#the way akane looks at aoi here will kill me
musicalmoritz · 1 month
Ok ok so after our recent interaction I gotta ask for the Natsuhiko/Teru essay. I need it in my life.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to yap about Natsuteru. Before I get into this I wanna say that my mutual on TikTok @/teru.kisser has some really good analyses on them. I think they’re also on here as natsuteru.handholding or something but TikTok is where they’re most active. Had to shoutout the CEO of Natsuteru before I opened my mouth abt them
Okay, so why do people ship Natsuteru? It’s a rarepair, so why do people like it so much? First off, let’s look at their similarities
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They’re both popular dream boys at Kamome. Unlike characters like Aoi, they both appreciate and encourage this attention. Teru is often compared to a prince, and Natsuhiko’s hair makes a little crown on the top of his head. They both disguise their core personalities; Natsuhiko by acting harmless and dumb while actually being very threatening; and Teru by acting charming and perfect while actually being far more complex. There are a few more layers to Teru’s facade, yes he does it to hide his ruthless side like Natsuhiko but I think it goes even deeper with him, deep down he’s just a teenager forced into a heavy role. I wouldn’t call his sadistic side an act (just like Natsuhiko’s laidback personality isn’t fully an act, it’s still part of him), but at the end of the day I think he’s most himself when he’s teasing Akane and doting on his siblings. It’s not as clear cut as Aoi and Mitsuba where they have very distinct fake personalities, but Teru and Natsuhiko definitely play up elements of themselves in order to hide the things they don’t want others to see. They do this most notably by stepping into the role of the flirty, reliable upperclassmen
They both hold the ability to destroy supernaturals, and their respective groups rely on them to be the ones to get the job done. Teru is the protector, Natsuhiko is the destroyer. Sakura sends Natsuhiko in when she needs somebody killed, Akane enlists Teru’s help when somebody needs to be saved. They both act very parental/brotherly towards their younger counterparts. Obviously Teru acts like a loving but strict older brother to Kou, and Natsuhiko goes out of his way to make Mitsuba feel welcomed. I would say he also cares about Tsukasa to an extent, though he acts a bit annoyed with him at times. That would be another similarity between Teru and Natsuhiko, they both have issues with one of the Yugi twins
Now, what canon interactions do they have? Very few, but they have met off-screen. I couldn’t find the panels but in one of the earliest chapters, Natsuhiko says something to Sakura expressing concern about what “President Minamoto” would do if he knew about their actions. Then when he meets Kou during the sleepover chapter, he notes that he’s a lot more gullible than “his brother.” Both of these scenarios point towards Teru and Natsuhiko having some sort of relation to each other, though the extent to which it goes remains unknown. I will say that it reminds me of how Teru and Akane’s dynamic was introduced before we saw them interact, Akane seemed irritated with Teru’s existence and acted surprised when he realized how different Kou is compared to him. Little mentions of them knowing each other before AidaIro established a proper dynamic for them. The same could very well happen with Natsuteru, I’m confident we’ll see them interact at some point seeing as they’re both important to the plot
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They also interact in AUs frequently. In the Minamoto Supernatural Detective Agency au, upon interviewing Natsuhiko, Teru calls him a freak. This is amusing to me, usually Teru is the one unsettling people. He expresses disdain for others often, but only supernaturals. So him being disturbed by Natsuhiko stands out to me. A common belief/headcanon among Natsuteru shippers is that Natsuhiko is able to pull emotions out of Teru in a way others aren’t. Similar to how Teru is able to put Natsuhiko on edge in a way most people don’t. By the way this is absolutely a “toxic yaoi” ship, we gotta get that out of the way. There are other ways to characterize them ofc since we don’t know much about their dynamic but most Natsuteru shippers agree on them being messy as hell
As for other interactions in AUs, in the Hanako-Kun Of The Opera AU, Natsuhiko mentioned that he talked to Teru off-screen. They were also depicted together in official art for the au (in the background). And in art for the Ghost Hotel AU you can kind of see them looking at each other. So yeah, there’s not a whole lot but the crumbs are most certainly there. The thing with Natsuteru is you just have to take what we’re given and run with it
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Then there’s this scene, which is the most interesting of all. This is the closest we’ve come to an onscreen Natsuteru interaction. This scene is famous among Natsuteru shippers because it gives us more insight into what might happen if these two were to interact. Because in this scene, Natsuhiko outsmarted Teru. This is something we pretty much never see, even when Akane betrayed him he has to catch him off guard. Teru is always depicted as the strongest and most intelligent person in the room, unmovable. And yet, in this scene, Natsuhiko got the upper hand so easily. He knew that Teru wouldn’t be able to turn away his fans, that his protectiveness of humans outweighs his bloodlust for supernaturals. He used Teru’s caring side against him, and succeeded in saving Mitsuba
This is where the toxicity comes in. A lot of Natsuteru fans see Natsuhiko as being the more manipulative one in the relationship, whereas Teru is toxic in more physically aggressive ways (like he is with Akane). Full disclaimer tho, this is usually depicted as them fighting mutually or Natsuhiko encouraging Teru to kick his ass bcuz he’s a simp. I personally like to headcanon that they meet up to fight once a week and Teru wins every time. While most Teru ships center around him being taken care of, Natsuteru provides more conflict for him. Natsuhiko isn’t the type of person he could leave behind his life of exorcism with, and he’s not the type of boyfriend to hold him while he cries. To me this makes the ship stand out among other Teru pairings. I do think they’d genuinely care about each other, they’re just very messed up in their own ways so they hurt each other instead of healing each other
But that’s just the popular depiction, they could absolutely be written differently. Some people like more fluff in their ships and that’s totally valid. I’m focusing on the toxic element here because that’s why most people seem to like Natsuteru. On the flip side tho, a lot of fans like them because they’re silly. In fact this somehow goes hand-in-hand with the toxicity. They’re often made out to fit the “loser and his pretty wife” trope, with Natsuhiko being the loser ofc. Teru is a bit prettier and stronger and cooler than Natsuhiko so they have lots of girlboss x malewife potential (a trope I usually hate but I don’t mind it as much with them). It’s very tropey, Natsuhiko is characterized as the dumbass simp and Teru is the one who pretends to hate him but is secretly down bad. Lots of meme potential
I hope this helped you understand the ship a bit better, I wouldn’t call them one of my absolute favorites but I do love them a lot. I tend to write them as transfem butch lesbian ex-girlfriends because that makes the toxic side a bit more interesting to me lol. I would promote my 25k fic for them called “Racing on the Thunder” on ao3 but that would be obnoxious (leave kudos and comments and don’t forget to hit that subscribe button)
I really enjoy analyzing ships so again, thanks for giving me the chance to yap!!
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mari-lair · 2 years
Teru is less fake than people make him out to be.
He has plenty of secrets and visibly avoids confrontations but he is surprisingly open about his views. He carelessly admitted one of the main reasons for sparing Hanako on the young exorcist arc is because he doesn’t want Kou to hate him, a relatively personal motive. He even shares his work ethic in that very same chapter.
When he goes on his tirade about Hanako being a dangerous ghost, he doesn’t end his rant with “you’re evil and must be erased”, he says his situation, his existence “It’s painful to look at”
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Some supernaturals are violent and monstrous, Teru has fun destroying them, as shown in chapter 70, but others feel like distorted people and are less fun to kill.
Teru has been an exorcist for a while, he knows by now that not all supernaturals are evil, or mean harm.
He has admitted that.
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This is why Hanako’s screaming that he only wants to atone doesn’t shake Teru, who is already aware many supernaturals have their own goals and don’t intend to be a problem. This is why he tells Kou “There is no such thing as a good supernatural” instead of simply “All supernaturals are evil”.
For Teru, nothing that can be a danger to the living, proposital or not, can ever possibly be good. He has told us his priorities time and time again.
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Which lead me to the way Teru values people.
Teru can be reckless and selfish, a real asshole, but he genuinely cares about the living. He doesn’t want to hurt them, be it physically or emotionally.
When he deals with nameless background characters, he is very careful. You’ll never see him being annoyed or even tense up at a fan, at most he is confused or awkward, and while he might play along to the princely title he was given at times, it never feels like a persona.
Unlike Aoi, who is trapped in her facade, never breaking character, Teru’s princely charm is not a burden, is not even a mask, is just an easy way to socialize that he was offered and occasionally take it. Teru may propositionally up the charm at times, but it is a part of him, he is not always putting up a show.
Just because Teru doesn’t broadcast that he is an exorcist doesn’t mean he traps himself in this ‘princely persona’.
Teru says a lot of rude things in public just cause he feels like it. He isn’t scared or pressured into fitting a certain image.
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He is cruel with Akane in front of Nene many times.
In chapter 28, his fans spotted him collecting bugs with Kou, which is an activity that is not associated with ‘charming’ or ‘dreamy’, and yet, they didn’t bat an eye, eager to help him collect bugs: The students may not be close to Teru, but they are very nice to him.
Teru is nice to them too. Genuinely nice.
When Natsuhiko used his popularity to slow Teru down in chapter 40, Teru is openly glaring at Natsuhiko, he doesn’t try to hide his bad mood even when surrounded by his fans, nor does he redirect any of his frustration at them.
Mitsuba, Teru’s target, is right in sight! But Teru doesn’t even try to push his fans away, he prioritizes the people over the supernatural.
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The best scene to show how careful he is to strangers is the scene where he is being confessed in chapter 1.
Being confessed must happen every month or so considering his absurd popularity, but he still close the book he was reading to give the girl his full attention. He still gets nervous and does his very best to turn her down gently.
