lilsciencequeen · 5 months
But all alone, his blood runs thin (and doubt... doubt comes in)
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a fitzsimmons hadestown AU
read below // read A03
thank you to @the-nerdy-stjarna for the help with this one <3
The meanest dog you'll ever meet
He ain't the hound dog in the street
He bares some teeth and tears some skin
But, brother, that's the worst of him
The dog you really got to dread
Is the one that howls inside your head
It's him whose howling drives men mad
And a mind to its undoing
He looked at the King of Hell, unable to believe what he had been told.
That he - that they - could leave. 
As long as they trusted each other. 
As long as they believed in one another.
As long as he didn't turn back.
It would be hard, the hardest thing that either of them would ever do.
He would have to trust that this wasn't a trap.
He would have to trust that she would be there, only a footfall behind him.
She would have to trust that he knew the way.
She would have to trust that he wouldn't turn. 
It would take the two of them to get through this.
But he was going to do it - they were going to do this.
Like they did everything.
Because... because he could do this.
Of course, he could.
He had walked into Hell to save her. To bring her back.
And that was what he was going to do.
For the King of Hell saw him as an equal. Worthy of this task. This test. This trial.
And he wasn’t going to show him that he was any less.
He wasn't going to prove that he was the weak musician everyone believed him to be.
He was going to show the god that he was just as important, just as worthy. He was going to show him that a mere mortal could be as strong and as powerful as one who was immortal.
And when the King of Hell extended his hand, Fitz took it. The grasp was firm and the shake was powerful. Before his journey, he would have been intimated by this. Would have felt threatened by this.
But now - now it felt as though the god was wishing him luck, telling him that he could do this. 
And he could.
He didn’t hear her. Not anymore. 
When they had first started their walk, he could hear her behind him. 
Reassuring him. Providing words of comfort. She was there behind him. She would always be there with him, for him. Whatever came next, they would face together.
They were a team after all.
That it was always like he said, she had been beside him the whole damn time. 
Except this time she was behind him.
Was she?
She was. Of course, she was. Where else would she be?
She's not there.
She had to be there. She was there.
There was nowhere else she could be.
But he couldn’t hear her.
And he couldn’t see her.
Turn around. Turn around and check that she is there.
To see her would be to curse her.
To lose her forever.
So he continued, head down, pushing the doubts from his mind, but with every step that he took, it got darker, it got colder, it got harder.
It shouldn’t be like this.
They were leaving the world of the dead behind.
They were returning to the world of the living.
It shouldn’t be getting darker.
It shouldn’t be getting colder.
It shouldn't be getting harder.
But it was.
And he couldn’t hear her.
Not anymore.
She’s not there
He couldn’t see her.
But you can. All you have to do is turn around. Turn around and you can see her again.
He didn’t - he couldn’t -  he WOULDN'T - turn. She was there.
Was she?
He knew it.
But was she?
She would always be there. She would always be there for him - with him. No matter what.
Why would she be?
She told him - she promised him she would be there.
She told you she wouldn't leave you once upon a time and she did.
They were a team. That no matter what they faced, they would face it together. And he was going to do this.
For them.
For her.
You have failed her once before. 
Yes. He had failed her before. but not this time. This time was going to be different. 
Why would you be any different this time?
Because it was going to be. It had to be different.
It won’t be different. She deserves better. Better than you.
He closed his eyes, shaking his head.
He had to ignore those thoughts and had to keep going.
They can offer her that - he can offer her that. Not you. Never you.
Jemma was counting on him.
So many others were counting on him.
And he couldn’t - he wouldn’t - fail.
Not again
Never again.
But you will. You will always fail her.
And walking on, continuing on with this task - this hell - he had been asked to do and knowing hoping that Jemma was still there was the only thing that he could do.
She’s not there.
She’s not there.
She’s not there.
And he had to check.
He had to turn to see if she was there because if she wasn’t there…
No! He couldn’t!
But you can.
Turning would mean losing her.
How can you lose her if she’s not there?
Closing his eyes, he took a breath. Then another one then a third before opening his eyes once more and taking a step.
Then another step.
Then another…
Then an…
He turned.
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ellsey · 5 years
Star Gazing
This is my gift for @the-nerdy-stjarna for the Geminids Shower Exchange! 
