#the wayhaven chonicles
coldvampire · 2 years
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Thank you to everyone for there help! I plan to offer more commissions in this style periodically, so please check @luxecoffin for updates on the newest batch <3
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nerdierholler · 3 years
Writing? From Nerdy? It's a Christmas miracle!
Here's a short little something with Ethan and Adam. A gift is offered. Adam is stubborn and Ethan is incorrigible. Same ol same ol with these two.
A Glass of Goodwill
Ethan stared expectantly at Adam as the agent glared at the brightly colored package on the table between them.
“What is this?” Adam asked finally.
“It’s a Christmas present. And it’s for you.”
Adam folded his arms across his chest, “Such things are unnecessary, Detective. You didn’t need to go through the trouble of-”
“First off,” Ethan interrupted, “I wanted to do it. Secondly, it wasn’t any trouble. Thirdly, just accept that sometimes other people might want to do nice things for you so stop being a stick in the mud and open it already.”
Adam raised an eyebrow at Ethan’s speech but, rolling his eyes, relented and began methodically removing the paper covering the box. Inside, he found a pair of crystal wine glasses wrapped in tissue paper. Carefully, he lifted one and held it towards the light. It was old, exactly how old he wasn’t sure, but the faint scratches across the clear surface spoke to years of use and the quality was beyond anything made by modern mass manufacturing. He hated to think how much they must have cost, especially given Ethan’s salary.
“These are beautiful, but I can’t accept-”
Ethan cut him off once again, “Yes, you can.”
“Ethan, these must have cost-”
“Don’t worry about what they cost.” The words came out more forcefully than Ethan had intended and he sighed, giving Adam an apologetic smile. “I saw them at a second hand shop and I thought you might appreciate them. Between you and me, I don’t think they knew what they had. Hell, I don’t even know but they seemed nice and maybe you’ll think of me when you use them.”
Adam looked at the glass and then Ethan. His face paled at the idea. He quickly put it back in the box and pulled his hands away.
“Or,” Ethan tried to recover, “you can decide you’d never want to drink out of them and hide them away in your sock drawer. Then you’d only see them and think of me when you’re getting dressed,” he paused and brought a finger thoughtfully to his lips, “which, come to think of it, might be even better.”
Just as quickly as the color drained away from Adam’s face it returned, his cheeks almost imperceptibly pinker than before. He swallowed and Ethan suspected Adam might not need something in his sock drawer to make his thoughts wander to Ethan while getting dressed.
“Listen,” Ethan leaned forward, “It’s Christmas, I saw them, I thought of you, that’s all. Take it as you will.”
Adam stared at the box for a few moments before collecting himself and, sitting up straighter, looked up at the detective. “My apologies for appearing ungrateful, this was unexpected. They’re a lovely gift and I appreciate that you thought of me when you saw them.”
“I think of you a lot more often than that, you know.” Slowly, giving Adam plenty of time to move away if he wanted, Ethan reached out and placed his hand on top of Adam’s. “Merry Christmas, Agent du Mortain.”
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heartofarcanum · 3 years
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Nate you slut.
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babycracker · 4 years
Luck Of The Unit - Day 2 prompt from @wayhavenmonthly: Book
Rating: mature
Pairing: mason/f!detective (nicole locke)
Word Count: 929
Warnings: very suggestive comments
"Aren't you bored?" Mason asks, flicking his lighter open and closed as he watches Nicole poring over the book on her lap.
"Getting there," she replies distractedly though she keeps her eyes on the pages in front of her, otherwise ignoring him.
"Maybe it's time to take a break then," he suggests, sidling closer and coming to stand behind the chair she's seated on.
"Later," her reply is just as distracted and Mason scowls at the back of her head before deciding to change his tactic.
It's near to impossible to break her focus once she's started on something, so naturally he makes it his mission to throw every type of distraction at her that he can think of when he feels that she's been concentrating for too long. Or when he gets bored.
He rests his hands lightly on her shoulders, digging his fingers into the muscles and beginning to carefully work at the knots in them. He grins to himself when he hears the tiniest of sighs from her and her head drops a little. Not quite enough to take her eyes off of the book, but enough for him to notice.
He leans down closer to her, his breath ghosting across her cheek as he murmurs, "I can give you something more interesting to study."
Still nothing, she even moves a hand to rest on the page she's reading, underlining the words as she reads to maintain her focus.
"I'm sure you can, but I believe I've studied what you have to give me quite closely already."
"There's always more to learn, sweetheart."
Finally, she abruptly snaps the book shut and rests her head against the back of her arm chair, looking up at him. She fixes him with a level stare, but the sparkle of amusement in her eyes almost worries him.
His hands slide down past the sides of her breasts to her waist as she reaches hers up, one of them resting on the side of his face and the other grasping the neckline of his shirt and pulling him a little further forward until she can whisper in his ear.
"I know how to make you come, and I know how to stop you from coming, and I know exactly how to suck you to make you make that little whimper noise that I like. What else do I need to know?"