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I won’t get into if there truly is someone else he likes or if he is simply using it as a convenient excuse, I just want to show that he isn’t being fake here, he is genuinely trying.
This is a type of confrontation, which is something he is uncomfortable with, and he understands that his rejection will hurt this girl’s feelings, which he doesn’t like.
Just look at him! He is scracthing his head, and his neck, with a lot of ‘...’ in his dialogue, and he can’t look at this girl in the eye, he has a very awkward energy to it, even saying ”sorry” twice since he doesn't know what to do.
But for as sweet as he can be, he rarely became close with people.
He is being honest when he says this to Kou.
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Liking people and liking an individual are very different things and Teru is a nightmare when it comes to forming attachments.
His care for any person only last for as long as they interact with him, is a very “out of sight, out of mind” mentality. He doesn’t prioritize forming new connections because he barely has time to cherish the ones he already has with his siblings.
This lack of attachment to any individual translates into him having no idea how to make friends, which furthers make him clueless on how to interact with other people, something his exorcist upbringing doesn’t help with.
He must have been taught lessons that are different from what most kids would get, more serious topics than ‘math’ or ‘literature’. It creates a disconnect between him and his peers, make him somewhat used to things others would be shaken or even traumatized by, so is no wonder he can come off as extremely arrogant and prideful, while having no idea on how some things that are common sense work, but we will talk about his destructive approach to making connections another time, this post is just about his relationship with people he isn’t close with.
Maybe his job made it so it became impossible for him to not be hyperaware of the value of life. Maybe he has always liked people but since he doesn’t connect with anyone he feels unsure about it, is hard to say, but regardless, he seems to value life even outside of professional lenses.
Which brings me to how he treats Nene and her lifespan.
Let’s rewind to chapter 29. When Nene is looking for Hanako everywhere, she eventually visit the student council, where Teru told her this:
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And then told Akane this:
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The speech he gives Nene is about Akane's glasses, but he also had her lifespan in mind, is no wonder he couldn’t look her in the eye when saying “Not knowing can be our best defense”.
It’s worth noticing that Teru has leagues more knowledge of the supernatural and its rules than the rest of the cast, and his mentality ends up being very similar to another character that also knows far more than he lets on:
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Both are not satisfied with this solution but they accept it. Hanako has more investment and cares for Nene, he is in love with his assistant, but his initial core belief is the same as Teru’s: “There is nothing we can do to change her fate, so is better she lives happily in ignorance.”
Teru gave her accurate directions to where Hanako is when asked, because Nene and Hanako are friends, and even if Teru dislikes it, he won’t try to take that away from Nene. Every time he visits Nene with Hanako, he is cruel to Hanako but gives Nene smiles, he doesn’t try to change her mind, not even once, which is not normal. For comparison: Telling Nene to not hang out with Hanako had been the very first thing Kou did in his intro chapter, and something Akane questioned her on later, (which made her uneasy or distressed)
He doesn’t like it when her mood drops, and he notices quickly, but he doesn’t know how to help. At all.
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He wants to cheer her up, but he is too awkward and prideful to risk trying to help and facing her sadness if he fails. No doubt having her break down would be ‘painful to look at’
So he runs away like a coward and passes the responsibility to Akane.
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When Teru comes back, he sees that Nene ate his sugar toast and is happy the treat made her feel better.
The sweet could have been ordered for her from the start, he is a schemer so is not impossible, but I personally feel that the sugar toast was indeed a treat for himself: He got a free day and he decided to make the most of it, go all out and just do what he wants to do! He dragged Nene and Akane to the arcade, and the karaoke, and got plushies, and explored everything! So of course he would want to get the most ludicrous sweet on the menu too, something so appallingly unhealthy that Kou normally wouldn’t have allowed him to eat at home.
And yet, when Nene ate it, he did not care about losing this special sweet, focusing only on her. He want her to have fun too.
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He wasn't serious when he claimed he would have killed Nene in chapter 85.
He is angry by Hanako’s actions, and the whole point of his monologue is to reprimand Hanako for resorting to murder to solve his problems, without taking anything besides his wish to ‘save nene’ into account, which is a very narrow view.
Teru only threatened Nene’s life because he wanted Hanako to realize how reckless his actions are, but since spealing it out wasn’t reaching him, he had to change his approach.
He explicitly told us it was a made up scenario to knock some sense into Hanako
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He despises Hanako's idea that murder might solve someone’s problem. So of course he would never kill Nene, or any other person.
Because he values life.
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So- Danganronpa became a big enough fandom for me that I decided to make a side blog for it! And because…I need a community my dudes
I’m @snickerzanddoodlez, you can call me whatever you’d like! I’ve finished the first and second games, but I intend to complete the series so please avoid spoilers for DGNV3 when interacting with me! I did finish the Danganronpa 3 anime (you know, with the different arcs) though!
My favorite characters are Teruteru, Gundham, Ryoma, Byakuya, Kaito, and Togami! Fuyuhiko, Gonta, and Monokuma are very close behind :) (NOTE: I don’t support all of these characters’ actions! You know who this disclaimer is about, haha! And my affection of said individual doesn’t exactly extend to the End of Hope’s Peak Academy anime…) Also, I haven’t played Danganronpa v3 yet, but I think I’ll like that weird little guy who looks like Mineta
EDIT: I love Gonta and Ryoma (weird little Mineta) so far!
EDIT: screw this game
I’m a Warrior Cats veteran, so…the things I make might end up being a little weird!
I also sell cute lil’ Danganronpa stickers!
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I do commissions, too!
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The ask box is always open for questions, discussion, suggesting incorrect quotes / art / animatics, etc!
By the way! I like to be incredibly needlessly angsty and cringy- so we don’t judge here! I’m still getting a feel for what does and doesn’t fly in this fandom- so give me the best you’ve got! All of your angst and ideas- maybe I’ll draw them!)
Just stay generally SFW (suggestive jokes and the likes are fine!) and keep in mind that I am 16!
I’m up for (canon-character) Danganronpa RPs! As long as it’s not involving the third game! (Oh, also I will be unlikely to want to do it unless I can be Gundham and / or Teruteru. Preferably both but alas…tbh, you could just send me an ask with a prompt and I would prolly accept that. Maybe I’d even do some of my responses in drawings. Who knows. :3)
EDIT: Currently occupied with a few!
Oh! FYI, I tag posts that fit into the same niche the same way! Here’s the list!
Incorrect Quotes - dgnincorrect
Headcanon - danganheadcanon
Posts I Look Back On for Comfort - my happy posts
Animatics / Animation - danganimatic
-The Teruteru Essay
-Animatics (Even Unlisted Ones!)
(If you are on this list and uncomfy with it let me know!)
Please note! As long as it isn’t incestuous / predatory, I don’t really mind what people ship- these are just my biggies! I’m also a really big fan of weird / unconventional ships, despite the lack of them on this list. Not PRO-ships, let’s get that straight, just ships that make you think about ‘em for a minute…like, “who came up with this??” I dig those.
Ishimaru x Mondo
Makoto x Kiyoko
Byakuya x Toko / Genocide Jack (I like to pretend they love each other)
Sakura x Aoi
Yasuhiro x Aoi (platonic? romantic? No real preference, they’re just stupid and silly)
Celeste x Hifumi (I’m not active in this ship, nor am I even sure it actually exists I just think they should fix each other)
Gundham x Sonia
Akane x Nekomaru
Fuyuhiko x Peko
Monokuma x Monomi (silly)
Hajime x Nagito (I have no feelings towards angst / serious art around them- I just think the memes are really good)
Chiaki x Hajime
Kazuichi x Ibuki
Tsumugi x Gonta
Korekiyo x Kirumi (Kokichi is their son) (don’t even ask)
Miu x Keebo (Monotaro is their son)
Kaito x Maki (one of my OTPs for this fandom, honestly)
Shuichi x Kaede
Ryoma x therapy
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okthatsgreat · 2 months
if the v3 characters who are still at the dr facility in opddmh had gotten out, which thh/dr2 character/s would you have them staying with and why?
OUGHGHHUUU THIS QUESTION IS GOODDDDD let me think let me think…………. let me think about how i’d add them into the story if i were to switch some things around
- i can’t imagine i’d ever send korekiyo out because i truly think he would just get unbelievably worse regardless of who he gets put with HABDJSB. listen all of them seriously need help but korekiyo especially needs a lot of extra treatment and care considering the state he’s in, and opddmh would put him in a situation where nobody can PROVIDE that help. mikan is the closest thing he’s got but even she is very limited in what she can offer, and also that would require he room with six other people, four of which are girls and one of which is a girl he killed lol. if i HAD to i would probably throw him with toko, which means komaru would also be there very often!! i think a lot of tokos pov would focus on that relationship with komaru and also her struggles with mental illness that danganronpa is actively encouraging. korekiyo is there in the background as this pathetic wet looking cat thing that provides a mirror for toko and lets her see how shitty she’s been treated or something . but i really don’t think korekiyo gets better bebfjsfn sorry dude
- i think i’d put tenko with mondo? i’m really thinking hard about this one but i think mondo yea. she locks herself in one of his rooms and barely comes out unless mondo invites over other girls from his season to help. chihiro comes over OFTEN (which is hella awkward for mondo. btw) during those first few days because while tenko can clearly tell that her only chance at escaping danganronpa is by accepting help from mondo he’s still a guy and she reallyyyyy doesn’t trust him. i think mondos pov would deal with his anger issues/perception of strength (i’d probably have him be a bit more bitey with his classmates?? this is a guy who has a LOT to be angry over but is unable to express his anger at the company that is causing him to feel this way so he points it elsewhere, this probably mostly effects his relationship to taka), he and tenko would SERIOUSLY butt heads. mondo probably gets flipped over on his back in his own home lmao. especially after the whole “i killed chihiro” thing comes to light and tenko intervenes in an argument about it or something. eventually tenko reveals that she can’t truly remember the last time she felt safe and overcompensates by being “strong”, mondo relates a little tooooooo hard, they both understand each other a bit more. HOWEVER. i would throw her with akane if there weren’t already four people in that house lmao.
