#and the Kind of love it is also is hard to pin down bc both of their experiences with love have been extremely skewed
justlillythinking · 1 year
idk where to put requests bc i barely ask for stuff on here but basically my idea was this. neteyam x human reader that is hella funny. friends to lovers type thing where he feels his responsibilities and stress slip away when hes with them. kiss kiss love confession type thing. gn or fem would be cool mookie
neteyam x human!reader imagine
1.7k words
warnings- sfw, mutual pinning, soft fluff, a little angst ? love confessions
also while writing this it was inspired by in love with you by erykah badu and boogie nights/all night by erykah badu
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hanging out with the sullys is always interesting, from going on ikran rides to sneaking on missions. when lo'ak says that you should all go on a ride right before eclipse, neteyam is fast to object.
"come on bro, you know dad is going to slaughter us if we are out at eclipse, lets just go tomorrow."
spider huffs before jumping on lo'aks ikran. god, my brother is such an ass, sometimes i just want to slap him so hard he can't feel his face for a week. i give neteyam a look, us both understanding that the only way to keep our stupid brothers in line is to follow them and keep them safe. he helps me up onto his ikran and we take off after spider and lo'ak, soaring in the calm sunset.
after flying for 10 minutes, spider and lo'ak land somewhere in the floating mountains, neteyam and i follow after them. when we touch down, neteyam picks me up and sets me down; something he loves to do to remind me he’s 3 feet taller than i am.
“fucking skxawng”, i mutter under my breath. before i can even turn around to shoot him a dirty look, he picks me up by my waist with one hand, laughing at me kicking him.
“what was that you just said?” he asks, still laughing at me.
i shoot him the dirtiest glare possible, “ i called you a fucking skxawng, skxawng. now put me down before i rip your braid out.”
neteyam laughs and sets me down, walking away like i huff. we both eventually walk over to spider and lo’ak, sitting beside them and admiring the forrest. we all talk and joke around, laughing about stupid jokes and talking about rumors. we eventually get on the topic of crushes, me teasing spider about his growing crush on kiri, neteyam rolling his eyes like lo’ak complains.
“cuz, come on, that’s my sister i don’t need to know that you want to bang her bro. how would that even work anyways, a human and a na’vi??”
i sigh to myself, knowing what lo’ak says about a human being with a na’vi is true and that neteyam and i will probably never grow to something more than just being friends.
little do i know, neteyam is having the same thoughts, wanting and wishing we could be more than friends, when in reality he knows that kissing me is probably off the table because of my exopack.
the conversation between all of us dissipates as we quiet down, all thinking about different things. i stand up and brush my legs off before saying we should head back so we can be home before eclipse. neteyam agrees while our brothers sigh with “do we have too” and “just like 5 more minutes i swear.”
we eventually all start walking back to the ikrans, lo’ak and spider racing each other. neteyam and i trail behind, talking and shoving each other and laughing. i look at him, the sunset shining on his beautiful blue skin and as it gets darker outside his freckles start shining. i realize that my feelings are futile, but it’s hard to be around the most kind, loyal, protective, beautiful man and not get attached.
i sigh, realizing i have gotten caught up in my own head again. when i look back up at him i see him with a sad smile.
“what’s wrong?” i ask.
“it’s nothing.”
“well it’s got to be something, you’re not usually sad for no reason.”
he sighs and says, “really, it’s nothing. we should try to walk faster so we get back before eclipse.”
he starts walking faster towards the ikrans, making me jog to catch up. i grab his hand and stop walking.
“neteyam, please, don’t keep stuff from me. we are best friends, and when we first became friends you promised to always tell me what’s bothering you.”
“stop digging y/n, i don’t want to talk about it right now. i just want us to laugh and talk like usual right now.”
“just tell me so that i can help you and we can go back to normal.”
“i don’t want to talk about it.”
“nete please-“
“fucking stop y/n, i’m not going going to talk about this with you.”
i stand there shocked, not used to him getting angry. he walks off and i follow after him, confused as to why he’s so mad. i know i shouldn’t have pushed but it’s not like him to be so sad.
when we get back to the ikrans lo’ak and spider immediately notice that something’s off, seeing the look on neteyam’s face. when spider and lo’ak look to me i shrug and shake my head. it’s awkwardly silent before neteyam clears his throat and says, “ y/n, how about you ride with lo’ak and spider rides with me tonight.”
lo’ak and spider both whip around and look to me, about to complain about how it’s never been this way when i just shake my head. spider raises an eyebrow at me but walks over to neteyams ikran anyways. i walk to lo’aks, waiting for his to grab me by the waist to help me but he doesn’t. i climb up, and go to hold onto his waist, but i stop and hold his shoulders.
neteyam and spider take off first, lo’ak and i soon after. we sit in science for a little before he asks, “so what happened?”
i sigh, “he just seemed off. he’s been more distant and sad lately, but i guess that’s just a journey of him becoming a man.”
“yeah well he has been stressed out about the whole ‘becoming a man and choosing a mate’ thing. it’s not like there’s not 20 girls that would die for him to stick it in them,” he snickers.
“ew come on lo’ak that’s disgusting.”
“i mean, i know who im choosing when i become a man.”
“the hottest girl who wants me, duh cuz. i mean that’s skxawng has always been picky, but now it seems like he’s trying to always want what he can’t have.”
“what do you mean?”
“come on cuz, you can’t be that blind. did you notice when he started getting all whiny earlier?”
“no? i mean after we talked i guess?”
“and we talked about what...”
i pause, trying to remember.
“ummmmm we talked about how you wanted to bang that girl we saw that was healing you and neteyam’s dumb asses, we talked about how spider is never going to find a na’vi that wants his tiny ass but let’s be honest, him and kiri totally have something going-“
“no you fucking skxawng we talked about humans and na’vi, then neteyam got all whiny and shit.”
i pause, “so?”
“so who is the human that neteyam spends all his time with?”
i stop.
“you’re saying that neteyam likes me?”
i blush and laugh, “ lo’ak, there’s no way he likes me. you said it yourself, he was like 30 hot girls lined up for him.”
“he totally does like you-“
“he totally doesn’t-“
“but you like him anyways. that’s the point, it doesn’t matter if you believe me or not because we all know that you two like each other.”
we ride back home in silence, i think about what he has said. could it neteyam actually like me too? is that why he didn’t want to talk about it with me? i wonder what would even happen if he did, it’s not like we could mate.
when we land at home, i get of lo’aks ikran and thank him for telling me. i walk to my tent and lay down, thinking about how this could change everything. i should probably talk to neteyam about it instead of just mulling it over by myself.
i decide to get up and go talk to him, even though i’m scared that lo’ak could be wrong. i mean, what if i talk to him about it and tell him i like him when he doesn’t even like me back? i stand by his family’s tent, not sure if i should go it on not.
while i’m standing there thinking, i don’t notice that neteyam walked up behind me. he taps me on the shoulder and when i turn around i see that it’s him.
“hey?” he says, nervously scratching his neck.
“i think we need to talk, i was about to go in and ask for you.”
“i told you i don’t want to talk about it-“
“lo’ak told me you have a crush on me.”
he stares down at me with wide eyes. i can see his cheeks turn purple as he blushes and he opens and closes his mouth, trying to say something. i grab his hand, my small one grabbing on to 3 of his fingers. i walk us over to my tent, thankfully lo’ak must have gotten spider to stay away for a little.
when we go inside my tent, neteyam looks so nervous that you would think i’m trying to shoot him. he starts rambling, “ listen i don’t know why lo’ak would tell you that because i don’t have a crush on you i mean, you’re my bestfriend that would be kind of weird right? i mean not to say that you’re not funny or pretty, because you definitely are but even if i did like you, i mean how would that even work, i’m na’vi and you’re human and we probably would even be able to kiss because of your exopack and-“
i cut him off, “neteyam, i like you.”
“you do?”
“yeah, i do.”
“but why me, why not lo’ak? or anyone else?”
i look at the floor, “because i don’t want lo’ak. i want you. i want your smile and how funny you are. i want to talk to you and go on your ikran with you. you understand me like no one else. i see you nete.”
i feel a his hand on my chin, guiding me to look up at him. he hugs me, my forehead on his chest.
“i see you y/n,” he says, kissing the top of my head.
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Cyno Content bc there’s not enough Sub Cyno on this site
This is literally just my horny ramblings but I do plan to release a genuine Cyno fic soon I promise. ALSO CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW PRETTY HE IS ANF DJDBDBDBDHEBSLS—
Flirting with him in public will always end badly because this man could say the dirtiest shit with the straightest face and most dead tone imaginable. This is one battle you are not winning I’m sorry 🙏
On the flip side, dirty talking in private when you can actually feel him and and squeeze his waist and thighs while you do it and MMM I swear he would get so flustered. He would try to hide it but he can’t help the little gasps that escape his lips when you suddenly grip his thighs tight and pull them apart.
As for his.. choice in clothing, I don’t think he’s actually trying to rile you up on purpose… it’s just a nice side effect to having HIS WHOLE FUCKING CHEST EXPOSED SHDBDB. He deals with really hot weather so you can’t blame him, but that does mean you get the right to feel him up when no one’s looking.
Going on a desert expedition with him just to play with his cute lil nipples at night when you’re supposed to be asleep. Him complaining that you’ll both be tired tomorrow because of this. Squirming and complaining but not making any move to stop you.
It would take so long to break him down (kind of like Xiao) but when you finally do it’s so rewarding. Fucking him for hours nonstop until he doesn’t have the mental capacity to make his stupid jokes (because yes he will still make the stupid jokes even as you fuck him silly.)
Getting a “W-Wai—AAGH~~!” Or a “C-can’t- hnngh- I” from him would be just UGHDBRDB
Please. Please blindfold this man. For the love of all that is holy. He’s always working so hard, he needs the chance to relinquish control and let someone take care of him. He's a little nervous about it at first (combat brain, you always want to be able to see) but soon enough he’ll be such a good little pillow princess!
if you don’t though, he’d be so dutiful about whatever you ask him to do. Suck your cock? His mouth is open wide. Eat you out? Of course, he’s ready for you. Beg? On his knees, looking at you through thick lashes, pretty words spilling from his lips. Don’t cum yet? He’ll do his best… but you’re just too good at this, please don’t make him wait too long!
Once you make him a drooling and whining mess, though, have a little mercy on him. He can barely think, let alone listen to what you’re telling him.
In the morning, please pin him to the bed and don’t let him up. He WILL try to leave at the crack ass of dawn, and he WILL try to make you breakfast while his legs are still shaky and giving out.
He’ll learn to let you take care of him eventually, but it’ll take a little while. <3
honorable note: The difference between Aether and Cyno having their midsections exposed is that Cyno had a valid reason. Aether is just a whore who likes showing off his waist. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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some NSFW colonel catboy quaritch hcs~
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• likes when you grab him. grab his forearms, his biceps, his thighs, his neck, he'll dig it. often widens his legs or outstretches his arms and neck if you touch him, and he doesn't even mean to
• is big on full-tongued oral; he'll lay his tongue flat, and lick from your clenching opening to the top of your clit, spreading it as wide as possible, and licking up as much sticky arousal as he can
• uses "..there we go" and "that's it" a lot in the bedroom, especially when he's testing a new boundary; be it three instead of two fingers, pushing extra deep into your pussy, or making you take his throbbing blue cock further down your throat; he just likes the condescending element of it ngl
• big on spanking, but particularly pussy spanking; loves nothing more than kneeling between your spread legs, beginning with some soft pats, only to end up full on slapping your swollen lips and clit with his four fingers, making sure to scoop up any excess juice that collects on his fingers (maybe smear it across your lips, or slurp it up)
• likes it when you sit on his lap, especially facing him. he enjoys the shame of it, as he goes hard on the babying when he makes you sit there. giving some feigned innocent expression, he'll exaggeratedly pat his lap and give a little "c'mere pretty",
• only to wrap you up tightly in his muscular arms, and subtly grind up into your ass; maybe giving a little open-mouthed kiss to your neck, but likely just sitting back and watching you squirm in front of him as he gropes your tits, or softly smacks your face, just to see the light dust of pink as the pain blooms across your cheek. "..aw, d'ya like that baby, du'n't it feel better?"
