#then again that merch store is full of strange decisions
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interested in whatever is happening here
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here4theheartbreak · 1 year
The photocards! SanSang!!! Adorable!!! I also really like the Hwa/Mingi one!
Omg the random albums really gave you the full Woosan experience! Sannie with the hearts stuck on his cheeks~ 🥺💕 Also, Mingi looks absolutely incredible this era?? There's something about him! Massive main character energy.
I think you made the right decision! With the amount of pcs available per album, you'd have to get a filing cabinet to store them all! 😭😂
Ohhh, that lot of albums sounds amazing! That's how I got most of my Vixx albums, all in a big bundle! It's great that you have a little network of people wanting albums though, it'd be such a shame for the duplicates to just be sitting around if someone wants/needs them.
I also bought the fan kit! We have SOOOO many tarot cards in this house. 😅 I recently got a cool Korean holographic deck! It's really beautiful~
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I've also noticed that about buying straight from KR! The price is usually about the same. And things definitely arrive much faster! I honestly love the Korean postal system. When I mailed a postcard home, it literally arrived the next day. I was amazed.
You were caught ugly crying at a concert by a member of OOO? I salute you. Not many could survive it. 😂
It truly was a shame about Yongguk. Because I'm sure he'd have absolutely no problems interacting with male fans. It's just an example of him being shortsighted, I suppose. He's just gone with what he sees / what he expects. And it's very unfortunate.
That's so true. If someone is absolutely spotless and never puts a foot wrong, then it's kinda strange. If they're eternally, faultlessly good... it feels odd. Like how lawyered up are you, and how deep have you buried the bodies??? Humans make errors. People have bad days. Moods change. It's hard to be ON all the time. It's fine. It's normal. As long as it's nothing malicious or purposefully hurtful, I can understand.
I ALWAYS think this. Particularly about K-pop and gaming. It's grown adults, with regular incomes, who are buying merch and albums, and paying stupid prices for tickets. Plus, going to a concert is an EXPENSIVE experience if you live outside of the city the show is at?? Every K-pop concert I go to costs me around £450-£550 (average of £120 per ticket, £100 travel costs, £160 hotel, £50 for food and drink) + whatever I decide to spend on merch. I spent £160 on Ateez merch in February! Kids are simply NOT affording it.
Oh, Pungja? I love her, she's so funny and her humour is so direct! I really liked the interview she did with Mingi and Hongjoong during Halazia era too. That was around the same time (same week?) we got that WooSanHwa Lucky Oppa episode! (I watched it again yesterday) I really loooove how they all interacted with Hoyoung — especially Woo, he was so excited. It was truly a great week for Ateez interviews and queer interactions in general. And, you're right, there is an honest comfort in their engagement that's GREAT to see. It just doesn't seem to matter, which is obviously how it should be.
I loveeeee San's thanxx rainbow ear!!! 🌈 I really liked thanxx as a whole, I understand that it was a hard time with the whole CA situation. But the song is so good!
Omg. There were SO many quote contenders for my little ateez tattoo. But most of them were a bit sad, even though they're very meaningful to me?? So I just went with the straightforward but hopeful '너와 나의 promise'. But I was SO CLOSE to choosing Joong's whole verse from Halazia... because it's basically (read: exactly) how I feel about my whole health journey these past few years. And there was also 'I shine on my own [people will call that a star]' which is really beautiful... but also kind of lonely in a way?? And then I was like maybe 'just keep it up' because it's so encouraging and Sunrise is a GREAT concert song. But Promise always cheers me up. Although, I did also seriously consider '별처럼 빛나' and I still might get that one because '별' is one of my favourite Korean words. And '처럼' and '빛' are two of my favourite Korean words to say. But I think I'd like to get something more conceptual/visual. Who knows. You'll definitely have to let me know what you decide to get, if you decide! 😊
I really liked neon green Yeosang! But I do prefer his natural hair, especially when it's a bit longer. He looks like an actual fairytale prince. Still, I was a big fan of highlighter green Yeosang! The black stripes have me less enthusiastic BUT I respect his scene kid journey! 😂 He definitely knows that rawr means 'i love you' in dinosaur. Ahhhh. May our lord and saviour (Gerard Way) protect our sweet xXxY3oS4ng13xXx from harm.
San looks stunning with the red hair! Literally, red is SO HARD for idols to pull off. Wooyoung was another GORGEOUS red.
So many more hair things have happened. They change their colours way too fast!
Also, helllllllo, Ateez Cosmopolitan Mingi with the stomach reveal?? It seems like he really wants to show us that area lately. You do you, King. You show 'em what you've got, princess~! 💖
Mingi looks so good this era, I absolutely love the style they put him in. I didn’t love the short cropped when it was blonde, but now that it’s gotten a bit longer it looks amazing (and it looked great with the pink).