- gonta either goes with tenko here or gundham i think!!! if he went with tenko he would provide a bit of levity there and actually talk to mondo, really trying to make a good impression and SERIOUSLY pushing to be a gentleman because he is now compensating for both him AND tenko and he doesn’t want them getting kicked out. makes friends with chihiro whenever she comes over but gets unusually uncomfortable when the “mondo killed chihiro” conversation happens because he has been grappling with the guilt of killing miu this entire time and is truly horrified he was ever capable of doing something like that. chihiro’s programming prowess definitely reminds him of miu and he just starts getting really fidgety around her all of the sudden lmao. if i were to throw him with gundham id have them draw parallels between gundham sacrificing himself for his class versus gonta nearly sacrificing his class, and that skewed idea of “the greater good”!!!! gonta isn’t scared of all of the animals that gundham has in his house either LMAO
- i think i’d have kaede and himiko together and i’d put them with SAYAKA AND AOI? the two of them were on a tense girls trip when all of the sudden BAM TWO VERY IMPORTANT SEASON 53 ESCAPEES. kaede works herself to the bone with guilt and helps sayaka with all of the work she has to take on as somebody who is very good at being a danganronpa saleswoman. himiko, who is severely depressed and chronically fatigued, is pushed into a room with a bunch of overachievers. she WANTS to help but she truly can’t muster the energy, and because she didn’t die in the simulator she thinks she can’t make excuses and just has a “lazy personality”. sayaka gets to deal with a musician that mirrors her ruthless dedication that is very slowly killing her. aoi has to confront her own survivors guilt (id probably be drawing tenko/sakura comparisons here) and finally admit that Wowwww the way she has had to drop everything for danganronpa and never blame them for anything sucks really bad even if i’m not one of the “important survivors”. kaede and himiko both keep influencing the other to work harder (kaede to make up for himiko, himiko because she feels pressured to keep up) and it’s DIRE!!!!
- i think id put kaito with nekomaru ??? i’ve got a story i think. kaito is really good at matching nekomarus energy and seems like he’s genuinely doing pretty alright for a kid that just DIED. he follows all of nekomarus training and does wayyy more than is necessary, and is super keen on finding the rest of his class. while all of this is happening i reckon nekomaru is both a) dealing with akane and his own feelings of failure and b) still got health stuff going on (OR. he THINKS he does and danganronpa is handing him placebos or smth) and NEEDS to keep danganronpa happy because they are literally providing him medication. nekomaru starts deteriorating with stress but kaito just seems to be taking on a lot of that work for him, which gives nekomaru a good mirror of what he does for others and allows him to finally go up to kaito and be like “hey man. this isn’t healthy actually” to which kaito goes “FUCK😍” and starts crying
- shuichiiiiiii shuichi i just don’t know bro…… i really can’t think of a storyline with him that doesn’t mirror what he already went through in game, especially regarding self esteem!!! yknow what maybe i just say fuck it and make up a whole new scenario for this guy. kyoko pov, shuichi DIDNT escape but is being tasked with helping kyoko find where the missing participants are. it’s a byakuya pov situation where kyoko gets a chapter for every new cycle. it becomes a game of her attempting to outsmart another detective, revealing enough information that it isn’t sketchy to danganronpa but not too much that shuichi figures it out. shuichi gets to talk about his classmates and his relationships with them, and slowly throughout the pov he is getting really distressed by how rapidly season 54 is approaching without having found anybody. this will also provide some context as to how the kids still in the hospital are doing!! at the end of it all it gets revealed shuichi knew what was up WAY long ago but just hadn’t been telling, and there’s a big moment where he COULD reveal and save his own ass but he chooses not to so that his classmates could go free or smth. huge moment to see this because kyoko and a lot of the earlier seasons have been beaten into submission so badly that most of them would have taken that deal and ratted the others out
- unsure about maki tbh…… she would be introduced super late into the story i think. i’ll be real with you i think she breaks into somebody’s home repeatedly and keeps stealing things LMAO, eventually gets caught only for the person to go No no it’s fine!!! Take my food and also this coat because god it is cold out there and you must be freezing. honestly i can see sonia taking her in. a lotttt of parallels to be drawn there regarding their love interests being written for them and how they’ve both been sensationalized as “female love interests who lost their loves in a sacrificial manner”. maki disappears into sonia’s house most days but occasionally she reappears to ask her questions (about danganronpa mainly) and they get to talking that way. i’d write it so that maki would hide in rooms that eventually get closer and closer to sonia’s room until eventually she’s sleeping against sonias door because she’s paranoid for both of them and thinks it would be safer if she was there
- tsumugi is a danganronpa employee so she’s allowed to walk around whenever 😔😔 lmao
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the--artist · 9 months
The Importance of an arc, and how it impacts the chances of survival in Danganronpa
Spoilers for DR1, DR2, and V3 below! Proceed at your own risk!
During the prologue, we get an amazing opportunity to meet 16 (or 15) students and learn about their talent. We gain a sense of their personality and as players - we get attached to these characters. However, not every character has an equal chance of surviving - something I only truly understood after seeing my favorite DR1 character being brutally mutilated by an ambulance during her execution in ch3. But why? Why couldn't Celestia Ludenburg be a survivor? 
We’ve all heard of the Danganronpa character trends such as the big guy dying in ch4, closest to the player dying in ch1, evil ch3 blackeneds, crazy deaths in ch5, etc. I just wanted to share some opinions on other trends I noticed between the surviving cast and the deaths in the game!
Characteristics of Survivors
In my opinion, survivors mostly fall into two categories: characters who go through sudden development ( in ch2,3, or 4) and characters who aren’t as threatening. I’m not using the words threatening to portray physical or mental capacities, but more on their chances of taking the chance at being blackened. In the first category, survivors such as Toko, Byakuya, Kyoko, Akane, Fuyuhiko, Maki, and Himiko fall. In the second, characters such as Mokoto, Hiro, Kazuichi, Hajime, and Shuichi fall into this category. Aoi and Sonia are both interesting cases. Aoi does try to murder the entire class in 1-4 but mostly falls into the second category. Sonia had the potential to pull a “Tsumugi” plot twist with her slight fascination with darker topics, yet being “light” and bubbly - however doesn’t follow through. 
Eccentric Introduction + no initial arc build-up  [Mondo, Celeste, Teruteru, Peko, Gundhum, Kirumi, Korekiyo, Gonta]
Don't lie and tell me you looked at Peko Pekoyama - the Ultimate Swordswomen - and said she could be a survivor. 
This category is for characters who had no initial arc set-up and had an unnatural/ominous/threatening personality. It’s also interesting to note that, not purposefully, my list only includes blackeneds [However characters such as Gudhum and Gonta could have easily been victims]. Characters who fall into the “darker side” tend to have an increased chance of dying. However, characters who fall into this “darker side” and who are almost immediately set up with arcs can survive [Shuichi, Kyoko, and Maki]. All three also go through a phase of normalization where their personalities grow “more human”. 
While I have a great respect for this arcetype as a couple of my favorites fall in here, there was much potential for interesting arcs with these characters. Kirumi could have had an arc to determine the limits of her selfless devotion. Gundhum could have had a cute love story with Sonia (that wasn’t JUST set up in 2-4 but earlier). Fuyuhiko could have had an arc that involved showing more appreciation for Peko (not only at the end of 2-2). Such arcs could have added depth to the characters (besides being threatening) before their imminent deaths or maybe subverted the expectations for the player.
"How can a character recover from this arc?" [Taka, Hifumi, Imposter, Nagito, Rantaro, Angie, Kokichi]
Once a character makes a remark they want to STOP the killing game – and it’s not chapter 6, you know they're going to die. When the Imposter and Rantaro make this claim, they automatically raise death flags. Kaede goes through a similar arc with trying to stop the mastermind, but her actions go unnoticed mainly because she is the main character.  
Mid-way through the games, certain arcs also start raising death flags as well. Nagito, Kokichi, and Angie try to end the killing game before the 6th chapter, which can automatically raise flags to the player. However, both Nagito and Kokichi get some wiggle room as they both go on their own accord as well as progress their games significantly with their deaths. Taka and Hifumi’s arc in 3-1 with alter ego automatically degrades their chances of survival, making them an easy target for Celeste.
If I could make some changes, I would make Taka learn how to deal with Mondo’s death instead of killing him at the height of Kiyondo (still keeping him as a ch3 death). I do agree with the majority of the fandom that Taka should have survived longer than ch3 and had a STRONG potential as a survivor, but that’s meant for a rewrite for another day. While Taka’s Kiyondo arc works as a great method for Celeste’s plan, I still think Taka would have agreed to meet up in the morning regardless if he was at the “height” of his Kiyondo arc or not. There was no way the mentally unstable Kiyondo could survive a chapter without having an arc dealing with Mondo’s death, so why not give him a slight arc for that anyway! Angie’s involvement with building the student council should have started more strongly in ch2 - especially since she was already involved with Himiko’s magic show and Gonta’s Insect Meet and Greet! The council should have been formed BEFORE Ryoma’s death with ch3’s motive just increasing the council’s power over the students. If such a change happened, then Angie would have been more predictable as a death in ch2 (but survived), and would have allowed the council to gain some interesting footing as well. Angie founding the council AND working on the ritual in one chapter just nosedives her chances for survival - even if this wasn’t the reason she was killed in the first place!