• creases up his eyebrows a lot during foreplay especially. you'd think during the homestretch his face would contort, the sheer immensity of pleasure rippling from his cock all the way to his head, but he takes on a whole new expression.
• oddly similar to when he's in the midst of battle, this stonewalled focus, and concentration. but when he's playing with you and getting you all riled up, wet enough to take his thick veiny cock, he'll lick his lips, stick his tongue out and furrow his brows a lot
• quaritch takes great pleasure in taking control, and therefore finds it incredibly arousing when you resist him
• it could be in an argument, you retorting with a curt "nuh-uh!", or "fuck you", swatting his eager hands away, or actively fighting back when he's pinned you to the bed; those kinds of things are enough to test his resolve, but also keep things safe and away from some serious discipline (he's big on delayed orgasms, rough oral and impact play for punishments)
• additionally, quaritch appreciates that you're comfortable enough to anticipate (and/or actively receive) his dominant foreplay and punishments; so when you squeal and snarl at him, full fangs out with a venomous sneer, he'll only scoff in amusement, kick your legs apart with his knees, and dig his short-nailed blue fingers into your wrists to make you submit
• likewise, he's a marine. he's also the most intimidating, dominant man you've come across; so any form of sexual teasing or torture is something he's partial to, and can most certainly deliver on
• he likes to hear you say what you want; he'll tease and edge until you do, and doesn't care if it takes a rough grope, smack to the face or spit into your forced open mouth to get there. "..no. i need to hear a 'yes sir' or you ain't gettin' nothin' pretty"
• gets extra macho and confident when you struggle with his size. this can be his big, broad chest, his sheer strength, his height, towering above your smaller figure (despite you both being avatars), but especially his dick
• if you squirm and whimper bc it's "...j-just too big, it's t-too big...i can't, i can't take it.." when he's entering your wet, warm entrance, he'll only become all the more cocky; a flash of a sadistic smirk, some hoarse chuckles at your almost sheepishly apologetic resistance to his size, or maybe even a pseudo-sympathetic "hm, well ok", only to mercilessly solider forward and coax you into taking him fully
• he might reward you with some thick, sloppy cock-taps to your pussy, but he's not stopping - a part of his ego is that he wants to be the one to stretch you out, and he'll make it happen
• loves to fuck you full now, and then pleasure you later. it's not for everyone, but once he finds someone who can take it rough and let him have his way, no expectation of release, he'll milk you for all you have
• the delayed gratification is big for him, as he also enjoys days of no sexual interactions whatsoever; but contrastingly he's also happy to pin you to the nearest tree, spread your legs and pummel into your pussy until it's sore and aching. he'll pump you full of his sticky, hot seed, only to pull up your clothes and continue on the mission, hacking away at stray roots and leaves as he continues on
• although this being on the basis of you cumming later by his hand, mouth, or cock ofc. he could make you shudder and gush all over his thick length if he wanted to, but gets particularly hard at the thought of using you, fucking you out, and then dropping you. all worn out and soiled, the post-sex shame staining your face in the form of a rosy blush
• just the idea that you'll be left high and dry, only to be expertly played with later when it's all about you is such a hot concept to him; especially if you throw in some whines about how dirty and messy you've gotten from his earlier ministrations, his cum dripping down your legs, tickling your swollen bud as it oozes between your slicked up folds
+requests now open :)
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cweampier · 1 year
saw u post something like ‘leon breeder balls’ and i let out the ugliest laugh 😭💀
but like…. I AGREE SO MUCH. mmmmm thinking about pent up leon after a mission and all he wants to do is just unload everything from his breeder balls and into ur needy pussy :(( OR maybe one night ur silly self asked him if u could hold his balls but then u start to gently massage it and it just makes him hard bc he loves it when u touch him… i am going insane over this fuckin pixel help me
SO FUCKING REAL ITS REAL. i believe this one is gonna be on a bit of the longer side, i love him.. a lot. also very fluffy smuts kinda short i’m sowwies.. it’s just pure longing.. sorry i went all out.
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after a few grueling days of uncertainty, your boyfriend finally bids you a bountiful hello once he walks through the door. there were always downsides of being so closely acquainted with leon s. kennedy. the several days he’s m.i.a on a mission and you don’t even fucking know if he’s alive kind of downsides and the jesus fucking christ this motherfucker is so damn needy downside.
the moment he walked into that very door of your shared abode, you could just sense the tenseness plaguing the usually easy to breathe in environment of the place. he was dirty, face covered in ash as well as dirt and mud, it was like he was rolling around in a pigs pin the entirety he was in spain. but, those things didn’t come directly out of your mouth, especially not if he’s practically running across the living space to smother you in his arms. “leon—“ you were cut off with his nose nuzzling through the parts of your hair, choosing to bite your tongue as you could tell he was reveling in this moment.
he didn’t want to talk, he just wanted to touch. no spot was neglected kind of touch. you relished in the presence of normalcy as you melted in his embrace, opting to bury your face into his chest as you both sat there, touching. several people were killed for him to be there, and boy was it so fucking worth it. you mustered up enough courage to break the silence, noticing the absence of his sheepskin bomber jacket, expensively crafted with tough leather. it looked perfect on him, at least you thought so.
“forgot something?” you muffled against his hold, you could feel his body respond to your voice somehow as he slowly separated himself from you, it seemed almost impossible. he let out a low chuckle, sucking in a breath before pressing a thumb against your cheek. “can’t say that i didn’t, hadn’t seen that jacket in ages..” he grinned through his admission, visibly bashful. he stared down at you grumpily, pouting like a child just cause you just had to speak up and make him let go of you. you cocked a brow at his direction and he defeatedly averted his gaze. you snickered, advancing farther into both of your’s home to fetch a washcloth, thoroughly wetting it in the kitchen sink before turning back to him.
he followed you, like a dog. who knew that he could become domesticated by a woman. ever since the events of raccoon city, things haven’t been in his favor when it came to his love life, meeting you was like encountering a saint personified into a woman. you motioned for him to sit but he didn’t budge, dumbly standing behind you, practically looming over you ominously. you rolled your eyes, irritated before you directed your attention back towards him like he wanted so badly. “yeees?~” you dragged on, shifting your weight onto your left leg before placing your hand on your hip. “not movin’ till you actually say hello to me, i know you missed me..” he replied, training his eyes onto your lips—he must’ve forgotten how kissable they were. you tutted, shaking your head as he smoothed a hand through his unkept hair. “i missed you baby, you know that.. now please take a seat, i’m trying to help you out here.” you sighed out, observing as he sat down, adjusting in his seat to get comfortable.
you couldn’t help but notice how worn he looked. eyes heavy, the skin barrier of his lips violated by the relentless gnawing at it. he made note of you studying his face, growing a bit insecure, not wanting you to stare and eventually notice something that made you want to leave. “i know, i’m all beat up but at least i’m home, yeah?” he alleviates your concern, your brows furrowing up as you felt your stomach finally settle after the constant churning in it. “i’m glad you’re home, leon… i’ll take care of you. you know i will.” you reminded him, beginning to wipe away the grime from his face, countless hours of slaughter. the rag was covered in filth and dried blood, it told a story. one of courage, you knew his job absolutely was not for the faint of heart. you watched as it took its toll on even him. you noticed a scar cleverly sliced across his left cheek, tracing your fingertips over it.
he flinched. eyes darting towards you as you watched his pupils dilate instinctively. your breath wavered, like a flame of a candle threatened by the harsh winds of a storm. his body was taut, breath laboring as he sat there, attempting to calibrate himself within the comfort of his own home. he grabbed at your hand, pressing it firmly against his cheek with earnest, welcoming your sweet contact as your the two of your’s warmth became adjoin. he missed this, he missed you. each lasting moment he spends with you, it makes it even more difficult to depart from you once he had to be deployed on a mission. he was starved of your attention, and he craved it. he yearned for your acknowledgment, he’d give just about anything for it, intangible or not, he’ll find a fucking way. he leaned into your touch, tranquility washing over him.
“handsome..” you gave his cheek a tender yet reassuring tug, watching a smile stretch across his face. “i hardly recognized you with all that muck on your fa— mh?!” lips eagerly collided with your own, grasping your wrists, guiding them to his neck where he demanded for them to be rested at, old habits die hard. he slipped his tongue past the gates that were your lips, tongue delving into your mouth, as he hoisted you up, allowing your legs to inevitably lock around his waist. he pulled away briefly, only to witness your dazed expression, lips plump and lathered in his saliva. his lips moved feverishly along your neck, adorning it with chaste kisses, ironic to how you two stood with one another.
you let out a strained moan, nimble fingers finding the back of his head, your fingers lacing within the hair present, grabbing at it arbitrarily. his kisses bruised your skin like a vulture tearing at a corpse as it sprawled out motionlessly on the pavement, accepting the inevitability of its fate. he pushed passed the door that lead to your bedroom, left vacant and untouched by him for several hours. it beckoned him with the sounds of floorboards creaking beneath his feet as he staggered heavily through the room, your body flushed against his chest.
he glanced down at his side of the bed, unmade with his clothes discarded carelessly underneath the covers. you refused to sleep elsewhere, finding solace within the sheets as they laid inanimately beneath you as you brooded underneath the light of the moon at nights, even as the sun shone through the curtains. they smelt of him, the textiles smelt of him, not permitting you to ever forget it. he tossed you gently onto the bed as your body clashed against the softness of the foamy mattress, bedding engulfing you, leaving you to carefully watch as leon began taking off his shirt, revealing that very body you spent countless nights musing upon. he assisted you with your own top, discarding of it somewhere you’d probably discover it at days later.
“missed this body.. missed the way it felt in my hands.” he averred, approaching where you laid in an almost predatory gesture. “say you’ll let me take you, baby, please..” he pleaded, thumbing at the waistband of your bottoms. you nodded, further encouraging his downright impulsive behavior. he incapsulated your lips in a kiss backed with passion as he fiddled with his belt, the clanking of the buckle sounding in the confines of your bedroom. he made quick work of it before tugging down his pants, ushering your body to rest against the pillows as he crawled between your legs. he broke the kiss, a string of saliva keeping your lips tethered together. “beautiful,” he echoed you from earlier, eyeing your bra and overall disheveled aesthetic. “shit, did i do that?” he remarks, huffing out a breath, a foxy smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
he watched as you fumbled with your pants, swatting your hands away, he shook his head with disapproval, unsatisfied with the idea of you doing any of the work. “god, already tasking yourself with more work? let me, i’ll forever be indebted to you.” he assured, sliding your pants down the fat of your thighs and ultimately the entirety of your legs. he folded them with care beside you, turning his attention to your panties. he hummed, endorsing the presence of your arousal seeping through. “looks like i’m not the only one who’s needed this, huh?” he commented snidely, watching you puff out a breath impatiently.
