#thea 🌠
onlyseokmins · 6 months
thank you for poating $$60 bilion on ao3 🫡🫡 i downloaded it and it is now sitting on my kindle so i can read on the bus 🫡🫡 i might be back with my full review by the end of the week 🫡🫡
thank YOU for reading and ur continued lovely support (plus your wonderful help in figuring out how to post this absolute behemoth on tumblr) adjfskd i hope u have a safe bus ride and enjoy the fic when u read it!! <33
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pupsmailbox · 4 months
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NAMES ⌇ aelin. aeline. aibek. aku. alcmene. alta. amal. amalthea. amaris. amaya. apollo. arche. archer. ariel. arielune. arion. artemis. aruna. atla. atlas. ay. aydan. ayla. baku. bianca. cal. cali. calli. callisto. celestia. celina. celine. chandra. charon. chroma. crescent. damaris. dark. deimos. diarene. dione. dipper. dream. dusk. elaine. elara. erion. esme. esmere. europa. ganymede. hala. halo. hara. helen. helena. helene. hyperion. hypnos. io. jaci. jericho. june. kamari. khonshu. koko. koray. layla. luan. luna. lunar. lunatalia. lunavenly. lune. luno. mere. mia. midnight. miranda. mirande. mirando. miyako. monday. moon. moony. moonyx. morpheus. mya. myia. neoma. nocturne. nox. oberon. orion. phobos. phoebe. portia. puck. raka. rhea. runa. rune. runo. salina. saline. sandra. selena. selene. selephina. somnia. somnus. thea. titan. titana. titane. titania. titanio. titano. twilight. umbriel. vesper. volana.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ cloud/cloud. cloudy/cloudy. cosmi/cosmic. crater/crater. cre/crescent. crescent/crescent. dark/dark. day/dream/daydream. daydream/daydream. dream/dream. dusk/dusk. ecli/eclipse. evening/evening. galaxy/galaxy. lua/luna. luna/luna. luna/lunar. lunar/lunar. midnight/midnight. moon/moon. night/night. nocturnal/nocturnal. nox/nox. orb/orb. orbi/orbit. orbit/orbit. phase/phase. satellite/satellite. sha/shadow. shadow/shadow. sleep/sleep. sleepy/sleepy. star/star. umbra/umbra. 🌃 . 🌌 . 🌑 . 🌒 . 🌓 . 🌔 . 🌕 . 🌖 . 🌗 . 🌘 . 🌙 . 🌚 . 🌛 . 🌜 . 🌠 .
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saturniasxenos · 24 days
Eternaunivian & Cosmos ID/NPT Pack
Ee - Tur - Nuh - Yoo - Nuh - Vee - Ihn
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Eternaunivian is ETERIN and a subterm of the Eternalgender System. Those who identify as eternaunivian may feel as if their gender, or even their whole identity, has a deep, never-ending connection to the universe and anything apart of it (including but not limited to: Dark Matter, Stars, Planets, Galaxies, Black Holes). This can be used as an umbrella term for any space-related eternic genders. You could be a star and eternal, an eternal quasar, an eternalized planet, an eternal that likes the cosmos, a constellation eternal, and similar.
This gender may be constantly fluctuating and fluid between any space-related and eternic genders. This gender would be considered under the agender umbrella, but can be used by anyone regardless of femininity, masculinity, and neutrality.
Created and Coined by me. There is no correct way to use this flag and term.
Keep reading for Etymology & Cosmos ID Pack (Titles, Names, & Pronoun suggestions)
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Etymology: Eternal, Universe, -ian (suffix),
Pronoun Suggestions:
Title Suggestions :
(X) Who Watches The Stars
The Guardian of The Quasar
Emperor of The Moon
(X) Who Dances Amongst The Galaxy
The Child of Andromeda
(X) Who is Made of Stardust
The Lover of The Cosmos
The Will of Luna
The Eternalized Constellation
Song of Neptune
Melody of Jupiter
Love of Venus
The Flame of The Sun
(X) Who is Infinite
The Eternal Galaxy
(X) Who Was Born From Black Matter
Name Suggestions:
Some names may not be fem or masc, I just organized what I thought sounded the most masc, neu, or fem!! Many names originate from named stars in the galaxy! See this site for more named stars.