A deep growl escapes him before he can stop it when her overly confident - yet entirely accurate - statement immediately causes a stirring in his jeans, but just as quickly as she'd turned her attention on to him she steals it back away and turns back to her book. Her hands drop away from him and she pushes his off of her waist before returning to the page she'd been reading before.
"Well maybe I need to find a new student," he mutters, almost sulkily, and then scowls at the light laugh she lets out as she turns the page.
"If you want to start all over instead of sticking with someone who knows your body like the back of her hand, be my guest."
She's just such a smart ass. He hates it, and he hates even more that they both know she's right, they both know he has no intention of finding someone else.
He should. And he could. All he needs to do is walk away, and it should be easy. He's done it so many times before, he's thought about doing it to her several times.
Just walk away he urges himself, but it would seem his body has other plans. He lets out a huff when he simply cannot, for some reason, will his legs to carry him out the door.
Instead they carry him to the side of her chair and leave him half perched on the arm, glancing over her shoulder to see that she's on the last page of her book.
"You're almost done anyway."
"I'd be done a lot faster if you'd stop distracting me," she counters, annoyance lacing every part of her sentence, but he barely notices it.
"So I am distracting you."
She finishes her page and closes the book again, leaning forward to set it down on the table before looking up at him. "As much as a bothersome child would distract a working parent, yes."
It's unbelievable how much she pisses him off sometimes.
"Where are you going?" he asks as she gets to her feet and smooths down the front of her suit skirt.
"I have a meeting with Nat, I need to brush up on my research."
"Do you just come here to work?"
She turns to face him properly, a frown on her face and her head slightly tilted, "why else would I come here?"
He just stares at her, unsure how to respond when finally she laughs and leans in closer to him, resting a hand on the side of his face again.
"I'm joking with you. Be waiting in your room in an hour, okay?" she turns and leaves the room without bothering to wait for an answer.
He glares after her, roughly shoving a cigarette between his lips and lighting it. Who does she think she is, making demands of him like that? Treating him like some kind of little bitch? Does she really think he's going to be waiting for her when she's done, like an afterthought?
Probably. Because as much as it annoys him, he already knows he's going to be waiting for her even if it takes her two hours.
tags (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @admdmrtn @masonsfangs @oxjenayxo @mmerengue @agentsunshine @bravomckenzie @freckles-spangledvampire @mistyeyedbi @kelseaaa @detectivewiseman @amlovelies @forestcreatures @maraudern05 @masonscig
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deepinifhell · 4 years
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The Wayhaven Chronicles Detective Template
The link below will let you download it as a PSD. I tried to make it pretty simple to use and the colors for the bars and text are all customizeable! You are welcome to use this and edit as you please just give me credit! 
Template by @deepinotomehell can be found here
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nerdierholler · 3 years
Wayhaven Frights Day 17: Whispers Pairing: Ethan/Adam Rating: G Words: 533 Warnings: none Let's just say this happens after the fill for Nightmare. Ethan goes outside to clear his head and eventually a certain someone comes to join him. Whispers
Ethan sucked in a deep breath as soon as he was outside the warehouse. He was glad he hadn’t run into any of the others on the way from his room. All he needed was a few minutes of fresh air to settle his nerves and then he’d go back to bed. Already the cool breeze against his skin was helping to dispel what panic and fear lingered from his nightmare. He sat down against the wall and closed his eyes focusing on the sounds around him until his heart rate and breathing returned to something close to normal.
The door to the warehouse opened, causing Ethan to suppress a groan. Apparently he hadn’t been as quiet as he thought. Unsurprising considering all of his roommates were vampires but still, he’d hoped this one time to avoid detection. It was probably Nate and Nate would know something was wrong and want to talk about it. He would make a big deal about it and this wasn’t a big deal, Ethan just needed time to deal with the nightmares. He could sort it out without a heart to heart chat in the middle of the night.
Sensing someone in front of him, Ethan opened his eyes and looked up. It was Adam. That was...good. He told himself the relief he felt was because now he knew he wouldn’t have to deal with a bunch of questions but he also knew that wasn’t the only reason he was glad it was Adam and not Nate. Ethan closed his eyes and went back to listening to the night sounds. Eventually Adam would ask if he was alright, Ethan would say he was fine and that would be that. An easy straightforward conversation as far as things went with them.
Instead, to Ethan’s surprise, Adam silently sat down beside him, almost close enough for their shoulders to touch, but only almost. When they had been close like this at the carnival, it had felt like sparks of electricity vibrating between them, now it was something completely different. Ethan suddenly felt tired and not just because he was awake in the middle of the night because of a bad dream. It was the kind of tired he’d been running from for months now, the kind that came from trying to pretend everything was fine and he had it all under control when he deep down, he didn’t. A tightness formed in his chest that felt a lot like tears wanting to bubble up.
