#the way this woman started grilling me like sorry i dont know his whole life story before the first date you're right im useless
hella1975 · 2 years
i told my mum about my date on sunday (bc it's now very much on sunday and im going to his HOUSE where he's cooking me DINNER if i see even a single candle im gonna make a break for it) and she's literally fucking ecstatic she thinks it's the funniest thing ever my favourite comments include:
every variation of 'please be nice'
'you're going to eat him alive'
'are you wearing that?' (i am in my pyjamas)
(upon finding out he's half american) 'that's not his fault. he cant help it'
'i cant wait to tell your sister so i can beat her with it'
'so you have a guy at home and a guy at uni now?' (STRAWBERRY GUY I AM CHEATING ON YOU LOOK AWAY 😭)
'i stayed the night at his-' 'I DO NOT NEED TO KNOW THAT'
'wear those boots with your skirt you always look so nice in that!' 'but i'll have to shave my legs :(' '*the most disappointed expression you've ever seen*'
'i hope he sees the more sensitive side of you that you dig out like. once a year'
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superjennysunshine · 5 years
I’m gonna ramble for a while.
2019 is coming to an end and I feel pretty good honestly. It wasn’t the best year, wasn’t the worst, there were great days and terrible ones but overall it was a solid 7/10 probably won’t replay it though.
This year marked a lot of big changes in my life, all of them terrifying. Like staring into the void at the end of the universe terrifying but through it all I’m still making it and that’s pretty cool I reckon.
I gotta admit 2020 scares me a lot. Because I have to do a lot of difficult things like getting an education and probably a job, and paying bills and being an adult and stuff, but also a lot of things I really want to do like go to therapy, find a nice hobby, and if the winds blow in my direction maybe even try transitioning just a lil bit.
Just like a teensy bit just like... idk... a 227% transition, like just a little bit.
Yknow it’s really times like this I miss my Dad. He was a cool guy. He wasn’t perfect, wasn’t even that good really a 4.7/10 if I’m being REALLY honest but I really do love him a lot. I remember the time we played guitar hero in his apartment, those were cool times.
You know my dads name was Michael but he called himself Doug?
What a geek ass.
Love your dads folks. They don’t stick around forever.
I’m really grateful for my friends. It’s hard to feel affirmed and happy in this world but they always manage to bring me around somehow. I don’t think I could’ve even begun this whole process without them.
Seriously like they make feel small and cute and like a girl and honestly I’d probably be dead by now if not for that so good on ya pals.
A really cool thing about the end of 2019 vs the end of 2018 is I’m not afraid to call myself a girl anymore.
I’m a lady, a gamer grill, a girl, a woman, a female, i’m transgender, and I’m fucking so proud of it, even if sometimes I look in the mirror and I feel like trash I have improved, I have moved up ever so slightly but it means so much to me. I don’t have to dream anymore of a better life, a different beginning where I was who I always wanted to be from the start because this year ive forged the path to that beginning and I’m ready to make the journey. Even if I’m 21 years late I’m here now and it feels pretty damn good.
It’s my Jojoversary. It’s been 2 years on the dot since I saw the pilot episode of Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure, and it might seem weird that I’m coming off of that after all this really serious talk but Jojo is something that I adore, I love so unapologetically, I don’t let anyone stop me from loving it as much as I do, it’s been an absolute constant presence of pure happiness in my life and oh my god what would I have done without it. 
I want like a partner, yknow? I want like a rebel lesbian who will turn me into a government defiling delinquent or a chubby sweet boy who makes me hot chocolate and like rubs my shoulders sometimes (but not too hard cause I’m sensitive there), maybe someone who loves to read, or camp, or watch movies, or read Jojo’s bizzare adventure, or really like Star Wars, or smile a lot, or love botany or dinosaurs.
And I want to get married. I want a big fuck off wedding with people and pictures and nice food and I want to wear like a fantabulous gorgeous dress and I want Twerk to be my maid of honor, and I want all th people to blow the bubbles as I walk out with my partner and then instead of going on honeymoon we just go home and order a pizza and watch a scary movie.
Looking back at my past makes me really sad. I was so secluded and lonely for so long. I had no friends, I was a huge asshole, I didn’t go to school, I never left the house... I’m extremely lucky to be where I am now, new and improved in every way and to past Jenny, I’m really sorry, you got a lot to go through and like my life right now ain’t exaclty peaches and creme, but the grass is defintely the greenest it’s ever been.
God I love my name. Jenny! It makes me so happy.
Ok I’m going to bed. If anyone reads this leave a note scoring between 1 and 10 on how cohevise this felt. I’m gonna give it a 2 I think.
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bangtansshi-blog1 · 6 years
Felix Culpa  [pt.i]
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Felix Culpa. Latin. ‘’Happy Fault’’
Pairing: Jimin x Jungkook. Also appearance of other members. Warning: Mental illness, Mental disorder, Depression, Suicide, killing, Death and many more. Please read at your own risk. If you are uncomfortable with any of the things mentioned above then refrain yourself from reading. You have been warned! Genre: mental hospital jikook au maybe? T^T angst and little bit fluff too! Words: 10.5K  Summary: Read Here  Author’s note: ah i tried my best. There might be some mistakes. please forgive me as i dont have anyone to proof read it for me except for myself. i tried my best. i will keep trying my best T^T pt.ii (coming soon)
It was 10 in the morning. The room was already filled with day light, making the white color of the room more vibrant than any other time of the day. Everything was white with a little touch of silver here and there. The lack of furniture makes it hard to accept the feeling of being at home, even though he was reminded few times to make it his new home. He can’t get himself to do it even after spending last 6 months trapped in here.
Park Jimin, 22, not so tall, skinny, black haired who is currently sitting on his bed, legs sprawled out ungracefully, hands between his thighs, relaxing. He isn’t thinking of anything; his mind was blank which is his way of relaxing. Several people have told him for time being that he can’t never be free from thoughts and he should never. They say it will have a negative impact on his mental health. He doesn’t care; he needs to do selfcare once or twice.
The door suddenly opens revealing a very familiar face of the nurse who does frequent checking on Jimin. Her name was Syunghi, she was lovely and pretty. She looks around the room. The white, vibrant room which only has three furniture; a bed, a bedside table with 3 drawers and an easy chair. The room itself has 2 doors; one to exit the room and one for a bathroom which is unfortunately always locked unless Jimin calls a nurse or assistance informing them of his natural occurrence and needs. It has a medium sized window with grills, strong metal grills. No balcony. The room was quite unpleasant and too bright. Jimin never liked it here. He wishes he was in one of those rooms which had two or more people. But they say he was privileged to get this one.
‘’Everything’s okay? Do you need something?’’ Syunghi asks Jimin, the boy who was sitting on the white bed, legs sprawled and hands between his thighs.
‘’Another pillow will make it tolerable.’’ For the unlimited times Jimin has successfully mention to her the same thing. He needed a pillow. its not like he didn’t have any. He has one which is stitched to the bed; only there to support his head for sleeping. He needed another one, to hug when he sleeps.
‘’I wish I could provide you with one.’’ Syunghi replies.’’ Anything else do you need or want to tell me before I leave?’’
There was a long pause.
‘’Maybe a kiss on my lips to make me feel better.’’ Jimin says cheekily with a onesided smirk.
‘’that’s for your future wife to do.’’ With that Syunghi starts to leave the room.
‘’Who’s doing my consultation today?’’ a useless question to ask.
‘’As always, Professor Kim Seokjin.’’ She closes the door behind her.
Jimin finally shifts his position. He is already feeling tired, tired of meeting that same person, Doc Jin. That’s what he calls him. He was a tall, handsome guy; very famous doctor around the town. Jimin was lucky enough to be consulted under him or that’s what they say. ‘Be always thankful to your parents.’
Jimin finally gets down from the bed; feet hitting the cold white tiles. He slowly walks to the window and looks outside. He could see quite a few people on the lawn behind the building, known as M1. There are other patients; talking to their nurses, walking or sitting by themselves and some other just doing weird things like trying to find something on the ground or looking straight up to the sky. Jimin takes a deep sigh. How did he get himself in here!
Jimin proceeds to open the window; as soon as he does a chilly breeze hits his face making a shiver run down from his spine. He is reminded that it is the very last week of November, the end of Autumn. Winter is on its way. A small smile forms on his face as he closes his eyes taking a deep breath. He swears he was inhaling the environment.
A flashback from last winter hits him. It was Christmas time; he was happy, his family was happy or he likes to think they were. They were unwrapping they gifts on their living room. When suddenly there was a knock on their door. Jimin still could feel the excitement he felt hearing the bell. He thought it was his friend, his best friend. But to his dismay it was one of his younger brother’s classmate; was there to give him his Christmas gift. Jimin looked at his presents; counted it was 5. Then his eyes went to Jihyun’s presents; they were counted 11. He was too old for this stuff but his age couldn’t stop him from feeling the tangible jealousy which immediately turns into sadness as he was reminded of his supposed best friend who forgot to send him any present.
There’s that nuisance again; he felt like vomiting out his guts as tears starts to form. He couldn’t believe this, this couldn’t be happen-
A touch on his shoulder brings Jimin back to reality; he is taken a back and scared of the sudden disturbance. It is another nurse, this time a male who is having a very concerned look on this face.
‘’Are you okay?’’ The same question. Jimin nods his head as a yes.
‘’You’re crying.’’
Taehyuk, the male nurse points at Jimin’s cheeks which are indeed soaked with tears. Jimin hurriedly wipes them off.
‘’Your meds are ready. You need to take them quickly. Professor Kim is already here. Your visit will start in 15 mins.’’ He says as he starts to close the window.
Jimin reluctantly walks towards his bedside table. Taking the pills on his tiny hands he gulps them down one by one. No objection.
As Jimin looks at Taehyuk to indicate that he is done with the meds, Taehyuk was already leaving the room with the smalls medicine container.
‘’Wear your shoes quickly. We are leaving in a minute.’’
‘’I’m not a baby you know.’’ Jimin tells the male nurse.
‘’Yeah I know.’’
15 minutes later Jimin found himself sitting on one of those concrete stools that were on the lawn of M1 area behind the building. He is looking at a woman who is on her wheelchair talking to a bird which was up on his maple tree.
He is waiting for Doc Jin, he is supposed to be here any minutes now.
The weather is too nice, Jimin wishes he could fall asleep under the sky. He knows his feeling won’t remain the same once winter is here. He rubs his palms on his face; soaking his eyes in the warmth of his hands. He bends his head down to look at his feet. From the stool, his feet made it to the ground, he was grateful.
As he looks up, something caught his eyes. He is looking at the same direction as woman sitting on the wheelchair. But what has caught his eyes is far behind her.
There is a figure; a figure of a boy. Jimin is sure the figure is new here. He doesn’t remember someone like him of his 6 months here. The boy is tall he has to say, slim body, wearing the same cloths as Jimin, which means he is also a patient.  The boy is walking around, he is kicking something on the ground and looking around once in a while. He is probably new here, Jimin thinks.
‘’uhm, Sorry to bother you.’’ A sudden voice pushes jimin off from his trance. He immediately takes his eyes off from the newly boy and looks at a very familiar face of Doc Jin. Jimin doesn’t reply him though.
‘’How are you doing?’’ Same question again as Doctor Kim Seokjin sits beside Jimin with his coffee cup.
‘’Fine.’’ Jimin replies.
Seokjin was pretty sure he won’t get a how are you back from jimin but-
‘’How are you?’’ Jimin asks.
‘’I’m quite fine. Thank you Jimin!’’ Jimin nods.
Jimin again looks behind the woman on wheelchair. He can’t see the boy anymore.
‘’The good news is, our session is going to end early today.’’ Seokjin says as he tries his best to make it sound a happy announcement.
‘’Is that so?’’ Jimin replies as he let out a feigned chuckle.
‘’Yup.’’ Seokjin replied with a sigh.
‘’Why so?’’ Jimin asks.
‘’Why are you ending today so soon, Doc Jin? Don’t you want to delve inside my brain? Or are you finally tired of denying the true traits of Park Jimin?’’ Jimin questions him in a low tone.
Seokjin lets out a chuckle, a very normal one. ‘’No Jimin! I have a function to attend today. That’s why I need to leave early.’’
‘’oh!’’ That’s all Jimin said.
‘’And you need to understand and remember that I’m here to help you. To understand you. To make you live a normal life. To help you. You don’t need to feel-‘’
‘’I know. You have told me this many time already now.’’
There was a long pause. Jimin looks on his right side, feeling the look over his left where Doc Jin was pleasantly sipping on his coffee. Jimin knows he needs to talk now.
‘’The weather is too beautiful to be called an only a weather, don’t you think Doc?’’ Jimin says.
‘’Yes, of course.’’ Seokjin replies.
‘’I wish this could remain forever.’’
‘’ We all do but things don’t always go the way we want.’’ Seokjin was successful taking the turn of his conversation.
‘’I know. It never does in my case.’’ The turn is he there, Jimin thinks.
Taking a deep breath and placing the coffee mug on the stool Seokjin starts-
‘’Its okay to think like that Jimin. But what is not okay is to take is negatively. If I were you I would have try not to succumb into the dullness of the whole thing, rather challenge myself to change the outcome.’’
‘’that’s why you’re not me.’’
‘’Jimin, all of this are temporary. The weather is temporary. And You thinks its sad because this Autumn will not stay for too long. And you hate winter. But you’re missing out a bright point here.’’ Jimin finally looks at Seokjin. ‘’You dislike the fact that winter is coming which results in you ignoring the mere fact of longevity. If Autumn goes away too soon then Winter will do the same.’’
‘’Rather than worrying about Autumn being short why can’t we just count on the short days of winter and look forward to the next Autumn!’’ Seokjin looks at Jimin with a smile. The other one was quietly looking at him.
‘’We always ignore the bright side of everything and let us get ingest into the dark and sad feelings. There is so much positivity surrounding.’’
‘’But its not that easy-‘’ Jimin starts.
‘’I know its not. Trust me I do. We all are here to fight our way through our life. We are all fighting for our own destiny. But some of us are giving up on the mere negativity that are coming on our way.’’
Jimin proceeds to lock his eyes on his entangled hands and fingers.
‘’Look Jimin! I know its hard for you. But you’re doing so good. You’re better than when you first came here. You’re more vibrant and livelier than before. And it makes me so happy and proud to see you like this.’’
Jimin could feel a pressure on his chest. He tried hard to gulp down the choking sob that is threatening to escape.
‘’You’re talking very different than other days.’’ Jimin says.
‘’Am I?’’ Seokjin interrogates.
‘’Not really. But this is supposed to be your last words of the session. Do I expect for a backward session today?’’ Jimin replies.
Seokjin laughs. ‘’No! jeez don’t talk like that. I told you we are ending today’s session early. I could have easily begun with your mental health and how are you dealing with your depression lately but I won’t.’’ Jimin again looks up at Seokjin.
‘’Today, like always, Im here to remind you of the positive side of our life. Because Jimin, you deserve to know the beauty of life. Other than anything, if I have to choose, I will always talk to you about the positivity. Its because I like to have this conversation with you. And I want you to accept the zeal of life. Because a person like you deserve to be happy.’’
Jimin suddenly feels something warm floods in his inside. Was it hope?
‘’Thank you Doc Jin.’’ Jimin finally replies.
‘’You’re always welcome.’’
With that both of them falls silent. Seokjin doesn’t say anything as he hopes what he just said gets into Jimin’s head. Jimin is again looking back at the Woman on the wheelchair. As he sees the smile of the woman after seeing there is now two birds, makes a smile appears on Jimin’s face. Seeing Jimin smile, Seokjin’s eyes follow where he was looking.
‘’Before we end this, I want to ask about your friend. How is she doing? What you call her… Granny Min? Are you guys still having fun together?’’ Seokjin asked Jimin about his only friend in the hospital, a 45 years old lady, who stays in the congested room beside Jimin.
‘’Oh her! She went home yesterday. Im happy for her. She will be back soon.’’
‘’Ah! Good to know.’’ Replied Seokjin.
Suddenly Jimin could see that figure again. The boy. He is now sitting on a stool at the end of the lawn across him.
‘’Aren’t you going to end this?’’ Jimin asked.
‘’Already bored of me.’’ Seokjin laughs.
‘’When I was not.’’
‘’Right! And the time is ending for today here. I will see you in 2 days, Jimin.’’
‘’Good to know. ’Jimin replies.
‘’Remember what I said. Eat your meal well and take the medicines timely. Never forget there are people who loves you,’’ With that Seokjin takes his coffee mug and starts to walk away from Jimin after waving a goodbye.
Jimin keeps on looking at Seokjin until his figure disappears inside the building. He then diverts his eyes to the other boy, the mysterious new figure. He is still sitting on the same position.
After giving it few thoughts, Jimin gets up from his sit and starts walking to the direction of the new boy. He just wants to know if he was new or maybe his name too.
The boy is now looking something over to his left side. He is now turning to the direction where Jimin is. Jimin stops and try to change his walking direction a little because he thinks he is walking to fast towards the boy. He doesn’t have any intention of scaring him or make him feel uncomfortable with his presence.
But as soon as Jimin changed his position the boy also did. He is now looking down at his feet. Still.
‘Did he sense my presence already?’ Jimin questioned himself. ‘You’re thinking too much Park Jimin. Why are you so nervous!’’
Finally, Jimin reached infront of the boy who was still looking down. Jimin doesn’t know what to do or what to say to get his attention so he keeps on standing.
After what feels like a decade, the boy finally looks up and straight into Jimin’s eyes. Which definitely throws Jimin back.
He has beautiful eyes. Dagger sharp. Not only his eyes, he is handsome too.
Jimin doesn’t know what to say. He remains with the same posture, being at a lost of action. On the other hand, the boy didn’t even flinch a bit, he is still looking straight into Jimin eyes. As if he is trying to read his soul.
Finally, the boy cocks his right eyebrow, which makes Jimin come down from his haze. He clears his throat.
‘’Hello!’’ Jimin manages to say at last.
To make it more awkward and unbearably irritating for Jimin, the boy didn’t reply rather he is still looking straight.
‘’Umm… do you mind if I sit here?’’ Jimin asks.
He doesn’t say anything but after few seconds he takes his gaze away and moves his right hand, indicating the place is free for Jimin to sit. Jimin doesn’t hesitate to sit beside the boy but he is afraid he might get up and leave.
Jimin doesn’t say anything. Neither does the boy. Jimin looks ahead and sees that the woman on wheelchair is now leaving the bird and the maple tree behind. I think her time is up, now she has to go back to her room again. Jimin feels a rush of sadness. He wishes he could help her.
Jimin again gets his focus back on the boy beside him as he feels that the boy just shifted on his position. He carefully looks at the boy. His side profile is gorgeous he has to say. He has sharp jaw line, pointy nose. Even his forehead is pretty-
Jimin felt like his soul left his body as the boy suddenly turn his head towards him, catching Jimin red handed staring at him. He cocks his head slightly as if questioning why Jimin was looking at him.
Jimin immediately looks away. Clearing his throat for the second time, he prepares himself for a conversation.
‘’I’m Park Jimin.’’
No reply.
Jimin could feel his entire existence set one fire. Did he get ignored? Was he interrupting someone else’s privacy? How does he escape now? To make it worse, the boy was still looking with his burning gaze; head still slightly cocked.
‘’Jeon Jungkook.’’
‘’heh?’’ first of all Jimin wasn’t expecting an answer. Second, he has a nice soft voice. Third, it was barely audible.
‘’I said my name is Jeon Jungkook.’’ He made himself clear now.
‘’Nice to meet you Jungkook. Are you new here?’’ Jimin asks.
‘’Oh! Good.’’ Jimin try to smile at Jungkook but he was looking somewhere else. Clearly not interested or that’s what Jimin felt.
Jimin stays quiet. There’s still chilly breeze blowing. He wonders if deciding to talk to Jungkook was a good idea or not. He could have just enjoyed his time before going back to his room.
Jungkook takes an audible sigh as if he was bored; making Jimin more uncomfortable than he was already. Still Jungkook doesn’t bother to say anything. Jimin decides to wait a bit more.
After what feels like decade which was in reality only 5 minutes, Jimin started to feel impatient. Jungkook still hasn’t said anything nor even moved.
Jimin decided to ask him something more but Jungkook suddenly gets up from his sit and started to walk directly to the building leaving a confused and hurt Jimin. Just in a second Jimin hears a bell; their times are over for the morning, now they have to go back to their room, take a shower and eat.
As Jimin makes his way towards the building, he cannot help but feel sad at the cold behavior he got from the new boy Jungkook.
Maybe its him. Maybe its his face and his luck that everyone he meets doesn’t want to be around him and builds a dislikeness towards him. Jimin keeps on thinking this wanted thought as he enters the building.
It was already 10 pm. Jimin is done with his dinner and every other nighttime schedule. Now he is just waiting for sleep to endeavor him.
Today’s weather had a good impact on him. Even it helped him to cope up with sadness that he felt.  He wishes if he could have this weather everything. As he tries to linger the weather for as long as he can, he decides to open the window and stare at the night sky.
The hospital he is admitted to was the biggest one in the city of Busan. It has its own reputation of being one of the best mental hospital of the country. It was built in a spacious area. It’s a 4-storage building with huge amount of empty space surrounding it. Rumor says the whole building is consisted of more than a thousand of room for patient. Apart from the frontal area, the whole empty space surrounding the building is used for making roaming place for the patients and the doctors; the backside and the rightside area is for the patient and the left side is for the doctors. The backside is called merriment 1 or m1 and the right side is m2. There is difference between this two. M1 is used for patient who are less dangerous and more mentally stable whereas m2 is used for the opposite ones. After the checkups, patients are decided by the authority to which area they can use. This also applies for dinning hall. Not all the patient can dine in there. Only the permitted one can. Jimin got his permission 2 weeks ago.
Through the window from Jimin’s room, he can see the whole m1 area easily. As it is nighttime, no patients are allowed to go there. He heard that if someone breaks the rule they have to face some sorts of punishment for that.
Jimin’s eyes found the stool he and the new boy Jungkook was siting in the morning. Remembering Jungkook, abruptly some feelings of dejection hits him. Jungkook didn’t seem like someone who was too ill. Jimin thought he might be like him. Just depressed and suicidal. He regrets expecting such things. He doesn’t even know why he is making a big deal out of it. But he cannot seem to get that event of rejection out of his head. And it’s killing him inside.
Jimin knows its not good for him. He still remembers what Doc Jin said this morning. He has to think positively. So he decided to leave Jungkook off of his thoughts and think about something better.
Jimin’s mind drifts off to memories of his family; his mom, dad and his younger brother. He misses them. He wishes he could be with them now and see them. His parents came to visit him last week. He was so happy to see them. So were they. They spent good hours until the very last moment. Jimin almost forgot about Jihyun. When he asked about him his parents replied he was busy with homeworks so he couldn’t come.
‘’Oh!’’ Jimin replied.
‘’Sweatheart, Jihyun misses you a lot.’’ His mother replied. ‘’ He wanted to come. But if he didn’t do his works it would be bad for his result.’’
‘’I see. But isn’t he always done with his homework  during the weekend?’’ Jimin’s question made his parents exchange looks.
‘’Listen son. Don’t think like that. His finals are-‘’ his dad started.
‘’I know. I know. Trust me I do.’’ He abruptly stopped his father in midway. ‘’ I know everything. How he feels and how I make him feel. Just tell him that I love him a lot. And I wish to end his misery of having an older brother like me a long time ago. But I failed. That’s what I can do-‘’
‘’ No please, baby. Don’t think like that-‘’ his mother said.
‘’No don’t cry. Not now.’’ Jimin’s father tried to calm his wife down.
‘’IM SO SORRY!’’ Jimin was now started to cry and scream. ‘’ IM SO SORRY FOR EVERYTHING. I SHOULD LIVE NOW.’’ With that Jimin gets up from his sit and started to walk back to the building. He could already see some nurse approaching him-
That’s how the last meeting went. Jihyun still hasn’t come to visit him. He knows its only been a week since he met his parents but he actually believed Jihyun would have come right after. But he didn’t.
Tears started to roll down his cheeks. Jimin’s mind was screaming ‘stop being pathetic’. But he didn’t have any control over his sadness. That is what his life was. Full of sadness. He is nothing but a mistake-
Jimin was pulled back from his thoughts as he felt like he saw some movement down in m1. His heart was beating fast. His immediate thought was that it’s a ghost and he isn’t ashamed of saying that he is afraid of ghosts.
Jimin thinks of closing the window and go back to bed but something was stopping him from doing so. with the name of God, Jimin decided to inspect the area.
He could swear his heart left his body as soon as he spotted something on m2. No, it was someone. And from the outfit, Jimin thinks it’s a patient. But how could it be! No patient was allowed to be there at this ungodly hour.
Jimin runs to the other part of the room and turns the light off and goes back to the window. He has no idea what he is doing, all he knows that he doesn’t want to cause any trouble but he knows not of what trouble it could be.
Jimin’s eyes goes back to the corner he saw that figure. If he is not wrong, it’s the same place Jungkook and he was sitting this morning. He tries to squint his eyes to see who he could be. He was sure it must be one of those m2 patient, who probably tried to sneak into m1.
Jimin kept on following the figure. He is sure he has never seen this person in m1, not the 6 months he was in. The person looks quite tall; at least taller than Jimin, slim body, black hair-
Jimin felt like his eyes will bawled out of the socket. He suddenly recognized who it was. Its Jeon Jungkook, the new boy.
Jimin is now practically jumping up and down in his position. He has to do something, he cannot believe this new boy could make this sort of mistake. What if he gets caught? He is new here so he probably doesn’t know anything about the restriction. Will they slack him off for this time? He doubts they will. Jimin has been warned about all the restriction the day he was admitted and he was told to follow them strictly. So he is sure this boy has also been told. Then what is he doing now? He must have been seeing wrong.
Jimin again looks at that person to clarify what he saw is wrong or right. But nope, he didn’t make any mistake. It was indeed Jeon Jungkook.
Should he do something? Is there any way to warn that boy? Should he go out and tell the guards? No he cant. So should he go and tell him? Nope! He can get caught too.  Besides Jimin’s room is locked now.
Wait! If his room is locked that means every other patient’s room should be locked. Which means Jungkook’s room should have been locked too. Then how was he there.
Jimin checks for the 2nd time if he made any mistake or not. He didn’t. Jungkook is still in there.
What is happening? Jimin is definitely worried about the boy. He seemed like a nice guy even though he didn’t talk to him in the morning. He doesn’t want anything happen to Jungkook.
Out of no where Jungkook’s head, Right then, turned up and to the direction of where Jimin’s room located in the building. From Jimin’s spot it seemed like Jungkook was looking straight at him. Jimin was frozen. He tried to bend down as soon as he can. After few minutes of siting on the floor, Jimin tried sneak a look at the other boy down there. Jungkook was looking somewhere else now. Which caused Jimin to go back to his previous tension.
As Jimin was being frantic, lost in his thought, Jungkook was already walking back to the building. Just before he disappears Jimin’s eyes caught his figure. He sees Jungkook leaving m1 and going back to the building. There is no guard. No sign of them.
That was odd. Is he some sort of highly privileged person to get permission to do such thing without getting caught? Jimin doesn’t know. He is now sweating for being so worried for past 5 minutes. He checks the area through his window one last time before going back to his bed. It was enough for him for the day. He decided it’s better to sleep.
Jimin couldn’t shake off the image of Jungkook sitting on the stool of m1 from his mind as he laid down on his bed. He tried hard to fall asleep but was in vain. It took him few hours before his mind was at ease and he was succumb to deep slumber.
The next morning Jimin was back to doing his usual stuffs; getting up, washing up, having breakfast and meds, going for daily checkups (minus consulting with Doc Jin which is scheduled tomorrow). Now he is ready to have his time off in m1. The incident of last night is long forgotten. He somehow forgot about Jungkook.. until he sees him in the same stool in m1.
Jungkook was sitting there in the same position from last night. Seeing him Jimin gulps down as he remembers the event. It felt like it was a dream. Jimin ponders if he should go to Jungkook or just ignore him. As he was thinking Jungkook suddenly looks straight at him and scares the hell out of Jimin. Just like before, Jungkook again cocks his head, as if asking Jimin of something.
Jimin doesn’t know what should he do. After giving it a few thoughts, he decided to approach Jungkook again.
Jimin sits beside the boy. Jungkook was now back to looking up at the sky.
‘’Good Morning……Jungkook?’’ Jimin purposely made the ending sound like a question while delaying before saying his name which got him no reaction from the other.
‘’Its not morning anymore.’’ Jungkook replies.
‘’Huh?’’ Jimin was caught off guard.
‘’I said its not morning. I have been awake for past 5 hours so nope its not morning.’’
Suddenly Jungkook laughs making Jimin confused. Even his laugh is attractive.
‘’What?’’ Jimin questions.
‘’This is the second time we are talking and the conversation went the same way. I say something and you don’t hear then I repeat and you say ‘’oh’’.’’ Jungkook says smiling while looking at Jimin. Jimin feels hit rise up on his cheeks. He was surely embarrassed.
‘’uh… I’m sorry.’’ Jimin replies.
‘’Why are you sorry?’’
‘’For being a disappointment.’’
‘’heh?’’ its time for Jungkook to be confused. Jimin doesn’t reply instead he kept on looking at his hand.
After a solid 30 second of awkward silence, Jungkook finally decides to talk.
‘’Are you always like this?’’
‘’Like what?’’
‘’umm… being so over dramatic.’’ Jimin felt like his entire world turn into ice.
‘’Im not being dramatic.’’ Jimin tries to argue back.
‘’oh sure! ‘sorry for being a disappointment’ I don’t even hear this sort of dialogue in movies.’’ Jungkook laughs as he says the line mocking Jimin’s voice. Jimin is sure his ears are now red. This is humiliating.
‘’Guess you’re right!’’ with that Jimin gets up from the stool and starts to walk.
‘’hey hey hey! Wait.’’ Jungkook was quick to get up and grab Jimin’s hand.
‘’What!’’ Jimin tries his best to remain cool.
‘’I was just joking.’’ Jungkook says.
‘’Sure you were. Have fun.’’ As Jimin says the last word his voice made a chocking sound indicating he was on a verge of crying.
This has probably hit Jungkook more than it should have been. His face looks like he was concerned.
‘’Hey! I really am sorry. I was just messing with you. I didn’t know it will affect you this way.’’ Jimin doesn’t say anything. ‘’Come here and sit with me again. Maybe we could have a proper introduction now.’’ Jungkook proposes.
Jimin couldn’t say no to this. He won’t. So he accept the proposal and goes back to sit on the stool.
‘’So you said your name is Park Jimin.’’ Jungkook says.
‘’You remember.’’
‘’I bet you remember my name too.’’ Jungkook replies.
With that they started to have conversation. Jungkook tells him about his morning and the day before. Yesterday was his first day. Jimin tells him about his day and briefly about past 6 months. Jungkook is a good listener and he talks so less unless he is asked a question.
They are now talking about their family. Jimin tells Jungkook about his family, how they are and what they used to do during vacation. He tried his best not to mention any sad moments.
‘’How about you? How is your family.’’ Jimin asks Jungkook.
‘’Uh, my family!’’ Jungkook takes a deep sigh before continuing. ‘’I have my parents and older brother. They are cool.’’
‘’oh! So you’re the youngest of the family?’’ Jimin asks.
‘’Yes! 97liner.’’ Jungkook replies.
‘’really? That makes you younger than me.’’
‘’it does?’’ Jungkook says with raising his right eyebrow.
‘’yup.’’ Jimin replies with a smile.
There was a long pause again until Jimin decides to break it.
‘’if you don’t mind. May I ask why you are here?’’
Jungkook doesn’t reply immediately. He doesn’t look at Jimin, he was looking up at the sky. Jimin suddenly have a feeling that Jungkook’s reply is going to be something sad.
‘’Various reasons. Mostly because my parents think I need treatment.’’ Jungkook replies still looking up at the sky. ‘’Why are you here?’’
‘’I don’t think you’re ready to hear it.’’ Jimin replies.
‘’Try me.’’ Jungkook looks at Jimin and smiles.
‘’I tried to kill myself.’’
Jungkook doesn’t budge hearing the statement, rather he kept looking at Jimin. Jimin is now feeling awkward.
‘’Oh!’’ Finally, Jungkook says with a sigh. Jimin doesn’t say anything.
‘’What…was the reasons for your parents to think that way?’’ Jimin asks again.
‘’I don’t think so this time you’re ready to hear.’’ Jungkook replies.
‘’Try me?’’
‘’Well… I was accused of trying to murder people.’’ Jungkook finally replies.
Jimin couldn’t say anything. Before he could even react, the bell rings indicating they need to go back to the building.
Jungkook immediately gets up and starts to walk away. He stops for a while and waves goodbye to Jimin. Jimin was still sitting on the same position.
 Jimin is currently waiting for Doc Jin to show up with his coffee mug. It’s the next day, the consultation day.
Jimin was back to basic. After Jungkook left him there yesterday, he went back to his room and did what he usually does. He didn’t see Jungkook after that. He wasn’t on m1 during the evening off hours. Jimin checked m1 through his window at night too. But no one was there this time. Jimin was still in doubt if his mind is still playing tricks on him. Maybe he got a new sickness! That would be sad.
As Jimin was busy in his thought, Seokjin was already there. He was waiting sitting beside Jimin to finally notice him.
‘’You’re already here! Why didn’t you knock me?’’ Jimin asks as soon as he notices the presence of Doc Jin beside him.
‘’didn’t want to disturb your serene mood!’’ replied Seokjin. Which makes Jimin let out a nonchalant chuckle.
‘’So how is Park Jimin doing?’’ Seokjin starts off the day.
‘’Good! I guess. ‘’ Jimin replies.
‘’only good? Not great good?’’ Seokjin attempts for a light-hearted fun.
‘’If I say that im feeling really better and im better than before, will you let me leave this place?’’
‘’Tough challenge. Don’t you like this place? Wont you miss your granny Min or your favorite nurse if you leave? Or me?’’
Jimin laughs and shakes his head. ‘’Jokes don’t suit you when you’re talking to your patient who is nothing but a wretched.’’
Seokjin makes a snorting noise. ‘’You young lad! Is very hard to handle.’’
‘’Already giving up, huh?’’
‘’Try me.’’
With that a long pause comes. Until Seokjin decides to break it.
“Today we are back to our regular consultant.’’
‘’Are we going back to your office for that?’’ Jimin inquires.
‘’No. We are staying here.’’
‘’Because” Seokjin takes a pause. ‘’I want to talk to you not as a doctor anymore. I want to talk to you as a friend. I don’t want it to be a consultation but a normal conversation. It would be easier for me.’’
‘’I see.’’ Replies Jimin.
“Lets starts with you telling me about the past two days? How did you do? Did something exciting happen? I know its quite impossible but let me pretend something could happen.’’
Jimin’s heart skips a bit. He was reminded of the night when he saw Jungkook on m1. He ponders if he should mention it to Doc Jin or not. At the end decides against it.
‘’Nothing much actually. Same old thing. Except for there is still no granny Min and I may or may not have made a new friend or met a new person you could say.’’ Jimin says.
‘’Is that so? who is that person?’’ Seokjin asks.
‘’There is this new boy-‘’
‘’The one who you have been looking?’’
‘’huh?’’ Confused Jimin.
‘’I saw the previous day you have been staring at someone. You were just doing the same a while ago. ’’ Seokjin replies.
Jimin is lost of words. Of course, Doc Jin is going to notice every single detail of him. Jimin found Jungkook walking around m1 right after Doc Jin appeared.
‘’Yeah.’’ Jimin confessed.
‘’So, tell me about him. How is he? What’s his name?’’
‘’I don’t know much about him. We only talked once. He told me his name and I told him mine. His name is Jeon Jungkook. He is new here.’’ Jimin tells Seokjin. Both of them were staring at Jungkook now. He is walking around his back facing them.
‘’hm I see!  Its good for you. I hope he is a good kid and you guys can be friend.’’
‘’Are you going to gather information about him?’’ Jimin says all too quickly.
‘’umm? Do you want me too?’’
‘’No! I mean…’’ Jimin again got tongue tied. ‘’ I was just thinking. That’s what you do being my doctor.’’
‘’Is there something you want to know about him?’’ Seokjin asks.
‘’Not really. I would love to find out from him rather than from his medical reports.’’ Jimin replies.
‘’Alright!’’ Says Seokjin. ‘’Let’s get back to you now, shall we?’’ Seokjin asks, Jimin nods.
They are again back to ‘about Jimin’ and his current condition. Seokjin asks him about various things. Trying to find out any sorts of negative improvement. From what Jimin tells him, Seokjin can understand clearly that the boy is doing better than before. Seokjin remembers when he first saw Jimin, his condition was bad, not only bad but worse. He met him right after 2 days he was admitted here. He was assigned with him immediately. There were various scars on Jimin’s body indicating self-harm, he looked as if he was in coma. He barely talked or moved. Understandable as he was just brought back from almost death.
After Jimin’s failed attempt of suicide, his parents were left with no option but to admit him on Busan Mental Hospital. Jimin was found in his bathroom, wrist wide open with a cut, water running down from the bathtub, the whole bathroom was flooded with red blood. Thankfully he was found in time and he was saved.
Jimin was diagnosed with MDD (major depressive disorder) when he was 17 years old. After the suicide attempt he was also diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Seokjin has been treating him for past 6 months and finally he is seeing some positive result within the boy.
‘’what about the flashbacks? Are you still getting them?’’ Seokjin asks.
‘’Yes.” Jimin replies.
‘’Are you taking the medicine in time.’’
There is currently no sad event happening in Jimin’s life but he gets flashbacks of past events which causes an upraise to his depression. Seokjin knew what was wrong with Jimin. Those events which he thinks off as negative or unpleasant weren’t exactly like that. Little things make Jimin sad. He was vulnerable and prone to depression. Its all in his head. His own head is his biggest trap and its hard for him to get out of it.
‘’Did you try all the ways I taught you.’’
‘’Yes, I did.’’
‘’Was it any better.’’
‘’Truthfully saying, sometimes they were.’’
‘’that’s progressive. I’m glad to hear that.’’ Seokjin encourages Jimin.            
Its already been an hour. It’s time for Seokjin to ‘serve his encourage words’ or that’s what Jimin calls them. Even though Jimin pretends like he hates these things, Seokjin knows he listens to him very attentively.
