#the way she was getting overwhelmed by the pen tapping and ppl biting their nails and was rlly fidgetty and having a hard time
gorgynei · 2 years
maddys transformation stuff in s1e4 is literally just her getting sensory overload and stressing out from tests and nearly having a meltdown. oh no :-( too real
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tiptapricot · 2 years
I still have some scene prompts to do but in the meantime here’s some of my stim hcs for the MK system and Layla bc I have been thinking abt them :-)))
Stims more often and neutrally, in both positive and negative situations
Bites dead skin everywhere, on the edges of his nails, on the inside of his lip, etc.
Taps his fingers over each other rhythmically, tapping each one against his thumb in succession over and over, back and forth
Leg bouncing
Wears big clothes so he can twist and crumple the hems
Sometimes just bobs and dances slightly even if he’s not listening to music
Hand flapping both when he’s excited and happy and when he’s overwhelmed
Chews on pens and pencils and lightly on the inside of his arm sometimes
Has pretty strong echolalia with songs and silly phrases, mutters laters gators and “Gus” a lot, as well as street signs and advertisement taglines
(Mild non-detailed mentions of harmful stims under cut)
Stims mainly in negative situations due to hard masking, but is learning to not repress stuff as much in other situations
Makes fists when he’s focusing or frustrated and just sort of shakes them by his side or bumps them into his thighs
Stamps his foot when pent up w energy or unsure of something
Presses down on his thighs or arms or face when upset, or rhythmically squeezes them
Will also bite his arm, a little too hard sometimes, and eventually Steven gets him something else to bite down on
Stares at things really hard and traces their shape w his eyes over n over
When alone listens to music a loT and if able tries to have earbuds on or the radio playing at all times, doesn’t really matter what it is as long as there’s input
Wears leather or cloth bracelets and chews on them or twists them absentmindedly
I think he has really repressed echolalia, largely from learning to stay quiet and unobtrusive in childhood, and once he learns to unmask enough, starts verbally stimming a lot, mainly just sounds and grunts and syllables, but also words and phrases, especially Layla’s name when he’s in need of comfort, and certain lines from shows or games or books that feel good (update inspired by @tankycinna ilysm)
Likes to play with and twist and slightly pull on Layla’s hair when he can. He likes the texture and the smell and when they’re together his hands find their way to it most times
Has a lot of regular environmental stim stuff set up for sensory issues and usually only stims hard otherwise in negative situations
Wears his gloves at all times so he doesn’t have to feel things on his hands, but also bc he likes to rhythmically squeeze them to feel the leather move
Hums songs he likes to himself bc he likes the feel of the vibration in his throat
Taps on his steering wheel
Has a specific playlist that’s maybe only an hour long that he listens to on repeat and plays whenever he goes out. Has to be played in order
Rubs and fiddles rhythmically w his mustache (even though it’s a stick on)
Doesn’t like much physical touch but does like running the back of his wrists over face stubble
When upset will get very ridged and shaky and will clench and unclench his fists to try and ground himself
Also presses his face hard into pillows or couch cushions, and stops making noise because he stops liking the vibrating feeling
Will also pound his hands on things quickly over and over when really upset and tries to have it be pillows and not himself
Shakes her hands while researching or walking around
Likes to get old books because she likes the smell
Chews on her hair
Pops her knuckles even when they don’t pop
When comfortable will make random vocal noises now and then, likes “ah” and very short “m” noises specifically
Also makes quiet repeated popping noises
Taps her fingers on everything, but really likes tapping her face
Rubs her hands over stuff a lot, like her thighs, her arms, tables, other ppl, etc.
Likes thin metal necklaces and tugs them around in circles on her neck or twist the chain between her fingers
Has mild echolalia and can get easily caught in feedback loops with Marc and Steven if they’ve both latched on to a word or phrase that day
Bonus! Spaceman Marc/Commander:
Has the same hand squeezing thing as Jake, pops up during times of mild or extreme stress as a comforting grounding tool
Goes on space walks because he likes the feeling of floating
Curls up small to squeeze himself and feel compression, likes the compression of his space suit as well (I know irl it is not a comfortable compression but it is for him in the inner world)
Whistles or hums the Star Trek theme
Pats/drums on his thighs
Jumps a lot because he likes the lesser gravity on the moon
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