
"Excuse me miss?"
I looked behind me to see a guy. Fairly average looking. 5'10. Dark hair. Brown eyes. Looked like everyone else you'd imagine seeing here. "Yes?"
The man rubbed the back of his neck while smiling sheepishly at me, "You wouldn't happen to have any money, so I can catch the bus would you?"
"It seems I forgot my wallet at home by mistake."
I tried to hold back my sigh since his bunny teeth and sparkly eyes were so endearing. "Uhm...let me look in my wallet."
I shuffled through the random crap I had in my bag, searching for coins. There might be some lost in the bottom...maybe? Kind of embarrassing to admit, but I definitely didn't have any money in my wallet. Just my I.D. and a gift card for a pizza joint back home that probably had $1 on it...at most.
After I dug around in the warzone that is the bottom of my bag and managed to stick my fingers in every gross thing there is, I found some change. "Is this enough? I'm not sure how much it costs."
The guy inspected my change as if it is some lost treasure, "Yes. Thanks so much."
I watched as the guy sprinted off towards the bus, barely having gotten on it in time. I guess he didn't realize there will be another bus in 5 minutes and that he didn't need to run around like a chicken with his head cut off.
I continued on my path to school, I shoved my earbuds in hopes to drown out the overwhelming sounds of the city. It's a short walk to school. I was very fortunate to have found an apartment so close, but I would take the long way if it meant I got to avoid the crowded morning commute. Unfortunately for me, there is no way that was less crowded. I didn't hate people, just the lack of space they gave me. I'm not really sure why, but I panic when I feel surrounded by so many people. Nothing ever happened to me and I'm not shy, just claustrophobic I guess.
I turned the corner to see my school in the distance. I sighed in annoyance as I got ready to brace myself for the unrelenting amount of stress as I tried to keep up with my professor’s lectures. An arm wrapped around my shoulders and slowed my fast set pace. I pulled my earbuds out and turned to the only person who would have felt they were close enough to intentionally invade my personal space like that. "Morning Namjoon."
His cute dimples already appeared on his stupidly handsome face. "Morning. You didn't text me last night."
I did my best to roll my eyes and hide my joy inside, "Yea because you weren't worth my time."
He chuckled, bumping into me gently, "Try all you want y/n. I know you liiiike me."
Cocky little shit...but true. "Go flirt with someone else. I'm going to be late for class." I quickened my pace to avoid being around him anymore. I seriously had no control over my heart when he was around.
After hours of painful mind Olympics trying to translate as fast as my professors could speak, I was happy to be walking towards the glorious gates of the campus.
"Wait up," I turned to see Namjoon as he ran with an adorable bounce towards me, "Let me walk you home."
I tried my best to not squeal out loud, only in my head. "Would love to, but I have work."
"Then I'll just walk you there."
Eeek!!! Prince charming lives in Korea and he's talking to me!
Stop ruining it, you turd monkey!!
He mostly talked and I listened as we walked together. "Why are you always so quiet?"
Crap. "Uhm...it's stupid." He walked ahead of me and smiled. Ugh! That perfect smile will be the death of me!!
"So? Do I make you uncomfortable or something?"
My eyes shot wide with panic, "Nonono!! Nothing like that. It's just...I don't know...I guess I like listening to you more than I like talking." Sort of... "It's lame, but you're the only person I know who likes talking in English. It's like...a slice of home hearing my native tongue in a place so alien to me." I chewed on my cheek as he stopped in front of me. "What Namjoon?"
He leaned down to be level with my height, "You're so lame, it's adorable."
I slapped his shoulder as he stuck out his tongue and turned to keep walking. So annoying!! But so cute too...
I stared at his back, he looked so confident when he walked. It was enchanting to watch.
"Stop staring at my ass."
"What ass?" He glared at me and sucked on his teeth in annoyance. I tried my best not to burst out in a fit of laughter, but I failed miserably.
"Don't act like you don't want this!" He wiggled his hips in front of me as he patted his butt.
"You look like a circus monkey and that old lady is staring at you like you have mental problems." His cheeks reddened and I fought the urge to awww~ in his face.
"Shut up..."
Aww~ flustered Joon is cutest Joon!!!
We stood in front of the library I worked at. "Well, I guess I'll see you later?" I played with my fingers, as I looked up at him.
"Actually, I'm having a get together with some friends at my place later. Do you want to come?"
My heart stuttered a little when I met his eyes, "I'd like that."
His showed that perfect smile that made my heart panic more, "What time are you off work? I'll meet you here so I can walk you back to my place."
I rolled my eyes, "I can walk there myself, you know?"
"No way. It's already getting dark outside. What kind of friend would I be?"
Friend... "Ha. Yea you're right...I'm off at 8" He opened his arms for a hug and I willingly got into them.
"I'll be waiting." He winked and I felt his eyes on me as I walked into work.
I turned around and waved at him. He just smiled and nodded his head as he turned to walk away. Friend...ugh!!!
Sweet time transitions
"Ok. I'm going to finish up here and clock out." My coworker smiled at me and wished me goodnight. I headed to the employee break room to grab my belongings as I rubbed my eyelids. It's been an exhausting day.
"Y/n!", my manager appeared like the Satan he is.
"Yea?" Please don't ask me to stay late!
"There is a new hire coming in tomorrow. I want you to train them. Alright?"
A new hire...isn't there already enough people working here? It's one mediocre library. "Yes, sir. How will I know which person is the new hire?"
My manager looked at me dumbfounded, "it'll be the employee you don't know."
...idiot... "Right....well I'll see you tomorrow then Mr. Kim." He just nodded and walked off while I mentally face palmed. My brain must be seriously fried after today...
I walked out of the library and looked around for Joon. Huh...he's not here. I took my phone out of my purse and checked to see if I had  any messages.
Running a bit late! Sry.
My friend wanted to come too 🙄
Hope you don't mind...
I sighed as I wrapped my coat around my myself as tight as I could. It's only August, but it's already started to get pretty cold at night. Please hurry~
I decided it was best to not stand in front of work, I wandered towards a nearby streetlight. It should be close enough that Joon could find me. There was no one around anyways. He'd be an idiot if he couldn't find me.
My eyes scanned the nearby woods...well sort of woods. It's just a few trees that the city had put in to make the area more pleasant to look at. Before it was just a dirt field. As I watched the trees I noticed movement. The frick... "Hello? Is someone out there." Please be a no. Please be a no. I scanned the trees for any signs of life. Ok frick this!!
I started to make my way back to the front of the library where creepy things definitely did not lurk in the shadows. However, I still felt like I was being watched. My heart started to speed up, as did my legs. I swore I heard footsteps behind me, but I was too afraid to look back. Someone's hand grabbed onto my arm and turned me to face them as I yelped in fear.
"Woah! Sorry y/n...I didn't mean to scare you.", Namjoon said.
Heat rose to my cheeks quickly, but they were probably already red from standing in the cold. "Namjoon...Were you in the trees over there, just now?"
He looked over at the trees and back at me with furrowed brows. "No. Why?"
I stood closer to him to feel a bit safer, "I thought I saw someone...or something there."
He just chuckled and laid his arm over my shoulder. "Relax. It was probably just your imagination. Let's go, it's really cold already." He grabbed my hand and started walking me towards his home.
"Where's your friend?"
"Oh! He said he needed to run back to his place real quick."
"Ahh~ ok then." We continued our walk in silence, but I still felt a sense of unease. I swore if felt like there was someone watching me. I took one last glance at the treeline to see if I could make out a figure, but there was nothing. Huh...I'd much rather focus on Joon than my overactive imagination anyways.
Unbeknownst to her, a figure emerged from behind a tree, watching the two from the shadows.
"That was close." coming to stand on the sidewalk as they brushed off the dirt from the trees, "I think I'll stick around here for a while. Maybe something interesting will happen."
A/N: Guys OMG I’ve been locked out of this account forever!!!! I missed writing for you guys so much, but I didn’t want to start all over on a new account. I’m so SORRY, I’ve been MIA for about 2 years now!!!! This story has 3 parts written so far and I have zero ideas on how long it will be, but I love it so far! I’ve also been writing stuff for my own amusement that I can upload over time for you guys! AAAGHGHGHSH, I’m just so happy I was finally able to get back into this account!!!!
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svmmerdays · 4 years
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( 09 / muse 25 / cis female & she/her ) contrary to what the campers might tell you, that’s not macarena garcia. that’s theodora ‘theo’ montoya! this is their 2nd year working here and they’re a counselor. they’re 20, and i just found out during ice breakers they’re a scorpio. at first they might seem pretty manipulative, but they’re actually really ambitious. when they have down time, you can usually catch them tanning by the lake. try to get to know them for yourself this summer! ( pepper / she/her / 24 / est )
ABOUT THE MUN what is that? that freaky thing? yes that’s right it’s a naked mole rat
it’s me, pepper, with a second muse despite the fact that i probably don’t really need a second muse. but i’ve been making bad decisions since 1996 babey, i see no reason to stop now!
BIO. she’s a maneater, make you work hard, make you spend hard, make you want all of her love.
Theodora Juana Montoya was brought into the world and immediately wrapped in rich silk. Honestly. The first thing in her life to touch her skin was more expensive than anything most people touch in their lifetime and that set the tone for the rest of Theo’s life like nothing else could.
Theo’s father, Arturo ‘Art’ Montoya, was the CEO of a manufacturing company and her mother, Silvia, was beautiful. Really. That was her entire occupation. Before she married her father Theo heard that her mother used to be more. She was a model in Mexico, an amateur actress too. But growing up all Theo knew her mother to do was stand there, or occasionally sit there, and look pretty. And as a child Theo couldn’t think of a greater job in the world.
Until it became suddenly and abundantly clear that pretty wasn’t enough. Because of course other women could be pretty too. While Theo’s mother was particularly good at it, she didn’t have the market cornered. Theo’s nanny’s brand of pretty was not only enough to get Papa Mo into bed with her, but enough to get him to leave his wife and daughter too. Theo remembers the day he left with particular clarity. Half because it was her sixth birthday and half because that was the first time Theo had ever seen her mother look ugly. Because Silvia Montoya’s rage was ugly and that ugliness showed as she chased Arturo out of their house for good.
Theo’s father didn’t want her. Theo, that is, not her mother (although, frankly, he didn’t seem to want her either). He didn’t say it in so many words but there was no custody battle. Her mother got her without the slightest bit of fight and half of her father’s money to boot. Silvia still wanted Art’s head on a spike but the money eased her pain. It soothed her. And when she found Theo, crying about feeling unwanted and unloved, she had the money lick her wounds too. That day Theo got a solid gold necklace with her name on it, a pony, and tickets to see Jesse McCartney. That day Theo learned to wipe her tears on hundred dollar bills.
Her mother taught her other lessons as she grew up. First that you really could make money off of just being pretty. It was eye opening for Theo to see her mother use her looks to seduce men into marrying her. Successful men. Rich men. Men who should really know better, but easily fell to the charms of a pretty face. Silvia would usually get these men to wed her, stick around just for long enough to avoid questions, and then leave with half of their fortune. It was a subtle con but it was one that worked more than once, and through it all Silvia made sure her daughter knew everything she had come to learn, so that she wouldn’t make the same mistakes she did.
So Theo learnt from the best. Not the best mother by any means (her mother was cold, irate, and critical on her best days, and almost cruel on her worst) but the best black widow in the country for sure. She saw her mother singlehandedly ruin these men in both heart and bank account, and she participated. She made them fall in love with her, not in the same way her mother did of course, but as a daughter. Always daddy’s little girl for whichever daddy of the week it was. Always starry eyed. Always in awe. The perfect little girl who could ask daddy for a grand and get double that because she could do no wrong. She could never do anything wrong, even as behind closed doors she used that money for certainly less than right things. Drugs, gambling, partying, drinking, Theo dabbled in it all probably way too early. But who needed to know? Certainly not daddy.
