#thefreshman chris
elles-choices · 6 years
The Quarterback: Chapter One (AU, Chris x MC)
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Summary: Chris Powell is a star Quarterback stuck in a toxic relationship. Laura Davis is a writer looking for some inspiration for her new book. They went to the same college. They’ve heard about each other but their paths never crossed… not until they catch the same flight.
Pairing: Chris x MC (Laura)
Disclaimer: Some characters belong to Choices by Pixel Berry
Chapter one: Perfect Strangers
Chris runs through the terminal on the way to his gate. He wasn’t sure about taking this flight; he waited until the last minute trying to decide what to do — everything is working out so well in his life but then there is Becca. He never meant their relationship to be serious, he never meant it to last but somehow, after spending four years of college together it just made sense to stay. Thoughts are running through his head, when he hears:
„This is the final boarding call for passenger Christopher Powell on the flight to New York. Please proceed to gate 5 immediately. I repeat. This is the final boarding call for Christopher Powell. Thank you“
Breathless he arrives at the gate and boards the airplane. A flight attendant brings him to his seat in the business class. He looks at the beautiful petit brunette sitting in the window seat. After storing his carry-on in the overhead compartment, he tries to get her attention:
„Miss?!“, he looks at her writing something in a notebook, „Excuse me, miss?!“, but there is no reaction. He realizes that she has her earplugs on and lightly taps her on the shoulder. She looks at him startled, taking her earplugs off. „I’m sorry. Can I help you with your bag?“, Chris looks at the black handbag that is laying on his seat and smiles friendly.
„Oh… oh my gosh, I am so sorry! Yes, thank you so much, just let me get my laptop first… here you go“, she smiles and Chris looks at her for a moment before taking her bag. Her smiles has a warmth that he can’t quite grasp — it’s kind, gentle and captivating. 
After closing the overhead compartment, he sits down and looks at her again, „I’m Chris, Chris Powell“.
„Laura Davis, nice to meet you“, Laura stares at him for a moment with a thoughtful look.
„Is something wrong?“, Chris asks.
„No… but why do you look so familiar…“, she shakes her head lightly, „Sorry, I feel like I’ve seen you before“.
Chris chuckles, „Maybe from the papers?! I play football for the Nightingales“.
Laura smiles and looks through the window for a second, „Nope, that’s not it. I wouldn’t know, I am not a fan of football. Wait a minute… Powell, football… did you go to Hartfeld?“.
Chris lets out a laugh, „Yes, are you stalking me?!“.
„Oh please, you wish!“, she laughs, „No, I went to Hartfeld too!“
„Now that you mention, I think I’ve heard the name Laura Davis somewhere!“, he stares at her. „What?! Of course… the valedictorian. Didn’t you write a book with a professor? I didn’t read it but I remember people talking about it!“.
„Yes, that’s me! For the book I tried to join the Kappa Phi Sigma… weren’t you with Becca for a while?“, she smiles reminiscing about the time with professor Vasquez.
Chris’ face falls by the mention of her name, „Yeah, we are still together…“, he looks down to his hands for a moment but quickly shakes the sad feeling away, „So, are you still writing?“
„Yeah, I’m working on my second book. Actually, I’m still putting my thoughts together, trying to get some inspiration“, she turns to the window, realizing the plane took off already. 
„So, what is your new book about?“, Chris looks at her curios. 
„Ah… I don’t know yet but it’s going to be a romance book with some drama and hopefully some adventures!“, she giggles. „I am actually flying for a meeting with my literary agent. And what are you doing in New York?“
Chris scratches the back of his head, something he always does when he gets nervous, „I’m going to have a talk with Becca…“, he presses his lips together. „Tell me, Laura, you who knows so much about romance…“, he pauses.
„Hey, I have never claimed I would, Mr. Powell!“, she smiles.
„Well, you have to...you write about it! So... When does your main character know he or she is in love?“, he chuckles, „Kinda of a philosophical question, isn’t it?“
„Oh, you wanna go there? Alright… Tough question. I think it’s when they feel this unconditional feeling overcoming them and suddenly you accept that the other person has imperfections without thinking less of them; when they feel deeply committed to this other human being even though he or she may not feel the same; when they have many reasons to go but they choose to stay because a life without this person is no life at all“, Laura looks at Chris, watching her attentively and she giggles. „I don’t know… love is something you feel. When you know, you know, right?“.