That’s what Seokjin likes about Jimin. Jimin knows that he cannot live like this and he needs to get better, better for his sake and the people around him. He is fighting his battle with all the wills he has. And from the perspective of Seokjin, Jimin is doing incredibly amazing. He is proud of the boy. Seokjin is sure within few months Jimin will be able to go back to his normal life.
Just a few months.
‘’So Jimin! That’s it for today.’’ Seokjin tells Jimin. Jimin smiles. ‘’I had a great time. I hope you did too. I know you did.’’ Seokjin winks at Jimin.
‘’Yes, I did.’’ Jimin replies. His eyes are currently searching for Jungkook who was on his right side across the lawn few seconds ago. He was hoping to catch the boy after Doc Jin leaves. But Jungkook might have already left.
‘’As you know this is the last day for this week. I won’t be seeing you until next Sunday.’’ Jimin nods. ‘’I pray that you do well within these days. I will be informed every detail of you and your checkups, so that we can discuss on your progress during the next consultation.’’
‘’See you next time. Bye Jimin!’’
‘’See ya Doc Jin.’’ Seokjin starts to walk back to the building to his office direction. Seokjin walks he looks back to see Jimin looking around as if to find something. ‘probably looking for that other boy’ Seokjin thinks, ‘I have to find information about him.’
Jimin walks around m1 but cannot see Jungkook anywhere. He really did leave. Sighing, Jimin decides to walk around a little bit and observe other people.
The weather was already getting cold. Which means winter is right at the corner. The sky is bright blue today but the sun isn’t anywhere. Jimin felt as if he can never be prepared for winter to come.
As Jimin was walking he found himself at the right corner of m1, where the boundary is, the boundary between m1 and m2. Jimin decides to walk close to the boundary. He can see the patients of m2, the leveled dangerous patient. But they looked so normal to him. As if they were also the one belongs to m1. They can easily mingle within the progressed patients. Minus the fact they are mostly known as socio and psychopaths.
Jimin spots one patient who he knows about. Kim Namjoon. He is a very famous figure here. He isn’t even from Busan. He was from Ilsan. He is famous for murdering his own girlfriend. He was sent to prison but due to his corrupted mental state they were forced to send him here. Since then he hasn’t done anything dreadful but nevertheless people are still scared of him because of his brutality. He was already here when Jimin was getting admitted so Jimin knows his story from all the news.
Jimin walks away from the boundaries. It’s useless to think about the unfairness of human life. His own life is messed up badly.
Jimin was ready to leave m1 but the woman on wheelchair again catches his attention. She is back to talking to the birds on the maple tree but this time there isn’t any bird. She is probably talking to herself. Sighing, Jimin starts walking again.
Suddenly a loud scream scares Jimin. He stops where he is. He is sure it was a male’s voice coming from the ground floor of the building. He could see all the patients’ eyes moved towards the building and nurses who were around m1 running toward the building. Jimin starts also running.
The whole area where the supposed incident happened were already full of people, both patients and staffs. Jimin tried his best to push through to see what is happening. After several tries, Jimin could finally manage to poke his head through the bodies to make out the actual scenario. What he saw wasn’t something he expected.
There is blood on the floor. Not too much, just a little but still it was blood. One of the staffs is holding us steel made meds containing, laying on the floor it’s a scissor and some medicine. Left to the staffs is a boy on the ground who’s hand is bleeding hence where the blood came from.
The boy is none other than Jeon Jungkook. He has tears in his eyes and he looked as if he is in pain. Jimin felt a rush and his blood was coming up on his face. He wants to help Jungkook, he looks he is in pain. Before Jimin could move, doctors push through the crowd.
‘’What’s going on here? Oh my god-‘’ one of the doctor says. Jimin can see Doc Jin behind two other doctors.
‘’What happened to him?’’ Says another female doctor named Chaeyoung.                                          
“I…i…’’ Jungkook tried to speak but he was crying now. Jimin felt something clutches his heart.
“What happened?’’ the first doctor, known as Professor Kwanghi, asks the staff who were beside Jungkook.
‘’i..i don’t know what just happened!’’ said the staff.
‘’What do you mean you don’t know.’’
‘’I was just walking and he attacked me.’’ The staff said. Jungkook immediately looks up at the staff in disbelieve and fear on his whole face. He looks from the staff to the doctors. Tears are now rolling down his cheeks.
‘’He attacked you?’’ asked professor Chaeyoung.
‘’Ma’am yes…’’
‘’I didn’t.’’ Jungkook interrupted with an almost inaudible voice but everyone could make out what he said. From behind came Doctor Mark, he was a foreign doctor here. He crouches beside Jungkook and checks the cut on his arm.
“We need to treat him first.’’ Says professor Mark.
“Sir, trust me I didn’t do anything.’’ Said the staff.
‘’Did I ask you to say anything!’’ everyone falls silent at that. Doctor Mark helps Jungkook get up. Two more staff hurriedly comes nd helps Jungkook to walk to the treatment room.
“Wipe the floor immediately.’’ Professor Kwanghi says. ‘’and you.’’ He points at the staff.’’ Come to the staff office right now.’’
‘’Everyone please go now. Go back to what you were doing. There’s nothing to see here. We will handle the rest.’’ Jimin hears Doc Jin says those words loudly as everyone started to leave the place.
Seokjin starts to follow the other doctor but Jimin stops him.
‘’Doc Jin wait!’’
‘’Jimin! Yes?’’
‘’What just happened?’’ Jimin asked.
‘’I think I have seen as much as you did or maybe less than you.’’ Replies Seokjin.
‘’But he is the boy. Jeon Jungkook. I told you about him.’’
‘’I have seen him. Yes, he is.’’ Seokjin says.
‘’Are you all going to punish him for that?’’ Jimin questions.
‘’We don’t know what happened, Jimin. If he hasn’t done anything why would we punish him.’’
‘’I don’t know.’’
‘’Go back, Jimin.’’
‘’Listen.’’ Jimin speaks up again.’’ I don’t trust you all. I have talked to Jungkook before. I can tell you…I can tell you that he hasn’t done anything.’’ Jimin stops and gets closer to Seokjin.’’ You don’t stay here all the time. You have no idea how some of the staffs treat us. I have seen that one, the staff, he was… he threw away someone’s gift. Ugh! You have to understand…’’
‘’Jimin! Come down.’’ Seokjin stops the stressed boy infront of him.’’ I will see what I can do.’’
‘’don’t hurt Jungkook!’’
At that Seokjin looks back at Jimin into his eyes. The boy way being serious. ‘’If he is not guilty at all. We won’t let a pin hurt him, Jimin!’’
Jimin doesn’t say anything.
‘’Go back to your room. You’re shower time has already started.’’ With that Seokjin leaves without glancing back at Jimin. Jimin remains in the same position as he was. His inside was creeped up with fear. He was worried about Jungkook. He knows that he doesn’t know the boy that well but he can’t help but feel sad and worried seeing Jungkook on the floor, bloodied and crying.
Eventually Jimin starts to walk towards the 3rd floor, his room. He cannot wait to find out what had happened to Jungkook.
Jimin didn’t see Jungkook that day during evening free hours. He was sure Jungkook wasn’t permitted for dinning yet but he still looked for him. He even tried to search him on m1 till midnight through his window. Even though he was constantly questioning himself what he was doing and why but he could not resist the urge.
The next day Jungkook wasn’t there in the morning nor in the evening. Jimin was practically anxious by the time. He tried to ask staffs and other patients about what had happened the other day but the patients didn’t know either and the staffs didn’t want to tell. After trying his best Jimin finally gave up. Now his only hope was Jungkook himself.
When Jimin didn’t see again in the morning the next day, he immediately took a decision and set up a plan. He was scared but he decided he would try his best and give it a shot.
The dinning starts around 8 pm. 15 minutes before that everyone starts to leave their room and gather around the hall. Jimin planned to go find Jungkook during the time everyone will start to leave for dinning. It was a dangerous plan as patients are forbidden to meet other patient or leave their own floor and roam around the building except for certain area. If they wanted to meet another patient they had to take permission and they would be sent with another staff. If someone gets caught disobeying the rule they have to face penalty for that. The worse Jimin could think of as a penalty is that he would be locked up or the dinning permission would be taken away. Jimin won’t let that happen.
With a shaking heartbeat Jimin starts his mission.
As much as Jimin knows the frontal side of the building is where the dangerous patients’ wards are situated and backside was for the progressed ones. Jungkook is not categorized as a dangerous one so he should be at the backside of the building. The newly admitted patient was one the 2nd and third floor of the left side of the building. But those who gets a privileged lift, they were sent to 4th floor and that’s where Jimin will look for because Jimin is sure Jungkook was one of those privileged ones.
Jimin starts to climbs up the stairs. There were patients coming down. He can’t see any staffs, he prays he won’t have to. As he reaches 3rd floor, he accidentally bumped into someone. He looks up to see it was a patient.
‘’Where are you going? I don’t think you are from here!’’ he questions Jimin immediately. Jimin gulps down. The patient laughs, probably because of the horrified look on Jimin’s face.
‘’Are you trying to trespass?’’ The patient whispers into Jimin’s ear making Jimin more panicked then he was already.
‘’N-no…i…’’ Jimin tries to speak.
‘’Hurry up buddy.’’ With that he leaves Jimin. He walks down the stairs without looking back at him. Jimin quickly snaps out of his stance and started to walk upstairs as quickly as possible.
Reaching the 4th floor, his destination, Jimin panicked more to see the empty hallway. During the dinning time all staffs leaves for the hall; as if it’s a trick to catch a patient trespassing. Jimin doesn’t waste any time he starts to look for Jungkook. He wishes that he won’t be inside his room or if he is then he manages to find him.
Jimin suddenly stops on his track.
He fucked up.
He fucked up big time.
He forgot about the CC cameras.
As he looks straight at the one above his head, he wants to laugh. He probably left his brain on the bathroom when he was making the plan during shower. There’s nothing he can do. He is bound to get caught now.
What has been done is done, Jimin thinks. He is going to get caught anyway so he needs to finish what he came for. He starts to walk again.
After what feels like decade Jimin finally reaches where he wanted to. He guesses a side of the hall where he could find Jungkook. Now he has to decide which room. Jimin knows very well his guessing can be wrong, it 100% will but he is going to give them a try. He already fucked up so why not fuck it up a little bit more.
With that Jimin opens the door to his right.
It was empty. Jimin wanted to scream, both in frustration and fear. He isn’t sure what he should do now.
Should he check another room? Yes, he will.
He checks 2 more rooms. He was shaking out of fear. He is ready to leave now. He was afraid and now after failing he is feeling sad. He can feel his eyes tearing up.
Suddenly there was a sound behind him on the corridor. Jimin freezes on his position. If he wasn’t enough scared before then now he is. He doesn’t know what to do. Should he look back or start running? Running seems like a good option. Maybe he could get rid of all of these. Or maybe while running he can trip and fall from the stairs and die-
‘’Are…you Jimin?’’ a voice speaks up.
Jimin immediately spins on his heel and looks back. He sees a figure standing few meters away from him. Tall, slim body and handsome.
Jungkook was standing there. He came from a room from left.
‘’ah.. ye-yes.’’ Jimin replies.
Jungkook starts to walk towards Jimin. He looks up and checks for any camera. There wasn’t any in this part of the hall.
‘’What are you doing here?’’ Jungkook questions Jimin. ‘’ Come with me.’’ Jungkook signs Jimin to follow him. Jungkook takes Jimin to his room or that’s what he believes. He closes the door behind. Jungkook stands his back facing the closed door, arms crossed over his chest and head his cocked to the side. As if asking Jimin question.
“I came to look for you.’’
‘’I was worried.’’
Jimin doesn’t answer. He doesn’t answer because he wasn’t sure what to answer. He doesn’t know why he was worried for Jungkook, neither he knows why was he so curious on finding out what had happened back there. So, he remains quiet.
Jungkook sighs. ‘’You can sit on the bed. There are some water on the stand if you want.’’
‘’No thanks! I have to leave soon.’’
‘’Aren’t you going to tell me why you are here?’’ Jungkook asks again.
‘’I told you I was worried.’’ Before Jungkook could say anything Jimin adds – ‘’ don’t ask why.’’
‘’Fine.’’ Jungkook replies after a while. There’s a long pause until Jimin speaks.
‘’Are you okay?’’
‘’Why do you care?’’
‘’Cant I just ask without you fucking-“
‘’Okay okay! Yes, I’m fine now.’’ Jungkook replies. Jimin doesn’t say anything back.
‘’What happened the other day?’’ Jimin asks. ‘’don’t tell me that its none of my business!’’ Jimin says, hurt visible in his voice.
Jungkook walks over to the bed and sits down. Jimin was still standing. ‘’ Im so tired of telling the same thing over and over to the authority and doctors.’’ Jungkook takes a deep breath. ‘’I guess I wont die by repeating once more.’’
‘’If you’re so reluctant on telling then don’t. I will go.’’ Jimin says.
‘’No! if you have risked to come this far then I have to tell you I guess.’’ Jimin doesn’t reply to this either. “but I’m pretty sure you will not believe. Why would you believe a new boy anyway!’’ Jungkook says as he lets out a chuckle.
‘’Try me maybe?’’ Jimin says.
Jungkook doesn’t say anything for few seconds before he starts. ‘’I saw you with Doctor Seokjin that day siting on the stool on m1. I was waiting for your consultation to end. But it was getting late and I was bored. So, I decided I will see you in the evening and I started to leave for my room. But then when I was entering the building I was collided with the staff, his name is Minhyuk. I don’t know what’s his problem with me but he hasn’t been good to me since the day I first came. After I collided with him he dropped his container. As a basic instinct I got down to help him collect his stuffs but he refused and tried to take the container away from my hand as if I wont give it back to him.’’ Jungkook laughs as he takes a short break. ‘’As he tried to snatch it away it drops from my hand again but this time I noticed there was a scissor in there. It… it was supposed to be a meds container why there was a surgical scissor. Then I made the mistake of taking the scissor on my hand. And what he did next-‘’ Jungkook stops.
‘’What?’’ Jimin questions him.
‘’umm…’’ Jungkook pauses again. He wipes his nose with his sleeves. ‘’uh…he tries to take away the scissor but I was holding it, I guess, too tightly. So, he pushed the scissor and it scratched my hand pretty badly. You may have seen the bloods to understand how bad the injury was.’’
‘’You saw me there?’’ Jimin asks.
‘’I guessed that you were there. So, after they took to me to the treatment room they stopped the bleeding. After I was calmed, they asked me what happened. I told them what I just told you. At first, they seemed to believe me but they started to doubt once they heard what the staff said.’’
‘’what did he say?’’ Jimin asked furrowing his brows.
‘’Well his side of the story seemed fully opposite of mine.  He accused me of having the scissor.’’ Jungkook let out a chuckle. ’’He said after we collided. I pushed him on the ground. I pulled out a scissor and tried to attack him with it and I cut myself instead.’’
‘’oh my god.’’ Jimin was shocked. ‘’Tell me they didn’t believe him.’’
‘’what do you think?’’ Jungkook questions back. ‘’at first, they were believing him but then Doctor Seokjin suggest to check the surveillance camera. But it made them confused at first. They told us to return to our respective places. But from what I can guess is that they found I was telling the truth.’’
‘’that’s good.’’
‘’would you believe me Jimin?’’ Jungkook asks.
‘’Yes.’’ Jimin didn’t hesitate to answer.
‘’I have this feeling that you’re being honest. At least with me.’’ Jimin says in a low voice.
‘’Really? Its hard to believe that there is someone who can trust me.’’ Jungkook says.
‘’Why is that?’’
‘’Because no one trust someone like me.’’
‘’Why are you talking like this.’’
‘’I’m trying to be like you.’’ Jungkook says as he tries to hide his laughter. That earns him a glare from Jimin. ‘’I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I was just messing. I’m sorry.’’
“No but seriously. No one trusts me. No one trusts nor believes in Jeon Jungkook.’’
‘’But why?’’
‘’Because everyone believes I’m a bad person.’’ Jungkook replies. ‘’Everyone believes that I’m someone who should everyone stay away from and not put their trust into. That confirms why I don’t have any friends.’’ Hearing this Jimin could feel a pang on his heart.
‘’But I believe you.’’ Jungkook head shoot at Jimin’s direction. ‘’I want to trust you. Can I trust you, Jungkook?’’
‘’You don’t even know anything about me!’’ Jungkook replies.
‘’We have plenty of times to know each other. Beside you also don’t know about me. Let’s be friends, Jungkook.’’ Jungkook doesn’t reply. ‘’You cannot hurt me right now being here, can you?’’
‘’I don’t know.’’
‘’No, you can’t. I’m sure.’’
‘’How can we be so sure?’’
‘’I’m sure cause I cant even hurt myself or you either.’’ At this Jungkook looks at Jimin, a small smile appeared on his face.
‘’You are right.’’
‘’So, what you say?’’ Jimin asks.
‘’Okay I guess.’’ They look at each other smiling.
Suddenly Jimin hears the bell ring, which mean the dinner time is up. Jimin panics again.
‘’You have to leave now.’’ Jungkook says.
‘’Yeah. I hope I don’t get caught. But I think they already saw me through the camera.’’
‘’No, they haven’t. you don’t have to worry about it.’’
‘’Let’s go!’’
Jimin and Jungkook leaves the room.  Jungkook tells Jimin to wait behind a pillar beside the room. To wait for some people to arrive so that he can easily mingle among them.
As people started to arrive Jimin starts walking towards the stairs. Jungkook is following him behind. Before he starts to climb down the stair, he says bye to Jungkook and Jungkook tells him he will meet him tomorrow morning.
As Jimin was going down he again meet that patient he met before.
‘’Oy! You’re done with your mischief?’’ he says with a big grin.
‘’Yup.’’ Jimin said smiling. The patient gives him a thumbs up and leaves.
Within 10 minutes Jimin was back at his room. He has 5 minutes before Taehyuk will be here with his medicine. He was practically shoving his left dinner down his throat. Jungkook was probably doing the same, he thinks.
Within an hour Jimin was laying on his bed. He couldn’t wait to fall asleep and wake up. He is eager to meet up with Jungkook tomorrow.
A flashback suddenly hits Jimin but this time it was of Doc Jin. He remembers the doctor asking him, ‘’ Did something exciting happen? I know it’s quite impossible but let me pretend something could happen.’’ For the first time a flashback put a smile on Jimin’s face. Yes, something was actually happening, something exciting and he doesn’t need to pretend for it.
As Jimin tries so hard to fall asleep he forgot to do one thing he have been doing since last week. It is to stand infront of the window, room’s light off and check if someone was on the m1. Lets hope there wasn’t anyone or we could pretend so.
Did you like it? (◕‿‿◕)
Question for you: i. what do you think of Jungkook? 
                            ii. what do you think of Jimin?
                            iii. who do you think Jimin collided with while going to meet                                        Jungkook?
If you have any question, let me know? 
Thank you for reading  ♡ ♡ ♡
[Look forward to the next chapter]
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d3ndroica · 7 years
Big Apple Part 6
Part 1     Part 2    Part 3     Part 4     Part 5
Gale 12:02am 🖕⛄️🐸   you ok?
Madge 12:04am 👣🍿🎵 Sorry. Been home awhile. All good You? Gale 12:04am yeah ok Madge 12:05am Thanks for the 🌮🌮 Next time it’s on me ;-) Gale 12:06am deal 😎 Stay warm this wkend - looks like snow sleep well princess Madge 12:08am Thanks Goodnight Madge checked the weather forecast - temperatures were dropping and snow was predicted for Saturday night, but the predicted amounts were mostly 1-2 inches. Madge flipped back to her convo with Delly. Madge 11:38pm He’s PAN Delly 11:44pm Who is what now? Madge 11:47pm PAN. Gale. The gay guy. He’s not gay. He’s pansexual. Delly 11:53pm Ooooohhhhhhh How does he lean? Did you kiss him? Madge 11:54pm No! I don’t know. He mentioned old girlfriends. Delly 11:58pm Did you ask him out? Madge 11:59pm No Delly 12:00am But he told you he was pan? Madge 12:01am He sort of mentioned it when I asked him about coming out. Delly 12:04am What did you do? Madge 12:08am Nothing. Pretended I already knew. Delly 12:11am WTF Girl Madge 12:12am I KNOW I dont know Wtf I think he thought i knew?? Delly 12:13am You text all the time Madge 12:15am I guess Delly 12:18am You flirt? So what more do you need? Madge 12:19am HEY I’m still processing ok I thought he was GAY I did let him pay though. Again. Delly 12:22am I thought you got paid this week? Madge 12:24am Yeah well Oops I guess I forgot to mention that to him ;) Now I owe him another meal Delly 12:25am I like it Madge was of the opinion that there were few good exercise options in the winter. It was too cold outside. Before she moved, she and Delly had played racquetball every week. She’d thought about joining a gym; she’d even asked both Thom and Gale if they had any gym suggestions. They weren’t very helpful, and she had put off the idea. The postdoc researcher supervising her lab work, Bea, had invited her contra dancing. She intended to go sometime, but wasn’t sure about it. And that would take money too. So for now she resorted to early morning bedroom kickboxing. It was a small enough space that she actually had to be in control of her movements and kicks or she’d run into something, usually the bed or the dresser. She used online videos. If she already knew the sequences, she’d mute the video and listen to music instead. On Sundays, if she didn’t have other things going on, she liked to change it up and try out a new video. 
Sunday morning Madge woke up to a snowstorm. The predicted 1-2 inches was already on the ground and there was no sign of the storm stopping any time soon. It was her first snow in the city and it was falling fast. She always thought of snow as quiet and serene but today the sounds from the street invaded her room. 
After watching the snow fall outside her window for awhile, she decided it was time to expend some energy. So Madge waited for the laptop to boot up and checked her feeds on her phone. Then she found a new video and did the quick workout. Afterwards she went to the kitchen to refill her water bottle. Her roommate Cressida Martinez was at their itty bitty kitchen table eating breakfast when Madge came out of her room. 
“With all that thumping around our neighbors are gonna think you’re gettin’ some nasty,” she commented playfully, making a crude pumping action with her arms. Madge laughed. “Really? It must be some pretty disappointing action if those are the only sounds I make.” Cressida smiled conspiratorially and shrugged. “Maybe they’ll just think you’re trying to be discreet.” They talked for a bit. Cressida was getting ready to go film the snow-covered city. By day Cressida worked in the city’s health and mental hygiene department (Madge was not yet sure what mental hygiene really was). Off-hours, Cressida was an aspiring filmmaker. Madge hadn’t seen any of her film work, and that was okay with her. Madge wished her luck and hopped in the shower. Madge spent awhile peeking outside and watching the snow swirl, working on the latest word puzzle book from her dad, and following the online news about how much snow was falling. She caught up on the Sunday Puzzle podcasts she’d let lapse. She was tempted to spend the whole day curled up at home with hot cocoa and a book, but Thom called (!) and essentially ordered her to meet him in Central Park. He insisted she had to get out and enjoy the snow now, while it was fresh and still falling, before everyone else trampled it first. She threw some things in her backpack (book to read on the train, gloves in case she got cold, ...) and took off, happy to see that the trains were still running.   She got off her train at 68th Street. There was a bookstore with a coffee shop right by the station, so Madge picked up a latte to take with her before walking over to the park. The sidewalks and roads were well traveled and slushy, but as she entered the park Madge looked wide-eyed around at the frosted trees. It was a stunning sight, especially since Madge had spent little time around nature since her move. The park was probably always pretty, she thought, but she hadn’t come much yet. She’d been too busy working out her new life in the city. She met Thom and some of his friends at the Balto statue. She wanted to grill him about Gale, but not with everyone else around. Rue was there, and Madge got to meet the somewhat infamous Annie & Finnick, Thom’s neighbors. Seeing them reminded her of Cressida’s joke. She had to stop herself from asking them some innocent question about their exercise routines. For awhile they waited around to see who was coming, stomping their feet in the snow and drinking various hot beverages. Some people had brought their own thermoses, others had stopped somewhere along the way like Madge. Eventually they’d tracked down everyone who they could by text and took off through the snow, heading north through the park. Madge snapped pictures on her phone and sent one to her dad with a quick message. They walked past Pilgrim Hill and saw scores of sledders careening this way and that. It felt like a completely different city. Rue found a clear spot and they made snow angels. When they stumbled on a massive snowball fight, they joined in without hesitation. Madge gave up on her gloves when they impeded snowball making. Her fingers froze, and she regretted not having better winter gear, but it was worth it. 
Even with everyone bundled up, Madge could keep track of her friends. Thom had a practically neon yellow coat on. Annie was wearing a bright pink pussy hat. Finnick was never far from her. Rue was a little harder to find, but even she was recognizable when you spotted the blue boots and white coat. At one point she saw Thom on the sidelines. She snuck up on him and crushed two snowballs onto his beanie hat. Laughing, she watched him curse and reach up to brush the snow off.  After he had shaken off most of it, he grabbed as much snow as he could and attacked her, which landed them both in the snow laughing. Later he griped that he’d been looking for her before she had ambushed him. Madge realized her snow clothes were all black just like half the crowd. She made a mental note to wear something more distinctive next time. Eventually the group split up, but Madge stuck with Thom, Annie, and Finnick. They stumbled to a nearby diner to warm up and get food. At the door, Madge pulled Thom aside. “‘Scuse us,” she said in a singsong voice to Annie and Finnick. “We’ll be there in a sec.” Turning to Thom she groused, “You could have told me Gale was pan.” Thom looked askance. “Of course he’s pan. You know that.” “I do NOW,” She grumbled .
Thom crossed his arms in front of him. “I told you after we split I saw him with a bitch. You really gonna give a shit he’s pan instead of bi? ”
“Thom you called everybody bitch back then,” Madge ranted. “Half the guys you dated you said were your bitch. You even called Mister Tompkins bitch.”
Thom cackled. “I stand by that one. That man was such a little bitch -”
“I thought you wanted to hook up with him again,” she explained. Lamely she added, “Gale, not Tompkins.”
Shaking his head Thom answered, “Woman what are you talking about? That is ancient history. Come on.” He shook his head and went inside to rejoin the others, leaving Madge speechless in the snow. By the time they left the diner, the city was as dark as it would get in those conditions - orange city lights reflecting off the carpet of clouds above them. By the time Madge made it home, she was exhausted. She pried off her boots and changed into dry comfy clothes, hanging her wet garments wherever she could. Then she took a cup of tea to her room. Flipping open her computer, she glanced through the pictures of the day that had been posted. Thom had already posted a few good ones. She couldn’t help glancing at Gale’s feed, but there wasn’t anything new. Okay, she was thinking about him. On a whim, she logged onto her dad’s web account and looked up The 100. It started at season 2. She checked the other services, but couldn’t find season one without paying for it. Instead, she flipped on one of her standbys, Sex and the City. Later she called her dad and told him about her day. Tuesday, Madge’s alarm went off bright and early for kickboxing. Madge spent a couple minutes luxuriating in the warm blankets wrapped around her, convincing herself to leave bed before the sun was up. She flipped through her internet feeds. Pretty quickly she stumbled on a late night post from Gale: two pictures - one, of a snowy hillside captioned “stopping here  / To watch his woods fill up with snow” and one through a windshield, showing rows of cars’ tail lights and captioned “And miles to go before I sleep.” The words sounded vaguely familiar to her, so she googled the first caption and found the Robert Frost poem he was quoting. She liked the line, “the woods are lovely, dark and deep.” After considering it as a comment, she decided to simply like the first picture. But on the second she wrote “definitely NOT the road less traveled by ;-).” Feeling pleased with herself, she pulled up a familiar kickboxing routine and a playlist of upbeat tunes. “Shut up and dance [with me],” started on her headphones as she strapped her phone to her arm.   She was finishing up the warm-up section, “stupid girls” reverberating in her ears, when a text arrived. She almost ignored the message, but since people didn’t usually try to contact her at such an early hour, her curiosity won and she paused the kickboxing. Even though she was barely warmed up, she could feel her heart thudding swiftly along. She downed some water and opened her phone. Gale 6:26am you awake? Madge 6:30am Yeah What’s up? Gale 6:31am slept like crap when do you have to be at work? Madge 6:32am Around 9? Gale 6:33am want to grab some coffee? 8ish? She wanted to say yes. Madge looked at the time and did some slightly optimistic mental arithmetic. Madge 6:35am Is midtown ok? Gregorys, Mad SQ Park? Gale 6:37am deal Madge looked at the clock again. Shit, she had to get moving. She shut down the kickboxing video and got ready for the day as quickly as she could. Nothing has changed, she told herself. He’s the same guy. Which was true, except now her rock solid reasoning that had limited their relationship to friends had become shifting sands and she hadn’t found her footing. Already the remaining snow had been transformed into gross gray slush. By the time Madge got there, Gale was sitting at a table by the window, to-go coffee cup steaming in front of him. He was reading something on his phone, so Madge joined the line at the register. She pulled out her phone and sent: Madge 8:07am In line Gale 8:07am ok She looked up and caught his eye, then lifted her hand, not really a wave but enough. He returned the gesture, looking mildly amused. Then the line moved forward and Madge shifted her attention back to her phone so she’d have something to do. Once she had her dirty chai (in the travel mug she had remembered to bring with her no less, score one for saving the planet) and a pastry (nothing too decadent), she made her way over to the seat across from him. He looked tired. “Hi,” she said brightly. “Hi.” He narrowed his eyes at her. “Don’t tell me - you’re a morning person?” Madge frowned. “‘You’re the one who wanted to get coffee,” she pointed out. “Because coffee,” he explained, “is the only way I’m coherent most mornings. And I was up way too early.” “Okay.” She sipped her drink. “So are you caffeinated enough to be sociable yet?” “Getting there,” he admitted grudgingly before taking another drink himself. “Sorry you didn’t sleep well. Anything you … um, want to talk about?” “Not really.” When he didn’t say anything else, Madge decided not to prod him further. Instead she watched his hand with the coffee cup and asked, “So what’d you do this weekend?” “I went out to harriman with a friend,” he said. “We thought we’d be clever and get out of dodge before the first snow of the year. It was crawling with snow tourists though. Kind of a let down.” “Harriman?” “It’s a state park,” Gale clarified. “An hour out of the city if there’s no traffic - which is never. Not as good as the mountains but still. It at least has woods enough you could get lost if you tried.” “Do you?” Madge was intrigued. “Try to get lost?” “No,” Gale laughed. Sipping his drink he thought for a minute. “But sometimes I try ...  to lose myself. It’s different. We did hit the AT.” Seeing her puzzlement he added. “Appalachian Trail. That was good. It was a slog getting home though.” “Oh, yeah, the traffic. I saw your post,” Madge acknowledged. “I guess we missed the turn for the road less traveled by,” Gale agreed drily. Madge smiled in commiseration. “Still, it must have been nice to get out of the city? You managed a peaceful picture at least. And I like the poem you quoted.” “Yeah…” he answered distractedly. “I guess it just wasn’t was satisfying as I expected. It’s nothing. So, what about you? It looked like i missed a good snowball fight.” “You did,” she heartily agreed. “Central Park was ah-mazing. I mean, it was packed with people but so much fun.” She gave him a quick recap of their time in the park. “Nice,” Gale nodded. “We’re lucky it hit on the weekend.” His phone chimed at him and he quickly checked the screen. “I gotta get going. what about you?”
Madge looked at her phone. “Shit!” she said “Yeah, me too.”
Walking out onto the busy street together, they both turned North. Gale returned to his earlier thought. “Well, at least it snowed on the weekend. It sucks when it snows on a Monday. And you know it’ll just be dirty slush or gone before you can enjoy it.” He paused and glanced to her. “Unless you’re crazy enough to be awake at 6 am.”  
”It’s not that early,” she argued playfully. “Besides it’s not like I’m going out at that hour. Believe me I’ve seen enough law & orders to stay out of the city parks when it’s dark.”  
“Hey, don’t say that. Oh - which way are you?” They had reached the corner. Madge pointed East. Gale nodded and pointed North. “Anyway, the parks are great at night. You just gotta use the buddy system.” 
“The buddy system?” she repeated incredulously.
“Well yeah,” he said. “You do know it, right?” 
“Yes,” she scoffed. “I know the buddy system.” She looked up at his teasing eyes and wished she could just skip work and spend the day with him and see where it went. But she couldn’t, she had cell cultures to go check on and he had work too.“I guess I just ... need a buddy.”
“You know how to find me,” he answered, winking at her. With a wave, he hurried across the street to continue North. Reluctantly Madge turned toward work.
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kaywritesthings · 7 years
God and country 3
okay.." He moaned. He lean in to kiss his lips, his phone went off. It was Megan on text. It was also Jasmine. They both were reminding him of tomorrow. He sighed and picked up the phone. He was in group chat. "Why are you two up!" He sent a photo of him and Gabe real fast. They both squealed. They wanted his phone numner "they want your phone number?" He told Gabe. After he gave Megan Gabe's number. He wasn't sure why she wanted it, but she texted quickly..
"GABE! It's megan. I am the blonde life guard and his best friend. I bet he hasnt told you but his birthday is today! Dont tell him! We are having a surprise party at shorty smalls at 6:00 pm. Can you distract him until then? xoxox- Dont tell him! "
Clyde went to go use the bathroom and text them NOT to embarase him. They asked if Gabe was his boyfriend. He typed a yes and <3. They both send <333 and yay  text back. Clyde came out of the bathroom "Is she grilling you?" He asked. He was shy about his birthday and didnt want to tell Gabe it was today. Well it just started since it was now 2 am. He sat on the bed. "I dont have to work tomorrow. If you want to see the zoo or something? If you want to"
Clyde: Clyde had no idea why he tackled Gabes lips. He couldnt believe the male came back to the water park. He ate the burger like he was making love to eat. Each bite consisted of slow passionate chews. He never had such a burger. He almost was embarased for moaning around each bite. He was on his second half, but slowly felt himself drift. His burger half way to his mouth and the plate when he started to snore , his head midrise as if he was sleeping like a horse full of balance.
Clyde: making love to it
Gabe: Gabe ate as his burger, and had to reposition some covers over him because the way that Clyde was eating it was turning him on. It was stupid that him moaning around a burger would reduce him to that, but it did. Gabe did his best to hide it and looked at his own burger. He didn't watn Clyde to think he required sex. Like he had to pay him back or anything, so he hid it. Luckily he didn't seem to notice since he ate half of it and promplty passed out. Gabe laughed softly and kissed the top of Clyde's head. He put the burger in the fridge for later and positioned Clyde gently on the pillows, diming the light and closing the curtians so he could have a nice restful nap.
Clyde: Clyde fell into a deep sleep. Deeper than any sleep he ever remembered having. He felt safe and the room was so cool and quiet. He passed ot and woke up exactly 11 hours later. He didnt mean to do that. He woke up with a jerk and sat up. "Where am I?" He asked. Gabe was working at desk on a lap top. It was night time now He looked at the clock 1 am? "Oh my god, I am so sorry." They got here around 2 pm yesterday he last remembered. His phone was by the bed. He saw text from his aunt wondeirng where the hell he was, but then the text stop. Did Gabe cal his aunt? "I feel like an asshole. Again.."
Gabe: Gabe laid with Clyde for awhile, but then got up to do a few work things in the office in the suite, though he came back to chekc on him every few minutes just to make sure he was okay. He wanted Clyde to get his rest. When Clyde's phone was going off again and again, he fished it out and opened it. He called the person that kept texting. She seemed like a very nice woman and he talked to her for a few minutes, saying that Clyde was fine just sleeping off a harrowing day, and he was safe and sound. He gave her his phone number if she wanted to call and check on him later. Then Gabe put the phone back by the bed so Clyde wouldn't panic not having it when he woke up. He jumped, not realizing how late it had gotten, when Clyde popped up. He took his glasses off and blinked over at Clyde. "Oh you're awake! How are you feeling?" he asked, coming closer and passing his fingers over Clyde's head. "You're not an asshole, you needed to sleep. I talked to your aunt. She was worried but I told her you were just fine."
Clyde: "what did she say? She was fine with you?" He laughed. "You been up what, forever since I was asleep?" He wondered what he was doing It looked like lawyer things. "Its the most comfortable bed I swear. " He laid back on it. He didnt want to leave the bed, not now not ever. "come cuddle me." He pouted. "please? Was the movie good?" He asked. He felt like everything was ok and he felt so much better. He went a whole day without a cigarette!
Gabe: Gabe let out a soft little laugh. "She seemd to like me okay. She was very pleasant. I invited her to go out to dinner with us sometime. If you'd want that. Or whatever," he said then laughed sheepishly. He closed the laptop and went over to the bed, and wrapped an arm around him. "I paused it when you fell asleep so we could watch it together." He kissed his temple. "Do you really feel okay? Do you feel better?"
Clyde: "How long will you be here, Gabe?" He asked. He wanted to have a real summer romance and not think about when it was over. Maybe it could be a good summer after all. He did love Grease. summer lovin had me a blast and what not. "I feel better. I havent had a cigarette at all." He cheered. "I been trying to quit. I am down to one a day. " He told gabe. "I could go for some pie? I dont want to leave the room. My aunt said yes to dinner?" He snorted. "Shes a brassy old lady, she will tell you your too old for me and what are you intentions. She scared taylor a lot, my last boyfriend."
Gabe: "I haven't really decided," Gabe said with a smile. "But probably for the rest of the summer, at least," he said and stroked his hands lightly through Clyde's hair. He kissed him gently on the lips. "That's great," he said when Clyde told him about trying to quit smoking. He laughed and pulled up the room service menu again. "We don't have to leave. i can get us some pie." He ordered some in and smiled brightly. "Oh that's okay. I don't mind being breated by your aunt. It might actually be fun. Then I get to win her over." He giggled a little. "I won you over didn't I?"
Clyde: "So like a month or so?" He said trying to figure out how long he had. He felt like pretty woman. Or annie. He watched him rder pie, his voice was so husky and cute when he laughed. "Did the chef pie person tell a funny joke?" He asked. He felt more himself. He rolled on his back. "You want to win her over, get her wine and jr mints. " He laughed. "But you maybe already did. You see that money I took It is keeping her in business 6 months more. But that will give us enough time to build a savings for the next six months. We were behind a lot. She practially has to give rooms away for free now.. since all these other hotels are attracting guest with low discounts and package deals. " He shrugged. "I really will pay you back... in time." He told Gabe "When you go back... you'll text me right? Win me over? Yeah, I think so."
