#them djdjdjdjjd
hats-paradox · 1 year
im curious abt starbound; does she have anything to do with moonjumper, narratively speaking? they got that cool sun/moon visual dichotomy (and hes on her shit list so) :0
Currently speaking, they mostly just serve as opposites to each other- Moon is very physically cold to touch (I’m gonna say djsjsjsj) and she’s very physically hot to touch (trying to figure out if it would burn to touch her. Right now I’m leaning towards yes? Think I might give her some gloves for her plants.)
She’s free to wander around the forest (possibly limited to the warmer parts of it?) while Moon is stuck in the horizon (I could see there being weird moon phase shenanigans, like on full moons Moonjumper can physically wander around the forest while Starbound maybe is limited to literal fires, or something like that?)
It’s all pretty up in the air right now djdjdjjd, I wanna say the reason she even exists is cause at like. 2am a while back I was thinking about the florist and being a spirit and pretty quickly came to her being the sun because Moon is, well, a moon.)
As far as Moon being on her shit list goes, it’s mostly because 1, she recognizes him as the Prince (she definitely blames the royalty for what happened to Subcon), and 2, because it’s Subcon and everyone there is at least a little bit manipulative/evil-y (Moon being no acceptation to that rule) and he is definitely part of the ongoing turf war between himself, Snatcher, and Vanessa. (Starbound is mostly concerned about keeping her own chunk of the forest, she doesn’t really care about taking all of it for herself or anything)
So currently speaking, not yet! I would like to have something narrative between them though, cause it would be a little weird to have a sun and moon character not interact/have anything really going on between them? (Maybe it could just be something as simple as the way their magic interacts??)
If you have any ideas, I’d love to hear them! ^^
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shaykai · 1 year
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Not that I’ve been keeping up with lore or anything, but I don’t feel like Nightmare or Error would let anyone else kill their respective nemesi
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fishblings · 11 months
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I’m completely insane about them
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lesbiankoby · 11 months
I guess since we’re all talking about Obito today, I’ll share that I’ve been thinking about how, although the Infinite Tsukuyomi plan failed, the war was still a catalyst for peace among the five great nations and meaningful systemic change (most of the credit for that goes to Kakashi and Gaara tho)…
The shinobi world isn’t perfect (and will never be) but in my opinion Obito shook things up enough to get the ball rolling.
I’m not a means justify the ends person, but realistically things could have ended up much worse.
Idk I haven’t watched Boruto, don’t come for me lol
didjdjjdjdjdjdjed uchiha obito success story for the ages <3
“things could be MUCH worse”
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bangcakes · 4 months
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once-was-muses · 8 months
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[ oh fuckin hrhrhrjjrjr also. Forgored last night. The Blighted Cosmetics List™️. That I also forgored half the ideas of. It's Absolutely not complete and I've just copy-pasted it off the doc below the cut here so it's nothing fancied up, fairly disorganized (still has the symbol/numbers and cosmetic descriptions.) I am so sorry if it's impossible to read but this is what I have rn djdjdjdjjd ]
How Talbot captured each of the killers (in chronological order), and the numbers/symbols on their tags
Huntress (Copper, 2114-25; “This feral specimen was the first experiment of its kind.”): as the cosmetic’s description states, she was the first Talbot “captured” and experimented on- with the help of Vigo, the two hoping to find some way to turn the killers against their Master and/or find some way to use the blight to vanquish Her. Anna was easily lured by Vigo to where Talbot waited to drop onto the wild woman from his perch in a tree and jab the syringe into her.
Wraith (Copper, 2114-25; “A tortured prototype with a unique, otherworldly densely corrupted quality.”): the second killer-turned-victim of Talbot and Vigo’s experiments, the Wraith was the subject of a more coordinated plan. The pair waited until the Wraith was whisked away to a trial before descending on Autohaven, quickly and efficiently assembling the trap which Vigo designed, making use of the wreckage strewn about for parts. When the Wraith returned to the small building he dwelled most often in, he tripped a wire which sent a crudely made cage crashing down from the ceiling. While Talbot didn't hesitate in taking advantage of the killer's compromised state to inject him with the experimental serum, Vigo took notice of the Wraith's utter lack of struggling after the initial shock, rather cowering against the bars and flinching away from Talbot’s hands.
