#their reactions are amazing tehe
siyooungi · 2 years
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now playing - west coast love by emotional oranges
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Pairing: Yunjin × Fem!Reader
Idol: Huh Yunjin (Le Sserafim)
Warning(s): A suggestive remark, tehe.
A/N: I wanted to try a new layout and thought this was really cute. Also, isn’t it ironic that I’m posting a fic about Yunjin on Sakura’s birthday?
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“The view is so pretty.” You stated as you placed your hand above your eyes to block the sun’s rays, looking out at the beautiful blue ocean. “It is, isn’t it?” Yunjin agreed as she looked over at you with a smile. You felt her gaze on you and turned to her, smiling when you realized that she was referring to you. You rolled your eyes playfully before hitting her shoulder, causing her to release her heartwarming laugh.
“Yah, look at the view in front of us!” You turned her head towards the ocean and pointed at it. “It’s not as pretty as you.” She replied as she stared off into the distance, a smile still ghosting on her face. “You’re so cheesy..” You spoke through a chuckle, turning to face her again. “Maybe, but you love it.” She kissed your cheek, earning a hum from you.
“Wanna go into the water?” You asked as you placed your hand in hers and interlocked your fingers. She nodded and stood up from the sand, pulling you up with her. “You can go in first, I’ll follow right after.” She closed an eye as she tried to look at you through the sun’s glare.
You blew her a kiss before releasing her hand and walking to the water, allowing your feet to be engulfed by the ocean as the tide arrived. The view truly was beautiful and so was the weather. It wasn’t too hot and the breeze felt amazing.
You were beyond grateful that Yunjin planned this beach date and made time for you despite still being busy. She could be catching up on rest, but instead decided to spend her free time with you. A smile subconsciously made its way onto your face as you thought about your wonderful girlfriend.
As if she read your mind, you felt arms snake around your waist. She rested her head on your shoulder and you leaned back into her. “Thinking about me?” She whispered before placing a chaste kiss on your neck, causing you to giggle. “I was, actually.” You admitted, to which her eyes widened slightly, shocked at the fact that she was right although she was joking.
She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. You always managed to still leave her flustered from the littlest things, regardless of how long you’ve been together. Smiling at her reaction, you patted her cheek before venturing further into the water. You were now waist-deep and you couldn’t have felt better. The flowing of the water and occasional wave splashes were much appreciated.
However, you didn’t expect water to come splashing directly into you, drenching you from head to toe. You gasped and wiped your eyes, looking for the source from which the splash came. You were met with Yunjin smiling cheekily at you. Your jaw dropped and all you could do was stare at her. She threw her head back laughing at your reaction, finding the entire situation hilarious.
“I got you so-“ She wasn’t able to finish her sentence when she was then splashed with water, shutting her up almost instantaneously. Now it was her turn to gasp and for you to laugh. You felt an overwhelming amount of triumph for getting her back. Though, You weren’t able to celebrate for long due to Yunjin splashing even more water on you, not once but multiple times. You were completely soaked and it looked as if you had put your whole body in the water.
In no time, a water fight occurred. Water was coming in all directions and you had to shield your face as you sent more water in her direction. You both were laughing uncontrollably and didn’t care whether or not you’d regret being completely drenched. The original plan was to not get wet from the waist up, but that was long forgotten.
You closed your eyes, preparing for more water to hit you, but there was nothing but the sound of the waves crashing. You peeked an eye open, only to be met with the taller girl standing right in front of you. You would’ve jumped back if she hadn’t put her hands on your waist, keeping you in place.
Her smile never left her face, further widening yours. You wrapped your arms around her neck, allowing her to wrap hers around your waist, pulling you in closer for a hug. You rested your head on her shoulder as she swayed you both side to side. You loved being in her embrace and it gave you time for your heart rate to somewhat slow down after that “intense” water fight.
She pulled back and looked you in the eyes, a smirk forming on her face. “Look at how wet you are. You know that feeling very well, huh?” Your jaw slacked and you smacked her arm.
She shrugged and you rolled your eyes with a smile. Her comments will never fail to surprise you. “You’re so annoying..” You tried to remove her arms from around you but she only tightened them. “Yet you still love me.” She whispered as she leaned closer to you, stealing a kiss.
“That I do.“
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A/N: I don’t really like this, but I really wanted to post something. I’m hoping to become more active now that i’m on break!
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 2 years
hi maccie its me the tv in your room. I've been meaning to say something like this for a while now (like a platonic love letter) but haven't gotten around to it due to, y'know, irl stuff and personal shit. Though now I am feeling quite sappy and feel like writing this :p
you are so cool, and funny, and sweet, and interesting to listen to. To rants about how much you wanna stab kaiser (you are a kaiserkisser after all) to talking about your shitting on the toilet, to sending those wet rat reaction memes when pitlock bullies you. all very funny might I add
im just happy that I have you as a moot because you are so cool and incredibly fun to have around and i hope you get many good things in your life as the days pass on (like discounted lewis Hamilton merchandise) :]
oh my god im so happy i got to meet u :(((( everyone in pitlock has been nothing short of kind and great and funny, and im rlly grateful that i get to be close w such amazing people (even if it comes at the price of being bullied every once in a while)
ILL DO MY BEST TO BE MORE ACTIVE BBGRILL <3 now that a certain pesky compsci boy is out of the picture, i shld be there to throw up abt kaiser more often tehe
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djarinova · 7 months
em !! rose petal and matcha please teehee <3
eeee aims! thank u so much for the questions, these are so cute i think im actually in love<3 im going to answer these for me and levi ♡
rose petal: what traditions do you and your F/O share?
there are a select few that we start doing purposely during our relationship, especially for holidays + birthdays, but i love the ones that unconsciously start to form on their own, like .. this is probably more of a routine thing than a tradition but we both have our own set order of things we do in the evening, to wind down and get ready for bed, and we often do them parallel with eachother! i love when i get to do my skincare stuff in the bathroom while levi is taking a shower, or when i watch a calming video and he's sat next to me reading, it's kind of like our own little tradition that we do every day and its very special to me ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
and one of our birthday traditions is that, even if we're not home or we're working etc etc, the birthday person always gets one special hot drink—for me its always coffee, levi has tea though tehe—bought/made for them in the morning. it has to be extra special and it cant be the usual ones that we make everyday, levi always excels at this, although often times he goes out and buys mine from a cafe which is just an amazing thing to wake up to 🥺 and i love to spend time researching and choosing a special flavour of tea for him to drink, its so fun to watch his reactions, and when hes trying to guess the flavour!! eee, its so cute
matcha: what kind of gifts does your F/O give you? Are they always buying you little presents or do they invest only in larger items for birthdays or holidays?
the only little gifts levi gets me fairly regularly are flowers, and hes so insanely good at buying them for me tehe !! every time he goes away for any length of time he always comes back with a beautiful bunch of flowers for me, even if hes only gone for one night. sometimes he even brings me flowers when he stays late at work which is just so eee ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
but with birthdays and holidays he tends to lean for bigger gifts, over multiple little ones—for my last birthday he got me this insanely beautiful necklace, silver with a small aquamarine (my birthstone) gemstone in it, and a box of my favourite chocolates!
questions from this selfship ask game!!
