buddydacote · 28 days
I know there's that one meme of king spade or whatever his name was but that's not really satisfactory. What if in one of the chapters Toby just has a boss that directly references the "this meme is from the future you don't understand the reference yet"
So far we haven't really fought anybody really old and/or yellow it'd probably be a secret boss or a foil boss like clover or the werewerewire where the boss is similar to the fuck squad somehow or maybe it'd even be the final boss
Speaking of final bosses I think gerson and Alvin boom are red herrings bc the scene near the end of chapter 2 feels too obvious but it's definitely going to be related to the church somehow if not the last dark world could be the carnival
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thefinalbossmkt · 4 years
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Título: Light
Formato: Arte Digital Artista: Ilya Kuvshinov -Ilustradora y diseñadora de personajes Link a la obra https://www.artstation.com/artwork/ElmAn
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THE FINAL BOSS: aRT & iLLUSTRATION Art By: Kim Sung Hwan   Artstation https://www.artstation.com/kimsunghwan
IG @sung _hwan_kim_80 www.thefinalboss.cl
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spankystokes · 4 years
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TheFinalBosses is a promising and budding creator of limited edition designer vinyl toys. They create Vinyl Collectibles that follow deliberate episodes that talk about prevailing problems around the world. Episode 1 "Anti-Bully", looks at the problem of bullying and how we should all be an upstander and help those in need. The toys are made of Vinyl and have fine matte finishing to create that sharp and detailed finish. We highly recommend reading their story below and supporting them in their Kickstarter campaign (Link can be found below). All the best to TheFinalBosses!
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Deliberate Episodes: TheFinalBosses create and release toys on an episode by episode basis, following a deliberate storyline that talks about prevailing problems that people face around the world. Each toy is specially crafted and designed to raise awareness on these problems. In Episode 1, they talk about “Anti-Bullying”. Paito, the main character, was bullied and could be seen crying along the hallway. Lusus being an upstander witnessed the incident and comforted Paito. This harmless act, though small, was impactful towards Paito’s recovery and getting him back on his feet.
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Characters: Paito is a founding member of "TheFinalBosses". Lusus, same age as Paito, grew up together in the same town. Though within close proximity, they had very different lives. Lusus constantly rains "protection" over Paito, helping him lead a normal life that any kid deserves. Paisus wears a hybrid helmet that integrates both Paito and Lusus, exuding energy from both Paito and Lusus. Paito and Lusus are made of vinyl and designed to have a retro toy look. They both stand at 12" tall. Paisus is also made of vinyl and stands at 7" tall. They will be packed in handsome eureka boxes. Take a chance and open one to see what you get!
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TheFinalBosses will be launching really soon! What are you waiting for? Join the Bosses family now and back TheFinalBosses campaign by clicking the "Notify me on launch" button via this link HERE right now! You won't regret it! https://ift.tt/3ms3Rom
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necryia · 7 years
Hi Jasmine ❤️ i'm on a hunt for good monochrome blogs , if its not too much trouble can you list your favourite blogs ? 😚 Thank you very much and have a nice week !! ✨
Sorry for taking so long to answer, so here are some recs in no particular order:
@mirayama @atsu-i @holyqueer @bakuyo @akumagiri @mounstrum @r-o-g-u-ee @akumatsuki @thefinalboss @d–oki @miyaeto @jeasme @nakiyurei @norunir @natsu-ki @anta-e @lost–soulx @txkyolights @endlessnoctis @evanqelic @haneurii @bukakko @shirochinko @yumetsugu @yugen-ai @fallen-sights @sireai @b-ento @lucidsilhouette @onriironrii @yechiru @dreamlike-melody @nareku +also check my blogroll for more
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bakuyo · 7 years
30 Question Tag
Many thanks to @kyomuku for tagging me in this questionnaire. Rules: Answer thirty questions, then tag twenty blogs you would like to know better. HOWEVER IMMA TAG WHAT I FEEL LIKE. 
 1. Nicknames: Chad, Chadaddy, Chan

2. Gender: male

3. Star sign: Sagittarius

4. Height: 5′3 ish rip

5. Current Time: 12:09 pm

6. Birthday: December 12, 1993

7. Favorite bands: Hollywood Undead and THE ORAL CIGARETTES

8. Favorite solo artists: None. I only like bands 

9. Song stuck in my head: None atm. At work so can't jam out. 

10. Last movie watched: Last night watched some Silent Hill with friends. 

11. Last show watched: Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita

12. When did I create my blog: At least five years ago tbh

13. What do I post: monochrome anime and manga caps
14. Last thing I googled: After care of a neutered cat - just got a brand new kitten 