Trapper (Copper, 2114-25; “A cruel specimen injected with metalloids congealed at high temperatures.”): the plan was too simple to have gone so horribly wrong, but really they both should've seen the major flaw immediately. Once again sneaking into their target killer's domain, Talbot and Vigo carefully swiped two each of the cruel traps they'd seen many caught in- including themselves, and the very brute which utilized them. Creeping through the ruins of the MacMillan Estate, they again assessed the interior to determine the Trapper's favored space to reside in, setting the bear traps then hiding themselves. With no reason to suspect his own den to hold dangers, the Trapper almost immediately stepped into one of the inconspicuously placed sets of metal jaws, Vigo quickly snagging the old chain left in the workshop to attempt binding the killer. Quicker than anticipated, the Trapper abandoned prying himself free to instead snatch up the smaller man by the neck, retrieving his blade with the other. In a split second snap of apparent rage, Talbot hoisted one of the unsprung traps over his head and slammed it into the Trapper's side, forcing him to drop both machete and Vigo. The latter simply sat there stunned as Talbot quickly snatched up the machete himself and swung it into its owner's shoulder before driving the syringe in.
Hillbilly (Copper, 2114-25; “A particularly aggressive specimen following experimentation. Injected in multiple locations to yield faster results, which caused severe fluid-filled lumps.”): after the first three, Talbot felt it made sense to move on to one of the more dangerously armed "subjects," Vigo not outright disagreeing but no longer as enthusiastic as he had once been. Nevertheless, he continued to assist Talbot in using four of the many butcher hooks on Coldwind Farm to restrain the particularly brutal killer, looping them over beams in the old barn and using the cattle chute fencing as anchors. Once the Hillbilly was secured, Vigo left the area while Talbot carried out the experiment.
Doctor (Copper, 2114-25; “A relentless specimen with acute aggressive responses to experimentation. Physical restraints were used on both ankles.”): when Talbot suggested the Doctor as their next target, Vigo was beyond horrified- yet still laughed in his face in utter disbelief. He refused to even set foot within the cold walls where the Doctor dwelled, informing Talbot he could be tortured by himself if he was fool enough to carry this out- yet still, Vigo assisted Talbot in securing sedatives and, still, helped in acquiring proper restraints. The only reason they received comparatively minor voltage was the silent yet swift way Talbot moved (which seemed almost innate to the strange man), getting much closer to the hulking figure before lunging than Vigo ever expected could be possible. Of all their "subjects" so far, the Doctor fought them the hardest, and received the most grievous injury beside the injection site. Vigo would not speak to Talbot for a long while after their fifth experiment.
Nurse (Copper, 2114-25; “With foul serum still dripping from her wound, she broke free from her captor.”): Talbot didn't believe Vigo when he again refused to assist him any further. He continued to convey his plan to his partner in crime, choosing to interpret his empty silence as attentive listening. He was proven wrong when he was forced to make the trek to Crotus Penn on his own, forced to concoct a totally new plan. Cursing his so-called "partner" between ideas. Soon after setting foot in her domain, the lone survivor found himself being stalked through the grounds, screams echoing around him as the resident drew closer. With a hooked chain stolen from Coldwind in one hand and syringe in the other beneath his coat, Talbot fought to resist the icy fingers of dread as he lured her into a claustrophobic hallway. Despite his best efforts, without anyone to have his back he froze up when met with the Nurse, snapping out his daze once she was only an arm's breadth away. Ducking beneath the raised saw blade, he jabbed the hook into her chest and used that anchor to pin both her arms to her sides. Not wasting any time, Talbot jabbed the syringe in- only for the Nurse to react immediately, a godawful shriek leaving her as the hook tore itself free from her. Talbot scrambled to get away, electing to vault from a window rather than waste precious time afforded to him by the growing threat's struggle on taking the stairs.