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besamehyuka · 4 years
Ateez: Mafia! First Kiss
In NO WAY am I saying the MAFIA or ANY ILLEGAL activites IS OKAY, this is just for pure entertainment. Thank you. 
(English is not my first language please understand, I do speak fluent English, but sometimes we make mistakes.)
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Hongjoong took your hand in his as you two walked back home, your eyes never left the sight of you and his hands together. You smiled to yourself as a sudden explosion blasted over the city, to your amazement there were fireworks.
Your free hand went to your mouth in amazement and Hongjoong looked over at you his eyes a deep brown as he felt the love between you two ignite bigger than anyother time.
It was true that you two had been best friends since pre-school, and the chemistry between you two was stronger than anything the two of you had ever felt. As you and him stared into the sunset, his eyes locked onto yours.
The two of you didn't say a word as he pulled you closer and kissed you softly. Your hands soon wrapped in his soft blue hair as you got lost in his kiss.  You both knew what this meant, and it was about time.
"I love you." Hongjoong stated breathlessly, and you smiled wide. "About time you said that."
You two burst out into laughter.
"You're not going to say it back?" He pouted, but you took his face in your hands. "I love you, even though you do dangerous activities, it will all work out."
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Seonghwa stood tall as he looked over at his boss' daughter, she seemed unafraid of anyone. However, Seonghwa knew her real nature. He had trained with her when everyone had fallen asleep. It was all too good to be true, he had thought.
The boss had dismissed the group, but he had stayed back with her. Y/n stood with a large stick and threw him one. He caught it with one swift movement and smirked.
"Still think you're going to win?" She smirked, standing in her position. Seonghwa chuckled, "I have won twice." He stated, looking into her (E/c) eyes.
She flung her hair over her shoulder, as she ran towards him. He ducked and tried to swipe her feet out from under her, it worked and she slipped, however she pulled him down with her.
Seonghwa smirked, as the two looked up at each other, he held her in his arms as she leaned in and kissed him passionately.
The kiss soon turned heated, however Y/N had not finished with the training session, so she pulled away and threw him on the ground and had him pinned.
"Don't get too distracted." She smirked down at him who chuckled, but pulled her back into his lips.
"Maybe tell your father not to set you up with anyone, because you're all mine." He whispered against your lips as he pressed you into the mat.
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You stared at him, your eyes looking at his god like face. There was no way a man this handsome had made it into your father's academy. However, this one seemed to have made it just fine.
Your father had purposefully got rid of the handsome men due to his over protectiveness, however this man had stayed.
It came as a shock to Yunho as well as everyone around him said he was dead meat.
"No handsome man like yourself has passed, there is no way you will finish this." A tall man said his eyes on you as you looked around at the men.
*A few weeks later*
Yunho was strolling through the boss' house, he was supposed to be at the shooting range at this time, but the boss had changed his schedule.
You and Yunho had gotten somewhat close, not because he was handsome but because of his nice and caring personality. You had no idea why he wanted to join your father's mafia. It made no sense to you. He was too loving and social to kill anyone.
You picked at your finger nails as Yunho knocked on your door. Wasting no time, you opened the door to find a darkly dressed Yunho.
His eyes scanned yours, and in less than a second you had your lips attached to his, half expecting him to push you away you pulled away softly. However, he pulled you pack in a continued kissing you.
Your back hit the wall, as you realized how steamy the kiss was becoming. You gave up the resisting as you let him take you all the way.
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Yeosang studied your face hard as you sat next to him, your eyes focused on the laptop in-front of you. Your job was to research the various enemies your mafia had, and so far you found tons of research.
Yeosang cupped your face in his hands as you turned to face him. He smirked as your cheeks flushed bright red, you looked away and back on the computer.
"This isn't the time for one of your jokes." You reply clicking away.
However, his gripped your hand in his and kissed it lightly. Your eyes widened as you looked over at your partner, his eyes locked on yours.
"What are you doing Yeosang?" You asked, your face even more flushed as he placed his lips on yours, the sudden urge to pull him closer took over as your bodies melted together.
You finally realized what it felt like to be in love, as Yeosang kissed you tenderly. His hands moved down your body, and he waited for you to speak.
"I love you." Was all you could let out as he chuckled.
"I love you too." He stated, going in for another kiss.
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You were so done with San and his attitude, even though he was your boss. Everyone feared him, however you weren't afraid of him at all. Mafia or not, you couldn't stand it.
You walked to him as he smirked, his eyes glued to you as you pushed innocent people out the way.
He liked when you got angry, he loved it when he pushed your buttons. When you bit your lip in annoyance made him fall even more in love with you. He loved the little tilt you did when he said something offensive.
It was just something about you being angry he loved.
As you got closer to him, he expected a slap on the face, but instead he felt your soft lips on his. He stood there eyes widened as you pulled away.
"I've gotten tired of your annoying little-"
He pulled you back in, kissing you passionately as you didn't expect this would be his reaction. You would thought he would get grossed out and leave you alone, but instead this is what had happened.
You didn't know a kiss could be this perfect.
He pulled away with a smile on his face. "Now, you're shocked? You started this first." He stated, biting his lip.
"But that was to disgust you so you would leave me alone." You answered honestly.
He smirked once again. "Now it's going to take a-lot to disgust me." He replied slyly kissing you once again, however you let him do it this time.
His lips felt soft and comfortable, and you didn't want to admit it, but you did have a thing for him..
"I love kissing you." He said in-between kisses, not letting you breathe as the kisses kept coming and coming.
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All these years, you and Mingi were the best of friends. However, he was a mafia member from your dad's group and he could get angry and dangerous out of no where.
