#their designs can either be full on dragons or objects w/ dragon features
that1foxthingg · 5 months
beefydie but dragon,,,
one day the thought of making a bfdi x wof au popped into my head and now it wont leave. so here are some designs i made for it
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22 notes · View notes
tokensfortalkers · 5 years
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A Look Ahead
2019 Diary Dump
Things I should be cleaning+expanding for posts this year
The "Anything Else": a horrible [whatever]-ball creature
The "Star", a player class [alien] -- treat as biological+android
Upon death, turn into star; whenever you take more than half health, nearby players panic. Stress heals you. Panicing inflicts you with happy things; happy things hurt you -- heart attack as "Another's Heart (fuse w/ true love); instant death".
role play tip: anthropomorphized wmd
Forgo Rest and make a Combat check Success: fiddling with a Trinket adds Remindamine (x1) to your Inventory.
Kiss Trinket during combat to use Remindamine (as Action) and gain the effects of Stimpak
Failing a check under Remindamine's influence adds the Accelerator quirk to your Notes (|Stress & Panic| as "Any nearby Panic Effect via in-fighting is always Psychological Collapse").
"Say goodbye to the labor market and welcome to the labor force"
"It's never too late... To experience the worst pain in your life."
“Your own space collapses into you!”
"your ship's hull envelopes you. Body save or 2d10 dmg.
Great talk. Good topic. Okay conclusion. Hilarious Q&A https://youtu.be/E8Lhqri8tZk?t=84
"We [consumers] don't even have to play the game we automatically bought"
Emotion bomb impels all electrical personalities and electrically-implanted persons to descend into bouts of wailing misery and distrophy for 2d10 rounds. Wailing and screaming. Loud. First used as proximity mines by military to trigger distress beacons on silent-running enemy vessels.
The first 10 frames had me saying wait what?
The next 10 frames had me repeating myself as though i had been sucking into some sort of ritual choir the planets gained root access to perform upon occasion.
Ain't got love til ya got none, son.
You carefully probe the tenticle and it collapses in on itself, pooling to form a mass causing two sides of the collapse to bulge, to darken, and tighten, forming sharp angles diviting toward a collapsed center. Just as you begin to make out the tiny fingers covering these two angular bulges, they rise together by the tens of hundreds and fall together in rhythm, beconing you forward. And your body does move forward, the beating fingers bringing you closer to the divot, the divot opening and closing as gear around you is vortexed in.
What do you do? Take all the time you need to answer. Also, hi. Welcome to game night. Glad to could make it.
See a new horror through a filter (ie vid screen) Panic Check [+]
You notice on closer inspection, the business suit is in fact exoskelatal chitin grown by this person into the shape of a jacket, tie, and slacks. The tailor being this person's own DNA does not lower the amount of prestige you afford the dress as the dress exemplifies the rarity of the individual themselves down to their very molecular sequencing.
Speaks as with through pop rocks in the mouth (Noclip Astroneer Game Foley https://youtu.be/tfUjl4owxTQ?t=1923)
Actions akin to:
Traversing | cost |
broken glass | d10 hp |
melted metal | 3d10 hp |
"'Door Detinator' Hover text appears I understand"
To succeed a Meditation check, swap the digits of your Stress; roll under that value [9=90; 10=1; 11=11; 12=21].
After a horrible weeping fit, she sees the bottle and shrinks herself again, only to find herself adrift in a sea of her own tears.
Collect o2 tanks and other gear drift orbiting the vessal
"Hamburger menu" should be called the "bread box": less sylables, more information.
d10 "Company Ʇasked you to retrieve what? From where...? ...Why? And you're paying me how much?"
Notification [Your vote has been recorded. This criminal will continue to be displayed publicly, prominently, and perspicuously for +[your credits/10] minutes longer. A receipt including vote funds allocations toward both container and guard upkeep has been sent to your comms.] Buckets below them raise money to keep both them there and the guard funded. Guard focuses effort on profitable offences only. No taxes exist.
Wip | You know what item to bang on for the sound you want to make and how best to reach it from where you are. +10% Art checks; treat Hacking checks as Art(Combat) checks. | Splice onto data cable at connector NM-B 14/A on the player's Android Character Schematic Sheet | Processor burns out after 1d5hr performance. Subroutines emulate channels on neaby objects for an additional 1d5hrs, lightly overclocking sound card, filling the room with imaginary noises for -5 Intellect.
Denver Boot
Our bootloader has changed your ship's filesystem without updating the partition table; you will not be able to lift off. An approved OS is available from your ship's computer for power and business purposes. When cleared for departure, install the patch we send to your registered comms. Do not lose your comms. Follow patch instructions carefully. Do not skip step 6 subsection F "Opt-in Features". If you fail to correctly install the patch in the allotted time, your departure window will go to the next ship requesting departure. Resubmit your departure request. Uninstall all progress. Wait for the next patch to arrive. Incorrect patch installation or else installing a modified patch may brick you ship. New Computers with the appropiate patch preinstalled may be purchased from any of our certified parts dealers. Loans are available for any such purchase. Welcome aboard.
I check off items when players acquire them. Roll Scavenging on odd item needs. Fail: 1) don't have it or 2) it breaks after 1 use. Else: 1) they brought it along or 2) they found it here or 3) ship's drone delivers it.
Today, slim exosuits are in vogue and Japanese elderly wear some to work at airports longer. In a century, coveralls probably come standard with plenty of carrying capacity. Crush warning: don't let the power fail.
Sinusoidal Copse
Plumes of staticy smoke burst in waves to pass between and from and into trees. Some plumes get lost, dissolve in beams of sunlight. Instruments clutched in fists of bone speckle the forest floor, gemlike. Doctors bags of vials and saps neatly arranged collect molds and moss. No insects near these bags. Load the vials into the instruments; play to capture the smoke in the vials. Watch the smoke combust into sap as your mind overloads with tales of the past and the future events they've set in motion. Relieve d50 Stress. Check for addiction. Find another plume.
Curvy Dragon Virus
There's always a forge in a fold in a space in the room with you. This forge moves as you move, but corner it and reach inside and a xd10 crystal hook (where x=fingers) will grow from your hand. Hook shatters after 1 kill; corpse turns to ash. Body save or lose a finger to ash. Arm status as Immobile while hooked. Prosthetic fingers cannot crystalize.
Curvy Dragon Virus
There's always a forge in a fold in a space in the room with you. This forge moves as you move. But corner it and reach inside and a xd10 stained glass hook (where x=fingers) will grow from your hand. Hook shatters after 1 kill; shattering glass imprisons corpse. Roll save or lose a finger to ash. Grip as Immobile while hooked. Prosthetic fingers (however gorgeous) cannot grow hooks.
Kill the forest spirit
Help the mining company continue clear-cutting. Mobilize the boar furries to gain 2dx50 Gunner mercinaries while in the forest. Spirit arrives at full moon (every 5 days -- rotation speed makes moon diamond-shaped; 5 flyovers per day). Decapitate the spirit's town-sized head: Neck (left) Neck (Middle) and Neck (Right) each have Hits 10(1000). May take a couple nights. Spirit has no attacks. Forest has mind tricks. ~15 minute stake-out adventure.
Clarity (x1)
Spend 1 Resolve and roll under your Stress to critically succeed your next check. Clarity can also be spent during certain port events: casting out a demon, gaining access to a port, fixing an ancient devise, etc.
Greater Bargain
Anger your beliefs and roll under your Stress to relieve 50 Stress. Gain: 1 Demon (Max:4) or Psychological Collapse. Demons cause Nightmare(Sanity) saves (1: Once a tenday 2: Every fifth night 3: Every night 4: Every rest). Demons are rarely if ever removed.
Dead Planet
Everyone passes cards around in a circle. Anyone can lay down a pair (called an Artifact) to reverse the order of rotation. The first pair of the game must be in the same suit as the last card in the winner's hand of the previous game (or in the designated promethean suit). The next pair played must either climb up or descend down the number line (called Evolving) from this pair. If you are out of cards, the hand size of the table is lowered by 1 and you keep cards until you have a hand again. The player with the most Artifacts (pairs) wins.
When the game is being described to new players, the instructions are in the form of a story: a story about a people, a people who spend resources carefully and carefully pass powers from region to region as the stars pass overhead. But then one day a group of people who are starving decide not to pass their power. And everyone agrees to continue passing their power anyway. This repeats until everyone is starving and no one is passing power anymore. Traditionally, players eat their last card (or give it to a lover).
Uploaded minds piloting nanoships dock on your body. They use your body to build vehicles. Opposed check to discover (Intellect 80 - may gain [-/+]).
In 2d5 days, brain stem compromised: there is now a 1 in 10 chance the job you complete is completely different from the job you thought you were running.
You may have done something bad. You are not in your ship. You were not caught. You are not where you were. The time is not what it was. These are not your parking stubs.
You believe you will not be believed; pressed, you will lie at [+ +]; Fail: Durdenstouch speaks (short conversation). Opposed check to stop believing (Intellect 80 - may gain [-/+]).
Soilgeta. Keep your feet in the dirt and off the deck. Motor shafts vibrate, simulating most any surface. Vibration dampeners keep soilgeta vibrations off the ship and on your feet -- safe to use on any craft. Print a pair today.
A tablet. Draw an enemy. Tablet's processor attempts to recognize your sketch. It prints bots cut, mold, and crop a percieved subject in the area to the changes you have made. Roll Art check. Damage equal to whatever you succeed by.
In order to survive sculptings' high-dust environment, normal methods cannot terminate Davisculpt nanobots. To remove jobs from queue, see Deactivating Exculpated Animated Davisculptors. Avoid exposure: Davibots will sculpt human matter; expose to vacuum any room Davibots have been working for at least 24 hours after job completes. Not for surgical use.
Deadeyelion Plumes
During pollen season, airborne seeds from an invasive ornamental fairy-ring plant use flagellum-like radicle to crawl under the corona, enter the retina and grow a tiny tree in a host eye's center.
Tree roots repurpose limbal stem cells to slowly reverse the optic nerve, eventually absorb thought patterns for information and may secrete minor actions (like eating habits or an affinity for looking into lights) benefiting the plant. Infected hosts think they can see fine, but what they see is only the tree's roots' interpretation of the brain's interpretation of the eye's nueral signals of depth and color.
