#theme: pov David Wymack
aftgficrec · 1 year
Oops sorry sent an ask in the submissions, this is the fic I read that I want to recommend https://archiveofourown.org/works/48866158 😭✋
How embarrassing
Don’t worry, @yayawantstodraw, it happens!  Very kind of you to apologize though.  And if you scroll down our blog, or maybe browse the tag page, you’ll probably find plenty of material to satisfy you for now.  In the meantime, thanks for rec’ing us a first-time writer!  Always great to see somebody new and give them some love and encouragement. - S
andrew minyard’s gossip sessions with david wymack by iheartgansey [Rated G, 1016 words, complete, 2023]
During one of Andrew’s late night break ins at Wymack’s apartment he lets slip a little secret about Neil.
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aftgficrec · 3 years
omg i can’t believe i caught this open! do you know of any good fics about Wymacks perspective of when neil came back from the nest over christmas?
Sadly there isn’t a lot available on this subject, which is a shame (the fic we did find is definitely a must-read though).  We do have a post with fics in Wymack’s pov on Andreil and other events to offer, which you might also enjoy, as well as some canon-divergent fics detailing Neil’s return from Evermore. - S
Previous post:
Wymack’s pov on Andreil and Baltimore here
canon-divergent (but not in Wymack’s pov):
‘Take to the Wing’ here
‘Oh Raven’ here
‘Jailbird’ here
Yes, Coach by emmerrr [Rated T, 72800 words, complete, 2017]
Missing scenes and scene re-tellings from the All For The Game series from the POV of everyone's favourite coach.
(Based around the canon storyline but I have probably taken a few liberties - take it with a pinch of salt ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
tw: scars, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: implied/referenced rape/non con, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: blood, tw: alcohol, tw: canonical character death
You can find Wymack’s reaction to Neil’s return from Evermore contained in Ch. 10 and Ch. 11.
The Bathroom Scene in TRK by @yolkylemon [tumblr, 2021]
"Help Me" - "Let Me" by @rainbowd00dles [tumblr, 2019]
"Help me" by @erlie [tumblr, 2019]
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aftgficrec · 4 years
May I recommend Monster (and Monster 2.0) my NightMuse?
It’s amazing!! One of the most amazing Andrew POV fics I’ve read.
Thank you!!
Of course you can.  Here it is! - S
Monster by NightMuse [Rated G, (we say M) 61634  words, incomplete, last updated Nov 2020]
A look inside Andrew's head throughout The King's Men.
tw: vomit, tw: blood, tw: implied/referenced rape/non con, tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: scars, tw: graphic memories of rape, tw: mentions of self harm, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: alcohol, tw: drug use, tw: withdrawal
(find it in this post too)
Monster 2.0 by NightMuse [Rated M, 15069 words, incomplete, last updated Nov 2020]
A new and improved and UPDATED Version of my previous fic, "Monster" which is simply the entire book "The King's Men" by Nora Sakavic told from the point of view of Andrew Minyard.
tw: vomit, tw: implied/referenced rape/non con, tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: scars, tw: panic attacks, tw: withdrawal
NB: This is a rewrite of the above mentioned fic
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aftgficrec · 4 years
any wymack reacting andriel?? even wymacks pov of baltimore??
Sure! Hope you enjoy. - A
Above the Paygrade by ClockworkDragon [Rated T, 2048 Words, Complete, AFTG Exchange 2018]
Andrew and Neil just want to kiss but they really shouldn't make out in the fox lounge.
Return of Dad!Mack series by SensationalSunburst [Rated G, Collection, Updated 2018]
Part 1: A Dad By Any Other Name [5449 Words]
Any man can be a father, it takes someone special to be a Dad.
Five times David Wymack was a Dad and one time he admitted it.
Part 3: Watchful Eyes [2290 Words]
“I'm graduating in three days.” Andrew said. David took a long drag of his tea and waited. “I will be moving to Columbus.” He continued, “Neil is not.” “I have him for another year,” David said, “Are you worried?” David watched Andrew swallow the knee-jerk denial that he felt anything, chasing it with a sip of cocoa. “He requires a certain level of supervision.”
Part 4: Code Yellow [1535 Words]
Code Yellow: Missing Patient
“He made a fucking run for it.” Wymack said, and despite the gruff, angry grind to his voice, Andrew could hear the concern. “He's high as a kite, Andrew, catch him!”
tw: blood
Yes, Coach by emmerrr [Rated T, 72800 Words, Complete, 2017]
Missing scenes and scene re-tellings from the All For The Game series from the POV of everyone's favourite coach.
(Based around the canon storyline but I have probably taken a few liberties - take it with a pinch of salt ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
tw: references to abuse, tw: references to rape/noncon, tw: violence, tw: canonical character death
NB: Chapter 8 is the retelling of Drake and Thanksgiving from Wymack’s pov and his reaction to Neil putting Andrew’s hand under his shirt. You will find Wymack’s pov of Baltimore in Chapters 17-19.
