anarcho-smarmyism · 1 year
please tell me you saw the monkey on the goat
this reply is months late at the least but YES I remember the video and I remember this ask made me watch it again and see the monkey :)
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narwhalsarefalling · 4 years
my little brother is mildly allergic to avocados but absolutely refuses not to not add them to his food at every possible opportunity because it, quote "the mouth numbing adds a little spice"
see? im valid here. we’re all willing to suffer for our passions, be that avocados or curry
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smarmykemetic · 4 years
hey there i was wondering if i could ask you about some things about paganism, i have a few friends who are pagan but theyre self-admittedly quite novice, so i dont really have many people to turn to for advice, i hope it isnt awkward as a tumblr mutual to reach out for advice like this, but, in highschool i was quite into wicca but it never quite stuck, and i wanted to practice and pray again, however (1)
there is quite a large array of beliefs and pantheons, and it doesnt really feel "right" (not right as in correct) to kind of mix and match pantheons and rituals, i think cohesion in terms of spirituality helps me personally, but i dont wanna just, say point at hellenism (just an example) and go ok ill revolve around this, without any sort of... i guess invitation? relationship? with the gods of that sect/pantheon (2)
i dont know know if im over thinking it or overthinking how it works, my main question is is how do i allow myself to be contacted by a god or presence, i imagine its quite a personal connection, so it makes sense personally to be contacted than to be the one to choose your connection with an actual higher power, sorry if this isnt a question you know how to answer, just hoped to ask if you have any guidance or places to start, even in terms of reading! 💜 (3) 
hey, not at all! i’m happy to help, if i can :>
the “mix n match” approach is generally referred to as being ‘eclectic’, and it’s not necessarily a bad thing -so long as you use common sense, research a lot, and approach other cultures’ traditions (particularly the ones that are still alive and being carried on by living humans) with respect. on my end, i’m:
a revivalist kemetic polytheist (a person who believes in and worships the egyptian pantheon as well as adapting the larger religious beliefs and philosophies of ancient Kemet/Egypt into a modern equivalent) devoted to Set and Heru-sa-aset
a chaote/chaos magician (a person who uses the power of belief to perform magic rather than only using one specific ‘paradigm’ or belief system wrt how magic works; this is why most of my spells involve sigilcraft in some form)
whatever you call someone who makes a lot of spell jars and turning objects into charms besides just “witch”
an astral traveller
a novice mystic/energy worker
a necromancer (i have an altar to my chosen, rather than biological, ancestors whom i refer to as the Outlaw Dead. i give them offerings of food, drink, music, company, and magic; they help me with a lot of magical undertakings as well)
since i see Fenrir Wolf as my spiritual father figure and was given the kenning Fenrirspup, am starting to do more regular work with Loki, and functionally follow the Norse traditions that my boyfriend does -including offering to his two main gods, Tyr and Freya, and the alves/dwarves on occasion- im arguably a friendly foreigner/visitor/in-law to the Norse pantheon
godspouse (married to my two Kemetic patrons)
was a Christopagan for about two years, and although i stopped considering myself a christian, i still technically worship Jesus in passing (mostly around my family and friends who are christian, when the occasion calls for it; and i consider still seeing the Bible as a holy book with valuable spiritual wisdom a form of worship of that book’s God)
believe in astrology/use Western and Chinese astrology for spells sometimes
Use tarot cards and pendulums
and i’m just starting to look into working with crystals, ritual work, and possibly using chakras or something similar (every source i look at says something different vis a vis “is using chakra cultural appropriation” so i’m not trying to rush into it). pretty much every single one of those things are from different magical/religious traditions, some as old as Ancient Egypt, some as young as chaos magic. you don’t have to pick only one thing and do just that, no matter what anybody says.
you also don’t have to wait to be “called”. if a pantheon, magical tradition, or philosophy appeals to you, just start researching! the “throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks” method is completely valid and one of my personal favorites :> being in contact with gods or spirits or demons or what have you is usually pretty personal and intense, but i generally assume that’s because the easiest, most direct way for us to communicate is telepathically, and you’re bound to feel closer to a being you’re talking to through thoughts and feelings. in practice, it often works much more like any other relationship where one party approaches the other and asks if they want to work together, or be friends, or be a teacher and student.
what kinds of magic/paganism appeals to you on an emotional level? if you can narrow it down to a few fields of study, we can help you figure out where to start!