However, that did not make you want to stop being his friend. He adored you and you adored him.
However, that feeling was becoming more and more confusing. The cuddles would always end up getting more meaningful and the jokes would become more sexual.
You didn't know what was happening.
Mingi sat on the couch, his arms on both sides of the sofa as you made you way into one of them. His eyes seemed to change once he saw your outfit. You wore a small leather skirt, revealing your upper thigh, and your shirt was just a plain red tanktop, nothing too fancy.
However, Mingi couldn't stop staring at you. He even bit his lip a couple of times trying to hide his turned on face, but you noticed right away.
"Mingi, I can change if you need me too. I mean, I look ug-" He pressed his lips to yours so you didn't say ugly. He hated when you called yourself that.
However, he needed this kiss. And by the looks of it, you needed it to. Your hands soon tugged at his hair as he pushed you down into the sofa. He lifted your shirt over your head as he watched you.
"Don't you dare say you are ugly. You are beautiful to me, and that's what matters."
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Wooyoung had been teasing you all day about how your shooting sucked. He sucked on his sucker as you shot once again, this time heated by his annoying remarks. And this time you hit the target, and you bragged and boasted to Wooyoung.
He stared in complete shock as you grabbed his sucker from his mouth and put it in yours. He took note of how sexy you looked sucking on it as your hair stuck to your face from sweat. In no hesitation he kissed you deeply.
You didn't have time to react, however, you didn't want it to stop. When he did pull away, you pulled him back in by his tie. He smirked at your small action and smiled as you kissed him once again.
You two were in your own land as the sounds of other guns were being fired. Just a regular Mafia romance, nothing more.. (tehee.)
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"I fucking hate this!" You yelled slumping in your chair, your eyes stained with tears.
"You don't give a fuck about me! Just admit it Jongho! We've been best friends since 3rd grade, but then you go an join the mafia!"
You are fully crying now, as your best friend tries to calm you down, but it isn't working.
"Listen to me, y/n." He stated.
You were silenced as Jongho kissed you. He took your face in his hands and kissed you hard. As he pulled away he wiped away your tears.
"Don't ever say that again. I am in fucking love with you." He stated, as you stared at him wide eyed.
In an instant you kissed him back, both of you in tears as you took your frustration on eachother's lips.
The pain, the moment and the undying love made the kissing session ten times more powerful than any other kiss.
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iwaisa · 4 years
request. Hi hi!💕 i saw you'd like some requests for kuroo and i was wondering if maybe i could ask for the whole fluff alphabet with him please?👉🏻👈🏻 (i already requested, so i totally understand if you don't write this or if the whole alphabet is too much) either way, thanks a lot and have a lovely day😚💞 - @greywarenns​
a/n. hey love !! tehe i love kuroo so obviousLYY I HAD TO DO THIS :)) have a great day/night !
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► now playing...
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a - affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
↳ doesn’t even care if the two of you are making out in public. or so you think. he’ll smirk at you and anyone around, but as soon as he’s alone he needs an ice pack for his extremely red face. he won’t stop thinking about it. kithes are his favourite <3
b - best friend (what would they be like as a best friend? how would the friendship start?)
↳ honestly, yamamoto was so desperate for anyone cute to be the manager for nekoma’s volleyball club that he begged asked you. enter kuroo, who smacks yamamoto’s head, telling him off. he turns to you and he recognizes you from class. but, yamamoto was right; you ARE cute. huh. he’ll dote on you <3
c - cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?)
↳ uhm… yes??? he’ll trap you in between his legs and let out his hyena laugh when you try to escape.
d - domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
↳ YES HE WANTS TO YES YES. he’s AMAZING at both. secretly loves baking too <3
e - ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
↳ he wants to hold on. he wants to show you how much he loves you, how much he cares and how badly he wants this to work out. he knows his pathetic begging isn’t changing your mind, so he self-destructs. he lashes out, ending it right then and there. he runs, hoping you don’t see the tears.
f - fiance(e) (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
↳ literally might propose to you at your graduation from college. he’s always passing by the jeweler, marveling at the tiny rings that hold the most important meanings. he wants to buy one so bad.
g - gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
↳ he LOVES teasing you and the reactions you give him? priceless. BUT! he is extremely caring about your wellbeing so he’s always going to turn serious if you ask him to stop. it breaks his heart that he didn’t realize you were feeling down, but he makes it up with food, kisses, and cuddles. in that order.
h - hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
↳ he LOVES hugs. super tight ones to be specific. he’s super cheesy and such a dork. he loves squeezing you and rocking from side to side and (idk if this makes sense but????) he loves leaning over so you’re leaning back and dipping you down (LMAOAJFOA THIS SOUNDS SO WEIRD)
i - i love you (how fast do they say the l-word?)
↳ he’s so nervous aw. he probably says it two to three months in. he’s so excited but so nervous he’s had to hold himself back from saying it like five times.
j - jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they’re jealous?)
↳ he doesn’t get jealous, he just becomes passive-aggressive towards someone who’s flirting with you.
k - kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
↳ excited kisses!!! he also loves teasing you so he pulls back each time you go in to kiss him, showing you his signature smirk. he also bites your lips a lot LOL. he loves kissing you wherever you feel the best, and he becomes so soft when you kiss his hands.
l - little ones (how are they around children?)
↳ SO GOOD AROUND CHILDREN!! makes you wanna have/adopt some, huh? 🤔
m - morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
↳ he looks the same whenever he wakes up, and you tease him for this, earning a pillow to your face. he laughs at YOUR bedhead. how do you like them apples?
n - night (how are nights spent with them?)
↳ horror movies!! face masks!!! baking??? yes baking. he loves staying up late so he’ll do anything fun you recommend.
o - open (when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
p - patience (how easily angered are they?)
↳ not angered easily. like i said before, passive-aggressiveness is his thing!!
q - quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
r - remember (what is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
s - security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
↳ so protective. he’d act like he did in that one scene where he shook daichi’s hand. super passive-aggressive. likes to use intimidation techniques on anyone flirting with you. he swoons whenever you do the same.
t - try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
u - ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
v - vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
↳ pshh.. he’s not concerned. okay yes he is. but also no. but he swears if one more person calls him emo-
w - whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
↳ whenever something reminds him of you, he starts sobbing uncontrollably. it gets better and easier over time, but he still isn’t okay. why weren’t you two meant for each other? would you take him back? why didn’t god let your relationship happen? you were perfect, and still are, but not for him apparently.
x - xtra (a random headcanon for them)
↳ he’s never ever touched anyone like that. he has no idea how to please someone, so… oops :D
y = yuck (what are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
z - zzz (what is a sleep habit of theirs?)