Chris looks at her confused but smiling, „Yeah, I guess you are right…“. He leans his head against the headrest, thinking about her words.
Laura opens her laptop and puts her earplugs on. She transfers the notes on her note book to her computer, adding a few other. Coyly she looks at Chris, who has his eyes closed and she wonders what his curiosity about falling in love says about him. She looks through the window thinking about it.
Chris opens his eyes and looks at Laura, thinking about what she said. ‚What if she is right? This is definitely not what I feel for Becca. Things with Becca are physical… I like to be around her but I can’t give myself completely to her’, he thinks.
He taps her on the shoulder again and she takes her earplugs off, „Have you ever?“, he says.
„Well, you will have to give me more information than that!“, she smiles.
He chuckles, „Sorry… have you ever loved somebody?“, he closes his eyes shortly, „Is it too personal? Maybe you should just forget I asked you that…“, he shakes his head lightly. 
Laura senses he is conflicted and takes his hand, giving him a reassuring squeeze, „No, it is okay!“, she sighs, „I don’t think I have, Chris. I got out of a relationship a few months ago because I wasn’t sure and if you are not sure about it, then it can’t be. I couldn’t give him what he wanted… it hurts because I lost a good friend but he deserves someone who can love him truly“. Chris frowns. „Do you mind if I asked you why you have so many questions about love?“
„It’s Becca… she wants to settle down. We’ve been six years together and I understand where she is coming from. But I don’t know… I see my friends getting married, building families and I also want that. I love my job, things are working out for me so it makes sense to settle down but I don’t know...“, he leans forward and rests his head on his hands, „I’m sorry… you barely know me and you already know I’m a mess!“.
Laura puts a hand on Chris’ shoulder, „Don’t worry about it. I can’t tell you what to do but I think you already know what you want and what you don’t“. Chris looks at her and she smiles, „Sometimes doing the right thing is the hardest thing. But it is all in your hands“. Chris smiles at her and she says, „Come on, let me give you a hug“. Chris wraps his arms around her and closes his eyes. He takes in her scent and for the first time in the last 24 hours he feels some peace. „Are you feeling better?“, she says letting him go.
„Yes, thank you…“, he looks deep into her big green eyes and notices it has a deepness to it… ‚She is so beautiful and I am here whining‘, he thinks.
„Good, I hope you get it all sorted out soon, Chris“, she sighs, „Now, I gotta finish up a few things but whenever you feel like talking… just let me know“, she smiles.
Chris chuckles, „You are so kind and I am just… well, thank you!“.
After a long flight from California to New York, Chris helps Laura with her carry-on and they leave the plane. Chatting away about their experiences in Hartfeld, realizing they have been to the same places, sometimes hang out with the same crowd but they never met. 
As they walk out of the airport, Chris stops in front of a black limo, „I have a driver. Can I give you a ride to Manhattan?“
„Thank you but my agent is picking me up“, she smiles. „It was nice meeting you!“.
Chris gives her a hug, „It was nice meeting you too, Laura“. He reaches in his pocket and hands her a card, „Please, called me if you need anything… or even if you don’t… we can grab a drink, if you want or just talk“. Laura giggles at him nervously talking.
„Alright… I’d like that!“, she reaches in her bag and gives him her card in return. „Whenever you need someone to talk to…“. He looks deep into her eyes for a moment, feeling thankful.
„Sorry, I gotta…“, he points to the driver waiting.
„Sure, see you, Chris Powell!“
„See you hopefully soon, Laura Davis!“
To be continued…
For more chapters go to my MASTERLIST in my bio.
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maxattack-powell · 6 years
Happy Captain Chris Powell Week!
While I’m working on some written pieces to add to the celebration... I have a few edits that I thought might start the week off on the right foot.
What do you think? 😋
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Guess someone forgot that clothes don’t go in the shower...
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madrut16 · 7 years
Those Three Little Words (ChrisxMC)
Author’s Note: This is my first fic so, hopefully you guys enjoy it! This is between the Freshman book 2 and 3. I didn't pay for the boat diamond scene and I wanted their first "I love you" to be more special than when they were babysitting. 