Fem: Ankaa, Aniara, Alasia, Aurora, Ayla, Astrid, Astra, Astraia, Ariel, Andromeda, Arista, Bellatrix, Danica, Dawn, Calypso, Celeste, Celestia, Cordelia, Cressida, Electra, Eris, Estrella, Gaia, Helene, Irena, Itonda, Luna, Lunar, Lyra, Maia, Merope, Mimosa, Mira, Nova, Nervia, Pleione, Phoenicia, Phoebe, Pandora, Seren, Selene, Stella, Starla, Solana, Star, Sunniva, Shaula, Thea, Umbriel, Venus, Vega, Veritas,
Masc: Alpheratz Archer, Apollo, Aries, Atlas, Ash, Altair, Altais, Antares, Arcturus, Taurus, Cyrus, Cosmo, Castor, Cepheus, Celestio, Draco, Eros, Fafnir, Felis, Galileo, Hunter, Jericho, Kiran, Kepler, Leo, Luca, Mars, Nox, Neptune, Oberon, Phoenix, Perseus, Pollux, Sterling, Sirius, Sol, Stellan, Titan, Theo, Zenith, Veritate,
Neu: Ancha, Aiolos, Artemis, Aster, Acrab, Algieba, Acrux, Atria, Achrid, Axólotl, Borea, Borealis, Cetus, Chertan, Comet, Cassiopeia, Crescent, Eden, Europa, Eclipse, Fulu, Funi, Galaxy, Graffias, Haedus, Io, Libra, Lynx, Lesath, Libertas, Moriah, Musica, Orbit, Orion, Polaris, Polis, Pisces, Phobos, Regulus, Rasalas, Denebola, Saturn, Solstice, Seraph, Scorpius, Scorpii, Soleil, Sargas, Spica, Sceptrum, Solaris, Tevel, Virgo, Vesper, Zephyr, Zosma
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dylanlila · 4 months
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hiii hellooo there jo!!! <3 <3 not sure what time it is for you but!!! over here it is absolutely june 2nd already soooo wishing u the absolute loveliest birthday xx you’re genuinely so so lovely + it always makes me so happy to read your posts + see your beautiful creations + bump into you on dash hehehe xx hope your day is filled w sunshine and good music and the best vibes MWAH xx also here is a little amy sketch for youu bc i always think of u when i see her now :)) <3 🌻🌟💫💌🌌💖🌠💕
my birthday is not here yet for me (2 hours ahead to be precise hehe), but goSHHHHHHH thea i just got back home from this mini jazz & blues concert and to open my phone and find THIS in it... what is the equivalent of a christmas tree in the glorious month of june... hm hm... I AM SCREAMING, YOUR AMY ART IS MY FAVOURITE ART AND NOW I HAVE A PIECE MADE SPECIFICALLY FOR ME AND IT'S LITERALLY ONE OF MY FAVOURITE AMY LOOKS??? and you painted her hair the same colour mine is :") and it's curly :") like mine is :") AND HER JACKETTTT AND THE STARS STARS STARS STARS STARSSSSS☀️⭐💫💋🌃☀️❣🧡🛸💫🌻🌟 THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVOURITE PRESENTS I'VE EVER GOTTEN, I'M SO GLAD I KNOW YOUUUU🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
us right now ⬇️
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flowers-for-em · 9 months
Hiiiii congrats on 100! Can i request the bottom and Cornelia street?
The bottom 🌠 - Thea Calligaris, The Inheritance Games I feel like you two would be such a badass couple.
Cornelia Street 🎀 -
Dear Dandy (that made me smile),
Its hard to write a letter to you when words can't describe how much you make me smile daily. Your posts always brighten my day. And your taste in music is>>>>> oml. Your blog is so aesthetic and I always love stalking and spam liking your posts. I hope this new year brings so much joy and happiness into your life and I hope to get to know you better.
Love from your mutual Emma <33
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awritingcaitlin · 8 months
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🌠Speaks of an older time as if she is intimately familiar 🌠Hides her scars 🌠Her own mother tried to kill her once 🌠Wants to do what is right for the planet and its inhabitants 🌠Knows magic of old 🌠Is on a first name basis with gods 🌠Considered a wild card
More vibes and picrews under the cut!