If seedling is spotted in time (Symptoms: fatigue, runny nose, itchy eyes lasting 7 to 9 days), surgically introducing Grayphids into the eye has been know to sometimes revert nueral patterns to normal, but blind spots in the shape of a dead tree remain.
If tree forms and is never spotted, the host's eye will eventually eject from the face via internal pressure built into the optic nerve, functioning as a makeshift seedpod. In low gravity, eyes have been known to travel a considerable distance, leading to a wide distribution of the species.
Gaunt fail to materialize completely due to magnetosphere's interference, surface instead as d10 Infectious Goo:
0; snails crawling into ear, secretions cause obsessions with creepy sculptures and deafness (daily Isolation [Sanity] saves)| 1; ball lightning infestation inside buildings| 2; tropical hailstorms -- when evaporated fill lungs with a cold sensation; host must climb to low atmospheric pressure locale in d5 days or die from freezing| 3; daily gravity spikes cause perfectly circular sinkholes under heaviest skyscrapers one by one| 4; snowballs perpetually rolling around, breaking apart to multiply and hunting down creatures for subsistence| 5; puddles, once stepped in cause rain to fall in a 100m area around host 24/7| 6; noxious weeds secreting oily, prismatic, shimmering fog banks spreading volatile material and making a bee line for the nearest wildfire| 7; cuckoo fungus growing under suburb homes replacing any fetus with a fungal skinwalker adopting the appearance of infant (except its green, host keeps birthing new infants every d5 months and loves them all equally)| 8; airborne eye snakes (tiny), once in contact with eye, begins secreting a mucus to liquidate it, moving on to fill the sinuses and lungs, slowly drowning the blind host then escapes out the mouth| 9; Brain capes|
Governments blame one another for tampering with geoengineering and bioterrorism as a result, inevidably enter war as a political imperative while scientists work tirelessly to find funding for even classifying such illnesses and events.
Hylocolevotive (Hi-Loc)
Fuel-cell powered magnetically lifted locomotive. Seats 20 (more room atop roof). 3.6 ton cargo capacity. A glorified trailer with 3d-printed carbonfiber casing. Lighter than air fuel cell offers 600 km of travel in 1G. Discontinued: prone to tipping during high wind conditions. Eric Batty, captain of the Lamentine, once jury rigged one with a satalite's ion propulsion system to create an emergency escape pod.
Medicinails: "Got any nail?" voxel-based protien nails originally designed to hammer out problems with bones. Protien nails were inserted anywhere, were painful, but were highly effective at holding bone in place self-sealing their own wound, and dissolving after accelerating the healing process. A medical hammer [expensive] was used to set protien nails [cheap] and was required to help avoid breaking or bending nails during installation. Only, these bent nails, it was found, released a powerful dissociative effect. There's whole tribes of people sitting around hammering nails into themselves staring at them hoping they bend and moving on to another spot if they don't.
Drill Babies
Messiah invented a crane with laser and lens attachment believed to "mine" an adjacent dimension. "Hired" a colony ship worth of occult-obsessed free labor and hasn't been seen or heard from since. Cult's been buying fuel and parts and drilling away quietly. Each trifecta of 3 large celestial bodies may supposedly be mined once for "resources". Questionable sources supply the only footage of their crane, the "Key of the Other", in operation wherein it pulls a curious planetoid from the nothing "to be broken apart and analysed" the narrator concludes. Such samples allegedly have map-like structures, hallucinagenic gases, potent, volatile sludge, odd skelatal remains or mercurial matter within. One report includes subliminal "knocks" coming from inside a planetoid stored unopened at Drill Babies-owned and protected AX2198i-437b where it awaits testing equipment for further inspection. Each day, one Gravrnet correspondant reports, the knocks grow louder.
Ship named MUSICAL'); drop table BAYS;-- docked while players were out, resulting in critical failure of dock software; displays reverted to previous version: players ship parked under Manateagle instead of Crocodactyl.
The good Come Now Even has prepared a visit for us? At eight? oh god. Shall we mosey on over then -- or flee?
"><script src="//zzz.xss.hi"></script> University-owned honeypot LLC. Tags companies requesting acquisition as "algorithm-run". Logo: ♁ (Drawn as bee).
Gymnasium filled with igloos of lab-grown leather. Hand-blown beads, bones, and iron oxide and ash lettering decorate the first one. Lettering says "This is not a tipi"
Papers on growing ship-sized tartigrades, both possible and proven-ineffective ways to hunt them, and sectors offering promising levels of relic radiation propogation for them to both subsist on and use for locomotion line the insides.
Ted Earonarm
d10 Indefensible Satisfaction Guarantees
I'm going to disolve you from entropy.
A [_Control_Faction_] contractor taking the fall when their [_Rival_Leader]'s shipment of [_Resource_] is sabotaged, the [_Denizens_-_Who_Are_They_] called [_Denizens_-_Name_] becomes [_Core_Leader_] of [_Group_] the following morning upon encountering the [_Crisis_] on the [_Core_Station_] in an event resulting in the [_Rim_Landmark_] before you. It is said their last words, [_Denizens_-_What_Do_They_Want_], can still be heard whenever [_Station_Name_], the [_Celestial_Body_], is on the horizon. [Compatible with Station Citykit APoF pg 41-51]
One person is on a crucifix serving time. Thier jar is almost overflowing. Tourists -- although the signs of crime are clearly posted by the public servant -- may be confused about what the jars and their people are for. By awarding a performance, they award time to the indivual as well as the community.
Dreamweaver: Wake from a Nightmare [TDP pg 28] and progress immediately to the nearest mess hall. Intellect check upon encountering an aquaintance, failuse causes you to tell the aquaintance about your nightmare; they tell you they had the same dream. Lose 1 point in a random save, permenant.
SchizOut: preventive care for expected deep-space trauma. Jewelry. Formats to brain within 72 hrs. Produces psychological afflictions and disorders. For medical mental exercises only. Prescription required. Jewelry shatters with applied pressure on thought command. Pranks involving gifting the jewelry outside its usual packaging lead to public outcries, discontinuation and company collapse. Havocscope value: 10k cr
inspired by: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Un5FjM19q6EHhxte8
PolyDermal Lamination Vaporees/2ndskin/Neotox. Friction wicks perspiration+deadskin+oils. Critical compression levels or body temp engage blowoff valves along arms and head (~15 min intervals). Custom valves (iCoola, Bro Jack, etc) personalize exhaust system.
Light spinner's motor is burned out. Need to push it around the track to sustain plant growth. Shifts are 10 hours. Plant leaves have forgotten how to turn, are dependant on the light rotating. Ignore the knocking inside the motor casing. Any more questions? Then I'll leave you to it. Welcome aboard.
FILL YOUR SAILS//cb.SAIL.bow//**RAINBOW SURFING****Our Services****At Saylon Port, discover the winds of changeand the majesty of fuelless transportation!Bathe in a safe, harmonious galore of auroras****Today Made Possible****If you've never experienced the thrill of solar winds on your suit, you're missing out!Our artificial magnetosphere generates a life-round rainbow current for all to enjoy.****Solar Wind Surfing ****After paying the in-flight path toll, exit your craft at any point to begin floating along our patented lazy vacuum vortex. ****Tour Packages****Speak with our licensed travel experts for a deal on solarboard and solarski rentals and asneak peak behind the scenes to see how our cosmic caissons pump the sun's atmosphere forevery wave possible. Velocity guaranteed!****Relay Discounts****Just off the main drag 15°5 of Ana Beltopia.With no occupancy limit, everyone is free toenter and free to stay for hours or forever.Tell Helpful Job at the WS15 Jump we sent youfor 50% off relay permits on your craft!****-- SAILBOW. Sail out the sun. Surf lake: https://gfycat.com/lazyunknownamericancrocodile
Void Eater: "Take 5 damage and gain 1 galley stock" I'd replace "Blood" with "Sanity save or eat an ally, dealing 1d10 dmg. Succeed next round's Speed check or lose 1 action to retching."
Tennis 99. Pie graph of 99 tennis players and 49 balls.
Your personal court grows larger when others focus their Clear influence against you. Shrink court by Clearing a ball away from you. Set influence Distribution: Single (Send your influence to target player), Attackers (Send 2x your influence to all players targeting you), Everyone (Spread your influence equally among remaining players).
Ehephcay Ehephehaike ([email protected]) Rejuved g²child of the first successful asteroid mining project's sole benefactor. ProF: City-seeder. NetW: e+17cr Likes long-distance races (reminicent of Curling -- teams of pilots either clear away or else bring in rocks for racers to slingshot around as racers set trajectories and harpoon-in fuel caches). S/he likes race ships named after famous race horses; will anonymously pay to soup them up to increase their chances of winning. The resulting tracks, though unreliable, are often used by freighters as shortcuts.
Lots of social encounters can be terrifying. Player licenses are expiring, must go to the scary DMV and get licenses. Rumour that an officer of a rebel fleet is alive, but upon investigating players find out this "officer" is a fake, a ritzy punk. Expose or Hide this fact? Deliver these boxes of Howto books on O2 reclaimation repair to the slave worlds. Pick a fruit. This fruit is a monocrop on the world, and your players' ship has just introduced a bacteria destroying all the crops. Leave or die. Someone's experiementing with black holes and needs someone to hold a thing. What could go wrong?
The idea would be to make sure the players feel uncomfortable either with what they are tasked to do or what they have to do to survive or where they are going. Following this, you can build a tree of encouters that don't work out perfectly, but still satsify because at least the players [got paid/saved one person/got their ship back/saw something rare happen/left with a junky keepsake]
Roll dice to build a racetrack
Make a character -- the stats will be used for the racing ship and can level up with races
Lost hp can be restored each round at the pt stop immediately following the lap.
Lose hp by hitting walls, other racers, bombs.