“hey, hey.. i’m right here,” he cooed, working at your panties as he removed those as well, leaving you bare and ready for what’s to come. he allowed his boxers to pool around his ankles as he pulled you by your hips towards him, closing the gap between you two. he wasted no time as he pushed into you, your pussy greedily claiming the base of his cock, coating it with your fluids. he groaned as he thrusted his head back, gritting his teeth. you whimpered, adjusting to him as he slowly but surely bottomed out inside you. “gonna start movin, mkay? i hear you, baby, i know..” he soothed the ache inside you without fail, staying true to his words as he commenced. the sounds of skin slapping lewdly filled the room, his arm stretching out to grip onto the headboard as he looked down at his cock splitting you open in smitten. you craned your neck to the side, drinking up everything he offered you.
he wasn’t having that, cradling your chin between his thumb and pointer finger, turning your head towards direction. “look at me, wanna see that gorgeous face of yours. feels good, hm? i know, hon…” he fawned over you, disgustingly enamored. he picked up the pace as sweat collected along his brow line. not only did he miss this he needed it. badly. to relinquish his self restraint, for it to topple over on top of you. “missed you s’much, leon.. missed you—hh’missed you..” you babbled on, eyes involuntarily rolling into the back of your head as he slammed his hips against your own. in a fleeting moment, you were one with bliss.
with each thrust, he reminded you of how much he loved you. with each thrust, he drilled it into your skull of how much he yearned for you. “fuck, i wanna cum inside you… wanna give myself a reason not to even think of leaving your side again—mmfh!~” he grunted manically, his hips jerked and convulsed as he embellished the sight, the utter beauty of you beneath him. your bodies moved in a frenzied tandem, your limbs tangling together as he approached sheer ecstasy. “pussy feels so good, ‘t’s so warm.. fuck, don’t stop..” he says mindlessly, as if he wasn’t the one rocking his hips against the flesh of your ass. with one pitched whine, he spilled himself inside you, crushing your face into his chest, heaving as he collected the stray strands of your hair, tucking them behind your hair.
he pressed a kiss to your forehead, panting with purpose. “take me one more time, promise ‘ll take care of you.. always.” he stilled his hips inside you, plugging you up, ensuring that nothing will slip out. the night was still young, and your boyfriend was just getting started. he breathed out a hushed confession of love before sitting upright, slinging both of your legs over his shoulders in a routinely fashion.
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tickletastic · 6 months
Do u have any tickle hcs about the bat boys?
yes yes yes yes yes do i ever
under the cut, my love <3
absolutely just devastatingly ticklish everywhere, but i also think he is weirdly good at hiding it for a little bit, and sometimes the ler trying to tickle him will just eventually give up (big brother powers? zatanna magic?)
his thighs and tummy are his worst spots, and both just absolutely destroy him
he can and will attempt to acrobat his way out of tickling
he 100% once tried to front flip away from Tim when he was trying to tickle dick and jason ended up catching him upside down in the air (and tim totally took advantage)
absolutely the family tickle monster because it is his oldest brother duty
the only sibling that damian actually lets tickle him (because he kind of loves tolerates dick)
Absolutely the type to accidentally hurt you when you tickle him
If you get his neck? he's karate chopping you. his ribs? he'll elbow you
i hc that jason and duke are close because i think duke would be really into literature too (i think he'd be a big poe fan!!) and they would bond over spending hours in the Wayne manor library
as a result, i think jason tickles duke the most, but i think damian has been indexing moments that he witnesses so he can "accidentally" tickle duke later (bc, despite what he would say, he is a softie and wants to make sure that duke feels like he's a part of the family as much as everyone else is)
i think his worst spots are his ribs and his thighs, but he gets really panicked and giggly when someone tries to go for his neck
i think he's a really timid and considerate ler, and that he's probably stopping every minute or so to make sure the lee is alright (which his siblings find INCREDIBLY flustering)
he is just a tiny little dude, just an angry tiny guy
he is, like most twelve year olds, ticklish everywhere, but he only ever lets dick or bruce tickle him, and SOMETIMES, jason
his laugh is so cute, and he snorts pretty much the entire time
it embarrasses him incredibly, but he physically cannot fight back when he's tickled, he just kind of lays there and giggles
he does in fact use tickling to his advantage in the manor, and has been known to tickle tim to tears
like steph, i think he secretly knows exactly where everyone is ticklish (except for jason, who, as usualy, remains elusive)
my sleepy boy, top of my kin list, i am such a tim stannie
99% of the time that he's tickled it's because he is refusing to sleep after 24+ hours working
he's horrendously ticklish pretty much everywhere but his ribs are the absolute worst
he tries really hard to fight back, and he's definitely a flailer, but ultimately he never gets very far and eventually just slumps and tries to curl up
dick, steph, and jason tickle him the most, but bruce puts in his fair share too
when someone tries to tease him he tries to scream through his laughter so he doesn't have to hear it, but ultimately, he is forced to listen
he's not much of a ler, but he will strike every once in a while
best bat? best bat
i hc that the lazarus pit made him more sensitive, but only bruce, dick, kori, roy, and leslie thompkins know about it, and he has sworn them all to secrecy
the same group are pretty much the only people who know where he's ticklish
actually really ticklish if you can get him pinned, but otherwise he is definitely successfully fighting off any tickle attacks
dick has one method from when they were kids where he'll get jason up against a wall, whether he be on a bed or trapped in on the couch, because the tickling will make jason too weak to try to vault over him (and it's MUCH easier than trying to pin his ass down)
he is definitely the most vicious ler of the house, and his teases absolutely mortify his siblings
his signature move is grabbing both wrists of an unsuspecting family member, hauling them over their head, and tickling them to tears with his free hand
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saw444kowo · 1 year
random hobie brown headcanons!
all will be sfw the nsfw/spicy ones will be in pink
trying real hard not to delete this acc and kms bc of a sudden trigger
also this won't be proofread because im in the middle of a mental breakdown
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he always looks for you when he performs
he's not the jealous "i show everyone who is my lover" type, more like the subtle "let's go" kind in crowded places to yk do unholy things
also small public demonstrations of affection <3 <3
like holding hands, putting his hand on your waist when you walk, small kisses both on your cheek and on your lips, small notes when he wakes up earlier than you since he's yk a spider man
he gave you one of his very own spike bracelets which i feel would be really dear to him
prob made you one esp for you
no matter how your styles differ he will still find a way to have something that reminds him of you on him whether it's a badge, a hair clip or even rings
taking you to the piercer as a first date!!
despite him being an anarchist he's actually very caring
you're sick? fuck capitalism he will make you his own medicine with some of his teas
unrelated but i feel like he's Jamaican or smth wait lemme check
ok i didn't find anything but ill js hc him as jamaican
so like yea when you're sick he makes you jamaican medicine
"take this shortcake! i know it doesn't seem yummy but i promise you'll feel better in a snap after!
you did feel better in a snap
(for fem aligned readers) when you're on your period he turns into the sweetest man ever
sometimes the two of you meet after his concerts - even though that's smth really important for him he makes sure you know you're his actual priority- you go on a rooftop and he tells you about his parents
feeling dysphoric because you're transmasc and on your period ? he makes sure you're the most handsome person he ever knew
when the two of you are doing it, he always makes sure he has your consent before trying anything new - or even before trying anything at all
he's not afraid to admit he's in love with you and he treats you like ROYALTY
you like this specific song? he'll post you to this song and even write love songs for you. remember that specific cat café you mentioned three months ago? he'll bring you there for your birthday.
going nonverbal and being overstimulated? that's no problem for him he'll sit with you in the dark in silence until you feel better.
THIS MAN IS A MAN OF AFTERCARE "you did so well for me darling <3 now what about we get some sweets and cuddle under the stars?"
he's a top most of the but yk he secretly lives when you're in control
HICKEYS HICKEYS HICKEYS ALL OVER YOUR BODY esp on your neck and in between your thighs
speaking of thighs whenever you feel insecure he turns into your girl best friend
having big thighs ? it's more comfy for when he has his head on his lap. big boobs?more comfy for cuddling. no/small boobs? it's ok clothes fit more easily. the list goes on but he always cheers you up.
p sure he love when you ride him
like you're on top of him in some way but he somehow keeps control
probably likes to asset his dominance by putting a hand around your neck (wdym i don't have a choke kink i do)
he's always down for ditching class but he somehow has the best grades
which upsets you bc you're the one who always want to ditch class but your grades ain't following
omg it's giving academical rivals au
so like he sometimes comes at your place to help you w the subjects you have trouble with
eventually you end up pinned down on your desk passionately kissing
+ seeing you in a school uniform makes him go feral
fucking you in your school skirt? boy he sure is turned on
quickies in the school's bathroom ? man he loves danger so he's obviously down
+ he loves the way kissing you makes his piercing feel (idk but if i had healed piercings on my lips id love the way it'd feel)
can you tell i love rain? bc i do
he makes sure you feel loved and says it to everyone he knows
"hey that's (reader's name) did you know they're my partner i love them sm"
he notices small habits and picks them up when he misses you (idk how to explain bit for example i sometimes twitch my nose because of my allergies- in that case if you did he would too)
HIGH PATTERN RECOGNITION even though he won't force you to tell him why you feel bad he instantly notices the changes in your behavior
"can you repeat, darling? i didn't hear what you said"
he makes sure you use your words despite you being overstimulated
+ his hands. they make you go crazy.
he's actually a lonely guy, give this poor man a big hug :(
no but fr tho he went through sm his backstory made me cry
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OK bit of a vent now🕺🏻 but first tysm for reading ily ! <3 /p
i suddenly lost all motivation to post full fics bc i keep comparing me to others, most well known posters and it really triggers me so i guess i'll make the lonely series go on a hiatus. also working on requests! but it's getting harder to not kms bc of the pressure im putting on myself 🫠
anyhoo, kaheri there,back to dreamland! see you in the next dream! (new outro who dis?)
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hoonichi · 2 years
How would treasure react if u keep sucking their dick after they cum
bullet points for this one!
didn’t expect for you to continue sucking him even after he came, so his eyes grow wide
and he just stiffens not knowing how to act/what to do
which leaves you in full control
honestly we all know how jihoon would react
probably grips at your hair and pulls you up only to be like “can’t get enough, huh? what a slut for my cock”
then forces you back down, makes you clean up all the mess you’ve made
just overall very cocky and his ego is like 📈📈
he loves it when you do that
bc he doesn’t want for this sexy time to end 🤭
but he also gives me the vibes to cum really quickly after you continue sucking him
scrunches up his face and grips at the covers
“ah y/n no more.. i can’t”
he should’ve known that you won’t stop even after his pleas so he just gives in
keeps his hand on your hair and tugs in hopes of stopping but that rll won’t happen once you started
you’re both lazy af and the kisses and short slides of your tongue against his cock just makes mashi feel sleepy
you like watching him sink in sensitivity so you give him a few hard slurps and mashiho is a moaning mess again
feel like mashi would struggle a bit if you have some kind of hold against him
overall tries to enjoy it
this man has a high sex drive
which means he rll can go for up to several rounds with you
so you continuing to suck him off after his high, would get him hard in seconds again
and he’s so mf cocky, he degrades you while you keep going down on him and it just gets you both horny af again
he’s over sensitive
and tries to push you off
whines, whimpers and struggles if he can’t do that
if you’re a dom he def gives in because he knows it’d be worse if he told you to stop (ahem going against ur rules or sumn)
if you’re a sub, aw man, he will show you what’s it like to cum a few times in a row 😇
hate to break it to you but it just won’t happen with yedam
once he cums, he rolls over and suddenly you can’t even get back to his dick
it’s like he knew your intentions
even after you whine that you want to continue, he gives you a side eye with a “not a chance”
so unless you pin him down again and suck him off with force he might get hard but the chances are low
baby can’t take it
he whines out and tries to stop you
but who is he to not give you what you want?
so he just kinda gives in and relaxes back into the bed, feeling dizzy over the sensitivity
honestly you just want to get him hard again so he can fuck you later <3
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loversj0y · 11 months
hey its me glonk
talking about siren/clinic!wilbur.
Imagine Sire having a love/hate relationship with a low-ranking hero.
(Now I say "low-ranking", but it doesn't mean they're weak. They're just... really bad at their job. They can fight, but they're a little too brutal for the public eye. Breaking bones, etc..
So the hero committee says they are too violent to move up the ranks. Ironic, considering that they are the only hero that doesn't kill villains. The other heroes do much worse all the time-- they just keep it under wraps.)