And yes, in regards to pcs - I have limited space 🤣I collect pcs for 7-ish groups (only SHINee and Ateez are ‘every album must have a pc’ type collections - the other 5 are more “if they’re cute I will get them” lol) - so far I’ve been displaying them in these little polaroid mini things so I can flip through them easily - but I’m running out of room 😭 I’m probably going to need to get a third one V_V
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The album lot arrived last week, it was so much more than I had anticipated! She also sent along '22 Season’s Greetings which I did not at all expect, and the special edition of All to Action which I uh… Wasn’t aware even existed until my friend lost her shit when I showed her the spread 😂 (And I got one of San’s autographed albums 🥲 - not from the same seller but they arrived the same day so I was absolutely chuffed - I need Wooyoung still but am waiting a bit for a good deal).
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In all there were 11 duplicates because of some that I already owned. I wasn’t planning on collecting every version of each album, but I mean… She already did 90% of the work for me so 😂 - I actually have a shop online where I resell kpop merch like albums and pcs so it works out; new inventory for my shop, I'll be able to recoup a good half of the money I spent on it I figure.
But, at least until another group I like as a comeback, and until I get the last 2 albums I’m missing (yellow and blue versions of Movement are all that I’m missing V_V - they’re on the way though) - this is what my kpop center looks like overall … I’m out of room.
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Oh my God I LOVE that tarot deck! That is so gorgeous!! Where did you get it?? My favorite deck that I own is my Black Deck; I love darker, more eerie decks - but I also love fandom decks; I have a Nightmare Before Xmas one on the way and am eyeing a Star Trek one as well. (And am lamenting the fact that no one has made an American Horror Story deck? Like come on people.)
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And yeah, I expect mistakes from people. I’m not delusional, I know my idols and favorite celebrities are human and sometimes humans just don’t want to deal with shit or say things without thinking. It’s just how we are as a species. The problem is when it is repetitive, malicious, or shows willful ignorance or hostility (i.e. sexism, racism, etc) that is not due to ignorance. And right??? I love the stereotype of fans of these things, kpop, video gamers, etc - being 12-14 year old children - like, do people realize the amount of money that it takes to be a fan in the way they are imagining? Obviously I don’t think you need to buy everything or do everything to be a fan - that’s ridiculous - but when these people who mock kpop are mocking fans, they’re mocking ones that have every version of the albums, collect the pcs, go to the concerts, travel to KR to go to fan signs, etc — do they realize what that all costs??? I freely admit that I have a good probably 2k-4k usd worth of merch and albums sitting on my shelf or up on my walls or in binders rn (whether or not I paid that, someone did) and that’s not near as much as it used to be when I collected for BTS, plus a good 500usd or so sitting in a box for resale. A child isn’t going to do that. A child isn’t going to be able to do that, and I know almost zero parents that would be willing to do that for their child - kids are expensive enough as it is 😂 - I fund my son’s hyperfixation (dinosaurs/the Jurassic series) and that’s bad enough. Tickets/concerts are so expensive, you are right! Between the cost of the ticket (which is so much more if the group is popular and if you want seats close or the extras like hi-touch an such). And then travel, hotel, food — and for me personally, even if it’s the rare one in my city (I’ve been lucky enough to see A.C.E and OnlyOneOf here in Minnesota) - most of the time tho I have to travel to Chicago or New York). I still have to pay for a sitter - which isn’t as bad as a hotel but still not cheap — and a kid isn’t going to be driving, so either their parents are footing the gas bill or they’re taking a rideshare, so… Yeah no. (Not to mention some cities here in the US have age curfews - which means parents are gonna need to spend money on an extra ticket to go just so their kid can go.)
Yes! Her. She’s a hoot. I saw she did an interview with those two, I haven’t watched it yet though. I haven’t seen Lucky Oppa either! I will have to go look it up. I’ve never heard of it! I agree as well, that it doesn’t matter - which is what I think is important. I don’t want the community being treated differently in a bad way OR a good way, you know? I just want all of us treated like humans. If you’d treat a cishet host a certain way, then treat the queer host the same way.
And yesss - I swear so many of their lyrics are so deep and meaningful. I feel like a lot of their lyrics are really impactful and speak to me — which ofc is what most fans think, that’s the sign of a good song lol - but you get it. I really like lyrics from Utopia and Aurora (actually Aurora would be really fun to play with as a sort of watercolor night sky looking tattoo but idk). I also really love Better and One Day at a Time - they’re so simple but meaningful. And an odd one that I like but not probably for why you’d think is Good Lil’ Boy - as a transmasc preson there’s parts of it that just resonate for me. I’m sure that I’m sure wasn’t the original intention but 🤷🏻‍♂️ - also parts of Say My Name and Thanxx for a similar reason.
