jnprmoone · 2 years
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Drs. June Moone and Hannibal Lecter for @thegiftofcruelty. Happy Birthday !!
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hrlnqnzll · 2 years
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closed starter for @thegiftofcruelty.
"I believe every patient has the right to know their diagnosis, but what am I gonna do, be like sorry, you're a psychopath and it's probably because you fell off that swing when you were seven and also because ya mothah washed ya hands in bleach." She knows that it's healthier to leave their work at the office, but Hannibal knows better than most that it's difficult to turn your brain off when the clock strikes five. Especially after she's got half a jack and coke in her, Harleen really can't turn the doctor off. "Plus, ya can't TELL a psychopath that they're a psychopath; it UPSETS them."
Every sip tastes like gasoline, but she desperately wants her male coworkers to take her seriously. Maybe a glass of wine would have been more sophisticated, but what if she'd ordered the wrong vintage? No, better to order whiskey like a REAL man. Maybe she wasn't as cultured as her companion, but she'd be damned if she sat here drinking some pussy fruit cocktail while they talked about Gotham City's most unhinged. "Is it just me, or does our bartendah look a lot like Kevin Bacon??"
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badclown · 2 years
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closed starter for @thegiftofcruelty.
The walk from her own cell over to the psychiatrist's office is a demonstration, really. Its purpose is to establish power and control; that is, that Joker has no power, that she is not in control. It would be undignified at this point to struggle against Arkham's guards, and although she could easily kill the one on her left before the other one could do anything, she wouldn't have enough time to get the one on the right before he sounded the alarm. The security camera mounted in the ceiling corner gave away her position so she would have no cover, no drop so to speak, and the exits on either side of the hallway were sealed.
She was thinking about all the different ways one could kill a man while in a straight jacket when they knocked on the doctor's door. The frosted glass said "Hannibal Lecter, M.D., Psy.D" in ugly brown lettering. Great. Some other douchebag with a complex here to get off on bringing her down a peg.
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bcbliophile · 2 years
@thegiftofcruelty Duncan & Jenny
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"Are you sure they want me with you at court?" Jenny had some anxiety about joining her husband in Kings Landing, he had given up the crown for her, for them and she worried one day he would regret that fact. The blue eyed beauty looked at her husband as she toyed with the flowers in her hand. She was no Lady, there was no training past being polite when you grew up as poor as she had, they would know she didn't belong and she couldn't imagine the King would want the woman who took his heir away in his castle. "I can stay behind, here at Summerhall" she offered.
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Does she have any unusual appetites?
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She eats flowers. She'll eat dried rose petals like they're chips. She mixes flowers (most often roses) into ice cream and yogurt. She loves the blooming flower teas. She also eats flowers that are generally toxic/poisonous, but thanks to her abilities she has an immunity to them.
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mxgicshxrd · 2 years
❝ even the smallest people can change the course of the future. ❞  
lotr: fellowship of the ring (book) starters||Accepting!!
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She flopped down onto a random bench, not noticing the older gentleman sitting there already, she heard his words, and her eyes turned dark, almost like her brown eyes were mixing with purple.  The gray day grew darker,  as her anger became palpable.  “I wouldn’t know.  I’m not a hobbit named Frodo.  I like Sam better.”
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eideticspider · 1 year
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@thegiftofcruelty ♡’d for a starter
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{✗} She's always APPREHENSIVE when Dr. Sinclair is out of town--but even more so when Dr. Sinclair thinks she's going through something so DEEP that she refers her to an outside therapist. It's always difficult to CONFIDE in someone who doesn't know the other HALF of her identity.
But--if this Dr. Lecter came with Dr. Sinclair's recommendation...she was willing to give it a SHOT.
When she walks in, she's amazed by how CLEAN and organized everything seemed. She felt so...SMALL in his office. (That's not hard--but it's still IMPRESSIVE.) Cindy holds her hand out, a sheepish smile playing on her lips.
"Dr. Lecter, it's really NICE to meet you. I'm Cindy Moon. Dr. Sinclair suggested I make this appointment," she muses, brows knitting together. Her SILK sense was tingling--but the damn thing had been so DEFECTIVE lately, there's no way of knowing what was triggering it now.
Best to IGNORE it.