Spotlighting some of my favorite character arcs! (deaths) [Chihiro, Mahiru, Mikan, Nekumaru, Chiaki, Rantaro, Kaede, Ryoma, Tenko, Kaito]
I wanted to take this section to highlight some arcs I enjoyed! They either had the potential to be done well or were done well, in my opinion. I can’t speak for everyone on this list, but I’ll choose three: Ryoma, Chihiro, and Kaede. 
Ryoma is a character who could have easily had an arc on dealing with the tragedies of the past, but learning how to move forward. Himiko has a similar arc dealing with the deaths of Tenko and Angie, but Ryoma had a great setup! Shuichi mentions Ryoma’s lingering eyes on the tennis court in his lab hinting that Ryoma deeply misses his talent regardless of his actions. Ryoma also supports Kokichi’s idea for revealing everyone’s motive. Regardless, going over the transcript of DRV3 gave me an appreciation for his character and his potential. I just wish Ryoma’s will for survival was highlighted a little more during the game, so it could make his death more surprising to the audience. Shuichi could have had some additional thoughts by picking up on Ryoma’s will to live before it was word-by-word explained to us in a trial! Ryoma’s death could have also been great moral ground for Himiko after ch3’s trial when she’s placed in a similar situation as Ryoma - losing the people you love the most and guilt. 
When I’m talking about Chihiro’s arc, I’m also involving alter ego. After witnessing Leon’s brutal execution, Chhiro starts to comment on wishing to grow stronger. First - they start to compliment Kyoko (and Mondo in their FTE’s) and then wish to grow stronger by going to the gym. While it does raise death flags for Chihiro’s character suddenly getting developed, it also gives their character the chance to pull a survivor card. While I do dislike Mondo in general, I have to admit his story does tie nicely with Chihiro’s and they have a great contrast in 1-2. After Chihiro’s laptop gets discovered in 1-3, Chihiro’s characterization and “arc” are still built upon. Chihiro was incredibly intelligent to work on a way to escape starting in ch2 and create an alter ego. They also realized that they wouldn’t survive, but STILL DECIDED TO HELP!
“I see... To be honest, I knew all along... I knew the chances that Master would survive this situation were very low... So...I was prepared for this moment..."
Overall, I could talk on and on about how great Chihiro’s character is. But the way their arc transfers over PAST their death was a stroke of genius by Kodaka. 
I always go back and forth between Kaede’s arc. While I do want to post a rewrite of her in the long run, I do think her arc was handled well for the - one chapter - she was in. Kaede would fall into the “How can a character recover from this arc” section if she wasn’t the main character. When going through her actions with Shuichi - from setting up a trick to stop the mastermind, talking about the mastermind, and ending the killing game - as the player, it’s obvious that this plan won’t work 100% in the first chapter. But, because of Kaede being the main character, it’s harder to catch up on the death flags she’s waving. While her arc of catching the mastermind and helping Shuichi realize his potential/worth helps set the rest of the story into motion, her arc is also incredibly memorial to the player. I understand the argument that her arc only being covered by her main character's protection is weak, but I believe that this being the basis of her arc and STILL fooling players is what makes it so strong!
Hopefully, you enjoyed this analysis! If you have any thoughts you’d like to share, feel free to in the “Ask me Anything!” tab! I do plan on posting more analyses in the future!
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hanako-san · 1 year
'mr. president and mr. vice-president' You can judge Hanako so 'beautifully', but what about you?
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Maybe let's see your pathetic and loser behavior?
Let's start
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You did something like that. 'sir', out of anger that Kou opposed you, you did such a thing. Jealous? Hmm… but you like killing… don't you love it? So what's your problem?
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You are a psychopath who enjoys killing, so stop pretending that this job is a burden to you because it is not. Your sadistic smug expression and words say it all, and yet you were frustrated enough to use your force against your brother. You hurt your beloved little brother for whom you wanted to become a 'hero' the hero turned into an executioner
wooohps and then you hide like a rat in the room, pretending that you are so seriously injured. And when you met him face to face.
Someone is trying to hide here…
let's me say this.
how uncool
you showed what a coward and loser you are.
how uncool
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What's it like to be such a coward that you can't stand up to your own brother? Running away like the attention loser that you are? Your behavior is so uncool. Such a 'great' exorcist and 'wonderful' president was afraid to face his brother for what he had done to him
Your younger brother had to take action to make you reconcile because you would still hide like a coward.
Your weak brother had more courage than you, loser.
how uncool 'mr' president
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I understand that such an attention loser enjoys the suffering of the person he hates most in the world. I'm also happy that I can laugh at an attentive loser and coward like you 'mr' president
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Akane-san...'mr' vice president. Aoi was taken from you and you wants help her right way... and... you don't know what you should do...
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'sir' what is it? Akane, you wanted to save Aoi, and now you are sitting and looking at her window, I can see that your eyes are darkened from crying and not sleeping. You were so helpless. You're so useless, aren't you?
So poor,so hurt,so useless...
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You are so useless.
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Mirai, escaped from you and you were supposed to catch her, but you were too 'busy' and didn't have time. Yaa, of course. If mirai touched Aoi you would be the first to go and catch her without looking at anything.
So spare yourself such excuses.
Hanako knew couldn't catch her on his own, so he wanted to cooperate with you. But you… you said you were too 'busy' and actually you couldn't catch her. Since you were just 'busy' you didn't have to agree to cooperate.
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But you also knew you wouldn't be able to catch Mirai alone. You are number 1 and so is Mirai, and your uselessness was so great that you had to cooperate with Hanako.
You are so useless,aren't you? Hmm... how I should call you.. hmm.. maybe mr usless
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and you needed mr. president too,right?
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Without Hanako
Without 'mr' president
You couldn't do anything...
'mr' useless i mean 'mr' president
Everyone needs help and that's normal, but you can call "useless" a person who was frozen in time, and you needed help yourself before - mr.useless and mr. hypocrite.
How useless.
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faerishv · 2 years
Hihi Helloo~~
May I request Kou, Hanako, Tsukasa and Shijima who are having a panic attack and Y/n finds em , They try and reasure them that they’re fine but they know what’s happening because of past experiences???
Hope ya can do it! ^^ Love yaas!! 💖💖💖💖💖
i actually cant think of Tsukasa having a panic attack in any way so i will write for yashiro instead i hope its okay for you 😭
" don't worry , im here ! "
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; yashiro :
you knew your girlfriend worked as an assistant for the number 7 of the 7 School Mysteries , though she won’t let you know anything about what she does , saying that it’s better if you don’t know ; but how can you comfort your lover if you don’t even know what stresses her ? Today you decided to surprise her and go to her house to have fun together , you even made cookies for her , hoping that it would make her happy. When you arrived at her door yashiro’s mom opened the door for you “ Oh , [ name ] it’s good to see you ; are you here for Nene ? “ you smiled at her “ yes ma’am !! “ you entered the house knowing already she was in her room ; what you didn’t expect was finding partner shaking and crying , sitted down on the floor. The box of cookies you had in your hands got on the floor , making her flinch and looking up , she saw you with a blank expression on your face ; you immediately ran to her and gave her a big hug “ what’s wrong nene - chan are you hurt !? “ everything she could say were muffled words without a logic sense , instead of asking more questions , you waited so she could calm herself down. She explained what happened with Hanako and Aoi , the burden she has to bringe on her shoulders to save her friends , everything that had to do with supernaturals , it was just too much for her “ nene - chan , i know it’s hard for you right now , and if you want to quit from what happened nobody will blame you , but please , let me help you in your next mission , as your lover i want to help you in any way possible , even if it’s just hugging you for hours or being beside you. Let me have half of your burdens on me … “ she started crying again at your words , she was completely overwhelmed that she didn’t even figured out that she had you at her side , ready to help her with anything.
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; hanako :
the people from different clubs were heading home , you stayed a little longer to take Yashiro place from cleaning the bathrooms , though its from this morning that Hanako wasn't seen ; from now he should be with you cheering you up and motivating you for cleaning the bathrooms ; today you and Yashiro have met Hanako's sibling , Tsukasa , who he killed. It seems Hanako isn't in good relations with him. After cleaning you wanted to say bye to him so you started searching for him ; you opened the door to the roof and found him there : he was sitting on the iron bars , watching the sky " Hanako !! Finally i found you , i wanted to say bye before i go ho- " Hanako turned his head towards you , he was shaking , his eyes red and puffy , signs that he was crying " hanako ...? " you approached him slowly " is everything okay ? " he didn't said anything , just held you in his arms , though you knew the one who needed to be held the most was him. You didn't pressured him into saying what was wrong , he would've said it with time , even though you already knew why he was like that. Let's say you went home later.