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aftgficrec · 4 years
Hi! Can I ask for kid fics? Kid Andrew or kid Neil or just kid foxes, anything would be awesome!
Sure, we’ve got loads!  Have a look at kid!Andreil in this post here, there’s more kid fics here, and in this post here you can find de-aged Neil.  There’s de-aged Andrew here (‘stranger than all my dreams’ and ‘Tiny Andrew?’).  In these posts here and here you find fics about Andrew or the twinyards being adopted, which also features here (‘the kids are alright (now)’) and here (‘Serendipity’).  Plus, there’s these! - S
Kid Fic:
ten children, one acquarium by jemejem [Rated T, 8735 words, complete, 2019]
wymack loves his kids: even the ones that aren't his.
tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced rape/non-con, tw: canon-typical violence, 
My way home… by ionlyloveironically [Rated T, 31,607 words, incomplete, last updated Sep 2018]
Two years after they run, Mary Hatford decides it's not working.
At age 11, Andrew Doe moves into a massive house with his new foster mother, Stella Josten. They make a picture-perfect family: mother, son, and strange boy who lives inside the walls.
tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced rape/non-con, tw: scars, tw: violence
Neil In An Alternate Universe by @ajmnaj [Tumblr Fic, Neilmas 2019]
Neil is seven when he meets Andrew
NB: find this on ao3 here
De-aged/Age Regression:
Pythons/elephants (the little wild animals remix) by badacts [Rated, 2055 words, complete, Aftg Remix 2018, Locked] 
Let the record state that Kevin Day is not Aaron’s first choice for co-parenting.
The Smallest Exy Player, Now Even Smaller by ionlyloveyouironically [Rated T, 20654 Words, Complete, 2016]
Aaron pissed somebody off, which isn't a surprise, but what happens to Andrew in retaliation definitely is.
(Just another beloved-character-gets-magically-turned-into-a-child fic.)
tw: implied/referenced child abuse
NB: Art inspired by this fic by @mavilez
Kid Aaron prompt fill by @badacts [Tumblr Fic 2017]
you know the freaky friday fic when the twins switch. can you make another weird fic were aaron turns into a kid.  i read a lot about neil or andrew so what if it was aaron.
andreil met in elementary school au art by @kitshunette [tumblr, TFC Secret Santa 2016]
Kid Foxes with ice cream art by @broresteia
Kid Foxes Pile art by @broresteia
Who wants to suffer with me art by @aymmidumps
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aftgficrec · 4 years
fics from other foxes’ povs where neil’s secrets unravel? ex the banquet, happy birthday jr, neil being seen for the first time w his natural hair & eye colors?
Sorry this took so long, it somehow materialized deep in our inbox and we’re not sure where it was hiding. It certainly must have been interesting for them, watching this mouthy kid they all accidentally adopted slowly reveal he was not at all who you thought he was.  Below are three fics where we see those puzzle pieces drop into place.  You also might like the ones in this ask here!  -F
i wanna see you (be brave) by Junia [Rated T, 8632 words, Complete 2019]
“That’s just ridiculous,” Allison says, shaking her head. “Tell me they’re not getting it on.”
“No idea, but I’m gonna take a picture.” Dan lifts the camera that’s been hanging around her neck for the last hour or so and actually snaps a picture of the two of them like that. “Maybe if we hang it up, they’ll notice how it looks like from the outside.”
„Fellas,“ Allison says, voice dropping a few octaves lower, “is it gay if I stare deep into my homie’s eyes for three minutes?”
— or, neil and andrew’s evolution over the books but through matt’s eyes
(tw: references to abuse)
Those That Broke Us by WriteThroughTheNight [Rated T, 6652 words, Complete 2016]
“Neil doesn’t talk about his mom and doesn’t think about what she’d do to him if she saw him now. He has a family, he has Exy, and he has Andrew. He has more than enough, more than he ever could have dreamed of.
Neil doesn’t talk about his mom until a warm fall day outside the locker room, waiting for the start of their game with his team and family. It’s a place that she doesn’t belong, where not even a memory of her belongs, but she wriggles her way in and takes root in his chest.”
Neil reveals, piece by piece, what life with his mom was like.
(tw: injury, tw: knives, tw: references to child abuse)
This one is from Wymack’s point of view, but it’s brilliantly handled and shows the reactions of the rest of the Foxes as well.  It’s also a locked fic, so you must have an AO3 account to access it:
Yes, Coach by emmerrr [Rated T, 72800 words, Complete 2017]
Missing scenes and scene re-tellings from the All For The Game series from the POV of everyone’s favourite coach.
(Based around the canon storyline but I have probably taken a few liberties - take it with a pinch of salt ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
(tw: references to abuse, tw: references to rape/noncon, tw: canon typical violence, tw: canon character death)
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aftgficrec · 4 years
Hi!! so i was eating my cheese and thinking about the parent trap (1998) and because that’s kinda like what happened to the twins, is there a parent trap AU that exists (if not it’s fine i’ll just bullet point mentally because i can’t write it myself). also a lesson in messing with the messed was a good jack gets what he had coming for him fic, in my opinion. thanks so much!