There’s a shop that I found, they did my Doodle tattoo (which was also my first pride tattoo without planning for it; I told her that they could play with the colors of it and she realized it was the perfect # of letters to use for pride colors lol. I love this shop though; it only hires queer, disabled, female identifying, or poc artists. The owner is an enby artist who specializes in top surgery/scar coverups — I want to go to them when I finally decide on what I want for my top surgery scar tattoo. But there’s one artist there that does amazing watercolor - I really would like to have her do sth. But I’m sure I’ll figure something out; maybe I’ll get it for my birthday next year, I try to get one a year when money allows.
The way I snorted over “xXxY3oS4ng13xXx” - because I definitely had a username similar and so did my friend - the nostalgia this kid is giving me rn 😂 - that’s why I don’t like it, it’s giving me clique war flashbacks 🤣🤣🤣🤣(speaking of nostalgia tho - the 2022 Season’s Greetings that I got from that seller - talk about making me feel old jfc - the fact that these trends are retro for these GenZ kids V_V please. They were cute, but I also wanted to hide under a rock seeing some of them).
And yes oh my GOD Wooyoung’s red hair was amazing. It caught my attention right away. I can count on one hand the number of idols that have been able to pull of that neon red and honestly 1/2 of them are Ateez members 😂 - tho some of them really are just super well suited to fantasy colored hair. Like Joong looks amazing in various unnatural colors imo; my least favorite styles of his are when he’s just with his natural hair 😅
The COSMO OH MY GOD I DIED. The way I immediately went to my budget and wiggled stuff around to pre-order a couple of those, it was embarrassing. (I was gonna get all 9 but even I realized it was a bit silly to get 9 copies of the same magazine just for the covers… Despite my desperate want for them.) If I had an easy way to display all of them I would’ve, but alas, my walls are already almost entirely full so, I limited myself to WooSan and ot8. Mingi tho - absolutely killer. And Yunho??? I swear, that man goes totally off my radar for periods then BAM - there he is.
Also, I was watching some shorts and this video came up and I just… Wooyoung is so tiny he looks like a little boy V_V — and I know he’s not really all that small (tho tbf compared to my barely 5ft ass EVERYONE is tall) - but he looks so little next to him and the expression he’s making 😩 My heart.
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
strawberry milk & watermelon seeds
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How to get through the worst summer heat: have a sweet drink, eat a sweet fruit, and have someone with the sweetest kiss around.
pairing: todoroki shouto x reader
warning: fluff, cursing, one year later rewrite
word count: 2,855
a/n: so today is my one year anniversary of this blog. it’s been a rather weird and unknowing journey that I still cannot comprehend or put into words as to how this has changed me. one year later and I still love todoroki shouto the most, one year later and im still as invested into bnha as the day I first watched it. wild. anyways, thank you for watching my growth as a writer, and thank you for 14k followers in this single year. anyways, if you want to read the original to compare, here it is.
“This day can not be any worse.”
With your sweating forearm thrown over your face, and the heat emitting from your face scorching your skin, your clammy skin provided small comfort from the overwhelming heat. Today, according to every news outlet in Japan, it was the hottest day recorded ever. At first, you didn’t believe it; your condo had cooled to near completion with your AC unit running happily in the background. You had spent your day free from work, merrily doing house chores while watching your old classmates text message thread blowing up with complaints about how torturous it was to be outside in this heat. (Even Bakugou who enjoyed hot weather because it benefitted his quirk was ready to go home and get into an ice bath.) That is, you were merry until your power went out.
“I thought you would be happy that you aren’t working right now?”
Ignoring the sweat the slowly pooled down your neck, you turned your head to look at your phone that stood against a stack of books. On the bright screen was Todoroki Shouto, who was wearing a shirt and a jacket despite the heat of the weather. Curse his fucking quirk. 
“It was a happy day until the power blew, and I was told that the power wouldn’t be back on until night!” you whined, fingers pressing to your forehead to wipe the annoying sweat on your face. “Now I’m miserable at home, it’s hotter than balls, I have no snacks, and I am not going outside like this!”
You lifted your legs off the couch, shuddering at your sweating thighs sticking to the material. This was the worst.
“I can come over in a bit; it’ll take me about twenty minutes.” Shouto hummed, his left wrist rising as he looked at his watch. His face had a small smile painted on; it was a new look he was trying as he had stated earlier. As part of being a hero that reassured everyone he rescued, he was working on his smile.
While you would never complain about seeing a kind smile on Shouto’s face, it didn’t help your hammering heart when he looked at you with it.
“What?!” you exclaimed a bit frantically, your hand snatching your phone on the table while sitting up on the couch. Your flustered face a bit too close to the camera while you watched Shouto stand up from his seat and gather his things without minding your attempts to have him not come over.