↳ he needs a silk pillowcase. seriously. he’s given up on his hair already but he hates when it tangles so he sleeps with a silk pillow covering <3
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issa’s 200 follower event - now closed
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writingforloki · 5 years
One shot: Reader x Loki 
Random Prompt I found on tumblr 
So this was supposed to be under 1000 words but it ran away with me tehe
“Am I your lock screen?” ... “You weren’t supposed to see that”
You stretched and shoved your head deeper under the covers, as the annoying pinging of your alarm filled your ears. You cursed to whatever deity was listening about the fact that your life as a member of the avengers required you to be up at the crack of dawn.
After multiple snoozes of your alarm, you shuffled into the kitchen, your hair still a mess from sleeping, wearing one of Thor's massive T-shirts that you'd claimed when it had been mixed up with your washing one day, and some PJ shorts.
Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes you eyed the kitchen, spotting a certain Asgardian Prince leaning against one of the counters. “Morning” You mumbled sleepily, not actually looking at him, you knew he’d be smirking at your frumpled appearance so you walked past him and headed over to the fridge pulling out the milk, you could feel his eyes on you.
“Morning little mortal, you look very chirpy this morning, immaculately presented as always.” He jibed, folding his arms across his chest watching you potter around the kitchen.
You and Loki had what most people would call a love-hate relationship, he flirted shamelessly with you but you both infuriated each other, he wound you up to no end and you bit every time at his snarky remarks. But despite all that you were very comfortable around him and considered him to be one of your closest friends. You liked being able to be sassy and sarcastic to him without it cutting deep.
You looked at him deadpan “Its 6.30 am and I have a training session scheduled with a former assassin and a super-soldier. This is about as chipper as I’m going to get seeing as I’m going to get my ass kicked.” You grumbled whilst pouring yourself a cup of coffee.
Loki rolled his eyes at your dramatic response, plucking the coffee out of your hands that you’d just poured yourself and bringing it to his lips. You stared at him jaw slack as he took a long sip, keeping eye contact with you the whole time.
“What the hell Loki! I need that you arse-hole!” you whined at him lunging for your mug back, nearly catching him before he dissolved into thin air and reappeared behind you, leaning gracefully against one of the counters.
“Oh sorry I thought you were making this for me?” He feigned innocence whilst draining the mug of its entire contents. “Not your best anyway, far too sweet.” He winked at you whilst you fumed, glaring at him.
“You make my life a living hell, you know that?” You grumble storming out to your training session, still feeling half asleep and not wanting to spend any more time with the Asgardian Prince as there was a high chance of you stabbing him with a blunt butter knife this morning.
“Good luck with your ass-kicking my dear, I’ll be waiting dotingly to clean your wounds” He shouted after you. You simply flipped him the bird in response.
To say the training session kicked your ass was an understatement, Steve pushed you to your absolute limit making you run for miles and Nat sparred with you for what felt like hours. The icing on the cake was that you forgot your phone was in the side of your gym leggings and when Natasha decided to drop kick you particularly hard and you fell on your ass, she killed your phone along with your dignity.
You dragged yourself out of the gym and into your bedroom, and slipped into the wet room in your ensuite, letting the water soothe your aching body, you hoped it would wash away your bad mood along with your pain.
Dressed in some comfy sweats and leggings you decided you needed food, it was 2pm and you still hadn’t eaten anything, your stomach growled accordingly in protest of the lack of food, something you know Bucky would also tell you off for if he found out.
You wanted pizza but all you had in the house was damn healthy food, you needed to order take out and you needed to do it on the sly, ordinarily, this is when you’d turn to one of the multiple fast food apps on your phone, but as you reached for it and jabbed at the home screen button you remembered its tragic and untimely death. You cursed Natasha and her amazing thighs for ruining your life.
You figured you’d have to get your usual partner in crime to order it for you, so you sighed and dragged yourself out of your room and into the lounge you knew was Loki’s favourite. It was stocked with bookshelves and was one of the quieter areas in the compound. If he wasn’t sparring with Thor or annoying you, that is where he would be. You spotted his usual nest things scattered across one of the sofas in the corner but there was no sign of the man in question himself. You headed over to the sofa anyway and resigned yourself to waiting for him, he’d probably just popped out for a drink or something, you’d get him to order for you when he was back.
This seemed like a simple enough plan, until about ten minutes passed, ten long minutes that you attempted to fill by fiddling with the TV remote, and there was still no sign of him. You glanced down to where his book and phone were sat on the arm of the sofa, and looked behind you one final time to see if there was any sign of him. When there wasn't you picked up his phone, he’d probably be annoyed that you went on it but you’d deal with that later, right now all you wanted was a margarita pizza and some cheesy chips.
You tapped the home button praying he didn't have a password when something that you hadn't expected to see took the food right off your mind. It was you on his phone set as his lockscreen. You squinted and put your head closer to the screen in disbelief and stared at your image.
It was a picture of you on your birthday, the whole team had gone out to celebrate and you may have taken hitting 23 pretty hard as you’d consumed nearly as many tequila shots as Thor had and then fell asleep in the taxi on the way home. That was what the picture was, you asleep in the cab, head on Loki’s lap, party hat still on but slightly askew. You had blue glitter on your cheek and a lipstick smudge on the other. All things considered, it was a pretty cute picture, you took it in for a few seconds until you were shocked out of your thought process by the sound of footsteps and a voice.
“There you are, I was looking for a stretcher but there was no sign of one so assume you didn’t take that much of a beating-what are you doing?” The voice that was at first light and joking changed halfway through the sentence, sounding panicked and abrupt.
Your mouth was still open when you made eye contact with Loki, you weren't sure who looked more like a rabbit in the headlights between the two of you.
“I was just gonna order a pizza-” You started to say before he’s in front of you snatching his phone out of your hand.
Loki looked pissed but there's something else underneath and you recognise it straight away, embarrassment. Neither of you said anything as you stood looking at each other, both waiting for the other to say something. You decided it was probably going to have to be you to break the silence.
“Am I your lockscreen?” You asked, aware how dumb it sounds because it’s very clear that you got a good look at the picture of yourself.