15. Do you have other blogs: NOPE

16. Do you get asks: EH not really

17. Why did you choose you url: It's my second favorite anime characters almost name - Bakugo but with a twist BakuYO

18. Following: 321

19. Followers: 459

20. Favorite colors: black, red and lime green

21. Average hours of sleep: Around 6 to 12 depending on the day.

22. Lucky number: 13

23. Instruments: None but I know like a TINY bit of piano. 

24. What am I wearing: Work shit. Aka slacks and a button up - I'm on lunch break. 

25. How many blankets I sleep with: Depends on what the weather calls for. 

26. Dream job: Tbh if this existed - Anime connoisseur. 

27. Dream trip: Japan. 

28. Favorite food: Crab and broccoli. 

29. Nationality: American 

30. Favorite song now: Peace Sign either the cover by NateWantsToBattle or the original by Kenshi Yonezu. 
 Tags: @spicycast @dimpoet @deadkingbear @thefinalboss @the-doctors-underwear @gguhjuhh @highlifr @ricedere
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frenchibi · 7 years
Yes hello I saw the post on your blog and I want to know: What's your favourite ICE CREAM COLOUR? #nextlevelasks #thefinalboss
Bro you’re asking for way too difficult things lmao this truly is next level
Tbh I think vanilla ice cream looks very appealing…? So like. Whatever that color is? xDD Cream? Or, you know, my fave? Straciatella? Yes.
Or. OR. The color of mint chocolate chip ice cream. I love that.
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megamemeslol-blog · 7 years
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(source: http://www.megamemes.lol/memes/52341)
#viral, #amazing, #awesome, #MegaMemesLOL
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thefinalbossmkt · 4 years
Understanding the rules is key.
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So many times i've worked helping companies that actually do everything right, just not in the righ way.
Think. If 80% of your revenue comes from 20% of your work...
That means 64% of your revenue comes from 4% of your work.
Meaning... you are most likelly spending 96% of your time in activities that produce little or no revenue...
When you realize Revenue is your business's OXIGEN, and not your products or your services, you are able to redirect your energy towards creating instantaneous results that generate massive impact.
And that's just by understanding the rules.
This is an example of what the companies that Dominate do. They spend their energy on what brings the company those results it needs to keep on Dominating.
Wanna learn more? Then join the conversation, on the new episode of our Marketing & Business Podcast, as we talk about what is what the companies that Dominate know, that you don't.
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thefinalbossmkt · 4 years
Stand Out, Fit In
Toda tu vida te han dicho cómo ser. Toda tu vida te han dicho que tienes que encajar, que tienes que hablar bajito, no llamar la atención, no ser "diferente", para luego, pedirte que "resaltes". Olvídate del ubuntu y del amor y paz para todos... La vida no funciona así, el mundo no funciona así y las personas no funcionamos así. Por algo existen los Rockeros, por algo existen los Hip Hoperos y por algo todos odiamos a los Reggaetoneros ( o cómo se escriba). Olvídate de tratar de agradarles a todos y empieza a agradar a es@ que tienes frente al espejo. Nunca haremos equipo con tod@s, por eso existen las comunidades. Nos agrupamos con quienes compartimos visiones, creencias y principios. Y lo que nos permite identificarnos es la: IDENTIDAD. Todas las razones por las que no te agrado, son las razones por las que le agrado a quienes me valoran 😎
Marketing Para Tod@s # 005 - LA IDENTIDAD
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thefinalbossmkt · 4 years
Every Business is an Artist
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Picture the following:
Your Paintings are your Product.
The Reason why you paint, what it is that you paint, is your Purpose.
The Impact you wish to create in the world with your art, is your Vision.
Everything you do to put your story and your work out in the world, so that people can get to know it and fall in love with it, and thus, developing a true interest in you and your work, that’s your Marketing.
All the interesting ways in which you interact with the world, allowing for people to get to know you and become interested in who you are, are your Advertising.
The way you manage the relationships with people interested in your work, providing them with the experience they wish to obtain from it, that’s your Sales.
All the people talking about your work, extending your reach, increasing your network and building new fans, that’s your Community.
And just like with an Artist, the value of your product is not market dependent. 
The Reason people are your Fans and want your products is because of their emotional connection with you, which translates into their appreciation for your work.
And they connect with your purpose, because of your story, and the world it tells them us about.