Relationship: Fitzsimmons
Rating: G
Word Count: 2517
Jemma Simmons prided herself on her knowledge of rare things. This had carried her through her education in the sciences and even made her stand out at times. It was also the reason she was going to have a superior experience watching the Geminids meteor shower tonight. She had mapped out no less than three spots perfect for viewing. They were locations with a large enough clearing to see easily into the sky and far enough away from everyone that she could enjoy this alone. She had a great telescope on loan from a friend in the astronomy department, and she had food and drink to last her for a while. Jemma was going to find a nice, quiet spot to watch the stars. Alone. Stargazing was best done all alone, despite what her father had tried to tell her over the years. Yes, everything was going to be perfect.
Well, it was going to be perfect. That was until she got to spot number one and saw that it was already occupied. Jemma sighed as she got out of her car. The person there didn’t even acknowledge her as they fiddled with their telescope. Maybe they would be the quiet sort who would leave her alone. Then she realized she recognized them.
“Fitz?” she asked cautiously.
The person looked up from what they were doing. “Oh, hey there Simmons.”
Leo Fitz. Fantastic. Fitz was a confusing ball of intelligence and good looks wrapped up into one annoying fellow student. Well, he wouldn’t be half so annoying if he wasn’t constantly trying to one-up Jemma in class. 
Jemma stood in place for a moment, trying to decide what to do when Fitz popped up and started packing his things.
“Well, this place won’t do,” he told her. “The overgrowth from the trees inhibits the view.” He gave her an almost salute and began to walk to his car. “Best of luck to you Simmons.”
Jemma was so awestruck by the entire exchange that she hadn’t moved through the whole thing. She now realized she had two choices- take time to see if Fitz is correct in his assessment or just move on to spot #2. For some reason she immediately felt like she could trust his judgement and decided to test her next spot instead.
Read the rest on AO3
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earthvspace · 5 years
Just making sure I understand the spreadsheet correctly. If we start posting a WIP, we wait to record points until the whole fic has been posted and just give us points for the final word count, correct? Also, what are the differences between edit, graphic, and manip. Would a fic banner that includes photoshopping characters into a different setting count as graphic, manip, or graphic+manip? I’m not entirely sure of the definitions. Thanks for the help.
You do wait until the end of a fic until totaling the points, that correct. You can find the definitions of the different types of visuals on the ‘Point Information Sheet’ that is linked to your Team sheet!
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leftarmbucky · 7 years
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Parallels + Fitz’s Hugs [4x07/5x05]
Requested by @the-nerdy-stjarna
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dilkirani · 6 years
the-nerdy-stjarna replied to your post “so based on the ultimates schedule next weekend do people think we’ll...”
But what if we're too busy partying? ��
hahahaha this is ALSO fine! I just want to be invited if there’s going to be a watch party lolol.  
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yourfitzsimmons · 7 years
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Fitzsimmons Secret Santa gift for the amazing @the-nerdy-stjarna​ !! Prompt was: “Cold Feet” 
Title : Snow-ins
Summary :Fitzsimmmons snow day calls for snuggling and Doctor Who :)
Rating : G
Read Below
Looking up from her desk Jemma watched as snow fell creating a white blanket over the school grounds. She felt herself lost in watching the snowflakes fall in an almost timed pattern which was ironic considering each snowflake was uniquely different. She sighed, placing her head onto her desk and groaning as she wrapped the blanket tighter around her trying to not lose concentration.
“You sound like you’re really enjoying yourself,” Fitz commented lightly as he opened Jemma’s door and walked inside. If he was honest he had been watching her for a few moments, she had become so entranced in looking outside that she hadn’t realised that he had knocked before letting himself in. When Jemma was stressed or annoyed her brow furrowed tighter than it normally did and in that moment Fitz just wanted to put his arms around her and tell her to relax. Her eyes almost lit up as she watched outside and for those brief moments she looked so serene and peaceful that even Fitz didn’t want to ruin the moment.
For Fitz he had just finished his week of exams but Jemma still had one more. The one subject that she didn’t understand, the one subject that she had dreaded the most  - and this is coming from the prestigious Jemma Simmons.
“It’s just latin I can’t bare to sit here any longer and read this damned textbook any longer,” Jemma cried out to Fitz who had had been listening to her complain about this one exam for the last two days.
They had originally had plans to go out tonight, to get Jemma’s mind off everything, but with the current weather situation they weren’t going anywhere. Fitz plopped himself on Jemma’s bed as she continue to sit there and ‘tried’ to concentrate but with Fitz in the room she couldn’t concentrate. She had started to notice this recently - before, her and Fitz would just sit side by side and do their own things but now everytime Fitz was around she was conscious of her actions and movements as well as his.