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; kou :
everything went down hill after saving Aoi and Hanako with Teru , Yashiro , Akane and Kou. Teru wanted to exorcise Hanako without Yashiro knowing it , though Kou helped Yashiro so that she could run away with Hanako , because as he said to you , he promised her he would be by her side everytime , and you respected it , unlike Teru ... they had a fight and Teru said bad things to his little brother , this shook him a lot. He seems fine but you can see he's still hurt by his big brother's words ; you wanted to say something but knew that you had nothing to do with it , though watching Kou this low on energy was terrible. Teru wasn't at home so you decided to stay with your boyfriend and Tiara , you opened the door and noticed that the house was in so much silence ; you checked up on Tiara , finding her already asleep. Next was Kou ; you knocked on his door but there was no answer " Kou , im entering in the room !! " opening the door you found your lover sitting on the bed , with his raiteijou ( his weapon ) in his hands , head lowered down " Kou , are you okay ?? What are you doing .. " he didn't even moved , he just replied " [ name ] ... do you think im as weak as Nii-san says ?... " his head got up , revealing his eyes full of tears " Kou ... " seeing your boyfriend sad was bad , but seeing him crying was even worse " of course you're not weak kou ! Your brother was already strong at a young age , but that doesn't mean you have too , i've always thought you were an extraordinary exorcist , and i still think it , please don't ever look down on yourself .. " he looked at you , blushing by your words and crying worse than before. You two ended up sleeping on his bed , both exhausted.
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; shijima :
( this takes part after the picture perfect arc ) Something was off with Mei after she let Yashiro and the others escape her painting , of course she's wont tell you nothing , keeping to live her after life like always ; something must have been happened for sure. It's not much to know how to make her like this , she's more calm then before .. but that's not your shijima , so that's why you decided to confront her face to face. Lessons were over and you sprinted over to the art room , where she's usually to paint something , though she wasn't painting at all , she was staring at the last painting she made before she died , it wasn't like her to be watching that painting , wasn't that the cause of her rumor ?? " Mei !! What are you doing ? " she took a while to finally face you , she had a blank expression on her face " oh [ name ] .. did you come to visit me ... " " mhm ... actually , it's from a few weeks i see you spacing out easily , is everything alright with you Mei ? " she smiled weakly at you " of course im alright ! ". Mei was in fact not alright , after talking with her past self , her vision of herself changed completely , taking her to a crisis ; she didn't want you to get involved with her troubles tho. The only way you can comfort her is by staying by her side when you think she's at her worst ; she's the best at telling lies , but she's not good at hiding her feelings.
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2n2n · 9 months
What do you hope will happen in chapter 110? Do you really think Akane is going to die? Or will we see Minamoto or Hanako-kun interfering?I love your posts ❤️
Thank you for love my posts..... 110 ... !!
I don't think so, no....! For one thing, Akane has already had a hole punched through him in his Clockkeeper form, and he survived that just fine, even despite being outside of his boundary, in a DIFFERENT boundary, attacked by creatures owned by the boundary keeper, and then lying in a puddle for however long in the far shore...
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besides, Tsukasa isn't out to murder him, or anything... only find the yorishiro. I don't think the plan is to like, rip him into 1,000 pieces, no more than he did that to Kako... I have no idea what would happen if he went straight for the heart at all! While I suppose we don't know Tsukasa's lawless capabilities what with killing No. 3 so easily, I haven't imagined it would get that grim for Akane. I think Tsukasa is being playful... much to pry apart.
Hmmmm... it feels so chicanery right now honestly... Teru is in a fussy baby mood, he's all butthurt about Akane... Akane is now being targetted... mostly I am thinking about Teru being all like, "oh I'm sorry, I'd help you but apparently I'm a criminal :/ well :/ maybe if SOMEONE hadn't HANDCUFFED ME and taken my strength, I could be out here defending you but I GUESS I'm nothing but a suspect so...." .... I dunno, maybe Teru would want to hear Akane beg for help, or something. Grovel. It is so hard to imagine him wanting to help Akane right now!!! Teru is petty, sensitive, reactive, big baby lol...
Teru also doesn't support the existence of the mysteries at all....
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so I have no idea how invested he is in yorishiro destruction? Why WOULD he care, if some guy is trying to find and unseal their yorishiro? I think Mirai could get popped like a grape and he wouldn't care whatsoever... don't imagine he cares about Kako being punched through. He could stay relatively useless, that would also be funny, especially if it is half by choice...
Akane getting gravely injured WOULD motivate Teru to need to keep the yorishiro from being peeled however, even if he doesn't give a fuck about the system, since being stabbed + turned back to human COULD kill Akane, specifically those events, lol. In this way, we should worry about Akane, wwwww....
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While things cannot die in a boundary, the yorishiro destruction ejects you OUT of the boundary, soooooooooo....!
... I'm still not thinking much about it, but those are the facts to mull over.
It is interesting to ever think about Akane being un-mystery'd though.... I've always liked the idea of, down the road, ONLY Aoi being left with kaii-seeing abilities + memories of the far shore... but that's so far off as a thought haha. Just something I like to imagine, if Akane were unseated. Maybe Aoi would have to look after him...
I'm interested in Akane having implied the Clockkeepers are the party most responsible for endangering students... I don't really know how much Akane, WANTS, to fight for, the Clockkeepers, earnestly. He doesn't LIKE them. I do not think he would really lay his life on the line for them... but I also don't know how much freedom he has right now, or how he is functionally controlled or kept in line, by them. He isn't acting like he has agency in this.
I guess it could go either way, for Hanako. He could surprise us by suddenly teaming up with Tsukasa, or, with Teru. Whatever the case, very exciting, right? All thrilling options.
I don't think it will happen... immediately.. but my biggest wish is for Tsukasa to possess Nene-chan, after he locates the yorishiro ♥♥♥ from what we've seen, Tsukasa and Amane share all their abilities, and there must be a REASON we were so FRIVOLOUSLY shown he can possess Nene-chan way back in the CLOCKKEEPER'S ARC... it would be too perfect for that to come back around ♥ and soooo cute if Tsutsu could be in LITTLE Nene-chan specifically, and really wonderful if Amane had to deal with that ... ♥♥♥ though I've also fantasized about Amane simply instructing Nene-chan to peel the yorishiro, despite everything... could be so grim, so dark, so haunting!
I guess most of my thoughts are further along! The immediate situation is pretty hard to conceptualize, I do not have a brain for... like, fights, play-by-play. I'm mostly excited for what's to come later, I'm not really into altercations....!
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7ban-sama · 2 years
honestly the degrees of which amane is a lying snake bastard is really amusing to me. won't tell nene on his own that he killed someone, won't tell her who he killed or why, won't even tell her his past name himself. threatens tsuchigomori to be complicit in keeping information on-lock. definitely takes one look at mitsuba and understands he is a weak spirit that will fizzle out and disappear after a while if he doesn't ascend to being a kaii but mentions none of this to kou. has to be forced through circumstance to reveal he knew about nene's shortened lifespan from the start. plays along in PP stubbornly, longer than mitsuba even did, trying to convince nene he has no memories. refrains from mentioning his plan for extending nene's life will involve killing her best friend. fucks with akane in the nowhere elevator and plays dumb about what hakubo is doing with aoi. plays dumb when nene deduces that there has to be another system in place other than sacrificing kannagi at the school & doesn't explain it's the mysteries. apparently knew all along that you can get a wish from god after you destroy yorishiro.
meanwhile tsukasa is like. HI! i'm amane's brother that he killed 💞 here's the way to a library with a well of information! here's a gateway into the past to see amane yourself! i hope you manage to stab him so you can get out of this little maze! here's a front-row seat to a school mystery confronting her past self! oh hi, now you're in the creepy haunted house my soul is trapped in. here's how it works! what's that? you like my brother, like i do?? then i'll tell you about how he was sick and i met a wish-granting entity and i got him toys and presents and then sacrificed myself for him after he yelled at me! i did it cuz i love him so much!!!! oh... here's how to get out of the scary cursed house by the way!!!
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tbhkconfessions · 2 years
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"Why was fake Mitsuba able to leave school???
Thing is… it's not about school mysteries capability to leave school or not, It's about fake Mitsuba himself here, right?  
He is a low-level spirit, that 'Tsukasa' created. Tsukasa who created him, said he hoped for him to be able to exist in the (mortal world) but fake Mitsuba is too weak to survive there. Then, fake Mitsuba made a wish to become a normal human. Fake Mitsuba without powers, can't leave school.
After he got No.3's power… No.3 can't leave school either. He made his minions attack Nene to take her place in the living world, but left fake Mitsuba because… (he is hardly worth replacing, as he out it). Why would they take a place of a creation that can't exist in the living world or as a living?
Fake Mitsuba can't leave school, No.3 can't either. So, even with the power of something that can't leave school? It's still useless.
So, neither before having No.3's power nor after it, he is able to leave school.
Now, I don't think that's Tsukasa who is talking with Kou in the last chapter. It's fake Mitsuba. I also don't believe he is possessed by Tsukasa or whatever, since Teru said: (it's a low-level spirit). Tsukasa is far beyond that. At least far beyond No.3's power since he killed him with ease, fake Mitsuba has that power… so…
The funny thing is, even with the power of No.3, he is still weak at core it seems. His origins seem to be at play here.
Also, I don't think Tsukasa sent him there to manipulate Kou, because simply, Tsukasa is after the seven mysteries and their yorishiros. He has no business with Kou so whatever. The others are the same. Why would he send (low-level) and (weak) fake Mitsuba to harm them? he can't survive if he got face to face with any of them, aside from Aoi (Akane is there), Kou and Nene, and why would he harm the last 2? They are sorta dear to him.
It would be so stupid if Tsukasa wanted to harm some teenagers and a kid playing with fireworks, while one of them is the kannagi he needs so much to make him reach his goal, and even far more stupid to send weak fake Mitsuba to do that.
If Tsukasa is after anyone there, it's fake Mitsuba himself since he went to see him in chapter 92, the others he could care less about.
My take on these things, is maybe after the severance, something might have changed in the system, allowing (maybe) only (low level) spirits to leave school successfully, and fake Mitsuba fits into that category, so he was able to leave.
I think he went to see Kou on his own free will, because he wanted to have a talk with his…. half… 'friend'…?