The Montoya women lived well for a while (well, one Montoya woman and whatever surname her mother had taken from her husband of the year). They had more money than they knew what to do with, all without either of them having to work a day for it. And they were greedy to boot. Theo expected the two of them to live this way for the rest of their lives. And maybe they would have if Silvia didn’t slip up.
Against all odds, Theo’s mother fell in love. And she married that man, for love. It was made all the more ridiculous by the fact that the man was none other than Theo’s father. After all he had done. After all they had been through.
Theo was fifteen when her parents got remarried. Theo got nothing out of the arrangement but a maid of honour dress she promptly burned, twin half siblings she actively despised, and her biological father back, she supposed. She hated it. She hated her father, and at that point she felt lied to by her mother, the one person she had been able to trust. Their household quickly became a warzone. Theo vs her parents. Theo rebelled against them whether that be through subtle rich bitch antics (getting a boy she liked to crash her daddy’s car, making a scene at an important event, trashing the house with a massive party, ‘losing’ her siblings in increasingly outlandish ways, etc) or straight out hostility. It did nothing but make Theo feel better honestly, but Theo selfishly thought that was more than enough. Until they decided to send her to boarding school, like that was supposed to fix absolutely anything. It didn’t. It just angered her more than anything.
But that was Theo’s life for a while. Going to boarding school during the school year, seeing her parents briefly during the Christmas break, and to top it all off, the most humiliating of all being shipped to Dagwood in the summers. Theo first set foot on Dagwood soil at fourteen because her parents thought that the experience would humble her or build character or god knows what else. While her boarding school friends were vacationing in Paris or Greece or Hawaii, Theo was stuck swatting mosquitoes by a fresh water lake in the middle of nowhere surrounded by children too dumb to wipe their own noses. Initially Theo despised the whole thing and made that no secret to the campers around her. Honestly, she was really and truly a brat for the first month of that summer. But eventually Theo... got lonely. She’d die before admitting it, but it’s the truth. After all, being a bitch to everybody didn’t tend to make you any genuine friends. Minions maybe, but friends? Not so much. And considering she was being forced to endure Dagwood at least the rest of the summer, she decided to try a different tactic. So frankly, some people probably remember Theo positively from camp and some people probably remember  her really negatively depending on whether or not she decided to stop being a bitch to them specifically sdkjsdkj however for the following summers Theo really did come to almost enjoy coming to Dagwood because of the friends she made there, so yes that is a big wc gimme that squad pls and thanks. Definitely caused havoc, might have snuck some alcohol into their cabin, definitely were just... true pains in the asses for the counselors and heads alike, we love to see it. Anyways, moving on dkjsdjk
When Theo actually was home with her parents she was force to watch the woman her mother was waste away into something lovestruck and meek and anxious. Silvia was terrified that Art would cheat again, that if she didn’t keep him 100% happy he would leave her. She drank to cope. Popped more than a few pills too. And that’s how Theo learned that one of her earliest memories was a misunderstanding. That it wasn’t rage on Silvia’s face but desperation. She didn’t chase Arturo out, he left. The new perspective was eye opening. Her mother wasn’t who she thought she was, or maybe she was, but love changed her. The rose coloured glasses she used to fool men into loving her were over her own eyes now, and they had made her weak.
And then of course her father cheated. Again. Theo caught him in the act herself and she wasn’t the slightest bit surprised. He begged her not to tell her mother, to keep it between them. Theo countered his pleading with a saccharine sweet request for a new car. And later a new wardrobe. A yacht? A trip to Paris with her friends? Oh daddy, would you look at this cute little plane, I have to have it! Please?
And just like that all was right with the world then. Theo had the upper hand. She had a father, her real one, wrapped around her little finger. Her mother was still a disappointment but she was learning to cope with that. It was all looking up. Until the day before Theo’s eighteenth birthday. Because apparently, she’s cursed.
The day before Theo’s birthday her father was very quietly arrested, and if you’re wondering, yes it did put a damper on her birthday party the following day. It should be mentioned that Arturo Montoya was the CEO of a weapons manufacturing company, and according to the government he had been selling said weapons at a considerable discount to the wrong people. Now honestly, Theo wouldn’t have minded her father going to jail. Yes, it was embarrassing but the government was keeping things very discreet as they underwent their investigation, and her father would be going to a comfy white collar jail to boot. No one would even know that Art Montoya was behind bars.
But then they took her mother with him as an accomplice. And while Theo’s heart might not be very big or warm, she does have some loyalty.
And well, shortly after they seized their bank accounts, and that was the last straw. Because while Theo could maybe perhaps deal with being orphaned, being poor??? Was unthinkable.  
This was all just before Theo went to university and she has told almost nobody about the incident. Theo trusts very few people honestly, call it her mother’s influence. No one knows that her parents are in jail and no one knows that she is technically not rich anymore because Theo has been keeping up appearances really, really well. She’s just as snobby as before. Just as materialistic as before. Just as willing to throw money around as before, even if she doesn’t technically have it.
Well, didn’t technically have it. Upon becoming bankrupt and (semi) orphaned Theo she called up some of her old stepfathers. Even though most of them (⅔) were still foolishly heartbroken over her mother, they all still loved Theo. They funded her without a second thought, giving her more than enough to get herself on her feet. But it couldn’t last forever. After all, she wasn’t even their step daughter anymore. But it’s due to their help and the scholarship that Theo was offered for her academic performance (that she honestly never thought that she’d actually need) that Theo can go to university at all. 
Well, that and her side hustle, an entrepreneurial opportunity that came to Theo at a time when her bank account was running particularly low and her professor made a pass at her like a sign from god. Or maybe Zeus, that perv. Anyways, the point is everything suddenly clicked into place.
Skeevy, lonely, old, rich, married men. That was her in. That was her salvation. She’d get them to cheat, or even just come close to it. Take a few pictures maybe. Save a few text messages. Record a few phone calls. And finally blackmail them and milk them for all they’re worth. Cut and dry, a piece of cake. A bit of effort and Theo gets everything she wants as always. And no one has to know. Order will be restored. She’ll be on top.
Theo has been doing this for about two years and she’s been pretty successful. It helps her pay her bills and fuels her shopping habit. She also has a few sugar daddies on file because, well, a girl’s gotta do what a girls gotta do. But to almost everyone in her life Theo just simply continues to put on the facade of being effortlessly rich. She even still goes to some rich people events and stuff like that just to keep up appearances, even if it drains her funds like nothing else. If anyone ever asks where her parents are, they’re out of town. Oh, Mom is in Milan for fashion week, and Dad is in China on a business trip. She has too much pride to admit the truth to anyone, because despite everything Theo is a little embarrassed of it and she does not want anyone by any means to ever pity her.
But by the end of the second semester of her first year Theo was getting worried. Yes, she had stepdad 1 pay for her tuition for the year and yes stepdad 2 was wiring money to her monthly for her rent and other expenses (which was really just code for Theo letting him help her raise her parents bail) all while she had stepdad 3 on standby for an emergency and a few profs and sugar daddies in rotation, but it still wasn’t enough. Theo still needed money to actually pay for her rent and expenses, not to mention extra to maintain her lifestyle, and her step father’s love could only stretch so far. So, for the first time in her life Theodora Montoya decided to get a... job. The very thought still makes her shudder on occasion, but she’s slightly soothed by the fact that she’s at least working at Dagwood. Not the most glamorous job by any means even when she ties her counselor shirt up just so, but the most subtle for sure. After all, she could easily disguise her actual need for money by saying she just wanted to hang out with some of her old camp friends and reminisce about their past antics. No one would question her, after all, Theo doesn’t tend to act like she actually wants to keep her job, what with how often she would bring her campers to the lake so that she could tan, or sit them down and give them questionable romance advice and call it exercise. 
That was until Theo well and truly fucked up. It’s a rare occurrence but it happens, occasionally, and when it does Theo can sometimes admit it. One of her campers almost drowning on her watch was one of those times. Honestly, it was simply a circumstance where Theo was too freaked out to lie. Yes, she might be a horrible person and yes she dislikes kids in general, but she actually likes her little trolls. And she would never want to actually hurt one. And knowing that one may have died on her watch was a shock to the system. For once in her life Theo was actually genuinely remorseful. She honestly considered turning down the head of staff’s offer of a second chance, despite knowing she needed the money, because she truly wasn’t sure if she even should be in charge of kids. But in the end she accepted it, knowing she wanted to spend more time with the people and campers she’d grown attached to here. 
But then came karma, the bitch who hits back in the form of the head who had decided to blackmail her in return. Honestly, it was almost funny how ironic it all was. Well, it would be if it wasn’t happening to her. As it is, Theo is doing her best to be on her best behavior as of late. That is at least until she can find herself with an opportunity to get some dirt of her own. 
HEADCANNONS. i’m not killing people, i’m killing boys
was head bitch in charge in high school, head cheerleader, etc. very spoiled honestly, is used to asking people to jump and them asking how high, and can occasionally come off a bit bossy because of it.
still very much loves dance and gymnastics from her time cheerleading, actually used to do ballet growing up too. she is probably on a dance or gymnastic club at her university and on the competitive cheer team Considered becoming a dance major at one point but instead took freaking pre med (* elle woods vc * what, like it’s hard? dfkjdjk) for the money and only the money though! 
honestly theo plays dumb a lot of the time and tbh,,, she is a bit of dumb when it comes to certain things (straight up thought that a banana would cost ten dollars before she started buying her own food, thinks you have to pay to get your mail, like rich people dumb yk) sdkjsdjk but she does really well academically like she’s never really struggled to much to make grades. will joke that she’s just in the medical department to try and meet her future husband though, and generally won’t share her grades because honestly she figures if people know she’s smart they’ll see her coming,,, and she doesn’t want that, if people think she’s just a pretty face it’s easier to screw them over.
is a really good student though and takes school pretty seriously but doesn’t want it to look like she does? like she wants to seem effortlessly smart, but she studies her ass off when no one’s looking. her binders are all colour coded and sexy, like she is a secret nerd for sure.
used to travel all over the place with her mother because of the amount of times her mother got married like it’d straight up be like i’m marrying this guy from sydney australia so off we go baby pack your bags aksbsj we’re moving. So she’s spent time all over the place honestly, i’d say she’s at least lived in five different countries in her life? So despite being born in New York, she’s been all over.
i’m going to say her mom got married three times in nine years so?? definitely sus but nothing too crazy like some men just do that anyways so dkjdjk
Can speak spanish (she learned from her mom), french, italian, german, and knows a bit of latin mostly because she took it in high school though so it truly is just a rich bitch thing. can speak bits and pieces of a few other languages but not fluent by any means
doesn’t tend to have the highest opinion of men in general because of the way she was raised but she’s not an asshole about it yk like unless you’re an older man she can exploit you’re safe.
a bisexual icon like all of my muses honestly! very much inspired by me finally starting to watch dare me and it taking over my life so yes this bitch swings both ways!
honestly lowkey really craves love and acceptance from her father but is so salty after the initial rejection that she won’t give him the chance to reject her again! she’d rather die!
honestly rejection is probably one of her biggest fears
a philophobe but i feel like no one is surprised. thinks love makes you stupid and yk what she’s not wrong! has never been in love!! or maybe she has,,, wc mayhaps??
watches a lot of reality tv and the entirety of her cabin is probably judging her for it but she doesn’t care!! will watch bachelor in paradise on her phone behind the mess hall in the living room (rip bip 2020,,, you will be missed)
speaking of the cabins, theo is super messy so fgkfdkj good luck y’all! her take out containers are probably stacked up in the staff fridge if they have one, and her room looks like tornado just went through it because this girl is used to having maids to clean up after her and now that she doesn’t she doesn’t know how to act!!
