#them and their “it’s complicated “ aahhhh relationship
mediterraneanmenace · 2 months
Fun fact about my BG3 lore is that Raksha’s involvement with the main group is completely unrelated to the whole “get rid of the tadpoles” quest - Raksha travels with them only because they want to see the world and they “seem fun to be around”.
They introduce themselves as human until their cover is blown by Raphael, who had been looking for their runaway “Prince consort” for years. Raksha nonchalantly tells everyone “Oh dw that’s just my EX”. Raphy gets upset about it. :D
So yeah essentially the main group is caught in the middle of the gay drama of two devils.
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sluggybunny · 1 year
Aahhhh I just did the bunny event for him too! That and his wolf outfit from the paws and claws event? I swap between both. I wish LD would give bonuses or like, 'discount' the reward tracks though orz. Only four days at a time with minimum reward per dance battle is such a grind to get the UR cards. 😭 I fully support Pirate AU! With no idea how the actual event goes, I feel like Solomon would make a great pirate. He has the ✨vibes✨. Would your MC embrace the pirate lifestyle? -🐢
AHH i want the paws n claws cards so bad. and yeah for the limited days is not enough to get them but at least the progress is saved. rn I want to get thru the events stories and then i'll really focus on getting cards.
Solomon would make an interesting pirate because he'd be really tricky and cunning. probably tricking everyone. Doesn't he have some complicated relationship w the ocean, tho? He always brings it up and talks about how he wrote a book on it but his profile says he hates it XD
obviously the best pirate though would be mammon. well, in spirit. idk about actual ability. but he has the heart of a pirate 😌
my mc might embrace the pirate lifestyle... riv would love the freedom and being able to travel! doesn't really care about material wealth but if we're operating under the vibes of the golden age of piracy, riv would be about messing the establishment up hehehe
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jellifysh · 2 years
I'm so loving this!!!! *high-pitched screaming* 😋🤯🎉🎉🎉 MC is so badass I could totally see her being a Girl Boss like "beyotch bow down to me." It wouldn't be a surprise if she could have her own organization topping over Bangtan.
And Mr. Min I see you there 😏😏 harboring secret feelings over my Girl 😏😏
AAHHHH!! I'm so excited for the upcoming chapters they are finally falling for the MC, but sometimes I wonder what would happen if u know when they fell hard for her, but she chose to leave because of a grudge for what they did with her, and jk, but whatever!!! It's finally coming the romance! The action! The complication! AHHHH! so so excited! No emoji can describe what I'm feeling now!!!
I'm sorry I'm all over the place rn, I get so excited to the point of unbearable 😅😆😆😅😅😆, but anyways a great great chapter, seeing some of the boys' opinions and thoughts about the MC, their take on what she actually is. It actually made me wonder too why MC is so compliant and eager to prove her skills to them 🤔🤔 And her viciousness like girl 'who hurt u? 💅' or she is just built that way?? 🧐 But anyway anyway, I'm so excited to learn about the MC and how her relationship would turn with the boys. *Sending Lots of love 🎉❤🧡💛💚💙💜🎉!!!!
She is so girlboss,, she is my spirit animal,, I think of her always, I am like this for rwy mc -> 🧎‍♀️
and mr. Min 😏 he thought he was so slick,, Yoongi does not care for petty romance drama, he’ll take jk AND the mc, he does not care,, don’t mistake that for him not being possessive tho cause ahaha…
the mc 👀 choosing to leave? 👀 ahaha that won’t happen hah lol 👀 but romance!! Yes <3333 soon,, this story is very slow burn,, but depending on how intense o decide to go with this, it might not be 🤔 bc I could make this very hard and fast and emotionally complicated, or I could make it slower and less intense and less emotionally heavy… but idk
Its totally okay that you’re all over the place because I am too!! its so hard to answer these without giving too much of my plans away,, but I also want to tell you guys everything it’s so tempting,, the mc has issues 💅 but she’ll be fine,, the boys will take care of her 🥰 ,, sending love back 💜💙💚💛🧡❤️🥳
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angelicmark · 4 years
its been a year since me and my ex girlfriend and i think i'm finally starting to get over it? it was hard at first because i really did see it coming but i have a hard time expressing how i feel and i didn't know what to do so eventually when it happened i was so sad for a while. i think its because even in the relationship i didn't think she really liked me like i liked her?? she always told me that it was hard for her to say no to people.
so i always thought she said yes because she felt bad about it. i can't really express myself so i never told her about it but it was hard to get over her because i wanted her to be happy but because we were still friends and we saw each other everyday even the day after the breakup. what really got to me is that right after the breakup she was in a relationship and said she really loved her so that was really hard. she was the first girl i've ever liked and been in a relationship with.
aahhhh i get this. in my last serious relationship, i ended up loving her more than she loved me. it’s a sucky feeling and it took me a really long time to get over her. idk why i desperately wanted her to love me even tho i knew she wouldn’t love me the same amount. i love a lot in relationships, like i give my everything. it hurts seeing someone you really did like be with someone else and have them say they really love someone else. it sucks :/ i’m sorry angel. i’m glad to hear you’re finally starting to get over it ! it takes a lot and awhile to heal so you being able to finally move on is a good feeling. relationships will never not be complicating lol
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anxiouslysapphic · 4 years
25, 32, and 45?