Loki clenched his jaw. “You weren't supposed to see that.” his tone was clipped as he stared at you.
At first, you don’t know how to respond, your natural reaction would be to run away and pretend it had never happened but then you remembered the little coffee thief this morning, and how he revelled in your annoyance. You finally had the upper hand.
“Why am I your lock screen Loki?” You asked in a tone heavily dripping with mocking. “Is it because you love me? Do you sit and look at me through your phone longingly?” You put your hand to your heart dramatically. “When will my beloved notice me?” you sigh out.
At this point his eyes were narrow and he was straight out glaring at your performance, you knew you were taking things too far and that you should probably stop, but you couldn't help yourself because it was such a rare sight to see the ever snarky and poised prince looking incredibly uncomfortable and unsettled.
It’s only when he grabbed your arm and tugged you towards his chest hard, that you shut your mouth. He’s only inches away from you and he’s staring at your face with an unreadable expression. This is it, you think, he’s finally gonna murder me, and to be honest, you wouldn't blame him if he swung you out of the window, you admittedly were being a bit of an ass.
But something in the mood changed and suddenly the room was filled with a different type of tension. You noticed his eyes sweep over your face, you were transfixed by his tongue darting out to wet his lips. You couldn't help doing the same as your eyes flitted down to his mouth, the air seemed to grow hot around you and the atmosphere was definitely no longer joking. There was something else in the air that was thicker, and the telltale sign of stirring in your lower stomach made you bite your lip and turn your head up while as he angled his down towards you.
Your lips were a mere centimetre away from each others and he bumped your nose with his, grazing his lips against yours minutely before moving to your ear.
“In your dreams, little mortal.” He whispered and suddenly he was walking backwards away from you, his eyes still on your face before he turned around and walked out not sparing you a backwards glance. All the while you stood there shell shocked, breathing heavily and trying to contemplate what the fuck had just happened.
Two weeks passed since what you started to refer to in your head as pizza-gate, happened and you had barely seen Loki, and to be honest you're weren't sure whos doing that was. Neither of you had reached out to the other, both being stubborn.
Usually, you’d be the one to crack but this time you wanted an apology. Yeah, you teased him and probably kick-started the whole thing but what he did was just plain mean. Not only was it mean but it also made you see things in a whole different way. Your mind was constantly flashing back to the feel of his lips on yours, the soft ghosting touch that was barely there but also there long enough to drive you insane over these past two weeks.
You felt lonely without Loki, without his scathing comments and his quick wit around, everything seemed quiet. You trained extra hard and even managed to knock Nat on her ass and give Sam a shiner. Everyone was impressed but they also noticed your lack of caution, ordinarily, you would rely on your powers in battle but you were throwing yourself into your training sessions, being wild and uncaring about what happened to you, all your pent up anger and emotion was coming to a head.
It isn’t really that much of a problem until it is.
You were on what was supposed to be a fairly tame mission, some recon on a potential hydra base, but of course, it's never really that simple. You were mid-fight with a hyrda agent, and your mind was everywhere; trying to watch your teammates but also trying to keep an eye on the bad guys. It was all going pretty well until you saw Peter in a vulnerable position. One of the hydra agents had him pinned down while the other is pointing some kind of blaster at him. You don't think before you made a beeline for the asshole, sending a flying kick to his temple, knocking him out whilst Peter scrambled to his feet and webbed up the other guy.
You turned to smirk at Peter and high five him, but your victory was short-lived as you heard the familiar sound of a gunshot and felt the pain radiating through your right shoulder. It’s a pain that spreads and feels like fire burning through your veins. The last thing you saw was Bucky break the guy’s neck and then it all went black.
You could hear bits and pieces, and you could feel your body being carried to the quinjet, someone ripping your tac suit open, a calm voice saying something about poison before it was interrupted by a murderous sounding one, demanding to know what happened.
When you really came around you were in a sterile white room which you could only imagine was the med bay, your shoulder hurt and your throat felt like sandpaper. You raised yourself slightly and scanned the room, your head whipping around when you saw someone moving in your peripheral vision, it wasn’t who you expected to see at all.
It’s Loki, and he looked pissed, downright murderous in-fact. He was sitting in the chair next to your bed with his hands folded under his chin and his elbows on his knees, he looked like he hadn’t slept. The look he gave you made you want to go back to being unconscious so you lift the comforter slightly over your face and hide, trying to lighten the mood, bringing it back down when you see no change on his face.
You sighed and tried to stretch your aching limbs, moaning in pain when you moved your injured shoulder and you see Loki flinch in response.
“Be careful, you silly mortal.” He scolded and reached out to prop your pillow under your head so you could sit up.
“Oh he speaks does he?” You said glaring at him. “I was starting to think you’d left planet earth, but no, you were obviously just avoiding me.” You pouted and turned your head, looking anywhere but his face.
He leaned forward and ran a hand down his face. “The bullet in your shoulder was poisoned, you could have been killed yet you want to talk about that right now?” his face was filled with disbelief.
You took a second to think about what he said and looked him in the eyes. “Yes because you’re right, I could have died and the last thing you would have said to me was, In your dreams mortal. " You spat out, willing yourself not to cry.
At least now Loki had the decency to look a little sheepish but when he opened his mouth to talk but you don’t let him.
“What the fuck does that even mean, who does that?! All I wanted to do was order a freaking pizza!” Admittedly you were feeling a little hopped up on the meds you’d been given, but two weeks of confusion paired with being shot must have got to you a little.
“What is it you would like me to say Y/N?” Loki stood up now and began to pace. “That I’m sorry? That you caught me off guard when you said what you did about me being in love with you? That everything you were mocking me with is true? That I was terrified and furious with you that I found out you put yourself in danger as you did? And that if Barnes hadn't already killed that Hydra dolt I would have ripped him into pieces?” He turned to you with his fists clenched and you could see how hard this was for him, it was written all over his face.
That's what made you bite the bullet. No more dancing around each other and teasing. Your heart hurt and you could feel it aching after seeing the vulnerability on his face. That along with a year of stolen glances, and flirty remarks. After years of him paying his dues to the world and changing for the better, you got to see his guard finally fall down.
You were shaking now as you slammed your fist from your good arm on the bed and half-shouted “Loki I love you for fuck sake, and I need you so please don't leave me again.” Now you let yourself cry, big fat tears spilled down your cheeks and you were sure you looked a wreck.