Is freaking tiny man. Like legitimately like 5’2.
dabbles in witchy stuff mostly for fun. believes in ghost. the one to pull out a ouija board at a party. very much into astrology. needs to know the time you were born.
her mom calls her juana but she’s really the only one to. goes by theo or thee for the most part, or mo depending on the person. her insta handle is @theomo
goes to visit her mom in prison like once a month. gets the guards to call her father over only so he can sit down, pick up the little phone thingie, and theo can look him in the eye as she hangs up on him sdkjdskj.
still a bitch for jesse mccartney! also one direction! the jonas brothers! also probably most boy bands, like she likes to pretend to be like yes hmm classical music because she wants to seem classy but just wATCH HER POP HER PUSSY TO BURNING UP! her campers have probably come back from activities to her doing entire performances in her fluffy bathrobe and bunny slippers and you know what good for them it was a whole show! 
loves her campers because they treat her like a queen. i imagine most of the 13-15 year old girls are impressionable and see theo as some sort of god with her bottomless makeup tips and rich girl stories, and theo just basks in that. they make her feel powerful. she adores them. 
won’t smoke, but will vape. also a lightweight when it comes to drinking, but she doesn’t want anybody to know that! will pop pills, but is very particular about it cause she doesn’t want an addiction. pill popping is for special occasions. 
is incredibly ticklish on the low!
PERSONALITY. it’s not easy to apologize and that’s exactly why i won’t do it
FUN! theo enjoys a good party and isn’t nearly as posh as she likes to come across, so once you get to know her underneath the ice queen exterior she is a lot of fun.
quite WITTY mostly because she likes one upping people even in verbal spars. will give you the funniest advice and anecdotes because she’s just really snarky?
SELFISH as all hell god. feels no remorse about destroying these men’s lives. the embodiment of that killing eve scene where the guy is trying to bargain with villanelle to spare him like ‘i have kids!’ and villanelle is like ??? ‘i don’t want your kids’ aosbsjsq
GREEDY, kind of stuck up, materialistic, spoiled
in love with herself honestly. no one loves themselves more than theo loves theo. is she insecure underneath it all? i guess i’ll find out
kind of MEAN i’m not going to lie fgjkdfjk but only really to strangers and people she hates. hates a lot of people though, but is the type to be nice to their face and trash talk them behind their back, or trash talk them to their face sometimes too yk to mix it up
LOYAL! like if you’ve broken through her walls she’d probably kill a man for you (if she could get away with it scott free ofc)
SUPERIORity complex. doesn’t care what people think of her as long as they know she’s better than them wkenekej
EMOTIONALLY DISTANT. if you’re ever upset and need someone to comfort you do not come to theo she’ll just ask if you want to do some online shopping sksbsjs does not have a healthy relationship with her emotions at all. a straight shopoholic when she’s upset like she just fills that void with stuff or goes on a bit of a self destructive party spree (hence why she legit did still have her eighteenth birthday party after her parents were arrested)
a DRAMATIC bitch honestly.
WANTED CONNECTIONS. i want it all! i want it, want it, want it, the fame and the fortune and more! I WANT IT ALL!
BEST FRIENDS. her squad from camp please! also childhood friends mayhaps! a pen pal she confided in as she moved place to place! maybe someone she met at boarding school???
WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE. someone who goes to her uni maybe? i’m pretty flexible about what school she goes to!
PEOPLE WHO KNOW HER FROM BOARDING SCHOOL. i said what i said! or people she used to pick on from boarding school, or even people who used to be on her cheer squad, or even people who HATED HER IN HIGH SCHOOL CAUSE YOU’RE VALID.
FIRST LOVE. first love at camp,,, once again i am putting this connection down cause it so cute 
GIRL SQUAD. honestly just give me a group of girls that get up to wild antics together. it’s rare to see one of them without at least one of the others and it’s just cute and fun!
SOMEONE WHO SEES THROUGH HER BULLSHIT. someone who’s onto her! whether that be in her fake rich bitch antics or the entire ice queen facade!
FWB/EWB. open to ladies and gents, you know what it is.
EX FWB/EWB. same thing bby girls and boys come one come all.
ENEMIES. just !!! mutual hate man!! we love to see it! theo is vocal and passionate when she hates someone so!! give it to me! 
SOMEONE WHOSE DAD SHE’S BLACKMAILING. i mean???? could be wild folks. we don’t have to make it that theo slept with him but she definitely got close enough to be able to blackmail him.
PLATONIC SOULMATE. just a soft f/m friendship where they know each other really well and get along really well and they really are not dating or even interested in that but everybody is like omg y’all should date but they’re like !!! never gonna happen it’s not like that 
SIBLING LIKE RELATIONSHIP. they annoy each other! and drive each other crazy! but they would do almost anything for each other rip.
EX STEP SIBLING. theo’s mom definitely used their dad for money but maybe they don’t know that! or maybe they do! theo is probably currently using their dad for money and maybe they’re like girl you better STOP or maybe they want in on it, who knows.
GOD SIBLING. also cute and valid! they’ve known each other forever! maybe the only person to know about her parents cause they’re family? could also be a family friend.
PARTY FRIENDS.  !!! give me friends who sneak out of dagwood together to go the club or something, or USED to sneak out of dagwood together before but now theo won’t cause she’s turning a new leaf and all that, or straight up friends who sneak out to the lake or by the woods to drink and party together. 
SUGAR BABY. give me someone who theo spoils or used to spoil just because she does indeed love them. their is no sex involve probably, she just has a soft spot for their poor ass, even now that she’s technically poor herself. 
FAMILY ENEMY. maybe like? an enemy of her family or something? their families are rivals or something like that or have a longstanding fued? could be wild could be fun.
ONE NIGHT STAND. self explanatory, could be from any time or anywhere tbh.  
EXES. theo could honestly have a lot of these, once again… f or m or nb, any of the above work. theo doesn’t really know how to like? love someone though so this would be messy. she was probably only looking for a good time and probably played with their feelings more than a bit because of it. maybe dumped them or maybe they dumped her! if they dumped her than tksjdkjsd theo is incredibly offended and is probably trying to get them back and/or ruin their life out of spite so jot that down!
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theobaba · 5 years
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━━ ( aslihan malbora + cis female + twenty ) oi , have you seen theodora ‘theo’ baba around ? she lives in flat 16 in bedroom 2 ? i was meant to meet them this morning at bean me up before our lecture but she didn’t show . no ? well , shit . if you do see them , can you tell them i’m looking for them ? they’re a 2nd year pre-med student from paris, france & you’ll know it’s them because they might just remind you of the gleam of sunlight off of cream silk , the smell of money , dotting your ‘i’s and ‘j’s with hearts, red lipstick on the rim of a champagne glass, and getting caught rolling your eyes in the background of a photograph if that helps at all . just be careful , she can be a little vain , judgemental & greedy sometimes . —- oh don’t look like that , they’re usually loyal , charming & resourceful most of the time . ✏ pepper , twenty three, she/her , est
ABOUT THE MUN what is that? that freaky thing? yes that’s right it’s a naked mole rat
hello everybody, my name is pepper and i have never been on time for anything ever in my life, so this is very on brand for me dkjddkj i made theo up a few days ago while watching dare me and feeling particularly inspired by the cheerleader antics, so here she is to fuck things up! but a bit about me to start, i can and will twerk to the cardcaptors opening theme song, because it is a bop and i think it’s time we all acknowledged that. i spent majority of the past week full on sobbing over the good place and i have no regrets. the last song i listened to was jumpin’ jumpin’ by destiny’s child, and once again, no ragrets. and finally the last movie i watched of the decade… was cats. so sdkjsdjk one regret.
BIO. she’s a maneater, make you work hard, make you spend hard, make you want all of her love.
to start here is a cute little pinterest board i did for her.
Theodora Aylin Baba was brought into the world and immediately wrapped in rich silk. Honestly. The first thing in her life to touch her skin was more expensive than anything most people touch in their lifetime and that set the tone for the rest of Theo’s life like nothing else could.
Theo’s father, Haluk ‘Luke’ Baba, was the CEO of a manufacturing company and her mother, Aysun, was beautiful. Really. That was her entire occupation. Before she married her father Theo heard that her mother used to be more. She was a model in Turkey, an amateur actress too. But growing up all Theo knew her mother to do was stand there, or occasionally sit there, and look pretty. And as a child Theo couldn’t think of a greater job in the world.
Until it became suddenly and abundantly clear that pretty wasn’t enough. Because of course other women could be pretty too. While Theo’s mother was particularly good at it, she didn’t have the market cornered. Theo’s nanny’s brand of pretty was not only enough to get Papa Baba into bed with her, but enough to get him to leave his wife and daughter too. Theo remembers the day he left with particular clarity. Half because it was her sixth birthday and half because that was the first time Theo had ever seen her mother look ugly. Because Aysun Baba’s rage was ugly and that ugliness showed as she chased Luke out of their house for good.
Theo’s father didn’t want her. Theo, that is, not her mother (although frankly he didn’t seem to want her either). He didn’t say it in so many words but there was no custody battle. Her mother got her without the slightest bit of fight and half of her fathers money to boot. Aysun still wanted Haluk’s head on a spike but the money eased her pain. And when she found Theo, crying about feeling unwanted and unloved, she had the money lick her wounds too. That day Theo got a solid gold necklace with her name on it, a pony, and tickets to see Jesse McCartney. That day Theo learned to wipe her tears on hundred dollar bills.
Her mother taught her other lessons as she grew up. First that you really could make money off of just being pretty. It was eye opening for Theo to see her mother use her looks to seduce men into marrying her. Successful men. Rich men. Men who should really know better, but easily fell to the charms of a pretty face. Aysun would usually get these men to wed her, stick around just for long enough to avoid questions, and then leave with half of their fortune. It was a subtle con but it was one that worked more than once, and through it all Aysun made sure her daughter knew everything she had come to learn, so that she wouldn’t make the same mistakes she did.
So Theo learnt from the best. Not the best mother by any means (her mother was cold, irate, and critical on her best days, and almost cruel on her worst) but the best black widow in the country for sure. She saw her mother singlehandedly ruin these men in both heart and bank account, and she participated. She made them fall in love with her, not in the same way her mother did of course, but as a daughter. Always daddy’s little girl for whichever daddy of the week it was. Always starry eyed. Always in awe. The perfect little girl who could ask daddy for a grand and get double that because she could do no wrong. She could never do anything wrong, even as behind closed doors she used that money for certainly less than right things. Drugs, gambling, partying, drinking, Theo dabbled in it all probably way too early. But who needed to know? Certainly not daddy.
The Baba women lived well for a while (well, one Baba woman and whatever surname her mother had taken from her husband of the year). They had more money than they knew what to do with, all without either of them having to work a day for it. And they were greedy to boot. Theo expected the two of them to live this way for the rest of their lives. And maybe they would have if Aysun didn’t slip up.
Against all odds, Theo’s mother fell in love. And she married that man, for love. It was made all the more ridiculous by the fact that the man was none other than Theo’s father. After all he had done. After all they had been through.
Theo was fifteen when her parents got remarried. Theo got nothing out of the arrangement but a maid of honour dress she promptly burned, a half sibling she actively despised, and her biological father back she supposed. She hated it. She hated her father, and at that point she felt lied to by her mother, the one person she had been able to trust. Their household quickly became a warzone. Theo vs her parents. Theo rebelled against them whether that be through subtle rich bitch antics (getting a boy she liked to crash her daddy’s car, making a scene at an important event, trashing the house with a massive party, ‘losing’ her sibling in increasingly outlandish ways, etc) or straight out hostility. It did nothing but make Theo feel better honestly, but Theo selfishly thought that was more than enough. Until they decided to send her to fucking boarding school, like that was supposed to fix absolutely anything. It didn’t. It just pissed her off.
But that was Theo’s life for a while. Going to boarding school and only seeing her parents for Christmas breaks and summers. Watching the woman her mother was waste away into something lovestruck and meek and anxious. Aysun was terrified that Luke would cheat again, that if she didn’t keep him 100% happy he would leave her. She drank to cope. Popped more than a few pills too. And that’s how Theo learned that one of her earliest memories was a misunderstanding. That it wasn’t rage on Aysun’s face but desperation. She didn’t chase Luke out, he left. The new perspective was eye opening. Her mother wasn’t who she thought she was, or maybe she was, but love changed her. The rose coloured glasses she used to fool men into loving her were over her own eyes now, and they had made her weak.
