Hi :) I think I sent a message to the wrong person :/ lol Anyway, I just wanted to talk about Even and his decision to break it off with Isak without any explanation. Imo he really should have told him. Isak thought that maybe he had done something wrong and he deserved to know at least why Even ended it. I adore Even but it wasn't right imo. I'm just defending Isak I guess :)
Hey there ! Yeah don’t worry I saw the ask answered on the other blog but since you  asked and I have a lot of feelings on the matter I thought I’d offer my twenty cents anyway :) 
Here’s what I think about this scene:In my opinion it is a clear case where the way skam operates, presenting events via the pov of the main character, influences the way we view things. Which is why it’s also very succesful in making us identify with the main (maybe even over-identify if some of the posts i see flying around tumblr are any indication heh).
And we really do feel for Isak in this scene.Because well, for Even to use the “moving too fast” excuse, especially after being the one to take the first step in solidifying this relationship the day before was a rather transparent lie , wasn’t it?And it certainly doesn’t help that as we know Isak suffers from crippling insecurities and self - doubt, (how surprised and relieved he acts whenever someone shows that they care and they accept him exactly the way he is ! still a punch in the gut for me). So  it was only natural that he would start blaming himself for driving Even away, pondering over their conversation again and again confused,worrying about it to the point where he couldn’t sleep. Because they had it so good before, surely surely it must be something he did to ruin things and oh god he always ends up ruining things…But as agonising as it was for us to watch him being so sad and dejected … well partly it was his fault wasn’t it?
Because of that hurtful comment on mentally ill people which he had no idea would hit so close to home for Even. And it’s not that I don’t understand where he’s coming from -living with someone he couldn’t take care of and was consequently  unable to provide emotionally for him most definitely caused some trauma. No child should bear such heavy responsibility alone especially when they have no idea what they are supposed to do. Still, it was a pretty terrible thing to say and ableism aside, generalisations and ignorance often cause more damage than being malicious on purpose.
Now, if we consider Even’s pov here… I don’t think he was in an emotional place where he would find the strength to come clean to Isak after that statement. It must have taken a lot of courage for him to leave Sonja, his whole support system he had been dependent on for four years, his aluminium leg and the only way of coping he knew. And he was willing to do it, willing to jump into the unknown with Isak because he had been building up his hopes and dreams for months now, he was finally finally in a place where he allowed himself to felt truly happy, truly hopeful that this boy felt the same way. That maybe  they could take it one step further, maybe Isak felt that connection too and it was enough for him to stay through thick and thin because for a moment he did make him forget how alone he had always felt. So he went all in only to have those hopes crushed in the cruelest way. Because when Isak said my life would be better without mentally ill people in it Even heard my life would be better without you in it and that was as clear a rejection as it could get. After that I  don’t think that he was in a place where he could put himself emotionally out there again when he was sure Isak would want nothing to do with him. 
Of course you can argue he was selfish in a way because he raised all his walls back up to protect himself, because he couldn’t face Isak outright cutting him off . but in my opinion he saw how hurt Isak was by the way his mother’s condition had impacted his life and he wanted to protect him from further heartbreak when he would have inevitably found out about his mental illness . Given how little he thinks of himself when he’s experiencing the lows (”i will hurt you and you will hate me”) I think this is exactly what happened - he saw their relationship was doomed to fail and he tried to rip off the band-aid as soon and as painlessly as he could. Honestly, Even probably underestimated Isak’s feelings and level of investment in this relationship, thinking that it would be easier for him that maybe he would feel spurned for some time but he would eventually get over it( which is why despite everything that was going on in this scene he threw caution to the wind and came back to Isak after he saw how much of a toll this separation had taken on him).
All in all (where did my point go? did I even have a point?), the way I see it, it’s not really a situation where we can say one of them is clearly in the right or wrong you know? After all it takes two to communicate and here they both made mistakes; Isak put his foot in his mouth first and then Even wasn’t honest with him either and it snowballed from there.But that’ s okay, they’re humans, they’re flawed, they make dumb mistakes sometimes! And frankly I don’t believe it would have been any easier if Even was honest right then and there because isak was completely unprepared to be there for him  - even though it hurt a lot they both had to go through his experience to grow more mature and learn from their past mistakes so they could truly become the best for each other.
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tracionn · 7 years
                                                                                                 @themerlinarthurlovestory replied to your photo post: Who's the second one??