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maidencfdeath · 1 year
@thegiftofcruelty [ sc! ]
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It was the third time that Cassie had gone to a reap and watched the same man murder, mutilate, and transform a person that she became truly curious. It wasn’t common to come across serial killers, even in her line of business. And this one was…unique. What he had done to those people had been horrible, of course, but there was something horribly fascinating about it as well. There had been a few more times since then, Cassie followed a reap and was met with the now familiar sight of the killer, eventually guiding his victims to the afterlife.
There was another reaper, older than her, who she went to whenever she needed fake papers. Legally Cassandra Winters was dead after all, had been for nearly two decades. But with a new I.D., the reaper was able to schedule an appointment with the esteemed Dr. Lecter.
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When the door to his office opened - exactly at her appointment time, to the minute - she stood to meet him. Her polite smile gave nothing away. “Thank you for seeing me, Dr. Lecter.”
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shireentheunburnt · 2 years
Tell Hannibal about: 🐶 - A Pet
"I don't have a pet at the moment, but..." Shireen smiled up at Hannibal a bit shyly, as though speaking of something she found a bit embarrassing, "I'm unsure if they would count as pets per se, but I would really like to have land one day where I could have herds of stags and deer. Not for hunting, but... as a living representative of my House that can be free of the pain that comes with it."
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bleakfated · 1 year
@thegiftofcruelty liked for a starter from sunny harrington
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she had been around enough lying to last her a couple of lifetimes, so she had tried to lead the remainder of this one with honesty... though 'i'm a psychic' didn't always lend itself to friendly conversation. but as she was gaining more control over her powers, she wasn't afraid to use them and inheriting her father's telekinesis power had gotten her out of a lot of sticky situations... but it always came with the risk of being caught. a rather ill timed moment of her rather heated interrogation with a witch was cut off when she heard footsteps behind her. letting the woman scamper off because she'd have to deal with her later, sunny turned on her heels to face whomever had just seen her throw the other woman into the red brick wall with her mind.
❝ listen... it's all very complicated and you really should file this under the 'not any of my business' part of your mind. trust me. ❞
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little-miss-buffy · 1 year
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Thank you!!!!
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jnprmoone · 2 years
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closed starter for @thegiftofcruelty.
Hannibal probably wasn't home. It wasn't that June knew his schedule (or even what the day or time was), it was just that she didn't feel lucky enough to be able to reach him. He was probably in session. Or lecturing. Or de-worming orphans in Somalia. Fuck. She was knocking on the door again when it opened, and she whispered a nearly silent thanks to whatever deity might be generous enough to be listening. "Thank god you're home."
She was sure she was a sight. First of all, she was covered in mud. At least, she hoped most of this was mud. June was afraid to speculate much further than that. It was clumped dry in her hair, which was slicked down with it like she'd bathed in the stuff. Secondly, she had no idea whose clothes she was wearing. Some kind of sarong top that had a lot of straps and didn't leave much to the imagination, and a wraparound skirt. That was underneath the one clean thing she had, which was a long coat she had taken from the house where she'd woken up. No idea whose house. No idea whose coat. She imagined she'd have to buy whoever it was a new one because dry cleaning wasn't going to cut it here. She wasn't wearing any shoes, and she strongly doubted there was a pair of underwear under this mess. "Can I come in?"
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bcbliophile · 2 years
❛  nobody else will ever love you the way i do.  ❜
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"You can't know that, James. . . We have both had very long lives and will have longer ones still" they have watched people they love wither away and die and while they had survived, there was no promise that they both would continue to live. A small hand reached out and cupped the captain's cheek "just promise to love me for now and that will be enough, it's more than anyone else can offer me."
The blonde gave her lover a soft smile, letting her thumb trace his cheek for a moment longer before she leaned in and pressed a kiss to his lips. She ignored the way his possessiveness made her feel-- wanted, desired and a little warm, she wasn't sure what to make of it, but for the moment at least, she was enjoying it.
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chrislaplante · 4 months
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𝟗 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝟓𝟎𝟎 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬.
tagged by: @freakarus. ty!
tagging: @grote5que, @morb1dg1rl, @coastercrushed/@hangtenn, @nuks, @allevils, @00sgoth, @miercolaes, @cannib4l, @thegiftofcruelty, @poetdeads, @endlss-voiid, @s4ith, @hollowvictory, @malignantdevil. :)
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ofvalves · 2 years
Faustian Bargains //Val&Hannibal
Everyone was careful not to say ‘possession’ to a science believing skeptic like Hannibal Lecter. But, psychiatric nurses in lower income healthcare settings have seen it all, been elbow-deep in it all, and can recite the whole freak show rote. A seasoned charge nurse like Garland spooked had definitely piqued Hannibal’s interest in Heather Mason. He used his position as Medical Director to house Heather in his more attentive wing with all of the country’s most violent psychiatric patients, which she certainly was not. But there was something toothsome about her case.