And then of course her father cheated. Again. Theo caught him in the act herself and she wasn’t the slightest bit surprised. He begged her not to tell her mother, to keep it between them. Theo countered his pleading with a saccharine sweet request for a new car. And later a new wardrobe. A yacht? A trip to Paris with her friends? Oh daddy, would you look at this cute little plane, I simply have to have it! Please?
And just like that all was right with the world then. Theo had the upper hand. She had a father, her real one, wrapped around her little finger. Her mother was still a disappointment but she was learning to cope with that. It was all looking up. Until the day before Theo’s eighteenth birthday. Because apparently, she’s cursed.
The day before Theo’s birthday her father was very quietly arrested, and if you’re wondering, yes it did put a damper on her birthday party the following day. It should be mentioned that Luke Baba was the CEO of a weapons manufacturing company, and according to the government he had been selling said weapons at a considerable discount to the wrong people. Now honestly, Theo wouldn’t have minded her father going to jail. Yes, it was embarrassing but the government was keeping things very discreet as they underwent their investigation. No one would know that Luke Baba was behind bars.
But then they took her mother with him as an accomplice. And while Theo’s heart might not be very big or warm, she does have some loyalty.
And well, shortly after they seized their bank accounts, and that was the last straw. Because while Theo could maybe perhaps deal with being orphaned, being poor??? Was unthinkable.  
This was all just before Theo went to university and she has told almost nobody about the incident. Theo trusts very few people honestly, call it her mother’s influence. No one knows that her parents are in jail and no one knows that she is technically not rich anymore because Theo has been keeping up appearances really, really well. She’s just as snobby as before. Just as materialistic as before. Just as willing to throw money around as before, even if she doesn’t technically have it. 
Well, didn’t technically have it. Upon becoming bankrupt and orphaned Theo she called up some of her old stepfathers. Even though most of them (⅔) were still foolishly heartbroken over her mother, they all still loved Theo. They funded her without a second thought, giving her more than enough to get herself on her feet. But it couldn’t last forever. After all, she wasn’t even their step daughter anymore. But it’s due to their help and the scholarship that Theo was offered for her academic performance(that she honestly never thought that she’d actually need) that Theo can go to university and stay in the flats. With roommates. The thought still makes her shudder, even after being here two years. 
But by the end of the second semester of her first year Theo was getting restless. Yes, she had stepdad 1 pay for her tuition for the year and yes stepdad 2 was wiring money to her monthly for her rent and other expenses (which was really just code for Theo letting him help her raise her mother’s bail) all while she had stepdad 3 on standby for an emergency, but was it enough? Theo wasn’t living the life she was used to living. It was infuriating. It was frustrating.
And it was around then that her professor made a pass at her. Like a sign from god. Or maybe Zeus, that perv. Everything suddenly clicked into place.
Skeevy, lonely, old, rich, married men. That was her in. That was her salvation. She’d get them to cheat, or even just come close to it. Take a few pictures maybe. Save a few text messages. Record a few phone calls. And finally blackmail them and milk them for all they’re worth. Cut and dry, a piece of cake. A bit of effort and Theo gets everything she wants as always. And no one has to know. Order will be restored. She’ll be on top.
Theo has been doing this for about two years and she’s been pretty successful. It helps her pay her bills and fuels her shopping habit. She also has a few sugar daddies on file because a girl’s gotta do what a girls gotta do, but to almost everyone in her life Theo just simply continues to put on the facade of being effortlessly rich. She even still goes to some rich people events and shit just to keep up appearances. If anyone ever asks where her parents are, they’re out of town. Oh, Mom is in Milan for fashion week, and Dad is in China on a business trip. She has too much pride to admit the truth to anyone, because despite everything Theo is a little embarrassed of it and she does not want anyone by any means to ever pity her.
HEADCANNONS. i’m not killing people, i’m killing boys
was head bitch in charge in high school, head cheerleader, etc. very spoiled honestly, is used to asking people to jump and them asking how high, and can occasionally come off a bit bossy because of it.
still very much loves dance and gymnastics from her time cheerleading, actually used to do ballet growing up too. she is probably in a dance or gymnastic club at the university or even on the competitive cheer team if they have one. Considered becoming a dance major at one point but instead took freaking pre med (* elle woods vc * what, like it’s hard? dfkjdjk) for the money and only the money though!
honestly theo plays dumb a lot of the time and tbh,,, she is a bit of dumb when it comes to certain things (straight up thought that a banana would cost ten dollars before she started buying her own food, thinks you have to pay to get your mail, like rich people dumb yk) sdkjsdjk but she does really well academically like she’s never really struggled to much to make grades. will joke that she’s just in the department to try and meet her future husband though, and generally won’t share her grades because honestly she figures if people know she’s smart they’ll see her coming,,, and she doesn’t want that, if people think she’s just a pretty face it’s easier to screw them over.
is a really good student though and takes school pretty seriously but doesn’t want it to look like she does? like she wants to seem effortlessly smart, but she studies her ass off when no one’s looking. her binders are all coloured coded and sexy, like she is a secret nerd for sure. 
used to travel all over the place with her mother because of the amount of times her mother got married like it’d straight up be like i’m marrying this guy from sydney australia so off we go baby pack your bags aksbsj we’re moving. So she’s spent time all over the place honestly, i’d say she’s at least lived in five different countries in her life? So despite being born in france, she’s been all over. 
i’m going to say her mom got married three times in nine years so?? definitely sus but nothing too crazy like some men just do that anyways so dkjdjk
Can speak turkish (she learned from her mom), french, italian, spanish, and knows a bit of latin mostly because she took it in high school though so it truly is just a rich bitch thing. can speak bits and pieces of a few other languages but not fluent by any means
doesn’t tend to have the highest opinion of men in general because of the way she was raised but she’s not an asshole about it yk like unless you’re an older man she can exploit you’re safe.
a bisexual icon like all of my muses honestly! very much inspired by me finally starting to watch dare me and it taking over my life so yes this bitch swings both ways!
honestly lowkey really craves love and acceptance from her father but is so salty after the initial rejection that she won’t give him the chance to reject her again! she’d rather die!
honestly rejection is probably one of her biggest fears
a philophobe but i feel like no one is surprised. thinks love makes you stupid and yk what she’s not wrong! has never been in love!! or maybe she has,,, wc mayhaps??
watches a lot of reality tv and the entirety of her flat is probably judging her for it but she doesn’t care!! will watch the bachelor in the living room and scream prayers for pilot pete’s last braincell!
speaking of the roommate situation, theo can’t cook and is super messy so fgkfdkj good luck y’all! her take out containers are probably stacked up in the fridge, and her room looks like tornado just went through it because this girl is used to having maids to clean up after her and now that she doesn’t she doesn’t know how to act!!
Is freaking tiny man. Like legitimately like 5’2.
dabbles in witchy stuff mostly for fun. believes in ghost. the one to pull out a ouija board at a party. very much into astrology. needs to know the time you were born.
her mom calls her aylin but she’s really the only one to. goes by theo or thee for the most part, or baba depending on the person.
goes to visit her mom in prison like once a month. gets the guards to call her father over only so he can sit down, pick up the little phone thingie, and theo can look him in the eye as she hangs up on him sdkjdskj.
still a bitch for jesse mccartney! also one direction! the jonas brothers! also probably most boy bands, like she likes to pretend to be like yes hmm classical music because she wants to seem classy but just wATCH HER POP HER PUSSY TO BURNING UP! her roommates have probably come home to her doing entire performances in her fluffy bathrobe and bunny slippers and you know what good for them it was a whole show!!
won’t smoke, but will vape. also a lightweight when it comes to drinking, but she doesn’t want anybody to know that!
is incredibly ticklish on the low!
PERSONALITY. it’s not easy to apologize and that’s exactly why i won’t do it
fun! theo enjoys a good party and isn’t nearly as posh as she likes to come across, so once you get to know her underneath the ice queen exterior she is a lot of fun. 
quite witty mostly because she likes one upping people even in verbal spars. will give you the funniest advice and anecdotes because she’s just really snarky? 
selfish as all hell god. feels no remorse about destroying these men’s lives. the embodiment of that killing eve scene where the guy is trying to bargain with villanelle to spare him like ‘i have kids!’ and villanelle is like ??? ‘i don’t want your kids’ aosbsjsq
greedy, kind of stuck up, materialistic, spoiled
in love with herself honestly. no one loves themselves more than theo loves theo. is she insecure underneath it all? i guess i’ll find out
kind of mean i’m not going to lie fgjkdfjk but only really to strangers and people she hates. hates a lot of people though, but is the type to be nice to their face and trash talk them behind their back, or trash talk them to their face sometimes too yk to mix it up
loyal! like if you’ve broken through her walls she’d probably kill a man for you (if she could get away with it scott free ofc)
superiority complex. doesn’t care what people think of her as long as they know she’s better than them wkenekej
if you’re ever upset and need someone to comfort you do not come to theo she’ll just ask if you want to do some online shopping sksbsjs does not have a healthy relationship with her emotions at all. a straight shopoholic when she’s upset like she just fills that void with stuff or goes on a bit of a self destructive party spree (hence why she legit did still have her eighteenth birthday party after her parents were arrested)
a dramatic bitch honestly.
WANTED CONNECTIONS. i want it all! i want it, want it, want it, the fame and the fortune and more! I WANT IT ALL!
omg before i forget i have a wanted tag right here and i would love anything inspired by any of the posts in it too!
BEST FRIENDS. i feel like this will mostly be her roommates but also childhood friends mayhaps! a pen pal she confided in as she moved place to place! maybe someone she met at boarding school??? 
SQUAD. people on the cheer squad at the university would be fun i’m just saying. 
PEOPLE WHO KNOW HER FROM BOARDING SCHOOL. i said what i said! or people she used to pick on from boarding school, or even people who used to be on her cheer squad, or even people who HATED HER IN HIGH SCHOOL CAUSE YOU’RE VALID. 
FIRST LOVE. like i said, theo has traveled all over (mr worldwide? more like MRS. WORLDWIDE! move over pitbull dsklsdk) and tbh i’m pretty flexible about where so this could literally be anybody!
GIRL SQUAD. honestly just give me a group of girls that get up to wild antics together. it’s rare to see one of them without at least one of the others and it’s just cute and fun!
SOMEONE WHO SEES THROUGH HER BULLSHIT. someone who’s onto her! whether that be in her fake rich bitch antics or the entire ice queen facade! 
FWB/EWB. open to ladies and gents, you know what it is.
EX FWB/EWB. same thing bby girls and boys come one come all. 
ENEMIES. just !!! mutual hate man!! we love to see it! theo is vocal and passionate when she hates someone so!! give it to me! tommy & arlo
SOMEONE WHOSE DAD SHE’S BLACKMAILING. i mean???? could be wild folks. we don’t have to make it that theo slept with him but she definitely got close enough to be able to blackmail him. 
PLATONIC SOULMATE. just a soft f/m friendship where they know each other really well and get along really well and they really are not dating or even interested in that but everybody is like omg y’all should date but they’re like !!! never gonna happen it’s not like that elias
SIBLING LIKE RELATIONSHIP. they annoy each other! and drive each other crazy! but they would do almost anything for each other rip. 
EX STEP SIBLING. theo’s mom definitely used their dad for money but maybe they don’t know that! or maybe they do! theo is probably currently using their dad for money and maybe they’re like girl you better STOP or maybe they want in on it, who knows. 
GOD SIBLING. also cute and valid! they’ve known each other forever! maybe the only person to know about her parents cause they’re family? could also be a family friend.
LEND ME SOME SUGAR, I AM YOUR NEIGHBOR. just a neighbor who theo is always pestering kjdjkd theo shares with them, despite the fact that they didn’t ask!! tries to prod into their life, it’s a whole ass mess. 
PARTY FRIENDS.  !!! give me friends who get fucked up together. maybe it’s a thing where theo parties with these people but tends to avoid hanging out with them outside of that setting? 
FAMILY ENEMY. maybe like? an enemy of her family or something? their families are rivals or something like that or have a longstanding fued? could be wild could be fun. 