Hi there! It’s Ashoka Tano, a female character from the animated movie Star Wars Clone Wars and the following series :)                                            
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unimaginativeblogg · 7 years
Eh hej, min danske ven :D Jeg håber ikke jeg gik over stregen med mit lille vredesudbrud ang danskere der forfølger Skam skuespillerne. Det gør mig bare så træt og lidt trist you know? :( Tarjei og alle de andre giver os så meget men er stadig meget unge og i skolen hvor der går andre elever skal de altså have lov til at være i fred. Det er noget andet hvis du møder dem på gaden fx. Ved du om det ofte er dem i KosegruppeDK der gør det? Jeg er heldigvis ikke med i den gruppe så :))
Du gik overhovedet ikke over stregen! Er helt enig i hvad du skrev. Jeg er selv medlem af kosegruppa dk på fb og har bare set mange opslag i gruppen om folk der har taget til Oslo for at give gaver osv. til tarjei og henrik og for at se de forskellige skam-locations. Jeg synes selv det virker alt for grænseoverskridende at forfølge skuespillerne på den måde, men det bliver sgu nok kun værre fra nu af :(
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comin-up-for-air · 7 years
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I was tagged by @lao-paperman for the lock screen, home screen, last song and selfie game, thank you Lao 💕 My lock screen is Colin Morgan in that gorgeous Hunger photoshoot (what did you expect? 😂). I have been alternating different pics of Colin for years, but I feel like this is my ultimate favourite! My home screen is the photo of a sunset I took two years ago in my backyard, I don't even know why I picked this particular photo and assigned it to the home screen but I like it. 🤷‍♀️ The last song is Oh No by Bring Me The Horizon. I've never been a fan of Bring Me The Horizon but I really like their last album, I bought it 2/3 years ago in Paris and I haven't stopped listening to it since that day. And selfies! I'm not big on selfies, which means that I look passable only when my face is covered with a thousand snapchat filters. This selfie here is surprisingly quite cute but that's probably because of the special guest sleeping on my neck 🐱 I'm tagging @stuckinfangirllife @clotpoleincamelot @themerlinarthurlovestory 💕
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this-is-aro-botic · 7 years
I was tagged by @lostthebucky, (yikes dude, like 90% of my followers are pornbots so I hope they enjoy this)
Rules: tag nine people to get to know better
Relationship status: single
Favorite color: blue 
Lipstick or chapstick: lipstick?? Idk. I like lipstick more but I use chapsticks more often
Last song i listened to: Cocoon by Catfish and the Bottlemen
Last movie i watched: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Top 3 TV shows: Honestly this is such a rude question. I have to pick 3?? Just 3??? I’m probably just going to base this off of what @lostthebucky said bc that’s easier than thinking for myself and I do love these shows haha 1) Sense8 (so hyped for the next season, that’s like 90% of the reason this is on my mind atm, lol)
2) Brooklyn Nine-nine
3) Jessica Jones
Top 3 characters: Stiles, Merlin, Spiderman/ Peter Parker (type, what type??)
Top 3 ships: Sterek, Merthur, Fin/Poe (=Stormpilot?)
Books I’m currently reading: Honestly I’m not reading anything fun atm. I’m halfway through a psychology paper on the links between perfectionism and academic performance. So. That’s exciting. Haven’t read an actual book in yonks though
People I’m going to tag: Sorry in advance for this, I probably haven’t spoken to any of you guys before, I just tagged my fav 9 blogs bc I’m not particularly sociable (on tumblr or ever really) and know no one on this site haha
@themerlinarthurlovestory, @hale-moon, @coffeecatninja, @fighthaus, @halekingsourwolf, @merlins-earmuffs, @supercalvin, @magnusimon, @coffeeforcollege
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skam-addiction · 7 years
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Hallaaa!! This is my first follow forever :)
I want to thank you all because being in this fandom wouldn’t be the same without you lovely people making my dash the absolute best. If I’m following you it’s not only because you blog about skam but also because I think you’re awesome and beautiful!!
Blogs that are special to me are in bold.
My precious beans have an emoji next to them.