The thought of being horrendously sweaty around your crush was not something you wanted to do.
“Do you like strawberry milk?” Shouto asked you, his head tilting to the side. At the same time, he picked up his phone, leveling the camera, so it angled below his chin (and you immediately noticed that even with the awkward angle, he was still unfairly hot). “There’s a store on the way to your place that I like.”
A strange noise that crossed between a whine and a sigh emitted past your lips when his eyes locked on yours in question. It seemed that you didn’t have much of a choice.
“I love strawberry milk,” you begrudgingly admitted, watching with heating cheeks as Shouto’s face spread into a bigger, more full, and genuine smile. 
“Okay, I’ll see you in a bit then. Bye.”
You couldn’t say goodbye back, your finger immediately hanging up on him and your body shaking in your nerves. For right now, you couldn’t tell why you felt overheated: the record temperature or the smile that made your heart stop.
If your mother could see how you cleaned your home in the twenty minutes it took Shouto to get to your place, she would cry in joy. In fifteen minutes, you had swept, mopped, and cleared the countertops of the slight messes they had been and quickly bolted upstairs to change into something less sweaty while reapplying perfume and deodorant because you would not make a fool of yourself.
“You look like a mess,” Shouto called out immediately as he stood at your front door. Despite his introduction, his hands lifted in front of him, and he showcased the bag of snacks and tea he brought. 
Despite the initial feeling of wonder at opening the door to see him standing there in all his glory, his words' sudden bluntness immediately made your eyes narrow. 
“I don’t come to your house uninvited and roast your appearance,” you scoff, turning on your heel and letting him in. 
“Oh, was I not invited? I assumed I was allowed to come over, sorry,” Shouto’s voice followed after you, but it did nothing to keep him from staying. The two of you had grown incredibly close as friends. It was without question that he was allowed over whenever he wished, a detail that had taken quite a while for Shouto to accept. 
“I wouldn’t’ve opened the door if you weren’t,” you sigh, your hands fanning the back of your neck as Shouto placed his guest slippers on and walked over. He put the bag onto the kitchen counter before walking over to you, taking your hands and pressing his right hand to the nape of your neck.
“Just making sure,” he said softly, his eyes meeting yours in a careful gaze before his hand dropped in temperature. For the first time since your AC broke down, a shiver went through your spine. 
You had no idea whether it was from the sudden loss of heat from your body or his gentle yet strangely warm touch. But with the loss of being overheated and reaching a better point of homeostasis, you realized that you had been wordlessly staring into his eyes. Falling deep into the blue and grey, drowning in the way they bore into you gently, intently. 
“So, uh, what else did you bring me besides your stupidly advantageous quirk?” you asked, your mouth feeling unbelievably parched. At the same time, Shouto’s fingers slowly pulled away from your skin, leaving behind nothing but an exploding heart and raised skin.  
To that comment, Shouto’s eyebrow lifted, and his lip quirked a bit too, a teasing look on his face while the two of you began to walk to the bag he had brought. He grabbed the bag before you, bringing it close to his chest as if to keep it from you.
“Sounds like you’re using me for my quirk, y/l/n. That wouldn’t be very heroic of you.”
“I’m off duty, I can be an asshole,” was your quick response, your heart beating faster at the chuckle that rumbled deep in his chest as he untied the bag. His eyes rose to yours, inquisitive and teasing, and an eyebrow raised.
Shouto seemed to debate whether he should say something or not, your locked stares never wavering. But before you could question what was running through his head, he pulled out the items from the bag. Your jaw dropped in your sheer love for what he brought you: two sealed cups of strawberry milk, half of a watermelon with two scoops, and an arrangement of other snacks you loved. There was nothing he could do to stop you from scooping up your nacks in your arms, tears misting your eyes because, at this moment, your lousy day had become good again. 
“I hope you still like all these snacks, you always used to talk about them,” Shouto rubs the back of his neck, his gaze falling onto the sweet pink drinks before him. He grabbed the straws and punctured the drinks for both of you, and you looked at him with a smile of pure joy and disbelief. 
“This is perfect, Todoroki, really! I love this so much!”
Maybe if you had been looking at Shouto and not at the bags of snacks he had bought for you, you would have seen the flush color climbing the back of his neck.
It had taken Shouto precisely two seconds to bring your condo back to a habitable environment, a feat that had you quite literally jumping into his arms in your excitement. But in your sudden burst of emotional energy, Shouto had been taken back so abruptly by your arms thrown around him that he had iced over your entire living room. Both of you had stared at the iced room with shocked gazes, and while he looked on in horror, your face split into a shit-eating grin.