Gabe: Gabe laughed as he joined Clyde on the bed and wrapped his arms around him, kissing his chin lightly. "Noted. I'll make sure to get her tons of wine and junior mints." Gabe quieted a moment later and frowned. He never thought that Clyde would tell him why he took the money. He thought he would just be in the dark about that forever. He stroked Clyde's shoulder and frowned softly. "I'm so sorry to hear that," he said softly. "I sthere anything else I can do to help? I actually know tons of those discount sites. They can actually promote a lot of business. I maybe can hook her up with a couple of them, and really get business going again," he offered. He shook his head. "No. I won't take any money from you." He smiled and kissed Clyde's nose. "Maybe I'll just take you with me."
Clyde: He was about to speak about how he wanted to promote the place, but the hotel was so run down. It needed a lt of fixing. It needed room updates, better maid staff. His aunt and her friend and him sometimes was the maids. It was 12 rooms, but it seemed like a lot sometimes. He knew she wanted a bigger place one day. He was about to say that he wanted him to do that and help, but then he said maybe Ill just take you with me? Clyde smiled widely and pressed his lips to his, kissing him back deeply. He ran his fingers through his hair. He kissed him until he heard someone at the door. "Who is that?" He asked. At his hotel, it wasnt a good sign if someone knocked on the door at 1 am.
Gabe: Gabe was surprised by the kiss but accepted it with a happy moan, wrapping his arms around Clyde's neck and kissing him back hard and deep. He knew he was getting to deep into this in just two days, but he didn't know how to stop now that it had happened. And he didn't want it to stop. He would do anything to make Clyde happy. He was panting when they pulled apart and Gabe leaned his forehead against Clyde's. "That's just the room service. I'll get it," he said and laughed, kissing him again and going to get their order of pie. He set one piece in front of Clyde and handed him a fork.
Clyde: Clyde eyes got big. He had never seen a pie so big and perfectly made. He usually ate pies out of a cardboard box. He took a bit, before taking the back of his spoon and picking up a glob of pie. He smeared it on Gabe's cheek. He lean forward and licked the pie off his cheek, he gathered a mouth ful of pie. He partied his lips and shared the sweet flavor with Gabe that way. He loved how passionate Gabe kissed him. He sucked on his tongue and lower lip. He pulled back. "good pie?"
Gabe: Gabe let out a delighed laugh when Clyde reached over and smeared the pie on his cheek. He took some of the ice cream that came with it and dabbed it on Clyde's nose before licking it off. He moaned softly when Clyde kissed him and felt a little dazed when he pulled back. "Huh." he said at first, and then nodded, laughing a little and flushing. "Yeah. uh. Good. Super good." He took another bite, smiling at Clyde cheezily.
Clyde: "Why did you come today? to the pool Gabe? Are you a crazy man?" He laughed. "You would keep coming, wont you? Come until I said yes again. You are insane." He teased. He loved it. most guys gave up on him pretty fast. He smiled and used some of the pie glob to smear over his own nipples. "Pie taste better off skin, come try." He winked.
Gabe: Gabe let out a soft laugh and shrugged his shoulders a little. "I don't know. I just... you weren't texting me. I was worried about you. I just wanted to see that you were okay," he said and then pouted a little. He kissed Clyde's lips lightly, hoping this was good natured teasing. He blinked when Clyde smeared pie over his nipples, and then flushed, before leaning in and pressing his lips lightly over the pie, moaning softly as he licked up the pie, and then passed his teeth lightly over Clyde's nipple. He was panting when he pulled back and moved over to the other one, moaning agian.
Clyde: Clyde moaned when licked is nipples. He was very good at nipple play. It was one thing that turned Clyde on. Maybe it was those year or years of estrogen, or maybe he just liked it.He never heard anyone else liking it but women. He felt his cock get hard. He pressed his tip against Gabe's lower belly. "Does.. it? taste better with skin?" He asked. "I was fine, scared mostly. Not well Tahnk you for checking on me. I was afraid of you.. today."
Gabe: Gabe licked at his lips and stroked his hands down over Clyde's hips as he pressed his lips to Cldye's chest again, licking and niping at the skin. He rolled his fingers over the nipple he wasn't kissing and moaned in response, loving feeling the press of Clyde's cock against him. "You don't ever have to be afraid of me. Not ever," he said and then kissed Clyde lightly on the lips. "Okay?"
Clyde joined the chat
Clyde: "okay.." He moaned. He lean in to kiss his lips, his phone went off. It was Megan on text. It was also Jasmine. They both were reminding him of tomorrow. He sighed and picked up the phone. He was in group chat. "Why are you two up!" He sent a photo of him and Gabe real fast. They both squealed. They wanted his phone numner "they want your phone number?" He told Gabe. After he gave Megan Gabe's number. He wasn't sure why she wanted it, but she texted quickly.. "GABE! It's megan. I am the blonde life guard and his best friend. I bet he hasnt told you but his birthday is today! Dont tell him! We are having a surprise party at shorty smalls at 6:00 pm. Can you distract him until then? xoxox- Dont tell him! " Clyde went to go use the bathroom and text them NOT to embarase him. They asked if Gabe was his boyfriend. He typed a yes and <3. They both send <333 and yay text back. Clyde came out of the bathroom "Is she grilling you?" He asked. He was shy about his birthday and didnt want to tell Gabe it was today. Well it just started since it was now 2 am. He sat on the bed. "I dont have to work tomorrow. If you want to see the zoo or something? If you want to"]]
Megan sent a text back quickly. "He wants a 2008 civic honda he has been paying off for 5 months. We are all chipping in to pay it off. He has like 200 dollars on it? So, there is that. Then we want to like have it at the place for a surprise. He wants this one hat from like that fancy store.. and these shoes.. I'll send you a photo." She said. Clyde had been wanting this car. It was 1200 dolalrs and he had been paying on it with as much as he could every month. He been biking everywhere else. Clyde heard a text from Megan again "She's being annoying, I am so sorry." He laughed and started to kiss Gabe's neck. "Now where were we?" He asked. "I have never been to the zoo here, I heard you get to hold animals and whatever, but its like really pricy." He told Gabe.
Clyde: "okay.." He moaned. He lean in to kiss his lips, his phone went off. It was Megan on text. It was also Jasmine. They both were reminding him of tomorrow. He sighed and picked up the phone. He was in group chat. "Why are you two up!" He sent a photo of him and Gabe real fast. They both squealed. They wanted his phone numner "they want your phone number?" He told Gabe. After he gave Megan Gabe's number. He wasn't sure why she wanted it, but she texted quickly.. "GABE! It's megan. I am the blonde life guard and his best friend. I bet he hasnt told you but his birthday is today! Dont tell him! We are having a surprise party at shorty smalls at 6:00 pm. Can you distract him until then? xoxox- Dont tell him! " Clyde went to go use the bathroom and text them NOT to embarase him. They asked if Gabe was his boyfriend. He typed a yes and <3. They both send <333 and yay text back. Clyde came out of the bathroom "Is she grilling you?" He asked. He was shy about his birthday and didnt want to tell Gabe it was today. Well it just started since it was now 2 am. He sat on the bed. "I dont have to work tomorrow. If you want to see the zoo or something? If you want to"
Gabe was timed out 3 minutes ago
Gabe joined the chat 117 seconds ago
Gabe: Gabe was really starting to get into it when suddenly Clyde's phone started to go off. He had no idea why Clyde answered it when they were clearly busy, but mabye it was a younger person thing to answer their phone even if someone was trying to have sex with them. Gabe would never understand. He sat back, pouting a little, but he said yes when Clyde asked if he could give his number out. He reached for his phone, guessing that texting was what was happening now so he told his cock to calm down internally and started texting the girl back. He told her that of course he'd distract Clyde until then and bring him by the reasutrant at the right time, and asked if there was anything they could think of that Clyde would really like for his birthday. Gabe sent the texts off and smiled at Clyde when he came back. "Well, only a little. I think theymight like me. I hope," he said and laughed a little. He sat next to him and nodded eagerly about the zoo. "I would love to take you to the zoo. I haven't been, but I hear great things about it."
Clyde: Megan sent a text back quickly. "He wants a 2008 civic honda he has been paying off for 5 months. We are all chipping in to pay it off. He has like 200 dollars on it? So, there is that. Then we want to like have it at the place for a surprise. He wants this one hat from like that fancy store.. and these shoes.. I'll send you a photo." She said. Clyde had been wanting this car. It was 1200 dolalrs and he had been paying on it with as much as he could every month. He been biking everywhere else. Clyde heard a text from Megan again "She's being annoying, I am so sorry." He laughed and started to kiss Gabe's neck. "Now where were we?" He asked. "I have never been to the zoo here, I heard you get to hold animals and whatever, but its like really pricy." He told Gabe.
Clyde: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/image...
Gabe: Gabe didn't think a car would be the first thing on the list and he almost snorted when he saw 2008 Honda Civic. He could do a lot better than that. But he didn't know of Clyde would accept it. He supposed he could see. He saved the pictures of the hat and the shoes and texted them to his driver/assistant and told him to use his perosnal credit and go out and get them as soon as he could. "She's not annoying, it's fine," he said and laughed, humming a little under his breath as Clyde started to kiss him again. "Are you going to be in it this time, or will you get distracted by important texts again," he teased, looking up at him and smiling a little. "I'm okay with pricy. I am worth a couple million, don't worry about it."
Clyde: "You shouldnt tell people you are worth so much. Especially pretty boys like me." He moaned. "Unless you meant to.' He kissed his lips. "She doesnt usually text at 2 am. I got worried. Like there is ghetto people and whatever." He said "so gross." He flipped on his back and pushed up his ass. "Do me from behind, rich boy.. You may be rich but I know what your body needs that money cant buy.. well probably could buy, but everything is better organic and when someone like me craves it.. You have lube big boy? Part of my exhaustion today was because you fucked me so thick and hard.."
Gabe: Gabe let out a soft laugh and leaned in and pressed his lips to Clyde's gently. "Well, I don't mind you knowing. I don't know if...if you're really here for more than that. But if you're not, I'll keep you for as long as I can." There was something melencholy in his voice at the thought, and kissed at Clyde's neck until he flipped over. It made him feel a little anxious when Clyde started talking like that, because he could buy it, and doing it from behind like that, and calling him rich boy really did make Gabe feel like some kind of object. A job maybe. Gabe shook his head and tried to clear it. "You don't have to do that for my benefit. It's okay," he said and got up. "I think I can find some lube."
Clyde: Clyde was not expecting that reaction. He felt like his feeling was hurt. He wanted him to react like he was into it. Behind sex felt amazing. He knew his thick cock would bury against his prostate. "I'll find some." He got up and went to the phone. He pressed 77 "Hi can we have sex lube?" He asked. "I didnt see it on the menu, but you are like super fancy so why not? " He sat on the vanity. "It's not a joke call. " He huffed. He hung up. Megan text good night and happy birthday. He rolled his eyes but said good night "Apparently they dont have sex lube.." He said. "I can go get us some.. unless you dont want me to. You looking at me like I'm super ew."
Gabe: Gabe went into the bathroom and poked around in his bags and eventually found some that he usually just used to jerk off, but it would work for this. He laughed a ltitle when he came back out and saw Clyde on the phone. "For the future, you can just say personal lubricant, they might find that a better way of putting it. And they probably do have some, you just have to ask for it nicely." He chukled and threw the tube on the bed. "I have some." He lifted an eyebrow. "I've never thought you were ew. I'm just trying to figure you out."
Clyde: "What about me do you need to figure out?" He asked. He laido n the bed. "Well sex lube should translate" He smiled. He grabbed the lube and lean back. "What was it like having sex with a woman? I almost did it once, but I wanted to throw up." He laughed. "Am I better than a woman?"
Gabe: Gabe leaned over Clyde and put his head on his chest and started to stroke his hand down it lightly. "If you really like me or not, for one," he said softly and then gave Clyde a small, shy laugh. "I want you to. It's okay if you just want the money. That's okay. You don't have to have sex with me. All that porny talk makes me a ltitle anxious. My exes all talked like that and none of them ever...they never really liked me." Gabe felt like an idiot for saying that outloud. He let out a softl laugh. "I guess I just made it work. I didn't think about it. But I didn't even know sex could actually be...fun until after I got a divorce." He grinned. "So much, much better."
Clyde: Clyde sat up. "The money is appealing, but if it was just the money. I would have not seen you again, Gabe. It sort of hurts my feelings to be compared to your exs. " He pouted. "Like one time, this dude i didnt have any attraction to wanted me, i just drugged him until he passed out. Not hard drugs, just like sleeping stuff. I didnt do that to you. When you are looked at by rich man as a good fuck, you start to just care abou the money, you know? Some of us look at money the way rich guys look at a cheap thrill, a hot body... so, yeah, a part of me thinks you want my body. You didnt fall in love iwht my mind when you firsst saw me, now did you?" He poked his nose. "And as a matter of fact. I loveeee being fucked from behind. It's more of a me favor. "
Gabe: Gabe stepped back a little when Clyde went off. It was incredibly hurtful for Clyde to act all offended when Gabe had been so honest about his past and how people had hurt him. He didn't share that with anyone. And for him to react like he was putting him down intead of opening up to him in a genuine way was hurtful. he saw now how young Clyde was and he didn't even realize that he was more or less confirming all of Gabe's fears by sahing that was exactly what he did to men. "I never treated you like I was just here to fuck you. I told you I didn't want to if you didn't want it. I don't know what you want. You're confusing me. I shared somthing very personal with you adn you're treating it like a joke. I'm not a joke Clyde. I know I'm funny and fat and not hot and it must be a chore to sleep with me, becuase you talkign like that and acting like you owe me makes me think it is. I don't want you to think its some other guy. I want you to want to be with me." Gabe took a breath and shook his head. "I'm going to go sit in the hot tub. You can come if you want."
Clyde: Clyde was feeling his blood rise with how hot and hurt Gabes voice came out. "wait, I do care. I do." He sat criss cross on the bed and sighed. He slid off the bed and walked to the hot tub. "Your exs sucked , ok? I dont see you as some chore. Jesus. " He rolled his eyes and looked up at the ceiling. He removed his socks. He had no idea how socks got on his feet. He rolled up his legs and stuck his feet in the water. "Do you want me to go home?" He asked.
Gabe: Gabe took off his clothes and slipped into the hot tub, feeling like his face was burning and he was embarassed and hurt and he didn't know why he couldn't just let this go like he coudl with everyone else. "Because you're not drugging me, right," Gabe said a little dryly and laughed low in his throat. He leaned back against the back of the hot tub and looked up into the sky. "No I don't want you to go home. I told you earlier that I wanted you to stay, and I meant it."
Clyde: "That was fucking harsh, Gabe. I drugged him because he wanted to do weird shit. Like be on film and wear a dress. I WILL NOT GET IN A DRESS AGAIN." He shouted. He took a deep breath. "I am not a drag queen I am a man" He said calmly. this birthday was really going bad for him, but most the time birthdays were his worst days. He tried to ignore them. "That was really mean, Gabe. You dont know my life. You just think I'm pretty." He said. "I should go, let you enjoy your stay."
Clyde: like put me in a sex film and wear a dress*
Gabe: "And that's not what you said," Gabe said, his voice soft, recolied back a little from Clyde's sceram. "You just said you weren't attracted to him. You can't expect me to know all of that when you didn't say it. It doesn't make the whole thing okay either. Do you...It makes it seem like you do...this a lot. Guys like me." Gabe ducked his head. "Not that I care. It's okay. I understand even, and if I can do anything to help you or make you happy I want to do that," he said and grabbed Clyde's hand. "You haven't given me a chance to know your life. I want to. I didn't mean to be mean, Clyde, you have to admit you didn't give me much to go on." He sighed. "You haven't been the nicest either. And thats okay too. I would like you to stay."
Clyde: Clyde turned to leave, but Gabe grabbed his hand and made him stay put. "I don't to it alot anymore. That's why I am a life guard. I want to do things right. I want to prove I can be morethan a hetero thrill." He whispered. "Your not wicked, so you are not like those other guys. " He lowered himself in the hot tub. He lean back. "After this trip, you'll leave. You say you will take me with you, but you wont. You will see what a country pumpkin I am, and not want to display that to your rich fokes." He said. "Sure, you'll think of me from time to time. Maybe text me a week, but then life will be busy... and mine wont. Mine stays the same for the most part. No one thinks of me after it's all over.. " He murmured. "I like my life ok, and i dont mind being a life guard. I will be ok, but I just .. I dont want to hurt.."
Gabe: Gabe kept a hold of Clyde's hand and stroked it gently while he talked and then gave him a sort of lopsided smile. "You were just on my case for talking about my exes and comparing you to them, and now you're doing the same thing to me about the men you've been with. You already siad yourself that I'm not like them. So trust that. I'm not like them. I'm not filling your head with empty promises. I say things I mean. I always have."
Clyde: "Fine. I guess you are right." He rolled his eyes at the lecture but smiled toshow he would stop comparing him. He relaxed his shoulder and leaned against him. He rested hi head on his chest. "I know I slept so much, but I think I want to go to sleep again really soon. Will you hold me all night?" He asked "Please?" He hugged him and sighed "You are hot, Gabe... I am attracted to you."
Gabe: Gabe laughed a little and kissed his hand before he let it go. "You can sleep some more, of course," he said and chuckled. "I'm pretty wiped out myself. I haven't slept hardly at all." He leaned close to Clyde and wrapped an arm around him. "That would make me really happy. To hold you all night." He smiled and kissed his lips gently. "I hope you are. I know I'm not much to look at. But I try to make up for it in other ways."
Clyde: "well, yousure know how to get me hard with nipple licks." He felt like he might fall asleep in the hot tub against Gabe. He kissed his lips slowly. He got out of the hot tub and shivered. "Can you get me a shirt please? " He asked. "Do you mind? I like sleeping in your shirt." He sat on the bed. "Let's just sleep all day tomorrow too until it's over."
Gabe: Gabe nodded and hopped out of the tub and went to go grab Clyde a shirt to sleep in, some Captian America one that he liked. "Here," he said and smiled, before grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the bed. "Nope, not on your life. We're going to the zoo, and then we're going to do other fun things too. I want it to be a perfect day. Brunch, then the zoo, and then we can see what else the day brings us."
Clyde: "Oh? ok. That sounds like a nice day. They have this place called the grand buffet. It looks like it might be good." He loved the big shirt. "Can I keep this? The shirt?" He asked, it wouldbe a reminder for him. He hugged the shirt on his body. He rested his cheek on Gabe's chest. "Do you eat certain food, you are jewish? Do you study it?" He asked. He started to rub his arm.
Gabe: Gabe wrote that down really fast so he'd remember to take them there in the morning and then leaned in and kissed Clyde's lips softly and sweetly. "Of course you can keep it. And anything else of mine that you want. It's yours," he said and grinned. "I am Jewish, but I haven't borthered really being kosher for awhile. I haven't gone to temple in years. I probably should. I sort of miss it."
Clyde: "Anything?" He asked. "Can I keep yor socks too?" He wiggled his feet in them. "You should go back one day." He told him. "I worship the Wakan Tanka. I have yet to reconnect with my tribe yet. I will one day. Theya re down in little rock arkansas." He said. "Sioux tribe.. Is who I belong to. My great great grandfaster was a cheif." He told Gabe. "So, you will eat a plate of bacon with me tomorrow?"
Gabe: Gabe let out a soft laugh and then ndoded. "Yes you can keep my socks too if you want," he teased and then kissed Clyde again, stroking his hands through Clyde's hair. He hummed, and listened to Clyde talk about his tribe. "I can take you there too, if you like," he said gently. "So you can recoonect with your ancestors. If it's important to you." He smiled and kissed Clyde again. "I try not to, really, but bacon tastes so good."
Clyde: He laughed "I wont make you eat bacon." He curled next to him. He kissed his chin. He yawned a little. "I wish I could do this forever. Be in a bed like this.. cuddlingyou always." He was sleepy, but wanted to have sleepy sex. He found the lube by his leg and reached down to get it. He turned on his back to subtlely squeeze a warm amount in his hand. He turned to Gabe and slid his hand down his pants. He was well shaved down there for a guy who claimed he didnt have sex a lot. It was hot. He grabbed his cock and started to jerk him off with a massage from his palm, and curled his fingers around his cock. He kissed the side of the neck. "Good night, honey."
Gabe: Gabe laughed softly and kept stroking Clyde's hair, finding the yawn contagious and yawning himself too. "I wish I could do it forever too," he admitted with a soft sigh. "I want to." He smiled and leaned in and pressed his lips gently to Clyde's and then let out a starteld moan when he felt a lubed hand slide down his pants. He gasped and rocked against Clyde's hand, moaning and starting to kiss his neck while Clyde jerked him off. He came with a moan not too long after and then crushed his lips to Clyde's. "What about you?" he asked softly, and slid a hand down to Clyde's cock. "I want to take care of you too."
Clyde: Clyde was shocked with how fast he came. He was only jerking him off for three minutes or less. "Just jerk me off. That's fine." He took a deep breath. "I'm hard for you, mister." He hoped that Gabe liked his young soft cock. "Mmmm... " He let out a stirr of moans moving his hips up and down, until he too came. He kissed his neck and ear. He kicked off his boxers and slept only in his teeshirt. He pressed against the male. "Goodnight, Gabe."
Gabe: Gabe smiled and kissed Clyde deeply on the lips and reached for Clyde's cock, and started to stroke it gently, working his tongue into Clyde's mouth as he did. He loved touching Clyde like this and just being close to him. Gabe let out a soft moan when Clyde came and then reached over to get some tissues to clean them up. He kissed Cldye again and then pulled Clyde's head against his chest. "Yes, let's get some sleep, honey. We have a big day tomorrow."
Clyde: "I guess we do." He smiled He wondered if Gabe knew it was his birthday? His loud mouth friend probably gave it away. He sort of hoped so He wnted a good memory of his birthday one year. He fell asleep quickly. He had an amazing sleep.He woke up, and smelled coffee. He hummed a little, before closing his eyes and going back to sleep. He woke up to his phone going off. His aunt calling to wish him a happy birthday, he had 23 text messages saying happy birthday
Gabe: Gabe made a point to wake up before Clyde adn put a few calls in. He wanted Clyde's birthday to be perfect. He called up some special coffee and had the barista make a little heart design in the foam on top, just for Clyde and he got a little breakfast pastry and put a candle in it. The second he heard Clyde stirring he little the candle and came into the bedroom. "Happy Birthday to you," he started singing a big smile on his face.
Clyde: He could smell the aromas of expensive coffee.He let out a squeak when Gabe brought over a pastery and swooned when he sang to him. "Oh my god, sing all the time." He felt faint. He looked at him, made a wish "I wish to keep you." He said out loud before blowing the candle out. "Oh wait, the tradition is to not say it out loud. Relight them! Let start again, and sing again. It's making me melt.."
Gabe: He laugehd brightly flushing a little when Clyde praised his singing. He handed him the coffee with the heart in it and slid back into bed with him, giving him a big hug. He laughed. "Okay, okay, but you can keep me forever without a wish. Because you've already got that." But he relit the candle and started to sing again, crooning it low and sweet into Clyde's ear.
Clyde: He said it in his head. He laughed and blew it out. He ate a bite from the muffin. It was so good. He moaned and ate another bite. He lean back and kissed his lips with a cheek ful of muffin. Just a simple peck. He heard his phone. "I better get that. My aunt wont stop." Gabes phone went of next with his aunt calling. "see.." Gabe: Gabe laughed gently and kissed Clyde back, and took out his phone, taking a picture of Clyde as he had a cheekful of muffin. "Hey, ask her if she wants to go to birthday burnch with us," he whispered when Clyde answered the phone. "If you want, I mean. I'll give you a second and go grab a shower," he whispered and then kissed Clyde's cheek and went to the bathroom.
Clyde: He took a photo of the heart shape in the coffee. He wanted to keep it. He groaned. "I just want to lay in bed all day. I never want to leave hi bed. Can I have this bed for my birthday?" He pouted. He laughed. "I already have breakfast" He held up the muffin. "Fine.. "He told his aunt to meet him He said he would pay for it. She said she would get it. He sighed. "fine, we will meet you there." He said. "Can you bring me a change of clothes? Jeans and my v shape purple shirt and skeetched blacks?" He requested. "And my hair product." He hung up "Do you have a hair tie? I will need to wear it up until I can use myhair stuff." He said.
Last message was written 13 minutes ago
Gabe: "Nooo, we talked about going to the Grand Buffett and the zoo," he said and laughed and blew him a kiss. "A muffin isn't a birthday breakfast. You need more than that," he teased. Gabe took a quick shower and got dressed and went back out into the room and threw his arms around Clyde. "What hair stuff do you need?" he asked and rooted around until he found some kind of tie. "I can get you some fancy stuff from room service if you want."
Clyde: "I use paul mitchell reformer. It's sold at saloons. " He ate another bite and went to take a shower. He found a hair tie and put his hair up in a bun. He used some of his make up he had in his gym bag. He like rosy cheeks and a hint of eyeliner. It actually shaped his face to look more masculine. He came out of the bathroom "Not to be weird, but I used some ofyour spray deodrant I should get my own things if I am to stay with you a night or so?" He wondered how long his stay could last. Long enough topack a bag and get some stuff to claim on the bathroom counter
Gabe: Gabe called down to the front desk to see if they had any of that. They didn't, but he was a high end guest so they promised to find some and have it delivered to the penthouse by the end of the day. Gabe thanked them and smiled when Clyde came out of the shower. "You look amazing," he said and kissed Clyde gently on the lips. "I can get some things for you too. Maybe afer breakfast and before the zoo! We can go shopping. A birthday shoppping spree."
Clyde: Clyde was texting a few people back saying thank you for the birthday wishes. He kissed his lips. Megan replied back to Gabe. She said they got his car! And it was gonna be at shorty smalls. She said she was super thrilled that Clyde and him were boyfriends. And that she shipped it and told everyone the tea! Clyde sat on the bed and put on his flip flops. "My aunt will be there soon, we ready to go? A shopping spree?" He asked. "Wal mart isnt far!"
Gabe: Gabe laughed a little and shook his head. "No, no, not Wal Mart. I was thinking those big outlet malls. They aren't far right? I haven't been. You can show me around. I'm sure you've seen things there you'd like," Gabe said and grinned, grabbing Clyde's hand and leading him into the elevator. He pushed the down button and they met the driver at the entrance and headed for the buffet.
Clyde: "Oh! Yeah tanger outlet? I only once bought winter gloves there for like 5 dollars and coffee. I havent been there ina while. To far to walk." He laughed. "I been saving up for a car. Almost there." He smied. "We can drive by it and I can show you it! " He was having a really good day. "Yeah, buffett. Let's go." He jumped up and down and skipped around the room. "Bye bed! BYE WONDERFUL BED!"
Gabe: Gabe hummed a little. "If you could have any car in the wrold what kind would you like?" he asked smiling as the car took them out to the buffet. He laughed and squeezed Clyde's hand, glad that Clyde could have a kind of day that made him this happy. He kissed Clyde in the car, giggling a little and holding him close. "I want to give you everything you want today. Everything."
Clyde: Clyde looked out the window. He sighed. "I want this honda civic. I think its a good car. Only 90 thousand miles and good tires. Stop here!" He pointed to the dealership. "Pul over please." He squealed. "I only have a bike" He said. he got out of the car, but didnt see his car anywhere. He started to panic "Its parked over here. It was .. Wher eis it?" He yelled He started to panic. A car sales man came over. "The honda civic 08, where is it?" He started to tear up. "WE .. sold it. " The sales man said. He started to cry even more. "Sorry... but for what you put down,w e have other cars"
Gabe: Gabe told the driver to pull over and looked around. He still didn't get why this car was what he wanted, but if that was it, then he wanted Clyde to have it. He didn't realize til after they parked that the car might not be there because the girls had texted that they had bought it. He thought that would make a happy surprise later, but then Clyde started crying and Gabe reached for him and rubbed his shoulders. "Oh honey shh," he said softly and kissed his temple. "Honey, I can get you any car on the lot you want. Any other car any other place either. Don't cry. Please. Let's go have a nice day and we can talk about it more later."
Clyde: Clyde started to yell at the sales persn. "You knew I wanted that. I came by every week to look at it and test drive it. I got my license for it." The guy shruged. "Sorry, it's business." He flipped the man off. He stomped off and got in the car. "It's just a car I worked really hard to get. I was 200 away from it." He buried his face in his hands."You dont have to buy me a car. That's a bit too far. I'm not really your boyfriend yet, I mean you didnt ask yet so I dont know." He whimpered. "Let's go. My aunt is waiting, I will try to be better. I just fuckkkk my car.. That was gonna be my car."
Gabe: Gabe took Clyde's hand and ran a hand soothingly down his back, trying to calm him down a little more. "Clyde shh, shh," he said and kissed his cheek. "Hey. Look honey, I'll fix it. I'll fix it. Let's try to have a good day and tomorrow I'll go back and throw my weight around and get your car back. If that's the only car you want, that's the car I'm going to make sure you have." He smiled and kissed him. "Fine, I'll ask. Will you be my boyfriend?"
Clyde: He went from crying to laughing out loud. He sighed. "Fine, I guess I can get a different car, but they better refund my money. I am taking my business elsewhere." he huffed. He looked at him. "No wait. " He lean in and kissed his lips. "Ask me like.. romantically." He laughed. He blushed. "Boyfriend is a big deal around here, Gabe...." He put his hand over his mouth to hide his smile,and looked out the window. He felt his heart race.
Gabe: Gabe laughed gently and kissed him again. "I'm a lawyer, honey, I deal with this kind of stuff all the time. I'll make sure to get you the best deal." He lifted an eyebrow and smiled before leaning in and kissing Clyde softly and sweetly on the lips. "Okay, would you, Clyde, do me the greatest honor of being my boyfriend?"
Clyde: Clyde giggled and buried his face against his shoulder. "Seriously? Me? " He pulled back. "Like totally!" He shouted and hugged him. "My lawyer boyfriend. No one will believe me" He laughed. He pulled back "Oh, my aunt. She's here." He laced their finger together as they pulled up. "Wait, are you sure. I can be an okish boyfriend. I think. I'm not really the breadwinner." The car stopped. "And I smoke sometimes, and I like country music, and I am not jewish... " He looked him over.
Gabe: Gabe couldn't help but giggle too. The sound Clyde was making was contageous and he felt giddy with it too. He couldn't believe that was what Clyde really wanted. No one ever asked to be called his boyfriend before. It seemed too incredible to be real. He took Clyde's hand and gave him a laugh, rolling his eyes. "I think you're going to be a great boyfriend. Stop worrying so much," he said and kissed Clyde gently on the lips. "Come on let's go before we keep your aunt waiting too long."
Clyde: He got out and walked towards the resturant. His aunt stumbled back when she saw Gabe. He was not what she expected. "Aunt Autumn. This is Gabe. He just asked me to be his boyfriend." Autumn looked Gabe over and lifted a brow. "He's abit too old for you, aint he?" She asked. "Be nice." He bumped his hip with her. "What's your intentions?" Most people woudl ask the person on the side away , but she was the type to say what hse felt in front of everyone. "Aunt, stop grilling him. He's not old and he's very good with his mouth." He kissed his cheek. "You hurt my nephew.' She said waving her fist as they went into the restaurant. "Stop it, Aunt. He wont.. Right? You wont?"
Gabe: Gabe knew he was always a little surprising to people when they saw him. He didn't look like the fabulously wealthy type at all, he knew that. So he just straighted his spine and smiled widely at Clyde's aunt and went to greet her with a handshake. "It's so great to meet you after talking on the phone with you the other day," he said ignoring the part of about his age. "Well, I happen to adore your nephew and I intend to treat him very well for as long as he'll let me." Gabe smiled and laughed a little. "No. I don't really plan on hurting you ever." He felt slightly overwhelmed and then gave Clyde a look, "good with his mouth, really? In front of family?"
Clyde: "I mean because you do lawyer things. You are good at speaking about trails." He shrugged He thought he sold him well! What did Gabe think he meant. He ordered a iced tea with no sugar and 3 cubes of ice. He sat down at the table. "Gabe is jewish!" He said. She looked him over "Wow, you come to an odd part of the country then? Most everyone is christian" She teased. "Alright, I trust you will treat him well.. " She got up to go fill her plate. Clyde held his hand "Let's go get plates together and get the same food. It will be sooo cute!"
Gabe: Gabe paid for their buffets and got some coffee for himself. He went to join Clyde and his aunt at one of the tables and smiled good naturedly. "Oh well, my firm is doing some business out here," he explained. "Or did. I decided to stay longer and work out of the hotel room." Gabe laughed and lifted an eyebrow at Clyde. "Are you planning on getting bacon?" he teased and followed him over to the buffett. He grabbed some toast to start and looked around at everything else.
Clyde: "No, I wont get bacon." He grabbed toast too. "what next?" He asked as he hugged his arm and pressed his chin over his shoulder. He pointed to the eggs. "What about biscuits and gravy?" He asked. "What else are you going to get? I want to get what you get. Can you eat sausages?" He asked. He wrapped his arms around him and hugged his body. "Are you enjoying this?"
Gabe: Gabe wasn't sure what to think of this new side of Clyde but he figured he didn't mind if he was going to get hugged all the time. That was kind of nice. He laughed and nodded, grabbing some eggs and some biscuits and gravy. "No saussages, but I can get some of the turkey bacon," he said and pointed grabbing a few slices. "Is there anything else you want?" he asked before heading to the table. "I enjoy you," he said with a laugh and sat down.
Clyde: "Yeah, I will get turkey bacon too." He squealed at their matching plates. The aunt watched them and sighed. She would need to talk to Gabe later. About Clydes moods. Right now Clyde seem overly blised. "He asked me out 10 minutes ago, and I said yes. Although, I super wish he asked me at work. Like rose buds in the water and him plaing a little guitar and singing to me.. "He sighed. He realized Gabe had more gravy than him and went to go fix that. His aunt sighed. "Gabe, he's not always well. He is a good boy, but his moods. I am trying to get him on the right meds. His mom screwed him up a little bit. " She quieted down when he came back. He sat down and took a photo of their plates. He leaned against Gabe. "arent we the cutest couple ever?" He took out his phone and took a photo.
Gabe: Gabe was just overjoyed Clyde seemed happy becuase he deserved to be happy today. It was his birthday. He sat down and was about tos tart a conversation but then felt another stab of worry when Clyde went to go get more gravy. "He told me a little about that," Gabe said vaguely when his aunt mentioned his mother. "But I can deal. I want to deal. And help, as much as I can." He smiled when Clyde came back and kissed his cheek. "Are we all ready now?" he teased softly and lifted his cup of coffee. "A toast to the most beautiful birthday boy."
Clyde: He blushed and hid his smile behind his hand. His aunt worried that maybe Gabe would grow weary of his moods and personalities. She knew that many men admired him for his beauty. She knew Clyde would feel 'love' for a little while, then the guys would leave and he would have weeks of angry and tears and not come out of his room. He seemed ok with taylor. She saw hope in him getting better all the time. Maybe Gabe would be good for him. He was a lawyer who could afford to take care of him. "Gabe is an excellent singer. He also owns a boat I think. It seems like something he would do. He wants to take me to new yok one day, thinks I can be a model?" He smiled "Even if I am too old really." He chuckled. He rested his head on his shoulder. "He wants to buy me jewerly today. Right?" He looked up. "And he gave me that thousand for our payment," He said softly, hoping he would play along. "He's the best boyfriend ever." He ate his toast first since Gabe ate his first.
Clyde: *seeme dok with taylor after the break up
Gabe: Gabe was trying to process everything and it felt like a lot, but he was doing his best and he thought doing a pretty okay job of it. Clyde was talking almost a mile of minute and he nodded along to most of it in between bites of breakfast. "I don't actually own a boat. But I have rented one before." He chuckled. "You could definitely be a model if you want to be a model," he added. The jewelry thing surprised him but he nodded after a second. "If you want jewelry I'll buy you jewelry," Gabe said and smiled, trying hard not to be weirded out by Clyde eating things in the same order as him.
Clyde: "Honey, calm down" She said and pulled out a small pill. It was a very low dose pain killer. She handed it to him to take. "Are these estrogen?" He asked. "No, they are not. Its a multi vitamin." She pulled out another pillf or him that actually was. He took both. He ate eggs in the same order as Gabe. "You dont need jewerly either. You are way too excited. Please calm down. CAn you get me some pancakes?" He stood up and nodded. "Let me know what you eat next." He kissed Gabes cheek. "I am so sorry. He get overly excited and acts a bit strange. It will calm down in a bit an dhe will be more himself soon. " He came back with pancakes and sat beside Gabe. "Let's get matching bracelets?" He said. "Did you eat more eggs or more biscuits and gravy? " He asked. "Clyde.. drink some water, pleas honey calm down. I know its exciting today." She worried what gabe would think and knew he probably would run afterthis, then she would have to deal with a heart broken Clyde until his stronger mood set in
Gabe: Gabe couldn't help but look a little suspicously at these pills that came out of nowhwere and he gave the aunt a concerned look. He didn't know why that was necessary. Or if he was supposed to be taking something that he wasn't taking currently. Gabe was starting to worry about it too. Gabe gave Clyde a small smile before he went off and couldn't hlep but still fele suspicious. "What was that? That you gave him?" He smiled when Clyde came back. "I didn't eat anything. You eat first," he said and smiled. "We can go look at braclets after this if you want. We're going to the outlet mall before we go over to the zoo."
Clyde: Clyde smiled and nodded. He picked eggs next "Oh honey, try the gravy with the eggs. Its good." He said. He ate two bites of eggs, and poked two bites of eggs on Gabe's fork to eat. Clydes aunt hffed "Nothing illegal." She lied. "It's for ADHD. " She told him. Clyde rolled his eyes. "I dont have that" He said waiting for Gabe to eat his eggs and then wtching where he eats next. "He needs ocd drugs ... " She laughed. "Your clingy as hell honey, give Gabe some space" He nodded and stood up. "FINE," He tossed his plate on the floor and stomped off. she sighed. "It only last a little bit, hes himself most of the time. I am so sorry. If you want to get out of this, you can.. "
Gabe: Gabe really didn't know what to do other than sink back a little and let it all swirl around him. He felt like he was getting into something deep and dark much faster than he wanted. He had no idea what he was getting into and he felt a little suspicious of everybody. He took a small bite of his eggs and then looked up at his Aunt. "No its fine, I don't need space. I'm actually prettl clingy myself-" he started to say and then jumped when Clyde's plate hit the floor. Gabe jsut gave his Aunt a bit of a glare, feeling like she'd provoked that whole thing and followed after Clyde. "Clyde, honey, wait."