ONE NIGHT STAND. self explanatory, could be from any time or anywhere tbh.  
EXES. theo could honestly have a lot of these, once again… f or m or nb, any of the above work. theo doesn’t really know how to like? love someone though so this would be messy. she was probably only looking for a good time and probably played with their feelings more than a bit because of it. maybe dumped them or maybe they dumped her! if they dumped her than tksjdkjsd theo is incredibly offended and is probably trying to get them back and/or ruin their life out of spite so jot that down!
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hbostolemysoul · 5 years
Fluff alphabet: Joe Liebgott
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
When you and Lieb first met, the thing you found most attractive about him was when he shut the hell up. Joe has a temper, and a mouth to match. You two mixed about as well as water and flaming oil, both working desperately to consume the other, but ultimately never succeeding.
Yeah. You found it most attractive when he shut up. (his hair was definitely not attractive…or the way his mouth would quirk when he smiled…or how animated he gets when talking about superheroes...)
Yep definitely him shutting up…absolutely nothing else…
Joe on the other hand had no problem admitting you had a pretty face, “Too bad every word that leaves your mouth makes you uglier”
Lieb is an asshole, and he knows it. In fact, he is pretty sure that is just his default setting. Which is how he justifies being an ass to you. (he absolutely isn’t nastier to you when he sees guys from other companies flirting with you…and all he wants to do is fucking deck them). He feels that he is doing the rest of guys a favor. Bros before hoes or something like that (except that you definitely are not a hoe, and he will gladly square up with anyone who says that…other than him).  
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Joe talks a pretty big game about finding a ‘nice Jewish girl with big tits, to make tiny Liebgotts with’. Maybe that was something that helped him to cope during the war but finding out you were pregnant actually broke something in Joe. You two had gotten into a fight about god knows what and ending up sleeping together…and then hooking up almost every time you two got into a fight after that (which was frequent). It was fiery, and passionate, and fueled by your mutual hatred/love for each other.
You found out shortly before you shipped off back home. You told him a few days before you left and he just…up and avoided you. You had searched desperately for him the day you shipped out, with no luck. You ended up writing a brief letter to him, leaving your address and phone number. Giving it to Web you asked him to pass it to Lieb.
You moved back home, 7 months later you gave birth to your daughter. Still no word from Joe.
You had been everything from sad, to scared, to furious. When you found out that he had cut ties with literally everyone from Easy you thought it would make you feel…well better. Instead, you found yourself worrying about him.
Word spread to the guys that you had a kid. Most knew that it was Joe’s. Some of the guys were furious (Guarnere, Babe, Roe of all people) most were sympathetic and supportive (Winters, Toye, Webster, Malarkey, ect.)
Your child may not have had a father for some of her life, but she had an army of uncles who would move mountains for your little girl.
Your daughter was three when you received a letter from one of Joe’s sisters. The letter explained that Joe had refused to talk about the war (fair enough) but one night she found him drunk as a skunk and crying. He told her about you. About the baby. About how he didn’t “know what to fuckin’ do anymore”.
She had left a phone number. That was how you met the Liebgotts. It took some convincing on their part, a bit of encouragement from Winters and Webster, and a sharp fucking shove into the back of Malarkey’s car for you and your daughter to make your way down to San Francisco (Buck had also decided to come along, because “Mal can't be trusted with kids, c’mon”)
You had decided to leave your daughter with Malarkey and Buck when you first went to visit Joe.
Things went about as well as the entirety of Operation Market Garden.
He was not okay, clearly not coping well with the effects of war. You had left shortly after getting there, leaving a picture of your daughter on the table. His mom was in tears as she saw you out.
Going back home was more somber than either Buck or Malarkey would have liked, but they did everything they could to cheer you up. It helped.
About 3 weeks after arriving back home your phone rang, it was Joe.
It was at that moment that he began to make…well an effort. It was a slow process, but your daughter deserved to know her father, and Joe deserved a chance at love and peace.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
While you two were hooking up it was usually rushed, clothing righted shortly after. But in moments where you two had a bit more time, his hands would sometimes linger as he gently rebuttoned your clothes.
Later in life cuddling often consists of the two of you in bed, arms barely touching as a few small humans squeeze their way between the both of you.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Joe likes to drive, its one of the few things that give him peace. Sometimes Joe would drive you all down to the beach, or to a drive-in. Somewhere a bit outside the craziness of the city.
E = Everything (You are my __ (e.g. my life, my world…))
“You are so much more than I deserve”
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
Joe knew he loved you back in Toccoa. Not that he ever admitted it fully to himself.
During the entire war, he loved you. He loved you when you told him you were pregnant. He loved you enough to push you away so you wouldn’t have to deal with the broken man he was trying so desperately to hide from everyone.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
While you two were sleeping together pre-daughter, he was intense. His touches bordering on painful until after the act, then his touches would gentle, lightly caressing your skin in a way that he could say was accidental if you ever called him out on it.
Once you and Lieb reconnect, it’s a slow process. He has a lot to make up for. Touches of any kind are minimal at first, but over time a hand on your back or fingers running through your hair become gentle parts of everyday life for the two of you.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
No. Joe just does not like hand holding. He doesn’t want to look like a ‘sap’ in front of strangers, let alone people he knows. He will, however, sling an arm along the back of your chair when you go out. He finds comfort in knowing you are there without having to physically put his hands on you.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
He thought you were fucking beautiful, and so fucking stupid for being in the god damned paratroopers. Everyone took to you like a moth to a flame. You were kind and tough as hell, and he wanted to hate you so much.
When he didn’t hate you, it made him want to hate you more. It wouldn’t do well to get attached to a fucking broad who would be jumping into a warzone. Pushing you away and being an asshole was Joe’s way of trying to convince himself that he didn’t care about you. (It never worked)
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Oh lordy yes. Training was a bitch, you couldn’t enter the same room as Lieb before he was spouting off some remark to piss you off.
Looking back now you realize his comments came more frequently when you were around other men.
Even now, married with a few kids Joe still gets mouthy when another man looks at you for longer than a second.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
You honestly don’t know who kissed the other first. One minute you are screaming in each other’s faces, the next your lips met in an aggressive clash of teeth and tongue.  
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
He does. It takes him about a year of being back in both your lives, but he does say it. Your daughter had fallen asleep on his one side, you were smiling down at her sleepily. He gently brushed your bangs back muttering the words almost silently. Looking up into his eyes you smiled tiredly, “Love you too Lieb”. It took a lot for Joe to cry, but that did it. Something about that moment healed both of you a little bit more.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
His favourite memory is pretty mundane in comparison to most. It was the first time he came ‘home’ from work. He had just moved in with you two, entering your home, his home, after work was nerve-wracking. His nerves settled moments after he stepped through the threshold. Your daughter was sprawled on the floor, scribbling relentlessly on a piece of paper, while you sorted through work documents at the table. It was so domestic, and so much more than he ever expected. He was home.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Joe works with you to provide for your small family. You two are never rich, but you make sure your children want for nothing when it comes to the necessities.
Joe struggles a lot with having anything to do with the guys. You got him writing to Winters occasionally, and that was a HUGE step for Joe. The best gift he ever gave you, was calling the guys personally to tell them when you gave birth to your second child. It was hard for him. So terribly difficult. But he knew how much the guys mean to you, so he swallowed the grief and panic that came with anything that reminded him of the war. Seeing Luz, Perconte, and fucking Webster with a shark stuffed animal crash into your hospital room a few days later made the gesture all the more special.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
You remind him of the sky during the sunrise. You are both an infuriatingly bright and absolutely beautiful.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
He uses ‘babe’ a lot, which was kind of funny when Uncle Babe came over for your daughter’s birthday. The confusion on poor Heffron’s face and the fury on Joe’s was priceless.
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
(I know its still modern) Hersey bars. He likes to share them with the kids on Friday evenings. They will sit on the back porch, share chocolate and talk about their day. Its pretty cute.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Joe is usually driving his cab, if the rain isn’t too bad he will continue on with his day. If the downpour gets ridiculous he will pull off and park somewhere he can see the ocean, watching as the tiny droplets disappear as they meet the waves.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Before you and Joe reconnected he smoked a ridiculous amount. Something about the burn of each inhale helped to settle his mind.
While he has cut back on smoking, you still sometimes find him hunched outside in the middle of the night smoking. The sweat from his nightmares still gathered on his brow, in these moments you just hold him and wait for him to finish.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
He talks a lot about work, he has some pretty entertaining stories that he will share with you and the kids to get you all to laugh. Your family had brought life back into Joe.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Driving. Every June your family will pack up and head to some camping destination, or off to see one of the guys from Easy. Around D-day Joe gets anxious, so you two decided to make something that marked so much darkness for the two of you, into something positive to share with the kids.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
You best believe that Joe carries around your kid's drawings in his wallet. When Harry and Kitty come to visit it's almost comical to watch as they have a ‘dad off’ on who’s kids are most artistically inclined. You and Kitty often hide in the kitchen and drink.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
You had been having a rough time at work, a few of your co-workers had just quit and the work was piling up while the higher-ups tried to find replacements. You came home late one night, Joe had made dinner for you and put the kids to bed. Kissing the top of your head he ushered you off to have a bath while he cleaned up. Entering your bedroom almost made you cry. On your pillow was a small box and one of your favourite flowers. Walking over you opened the box, tears coming to your eyes, Joe had come to lean against the doorframe. Rubbing the back of his neck he just grinned at you, “So uh- what do ya’ think?”, He asked.
You just nodded as you walked over to him, his arms soon pulling you close to his chest as you cried.
Your wedding was small, just immediate family. Some of the guys were bummed, but they understood as Joe was still struggling with being around them, let alone a bunch of other people.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Found- Trenton
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Yep. Lieb talked about it lots during the war, but actually doing it was another story entirely.
It took him a long time to ask you, he had a lot of healing to do after the war. While things didn’t play out in the most ideal way between you two, you are both happy with where you ended up in the end.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
No. Your gaggle of children is more than enough. After all “we own a house, not a fucking zoo”, as Lieb so lovingly puts it. 
* Okay...so things got a bit angsty. Please forgive me*
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9uk · 6 years
Let Me Stay Close To You : part 3
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⌲ summary : you were finally free from the worst nightmare of your life in high school. the doors of college welcomed you with open arms, you were set on living your best life in here, away from the toxicity back at home. that shimmer of hope in restoring your life, was somehow effortlessly crushed by a tap on your shoulder. “Hey Y/N, why don’t you say we catch up for a moment?”
⌲ pairing : bully!jungkook x reader
⌲ word count : 4.7k
⌲ genre : angst, pinch of fluff
⌲ warnings : battling of demons and mild suggestive terms, mentions of torture, other than that enjoy.
⌲ a/n : hehe hope you guys enjoy this, it’s kinda draggy for me (i feel) but it plays a huge role to character development. thank you all for patiently waiting, & like always, feedback is more than welcomed ;>
part two  >  part three  >  part four
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“So,” She props her elbows on the countertop and begins, raising her cheeky brows and lips curling up in mischief. You aimlessly scroll through your dusty twitter feed, nothing in particular that lures your undivided attention to it.
Tossing your phone onto the couch, you grab to hug a pillow as you switch on the television instead, and absent-mindedly wait for your roommate to finish her sentence.
Sooyoung, however, has quickly spun around with her back facing you, placing all attention on the pot of boiling soup on the stove without a word—pretending that she never said a word in the first place.
Brows furrowed in confusion, you thought you could be aid to remind her of where she left off just a few seconds ago.
“Um, carry on..?” You shift your gaze back to the television, heading for Brooklyn 99 instinctively and almost immediately, heart craving for a series of laughing fits.
You might be too stressed out ever since the beginning of the term—today being your first day of classes—and it just couldn’t turn out any better with the unridable stench of Jeon Jungkook.
A small scream breaks into your ears and—
“Goddammit Y/N! Can’t you see that I’m trying to salvage this pumpkin soup right here?”
