#the world you're advocating for to me sounds like a world where people get raped and theres no reprecusions
snekdood · 1 year
yall love making the internet completely hostile and unusable for abuse survivors and im tired of it.
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eye-in-hand · 13 days
Fighting against, and standing up to antisemitism is very important to me. Not just because racism in all of its forms is vile and should be called out, but because antisemitism is something that's affected me very personally.
I talked a little bit about this in my why I'm converting post, but to keep it simple. I was raped by a neo-nazi who kept me isolated, forced me to be financially dependent on him, targeted me when I was 17 years old, kept me in his basement, physically abused me, among other things - because he thought I was Jewish. I am not ethnically Jewish. I'm English and Rusyn. However my entire life I've been perceived as Jewish. It got me bullied, abused, and raped.
So of fucking course when some idiot shows their ass in the one fandom space I had, about how they're sooo antiracist, sooo not bigoted, they just don't want jews, I mean zionists, in their space, of fucking course it's going to make me angry. Of fucking course I'm going to talk about it. Of fucking course I'm fucking disgusted.
It's not my fault these people fell down the rabbit hole of Russian and Iranian propaganda. It's not my fault these people think they get to tell Jews what Zionism means, or automatically assume that not advocating for the genocide of Jews, or being pro- the country where 50% of the Jews (and about 100% of the Jews from the MENA region) live must mean I support killing Palestinians. Or it means that I support genocide. It isn't my fault. Yet I, and other Jews, pay the punishment for it.
No. I don't support genocide. Of any group of people. I don't support violence towards other people based on where they happened to live or what race they happen to be. I don't support imperialism when it's done by anyone. And I FULLY SUPPORT the right of indigenous peoples to have self determination on their native land.
And if you have a problem with that, you have a lot of history to learn, a lot of bigotry to unpack, and a lot of shutting up to fucking do.
I support a two state solution because it's the ONLY way I can see peace happening in an area of the world that has been filled with blood shed for thousands of years. But at the end of the day, I'm a western convert, and my opinion on the Middle East is not as important as people who live there. And there are Israelis and Palestinians who are doing much more for peace than reblogging scam donation posts, supporting Hamas, or harassing Jews online and kidding themselves into thinking they're on the side standing against bigotry. And I support those people. Jew, Arab, or otherwise.
I do not support ignorant fuckwads who think they understand a conflict that doesn't affect them. I do not support ignorant fuckwads who think they get to tell a minority group they are not a part of what that minority group's words mean. I do not support historical revisionism, conspiracy theories, or advocating for the genocide of ANYONE.
And if you have an issue with a Jew telling you that what you're saying is antisemitic, when MULTIPLE JEWS ALL OVER THE INTERNET, have said that the movement you're supporting advocates for the death of all Jews, YOU ARE A RACIST BIGOT. You are the racist bitch you say you hate. You are not immune to bigotry. You are not immune to propaganda. You are not helping anyone with your self righteous virtue signaling slacktivism. You are pathetically ignorant. And I'd feel fucking bad for you if you weren't digging your heels in refusing to acknowledge that you have fucked up.
I don't feel bad for Nazis. I don't feel bad for people who throw Jewish lives away. I don't feel bad for people who throw Palestinian lives away. I have no sympathy for bigots.
By the way, that post wasn't even fucking about you. It says more about you thinking my calling someone out for being racist was about you than it does about me. But this post is about you, and it's the only one you're fucking getting from me. Go fuck yourself.
I know what Nazis sound like. And you sound just fucking like him.
This isn't some stupid fandom drama or some stupid fight between people that hung out in a stupid discord. This is shit that affects real people's lives, and you're perpetuating violence. Disgusting.
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Intersectionality sounds astounding! Life-changing almost!
On paper.
The problem is instead of focusing on how both groups face a problem, it tends to shift towards how only one group faces the problem.
Which is funny when feminists tell mras to care about intersectionality. Male rape victims either never existed or take attention off female rape victims in their eyes. And yet rape could be an intersectional issue.