# - e >> @2016harries @alleskam @alterlove-alterevak @alterskam @bareskam @bonsoir-my-ass @c-ardamom @cardamom-minutes @chickenparmaham @cuddlyevak @dailyhenrikholm @deepinskam🌸 @duerdigg @evakforever @evaknaesen @evakshalla @evakskam💙 @evaktexts🐥 @evaktrash @evakvaltersen @evenbec @evenetisak
f - j >> @fairieswithoutwings @foledetdufoler @folerdetdufoler @fuckyeahevak @ghostsinthedaylight @happilyharryandlouis @hemrikholm @henrikhol-m @hufflpuffs @isak-og-even @isak-sidedish @isak-valterson @isakandeven @isakdeilig💚 @isakinloveblog @isakkxeven @isakneedsahug @isakneven @isakoeven @isakp3 @isaks-even @isakxevenallday @isakyaki @isofficiallyruined @issyisak @josteninski
k - o >> @kardamomme🍰 @kardemomme-kisses @kinghernando @kjaereisak @kosegruppaa @levok @linneaxskam @m-issevil @momecat @nalle
p - t >> @queensanna @ravenclawisak @reasoniwantyoutostay @regnfrablahimmel @romialmi @running–over @s-k-a-m @sanaandthesun @sanasevaks @sapphic2017 @shakerrmakerr @shameeven @shameforskam @shametv @skaam @skam-obsessed @skamdigg @skamforfaen @skamgif @skamisak @skamisako @skamlos @skamly @skamm @skammmed @skams @skamsevak @skamtrashnumberone @skamtrashnumberone @smolsonisak @softesak @softestisak @softnorwegians @sonhoedesrazao @sskkam @stayinherewithyou @stormboxx @tarjeiandhenrik😘 @tarjeisandvik @tarjeitrash @tessalabessa @thecompasspointstohome⚓ @themerlinarthurlovestory @thenwhoisa @toneelspeler
u - z >> @v-ltersen @watchskam @westiris​ @willnotaskagain
I’m so sorry if I forgot someone. If I follow you and I didn’t mention you it wasn’t on purpose..I still think you’re amazing!
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poetryincamelot · 7 years
merthured mentioned you in a photo “Hi! I haven’t done this in a while (a long fucking while tbh but hey)...”
…@themerlinarthurlovestory @arthur-thedollophead @clotpolesonly @ poetryincamelot @221b-bakerstreet-camelot @brolins-merthur @merlinsprat @iceicebradley…
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brolinskeep · 7 years
Tagged by @marmaladica ♥ hell yes you are part of this, plz never leave we love to have you!
rules: tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know better
nickname: rou
gender: fem
zodiac sign: sagittarius
height:  170cm
hogwarts house: never did the official sorting on pottermore. 2-3 i rtied for fun said gryffindor but idk if correct, i fell more like a hufflepuff
favourite colour: blue, black, red
time right now: 6:42 pm
average hours of sleep: sth between 6-8h
lucky number: 12
last thing googled: air date of the next new ep of lucifer
blankets i sleep with: one big duvet
Favourite band: die ärzte
dream trip: new zealand
wearing right now: black sweatpants and a red shirt
age of blog: five and a half (since summer 2011)
following: 140
posts: 51k
what I post about: all things merthur and brolin
im tagging the @coinelot squad!!!
@storyenthusiast, @springinstep, @sara-bocchan, @spielzeugkaiser, @totortes, @little-dhampir-1508, @craziest-adventure, @lacrys, @narlth, @tracionn, @momotastic27, @pikkulime, @crikissire, @destinyspoon, @elveatas, @tayathestrange, @themerlinarthurlovestory, @therealtati20, @brolins-merthur​, @idonotknowhowtonamemyblog, @elirwen
if you went but arent in here consider yourself tagged too, i only tagged those who i could find on the attendees post :)
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magicalmischel · 7 years
I was tagged by @elveatas
Rules: tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know better
Nickname: Mischel
Gender: Woman
Zodiac sign: Leo
Height: 158cm/5′ 2″
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw
Favourite colour: Blue
Time right now: 17:38/5:38 PM
Average hours of sleep: 5-9 (5 when it’s school the next day, 9 on weekends)
Lucky number: 31
Last thing googled: What Harry Potter house am I... I’m not in the fandom, so...
Blankets I sleep with: I sleep with a duvet.
Favourite band: Twenty One Pilots
Dream trip: I’d love to go to London ♥
Wearing right now: I’m wearing my Snoopy pajama pants (yellow), and a black hoodie
Age of blog: Um... about two or three years? But I’ve never been very active here (and I’m trying to change that).