The loudness of her voice makes you jump, her words of despair shattering the quietness of the entire room apart.
Sooyoung looks like she is about to rip off all the hair on her head in pure frustration—with a smell akin to a burnt pumpkin soup diffuses into the living room and into your nostrils.
Oh no.
“Oh my god, hurry turn the stove off!” And the sight before you is a major trigger to your anal retention: your poor friend bends to look at the gas knob, hair almost catching on fire, hot soup on the ladle she’s holding dripping onto her wrists and the orange liquid in the pot bubbling violently, threatening to spill onto the kitchen floor—which you had just responsibly mopped earlier in the morning—at any given moment.
In sheer luck, she manages to put the life-threatening, disastrous situation under control—hand coming out to switch the stove fire off, everything settling into a silent aftermath of a warzone.
Both of your fearful and panicky states dissolve into a huge sigh of relief as the pumpkin soup retreats back to safe home— amused chuckles of disbelief erupting from the two of you.
“On the bright side, this serves as a gentle reminder for you to not ever try make soup again.” You raise your brows at her with arms crossed.
“And that I didn’t burn down the kitchen.” Sooyoung adds, smiling gleefully. You can’t believe she’s real.
“You had something to say to me?” You inquire again, blowing onto the soup that was quite surprisingly, not half bad after all the hassle.
Sooyoung narrows her eyes hard, at the bowl of pumpkin soup, trying her best to recollect her intentions of speaking just a while ago.
“Ah!” She points a finger in the air when she manages to hook onto that piece of memory floating away.
“What were you doing with Jeon Jungkook during the party yesterday?”
The question drops onto your tense body like an atomic bomb.Your hand freezes, soup dripping from the spoon back into the ceramic bowl. You open your mouth to answer Sooyoung, but how exactly were you supposed to explain that?
“Erm...” It was all you could manage while you figure out the best way to articulate your relationship with Jungkook to her.
Where should you start?
“Well..” Sooyoung leans foward on the countertop in unnecessary anticipation, looking at you with sparkly expectant eyes.
From the day you made him fall face flat to the ground?
“You see...” You drag for as long as you could, not so sure how to put it, at least in the most decent manner possible.
The thing between you and Jungkook—if it’s not obvious enough already—is a bully and a victim. There’s nothing worth bragging about that relationship.
And no, you’re definitely not trying to victimise yourself or anything of the sort. It’s a fact as clear as day that you have accepted long  ago. Or too used to belonging to the title ���victim’ in this whole bullying situation. There’s also nothing much you can do honestly. You were destined to live life this way, having a father who has a financial fraud vandalised on his records forever, a mother who wakes up before the sun does to brew coffee for the people setting off to work— making the child of aforementioned people inferior to the child whose parents own one of the top three largest companies in the entertainment market.
You were inferior to Jeon Jungkook.
Power and money-oriented society, remember?
Something between a scoff of resentment and an unamused chuckle leaves your lips to the thought of the awful past life you have finally abandoned (sort of). But Sooyoung seems to lack the ability to interpret your tone well, eyes lighting up at the sight of your teeth.
“No way, don’t tell me you guys left the party to make out at the front porch.” She gasps in shock, eyes widening and hand flying up to cover her mouth.
No way.
You immediately deny her absolutely outrageous and almost laughable guess.
“What? No! We were just-“
Suddenly, the memories of his calloused nail-bitten fingers and soft palm on the side of your face aggressively fights to replace every brain cell that you have, causing all the pores on your skin to vibrate as you quiver at the feeling. It almost seems like it was a mere hallucination of your drunken state of mind, not until Sooyoung brings it up again in your face to remind you that it was real. It did happen. Jungkook had caressed you.
“just…” Your voice drifts off, the electricity of pretence flowing through the tiny tangled wires in your head, smoothly making their way to light up the bulb in your mind. “..talking!”
You already feel bad for lying to her.
“About making out?” Sooyoung is not one to concede defeat to your lame, clearly-made-up excuse, the picture of you and Jungkook sucking off each other’s faces sticking onto her suspicions like gum on the bottom of a shoe. The direction of her imagination is going polar opposites from your initial fear of the revelation of your devastating past—to which you softly sigh in relief to.
“About whatever you think of, detective.” You try to lighten the mood, sending a cheeky wink her way and escaping the conversation—the perfect resolution to avoid spilling the truth and fabricating more lies.
She scorns at your open answer, leaving her only to imagination to take control of her doubts out in the air, wandering freely as she sulkily stirs at her soup.
You giggle at the cute pout beginning to form on her scarlet lips and slowly drain the warm pumpkin delight from the bowl into your stomach.
You would tell this kind and lovely lady about everything—from something as simple how a Corgi barked and wagged its tail at you while on the way to campus, to your deep inner conflicts between your passion and confidence and the dire situation of your family, and how you’d really missed the way things were when you were still in pigtails playing with doll—but not the major happening in your history. 
The story of the scar on the left side of your temple was something you had never want to dig up and elaborate on to your friends. Once they have a whiff of your pitiful side, those eyes that currently look at you with admiration and adoration will very quickly turn into unwanted sympathy and abomination—and your pals will gradually drift away from your side, knowing that they can do so much better than having a true loser stick around.
So you would never disclose the truth between you and Jungkook to her. You could never do that.
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Nothing felt more suffocating than standing outside an extravagant yet simple looking bungalow. The darkness of the sky cannot further accentuate the black matte walls of the exterior of this home. The hazy moonlight shines on the stagnant turquoise pool, topped off with the stationary shrubs along the perimeter of this whole compound, flaunting the estate’s overall tranquility. This house looked like it belonged to some clean freak who never steps foot in or out of it through the front door and owns about eleven Dobermans. If you were a passerby, you would have never guessed it belongs to a boy currently studying in college. You clasp your hands together, fingers locking onto one another —a little too tightly— for emotional support and courage.
His fingers lift the heavy material with ease, as he watches you through the gaps of his curtains from his bedroom. 
You were about five minutes away from meeting Jungkook. Alone in a room most likely. As the number of steps you take increases, with an angry-looking security guard escorting you on your way, you can feel your heart hammering hard against your poor ribs, teetering on the edge of rupturing out of your chest there and then.
Finally, in no less than a blink of an eye, you were in the chilly immaculate bedroom with Jungkook. You aren’t even exaggerating when you say that the man in black had practically threw you in like a fresh piece of meat flung into a lion’s den—waiting to be ferociously devoured by the beast himself. At least, that was how you felt.
The slamming of the grand double doors echoed through the room and you scan your surroundings.
 Why were you even in his bedroom?
 Did that mean he doesn’t even have a study room in this uselessly big house? 
Your eyes fall onto a small desk at the corner of the room. Yep, the both of you were going to work on that.
 Finally, they fall onto the main subject of this room, standing at the window, gazing out to the night sky. You stared longer than you wished, no that you can help it because—he looked so innocent and normal like that, watching the stars and moon quietly in appreciation. 
Your breath hitched when Jungkook suddenly turns around to face you. Releasing the curtain from his hand, they flowed close again, effectively blocking out the the pitch-black sky. He looked you in the eye, before his lips curl up into an amused grin. 
You are mirroring his emotion as well—that you’re actually alone in his room for no other reason than a homework assignment—but the limelight of amusement is stolen by the overpowering terror and anxiety. Jungkook could quite literally kill you and feed your body parts to his dogs—if he even owned one, but that isn’t the main point. The main point is that he could do anything he want to you right here and right now and his guard, instead of helping you, would probably help Jungkook lock the doors. He could easily tie you up and use you as a sex slave or hold you captive in this plain bedroom, abusing you as and when he liked.
 You hate yourself for coming, but you knew that worse could happen if you hadn’t obeyed. You feel a trace of ease when you are reminded that now, you have actual friends who would call the cops upon the realisation of your disappearance.
Stay calm and stop overthinking, gosh.
Avoiding his gaze, you begin fishing out the worksheets and your laptop from your backpack. “We should start on it-“
“No, no, no,” He waves his hand in disagreement and walks over to you. His long legs bring him across the wooden floor swiftly reaching you within a second. 
And subconsciously, your hand movements halt as you retreat a step back. 
“Before we start on that useless assignment,” You narrow your eyes fiercely at him, putting up a brave front. He exhales, “I think you have the answers to the many questions in my head right now.” 
Stunned, your eyes hastily search the white walls of the room for answers. You visited his house for nothing else but one cause—and that is to finish the planning on the whole anatomy project, leave in one piece and hopefully never to come back ever again. You weren’t here for an unwanted session of questioning—and you weren’t about to give him the answers that he wanted. You will not allow him to have you at the tip of his fingers again, for you have become a strong, firm and fearless women. Whether he had plans to slaughter the fuck out of you here, is now placed in the back of your mind for a moment.
Seeing as to how petrified you look—your whole face going pale as paper, Jungkook feels as if he’s some kind of monster to you. 
Maybe he was, but he most definitely isn’t now. 
He purely just wants you to answer a few questions of his before the both of you can start on the project—which is why he was rather confused at why you seemed so afraid of him. 
You were never like this, even when he mistreated you and committed those unscrupulous acts on you, you would show zero emotions, to only ignore him and see his entire existence as irrelevant—so why were you look so scared now that he was standing so close to you?  
Nonetheless, Jungkook wants his question marks to be depleted.
“First of all-“
Shut. Him. Out.
“We either sit down and start the planning, or I’m leaving.”
You feel a gush of confidence breeze past you, your heart hardening and a side of you never known before appearing. Wow, did you really just stood your firm to Jeon Jungkook, the guy who bullied you for the past 4 years? A heavenly warmth of pride runs through your blood.
Jungkook is momentarily perplexed, mouth halfway open as the remaining words are stuck to his throat. He gulps and blinks repeatedly, absorbing what you had just said in disbelief—that you’ve noticed.
Call it a bipolar disorder, because you too, have no idea how your pyroclastic flow of nerves transformed into a solid indestructible mountain of rock in a snap. It was either you were too determined to protect the life you have now, or that you’re beginning to catch the smear of vulnerability in his eyes. You really have no clue.
With a tilt of his head to the side—a habit he hasn’t got rid of since highscool, be it from confusion, rage or happiness—he mumurs an approval. “E-Erm, okay.”
Parallel universe, indeed.
Nothing is going through his head right now—not as you speak and point to the various ideas you have come up with for this homework, not as you explain which idea is the best and start listing the pros and cons of it, not as you ask him to do the mindmap for the planning.
You notice that you’re speaking tons of words more than talkative, nonsensical-blabbering Jeon Jungkook, and he was being unusually quiet. Maybe he was thinking of ways on how he was going to torture you later on. True or not, you wanted a high grade on this assignment.
Be professional, the rational side of your brain puts your drifting thoughts back on track.
“Hello. Are you there.” You slap a hand so close to his face right infront of his big doe eyes, and he doesn’t even blink. He’s staring so hard at the crotch of the human body diagram you printed—probably doing it unintentionally amidst busy building sandcastles in the air—and you try not to laugh at the sight of him doing that.
“Jungkook!” You finally decide to yell in his ears and he flinches away hard, flying up from his seat.
“What! I’m right here!” He shouts back in the retaliation of being shocked, rubbing his earhole and you irresistibly laugh at his reaction.
Wait what, you laughed at Jungkook? 
This felt so…strange, yet it is a very typical interaction between two friends. Maybe that is why, solely because it is a normal conversation between the both of you—a duo that have never experienced an ordinary interaction before, other than the occasional rubber band shots and verbal attacking of your outer appearance.
Hold up, did you just say friends? Impossible.
Your bright and smiley face falls into a blank expression at the sudden realisation faster than a flash. Jungkook’s face mirrors the falling of yours too, but his features drains from something a bit more—something like actual fondness— to scepticism and worry.
Clearing your throat, you turn to face the splayed out papers on the table.
“Let’s um, start on what we’re supposed to do.”
Jungkook slowly, warily sits back down to join you, staring at the laptop screen, lost.
“What am I supposed to do?”