Clyde: Clyde went out to the gift area and looked over the i love lucy mugs. He turned to Gabe "Shes going to make you leave me. I know it." He whimoered. "Shes a good aunt, but she thinks everyone will hurt me." He said. "I can take care of myself. I can.. I just want to be loved . Like Hedwig says, two bodies meant to be one.. I feel that with you. " He set the mug down. "My car is gone, my aunt doesnt approve of us. I feel really dizzy. I am sorry if I ruined breakfast. Can I lay down?" Clyde: Clyde moaned as he arched his back when Gabes other hand explored it. The driver sighed and decided to go around the block a couple more times. He knew Gabe probably only needed a couple more times. He turned on some music. Cylde grabbed onto Gabes hair and used it as reigns to fuck faster and harder on his giant cock. He tighten himself around Gabes cock and swerved his body up and down in a naughty manner. He lean in to kiss his lips, deepening the kiss and moaning into his mouth. He even dia little bit of whinny moans. He pulled back. "Cum in me, baby.. please fill me up.."
Gabe: Gabe shuddered when Cldye started to tug at his hair too, and he couldn't keep back a louder moan. It was all too much. He jerked Clyde's cock faster and more desperately. He wanted to hang on more, but it was impossible to do with Cldye maoning into his ear and the second Clyde asked him to come he did with a muffled shout, biting a little at Clyde's neck and coming hard and long. "Fuck, fuck, Clyde," he groaned and stroked Clyde's cock harder and faster, rolling his thumb around the head to try and make him come.
Clyde: Clyde moaned when Gabe came inside him. It wasnt a long sex life today, but it was ok. he liked that gabe thought hr was hot enough to cum in under 6 minutes. He moaned as he was jerked off, and moaned as he came a few minutes later. He kissed his lips for a coupe more miles, until the driver got on the com and sheepishly announced they were at shorty smalls. "ok, great. we are gonna make ot a little bit ok." He said. He turned to licked into his mouth and kissed him deeply. It was 5:45 but he didnt know they were on a schedule
Gabe: Gabe really knew he needed to work on his stamina, but he didn't think any reasonable person could really blame him. If anyone saw how Clyde looked, they couldn't hold it against him. He was just too hot to handle. He reached around for some tissues to clean them up a litle and kissed Clyde lazily until the driver said it was time to go to the reasturant. He nodded and told the driver to head over there, and held Clyde close, kissing him deeply and licking into his mouth. "We can go again after dinner," he promised, breathing hard. "And I'll try to last longer. You're just so hot."
Clyde: "It's ok. " He said. "I know I'm good looking. You havent had sex in a while either." He kissedhis lips. "I want to make out a little longer." He pressed his lips to his and partied his lips as he tasted his tongue. Gabe's phone went off with messages from megan. WHERE ARE YOU? Hurry up! Clyde kissed his neck as Gabe went to look at his phone. He was ready to have sex again. He ran his fingers through Gabes hair. He started to chew and lick on his ear.
Gabe: "We can later," he said but it was hard to deny Clyde's lips even if they were on a time schudle. He kissed him harder and let out a soft groan when Clyde started to run his fingers through his hair and nibble at his ear. He didn't even care about his phone honestly, he couldnt' care less, but eh forced himself away. "Come on, we have to go," he said, stumbling to the door and falling out of the car. "We're late. Later. Later."
Clyde: He got out of the car and hopped on Gabes back. He kissed his neck as they walked. He got down at the stairs part. He got inside. .The waitress lead them to the back room. Where al the life guards and some of the older managers jumped up and yelled surprise. He screamed and jumped up and down .The girls came over to hug him.
Gabe: Gabe stumbled even moer when Clyde jumped on his back, but he did his best to carry him up the to the reasturant, laughing the whole time. He took Clyde's hand and lead him back into the back room and let out an excited yell of surprise with everyone else, laughing happily. The room looked amazing and he hoped Clyde liked it. Gabe said hello to the girls he recognized and smiled at the others, but kept his focus on Clyde.
Clyde: Clyde was surprised with the mountain of gifts. The girls hugged Gabe. Clyde was given a couple of shots which he took. He sat down and talked to the girls and showed off his gifts from his boyfriend. They alll loved Gabe and awwwd at the gifts. He took a lot of selfies with the girls. They all talked about going out dancing after this. Clyde listen to water park gossip. He wanted gabe to sit beside him though. Not with the boring adults, even if he looked like one of them.
Gabe: Gabe figured he would give Clyde his gifts later. He found out pretty quickly that he didn't really fit in with Clyde's crowd. He had no idea what they were saying half the time and he felt so much older around them. He sort of started to grafitate to the older adults and drank a cocktail with them, looking over his shoulder every once and awhile to see if Clyde was still having fun. After a few minutes he went up to see him and sling an arm around him. "How are you? Having a good party?"
Clyde: 'Yassss, but I miss my boyfriend" He kissed his lips. "Are you talking bout old people things like politics?" He asked. Some of the girls here were 18. So no drinking for them, they had bracelets. He held a shot out for Gabe "Drink, it's fun It's called a orgasm shot.It taste like jelly beans!" He sang out. "So legit." He took another shot himself."Older men are so cool." Heather told Gabe. "Like super cool. And you two look so legal." She chirped. He took another shot and got a daquiri. He ordered a ribs and potatoes. He ate some chips and salsa too. They were all loud and having fun.. Until dinner arrived and Taylor stepped in. "Clyde.. I have something I want to say." Clyde lifted a brow. Who invited him. He got on his knee. "This is crazy, but will you marry me"everyone gasped. "Ew no way, he has a boyfriend." Everyone pointed to Gabe. Taylor looked over. "No seriously, guys. I am asking him for real. thats like his uncle right?"
Gabe: Gabe let out a soft laugh and an aw sound and leaned over to kiss Clyde's cheek. "Sorry I just didn't want to be a party pooper. I don't know what half of your friends are saying," he whispered against Clyde's ear. He took the shot down and made a little face at how sweet it was. He was used to old people drinks. Like straight whiskey. He tried to hang closer to Clyde this time though, since that's what Clyde wnated and opted to just nod along to what most people said and kept his mouth shut. He didn't know who this new person to arrive was and he wasn't impressed by him even before he figured out it was Clyde's ex. He wrapped an arm around Clyde's shoulder and glared at him. "I'm his boyfriend," he said and felt a little foolish. He knew he wasn't attrative and older and that just made it all awkward. He tried not to let it get to him though and tried to keep his shoulder's back. "I'm pretty sure Clyde's not interested. "Right?" he said turning to Clyde.
Clyde: clyde looked at the ring, it was cute. Very simple. "Taylor. We been over this like a million times. You wont get help. So no, and I love Gabe." He said. He never cleared that word with Gabebefore, but young adult were often very emotional driven, Clyde was no exception. Taylor got closer. "Please, Clyde. Please? I will do better. I got a job. " He said. Clyde hated seeing his ex so sad, but he hurt him. He sent nude pics out over the web of him and put drugs in his veins without him knowing. He didnt want to do that again. "You can stay for the party, but you have to respect that I am with someone. " He took Gabe's hand. "I wont cheat on him." He told Taylor. "He's like old... common baby, I miss you so much. We had a lot of fun together." He saw the food come. "This old man wont keep you forever, and when he leaves you. I guess call me." He said as he left. Clyde sighed and hoped tht wouldnt happen. "everyone just eat." He said when the room got quiet. "Please?" He looked around
Gabe: Gabe felt a little like an awkward loser looking at Taylor, who was almost attractive enough to look like he deserved to be with Clyde. Gabe knew he didn't. He knew deep down he didn't really rate for someone as attractive and worth while as Clyde. So he was surpised, shocked, when Clyde said he loved him. He blinked over at him in shock, his mouth dropping open. "Really?" He knew they were having a discussion, but he couldn't help going closer to Clyde and hugging him tightly, kissing him full on the lips before he rememberd they were in the middle of a talk. He tried to stay quiet after that and ducked his head against Clyde's shoulder. Gabe wanted to say it back but maybe now wasn't the best time. He just kissed Clyde's cheek and started to sing when people were quiet. "Happy Brithday song part one before the cake!" he cried, just to get people moving and make Clyde more comfortable again.
Clyde: Clyde was glad the party got back on track. He ate his dinner, but didnt want it all. He loved Gabes voice. He took his hand and squeezed it. He then sat on his lap as he opened gifts. He got a new game, he got a water bottle he wanted, and sunscreen, and free meal at psgettis, he got socks and a new pilloe he wanted. He loved all his gifts. He heard he had one more but it was outside. He stood up and followed everyone outside. Heather drove the car around, it had a big red bow on it. She honked the horn. They put hapy birthday all over the windows "GABE! THATS THE CAR. Thats it." He ran over to the car and jumped in the driver seat. "What, no way guys. It's too much!"
Gabe: Gabe was feeling a little awkward with the whole thing now, because he didn't want the evening to turn bad for Clyde. But he seemed to regain his cheer pretty quickly and Gabe couldn't help but be excited about him running out to get his car. It had been so hard to keep that in all day, especially when he'd been crying. Gabe still thought it was a crappy car, but he couldn't help but feel the excitement because Clyde loved it so much. He would get something nice for it. Like some new uplosthery or something. He leaned in the window. "It was so hard not to tell you about this all day," he said with a laugh and kissed Clyde. "Do you want to take it for a spin?"
Clyde: "I do' He slurred. "NO! He's drunk!" Heather giggled. "No spins! Also we have a party bus! Gabe bought it" She squealed. (idk just pretend he did XD stop godmoding kay) Heather went to go park the car right while Clyde went to go see the bus. It had a large seat bench and music playing. He got on a pole with the girls and started to dance sexy. a couple of the older people got on and sat by Gabe. They were a little unsure why he was dating Clyde, but they got it too. If they could get away with dating younger, they would too. Also the whole gay thing. One guy seemed very interested in talking to Gabe. a 40 year old bank accountant. He was glad someone his age understood old bands and not whatever this crap music was.
Gabe: Gabe had forgotten that Clyde had already dunk a lot more than him and laughed. "No, let's go in the morning. We can take a mini road trip, okay?" he promised and kissed him agian, taking Clyde's ahdna nd leading him towards the bus. He hadn't really known what the deal with the bus was, but he figured he could try it out. It seemed like a young people's thing. He flushed when Clyde started dancing on the pool and crossed his legs and tried to be discrete, laughing uncomfortably when he had some guys around him. He was glad to talk about some of his favorite music, but his eyes kept being drawn to Clyde, like he was some kind of hyptomist and he could only listen to half of the conversation.
Clyde: Clyde was doing sexual dances and looking at Gabe on purpose to get him to squirm and it seemed to work, since he had to cross one leg over the other. He couldnt wait to fuck him hard later, in that comfy bed or in a pool. Maybe both! He was glad they were going to a club. They had to drive an hour out, but it was worth it.They rolled down the windoes up front to smoke. "Only one!" he yelled at Gabe and promised, although when he drank he liked smoking. He giggled with the girls.
Gabe: Gabe was feeling older and older, espeically when they said they wanted to take the bus out to a club. He was already tired and a little drunk, but he tried to stay with the party. Clyde was having such a good time, and he laughed and told Clyde he could have one cigarette if he wanted. He chatted politely with everyone else, and finallly he couldn't take just looking anymore and had to go wrap his arm around Clyde's waist and lean against him. "So what kind of club are we headed to?"
Clyde: Clyde finished his cigarette and blew the smoke away from Gabes face. He kissed his cheek. "A dance club. " He told Gabe. "Are you ok?" He asked. "I will dance with only you." He promised. He hugged onto him and rested his cheek on his shoulder. He pressed his chest againt his and turned his head. His nose touched his neck. "There is a loto f sexy boys there, dont cheat on me.. ok? Taylor use to do that"
Gabe: Gabe laughed a little and kept his arm around Clyde's waist. "Thank you, honey," he said and chuckled. "You can dance with your girl friends if you want," he said and laughed again. He was surprised when Cldye mentioned cheating, because he couldn't imagine ever meeting a guy he'd want more than Clyde. "Of course I won't cheat on you. I'm with you. Not anyone else. No one else could even hold a candle to you anyway."
lyde: Clyde moaned as he arched his back when Gabes other hand explored it. The driver sighed and decided to go around the block a couple more times. He knew Gabe probably only needed a couple more times. He turned on some music. Cylde grabbed onto Gabes hair and used it as reigns to fuck faster and harder on his giant cock. He tighten himself around Gabes cock and swerved his body up and down in a naughty manner. He lean in to kiss his lips, deepening the kiss and moaning into his mouth. He even dia little bit of whinny moans. He pulled back. "Cum in me, baby.. please fill me up.."
Gabe: Gabe shuddered when Cldye started to tug at his hair too, and he couldn't keep back a louder moan. It was all too much. He jerked Clyde's cock faster and more desperately. He wanted to hang on more, but it was impossible to do with Cldye maoning into his ear and the second Clyde asked him to come he did with a muffled shout, biting a little at Clyde's neck and coming hard and long. "Fuck, fuck, Clyde," he groaned and stroked Clyde's cock harder and faster, rolling his thumb around the head to try and make him come.
Clyde: Clyde moaned when Gabe came inside him. It wasnt a long sex life today, but it was ok. he liked that gabe thought hr was hot enough to cum in under 6 minutes. He moaned as he was jerked off, and moaned as he came a few minutes later. He kissed his lips for a coupe more miles, until the driver got on the com and sheepishly announced they were at shorty smalls. "ok, great. we are gonna make ot a little bit ok." He said. He turned to licked into his mouth and kissed him deeply. It was 5:45 but he didnt know they were on a schedule
Gabe: Gabe really knew he needed to work on his stamina, but he didn't think any reasonable person could really blame him. If anyone saw how Clyde looked, they couldn't hold it against him. He was just too hot to handle. He reached around for some tissues to clean them up a litle and kissed Clyde lazily until the driver said it was time to go to the reasturant. He nodded and told the driver to head over there, and held Clyde close, kissing him deeply and licking into his mouth. "We can go again after dinner," he promised, breathing hard. "And I'll try to last longer. You're just so hot."
Clyde: "It's ok. " He said. "I know I'm good looking. You havent had sex in a while either." He kissedhis lips. "I want to make out a little longer." He pressed his lips to his and partied his lips as he tasted his tongue. Gabe's phone went off with messages from megan. WHERE ARE YOU? Hurry up! Clyde kissed his neck as Gabe went to look at his phone. He was ready to have sex again. He ran his fingers through Gabes hair. He started to chew and lick on his ear.
Gabe: "We can later," he said but it was hard to deny Clyde's lips even if they were on a time schudle. He kissed him harder and let out a soft groan when Clyde started to run his fingers through his hair and nibble at his ear. He didn't even care about his phone honestly, he couldnt' care less, but eh forced himself away. "Come on, we have to go," he said, stumbling to the door and falling out of the car. "We're late. Later. Later."
Clyde: He got out of the car and hopped on Gabes back. He kissed his neck as they walked. He got down at the stairs part. He got inside. .The waitress lead them to the back room. Where al the life guards and some of the older managers jumped up and yelled surprise. He screamed and jumped up and down .The girls came over to hug him.
Gabe: Gabe stumbled even moer when Clyde jumped on his back, but he did his best to carry him up the to the reasturant, laughing the whole time. He took Clyde's hand and lead him back into the back room and let out an excited yell of surprise with everyone else, laughing happily. The room looked amazing and he hoped Clyde liked it. Gabe said hello to the girls he recognized and smiled at the others, but kept his focus on Clyde.
Clyde: Clyde was surprised with the mountain of gifts. The girls hugged Gabe. Clyde was given a couple of shots which he took. He sat down and talked to the girls and showed off his gifts from his boyfriend. They alll loved Gabe and awwwd at the gifts. He took a lot of selfies with the girls. They all talked about going out dancing after this. Clyde listen to water park gossip. He wanted gabe to sit beside him though. Not with the boring adults, even if he looked like one of them.
Gabe: Gabe figured he would give Clyde his gifts later. He found out pretty quickly that he didn't really fit in with Clyde's crowd. He had no idea what they were saying half the time and he felt so much older around them. He sort of started to grafitate to the older adults and drank a cocktail with them, looking over his shoulder every once and awhile to see if Clyde was still having fun. After a few minutes he went up to see him and sling an arm around him. "How are you? Having a good party?"
Clyde: 'Yassss, but I miss my boyfriend" He kissed his lips. "Are you talking bout old people things like politics?" He asked. Some of the girls here were 18. So no drinking for them, they had bracelets. He held a shot out for Gabe "Drink, it's fun It's called a orgasm shot.It taste like jelly beans!" He sang out. "So legit." He took another shot himself."Older men are so cool." Heather told Gabe. "Like super cool. And you two look so legal." She chirped. He took another shot and got a daquiri. He ordered a ribs and potatoes. He ate some chips and salsa too. They were all loud and having fun.. Until dinner arrived and Taylor stepped in. "Clyde.. I have something I want to say." Clyde lifted a brow. Who invited him. He got on his knee. "This is crazy, but will you marry me"everyone gasped. "Ew no way, he has a boyfriend." Everyone pointed to Gabe. Taylor looked over. "No seriously, guys. I am asking him for real. thats like his uncle right?"
Gabe: Gabe let out a soft laugh and an aw sound and leaned over to kiss Clyde's cheek. "Sorry I just didn't want to be a party pooper. I don't know what half of your friends are saying," he whispered against Clyde's ear. He took the shot down and made a little face at how sweet it was. He was used to old people drinks. Like straight whiskey. He tried to hang closer to Clyde this time though, since that's what Clyde wnated and opted to just nod along to what most people said and kept his mouth shut. He didn't know who this new person to arrive was and he wasn't impressed by him even before he figured out it was Clyde's ex. He wrapped an arm around Clyde's shoulder and glared at him. "I'm his boyfriend," he said and felt a little foolish. He knew he wasn't attrative and older and that just made it all awkward. He tried not to let it get to him though and tried to keep his shoulder's back. "I'm pretty sure Clyde's not interested. "Right?" he said turning to Clyde.
Clyde: clyde looked at the ring, it was cute. Very simple. "Taylor. We been over this like a million times. You wont get help. So no, and I love Gabe." He said. He never cleared that word with Gabebefore, but young adult were often very emotional driven, Clyde was no exception. Taylor got closer. "Please, Clyde. Please? I will do better. I got a job. " He said. Clyde hated seeing his ex so sad, but he hurt him. He sent nude pics out over the web of him and put drugs in his veins without him knowing. He didnt want to do that again. "You can stay for the party, but you have to respect that I am with someone. " He took Gabe's hand. "I wont cheat on him." He told Taylor. "He's like old... common baby, I miss you so much. We had a lot of fun together." He saw the food come. "This old man wont keep you forever, and when he leaves you. I guess call me." He said as he left. Clyde sighed and hoped tht wouldnt happen. "everyone just eat." He said when the room got quiet. "Please?" He looked around
Gabe: Gabe felt a little like an awkward loser looking at Taylor, who was almost attractive enough to look like he deserved to be with Clyde. Gabe knew he didn't. He knew deep down he didn't really rate for someone as attractive and worth while as Clyde. So he was surpised, shocked, when Clyde said he loved him. He blinked over at him in shock, his mouth dropping open. "Really?" He knew they were having a discussion, but he couldn't help going closer to Clyde and hugging him tightly, kissing him full on the lips before he rememberd they were in the middle of a talk. He tried to stay quiet after that and ducked his head against Clyde's shoulder. Gabe wanted to say it back but maybe now wasn't the best time. He just kissed Clyde's cheek and started to sing when people were quiet. "Happy Brithday song part one before the cake!" he cried, just to get people moving and make Clyde more comfortable again.
Clyde: Clyde was glad the party got back on track. He ate his dinner, but didnt want it all. He loved Gabes voice. He took his hand and squeezed it. He then sat on his lap as he opened gifts. He got a new game, he got a water bottle he wanted, and sunscreen, and free meal at psgettis, he got socks and a new pilloe he wanted. He loved all his gifts. He heard he had one more but it was outside. He stood up and followed everyone outside. Heather drove the car around, it had a big red bow on it. She honked the horn. They put hapy birthday all over the windows "GABE! THATS THE CAR. Thats it." He ran over to the car and jumped in the driver seat. "What, no way guys. It's too much!"
Gabe: Gabe was feeling a little awkward with the whole thing now, because he didn't want the evening to turn bad for Clyde. But he seemed to regain his cheer pretty quickly and Gabe couldn't help but be excited about him running out to get his car. It had been so hard to keep that in all day, especially when he'd been crying. Gabe still thought it was a crappy car, but he couldn't help but feel the excitement because Clyde loved it so much. He would get something nice for it. Like some new uplosthery or something. He leaned in the window. "It was so hard not to tell you about this all day," he said with a laugh and kissed Clyde. "Do you want to take it for a spin?"
Clyde: "I do' He slurred. "NO! He's drunk!" Heather giggled. "No spins! Also we have a party bus! Gabe bought it" She squealed. (idk just pretend he did XD stop godmoding kay) Heather went to go park the car right while Clyde went to go see the bus. It had a large seat bench and music playing. He got on a pole with the girls and started to dance sexy. a couple of the older people got on and sat by Gabe. They were a little unsure why he was dating Clyde, but they got it too. If they could get away with dating younger, they would too. Also the whole gay thing. One guy seemed very interested in talking to Gabe. a 40 year old bank accountant. He was glad someone his age understood old bands and not whatever this crap music was.
Gabe: Gabe had forgotten that Clyde had already dunk a lot more than him and laughed. "No, let's go in the morning. We can take a mini road trip, okay?" he promised and kissed him agian, taking Clyde's ahdna nd leading him towards the bus. He hadn't really known what the deal with the bus was, but he figured he could try it out. It seemed like a young people's thing. He flushed when Clyde started dancing on the pool and crossed his legs and tried to be discrete, laughing uncomfortably when he had some guys around him. He was glad to talk about some of his favorite music, but his eyes kept being drawn to Clyde, like he was some kind of hyptomist and he could only listen to half of the conversation.
Clyde: Clyde was doing sexual dances and looking at Gabe on purpose to get him to squirm and it seemed to work, since he had to cross one leg over the other. He couldnt wait to fuck him hard later, in that comfy bed or in a pool. Maybe both! He was glad they were going to a club. They had to drive an hour out, but it was worth it.They rolled down the windoes up front to smoke. "Only one!" he yelled at Gabe and promised, although when he drank he liked smoking. He giggled with the girls.
Gabe: Gabe was feeling older and older, espeically when they said they wanted to take the bus out to a club. He was already tired and a little drunk, but he tried to stay with the party. Clyde was having such a good time, and he laughed and told Clyde he could have one cigarette if he wanted. He chatted politely with everyone else, and finallly he couldn't take just looking anymore and had to go wrap his arm around Clyde's waist and lean against him. "So what kind of club are we headed to?"
Clyde: Clyde finished his cigarette and blew the smoke away from Gabes face. He kissed his cheek. "A dance club. " He told Gabe. "Are you ok?" He asked. "I will dance with only you." He promised. He hugged onto him and rested his cheek on his shoulder. He pressed his chest againt his and turned his head. His nose touched his neck. "There is a loto f sexy boys there, dont cheat on me.. ok? Taylor use to do that"
Gabe: Gabe laughed a little and kept his arm around Clyde's waist. "Thank you, honey," he said and chuckled. "You can dance with your girl friends if you want," he said and laughed again. He was surprised when Cldye mentioned cheating, because he couldn't imagine ever meeting a guy he'd want more than Clyde. "Of course I won't cheat on you. I'm with you. Not anyone else. No one else could even hold a candle to you anyway."
Clyde: "Why would anyone hold a candle to me? I like candles." He kissed him. "Ohhh we should get candles." He told Gabe. He kissed his cheek. He sat on Gabes lap the last thirty minutes. He took a slight nap on his shoulder, until they said they were there. He stood up and got off the bus. He went inside and ordered a sex on the beach He went out to the dance floor to dance with the girls!
Gabe: Gabe laughed and shook his head. "Nooo, I think you've had too many shots for candles." He kissed the tip o fhis nose. "I just meant that you are prefect and no one is a good as you," he said and laughed. He held Cldye tightly on his lap and stroked his back. This was really his idea of a party. He would have been fine if this was all it was. Then they made it to the club and Clyde was up again and Gabe trailed after him. He got a drink and tried to keep up with Clyde and the girls for a little while, but he just wasn't very good at it and eventually drifted back to the bar to order anothe drink. He watched Clyde have fun with a happy smile on his face, and glared off any men that seemd to linger too close.
Clyde: Clyde did have a few men come up bebind him and try to join. The girls was a sheild and pushed them off him. He looked at Gabe and smiled. He had his eyes on Gabe. He told one guy who was trying to kiss his neck that he was with someone. The man left. Clyde watched him and tried to et him to come out and dance. Johnny saw Gabe and called him over. "GABE! HEY!" He went over. It was an old college buddy. He was tall, slender, upturn nose and pouty lips. Clyde saw him approach Gabe and frowned.
Gabe: Gabe thought about going out on the dance floor again, but he really didn't know what he was doing out there. Clyde and his friends looked like they were professionals out there and Gabe was just a schlubby fat guy who was only really redeeming because he made a lot of money. He would feel too silly out there with them. Still, he got up, intending to go join Clyde when he heard his name being called. His eyes wideend. "Johnny?" he said an went up to him happily, throwing his arms around him in a tight hug before pulling back. "This is so crazy, why are you here and not in New York? I haven't seen you since we graduated. You still practicing law?" They had been close friends way back, and Gabe was excited and surprised to see him.
Clyde: "I am here with my lesbian sister. I am so happy to see you. I lost your number. I should get it. You here long? We should get coffee sometime?" He said. Clyde saw the hug and the wide smile on both their faces. He pushed past the girls. "I am. I am a lawyer now too. Not as big and mighty as you, but trying t get there." He said. Clyde ran over and pushed Johnny to the side. "THATS MY BOYFRIEND!" He shouted. Johnny stumbled over and looked around. He hissed since he hit his shoulder pretty hard. "What the hell?"
Gabe: Gabe pulled out his phone to give Johnny his number and laughed. "Here? Just tonight. We bussed over from Brason since they don't really have clubs there-" he started to explain when Clyde suddenly rushed up and pushed Johnny out of the way. Gabe let out a startled sound and reached for Clyde, pulling him away and wrapping a secure arm around him. "Clyde, shh, Clyde, its fine. We just went to school together. We're friends," he explained. He gave Johnny an apologetic look. "I'm sorry he's a little drunk. But he means well. He's fantastic. Clyde this is my college friend, Johnny, and Johnny this is my boyfrriend Clyde."
Clyde: Clyde wrapped his arms around Gabe and starred Johnny down hard. He had Gabes head pressed to his chest and was protective over what was his. "Friends my ass .I know he likes you. He was starting at you." Johnny sat down and sighed. "Wow, your boyfriend? he's... something." Johnny said. "What does that mean? Stop starring at my boyfriends mouth!" He shouted. The girls came over to see what they could do to help. "Ah, uh ok? Gabe.. I'll write my number down and we can talk later?" He turned to write his number on a napkin and handed it over. Clyde grabbed it and put it in a water cup. "Hey!" someone yelled, since it was their water cup. "Hes not interested in you." He told Johnny. Johnny put his hands upin surrender. "Ok, uh look me up? I'm on facebook." Clyde huffed. "He wont, we will be too busy having too much sex!"
Gabe: Gabe thought it was a little cute that Clyde was so jealous, but he was taking it a little extreme. Johnny really was just an old college friend. Now that the thought of it, Johnny probably had last heard of him when he got married for that short period of time. There was no way Johnny was interested in him like that. None at all. He winced when Clyde kept going after him. "Babe, he's not looing at my mouth. It's okay, we were just college friends, that's all," he said, trying to be soothing. He let out a soft huff of frustration when Clyde put the number in a glass of water. "Johnny, I'm sorry," he said calling over to him as he backed away. "I'll be in touch ok?" He turned back to Clyde. "Clyde, relax. We were just talking. I promise. There's no reason to act like this. Please trust me."
Clyde: "I am not acting like anything. If i didnt come over He would have taken you to the bathhouse out back! " He shouted. Johnny snorted andwaved. He sighed. He started to cry and sat on the barstool. "Yuore ashamed of me. You want to go have sex with him, then go!" The girls could see maybe they gave Clyde too much to drink. 'Let's eat birthday cake on the bus!" Heather said. Megan hugged Clyde. "Your boyfriend cares about you so much... ok, he told me. He thinks you are so pretty and so wonderful. " He pouted and rested his head on her breast and let her rub his head. "He rather fuck johnny i think," He said. "He said i cant hold candles.."
Gabe: Gabe looked at Clyde with wide eyes. "No, honey, no," he said as soothingly as he could when he started to cry. He wrapped his arms around him and held him close. "I don't want to have sex with anyone but you," he promised, and tried to kisshim, but he seemed to upset. He followed everyone back onto the bus and sighed. He didn't want to upset him more, so Gabe hung back, pouting. "Clyde please. I only want you. Please, its your birthday lets have a happy time. I got you some great cake!"
Clyde: Clyde pouted and sat on the bench. everyone started to get into the cake. He pouted and leaned against the seat as he poked at his cake. "Gabe only hearts you. " Megan said again. "Like so hard core. " She said. Clyde sighed and looked at Gabe . "I want to go back to the hotel." He whinned. "Ok, lets go back there." Megan said and told the driver. He poked away at his cake. He smeared icing all over the plate. "Did you and Johnny ever have sex?"
Gabe: Gabe pouted over at Clyde and hoped he would forgive him soon. He sat a little closer to him, but didn't reach out, just in case he was upset. The bus started to move and Gabe took a few bites of his cake. "No, Clyde," Gabe said as gently as he could. "We never had sex. We were never like that. Just friends."
Clyde: "He loked like he wanted to have sex with you. He knows you have a big cock." The girls started to giggle and looked at Gabes crotch, before looking away and giggling. He sat up and let Gabe sit beside him. He rested his cheek back on Gabes shoulder once he sat down.. He didnt want to shae Gabe with boys. He was glad wehn the hotel was in view. He stood up and hugged his friends. He got off the bus. "I need a shower." He told Gabe leaning against him. "i dont like guys looking at you, you are so hot they want you."
Gabe: Gabe laughed and shook his head. "I think you're confusing me and you. Guys look like they want to have sex with you. Not me," he said and kissed Clyde's cheek softly. He was glad to be back at the htoel though, and breathed in relief. He went to go start the shower and carefully started to take off Clyde's clothes. "They don't, but it's sweet of you to say. It's hard for me to see you around other guys too."
Clyde: "Well, I tell them to fuck off. I have you as a boyfriend." He felt dizzy. "I got a hot boyfriend." He grabbed his arm and pulled him in the shower with him. He kissed his lips. "Do yu have a boyfriend waiting for you in new york and hong kong and wherever else you might have real estate?" He wanted to make sure he didnt. He rubbed his head. "Can I stay here as long as you are here? please? I hate my hotel."
Gabe: Gabe laughed a little and stepped into the shower with Clyde. "Good answer," he said and kissed Clyde softly on the lips. He could feel Clyde swaying a little in his arms. He really had a lot to drink. But it was his birthday, so it made sense. "I don't have any boyfriend but you," he promised and got some shampoo and started to wash Clyde's hair. "Of course you can stay. I want you to stay for as long as you want. And maybe. Maybe if things go well. You'll come back to New York with me."
Clyde: Clyde nodded. He smiled. He knew he would dump him after the summer, but he wanted to pretend he wouldnt. He wanted a summer romance. He smiled "Sure." He said and kissed his nosetip. "You wont get tired of me being here all the time?" He pouted. He wasnt in the mood for sex, but felta bundle of wanting to cuddle him close. He rested his cheek on his shoulder. "I have to work tomorrow I think."
Gabe: Gabe let out a soft laugh and shook his head. "No I can't imagine I'd ever get tired of having you here," he said, washing Clyde's body gently and enjoying the warm water spilling over both of them. "And that's okay. I need to work a little myself. Maybe I can set up my laptop and work from one of the cabanas," he teased.
Clyde: "You would?" He asked. "Work at my job?" He asked. He didnt have to go in until 2 so he had a little time to sleep off. He had been at work a couple times with hang over He kissed his cheek and after the shower went to lay down. Johnny sent him a friend request, but Clyde didnt see it. He had his eyes closed, his head on Gabe chest. "Will you rub my head until I fall asleep?"
Gabe: Gabe shrugged. "Yeah, I don't see why not. Unless it would be too much of a distraction," he said and alughed a little. After the shower Gabe toweled them both off and helped Clyde slide into bed. He climbed into bed after him, ignoring anything on his phone for now, because facebook requests weren't really important at the moment and cuddled close to Clyde. "Yes of course I will." He started to rub Clyde's head, and hummed softly under his breath.
Clyde: Clyde fell asleep and woke up later to his alarm on his phone. He got up and rubbed his eyes. He heard a knock at the door. It was room service with omlete and french toast. They came in and sat it down. They waited for a tip. He handed them a 100 since he didnt know how rich people tipped .they were so impressed and left. plus it was all he could find on short notice. He went to wake up gabe. "Breakfast came! I ordered some yestrerday i just put a check mark on everything." The door knocked again and in came 4 other plates. He handed them another hundred. He was having fun doing this! He opened all the trays. "We have SO much food. I didnt know what the checking meant. I thought it was what I liked, i like a lot, but i circled and put a heart by the one I wanted. They just brought us all of it!"
Gabe: Gabe laughed brightly at that. "Oh wow," he said and kissed Clyde's cheek. "Well, now we have enough breakfast to last us a week, almost," he sand and chuckled. He felt a little apprehensive when Clyde said he wanted them to eat the same exact thing again but he tried not to let it show on his face. "Some toast first, I think. And then potatoes. Unless you want to eat something else first?"
Clyde: "I like that combination." He took a photo of their breakfast. He ate the toast three bites like Gabe did, and then two potatos. He kissed his cheek. He hoped Gabe had fun. "Did you have fun? Oh, we need to get my car." He said. He rested his cheek on nhis shoulder "I think its still at shorties." He noticed him drink his juice, so he drank some juice. He kissed his cheek. "Tonight, maybe we can drive around in it?"
Gabe: Gabe tried to slow down how fast he was eating, since he could feel Clyde watching him. It was a little unnerving. But if it was one of Clyde's eccetrincites he could learn how to deal with it. He nodded. "You're friends are great. I felt erally old though," he said and laughed a little. "We can go get your car after we eat if you like?" he said and smiled. He kissed Clyde's cheek. "That sounds like a great plan. What time do you go into work again? Maybe we should go back to your Aunt's a pick up a few things. So you can get really settled in here."
Clyde: "I work at 1." He said It was 9 now. "So we have some time." He rested his chin on his shoulder. He ate his toast again. "Try some omelete." He said, wanting some of the omelete. He ate his omelete when Gabe did. He was full. "I am done. Are you done too?" He asked. He hoped he was done too. "I am going to go do my hair ." He kissed his cheek and got up. If he left it wouldnt matter how much more gabe ate.
Gabe: Gabe smiled and nodded, and ate some of the omlete then. He was still hungry when Clyde said he was done, but he was worried Clyde would think he had to eat more if he kept eating. So he said he was done. And the second he was out of the room Gabe quickly ate some more until he felt full. He put the rest of the food away in the fridge and went to pick out some nice light summer clothes to wear for today.
Clyde: He got out and saw taht he cleaned up. He smiled and sat on the bed. He put sun screen on his chest and houlders. "Will you get my back?" He aske. He dropped his towel and stood naked in front of Gabe. He handed him the lotion and turned to him. He looked over his shoulder. "Get my butt too." He wiggled his butt.
Gabe: Gabe was more than willing ot put the suncreen on Clyde's back and did happily, feeling a little shiver of pleasure race down his spine. He laughed when he started to wiggle his butt too. "Why do you plan on showing off your butt to everyone at work today?" he asked, a teasing quality in his voice as he bent to put the lotion there too. He rubbed it in well and then got Clyde's legs for good measure.
Clyde: "No. I just want you to touch my butt." He teased. He moand when he rubbed his body. He turned around with a full hardon. "now my chest? Do you mind?" He asked looking into his eyes with a smirk. He sat down on the bed and leaned back, the only thing standing tall now was his cock. "Get my hips."
Gabe: Gabe smirked when Clyde turned around and felt his body react even more when he saw that Clyde was hard. He put mroe lotion on his hands and started ot cover his chest and as he worked his way down, he slid down to his knees to rub the lotion into his hips and lower abs, brushing his cheek teaingly near the head of his cock as he did so. "Anything else?" he asked sweetly.
Clyde: "No, you're good." He sat up, looking at Gabe between the blocking of his cock. "Unless you want to give me a blw job. I wont fight you if you do." He spread his legs. Gabe might not be the type to do things like blow jobs, but it was worth a shot. He smirked as he felt ready for the sun.
Gabe: He laughed and licked his lips. "You aren't going to fight me about it, huh?" Gabe said and laughed again, before blowing warm breath over Clyde's cock. He leaned in and teasingly licked up the side of it, looking up to check Clyde's response. "I would be a little more enthuastic. I am pretty great at blow jobs."
Clyde: "I dont know that yet, baby Show me how muchyou want to taste my cock." He growled. His phone was going off. It was his aunt wanting him to come home. She said he had spent enough time with that man. She sent a text to GAbe that she would call the cops for kidnapping. She was drunk sometimes. Clyde ignroed the call and moaned. "Yeah, baby. I want to see you suck me off.. please." He begged.
Gabe: Gabe sat back and looked up at Clyde playfully, and just liked gently at the head of his cock again, still teasing. He did love to hear that growl in his voice. It made his cock throb with need. So much that he didn't even register that phoens were ringing. He reached for Clyde's hips hungrily when he begged and wrapped his lips around the head of Clyde's cock, only lingering there a second before swallowing him down, moaning as Clyde's cock filled his mouth.
Clyde: Clyde moaned loudly. Gabe was so good at that. He wasnt kidding. He could tell the male loved cock a lot. He moaned as he let him take over it. He moved his hips up and down geting use to the feeling of his lips tight around his cock. He let out a wail when it picked up a little speed. "Oh my god."He hummed. "You are so good at that.. you strange skilled man."