Following: 704 people
Posts: This post will be number 3350
What I post about: Mostly Merlin and Supernatural and some other fandoms, like Doctor Who or Sherlock which I post about a LOT this month. And usually everything I find funny or beautiful, and then my and other’s fanfiction :)
@datmerlin @themerlinarthurlovestory @addignisherlock @wearethefandomsthatwaited @merlin-emrys-colin @splashstorm @merlinslight @staymagical @emryslaughs @merlinamorgan @waiting4albion @michastiela @superwholockmachine @emrys-will-return @benecucumber @brolin-truelove @bloggingmerlin @supernatural-trash-1967 @winchestersbitch077 @huntingforsouls
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stardefiant-blog · 7 years
Hi! I just wanted to ask you something I've been thinking about. Do you think Julie was surprised how brilliant Henrik as Even turned out to be and that he would make such an impact on the fans? I'm sure she knew he would do great but he must have impressed her on expectations? Chemistry isn't always a sure thing but him and Tarjei sure are on fire together, huh? :D I hope my rabbling makes sense. Also, Henrik and his character being so amazing must make her think hard about a s4 main :))
i’m not sure what julie expected going into season 3, obviously she casted him for a reason and that translated so well onto the screen! i know he definitely surpassed my expectations watching the show lol, i thought he was fine at first but during the eighth episode when all the pieces fit together it really hit me that damn, this man can act. a lot of other people had the same response, so we have both henrik and julie to thank for that. regardless of whether or not he’s the main for season 4, i’m confident his portrayal will at least be around until the end!
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landofmerlin-blog · 8 years
themerlinarthurlovestory replied to your post: “hyppogriff replied to your post: “jynserso replied to your...”
It's no ones business what you blog about. I very much dislike Gwen but still adore your blog and all your lovely edits :) People can always unfollow but have NO right to make anyone feel bad about something they like. They can also block the tag. Blog about Gwen all you want :D <3
Aww beautiful words my dear, thank you so much :___) ♥
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trainingtobeaprat · 8 years
Or Arthur could be this CEO of a major company & Merlin could have some sort of artsy charitable job (like in fanfics) :D
Those are very good ideas too! I really like the idea of Merlin having some sort of a artsy job but I’m also seriously considering just making him a fricking househusband for Arthur. :-D
make both! Let the two families meet
Now now, I’m pretty sure that would break some kind of a laws of nature. :D
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prplepixie · 8 years
It finally happened! I saw my own post show up on my dash because one of my favorite blogs reblogged it! That's absolutely amazing!! So thank you @themerlinarthurlovestory you reblogged an artwork of mine and made my whole life better! ^.^
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stardefiant-blog · 7 years
Oh, I see now what you mean! And I agree with you completely. That post is really excellent (I saw it ealier today on twitter). It sounds like a lot of people think that it didn't have a happy ending or that it was a little dark maybe but I think it was a fantastic ending. No matter what, Even is mentally ill so ofc it's going to be hard and Isak knows that. So he's wise with the whole one day at a time. But that doesn't mean they wont get their ever after. They both need each other so much :)
agreed! it really shows how much isak’s grown and become a better person after meeting even and i have faith that this is far from the end for them.
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stardefiant-blog · 7 years
Hi! I just have a question. In your latest post you write in the tags that it pains you that many people dont get the point Isak was making. I am just curious what point you mean exactly. I think I know what Isak is saying here but maybe it's not how you see it at all. I hope it's not rude asking :)
hello, not rude at all! as far as isak’s point goes this post sums it up better than i ever could tbh, but i was mostly just referring to those who are taking isak’s words about even being the “man of his life” as a pessimistic comment about their relationship rather than just an ambiguous statement about living each day like it’s the last if that makes sense? not to target those people with negativity either, i just wish everyone would look past even+isak and really try to understand what he was saying here because it’s such an important theme for season 3.
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trainingtobeaprat · 8 years
themerlinarthurlovestory replied to your post: Decided to start playing the Sims again. Here...
Merlin and Arthur :)
Ahhhhh that’s actually what I want to do but it’s so much easier to find Brolin style clothes than Merthur... and I’m not sure what career paths to pick for them if they’re Merlin and Arthur. Any ideas?? 
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