Namjoon would have seriously made a better project partner. Now you would have to repeat your instructions, something that you hated.
Sighing in complete impatience, you start from the top again.
“Of course you’re right here.”
It blankets the both of you squeezing two chairs into the desk made for one, quietly doing your individual parts in utmost concentration. Add on his vigorous smashing of the keyboard and the rough flipping of the pages of the handout (because you can’t wait to get out of here.)
It wasn’t unacceptably uncomfortable, but it wasn’t particularly settling and peaceful as well. The tension between the two of you is almost palpable—when the undesirable memories of the past sporadically appears in each other’s minds—one’s heart filled with guilt and the other filled with ache. 
Up to you to figure which is who.
You are extremely thankful for how complexed and meticulous the planning of the project is, allowing the both of you to fully immerse in doing the annoying details well and answering the challenging questions.
It is also silent because—none of you had dare speak to each other unless it was involving the task at hand.
The clock ticked to ten and with the shut of both laptops and the zipping of your pencil case, the papers gathered in a neat rectangle stack_it was time to face reality again.
Jungkook breaks the silence first.
“Can I ask my questions now?”
It was weird. The way Jungkook was asking for your permission to do something as simple as firing the burning questions in his mind. If you were him, you would not even be able to stay one bit focused on the mindmap creation, only able to ponder about how the girl beside him had changed into someone…so different.
It was weird because you weren’t used to Jungkook speaking nicely (normally) to you. There was an absence of irritation and danger in the tone of his voice, which made his words seem too kind to be true. It never fails to send you into a stupor when a swear word is missing from his sentence to you. Maybe, for the better or worse, in the fleet of eight months, Jungkook has changed. Maybe, and just maybe, it was time to view him in a different light.
“Yeah, you can.” You easily give him consent.
“Okay first question, why were you sitting next to Namjoon in anatomy lecture?”
Was that really all he had wanted to ask?
You shoot him a look of bewilderment. You don’t know what you were expecting, but it definitely did not include who you sat with in lecture.
You don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
“You do know that he is a pervert that goes after girls whenever there’s a chance right?” Jungkook warns you, and you are at a loss for words.
Namjoon wasn’t someone like that, and you strongly believe the impression you have of him.
“Listen, he’s actually a really nice guy okay?” You counterattack his assumption. Jungkook rolls his eyes in disbelief, scoffing as you speak.
“That’s what everyone says.”
You actually felt like believing him. Jungkook is effectively inserting doubts about Namjoon into your head, and you’re actually starting to question the guy Namjoon really was. Did you not know him well enough? Was the low self-esteem just a plain act?
No, you have no reason to trust Jungkook—who was capable of manipulation and you were one to know best about this.
He seems to be able to sense the distrust from you to his claim, but what he said was true. You weren’t the first girl Namjoon has tried approaching. But you were the first to accept him.
“It’s really up to you whether to heed my advice or not—which is to stay away from a guy like that,” Jungkook puts his hands up in surrender, “but I’m just giving you a heads up, lest you fall into his trap of feelings or get taken advantage of... you know.”
Blinking, you take ten seconds to administrate what he told you into your  mind. For what exactly, was Jungkook being so kind towards you for?
You don’t have the answers to that, you think it is because he only wants you to himself to bully—and not share that privilege with Namjoon.
“I just..hope you don’t get hurt, again.”
And then once more, you were wrong about him.
The word ‘again’ reminds you of how bad he had hurt you physically, and emotionally, placed humiliation above your name and put you down to rock bottom. Everyday you would emotionlessly stare at yourself in the mirror and see a girl full of flaws and insecurities. A girl so unhappy and afraid to do anything she truly liked and follow her dreams. A girl who built up in four high walls around herself and not let anyone in, scared to feel the pain of losing someone again. A girl who was so, so tired of living. The undeserved death of your late bestfriend demolished the happiness in your soul, and Jungkook further crushed all its shattered fragments into fine dust—which made you become that girl.
However, the Jungkook you knew all those years back was gone—that you’re still trying to register—and he had changed. Not his face, which was still the same old handsome Jungkook back in highschool, but his heart had turned into something like pure gold. 
It may not be every part of him, but one thing you were sure as of right now, was that Jungkook had a kind side to him that was just never shown to you before. For all you know, he may have grown well from that immature brat in the past and became someone who’s trying to repent from his mistakes.
“Um, sure..” You’re not sure how to respond to such words coming out of his mouth—were you supposed to say thank you ?
Jungkook hesitates for a split second, before shooting the next question.
“Second thing, why did you act like you didn’t know me at the party?”
The thing is, did you really know him though?
It was harmless to attempt to keep him out of your life. It was also harmless to not have Jeon Jungkook in your happy new life.
“I’m not answering that.” You strictly follow the initial plan and Jungkook doesn’t seem too pleased at your answer.
“Are you sure you’re not gonna answer me?” He steps closer and the gap between your faces shrunk so much, that you can feel the fanning of his breath on your cheeks. He was riled up, threatening tone rebirthing and fury dripping in his eyes. Jungkook cocks a brow up, challenging your stand. 
This was the Jungkook you knew.
 He is a breath away from grabbing the collar of your shirt and slamming you against the wall and you flutter your eyes shut and squirm away from his menacing form. Witnessing how you switched into someone so fearful of him, he lets out a groan of disappointment.
Instead, all you hear next is the string of curses coming out of his mouth and you slowly open your eyes to see him running his fingers through his thick hair and pulling harshly at it in frustration.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, shit-fuck!”
It was like, he was trying to stop himself.
As he slapped himself back to the better of his senses, you realised that everyone had their own demons in their head. And Jungkook was no exception. At that moment, you felt pity for the guy who stood before you battling his detestable old self. His demons were overpowering, and just when you thought Jungkook excelled in manipulation, you thought wrong again—it was the demons fucking with his head, and Jungkook didn’t know how to properly deal with them, resulting in outbursts of physical and verbal abuse—the only way Jungkook knew to express his pain. 
What did Jungkook go through, that made him the monster he was?
“I-“ He starts again, cautiously speaking to you this time.
His breaths quickened and he grunts, exasperated at the failure of his words. You keep quiet as you wait for him to settle from the fit with his arms on his hips. Calming down, he turns around and suggests.
“It’s late, let me just send you home, okay?”
He was being so thoughtful for you—something you were still getting used to.
You felt so useless, standing at the side to watch him helplessly fight his inner conflicts—and being the main cause of his struggle.
The fear you felt at first has evaporated at Jungkook’s effort to not hurt you in the slightest way possible. You saw it in his eyes the first time he stroked his finger along your scar and heard it for yourself when he cared for your wellbeing.
It is in fact, time to see him in a different light—a better one.
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Jungkook drives you safely to your dorm, a short and quiet journey given that his house is around the area. You wouldn’t have a peace of mind going back to campus alone through the dark alleys and streets—so you were rather grateful for the ride offer.
You mutter a ‘thanks’ before carefully exiting the grey Lamborghini you didn’t dare to cause a tiny scratch on. You speedily walked towards the entrance of your dorm building, before you hear the door of the sports car clicking open, followed by hurried footsteps.
“Wait Y/N!” Jungkook yells out and makes his way towards you.
His footsteps slow down as he reaches your patiently waiting form.
His eyes drop to the road, followed by a tilt of his head. He was nervous.
Scratching the back of his head in strong apprehension, Jungkook forcefully gets rid of all nerves and puts his words into correct place. And it goes way back when he clears his throat, bringing him to the time he faced the mirror and practiced this for a couple of dozen times.
“I’m sorry.”
You don’t even have to question what for, because he has a lot to be remorseful and repentant about.
You can tell that it took a lot from him to say these three words, especially for someone who didn’t have to apologise to anyone with all that money and power. He wasn’t obliged to give you an apology. And so, he didn’t have to go through the trouble of apologising to you for what he has done. But here he was, handing you his words of redemption wholeheartedly. You were appreciative of his gesture, but you weren’t so prepared to readily forgive him just then.
“I’ll..see you around?”
Jungkook continues after your silent reply.
“Yup.” You smile assuringly.
And your answer itself sufficed for him.
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If there's a drugstore nearby, look into their bandaid section for "hydrocolloid bandaid". It can be generic or name brand, whichever fits your budget. These bandaids promote healing while sucking out "the junk" like the pus, dirt, excess oil. Yes, diaper cream is formulated for babies, who have suuuper sensitive skin, so it should probably be okay for you. They don't generally have a scent. It may smell a little like talcum powder or like little bit sunscreen since the active ingredient is zinc oxide. Some people really enjoy that. Wtf does her niece have to do with it. Disgusting, and shame on anyone doing it, ad believe me there are probably a lot of people witch hunting anyone related to her and trying to ruin their lives too. There would be creases, lines, folds, impressions all over the note. Instead, it was found on the floor in perfect and pristine condition, with neither, John or Patsy's fingerprints on the note. This is why they come up with the crazy story how Patsy found the note and bounded back up the stairs like Superman, without having to touch the note and how John was reading while it was spread out before him. Actress and model Cara Delevingne kicked off the 2010s with a bang, brow wise. Her thicker, more natural brows inspired many women to fatten up theirs. Those who couldn't do it naturally could pull it off with the help of eyebrow kits, which include some combination of eyebrow waxes, powders, brushes and pencils. But I suspect Sun and the Belladonna parents will stay behind. Seeing as how Miles and Kerry mentioned they have no plans on bringing Neptune back anytime soon and that they're trying to be more conservative with the number of characters they use per volume (aka focusing on primary plot relevant characters), I have a feeling Sun is going to sit this story arc out. There's not much reason for him to go to Atlas beyond being a popular side character and being a close friend of Blake's.. So, let get the obvious out of the way: stop being a dick. Like seriously, your sarcasm isn cute. Your 장성출장안마 condescending tone just wreaks of a need to put others down to inflate some fictitious sense of superiority. For everyone reading this: please make sure to see the right practitioner for your problem. Stop going 장성출장안마 to the derm for your 3 pimples. Or your large pores. He didn stand a chance in this dating market. I wonder how long it had been since he had a girlfriend or got his penis played with. It a warzone out there boys and we aren winning. So if you think your skin is dehydrated, the first thing you want to do (whether with TO products or drugstore or whatever) is repair your moisture barrier to keep your skin hydrated. I not too familiar with those particular products, but in general you can apply the hyaluronic acid to damp skin after cleansing, and then put your Cerave on top for extra moisture. If you do this, then your SPF would go on top of both of those layers. Jeffree actually has a level head when it comes to judging products so i watch if he is doing something like that. Tati either annoys me no end or i find her endearing, i can seem to find a middle ground with her. Quite honestly, most BGs are super boring, all peddling the same stuff and not really talented either in makeup application or with tutorials but i watch them because i just like their company.
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edsbev · 7 years
I never knew how much I needed Stanlon and Reddie as opposite couples! Do you have anymore head canons of them?
i ended up writing basically a crackfic of the ‘stanlon is a vegan power couple and reddie are their dysfunctional neighbours’ au instead of like a list of headcanons fhdfsja i hope thats ok
some of this is based on the hcs @monarchyofpluto left on this post
(also there are mentions of sex in this so just a heads up)
Entering Richie and Eddie’sapartment is always a gamble.
Mind you, Stan makes sure toknock every time he comes over (unlike Richie and Eddie themselves),waiting for a faintly muffled “come in!” before he opens the door.But he’s still seen his fair share of scarring images, because Eddie and Richiehave no shame, apparently.
Today, when Stan hesitantlypeeks around the door into Richie and Eddie’s apartment, the scene  he’s faced with is…somewhat tame.
Eddie is watching TV upside downon the couch, his socked feet sticking up in the air, hair brushing the carpet.Face bright red from all the blood that’s rushed down into his head. Around himare two beanbags instead of armchairs, discarded water pistols left around thecoffee table, shoes and socks and shirts spread all around the carpet, and whatlooks like the remnants of a pillow fort between the couch and the lounge-roomwall.
