thelaziestgeek · 5 years
What can you do to save the Amazon Forest?
Spread awareness. Stay on top of this story, post about it on your story, tell your friends, reblog posts on Tumblr. This devastation is hardly getting the media coverage it deserves.
Support the indigenous people of Amazon, in whatever way you can. 
Vote for leaders who believe climate change is real, and that immediate action is required. 
Be an intelligent consumer, and stop supporting organisations that benefit from the loss of this forest. 
Donate. Provided here are some organisations that you could donate to. Charities like Amazon Conservation Association, Amazon Conservation Team,  Amazon Watch,  Rainforest Foundation US,  Rainforest Trust,  Rainforest Action Network are other examples. 
Volunteer. Contact the charities above and ask them what you can do to help. 
Sign these petitions. (x) (x) 
According to this website, here are some ways you can help:
Donate to Rainforest Action Network to protect an acre of the Amazonian rainforest.
Donate to the Rainforest Trust to help buy land in the rainforest. Since 1988, the organization has saved over 23 million acres and counting.
Reduce your paper and wood consumption. Double-check with Rainforest Alliance that what you're buying is rainforest-safe. You can also purchase rainforest safe products from the alliance's site.
The World Wide Fund for Nature works to protect the countless species in the Amazon and around the world.
Ecosia.org is a search engine that plants a tree for every 45 searches you run.  
Donate to Amazon Watch, an organization that protects the rainforest, defends indigenous rights and works to address climate change.
Donate to the Amazon Conservation Team, which works to fight climate change, protect the Amazon and empower indigenous peoples.
Amazon Conservation accepts donations (which can be tax deductible) and lists exactly what your money goes toward. You can help plant trees, sponsor education, protect habitats, buy a solar panel, preserve indigenous lands and more.
Contact your elected officials and make your voice heard.
According to this website, here are some other ways you can help:
Support arts, science, and other projects that raise awareness about the Amazon through the Amazon Aid Foundation.
Help protect animals living in the jungle with WWF.
Reduce your beef consumption. Rainforest beef is typically found in fast-food hamburgers or processed beef products.
If you’re in a position to help protect the rainforest on a macroscale, Foreign Policy argues that one of the most powerful tools for protecting the region is to work with businesses rather than against them. This is particularly effective in the beef industry, because as Foreign Policynotes, domestic meat producers in Brazil work with international companies that “are committed to zero-carbon standards, in principle” and are more susceptible to public outcry than Bolsonaro. They suggest that trade, distribution, and financing deals that are dependent on protecting the rainforest and sustainability can be a boon to the planet and to Brazilians who depend on the rainforest for their livelihoods.
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theactivistnetwork · 5 years
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This is the endgame. You know this because you have heard countless stories about whales who have died because plastic choked them, deprived them of another day. You know this because humans have collapsed with ruined lungs and hearts full of regret. 
The end of the world does not come suddenly. You have watched it come with people who call issues that hurt thousands a hoax because it is convenient simply to them. For years, you have wished you could do something to help. 
Today, we bring you The Activist Network, a network that fights against ignorance and sloth, that participates in the fight against climate change. We want to make this world a better place to live in. 
How can you help? You can write articles explaining what people can do, little steps that eliminate hundreds of pounds of waste, at the very least. You can make gifs, and make edits about the wide-reaching effects of global warming. You can even write fics centred around global warming, and how your characters fight against it. 
Along with climate change, we will fight for people who face discrimination, and children who are thrown into War’s mouth. 
It seems small, and hardly enough, but I assure you that your efforts will have a ripple effect. This network is not for the faint-hearted. You must be angry, you must want change. The end is nearing. The Earth screams one last time. How will you help her?
Applications will be kept open for an indefinite period of time. 
To apply you must: 
- Reblog this post
- Follow this network
- Fill out this type form
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textsfromthewives · 5 years
update: I think I’ll start with thebooknetwork and theactivistnetwork first? Um, I don’t really know. can you guys choose, please? I am but an indecisive bi who wants to do everything at once. 
I'm thinking of doing a header that’s kinda rustic / gold for the book network kind of like this but I suck at edits so it might take me 243938429 years. And, the activist network can have something more pastel and cute, maybe? Like, Alice’s header for the follower celebration she had a while ago. I don’t know, what do you guys think?
I made a discord for the activist network - invited my wives already ofc ( i love you guYS) 
@hermione-who @writingwitchly
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theactivistnetwork · 5 years
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We don’t need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly. – Anne Marie Bonneau
The Activist Network has hit 100+ followers, and to celebrate, we’re conducting a bonus event! This event is open to everyone, not just members, and will run from 1st to 28th September. 
The theme of this event is Zero Waste Lifestyle. Before the month ends, you can post a progress report of sorts and share all the environmentally friendly decisions you made! Example, switching to a bamboo toothbrush, carrying a metal straw etc. Or, you could doodle some tips or compile a master post about zero waste. 
To participate:
reblog this post and follow the network 
post your progress/creation by tagging us at @theactivistnetwork and #theactivistnetwork
Remember that even a step in the right direction will have several positive outcomes. With that in mind, we look forward to seeing what you come up with! 
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thelaziestgeek · 5 years
@theactivistnetwork event 01: climate change 
Some (Not So Well Known) Tips On Helping The Environment
Instead of using paper to write to-do lists and discarding them, download an app such as Tasks! It saves paper and is easily accessible. 
For shower lovers, using a bucket and a jug might be hard at first, but it’s a great way to track the amount of water you use and less water used helps the environment!
Try switching to more sustainable alternatives for pads and/or tampons. Examples include menstrual cups, reusable period undergarments, etc. 
Get yourself an actual water bottle, instead of purchasing a plastic bottle or two every morning at the local store. 
Invite your friends to a hang out where you can clean your local beach or the park. 
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theactivistnetwork · 5 years
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The Activist Network has officially begun, and we’ve decided to focus on climate change for our first quest! This event is open to everyone, beginning from July 19th and ending on December 19th. 
Rules:  - You can post any kind of creation relating to climate change, whether it be gifs, edits, articles, original stories etc. Fanfiction describing how your characters face climate change is another example!
- Reblog this post and follow this network!
- Post your creation by mentioning @theactivistnetwork: climage change event and tag us at #theactivistnetwork 
Applications are still open if you would like to join our network.  
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thelaziestgeek · 5 years
the ask on the activist network isn't open! but will there be other projects? like fighting against racism and feminism and lgbtqia rights?
Hi! I'm so sorry <3 I'll open them right now.
And, yes! We will be focusing on a plethora of issues including fighting against racism, and for feminism and lgbtqia rights!
Hope you can join <3
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