So despite his initial decision to defrost the entire room, you said it was fine. Grabbing the frozen watermelon (you had to tear the melon and the two scoops off the counter as it had also been frozen, not to mention you almost ate shit if not for Shouto easily catching you) the two of you retreated to your shaded patio, sitting on the brick and tasting the sweet melon while idly chatting between the both of you.
“You got the watermelon with the seeds!” you laughed loudly, letting the small black seed fall from your bottom lip and onto your await palm. “We have transgressed the need for watermelon with seeds! Have you never gotten seedless watermelon?!”
Shouto shoved you with his shoulder, his face grimacing a bit when a rather sharp crunch came from his mouth. Your laughter growing louder when a fractured watermelon seed fell from his tongue. 
“The sign said it was seedless, besides it takes two seconds to get the seeds out, stop complaining.” Shouto groaned, placing the seed onto the pile the two of you had created. You had been taking a drink of the sweet milk as he said this, and his smile grew into a crooked grin at the sight of your eyes widening with the need to speak. 
Tearing the cup from your mouth, you swallowed the liquid quickly before jabbing a finger into his shoulder, “Tell that to my face after I accidentally swallow a seed and a watermelon grows in my stomach!”
“The day that happens, I will personally let you dress me up in Endeavor merch.” Shouto wagers, his eyes watching as you scooped out a bit of the watermelon and shoving it into your mouth. You contemplated his words, thinking about the horrendous merch his father had and the humiliation he would have if he had to wear it.
Your teeth bit onto a black seed, and instead of politely removing it from your mouth as you had been doing, you turned your head toward the fence and spat out the watermelon seed. 
“Oh, that’s tempting!” you sing out, your fingertips dancing against each other, a very comically villainous sight. 
Shouto scoffed, his head shaking as he chewed his own watermelon before spitting out his own seed. You watched it soar through the air before falling somewhere near where your seed landed. Ever the competitor, your head tilted, trying not to take it personally as Shouto finally spoke.
“Is it? Well, we both know it’s impossible.”
You shake your head at his true remark, your mouth once again full of watermelon, and you concentrated on the two black dots on the grass. Rolling your shoulders, you spit the seed sitting on your tongue, and you refrained from sounding too victorious when your seed was now the furthest one out. So with the calmness of a child who had done something terrible and was attempting to not be caught, you turned to Shouto with a wink. 
“Nothing is impossible!”
Shrugging, Shouto took another mouthful of the watermelon before sending a seed flying, landing what seemed like a centimeter further than yours. Your eyes narrowed at the taunting victory.
“Oh, but some things are,” it felt like he whispered that in your ear, and you turned onto him. Your fiery glare matching his while he took yet another bite of the watermelon. He did it without breaking his gaze with you, and an astounding grin spread on your face at the pure childishness of this all.
“...are you… are you challenging me?!” you accused, your eyebrows shooting to your hairline and your finger connecting with his nose.
Shouto smirked, his face turning back to the grass, and he spat out the seed, sending it much further than it had gone before.
“No. Not at all,” he said smoothly, his sight coming back to you, and as if to rub in the salt, he added, “We both know who’ll win.”
So, under the blazing hot sun, both you and Shouto sat with sticky sweet watermelon juice dribbling down your chin and black seeds soaring as far as they could go to only pathetically landing on laps. Slandering words were thrown about, but the echoing laughter told anyone who tried to overhear just how unserious this entire predicament was. 
Your fingers wiped at the bottom of your chin again while tears streamed down your face from the laughter. Shouto was in a similar position, his head leaning against yours as three black seeds failed to leave his mouth and chose to stick onto his chin. 
“Imma - holy shit STOP - Imma fucking pee my pants!” you wheezed, trying to focus on anything that wasn’t Shouto right now. “You look so dumb right now!”
“Your insults mean nothing to me because you’re jealous I’m winning,” Shouto forced out, his voice wavering with his own laughter and fleeing concentration.
“Only because YOU CHEATED!” you exclaimed, your fists weakly pounding onto his arm. “Who the hell burns a watermelon seed flying in the air if not to keep me from winning?!”
“Because you took five steps closer! That’s cheating!” Shouto pointed out, the back of his hand, wiping the sheen of watermelon juice and seeds from his chin.
“Whatever, I’ll end this all right now!” you rolled your eyes, and the both of you directed your attention to the nearly empty watermelon. Almost empty, save for one part that would be enough for one last scoop.
“That’s the last of the watermelon…” Shouto spoke softly, his hand grabbing his spoon the same time you did.
“Yeah, and?” you pressed, your gaze narrowing as he lifted his spoon, moving it to push against yours.
“You were the last one to spit,” he said, trying to box you out of the melon.
Your jaw dropped, and you pressed against his again, trying to keep him from doing as he pleased. “I called it first!”
“You can’t go twice!” he pointed out, his hand wrapping around your free wrist to keep you from potentially hitting him with that arm.