Anyway, maybe the hero has some nullification power. Siren's voice doesn't work on them, so they end up duking it out in a good old fashioned fistfight.
Unless its the hero's lunch break. they only work when they have to.
eventually, when one gets a call about the other and an order to go deal with them, neither knows whether its going to be a snog-in-the-alleyway kind of day or a beat-each-other-to-a-pulp kind of day until they lock eyes.
fuck Enemies to lovers, this is enemies AND lovers.
lonemies. lovemies. enevers. Enemivers? Who knows.
(also. imagine the hero getting fired one day because they incapacitated someone in a rather brutal manner-- on live television. Does the Hero Committee care that it allows its other heroes to do far worse, just out of the public eye? No! Boom, they are fired)
you bet that siren goes asking them ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶i̶r̶ ̶p̶h̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶n̶u̶m̶b̶e̶r̶ to join the syndicate.
glonk. you get me. oh my god.
okay i kind of went crazy down below but i love this concept SO much
enemies AND lovers is SOOO powerful. i feel like siren would have a complex about anyone who cant be affected by his power naturally bc on one hand, it pisses him off, but on the other hand, he LOVES it because it allows him to feel secure in knowing they will never think he’s manipulated them and he’ll never have the option to (id imagine growing up, he found it hard to make connections because people who knew his power and didn’t understand it would find it hard to trust him)
i love the idea too of their very first meeting. hero reader is brand new, spiffy, ready to tackle any challenges! and who do they get? literally one of the three top ranking heros. and yeah they’re terrified but they agreed to this so they get ready to fight and siren just is not having it and simply tries to command them and reader is like *oh fuck…wait.* and they both have this mutual realization that he cant use his power and immediately in siren’s eyes. they are rivals. siren manages to get away without any fight due to the shock and processing they both have, but the hero committee quickly hears about it and is PISSED because, from the media’s view, hero reader didnt even try. which is why next time the hero just gets aggressive and physical and the hero committee ALSO gets pissed again and reader is just like ????? already so done with this shit but they’re on a contract fuck.
but oh thats when siren catches them. they’re not really paying attention to patrolling, still pissed off and reeling from the meeting with the hero committee, so it isnt hard for siren to come up behind them and get them pinned down. and he’s all cocky and talking shit, and reader is too tired to actually fight him or be angry, so siren is like. something is wrong here, i want a reaction. so he switches to flirting. and oh boy does that do the trick. and reader is so tired theyre just like. fuck the hero committee. fuck everything. im going to have fun. and they end up making out in the dark alleyway until siren gets called away by the syndicate.
and the song and dance continues, either fighting or making out (though siren does note that the fighting tends to happen more when the media is involved) hero learns more abt the syndicate and is like honestly i cant even hate them bc the hero committee IS bullshit and the committee is up their ass about needing to be better, constantly needing to be better and fight more and help more people, and they let out some stress with thanatos, but it’s more of a “beat each other up until we’re exhausted and can relax” type of fight until hero accidentally knocks him completely cold because his head hit a brick wall. and they look up and the camera definitely caught that. a text about being fired comes quickly, but honestly they dont even care, they’re more just worried that this person is okay, and so they grab his ear piece and tell nemesis what happened and nemesis is like “okay, im going to trust you only because you just got fired. here’s the cafe’s address, ill tell our healer and have someone meet you there” and so hero brings him to the cafe for tommy to heal, and siren is there because of course he’d be there, but it’s for two main reasons: making sure the hero keeps this place a secret, and extending the offer to potentially become a villain (which he notes that they’d need to have a chat about it over dinner specifically, and it definitely is not an excuse to go on a date)
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peachaerri · 2 years
night in november
ibara saegusa x fem!reader
❝ it's your boyfriend's birthday! why not give him something special as a present? ❞
contains: nsfw, dom!ibara, rough + unprotected sex, handcuffs, toys, oral (giving), facefucking, orgasm denial, overstimulation, degredation, creampie, breeding ♡
word count: 2k
note: i haven't done something like this in so long... i hope it's good enough though bc i love love loveee ibara 🫶 obsessed with him fr
minors/ageless blogs dni.
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you greeted ibara as soon as he entered your shared bedroom, it hadn't been long since it struck midnight, he didn't even notice the time so he thought it was still early.
“happy birthday.”
he held both of your hands and left a soft peck on your lips. “thank you, my dear. you're always the first person to greet me.”
“let me also be the first to give you a present,” you grin mischievously. “close your eyes.”
you swiftly take off the robe you wore, the piece of clothing barely making a sound when it dropped to the floor. the cold breeze hitting your exposed skin makes you shiver.
“you can look now…”
he was slightly suspicious of your request, but obliged anyway. he even put his hands over his eyes. you quietly giggle and step back, stopping once you were near the bed.
ibara removes his hands, his lips slightly part due to surprise. it was definitely a sight to behold. you wore almost nothing, the lace lingerie set you recently bought covered only a little bit of your body.
you almost hesitated. you could feel yourself getting wet just from ibara's lustful gaze alone, not only that, but you saw the growing erection in his pants.
“how this night goes is completely up to you,” you tell him. “so, ibara—”
he doesn't let you finish as he practically pounces on you, making you fall on the bed in mere seconds. “doing all this just for me…” he takes your wrists to pin them above you, tracing his cold fingers down your body while you squirm. “are you prepared for the consequences?”
you nod almost too eagerly. ibara smirks, getting up from the bed to get something… important. he opens his closet as well as another secret compartment revealing the wide range of toys he's previously bought and used on you.
he definitely took his sweet time to choose which one to grab, you knew it was intentional, he wanted you to grow impatient so you could beg for him. his fingers brush past the rope, and stops when it hits the cold metal of the handcuffs next to it.
ibara takes a hold of it and goes back to you, still lying on the bed. “impressive.” he cuffs your hands together. “you didn't touch yourself. keep it up and i'll consider giving you a reward later.” he pats your head before going back to the closet.
you watched anxiously as he eyed the incredibly massive dildos on display, he must've felt your stare because he laughed mockingly and took a vibrator instead. you were relieved… for now.
he kneels on the mattress, his slender fingers pull down your lace panties and he carefully drops them nearby, and your arousal reveals itself to him. he hums in content, slipping two digits inside you with no warning.
a choked moan left your lips, and just like that, he pulled them away. he leaves you no room to complain though, as he replaces his fingers with the vibrator a second later.
he shows you the remote, then turns it on the lowest setting. “please me and i'll let you cum, simple as that.”
you clench around the vibrator. you felt determined to take whatever he'll give you, you had to show him that you're all he needed. “y-yes ibara.”
he palms himself through his pants before taking his shirt, and the rest of his clothes off. you had to remind yourself to not show your desperation. but how could you when his skin looked like a blank canvas, waiting for you to paint it in all kinds of marks?
he holds his hard cock to your lips and you open your mouth to take him in, tasting some of the precum. since you're unable to use your hands, you have to rely on your mouth alone. the feeling of your tongue felt great, but ibara's greedy.
he starts thrusting, fucking into your warm mouth. you almost gag, you completely lose all control when ibara grips your hair tightly, and you can't move. you had to take it all.
he uses his free hand to turn up the setting of the vibrator. you moan around him, eyes rolling back from the sudden pleasure. “what an obedient little whore you are…” he pushes your head down rather aggressively, the tip of his cock almost hitting the back of your throat.
“i'm close.” he grunts. “swallow it all, darling.”
a twitch from his length signaled you, and ibara cums in your mouth with a soft groan. he pulls your head back to see your flushed face swallow his seed, some spilling to the sides of your mouth.
“ibara!” you whimpered, feeling your own orgasm soon.
and just before your release, your ever sadistic boyfriend turns the vibrator off, leaving you confused and distressed. “why… please…”
“i-i did well, didn’t i?” you look up at him teary-eyed and feeling empty. you’re right where he wants you and you don’t realize it.
“hm. did you?” he tilts his head to the side, caressing your thighs to further agitate you. it seems you have fallen into his trap once again. you know that there’s only one way out of this, you’re too desperate to care.
“yes! please ibara, do whatever you want to me!” you begged, feeling a tear slide down your cheek. “i need it so bad, please, please!”
how amusing. he could never get tired of this, no matter how many times you do it. seeing you this vulnerable and needy to the point where you cry and beg for him… oh he could just ruin you right there.
he doesn’t say a word, only watching you closely. he sits you up and his arms wrap around your body in an embrace, you had no idea why he did this, until he turned the vibrator up to the highest setting. your body jerked as you almost screamed from the sudden sensation.
this was the perfect time for ibara to mark you up. licking, biting, and kissing your skin from your neck to your chest. after unclasping your bra (and throwing it somewhere in the room), he takes your nipple in his mouth, tongue swirling around the sensitive nub, earning a whine out of you. he uses his hand to fondle your other breast, stimulating you further.
you could feel him getting hard again from below, the current position you were in made his cock dangerously close to your core. maybe he’d finally fuck you after this, knowing him, he’ll probably cum inside too… you couldn’t think straight anymore.
he rests his head on your shoulder, basking in your sweet noises, proud of how much of a mess he’s made you. growing impatient himself, he decides to help you with your release, rubbing your clit with his thumb while saying the filthiest things in your ear.
“i'm the only one that can make you feel like this. you're mine. i use you as much as i want and you don't even complain, you really are a whore.”
you were too focused on the pleasure you're receiving as the words ibara said to you turned you on even more. “i can't wait to fuck you stupid and fill you with my cum. that's what you always want, right?”
“ah! y-yes!” you nearly screamed, feeling your orgasm come close. ibara knows this, so he goes back to playing with your nipples. you couldn't take it any longer, you shut your eyes and leaned in closer to him in an attempt to muffle your moans while you came.
he turns the toy off, taking it out to show how much of your juices covered it before putting it away. still out of it, you hadn’t realized that you were free from the handcuffs, yet the look ibara gave you made you scared of even touching him in the slightest.
this was only the beginning.
ibara swiftly took his glasses off and placed them on the bedside table before setting his lips on yours in a soft, sweet kiss. the longer it took, the more heated it became. eventually, his tongue made its way into your mouth.
you were lost in the pleasure, letting ibara take the lead. he pushed you so you lied on the bed again then you both pulled away to breathe. now he's on top of you, panting a bit with his lips curved in a cocky smirk.
he positions his tip at your entrance, slowly pushing his length in your dripping pussy. he was able to slide in easily due to how wet you were. tears formed in your eyes, walls stretching from his big size.
you should've known better when you thought that he'd give you time to adjust. once he was inside you, he almost immediately started moving his hips at a rapid pace. you let out loud and high-pitched moans, you were sure your voice would become hoarse soon.
“you’re such a slut… so desperate, always begging for my cock.”
your dug your nails on his back, leaving scratches on them. ibara hisses from the pain, but he doesn't mind, he'd be proud to look at it in the morning. hell, he might even wear clothes that show his back on purpose so others would see what you did.
his cock hit all of your sweet spots perfectly, his experience showed how well he was doing at pleasuring you. and he looked so hot while doing so, hair out of place and sticking to his forehead, beads of sweat rolling down every now and then. not to mention the low grunts and groans he makes when you clench around him.
ibara kept his pace, often kissing or marking you up some more. you were kind of bothered by the fact that you weren’t able to mark him up, but you can do that another day.
“i’m.. i’m about to cum soon— please don’t stop!” you begged, fingers entangled in his hair as you grip it. “hah~ h-harder!”
“you look so pretty when you’re fucked out like this, my dear.” he manages to thrust into you deeper this time and you’re unable to contain the sinful noises you made, the lewd sounds of skin slapping get louder by the minute.
he holds one of your legs up, the new angle making his dick brush past your cervix. the knot in your stomach was about to break; you were only capable of muttering incoherent sentences at this point.
your back arches, eyes rolling to the back of your head; and with a scream of ibara’s name, you came all over him. his thrusts began to lose its rhythm, you kept squirming from the overstimulation. there’s no way you were going to cum a third time.
