#their relationship isn't strictly romantic OR platonic or anything specific it's just love
goondah · 11 months
First time i’ve seen someone who identifies as alloaro! i learned about this label about an hour ago, and I identify with it as well, although i’m still not comfortable with labels. can you describe your experience? just as much as your are comfortable with!
Hi! Thanks for the ask, if there's anything you'd like me to elaborate on or anything else you want to ask i'd be happy to reply.
I only found out i was aroallo less than a year ago, after a conversation with friends where i realised most people had experienced some kind of romantic attraction by my age. Before that point, i was convinced i was completely straight as i definitely experience aesthetic and sexual attraction. I guess i just thought i was a "late bloomer" and my time would come eventually, although there had always been a slight feeling of "something isn't right". In terms of attraction, I feel very strong platonic attraction, almost to a point of infatuation, however these feelings have always been strictly platonic. I dearly love and care about my friends, and i am very lucky to have ones that understand that this isn't romantic in nature. I regularly experience aesthetic attraction, for example walking down the street and seeing someone and thinking "wow they're pretty/cute/handsome", and more rarely sexual attraction, seeing someone and thinking "wow they're hot/sexy". To me it is quite self evident that i experience sexual attraction, but am sure the specifics of this will vary from person to person. Despite being aroallo i feel like i will probably never have sex, as i am not outgoing or conventionally attractive enough for casual sex and i think that the chances of finding someone else (probably also aroallo) to have a platonic sexual relationship with are slim. However i have made peace with this, and sharing such a close bond with the asexual community has shown me that you can have a long and fulfilling life without sex. However it is something i would very much like to try, i just don't think it would be the end of the world if it doesn't. I would like someday to have some form of more committed platonic relationship, and this is something that does bother me, because it sometimes feels like my life will lack direction without the traditional fall in love, get married, buy a house, 2.5 kids, retire together life plan that is expected of me. However at the moment i am perfectly contented without such a relationship.
It is important to note that my experiences are far from universal, and any label we put onto orientation or gender is an attempt by humans to categorise a beautiful and complicated spectrum of experience. If you feel like aroallo is a fit for you, then feel free to use it!
I apologise for rambling and i hope that at least some of this is useful to you. Again, feel free to ask me any other questions.
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Asks and Requests
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My asks will mostly be an “ask me anything” type ask box. Ask me or my Twst OC about anything, how we are doing, thoughts about the game, Twisted Wonderland if anyone needs specifics, stuff like that. 
And if you have something that could be a “request,” but just want a short answer, feel free to drop it as an ask!
For starters, this blog does have some NSFW content, so I'd like anyone who is under the age of 18 to please not participate in anything NSFW, asks, requests etc. As for now, I will only write my Twst OC x canon characters, or canon characters x canon characters, platonic and or romantic.
The characters that I will ship Mirai with are: Cater, Ace, Leona, Jack, Azul, Jade, Kalim, Epel, Idia, and Sebek.
I can and or will write canon x canon i.e. Ace x Deuce and or Cater x Trey.
I will write Crewel, but he will be strictly platonic.
And if that goes to plan, and depending how confident I am with my writing, then and only then will I open up requests outside of my OC. (With rules, of course!)
Be specific and follow the rules. For example, don't just write, "I want a fluff fic with Leona." That's too vague.
Instead, write, "Can I get a fluff fic between Leona and Mirai", or "Can I get a hurt/comfort fic between Leona and Ruggie after Leona's Overblot."
Make sure it's thorough and easy to understand. Nothing too overly complicated, but simple. I don't mind a bit of research, but if it isn't something easy to find, it's a no.
If it gets too specific, where there is no freedom for me to write, it's a no.
What I will write:
Hurt/no comfort
Some NSFW/Smut. Keep it clean. (See below for detail)
Violence (See below for detail)
Mental illness (see below for detail)
Poetry (please ask, I love poetry)
AUs (but this depends on the AU)
Incorrect quotes, imagines, headcannons
I don't mind polyamorous relationships, but it depends on the characters involved.
What I will not write.
I don't mind some violence/canon typical violence, topics of bullying, but I will not do all out blood, gore, and violence (i.e. murder between canon characters, torture, severe bullying)
I don't mind topics of mental illness, referencing depression, self harm (like scars), suicidal depression, since my OC has a background of a few of those topics, but I will not write out the act (i.e. i will not write out self harm, or anyone unaliving themselves) and I will always put out a warning just in case and I'll try to keep it vague.