Jemma shut her eyes for a moment, pulling the blanket even tighter around her and tried to relax.
She took herself elsewhere. Back home in her room in Sheffield with the familiar smell of home. She knew if she looked out the window she would be able to see her mum outside in the garden and she felt safe with Fitz’s arms wrapped around her shoulders as she leant her head back into him feeling at peace with everything within that moment.
“Jemma?” She could hear Fitz’s voice but it took her a moment to bring herself back to her dorm room, “are you still in there?” concern lacing in his words.
“I’m alright,” Jemma mumbled almost embarrassed by her thoughts as if Fitz was imagining what she was. He looked at her unsure for a moment, wondering what was causing Jemma to seem so distracted but he didn’t want to push.
“Maybe we should take a break?” Fitz suggested carefully, hoping Jemma wouldn’t start angrily yelling at him about how she needed to pass all her subjects at the highest of her ability, “we can just hang here and watch the new Doctor Who Christmas Special.”
Just the thought of stopping her work made her smile, but it took various amounts of coaxing from Fitz to get Jemma to actually move away from her desk and onto the bed.
They sat apart, neither of them knowing exactly how close they could go without it being awkward. Fitz started the show and as it played he tried to pay his full attention to the show but he kept feeling Jemma shift her position every few moments.
Jemma had the blanket covering her legs and part of her body but she still wasn’t comfortable plus she constantly felt cold despite the duvet covering her.
“If you don’t want to watch this we can always change?” Fitz asked hesitantly as Jemma moved positions again.
“No, no - why would you think I didn’t want to watch this? I love Doctor Who.” Jemma, who seemed surprised at Fitz’s question wondering maybe it was him that didn’t want to watch.
“You just seem distracted and you keep moving around.”
“Oh, I just can’t seem to find a comfortable position,” Jemma awkwardly tried to laugh off, “plus I think the heatings starting to break in the dorm because I feel like it’s getting colder by the minute.”
Fitz shifted slightly closer to Jemma and he felt Jemma’s hand touch his and he would be lying if he said his heart didn’t pick up a little bit at the touch. He was too scared to look anywhere else but the screen but if anyone asked him what was going on he would have no clue. Jemma’s arm shifted so it rested against his more closely and her familiar scent drifted past him as he momentarily closed his eyes, taking a slow breath, trying to take in the moment.
Jemma snuggled closer to him and Fitz put his arm around her, her feet and legs wrapping around his as she felt his body heat start to warm her up.
“Your feet are freezing Jemma!” Fitz exclaimed joking, jumping away slightly before moving right back to where he was by her side.
Jemma never wanted the moment to end. It was almost too perfect for her to believe - that within this moment she had basically all that she’d ever dreamed with her and Fitz. She snuggled closer to him, knowing fully well that her actions were not to her normal accord but at this point she didn’t care. A slight yawn escaped Jemma’s mouth as she started to feel her eyes daze surrounded by the warmth of both the covers and Fitz’s body heat.
Fitz didn’t dare move as he felt Jemma move even closer to him, her arms wrapping around his body as she looked up at him catching his eye. Fitz looked down and smiled, she was just so pretty and he couldn’t believe that he was lucky enough to be her best friend.
“Hey Fitz,” Jemma spoke softly, Fitz hummed in response.
“Nothing’s going to happen to us right?”
“What do you mean? What do you think might happen?”
“I don’t know …” Jemma trailed off, her mind ran through all the possibilities of them being seperated and it instantly made her upset, “we might be asked to work on different teams and things together, or you know … you might find someone.” Jemma hid her face into Fitz as she said the last part, not wanting to see his response.
“I’ll never leave you, not for anything or anyone.” Fitz responded, lightly placing is lips on her forehead before he watched Jemma start to doze off.
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the-nerdy-stjarna · 7 years
Hey Valentine! What’s one romantic tradition/action you love and one that you absolutely can’t stand? (They can be anything - from holding doors open for a partner to having to celebrate valentines or anniversaries with a strip-tease and a giant box of chocolates). Our little scientists are going to have to figure out their own traditions soon! ;) Hope you’re having a great week!
Oh boy, oh boy, not an easy question.