“fuck, i need to fill you up... keep it all inside for me~” he moaned as he released his load into your womb. you sighed in content, the feeling of his warm cum was always a reward.
though he didn’t pull out. not just yet.
after catching his breath, his hips move again in shallow thrusts and his dick begins to harden around your walls. you try to push him off, but he's way stronger and you're too exhausted.
your boyfriend chuckles at you. “what's wrong? don't tell me you're already tired.”
“ibara! it's too much— holy shit right th-there!”
it hurt, yet it felt so, so good. you gave him permission to have absolute control for the night, these were the consequences he warned you about. even if you passed out, you wouldn't care; you offered yourself to him after all.
“you can handle it, we have all day. you'll have my cum dripping down your thighs 'til tomorrow.”
ibara's so eager. he just wants to keep fucking you until he's milked dry, then he'll finger you to ensure none of it spill out. and maybe… you could have children of your own as well.
he wasn't going to allow this cold november night to end so fast for the both of you.
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onlyvrse · 2 years
great balls of fire!
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“rooster! who’s the pretty lady?”
“my girlfriend, actually.”
pairing: bradley “rooster” bradshaw x female!reader
genre: fluff, smut, crack? kind of idk phoenix and bob banter
summary: in which your boyfriend, bradley finally takes you to meet his fellow top gun aviators, the ones that he tolerates, at least. 
warnings: explicit language, smut, unprotected sex (not recommended), dirty talk, oral m! and f! receiving, mild degrading, bradley has a bit of a title kink, also a needy boy, soft!dom bradley
a/n: always in lower caps :) your honour i am deeply in love with this man. um, first time writing smut lol don’t be mean if it’s bad, all i have to go off are the ones that i’ve read pfff. also i have no idea how to pace fanfics, so there u go. it's also like a good 2.3k words before the smut tho.
also i usually go back over my fics to proofread/add anything if i think something’s off with the pacing. so if you notice any changes that’d be why :)
word count: 3.7k
written listening to: great balls of fire - live by miles teller + love is a bitch by two feet bc.. yk
this is purely a work of fiction
you were situated in-front of the mirror of your shared bedroom, smoothing out lines that weren’t even present on your dress; you watch as the tall man behind you suddenly wraps his arms around your waist. “baby,” he mumbles, kissing along your shoulder towards your neck. “hi, roos.” you coo, letting your hands find his hair and tangling your fingers in his dark locks. “y’look good.” he compliments, muffled by his face being buried in the crook of your neck. spinning around to face him, rubbing your hands up and down his large arms, “do i now?” you inquire, and you laugh as his hand meets your ass swiftly before he envelops you in a kiss, taking you by surprise for a second time. you hum before kissing him back, your hands now on both sides of his face as he deepens the kiss, letting his tongue inside your mouth as he groans softly, hands dancing along the small of your back. you pull away, letting your forehead rest against his, “roos, we’re gonna be late, baby.” he grunts in defiance, kissing you again before lifting you up- and instinctively, you wrap your legs around his waist as your lips crash against each other again as he kisses you desperately, his teeth tugging against your bottom lip. “roos,” you mewl, “hm?” he asks, planting open-mouthed kisses down your jaw to your neck. “roos! we’re gonna be late.” you state again, and he sighs deeply before letting you down, muttering a “fiiiineee,” as he lets his head hang down like a child in defeat.
you giggle at his antics, looking back in the mirror as you see your dress has hiked up over your underwear, another harsh smack meeting your ass before you can pull the hem down. 
you hear his laughter reverberate down the hallway, smiling to yourself as you fix your appearance for hopefully, the final time.
the drive there is short, much shorter than expected- actually. you had no idea the hard deck was so close to your shared home. bradley lets himself out before jogging to your side of the car, opening the door for you and extending a hand “ma’am,” he says proudly, shit-eating-grin on his face as you take his hand, “lieutenant.” and you watch as he stiffens up, closing the car door before pinning you against it, “c’mon you can’t do that to me, you know what that does to me darlin’, ‘s not too late to go home y’know?” he states, letting his head fall to your shoulder- his breathing heavier, you giggle, pressing a chaste kiss to the sensitive spot on his neck, before ducking and slipping out from under his arms and heading to the door, you hear a defeated groan from behind you before the sound of the car locking soon after. 
the sound of music erupts from the bar, chatter and laughter lingering in the air along with the smell of alcohol and sweat. weird mixture, but it was a bar after all. you spot the group of who you assume to be who your boyfriend was intending on introducing you to, watching as a blonde man in uniform gets three bullseyes in a row, even if on the last shot his eyes are covered by the darker man next to him. bradley isn’t far behind you, his hand resting on the small of your back as he finally catches up, “you’re gonna regret that when we get home.” “fine by me, lieutenant.” “you little-”
“rooster!” a voice calls out, and you both turn your heads into the direction it's coming from, a female with dark hair styled into a really neat bun, holy shit, how is it that neat? “phoenix,” rooster smiles, but her hand collides with his stomach and he leans forward, clutching at it, “that’s for earlier today.” he winces and your hands land on his back, rubbing soft circles on it as you bite your lip in attempts not to laugh. “oh, fuck! you’re y/n!” you nod, finally letting your laughter get the best of you as you pat your boyfriends back, watching as he straightens up to his full height again. “you’re great at first impressions, trace.” your boyfriend remarks, “you know it!” she chirps in return, your eyes wandering to the litter of badges on her shirt. “now! how in the hell, did rooster get you?” she says, nudging your boyfriends arm as his cheeks seem to turn a dark red. he shrugs coyly as he pushes his aviators up the bridge of his nose “the navy pilot charm.” phoenix sputters out into laughter, “yeah alright, bradshaw, calm it down she’s all yours. he doesn’t shut up about you, by the way,” she says, her laughter slowly subsiding. “oh? is that so bradley?” he bites the inside of his cheek at your question, nodding as you make eye contact with him, “good things i hope,” you continue, smiling at the girl before you two. “oh always, y/n this, y/n that, he adores you, maybe a tad bit too much.” she laughs, sharing a knowing look between the two of you as you tip toe to plant a kiss on his cheek. 
“c’mon! let’s get you lovebirds some drinks.”
you get to know phoenix over a few beers, bob joining you with a can of coke as your boyfriend opts for just a glass of bourbon as he’s to drive you both home at the end of the night. “god, that’s how you two met? who knew bradshaw was such a romantic?” “yeah, yeah, guess i’m not taking it to the grave anymore” he remarks, planting a kiss to the top of your head before finishing off the last of his drink. phoenix leans in closer, “has he sung to you?” you take a second to relish the question, eyes squinting in confusion as she looks at you in disbelief. “rooster! you’ve serenaded this bar countless times but you’ve never sung to your own girlfriend! get fucked!” she exclaims, punching his arm lightly as you look up at him, “in my defence, we don’t own a piano. or a guitar, or any instrument, in fact.” “you can sing?” “yes ma’am.” he states proudly, smiling at you as he rubs your arm, “c’mere,” he mumbles, pulling you in for a deep kiss as phoenix playfully covers bob’s eyes from the sight, his hands quick to swat hers away, “i'm not a child,” he mutters under his breath, shoving a few more peanuts into his mouth as all three of you laugh. “why’ve you never sung to me, roos?” you question, a playful lilt in your voice as you place your hand on his chest. he scratches the back of his neck, “shy?” he sounds like he’s asking himself and you giggle. 
“rooster! who's the pretty lady?” a booming voice interrupts your laughter, causing you and bradley to turn to the blonde man you had seen before playing darts. 
“my girlfriend, actually.” 
“as i live and breathe, bradley ‘rooster’ bradshaw, has a girlfriend!” he exclaims, almost shocked. you roll your eyes at the remark, not bothering to be polite to the man in-front of you. “she’s got an attitude i'll tell you that, bradshaw. are you truly content with him, sweetheart? i am pretty good myself, very good, in fact.” you fake-smile at him before downing the rest of your beer, “dunno, they do call him rooster, s’gotta be for a reason right? ‘m pretty sure i know why. thanks for your concern, ken doll. but i'm more than content with roos, very content, in fact.” phoenix stares at you in disbelief, as does your boyfriend, mouth ajar at the comment you’d just made to the aviator standing before you. he rubs a hand over his mouth, mostly to stop himself from laughing as he waits for hangman to continue, “ahem- well. the little lady said it ‘erself. i’ll leave you be.” he says, voice quieting down towards the end of his sentence as he raises his beer to the four of you, he doesn’t walkaway without flashing you a million dollar smile and a wink, though. “what was that?” bradley asks, spinning you around to face him, “what was what?” you ask innocently as his hand rests under your chin. “fuck, i love you.” he says endearingly before kissing you, hard. “mm, i love you too.” you hum.
“guys, bob is still here!” “shut up phoenix!”
you giggle as you pull away, watching phoenix try not to lose her shit at bob complaining about him being the ‘baby of the group’ when he’s one of the best weapon systems officers that topgun’s ever seen. “okay! okay, okay, bob, robert floyd, i deeply apologise.” phoenix says between laboured breaths, trying her best not to laugh again, her hand on her heart as he throws a peanut at her. 
your boyfriend shifts from his spot standing behind you, and you quip an eyebrow at him. “c’mere.” he says, holding his hand out for you to grab, which you do- gladly. 
you follow him to the jukebox, still confused as he reaches for the plug, pulling it from the wall. you gasp as the bar around you erupts into complaint, “roos? what’re you-” “shh, shh, c’mere, trust me.” he says, hand still in yours as he leads you towards the old stand-up piano in the middle of the bar. he sits on the stool, patting his thigh for you to sit as he lets his fingers seemingly dance along the keys, playing what to you, looked like random notes, but sounded like pure bliss. you look around as phoenix, bob, and two other men unknown to you join on the right side of the piano, you raise an eyebrow at phoenix as she mouths “just wait for it.”
four consecutive chords play.
“you shake my nerves ‘nd you rattle my brain, too much love drives a man insane,”
you giggle as he begins to sing, watching as he pushes his aviators up onto his face again properly. he’s unashamedly, bashfully himself. you watch the veins in his neck protrude as the people around you begin to recognise the song, and you do too. you remember the late nights of him talking about a vague memory of being sat on the top of a piano when he was younger, his father, mother and maverick singing along with his dads playing.
“you broke my will! oh, what a thrill! goodness gracious, great balls of fire!”
the mix of the four people next to the piano is the loudest, but you can hear the mix of everyone else in the bar’s voices singing along to your boyfriend’s rendition of the old song. your laughter never ceases, watching the man in-front of you sing his heart out, smiling beautifully as he’s doing so. 
“kiss me baby!” 
you do, and he fake shudders.
“ooh, that feels good baby.”
you laugh, loudly, throwing your head back as you toy with the hairs on the back of his neck as he continues to play.
“i wanna love you like a lover should,” he winks at you, “you’re fine! y’so kind! i’ma tell the world that you’re mine, mine, mine, mine!”
this was the man you fell in love with, hawaiian shirt and all, having just pulled the plug from a jukebox in a packed bar and made the two of you the centre of attention. you wouldn’t have it any other way. you laughter never ceases, joining your boyfriend in the lyrics you’d picked up on as he smiles at you, bobbing his head along with the song.
“i chew my nails ‘nd i twiddle my thumbs, i get nervous but it sure is fun, c’mon baby! you’re driving me crazy! goodness gracious great balls of fire!”
you hear phoenix, bob and the other two men howl as he breaks into a piano solo, dragging his fingers along the old ivory keys so effortlessly- you fall more in love with him, if that’s even possible. he sings another verse, you attempting to sing a long but get interrupted by your own bashful laughter, planting numerous kisses on his cheek and forehead. 