I will not write Yandere, I am really uncomfortable with that trope. Other tropes I don't like are: bullies to lovers, miscommunication, cheating, pregnancy/surprise pregnancy, abuse between characters.
I don't mind Smut, I might actually have several written already, but if it just gets dangerous/nasty, it's a straight no.
I will not write r*pe, SA, discrimination (unless canon typical i.e. Fae/human, but I will not make the narrative worse than what is canon), racism, and anything else that could be labeled as Dead Dove: Do not eat.
Crossovers of any kind, Songfics, villainization of canon character (i.e. making Leona, Vil, Trey, Riddle, Malleus, disgustingly mean just to have a villain in the story), character hate.
Match-ups, anything Canon x Reader or Canon x Yuu, Gender swapping for canon charters, but I don't mind making Mi-Mi female, I don't want to offend anyone.
All in all, keep it nice, keep it clean. Anything hateful, against the rules, will result in the ask/request being deleted, and if need be, you will be blocked.
Also, be nice. Don't demand anything, I will not respond. Sleepy has a fragile heart, so don't make Sleepy cry. I don't need you to be overly nice, but a "hello, how are you" would be nice. Don't request/ask starting with "I want", "Give me", etc. I'll take " Can I get," but "May I" is better.
And more importantly, give me time to write. Don blow up my asks/requests wondering where your work is. I'm human, and I have my own life, so please be patient.
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bonsars · 10 months
We all know River Heatherra runs this blog right. Anyway I'm not subjecting my followers on that blog to my personal life, given how many I have. So hello bonsars followers. I'm gonna open up a little.
I definitely see myself in Bonnie. Bonnie tti reminds me of when I was back in school. High school, to be specific. The way Bonnie was back in island, not having friends, but finding that one special person in Caesar, it reminded me of the friendship I have with one of my own friends. Let's call her. Um. Katniss. To match with Caesar being Caesar Flickerman.
Anyway, Katniss and I have known each other since 8th grade. I was a new student, we had math together, and I don't remember seeing her in my math class bc almost all my memories from 2020 i have blocked out. We didn't become friends until freshman year of high school, and when we did talk, the way I felt around her, it was like I found my missing piece. We never dated, no. Our relationship could never be taken there, I don't think. Anyway, we had some problems and we fell out, which was probably the worst part of high school for me. I didn't have any friends. Losing her meant I lost my other friends, and I fell into a depression that last such a long time. I had a relationship my sophomore year of school, but we broke up just before going into my junior year.
Senior year, Katniss and I reconnected. I can't exactly remember how, but throughout junior year we talked a little, nothing much, but it was nice to talk to her. Senior year came, and we just became friends again. We did talk out our problems we had freshman year, and she apologized for it because it was with some issues she had during the time, but I don't know where I would be without her. We were so extremely close, and I once again felt like I had my missing piece. Someone who makes me feel complete. Someone who I just know would always be there for me. Even last year as she went away for college, I still knew we had each other. She's one of the best people I have in my life, and every day I'm so thankful for her to be in my life.
Anyway. Where does this relate to bonsar. I don't know. I feel like as I read them, I see my friendship that I have with Katniss in them. No, she isn't nearly as dramatic as Caesar. She slays, but not nearly as much as him. And I think just the self projection is going a little too much with this, because every time I read them together, it makes me so happy to see that they found each other. They have each other. Caesar calling himself Bonnie's soulmate back on the playa del losers episodes made me so unbelievably happy. The bond they have, whether you see it as romantic or not, it's there and it runs deep and it's just something that I have experienced in my own life and I don't want anything to happen to them. No petty drama, no stupid fighting, anything like that.
Why do I want romantic bonsar? I don't know. As face value, yes. That's what I want. I want them to have a happy, loving relationship where they know they have each other. But also, I could see this being strictly platonic. Something that Katniss and I have. But they're definitely more than friends. I call Katniss my friend, but we have both talked about it and we know that the bond we have is something that goes beyond "friend". That's what bonsar is. Something that goes beyond "friend." If it's romantic, awesome. If it's not romantic, awesome. I just don't want them to break apart bc of stupid drama.
Sorry I've been thinking about this a while. And bonsar has been rotating on the mind too. I saw Katniss today, before she leaves for college again, and it just made me realize why I enjoy bonsar so much. I think.