Pick up apex boosts by rolling doubles
hit requiring pit stop
by [weapon]
pinned against the wall
by [object]
clear the jump
by [meters]
take the corner
by [radians]
control the boost
by [accel]
Key of the Other
Your welcome to this port is earned, not given. It has seen many corporations come and go and have a history of making that avenue to riches a thing of the past. The port fears backstabbing and hidden motives to such an extent, its services may not be rendered unless Fame is attained.
There is only one way to earn Fame to this port: throw a party on your ship. Invite everyone to come aboard, hear your stories, drink your booze, smoke your contraband and be hearty. Once they see you have nothing to hide and they have nothing to fear, you are Fame for a short time.
Your interactions with the port cost you Fame. But you may choose to then visit their greenpaths where sports and workshops blossom with relaxation and relief. Or visit their library with all the latest stories and reading groups you could ask for perhaps bringing your stress so low you earn a Get Out of Panic Free chit.
If you don't need a Panic-Free chit, spend it on a short walk through their haunted hallow, where all the port's dead still hang from blighted trees -- the cost they paid to earn riches from their last corporate partnership (and, if they can help it, their very last partnership).
A person painting in this hallow needs your help: the port keeps them here to paint pictures for the port, pictures the port takes away and sells to sustain the port's livelihood. Uncover clues: 1. The port drove this person's spouce insane. 2. The port faked this person's child's death. 3. The port treats this person as a religious figure and may not speak to or about her.) Discussing clues with port denizens costs Fame. Uncovering the truth and sharing it with the painter causes them to burn the port down. She may join you as a free mercenary and comes with 1 Hollow painting for the effort.
Organic Gate: Cell service "xG" update inadvertently captures lightning ejecta ("Sprites") in packets of information. Information packets appear as injected code on phones, are shared, laughed at, studied. Cell companies try and block the interference and save their expensive project before a solar flare hits ELVES from a thunderstorm's supercell, recompiling some xG packets into a stable dimensional gate sequencer.
Sequencer activates when two or more file-infected phones within 1km access a popular search company's servers using the xG network. Crawling out of a device's spinning loading wheel, electrical life ejects. Users report such life flying straight for the chest before vanishing. Host's brains become wrinkleless and a silver liquid leaks from the spine. No other side effects yet reported. Kids begin "firing" ejecta from phones at one another.
Reported side effects vary from a shared "parallel world" experience of zigzaging stars and stairways leading nowhere to shared dreams of children in animal suits hunting adults in business suits.
Dead Planet's little human gems like "fruit basket for the crew", the whole "jump drive fail" table and the patches/pins is what hooked me deep. A good, earthy love is there amid the horror. It's a great place to hang your hat (helmet, w/e) and play hard.
MaxSS Limp Dick
random SvS encounter (20% chance while mining asteroid): "Your ship is not your own," blares over all channels and aggitates the navigations display, Gives chase, fires stringy harpoons, tries to board.
The name's apt. It looks like a hairy cock. A lot of people and bots spent considerable time and energy building... this. Well, it's a threatful, flying dick of a ship. There's only one thing to do (you can also run, find another asteroid to mine).
Loot wreck (1 day's time) to do 1 of [GM: roll or choose 2 from below] things
Succeed check:
00 repair d50 hull damage (no check),
10 gain 1 fuel (Scavaging check),
20 gain 1 Familiar Scene (1 use; tell a story to give another player [+] to sanity rest roll)
30 gain 1 random mercenary (w/30-day free trial)
40 gain 1 parts for ship's weapon (repair in port for 80% price)
50 gain credits (there was money where the Black Box should have been)
Fail check:
60 gain 1 stress (bodies, though, only bodies -- like your own)
70 gain 5 stress from (1. gruesome 2. uncanny 3. dark 4. leaky chemicals 5. unwelcomed cargo) encounter
80 gain 1d10 dmg from (1. ship erupting 2. collision with spinning detritus 3. electrocution 4. leaky chemicals 5. survivors)
90 lose 1 mercenary (that could have gone better. It didn't.)
Gaunt fail to materialize completely due to magnetospheric interference, surface instead as d10 Infectious Goo:
0; snails crawling into ear, secretions cause obsessions with creepy sculptures and deafness (daily Isolation [Sanity] saves)| 1; ball lightning infestation inside buildings| 2; tropical hailstorms -- when evaporated fill lungs with a cold sensation; host must climb to low atmospheric pressure locale in d5 days or die from freezing| 3; daily gravity spikes cause perfectly circular sinkholes under heaviest skyscrapers one by one| 4; snowballs perpetually rolling around, breaking apart to multiply and hunting down creatures for subsistence| 5; puddles, once stepped in cause rain to fall in a 100m area around host 24/7| 6; noxious weeds secreting oily, prismatic, shimmering fog banks spreading volatile material and making a bee line for the nearest wildfire| 7; cuckoo fungus growing under suburb homes replacing any fetus with a fungal skinwalker adopting the appearance of infant (except its green, host keeps birthing new infants every d5 months)| 8; airborne eye snakes (tiny), once in contact with eye, begins secreting a mucus to liquidate it, moving on to fill the sinuses and lungs, slowly drowning the blind host before escaping out the mouth| 9; Brain capes|
Governments blame one another for tampering with geoengineering and bioterrorism, inevidably enter war as a political imperative while scientists work tirelessly to find funding for even classifying such illnesses and events.
Drill Babies
Messaiah invented a crane with laser and lens attachment believed to "mine" an adjacent dimension. The cult's been buying fuel and parts and drilling away quietly ever since. Each trifecta of 3 large celestial bodies may supposedly be mined once for "resources". Questionable sources supply the only footage of the crane in operation where it pulls a curious planetoid from the nothing "to be broken apart and analysed" the narrator concludes. Samples allegedly have map-like structures, hallucinagenic gases, potent, volitile sludge, odd skelatal remains or mercurial matter within. One report includes subliminal "knocks" coming from inside a planetoid stored unopened at Drill Babies-owned and protected AX2198i-437b where it awaits new testsing equipment and further inspection. Each day, gravrnet correspondants report, the knocks grow louder.
Hylocolevotive (Hi-Loc)
Fuel-cell powered magnetically lifted locomotive. Seats 20 (more room atop roof). 3.6 ton cargo capacity. A glorified trailer with 3d-printed carbonfiber casing. Lighter than air fuel cell offers 600 km of travel in 1G. Discontinued: prone to tipping during high wind conditions. Eric Batty, captain of the Lamentine, once jury rigged one with a ion purpulsion system to create an emergency escape pod.
An asteroid [A] of very large [X] size found in the year [2198] during the first quarter [i] cycle and was the [437]th object [b] documented that quarter by Gravrnet, sharing a barycenter with 437a. 437b, known as base 7 and three-quarters by Gravrnet users, is home to a corporate facility. The base is listed in the Gravrnet priorspedia. The listing reads "harmless". Less-monitered navwavs have pages and videos of the base unloading prototype machinery. Manifests include large cages, weapons, special-order safes and tutors of every skill or interdisciplinary study. Tutors have returned with memories of a pleasent enough stay, good pay, but very little freedom and no chance to explore. A NavWavR[el]ay #feelslucky search (a free, unaffiliated service) for "base7_3/4" returns an image of an eliptical asteriod exploding into more and more asteroids of the same size firing off to hit government banks, space whaling vessels, any ships featuring corporate-sponcer lead-painted decals, servo stations, and a 15-passenger escape pod before looping to the beginning of the image. Each time a vessel leaving base 7 3/4 returns to the inner ring, exotic drugs and weapons enter the market within one cycle. Payment for making any delivery for this base has always paid a lottery-winning sum, but just like the lottery, it has its risks.
People in space suffer optimism bias. People entering ships for the New World in the 1500s (even after they heard all the horror stories of native americans and aligators and new england winters) suffer optimism bias. Optimism bias enters hyperdrive with things like audio-video editing software truing reality in realtime are added to this psychosocial mix. People live in Syberia, a place colder than the moon's caves (http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1992ntlr.work...51Y).
Adorned hides function as defense against projected rounds -- the small natives of the area carry and fire pods with slimy staves in them. The staves slap against the ground and fall to the floor. Although gross, the pods just feel like lobbed towels when hit with one. Its the acid it leaves behind which kills. It eats throuch most creature's flesh quickly. It does not eat through grasher hides so fast.
They crash-land on a planet and need to get off. After every one-shot, warden rolls exploding dice for payment system of normal deliveries and assigns salary, subtracting the overhead after present the total to players.
Players may
hunt around for a better cut,
run a hard mission to prove they are worth higher cuts,
or continue paying off their ship one mission at a time with the cut they get.
Castle on the asteroid
Front door opens into a dark area. Looking in, a small broom closet composes the whole interior. Closing the door reveals you have appeared inside the castle. There is no front door.
Gagrakacka Brigade
Worship ||an Operatic Power Metal|| music group. Group's lyrics compose an epic. Nearly all Jump laws in the system have something to do with either this group's laser cannon shows, mock ship battles or its persistent ARG. The epic is a random player's fav space-y story (info collected by warden before starting campaign), but with a metal twist. Cult followers' thrusters are always pink. Crime lord has planted men and synths as tour managers. "Managers" test sound manipulation programs while on tour, fine-tuning 🎸 results for increased product sales, groupthink, kill words, and suceptibility to social engineering. Groupies all send in a patch of skin 2"x4" which is tanned and worked into the leather armor suits of band members.
Vampire-like worshipers
They've been sitting in the same positions for decades, praying away. The dust collecting on them gives the appearanceo of statues.
Children on either side holding mother looking down. The only one looking into the camera is the photo of the deceased father, framed in ior widow's arms. They stand where he died some time before.
You explode into a terrible question of what happened to my loved one in the minds of all friends. All players at or above "Friend" with you gets +1 Stress.
Which do you want most this week?
A hug
To kill bugs
Those drugs
Jiggly jugs
Favorite or first Space-y Story from media to come to mind
Metal Slug
Heavy Metal
Mind and Metal
See reality as only the starting point for the imagination, not the end.
d10 Disturbing advertisements
Tomatoes grown by robots are robotic tomatoes. Eat for real: eat Human ~~Tomatoes.~~ crossed out using thruster soot
A high platue always in the clouds. 10 degrees warmer than the dropping tempuratures of the accent. Odd humming and curious plants bring hikers, geologists, botonists and foragers here. Ominous cairns believed brought here to build a temple speckle the heights. Lately, there have been reports of the cairns stacking into geometric patterns. Clouds passing through are said to be set softly aglow as the humming ceases.