But then he’s there, by your side, kneeling on the ground next to your bed, one hand around the back of your head, his thumb held your jaw, stroking and comforting. The other hand was wiping the tears off your face. You were only inches apart again but this time it’s all you need and you can tell he feels the same because in no time his lips were on yours, needy and desperate as you kissed him back, giving him full access to you.
The kiss was full of unspoken words; apologies and I love yous, things you should have said but have been too stubborn to say, and when you pulled back and look at Loki's face, still furrowed with concern for you, you wonder why it took you so damn long to finally tell him how you felt.
You looked at each other, your hand on his neck and his still on your jaw stroking gently, there were too many things to say so you just say the first thing that comes to mind. “You owe me a coffee and a pizza.”
He rolled his eyes and pulled away, sitting back in his original seat next to the bed, but he intertwined his hand with yours. “You midgardians are such a strange species.. gets shot and is still thinking with her stomach.” But he was smiling underneath his usual sarcastic expression and you decided it's your new favourite thing in the world.
“Oh yeah.” You deadpan “That's why I walked in front of a bullet, just on the off chance you might talk to me and buy me a pizza.” You said rolling your eyes and he mirrored your expression.
“I do have one more question though,” You asked and he cocked his head to one side in a go-ahead gesture.
“Why that picture?” you query and a small smile appeared on his face.
“Ah, I believe I found it, what you midgardians call, cute.” He replied and leaned forward on his elbows again. “It was also the time it first became apparent that you wanted me.” He raised his eyebrows in a comical way and you felt your face turning beet red.
“Wanted you? What are you talking about Loki?” You said taking your hand out of his and raising it to hide your face in embarrassment.
“I believe your exact words were, Do you sleep on your stomach? No? Can I. oh and this one was a personal favourite, Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Cause you have a pretty sweet ass.” He smirked and looked completely satisfied with your horrified reaction.
“Oh my god, how do I not remember that?!” You squealed. “Most of all how did you not torture me with that information?!”
“You don't remember that because Thor had been slipping you Asgardian shots when Natasha and Steve weren’t looking, and as to why I didn’t torture you? I was saving it for the perfect ammunition next time you really angered me.” He smiled his trademark Villain smile and you couldn’t help yourself pulling him towards you and kissing that annoying smirk off his face.
“Well you have no leverage on me now, I guess the cats out of the bag, and now I’m not afraid to admire that sweet ass.”
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shibalen · 4 years
Hi! I’d like a match up for Kuro please!~ I’m bisexual, non-binary (leaning a little more towards the masculine side most of the time), and my height is 5’9. My zodiac sign is leo and I’m INTP if I remember correctly. I love to write, draw, and read more than anything, though I’m also trying to make my own video game in my spare time, and I absolutely love anything horror related or really dark/gothic. Outside of that, my interests and tastes tend to vary so I’m pretty flexible. (1/2)
My fashion sense is sort of all over the place too, but I usually dress really edgy, mostly just in black or other dark colors. I’m not bilingual (yet~) but I’m trying to learn languages like French, Latin, and German. I have no self control when it comes to desserts or any sort of candy. I also own five dogs! I’d prefer a romantic match, but platonic is okay too if that’s easier. ^^ (2/2)
♡︎ matchup for @blank-envy
hello! i assume you meant Kuroshitsuji? if not, please correct me. thank you for waiting so long, i've finished your match!
and five dOgS?! god i wish that were me
|| kuroshitsuji: i match you with . . .
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• Joker is an aries (one of the best matches for leo) and an entp (one of the best e's for intp, imo)
• you two are a quite a pair! you're both easy-going but have a flame of passion in your hearts that strives to make a change. this dynamic immediately makes you click with each other.
• your views on the world are quite similar too, and your conversations can take a lot of interesting turns, seeing as both of you prefer meaningful discussions over small-talk.
• Joker is more extroverted than you though, but no need to worry about that. he cares for you deeply and respects your boundaries. at the same time, he's an effective communicator and knows how to minimise any misunderstandings you two might have.
• you guys met a high-class costume party (let's say for Halloween, it's spooky season). the moment you spotted Joker in the crowd you were amazed by his skeleton arm (o゚▽゚)o
• of course, you first assumed it as a part of his outfit, and it was a bit embarrassing when you went to compliment him on it and he just laughed . . .
• after giving you a quick explanation, Joker expected you to be weirded out, but knowing he actually had a prosthetic arm made it all the more facinating in your eyes. it was creepy but in a cool way!
• not only was Joker thrilled and amused but also entranced. he knew right there and then he wanted to learn more about you.
• he was drawn to your creative side from the very beginning. he too is an artist, and an entertainer, so it was thrilling to meet someone who understood him so well.
• soon he came to trust you enough to introduce you to his family. everyone was so happy for you! Beast was kinda jelly at first but even she saw how well you fit together, like two puzzle pieces.
• your fashion senses are on the opposite side of the scale, but that's what makes it exciting! he jokes that you could use some colour in your wardrobe.
• shopping with you two is a real rollercoaster. you search for clothes representing your tastes but have a blast having the other try out the clothes of your choice.
• pssst Joker is slowly converting you into the same style as him so you can wear matching items🤡
• thankfully your interests are flexible because Joker will want to try out new hobbies with you. anything that looks mildly fascinating draws his attention. you'll have a fun learning about so many new things.
• he's especially into anything he can make a show out of in the circus, so next time you're meeting up with friends you'll have a few party tricks up your sleeve. Joker proudly grinning in the background
• but honestly? he loves the feeling of you braiding his hair before a show. he insists you do it for him because it's his good luck charm ♡︎
• after another successful performance he treats everybody to a big dinner. for you there will be a row of desserts. the twinkle in your eye when you see all thise sweets is irreplaceable to him.
• the only condition is that you have to feed him some as well, tehe
• now, when it comes to romance, Joker is a natural, hands down.
• acts of service, physical touch, words of affirmation—he has so many love languages you'll feel loved 24/7
• he's a huge tease though. can and will pull the cheesiest of lines and actions in public and still wear that innocent grin. personally, he sees them as fun more than anything. if you get embarrassed, that's just more in it for him.
• his favourite tricks are making flowers pop out from his hand and gifting them to you, as well as the "coin behind your ear" trick because he loves leaning in close to you and making you flushed.
• "oh, what's this? the coin was here all along!"
• "you know, you've done this same trick a hundred times already."