I think I like small, romantic gestures that show that the other person really knows you. For example, I once did a rewatch of Gilmore Girls and got to the finale episode and my husband was sitting on the other couch doing something different and suddenly towards the end of the episode, he gets up and disappears down the hallway and returns with my teddy bear (that I’ve had since I was 3) and hands it to me with a smile and sits back down in his spot. Like he knew that I was about 5 minutes away from crying (even though I had seen the finale episode multiple times already) and so he knew I needed something to snuggle. And I thought that was the sweetest thing ever. … So there, small gestures that don’t seem like a lot but mean the world to the person receiving them.
As for something I hate (hate being such a strong word). That was harder to think of, but I think kind of the opposite of the other example. Like a huge big over-the-top public display of affection thing (public proposal, flashdance love confession, having waiters and random guests sing happy birthday in a restaurant) that seems more attention seeking than genuine (I mean these can be awesome and I don’t want to diss anyone who does that, but it wouldn’t be something I would want for myself or feel comfortable with).
Hope this helps :) And hope you’re having a good start into February.
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4, 21, 23 for the fanfic end of year ask thing
4. total number of words you wrote this year
On AO3: 162,587
On tumblr: I have no idea how to measure, but a LOT more than that. (RP blogging plus drabbles)
 21. most memorable comment/review
Do I have to pick just one? Because I think you going through and commenting every chapter of A June Wedding… TWICE is pretty epic. :) I’ll go with you as most memorable commentER
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
Oh, so many. There’s the one where the monolith doesn’t take Jemma to Maveth but is instead a portal through time and drops her right in the path of Peggy Carter. Or the one where Fitz gets captured along with Tony Stark and everyone goes crazy trying to get them back while the two of them get progressively snarkier at both each other and their kidnappers. Or the “choose your own adventure” love story where it’s all of the various AUs in one fic, so you can read it the first time and end up in a coffee shop AU or make different choices and end up fake dating.
If anyone ever needs an idea for a fic, just hit me up. I get them all the time and they’re all well above my ability to write.
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florchis · 7 years
Sunday Six
“Each Sunday, post six sentences from a writing project—published, submitted, in progress, for your cat—whatever.”
I promised @the-nerdy-stjarna that this would be done sooner, but life is hard? So at least you know it’s on its way!
“Agent Simmons, can I ask you a question?”
Jemma raises her head from her mug of tea at the question, and looks over Agent Piper, standing straight as she can be under the kitchen’s door frame.  
“Yes, of course.”
She accompanies her reply with an inviting gesture, and Piper gets closer but doesn’t sit down.
“It’s well, um, it’s kinda personal. Very personal, actually.”
Simmons considers her then, wringing her hands in anxiety. Piper has always been nice to her, but distant enough, and seeing her like this, shy and vulnerable and blushing, is an oddity in and of itself.
“Shoot away, Piper.”
Once her S.H.I.E.L.D. badge has read “Agent Piper”, Jemma has checked; but no one is really sure if Piper is her first name, her last name, neither or both. There is actually a pretty impressive betting pool on the matter. Jemma is almost sure that May knows the truth, not that she would ever tell anything.
“Are you, I mean, you can choose not to answer if it makes you uncomfortable, of course, but I would appreciate if-”
She stumbles over the prefaces, and Jemma notices that is not only because of her nerves: she is a woman of action, and formalities don’t bode well with her, so Jemma decides to take her out of her misery.
“Piper, I make autopsies for a living. I might be English, but almost nothing makes me uncomfortable. That is Fitz’s thing. If I said you could ask, you can ask.”
Piper nods once, curt,  exhales and finally lets her question out in one breath.
“Is your and Fitz’s relationship with Agent Johnson… exclusive in nature?”
That is… not at all what Jemma was expecting her to ask.
[Coming soon to an archive near you!]
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theclaravoyant · 7 years
1, 5, 7 for the end of year fic ask :)
1. favourite fic you wrote this year
oooh, that’s a tough one!
one of my personal & underrated faves is probably Sticks and Stones, a oneshot where May reminds Fitz to look after himself in the aftermath of his and Simmons’ encounter with Hydra & Giyera.