Gabe: Gabe had learned really fast that he needed to get good at things like this to keep guys around. And it helped that he really, really loved it too. He could really be doing this all day. He groaned around Clyde's cock and let Clyde slip even deeper, reaching around to grip at Clyde's ass, tugging him in and urging him to move his hips even more.
Clyde: He screamed when he started to suck on him deeply. His nipples pierced out. His body full of goosebumps. "My boyfriend is the BEST!" He yelled. He wanted to kis his lips, but his lips were busy. He fucked into his mouth and came a few minutes later unexpectly. "Oh my gd."He fell back against the mattress out of breath.
Gabe: Gabe couldn't help but let out a strangled sort of chuckle when Clyde yelled out, though he gagged a little then since he wasn't paying attention. But he recovered and sucked Clyde with even more passion, swallowing it down and then pulling of fof his cock as he softened. Gabe sat up, pleased with himself and laid over Clyde and kissed him hard on the lips. "So...how did I do?" he teased, and kissed him again.
Clyde: "So good. The best." He kised his cheek. "I think better than me." He pouted. "And I love sucking cock. Well, I love sucking YOUR cock. I will only suck my boyfriends cock. " He pet his chest. He ran his hand down his chest. "Do you want me to suck you off?" He asked.
Gabe: Gabe laughed softly and kissed Clyde again. "Oh no, you are amazing too," he murmured and sucked at Clyde's lower lip. "I jsut made a point to be good at it." He stroked Clyde's cheek. "I would love for you to suck me off," he murmured, capturing Clyde's hand and pressing it agianst his aching hard cock.
Clyde: "oh no, my baby is so hard." He licked the top of his cock and formed his lips over his cock. He tighten his lips around his tip and went down on his cock. He moaned as he hummed down the shaft. "mmm.." He whispered. He turned away from himand straddled his waist. He had hi back facing Gabe. His ass in view as he bent low to suck his cock as Gabe got a faceful of his hot ass and lower back. He moand loudly on his cock and rubbed his balls.
Gabe: Gabe groaned when Clyde licked over him, and grabbed Clyde's hair hard and felt his hips rock up. "Fuck, fuck," he breathed. "I'm so hard because I loved sucking your cock so much, " he breathed and then couldn't talk again because Cldye was working so hard on his cock. And the view of Clyde's ass didn't help how quickly he felt on the edge. He grabbed Clyde's ass between his fingers and moaned loudly. He didn't want to come at all, and not quick but this felt ridiculous. He jerked his hips into Clyde's mouth and whimpered.
Clyde: He moaned and rubbed his cock. He milked him into a cum state. He loved his cock and the way it tasted. He showed off his entrance to aid Gabe into cumming and to feeling manly. He swallowed his cum and popped off his cock. He turned around and kissed his lips. "I wish we could cuddle.' He pouted. "But we must get going, yeah?" He said. "I got work, but I want to get my car and my things from my room. Please dont make fun of wher eI live, It's really worn down.
Gabe: Gabe couldn't take this and he felt lame for coming so quickly, but he couldn't stop himself. He came hard down Clyde's throat, almost shouting his name as his release washed over him. Gabe laid back, breathing hard and feeling like he couldn't move. "Yeah, yeah, just give me five minutes. I can't feel my legs," he said and laughed some more. "God." He sat up a little. "Why would I make fun of where you live? I'm sure its just fine."
Clyde: "It's not nice like this. It's bad." He laughed. "We use to have a bed bug problem, but we got rid of allthe mattresses, and cleaned it well. " He told him. He sighed and got up to change into his new clothes, khaki shorts to his knees and a blue v neck tee shirt. He looked at Gabe. "ok.. let's go." He said as he took his hand. He grabbed some of the breakfast from the fridge and put it on a strofoam plate.. He put a wrap around it. He wanted to give that to his aunt to keep her happy He saw her text and texted her back. "We are coming now, but I am staying with him for a few weeks." She sent a text that he needed to come home and stay here. She needed him. He sighed and didnt want to go back, he almst wanted to cry at the thought "Let's go." He said. He got in the car and headed to the hotel. It was a run down hotel,with 12 rooms. He stopped at the front desk. He got out and went to his room first. He stopped at the door and turned to Gabe. "It's really embarasing." He said before opening the door and going inside. http://bjyoho.com/wp-content/uploads/201...
Clyde: ^his room
Gabe: Gabe laughed a little. "So what if it's not the Hyatt? That doesn't mean it's bad," he said and kissed Clyde again. "It can't be worse than the dorm I lived in my first year of college, I promise you." He laughed a little and put his clothes back on and straightend his hair. He grabbed his keys and phone and didn't reply to the message from Clyde's aunt. He didn't want to get into it over text messages. He got into the car and drummed his fingers on his thigh on the ride over, hating seeing the look in Clyde's eyes. He held his hand when they got out, tightly, hoping to calm him. "It's not embarassing," he said softly. It was small and the decor was awful, but he didn't see anything to be ashamed of. "Can I help you pack anything up?"
Clyde: Clyde wanted to fix the decor, but he hadnt yet. The room may be ok if he go rid of the stinky blankets and curtains. "Just my clothes in the closet, and my medicine." He shrugged. "And my ids." He pointed to the tp of the drawer. "Not much to pack.It can all fit in my gym bag" He pulled his gym bag from under his bed. He set it on the bed. "just put it all in there? I'l be back." He took the plat e of food and went to find his aunt to calm her down.
Gabe: Gabe grabbed a bag and opened the drawer Clyde pointed out and started to put it in the bag. "Sure," he said and smiled. He squeezed Clyde's hand one more time and then kissed his cheek before he left. He hoped things were okay with Clyde's aunt. She did seem upset. Maybe it was better for him to stay here. But if he didn't come back soon, Gabe would go looking for him.
Clyde: Clyde begged and begged for her to calm down. She sighed and said it was fine if he went with his boyfriend even if she said he wont keep Clyde forever "I know, but I want to pretend for a little while." He wiped away his tear. "k?" She sighed "ok, just dont want you to be hurt ?" He nodded. "ITs ok. I am ok. I got to go to work. I get paid today, I can give you money tomorrow" She nodded and let him leave. He went over to his room. "Let's go. Shes fine with me staying with yu." She sent Gabe a message. "If he acts out of it, the pills at my desk half of them with a glass of water and snack, it will calm him down ok? Be kind to him."
Gabe: Gabe waited a little anxiously to hear from Clyde. He packed everything Clyde wanted pretty quickly, and it was hard to hang back and wait. But he managed it and smiled widely when Clyde came back. He kissed his cheek. "How did it go?" he asked. "Is it okay?" he said, a note of worry in his voice. He breathed in relief when he said it was okay and grabbed Clyde's bag in one hand and his hand in to other to go to the car. He looked at his phone in the car and then responded to the message with a "I think we'll be fine without pills, thank you," and smiled at Clyde. "So is it time to work?"
Clyde: clyde rested on his shoulder. He saw him text and smiled. "The pills help me if I get too hyper." He said "It's ok to give them to me if you think I need them." He kissed his cheek. "Yes, I shuold get there. Can we get lunch first? Like mcdonaldsor something? I usually get a dollar cheeseburger and water."
Clyde: "She thinks you will break my heart. She's worried about how I will be when it happens. I told her it'll be fine." He shrugged. He laughed. "Ic ant be too full for swimming, one cheeseburger and water is all I want. and a side salad. " He ordered it at the drive thru window. He kissed his cheek. He pouted when he was there, but finished his meal. He had his life guard outfit in his locker. He kissed his lips. "I will see you around. I think I'm at the slides first." He told him. "You enjoy your time until I see you ok?" He kissed his chek and left him to rent out a cabana
Gabe: Gabe sighed a little and set his hand on Clyde's thigh and sqeezed it gently. "I don't plan on breaking your heart," he told him gently. He hoped he could convince Clyde of that. Every part of him just wanted to protect him and make him happy. Even if Gabe was in the pciture or not. He at his McDonalds and grabbed his laptop bag and sattelite phone. "I'll come visit you every once and awhile okay? I'm going to get some work done first," he said and kissed him again before he went off. Gabe set up in the cabana and did work for an hour or so before going to see where Clyde was and how he was doing.
Clyde: Clyde wish he could go to the wave pool and se Gabe. He missed Gabe. He didnt have any drownings. He talk to Megan a little. He tossed the rafts next. He got asked by three women, but told them he was gay. They seem sad about it but understood. He smield when he saw Gabe walking up the path to the group ride "Hey fatso! You shouldnt be at the water park!" Some young woman yelled. "People like you should not wear bathinsuits!" Cylde couldnt hear what she was yelling, but didnt like she was yelling at Gabe. He looked at Gabe to see if he was ok.
Gabe: Gabe went up to the slide and jumped up excitedly and waved at Clyde when he saw him. "Hi honey!" he screamed loudly and then turned a little when someone screamed at him. Gabe was a little annoyed about it, but he shrugged it off as best he could and ignored her. People were rude like that. But he didn't really find a reason to care becase Clyde was still with him. he smiled a Clyde and wrapped his arms around Clyde's neck when he got up to the line, as if to show her. "Hi, I missed you."
Clyde: "what was she saying to you?" ;He asked as he hugged his boyfriend. She looked so confused. He rubbed Gabes back. "Hi sexy." He smiled "you have no idea how much I missed you." He gave him an eskimo kiss. He asked if he could go on the ride with Gabe. Heather jumped over. "Yup go, but come right up." He got in and smiled. He laughed on the way down. He stepped out of the tube and reached out to take his hand. "Come on handsome.. what did that woman want? Did she want to ask you out?"
Gabe: Gabe shurgged it off a little, and shook his head. "It doesn't matter. Nothing people say about me matters when you look this happy to see me." He smiled and giggled as their noses rubbed together. He was glad Cldye got to ride with him and screamed all the way down, grinning widely. "Oh. No. It was nothing. She just had some things to say about my weight and appareance. I've heard it all before. It's no big deal."
Clyde: "It is a big deal. I wont let that be ok. " He kissed his head. "I will be at the wave pool in a few minutes.. " He smiled. "I get paid tonight. I can take you out to eat?" He smiled. He rubbed his cheek. "You're not fat. " He kissed his forehead and ran back up the path to go finish out his time.
Gabe: (( hi skype is being slow but i'm back
Clyde: (hey!)
Gabe: Gabe shook his head. "No, its not. I'm used to it okay? It's fine. If we get mad at every person the calls me fat, then we would never get peace." He kissed Clyde gently. "I am fat. It's okay. I know I am. You like me anyway, so its fine." He nodded about going out to eat. "That would be great." He wanted to say he would pay, but he knew he should let Clyde do it. He seemed to want to. "I'll see you later!" he called, since he could run as fast as Clyde.
Clyde: He pouted. He went to find those ladies and yelled at them to have manners or he would kick them out. They were red int he face and went to the lazy river. He went to the cabana and sat beside his boyfriend. "Hi honey, I got you a nutella beaver tail. With reese pieces and a water." He kissed his head. Clyde felt himself today. He didnt want anyone calling him fat. A message popped up from johnny on his lap top. "Hey Gabe! Interesting last night! Want to meet for a drink! I will kick your ass at pool!" Clyde sighed. "He's trying to hit on you." He pouted. He heard his name being called. "I got to go. If you want to fuck him, fine." He sighed. "I got to go."
Gabe: Gabe went back to the cabana, but he did have one of the other lifeguards come over and tell him that Clyde ahd been yelling at those women. He flushed, something between pride and embarassment, but he did know he was going to kiss Clyde for all he was worth when he came back. And he did when he saw him. "I didn't ask you to do that," he said with a laugh when he parted. He tok the treat and smiled. "Aww, honey. Thank you." He looked over and saw the notification and then groaned when Clyde went there with it. "We were roomies in college we used to play pool. Pool is just pool, honey. I won't go if you don't want me to. And if I did go I'd want you to come anyway."
Clyde: "I guess. I gues that is ok. Is he heterosexual? I feel like he looked at you like you are hot. "He said. He kissed his cheek. "I get those beaver things for free, so let me knwo if you want more and also soda." He said. "Well, I wont let people bully you. That is not right." He said and went to go climb up to sit down on the stoll. He was so distracted with thoughrs of Gabe. He wanted to be with him all the time. He watched the pool. One girl went under by Jeremy went to get her. He just watched the rest of the people. She was fine, just scared. Clyde watched Gabe work and loved how his eyebrows knitted together when he was reading stuff on his laptop.
Last message was written 9 minutes ago
Gabe: Gabe sighed. "No, he's gay," he admitted. "But it was never like that between us, okay? Ever. We are friends and that's it. Like brothers almost," he swore and kissed Clyde's cheek. "I think you'll even like each other if you try. Please? For me?" He hugged Clyde tightly. "Think about it." He sent Johnny back a message that he would think about it and maybe they could make it a double date if he was seeing anyone? He went back to work and ate his dessert while Clyde went back to work. He looked up when he felt eyes on him and smiled at Clyde. He thought it was an ok time to take a break and went out to the pool and swam near to his post. "Hi!"
Clyde: "Hey" He had another male yelling at him from the bottom. "Go out with my lifeguard! I heard you played for my team." Clyde was so glad his boyfriend came over. "Sorry. I said it before. I HAVE a boyfriend. " He pointed to Gabe. "Him" The guy looked over. "No really, go out with me. I will take you somewhere nice. where do you like to eat?" He sighed. "I am going to eat dinner with my boyfriend" Clyde shouted. Clyde was use to being hit on a lot at work, but he did have work to do. He kept his eyes all over the pool and had to blow the whistle a few time at scary horse play. "Please!" The guy yelled. "You are so hot. Hottest guy I had EVER SEEN!"
Clyde: Clyde wasnt excited that his best friend was gay. He hated it and wondered if this johny would be a threat. (before the rest of the para)
Clyde: He knew he would keep a very clse eye on him tonight... (rest the the para on top LOL)
Gabe: Gabe chuckled. It might have bothered him that so many people were after Clyde, but he actually liked hearing Clyde tell everyone that he was his boyfriend without being ashamed of it, and it just tickled him. He didn't even care that people didn't belive it. He jsut beamed no matter what people said. "You are hot," he did yell when the other guy started yelling. "And you're my boyfriend," he added, laughing happily as he floated on the waves. "Wow these guys are despeate," he teased, knowing he'd been far worse.
Clyde: Clyde laughed and gave him a warning look "Oh yeah, mister run all over the park until I said yes. " The guy went away, but came back later with a love offering of a fried twinkie. "please?" He asked. "Noo, I have a boyfriend" He said. He felt one of the biggest sins in the world was to cheat. The guy finally gave up and went away. Clyde was done witht hat and was now being sent over to lazy river. He walked beside his boyfriend. "I get hit on too much, its crazy." Room contains 290 KB. Click here to view previous content
Clyde: "I do have a boyfriend. I want them to leave me alone. " He groaned. "All they want is sex and dinner. It's always the same thing.' He laughed. "I dont want to cheat on you." He pouted "Its a dishonor in my tribe to cheat on your partner.' He told Gabe. "It is not good for spirit. " He went to go sit on the stand.
Gabe: Gabe laughed softly and rubbed Clyde's back. "I know," he said, and shook his head. "I didn't think you'd want to go cheating on me." He had worried a little, but Clyde's reaction showed he was very agaisnt it. He kissed Clyde's cheek. "I'll see you on my rounds," he said and chuckled, grabbing a tube and starting around the river. "You're the best boyfriend already!" he called loudly as he passed.
Clyde: He smiled and picked a flower from the ground. He tore apart the stem. He smiled when Gabe came by and bent down to the the tiny yellow flower on his chest. He giggled. "I will miss you." He laughed when Gabe went by. He got another flower and tossed it on his chest when he swan by again.
Gabe: Gabe felt like his heart might burst when Clyde dropped the flower onto his chest. He had never had someone do little romantic things like that for him before. It almost made him tear up he was so happy. He let out a happy cry when it happened again. "You're a hopeless romantic Clyde!" he called loudly and laughed. "I love you too!"
Clyde: "WAit, you love me?" He shouted. He sat down once he realized he yelled so loud. He giggled and blushed. He really needed to work. He was too busy looking past people to see Gabe come back. "Gabe you love me?" He asked. When he came by. "How do you know?"
Gabe: Gabe was chuckling to himself all the way around the river, feeling giddy and happy like he hadn't felt in years. He stopped when he came back. "I just know that I'd do anything for you. And I want to be with you all the time. I think that's love." He smiled. "You said you loved me at the party last night. Did you mean it?"
Clyde: Clyde didnt remember saying it at the party. "I did?" He smiled. He hoped that Gabe would fall in love and want to keep him forever and maybe by the end of summer ask him to marry him with a nice big fancy ring! He could only dream. "I mean it." He said. He smiled. "I get off in an hour."
Gabe: Gabe nodded a little and smiled shyly. "You did. I didn't want to say it right then, becasue you were talking to Taylor. But I do." He knew Clyde was working but he leaned up and kissed him very quickly. "Come meet me at the cabana when you're done!"
Clyde: "ok." He had tears in his eyes. He told Heather what Gabe said. "He will so marry you ! I bet in like 3 weeks he will." Clyde squealed and they discussed rings. He knew it was crazy too soon, but he wanted to go to new york with him. He hugged heather and went to the kiddy pool area for the last 45 minutes. He went to take a shower and got dressed. He sighed out and saw Gabe at the cabana doing work "HEYY." He said as he sat beside him. "Parks closing soon? You ready to go? Did you get anytihg done?"
Gabe: Gabe got a little more work done while he was waiting for Clyde and got wrapped up in it so that he was surprised when Clyde popped in. "Hi!" he said brightly and removed his glasses. "I am ready to go," he said, "Just need to pack up." He leaned up and kissed Cldye gently. "I got enough done I think, for the day. Are you hungry?"
Clyde: "I am a little hungry, but I want to go back to the hotel. " He told him. He loved Hyatt hotel. He would rather live ther. "oh and get my new car!" He sang out. "Let's get my car and I can drive it to the hotel. We can eat our food we have saved up! " He knew they had a pack fridge of food, but really he just wanted to cuddle and have sex with Gabe.
Gabe: Gabe laughed. "Well, we can order in some food if you like," he murmured and kissed Clyde's cheek. Gabe ordered the car and told him to drive to the lot where Clyde's car was. He chuckled. "We do have a lot of food in the fridge now," he said and laughed brightly. They got to Clyde's car and Gabe got out too, sliding into the passenger seat.
Clyde: Clyde was so excited. He started the car. He squealed at how amazing it was. He loved it He took his hand and kissed his hand. He drove off the lot and onto the street. "It's mine! It's mine."He was so happy. He drove it to the Hyatt and parked. He got out. "No ordering food. Let's just eat what we have.. It's nice to not be wasteful." He said in a wise voice.
Gabe: Gabe really could have bought Clyde a nicer car, but he was just so happy with this one that it made Gabe happy too. He laughed in delight when Clyde kissed his hand. "Yes, honey, it's all yours," he said and laughed. "I need to get you some fancy seat covers for it or something. A little makeover to make it really yours," he said. He took Clyde's hand and led him into the elevator. "I'm alright with that. I love having breakfast for dinner."
Clyde: "What kind of car do you have, or do you have people drive you everywhere?" He teased "We still ahve half a burger too. " He said. "I know now not to circle all of the thing I like on the breafkast thing." He giggled. He thought it was fun though. Room service was fun! He liked the idea of sproucing up his vehicle. "oh ok, yeah. .I would like that. " He took his arm. "When do we get to go meet your friend and does he hav a boyfriend?"
Gabe: Gabe laughed when Clyde asked about his car. "I don't have one. I never had a need in New York. Or when I'm in big city. Driving isn't important there." He sat down when they made it up to the apartment and leaned back against the bed and shrugged. "I didn't tell him we were going. You seemed against it. I have no idea if he has a boyfriend or not. I thought we would stay around here."
Clyde: "He could date Taylor! That might be cute. What do you think?" He asked. He did want taylor to have a happy ending, just not with him. He kissed his cheek. "Can I be totes honest with you? at the club, I just wanted to come home and cuddle you an watch movies" He batted his eyes and he pressed his cheek against his chest. "I like going out, I do. I just missed holding you a lot."
Gabe: Gabe lifted an eyebrow. "After the things you told me about him, I don't think that's really a nice thing to do to my friend," he said and wrinkled his nose up. "And he did just propose to you yesterday." He pulled some of the food out and shrugged. "Then lets stay in. I don't like going out either. I'm an old man."
Clyde: "He's not that bad. I just dont want him for me. Maybe he needs a older guy too. I'm not that great of a guy sometimes." He pouted. "Let's try it. " He sighed. "You seem like you want to go see your friends. Or we could cuddle in big shirts and watch movies?" He requested. "I do love this bed. I would marry this bed.. ifI didnt marr you first." He hinted.
Gabe: Gabe shook his head. "I'm not comfortable with that," he said honestly. "I'm really not. I would rather not be forced into double dating with your ex," he said and let out a soft laugh. SHe hook his head. "I never said that," he laughed. "We can always see my friends later. I don't care." He sat down in bed next to Clyde and blinked when Clyde mentioned marriage. He didn't answer. That was to big and too much to think of right now. "So what do you want to eat?"
Clyde: "I want to eat ... just heat everything up in the microwave?" He suggested. "Is your work not mad that you are here? Do you have a big office in new york, do you see statue of liberty? Do ou eat cart hot dogs? Do you ever see the shows?" He asked bouncing on the bed a little with his knees. "Do you see the macy parade and drink hot coca under the christmas trees? Do you jjust twirl around time square and feel complete bliss?" He put a lot of though into how he would feel in new york. "Do they have the best pizza and starbucks on every corner?"
Gabe: Gabe laughed a little but started putting things in the microwave anyway. Clyde was going a mile a minute now and Gabe was struggling to keep up. "I honestly work too much to really be able to do anything like that," he said when Clyde seemed to slow down. "This is the first time off I've taken since I gradauted from college. I only do work things. I see shows and go to dinner with work, I'm always in my office other than that. But there is a lot of starbucks there."
Clyde: Clyde sighed "Boring." He teased. "No wonder you are kind of reserved. I get a serious vibe from you a lot of the time. what was your other boyfriends like? " He wondered if they wwere as youthful as him or as hyper, as handsome or as weird. "Do you parents want you to date a jew?" He asked. He laid on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. He closed his eyes. "I wonder if they need life guards in new york, what do you think?"
Gabe: Gabe let out a rueful chuckle at that. "You wouldn't be the first person to say that about me either," he said, pulling the food out of the microwave and setting it up on the table. "I'm a laywer. We tend to be serious," he said and laughed again. He shrugged, ignoring the comment about his other boyfriends and moving on. "They want me to date a Jewish woman, so it doesn't really matter, they aren't getting what they want no matter what. And they do have things like the YMCA there, with pools that need staff. Is that what you want to do? Keep lifeguarding? "
Clyde: "I dunno, for a little while. Until I can do graphic design." He told him. "I couldnt make it on my own out there. I already looked. On my salary, I would need about 10 room mates in a studio." He teased. He sat up. "I'll be ok out here. White water park is a good place until I get to old looking for it. Usually let people go at 30, so thats like 4 more y ears, right amount of time for college to end for me." He said. "I got it all figure out, so no need to worry." He said mostly for himself. "Anyway enough about me.. you skipped the boyfriend convo. Are they all rich lawyer types like you?"
Gabe: "I can help you get into some good schools in New York. And get you established there," he offered. "There's no reason to stay here if that's not what you want to do." Gabe looked over at Clyde with a smile. "Food is ready. Come and eat, you need it after a long day." He sighed a little when Clyde went back to boyfriends. "No. No lawyers. They can all get hotter guys than me. Mostly younger artistic types. That saw they could use me as a stepping stone to better themselves. So I gave them money and connections and they...pretended to enjoy my company at at least until they didn't need it anymore."
Last message was written 2 minutes ago
Clyde: "Oh no, you have big problem. You go for pretty boys."He winked. "You are willing to get me where I need to go, at the high chance I may leave you after I find you no longer fit for my needs? Why do you allow yourself to be treated like that? Is pretty boys worth it?" He asked as he went to grabbed his burger and potato wages from the morning. "oh later, if we still are hungry, we should get chinese. Iknow a good place." He smiled. "Yes, you could help me get to new york, but room and board and food. I got to be realistic.. I could not survive. My tribe is all about only having what you earned and what you deserve. My thoughts is you want a pretty boy but it's safe if you get one that wont stick around. You are afraid of long term, arent you? " He said. "Work is important.. the most important, but you need to let some of it go.. ok?"
Gabe: Gabe shrugged a little, flushing and ducing his head in embarassment. "I don't know. It makes me feel useful. And I guess...it does save me from going through rejection after rejection. Knowing they never intend to stick around. It's a little lonely, I guess." He laughed softly and poked at some food, before deciding he wanted a beer and grabbing one of those. He was a little striken by Clyde's words. "You don't know that. I'm not afraid of long term at all. I've tried to make all of them stick around. If I tried hard enough, or did enough for them, was charming enough, or good enough in bed, maybe..." Gabe laughed a little and shook his head. "Thanks for the psycho analysis I guess."
Clyde: "I didnt call you a psycho?" He blinked "You are so serious." He pouted. "Let's get body paint and paint each other shirtless and eat brownies tonight. We can do it in the bathroom." He said. "I can give you tribal strips and you can give me them back! " He kissed his nose. "I wont be pretty forever. My beauty will fade. " He told him. "then you will go find another young man to spoil. Until you re 80 and they get all your money after you die." He teased. "I saw a documentary on gold diggers." He sang out. He stood up and went to his gym bag. "one a day ! it's ok, come drink that with me while I smoke out on the balcony?" Room contains 290 KB. Click here to view previous content
Clyde: "I do have a boyfriend. I want them to leave me alone. " He groaned. "All they want is sex and dinner. It's always the same thing.' He laughed. "I dont want to cheat on you." He pouted "Its a dishonor in my tribe to cheat on your partner.' He told Gabe. "It is not good for spirit. " He went to go sit on the stand.
Gabe: Gabe laughed softly and rubbed Clyde's back. "I know," he said, and shook his head. "I didn't think you'd want to go cheating on me." He had worried a little, but Clyde's reaction showed he was very agaisnt it. He kissed Clyde's cheek. "I'll see you on my rounds," he said and chuckled, grabbing a tube and starting around the river. "You're the best boyfriend already!" he called loudly as he passed.
Clyde: He smiled and picked a flower from the ground. He tore apart the stem. He smiled when Gabe came by and bent down to the the tiny yellow flower on his chest. He giggled. "I will miss you." He laughed when Gabe went by. He got another flower and tossed it on his chest when he swan by again.
Gabe: Gabe felt like his heart might burst when Clyde dropped the flower onto his chest. He had never had someone do little romantic things like that for him before. It almost made him tear up he was so happy. He let out a happy cry when it happened again. "You're a hopeless romantic Clyde!" he called loudly and laughed. "I love you too!"
Clyde: "WAit, you love me?" He shouted. He sat down once he realized he yelled so loud. He giggled and blushed. He really needed to work. He was too busy looking past people to see Gabe come back. "Gabe you love me?" He asked. When he came by. "How do you know?"
Gabe: Gabe was chuckling to himself all the way around the river, feeling giddy and happy like he hadn't felt in years. He stopped when he came back. "I just know that I'd do anything for you. And I want to be with you all the time. I think that's love." He smiled. "You said you loved me at the party last night. Did you mean it?"
Clyde: Clyde didnt remember saying it at the party. "I did?" He smiled. He hoped that Gabe would fall in love and want to keep him forever and maybe by the end of summer ask him to marry him with a nice big fancy ring! He could only dream. "I mean it." He said. He smiled. "I get off in an hour."
Gabe: Gabe nodded a little and smiled shyly. "You did. I didn't want to say it right then, becasue you were talking to Taylor. But I do." He knew Clyde was working but he leaned up and kissed him very quickly. "Come meet me at the cabana when you're done!"
Clyde: "ok." He had tears in his eyes. He told Heather what Gabe said. "He will so marry you ! I bet in like 3 weeks he will." Clyde squealed and they discussed rings. He knew it was crazy too soon, but he wanted to go to new york with him. He hugged heather and went to the kiddy pool area for the last 45 minutes. He went to take a shower and got dressed. He sighed out and saw Gabe at the cabana doing work "HEYY." He said as he sat beside him. "Parks closing soon? You ready to go? Did you get anytihg done?"
Gabe: Gabe got a little more work done while he was waiting for Clyde and got wrapped up in it so that he was surprised when Clyde popped in. "Hi!" he said brightly and removed his glasses. "I am ready to go," he said, "Just need to pack up." He leaned up and kissed Cldye gently. "I got enough done I think, for the day. Are you hungry?"
Clyde: "I am a little hungry, but I want to go back to the hotel. " He told him. He loved Hyatt hotel. He would rather live ther. "oh and get my new car!" He sang out. "Let's get my car and I can drive it to the hotel. We can eat our food we have saved up! " He knew they had a pack fridge of food, but really he just wanted to cuddle and have sex with Gabe.
Gabe: Gabe laughed. "Well, we can order in some food if you like," he murmured and kissed Clyde's cheek. Gabe ordered the car and told him to drive to the lot where Clyde's car was. He chuckled. "We do have a lot of food in the fridge now," he said and laughed brightly. They got to Clyde's car and Gabe got out too, sliding into the passenger seat.
Clyde: Clyde was so excited. He started the car. He squealed at how amazing it was. He loved it He took his hand and kissed his hand. He drove off the lot and onto the street. "It's mine! It's mine."He was so happy. He drove it to the Hyatt and parked. He got out. "No ordering food. Let's just eat what we have.. It's nice to not be wasteful." He said in a wise voice.
Gabe: Gabe really could have bought Clyde a nicer car, but he was just so happy with this one that it made Gabe happy too. He laughed in delight when Clyde kissed his hand. "Yes, honey, it's all yours," he said and laughed. "I need to get you some fancy seat covers for it or something. A little makeover to make it really yours," he said. He took Clyde's hand and led him into the elevator. "I'm alright with that. I love having breakfast for dinner."
Clyde: "What kind of car do you have, or do you have people drive you everywhere?" He teased "We still ahve half a burger too. " He said. "I know now not to circle all of the thing I like on the breafkast thing." He giggled. He thought it was fun though. Room service was fun! He liked the idea of sproucing up his vehicle. "oh ok, yeah. .I would like that. " He took his arm. "When do we get to go meet your friend and does he hav a boyfriend?"
Gabe: Gabe laughed when Clyde asked about his car. "I don't have one. I never had a need in New York. Or when I'm in big city. Driving isn't important there." He sat down when they made it up to the apartment and leaned back against the bed and shrugged. "I didn't tell him we were going. You seemed against it. I have no idea if he has a boyfriend or not. I thought we would stay around here."
Clyde: "He could date Taylor! That might be cute. What do you think?" He asked. He did want taylor to have a happy ending, just not with him. He kissed his cheek. "Can I be totes honest with you? at the club, I just wanted to come home and cuddle you an watch movies" He batted his eyes and he pressed his cheek against his chest. "I like going out, I do. I just missed holding you a lot."
Gabe: Gabe lifted an eyebrow. "After the things you told me about him, I don't think that's really a nice thing to do to my friend," he said and wrinkled his nose up. "And he did just propose to you yesterday." He pulled some of the food out and shrugged. "Then lets stay in. I don't like going out either. I'm an old man."
Clyde: "He's not that bad. I just dont want him for me. Maybe he needs a older guy too. I'm not that great of a guy sometimes." He pouted. "Let's try it. " He sighed. "You seem like you want to go see your friends. Or we could cuddle in big shirts and watch movies?" He requested. "I do love this bed. I would marry this bed.. ifI didnt marr you first." He hinted.
Gabe: Gabe shook his head. "I'm not comfortable with that," he said honestly. "I'm really not. I would rather not be forced into double dating with your ex," he said and let out a soft laugh. SHe hook his head. "I never said that," he laughed. "We can always see my friends later. I don't care." He sat down in bed next to Clyde and blinked when Clyde mentioned marriage. He didn't answer. That was to big and too much to think of right now. "So what do you want to eat?"
Clyde: "I want to eat ... just heat everything up in the microwave?" He suggested. "Is your work not mad that you are here? Do you have a big office in new york, do you see statue of liberty? Do ou eat cart hot dogs? Do you ever see the shows?" He asked bouncing on the bed a little with his knees. "Do you see the macy parade and drink hot coca under the christmas trees? Do you jjust twirl around time square and feel complete bliss?" He put a lot of though into how he would feel in new york. "Do they have the best pizza and starbucks on every corner?"
Gabe: Gabe laughed a little but started putting things in the microwave anyway. Clyde was going a mile a minute now and Gabe was struggling to keep up. "I honestly work too much to really be able to do anything like that," he said when Clyde seemed to slow down. "This is the first time off I've taken since I gradauted from college. I only do work things. I see shows and go to dinner with work, I'm always in my office other than that. But there is a lot of starbucks there."
Clyde: Clyde sighed "Boring." He teased. "No wonder you are kind of reserved. I get a serious vibe from you a lot of the time. what was your other boyfriends like? " He wondered if they wwere as youthful as him or as hyper, as handsome or as weird. "Do you parents want you to date a jew?" He asked. He laid on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. He closed his eyes. "I wonder if they need life guards in new york, what do you think?"
Gabe: Gabe let out a rueful chuckle at that. "You wouldn't be the first person to say that about me either," he said, pulling the food out of the microwave and setting it up on the table. "I'm a laywer. We tend to be serious," he said and laughed again. He shrugged, ignoring the comment about his other boyfriends and moving on. "They want me to date a Jewish woman, so it doesn't really matter, they aren't getting what they want no matter what. And they do have things like the YMCA there, with pools that need staff. Is that what you want to do? Keep lifeguarding? "
Clyde: "I dunno, for a little while. Until I can do graphic design." He told him. "I couldnt make it on my own out there. I already looked. On my salary, I would need about 10 room mates in a studio." He teased. He sat up. "I'll be ok out here. White water park is a good place until I get to old looking for it. Usually let people go at 30, so thats like 4 more y ears, right amount of time for college to end for me." He said. "I got it all figure out, so no need to worry." He said mostly for himself. "Anyway enough about me.. you skipped the boyfriend convo. Are they all rich lawyer types like you?"
Gabe: "I can help you get into some good schools in New York. And get you established there," he offered. "There's no reason to stay here if that's not what you want to do." Gabe looked over at Clyde with a smile. "Food is ready. Come and eat, you need it after a long day." He sighed a little when Clyde went back to boyfriends. "No. No lawyers. They can all get hotter guys than me. Mostly younger artistic types. That saw they could use me as a stepping stone to better themselves. So I gave them money and connections and they...pretended to enjoy my company at at least until they didn't need it anymore."
Last message was written 2 minutes ago
Clyde: "Oh no, you have big problem. You go for pretty boys."He winked. "You are willing to get me where I need to go, at the high chance I may leave you after I find you no longer fit for my needs? Why do you allow yourself to be treated like that? Is pretty boys worth it?" He asked as he went to grabbed his burger and potato wages from the morning. "oh later, if we still are hungry, we should get chinese. Iknow a good place." He smiled. "Yes, you could help me get to new york, but room and board and food. I got to be realistic.. I could not survive. My tribe is all about only having what you earned and what you deserve. My thoughts is you want a pretty boy but it's safe if you get one that wont stick around. You are afraid of long term, arent you? " He said. "Work is important.. the most important, but you need to let some of it go.. ok?"
Gabe: Gabe shrugged a little, flushing and ducing his head in embarassment. "I don't know. It makes me feel useful. And I guess...it does save me from going through rejection after rejection. Knowing they never intend to stick around. It's a little lonely, I guess." He laughed softly and poked at some food, before deciding he wanted a beer and grabbing one of those. He was a little striken by Clyde's words. "You don't know that. I'm not afraid of long term at all. I've tried to make all of them stick around. If I tried hard enough, or did enough for them, was charming enough, or good enough in bed, maybe..." Gabe laughed a little and shook his head. "Thanks for the psycho analysis I guess."
Clyde: "I didnt call you a psycho?" He blinked "You are so serious." He pouted. "Let's get body paint and paint each other shirtless and eat brownies tonight. We can do it in the bathroom." He said. "I can give you tribal strips and you can give me them back! " He kissed his nose. "I wont be pretty forever. My beauty will fade. " He told him. "then you will go find another young man to spoil. Until you re 80 and they get all your money after you die." He teased. "I saw a documentary on gold diggers." He sang out. He stood up and went to his gym bag. "one a day ! it's ok, come drink that with me while I smoke out on the balcony?"
Gabe: "Psychoanalize," Gabe said again and then laughed. "Like a therapist, not a psycho," he clarifed. Gabe was honestly a little exhausted with Clyde's eternal energy and constant mood swings. He knew he had to get used to it. He couldn't be the same person he was. "You're always going to be beautiful to me," he said and leaned over and kissed Clyde gently on the lips. He grabbed his beer after putting the rest of the food away and followed Clyde out onto the balcony and put his toes in the water.
Clyde: He lit his cigarette and inhaled it deeply. He was good with one a day. It wasnt bad to do. It wasnt good to do, but it wasnt half a pack a day like before. He could tell Gabe was tired. "I bet I bore you with conversation. We can talk about the weather if ou want or old people stuff like politics?" He said. "We can make a dream catcher. I got a car. I can go get some stuff." He told him. He sat down and lean back. "would you like me if I wasnt pretty with my personality, be honest."
Gabe: Gabe leaned back and looked up at the stars, watching Clyde smoke out of the corner of his eye. "You don't bore me. I think it's the other way around," he said with a laugh. "I'm probably boring to you." He kicked his feet in the water. "Yes," he said softly. "I would. It would have taken me longer to notice you, yes. And I might not have been as presistant. But if I had gotten to know you, I'd still like you."
Clyde: he smiled. "my tribe was a pack of wolves at one point in history the stories go. Wolves are pretty, all my tribe is pretty and the white men wanted to mate with us.. I guess jewish men too. "He teased. "I dont really know if everything is true, but i had a grandpa who told me the stories, and he wrote them down for me. If you were like me, I would not have noticed you. I dont like pretty boys, i like handsome steer of a man. Hard working and bigger than me." He laughed. He finished off his cigaette. "I should go to the art store, and the bank... be back soon?"