• "and i'll do a hundred more for you, my sugar cube."
• he's so smooth it should be illegal, but as i said, he lives for your reactions.
• coming up with all those sickly sweet petnames for you is also right up his alley. he takes inspiration from desserts and languages because those are some things that remind him of you.
• a few of his personal favorites to call you by: honeybee, sugar plum, ma fraise (my strawberry), and honigkusse, (honey kiss) + a classic when all else fails: my love
• compliments, compliments, compliments! expect them from Joker every other sentence. he never runs out of them, as he always sees the good in you ♡︎
• you two are seriously such a fun couple! the type to appear chaotic at first but also the one that share the deepest bonds. Joker loves you (and your five dogs) very much.
runner up: Grell Sutcliff
i had fun with this one since he's one of my faves! i hope you enjoyed it too, have a great day (◍>ᴗ<)ノシ
if anyone hasn't noticed i make the matchup a bit longer if you only request one fandom ♡︎
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ishaare · 5 years
hiii, how have you been? life update please?!!!
I have been great!!!!
oh man lol Life has been like a roller coaster but in a good way!!  Not sure how many would be interested so I would keep my long rant under the cut lmao
Ok so I am going to categorize it
Ok so married life is great! We just celebrated our first marriage anniversary on the 10th! Wohoo!!
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We celebrated in Cuba! We didn’t go to our honeymoon after we got married. We were in India and I didn’t want to take away my husband’s (we shall call him J) time from his parents. We see his parents, may be every two years. And if we have went on our honeymoon, he would only have one  week with his parents. And I wouldn't want that for them or him.
We thought we will go after we come back to Canada. But I didn't have any job back then because I had recently graduated. I didn’t feel like going on vacation when I was struggling to find a job lol
And we had moved out recently after living in shared apartment so I had to look for something to do. I found a job after three months but it was an odd job and I wasn't satisfied with what I was doing. After another three months, I found my dream job, which was to work in a hospital! Amazing staff and management, but downside, Causal position so hardly any hours. We want to buy a house in a year or two and for that I need a full time hours. So fast forward to November, your girl got  interview from another hospital 
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yes, that’s exactly how proud I was^^
Because it is apparently hard to get into hospital here.  Now I am in training and I have ridiculous schedule for next month where I will be working 15 days straight o.o
So anywayyyy, honeymoon was great heheheh
Definitely much deserved vacation and anniversary well spent!! Not to sound cheesy, but staying with J is like being on vacation itself :”) We share our responsiblities, be in cooking or cleaning; Always a partner. But when I am on my periods, he doest even let me lift a finger, it’s actually so sweet :”) ok I will stop bragging about him lol 
Education and .......a baby o.o
Two very opposite topics, I am going to talk about..together 
I am very happy with what I am doing right now. But it wasn't what I wanted to do for last 4 years. I have been trying to get into college/Uni for longest time for what I wanted to do but call it my shitty luck, I always end up in waiting list and then college/uni never contact me. This was before I got married and couple of months ago, I applied one last time with J’s encouragement. He wants me to chase my dreams and do what I actually want to do. He pushed me to try one more time. Because to be honest, I was done. And I am very happy with what I do right now. and I do feel content with it. 
Now on other hand, my mom has started that baby talk. I can’t even begin how frustrating it is. So if I go for studies, Baby plan gets put on hold and my mom will have a panic attack because omg I will be nearing 30 lmao 
(That would be in next couple of years lol) but you know desi moms
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^^^my mom’s exact reaction would be this liol
I didn't tell her that I have applied for further studies because again, panic attack.
She thinks it has been three years for J and I but technically, two years of engagement and one year of marriage. She thinks it’s perfect time to think about baby. To be honest, I do not blame her to think like that. In their time, they had kids within one or two years of marriage but it’s so different now. I do want to have a baby before I am 30 but that time hasn’t come yet. Also, I want to be financially stable to provide for a baby and emotionally available. Because having a baby, it’s such a big responsibility. Then there is a house factor, we both want our child to grow up in a house. There is so many things to consider ahhh
On other hand, my in-laws are chill, especially my mother-in law. Chillest saas ever. She talks to me like a daughter and treats me like one too. She has never pressured me for anything.  :’) And same in with father-in-law, I am the priority and then his son tehee
Blessed to have both of them :’) and blessed to have a husband like J :’D
Ok I am done ranting lol
man it feels like old times when I used to share my life stories, ahh thank you Anon :’) 
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chil2de · 3 years
hi bb:) sorry i took so long to respond i have a bunch of things to do today (·•᷄∩•᷅ )
HSJAHDJJA i’m actually a childe main !!!!!!!!!!!! i’m AR 52 and i love my boy sm. I also really really love xiao i want them both to destroy my body so bad The biggest number i’ve ever hit in genshin is 91k which was with childe but it was a vaporise so it’s not super impressive :,) I wanted thoma so bad and i mean i got him but i’m #polearmuserphobic and i’m not a fan of his gameplay :0 Seriously tho i fucking hate polearm users i’m so close to benching my raiden. I also use noelle a lot !!!!! i have a phys noelle but she’s not built properly so she’s not amazing,,,,,,
PLEASE OMG I LOVE THE SOUL EATER INTRO SO MUCH ITS SO COOL i am a #certifiedmakastan SHES SO COOL I LOVE HER SYTHE AJGDJSVEJVAGEJSVRIBEGSHE i used to have a big fat crush on kid but maturing is realising he actually isn’t hot like at all tbh
yesyeyysyeysyyes :) thank u sexy. Rn i’m in the middle of writing a paper abt control and how it effects our lives and psychology n stuff which is cool bcs i love that sort of stuffs yk
I LOVE PSYCHOLOGICAL HORROR SM OMG u should definitely play ddlc and yttd (ddlc is my favourite but yttd is still super good) it’s free u can download it on steam !!!!!!! big big warning tho if u don’t already know there’s a shit ton of scary stuff and suicide and self harm and stuff so proceed with caution
i have a 5 star animal crossing island tehe :] i also have marinas emiibo in my phone case it’s my lucky charm
-🦕 <3333
(istg if this doesn’t send through )
don’t worry about responding<3 gotta do what u gotta do first.
childe mains have my fuckin heart. honestly and truly. deadass the other day someone joined my co-op and just stood next to me so I could hear childe’s idle dialogue LMFAOO i want that man so badly it’s not even funny. xiao is certified daddy if i ever see someone maining him i make sure to tell em that they’re sexy.