Aahhhh!!! Thank you for the ask! 💞
23: who is your role model? I addressed this in my previous post from these questions, but I don't have one idol, I have so many for different situations. And even still there are just so many amazing people in this world it feels like cheating to choose any one person even within the categories. Although I will say my personal irl idol is my dad. Definitely. But beyond that its all a tie between my different obsessions😂
32: do you have more guy friends or girl friends? Well honestly overall I think it's about equal??? Like including my internet friends (mainly girls) my theater friends (about half and half) And my friend group (mainly guys) it all turns out pretty equal.
45: how you found out about your idols? Well as stated above, my relationship with idols is complicated. But my most recent group of idols is like all the starkids, and I got into them beacsue of this amazing person right here @ceaseexistence-tries-art-stuff they were the one who recommended tgwdlm and allowed me to send them all the reaction texts as I watched it (illyyy po)
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minikate--24-05 · 6 years
dude am i the only one that feels like ncis has been rapidly going down hil since ziva/cote left & even worse since tony/michael ??? like i feel like seasons 3 or 4 to 11 were really they’re golden years & they’ve really lost something special since then
*subjective analysis/rantin coming*
okay so, from my pointof view, the golden year was s1. like, to me, there will never be anotherseason as good and as true to ncis as this one. s2 was good but worse, becausethe kate character changed a lot and it seemed like they switched from kibbs totate sometimes. although, overall, it was funny.
BUT! I don’t think wecan compare the first 2 years with the other ones, cause the kate era is verydifferent to the ziva and the bishop eras. now, of course, I love ziva too, andI feel what you think, although I would say that s3-s8 are the best of the zivayears. we got the ziva/tony/mcgee brotp (an iconic one), also development inthe abby/mcgee relationship, as well as the gabby (father/daughter pls). and wemet a lot of new characters (lee, franks, kort, sheppard, vance, gibbs’exs…), and we learned about ziva’s past and issues with her family and themossad.
I’d say the show wentdownhill since s9 (at least, that’s when I started to get bored). I felt likes9 and s10 were too tiva-centered, and since I’m not a tiva shipper (but,again, I love ziva and I love tony), that was too much for me. it’s not likethey started dating, it was always like “will they? won’t they? ANgSt!they dance! car crash! aahhhh!” and they were taking too much screentime. 
another reason for the decline was the cases. do you remember the old cases?something happens to a marine + non-case dynamic + gibbs’ team investigates (occasionally with the help ofsomeone else) + they solve the case + non-case dynamic + the end. but arounds9 the cases started getting too…complicated? I don’t know how to explainthis but I’ve felt it for some years now. it’s not just gibbs’ team + anoccasional agency/agent, now there are a lot of cases where other agencies areinvolved and vance has to say “gibbs, a word, please” a lot more and thereare lots of conversations happening in his office where the Big Boys talk. It’snot that I hate the director, I just want the old cases back. plus, the terrorist plot is getting old, especially when most of them are from the middle east or russian.
But, of course, how doyou get the old cases back when you’ve written over 190 episodes? you can’tkeep going like this forever, I don’t know how they haven’t run out of ideasalready. but of course, you can see the show has lost something special.however, I’d say the journey downhill stopped when bishop was introduced, cause(during her first years) she was something like we’d never seen before. changescan keep things fresh sometimes.
but when tony left,that’s when the show was going downhill again, I agree with you on that part,anon. I always felt like that character was a huuge part of the series, a veryimportant element, and without him, things just aren’t the same. more than halfthe team wasn’t there before s11. If you want my honest opinion, the showshould end asap to avoid more “complicated” cases and more original castmembers leaving (pauley perrette, yes?). it’s the only way to end it decently.
I will continuewatching as long as they’re on air, cause it still holds a very special place in my heart and is practically home, but, all in all, yes, the show has beengoing downhill lately and it should end.
tl;dr: we can’t compare the first 2seasons with the others, s3-s8 were the golden years, the downhill journeystarted on s9/10 and got worse when tony left and now it is time to end the show.
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