Richie and Eddie have alwayssucceeded in making their apartment look like a cross between a warzone andplayzone, ever since they moved in two months ago. Stan would honestly becontent with never having to step foot in it, but Richie and Eddie seem prettyintent on dragging him and Mike into their wild storm of a life.
“Heya, Stanny!” Eddiegreets - with a little kick of his legs and a bright upside down smile - whichis usually what Richie would say. But, Richie, who stands on the kitchencounter with a broom in his hand and his tongue peeking out from between hislips, is preoccupied.
“I taped his phone to theceiling,” Eddie supplies gleefully when Stan says nothing, just stands andstares at Richie poking at the ceiling with the end of his broom. Stan can seethe little black rectangle that is Richie’s phone taped near the centre of theroom - Richie can only just reach it with the broom - and wonders how onearth someone as small as Eddie Kaspbrak managed to get it up there.
“Lies,” Richie says,giving the ceiling a jab. He brushes his wild hair from his face and narrowshis dark eyes at Stan, pointing at him with the broom. “Don’t listen to aword that evil little twink says. There’s no way he didn’t have an accomplicein this crime.”
Across the room, Eddie has scrambledupright, and is giving Stan a mischievous, knowing look. And Stan immediatelyknows who that accomplice is.
“Look, I’m sure you guysenjoy living your lives like some sort of FRIENDS-type sitcom, but I’m reallyjust here to get that salt you borrowed, not hang around, so…” Stangestures toward the kitchen with his hands. Gives them his best ‘please justgive me my salt and let me get out of here’ face.
“Oh, you mean the salt Ifilled our container of sugar with?” Richie says. “That Eddie spoonedinto his coffee by the gallon and then choked on?” He throws Eddie a grin.“How’d that taste, babe?”
“Like a lame prank,”Eddie huffs. “Mine’s way better.”
“That was just me gettingstarted,” Richie says. “Wait until you see the revenge prank I’ve gotplanned for you.”
Stan begins edging toward thekitchen - which is, surprisingly, not as messy as one would think it’d be.(Probably because Richie and Eddie eat on paper plates so they never have towash up). And he begins to search the counters for his salt, trying his best toignore Eddie’s remark of, “if you prank me back, you’re not allowed tohave sex with me for a week.”
“Oh, come on, baby.You know I’d never survive without that sweet ass.”
(Stan winces and pushes asideboxes of Mac & Cheese and pre-made brownie mix).
“Don’t prank me back,then.”
The counter top is slightlysticky with…something. There are odd stains here and there, mostlooking like they’ve come from a bright red cordial. And Stan hasn’t noticed a singlepiece of fruit anywhere. Do they not have a fruit bowl? Doesn’t everyonehave a fruit bowl? Stan moves aside a box of cereal and recoils, disgusted, atanother mysterious stain. Glances desperately back at Eddie who, thankfully,notices him, looks past Richie’s long legs with a sympathetic smile.  
“Cupboard right above yourhead,” Eddie supplies. Stan nods, and he grabs his (half-empty, fuck you,Richie) container of salt just as Richie knocks his phone from the roof. Stanhears it bounce off one of the cushions Richie had placed underneath it andthen clatter to the floor. And then, as he turns towards the door, he seesRichie dive for his phone and then lunge for Eddie.
“C'mere, you littleshit!”
Eddie yelps, bolting from thecouch and tripping over a lazily discarded sneaker. Richie catches Eddie aroundthe waist before he can fall, picking him up and hauling him back onto thecouch.
And here is Stan, halfway to thedoor when Eddie’s back hits the couch with a thud, and a small gasp torn fromhis throat. Standing awkwardly as Richie begins attacking Eddie with kisses,loud, wet smacks against Eddie’s skin, over his face, down his throat.
“You’re the fucking worst,Kaspbrak,” Richie says, face buried in Eddie’s neck. A hand coming up totickle Eddie’s side.
“Thanks for using all mysalt,” Stan mutters.
And then he steps out into the hall and closes the door on thesound of Eddie’s laughter.
The only good thing about goingto Richie’s and Eddie’s place is that it makes Stan appreciate his ownapartment much more. With the wispy white curtains pulled back to let in thelast of the fading sunlight, the smell of vegan chickpea curry cooking on thestove, the whole place neat and tidy and freshly dusted.
The best things, of course, arethose strong arms that wrap around his waist from behind, the soft slips thatbrush the nape of his neck.
“Hey,” Mike murmurs,ducking to kiss Stan’s shoulder. He’s been out all day, had only just come homeand hopped in the shower when Stan returned back with the salt. Smells sweetand clean and slightly of apples.
“Hey.” Usually, Stanwould lean back into the embrace, tilt his head to give Mike better access tohis neck. But instead, Stan twists around in Mike’s arms and fixes him with a steelylook. “Did you help Eddie prank Richie?”
“Yeah.” Mike grins,wide and proud, for a moment. Until Stan’s gaze darkens, and he quickly dropsit. “What? No good?”
“You shouldn’t let yourselfget dragged into their shenanigans,” Stan scolds him. “Next thing youknow we’ll have Richie bursting through the door telling us we need to help himprank Eddie back.”
Though, it’s more than likelythan Richie will just do that anyway. Because it’s what he always does.Waltzing into their apartment like he owns the place, chattering away as hesettles onto the couch and kicks his filthy sneakers up onto the coffee table.
(“You guys see the gamelast night?” he’ll ask, strolling into the kitchen. “Because Ididn’t, I’m gay.”) (“Hey, can we borrow some eggs?” he’ll callaround the door. “Ah, shit, that’s right. You’re vegan. Dammit. Eddiewanted to see how many he could break over my head.”)
He usually comes over whenEddie’s not around, bored out of his mind. Sometimes he comes over and begsStan and Mike to watch something dumb like Die Hard with them. (He andMike accepted the invitation once, but ended up leaving half way through,because Richie and Eddie were making out on one of the beanbags, and it’dstarted to get heated).
Eddie comes over too, thoughhe’s much better about knocking. Unless he’s mad at Richie. In that case, he’llstorm right into the apartment, flop down on the couch, and glower at the TVuntil Stan asks him what’s wrong.
“We’re in a fight,”he’ll huff. And Stan’s always scared to ask what exactly they’re fightingabout, because it could be something like Richie trying on Eddie’s favouriteshirt and tearing it, or Richie forgetting their anniversary (they celebrateweird ones, like day the first saw Star Wars together, or the day theydiscovered one of them was into bondage) or Eddie throwing out Richie’scigarettes. So he usually just makes Eddie tea and says nothing.
Though he’s definitely alwaysthinking about how the only thing he and Mike argue about is who cooks thebetter Tofu.
Still, even though it seems likeRichie and Eddie are an inescapable force, Stan is holding out to the idea thatmaybe if they ignore Richie and Eddie long enough, they’ll just go away.
Now, Mike smiles. That small,soft smile that means Stan’s done something he’s found cute, and tucks a curlbehind Stan’s ear. “I only did it for you. I thought you’d appreciateTozier getting a taste of his own medicine.”
Stan softens, too. Because,well, he’s not wrong. And, oddly, it’s kind of sweet to think that Mike did thatfor him - knew that pranking Richie might make Stan laugh.
And he’s not mad at him. Neveris.
“It did,” Stan says,and he tilts his chin up and gives Mike a kiss.
There are about one hundred consof living next to Richie and Eddie.
Perhaps the biggest one is thefact that they both seem to think that 3am is a time for sex, not sleep. Andtheir bedroom is just on the other side of Stan and Mike’s bedroom.
And the walls are really fuckingthin.
In the warmth of his bed, thedarkness of his room, Stan rolls onto his back and tries to will away the soundof Richie and Eddie’s headboard hitting the wall. Grimaces up at the shadowyceiling as Richie groans out a “fuck, Eddie!” and Eddiefollows that with a loud whine of, “Richiieee.”
“They’re really going atit,” whispers Mike by his side, sounding like he’s trying very hard not tolaugh. Stan rolls onto his side, faces him, searches for Mike’s gentle eyes inthe dark. “Think we should try and outdo them?”
Just the thought makes Stan bodygo hot. Because Richie and Eddie are definitely having the furthest thing fromthe soft, romantic love making that he and Mike usually have. To outdo themwould be to somehow have even rougher, kinkier sex than what they’re currentlylistening to…and Stan’s not quite sure he’s capable of that.
“Harder, Richie! Ah, ah,fuck me harder, please!” moansEddie, sounding absolutely overcome with pleasure. Stan and Mike cringe at eachother in the dim light.
“God, do they think they’rein a damn porno?” Stan whispers. The wall absolutely trembling as Richie obviously fulfils Eddie’sneeds. “This is ridiculous.”
The only upside is that Richie’sobviously promised not to prank Eddie back, which means there’s no chance ofhim and Mike being dragged into more of their dumbassery.
For a while, the two of them trysquashing their pillows up around their ears to muffle the noise. Continue tostare at each other, mouths crooked with held back laughter - because they lookridiculous and because they can still fucking hear them. Snugglingup together under the covers doesn’t work either, is just hot and hard tobreathe. (Though Mike does a cute thing where he places both his hands overStan’s ears and whispers, laughing, “I’ll save you, baby” and Stanthinks he could spend an eternity under those stuffy covers with him).
But they end up coming up forair. Their own bed now shaking.
“Eddie’s gonna be soretomorrow,” Stan deadpans.
“Wanna sleep on the foldoutbed?” Mike asks. “I know it’s bad for your back, but you can take theleft side. It’s firmer.”
Stan is already shuffling out ofthe covers. “I love you.”
The following morning, Richiebursts through their door.
Stan almost spills the coffeehe’s making, hears Mike startle from where he’s seated on the foldout. Richiedoesn’t seem to notice their surprise, nor does he seem to notice how fucking exhaustedthe two of them look. Stan, with bags under his eyes, his shoulders hunched andmouth drawn down into a tired frown, Mike, rubbing his bleary eyes, stilllooking half-asleep. Richie just tears open the door like he’s Kramer on anepisode of Seinfeld, only his hair is wild because of the sex he hadlast night.
“My good chaps,”Richie says, and he’s positively glowing. Whether it be from the softmorning sunlight, or the sex, Stan doesn’t know. Or care. He just wants Richieout of his apartment.  "I need yourhelp with a prank.“
Stan almost drops his coffeeagain. "But you fucked Eddie.” And he was only supposed to think thatbut, whatever, it’s out in the world now.
But Richie and Eddie did havesex, right? All the racket last night wasn’t just some weird hallucination? OrEddie and Richie wrestling or something? No, they definitely did. Stan can seethe fresh bruises curling up Richie’s pale neck. So that means, in Richie andEddie’s relationship, promises like “I won’t prank you back so I don’thave to go a week without sex” mean nothing.
Richie, who has not an ounce ofshame, bounces his eyebrows up and down. “Ahh, so you got a little taste ofour exploit last night?”
“More like the whole damnmeal,” Mike grumbles.
“Well.” Richie grins.“I can assure you that meal was one hundred percent vegan.”
Both Mike and Stan groan. 
“So, whaddaya say, lads? Up for some good ol’ prankin’?” Richie says. And it’s a wonder, really, whether he doesn’t see Mike and Stan rolling their eyes, or if he does and just happily ignores it. 
“No,” Stan replies. 
“Aww, come on. I promise no harm will come to any animals in the making of this prank,” Richie pleads, hands clasped together. “And Mike helped Eddie!” 
Mike throws Stan an apologetic look. 
“No,” Stan says, and he’s crossing the room now. Richie slowly backing toward the door at each step Stan takes. 
“Pleeassee. I won’t have loud sex for a week if you help me.” 
“Your promises mean nothing, you just break them.” 
Richie looks between Mike and Stan desperately, though he keeps stepping back, like he’s slowly succumbing to his fate. 
“Okay, well, at least let me ask one more question,” Richie says, holding his hands up as Stan reaches out to shut the door. “It’s really important.” 
Stan pauses, raises an eyebrow in a prompt to continue. Richie breathes out deeply, as though sighing in relief. 
He asks, “are condoms vegan?” 
Stan slams the door shut. 
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