How did he got Kou's address I don't know… maybe he followed him back home after Kou left Hanako's place and waited outside until that moment. Maybe…
I'm really not scared because of fake Mitsuba's look either. It's pretty normal? Even the first minute Nene saw his face in the hell of mirrors his eyes were this way, and throughout the story, he looked this way plenty of times. His way of talking with Kou and everything are pretty normal too. I think of them as way for AidaIro to keep us looking forward to the next chapter. At the start of the next chapter fake Mitsuba will start laughing with Kou and will get back to his normal personality. What happened in the last chapter is sort of having fun of your… half-friend. (Hey! I came to see you! here I am, you silly! You mistook me for a cat?! How rude!)
Maybe he is also there to tell Kou some kind of serious secret or something…?
Idk… all the fake Mitsuba and Kou meeting at the end of last chapter is like fake Mitsuba coming to him to say "Hi".
Maybe they will just have a small chat then fake Mitsuba will leave back to school and Kou will get back to Teru and tell him he took care of the (low-level) spirit or that it simply ran away from him.
Well, that's my personal take on things… only the next chapter and AidaIro will prove me to be right or wrong." submitted by Anon.
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teruwasright · 2 years
100% love your takes on the TBHK confession thing
Like PLS provide your CANONICAL evidence for anything you just mentioned that ISNT already the same panel you’ve shown me 26,000 times trying to force some sort of “hidden idea” that you and only you see like “Tsukasa is abusive.”
*shows fake world arc*
Look! He doesn’t care! He hurts Mitsuba behind Kou’s back!
Me: ….. all I see is him telling Mitsuba he can be a human in a fake world and letting him do whatever he wants
Actually- I hate the hole Tsukasa is abusive thing in general.
He doesn't abuse Mitsuba.
And he didn't abuse Hanako.
Same with Teru- fr where has he shown no empathy?- he literally goes out of his why to help people? He could have not carried but he did-
he could have left Akane to deal with being a half supernatural. But he didn't.
He didn't have to save Aoi. But he still tried.
It feels like people try to pull shit out of their ass and if they say it enough it will be true some how? I really can't see Tsukasa hurting the brother he loves so much honestly- as bad as Tsukasa is I feel like people forget that Hanako was the one that killed Tsukasa. Not the other way around.
And the more we learn the more I feel like Tsukasa did nothing-
Like I have this theory that all the bruises Amane had were his fault-
The bruises on his wrist? From Tsukasa trying to stop him from hurting him or himself.
The cuts? Broken glass he threw at Tsukasa. I feel like as much as Hanako crys he's really uncaring-
I don't have proper panels and it really is just a theory but it will always be in the back of my mind because I really do believe because of the cruel nature of Hanako San he was chosen to BE Hanako San for a greater reason then just murder.
The position of Hanako San isn't given to just anyone. (I can't find were that was said!- wtf?!- maybe in the pilot?!- but I swear it was said somewhere!- I'm so sorry Anon- please trust me it was said somewhere and when I find it I'll reblog this post with it I swear- TwT)
I wish people would remember that Hanako was the one that killed Tsukasa and I genuinely think Tsukasa is hurt by that.
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Like- something about his face here makes me sad- just like this panel of Teru.
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Teru's pain can be explained- I mean- his brother went behind his back AGAIN- and is finally saying something about it.
But Tsukasa not so much. I can't explain it but that panel of Tsukasa makes me feel bad for him. He looks so hurt for some reason? I can't put my finger on it but I also wish people would see that Tsukasa thinks Hanako hates him.
I just- ughhhh- why do my favorite characters have to be the most hated?!- T^T
Lol anyway- sorry for the long reply- I didn't mean to go on a rant- but I'm glad you liked my confession lol it's something that makes me mad beyond belief ^^
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mari-lair · 1 year
Wip of the next chapter of 'I'll just invite (you) myself'. This one is an oldie.
Word Count: 2,2K
Ship: Terukane
“Honourable Manager” Akane greeted once Hanako picked up the phone, “There is a delivery for you, come get it.”
“For little old me?” Hanako sounded a bit suspicious but still audibly delighted “How exciting! I’ve been so busy lately, can you deliver it to me?”
“Wonderful, I’ll expect you here soon!” And the line dropped.
Akane’s eye twitched but he still flew to his manager’s room, knocking on his door and being greeted a few seconds later “Hello, Akane-kun~”
“It’s Aoi to you.” He corrected, giving him the letter.
“But we have known each other for so long!” Hanako insisted, his pout dropping once he touched the letter. The vampire blinked, growing a bit nervous after giving it a proper look “...This has the Minamoto symbol on it.”
“They kill monsters.”
“Not my letter, not my problem” Akane waved him off, teleporting back to his desk. His body got heavier at the abuse of his small magic reserves but he ignored it, having been through worse.
Time passed slowly, Akane got so absorbed rewriting the hotel documents in non-cursive handwriting he was surprised to hear Hanako’s voice when he automatically grabbed the ringing phone “Hello again, my dear clerk! Turn out you’re already caught up with your work! You’re such a hard worker.”  He cooed “You earned yourself a break~”
Akane blinked, surprised Teru’s stunt actually worked, if he were honest he kind of expected Hanako to freak out but keep giving him work regardless, the vampire has always been a fan of pushing his luck.
“...Does that mean I can stop rewriting these?”
“Sure, leave them in my bedroom.”
Akane stared at the document he was working on, the page half in cursive, half not, and decided to at least finish this page before dropping it on Hanako’s door.
He waited for a trick but there was no surprise call after dropping the documents on Hanako’s desk.
Maybe… He really got a break.
Akane smiled a bit, going to his bedroom and falling face first on his sweet bed, hoping to fall asleep right away from fatigue but still wide awake, thinking about his eventful day.
Aoi and Teru know each other now. Teru would take them with him if he manages to run away. Teru trusts him.
He had convinced himself Teru only trusted him with his soul because of the lack of options at first, but now he wasn’t so sure. Teru seems far fonder of fairies than demons, he should be telling everything to Aoi, and yet, there was a hint of wariness with Aoi, refusing to disclose the goal behind his visit with her. He should have been eager to put all his trust in her if options were all he needed.
Teru isn’t plain crazy, he genuinely trusts Akane.
The more he stared at the ceiling, the more restless he felt.
He had been too tired to realize at the time, but when he went to his room he hasn’t felt weak either. Teru did not take the charm for evil down, paranoid as he is, so he must have gone out of his way to give Akane immunity.
It didn’t make sense. Teru doesn’t make sense.
“Aoi-chan!” He flew to her side, finally having free time after a nice 4 hours of sleep “Good morning!”
“Morning Akane-kun” She smiled “How have you and your master been?”
“Good, the honorable manager gave me a break, and my master must still be asleep.” he better be, humans need more than 4 hours of sleep “So I can stay with you!”
“Wonderful,” She smiled “Do you want to brush my hair? It’s been a while since I changed it up”
“Of course!” His tail wagged “Do you want a hairstyle in specific or to just brush?”
“Twin braids would be nice.”
“Sure! Let’s go outside, I’ll go get a brush and a few hair ties”
There are no sunny days in the Ghost Hotel, sometimes it feels as if there is no sun at all, but the clouds varied. Today the mist was thin, and the sky was a lighter shade of grey, making the surroundings less gloomy than usual.
They sat down under a dead tree, the grass damp from the neverending mist.
Aoi-chan is a good friend, she always appreciates and cherishes him, but she will never fall in love. He has read enough books on fairies after accidentally disrespecting her name to understand that they are creatures born of pure magic, incapable of romance or lust, his love is destined to remain one-sided forever. 
Akane gently brushed his best friend’s hair, unable to stop the wave of affection and devotion he felt when her wings playfully fluttered, messing her half-done braid and forcing him to start again from scratch, needing it to be perfect. 
She can’t even ask ‘would you stay a bit longer?’ without playing games. She’s such a haughty fairy, no amount of pastel frills and cute smiles could hide it.
It’s strange, how difficult she can get, yet how easy it is to love her. Truthfully, he is no longer hurt that she’ll never love him back, for as long as she stays entertained by his affection, he’ll keep playing the lovesick fool, giving his heart on a platter time and time again.
“Yes?” He asked, brushing her hair and measuring her soft strands, making sure the braid was symmetrical.
“Do you think your master can do it?” She kept staring ahead, her voice serene.
He understood her question right away, remembering only one of Teru’s offers had been able to catch her attention  “He’s our best chance. If he can’t get us out of this cursed place, I frankly don’t know who would.”
“You trust him.”
“Yes,” It wasn’t a question but he confirmed anyway, surprised by how easy it was to answer “...My master isn’t an easy person, frankly, he can be very cruel, but he keeps his word. If he said he’ll get us out of here, he’ll do it.”
Her wings tensed up but she still sounded calm “I see.” She tucked her legs to her chest “You’ve been outside before, do you like it?”
“I do” He softened “Trust me when I say a clear sunrise is magical” He imagined her flying far away from this dreary hotel, feeling light “I  know a nice beach in the living world with the prettiest view! Have you ever been to a beach, Aoi-chan?”
“No.” She said, “I heard it’s a big lake near the sand?”
“It’s more than a big lake;” He chuckled fondly, his tail lazily swinging in the grass “When we get out of here I’ll show it to you.”
“Sounds lovely,” She looked at the grey sky, almost making him mess up her braids again. They fell into a pleasant silence.
Akane was chilling in his room, taking his break as an opportunity to organize his laughably empty room, when the phone rang.
Only three people had access to his personal phone. 
“Aoi?” Teru sounded sleepy “Come here, is game night.”