“You went twice earlier!” you countered, pushing forward, leaning on with all your weight in hopes he would back off. You had to win.
“I’m the guest at your house, be better accommodating!”
“Oh yeah?! Well, ladies, first!”
“Clearly, I am acting more ladylike right now, so it’s not you!”
But in an unequal push, you sent Shouto and you tumbling off the patio and onto the floor with a thud. Your eyes were squeezed tight as the earthy ground made contact with your back, and you sighed, knowing you hadn’t been hurt. You saw the watermelon on the floor, the last scoop of the sweet fruit ruined with dirt and grass, but you froze when you became aware of the way Shouto had landed.
His forearms were planted onto the ground by your head, his eyes wide and his mouth parted slightly. His warm and minty scent easily carried into your nose like this, and the smell of the strawberry milk still clung to his lips. Immediately your face exploded in heat, and your sight went dizzy in the situation you were in.
“...the watermelon… um, you dropped the watermelon, Todoroki,” you painfully whispered, unsure if speaking would send him away from you, acting like this didn’t just happen. 
Your beating heart was loud in your ears, almost washing out the summer day's sounds as Shouto studied you carefully before turning his head to look at the indeed ruined watermelon. Still, he made no attempt to move off from on top of you.
“We can go buy some more in a bit.” 
“I… but Todoroki--” you almost shuddered, unsure as to why that simple sentence ignited something profound from within you.
“Don’t-” Shouto interrupted, his brow furrowed, and his eyes dark while he looked down. Shaking his head, your breathing stopped when his eyes met yours. There was no hesitation, no doubt, and something you never knew you would see in his eyes: adoration. “Shouto. Call me, Shouto.”
“Shouto…” you breathed out, the sound of his name on your tongue foreign yet otherworldly pleasant.
And his eyes warmed at the sound of his name, and you could do nothing when his sugary sweet lips connected with yours, pressing thoroughly and gently against yours. Today had been a mix of goods and bads. Still, the moment his lips claimed yours, everything in the world quickly faded away. There was nothing to focus on except Todoroki Shouto and the way that you would forever crave the way his tongue and kisses tasted like strawberry milk and watermelon seeds.
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the19thduckpotato · 4 years
In the Shadow of a Smile (Pt 4)
Part 3
Toshi's thoughts rambled aimlessly again.  Why did she have Izuku stay?  Something to do with me?  He grimaced.  I really wish she wouldn't.  I can take care of myself... Is that a fact, now? Listen.... Further thoughts were cut short as Izuku jogged up.  Toshi's face split into a warm grin.  "There you are!"
Izuku grinned back, falling into step beside Toshi (three short steps to each long one). "Hi!" He fumbled with the opening of the strawberry popcorn, munching on a few kernels. I wonder if he can have any... I know he can have sugar in small amounts, but... he does have his own kind of popcorn. Best not to offer n put him in the position of refusing, he'll sneak a few kernels of mine on his own if he wants some.
Toshi smiled down at his fan student son protege, amused by their comparative steps.  He tried to shorten his own steps and looked about.  "See any store you'd like to visit?" is it strange that I want to give him every good thing that he deserves?  Am I allowed to do that?  Well, i mean, I'm All Might, I can do whatever I like... not that I'd ever abuse that. He watched Izuku.  It'd be blatant favoritism.  But he deserves it.  But that would paint an even bigger target than he already has on him.  Which he definitely does not deserve. Toshi's steps slowed more as he let Izuku get ahead of him. I wish... And he squashed that thought immediately, startled that he even thought it.
Izuku looked around. "Aaahhh..." His eyes popped wide when he saw a certain storefront. "Ooh!! There!!" He bounced and pointed, though he quickly snatched his hand back as he remembered Pointing Was Rude.
Toshi's head snapped up and he squinted.  What in the...?
Izuku turned and grinned up at Toshi excitedly. "Can we go there??"
The blond looked amused verging on jovial laughter.  He almost teased Izuku about was there really a need for more plastic All Mights in the dorm? Just because you feel crummy is no reason to pick on the kid, even jokingly.    He picked this store, now let's learn a little more about what makes Izuku happy. "Of course.  I've been meaning to find myself a Chibi Aizawa eraser topper."  He winked.
Izuku smothered a laugh. "He's underground, they don't make merch of him!" Wait what am I even gonna buy in here, they sell All Might merch, and I'm taking ALL MIGHT in here, that's so cheesy and weird! Can I just look at stuff? Will he think it's a waste of time if I do? Oh no, why did I pick this?? Because you were excited, that's why. Because he asked and you answered, now shut up and Deal With It. Hhhnnngg.... "Do... do you maybe wanna find somewhere else though, because I know it's probably weird and-- and maybe there's somewhere else you'd rather be and I'd 100% like to go with you n honestly I don't even know what I'd want to buy from here, I was just looking...." Izuku grinned and rambled sheepishly as they got closer to the store, both wanting to go in and very much not.