Heather had her own private room, mostly to keep her safe from the other violent offenders. She was personally attended to by Barney, now Director of Nursing for the acute floor. Heather had been put through every battery of test that Hannibal could think of. As non-verbal and quiet as she’d been, Hannibal had taken to reviewing her case files in her room with her comfortably but firmly restrained. He thought his best tactic might be to try to get her to talk in this language which had baffled the translators at the larger hospital.
“What do you want, from your time here?”
Brigit Garland had watched Heather leave with a mixture of emotions. But some of it was definitely relief. There were nights she had spent on watch outside the young woman’s room which simply felt strange. Like the quality of the air itself was wrong. She couldn't put her finger on it. 
Even when she was moved, Heather made no outward sign of awareness. If anything, she actually seemed to drop into an even deeper stillness. The slight furrow that she normally wore across her brow loosened.
Her vivid blue eyes betrayed nothing. It could be said to be like sharing a room with a ghost.  
The question was spoken, and hung strangely in the air between the two of them. As if the sound wouldn't quite dissipate. The room was slightly too warm and a smell which crept in just on the edge of perception could make an observant person start to wonder if there was damp starting in the walls.
The sound of the door opening and closing was absent, and yet there was the click of heeled footsteps moved up to the side of the doctor’s chair, where he sat opposite his patient.
“You know, I’d rather know, what you want, from your time here?”
It was a woman, statuesque, pale. Her red, curled hair pinned back loosely from her striking face. She walked to the bed and sat down, crossing one leg over the other. She wore a simple black shift dress.
“Who are you? Exactly? And what are you doing with my charge?”
The accent was American, but it had a twist to it. Like someone who had lived a very long time in England. The voice itself lilting and easy. 
Still, Heather did not move.
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madxwonderland · 1 year
when you get this, post theme songs for your muse! then tag 5 or more people!
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Beautiful Ghosts - Taylor Swift
And so maybe my home Isn't what I had known What I thought it would be But I feel so alive With these phantoms of night And I know that this life isn't safe But it's wild and it's free
All that I wanted was to be wanted I'll never wander London streets Alone and haunted Born into nothing With them I have something Something to cling to I never knew I'd love This world they've let me into And the memories were lost long ago So I'll dance with these beautiful ghosts
This song was the best thing to come from the Cats movie and I think it’s perfect to describe Alice and the loss of her home and family. She is literally alone and haunted on the streets of London. It’s her friends in Wonderland who truly accept and know her.
Sabotage - Bebe Rexha
Why can't I let myself be happy? Why do I gotta get in my own way? My shoes are worn out, always runnin' From the reasons that I really wanna stay
This song does a good job of expressing Alice’s own inner guilt for her family’s death. Even if she didn’t kill them, she still blames herself. She has very extreme survivor’s guilt and it really bars her from moving on.
Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds - The Beatles
Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain Where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers That grow so incredibly high
This is just a good Wonderlandy song. And Alice loves the Beatles.
White Rabbit - Jefferson Airplane
And if you go chasing rabbits And you know you're going to fall Tell 'em a hookah-smoking caterpillar Has given you the call Call Alice When she was just small
Pretty self explanatory this one.
Waving Through A Window - Dear Evan Hansen
When you're falling in a forest and there's nobody around Do you ever really crash, or even make a sound? Did I even make a sound? Did I even make a sound? It's like I never made a sound Will I ever make a sound?
On the outside, always looking in Will I ever be more than I've always been? 'Cause I'm tap, tap, tapping on the glass Waving through a window I try to speak, but nobody can hear So I wait around for an answer to appear While I'm watch, watch, watching people pass Waving through a window, oh Can anybody see, is anybody waving back at me?
I think this one is a pretty hopeful song for Alice. As a kids she always kept to herself, didn’t have any friends and just spent her time in Wonderland. She really went more into herself after the fire. But since she got some sort of closure from the incident, I feel like she is wanting to reach out more and live the life she should be living but she is still resisting just a bit. And this one kind of says that. 
Tagged by: @malevxxlence
Tagging: @hauxtedbeauty @riiese @dawnblxde @thegiftofcruelty @seeasunset​ and anyone else who wants to!
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