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixelberry Studios
Book: The Freshman/The Sophomore
Pairing: ChrisxMC
Rating: PG13
Summary: Maddy deals with the possibility of not coming back for spring quarter and works up the courage to finally tell Chris those three little words.
Word Count: 1803
My eyes burned holes in the ceiling of my room, as the events of last night replayed in my mind. The boat party was as magical as I'd hoped it would be. Everyone was smiling and having a good time. And things between Chris and I had.
But, there was one thing that I did regret. Why didn't I tell him that I loved him? I even told Abbie I would, yet when it came time to actually say it to him I clammed up and got cold feet.
We had only made up the day before, and it took so long for our relationship to even begin. I let the what ifs get the best of me.  Now, who knows if we'll even stay together with my ability to stay at Hartfeld still up in the air. I know I want to but, with our early troubles, I wasn't sure we'd make it.
Sighing, I decided that I'd been in my head too long and that I needed to get up. With a yawn, I climbed out of bed and looked at the time. It surprised me how early in the morning it was. I tended to be more of a night owl, but sometimes if my mind was especially active, it made me wake up earlier than I wanted to.
I threw on a light Hartfeld sweatshirt and a pair of light gray sweatpants before exiting my room. Entering the main room of the suite, I spotted Zack who was eating breakfast in the kitchen.
"Hey Zack," I said, while getting myself a cup of coffee. My voice was still groggy from sleep.
Glancing up from the bowl of cereal he was eating, he replied, "Oh hey! Good morning."
I could see his mood was still happy from last night. Joining him at the round table, I plucked a banana from the center and began to peel it.
"Morning." Looking around, my eyes landed on a particular door which was ajar. "Where's everyone else?"
"Well, Abbie, Tyler, and Kaitlyn are still asleep and Chris is up on the roof. " A sly smile appeared on his face. "That's who you're looking for right?"
This caught me off guard, and I pulled my eyes away a blush forming on my face. I didn't even realize I was doing it until he said something. "How did you know?"
"Easy. You haven't stopped searching since you walked in. But, then again you always do that."
Sighing, I took a bite of my banana. "Yeah, I know. I can't help it."
A wide, Cheshire cat grin formed on his face. "You're in love with him, aren't you?"
"Is it that obvious?"
He chuckled to himself. "Yes. But, also Abbie told me about your conversation last night."
I groaned, finishing the last bit of banana. 
"So, did you tell him?" he asked. He was as eager as a kid in a candy store.
Getting up, I threw the peel in the trash with more force than required. "No. I chickened out at the last minute." Zack raised his eyebrows, not saying a word. But he didn't need to. I got the point. "I know Zack! I should've said it. I just don't want to do it too soon," I admitted to him. "What if he doesn't feel the same way?"
His scoff filled the room. "Oh, I know he does. That boy looks at you like you put the stars in the sky." His expression softened. "Besides, he needs to hear it more than you'll ever know."
"How come?" I was starting to think he was related to Sherlock Homes at this point.
His smile grew weighted. "Because that's the only way Chris is gonna realize you're not gonna leave him. You know how as well as I do how bad his self esteem is. He doesn't think he deserves you. That some day you'll get tired or he'll do something to mess it up."
I felt my heart starting to ache for him, I didn't realize it was that bad. "But, I don't want to leave! I-I couldn't."
It was true. Both times when we weren't talking I was miserable. I was still amazed how fast Chris had become so important to me. The way I felt about him was different than I had for anyone else. And now, I couldn't imagine my life without him in it.
"I know Maddy," Zack sighed. "That's why you need to tell him! At least promise me you'll do it before Monday."
I smiled. "That, I can do. Now, if you don't mind, I'm gonna go find out what he's up to."
"I think he's working on something. He had his laptop with him when he went up there. I don't know what though."
Getting up I told him, "Thanks Zack, for that. I needed it."
"No problem. I always love to play Cupid."
With new enthusiasm, I took my cup of coffee and refilled it and poured another cup for Chris. I figured he'd been up for a while and needed the caffeine. Finally, I headed up the wooden stairs leading to the roof.