Sorry for missing some things. And being too wordy. Just felt like voicing my thoughts.
the problem is a few assholes. I don't doubt that the assholes often get the spotlight, that's kinda how the world works, but it's not an inherent flaw of intersectionality that it just always ends with somebody stealing the poverbial mic. this kinda reminds me of the time a guy I knew said polyamory only works on paper because something something and then everyone falls apart, and it was just like tell me you've never had a proper poly relationship without telling me you've never had a proper poly relationship. so I dated him and his girlfriend. what I'm saying is don't write off the good ideas because some people you've seen don't know how to apply them, do the good ideas regardless, and fuck their girlfriend. some feminists don't give a shit about male rape victims, especially t3rfs and sw3rfs and crypto t3rfs, heck I live in a country where the rape laws are gendered and there have been feminists who've advocated to keep them that way, and there have been feminists who've not advocated for that but who've gone "why do you care there's other sexual assault laws?" (as if sentencing doesn't differ between the laws, as if expanding the definition wouldn't help other victims, as if there isn't a list of reasons to care longer than my very long and very sexy legs), but there have also been ones I've told the rape laws to and they've gone "what? really? no way. are you sure you didn't misread it?" and I show them and they go "that's fucked up what the fuck" because they do care, they just didn't know. also, you're engaging in a bit of a whataboutism here, I suggested that mras could benefit from a little more intersectionality in that post (because of how being a black man affects how you're perceived and treated, because of how the mrm has demonised cluster b people in the past despite the ableism and medical abuse and other issues cluster b men face, and because of how sexist rape laws that necessitate a penis will affect men differently depending on if they have a penis, while trans men are one of the most likely groups to have experienced sexual assault), and saying that feminists don't do it doesn't actually render that invalid - it's a criticism when you're talking about feminism not doing intersectionality well, so it should also be a criticism that the mrm does even less of it. the whole point of intersectionality is to focus on both aspects, the way the problem impacts different groups, or members of the same group who experience the problem differently due to also being members of other groups, and so on - if you shift to just one group, you're not doing intersectionality any more, so your complaint is that intersectionality is great on paper but in practice people don't do intersectionality and that means..?
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nationalistic · 8 years
Buddy if you could get your head out of your ass long enough to realize how similar Christianity and Islam are you wouldn't sound like such an uneducated twat all the time. If you educated yourself before you started calling other people terrorists, maybe you wouldn't live out such a sad existence where your only audience is all the porn blogs that follow you. Jesus regularly dined with thieves and whores and you're a sad excuse for a follower of his. You're about as Christian as a potato. FOH.
As someone who has read both the Holy Bible and the Qur'an, the latter as a purely academic exercise, I take comfort in the knowledge that my faith is utterly incomparable to Islam. But I’m sure you, having read a few tumblr posts, are far more qualified to judge, so I defer to you.
Sure, you can find verses in both books which are similar, they’re both Abrahamic, monotheistic religions and share a number of prophets, but the difference comes when you actually read the vile book itself.
The following is a very, very brief summary of the degeneracy of the Moslem, the false prophet Muhammad and his disgusting religion.
In Islam, a man is given the right to beat his wife until she obeys (Sura 4:34, Bukhari 8.73.68). According the Qur’an, “Men are in charge of women, because Allah has made some of them to excel others…and those on whose part you fear rebellion, admonish them, and leave them alone in beds apart, and beat them.” Oh and just in case you were considering defending spousal abuse in the name of tolerance, the Arabic word for beat used in the Qur’an is the same word used for the treatment of slaves and animals.
Muhammad himself was a degenerate, licentious and vile man, he had thirteen wives, two concubines/slaves, and four women with whom he had regular sexual relationships. Jesus insisted on the sanctity of marriage with one woman (Mark 10:5-12). 
Not to mention, by the way, that one of Muhammad’s wives was six years old when he married her, but nine years old when he consummated his marriage with her, so that’s okay, right? (See Aisha) And we wonder why Moslem grooming gangs terrorise the streets of the Western world, they’re simply following in their prophets footsteps!
Also of interest, Muhammad married his daughter-in-law Zainab (Bukhari 9.93.516-518). He arranged for his adopted son Zaid to divorce her simply so he could marry her. Faced with the refusal of Zaid to dissolve his marriage, Muhammad had another convenient revelation from Allah, which not only commanded Zaid to give up his wife to Muhammad, but also decreed that there was no evil in a father-in-law taking his daughter-in-law away from his own adopted son (Sura 33:36-38).