Gabe: Gabe liked hearing the stories Clyde had about his tribe and let out a soft laugh. "Well, I don't just want to mate with you," he said and snorted a little. "Even though that's part of it." He laughed again. "I don't know if you're complimenting me, or if you mean a completely different kind of man. Because I had to work really hard to get you to notice me." He winked. "Not that I minded." Gabe sat up. "Oh, did you not want me to come with you?'
Clyde: "You can? You just seem tired. I can sense it. I want to drive around in my new car. I have to take 300 to my aunt. I was gonna go to the art store. Get paint for us . Do you really want to go with me?" He asked with a bright smile. "I dont mind at all!"
Gabe: Gabe smiled and stood up and went to kiss Clyde's cheek. "Of course I want to go with you. I'm sorry if I seem tired. I had to have a hour long discussion in Japanese with some investors today, and speaking Japanese makes me a little cranky." He kissed the tip of Clyde's nose. "You make it better though."
Clyde: "Awww i want to hear sometime, you speak in japanese." He laughed "Maybe my boyfriend needs some relief. I can give him a massage. We can go to earth bound store and get some essential oils.. and I wil rub our back and give you some stone therapy... it will help release toxxins and bad vibe." He kissed his cheek. "But first money, lets get my check put away and stupid aunt paid." He teased.
Gabe: Gabe chuckled. "I pronise I'll speak in a few different languages for you someday," he said and took Clyde's hands. "You need to tell me how you became such an expert in everything. When did you learn massage and storn therapy? Was that on the reservation too?" Gabe grabbed his keys and headed for the elevator with Clyde in tow.
Clyde: "I do a lot of natural healing and took yoga for 5 years. I learn about herbology or whatever too." He said. "And yes some of it is native know how." He got tohis car and got it. It had a sort of musky smell, but he didnt care It was HIS car. His hotel had a musky smell too, but it was a roof over his head. He drove to the bank and dispoted money. He had 445. He had enough to pay off aunt and get some art stuff. He would have to get a very cheap dinner. He promised to pay. Although maybe he would be ok with just a frozen custard? He drove to his aunts and paid her the money. She hugged him and gave him a hundred back. He smiled and was happy and relieved to have it. He sometimes had to eat people half eaten foods at the water park of bagels. Lots of bagels. He found ways to eat if he needed to. before gabe it was his looks and going on dates.
Gabe: Gabe smiled and hummed. "You're so young, but you've done a lot in your life already. In some ways it seems more than me," he said and laughed a little. He got in the car and buckled his seatbelt. It was smaller and dingier than he was used to, and he did wish Clyde would be open to something newer, but he clearly loved it. He took a few pics of him driving on his phone and just enjoyed spending time with Clyde even if they weren't really talking about much, just driving around. After the stop at his aunts Gabe asked, "So the art store now?"
Clyde joined the chat 9 minutes ago
Clyde: Clyde picked out tribal stencil and body paint. He got them cheap paint bruhes too. He wanted to get the dream catcher stuff, but he was on a budget "I use to make dream catchers and sell them as a kid. I made a decent living fora kid." He laughed. He bought the stuff and sighed. "Ok, so the essential ils will help you. It wil center you back to yourself. We can get the detox stones and sage" He went next door. He was half tempted to steal but that would be bad karma. They wer having a sell. Two for twenty and the stones were 12.99 so not bad.
Gabe: Gabe only knew half of the things Clyde was talking about now and bowed to his superiour knowlege on the subject. He didn't realize that Clyde was holding back on buying things until they'd been shopping for a bit. "Was there more than you wanted to get? I can get it for you. You don't have to be getting any of this. Especially if its for us to share together."
Clyde: "Hmm. I know. I just know I stole from you. I am trying to figure out how to make it right." He looked back at the store "I wanted to make you a dream catcher." He sighed. "if you dont mind, I still can.. but oils first." He smiled as he got more things since Gabe didnt seem to mind and he reminded himself that Gabe loved doing this for pretty boys. "ARoma therapy.. and incents. we will have an amazing relax night. I think you need it. You need to release a lot of tension you carry on your back and shoulders.. I'll help you.. You'll feel like a brand new person tomorrow." He picked up a jar of wheat gras juice "And this, we should drink this.. and go on a fast the rest of the night... while i do this feet detox, its cray the water will turn black as your toxican pour into the water.. it works I swear."
Clyde joined the chat 5 seconds ago
Gabe: Gabe sighed a little and took Clyde's hand. "You already have. I told you I understand why you took it. And I don't care. It's okay." He smiled and kissed the back of Clyde's hand. He handed over his card as Clyde bought more things and chuckled warmly. "Well I think I need that. I'd like to feel likea new person. Will it make me lose weight too?" he teased and giggled his belly a little. He lifted an eyebrow about the detox that turned the water black. "It sounds werid, but I'll trust you. Is there anything else we need?"
Clyde joined the chat
Clyde: "Hmmm... no. Why on earth do you want to lose weight?" He tapped Gabe's belly with his hand. "I like you super sized." He giggled. A few people looked at them as they walked by. Mostly curious, a couple disgusted, but a few at Gabe on how he got Clyde. Clyde didnt get it. He thought Gabe was mature looking and sexy. He was good in the sack. Like super good. He got some bandage for fat wrap if he really wante dto lose a couple of pounds real fast. He was having s much fun buying whatever. He knew this would help Gabe. He loved riding the elevator up. They had the special room key. It was so fancy. 'Do you have a pet?"He asked as he set his bags on the counter. He hated how easy it was to fall in this life style.
Clyde: Clyde wasnt sure what was in Gabes thoughts, but it seem to make him sad. "Hmm a kangroo.." He teased. "I dont know. I like a lot of animals. I even thought about being a animal trainer for sea world,but nothing here trains for that."He laughed. "Id have to go into a pet store and let the animal pick me, that's how it works. And whats on your mind beautiful?" A part of why he liked Gabe was he was masculine and if they ever wanted a child, Gabe would have a lot of sperm for it. Clyde couldnt have kids, he had a very low sperm count due to estrogen for long periods of time. He just liked also how kind and generous he was. "I dont think I could bea lawyer... too much reading."
Gabe: Gabe let out a soft laugh. "If it was possible to have a kangroo for a pet I would make that happen for you," he answered and brushed his lips against Clyde's cheek. He hummed. "I'm sure we could find something in the New York area that trains for that." He hummed. "I don't know. I just...get a little down about my looks sometimes." He shrugged. "But you don't mind, so that's enough for me." He kissed CLyde lightly on the lips. "So what out of these bags of goodies did you want to do first?" he said, pulling some things out of the bag. "It is a lot of reading. And you kind of have to be...and asshole sometimes. And go against your morals." He smiled a little. "I don't like those parts of it, but using the money I make to make other people happy makes it more worth it."
Clyde: He frowned. "Well. I dont think you are an asshole." He said. "I'm sure sometimes you do the right things. " He grabbed a hand mirror and wrapped his arms around Gabe from behind. He turned the mirror to face him. "Look, right there. Look at your gorgeous dark eyes, and those cute dimples and those precious nose and those kissy cheeks! Look at you, mister hot shot." He kissed his head. "Even if you ar enot brad pitt, you have a beautiful soul." He set the mirror down. "Do you really mean for me to go to new york with you? " He asked. "I knowy ou lie sometimes, but not to me ok? It's not kind." He kissed his head. He set th emirror down. "Ummm, stone therapy first. Go take a shower, then come lay on the bed naked.. clean eveyrthing with this sopa." He handed him a tea tree oil scented bar of soap. "Call me in for help in your cute back and butt area! I am going to order myself wine"
Gabe: Gabe laughed a little and tried to look away when Clyde held up a mirror to him. He really tried not to look at himself to much, but he only fought Clyde for a second and tried to look, his flush getting deeper and deeper as Cldye went on. "Well, thank you," he said softly after a moment, and then turned around and hugged Clyde tightly, pressing his face against his chest. "I haven't lied to you," he promised. "I don't ever intend to either." He swallowed hard. "I want you to come to New York with me when I have to leave." He smiled and laughed. "Well why don't you just join me after you order the wine. I have a big butt, I need a lot of help," he called and laughed as he went towards the shower, trailing clothing.
Clyde: "I know you do. Maybe one day you will allow me to top?" He asked. He groaned at the idea. His big ass would feel so good getting lost into. "Top isnt so bad. I promise. I like it." He laughed and ordered wine and cheese and crackers. They said they didnt have cheese and crackers, but then when he started to go off on how nothign is better for wine, they said they would find a way. He hung up. He went to the bathroom. "Gabe.. if I go to new york, i need to give two weeks to jobs... ok?"
Gabe: Gabe looked up at Clyde with some amount of surprise and felt a smile slide over his face. "You'd really want that?" he said and his voice squeaking a little. "I thought you were just, exclusively a bottom," he said and then flushed, laughing a little. "No its...its good. I really. I want to do that. With you," he said still fumbling a little over his words. He smiled when Clyde came in and laughed a little. "Okay. I promise I'll give you ample warning when I have to go back."
Clyde: "What is ammie warning mean?" He asked as he removed his shirt and set it down. He got rid of his pants. He started to massage his shoulder. He reached out for the bar of soap and washed down his spine and butt. He loved washing his butt. "If you change your mind, tell me that too. " He kissed his cheek "ok? It's mean to lie to me."
Gabe: "Ample warning?" he repeated and laughed. "Time. I'll give you lots of time warning so you know when we're going back to New York. He let out a soft groan when Cldye came into the shower and started to wash down his back and his ass. "I'm not lying to you, Clyde. I promise you. I know it's hard to trust people. But you can trust me."
Clyde: "It is hard to trust people." He pouted. "I'm sorry." He said. "I will fit in new york ok?" He asked. "But will I see you, you busy so much in office?" He washed his shoulders. He hummed as he washed his neck. He rubbed his other shoulder with his hand. "Anyway enough about that. I need you to liten to me and take a deep breath."
Gabe: Gabe turned and cupped Clyde's cheeks gently between his hands and then leaned in to kiss him soft and sweet on the lips. "Don't be sorry. It's okay. Take all the time you need." He smiled and kissed him again, turning back so Cldye could wash his back again. "We'll work something out," he said, and nodded. "I don't need to work as much as I do. I just get lost in it because I don't have anyone else to take my attention." He quieted after that. "Okay, I'm done talking," he said, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.
Clyde: "Hmmm.. welll you have me." He rubbed the back of his neck and spine. He let the water wash the suds off him and he kissed his neck. He heard the door. "oh, I got us wine and cheese and crackers. They seem very annoyed with the cheese and crackers." He said as he went out and grabed a towel. He put it around his waist, found a fifty bill for tip in his wallet and opened the door. He got the wine and cheese and tipped the girl wh owas very happy to see Clyde half naked "Oh my." She said. He smiled and winked. She left the room a little stumbly. He squealed. "Wine1 I will pour you a cup!"
Gabe: He groaned softly when Cldye kissed the back of his neck and stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towlel for himself, drying off and watching Clyde at the door of the suite. He laughed a luttle and shook his head. "Thank you, honey," he called and laughed more to himself while he put on some boxers. He went over and grabbed a cracker and put some cheese on it and smiled at Clyde. "You do have an effect on people," he teased and hit his hip against them. "That girl looked like she might faint."
Clyde: "she will totally jerk off later. " He laughed. "Most girls do with me, and it drive them wild they cant have me." He laughed. "But only you are allowed to have me. "He purred. He grabbed a cheese and cracker and ate it. He sipped on his wine and set the glass down. He grabbed the oil and the rocks. "You got to be very still when i put the rocks on you. They take away the bad energy... but you have to allow it to.. " He turned on soft instrumental music.
Gabe: Gabe laughed. "Is that what girls call it?" he said with a giggle. "Jerking off?" For someone that had been 'stright' for awhile he didn't really spend much time thinking about that. His wife was probably happy that he didn't try to sleep with her hardly at all. He must have been awful at it. He took a sip of his wine and leaned closer to Clyde, leaning up and pressing his lips lightly agianst Clyde's chin. "Okay. I can do that," he said and laid down on the bed on his stomach. "Like this?"
Clyde: "I dunno waht girl call it. Ew." He laughed. He went to put the stones in warm oil and a heater. He made sure it wasnt too hot. If he could hold it in his hand without setting it down, it was safe. He kissed his neck and placed the first stone on his back, between each slot in his spine. "Take deep breaths and clear mind. It works if you think only about how good it feels and no thoughts about work." He said as he placed the next stone on the next slot on his spin. "Feel ok?"
Clyde: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/image...
Clyde: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/image...
Gabe: Gabe couldn't help but let out a loud laugh when Clyde said 'ew'. "It is kinda," he said softly. "Not that I paid much attention to...all that," he said and quieted down when he felt Clyde hovering over him. He let out a small moan when Clyde kissed his neck, and then another when he felt the hot stone being placed on his back. "Oh wow," he maoned suddenly, because it did feel...something. He wasn't sure yet, but it was really nice. "Yes, it's...nice," he said and wanted to turn his head to see Clyde but he didn't want to disrupt the stones on his back. "It feels really...good, actually. I like it."
Clyde joined the chat
Clyde: Clyde hoped that Gabe felt like he was useful as a partner. He wanted to be. He put the stones down his back and rubbed one at his feet. He loved how he reacted to the touching and enjoyed hearing him sigh and moan at the feeling He removed the stones and added cooling rags to his back to relax his muscles. He kissed his neck and hummed a little. He got on his back straddled and started to rub his back in a deep tissue massage. He put on some indian type music to relax him further.
Gabe: Gabe shuddered and let out a low relaxed moan when Clyde started to rub at his feet again. He could feel the heat radiating through his body and it was so relaxing, and unlocked some tension he didn't know he had. "God, you should do this all the time," he groaned and felt another burst of pleasure when Clyde straddled his back and kissed his neck. He moaned low in his throat when Clyde started to massage his back, and it felt so good he could even feel himself getting hard under the careful passage of Clyde's hands over his back and the weight of his body over him.
Clyde: He rubbed his hips and pressed his chest on his back. He could see with the underwear pressed against his flesh, that he was hard. "oh no, baby.. you got really relaxed." He laughed. "I will massage that too." He laughed. "Roll over." He said and reached for the lube. He was met with his hard cock between his legs. "Hello, big boy." He teased. He made one amazing tent in his boxers. He carefully removed the boxers and turbed the bottle of lube over his cock. "We need to get more lube. We use a lot." He laughed as he squirted a fair amount on his cock. He used both his hands to lather it over his thickness. "How's this, feel good?"
Gabe: "I can't help it," he graoned and flushed. "You make me feel so good, it just...happens," he said and let out a soft laugh. He was really relaxed, and felt almost boneless as he flopped over on his back. He looked up at Clyde dreamily and laughed. "Yes, we really do need more," he hummed and then let out a low, pleased groan when Clyde started to stroke his cock. "Yes, fuck, yes baby, that feels so good."
Clyde: Clyde moaned as he poistioned himself ove rhis cock and lowered himself down on his cock. He tossed his head back and let out a long moan. He tilted his chin back twards Gabe and smiled as he pressed his hand on his chest. He slowly moved up and down on his cock, getting use to it again and giving him an amazing slow cock massage. "mmmm.. Gabe..." He praised, his voice whinny and in a praising whisper. "I am in heaven.. now." He moaned. "It feels so good."
Gabe: Gabe reached up and gripped at Clyde's hips and moaned loud and low in his throat ad Clyde slid down over him. He dug his fingers into Clyde's hips, probably hard enough to leave brusies without meaning to, but it felt so good he didn't know how to stop himself. "Fuck, Clyde, honey," he breathed, moaning almost every thrust. It was slow and deep and it was almost painful to go that way, but it felt so good too, and Gabe loved being so relaxed and almost under Clyde's spell he could hardly move. He knew that he would give Clyde anything in this moment, no matter what he asked for.
Clyde: Clyde looked down at him and lean in to kiss his lips. He knew that Gabe loved him. Really loved him. He liked being loved. He started to ride him medium speed, enough to get fucked thick and deep. He bit his lower lip and moaned with need. He rolled his hips around and moaned with each inside thrust from Gabe's cock. He pulled away frm his lips to life up and moan out loud from the pleasure.
Gabe: Gabe kissed Clyde back eagerly, moaning against his lips and lifting his hands to tangle in Clyde's beautiful hair. He rocked his hips up a little, trying to meet Clyde's thrusts. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't do anything else but moan, gasping against Clyde's lips and watching his wide dark eyes. When Clyde pulled back, Gabe dropped his hands and reached for Clyde's cock, closing one hand around it and stroking it in slow, strokes trying to match the way Clyde was moving over him.
Clyde: Clyde started to go faster. He moaned loudly and praised him. He loved how good this felt. With the native american flute music, it made him even more powerfula nd deep to him. He slid his fingers through his hair to keep it back and to be able to look at Gabe as he watched Gabe completely come undone with sex. He knew this was healthy and good for the man to have and to experience
Gabe: Gabe was panting now, and he was moaning on almost every exhale, feeling his heart rate pick up even more as Clyde started to move faster. "Yes, baby, yes," he priased when he found the breath to do it, almost whimpering with how good it felt. His hand started to move faster over Clyde's cock and he groaned, watching how intently Clyde was watching him and moaning again. "You feel too good, baby," he murmured. "I don't know how long I can hang on. "
Clyde: "It's ok Gabe You cum when you feel to. Release yourself." He moaned. He loved how good Gabe was a jerking him off. He rolled his hips and found his prostate. He fucked on Gabe's cock, hitting that place and screaming out loud. He loved how the bed bounced with ease. He kissed his lips. "You mean the universe to me Gabe." He whispered to against his lips.
Gabe: Gabe wanted to come already, but he couldn't yet. He shifted his hips and let out a cry of passion and delight when he figured he'd pressed against just the right spot to bring Clyde pleasure. "Yes, yes, eys," he panted and gripped Clyde's hip and cock a little harder. It was Clyde's words that actually brought him over though. No one had ever said anything like that to him, and the way he said it was so sincere. Gabe let out a whimper and came, leaning his head up and kissing Clyde desperately on the lips.
Clyde: clyde moaned againt his lips and kissed him back with passion. He maybe was working him a little. rying to hard to get back to new york, and to have this life all the time.He did think he did love him very much. He was just scared to be fully in love. He knew it was ok to be worried a little. He rubbed his chest and kissed him. "I love being with you." He whispered. "How do ou feel? do you feel better, sweetheart?"
Gabe: Gabe kissed Clyde back, delving his tongue into his mouth and moaning. He'd already come but he still felt such a need for Clyde, to keep being this close to him. He pulled back when he had to to breathe and pressed his forehead against Clyde's. "I love being with you too," he moaned. "I feel so much better. I just...I never want to give you up. Not ever. I want you to stay."
Clyde: Clyde smiled and kissed his forehead. "I'm yours for as long as you want me to be." He promised. He rubbed his head and rolled on the side. He took his hand and turned it over to look at his palm. He traced his lines in his hands. "Let's take a short nap, yeah? Then we can get up and paint each other? And make dream catchers? That would be fun!"
Gabe: Gabe shivered with pleasure at that and kissed him again. "Good," he breathed. He was feeling a little exhausted and out of it now, so he nodded eagerly about a nap. "Yes, that sounds perfect," he murmured. He also just wanted to hold Clyde for a little longer. He wrapped his arms tightly around Clyde and pulled Clyde's head down to pillow on his chest, running his fingers through Clyde's hair. "Everything is fun with you," he said gently and kissed the top of Clyde's hair. "you're making me learn how to have fun agian."
Clyde: "Good, tomorrow we can go play mini golf." He laughed. "And enjoy our lives." He kissed his chest and loved being petted. He wrapped one arm over his belly and rubbed his side. "Good rest" He laughed, not wanting to go to bed bed, but wanting a little nap and cuddle Gabe. He loved this bed so much and he loved cuddling a bigger man even more!
Gabe: Gabe couldn't help but let out something that was almost a giggle when Clyde mentioned mini golf. There was so much of that around. Gabe didn't get it. It was some thing about Branson he guessed. "Yes, that sounds perfect. I feel like I'm missing out. There's so much around Branson." He closed his eyes a little and just stroked Clyde's hair and back, not really sleeping but drifting off a little in a happy daze of being close to such a beautiful person.
Clyde: clyde woke up an hour later and poked his index finger at his face. "Hey, hey... they have a midnight swim tonight at my work. You want to go? It's for the employees and 2 guest." He wanted to go. He wondered if Gabe did, they can paint another time. "It's at 10 but goes until 1..."
Gabe: Gabe woke with a start when Clyde poked him in the face and then let out a bit of a laugh. "Oh hi, honey," he said and bit at his finger. "I would love to go," he said, perking up a little. "That sounds so cool! I bet the water park is awesome at night." He nodded and sat up, kissing Clyde's cheek. "We should definitely go."
Clyde: "Ok! Let's go. I dont have another bathing suit other than the life guard one. Maybe if it sok I buy one real fast at wal mart?" He kissed his cheek. "We can get matching suits! That would be so cute" He cheered. "Want to do that!"
Gabe: Gabe laughed loudly. "Yes we can buy you a new bathing suit. The hotel has a ltitle botique downstairs we don't even need to stop by walmart we can get it here," he said and then laughed again. Clyde really did like to match. It was a little wierd, but also super cute. "Lets go see what they have!"
Clyde: "Let's match please. I dont care where we get it from. I look hot in any bathing suit." He kissed his cheek. He hoppedoff the bed and ran for his shorts and tank top. He put them on and head
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Moapa Nevada Cheap car insurance quotes zip 89067
"Moapa Nevada Cheap car insurance quotes zip 89067
Moapa Nevada Cheap car insurance quotes zip 89067
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Is the car insurance company going to run my credit every time I get a quote?
I am getting of my parents car insurance and i am shopping around for a good quote. I called one person who needed to run my credit. Is every company going to want to run my credit? I don't want my scores to go down.
Are you still suppose to pay car insurance when...?
Are u still supposed to pay car insurance after you have had an accident?? The car was a total loss..so I don't have it anymore and there is no other cars on my policy..am I still responsible for anything especially when my car paid for itself, the deductable, and then some....???""
Can anyone recommend a good dental insurance company that offers orthodontic coverage? ?
I have to get braces for my daughter and would like to get a good dental plan for her so that I can get as much the cost for her braces covered as possible. I know that there are few good plans out there that cover any significant amount when it comes to braces, but there must be one or two out there that are the best for orthodontia services. HELP!!!""
Did ObamaCare make my insurance costs go down?
Alot of people say healthcare cost will raise when Obamacare goes into efftect. But my healthcare costs has dropped from $1200/month to $400/month for the same coverage. I find it really hard to believe that Obamacare is bad. Also, Obamacare has not been implemented yet - why has healthcare costs has gone down""
""Going to buy a car for my teen, does he need insurance yet?""
Hello, i know that he will eventually need insurance for his car. But i'm going to buy him a car for his birthday. He only has his permit now and will be getting his license in 3 months. I want to know when i go buy the car who's name should it be under? how is this going to work?""
Car Insurance Help Please!!?
So I was just wondering what types of things made a car more expensive on insurance... im a 16 year old guy...the car im looking at has these mods:17 inch konig racing rims. wrapped in new falken tired Brand new black pint with fleck Aftermarket front bumper and grill Cold air intake Front sway bar Full exauhst. dna headers. 2inch catback with 3 inch tip welded on 5% tint Tezza tailight Aftermarkey spoiler jvc headunit Shaved emblems Its a Honda Civic...Thanks
Where can I get a good car with cheap car insurance in UK?
I'm going to start driving soon and wanted to know where to look for a good car with cheap car insurance. I just need a car that can get me around to places.
What is the best health insurance plan for my husband and I?
We're age 20 & 22. In school. Don't receive insurance through work. Live in Michigan. No health problems right now (that we know of) lol. We can afford about $50 to $100 per month. Looking for dental and a visit or two per year to a physician (checkups) for each of us and a deductible that can work around that and decent co pay.
Should I use my insurance to pay for car damage and will my rate go up?
I scratched some ladies car as I was parking and was wondering if I should go to my insurance to fix the scratch. Its on the front passanger door guard molding and isnt even that big. Its like a foot long and maybe half an inch wide but I was wondering if I go to my insurance to take care of it if it will raise my rate up or if they will be cool about it. I checked around and she supposedly got a quote for $180 but I found places that will paint it for about $75 and one that will do it for $30-40 if the paint is available. I am also a student so I cant be messing around since I dont have alot of money saved up : (
Affordable Health Insurance?
I was in a pedestrian accident earlier this year. The case has since been settled and I was awarded $25,000. That was the maximum insurance the driver had, after lawyer fees, etc., etc., I didn't end up with much. I am unable to work and have no health insurance. My back is still scarred. Everyday, all the time it aches. I stopped treating with the chiropractor because he was making me feel worst the entire 2 months I treated. I need prescriptions and medical attention period! I have about $4,000 left, but I am unemployed and do not want to continuously dip into my savings. Since my lawyer has been paid, I seem to be of least concern.""
Which insurance company?
I run a manufacturing company in Asangoan, Thane District. We make engineering goods. I want to know which insurance company can provide accidental insurance for my workers. The workers are basically farmers so they switch jobs in 6 months. I am looking for an accidental insurance which covers maximum Rs. 50,000 as accidental expense and plus which is hassle free - like it should be easy to add up new workers. Do any one knows about such insurance?????????""
I am pregnant and need maternity insurance. Where do i get it?
I just found out I'm six weeks pregnant, and need maternity insurance. I have not been able to afford regular insurance in the past, but now I am. I've been looking everywhere online, but no answers. I know most insurances consider this a pre-existing medical condition. I'm in northern california. Please help!""
Car insurance situation.....?
one of our cars', 93 Toyota Tercel just got totalled out in a fender bender that was caused by another driver. since we only have collision insurance with AmFam on it, the other woman's company made the pay out to us (~$2K) and let us keep the car. we decided to fix the car up mechanically, and give it a bit of a face lift on the mangled front side fender, but didnt really put too much money into it. so the question is.... as we continue to drive the car, and G*d Forbid, anything similar should happen again, when we are not at fault and there's no bodily damage, just car damage, would we be able to get the other insurance company to pay for the car repairs? or will they say, well, you already had it totalled out once, we're not gotta give you $ to fix a car that not worth much... or how does this work? anyone have any experience with this? anyone here an insurance adjuster? thanks in advance""
What is a good company for individual dental insurance?
What is a good company for individual dental insurance?
Will women protest being forced to pay LESS for life and auto insurance than men?
No? I didn't think so.
Auto Insurance Question?
well I want to buy an E36 BMW M3 (1996-1999) in couple of months, but i want to know that how can i get an insurance quote from other insurance companies. My moms insurance name is Access, but i want to get quotes from different companies to see which one is the cheapest. the problem is that, i don't have the car yet and there are questions that the website asks that i can't say it because i don't have enough info about the car, and i can't bother the sellers if im not going to buy the car yet. so how do you think i can get an insurance quote online when i don't have the car yet. sorry if the question sounds confusing""
What is the cheapest auto insurance for a 16 year old with a 4 door Tacoma?
like allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive.""
Does my son need car insurance?
I have a son and he just got his license, hes 16 yrs old. and we only have one car at the moment. Its just me and him and I have insurance already under my name, I have AAA in California. My question is since he got his license does he need to be put under my insurance also or is the car already insured since its already in my name?""
Is car insurance cheaper in the US compared to UK?
Is car insurance cheaper in the US compared to UK? wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't since you are allowed to start driving at the age of 16 in US.
Why does bad credit affect my auto insurance when i have a clean mvr?
so i have a bad credit score. but i have a clean mvr and pay my insurance on time so why are my rates credit has nothing to do with the way i drive?
Insurance on 04 STi.?
I am 17 year olds. I have Driver's ed, safety ed courses, and good grades. How much would insurance cost for me?""
Insurance options for me?
I'm going to be 20 in July. Me and my Girlfriend are having a child we live in an apartment together in Iowa. I am self employed currently, I make roughly $20,000 a year while going to college full time. I was wondering if I can get insurance for myself through Title 19 or any other form of government insurance to assist me and/or my child. I know private insurance is an option too but I want to take advantage of anything I can get free first.""
Do you have to have car insurance for all of your vehicles (California- read more for details)?
I live in California and I understand that by law here you have to have car insurance; at least minimum coverage that is. But does this apply to all cars regardless of whether you even drive them on the street or not? The reason why I ask this is because I have a 1971 Chevy Camaro SS which I bought from my father about a year ago (He basically gave it to me, but I didn't want to look spoiled in front of my sister so I gave him $2,000 for it). I did have it insured for the first year thinking it probably wouldn't cost me much, but now I really regret getting it insured since it costed me nearly a fortune this year alone. And the thing that really sucks is that I've never even driven it yet since it still needs a lot of tuning up (and unfortunately I don't have enough time to fix it up since I'm usually a very busy person). Do you think it's possible to uninsure my camaro since it's not even drivable yet? I mean it's not like I'm going to hit a car or something with it since it's just sitting in my garage the whole time. I would ask my insurance agent about this, but I never really trusted them. (They were the ones that persuaded me to get it insured in the first place without even telling me whether I had to or not)""
Insurance on a 2000 mustang.?
I'm 18 and have always wanted a mustang. I have heard insurance is high on them and would like to get an idea on what,I'll have to pay for insurance on it? Can any one give me an idea on about what the cost of insurance would be?""
Insurance for a motorcycle?
How much will insurance cost me... details - live in los angeles - 15 about to start classes and everything in march when im 15 1/2 - want to drive a suzuki gsx-r600 - gpa is around a B average
Moapa Nevada Cheap car insurance quotes zip 89067
Moapa Nevada Cheap car insurance quotes zip 89067
I have got automatic driving license 2 days go and I`m looking for car insurance?
i just checked with direct gov to understand the insurance policy then i checked the compare sites to get a better deal depending on the car that i will buy , the problem the least ...show more""
Buying a car in California?
I'm moving to California next week and I would like to sell my car here in NC. I will pay cash for a vehicle at a dealership when I arrive in L.A. When I buy it, do I have to have a CA drivers license? I will not have a permenent address right away, so I was wondering what the procedures are? I have a NC drivers license but will not establish residency in California until I find a job. Any help? Thanks""
Will my insurance go up when i get my own car?
i'm on my grandpa's insurance which makes my insurance 27 dollars a month but i do not have my own car. when i get my own car will the insurance go up and if so, how much will it go up?""
Insurance for 17 y/o driving landrover defender '93 UK ANSWERS ONLY?
My dad's thinking of getting an old landrover defender '93 for towing our boat, and off roading and shooting etc. and i want to know when my time comes to driving will i be able to drive it, weather its under my dad's insurance or my own, how much will it cost??? B""
Does car insurance insure the driver or the actual car?
I know that its CAR insurance but I have heard two different things - car insurance covers the car and it covers the driver. I'd just like to know which one it actually covers. Thanks!!
What are some cheap Home/Fire insurance offers for a house in Southern California?
How do pilot insure themselves in the USA?
Is that covered by the owner of the airplane or do they need to have their own personal insurance?
UK car insurance question?
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old boy, 3rd party F&T. 1. Provisional licence holder 2. Full licence holder Thank you""
Where to get car insurance quotes with NO address info?
My insurance policy went out in July. I switched jobs, took a pay cut and am finally catching up with money. It was tough switching and money being tight and I honestly couldn't afford to pay the premium upfront for my insurance. I just turned 25 so I'm expecting it to be a lot lower than it was. But I need some free quotes without having to put in my address and name and stuff. I know it sounds crazy but I just feel like the DMV will be tapping into me getting a quote and my checked box saying uninsured and the police will be hunting my car down. They send out warrants for all kinds of BS auto issues so why wouldn't they for this? I'm planning on getting insurance THIS week no doubt but I want to see what I can get if I switch. I know the worst drivers I know seem to have AllState and talk on and on about how wonderful and cheap it is and I figure if they've have so many accidents and praise their insurance company then AllState must be amazing!""
Can I get medicaid? (17 weeks pregnant)?
Okay here is the deal, I appreciate all of the help. Okay so I am 17 weeks pregnant and have cigna through my job but when I went to talk to HR today, I will have to be terminated when I take maternity leave because I will only be at the company for 11 months. ( need to be there a year ). So when I give birth, I wont have coverage, that is a bummer! I dunno what else to do but cancel my insurance and get medicaid, something I was trying to avoid but now I don't feel like there is an option, cause I can't cover the baby either with my companies health insurance... argh.. Can i still get medicaid even though I'm so far along??? I'm so scared and dunno wtf to do. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!! and BTW I am in the state of FL""
Insurance for the self-employed.?
My husband is self employeed and we are looking for an insurance plan that will cover medical for the family, dental & vision. But we don't want to go bankrupt trying to get affordable insurance.""
Baby insurance HELP!?
im getting ready to have a baby in two months and i still dont have insurance for him...i dont know how and what kind to get please help???
Where do i get proof of insurance?
i am 17 years old and i recently got a fix it ticket for not having proof of insurance with me. I am under my parents insurance policy so could i just bring my moms proof of insurance card to fix the ticket or do i have to get an proof of insurance card with my name on it. If so where can i go to get my insurance card
Cheap health insurance in Pennsylvania?
Which companies have good coverage in Philadelphia, and have affordable plans (~60-70 bucks). I'm looking at moderate deductible plans with copays for doctor office visits. Also, ...show more""
How much is a car and insurance going to cost me when I turn 17?
I've got a few hundred pounds at the moment as I will turn seventeen in two months. I really want to start driving as soon as possible, but I'm clueless to how much it was cost me a year and what are good first cheap cars.. Also if anyone knows some good cheap car sites it would help, thanks :)""
Can I open this kind of Insurance Business?
I was wondering if I would be able to offer a secondary insurance just for theft or total of a car. My sister has and resells auto insurance but my idea was to offer to modified imports. Or could offer a guarantee to pay difference from what I value the car then what their primary insurance pays? I know you need a license to sell insurance. Any input will help.
Car insurance help !?
Can i buy a car and get car insurance and then only use it for a couple of months ? then do i just cancel the insurance an i would get rid of the car please help me an new to this.
Will my insurance rate go up because of a non-moving suspension?
My license was suspended for 2 years because of a fix-it ticket that I was told was taken care of (by my mother; I was a minor at the time of the incident). It recently has been taken care of, and the case was actually dismissed by the judge. I didn't even have to pay a court fee. I'm wondering if I need to report this suspension when I am applying for insurance. I also would like to know if this will increase my rates.""
How can I get the best quote for a car insurance in the UK?
I have just bought a car, but I haven't driven since I moved to London, 5 years ago. I am doing a research on-line to get the best quote, but they all seem to be a bit pricey. Does anybody know a telephone number in the UK where a person (rather than a machine!) can find the best deal? I am tired of websites such as moneysupermarket, as you end up having to contact companies individually... Any help would be greatly appreciated as I would like to bring the car home today!! Many thanks in advance!!""
RX-8 annual insurance cost?
So I'm 18 and male, just got my license and need to buy a car soon. Set my sights on an 04 RX-8, but I need to know if I could afford the insurance. I have no accident history (obviously) would be primarily commuting about 15 miles a day, and would go LIABILITY ONLY on my parents' plan. GUESTIMATES WOULD BE APPRECIATED AS WELL AS WHAT YOU PAY FOR YOUR RX-8!! Spank you bunches""
Im In High School and need cheap car insurance!?
Uhggg my parents are making me pay for my auto insurance! I saved up for my own car and I only have a after school job, where can I get cheap car insurance..... for my age at least?""
62 year old mother wants to retire but has no medical insurance...Ideas?
My 61 year old mother wants to retire next year. She doesn't qualify for medicare till 65. She has diabetes and chronic bronchitis. How would she get affordable medical care if ...show more
I already have car insurance and I am getting a new car...?
I already have car insurance which I paid in full in December 2012 which cost me 2500, I have got a new car and they said I owe them 550 for the remaining months, could I pay this monthly or does it have to be in full?""
Is four wheel drive worth it for where I live concerning insurance costs?
I want a jeep cherokee as a first car and I cant decide between 4x4 and 2x4. My friend told me that four wheel drive will increace the car insurance. I already thought insurance was expensive, does anyone have any idea how much more this will increase insurance on average. Should I even get a 4x4? I'll be getting the car off craigslist so its not the cost of the vehicle that concerns me its all about the insurance. I live in florida so its not like ill be going through snow or anything i just thought it would be handy if I ever wanted to go off roading once or twice.""
Can I get free health insurance?
I just paroled out of prison. I don't have a job yet. Is there any free health insurance available to me? I moved in with my brother, who has a good job and his own insurance. will his household income affect my options of getting low income insurance? Thanks""
Moapa Nevada Cheap car insurance quotes zip 89067
Moapa Nevada Cheap car insurance quotes zip 89067
What happens to your insurance once you get married?
I am currently under my parents insurance (I am 21years old), both for car and health/dental. My fianc has no insurance because his family cannot afford it. We are thinking about getting married this summer but want to figure out the details first before we committ to anything. I was wondering, once we get married what happens to my current insurance? Are we going to have to purchase our own insurance? And if so is there any marriage packages that would be pretty low budget? Thanks!""
Car insurance so confusing?
i have car insurance just now and i pay monthly.i am changing my car on wed so need to change my policy to fully comp. i would like to pay for my year insurance in a lump sum to cut down on monthly outgoings.problem is i get car on 9th but dont have money to pay years insurance till 15th so can i pay for a month then the year or do i have to pay monthly for the whole year
Question about car insurance/registration in Connecticut?
I live in Connecticut, and I just got a car. I am only 17 so the car cannot go in my name because I am not 18. My dad bought the car, but I live with my mom (my parents are divorced), and my license says my mom's address. Is there any way for me to have to car garaged at my mom's house but it be in my dad's name/can I go on my dad's insurance? Reminder: this is for Connecticut!!! I really can't find this information online anywhere, so if anyone knows the answer/ has had this problem please let me know! Thanks!!!!!!""
What happens if you don't pay your car insurance?
how important is it every month to pay your car insurance? what could happen if you don't
Motorcyle prices?
IM thinking about buying a crockrocket. What are the average monthly payments.......ball park... And also, what is an average montly insurance payment?""
How can I get car insurance for a classic car? And how much would it cost (roughly)?