I spotted Chris sitting on the red couch, his laptop open on the coffee table. An automatic smile appeared as I watched him type away and then pause, staring at the screen in thought. After a minute, I cleared my throat and he looked up.
Seeing me, his expression lightened. "Oh hey, Mads! You're up earlier than usual."
I shrugged. "A lot on my mind, that's all." I made my way over, sitting down next to him.
Seeing the extra mug, he smiled and picked it up. "Remind me to tell Zack thanks."
"He does make the best coffee now," I commented. Having a friend who dated a barista definitely had it's perks. My eyes drifted to what looked like a word document, curiosity building.
"Working on something?" I asked, taking a sip of my coffee.
His grin widened. "Just brainstorming some things that I could do as president."
I raised an eyebrow. "Can't wait to get started, huh."
He chuckled. "Yeah, I guess so. I just want to do a good job. To make this place great for everybody."
Giving him a brief kiss, I replied, "I know you will Chris. These all sound amazing."
"Getting everyone to agree on them is gonna be the hard part." I could sense how nervous he was. I took his hand in mine and gave it a comforting squeeze.
"Well, if anyone can do it, it's you."
"Thanks Maddy. I'm so lucky to have you," He pulled me into him which I gladly welcomed.
A warm smile formed on my lips. "And me you."
We sat there for a moment and those three words crossed my mind again. Part of me wanted to say it and get it over with but, another still held back.
You need to tell him. Who knows how many opportunities you have left? 
My musings hinged on that possibility that hung over my head since I first found out Vasquez was dying. The weight of it being a very real possibility hitting me hard.
What would happen to us if I couldn't stay?
I suddenly found myself fighting back a lump that had formed in my throat as the what ifs clouded my mind again.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Chris asked. He brushed away a tear that I didn't realize had slipped past. I could feel his gaze on me, gentle but pressing.
Shakily, I voiced my fears out loud. "I-I don't want to have to leave."
His eyebrows rose. "Vasquez. You really think it's gonna be that soon?"
I let out a sigh. "He doesn't have that much longer. I don't even think he'll make it past break. Even if he does, he won't be able to come back here."
It didn't take long for him to connect the dots. "Are you're worried about us?"
Biting my lip, I nodded. "I don't want to. I wanna believe that everything's going to be fine, but then...I mean, I only live an hour or so away but...It still won't be the same."
He pulled me closer to him and placed a comforting kiss on my forehead. "I know. I've been thinking about it too."
A scared expression appeared, but he didn't say anything. I could tell there was something he wasn't telling me. And then I figured it out. Nicole. He was afraid I was going to do the exact same thing she did.
The likelihood that some of the damage she'd done would be permanent broke my heart. In a heartbeat, I knew exactly what I wanted, no matter where I ended up.
"Chris, I know it's not going to be easy, but it never has been to begin with. I knew that going in. But, I was willing to risk it then and I still am now." A wave of insecurity hit me and I became nervous. "That is...If you want to."
"Of course I do." he told me adamantly. "I was an idiot for giving you up at the beginning. I'm sure as hell not letting you go now."
This made me smile as I felt my heart race. I realized this moment was as perfect as I was going to get.
Looking down at our intertwined hands I stammered, "I...I meant to say this last night at the party but...What I'm trying to say is..." I paused and took a deep breath as my eyes met his. "I love you."
It came out barely a whisper, but he heard it. His eyebrows rose and he looked at me in surprise. "You do?"
I nodded. "Yeah. A lot."
The next few seconds felt like an eternity as I waited for his reaction. Finally, Chris leaned in and kissed me sweetly, melting away my previous reservations.
After several seconds, he pulled away enough to whisper against my lips, "I love you too Maddy."
A warm and fuzzy feeling spread inside as I kissed him back. We stayed that way for a minute so before we broke the kiss, reality coming back to us.  
"You know, I really don't think you'll have to leave," Chris mused after a while.
I raised an eyebrow. "Why's that?"
"Gabriela knows how bad you need the scholarship...And I don't believe Vasquez would hang you out to dry like that. Especially after all you've done for them."
He did make a good point. I thought about this and after a minute a feeling of contentment came over me. Somehow I knew, no matter what ended up happening that everything was going to be okay.