Bonsar sweep
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madtype · 2 years
remind me to write up a post about my thoughts on
1. the complexities of makoto and majima's relationship and experiences with each other in y0 and the aftermath of it throughout their lives
2. interpreting the relationship that kiryu and majima have with each other and comparing that to the reductive, honestly kind of homophobic and definitely Extremely boring way that intense fandom types tend to portray them
#this is mostly to remind myself. i'll see this tmo#i have so so so many thoughts on both these things#makoto & majima thoughts can be summarized by:#their relationship isn't strictly romantic OR platonic or anything specific it's just love#and the Kind of love it is also is hard to pin down bc both of their experiences with love have been extremely skewed#and from what we as the audience know primarily within the context of abuse#kiryu & majima thoughts can be summarized by:#it is undeniable that they care deeply about each other and love each other#and that fighting is their primary form of emotional and physical intimacy#AND that the foundation of their love is shared experiences & mutual understanding of their own emotional stunting#there are so many complicating aspects to their relationship that ultimately result in a relationship that is deeply intimate and that they#can Only have with one another. and there's implicit trust in that.#so WITH that in mind... i fucking hate people who reduce them to hotted sexy gay men who are so cutesy and nice nd [insert homophobia here]#i hate when theyre reduced to the same goddamn shipping dynamic EVERY fandom uses whenever two men like. show any care for each other#where they completely ignore the actual fun and interesting and complex relationship so they can just make them do penis at each other#(i'm a gay man i promise i'm not being evil. I do penis at men. this is a joke even if it is in bitterness)#if i spend any longer in these tags they will turn into an essay so no more.
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imthepunchlord · 3 years
If you ask me, the problem with romance in a LOT of media is that is less about the characters actually showing love to each other and more about pointless drama.
It's a mix of pointless drama and sometimes making it weird, specifically with shows that aren't made initially with the idea of having romance as a major focus. I am going to go off so I'm putting the rest under cut.
When a show is built up starting out as an adventure, being suspenseful, and largely working off friendship and group dynamic, romance isn't always so easy to include and shouldn't always be included. Especially if you're including it later with platonic dynamics set up. If you really build up and grow the platonic relationships, depending on how you do it, people will strictly view that as platonic love and convincing your audience that this is romantic can be harder and really throw them off and make them unhappy.
The best example of this is Avatar the Last Airbender.
The romance in the show, at least in my opinion, brings it down enough that its not a perfect show. And that's because of how they went about it and how they incorporated romance. Aang and Katara do not have a good romance. If they were always planned from the start, the creators went about them in the worst way as Katara was more set up as an older sister/mother-figure to Aang. Someone who he can turn to for comfort, support, and reassurance. That in of itself is not an issue. What is the issue is that we never see Katara really turn to Aang for that same support. She gives and provides for him, but he doesn't provide and give back.
It doesn't set them up when you have one giving all the emotional support but the other doesn't offer it back. This is a more acceptable dynamic when Katara is set up to be more of an older sibling who is there to support her family no matter what. But romantically, when they're meant to be equals and partners, its off putting.
And you know, narratively, they did have a chance to change up their dynamic to make this romance between them more believable. In the fortune teller episode, they could've changed the dynamic between Aang and Katara, with her less doting on him and treating him more as an equal. But, they didn't. And the writing is self aware enough of the issues of this romance that they don't have Katara happy about Aang kissing her without consent. She's upset and confused which tells me she largely didn't consider Aang as a potential romantic partner. And then you get that ending where they are happy together now despite not talking it out and you're just left kinda baffled at this romance.
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The romance was not worth it. And you know, they could've made Kataang work and not change up too much of the show. Cut back on that romance and offer up teases and sprinkles of it, and when the show ends, reveal that they got together later in life. Give them a chance to mature and grow and view each other in a different light. Kataang I would've been more accepting of at the idea that they got together later in life instead of as soon as the show ended.
To me, that is the ideal romance for a show that's not initially built to focus on romance. You hint and tease the possibilities, set up your dynamic in a way that it can be believable and more accepting. But don't make anything really official. When your show largely focuses on the platonic dynamics, you run a great risk of your audience viewing your intended match as siblings instead of potential romantic partners. And doing an official romance just throws everyone off.
The only exception to this is if you are going in, knowing your match, and you can build the dynamic up in a way that romance can be believable. And take care to not have it share the season's plot. Personally to me, romance in best in small amounts, especially for a show that I'm going in to see the adventure and story.