Toshi just casually steered his charge into the store without breaking his slowed stride.  "Weird?  I want to see what's selling.  And who is."  He wrinkled his nose.  "I'm not overly fond of the whole marketing aspect of this job... but I get it."  He picked up a plush grinning All Bean and half smiled.  "Small mementos of the people you look up to.  Reminders that mean different things to different people.  If seeing my face plastered everywhere gave people hope, then so much the better." He didnt like the idea of some of his fans being denied that hope simply because they didnt have the money... but he also knew the heroing business was lucratively expensive. "--oop!"  He pointed at a pile of gray scarves and grinned impishly.  "Yessssssss."
Izuku gave a high-pitched laugh when he saw, then ducked and hoped no one heard him. He grinned back at Toshi and nodded. His gaze flitted around the store, landing on a Crimson Riot hoodie in a rack of clothes. "Oh! Kirishima would love that!" He pointed again.
Toshi picked up one of the scarves--it was much shorter than the real deal--and tossed it about his shoulders.  He affected a regal pose.  "What do you think?" he said, trying a droning Aizawa impression.
Izuku squeaked and hid his grin in his hands, shoulders shaking with silent laughter. He lifted his head, composure regained with a straight face.
"Blah blah, stop showing off, blah, I never get any sleep, blah, I have 20 cats and they're all named Mittens--"
Izuku's mouth twitched. He repeated the process.  Shaking his head, he mumbled shyly, "Noooooo... we can't make fun of him...."
"I'm sorry," Toshi snorted, trying to look apologetic.  "That was disrespectful." Jerk. Toshi's ears tinged red as he set the scarf back.  "You know what I'm looking forward to?"
Izuku looked up curiously, surprised at how quickly Toshi put the scarf back and how sad he sounded at the end. "--Oh?"
"When shops like these are filled to the brim with green.  Then I can be the big collector." If you even make it that-- "I'll be able to cite facts about my favorite hero, snatch up first editions, maybe get an autograph if I'm lucky."  He smiled hopefully at his kid.
Izuku squeeeeaked, hiding his face in his hands one more time. He quickly flew to Toshi, hugging his arm tightly. Of course you can you can have so much more than that you can have me, right there, oh please let me still be there--
"Heck, I know just the people to talk to about--i mean, if that's the way you'd like to go.  Merchandizing and all."  Toshi shrugged shyly.  "You're already making an impact now, just wait till you're well known.  People will be demanding Deku merch, heh." He looked about the store, all the current heroes familiar and easy to spot.  He blinked and saw different heroes now, the kids from UA.  Not just Izuku, not just Class 1A, but all the students. He blinked again, eyes stinging. I want to see that.
"Whuh-wuh... uuuhhh... I mean." Izuku lifted his head from where it was hidden against Toshi's arm and blinked. "Yeah, I'd rather talk to your people than try to do it on my own, but..." You mean you want HIM to talk to them and you not say anything, like a shy little puppy.... ...Look, that's a long way off though.... He didn't contradict himself. "I mean, maybe let's cross that bridge when we come to it. I don't know if that's even legal yet, I don't even have my full license...." Can unlicensed heroes even have merch deals? I mean I'm not unlicensed but it's only provisional....
Toshi grinned knowingly.  "I already know you're going to need merch.  No rush, of course... but if you keep going at the rate you already are, well."
Izuku muffled a long wobbly squeak against Toshi’s side.
"And to think that lil old me got to be fortunate enough to be the Great Deku's first fan.  Man," Toshi whistled.  "Am I ever lucky!" And for what it was worth, he meant every word.
Izuku could tell, and the fact made his heart feel all weird and tied up all the sheepish brushing-off he wanted to do in long confusing ribbons mixed with thanks. "...But-- you made Deku, though... I'd be nothing without you." Well, not nothing... I'd still be a person. But I wouldn't be a pro without you. I'm still not there, yet, but I hope... one day....
Toshi gazed at him fondly.  "Do you really still believe that?  That passing you--"  He paused, mindful they were in public, and gestured you know.  "--the, ah,  heroic torch would have been the same no matter who it was passed to?" "A Quirkless middle schooler?  What are you thinking?!  Such a boy could never serve as the Symbol of Peace!!" Toshi had coughed thickly but still proudly responded with, "He really has this burning desire to help people." And yet, Mirai had refused to listen, hanging up on his former partner. "...I picked you on purpose.  And each passing week only reinforces my decision.  Please do not doubt that.  Deku exists because you exist, firstly.  I just gave you a helping hand, that's all."  He grinned and brushed one bang away.