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missoctober-blog1 · 7 years
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The MC (Shay) : Shay Mitchelle
Chris : Chris Pine
James : Michael B Jordan
Kaitlyn : Arden Cho
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freshmansht · 7 years
You open your eyes and stretch yourself, you look at Zig who’s still sleeping and smile. He’s such an angel, a really hot one too. You roll over, your back now facing Zig. You grab your phone and see that you’ve got missed calls from your parents and grandparents. Your screen is filled with notifications and you sigh. It’s gonna take a while to thank everyone for the birthday wishes. Suddenly you feel soft kisses on your shoulder, you turn to see Zig smiling at you. “Good morning birthday girl” he then says and you smile. “Morning” you reply back and he leans in to kiss you, you bite your lip and then pucker them for the sweet kiss.  “Are you hungry?” he asks whilst placing a hand on your stomach. You just shake your head and he smirks. “Well neither am I” he then says and his hand slips down to your vulva, your eyes widen and he licks his lips. “What are you doing?” you ask shocked. “Isn’t that obvious?” he chuckles, you roll your eyes and then place your hand on top of his. “I like where this is going but I’d much rather just have sex.” you then say and he raises an eyebrow. “You don’t like it?” he then says and you nod. “Do you also not like it when someone goes down on you?” he then asks, you snort and place your hand on his cheek.  “As long as you’re doing it I’m sure I love it.” you reply and he smirks. “Well here comes another present then.” he then says and goes to work. ----------------- Zig and you are getting dressed, Zig is done in no time but you’re still doubting with what you should wear.  “Anything will look good on you.” Zig says as he starts kissing your neck, you smirk and turn to face him. You quickly kiss him and then pull away again. “Maybe you could pick something out” you then say and he raises an eyebrow, he then looks in your closet and smirks. He looks at a few dresses and then smiles when he sees his jersey.  “Is it for the party too or just for now?” he then asks and looks at you. “Whatever you want” you then say and his smirk returns, he hands you the jersey and looks for some shorts. You put his jersey on and when he hands you some shorts you quickly get changed. With your outfit ready you look at Zig and he smirks. “Now everyone knows your my girl” he then says and you snort, he wraps his arm around your waist and kisses you.  ---------------------- You walk into the living room and see that everything is decorated, you turn to look at Zig who’s smiling at you. You continue walking until you’re in the kitchen, you see Kaitlyn, Zack. Becca and Chris standing behind the counter and some candles that are lit. They start singing for you and you join them at the counter. You can now see that they put some candles in a stack of pancakes and that there’s a ‘21′ sprayed on it with whipped cream.  “Aww thanks guys” you say when they’re done, Kaitlyn and Zack quickly walk over to you and give you a firm hug. Chris follows behind them and you get a light hug from Becca. “How are the pancakes?” Chris asks and you take a bite. “Really good actually! Did you make them?” you reply and he excitedly nods. “There’s enough for everyone so please dig in” he then says and the others grab a plate. You enjoy your breakfast and chat about the party. Becca starts bossing around already and Zig sighs, you chuckle and playfully elbow him.  “Wishing you didn’t stay the night?” you then ask and he chuckles. “Nah, I’d do anything for you.” he replies and winks at you, you smile and continue eating. --------------------- It’s almost time for the party, the last preparations are done and you’re all sitting on the couch.  “Well that went well” Zack says and takes a sip from his drink, Becca rolls her eyes. “I thought you guys learned something from the other party, but I guess I was wrong.” she then says and takes a sip from her own drink. You, Zack and Zig exchange a look.  “Also, MC, maybe you should get changed.” Becca then says and you sigh. “Yeah, yeah. Dress the part.” you then say and she smiles contently. “You’ve payed attention.” she then says and you chuckle, she looks at the others and quickly stands up. “Okay everyone needs to get changed actually, so let’s not waste any time. MC I’ll help you, you need to look your absolute best tonight.” she then says and you shake your head. “Your help won’t be needed Becca.” you then say and get up, you look at Zig and he smirks. He gets up and wraps an arm around your shoulder. “Zig will help me” you then say and she sighs, she looks at Zig and then smirks. “Make sure you pick the hottest outfit, okay?” she then says and Zig smirks. “Oh you know it” he then says, he grabs your hand and you walk back to your room. 