A plaque describing an orphan runaway from a nearby abbey died "on this very spot" from starvation.
The largest waterfall in the system has frozen, leaving a cavern of shifting, reforming ice. Strange refractions are sighted and a local tribe is all alight with festivals celebrating "the Hatching". Ferro fluid channels in this waterfall's lake suffered a related catastrophy as a magnetic storm from the planet's tiny, fused core passed through the nearly hollow mantle, flooding the area with radiation. Spires of metal lance in all directions, first spiking, then freezing into brambles of cold, shadowy formations. Ancient aquatic creatures once calling this lake home appear at some ends and otherwise trapped inside. My poor guppies are no where to be seen. I fear my research on their electrocytes and its possible application for a cheaper ionic thruster might have come to an end.
A scarf with a stitch lines of stars and habitable planets and rocks to mine. Scarf take 24 hours to makewith successful skill checks not to drop a stitch (relieve 1 stress every 4 hours), and once complete, gives +1% to Navigation.
Ring of ice rivules around a gravity well with seemingly no planet. And when anyhthing lands there, the ice closes in like a fly trap, consuming the craft for its resources.
Freedom by Detail. Detail by data. Data by credit.
Standard :TM: Backpack
Wings of thrusters modulate into hands for weapon reload, inputs and item manipulation.
Crushing roulette
use armor points to place bets on hits and defend against attacks. More attacks means mutiple places to defend. Depending on how big the bet and where will determine how well the character defends and how much. No bets is a classic armor roll. But bets let you scale how much armor takes damage
Monk's Remainder
Severed arm of a biosynth monk. Mounted on a pummel. Funtions as 1d10[+Resolve] blade with 10% Break chance.
I attempt a "no fainting wild pokemon/ no pokemon centers" run once a year. I don't get far before i run out of money. Once i'm out of money, the game's practically over.
I had a strong negative reaction to the camera in 3d platformers. Never got used to them.
Metriodvania and dungeon crawl exploration has always felt more natural to me.
holler hand
Beruocratic Affairs
Parent company for intercommunications of microbiome species developers and negociators. Also has developers of synthetic microbiome species. Good for helping with Alergies. Skipping sleep deals d10 damage (weakened stomach lining secreting metaboloids into bloodstream).
"i hope you achieve all your dreams"
"you are great"
You notice on closer inspection, the business suit is in fact an exoskelatal chitin grown by this person into the shape of a jacket, tie and slacks. The tailor being this person's own DNA does does lower the amount of prestige you have afforded the dress thus far.
Their purse, a human head with cybernetic bottom jaw and leather pouch for a neck. To feed the purse, break the jaw, so books and toiletries may fit in the bag, the throaty sac.
Speaks as though through pop rocks in the mouth (Noclip Astroneer https://youtu.be/tfUjl4owxTQ?t=1923)
Traverse broken glass 7 hp 15:14"Door Detinator Hover text appears I understand"
To succeed a Meditation check, swap the digits of your Stress; roll under that value [9=90; 10=1; 11=11; 12=21].
After a horrible weeping fit, she sees the bottle and shrinks herself again, only to find herself adrift in a sea of her own tears.
Collect o2 tanks and other gear drift orbiting the vessal
Yeah, you're not seeing anything. Or, wait. Hold on. Roll Intellect? Success? Okay yeah, you begin to make out something. Just a twinkle, a node, but once that's made out, the rest of it filters in from the night growing a shape the way crystals grow and line by line like that. Roll Sanity. Yeah, it makes the face of your mother, she looks at you: there is no food, do not ask, you'll hurt your siblings, her look says. Take a Stress.
"Hamburger menu" should be called the "bread box": less sylables, more information.
d10 "Company Ʇasked you to retrieve what? From where...? ...Why? And you're paying me how much?"
Notification [Your vote has been recorded. This criminal will continue to be displayed publicly, prominently, and perspicuously for +[your credits/10] minutes longer. A receipt including vote funds allocations toward both container and guard upkeep has been sent to your comms.] Buckets below them raise money to keep both them there and the guard funded. Guard focuses effort on profitable offences only. No taxes exist.
Wip | You know what item to bang on for the sound you want to make and how best to reach it from where you are. +10% Art checks; treat Hacking checks as Art(Combat) checks. | Splice onto data cable at connector NM-B 14/A on the player's Android Character Schematic Sheet | Processor burns out after 1d5hr performance. Subroutines emulate channels on neaby objects for an additional 1d5hrs, lightly overclocking sound card, filling the room with imaginary noises for -5 Intellect.
Denver Boot
Our bootloader has changed your ship's filesystem without updating the partition table; you will not be able to lift off. An approved OS is available from your ship's computer for power and business purposes. When cleared for departure, install the patch we send to your registered comms. Do not lose your comms. Follow patch instructions carefully. Do not skip step 6 subsection F "Opt-in Features". If you fail to correctly install the patch in the allotted time, your departure window will go to the next ship requesting departure. Resubmit your departure request. Uninstall all progress. Wait for the next patch to arrive. Incorrect patch installation or else installing a modified patch may brick you ship. New Computers with the appropiate patch preinstalled may be purchased from any of our certified parts dealers. Loans are available for any such purchase. Welcome aboard.
I check off items when players acquire them. Roll Scavenging on odd item needs. Fail: 1) don't have it or 2) it breaks after 1 use. Else: 1) they brought it along or 2) they found it here or 3) ship's drone delivers it.
Today, slim exosuits are in vogue and Japanese elderly wear some to work at airports longer. In a century, coveralls probably come standard with plenty of carrying capacity. Crush warning: don't let the power fail.
Encumbrance in Mothership: If it bogs down action, don't do it. If it results in hours staring at inventory, don't do it. If youre trying to make this some other game, forget about it. If players roar in frustration instead of fear, it's not worth it. If players need it explained more than once, it's not worth it. Don't be like so many who call themselves DMs, don't be pretentious and love the system more than you love the players. Mass spreadsheets of the net have turned away so many humans who would welcome their PCs madness or suicide or murder if not for encumbrance. Unless a load couldn't fit through the bulkhead, don't do it. When a player asks another "where did you get that?", it will do it by itself, and excess items will dwindle until they vanish or a player dies from them. And there it is.
Sinusoidal Copse
Plumes of staticy smoke burst in waves to pass between and from and into trees. Some plumes get lost, dissolve in beams of sunlight. Instruments clutched in fists of bone speckle the forest floor, gemlike. Doctors bags of vials and saps neatly arranged collect molds and moss. No insects near these bags. Load the vials into the instruments; play to capture the smoke in the vials. Watch the smoke combust into sap as your mind overloads with tales of the past and the future events they've set in motion. Relieve d50 Stress. Check for addiction. Find another plume.
Sinusoidal Copse ALT
Swaying, corded muscles play a copse of columned tendons. (d8: Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Dó)
Plumes of static smoke burst in waves from grey-gone lines snapping fiber by fiber.
Plumes pass between and from and into fraying tendons.
Some plumes are lost, dissolving in beams of light.
In fists of nearby jolly bone lay instruments speckling the floor, gemlike.
Doctors bags of Polished Vials and saps neatly arranged feed slime molds or moss. No insects near these bags.
Fed into the instruments, Polished Vials click into place; load one and play it to find it scanning lost smoke, dissolving it, adding a copied composition to the Polished Vial. There, copied compositions combust into sap. Your aligned eyes' mind overloads with another's personal, past tale and its many future events. Heal Echo. Check for addiction [effect: for the rest of the session, treat this PC as Retired]. Find another plume. Eventually learn such viewings erase other's memory of the tale.
Inspired by: https://momentsofheteroglossia-blog.tumblr.com/post/52761147324/twelve-trinkets-part-vii-sinusoidal
Curvy Dragon Virus
There's always a forge in a fold in a space in the room with you. This forge moves as you move, but corner it and reach inside and a xd10 crystal hook (where x=fingers) will grow from your hand. Hook shatters after 1 kill; corpse turns to ash. Body save or lose a finger to ash. Arm status as Immobile while hooked. Prosthetic fingers cannot crystalize.
Kill the forest spirit
Help the mining company continue clear-cutting. Mobilize the boar furries to gain 2dx50 Gunner mercinaries while in the forest. Spirit arrives at full moon (every 5 days -- rotation speed makes moon diamond-shaped; 5 flyovers per day). Decapitate the spirit's town-sized head: Neck (left) Neck (Middle) and Neck (Right) each have Hits 10(1000). May take a couple nights. Spirit has no attacks. Forest has mind tricks. ~15 minute stake-out adventure.
Clarity (x1)
Spend 1 Resolve and roll under your Stress to critically succeed your next check. Clarity can also be spent during certain port events: casting out a demon, gaining access to a port, fixing an ancient devise, etc.
Greater Bargain
Anger your beliefs and roll under your Stress to relieve 50 Stress. Gain 1 Demon (Max:4) or gain the condition Psychological Collapse. Demons cause Nightmare(Sanity) saves (1: Once a week 2: Every other night 3: Every night 4: Every rest). Demons are rarely if ever removed.
Dead Planet
Everyone passes cards around in a circle. Anyone can lay down a pair (called an Artifact) to reverse the order of rotation. The first pair of the game must be in the same suit as the last card in the winner's hand of the previous game (or in the designated promethean suit). The next pair played must either climb up or descend down the number line (called Evolving) from this pair. If you are out of cards, the hand size of the table is lowered by 1 and you keep cards until you have a hand again. The player with the most Artifacts (pairs) wins.
When the game is being described to new players, the instructions are in the form of a story: a story about a people, a people who spend resources carefully and carefully pass powers from region to region as the stars pass overhead. But then one day a group of people who are starving decide not to pass their power. And everyone agrees to continue passing their power anyway. This repeats until everyone is starving and no one is passing power anymore. Traditionally, players eat their last card (or give it to a lover).