And all these people know who you are and love your work because of your putting yourself out there, speaking in the right language and communicating with the right codes that allowed them to identify you, find you and become interested in you.
And just like with an Artist, your offer competes with no one, because, how amazing an artist is, is only measured in the eyes of those who “appreciate or dislike their work”. Therefore, the Value of their art, just like with your products, is relative to the Emotional Connection your fans have with you.
Every time you are not able to set the value of your product on your own terms, It's because you are not selling Art to an audience who has a connection with you. You are just selling images.
Think about it.
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thefinalbossmkt · 4 years
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Existe algúna Inversión a prueba de balas? Una que garantice Retorno Seguro y Abundante hasta en tiempos de crísis? La respuesta es Sí.
Si pudiera recomendarte sólo una cosa y una sóla... definitivamente sería esto. Léelo aquí
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thefinalbossmkt · 4 years
We know hiring good talent its hard... That's why, on this New Episode of THE FINAL BOSS: PODCAST, we teach you all you need to know to find the most amazing people for you Business. Join the conversation at our Youtube Channel.
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thefinalbossmkt · 4 years
In this episode of THE FINAL BOSS PODCAST we answer the question brought to us by Cristhian Barcelo, who asks "What is the key behind the success of business that are able to make it under a time of crisis?
In this new episode of  THE FINAL BOSS PODCAST, we talk about Business! 
I mean... of course we talk bout' Business!, what do you expect? Unicorns, Beer Mugs and Lollipops??? Join Us as we answer the question brought to Us by Cristhian Barcelo Medina: "What is the key behind the success of businesses that are able to make it under a time of crisis?" Join the conversation at the THE FINAL BOSS MARKETING Youtube channel.
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thefinalbossmkt · 4 years
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Si un genio ofreciera cumplirte un deseo, pero sólo uno, qué pedirías?
Jim Kwik inicia su libro preguntándote:
Si un genio ofreciera cumplirte un deseo, pero sólo uno, qué pedirías?
Deseos infinitos, verad?
Bueno, ahora trasládalo al aprendisaje. Si pudieras aprender lo que fuera, cuál sería el equivalente a deseos infinitos?
El poder aprender lo que sea, no?
Bueno, eso es lo que Limitless te ofrece.
Limitless es una increíble experiencia en la que Jim Kwik te muestra, que todo lo que crees que sabes acerca de aprender está, bueno… mal. Y que todos tenemos super poderes, simplemente debemos aprender cómo utilizarlos.
Te invito en el siguiente link a descubrir Por qué deberías leer Limitless de Jim Kwik:
Continúa leyendo.
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thefinalbossmkt · 4 years
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Hasta hace bastante poco, el Marketing no era más que un partido unilaretal. Con Negocios atacando a través de las plataformas que existían -Tv, Radio, Prensa, exterior y luego en internet-, lo más rápido posible.
50% de dcto. Sólo por hoy! -Gol! Niños, díganle a sus padres que...! - Gol! Era una competencia injusta, pero funcionaba. Ya que tu audiencia no tenía ningún lugar a donde escapar para consumir su contenido. Pero esto cambió con las Redes Sociales, que le arrebataron la ventaja a los Negocios y la pusieron del el lado del consumidor. Y como resultado de esto, los consumidores nunca fueron los mismos, y capturar su atención se volvió un reto casi imposible, como resultado de que sus estándares incrementaron drásticamente. -Tánto como los porcentajes de dcto. en los ventanales de las tiendas en los Malls- Y, con el propósito de continuar en el partido, las empresas se cambiaron a la cancha de las redes, esperando poder aquí, llamar la atención de sus consumidores, pero fallaron en comprendieron que el Marketing en Redes, es infinitamente más complejo que el juego al que estaban acostumbrados... y bueno, no lo lograron...
La evidencia?
La poca frecuencia de su contenido, la falta de calidad, la falta de ingenio con la que se aproximan a cada medio -incluso cuando logran alcanzar popularidad en uno-, pero por sobre todo, la shockeante falta de ezfuerzo hacia mostrar aprecio y respeto por su audiencia, al seguir tratando de imponer su presencia como lo hacían ayer. Tratando de forzar los mismos métodos que utilizaron cuando las reglas eran completamente diferentes. El mundo cambió. Es tiempo de que lo aceptes.
Y lo que antes funcionaba... bueno, no funcionará hoy.
Continuar interrumpiendo, presentándonos sin ser invitados, gritando para que nos escuchen...
Sólo va a conseguir que odien nuestras Marcas, y todo aquello que hemos trabajado tan duro para traer al mundo.
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