“goodness gracious, great balls of fire!”
he finishes off with four chords, motioning for you to stand as the bar begins to chant his name.
“rooster! rooster! rooster! rooster!”
he brings you close, now standing with you, spinning you around before dipping you and planting a passionate kiss on your lips. the bar erupts into howls, entertained by the little show he’d put on. he bows, fixing his aviators again before he throws you over his shoulder, making sure to hold the hem of your dress down so no one else sees what's for his eyes only. “rooster!” you yelp, laughing as you make eye contact with phoenix and bob. the two salute you away jokingly as bradley begins to walk the two of you out of the bar. “hangman,” your boyfriend nods, and you lift your head to look at the defeated blonde man nodding back at him as you’re being carried away. 
your feet touch the ground once you’ve exited the bar, your back against the bronco you’d arrived in as your boyfriend is quick to plant kisses along your neck, “roos,” you sigh, hands reaching up to grab at his hair, you pull slightly as his tongue flicks over your weak point, he groans before kissing you, opening your mouth to let him in as his hands feverishly dance along your body, grabbing at every inch of you that he can. “roos.” you say through heavy breaths, “yes, darlin’?”
“take me to bed or lose me forever.”
he beams instantly. “yes ma’am.”
he’s quick to start up the bronco, and your hands are all over him the drive home.
he parks swiftly in the driveway, and you let your hands linger over the tent in his denim pants, giggling at how he reacts to your touch. you palm him through his jeans, relishing in the noises he makes as his head is thrown back against the seat, “please, baby,” he groans, and who are you to deny? you’re quick to unbuckle his jeans, teasing him through his boxers as a choked moan leaves him “stop teasing, doll.” he whispers, hands coming to bundle your hair into a makeshift pony tail as you let his cock spring free, hitting his abdomen as you do so. as soon as your tongue makes contact with the tip, his hips buck into your mouth, you place a hand on his firm thigh. “easy, lieutenant.” you warn, before taking him entirely, he moans out a “fuck,” as you continue to bob your head up and down his length, tracing your tongue against the prominent veins, heavy panting coming from the man above you. you take your time before teasing the tip of his cock, licking at the slit delicately and you feel his thighs tense under your hand, trying not to thrust up into your mouth again. he lets your hair go before lifting your head by your chin, kissing you softly, tucking himself back into his pants before speaking.
“s’enough, baby- wanna be inside you.”
as soon as you two are out of the car, your back is pinned to your front door, bradley is kissing you like you’re the only thing he knows- which in this moment, is more than true. “you taste like bourbon, roos,” you giggle, holding him tighter, “’nd i wanna taste you,” he gruffs, kissing you hungrily, fumbling for the keys in his hand as he unlocks the door, miraculously, without taking his lips off of you. as soon as the door is closed behind you, your feet are off the ground and wrapped around his waist, his hand behind your head in case he runs into anything in his lustful state. 
you’re thrown onto the bed, watching as your boyfriend quickly strips himself of his shirt and jeans, leaving him clad in boxers as he chuckles softy watching you marvel at his physique, “y’so pretty, roos.” your voice comes out in barely a whisper. it’s not long before he’s hovering over you, peppering kisses from your jaw to your collarbone, delicately helping you out of your tight dress, throwing it somewhere in the dark room, leaving you in just lacy black underwear. “’nd so are you, my love.” you whimper at the comment, moreso at the sudden contact of his lips against your lower stomach. he’s kissing at your hips, your inner thighs anywhere but where you need him most. “roos,” you somehow manage to get out a strangled moan, “yes, darlin’?” “stop being gentle.” he raises his head from between your legs before sending you a goofy grin, “yes ma’am.” 
before you have a second to process, his fingers have hooked your underwear to the side and he’s lapping at your cunt like a man starved. your hands reach for his hair tugging as you grind against his face for more friction, letting out breathy whimpers. “s’good for me, baby” he mumbles into your heat, and the vibrations send shivers throughout your body. he sucks at your clit harshly and it causes your back to arch in response, letting out a choked moan of “fuck, jus’ like that lieutenant,” which causes him to grind against the bed, moaning at the name as he’s desperate for any sort of friction. it’s not long before you feel the knot in your stomach building up, yearning for release, “m’close, roos.” you breathe out, and you gasp when a finger enters your hole, followed by another one soon after. “fuck, rooster!” you cry out, back arching violently off of the bed as you chase your high that came much faster than anticipated. “c’mon baby, i've got you.” he says, never relenting in his pace as your thighs begin to tremble, closing in around his head, he prevents this with a harsh grip on your right thigh. your orgasm ripples through you euphorically, crying out a chant of his name as he guides you through your high. 
he’s kissing your neck now, biting, sucking, licking- doing everything he can to make a mark on you, let everyone know that you’re his, and his only. your hands are tangled in his hair, pulling every time he sucks or licks at your sweet spot. “when’re you gonna fuck me, lieutenant?” you whimper out, and he halts his movements completely before flipping you onto your stomach, and practically ripping your underwear off of you. you yelp at the sudden movement change, his hands grabbing at your hips to pull you against flush against his erect cock, you don’t know when he had the time to strip out of his boxers, and you barely have time to process yet again as you scream when he bottoms out inside of you, a deep groan coming from behind you as you let your head fall to the mattress as he ruts into you at an ungodly pace. the feeling never fails to take you by surprise, no matter how long he spends prepping you, it’s always the same blissful stretch. “always s’tight, baby. this what you wanted, doll?” he mutters from behind you, grabbing at your hair to create another makeshift pony tail. “asked you a question, doll. or are ya’ too cockdumb to speak?” he pulls you flush against him, your back arching at an angle that shouldn’t be possible. “y-yes, fuck- wanted this s’bad roos.” you stutter out, mind going blank as his thick length stuffs you full. “good girl,” he praises, placing kisses down your spine as he hammers into you, with no sign of stopping. “always s’pretty when you’re like this, baby.” he coos, letting go of your hair, a hand placed on the small of your back as he continues to thrust into you relentlessly. you’re barely able to speak, mouth ajar and eyes rolling into the back of your head as he hit a spot inside you that you didn’t even know existed before you’d met him. you hear a low chuckle from behind you, “gettin’ fucked so good you can’t even speak, huh?” he asks, a smack meeting your ass as you yelp in response, mumbling a weak and stuttered “yes” through your constant moans. his hips smacking into your ass as the sounds that fill the room are full of skin-slapping and laboured moans and whimpers. 
“m’gonna cum again, roos, shit-” your sentence is cut short from the second orgasm taking you by surprise, your body going limp, expecting to fall but bradley’s free hand wraps around your waist, pulling you flush against him once more. your walls suck him in and his pace begins to falter, groaning lowly as you clench and spasm around him. “m’with you baby, gonna fill you up, takin’ me so well.” you moan at the comment, grabbing for his hand that’s wrapped around your waist as he finishes with a few more deep thrusts, making sure to get every last bit of it inside you. 
you both collapse onto the bed, he kisses your temple, “always s’good for me, baby.” “back at you, lieutenant.” you giggle as he pulls out, smacking your ass before he struts to the bathroom, your laughter doesn't cease as you watch him back his ass out of the bathroom door, giving you a little show before bringing back a damp towel. “here, ‘lemme clean you up.” he flips you over, watching his seed drip out of your swollen cunt, you gasp when he puts a finger inside of you again, “roos!” you cry out, “m’sensitive.” he kisses your belly, “sorry baby, couldn’t help it.” he laughs, cleaning you off and him as well before returning the towel to the bathroom.
when he returns you’re already bundled up in the covers, eyes fluttering shut. you notice his presence, and open up the covers so he can slip in beside you. you hum, climbing into his embrace, your head resting on top of his chest- listening to the rhythmic beat of his heart. he traces his fingers along your back, drawing patterns you can’t make out. he starts softly humming a song you don’t know, and you snuggle in closer, kissing his chest before letting your eyes close- smiling to yourself as you let yourself fall asleep to the sound of boyfriends gentle humming.
you make a mental note to buy your boyfriend a piano.
pins & reblogs appreciated :) tag anyone who you’d think would enjoy this!
@bradleybradshawsgirlfriend​ @raefoxiegirl​
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samarecharm · 6 months
Bouncing off my bi ryuji awakening post, im gonna add these tags from it: (separated to make it easier to read)
[#anyway. akira is the guy ever. and ryuji is exploding#‘i have died. badly’#i like thinking of akira like this; hes ryujis first exposure to nb ppl and gnc adjacent stuff#even if akira is p masc by most standards hes still got a bit of. aloofness. about his gender stuffs#ryuji is just really into the way akira carries himself#and it takes him a while to go oh. oh i think its cause i like this dude#um.#😳.
#also i wanted to clarify#but ryujis mom just doesnt know Who akira is in that picture#and in my head hes like. looking down at mona and petting him (while sitting)#(AND hes with ann and theyre both kind of a distance away from the camera)#so at a quick glance; hes just Some Girl#and even though shes wrong; it kicks off the mental chaos olympics in ryujis head#‘what hes not a girl’ to ‘where would she even get that from’ to ‘well akira said himself he didnt rlly care what ppl thought about it’#to ‘well. where DID she get that from?’ to lookin at what his homie does a little closer to ‘aw fuck. man.’#but i love that for him
#ALSO. RYU/GORO IN TAGS…..#but ryuji going oh my GOD oh my godddd 😨😓😓😓 when something clicks in his head about goro#his voice is so practiced and naturally softspoken and his public facing persona is very demure#and once he gets past the initial anger over goro being a pompous prick who shittalks about the thieves. hes like. god fucking dammit.#There Is A Pattern and A Type He Has and Its Killing Him To Realize it.#hes literally sitting in his room w his head in his hands]
Ryuji definitely finds Conventionally Attractive Girls pretty, but he realizes around postgame that he genuinely formed crushes on THREE people; Akira, Makoto, and Goro. And all three of them are people who carry themselves as a bit Soft and Delicate (akira and makoto w their personality and mannerisms, goro w his appearance) while also being deceptively strong. Yusuke WOULD fit into this but hes only strong in the metaverse. Also if u tried to argue that he still finds yusuke pretty, Ryuji would just say ‘yeah duh? Of course???’ and would not elaborate further.
I just think. Its cute 👉🏾👈🏾 Ryuji loves someone whos pretty and capable of knocking him flat on his ass lmao He LOVES a challenge and he likes that they can all challenge him in different ways.
Akira is way stronger than he looks; hes very toned and he used to be quite active before being shipped off to tokyo. And after fighting in the metaverse, hes gotten way better at using an enemies mass and momentum against them. Yeah he can properly knock someone down, but its way easier to let Ryuji charge him and use that momentum to sweep and pin. Which Ryuji remembers vividly for Weeks. Akira is not allowed to spar w him and Makoto for awhile after that.
Makoto is just strong as hell. But shes very defensive, and extremely patient. ‘Ill wait and see before I decide What to do’. Shes got good reaction timing and its hard to catch her offguard. Its very difficult to disorient her so oftentimes, his spars w her are more about endurance. And if he ASKS her to do so, she’ll actually fight him back. He never wins 😭 but she is very patient w him and she doesnt treat him like an idiot. She likes to give him tips and redirect his strengths to make up for his weaknesses and it makes him a bit warm in this chest
Spars w Goro are just fun. Theyre fun! Goro is way more aggressive and reckless than Makoto and Akira. He is looking for openings near constantly and Ryuji has to either keep up or tank hits. Its very. Engaging. For him. Sometimes he loses and Goro is giving him a look so smug, Ryuji wishes he could kick him in his fucking teeth (something he clearly couldnt do bc hes already been knocked flat on his ass). And sometimes he wins, and hes so shocked and HAPPY about it; he doesnt miss the way Goro looks away from him pouting like a brat (‘no fucking way are u POUTING man, what a sore loser 😭’). Goro and his uptight personality is thrown out the window completely and its so fun and refreshing to see. Hes tall and imposing w broad shoulders and toned arms and if Ryuji is staring, he finds himself immediately distracted when Goros cheerful, softspoken voice asks if hes willing to go another round.