True Blight (Agrilla [clay], 3412; “An extreme overdose of putrid serum culminated in a corruption like no other. Visceral cankers blossomed through his body, sprouting from his flesh and twisting out of nearly every orifice.”): occurred after Talbot was sent to the Void and later escaped, but not without the cost of losing pieces of himself. The Entity encouraged Talbot to continue his experiments on the killers only once he was thoroughly addicted to the very same serum. It took a long time for Talbot to realize this encouragement was for Her own gain, planning he would discover a way to rid Her of the annual blighting for good and force him to do so. Needless to say he's thus far yet to even concretely explain the cause nor origin.
Hag (Putrefaction, 1227; “She escaped when a charm of strength buried within her was ignited by the serum.”): 
Clown (Aqua Vita (alcohol)?, 1130; “He took off when the substance provoked a profound hunger that made his belly swell with anticipation.”):
Plague (Vinegar-2 [distilled vinegar], 2330; “She emerged from confinement when the serum amplified the disease coursing through her blood.”):
Ghostface (Air, 2825; “A specimen who reacted strangely to the latest compounds, resulting in unexpected mutations that cannot yet be explained.”):
Spirit (Air, 2825; “She emerged from captivity when the serum sparked her ancestral rage, making her blood boil with fury.”):
Oni (???; “His overwhelming strength made him a priority candidate for testing. The searing pain of the experiment, more than anything, made his rage even more potent.”): the Oni’s strength and rage is infamous throughout the Fog, seemingly outmatched only by those that were not originally human at some point. While the mutation had rendered Talbot twisted and hunched over, the serum provided him unnatural strength and speed- but nothing to compete with the elder Yamaoka. How, then, did the Blight manage to capture such a fearsome target? By using the shreds of humanity left against him. His descendant was already undergoing her own experiment at the time Talbot used her hypothetical safety as distraction long enough to get close enough to lunge, grabbing on with the awful limbs that sprouted from his back, one hand gripping the fearsome mane while the other plunged the syringe into the muscular neck.
Legion (Putrefaction, 1227; “Repulsive. The serum has grafted the four specimens into a single creature, three of which are entrapped within the flesh of the host, ineffectually attempting to escape.”):
Nemesis (Zinc, 1823; “The putrid serum mixed with the Ne-a Type parasite to create a chimerical horror that not even The Blight could have anticipated.”): 
Pyramid Head (Zinc, 1825; “The putrid serum took hold of the creature born from a dark wish, rotting with putrid ways to punish the guilty.”): the Red God volunteered itself to be subjected to the serum, for what purposes Talbot did not dare risk angering it to find out. What he did discover, however, was that the Executioner required two full doses for any effects to take hold.
Wesker (probs Red Arsenic, possibly Regulus?, 1513-15; “Nobody could predict the complex interactions that would occur between the serum and Uroboros, but that didn’t stop him from testing it on himself.”): the Mastermind intercepted the Blight before he had even crafted a plan for him. Swiping a unique concoction, Wesker swiftly injected himself with it, leaving Talbot no choice but to witness and document the effects. And do his best to stay out of the path of destruction.
Sadako (???, 4020-68): 
Xenomorph (???): 
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makerofmadness · 2 years
(For your cookie run AU) I'd like to know more about the town milk grew up in like traditions and stuff
(Warning: I typed out A Lot Of Stuff and it's almost 3am so I hope this is coherent enough djdjdjdjjd)
well like I said this AU is basically "Milk is raised in a cult"
and I'm not entirely sure how I ended up going with this specifically (idk it was midnight and I was playing minecraft) but somehow I just went "fxck it they worship a tree now" and you know what I'm sticking with that
I'm gonna hope this isn't two stupid 'cus the two people I've talked to about this so far haven't thought that soooooooo basically i misremembered this one detail about the milk village in kingdom that this is based on (though to clarify: yes this is an ovenbreak au) where I remembered there was a mention of the milk tribe there being known for their special milk that has like healing properties. Somehow I thought they got it from a well though I don't think that was mentioned on the wiki page I read about this on (I haven't gotten far enough in kingdom yet djdjdjdn). I think I just thought it was from a well because that's how you get milk in your kingdom.
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Screenshot from my own kingdom.