Akane frowned, but he dropped his chores to indulge the exorcist anyways, cursing as he flew off.
It started raining out of nowhere. An annoyingly common occurrence in this hotel.
Akane may not be as crazy for warm as the demons of hell, but he still hated cold water, so he screeched like a disgruntled cat and teleported to the newest dry place he could detect, flapping the water off his wings and cursing the weather.
“I see you don’t like the rain.”
“This is a storm” Akane unconsciously frowned at the cheerful voice, realizing he was in the chapel, having popped in while his master was drawing runes. “No one likes storms.”
“I find them delightful,” Teru shared with an unreadable smile “Have you ever got caught in the eye of a storm before, Aoi? It makes you feel truly insignificant.”
Akane spared his master a tired look, taking his soaked jacket off and shaking himself like a wet dog, accidentally launching his uniform hat across the chapel in the process. Thankfully his T-shirt was still dry.
Teru stared blanky at him. 
“...What?” Akane raised a brow, straightening his wings and tail in alert. 
Teru did not break eye contact as he took a sip of one of his holy water flasks.
“What the hell are you doing??”
“...It’s for a ritual” Teru waved him off, “Are you going to stay until the storm passes?”
Akane waited for an elaboration, feeling like his explanation was iffy, but he gave up at Teru’s expectant look, chalking it as another of his many shady secrets “...Yes, is there anything you need?”
“I would appreciate some help cutting the nightshades.” He smiled “Your fairy also left urucum seed that needs to be crushed” 
“Do you have knives that aren’t made of silver?”
He gave one with a wooden handle “Is this good enough?”
Akane nodded.
They worked in pleasant silence, the sound of heavy rain comforting once you got used to it. Thankfully it wasn’t a thunderstorm, Aoi got scared of thunder, hopefully, she’s warm and safe right now.
“Did your manager cut off any unnecessary work?” Teru broke the silence, having finished up his runes.
“I am on a break from my hotel duties” He admitted “What did you even do? It worked too well.”
“My family has a reputation for surviving curses and killing vampires.” He smiled coldly “I just used it for my benefit”
Akane frowned at the broken plate, then glanced back at Teru, who went back to focus on writing unfamiliar dialects on ripped paper strips, comfortable leaving his back exposed.
Teru trusts him.
(And yet he still makes a mess for him to clean up.)
Akane glared at the porcelain shards on the ground, picking them up and gently placing them on the table.
“Anything else I should do?”
“You just broke a plate and you won’t even try to fix it?” He smiled in that strange way that wasn’t kind nor sadistic, completely ignoring that he was the one to drop the thing “Go glue it back”
So nothing. Great. He loves working overtime for no reason. How long does he think it takes to mend back plates? If he even manages that…
Akane froze at the shards in his palm, feeling an odd sense of familiarity from his attitude. 
Did Teru want to stay with him longer, he was just too prideful to say it?
…That sounded far-fetched.
…Was it the same with the needles? He haven’t poked him nearly as much when he had been meticulous and slow on his stitching.
It was as if a piece of the puzzle fell into place, his suspicions Teru might genuinely enjoy his company pretty nice. He has been very vulnerable with him… Are they friends? He isn’t sure, Akane doesn’t have many friends.
He wouldn’t be against it.
“Are you thinking of Akane-san in the middle of work?” Teru raised a brow 
“What?” He gave him a puzzled look, feeling mortified when Teru pointed at his tail, which was lazily wagging.
That's embarrasing.
“Shush it oh great Mina-” He paused, frowning at the lack of pain in his chest and warily saying “...Minamoto.”
Nothing happened.
What the fuck?
“Teru Minamoto”
“That is my name.” Teru seemed amused.
“ I can not call you master??” He frowned, in disbelief “Since when?!”
“Since the beginning.” Teru chuckled, “ I said ‘call me master’ not ‘only address me as master.”
“...So I was only forced once,” 
“Yes,” His eyes crinkled,  “You have called me ‘bastard’ plenty with no repercussions, have you not?” 
oh wow
Akane blushed, feeling like a fucking idiot.
“Why did you sell your soul?”
“My parents got sick, it keep getting worse every hour and the doctors didn’t know how to help” Akane admitted, clenching his fists as he reminded of that day “My teacher had always been nice to me, so when I went to tell him I would be absent and explained the situation, he gave me a ritual book. It had the same markings I had seen on my mom’s back so I read it”
He was so stupid.
“The book said it was a curse, they only had 1 more day to live.” 
He could feel Teru’s eyes on him, sure he was judging him for not calling an exorcist. Stupid. He was such a stupid teen, not wanting to think about the occult even when it suffocated him.
“I didn’t have the time to go to the library hunt for more information so I read the entire book I was given, I was sure I had everything under control, I had checked every ridiculously complicated rude thrice and done all steps” He clenched his fists, feeling anxious just thinking about it “The demon I summoned was a little girl.”
He hated them, he despises them so much. He had done so well shoving the memory aside but now he is enraged again “I did my research after that, learned Kako was the one to curse my parents in the first place. The book was a sham, protection charm my ass, it was a sacrifice ritual. I drew my own death sentence “ He spat, feeling his entire body heat up with rage “Apparently they thought my soul was ‘nice’, that I was diligent enough to not mess up the runes.”
Teru just stared, unreadable. It made his skin prickle, not helping with his boiling anger.
“...I wish i had met you before” Teru said, “Do you think we could be friends?”
“Would you have used the same chocolate approach you did with Aoi-chan?”
Teru frowned, his silence enough of an answer for Akane to laugh “No way, I would avoid you.”
Teru hit him in the back of the head. Nearly pouty.
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kittytheartist · 2 years
Hi there!
Do you have ideas for Beta TeruKane??
hi Anon! ^w^
i presume you mean like the pilots? oh boyyy yes this is so fun!
so beta!Akane we got was in one of AidaIro's short stories for a competition, and in a Oneshot. beta!Teru is something we never got, only mentioned, but I could imagine what my boy Teru was like...
I'll try and keep this brief so we can get to Beta TeruKane...
Beta!Akane seemed a lot more either emotional or smirky.
Beta!Akane already seems more laid back and smiley then the now one, more open with classmates and friends.
he even stops here when he's noticed, I don't think canon Akane would stop like this, and say his hand slipped tbh
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we've seen Akane go for the kill before, with the after school with Satou and Yokoo, but he isn't like this so yk
and he reacts to things differently then canon would
ALSO HE SUPER GAY!!! like this man isn't hiding anything...
Akane here after seeing a photoshop of Hatori being well....
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his first reaction is "woah..." AND ISN'T APPOSED HE'S JUST IN AWE??????
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his first reaction to why Aoi fell in love with Yamabuki is well....just him being him, Akane never questioned "why" she did, although he DID call Yamabuki names but well....
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he said he wouldn't have minded being friends with him and that he enjoyed his company, he even stopped to hear Yamabuki out in the first place.
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not to mention he wants to talk about Hatori, and how she feels about him and what she likes, tbh sounds like you're gay for the council president again Akane....
and Teru was only mentioned ONCE in the pilot and that was by Kou...
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he's studying and seems plans for more in his future then our current Teru. and clearly isn't as "on top" of everything and seems more on average-ish intellect and is actually taking time to study. and he like canon asked Kou to help with the seven mysteries case, but it's not as much as a problem as in current but Teru trusted Kou more in pilot then how he is in the manga, and I can see why, Kou is a lot better and more set on his morals in the pilot...
but I can imagine beta!Teru took the happy go lucky he was on the date and 10x that, he'd be happier like how Akane seems more genuinely nice, but murderous.
but we all saw how Kou acted and seems like how he was raised. so Teru would be a BIT more uplifting when he exercises supernaturals, but if anything he'd have a blank expression contrary to Kou's expression before the roof broke beneath him. clearly the Minamoto's in pilot don't waste time, so I'm not so sure Teru's tactic Kou explained in the young exercist arc would be as present in the pilot.
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basically I think he'd be like this 24/7
and his school persona, wouldn't be as fake, he'd be more
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okay so we have middle school Akane + Teru getting good sleep
I think TeruKane hating each other would be more low-key, when I say that I mean they'd be more undertone. not in an indirect way, but when Akane was like this
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this would be more how Akane would act tbh, and Teru would be more like how he was in the after school chapter (chapter six) or when he issued the challenge in chapter 59.
they'd be either happy go lucky "I hate your fucking guts^^" or straight faced "are you seriously trying me right now?"
Akane might get crazy looking at times (unlike canon) like when he talked about Aoi-Chan except he's mad Teru keeps interrupting his council work. Teru on the other hand ignores his antics and continues his work, but nonchalantly just making his life harder and acting like he didn't do anything wrong, and is curious on why he feels that way.
like canon they still mutually trust each other but Teru gives that smile he gave in chapter 29 when Nene leaves the council room.
Akane as much as in canon is quick to admit Teru is VERY attractive beta!Akane is more open about it, he's just gayer okay???? Akane can actually see why the school has fallen for him but will still says he's a shrewd bastard and that the school SHOULDN'T fall for him. and Beta!Akane would just give that plastered blank face we got pilot Akane wearing a lot.
Teru when he's talking about how unpleasant Akane is he'd give his sigh closed eye face I put in the images of Teru earlier.
beta TeruKane is kinda scary but also very fun ówò it can be hard to imagine some of the scenarios in canon with beta and deciding whether they'd do the same or react the same or what would be different but I LOVE canon sm idk how I could change my beloved TeruKane😭
okay I'm done ehe~ I hope this was good for you Anon~! I really enjoyed this ask tbh and was very excited about it...