I love it 👉🏾👈🏾 Ryujis got a complicated relationship w violence but it helps to have people he trusts engage with it in a way that doesnt make him feel like some brute. Theyre all kind of itching to beat the shit out of things for multiple reasons, but instead of taking that out on each other, they spend time training one another so that they can beat the shit out of OTHER things better. Its an efficient system 😊
#chattin#i dunno how to tag it; dont wanna add ships in here bc theres not alot of NonPego/ryu fans in the pego/ryu tag lol#but ye. ryuji likes a pretty face and he likes getting his ass whooped sometimes#i mean he likes to fight and WIN; he is not trying to roll over like a defenseless tortoise#but he likes the deception a little bit….#what do u mean ur shitty shirt or sweater is hiding those arms ??? what do u mean u can bench more than ur own weight????#its insane.#its a little 😳#also oops i am writing essays in tags again. i will continue to do this im sorry#i just have so many thoughts that dont feel like they fit in the body lol#my approach to the thieves is . they are very angry and prone to violence and violent thoughts#and they have an questionable outlet w the metaverse#BUT#if the metaverse was to poof away; where does that outlet go?#and thats the foundation for my idea of their ‘found-ish family’#i HATE the actual family stereotype but i am thinking of like#they are bonded in a specific and unique way#and they stick together because of it. no one will understand them as much as they understand each other#i know i mentioned only the four of them#but i am thinking of ALL of them#they are a little gang of their own now lmao if u mess w one u mess w the rest of the hounds#and they all have some warped perspectives on good and ‘evil’ and justice#maybe the others arent as readily capable to physically hurt someone. but they are more than okay with bad and cruel things happening-#-to bad people.#anyway. this post was about ryuji having a thing about getting roughhoused bc hes a rowdy boy#i can see it being something ann teases him about#and definitely as they get older its something that just doesnt leave him. his brain has already made the Connections#i love my homies they beat the shit out of me when i ask them to and vice versa 😊#naw theyre not really HURTING each other that bad#but its the idea of it 👀 like look at me bearing my weaknesses to u so you can make me a better person
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braisedhoney · 7 months
So what's your LEAST favorite pigment?
oooooh... let me see.
i don't think i have any one particular pigment that i dislike ALL of the time—watercolor can be temperamental, and the difference between using a transparent vs opaque color really can change the entire experience. they even dry differently, depending on what color you're using and with what materials. i can't really speak to oils or acrylics though since i've only used those in passing. (i do want to get into oils at some point... it's a gorgeous medium.)
if i absolutely had to pin down a specific pigment or pigment type that i don't particularly enjoy using myself, it... miiight be the cadmiums? yellow, red, orange, it doesn't matter. i know a lot of artists love them to death and they're even a staple on a lot of palettes, but the opacity and toxicity of them just puts them lower down on the list of the pigments i would usually reach for. (as long as you aren't eating them or inhaling the pigment itself handling cadmiums is usually okay-ish, but i prefer to err on the side of caution.)
that's not to say that i outright hate them, i've used them once or twice. but if i have an alternative to cadmium red (pr108) on hand like pyrol red (pr254) or something, i'd rather reach for that. especially since it can make cleaner mixes! (colors that are really opaque tend to get muddy easier, which is also the reason people hear 'don't mix with white, just dilute it' all the time. pyrol red is still opaque, but yk.)
for a while, cadmiums and the like were the only way you could get really true, lightfast and vibrant colors of whatever category they occupied, but there are so many other alternatives now that i find fun to explore and more comfortable to work with.
that said, it makes more sense in general to just play it by ear and see what colors speak to you. pr206 isn't exactly a perfect all-purpose mixing red, but that doesn't stop it from being one of my favorite colors of all time lol. and warmer reds do have a much smaller selection than cooler toned reds do!
(also, not a huge fan of colors that are incredibly hard to rewet, like true viridian (pg18) or potters pink (pr233) even if i do find their shades delicately pretty and really unique. working with them can be frustrating if you aren't using them directly from the tube. some brands are better about that than others though! and both of those are kind of bad examples anyway bc i think they're gorgeous when allowed to granulate on cold or rough press paper, in mixes or on their own.
ultramarine blue (pb29) sometimes has a similar issue actually, but the color is so intense that it remains a staple for me anyway lol. sucker for certain classics ig.)
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rinbowaman · 2 months
i believe my bf heelel is into some kinks. i wonder- like curious to know what kinks and positions he has tried so far on the reader,u dont have to describe them if u dont want to,u can even list it out idm!
Oh it’s fine. Lol this blog knows no shame.
So since Se7en is about or over a year old now (maybe more, can’t remember off the top of my head) let’s just say….a shorter list is what hasn’t he done…bc by now, you both covered every single position known to man and have done a lot…ALOT. Heelel has no limits or boundaries, since he is so very obsessed with reader, he has done everything (even against her own wishes) that’s the type of guy he is. It’s not necessarily just bc he’s the devil. It’s bc he is insanely in love with you that he has to (metaphorically speaking) devour every inch of you. I’m talking fucking your tits, anal, and oral (both you and him receiving. I picture him being very fond of the 69 position.)
Like heethan, he is also a masochist. But he kind of overdoes it bc…he’s the devil. He wants to see broken skin, blood, toes curling, and screams. Ofc it’s all in the line of pleasure, like he’s never going to just go and do physical harm to you that would cause great pain and injury for no reason. To everyone else, yes. Do you? No. But pain with pleasure, hell yeah.
I’ve also had a random thought of just how far he would go in his pace and momentum, and the man is relentless. I randomly thought of him fucking reader so hard, that she ended up vomiting due to exhaustion and just being railed so hard. (It was seriously a random thought bc sometimes I think about heelel and heethan from time to time.) but that gives you an idea.
I also had a thought where he stole Asmodeus’s ancient and original scripture of the Kama Sutra, and kept it so he could replicate all the positions with you, and even alternate some of them to better fit his desire. He loves making you feel good, but there are some times…the man is selfish and wants to feel good, even if you’re hurting.
My random thought about the anal piece was when I was answering some asks. I didn’t draft it but it came to my head out of nowhere and the way I saw it go down is, reader being hesitant bc she’s never done it before and wasn’t feeling too comfortable about it, but heelel forced the issue and pretty much restrained her with his own hands and just went for it. He was rough all up until he lined the tip to her rear, he actually got a bit gentle bc he knew it was her first time doing it, so he kind of verbally guides her. “Take a deep breath baby, this is going to sting a little.” Heelel spent lifetimes playing (and murdering) the succubus’s and stray angels, so he’s very experienced. I pictured him clicking his tongue and tapping the tip of his d*ck on your rear cheeks and calmly telling you to take a deep breath, and exhale as he enters. He still had readers wrists pinned behind her lower back with one hand while he used the other to slide in and as he goes in inch by inch, he would say things like “breath, hold. Now exhale.” And once he was all the way in, he’d thrust in and out at a very slow pace, giving you time to stop sobbing and start enjoying. Once he hears your moans coming in, he’ll pick up the pace and go harder and harder. He’ll watch reader go from sobbing victim of non-con to a filthy minx that wants more of him. And he loves to witness that transition. The second time around you guys do it, he ditches the slow and understanding pace and just goes for it, making that first noise coming out of your mouth a sharp yelp.
He’s very dominate, so any position that would render him vulnerable is out the window. He’s always going to be in control. Sven if you’re on top, those hands of his are going to be squeezing your waist and you’re basically being lifted repeatedly and slammed down by his rhythm.
On oral sex….bro…I picture this dude to be extremely brutal! Like making you choke on it, taking it out every once in a while to slap your face with it, sticking it back in your mouth and forcing you to gag on it until your throat bleeds. He’s a raging beast and that’s the whole reason why he made you go through all his brothers to turn you immortal, bc mortal version do you won’t survive.
He has a few favorite positions: reverse cowgirl, standing missionary, you straddled on his lap while he’s on his throne, and doggy.
And yes…he still likes to give it to you in his demon form or partially demon form. A lot of ppl did not like this or felt uncomfortable, but that’s what heelel likes. He’s twisted and very sadistic (the devil y’all) and he likes to make reader uncomfortable sometimes bc he loves seeing you scared and begging, but loves it even more when he sees you transition from being scared to wanting him more. I usually picture him doing you with his horns/antlers protruding out of his head. Since he doesn’t have regular devil horns like the devil is traditional portrayed with, he has a pair of beautiful and magnificent antlers, like an elk. When he’s in his full demon form, he almost looks like a wendigo, and he can adjust his size and be either colossal (like in the battle towards the end of the series) or he can be 7 feet tall (which is usually how big he’ll become when fucking you…get ready to take in 12 inches)
When he is fucking you in his demon form, it is very sinful and demonic, and you’ll feel very ashamed and dirty after it’s all done, but he won’t care. All he can think about is how much you were screaming and begging for him to keep going. Again, it always starts off with you fighting and begging him to not do it, but once he starts hurting your spot and making you leak everytime the tip of his dick punches it, you kind of go dumb (literally fucks uou dumb) and you’re a slob wrong mess.
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johannestevans · 2 years
izzy's relationship w ivan and fang is so fucked up and I'd love it if one or both of them fuck him from time to time and it's. Complicated
bc izzy's NASTY, and also they've known him a while and him being their boss but also he hasn't ALWAYS been their boss?
like esp the idea of like. izzy who goes from a screaming match with ed that everybody hears
and lucius goes into fang's bunk and fang is sitting back smoking with. a visibly post-coital izzy asleep on his chest
and lucius just????? what??? POSSESSES u? to put your cock in that demon of a man? and how can i replicate your results!?
hhhh okay but just thinking about izzy having an absolute SCREAMING match with ed. it's late at night and stede and ed have been in high spirits all day chasing after this one ship that has TWICE not been where it was charted to be
and izzy has been infuriated because they're running low on supplies and they need to make land, and when he'd snapped this, stede had said he was just jealous that they were having fun without him
and izzy had. fucking exploded
just SCREAMING at stede on deck, stede just stood there staring at him as izzy goes off on this tirade about how stede makes everything about izzy being jealous, the only thing he's jealous of is sailors who serve under a competent captain
and ed goes, real quiet, "hey, iz. enough of that. a word?"
and he's been… better. the crew's all reunited now, and their relationship with ed is complicated, but they do TRUST him, kind of. izzy… they're used to izzy. he's better than he was
he treats them as actual crew now, not as prisoners, and while he's still izzy - sharp and nasty with a temper a mile wide, he's BETTER. if they say they don't know how to do something, maybe he'll dramatically sigh, but he does SHOW them
he schedules everything, he keeps everything moving, and yes, it's harder work than it was before, but they feel more like real pirates now
and just bc they don't LIKE him doesn't mean they're okay with whatever ed is about to do with him and it's late at night when izzy comes out of the captain's quarters and trudges down the corridor with his eyes wet, and doesn't even think about it, just knocks on fang and ivan's door and fang calls him in
and they've done this a bunch of times before. a lot of times, over the years, because izzy and ed have never actually touched each other, fang is pretty sure - they may as well be married, but they're not actually spouses
and izzy-- izzy is good in bed. he's VERY good in bed. he's fucked up and he's cold and he's prickly, and he doesn't always listen when fang tells him shit at work, he's a DICK, but when he's like this--
he doesn't even touch fang right away. doesn't come and ask for it. he picks up ivan's laundry and starts fucking folding it.
"you okay, boss?" asks fang quietly, shutting the door.