“vaporise so it isn’t impressive” stfu stop downplaying urself wtf. that’s hella good even for an elemental reaction anyway?? u should be proud </3 smh a large sum of kisses is going to necessary for me to forgive u after saying that👺
LMFAOGJOAS i can’t. i genuinely cannot thoma’s gameplay sucks so much ass and for what reason... it pains me to the utmost degree when he says shit like “don’t get too close!” n “supporting fire!” but.... then he misses? 😐 baby, thoma i love u but i gotta let u know that ur not even on the field for more than 3 seconds.
thoma’s auto looks sexy but i don’t think anything can top zhongli kicking his polearm. and xiao.... man... what. i love him but how do people not get headaches wtf the camera panning every time he lunges w the polearm makes me wanna cry? i saw a clip of c6 xiao and what on god’s green earth. he’s just perpetually stuck in a washing machine why does the camera shake around like that
noelle <33333 im using her as a diy 5 min craft phys too until i get the characters i actually want for my main team. sorta? i just can’t be bothered to ascend her bc she uses the geo hypostasis and so does albedo😭 god knows i’m not ascending both of them
i rlly luv maka’s attitude and the way she dresses???? she’s so cool. her character design is lowkey so normal but it’s really pleasing. the cape is very girlboss on her. love when women are strong we don’t look at damsels in distress in this establishment (lmao genshin barbara who)
good luck on your paper, princess. sounds really fucking interesting i’m not gonna lie if you made it into a 40 min documentary i’d watch it. afraid i can’t give you any insights with my qualifications in fine art LMFAOO but i’m more than happy to support u regardless. u got this<3 pass ur exams n get that bag baby
actually starting to sense a pattern here. avoided genshin like the plague cause i thought it was a paid game and ur out here telling me they’re both free. genuinely dashing to my pc later when i have more time and fingers crossed i actually have a speck left of storage for me to download it😍 ily thanks for the warnings i have no issues w it but you singlehandedly made my day. very sweet of you even if it is common decency. tell me ur hot without telling me ur hot
marina!!!! tried hunting for her once and i ended up with... octavian... not even zucker. OCTAVIAN. and he was an autofill as well. i wanted to suffocate him his house infuriates me to look at it’s physically sickening. dude has a whole NASA spaceship crammed into such a tiny dwelling :/ that’s the same island where i got beardo as my first campsite villager and it was at that point where i decided to restart
do you have a theme that you decorate ur island w? or do you just throw shit down randomly because me too.
please charge ur phone. although it would be funny if it died the same time as when you plugged it in. i love when that happens
ganyu rerun is going to break all hell loose it’s the funniest shit i’ve seen this month LMFOAIFOA. everyone i know is either “pull for ganyu” or “why aren’t you pulling for ganyu?” but i’m tryna get xiao and his constellations so... i say this, full confidence, knowing earlier that i was dissing xiao’s play style. sacrificing it all for the sneaky link adepti baby
rip my wallet i’m terrible at saving primos i instantly spam the wish button the second i have 160 so i have to give u major kudos for being able to save. i love when ppl are financially responsible it’s very attractive actually. good luck for when she does roll around! ganyu wanters shall be ganyu havers. maybe you can get her cons too and if you don’t it’s bc genshin hates hot people
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ozkamal · 6 years
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New trending GIF tagged reaction, lol, meme, excited, wow, reactions, laughing, mrw, twitch, shocked, memes, rpg, haha, nerd, geek, shock, dnd, hyper rpg, nerds, nerdy, d&d, lmao, geeky, geeks, hyperrpg, hyper, hyper_rpg, roleplaying, role playing, woah, shook, ha, hehe, amazed, rofl, giggle, freak out, i cant, freaking out, shooketh, cant even, lose it, shaken, lost it, lawl, freakin out, tehe, lawls, sarley, milynn, milynn sarley, kob, cannot even, i cannot, milynnsarley, renegade game studios, kidsonbikes, kobrpg, kids on bikes via Giphy https://gph.is/2sCSG26
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simlovinggirl · 7 years
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You guys are so amazing i had to do another replies post again, because well PATRICK AND PEONY!!! I’m so glad you guys love them as much as i do :D :D
@melien @amespixels @hellquint
melien replied to your photoset“The next week after we turned in the project, my anxiety started to...”
Come on Patrick, comfort her ❤
I was seriously just waiting for the next few posts to pop up.  My queue wasn’t fast enough for me, almost posted them all at once lol :D 
amespixels replied to your photoset“Before I had a chance to say anything back, Patrick pulled away then,...”
Legit my exact same reaction when i wrote this :D I was like YAAAAASSSS FINALLY! LOL :D :D <3
amespixels replied to your photoset“Ember: “You have got to be kidding me.  Sky….your boyfriend’s name is...”
Ruh roh.
Please don’t hate me after today’s queue :( <3
melien replied to your photoset“Before I had a chance to say anything back, Patrick pulled away then,...”
AAAAA 😍 Patrick you'd better not mess this up
Spoiler, he doesn’t lol!  I have too many sad stories going on right now i need one that is mushy and happy.  So tadaaa Peony and Patrick are it <3 Plus they’re so adorable I can’t bare to let anything horrible happen to them.  I just wan them to get their happy ending <3
melien replied to your photoset“Peony: “Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend.  But on one condition.”...”
Awe she actually likes it *-*
When I came up with that line, i died of cuteness.  Haha, originally she was actually supposed to hate it, but the more he called her beautiful the more i could see that as a forever pet name for her :D <3
hellquint replied to your photoset“Peony: “Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend.  But on one condition.”...”
tru lovin
:D Yep!  I’ve never had two sims he seemed so made for each other :D They are autonomously adorable all the time in my game <33
amespixels replied to your photoset“Mist: “What did you just do?” Ember: “Say good-bye Mist.  See you in...”
Please don’t hate me D: <3
melien replied to your photoset“Mist: “What did you just do?” Ember: “Say good-bye Mist.  See you in...”
I must say I'm a sucker for the alternate universe stories :3
:D Me too!  This story didn’t really start out that way, but just morphed (the way stories do) as i started writing it.  I love the direction its going...although i was pretty sure a few people would hate me after today’s post lol!
melien replied to your photoset“Prom time came and went, the school year was quickly coming to a...”
These two ❤❤❤
tehe :D I love them soo much you have no idea <3 :D :D 
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