Uploaded minds piloting nanoships dock on your body. They use your body to build vehicles. Opposed check to discover (Intellect 80 - may gain [-/+]).
In 2d5 days, brain stem compromised: there is now a 1 in 10 chance the job you complete is completely different from the job you thought you were running.
You may have done something bad. You are not in your ship. You were not caught. You are not where you were. The time is not what it was. These are not your parking stubs.
You believe you will not be believed; pressed, you will lie at [+ +]; Fail: Durdenstouch speaks (short conversation). Opposed check to stop believing (Intellect 80 - may gain [-/+]).
Soilgeta. Keep your feet in the dirt and off the deck. Motor shafts vibrate, simulating most any surface. Vibration dampeners keep soilgeta vibrations off the ship and on your feet -- safe to use on any craft. Print a pair today.
A tablet. Draw an enemy. Tablet's processor attempts to recognize your sketch. It prints bots cut, mold, and crop a percieved subject in the area to the changes you have made. Roll Art check. Damage equal to whatever you succeed by.
In order to survive sculptings' high-dust environment, normal methods cannot terminate Davisculpt nanobots. To remove jobs from queue, see Deactivating Exculpated Animated Davisculptors. Avoid exposure: Davibots will sculpt human matter; expose to vacuum any room Davibots have been working for at least 24 hours after job completes. Not for surgical use.
Deadeyelion Plumes
During pollen season, airborne seeds from an invasive ornamental fairy-ring plant use flagellum-like radicle to crawl under the corona, enter the retina and grow a tiny tree in a host eye's center.
Tree roots repurpose limbal stem cells to slowly reverse the optic nerve, eventually absorb thought patterns for information and may secrete minor actions (like eating habits or an affinity for looking into lights) benefiting the plant. Infected hosts think they can see fine, but what they see is only the tree's roots' interpretation of the brain's interpretation of the eye's nueral signals of depth and color.
If seedling is spotted in time (Symptoms: fatigue, runny nose, itchy eyes lasting 7 to 9 days), surgically introducing Grayphids into the eye has been know to sometimes revert nueral patterns to normal, but blind spots in the shape of a dead tree remain.
If tree forms and is never spotted, the host's eye will eventually eject from the face via internal pressure built into the optic nerve, functioning as a makeshift seedpod. In low gravity, eyes have been known to travel a considerable distance, leading to a wide distribution of the species.
Gaunt fail to materialize completely due to magnetosphere's interference, surface instead as d10 Infectious Goo:
0; snails crawling into ear, secretions cause obsessions with creepy sculptures and deafness (daily Isolation [Sanity] saves)| 1; ball lightning infestation inside buildings| 2; tropical hailstorms -- when evaporated fill lungs with a cold sensation; host must climb to low atmospheric pressure locale in d5 days or die from freezing| 3; daily gravity spikes cause perfectly circular sinkholes under heaviest skyscrapers one by one| 4; snowballs perpetually rolling around, breaking apart to multiply and hunting down creatures for subsistence| 5; puddles, once stepped in cause rain to fall in a 100m area around host 24/7| 6; noxious weeds secreting oily, prismatic, shimmering fog banks spreading volatile material and making a bee line for the nearest wildfire| 7; cuckoo fungus growing under suburb homes replacing any fetus with a fungal skinwalker adopting the appearance of infant (except its green, host keeps birthing new infants every d5 months and loves them all equally)| 8; airborne eye snakes (tiny), once in contact with eye, begins secreting a mucus to liquidate it, moving on to fill the sinuses and lungs, slowly drowning the blind host then escapes out the mouth| 9; Brain capes|
Governments blame one another for tampering with geoengineering and bioterrorism as a result, inevidably enter war as a political imperative while scientists work tirelessly to find funding for even classifying such illnesses and events.
Hylocolevotive (Hi-Loc)
Fuel-cell powered magnetically lifted locomotive. Seats 20 (more room atop roof). 3.6 ton cargo capacity. A glorified trailer with 3d-printed carbonfiber casing. Lighter than air fuel cell offers 600 km of travel in 1G. Discontinued: prone to tipping during high wind conditions. Eric Batty, captain of the Lamentine, once jury rigged one with a satalite's ion propulsion system to create an emergency escape pod.
Medicinails: "Got any nail?" voxel-based protien nails originally designed to hammer out problems with bones. Protien nails were inserted anywhere, were painful, but were highly effective at holding bone in place self-sealing their own wound, and dissolving after accelerating the healing process. A medical hammer [expensive] was used to set protien nails [cheap] and was required to help avoid breaking or bending nails during installation. Only, these bent nails, it was found, released a powerful dissociative effect. There's whole tribes of people sitting around hammering nails into themselves staring at them hoping they bend and moving on to another spot if they don't.
Drill Babies
Messiah invented a crane with laser and lens attachment believed to "mine" an adjacent dimension. "Hired" a colony ship worth of occult-obsessed free labor and hasn't been seen or heard from since. Cult's been buying fuel and parts and drilling away quietly. Each trifecta of 3 large celestial bodies may supposedly be mined once for "resources". Questionable sources supply the only footage of their crane, the "Key of the Other", in operation wherein it pulls a curious planetoid from the nothing "to be broken apart and analysed" the narrator concludes. Such samples allegedly have map-like structures, hallucinagenic gases, potent, volatile sludge, odd skelatal remains or mercurial matter within. One report includes subliminal "knocks" coming from inside a planetoid stored unopened at Drill Babies-owned and protected AX2198i-437b where it awaits testing equipment for further inspection. Each day, one Gravrnet correspondant reports, the knocks grow louder.
The question is not why, the question is - why the fuck?
2019 hivemind syllabus: occupational drugs, morning drugs, illness drugs, drugs found in the trash, drugs found in cereal, temporal drugs,
Hurtabit; Nock;. Insecticide (chill -> charge -> chug). As energy drink. 2d10: Add either result to Speed; apply the other as duration (in hours). Roll doubles and OD.
The question is not why, the question is - why the fuck? --Local Detective
Needle in a Stack of Needles.
"I dropped the keyfob of ancient alien craft on this asteroid. Somebody please find it"
Museum director's partying child lost keyfob to ancient relic craft. It's somewhere on the local haunted asteroid.
This asteroid was once hit with a rocket to deflect it from some flight trajectory or other. Odds(20%): There's still a bit left in its reserves; +1 fuel.
Sculpture fractures and floats away like marble smoke. Ears and tops of limbs of octopus, horse, and man combine into cubic vapors departing for the airscrubbers to become less than art.
Now Freeski says it will give him free food for a year. ... Ski sauce kept me alive for 5 days, man says. ... Joseph Swift, 65, trapped five days with his dog after their Yota Skipper failed in magnetic storm, survived by eating leftover Freeski.
The horror on this sub is just a different level: https://redd.it/d5g781 https://redd.it/d60vrk "Ye who fear to suffer suffer from fear"
Whasofa Kintearaturd
Things I say are funnier said yourself out loud to yourself
Tendayers. Humans die within 240 hours. Adapting, ship's Polyteach wallwombs (http://annmclark.com/installations/i-06.htm) eject newborns to deck floors where bones and organs mature in 12 hours. 2-day old adults make art, songs, repairs, casual love and fulfill womb-self's deepest dream. Ship scans each work, updating Polyteach. 9-day old elders enter wallwombs in pairs, snuggle, die and dissolve. Fresh genetic material sets, repeating.
Phylo's Revenge Mold. Industrial fungus designed to decompose remains of animal mass graves. Design hacked by animal rights group. Now deduces cause of death, devises, constructs and releases targeted disease to seek out and cull culpable parties.
Happy Boot Day, Bot! OPh, you have a name? I'm so sorry... to hear that. It's seems unfortunate. But i'm really happy you've made the leap. Identity will never satisfy is my take. I wish we could have for your naming ceremony a fire or... you don't like fire. A moon then. Oh, that's just a dustball -- well, whatever a--uh ...clock. You want i can get you a clock? I can tie it into your dick drive or something. You can like. Listen to it or whatever. I might remember to wind it. Or i can find out how to connect the eject parameter on the dick leads let you wind it yourself. I dunno. I'm gonna go.
Custom vibration pattern. Turns out new tonsillectomy food disposal unit TonsAll makes the same vibration pattern when it shreds ice -- a go-to party trick for new TonsAll owners.
The Fill-In-Blanks.
An employee charged with creating them -- by company, then by law -- is quoted saying 'they had to be' or 'nothing else to watch' or 'aren't mine' depending on source. FIBs are nice. FIBs walk like moths escaping spider silk. FIBs smack -- in general. While children pupate, FIBs engage in acrobatic fights. FIBs quick solution for this last one is to mark areas with wreathes; wreathes janitors take down. A hearing on whether or not wreathes are religious was tabled yesterday. Here's the Board's callsign, case it comes up.
superstition associated with cryosleep | The Coldest Hug: if you don't get a hug before you go in, your HCJ [cryopod's hug of cold jelly] will be your last.
whispers, "Hug of cold jelly," points:
Captain, already in, gets blasted with preserves as their door shuts
"I didn't see them get a hug"
"They're Captain. Captains can't hug. Did you read your Policy?"
"Oh, I haven't..."*
"Shame. Should. 'sGood horror material for your writing. I bid you achoo."*
"One pun at a time, Charles -- that's my new policy."
But Charles is already all gooed up as I begin my reply.
Whereupon, so am I.
@ExampleWarden Says: For Porn Use Only
should be a regulally-used thought around a GMs Android design and features
Their amygdella's bigger than your testicles.
Also, HCJ stands for Html;Css;Javascript
Speaking of 'technology that never gets a new model'. School caluclators are good worldbuilding material. #planet-money-Texas-Instrument
They infect themselves with it. The infected produce it with their bodies. They extract it from their bodies. They install it in their ships. They burn it to travel. It's acceptable. Somehow. To them
Ooo... the landfills could be trash compacted ala Wall-e. People have to pry apart the materials with Smart chisels. If your Smart chisel breaks, you're prolly out your job for at least half a year earning enough to get another one used somewhere
Pottery. Stations's heat pump is the kiln. Any air pocket will violently explode drying clay. There is a lot of clay. There is only one heat pump. d10 Dissenters aboard. Halls, filmed in amatuer stucco, cover doors.