"i'm doing it this time," mutters izzy. "i'm gonna fucking go."
he always says that. sometimes he means it, but not tonight, fang doesn't think. he reaches out and puts his hand on izzy's shoulder and feels him go stiff, but he lets himself be pulled in. he shudders when he falls against fang's chest, just lingers there.
on land, with men, izzy likes to be thrown around, pinned down, treated hard and rough - fang doesn't do that, and izzy knows it. he knows he has to be softer, that he has to accept gentleness.
he still drops to his knees, and fang lets him, pets his hair.
and fang doesn't even fuck him tonight - he comes down his throat, and then he eases izzy back and fingers him open, and izzy hisses and complains, and every time he does, fang stops touching him until he fucking behaves, until he's SWEET again.
he comes, once fang gets him off, just lies there and sobs with his face buried in his arms until fang pulls him close again, so that izzy's sobbing into fang's chest instead, and izzy CLUTCHES at him until he's cried himself dry, then falls asleep.
and that's how lucius finds them, izzy's leathers folded at the bottom of the bed, izzy under the blanket and asleep on fang's belly, sprawled between his legs
he's very warm. it's nice.
"not now, sweetheart," whispers fang.
"is that-- is that IZZY?" hisses lucius, eyes wide, looking like christmas has come early. "did you fuck IZZY? how the fuck did you manage that? he's like-- isn't he just all teeth below the belt?"
just izzy tired and humiliated and growling "fuck off, spriggs," and knowing he probably WILL have to talk about it, and fang just says, "hey. you wanna stay?"
and izzy silently nods and goes back to sleep and DOES.
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fourstarsoutofnine · 11 months
(Sorry i haven’t been active or updating a lot I know that’s a bad impression since I just got here but there is so much going on rn in my life😭 here’s this small thing for compensation)
Chain as Taylor Swift songs/albums(ft. Ravio and Malon)
Once again being self indulgent. More content that caters to myself bc apparently the creative juices only work for a small amount of time and only what provides serotonin to me currently. I’m out to break hearts so a ton of these will be sad. You’ve been warned.
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All of the chain:I think they all can identify with Innocent from Speak Now. I didn’t wanna keep adding it to each of theirs so here’s just an overarching statement that they’re all Innocent.
Time: never grow up. Like most, if not all, of the links, he had to grow up far too early and be what Hylia chose him to be—and I can hear him telling this to his future children:don’t grow up too fast. He had to and he never wants that for his baby. He wished he never had to grow up so fast, even if he had to save the world. Just because he had to doesn’t mean doesn’t mourn for his lost normal childhood. As for an album I think he’d be the fearless album.
Twilight:as an album he’s so evermore. I almost said debut but no no no. He’s evermore. Uhh as far as a song tho, idk I may be swayed by the fact it has the word cowboy in it, but I associate cowboy like me with twilight so heavily. Another song could be right where you left me if you squint and are delusional for MidLink.
Sky:HE IS SO LOVER! Both the song and the album! Omg! /shaking you by the shoulders/ this boy is so Lover ugh oh my gosh. Bright and beautiful and loving, accepting, kind while still having those notes of sadness, longing, and serious thoughts. The album Lover feels like a hug from a friend, and that’s what sky embodies.
Wind:can I interest you in The Best Day? Also You’re On Your Own, Kid. Also A Place In This World. He’s very much the younger taylor albums, like fearless. A good many of them read fearless to me and I couldn’t tell you why. For wind it’s because it seems like shiny and new and ready for what the world throws, but still a sense of hesitance.
Wild:Epiphany, This Is Me Trying, or Peace. He’s so folklore coded to me. The depictions of death and inability to save lives in epiphany, the heartbrokenness of this is me trying, one who’s making desperate attempts to be who they need them to be, and the sadness of Peace—cannot console and bring peace over the heart of someone who’s broken, but by Hylia if he isn’t gonna be there the entire time for the person.
Warriors:I think Change from Fearless. I also see him as Mirrorball, specifically because I feel like he puts up such a front and feels like he always has to stand tall and strong because of who he was as captain of the guard—but also since there’s so many young and impressionable men in the chain he feels like he has to be a good role model, especially for wind, and keep his head up about everything and make them smile and feel reassured when times are tough. As an album, probably Midnights. It feels like a start of something new and I think Wars embodies fresh beginnings—he just gives that vibe to me idk why. It might be because he left the scene of planning for wars to being out on his own adventure aside from what the army gives him.
Four:this one was hard. Four was really hard to pick for. Uhh—I think Seven maybe but I’m not sure. As for an album I feel like he’d be pretty Folklore as well. Could be just me projecting tho as if this whole thing isn’t. Four is so complex to me that it’s really hard to pin down. I chose Seven because it feels like a conversation between best friends. I’ve also seen that it’s meant to be listened to as someone speaking to their inner child to tell them everything is gonna be okay and that they’ll be together in the future and things are good now, and that interpretation gripped me by the throat and forced me to put this song for Four, so.
Hyrule:my dear sweet Hyrule and his imposter syndrome get anti-hero bc that’s the imposter syndrome anthem. He doesn’t feel like he’s a big hero, or even deserving of that title, so he feels a bit like a lost cause and that song is the perfect depiction of that. As an album, idk why but he’s reading very debut to me ?? I couldn’t tell you why, it’s just a vibe I get.
Legend:ohhhhhhhh my gosh. Okay. Get ready for this—I have So. Many. For him. Can you tell who’s been giving me brainrot recently? Anyway, first I’ll say his albums would be folklore and evermore. They’re so tragic to me and what is Legend if not a tragic, guarded little man(said with so much love, he’s my comfort character). As for songs, we’re Starting off strong with Labyrinth, then wildest dreams(cough) Then sad beautiful tragic, Cornelia street, anti-hero, i could go on. I won’t. We’d be here all day😭
Ravio:my tears ricochet. Idk I just thought of the idea that he gets stuck in Hyrule if dink is defeated and he can’t get back to Lorule so the part that goes “I can go anywhere I want, anywhere I want, just not home” hurts :)
Malon:WHOOH! Okay a happy one: Christmas tree farm and Fearless! And Malon is also such a fearless album girlie to me idk. Another song would be Superman. She loves her sweet hero husband and will always be there for him when he gets back <3
I hope you guys like this as much as I do😭 sorry if you don’t, I’ll get back to our regularly scheduled programming soon, it’s just been hard recently to do larger things. Sorry for everyone waiting on requests to be completed, I promise I haven’t forgotten you.
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autisticandroids · 1 year
@pingnova replied to this post:
One of the things I like the most about your interpretations of spn and destiel is that they're both "bad people" and that's interesting. I was explaining to a friend how I loved some comedies bc all of the characters are "bad people" so when the slapstick and pettiness happens back and forth I can just laugh at all of them. it goes further for me (all humans are flawed and probably seem irredeemable and disgusting to someone else, no matter what). but I have never…
…been into interpretation that relies on characters being "right" or essentially perfect and sinless. I find drama between sinless characters utterly boring and contrived. I like characters that are messy and human. its a good reminder for me about myself and makes entertaining stories. sometimes when i talk about a character friends mistake me for criticizing them because I talk about their flaws. nah, I think it's great they're assholes. they're fictional, the only..
...place I want to deal w assholes in my life. stories are just complex bad people getting tangled with other complex bad people. my fave spn character outside cas is Meg, to the shock of many. I have given up explaining it to most people lol. "but she's bad!" yeah ok I thought it was hot? and kind of funny. I don't feel like explaining rn. 😅
oh thank you! this is something i always put a lot of thought into. like, one of the things that frustrates me about fandoms generally is i think the rough edges tend to get sanded off characters. like, some characters are vilified, yes, but that happens as a result of other characters getting herofied. like, if characters we're meant to like and root for can't be mean and self-serving and destructive, then to create conflict, one must invent flat, cartoonish villains to pit them against.
actually, as a sidenote, i was talking to @spriteofmushrooms on the phone the other day and trying to come up with a working definition of "darkfic" and we ended up deciding that it seems to mean "fic where characters are allowed to have unacceptable desires and motivations." and that's not exactly what it is, darkfic is hard to pin down, and it has some stylistic and genre conventions that are its own. for example, the first church at the end of the world by @withbloodstainedclothingon is a fic i love, and a really vicious and uncomfortable and vicious character study on both dean and cas (but especially dean). it is also unabashedly darkfic, and the reason it expresses the things it wants to express about cas through cas running like a misogynistic cannibalism sex cult is because one of the conventions of darkfic is a kind of aggressive edginess. that isn't a criticism, it's just saying that had the fic been working in a different genre, the author might have chosen a different method. or another example, my fic i fold in half so easily and @twoheadedcas' fic samson went back to bed are both kind of similar in various ways. they're both attempts to take late seasons canon seriously, attempts to reconcile with the position cas is in re: dean and jack in the late seasons, and attempts to put cas through a meat grinder. and they're both, i would say, darkfic. i know for a fact i didn't really start out with ifihse intending to write darkfic, and while melanie (hiiiii) might correct me here, there's a good chance they didn't either while writing swbtb. these are just the places one is naturally led to when engaging with the late seasons seriously. but there's a big difference between ifihse and swbtb in terms of: i am, on the balance, a darkfic writer. a lot of my fic is out and out darkfic, and even when it's not it tends to contain darkfic stylistic habits. @twoheadedcas has written a bit of darkfic in their tenure, but on the balance, they mostly write non-darkfic. so if you compare ifihse to swbtb, despite their tonal similarities, and despite the fact that both were written (in my opinion) primarily as pure reactions to canon, ifihse has some of the hallmarks of being a darkfic (in particular the emphasis on cas' erotic pleasure and his discomfort/ambivalence about it; darkfic tends to be even smuttier than normal fanfics and that smut tends to be both kinkier and more inclined to play with the lines of emotional comfort and consent), while swbtb has some of the hallmarks of being a non-darkfic (the best example is dean and cas sharing a sweet almost kiss in the middle, which is absolutely a classic destiel fic thing). this is actually one of my favorite things about samson went back to bed: in darkfic that is written to be darkfic, no matter how seriously and genuinely it engages with canon and the characters, there will always be the feeling that there is a finger on the scale, tilting characters to be just a little nastier, grosser, more evil. but non-darkfic is usually skewed the other way: the characters are skewed to be more comfortable and palatable. by aligning itself with non-darkfic, samson went back to bed legitimizes the dark interpretation of canon it presents by saying "i am not skewing things to be worse. i might even be skewing things to be better. and yet we're still here." which i think is cool.
but that's kind of the crux of the thing, isn't it? most darkfic is just a twisted mirror of most non-darkfic. instead of flattening characters to be better than they are, making them paragons of virtue, it flattens them to be worse than they are, making them cartoon villains. obviously, this isn't true of all darkfic, i am a great enjoyer of darkfic and frequently write it myself. there's plenty of good darkfic out there. but if sturgeon's law applies double to fanfic, it applies triple to darkfic. and i think it's because there is this inability, in fandom, to imagine that these beloved characters could be bad people. which means that non-darkfic tends to portray them as flat heroic figures. but it also means that darkfic tends to start from the premise "haha what if (character) was EVIL" rather than recognizing the ways they already kind of are (and the ways in which they are good, as well). both non-darkfic and darkfic frequently hold this black and white mindset, it's just a lot clearer in darkfic because darkfic always sets out to engage with darkness, whereas a lot of non-darkfic is just about things other than whether characters are "good" or "bad," and even when it's about characters' morality, it's usually less contrary to the canon, so there isn't as much emphasis on it or time spent contemplating it. so it's less in your face.
but yeah. i put a lot of work into taking the characters of supernatural seriously as complex and morally suspect people. that's what's fun to me. i find the other way kinda boring. i'm glad you enjoy what i'm selling :3.
(for some supplemental reading check out this post by @astermacguffin)
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