Anon, we found 2 Parent Trap AUs (plus a tumblr post), quite different in nature, but both great fun to read.  And of course we’ve included the fic you recommended. - S
How much do I love “so I was eating my cheese and thinking about...”? -A
the glow in our mouths by ephemeralsky [Rated T, 12084 Words, complete, AFTG Valentine’s Exchange 2019]
“Andrew, do you think…” It takes him a while to finish the sentence. “Do you think that we might be brothers?”
Andrew blinks, slowly. His face doesn’t look quite so severe and detached anymore, with the ghost of a smile on his lips.
“Aaron,” he says, “I think we might be twins.”
(or: a Parent Trap AU where Aaron and Andrew are twins who meet at summer camp, Nathaniel is the boy next door who should not be underestimated, and Abby and Wymack are unsuspecting parents who try their best)
The Morning AUs - A Compilation by scribbleb_red [Rated E, collection, incomplete, last updated June 2020]
Chapter 52: The Parent Trap AU
Andrew and Aaron are the twins in the parent trap, only instead of trying to get their parents back together, they plan to murder them.
They enlist Neil, reputedly the son of an infamous crime lord, to get the deed done.
 tw: violence, tw: poison, tw: murder, tw: implied/referenced abuse
so if my mom is your mom… by @allforthecourtt [tumblr, 2018]
NB: Here’s the fic anon recc’d:
A Lesson in Messing with the Messed by fantasyfirst [Not Rated, 2048 words, complete, 2020]
Neil finally snaps at Jack. **mention of Neil's past abuse**
 tw: scars, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced torture
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aftgficrec · 5 years
Are there any fics that you know of with the Kathy interview from the point of view of someone other than Neil or Kevin? Thanks!
We found a few, and if anyone knows of more tell us! Also check out “Playing with Fire” from this demon!Neil ask for Andrew’s POV of Kathy’s show. - A
David Wymack POV
Yes, Coach by emmerrr [Rated T, Locked, 72800 Words, Complete, 2017]
Missing scenes and scene re-tellings from the All For The Game series from the POV of everyone’s favourite coach.
tw: scars, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: implied/referenced rape/non con, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: blood, tw: alcohol, tw: canonical character death
Andrew Minyard POV
a freedom sound (do not cherish memory) by badacts [Rated M, Locked, 47053 Words, Complete, 2017]
Andrew only needed a few minutes to determine that Neil Josten was going to get under his skin. He just didn’t foresee exactly how deep.
tw: alcohol, tw: non consensual drug use, tw: vomit, tw: blood, tw: canonical character death
Monster by NightMuse [Rated G (we say M), 52447 Words, Incomplete, Updated May 2019]
A look inside Andrew’s head throughout The King’s Men.
tw: graphic memories of rape, tw: suicideal thoughts, tw: self harm, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: abuse by authority figure, tw: nightmares, tw: blood, tw: vomit, tw: scars, tw: alcohol
NB: This fic is well written, but regarding this ask it only slightly mentions Kathy’s show and is rated incorrectly as it is high in violent imagery
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aftgficrec · 4 years
Hii! Do you know any fics that take on kevin’s and wymack’s conversation about the paternity and their father son relationship?
What a dramatic moment in TKM that we didn’t even get to witness.  There are a few different versions of this, trying to make up for that bit of angst we’re missing! We highly recommend ‘yes, coach’ previously mentioned here, and we hope you enjoy the ones below, both canon compliant and divergent.  -F
Father's Day/Day's Father by actualkit [Rated T, 6253 words, Complete 2018]
“He's beautiful, isn’t he?” she murmured.
He was.
He was the most perfect baby boy, and David ached.
There was no doubt this was Kayleigh’s son; the thick dark hair and pale green eyes were too familiar to David. The boy's skin was darker than hers, though. A warm golden brown, almost like David's.
He knew this wasn’t his son, but, God, David wanted to pretend.
Wymack's Son by Autumnalhogwarts [Rated G, 1960 words, Complete 2018]
The conversation Between Kevin and Wymack in The Kings Men, from Wymack's perspective. Originally posted on Tumblr.
(tw: references to past abuse)
 O' Father by lumos_max [Rated G, 1239 words, Complete 2016]
Wymack stared into Kevin’s cautious eyes as he slowly sat back down at his desk. With the quickness his anger appeared, it also faded, leaving Wymack feeling hollow. Tired. Disappointed.
Let me tell you what's it like to be a zero by KweenKevin [Rated: Not Rated, 4142 words, Incomplete, Last Updated June 2019]
 “He closed the door of the foxhole court. He went to the library, went to the history section where no one came, and broke down."
Kevin tells Wymack that he's his son, and the consequences follow.
(tw: violence,  tw: self harm, tw: panic attack, tw: nightmares, tw: references to past abuse)
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