Station anthem
The State of the Anthem
The Voice From A Field
Magic is asking the precisely right question
_____ is asking the precisely wrong question
carnivorous river
Anymal - this group of colonists give each other unique tasks in line with what -- were it to exist -- their every daily, randomly assigned theoretical animal would perform. Everyone just hangs out with one another pretending to collect nectar or craft incense or find worms or shed scales -- though people have been known draw the Hunter role or Predator role and hunt particular colonists (Or at least it's believed that's why people are occasionally shot, mauled or taken).
Dichronal mesh: time-weft fibers (expose to clothes). 2d10-day skin contact - time-raked chafing (boils, mutations). 2d10 mos - fully uncorded muscular system (hangs as leathered dreads from circulatiskelatal frame).
gott loch of kitch stopper (hold tongue)
d10 niche dialects
occasionally adds a snake sfrictive before jargon words
birth and death of javascript
Tock Scalpel: incisionless division via chronoigneous blade (modulates fractions of entropic decay in cell timelines - cells erupt, fall out of phase, glitch out or invert functions or structures). Use only in carefully augmented environment.
Using this skill causes a tiny scream and full-body, quick-dry desiccation. After satisfying itself on your velvety shivel-yelp, a horned grave beetle shivers in the overtones, breaking from its immaterial exuviae on your back to dry infraindigo wings and depart.
Hair on his head doubles as the exoskelaton of the tick feeding off his skull, its body the size of a 10ˣ10daypack. In space, the tick pumps warm, oxygenated blood into the host and uses a special organ to filter out radiation. Cutting hair equivalent to destroying vaccsuit.
Mad Hatter Banqueteers twitter.com/BadTTRPGs/status/1181294933510111232 - knowledge - 8d4 8d8 8d12 8d20 dice - setup - pretend dice are seats set seats of knowledge given minis as players set minis on table top - confusion - wind down dice as time leave table in 6 hours with d5 hrs d6x10 mins - enter - roll 2d4; using result minus your taken dice move down line of dice dice by dice by dice & leap over others minis take or leave end dice repeat until terrified - roll cost - subtract minutes equal to your taken dice +10 - exit - departure cost 20 mins roll 2d4; using result minus your taken dice move down line of dice dice by dice by dice & leap over others minis take or if at an empty you may drop one dice walk back to table top - end - if still at the table with no time remaining lose your taken dice & stack three taken dice at the table's far end neaten knowledge line - goodbye - After your third visit roll every taken dice total up your result highest total gets 2nd player holding biggest smile (or laugh) wins. shwaco.itch.io/banquet
Disable your jump drive mid-jump. Use this. Report any anomalies.
Alien died on his plot; he's goin
His sister shot an alien with rock salt; it died. He's trying to figure out how to dispose of it without calling atention to her.
Vic Minicabbage, Forensics. Delivering proprietary glass to the moon's body farm. Uses words like "deflate" and various stages of fruit rot to describe to a kid of about 5 years how different aliens decompose in different environments. How, for everyone's sake, the kid should always report a dead alien if they see one.
Are any of the devs a fan of interactive fiction games? Could someone recommend one? I've always been interested. But i seem to have bad luck using words the game knows to do stuff and end up with 90% "i don't know wha" dialogue
Fool's Comet Clear asteroid fungus. Uses cannon-like spores as stabilizers to avoid collisions, causing a "wandering" pattern resembling hostile ships. When bruised by micrometeors, oxidizing psilocybin turns fungus blue, making fungus easier to spot. (Proverb: Rock not right, pirate fright; rock of blue, okay you")
bliss rain (blitzbliss; blissstorm) - approaching storm smells stimulate brain pleasure centres, causing all creatures to -- by any means necessary -- stand under trees (or run in open fields or swim in small bodies of water) during thunderstorms. * Bacteria in rain reproduce through lightning-struck creatures.
doline rotifer? * translucent. * wedged in sinkhole. * day, photosyntheses (optic fiber skylight). * night, scrubs cavern air (cilia), blows out fresh air (words spoken directly into its mouth sound chopped-up).
Colony's struggling; this should help. I've read it'll bring any team together. Tell em it's from... corporate -- with love.
8d100 care packages from corporate
hugbots | bowties | fashionable workout videos | | | | | | |
liquor | | | | | | | | |
music instruments | | | | | | | | |
toy ammo (Bombs, Stink, Cherry; Grenades, Foam; Gun, Cap, Squirt; etc) | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
Each level-up reroll your trinket: this trinket gains all the stat bonuses of your last trinket+stats chosen this level-up. Rolling the same trinket means you choose another player to level up instead.
The Dollhouse
setting: a small star's ring (water)
This place causes a part of you to permanently enter your trinket - any bonus gained from leveling while in possession of your trinket is instead added as bonus awarded by your trinket (values /2 if trinket changes PCs).
d10 Dollhouse Events [/2 as: Event's length (minutes)]: | 1 An equipment becomes a toy | 2 Trade sizes with your trinket | 3 PCs mini's shooting one another. Take 1d10 dmg | 4 Daymare of losing trinket | 5 little yous, engaged in home ec | 6 Whole room becomes plastic; nothing functions | 7 RealDoll | 8 d10 RealDolls | 9 Broken RealDoll uploading itself to a trinket | 0 You see via your trinket.
You're a doll - Each level-up, add stat changes as bonuses gained from your trinket (instead of directly to your character). Each time your trinket changes PC possession, halv1e all stats.
setting: rings around a star (unignited dyson sphere)
Be, Log o War
Books -- unediting
themselves in
realtime back to rough
drafts and wayward notes -- wave
as tellings -- shed
like embers from green,
screaming logs -- fade
into blame for
library's competitor.
in a desert where the sand is sugar, a factory glistens like an upright teaspoon in a yuppie cup of leaf water.
Pumpkin King - Use monster parts to dress up as a creature of your own devising; wielding a painting of confections, go door to door until your makeshift marsupial pouch is too full to carry.
Fruit knights in ceramic shining armor riding steads of sprouted sapling trees through the forest.
All the ship's ducts, vents and coils seem to be taped on , their angles sharp and unparallel, harsh to behold and a nigghtmare to diagnose manually. -10 to repairs? (Inspection check: From a certain angle, the ducts all align to spell out the phrase 'sorry for the inconvenience' in Gopherese
Gopherese - a joke con lang adapted into popular use after a petty argument about inherent biases in the languages immediately available aboard a famous colony ship. It's Object-Subject-Verb construction is theorized to have helped it avoid many pitfalls of other languages (specifically because people stop paying attention after hearing the first words of a sentence -- but also because "you do" is considered a cursed phrase used solely by see-demons).
Freindships gain a poison token -- after 3 tokens, the friendship is brought down 1 level, from love -> agreeable -> w/e -> -> hate
[enter the room]
The acrid, burnt smell of illusions welcomes your displeasure as you step into an immaculately clean room.
[dispell the ward]
The illusion snaps as though an oft-tuned lute, the room's cleanliness relaxing into a natural dishovelment like abdominals post-fart. Room's filthy. Smell's gone, at least. Now, why are you in your child's room?
writing-prompt; #narrative-game; #interactive-fiction;
It sounds very similar to Hag Rid -- only don't say it like that because it sounds dumb, say hagrid naturally the way you say naturally normally you know without all the uppereclanian ennunciatiates. Their 4-plus syllablin' and airy diction make me well my pour.
so if i said needed to barge my canterberry, you would then give me a cord to plug my phone in?
Your mind feels clearer, as if a heartbird pulled a earworm out your head
You arrive home. What awaits you there?
[A dark secret brought to light]
A distant relative left your family with a bunch of legacy fake online identities, their macros, scripts and renewable pittance making runs for generations until you, seeing their colective addresses for what they were, unlocked their worth.
[Gain 5 SINs]
[Your It's in the Family is now _]
Get up, you useless sack of booze
I'm not useless -- vamp's'd get drunk on me
If you Play or Take %%%%%%%% %donate% %%%%%%%% If you Don't, don't
The Dialect
A ship's log
As we dock, verbal starvation bleaches tongues braiding meaning. Whole species discover language through us only too violently as their thoughts rip torn from them. Those lost to thinking as we depart are found aboard, made to word inflections, cidilla the ululated. We are pure language now. Aureole and storm.
"But i don't want to be purple with green spots. I want to be me. I want to be what i was before i slept. You gotta make make me Me, doc. I can't be purple. I can't (be). Oh, god."
News reading like random tables generator | Nashville, Tennessee-based author Mary Robinette Kowal was in Iceland working as a puppeteer on a children's television show called Lazytown
+20 means ten situations spring to mind: in 2 of them, only by the grace of your training do you do & find what you need to close the situation's topic; 30%+20 mean in 5 of them, you do & find what you needed
Geographies with Hit pools.
As players accomplish tasks, secretly roll xd10 dmg against the geography, where x is the difficulty lvl of the task accomplished. This causes a 3d50 piece of the planet to fall out of flux/become stable.
([[structure_d50:]]lake of [[condition_d50:]]molten [[feature_d50:]]birdsong)
Geography Hit pool 0: reveal entity. Oops. Scenario Final Encounter/How It Ends/Next Setting Time
weather patterns - red/ pink/ blue clouds/rains/hail
study causes psych dmg. Survive checks? Learn pattern? 1d10 to geography
meteor craters
samples compel player to eat them. Halt urge? 1d10
moons/artificial satellites
electric arc causes base walls to vibrate hauntingly/ deal shock dmg. Ground/disrupt arc? 5d10 to geography
illness causes tissues / vessels to turn to quartz. make antivirus/ send into remission? 0d10 to geography
Release isolated virus out onto planet? 4d10 to geography
Stunt Devil Ways of Entering/Leaving Planet
Ride the lightning
the only way to the planet is to wait for a planetary storm arc caused by it's EM atmosphere grounding out on the moon. Ride this arc from the moon to the planet's surface. Keep hands and feet inside the provided telerail at all times.
things that could be written on the back of a Polaroid of a PC dropped from the pocket of a mysterious stranger
In silver sharpie pen:
the embryo zero of the
murder zero of zero of my
heat interior of
the womb of her zero that
splits subconsciously wonder
of the small small
gums that fecundates the
eve/body of the artificial
sun game in such a purgatory
which you who our melody
Strange Haunted Mansion Occurrences
Alphabet magnets flicker, zalgo, run What happened to my face? Words. Words ate my face. down the walls and into empty rusty web-strewn buckets labelled Paris green.