I still don't know how a tree got into this but I ended up with "they think the tree's magic and its roots somehow give the ground extra special nutrients (basically the opposite of what roots actually do djdjdjjdkdmd) and that's what makes the milk so good"
though in this AU it may just be regular milk that they're convinced must have healing properties idk I haven't decided yet
either way they worship the tree because of that
There's a LOT more to it (like they believe the tree is sentient and can be communicated with but that it will only have active conversations with the select few village elders who are basically in charge) but that's like. The origins of this so far.
Oh yeah and another tidbit: they still enforce that if you are to confess something to the tree you have to write it down on paper and sign your name and put it in a box next to it (the excuse they use is basically that you will only be forgiven if you are fully admitting to the crime) but the elders often just read the papers and in certain cases will confront those who wrote the notes about it depending on what they confessed (they claim that the tree told them) and more often than not this will end in punishment
(yeah reminder that this is a cult and manipulation and behavior control and shxt are all over the place. If it were just "haha funny tree worship whispy woods religion" this wouldn't be a problem)
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nokkusu · 2 years
I’ve never posted my writings tbh, I’m too scared and shy djdjdjdjjd but maybe start by writing short lil things??? Just for yourself??? You don’t even have to post them if you feel uncomfy just treat yourself with some cute stuff eheheh 🥰💞 and my pronouns are she/her!! 💞💞
And about my levi smut recs omg wait I’ll dig in my personal favs and link them to you 🥴
- 🌸
there's always one person who'll be into what you do, even if you think it sucks
but yeah you are 100% right i should find some prompts and shit to help my brain juices idk man i'll look around-----
you pronouns are noted in my lil braino thank you very much, now i am waiting for you to send dem liNKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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j-hope · 7 years
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big seok 💖 small seok
#jhope#jin#jung hoseok#kim seokjin#bts#*mine#😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖#how hob was whining but cant keep his smile is so cute nd pure skdjdjdj 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🔫🔫🔫🔫#this so so so sooooooo fckin cute my heart was fluttering so much theyre so cutegehehegee 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#nd how hob looked that good too nd how jin was hugging him nd resting on his shoulder 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖#nd how hob keeps dragging them both in circles while telling his cute pun joke the whole thing is just so fckin pure i cant believe 😭😭😭😭#also also i love how hob looked so fond like#imagine being jin nd just cling to hob nd rest there whenever u want 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫#im so !!!! at how looked anooyed but hes annoyed fondly#like he seemed hes whining but he loves it so mucbd djdjdjdjjd 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#i love how hob doesnt do move or anything nd just let jin hug him 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#his smiles in both of these are so so so sooo cute 😭😭😭😭😭😭#love him lots for me jin 😞🔫#2seok
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nsfw-froggie · 3 years
hi hon ( sorry if calling you that makes u uncomfortable ) i was wondering if you could do a sapnap nsfw alphabet and can i be 🦋 anon by any chance?<3
welcome 🦋 anon ! (also it does not make me uncomfortable :D)
nsfw alphabet: sapnap
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
he is very sweet! he will clean u up, ask you how he did, and cuddle u (he would probably tell dream abt it too djdjdjdjjd)
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
his favorite body part on him is his dick...
his favorite part on you is ur face <3
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
he likes to cum in ur mouth when u give him head, and he also likes to cum on ur thighs or ur back
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he really wants to have a threesome with you and dream (and maybe george,,,or punz...)
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
he isnt very experienced, he probably goes to dream and asks him for help
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
cowgirl!!! he loves when u r on top
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
hes probably very serious, if its both of ur first times, you guys would make some jokes
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
he doesnt really shave it a lot, but sometimes he does. his hair down there is a couple shades darker than the hair on his head
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
i dont think he would be thst romantic,,but sometimes he would? maybe like if u guys got back from like a date or dinner with the dream team
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
he doesnt jack off that much now that he’s dating u
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
daddy kink, anal sex, begging, degrading, exhibitionism (probably with dream n george watching)
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
maybe the couch?? but he really likes doing it in beds. it doesnt matter whos bed
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
sitting on his lap...😁
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
age play and cnc
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
he loves receiving, he doesnt like giving u head thst much cause he thinks he is really bad at it, but he’s so good at it
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
fast and rough 😩
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
he prefers clothed sex quickies cause u guys dont have to take off ur clothes and put them back on again
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
he has vibrating underwear to tease u when you’re in public or when you are around dream or george
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he doesnt tease u that much
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
he is very loud. sometimes dream will come in and tell him to be quiet 😊
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
u guys probabky fuck everyday. hes horny 24/7 jdjfhdjjd
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
hes like...maybe 5-6 inches? he isnt that big, but hes very thick 😳
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
very high. again, hes horny 24/7 and will fuck u anytime u guys arent busy
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
maybe like 5 minutes after??