Ethan slouched down, keeping his movements slow to give Adam a chance to move away or say something, but he stayed sitting where he was, his steadiness oddly comforting. Finally, Ethan rested his head against Adam’s shoulder. Ethan pulled his arms tight across his chest and let out a slow breath. “I’m glad you’re here,” he said quietly, worried that saying anything more or speaking above a whisper would cause the threatening tears to burst forth.
Adam turned his head just enough to get a better look at Ethan and said in a voice so quiet Ethan wasn’t sure he was meant to hear it, “Me too.”
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nerdierholler · 3 years
Wayhaven Frights Day 20: Full Moon
Pairing: Bree/Mason Rating: G Warnings: None Bree kicked the surface of the water, her foot sending ripples across the lake until the image of the full moon expanded in small circles, seeming to reach out towards them.
“Are you sure there’s nothing in the water? Fish people? Long forgotten dinosaur? Aquatic werewolves?” She nudged Mason with her shoulder. “Creature from the Black the Lagoon?”
“I’m sure.” He didn’t even pause to see if he could sense anything. Mason flashed her one of his self assured smiles, “Don’t you worry, sweetheart, I’m more than enough for anything that might be swimming in this water.”
“Is that so?”
Mason raised an eyebrow and studied Bree. The words were part flirtation, part challenge and that usually meant something enjoyable was coming, soon he hoped, for both of them.
With one swift motion she threw herself into the water. A few moments later the pieces of her swimsuit hit the dock beside Mason with a wet fwack.
“Still confident in your abilities?” she called to him.
Mason’s only response was a splash in the water beside her, his boots sitting safe and dry on the dock.
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heartofarcanum · 3 years
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heartofarcanum · 3 years
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This is my Wayhaven detective, Dinah Kingston, and she looks so amazing 🤩😍
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nerdierholler · 3 years
what's wayhaven chronicles 👀
I'm so glad you asked! The Wayhaven Chronicles are a set of supernatural romance interactive fiction books by Mishka Jenkins. You're a detective in the town of Wayhaven and when a murder happens, a group of devastatingly good looking vampires from a secretive agency are assigned to help you.
While you are looking for a killer, the overarching focus is romance not crime. There are five potential romance paths and even outside romance, all of the characters are distinct and interesting.
I think you can get it on the choice of games app (?), I have it on steam. There are apparently several books planned in the series, each one with it's own mystery to solve. There are two books out currently as well as a demo for the third. I played through the first book a few years ago and enjoyed it enough for the time and money I spent on it but it was finally getting around to playing the second book a few months ago that really pulled me in.
They aren't too expensive and I think the demos for books one and two might still be up so worth checking out if you want to check it out before committing.
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nerdierholler · 3 years
Wayhaven Frights Day 19: Hunter
It was Friday night and the bar was on its way to being plenty crowded. Mostly it was full of regulars and familiar faces but there were a few unknowns too, probably tourists from the city. It was fall and the small revitalized town surrounded by woods brought in visitors every weekend to enjoy the changing colors.
That certainly widened the evening’s options, though most seemed to be couples, there were one or two groups that might offer some promising entertainment if he could temp away an individual in the party.
The door to the bar swung open and he turned to see who entered. If it wasn’t two of Wayhaven’s Finest making a stop after finishing their patrol. Officer Poname wasn’t really his type, but there was no doubt that Officer Langford was well and truly one of Wayhaven’s finest. He was pretty sure Ethan was in the top 5 for almost anyone in town if you asked. The police officer was, without a doubt, the best looking man in Wayhaven, after himself of course. Which was why it was so frustrating that he refused to barely give Bobby the time of day.
As far as he was concerned, it made perfect sense that the two of them should end up together eventually, even if it was just for an evening of fun. There was nothing wrong with giving it the old college try one more time and if it didn’t work, well tonight at least, there were other options to fall back on.
Bobby motioned for Chen to come over and put in an order for Ethan’s favorite drink. Then gathering his own, he headed towards his target, hopeful that this time his aim would finally hit its mark.
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babycracker · 3 years
Jordan and Adam - Bauble on that prompt list?
thank you roc!! ngl i struggled to think of what to write, so the prompt word really just gets like a vague ref ig
micro prompt list (always accepting)
"Do you think those are appropriate for work?"
Jordan turns to face Adam, who's staring at her earrings with nothing short of disdain. "No."
"And yet you have chosen to wear them anyway."
"You catch on quick, Commanding Agent."
His eyes narrow at the excessively long earrings, the bright, multi coloured baubles reaching halfway to her shoulders.
They're terrible and she knows it, but Tina had given them to her earlier in the day along with an assumption that she wouldn't dare wear them during the working week, if at all. So naturally, Jordan had immediately replaced her small studs with them in the middle of the station.
"What if you were to find yourself in an altercation today?"
"Then I get to look like a badass when I take them out and hand them to you to hold," she answers with a grin, and he groans and runs a hand down the front of his face.
She would've worn them anyway, but the fact that they seem to distress Adam so much makes it so much more worth it.
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deepinifhell · 5 years
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This is the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me 
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deepinifhell · 5 years
Unit Bravo: Includes me in one (1) conversation Me:
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