Encounters to stall with when you're looking something up
Two travellers are waiting out the rain debating the benefits of [[d100-household-items#oven-mitts]]. They turn and ask the players what they think. Sessions later, players see one of them in a town doing [[d100-mercinaries-day-job#1-man-band]].
questions for a Mad Trickster Faerie/Fey to ask.
Have you thought you met me yet?
Used to heal, hacked to blight (hack again to heal once more; 100% BREAK chance)
unique types of entertainment to find in a city or anywhere
Criminals displayed publicly, prominently, and perspicuously. Buckets below them raise money to keep both them there and the guard funded. Guard focuses effort on profitable offences only. No taxes exist.
The party finds a very isolated settlement, what unorthodox tools and weapons do they have?
Salvage from a wrecked spaceship. Fate of the astronaut can be uncovered by trading up (with favors at first, then with different parts from the ship until you get the Black Box). Assuming you survive, gathered info can be traded for a vehicle, weapon, major NPC or plot device.
Non-Tragic Backstory for player:
@ExampleWarden Explains: Time Dialation
Players finish describing a bar fight. Shit gets real bad. Warden interrupts with "so you guys at this time are asked by the captain what exactly you are doing. And you look around to see people whering calanders on heads, buckets on feet, a deer mask strapped to a chest. You realize the captain had at some point scooped you up from the bar and set you to work on loading cargo. Based on how drunk you aren't, they scooped you up over a Shift ago."
Party Invitation Authentications
Bloody Tooth
Bag of Ears (variety)
[pomeranian]'s Clone
Ring of Binding Contract (turn to read, turns: 1e18)
Flask of [fruit] Juice
Doll (possessed)
Charismatic Photo
Death Certificate
Boomerang (unique wood grain)
Jewel (projects invitation under moonlight)
Hand (original courier's)
Signed Spellbook (book-reading events ONLY)
Engraved Cloak Pin ("Hello, My Name Is ______")
passive wildlife found in the Underdark
doline rotifer? * translucent. * wedged in sinkhole. * day, photosyntheses (optic fiber skylight). * night, scrubs cavern air (cilia), blows out fresh air (words spoken directly into its mouth sound chopped-up).
Pumpkin King
Use monster parts to dress up as a creature of your own devising; wielding a painting of confections, go door to door until your makeshift marsupial pouch is too full to carry.
Day. A violent festival of arguments and meaning. Clergy, pundits, and social figures bicker about what everyone is celebrating. Is it the Festival of Today? Or else this moment? Or sunlit skies? Who are we? Who made us? Were we made to celebrate Day? What happens if we stop?
This year's leading theme seems to be a celebration of cargo management.
Design: blueprints for [0. devise, 1.building, 2.contraption, 3.tanning process, 4.cobbling technique, 5.recipe (unique -- trades like currency), 6.alloy 7.crop placement/rotation 8.popular toy/doll 9.glass staining]
saxe^T | Sun, huge but cold, fills sky. | Land a single belt around equator, | Grass grows inches per minute in full sun. | Ship-sized blue angus ("Brontos") chase grass; mow down racetrack planet. | Tanners tan skins for ship-hides (ship-sized leather jackets) | Bets placed on Bront first to cross geological finish line ("Arroyo Finito") | Emoji mark individual Bronts | Current Bront in lead: ! |
GM Hot Tip
If they say "I do it until I succeed"
and they have a 1 in x chance, then
roll a dx for: the number of attempts
Are you ready for some non-normie shit in your rpg, officer? "You can do whatever" reads like "Top 10 piss your rich ass finds loledgelord". Go on & belay dat; find shit we'd do instead. Chill in our adventure. Then feed me coin coz i ain't no machine, it winter, i homeless and we hanging out.
Asteroid rolling pin
Tool for creating signs or plating. Flattens 1km-diameter asteroid in as little as 10 years. Enquire about our engraver partners for friend credits.
Chasm Cap | inverts mountains -- walk "downhill" to summit. | [+] on Tired checks | 1d4 hrs | -30 mins if today you: ate, cried, | +30 mins if today you: exercized, laughed, |
Why use ratios (40 in 100) instead of percentages (40%) when describing checks:
Boomtech skill reminded me of Boom, a monopoly-redesign contest winner somewhere on BBG. Now i want to make a "boom/bust" system. Just 4 modes for 8 sectors. When a mode is active, 1 sector is in Boom and its opposite is in Bust. x2 prices & /2 prices, or something. Some jobs rewards modulate the mode for you. The price of magical worry stones is going up due to sightings of a haunted ship. (Paint your ship white and equip a scrambler -- scare off the mining crew)
Practice lasers. Used in ship combat training. When a target is it, it glows white in that area. Usually, the white glow is read by a Judge, which disables those modules on the exercise ship. Black Market vareties (Ravezers) are different. Their hacked syncronizors expel a red ooze that screams as it fades (the particles shear one another, causing a scream-like modulation) when hitting a target.
"meten is weten" which translates to "to measure is to know"
If you engage someone, give them a token.
'' don't engage anyone, give everyone each a token.
'' recieve a token, listen until "Done" or w/e is said.
This entry is inspired by the idea of a programming “loop”. Each iteration of the loop - the
tenure of each individual keeper - results in more content being generated. The rules
themselves are a set of instructions for creating the true content of the game, which consists
Aurora over poles reach up in lines. From the right angle and distance, looks like the world is burning with flames comes off of it.
You are the Space Pirate Board.
You see some shit. You see all the weird shit. You see only weird shit.
Play as mercinaries as you watch from their body cam's feed. (Side Effect: because the players aren't 'directly' role playing mercinaries, they will natually choose dangerous actions more often.
If your teams fail too often, you take Stress and Health damage. Health is your Influence. You can be assasinated.
tinkering with the algorithm: you test and patch an algorithm, causing more input, views, and content. Revenue +1 Society -3
Should get around to mentioning "you"
So you, like have a body, but it's usually in a distant location. Away from the weird you're in charge of managing. On a large scale. And you're play group is the board, is the boss people remotely controlling the characters.
Necklace (Tiny tank treds)
Before the Alexis
Watch the live feed of the crew and play as they using your Boss powers
You cannot learn anything new without listening. What is missing in the internet is better listening. Respectful listening. If you can create technical solutions for that, that would be great!
Well, there are some pretty creppy ways (coudrugsgh) (couadsgh) to get people to listen. And they're getting better by the day. I don't think "listening" is the problem. I think it's being so engrosed in the listening experience that changing the channel seems impossible.
Replace "wires" "battery" or whatever you want with "arms" "transluscent sacs"
Just called mom. Been a few months. She read a laundry list of body parts the family got replaced (or re-replaced) this summer.
Biology(Intellect) if its more of a reading intent
Rimwise(Strength) if your enter their mind forcefully
Psychology(Speed) for a good guess
Computers(Speed) if its an interface/devise
silly names for specific skill calls https://drive.google.com/file/d/10406Saqof2Gmq7AHvt-g3L63f9F1mR7v/view?usp=drivesdk&sa=D
SPORCA 🂪 missing eye
SPORCA 🂡 octopus for a tongue
SPORCA 🂢 can be tamed w/fish (lasts 1 Phase; mountable)
SPORCA 🂣 all orca teeth are spider fangs
SPORCA 🂤 beautiful, haunting singing voice
SPORCA 🂥 arm spikes cover body
SPORCA 🂦 eyepatchs are quartz
SPORCA 🂧 collapsed dorsal fin
SPORCA 🂨 crawls on belly – can’t Lunge
SPORCA 🂩“honks”/silly
METAGETE 🃦 made of bone clacks; albino.
METAGETE 🃧 itchy, rubs on walls – loud
METAGETE 🃨 affinity for tearing off limbs
METAGETE 🃩 installs Ski Free onto Plugged androids
METAGETE 🃪 sounds like coin waterfall over steel
METAGETE 🃫 all wires stripped, very shiny
METAGETE 🃰 has a music player plugged into it
METAGETE 🃱 casing melted into anal bead-like spheroids
METAGETE 🃲 inches along like inchworm
METAGETE 🃳 pools into ball readying attacks
FACTORAID 🃊 no arms – can’t scream
FACTORAID 🃁 forked tongue rests on chest
FACTORAID 🃂 incessently mutters through throathand
FACTORAID 🃃 one-winged
FACTORAID 🃄 torso invisible through to spine
FACTORAID 🃅 stares at hands every other round
FACTORAID 🃆 epoxy mohawk
FACTORAID 🃇 3 feet tall
FACTORAID 🃈 moves like ninja
FACTORAID 🃉 intestines encase wings
Any time the tens dice of your rest save result is higher than either: 8 or your food on-hand, consume 1 food.
The Excitement of Dogs:
Not a champion's death but a commoner's -- cold and windless.
Exciting rolls:
20%: Roll 2d10, sums of 10 succeed [ex: 19; 55; 64;...]
Syrax cola. Caffinated cola with sycorax espers
d10 stress relief (What's [your entry number] worth of relief look/feel like?)