I also really enjoyed Suddenly I See (Simmorse, HS AU) bc I really got to embrace the Gay Fluff, and Sounds Like a Song (Daisy, Daisy’s daughter, team as family), a collection of oneshots which has grown on me so fast and has a special place in my heart
5. most popular fic you wrote this year
the most popular in terms of prompts & requests to continue would have to be A Gentleman & a Scholar (FitzSimmons smut), but it doesn’t seem to have the most traffic, likes, or comments
in terms of both kudos and comments apparently (if I’ve got AO3s filters working right), Team Playground Drabbles & Ficlets has the most, which isn’t surprising as each one is quite separate from the others and it features a number of different relationships so it’s likely to get attention from lots of different people. then, more surprisingly, Sounds Like a Song is second in line! and they are CRUSHIN it with more than double the comments of the next in line and more than 4x the number of kudos! wow :D
7. longest completed fic you wrote this year
as you know for the most part I prefer collections of oneshots to completable multichap fic, but I do have a couple of proper - if small - multichaps this year! 
the longest of the completed ones is Sparks, a Simmorse author/bodyguard AU! it’s only 7 chapters/13K which is on the shortish side for a multichap, but I’m quite proud I managed to pull it off!
ask me stuff: fic asks
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clearascountryair · 7 years
Okay, so I saw that you had reblogged the ask about a fic I wrote thing, and so I went to your Ao3 account to try and pic my favorite fic by you (which is hard! impossible, really). And then I saw this one, which I've read a while ago, but know I loved to pieces (and may now have to re-read)... so.... "The Somebody I Want to See" + No. 5, 9, 11.
Ahhh, hi!  And thank you!  That was one of my favorites to write.
5. What part was hardest to write?From a writing perspective? Everything Margo says.  Kids are so tough.  From an emotional perspective?  Probably the whole fic.
9. Were there any alternate versions of this fic?Not really.  A couple of scenes I never ended up writing, like a full flashback of when Jemma went into labor, but it was a pretty solid start to finish.
11. What doe you like best about this fic?I just reread way too much of it trying to remember my favorite bits, but I loved writing the other Leo.  He was so much fun and I was definitely going to write a follow up where he and Daisy got to know each other.
Ask random stuff about my fics
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Galaxy, Betelguise, Saturn for the space asks, please.
Thanks for the ask!
galaxy:   are you a sun, moon or star person?
Definitely the moon!! I always look for it whenever I go outside at night
betelguise:   what’s something that calms you down when you’re upset?
When I’m angry, moving around helps, like taking a walk, or stimming (usually by rocking)
When I’m sad, doing something to get my mind off of what I’m sad about, typically by watching Netflix or something
saturn:   what do you think about before falling asleep?
Ugh, what don’t I think about? Typically work anxiety invades my mind, but I try to redirect my thoughts to nicer things, like making up some kind of story
Send me space asks
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teamengineering · 7 years
Does anyone know who the gif set makers are on our team? Who's taking requests (cause I have one and I'm drawing a blank 😉). Also, this is my first EvB. Is there a good way to communicate with everyone? Like a chat or something? I'm sorry. So new. So clueless. So excited. GO TEAM ENGINEERING!
hey! we’re excited too! as for your questions, stay tuned and all should be answered for you in the next couple of days. keep an eye out for some posts from team engineering. we got a lot of info today and i didn’t want to overload everyone, but it’s all forthcoming.
and welcome to EvB and team engineering :))
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the-nerdy-stjarna replied to your photoset: memorizingthedigitsofpi: Quarter Final - Day Four ...
I know. This is the hardest decision yet! AHHHHHHHHH!!!! @memorizingthedigitsofpi , @not-the-stupid-cat-again WHAT DO WE DOOOOOOO????
@the-nerdy-stjarna after a lot of soul searching I voted for TMBMITW because I know for a fact that @memorizingthedigitsofpi can do wonderful things with it, but if Faking It loses I am not above begging and bribing to make it happen anyway. I need both in my life SO bad.
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eclecticmuses · 7 years
Happy birthday! 🎂
Thank you so much!
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jemmafitzsimmons · 7 years
mrsdecaestecker replied to your photoset “FitzSimmons Soundtrack Series 1x09 - Repairs”
I wait every day to see this set! I'm discovering lovely new songs!
ahh yay! that makes me so happy! Although, I hope you’re not listening too hard to the lyrics - most of these songs work for FS bc of the titles alone. lol (but if you AU hard enough...) ;-) 
the-nerdy-stjarna replied to your photo “Near Future  ~ Jemma snuggled closer to Fitz’s chest as the sun crept...”
This makes me so happy and fluffy
awww thank you, dear! 
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