I grew up loving classic mustangs, corvettes and camaros (had all the hotwheels!) and I'm interested in purchasing an older car. The few cars I'm interested in were typically ...show more""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old in CA?
anybody know?
Average motorcycle insurance?
I'm 22 and I pay right at 100 a month for insurance. How much does a regular sports bike cost to add insurance on? I know it depends on the bike but for like a GSXR 600.
Regarding Auto Insurance Companies policy for DUI.?
I am in living in Northern California and my question is how long do Auto INsurance Companies keep DUI on your record. I have been told 7 years but our insurance companys says 10years..
Average motorcycle insurance?
I'm 22 and I pay right at 100 a month for insurance. How much does a regular sports bike cost to add insurance on? I know it depends on the bike but for like a GSXR 600.
Car insurance 18 year old female in London HELP?
So I'm 17 right now but will be 18 by the time I do my test in a few weeks I Live in London - moving to Colchester in September My dad, who has had tons of years experience, is getting a new insurance policy (he use to be on a mini cab driver insurance but quit so now looking for a new policy) He has a car that needs to be insured, Im not sure what car it is (I do know its a small car with either a 1.4 or a 1.6 engine) but my car is a 2012 Kia Picanto 1 1.0 5DR So far the cheapest insurance on the Kia Picanto I've gotten is 7000 which I refuse to take serious Everything I try doesn't seem to work I've tried: Putting his as the additional driver but me as the main drive Putting me as the additional but main driver Using my colchester postcode rather than my London postcode Tried using 8000 mileage per year I tried using the maximum amount of Voluntary Excess (usually 500) HOWEVER i found a deal on 'Just2Insure' as an additional driver on provisional on the Kia Picanto which was 2000, does anyone know if it will go higher once I've passed and changed to a full UK license? - This will be my dads insurance on MY car though right? If so, what would I be paying because I want to pay the full amount of the insurance thats on my car. - Is there anything I can do to make it cheaper with my dad being on my policy or me being on his? - And how could he insure his car and make me an additional driver but insure my car as well... if thats possible?""
Has anyone used comparisons.org for auto insurance?
i'm looking for cheap insurance and don't know if i can trust them. any suggestion from anyone?
Do you have Life insurance?
Just wondering if you had life insurance, we have insurance for everything else, such as car, home, health. Why do you have Life insurance, or why not?""
How much would it be to insure a 17 year old on a Nissan Navara Pick Up Truck?
'JUST OUT OF INTEREST' I have always wanted a Nissan Navara Pick up truck and i turn 17 in october, its unlikely i will be driving till next year! i was just wondering an insurance estimate on, say, an 08 plate? Im not fussed weather it is 'expensive' i know it wont be cheap and the companies are unlikely to insure me on them but i was just wondering about a price. Its hard for me to go on insurance websites as i do not have a license and know any information. I have herd they are in Group 11 insurance.. Also are they classed as a Van/Car/ Etc? Would just like an average quote please! don't want answers with 'depends on this, this or this'.. Thanks very much!""
I live in spain and all the insurance companies want full payment for car insurance etc.......?
id like to know how the uk companies set up the payment schemes where you can pay monthly and if i could look into it here to help people like myself spread the payments any help is very much appreciated
Where can i get affordable health insurance?
health insurance in south carolina
Affordable health insurance new jersey family?
anyone know of affordable health insurance in new jersey for self employed 1 person needing family coverage?
What is the average Car insurance cost a year in Canada?
What is the average Car insurance cost a year in Canada?
Can you help me with Car insurance?
I need a car insurer but I would like to deal with a UK call centre as I feel a bit more at ease, this is my first car,please help.""
""First time owning a car Acura RSX R first time owner, how much would the insurance be around at?""
I'm a woman, 22 years old and i live in canada""
How much would insurance for 2009 Ford Focus be? Estimate?
I'm wondering how much insurance would cost for the 2009 Ford Focus for a 17 year old girl be? I want to buy a 2009 Ford Focus when I turn 17 not this coming up January but next. Oh and prices of how much the car costs would be nice too. Thanks!
Anyone know any good cheap car insurance providers?
preferably direct rather than compare websites. cheers.
UK Car insurance in-between switching cars?
To keep things simple I am calling the current car I have Car A and the new car as Car B. I have insurance that runs out on CAR A in 2 months time which I want to keep on the basis that I don't want to lose my no claims bonus for this current year by cancelling the insurance. I was planning to switch cars in 2 months anyway but have found CAR B at a very competitive price with all the extras I need. (Car B comes taxed and MOTd). I currently cant change my policy from car A to car B as the provider says the update will increase my premium to over 2000 just for the remaining 2 months! I am a young driver so I am not able to get temporary car insurance either. My question is what are my options other than simply buying car B now and letting it sit on the driveway for 2 months waiting for my current policy to expire? E.g.is it possible to take out insurance on car B without NCB now and add ncb 2 months after the policy has started? Any other loop holes you clever poeple can think of?
How to renew two wheeler insurance ? Can I purchase some other insurance ?
Hi All, I have two wheeler (TVS wego), and when I purchased it I had United India Insurance which is expired, I want to renew it. How do I renew it or can I buy some other insurance as other can be purchased online ? Is it acceptable by RTO ?""
Typical insurance rate of a used Chevy Impala?
I'm purchasing a car soon and I was wondering what the insurance rates would be for a 2000-2005 Chevy Impala. I know there is various factors that go into it, but is a 4 door Impala of any kind considered a sports car/have a higher insurance rate because of the car, or would it be the equivelant of a regular family car? Also, would a Pontiac Grand Prix sedan of the same years have a high/similiar insurance rate? I'm 17 years old and I'm getting my license soon. Thank you!""
Moapa Nevada Cheap car insurance quotes zip 89067
Moapa Nevada Cheap car insurance quotes zip 89067
Insurance claim and deductible questions?
I scratched somebody's car while they were parked, so it was my fault. Damages were minor. Since my car is old and I've dropped coverage on my own car (I have coverage for the other car), I have no plan to fix mine. And the other party offered to settle on our own and not go to the insurance company. So, the questions are: 1. If I claim to my insurance company, how much out-of-pocket do I have to pay? His deductible? Or $0 (since I am not fixing mine)? 2. Would my insurance rate will go up even though I have a clean, no at-fault, claim for at least 10 years? 3. Is this settle on our own legal? And anything to watch out for? 4. What would you do if you were me? Thanks much!""
How much is the insurance on Brady Quinn's new car?
I need to health insurance but i got laid off work...?
I understand that i need health insurance. Cuz face it, you never know when it's necessary. I've been looking for a job since I got laid off in March. Cobra turned out to be too expensive. What are some low cost health insurances that are good? Since i'm low on cash i dont wanna throw money into a bad insurance company. Are there any programs in California that can assist me? At least until i can find a job.""
Would I be able to afford this car and car insurance?
I make $1200 a month. I currently pay $400.00 rent and $70.00 for my phone. I'm looking at a car that would cost me 180.00 a month plus 100-120 in car insurance. Plus groceries. 130 a month. I'm just worried I wouldn't be able to afford this but I really need a car. What if I move out and rent goes up? I'm a stressful person and stress about everything before I commit.I also have a dog to take care of. What do you guys think? Would I be able to afford It or would I be way to close to barely living?
Looking for an insurance that will take my pre existing condition?
Hi, I have a double ureter in my left kidney causing me infection 4 times a year, I've been having this for almost 13 years and is painful and I can't have a normal life. No insurance wants to take me because this pre existing condition and if they do my monthly payment is between $300 to $400 monthly because of my condition, I've already applied for Medi-cal and I wasnt elegible. I tried so many antibiotics and I want to start a treatment and without insurance it is impossible, could anybody tell me if there is a insurance that will accept me without paying so much. I live in Southern California. I want a normal life. Thanks.""
Home building insurance?
i had tenants in my house, while i was living with my sister, i did take out a building insurance, and last week my house got burned to ashes, it has no roof neither, so i phoned the insurance company which was halifax,to my shock they declined the insurance,as i didn't have landlord insurance, they said. when i took out the policy i did say to them that i wanted landlord building insurance, the woman at the branch assured me, how ever when i looked at my paper now it does say, i have building and contents insurance,i never asked for that, just wanted a simple landlords insurance, i have 40 thousand pounds worth of damage and really stressed don't now what to do, can anybody please give me some advice i would appreciate it very much
How much will insurance go up for a 17 yr old female with 6 months driving experience in an accident?
Accident was her fault. She rear ended a truck. The truck wasnt hurt at all but the car was totaled pretty much. Ticket was failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident. What is a rough estimate of how much insurance will go up for her?
Insurance on a car that is my moms?
Hey, I'll be getting my license tomorrow but I don't have a car yet. I asked my mom if I would be able to drive her car around but she said that if I get into a wreck the insurance wouldn't cover the repairs since she wasn't driving. She said I had to be on the insurance for it to be covered. Is this true? And is there anyway around that?""
Could I swap my 50cc scooter's insurance to another bike?
Hey everyone, I was wondering if I sold or swapped my 50cc scooter and got a 50cc geared bike could I get the insurance from the scooter and put it on the new geared 50cc? If so would it affect anything? or cost me money? Would be a massive help if someone could help me out! Thank you for advance :) Information which might be helpful: I paid for 1 year in one payment (annually). I paid for the insurance last month so I still have a lot of insurance time left. Don't want to waste money!""
Where i can get very cheapest motorcycle insurance?
i bay a motorcycle and my dad don't agree to give some money for my insurence
Can i get insured on a chevrolet camaro 1ss 2 door v6 in the uk?
my parents said they will buy me a chevrolet camaro and ship it to the uk, its the 1ss v6 2door. they told me i had to pay insurance does anyone know wether or not i can get insured on this car in the uk, i live in london, im im turning 18 in november and this wil be my first car, and do you know approx how much it will cost?""
What is the cheapest online car insurance in the market today?
What is the cheapest online car insurance in the market today?
MA Small business required costs for insurance. To hard to find quotes.?
Making a pretend business plan for school and I cant find any prices that are needed for a graphic design business. What types of insurance would you recommend and whats the average costs? Thanks
Which car insurance companies only ask for 3 years convictions?
Can anyone give me a of list of car insurance companies which only ask for 3 years of convictions...? I have 6 points, I'm 22, passed my test 3 months ago, and accumulated these points 3 years and 2 months ago... Catch my drift? :)""
Hawaii: Which Car insurance company do you like in Hawaii?
I plan moving to Hawaii. Which car insurance company do you like? Why? Also, which company don't you like? Why?""
What is the cheapest car insurance in Wisconsin?
It seems to me that every insurance company out there is claiming to have the lowest rates, etc. In your experience, who has had the cheapest prices? I'm referring to basic car insurance...no frills, just the minimum coverage that is now required in WI? Thanks (and please dont try to sell me something...I just want some ideas here)""
What is car insurance rates?
I'm doing report, and i need to write bout 3 ways that how teenage car accidents rising affect us. One of my answer is car insurance rate would go up; &yet i don't know what that means. some one help?""
How can I receive free or low price health insurance ?
I am 21 and a type 1 diabetic ... My father recently got laid off so I do not have insurance anymore I tried to apply online for free medi-cal but it says I have to have at least 1 pregnant person on my application... I'm running out of insulin and need to insurance ASAP. Can anyone help me with any advice or where to apply for free or low price health insurance I only make 600 a month
Need Advise On Car Insurance?
On Friday Fed. 12th I bought Me a good Used car. I had to park on the side of the street cause my neighbors from downstairs had company and were in my spot. when I woke up on Saturday morning my car was wrecked in the front and the other vehicle no where in site well except for the trail of car fluids that led to his car three blocks away. the police came got his info and mine, towed his vehicle, advised me what I needed to do and left. I found out on my own that the insurance that the police had was false info. I was pissed. Well low and behold the owner of the car came to my house that same evening and was like my car was stolen and all this other bs. He gave me his correct insurance papers and said he would report it to claims. He never did I had to on Tuesday. His insurance knew nothing of the matter. I filed my claim with them and they said it would be 24 to 48 hours and they would get in contact with me. Nothing yet.. Im still waiting for them to call me. What should I do now???????????""
How does bein married or single affect your auto insurance rates?
How does bein married or single affect your auto insurance rates?
Whats the cheapest car to run?
Cheapest tax, cheapest insurance, low petrol consumption, cheap car in the first place etc. Im currently driving a rover 25 1.4 and just want something a bit cheaper. (particuarly on tax!!)""
Health Insurance and Auto Insurance.?
Just wondering how this works. Let's say this happens one day.... I cause an auto accident and I'm injured. My insurance will cover up to $5,000 for my medical bills. I have a heath insurance policy that has a 3,000 deductible and once that limit is reached, the health insurance company will cover everything else. (0% coinsurance on my behalf). Will the auto insurance be used towards my health insurance deductible if the above said scenario should happen?""
Can anyone take a Life Insurance Policy on my life without me knowing it?
A while ago I heard of a story of a buisness taking life insurance policies out on their employees without their knowledge of it. So, I figure it cant be a far stretch for anyone to take out an life insurance policy on anyone if they know the relevant personal information. If they can, how can I find out what insurance company has written so I can have it DESTROYED.""
""Why is my car insurance for my 1st car, 2500 and my friends insurance is only 1500 for his 1st car??""
Why is my car insurance for my 1st car, 2500 and my friends insurance is only 1500 for his 1st car?? This is confusing me, both our annual milage is estimated to be 5000 miles, they are both in group one insurance groupes, they are both a 1.1L etc, everything is the same apart from the make of the vehicles. I have treid other vehicle qoutes, but yet my insurance qoute is still 2500, and my friend qoutes is only 1500.""
Insurance cost for a 19/yo for a GT40 kit car?
My dad's friend had a GT40 kit car that he might be selling me, i'm 16 now but I'm thinking of buying it in about 4/5 years time (I like to think ahead), so when i'm about 19/20, would the insurance be ridiculous becasue it's got a 5 litre engine so normally it would be but i'm not sure if it being a kit car would lower the insurance or not? The GT40 is one of these by the way: http://www.tornadosportscars.com/MainPage.html Thanks.""
Moapa Nevada Cheap car insurance quotes zip 89067
Moapa Nevada Cheap car insurance quotes zip 89067
1 note · View note
CH1; The End Of The Blackhood- Had enough
Summary; Betty is the one who finds the real blackhood. Finds out that Mr Svenson isn’t the real Black hood/ She finds him all by herself, she pushed Archie away too. Veronica found out about the Kiss between Archie and Betty and blatantly ignored her. But after seeing the circumstances and after the real capture of the Blackhood Jughead and Veronica and the gang immerse themselves in guilt for not trusting and fighting for Betty. As soon as Betty finds the blackhood explains to her friends what happened, their hurry for apology becomes a mockery for Betty Cooper. Because guess what? She had enough. So when Southside High and Northside High collide, Sweet Pea and Betty become close. And the green eyed monster arises in Jughead. And dark Betty arises. Gone the pastel sweaters, the pink lip gloss.She’s tired of pretending, with new found talents exposed from Betty, will Jughead fight for her? There’s a nice cold leather sitting on her shoulders, perfect Betty cooper is in a gang. And it ain’t the serpents.
Bughead are endgame so dont worry
I was furious on how season 2 turned out so I’m writing my own
Chapter 1 
Take deep breaths. She tried to. Her hands trembling as she held the weapon in her pale hands, her eyes narrowed. Although her hands were shaking, there was no fear in her green eyes. She looked at the man who ruined her life, ruined her relationships. Ruined her. He enhanced the darkness within her, he made  the flickering flame into a wrenching fire that refused to be condemned. 
“Come on shoot!” The blackhood sneered. His green eyes piercing her own. 
He was right. They were the same. 
“Come on! Perfect Betty Cooper” He leered . She slightly stumbled backwards. 
“You can’t do it! Can you?” He laughed. She breathed the smoke in the polluted air. It filtered thorough her lungs, as quick white huffs exited her nostrils. 
“Perfect Elizabeth Mildred Cooper! Perfect Perfect Perfect. She can’t hurt a fly. Puts everyone before herself, a pushover. Weak. You fell for it! You actually thought the Blackhood was Mr Svenson! It wasn’t! It was me! You killed an innocent man” He chortled. 
“Insane mother, insane father. Insane sister. Crazy. All of you. Where is the darkness within you? Too good for everybody. Always second choice, came after your so called best friend Veronica for Archie, and Jughead- he chose the serpent life instead of you. You’re pathetic. Too good for everybody-” The blackhood sneered. 
Betty flexed her neck menacingly. She winced at the harsh words that came out of his mouth. But he was right. She was no ones first choice. 
She shot him. 
She stayed in her stance, deep shallow breaths pulled her over the edge. The man lay on the road. She slowly bent down, she only shot him on the leg, the blood gushing out of him. The man grunted in pain. 
She bent down as she grinned, she never felt more alive. She moved her hand over the wound on his leg and squeezed. He screamed in agony while she found it calming. The blood gave her sense of footing, keeping her on check. 
She ducked her head  “Look you incompetent fuck. You don’t know me. You tried to ruin me. And congratulation, you achieved your goal. You fucking psycho.” She whispered. The man slowly closing his eyes. 
“Uh uh uh. You don’t get to die so easily. I will kill you with every second I got right now until the sheriff comes” She hissed, her hot breath flowing in his ear. 
She stood up, her hair was in her face, she moved it out of the way with the back of her hand. Blood painted her face, masking the perfect veneer, the innocence in her doe like eyes. They weren’t spring green anymore, the were stark forest green, sharp as a flint tool. Her clothes were partially ripped, her hair down, her bee stung lips were covered in the sinful blood. 
The man looked at her with fear in his eyes. 
And she enjoyed it, she relished every ounce of it. 
She stamped on the wound, he shrieked and she smirked at the blood cascading down his limbs. It lighted a thunder in her as she let out an animistic growl. She stomped on his wound more as he exclaimed in affliction. She wanted revenge. She starved for it. 
She grabbed his throat and brang him above her. His jugular vein pumping his blood, she run her thumb over the rough skin and applied mild pressure. He grunted. 
“Say sorry” She hissed 
He didn’t say anything. 
“Say sorry you mother fucker” She whispered. 
She pushed her thumb even more indenting her thumb into his vein, making it impossible for him to breathe. He begged for mercy. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m fucking sorry” He begged. 
She threw him on the tar as he screamed in discomfort. 
“Put your weapon down!” The sheriff commanded. 
Betty took a step backwards. 
“Well done Betty! Now come behind me” The sheriff praised. 
“Now let’s see who this is” The sheriff said and took the hood off. 
Betty gasped. 
Tall boy! 
It made sense- her mother dated him while she was a serpent, this was probably some sort of revenge.   
The sheriff huffed and handcuffed him and took him to prison as another police officer escorted Betty home. The whole town already heard, it was bright early in the morning although when Betty found him it was the middle of the night. She closed her eyes remembering the moments, her being buried alive as she screamed in agony, the punches she endured. 
The whole town waited for Betty to come home, everyone in their pyjamas as Betty came to the front of her house. As soon she came into sight, the whole town cheered for Betty being their hero. 
She mustered a fake smile, but it wasn’t the perfect one that she flashed everyday. All of her friends could see. 
Archie came barging through and grabbed Betty into a bear hug, tears running down his face. Betty smiled and hugged him back. 
“I’m fine Arch- ow you’re squishing me” She mumbled in the hug. He immediately stepped backwards. Betty gasped at the sight of him, tears rushing down in torrents. 
“What the fuck Betty! Why didn’t you tell me!? Do you know how scared you made me? I was shitting myself when your mum came and informed me that you were missing. And I got that call from the Blackhood! Don’t ever ever ever do that again!” Archie shouted and Betty winced. 
“Do you understand me!?” Archie bellowed while clawing at her shoulder .But Betty didn’t say nothing, she was just numb. “Betty?” Archie asked with worry. Betty merely nodded. As soon she turned around, Alice and Hal came running to her and hugged her while sobbing. “You brave young woman” Hal whispered. Betty smiled. 
As Betty turned around she saw Veronica.Veronica was ignoring her blatantly when she found about the shared kiss between Archie and Betty. 
Veronica came and hugged her, her mascara running down her face. “B! I’m so so so sorry” She cried. But Betty didn’t hug her back. After a few seconds Veronica realised and stepped backwards. Concern riddened her face. “B?” Veronica whispered. Betty sniffled and turned around, wanting nothing but to go to her safe pink sanctuary. 
“Mum, dad take me home” Betty asked, while her voice broke. Her parents looked at her with worry, they opened their mouth to say something. “Please” She whispered so quietly. Fresh tears pricked her eyes. They nodded and held her arm to take her. 
“Betts!” A deep voice shouted, Betty turned around in a fraction of a second, her heart thumping. 
His dark ebony locks of hair dishevelled, naked without the beanie. Vulnerable to the world. You would expect Betty to run to him. But she knew. She knew about the intimate kiss and “groping fest” that was shared between him and Toni- the Blackhood told her about it. Her heart broke all over again. 
Guilt, pain, confusion flashed in his sea blue eyes.A storm was brewing. The electricity crackled between them. His arms were open for her. A huge lump formed at her throat, blood dripping down her head, staining her pink lips, her hair was clumped with dirt. He held a hopeful boyish smirk, vulnerability flowing through his stance. 
Tears ran down her tired face as she looked at Jug, the pain grilling inside even more. She couldn’t do it anymore. She shook her head at him and slammed the door. His face fell. 
“Betty darling-” Hal called but she ignored him and ran down to the bathroom and locked the door. 
She slid down the door, loud sobs erupting from her chest, her head down on her knees. She cried and cried letting all the angst from the night rushed through her. She slammed her head on the door and wailed, howled. She shrieked, clawing at her hair. She was just numb, she needed to feel something. She screamed again. 
“Betty! Betty Open the damn door!” Hal shouted, Alice started to cry. Hal barged through the door and saw Betty on the floor. The cold tiles calmed her senses. Hal picked up Betty and took her to her bed room and laid her down on the bed. “Betty..” Her dad started to say. “I’m fine- I just needed to let it all out” She replied wearily, feeling uncomfortable. They nodded and left the room. Luckily the bloody crescent scars that littered her velvet palm went unnoticed by her parents. She pressed her blunt nails into her palms again. Opening old scars as well as creating new ones.  Blood seeped through them, staining the white carpet of her room. 
After taking a nap, she showered and put on a pale pink hoodie and some clad jeans. She let her hair down. She put her sneakers on and got her slung her school bag over her frail shoulders as she ran down the stairs. She entered the kitchen, Alice was cooking some lunch. 
“Mom- I’m going to go school okay?” Betty asked. Alice turned around in bewilderment. “No honey- stay home today. You need to rest” Alice replied. 
“Those ivy league colleges won’t wait mom, I need to work on my extra curricular activities if I want to go to Yale or Harvard. Just like you said mother” Betty mocked. But you can here the sincerity and utter determination that was laced with the mockery. 
Alice was shocked, for the first time- she felt guilty. She realised she pushed Betty over the edge. Tears gathered in her worn eyes. After all Tall boy going on his revenge was mostly all her fault. “I’m sorry honey-” Alice started. 
“Save it” Betty replied. Alice was wounded. 
“Look Betty- I think it will be great if you just have a week off. Just for yourself. No school, no responsibilities.” Hal said coming into the kitchen. 
“But-” Betty started to say, shock evident on her face. Where have her parents gone? Abducted? 
“It’s what you need if you want to be productive and motivated for school” Alice said. 
Nope they are still the Coopers. 
“ Betty, you need to refresh and be rejuvenated. That’s why I booked you a ticket to Florida for a break. And I can’t cancel or it will cost me allot” Hal smiled. 
Betty reluctantly agreed. 
“What time is my flight?” She asked. Maybe this will be good for her. 
“Tonight at 10 pm, I’ll drop you off at the airport and leave at 7, okay?” Hal said biting into the hot food. 
“Yep cool dad, I’ll just go school and collect my books from their and come back and pack” Betty said and left. 
She walked to school, she didn’t put any make up on. The moon shadows under her eyes were starkly perceptible, her skin unnaturally pale and her lips were were chalk blue. 
She entered the halls of the school, people came and hugged Betty, giving their thanks to her but even the strangers in the school could see the fragility inside her that was shaking the cages to be let out.  
She finally made it to her locker and with a struggle she opened it. She put all her books inside her bag and locked it again. 
“Betty” A voice said behind her. 
Betty turned around, her stomach churning. 
Archie, Veronica and Kevin were looking at her in shock, they drank in the sight of her. 
“What’s wrong B? We need to talk” Veronica piped. But then her eyes caught something. A serpent snake on a lethal leather jacket. Oh fuck- today Southside high collides with Northside, she completely forgot. Jughead appeared beside them. She drank in the sight of Jughead, his eyes were rimmed red. “Betts...” Jughead whispered,his voice was hoarse, the Serpents were materialised behind him.  
Betty didn’t feel sad anymore, no more tears. Now she was just angry. She had enough!
“Why V?- Why do you want to talk now?” Betty mocked, ignoring Jughead. Veronica flinched at the ridicule. 
“Look I am ready to put the moment between you and Archie away if you’re ready” Veronica replied. Jughead looked between the two. 
“What moment between Archie and Betty?” Asked Jughead looking apprehensive. 
Veronica steeled away, immense regret flashing through her. 
“We kissed when we found the fake blackhood, Mr Svenson” Betty said bluntly. She didn’t feel guilty at all about the kiss. Everyone was shocked at her directness. 
Silence occupied the moment, hurt and pain assembled in her ex- boyfriends eyes. 
“Finally... The jock and the perfect girl next door get together” Jughead huffed, venom laced in the  contempt. 
Betty arched her eyebrow.
 “ Wow Jughead- I never knew you could be such a hypocrite” Betty sneered. Jug’s eyebrows furrowed. 
“What do you mean?” He questioned. 
“We weren’t together. We were broken. Just like you kissed Toni on our previous break” Betty derided. 
Jughead’s face fell for the thousandth time that forsaken day. 
“So shut the fuck up! I’m tired. I’m sick and tired. You want to talk Veronica? Why didn’t you talk to me when I needed you? When  I was crying in my room alone? I called you and apologised, I don’t expect forgiveness about the damn kiss but I don’t want to see you fake concern right now! When we had the argument at your party with Nick St Clair when the Blackhood forced me to break our friendship- you didn’t even question my abnormal outburst. You didn’t even ask why. Could you not see the pain in my eyes when I said those words to you? I thought we were friends? Didn’t you ever trust me?” Betty snapped. 
“B?-” Veronica chocked. 
“No- let me finish” Betty held her hand up. 
“Having fun Kevin?- here is my BDSM sexuality rubbing in your face. Had fun humping in the woods? When I was drowning, you weren’t there. Instead all you ever talked about my fucking sexuality and me being a bad friend- well look in the mirror. Oh and when me and veronica weren’t friends- you sided her, not even asking if I was okay. You didn’t even question me. I thought you knew me... And I’m sorry for worrying about you when you grinding in the woods- worrying if you were going to get hurt. I’m sorry to trying to be a good friend.” She leered. Kevin gulped. 
“Betty I-” Kevin started to say but Betty held up her hand to stop him. 
“Let me tell you the definition of a friend-  a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection. A bond. All I ever got from you guys was me being the one who kept all of you on ground when gravity forgot to keep me on ground too. All I ever asked you guys was to trust me. Was I asking too much?” Betty asked.  
This wasn’t Betty Cooper. But who actually is Betty Cooper? The pastel sweaters or the scars on her smooth palms?
She clenched her fists, digging her nails into the crescent wounds.  
“Fine, lets get this all out in the open. Why didn’t you call me Betty- why did you ask Archie to find the Blackhood?” Jughead asked, his insecurities seeped through. 
Betty let out a strangled laugh. 
“Oh Jughead- I did call you. Many times. But you screened my calls! You ignored me cuz you were too busy with your fuck buddy Toni!” Betty shouted. Jughead flinched at the words. But they were true. He finally opened his fucking blind eyes. 
“Archie was there! He was there for me! He saw me when I was scared, he could see the pain! He didn’t screened my calls- because he valued our friendship. Unlike you Jug” She shrieked, torrents of water gushed. 
“But he decided to distance him self too after the fucking damned kiss, trying to be a good boyfriend. When he completely forgot about being a good  friend” Betty hissed. 
Archie bowed his head in shame, his eyes becoming glassy. His broad shoulders slumped in chagrin. 
“When I did that damn serpent dance for you, you shut me out! I did it for you- you were drifting away from me! I had to do something” Betty said. 
The clenching of her fists didn’t go unnoticed by Jughead. 
“I broke up with you because of Penny-” Jughead started to whisper. 
“But you sorted it out with Penny didn’t you?” Betty asked. Jughead gulped, his Adam apple bopping. 
 She shook her head in disbelief. 
“I did it because you’re too good for me Betty- too perfect. I did it to save you” Jughead replied, his palms open in fake innocence. 
“I had enough! You’re just Like Archie! I’m not fucking perfect! I thought you accepted me! The real me!” Betty exclaimed showing her littered palms to him. Everyone gulped looking at the scars. 
“And to save me from what?- The southside? Well guess what Jug, today I was buried alive by a fucking serial killer! I was abused physically by him! Emotionally abused by my mother! And you weren’t there for me. I didn’t ask for you all the time. Just a call. Just a call Jug. To keep me safe from what? Death, pain, hurt. Because guess what?! I’m already dead inside” Betty cried. 
Jughead felt his heartbreak for the infinite time today. Tears streaming down his face. 
“To save you from myself. I’m broken please-” Jughead simply replied. 
“Oh wow- I loved you Jug! All of you. I’m broken too- that is the whole point of a relationship, we fix each other. Be there for each other. When Archie came to you about the break up. You just accepted it” Betty replied.
Jughead became anxious as she used the past tense- loved . Did she not love him anymore?
“ Got bored of vanilla? Everyone always does.” Betty scoffed. People started to watch the entire scene unfolding before their eyes. Eyes widening at Betty’s outburst.  
“You didn’t call me to see the truth- you didn’t fight for us. For me. It’s like you never cared- first punch and you’re wounded. You’re weak Jughead Jones. And all this time I thought you were a fighter and a lover. I at least had some humility to break the kiss after seconds with Archie and didn’t go on a fucking groping fest on the night we broke up. I fought for us. While you just stood there” Betty’s voice broke. 
Jughead was wounded. Hurt. But it was the absolute truth. He just wished he saw this sooner. The distant look in her eyes when she wanted to run away with him. How could he not see the pain, the struggle in her eyes? He looked at her trembling form, she had to go through so much. Being buried alive by a psycho, her friends and him distancing themselves from her when she needed them the most. 
She was always there for him, for his dad, when he needed a shoulder to cry on. She was there. 
He never was.  
“I had enough- I had enough of putting people before me. I want to be me for me. I’m tired of showing this perfect veneer for everyone’s comfort and making myself cry to go to sleep. I’m tired for fighting for everyone else. I want someone to fight for me too. I hate being the one who has to be there for everybody- and no one being there for me. I hate being second choice all the time- being chosen over the serpents, over my friends. I want to be someone’s first choice. I want someone to fight for me too” Betty replied, her voice shattered like shards of glass scattered over the tar. 
She turned around and walked out of the halls. Her soft plea for help breaking everyone’s heart. Especially Jughead. 
He watched her walk away. Taking his heart with her. 
She walked out of the halls, she turned around, wiping her tears from her face with her sleeves. She turned around the corner and bumped into someone, leather smacked skin. 
“Sorry I-” Betty started to say but she stopped abruptly when she saw who it was. Sweet Pea. 
He simply held her shoulders, and softly moved her aside. His warm chocolate eyes spread warmth inside her. He flashed a grin and winked and walked away. 
Leaving Betty Cooper in complete confusion. 
0 notes
kaywritesthings · 7 years
God and country part 2
"okay.." He moaned. He lean in to kiss his lips, his phone went off. It was Megan on text. It was also Jasmine. They both were reminding him of tomorrow. He sighed and picked up the phone. He was in group chat. "Why are you two up!" He sent a photo of him and Gabe real fast. They both squealed. They wanted his phone numner "they want your phone number?" He told Gabe. After he gave Megan Gabe's number. He wasn't sure why she wanted it, but she texted quickly..
"GABE! It's megan. I am the blonde life guard and his best friend. I bet he hasnt told you but his birthday is today! Dont tell him! We are having a surprise party at shorty smalls at 6:00 pm. Can you distract him until then? xoxox- Dont tell him! "
Clyde went to go use the bathroom and text them NOT to embarase him. They asked if Gabe was his boyfriend. He typed a yes and <3. They both send <333 and yay  text back. Clyde came out of the bathroom "Is she grilling you?" He asked. He was shy about his birthday and didnt want to tell Gabe it was today. Well it just started since it was now 2 am. He sat on the bed. "I dont have to work tomorrow. If you want to see the zoo or something? If you want to"
Clyde: Clyde had no idea why he tackled Gabes lips. He couldnt believe the male came back to the water park. He ate the burger like he was making love to eat. Each bite consisted of slow passionate chews. He never had such a burger. He almost was embarased for moaning around each bite. He was on his second half, but slowly felt himself drift. His burger half way to his mouth and the plate when he started to snore , his head midrise as if he was sleeping like a horse full of balance.
Clyde: making love to it
Gabe: Gabe ate as his burger, and had to reposition some covers over him because the way that Clyde was eating it was turning him on. It was stupid that him moaning around a burger would reduce him to that, but it did. Gabe did his best to hide it and looked at his own burger. He didn't watn Clyde to think he required sex. Like he had to pay him back or anything, so he hid it. Luckily he didn't seem to notice since he ate half of it and promplty passed out. Gabe laughed softly and kissed the top of Clyde's head. He put the burger in the fridge for later and positioned Clyde gently on the pillows, diming the light and closing the curtians so he could have a nice restful nap.
Clyde: Clyde fell into a deep sleep. Deeper than any sleep he ever remembered having. He felt safe and the room was so cool and quiet. He passed ot and woke up exactly 11 hours later. He didnt mean to do that. He woke up with a jerk and sat up. "Where am I?" He asked. Gabe was working at desk on a lap top. It was night time now He looked at the clock 1 am? "Oh my god, I am so sorry." They got here around 2 pm yesterday he last remembered. His phone was by the bed. He saw text from his aunt wondeirng where the hell he was, but then the text stop. Did Gabe cal his aunt? "I feel like an asshole. Again.."
Gabe: Gabe laid with Clyde for awhile, but then got up to do a few work things in the office in the suite, though he came back to chekc on him every few minutes just to make sure he was okay. He wanted Clyde to get his rest. When Clyde's phone was going off again and again, he fished it out and opened it. He called the person that kept texting. She seemed like a very nice woman and he talked to her for a few minutes, saying that Clyde was fine just sleeping off a harrowing day, and he was safe and sound. He gave her his phone number if she wanted to call and check on him later. Then Gabe put the phone back by the bed so Clyde wouldn't panic not having it when he woke up. He jumped, not realizing how late it had gotten, when Clyde popped up. He took his glasses off and blinked over at Clyde. "Oh you're awake! How are you feeling?" he asked, coming closer and passing his fingers over Clyde's head. "You're not an asshole, you needed to sleep. I talked to your aunt. She was worried but I told her you were just fine."
Clyde: "what did she say? She was fine with you?" He laughed. "You been up what, forever since I was asleep?" He wondered what he was doing It looked like lawyer things. "Its the most comfortable bed I swear. " He laid back on it. He didnt want to leave the bed, not now not ever. "come cuddle me." He pouted. "please? Was the movie good?" He asked. He felt like everything was ok and he felt so much better. He went a whole day without a cigarette!
Gabe: Gabe let out a soft little laugh. "She seemd to like me okay. She was very pleasant. I invited her to go out to dinner with us sometime. If you'd want that. Or whatever," he said then laughed sheepishly. He closed the laptop and went over to the bed, and wrapped an arm around him. "I paused it when you fell asleep so we could watch it together." He kissed his temple. "Do you really feel okay? Do you feel better?"
Clyde: "How long will you be here, Gabe?" He asked. He wanted to have a real summer romance and not think about when it was over. Maybe it could be a good summer after all. He did love Grease. summer lovin had me a blast and what not. "I feel better. I havent had a cigarette at all." He cheered. "I been trying to quit. I am down to one a day. " He told gabe. "I could go for some pie? I dont want to leave the room. My aunt said yes to dinner?" He snorted. "Shes a brassy old lady, she will tell you your too old for me and what are you intentions. She scared taylor a lot, my last boyfriend."
Gabe: "I haven't really decided," Gabe said with a smile. "But probably for the rest of the summer, at least," he said and stroked his hands lightly through Clyde's hair. He kissed him gently on the lips. "That's great," he said when Clyde told him about trying to quit smoking. He laughed and pulled up the room service menu again. "We don't have to leave. i can get us some pie." He ordered some in and smiled brightly. "Oh that's okay. I don't mind being breated by your aunt. It might actually be fun. Then I get to win her over." He giggled a little. "I won you over didn't I?"
Clyde: "So like a month or so?" He said trying to figure out how long he had. He felt like pretty woman. Or annie. He watched him rder pie, his voice was so husky and cute when he laughed. "Did the chef pie person tell a funny joke?" He asked. He felt more himself. He rolled on his back. "You want to win her over, get her wine and jr mints. " He laughed. "But you maybe already did. You see that money I took It is keeping her in business 6 months more. But that will give us enough time to build a savings for the next six months. We were behind a lot. She practially has to give rooms away for free now.. since all these other hotels are attracting guest with low discounts and package deals. " He shrugged. "I really will pay you back... in time." He told Gabe "When you go back... you'll text me right? Win me over? Yeah, I think so."
Gabe: Gabe laughed as he joined Clyde on the bed and wrapped his arms around him, kissing his chin lightly. "Noted. I'll make sure to get her tons of wine and junior mints." Gabe quieted a moment later and frowned. He never thought that Clyde would tell him why he took the money. He thought he would just be in the dark about that forever. He stroked Clyde's shoulder and frowned softly. "I'm so sorry to hear that," he said softly. "I sthere anything else I can do to help? I actually know tons of those discount sites. They can actually promote a lot of business. I maybe can hook her up with a couple of them, and really get business going again," he offered. He shook his head. "No. I won't take any money from you." He smiled and kissed Clyde's nose. "Maybe I'll just take you with me."