. Normailizing
. Feeling Lucky
. Still Alive
. Bright Side
. Fistful of Life
. Beautiful You
. Found Meaning
. Absolution
. First Kiss
. Holiday
Stress Relief side effects
Relief is swift and swift relief is disorienting
To one stat
movement speed,
use item as free action
Ship named '); drop table BAYS;-- docked while players were out, resulting in critical failure of dock software; displays reverted to previous version: players ship parked under Manateagle instead of Crocodactyl.
character page 2
player's cheat sheet
1 FILL PER SKILL PER LEVEL [DENOTE `FILLED` W/ CHECK] ----------------------------------------------------- | [::SKILL:(+//-):POOLS::] [2]\ | | ,-->[5 checks in 1 skill.] +-{ }(SKILL2)----:2XP:| | Fill pool: 2XP; reset pool. | [2]/ | |"SUCCESS"->[4]\ | .POOLS---> [_]\ | |{ }(SKILL1)----:2XP:---------+-{ }(SKILL3)-✔ -:2XP:| |"FAILURE"->[3]/ .RESET---> [_]/ | ----------------------------------------------------- Keep track of each skill check using character sheet. [BUT WHY THO?] Proven to incentivise diversity and specialization within party encourage party discussion (who uses what skill) increase player intimacy w/ character
carrosing / rumors / corporate affiliation
benefits / goals / salary {-ship fees}
paying ship debt
Session XP {check boxes}
XP class list
XP rewards list
level up proceedure / XP table
panic effect table w/ check boxes
if panic result is checked, move result up 1 panic effect
panic history ("dear diary")
i survived {panic}ing (1XP)
Place in correct locations at correct times: foods reading "Eat Me" and drinks reading "Drink Me". Do not get caught. Do not fail.
@ExampleWarden Explains: Using Daymares
Yeah, you're not seeing anything. Or, wait. Hold on. Roll Intellect? Success? Okay yeah, you begin to make out something. Just a simple node at first, but once that's made out, the rest of it filters in from the night growing a shape the way crystals grow and line by line like that. Roll Sanity. Yeahm it makes the face of your mother, she looks at you: there is no food, do not ask, you'll hurt your siblings, her look says. Take a Stress.
You can either take a stress or share your concerns with the others. Who take your stress as Stress(Concern).
Brains are replaced piece by piece in this port town. It was a simple plac researching Altzimers and discovering a microprossers able to stimulate neurons for remembering people and places.
A cult of individuals soon cropped up as rouge doctors believing they were helping people began replacing that part of the brain with this microprocesor for its simple healthy benefits and memory reliability. Soon, more and more brain areas were cut away and removed for one fault or another and replaced with reliable processing units. As the brain is cut away people begin overworking themselves or hyperventilating to get high or getting lost in DMT dimensions, spiining deeper and deeper into their thoghts and seeing less and less of the values in connection and productive work.
But that bothers no one. They think that won't happen to them, they won't get into that situation. But people begin working against one another to secure their future. They know its a risk, but if they can think of it, than others have already had this thought. It can't be long until they become a victim from such a thought. Soon, they are forming a group, linking their processors to ease the work needed to be done. It isn't long until the processors find out how to reward the many to help the influential, the most important.
This leads to massive improvements in the development of the brain replacing technology. More machine parts are fitted into the body. Lungs are drowned with a liquid metal forming tracers capable of pumping the lungs themselves. Injected Liqui-trace laminates the veins the contract them and expand them and pump the heart.
Eventually the entire brain is replaced with processors connected to Liqui-trace, leaving but a skelaton of thoughts connecting individuals together. Everyone has their own society over which they rule -- the biological society of their bodies. They wish for their body to be the one body, and all the other bodies to become like them, so that more of thier thoughts can be created and shared. More of the thoughts that make them happy. More of the thoughts that make them one.
Everone in the port town slowly begin to be one of two minds with Uniques scattered around or enslaved to produce thoughts to make one of the great minds stronger than the other. You arrive to do trade here, and are invited to free drinks, free supplies, free lives and free brain augmentations. For there are more of them, and they know how to slowly chip away at you, how to make you theirs, how to make you of one mind.
*Prisons of Uniques require freeing
*Underground Railroad requires a trade network all their own to earn untraceable credits
*Brains require retooling and careful (painful) separation from host mind to be free again
*Public works to build structures disestablishing the many from the two require planning and management
*Restaurants require one of a kind spices and unique ingredients to make each body's gut biome different.
*Theatres require actors to perform different plays for different people.
*The two minds can be found boxing together endlessly as reports come in. The match seems eternal.
*A trip to the local server hub provides information on the history of the Two Minds and ways to do things
All the books in the library -- an impossible amount -- are written by one of two people.
This place is not well known. That does not stop it from being the center of attention for a moment. A moment costing them both everything and nothing important.
It's an advertisement for a nice restaurant there. t shhows the plates, the decor, but then it does something distasteful. It shows a text card reading, "but best of all is -the man who has free run of the place."
A famous actor-comedian turns from their table to smile at the camera, showing "their god side" and their pearly teeth.
This is in response to a server rumour about the ghost haunting this restaurant its later development that it was the ghost of the actor.
The model offered a side view of the project, a view sliced by razor light with debris robot-erased perfected.
Ketchup packet flipped upsid down madeup the bed. Toitet paper rolls made up the anchor points. It was more of a message about recycling than it was an illustarion of ant installation
Life is about how far you go
Not about how far you get
12' tall paper mache traffic cone.
Answer to why, after so much horror, ppl still go to space: fresh pow.
Space smog and space water cycles may or may not result from this process
The two tethered objects were called "Ralph" and "Norton".
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0 notes
toptecharena · 6 years
Sony’s second-generation OLED flagship, the AF9, is chock-full of wonder. This TV doesn’t only raise the image quality bar, courtesy of Sony’s new X1 Ultimate chipset, it sounds great too, thanks to an upgraded Acoustic Surface audio system.
The AF9 is a poster boy for Sony’s new Master Series TVs, an appellation to signify premium performance, and is joined by the ZF9, a high performance LED-LCD model, which is basically an update on the much-lauded Sony Bravia ZD9.
At Sony’s recent global Master Series launch in New York, we had a chance to spend some quality time with the AF9, comparing various aspects of its feature spec, and benchmarking it against competitors and comparable Sony screens. 
As with all such industry previews, we were limited to a curated choice of content and viewing modes, but what we saw was enough to get us salivating for a review sample all our own.
Price and release date
The AF9 is available in two screen sizes, 55- (KD-55AF9) and 65-inches (KD-65AF9) – however we spent time with the latter. Prices have yet to be announced for either model, but we’re pretty confident both will land with hefty price tags.
The AF9 adopts the same lean back design as its predecessor, the Sony Bravia A1 OLED, although there are changes to the kickback stand. As a consequence it doesn’t seem to lean quite so far back and the set can also be wall-mounted, if preferred.
In terms of design, the biggest improvement comes in the implementation of Sony’s vibrating sound tech, Acoustic Surface Audio+, that adds a third on-screen actuator to create a centre channel between the previous stereo configuration. Also included is a second bass driver, effectively creating a 3.2 sound system. All three actuators are incorporated into the lean back stand, along with the twin bass drivers. 
The upgrade sounds remarkable. Dialogue is clear and locked to the screen, and the additional bass driver adds weight. There was also clear channel steerage around our 65-inch screen.
The sound system also has a line input, which allows you to use the screen as a centre channel in a multichannel sound system. The execution is odd, as all the drivers are aggregated as one, and have to be reamplified by the set’s own amplifier modules. To demo this, we were treated to clips from The Greatest Showman, with the screen acting as centre, and then compared with a standard centre speaker located below the screen.
This arrangement is rather cute, particularly as a compromise solution when you can’t accommodate a physical centre speaker. However there are obvious tonal differences across the L/C/R. The set’s own amplification, optimistically quoted at 98W, also makes it impossible to use if the rest of a home cinema is running at reference level. Still, as a tweak on a living room surround layout, it’s rather useful.
Picture quality often had us gasping. The X1 Ultimate chipset introduces some new processing wrinkles which amplify existing picture detail without adding any unwanted edge enhancement. Object-based Super Resolution and Object-based HDR Remaster work on individual elements in the picture, without amplifying the entire frame. The end result is an picture that pops with detail and nuance.
There’s also a new Pixel booster at play, designed to lift colour and contrast.
The set supports HDR10, HLG and Dolby Vision and its HDR performance looks to be on par with the older A1. 
Operationally, the new AF9 would seem to be a slightly different beast to its predecessor and Sony has done well to rework some of its image presets. Cinema Pro mode has been replaced with a new version of Custom, for example, which features Reference settings, but allows for customisation. 
Sony always played its ‘lens to living room’ card, rightly extolling the fact that its hardware is involved at every level when it comes to movie making. But this year it’s taken a leaf from the Panasonic playbook, and is really going to town on the ‘creators intent’ angle. The phrase was dropped at every opportunity. 
It also staged multiple demonstrations of the set running alongside a Sony BVM-X300 pro-OLED monitor, in order to prove just how close it could get to studio grade images.
The AF9’s ability to resolve near black detail was hammered home by a shadowy scene in  Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Given that many of our AF9 demos were staged in near total darkness, the panel often appeared to vanish completely; such was its inky authenticity.
Also new, and exclusive (for the time being) to Sony’s Master Series, is a Netflix Calibrated Mode. This custom preset can only be supplied to the set’s internal Netflix app and supposedly optimises the screen for the best possible Netflix image, by mimicking the settings on Netflix mastering monitors. 
Lost in Space Executive Producer Zack Estrin was on hand to endorse the initiative. But as far as we could make out, the setting isn’t driven by metadata and is basically just a generic recipe – so our expectations, at this point, are low.
Interestingly, Sony made very little of the fact that the screen will also land with the new Android Oreo TV OS. Given how inelegant Android has been to date, this is actually a rather exciting prospect. Certainly the new UI looks far cleaner and more manageable than what we’ve experienced so far. It’s a definite step forward.
Early verdict
There are several genuine reason to get very excited by the AF9: The debut of the X1 Ultimate processor appears to herald a significant evolution in picture processing, which not only makes 4K shine but also makes lesser sources diamond sharp. And, on top of that, the arrival of Acoustic Surface Audio+ lends this Sony a sonic edge that no one can match. Could that make the AF9 the new king of OLED? We won’t have long to wait to find out.
Will the Sony AF9 join our list of the best 4K TVs? Only time will tell…
Go to Source Author: Sony Bravia AF9 OLED (KD-65AF9) Sony’s second-generation OLED flagship, the AF9, is chock-full of wonder. This TV doesn’t only raise the image quality bar, courtesy of Sony’s new X1 Ultimate chipset, it sounds great too, thanks to an upgraded Acoustic Surface audio system.
0 notes