🌟Not recognizing where you grew up because it's changed so much 🌟Seeing an old friend but knowing you two have grown apart 🌟Trying to make amends about something you're not truly sorry about 🌟Bending the rules to fit your needs 🌟Your body can't hold the magic
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blackberryjam · 2 years
hiii thea !! 💗
stuff i associate with u: white rabbits (this guy 🐇), velvet, and dragonflies
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michyeosseo · 3 years
💜💮🌷🌸✨This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you’re amazing inside and out ✨🌸🌷💮 thea thank you so much for always being an inspiration and my no. 1 sapphic content source! I hope you have a relaxing and fun holiday season and new year's eve. look forward to seeing more wlw content from you 🎉🍀🌠🌈👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💃
nisa, this is so sweet~! sorry if i don't always respond to these positivity chains (often, the reason is that the disaster i am forgets stuff in her own inbox) but it feels like you include me more than i deserve ;~;
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onlyseokmins · 1 year
size matters!!!! big dick chan has a special place in my heart 😭
KISSES ALL OVER UR FACE W/ CONSENT THEA! Size matters will always be that famous bitch!! Big dick chan 🤌🏼🫶🏼
Tell me your favorite fic ❤
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awritingcaitlin · 11 months
✨Rinnie is a sassy sorceress who doesn't ever want to admit she had feelings ever. But she is also bamf and capable of healing magic, though she'd much rather light stuff on fire.
📙Nathaniel the poor tired grad student who is also a Marine on a mission. He *doesn't* get paid enough for this and just wants that nice peaceful life. It would be such a shame if a war were to happen...
🔪Riela, my knife-wielding barmaid who knows way more about religion than she lets on. She has about 50 million secrets from her past so good luck figuring them all out. But she's also a hopeless romantic who dreams of getting swept off her feet.
🍺Killian, Captain of the Queen's Guard. On a mission to save said dying Queen. Has a YOLO attitude and pulls no punches. He also never seems to sleep for very long.
📘Taryn, Rinnie's bodyguard with benefits. Never actually intended to get feelings. Ended up in way over her head in a few things. Wicked smart and perceptive.
🧪Mica, resident kooky alchemist. Took a cognizance potion that one time and now her brain has filing cabinets inside for all sorts of information. Very good at chemical and alchemical reactions. Escaped from pirates, does *not* want to go home and get married.
🍎 Paul, the soft-spoken Marine who doesn't feel it is appropriate to take on too much responsibility, but will step up should the occasion come up. He grew up on a farm and is an apple cider snob.
🍻 Mama Cass, the wise sage. Older than she looks. Older than seems possible. She knows what kind of drink you want without asking. Unbelievably kind. Seen it all before. Her face holds a smile and doesn't seem to know how to do anything else.
⭐Ilani my beloved oracle. She has visions of the future and knows what will come true. Yet she does not let this hold her back. She is loving and unbelievably patient. She has such a rigid set of morals that has never let her down.
👊 Roderick, the man who punched an admiral and still got a commission. He plays a mean game of Royal Will. Such a strategist. Plays darts when he's thinking.
🧝‍♂️ Kanjo, the character who changed entire arcs with his inclusion. The dirty mage who can brawl with the best then clean up and be a gentleman - sometimes. Perpetually a staff NCO. A realist. Drives fast motorcycles.
🧝‍♀️Kiyo my darling bartender. Who can mix a drink whole only half paying attention. Who can make sushi in her sleep. Who knows that the ocean will take your cares away. Who was creating whirlpools and waterspouts by age twelve. Dirty mage tricks.
🌠Thea. Woman on a mission. Believes she's doing the right thing. Immensely powerful. Older than she looks and she looks immortal. But she has dark secrets no one can know. And she begs forgiveness from the one who does.
🟡Cael. Protector. Warrior. Quiet. He's an incredibly smart tactician. You will never beat him at chess. He's seen it all and more. Will follow those he loves to the death.
🌟Ciara, my darling child. I say, knowing she's in her 30s. Brute force magic. Very powerful. Can weaponize her magic to deadly degrees. No shame. Looks like she can kill you and will actually kill you. Fiercely protective. Loves deeply. Dreams of settling down one day.
🌬️Zeh'ave, the air elemental with amnesia. Does not remember who she was before. Had to learn how to function again and still does not have full control of her powers. Lightning fast with magic, has a strong sense of self preservation.
💙Lily, the kick ass demonic astral. Can shapeshift but prefers her resting form in it's blue, tailed, horned, and hooved glory. Did a huge service to the state when she was younger. Was raised on the streets but knows how to pretend to be proper.