Clyde: He was about to speak about how he wanted to promote the place, but the hotel was so run down. It needed a lt of fixing. It needed room updates, better maid staff. His aunt and her friend and him sometimes was the maids. It was 12 rooms, but it seemed like a lot sometimes. He knew she wanted a bigger place one day. He was about to say that he wanted him to do that and help, but then he said maybe Ill just take you with me? Clyde smiled widely and pressed his lips to his, kissing him back deeply. He ran his fingers through his hair. He kissed him until he heard someone at the door. "Who is that?" He asked. At his hotel, it wasnt a good sign if someone knocked on the door at 1 am.
Gabe: Gabe was surprised by the kiss but accepted it with a happy moan, wrapping his arms around Clyde's neck and kissing him back hard and deep. He knew he was getting to deep into this in just two days, but he didn't know how to stop now that it had happened. And he didn't want it to stop. He would do anything to make Clyde happy. He was panting when they pulled apart and Gabe leaned his forehead against Clyde's. "That's just the room service. I'll get it," he said and laughed, kissing him again and going to get their order of pie. He set one piece in front of Clyde and handed him a fork.
Clyde: Clyde eyes got big. He had never seen a pie so big and perfectly made. He usually ate pies out of a cardboard box. He took a bit, before taking the back of his spoon and picking up a glob of pie. He smeared it on Gabe's cheek. He lean forward and licked the pie off his cheek, he gathered a mouth ful of pie. He partied his lips and shared the sweet flavor with Gabe that way. He loved how passionate Gabe kissed him. He sucked on his tongue and lower lip. He pulled back. "good pie?"
Gabe: Gabe let out a delighed laugh when Clyde reached over and smeared the pie on his cheek. He took some of the ice cream that came with it and dabbed it on Clyde's nose before licking it off. He moaned softly when Clyde kissed him and felt a little dazed when he pulled back. "Huh." he said at first, and then nodded, laughing a little and flushing. "Yeah. uh. Good. Super good." He took another bite, smiling at Clyde cheezily.
Clyde: "Why did you come today? to the pool Gabe? Are you a crazy man?" He laughed. "You would keep coming, wont you? Come until I said yes again. You are insane." He teased. He loved it. most guys gave up on him pretty fast. He smiled and used some of the pie glob to smear over his own nipples. "Pie taste better off skin, come try." He winked.
Gabe: Gabe let out a soft laugh and shrugged his shoulders a little. "I don't know. I just... you weren't texting me. I was worried about you. I just wanted to see that you were okay," he said and then pouted a little. He kissed Clyde's lips lightly, hoping this was good natured teasing. He blinked when Clyde smeared pie over his nipples, and then flushed, before leaning in and pressing his lips lightly over the pie, moaning softly as he licked up the pie, and then passed his teeth lightly over Clyde's nipple. He was panting when he pulled back and moved over to the other one, moaning agian.
Clyde: Clyde moaned when licked is nipples. He was very good at nipple play. It was one thing that turned Clyde on. Maybe it was those year or years of estrogen, or maybe he just liked it.He never heard anyone else liking it but women. He felt his cock get hard. He pressed his tip against Gabe's lower belly. "Does.. it? taste better with skin?" He asked. "I was fine, scared mostly. Not well Tahnk you for checking on me. I was afraid of you.. today."
Gabe: Gabe licked at his lips and stroked his hands down over Clyde's hips as he pressed his lips to Cldye's chest again, licking and niping at the skin. He rolled his fingers over the nipple he wasn't kissing and moaned in response, loving feeling the press of Clyde's cock against him. "You don't ever have to be afraid of me. Not ever," he said and then kissed Clyde lightly on the lips. "Okay?"
Clyde joined the chat
Clyde: "okay.." He moaned. He lean in to kiss his lips, his phone went off. It was Megan on text. It was also Jasmine. They both were reminding him of tomorrow. He sighed and picked up the phone. He was in group chat. "Why are you two up!" He sent a photo of him and Gabe real fast. They both squealed. They wanted his phone numner "they want your phone number?" He told Gabe. After he gave Megan Gabe's number. He wasn't sure why she wanted it, but she texted quickly.. "GABE! It's megan. I am the blonde life guard and his best friend. I bet he hasnt told you but his birthday is today! Dont tell him! We are having a surprise party at shorty smalls at 6:00 pm. Can you distract him until then? xoxox- Dont tell him! " Clyde went to go use the bathroom and text them NOT to embarase him. They asked if Gabe was his boyfriend. He typed a yes and <3. They both send <333 and yay text back. Clyde came out of the bathroom "Is she grilling you?" He asked. He was shy about his birthday and didnt want to tell Gabe it was today. Well it just started since it was now 2 am. He sat on the bed. "I dont have to work tomorrow. If you want to see the zoo or something? If you want to"]]
Megan sent a text back quickly. "He wants a 2008 civic honda he has been paying off for 5 months. We are all chipping in to pay it off. He has like 200 dollars on it? So, there is that. Then we want to like have it at the place for a surprise. He wants this one hat from like that fancy store.. and these shoes.. I'll send you a photo." She said. Clyde had been wanting this car. It was 1200 dolalrs and he had been paying on it with as much as he could every month. He been biking everywhere else. Clyde heard a text from Megan again "She's being annoying, I am so sorry." He laughed and started to kiss Gabe's neck. "Now where were we?" He asked. "I have never been to the zoo here, I heard you get to hold animals and whatever, but its like really pricy." He told Gabe.
Clyde: "okay.." He moaned. He lean in to kiss his lips, his phone went off. It was Megan on text. It was also Jasmine. They both were reminding him of tomorrow. He sighed and picked up the phone. He was in group chat. "Why are you two up!" He sent a photo of him and Gabe real fast. They both squealed. They wanted his phone numner "they want your phone number?" He told Gabe. After he gave Megan Gabe's number. He wasn't sure why she wanted it, but she texted quickly.. "GABE! It's megan. I am the blonde life guard and his best friend. I bet he hasnt told you but his birthday is today! Dont tell him! We are having a surprise party at shorty smalls at 6:00 pm. Can you distract him until then? xoxox- Dont tell him! " Clyde went to go use the bathroom and text them NOT to embarase him. They asked if Gabe was his boyfriend. He typed a yes and <3. They both send <333 and yay text back. Clyde came out of the bathroom "Is she grilling you?" He asked. He was shy about his birthday and didnt want to tell Gabe it was today. Well it just started since it was now 2 am. He sat on the bed. "I dont have to work tomorrow. If you want to see the zoo or something? If you want to"
Gabe was timed out 3 minutes ago
Gabe joined the chat 117 seconds ago
Gabe: Gabe was really starting to get into it when suddenly Clyde's phone started to go off. He had no idea why Clyde answered it when they were clearly busy, but mabye it was a younger person thing to answer their phone even if someone was trying to have sex with them. Gabe would never understand. He sat back, pouting a little, but he said yes when Clyde asked if he could give his number out. He reached for his phone, guessing that texting was what was happening now so he told his cock to calm down internally and started texting the girl back. He told her that of course he'd distract Clyde until then and bring him by the reasutrant at the right time, and asked if there was anything they could think of that Clyde would really like for his birthday. Gabe sent the texts off and smiled at Clyde when he came back. "Well, only a little. I think theymight like me. I hope," he said and laughed a little. He sat next to him and nodded eagerly about the zoo. "I would love to take you to the zoo. I haven't been, but I hear great things about it."
Clyde: Megan sent a text back quickly. "He wants a 2008 civic honda he has been paying off for 5 months. We are all chipping in to pay it off. He has like 200 dollars on it? So, there is that. Then we want to like have it at the place for a surprise. He wants this one hat from like that fancy store.. and these shoes.. I'll send you a photo." She said. Clyde had been wanting this car. It was 1200 dolalrs and he had been paying on it with as much as he could every month. He been biking everywhere else. Clyde heard a text from Megan again "She's being annoying, I am so sorry." He laughed and started to kiss Gabe's neck. "Now where were we?" He asked. "I have never been to the zoo here, I heard you get to hold animals and whatever, but its like really pricy." He told Gabe.
Clyde: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/image...
Gabe: Gabe didn't think a car would be the first thing on the list and he almost snorted when he saw 2008 Honda Civic. He could do a lot better than that. But he didn't know of Clyde would accept it. He supposed he could see. He saved the pictures of the hat and the shoes and texted them to his driver/assistant and told him to use his perosnal credit and go out and get them as soon as he could. "She's not annoying, it's fine," he said and laughed, humming a little under his breath as Clyde started to kiss him again. "Are you going to be in it this time, or will you get distracted by important texts again," he teased, looking up at him and smiling a little. "I'm okay with pricy. I am worth a couple million, don't worry about it."
Clyde: "You shouldnt tell people you are worth so much. Especially pretty boys like me." He moaned. "Unless you meant to.' He kissed his lips. "She doesnt usually text at 2 am. I got worried. Like there is ghetto people and whatever." He said "so gross." He flipped on his back and pushed up his ass. "Do me from behind, rich boy.. You may be rich but I know what your body needs that money cant buy.. well probably could buy, but everything is better organic and when someone like me craves it.. You have lube big boy? Part of my exhaustion today was because you fucked me so thick and hard.."
Gabe: Gabe let out a soft laugh and leaned in and pressed his lips to Clyde's gently. "Well, I don't mind you knowing. I don't know if...if you're really here for more than that. But if you're not, I'll keep you for as long as I can." There was something melencholy in his voice at the thought, and kissed at Clyde's neck until he flipped over. It made him feel a little anxious when Clyde started talking like that, because he could buy it, and doing it from behind like that, and calling him rich boy really did make Gabe feel like some kind of object. A job maybe. Gabe shook his head and tried to clear it. "You don't have to do that for my benefit. It's okay," he said and got up. "I think I can find some lube."
Clyde: Clyde was not expecting that reaction. He felt like his feeling was hurt. He wanted him to react like he was into it. Behind sex felt amazing. He knew his thick cock would bury against his prostate. "I'll find some." He got up and went to the phone. He pressed 77 "Hi can we have sex lube?" He asked. "I didnt see it on the menu, but you are like super fancy so why not? " He sat on the vanity. "It's not a joke call. " He huffed. He hung up. Megan text good night and happy birthday. He rolled his eyes but said good night "Apparently they dont have sex lube.." He said. "I can go get us some.. unless you dont want me to. You looking at me like I'm super ew."
Gabe: Gabe went into the bathroom and poked around in his bags and eventually found some that he usually just used to jerk off, but it would work for this. He laughed a ltitle when he came back out and saw Clyde on the phone. "For the future, you can just say personal lubricant, they might find that a better way of putting it. And they probably do have some, you just have to ask for it nicely." He chukled and threw the tube on the bed. "I have some." He lifted an eyebrow. "I've never thought you were ew. I'm just trying to figure you out."
Clyde: "What about me do you need to figure out?" He asked. He laido n the bed. "Well sex lube should translate" He smiled. He grabbed the lube and lean back. "What was it like having sex with a woman? I almost did it once, but I wanted to throw up." He laughed. "Am I better than a woman?"
Gabe: Gabe leaned over Clyde and put his head on his chest and started to stroke his hand down it lightly. "If you really like me or not, for one," he said softly and then gave Clyde a small, shy laugh. "I want you to. It's okay if you just want the money. That's okay. You don't have to have sex with me. All that porny talk makes me a ltitle anxious. My exes all talked like that and none of them ever...they never really liked me." Gabe felt like an idiot for saying that outloud. He let out a softl laugh. "I guess I just made it work. I didn't think about it. But I didn't even know sex could actually be...fun until after I got a divorce." He grinned. "So much, much better."
Clyde: Clyde sat up. "The money is appealing, but if it was just the money. I would have not seen you again, Gabe. It sort of hurts my feelings to be compared to your exs. " He pouted. "Like one time, this dude i didnt have any attraction to wanted me, i just drugged him until he passed out. Not hard drugs, just like sleeping stuff. I didnt do that to you. When you are looked at by rich man as a good fuck, you start to just care abou the money, you know? Some of us look at money the way rich guys look at a cheap thrill, a hot body... so, yeah, a part of me thinks you want my body. You didnt fall in love iwht my mind when you firsst saw me, now did you?" He poked his nose. "And as a matter of fact. I loveeee being fucked from behind. It's more of a me favor. "
Gabe: Gabe stepped back a little when Clyde went off. It was incredibly hurtful for Clyde to act all offended when Gabe had been so honest about his past and how people had hurt him. He didn't share that with anyone. And for him to react like he was putting him down intead of opening up to him in a genuine way was hurtful. he saw now how young Clyde was and he didn't even realize that he was more or less confirming all of Gabe's fears by sahing that was exactly what he did to men. "I never treated you like I was just here to fuck you. I told you I didn't want to if you didn't want it. I don't know what you want. You're confusing me. I shared somthing very personal with you adn you're treating it like a joke. I'm not a joke Clyde. I know I'm funny and fat and not hot and it must be a chore to sleep with me, becuase you talkign like that and acting like you owe me makes me think it is. I don't want you to think its some other guy. I want you to want to be with me." Gabe took a breath and shook his head. "I'm going to go sit in the hot tub. You can come if you want."
Clyde: Clyde was feeling his blood rise with how hot and hurt Gabes voice came out. "wait, I do care. I do." He sat criss cross on the bed and sighed. He slid off the bed and walked to the hot tub. "Your exs sucked , ok? I dont see you as some chore. Jesus. " He rolled his eyes and looked up at the ceiling. He removed his socks. He had no idea how socks got on his feet. He rolled up his legs and stuck his feet in the water. "Do you want me to go home?" He asked.
Gabe: Gabe took off his clothes and slipped into the hot tub, feeling like his face was burning and he was embarassed and hurt and he didn't know why he couldn't just let this go like he coudl with everyone else. "Because you're not drugging me, right," Gabe said a little dryly and laughed low in his throat. He leaned back against the back of the hot tub and looked up into the sky. "No I don't want you to go home. I told you earlier that I wanted you to stay, and I meant it."
Clyde: "That was fucking harsh, Gabe. I drugged him because he wanted to do weird shit. Like be on film and wear a dress. I WILL NOT GET IN A DRESS AGAIN." He shouted. He took a deep breath. "I am not a drag queen I am a man" He said calmly. this birthday was really going bad for him, but most the time birthdays were his worst days. He tried to ignore them. "That was really mean, Gabe. You dont know my life. You just think I'm pretty." He said. "I should go, let you enjoy your stay."
Clyde: like put me in a sex film and wear a dress*
Gabe: "And that's not what you said," Gabe said, his voice soft, recolied back a little from Clyde's sceram. "You just said you weren't attracted to him. You can't expect me to know all of that when you didn't say it. It doesn't make the whole thing okay either. Do you...It makes it seem like you do...this a lot. Guys like me." Gabe ducked his head. "Not that I care. It's okay. I understand even, and if I can do anything to help you or make you happy I want to do that," he said and grabbed Clyde's hand. "You haven't given me a chance to know your life. I want to. I didn't mean to be mean, Clyde, you have to admit you didn't give me much to go on." He sighed. "You haven't been the nicest either. And thats okay too. I would like you to stay."
Clyde: Clyde turned to leave, but Gabe grabbed his hand and made him stay put. "I don't to it alot anymore. That's why I am a life guard. I want to do things right. I want to prove I can be morethan a hetero thrill." He whispered. "Your not wicked, so you are not like those other guys. " He lowered himself in the hot tub. He lean back. "After this trip, you'll leave. You say you will take me with you, but you wont. You will see what a country pumpkin I am, and not want to display that to your rich fokes." He said. "Sure, you'll think of me from time to time. Maybe text me a week, but then life will be busy... and mine wont. Mine stays the same for the most part. No one thinks of me after it's all over.. " He murmured. "I like my life ok, and i dont mind being a life guard. I will be ok, but I just .. I dont want to hurt.."
Gabe: Gabe kept a hold of Clyde's hand and stroked it gently while he talked and then gave him a sort of lopsided smile. "You were just on my case for talking about my exes and comparing you to them, and now you're doing the same thing to me about the men you've been with. You already siad yourself that I'm not like them. So trust that. I'm not like them. I'm not filling your head with empty promises. I say things I mean. I always have."
Clyde: "Fine. I guess you are right." He rolled his eyes at the lecture but smiled toshow he would stop comparing him. He relaxed his shoulder and leaned against him. He rested hi head on his chest. "I know I slept so much, but I think I want to go to sleep again really soon. Will you hold me all night?" He asked "Please?" He hugged him and sighed "You are hot, Gabe... I am attracted to you."
Gabe: Gabe laughed a little and kissed his hand before he let it go. "You can sleep some more, of course," he said and chuckled. "I'm pretty wiped out myself. I haven't slept hardly at all." He leaned close to Clyde and wrapped an arm around him. "That would make me really happy. To hold you all night." He smiled and kissed his lips gently. "I hope you are. I know I'm not much to look at. But I try to make up for it in other ways."
Clyde: "well, yousure know how to get me hard with nipple licks." He felt like he might fall asleep in the hot tub against Gabe. He kissed his lips slowly. He got out of the hot tub and shivered. "Can you get me a shirt please? " He asked. "Do you mind? I like sleeping in your shirt." He sat on the bed. "Let's just sleep all day tomorrow too until it's over."
Gabe: Gabe nodded and hopped out of the tub and went to go grab Clyde a shirt to sleep in, some Captian America one that he liked. "Here," he said and smiled, before grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the bed. "Nope, not on your life. We're going to the zoo, and then we're going to do other fun things too. I want it to be a perfect day. Brunch, then the zoo, and then we can see what else the day brings us."
Clyde: "Oh? ok. That sounds like a nice day. They have this place called the grand buffet. It looks like it might be good." He loved the big shirt. "Can I keep this? The shirt?" He asked, it wouldbe a reminder for him. He hugged the shirt on his body. He rested his cheek on Gabe's chest. "Do you eat certain food, you are jewish? Do you study it?" He asked. He started to rub his arm.
Gabe: Gabe wrote that down really fast so he'd remember to take them there in the morning and then leaned in and kissed Clyde's lips softly and sweetly. "Of course you can keep it. And anything else of mine that you want. It's yours," he said and grinned. "I am Jewish, but I haven't borthered really being kosher for awhile. I haven't gone to temple in years. I probably should. I sort of miss it."
Clyde: "Anything?" He asked. "Can I keep yor socks too?" He wiggled his feet in them. "You should go back one day." He told him. "I worship the Wakan Tanka. I have yet to reconnect with my tribe yet. I will one day. Theya re down in little rock arkansas." He said. "Sioux tribe.. Is who I belong to. My great great grandfaster was a cheif." He told Gabe. "So, you will eat a plate of bacon with me tomorrow?"
Gabe: Gabe let out a soft laugh and then ndoded. "Yes you can keep my socks too if you want," he teased and then kissed Clyde again, stroking his hands through Clyde's hair. He hummed, and listened to Clyde talk about his tribe. "I can take you there too, if you like," he said gently. "So you can recoonect with your ancestors. If it's important to you." He smiled and kissed Clyde again. "I try not to, really, but bacon tastes so good."
Clyde: He laughed "I wont make you eat bacon." He curled next to him. He kissed his chin. He yawned a little. "I wish I could do this forever. Be in a bed like this.. cuddlingyou always." He was sleepy, but wanted to have sleepy sex. He found the lube by his leg and reached down to get it. He turned on his back to subtlely squeeze a warm amount in his hand. He turned to Gabe and slid his hand down his pants. He was well shaved down there for a guy who claimed he didnt have sex a lot. It was hot. He grabbed his cock and started to jerk him off with a massage from his palm, and curled his fingers around his cock. He kissed the side of the neck. "Good night, honey."
Gabe: Gabe laughed softly and kept stroking Clyde's hair, finding the yawn contagious and yawning himself too. "I wish I could do it forever too," he admitted with a soft sigh. "I want to." He smiled and leaned in and pressed his lips gently to Clyde's and then let out a starteld moan when he felt a lubed hand slide down his pants. He gasped and rocked against Clyde's hand, moaning and starting to kiss his neck while Clyde jerked him off. He came with a moan not too long after and then crushed his lips to Clyde's. "What about you?" he asked softly, and slid a hand down to Clyde's cock. "I want to take care of you too."
Clyde: Clyde was shocked with how fast he came. He was only jerking him off for three minutes or less. "Just jerk me off. That's fine." He took a deep breath. "I'm hard for you, mister." He hoped that Gabe liked his young soft cock. "Mmmm... " He let out a stirr of moans moving his hips up and down, until he too came. He kissed his neck and ear. He kicked off his boxers and slept only in his teeshirt. He pressed against the male. "Goodnight, Gabe."
Gabe: Gabe smiled and kissed Clyde deeply on the lips and reached for Clyde's cock, and started to stroke it gently, working his tongue into Clyde's mouth as he did. He loved touching Clyde like this and just being close to him. Gabe let out a soft moan when Clyde came and then reached over to get some tissues to clean them up. He kissed Cldye again and then pulled Clyde's head against his chest. "Yes, let's get some sleep, honey. We have a big day tomorrow."
Clyde: "I guess we do." He smiled He wondered if Gabe knew it was his birthday? His loud mouth friend probably gave it away. He sort of hoped so He wnted a good memory of his birthday one year. He fell asleep quickly. He had an amazing sleep.He woke up, and smelled coffee. He hummed a little, before closing his eyes and going back to sleep. He woke up to his phone going off. His aunt calling to wish him a happy birthday, he had 23 text messages saying happy birthday
Gabe: Gabe made a point to wake up before Clyde adn put a few calls in. He wanted Clyde's birthday to be perfect. He called up some special coffee and had the barista make a little heart design in the foam on top, just for Clyde and he got a little breakfast pastry and put a candle in it. The second he heard Clyde stirring he little the candle and came into the bedroom. "Happy Birthday to you," he started singing a big smile on his face.
Clyde: He could smell the aromas of expensive coffee.He let out a squeak when Gabe brought over a pastery and swooned when he sang to him. "Oh my god, sing all the time." He felt faint. He looked at him, made a wish "I wish to keep you." He said out loud before blowing the candle out. "Oh wait, the tradition is to not say it out loud. Relight them! Let start again, and sing again. It's making me melt.."
Gabe: He laugehd brightly flushing a little when Clyde praised his singing. He handed him the coffee with the heart in it and slid back into bed with him, giving him a big hug. He laughed. "Okay, okay, but you can keep me forever without a wish. Because you've already got that." But he relit the candle and started to sing again, crooning it low and sweet into Clyde's ear.
Clyde: He said it in his head. He laughed and blew it out. He ate a bite from the muffin. It was so good. He moaned and ate another bite. He lean back and kissed his lips with a cheek ful of muffin. Just a simple peck. He heard his phone. "I better get that. My aunt wont stop." Gabes phone went of next with his aunt calling. "see.." Gabe: Gabe laughed gently and kissed Clyde back, and took out his phone, taking a picture of Clyde as he had a cheekful of muffin. "Hey, ask her if she wants to go to birthday burnch with us," he whispered when Clyde answered the phone. "If you want, I mean. I'll give you a second and go grab a shower," he whispered and then kissed Clyde's cheek and went to the bathroom.
Clyde: He took a photo of the heart shape in the coffee. He wanted to keep it. He groaned. "I just want to lay in bed all day. I never want to leave hi bed. Can I have this bed for my birthday?" He pouted. He laughed. "I already have breakfast" He held up the muffin. "Fine.. "He told his aunt to meet him He said he would pay for it. She said she would get it. He sighed. "fine, we will meet you there." He said. "Can you bring me a change of clothes? Jeans and my v shape purple shirt and skeetched blacks?" He requested. "And my hair product." He hung up "Do you have a hair tie? I will need to wear it up until I can use myhair stuff." He said.
Last message was written 13 minutes ago
Gabe: "Nooo, we talked about going to the Grand Buffett and the zoo," he said and laughed and blew him a kiss. "A muffin isn't a birthday breakfast. You need more than that," he teased. Gabe took a quick shower and got dressed and went back out into the room and threw his arms around Clyde. "What hair stuff do you need?" he asked and rooted around until he found some kind of tie. "I can get you some fancy stuff from room service if you want."
Clyde: "I use paul mitchell reformer. It's sold at saloons. " He ate another bite and went to take a shower. He found a hair tie and put his hair up in a bun. He used some of his make up he had in his gym bag. He like rosy cheeks and a hint of eyeliner. It actually shaped his face to look more masculine. He came out of the bathroom "Not to be weird, but I used some ofyour spray deodrant I should get my own things if I am to stay with you a night or so?" He wondered how long his stay could last. Long enough topack a bag and get some stuff to claim on the bathroom counter
Gabe: Gabe called down to the front desk to see if they had any of that. They didn't, but he was a high end guest so they promised to find some and have it delivered to the penthouse by the end of the day. Gabe thanked them and smiled when Clyde came out of the shower. "You look amazing," he said and kissed Clyde gently on the lips. "I can get some things for you too. Maybe afer breakfast and before the zoo! We can go shopping. A birthday shoppping spree."
Clyde: Clyde was texting a few people back saying thank you for the birthday wishes. He kissed his lips. Megan replied back to Gabe. She said they got his car! And it was gonna be at shorty smalls. She said she was super thrilled that Clyde and him were boyfriends. And that she shipped it and told everyone the tea! Clyde sat on the bed and put on his flip flops. "My aunt will be there soon, we ready to go? A shopping spree?" He asked. "Wal mart isnt far!"
Gabe: Gabe laughed a little and shook his head. "No, no, not Wal Mart. I was thinking those big outlet malls. They aren't far right? I haven't been. You can show me around. I'm sure you've seen things there you'd like," Gabe said and grinned, grabbing Clyde's hand and leading him into the elevator. He pushed the down button and they met the driver at the entrance and headed for the buffet.
Clyde: "Oh! Yeah tanger outlet? I only once bought winter gloves there for like 5 dollars and coffee. I havent been there ina while. To far to walk." He laughed. "I been saving up for a car. Almost there." He smied. "We can drive by it and I can show you it! " He was having a really good day. "Yeah, buffett. Let's go." He jumped up and down and skipped around the room. "Bye bed! BYE WONDERFUL BED!"
Gabe: Gabe hummed a little. "If you could have any car in the wrold what kind would you like?" he asked smiling as the car took them out to the buffet. He laughed and squeezed Clyde's hand, glad that Clyde could have a kind of day that made him this happy. He kissed Clyde in the car, giggling a little and holding him close. "I want to give you everything you want today. Everything."
Clyde: Clyde looked out the window. He sighed. "I want this honda civic. I think its a good car. Only 90 thousand miles and good tires. Stop here!" He pointed to the dealership. "Pul over please." He squealed. "I only have a bike" He said. he got out of the car, but didnt see his car anywhere. He started to panic "Its parked over here. It was .. Wher eis it?" He yelled He started to panic. A car sales man came over. "The honda civic 08, where is it?" He started to tear up. "WE .. sold it. " The sales man said. He started to cry even more. "Sorry... but for what you put down,w e have other cars"
Gabe: Gabe told the driver to pull over and looked around. He still didn't get why this car was what he wanted, but if that was it, then he wanted Clyde to have it. He didn't realize til after they parked that the car might not be there because the girls had texted that they had bought it. He thought that would make a happy surprise later, but then Clyde started crying and Gabe reached for him and rubbed his shoulders. "Oh honey shh," he said softly and kissed his temple. "Honey, I can get you any car on the lot you want. Any other car any other place either. Don't cry. Please. Let's go have a nice day and we can talk about it more later."
Clyde: Clyde started to yell at the sales persn. "You knew I wanted that. I came by every week to look at it and test drive it. I got my license for it." The guy shruged. "Sorry, it's business." He flipped the man off. He stomped off and got in the car. "It's just a car I worked really hard to get. I was 200 away from it." He buried his face in his hands."You dont have to buy me a car. That's a bit too far. I'm not really your boyfriend yet, I mean you didnt ask yet so I dont know." He whimpered. "Let's go. My aunt is waiting, I will try to be better. I just fuckkkk my car.. That was gonna be my car."
Gabe: Gabe took Clyde's hand and ran a hand soothingly down his back, trying to calm him down a little more. "Clyde shh, shh," he said and kissed his cheek. "Hey. Look honey, I'll fix it. I'll fix it. Let's try to have a good day and tomorrow I'll go back and throw my weight around and get your car back. If that's the only car you want, that's the car I'm going to make sure you have." He smiled and kissed him. "Fine, I'll ask. Will you be my boyfriend?"
Clyde: He went from crying to laughing out loud. He sighed. "Fine, I guess I can get a different car, but they better refund my money. I am taking my business elsewhere." he huffed. He looked at him. "No wait. " He lean in and kissed his lips. "Ask me like.. romantically." He laughed. He blushed. "Boyfriend is a big deal around here, Gabe...." He put his hand over his mouth to hide his smile,and looked out the window. He felt his heart race.
Gabe: Gabe laughed gently and kissed him again. "I'm a lawyer, honey, I deal with this kind of stuff all the time. I'll make sure to get you the best deal." He lifted an eyebrow and smiled before leaning in and kissing Clyde softly and sweetly on the lips. "Okay, would you, Clyde, do me the greatest honor of being my boyfriend?"
Clyde: Clyde giggled and buried his face against his shoulder. "Seriously? Me? " He pulled back. "Like totally!" He shouted and hugged him. "My lawyer boyfriend. No one will believe me" He laughed. He pulled back "Oh, my aunt. She's here." He laced their finger together as they pulled up. "Wait, are you sure. I can be an okish boyfriend. I think. I'm not really the breadwinner." The car stopped. "And I smoke sometimes, and I like country music, and I am not jewish... " He looked him over.
Gabe: Gabe couldn't help but giggle too. The sound Clyde was making was contageous and he felt giddy with it too. He couldn't believe that was what Clyde really wanted. No one ever asked to be called his boyfriend before. It seemed too incredible to be real. He took Clyde's hand and gave him a laugh, rolling his eyes. "I think you're going to be a great boyfriend. Stop worrying so much," he said and kissed Clyde gently on the lips. "Come on let's go before we keep your aunt waiting too long."
Clyde: He got out and walked towards the resturant. His aunt stumbled back when she saw Gabe. He was not what she expected. "Aunt Autumn. This is Gabe. He just asked me to be his boyfriend." Autumn looked Gabe over and lifted a brow. "He's abit too old for you, aint he?" She asked. "Be nice." He bumped his hip with her. "What's your intentions?" Most people woudl ask the person on the side away , but she was the type to say what hse felt in front of everyone. "Aunt, stop grilling him. He's not old and he's very good with his mouth." He kissed his cheek. "You hurt my nephew.' She said waving her fist as they went into the restaurant. "Stop it, Aunt. He wont.. Right? You wont?"
Gabe: Gabe knew he was always a little surprising to people when they saw him. He didn't look like the fabulously wealthy type at all, he knew that. So he just straighted his spine and smiled widely at Clyde's aunt and went to greet her with a handshake. "It's so great to meet you after talking on the phone with you the other day," he said ignoring the part of about his age. "Well, I happen to adore your nephew and I intend to treat him very well for as long as he'll let me." Gabe smiled and laughed a little. "No. I don't really plan on hurting you ever." He felt slightly overwhelmed and then gave Clyde a look, "good with his mouth, really? In front of family?"
Clyde: "I mean because you do lawyer things. You are good at speaking about trails." He shrugged He thought he sold him well! What did Gabe think he meant. He ordered a iced tea with no sugar and 3 cubes of ice. He sat down at the table. "Gabe is jewish!" He said. She looked him over "Wow, you come to an odd part of the country then? Most everyone is christian" She teased. "Alright, I trust you will treat him well.. " She got up to go fill her plate. Clyde held his hand "Let's go get plates together and get the same food. It will be sooo cute!"
Gabe: Gabe paid for their buffets and got some coffee for himself. He went to join Clyde and his aunt at one of the tables and smiled good naturedly. "Oh well, my firm is doing some business out here," he explained. "Or did. I decided to stay longer and work out of the hotel room." Gabe laughed and lifted an eyebrow at Clyde. "Are you planning on getting bacon?" he teased and followed him over to the buffett. He grabbed some toast to start and looked around at everything else.
Clyde: "No, I wont get bacon." He grabbed toast too. "what next?" He asked as he hugged his arm and pressed his chin over his shoulder. He pointed to the eggs. "What about biscuits and gravy?" He asked. "What else are you going to get? I want to get what you get. Can you eat sausages?" He asked. He wrapped his arms around him and hugged his body. "Are you enjoying this?"
Gabe: Gabe wasn't sure what to think of this new side of Clyde but he figured he didn't mind if he was going to get hugged all the time. That was kind of nice. He laughed and nodded, grabbing some eggs and some biscuits and gravy. "No saussages, but I can get some of the turkey bacon," he said and pointed grabbing a few slices. "Is there anything else you want?" he asked before heading to the table. "I enjoy you," he said with a laugh and sat down.
Clyde: "Yeah, I will get turkey bacon too." He squealed at their matching plates. The aunt watched them and sighed. She would need to talk to Gabe later. About Clydes moods. Right now Clyde seem overly blised. "He asked me out 10 minutes ago, and I said yes. Although, I super wish he asked me at work. Like rose buds in the water and him plaing a little guitar and singing to me.. "He sighed. He realized Gabe had more gravy than him and went to go fix that. His aunt sighed. "Gabe, he's not always well. He is a good boy, but his moods. I am trying to get him on the right meds. His mom screwed him up a little bit. " She quieted down when he came back. He sat down and took a photo of their plates. He leaned against Gabe. "arent we the cutest couple ever?" He took out his phone and took a photo.
Gabe: Gabe was just overjoyed Clyde seemed happy becuase he deserved to be happy today. It was his birthday. He sat down and was about tos tart a conversation but then felt another stab of worry when Clyde went to go get more gravy. "He told me a little about that," Gabe said vaguely when his aunt mentioned his mother. "But I can deal. I want to deal. And help, as much as I can." He smiled when Clyde came back and kissed his cheek. "Are we all ready now?" he teased softly and lifted his cup of coffee. "A toast to the most beautiful birthday boy."
Clyde: He blushed and hid his smile behind his hand. His aunt worried that maybe Gabe would grow weary of his moods and personalities. She knew that many men admired him for his beauty. She knew Clyde would feel 'love' for a little while, then the guys would leave and he would have weeks of angry and tears and not come out of his room. He seemed ok with taylor. She saw hope in him getting better all the time. Maybe Gabe would be good for him. He was a lawyer who could afford to take care of him. "Gabe is an excellent singer. He also owns a boat I think. It seems like something he would do. He wants to take me to new yok one day, thinks I can be a model?" He smiled "Even if I am too old really." He chuckled. He rested his head on his shoulder. "He wants to buy me jewerly today. Right?" He looked up. "And he gave me that thousand for our payment," He said softly, hoping he would play along. "He's the best boyfriend ever." He ate his toast first since Gabe ate his first.
Clyde: *seeme dok with taylor after the break up
Gabe: Gabe was trying to process everything and it felt like a lot, but he was doing his best and he thought doing a pretty okay job of it. Clyde was talking almost a mile of minute and he nodded along to most of it in between bites of breakfast. "I don't actually own a boat. But I have rented one before." He chuckled. "You could definitely be a model if you want to be a model," he added. The jewelry thing surprised him but he nodded after a second. "If you want jewelry I'll buy you jewelry," Gabe said and smiled, trying hard not to be weirded out by Clyde eating things in the same order as him.
Clyde: "Honey, calm down" She said and pulled out a small pill. It was a very low dose pain killer. She handed it to him to take. "Are these estrogen?" He asked. "No, they are not. Its a multi vitamin." She pulled out another pillf or him that actually was. He took both. He ate eggs in the same order as Gabe. "You dont need jewerly either. You are way too excited. Please calm down. CAn you get me some pancakes?" He stood up and nodded. "Let me know what you eat next." He kissed Gabes cheek. "I am so sorry. He get overly excited and acts a bit strange. It will calm down in a bit an dhe will be more himself soon. " He came back with pancakes and sat beside Gabe. "Let's get matching bracelets?" He said. "Did you eat more eggs or more biscuits and gravy? " He asked. "Clyde.. drink some water, pleas honey calm down. I know its exciting today." She worried what gabe would think and knew he probably would run afterthis, then she would have to deal with a heart broken Clyde until his stronger mood set in
Gabe: Gabe couldn't help but look a little suspicously at these pills that came out of nowhwere and he gave the aunt a concerned look. He didn't know why that was necessary. Or if he was supposed to be taking something that he wasn't taking currently. Gabe was starting to worry about it too. Gabe gave Clyde a small smile before he went off and couldn't hlep but still fele suspicious. "What was that? That you gave him?" He smiled when Clyde came back. "I didn't eat anything. You eat first," he said and smiled. "We can go look at braclets after this if you want. We're going to the outlet mall before we go over to the zoo."
Clyde: Clyde smiled and nodded. He picked eggs next "Oh honey, try the gravy with the eggs. Its good." He said. He ate two bites of eggs, and poked two bites of eggs on Gabe's fork to eat. Clydes aunt hffed "Nothing illegal." She lied. "It's for ADHD. " She told him. Clyde rolled his eyes. "I dont have that" He said waiting for Gabe to eat his eggs and then wtching where he eats next. "He needs ocd drugs ... " She laughed. "Your clingy as hell honey, give Gabe some space" He nodded and stood up. "FINE," He tossed his plate on the floor and stomped off. she sighed. "It only last a little bit, hes himself most of the time. I am so sorry. If you want to get out of this, you can.. "
Gabe: Gabe really didn't know what to do other than sink back a little and let it all swirl around him. He felt like he was getting into something deep and dark much faster than he wanted. He had no idea what he was getting into and he felt a little suspicious of everybody. He took a small bite of his eggs and then looked up at his Aunt. "No its fine, I don't need space. I'm actually prettl clingy myself-" he started to say and then jumped when Clyde's plate hit the floor. Gabe jsut gave his Aunt a bit of a glare, feeling like she'd provoked that whole thing and followed after Clyde. "Clyde, honey, wait."
Clyde: Clyde went out to the gift area and looked over the i love lucy mugs. He turned to Gabe "Shes going to make you leave me. I know it." He whimoered. "Shes a good aunt, but she thinks everyone will hurt me." He said. "I can take care of myself. I can.. I just want to be loved . Like Hedwig says, two bodies meant to be one.. I feel that with you. " He set the mug down. "My car is gone, my aunt doesnt approve of us. I feel really dizzy. I am sorry if I ruined breakfast. Can I lay down?"
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