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charrwybie · 3 years
Hello! if anyone should feel inclined to send me via ask or the comments or reblogs of this post your charr cub and/or parent headcanons or anecdotes of your OCs as kids (whichever race), I would love to read them! I am sick and could use some happy hormones dbdjdjdjdjjdbd.
NONE obligations, and I feel funny wording this like this, it's not anybody's job to make me feel better djdjdjdjjd BUT if you need an excuse to yell about your geewee (literal) children, this is your chance! :'D
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shaykai · 1 year
Giggling and kicking my feet I love commissioning people so much
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Deadass tho like men were already bad enough but now that you’ve written vamp h they’re absolute scum in comparison
he really said “YES I’m emotionally stunted and YES I’m a narcissistic asshole and YES I have trust and abandonment issues BUT!!!!!!! I’ll take you out on a nice date to an Italian resturant and open every door, pull out your seat, hold your hand, kiss your knuckles, and give you my jacket. Seems like a fair trade to me!!”
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jyfrnd · 3 years
FINN OMG THE RYMIN DRABBLE YOU DID IS SO CUTE OMG i love it so bad (the youre a dork part omg <33)
djdjdjjf IM GLAD YOU LIKED IT !!!! wanted to write them being sappy, im happy it turned out okay :']] (even if it was short djdjdjdjjd)
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pergaias · 4 years
😳♥ 📝 😒
😳 - age you get mistaken for?
okay once upon a time, cece was given kid’s menus all the frucking time. now, i think people mistake me for 16-17 lmfao ( because i do seem a lot older than i am )
♥ - do you like anyone?
i think i’ve made it pretty kind of really obvious that i do have a crush and i do like them smh
📝 - story from your childhood.
when i was in second grade i got into a competition with these two older boys in my class ( it was a montessori school so they were in third grade lol ) as to who could read all seven harry potter books the fastest. guess who left those idiot boys in the dust, crowing about deathly hallows at eight years old ~
😒 - biggest pet peeve?
when i have to continually repeat myself, over and over and over again, it drives me fucking insane djdjdjdjjd 
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dmcdrabbles · 5 years
Hey! I love your blog a lot djdjdjdjjd!! Anyway, I was wondering, could you do a scenario or headcanons of how Nero would react to his s/o using their safeword? I know everyone headcanons Nero as the bottom but like. I want the man to dom me (also I do definitely think he'd be awkward about being dominate and using the safeword would probably throw him into PANIC mode)
I’m happy to hear it! (๑´•.̫ • `๑) And my hc’s lean a little different than yours but I hope you still enjoy them haha
He’s concerned with his s/o’s safety, especially considering his strength and especially if they’re doing something intense, so he’s definitely on top of checking in on his s/o during scenes.
He stops immediately when he hears the safeword, but he’s a bit caught off guard by it the first time- a beat passes and then he asks if he heard them right
After the confirmation he remains as calm and steadying as he can with them, but he’s wracked by guilt. He’s worried he got too carried away and hurt them.
Despite all their setup, he is at a bit of a loss on how to proceed, asking them a lot of questions about what they need and how he can help.
He goes through cleaning them up and aftercare mostly silent for once, usually he and his s/o can get a little chatty afterwards but he seems almost out of it.
Rather than just apologizing afterward, he wants to talk to them about what happened. If its something that he can fix (instead of just being that they didn’t enjoy the act or something like that) he’s going to be determined to do it right, maybe even suggesting it next time so he can do better
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