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yessi-15gt · 7 years
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So if they are potential LI for our single friends it's for sure that Chris will have one new LI too if you're not dating him. I'm curios about this honestly. I want to meet her
But girl, be careful. He is mine 🥊
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texanhusker · 7 years
Choices Fan Fiction
Kaitlyn x MC: 
MC meeting Kaitlyn’s Parents a second time
Her Room - Kaitlyn x MC
Markings - Kaitlyn x MC
Holding on to Something - Kaitlyn x MC
Going Clubbing - Kaitlyn x MC
Movie Night - Kaitlyn x MC
Confrontation - Kaitlyn x MC
Choices - Kaitlyn x MC
The One - Kaitlyn X MC
Hot in Here Part 2 - Kaitlyn x MC
Summertime Loving - Kaitlyn X MC
Wanted - Kaitlyn X MC
Solving My Problem - Kaitlyn x MC
Cruising - Kaitlyn x MC
Blame - Kaitlyn x MC
Good Direction - Kaitlyn x MC
First Day
Ride of Life - Kaitlyn x MC
Campfire - Kaitlyn x MC
Kaitlyn’s Girl
Wickoff - Kaitlyn x MC
Jealous - Kaitlyn x MC (NSFW)
Altar - Kaitlyn x MC
First Contact - AU (Kaitlyn x MC)
Dance floor - Kaitlyn x MC
Slip and Slide - Kaitlyn x MC
Math Class - Kaitlyn x MC
The Roof
Study Buddies - Kaitlyn x MC
Black Cat - Kaitlyn x MC
Only a Girl - Kaitlyn x MC
Becca x MC: 
Clubbing - Becca x MC
Real Talk - Becca X MC
Moving On - Becca X MC
Formal - Becca x MC
Strangers - Becca x MC
I’m Yours - Becca x MC
Aftershock - Becca x MC
Animal - Becca x MC
Much Ado About Nothing - Becca X MC
Hana x MC: 
Midnight - Hana x MC
How to Love - Hana x MC
The Last Night - Hana x MC
Kiss the Girl - Hana x MC
Just Fall - Hana x MC
Fools - Hana x MC
Better - Hana x MC
Zig x Chris: 
Touchdown  - Zig x Chris
The Freshman: 
Hot in here
Friends in Low Places
Eyes Closed
Most Wanted:
Confession - Sam x Dave
The Royal Romance:
Day at the Beach
The Sophomore:
You belong with me
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nuuribby · 7 years
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The Right Moment
#Choicescreates Round 4
Prompt: “From You - Ryan K”
All those days have gone Never once were they the right moment All my friends they're probably sick of me Who's to say what's the right moment to say That you're beautiful in your own way That I hope you let me in one day
Artists’ Note:
When I heard the song I envisioned Chris’ relationship with MC. He likes MC at the start but he’s trying so hard not to get hurt again that he gets wrapped up in Becca. The more he’s with her, the more his friends are angry at him and he never feels like he has the chance to break away. He struggles to find the right moment to tell MC how he really feels and when he finally gets up the courage, it’s too late.
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matsuobsession · 4 years
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A little Chris edit I made! I haven’t edited him for a loooong time! (I did actually edit this, even though it just looks like I used his ingame screenshot 😂
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elles-choices · 5 years
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@nobounderiesplease I promised you a sketch of Chris a few days ago. This morning I sent you one I did in the tram but it wasn’t so good so here is another one 😬💕💗🌷 I hope it put a smile on your face.
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maxattack-powell · 6 years
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I'm in! Yes let's stay at home, just me and you Captain.
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You turn him down and you're keeping it from him?!
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Are you kidding me?!
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No. No ma'am. You don't get to be sad now.
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pixelisperfect · 7 years
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Chris' Story
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aleortizpowell · 6 years
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Finally here's my crocheted Chris Powell 😍 #ChrisPowell #Choices #Amigurumi #Thefreshman #Thesophomore #TheJunior
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minimarblesoda · 7 years
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yessi-15gt · 7 years
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You are so mature Chris, I admire you and I love you even more ♥️
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texanhusker · 7 years
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I know wrong sport but, I can't help myself.
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