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iapislazuli · 5 years
thats soul silver, so gen IV right? why do it in a generation where the odds are nearly halved for you? 1/8192 compared to generation VI+ 1/4096? plus you have access to the shiny charm from gen V+, once again doubling you're odds to 1/2048, although tbf i couldnt shiny hunt even under those odds, so your dedication is actually incredible
the answer, to be quite frank, is that’s boring. kind of a “its about the journey” thing. sure, i could reset it in pokemon omega ruby or pokemon ultra sun. i’d get it a lot faster. but i’m not doing it to get shinies as fast as possible. to me, and most other full odds hunters, it’s about trying new things. it’s not fun if it’s not a challenge. it’s about pushing yourself, and sure, a shiny latios from soulsilver and ultra sun might not have any huge differences, but the story behind a soulsilver shiny latios is much cooler. it’s got greater sentimental value. higher risk, higher reward, all that stuff.
also, the shiny charm triples the odds, in gen 6-8 it’s 1/1365, not 1/2048. 
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werewolfwebsite · 5 years
the cute anime girl you thought was fef is nezuko from demon hunter kimetsu which honestly has some of the best animation in an anime of all time, its seriously my favorite
i’ll have 2 check it out!
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synodicatalyst · 6 years
your last drawing oh john looks like steven universe. in a good a good way but oh my god i cant get over how su he looks
is it cuz hes round and soft? cuz in that case i was definitely just channelling the good good spirit of @floralmarsupial‘s john, who is a Best Boy
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forgottenhsfacts · 7 years
Dont young fushia bloods have to kill the adult or non-heiress fushias? i know that (at least) 2 exist "peacefully" at the same time (HIC and fef) but didnt fef have to cull another fushia before the events of homestuck? if so its quite possible the hiveswap young fushia was the one she had to cull
Fef didn’t have to kill anyone. Only 2 Fuchsia bloods are alive at a time. When the young Heiress reaches adulthood she has to fit the Empress to the death.
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@the-moon-loves-the-sea tagged me to list five things I like about myself. I won’t lie, I had some trouble coming up with these, but today’s been a down day and I feel better for having done so. Thank you for tagging me!
1. my hair (most of the time). I have a shaved head, and I like to think it looks good on me and makes me look fierce. Also, I get a lot of complements from old grandpas and 20-something women
2. my critical thinking and processing skills. I can take in a lot of information and make connections quickly
3. my particular brand of ‘fuck you stubbornness’, which lets me override my anxiety if I perceive a challenge or am underestimated
4. The fact I have the mom-friend override
5. I have a genuine drive to help people and the world, which growing up I thought everyone had, but as I’ve gotten older and more aware of the outside world is not the case
I’ll tag @lilly-jean-a-bean @yelkniz @thefluffybunnybabe @skyelle0 @aphroditeam @theworldtravellingteenager @iamsuggestingthatcoconutsmigrate @tellmemoreaboutevil @thealextheshipper
@literally everyone who wants to, I wanna see everyone’s, but I’m on mobile and these are the only URLs i know the spelling of
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anarcho-smarmyism · 2 years
your fiance appreciation post is so good i second the earlier anon 😭
Ty love💖💖
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werewolfwebsite · 7 years
hello there i am but a simple mutual, but i am here to politely start some discourse: i refuse to believe you call overalls dungaree what even is a dungaree thats totally not a word ur just pranking us arent u
BLEASE we don’t call them overalls in the UK we call them dungarees because its a cute name and also it reminds me of the word kangaroo so i imagine kangaroos wearing dungarees and its cute
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anarcho-smarmyism · 3 years
in terms of k horror, i really loved reading sweet home, i havent watched the netflix adaptation but i think it was received well!
cool I will try to check it out
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werewolfwebsite · 7 years
Oh! maybe i can help bring some insight on the anon's question about not transitioning, personally i am a trans-fem, and'll personally have surgery and HRT, but i've actually known and talked to a few people who shed some insight. They dont see their parts as gendered basically, i've talked to one specifically, and he was through and through male; he didn't see his boobs as female, because they're his boobs, and hes a him, so they're not girls boobs, they're a boy's boobs. (not enough chars rip)
thank you!!! @ anon check this
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smarmykemetic · 5 years
hey are you like associated with smarmy anarchist or is it just a coincidence 😅😅
smarmyanarchist is my main, this is my pagan blog😂😂😂😂😂
btw, since you're here: however weird you think this pagan stuff is, I promise, it is sooooo much weirder😂
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anarcho-smarmyism · 4 years
green and yellow uvu
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anarcho-smarmyism · 4 years
You are incredibly Smart and Sexy and i love being your mutual. Hi Bitch
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anarcho-smarmyism · 5 years
wait ok this is going to sound like an immensely stupid question but are you from the uk an empty brain moment
i am from texas actually
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