Sura 2:223 explains that “Your wives are your fields, so go into your fields whichever way you like.” Is this how husbands should think of their wives? Is this an example of the perfect divinely inspired revealed truth dictated from Allah to Muhammad? Let’s quickly compare what we have read so far to the Christian teachings about women, shall we?
Two books of the Old Testament are named for (and are about) women. Women play an even more venerated and prominent role in the New Testament, especially in view of the low status afforded women in the culture in which Jesus lived. Read Matthew 5:32; 1 Corinthians 11:11-12; Galatians 3:28; Ephesians 5:25-33.
There are 21 notable women mentioned favourably in the New Testament. While the Bible teaches different roles for women than for men, the New Testament elevates women in many ways. It teaches, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 
In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.”
Carrying out this teaching, Christianity has enhanced and protected women throughout history.
In stark contrast, let’s quickly go over some more Moslem attitudes to women:
Prostitution is common in many Moslem countries, especially countries in Africa. Moslems justify prostitution by marrying the woman for the night, which seems to be ‘okay’ as long as they stay within the limit of four wives at one time.
Genital mutilation of women is also a widespread practice in Moslem countries. In some countries 90% of women are so mutilated.
The Qur’an and hadiths teach that it is morally acceptable to force women to have sex with their captors (Suras 4:24,  70:29-30; also Bukhari 8.77.600; 9.93.506; also Moslem Hadiths numbers 8:3371 and 8:3433).
Islam teaches that the majority of people in hell are women (Bukhari 1.2.28, 1.6.301, and 2.18.161). According to the prophet of Islam, “I looked at Hell and saw that the majority of its inhabitants were women.” This is a completely abominable idea to any Christian.
There is a marked difference between the founders of the two religions also. Muhammad was an unrepentant sinner. In Suras 40:55, 47:19, and 48:1-2, Allah tells Muhammad to ask for forgiveness for his sins. Certain sins of his are mentioned in Bukhari 1:234 and 8:794-796, which include cutting off people’s limbs, burning out their eyes, and making them die of thirst. Muhammad also himself owned slaves (Bukhari 3:711, 6:435, 8:182, 8:221, 9:368). The only place where slavery is proven to be practiced today is in Islamic countries.
If Islam’s prophet, who is purported to be the model of purity for Moslems, was never in a state of holy perfection, then what hope do other Moslems have in achieving the stage of perfection? Shouldn’t the fruits of a prophet of the Almighty be benevolence and brotherhood instead of cold-blooded murder and dismemberment?
Jesus, on the other hand was without sin (Acts 10:38; 1 Peter 1:19, 2:21-24; 1 John 2:1, 3:5). Even his enemies, those who betrayed and crucified him, acknowledged his perfect life (Matthew 27:3-4; Luke 23:14-15). Jesus lived the perfect life for us all. This gives meaning to his claim to divinity since no one else has ever achieved perfection, and through this his self-sacrificial death for our sins becomes even more poignant. Jesus gave his life that others may live in a very spiritual and real sense, Muhammad took innocent lives for no reason.
Was never in need of forgiveness because he had no sin
Killed nobody, nor advocated killing in cold blood
Was not prejudiced against different classes of people
He did not own slaves
Did not succumb to the devil and was not bewitched (Matthew 4; Luke 4)
Had high moral standards, treating women with respect and advocating his followers do the same
Promised to pay the penalty for your sins
Suffered and died for both you and me, whether you accept that or not
Has no tomb for he rose from the dead and lives
Is the Prince of Peace.
Advocates and practices wife beating and spousal abuse
Is acknowledged by his own religion to be a sinner and in need of forgiveness
Was prejudiced against the poor, women and slaves
Practised incestuous and immoral relationships
Was a murderer and practiced extreme violence
Justified rape of captive women (sex slavery)
Justified sodomy and sexual promiscuity
Kept many slaves for himself
Practised and encouraged PAEDOPHILIA by marrying a six year old, and raping her at the age of 9
So if you still think the two religions are even remotely comparable, there is no hope left for you my friend.
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