And there are shows who have done this well. The ships may not be my favorite, but it doesn't throw me off when they become a couple. Nor does their romance take over. They're given the right amount of time and focus, just enough, but not overstaying their welcome.
Trollhunters pulled this off. Jim and Claire I can believe becoming a couple. And their scenes together weren't unbearable. And their romance didn't take over the over all story or took too much focus away from the story.
Callum and Rayla worked just fine in The Dragon Prince. They got attention, but they didn't take up half of the season with their romance. My only nitpick honestly was them speedrunning the ship in s3, but that's more of a personal nitpick as I'm more of a slowburn girl. Not opposed to it, it was just quicker than I would like.
And there are others but I can't think of them atm.
But either way, yeah, romance can break a show, SPECIFICALLY when the show is built around not having it as a major focus. Not to say it can't ever be done, it can, but you really got to be careful about how you go about it. You got to know for sure what match you want to do, you got to be mindful of the dynamic and interactions, and you need to sprinkle in hints and build up. That way when your match gets together, it doesn't throw everyone off as their previous interactions came off as a sibling dynamic. And definitely don't have the romance take up like, half of the season's focus. That overcompensates and you're ramming it in your viewers face and too much of it is going to lead them to hate this canon ship you want everyone to accept and love.
And on the topic of Camp Cretaceous which stirred up this topic, yeah it's not a good romance, and from what I've seen a huge majority are very unhappy with it. And finishing the season last night, yeah I'm of that majority.
Brooklyn and Kenji isn't my initial pick. Over all, I was neutral to the idea of them, but narratively, expected Brooklyn and Darius to be more likely. For the past 3 seasons, they worked off each other the most, and felt like equals, and they were both unofficial leaders of the crew with Brooklyn readily stepping up when Darius was absent.
And with Kenji, specifically with Brooklyn and Darius, he felt like a goofy older brother figure who didn't have things figured out, but he was going to try his best. And on Kenji and Brooklyn as a ship, it was not built up well. The most they interacted was s1, and the 2nd after that season was the yacht episode which had Kenji pranking her and Darius, leading them to plan to team up and prank him back. And with this, I saw Brooklyn and Kenji as a sibling dynamic. Yes, he flirted with her in s1, but I didn't take that as serious flirting. He just did so as he saw her fitting into his social circle and was working off expected social cliches.
So when s4 comes in shoving it into my face at the very first ep that there's romantic undertones between them; yeah it was jarring. And as the season went on, I was reaching a point of hating this ship and this romance. This romance that literally took half the season's focus and it was becoming unbearable because of all the attention.
And to me, the worst thing about this forced romance, is that it changed up what made this show great to me.
For 3 seasons, we have 6 characters who are very different to each other, and they took great care to always mix up the groups. If there's an adventure, you're never going to get that same duo or trio or group. One ep is Sammy, Darius, and Brooklyn. One ep is Darius and Kenji. One ep is Yaz and Kenji. One ep is Sammy, Yaz, and Brooklyn.
Yes, there are more major duos and trios, but ultimately, it never took away from this formula to mix it up, have them work off each other so it's not constantly always the same 2 or 3.
But, not this season.
In their push of this romance, I could count one 1 hand how many times they had split up Kenji and Brooklyn. They were to always be close and touching and literally tied to the hip and with it was a loss of the group dynamic and making it interesting to see how these characters could work off each other. And I guess they were aware of how much Darius was a threat to this ship as they made sure to keep Darius far away from the group and have Brooklyn only work off Kenji and Yaz who for some reason is all for this ship.
It really felt like this season was written to circle around this romance and would change up characterizations and bend over backwards for this romance, whether it was a good idea or not, and lightly set up s5. The plot of s4 ultimately didn't matter too much, the romance mattered far more. Enough so that it takes up half this season's attention at least. I could also see 2/3's of this season's attention even. I'm not entirely sure on that. It got to a point that I was skipping forward whenever I got to Brooklyn-Kenji scenes cause I just had enough.
So to me as a writer, this was absolute writing torture to watch.
Romance can easily break a show and man did it break it bad. This really was the first season of Camp Cretaceous that I felt more tired and exhausted than hooked and filled with suspense.
It really needs to be like a Writing 101 for tv shows to be wary of romance, especially when its not part of the major focus of your show.
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