😈Ashora, another kick ass demonic astral. Lives as a mercenary. Styles her hair around her horns. Super strong, super fast. Loves the adventure.
🔫Cami, the prisoner. Currently in a high security prison for her supposed safety because no one knows what to do about the fact that she's possessed by a dragon.
⚕️Aravae, the doctor who has learned to play ruthless political games in order to survive. She knows the ins and outs of political, legal, and medical spheres. Looks like a cinnamon roll, probably won't kill you. Hates direct confrontation. Will end the fight.
👧🏾Janna, sweet Janna. Giggly and boisterous. Just wants to set herself apart from her large family. Always kind, very perceptive.
👦🏽 Adrian, the quiet cook. Young and wide eyed. Dreams of a better future. Bakes really good bread. Saving up money for someone special.
🧒🏼Sean, the even quieter waiter. Works the graveyard shift. His day starts around noon and he goes straight from closing up the tavern to the fish market to buy fish for the next day. Lives at the tavern though, so it makes it easier.
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awritingcaitlin · 1 year
💥Find the Word Tag💥
Oh man it's been ages since I've done one of these. Thanks @elbritch-kit!
We're gonna do Siege of Berthingtonn snippets under the cut!
My words are fire, spark, dream, lie, and cut.
I'll tag: @tananaphone, @samplewriting, @circa-specturgia, @nanashi23, and @runeseaks for the words: mind, know, left, began, and realize 👀
There was something pressing up against the back of her mind and it took her two seconds too long to realize it was a ward.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw movement. She pivoted to the right at the same moment a man took a swing at her with a short black club. Without a conscious thought, she dropped her clutch purse and lunged inside the swing, planting her off-hand on his chest. She pumped fire and force through her fingertips. He was brutally flung backwards into the wall behind him, a flaming handprint scorched through his clothes to his chest. He collapsed soundlessly.
Rinnie turned to open the door again and her hand smashed against a shield that hadn’t been there ten seconds ago. She yelped, but no sound came out.
Mica was still inspecting different bottles. Rinnie could sense her alchemist’s spark. Mica would know exactly how many parts of one thing she would need to put into any mixture. Amusingly, she had to stick her tongue out in thought at every bottle she examined.
Rinnie browsed the shelves, having no need for topical painkillers or ingredients to make said painkillers. Nor did she need any other herbal remedies. Her body took care of itself.
An itching thought in the back of her head reminded her that not all injuries were physical, and she’d have to come to terms with everything the Nidtrins had done at some point, but Rinnie shoved those thoughts away. She walked over to Riela.
“We’d made a good life here,” Thea said. “Hopefully we can come back soon.”
“It wouldn’t be the first home we’ve left.”
Thea shrugged. “I know. But I can dream a little.”
Behind her, her trunk clicked shut. Cael stood up straighter. Thea closed her eyes and straightened her own spine as well. It was time to move.
“Let’s ward the house,” she said.
The interrogation began and all of them leaned slightly towards the mirror to listen. Sergeant Oliver had taken up a station to the rear and slightly left of the prisoner, barely inside his peripheral vision. Lieutenant Fjord took a seat directly in front of the prisoner and produced a brown file folder, which he opened so as not to give the prisoner a chance to look inside. Granted, it was all a ruse, the file was empty.
“This should be interesting,” Killian commented.
Fjord pretended to scan the lines of text in the folder before snapping it shut and sliding it under his chair. “I’m not gonna lie to you, Lukas,” Fjord began in a sympathetic voice. “You’re in a lot of trouble.”
🔪CUT🔪 (CW surgery)
“You do realize that I might not be able to concentrate on a surgery and finding Nidtrins at the same time, right?”
Nathaniel returned with a report and Rinnie took the opportunity to cut into Fjord’s chest. The farther she got in this surgery, the more chance she had of being able to finish it before going out to find more Nidtrins.
“I didn’t necessarily want the ability to sense Nidtrins,” Rinnie muttered. “But it’s unfortunately useful.”
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awritingcaitlin · 4 months
🌠Thea Playlist
Little Lion Man
Welcome Home
I Am Here
Devil I Know
A Dangerous Thing
The Wolf
Love is a Weapon
Therefore I Am
So Much (For) Stardust
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