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lightphieric · 3 years
So Aoi and Eric are both orphans who suffered extreme trauma as children, including but not limited to witnessing the brutal murders of their younger siblings (the order of events varies between the two of them, of course). Both of them became rather obnoxious and unpleasant adults who have few qualms about traumatizing and/or killing others. The parallels seem pretty obvious to me, but while Aoi gets to be a cool antihero, Eric is just seen as some unlikable jerk.
Like I said earlier, the key difference here is that Aoi and his sister are espers, and Eric and his brother are not. Psychic powers are an incredible tool for digging yourself out of the lowest point in your life, as it turns out. Most of Eric’s problems come from loneliness or a sense of powerlessness, and there but for the grace of God goes Aoi.
First and most obviously, Aoi still has Akane. Eric was forced to dump Chris’s body and never saw him again, but through time travel hijinks, Akane was able to save herself and remain in Aoi’s life. This doesn’t change the fact that he saw her burnt corpse, but having someone by his side to process that trauma with has huge implications for his mental well-being. Meanwhile, Eric has nobody. He lost his mother, he lost his brother, and now even his father is gone, someone he hated but who was still the only family he had for a long time. He’s desperately lonely, which is why he attaches himself so strongly to the first woman who shows interest without noticing the red flags. 
I also think it’s important to note Aoi and Eric's financial situations. Aoi talks about the struggle to scrape together enough money to buy Akane Christmas presents, and one of Eric’s X-Passes is literally the word POOR - which might be intended in a condescending, “Look at this poor pathetic idiot” kind of way, but I think it has a double meaning. The man lives alone on a food service salary, after all. There is nothing quite so stifling and limiting as poverty, but Aoi was able to rise above it and make enough money to put on the second Nonary Game by playing the stock market. And I strongly suspect that Akane’s ability to exchange information with her future self had something to do with this, because it’s not that easy to get rich from nothing off the stock market without the help of insider trading or psychic powers.
All of this is to say that having these powers can give you control over your own life to a certain extent, and that’s something Eric has none of. Whether it’s from being trapped in a death game or more generally, being unable to change his life for the better, he feels powerless and he lashes out because of it. It’s where his violent temper comes from (and while Aoi is a bit of a hothead, it’s unclear how much of that is an act.)
Look, I know how exceptionally weird it is that in a series about people with cool psychic powers, my favorite character is the one loser without them. But I think it’s largely because of that contrast that I like Eric so much. He’s the best audience surrogate Zero Escape has - like it or not, his reaction is probably the closest to how you would react both to being in a death game and learning about the existence of universe-hopping. And seeing him as a foil to Aoi makes him even more interesting. While the espers are burdened by the fate of humankind, the non-espers are burdened by themselves. And ultimately, which burden is worse?
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radio-show · 3 years
So let's talk about the little Tsukasa
For those of you who don't know, this kiddo
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(Art done by @akariin30 on Pinterest)
In recent chapters, it's been revealed that this little cute kid is Tsukasa, who made a deal with some apparitions and went missing.
So the question is, who the heck is this?
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Now, we know our 'Tsukasa' probably isn't Tsukasa because of a few things.
Firstly, we've seen little Tsukasa's memories
Secondly, based on a few context clues we can infer they are two different people.
The first clue for this is that 'Tsukasa' has fangs and the little Tsukasa does not. Frequently, even if the rest of his teeth are not showing, 'Tsukasa' is shown to have fangs, without fail, every time. A few examples:
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Look up any manga panel with the Tsukasa we know, he will have fangs if his mouth is open. On the contrary, little Tsukasa is never shown with fangs.
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Additionally, 'Tsukasa' and the little Tsukasa do share a weird obsession with Hanako but the little one's obsession seems to be at a lower grade than this other one we've been dealing with. However, he still seems a bit strange, like how he fantasizes about how his brother killed him, which is awkwardly similar to Tsukasa in earlier chapters having said he smiles when he remembers when Hanako killed him.
Little baby Tsukasa is still pretty strange though, seeming to understand the apparitions pretty easily. And, we know that people can be turned into apparitions to some degree or have a connection to the supernatural in multiple different ways, like how Akane has powers based on time given to him by wonder number one or how Teru, Kou, and Yashiro were sort of turned into supernaturals in order to chase down Aoi and Hanako.
Now, after Tsukasa returns from having disappeared, he has a lot of traits of our current Tsukasa already, like the fangs, the strange behavior (which seems to be an extension of his old obsessions) and interestingly enough, he seems to have his connection to wishes and may have powers in granting them.
However, it's still pretty clear this kid isn't quite like the Tsukasa that Hanako killed, however I have an idea
Time in TBHK is pretty wonky, it doesn't seem to adhere to a strict timeline and any schmuck who happens to clip though the map can glitch into last week without any trouble. (See also: the time Yashiro went back in time, the time Yashiro went back in time, and the time Yashiro went back in time)
Time also seems to piece itself together no matter what happens, like one of the times Yashiro went back in time at the festival for supernaturals, in which she met tiny seven-year-old Amane and he wished to see her again. Obviously, he did, as here he is, dead and doing a lot more than seeing her again. (source: chapter 86)
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Even in the red house, time is pretty wonky, it doesn't exactly work right, and it's implied that Tsukasa went back home to his home time when he went through the well, and he starts to act pretty close to our current Tsukasa when he goes through the well.
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So, the theory goes as follows. When Tsukasa traded himself for his brother's safety, he hung out in some kind of boundary or something like that with the apparitions. Time worked kind of weird, and the timeline progressed with him being in the house for ages and the apparitions taking over the place. When Yashiro and Kou came through and little Tsukasa went back through the well, he was sent back home, but a year later after he had left. Because he had spent so much time with apparitions, it's likely he was already apparition adjacent or an apparition already, hence the wish-granting powers and the fangs. His mild obsessive tendencies turned into our Tsukasa and shenanigans happened, Tsukasa was killed, and here we are.
What do you think? Let me know in the notes, and add onto this if you want.
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hanako-san · 8 months
Hello, although I don't like Teru, I would like to know what you think he was implying about him thinking that the time keepers let himself get lost in the battle against Tsukasa? Do you think this is true?P.S: I have the impression that with each chapter we have seen more and more of Teru's horrible personality (in my opinion) the way he reacted to Akane on the ground just shows how he doesn't care, at least Hanako intervened Now who is the person who doesn't care about other people's lives 🧐
Hello. It's really nice to know that there are more people who don't like him. My feelings are bigger in the negative sense, I hate him.
Unfortunately, I thought about it myself. It was too easy and they let him do something like that, but when it came to Amane and his actions, they had no problem showing their outrage at what he did and taking him to court in the earlier chapters? Here Tsukasa confesses and then does something like this and they don't react? either they will react somehow or as teru says, which I think if it comes true, they are idiots.
His personality is actually horrible and more horrible. I have the same feeling. His reaction was nothing! He just watched and Amane and nene were in shock, then he watched calmly as if he didn't care. He was unmoved. Which confirms my old thoughts since the chapter with the appearance of Mitsuba. When Tsukasa does something he doesn't appear, but when Amane does something teru is the first and says his pseudo-moralizing speech. My second confirmation was from p.p. arc. that he didn't appear when Tsukasa trapped everyone in the artificial world. He smiled at other girls instead of acting, but behind it was Tsukasa, not Amane, that's the difference.
I don't believe he can't break free. If it was Amane, he wouldn't have attacked Akane again, and he would have been lying on the ground with foot on his chest. And if he really can't, does that mean that minamoto teru isn't that powerful? is he weak and pathetic?Wow! Shock!
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He never cared about people. He just loves to kill. He is a pure sociopath and a narcissist. He loves attention and the way people praise and admire him, if it weren't for his 'feelings' for Aoi, he wouldn't react.
I didn't expect anything else from him. He loves attention, he triggers girls' reactions so that they can admire how 'awesome' he is. I really don't care that he didn't have a childhood, that he had to fight these supernaturals. He's just pathetic blaming them but not his old man who forced him to do this which makes him a pathetic and weak human. I don't feel sorry for him at all because he admitted that he loves to kill with satisfaction and happiness on his face.
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He wanted to be a hero for his princess and brother + he has great satisfaction in killing. He's just a minamoto.His ancestors also had no problems torturing girls and sacrificing them. They were partying and thinking about their next victim at that time. He is the same and even worse, because he moralized Amane and he does it himself and it's even worse because he really likes it. teru can because he's a minamoto, right? Amane is the 'bad guy' cause is supernatural. teru also is hypocrite.
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There is no such thing as a "good minamoto" They were made heroes, but in reality they are executioners. teru is the good heir of famiIy
i'm glad that my thoughts about him are starting to be confirmed and he's exceeding my expectations. He is so hungry for attention, artificial admiration, that he can cause it himself and it boosts his ego, but in reality he is a pathetic, weak person.
When I looked at his photo in chapter 1 , I knew he was fake, and it was the same with yashiro's fleshback.I just felt like I wouldn't like him and there was something wrong with him, and I was right.teru failed to convince me from the very beginning.
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This part amuses me too. Akane made him a savior of people from these 'evil' supernatural creatures, and he doesn't really care about people, he only performs his duties with great satisfaction. teru is not a hero, and he does it because he likes killing supernaturals. it gives him a lot of joy.
A person who pretends to be a hero but doesn't really care about people and does it for his own gain is no different than murderers and is worse because the person you are supposed to trust but actually protects people out of duty makes him a fake. , untrustworthy and no different from those evil supernatural ones that I hear about from his mouth all the time, and it gives him satisfaction. teru is just a hypocrite and a murderer,sociopath
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