Izuku smiled softly-- mostly with his eyes. He rested his forehead against Toshi's arm, trying to think of words that would both satisfy Toshi and yet still be true. "Not... exactly the same, no. But I think... the other children out there... have just as much... potential. As I do."
"They do." Toshi tousled Izuku's hair.  "And would that I could help all of them the same way.  But..."  he held up one finger.  "Power is a tricky thing.  It has an effect on people and not always good.  The most well intentioned person can still do terrible things. "So it isn't just a matter of being suitable.  You earned my trust by not blabbing my secret.  You inspired me to action when I believed I could do no more.  You...well.  You made me want to live again.  Something that not even All Might could do.  So who's the strong one now, eh? "Frankly, kid, I'll be honest--i don't think there's a whole lot of people like you out there.  Don't sell yourself short."
Izuku gazed up at Toshi in wonder. He tried to think of something to say... his mouth twitched into a smile. "But I am short!"
Toshi just stared for a moment. S t a r e d.
Izuku slowly unsmiled himself. Not sad, but confused... "...Not funny?"
Then burst into a roar of laughter, helplessly trying to gasp, "well of course--heehee--next to me--"
The smile came back full force. Izuku burst into laughter too-- "Well YEAH, you're a GIANT!!" He looked up at Toshi with the brightest grin.
Toshi tried to regain his composure, looked at Izuku, used his hand to compare their heights, wheezed more laughter. "I'm onlyheeheehee seven fooahahaha oh no help--"
The laughter was incredibly contagious, Izuku hiccuping out noises that were a cross between a donkey and a chihuahua.
Toshi made a desperate noise at Izuku's noises, his laughter getting more out of control.  Tears squirted out and he weakly grasped at his kid's shoulder.  He was dimly aware others would be staring but the floodgates had opened and he could only ride the wave at this point. This marvelous wonderful wave.
Izuku's face was starting to hurt, but he was happy, SO happy. He tried his best to support Toshi but he, too, was a floppy noodle of hilarity.
Toshi fought to get himself back under control, his laughter finally tapering off into snickers, then slowing down to an occasional giggle.  He took a deep breath and checked on his kid.
One last snort.
Toshi's eyes widened.  Ohno. He clapped one hand over his mouth but his eyes still twinkled.
A tired giggle. Izuku enjoyed the feeling of being in the moment, still leaned against Toshi in a half-hug. He didn't dare look up, though, or he knew he'd start laughing again.
Toshi cleared his throat and casually thumbed the edges of his mouth.  "Well now we have to get something," he grinned.  "What's your pick?"
"Oh!" Izuku's gaze snuck toward the rack of jackets. "...Hmmm...."
Toshi's head followed his gaze.  "Oh look, a denim jacket!  Best Jeanist, you cad."
Izuku giggled, though he didn't quite get the joke. He stepped over to the rack, peeking through them and looking for-- well, maybe I can wear it... but what if Kacchan sees me? But... well, I can wear it in my room n stuff, at least. Or in places like this. As long as I hide it before I get back.... His fingers brushed over sleeves to check the texture and pushed gaps between the jackets to see if any were All Might-themed.
Toshi blinked and smiled, hands in his pockets.  He waved at the few people who recognized him then returned to watching Izuku dig through jackets.
Most of the All Might merch seemed to have been snapped up already, but Izuku's face lit up when he saw-- "Ooh!"
"Hmm??"  Toshi tilted his head and arched his neck.  "What did you find?"
Izuku pulled a thick Silver Age-print hoodie off the rack, running his hand over the inside lined with a soft fluffy material. "This is great! Lookit!" He held it up and grinned, bouncing on his toes excitedly.
Toshi looked pleasantly surprised.  "Well whaddya know!"  He held out his arm for Izuku to drape it over.
Izuku placed it over his arm, still bouncing. "Can I try it on??"
"Heheheheh, sure, go on." He quietly made a mental note to get Izuku's size and dig into his limited edition wear later.
Izuku picked up the jacket again, taking it off the hanger (making sure to put the hanger back on the rack for now) and unzipping jacket, holding the ends of his sleeves and wiggling his arms in. It was a little big, but he could grow into it.
Toshi was definitely feeling the dad feels right about this time.  His kid proudly showing off his jacket. The breath hitched in his throat for a moment. "Looks great on you," he managed with a delighted smile.
Izuku looked up, smiling brightly. He clapped his hands together in happiness, looking down at them with much interest when he felt how the parts of the sleeves covering his hands muffled the impact. After inspecting this sensation for a few seconds, he looked back up, asking with a shy grin, "So uh... can I, uh..." he ducked his head then brought it up again, "...can I have it?"
Toshi's eyes shone with joy.  I finally get to spoil my kid! "I don't see why not!  Anything else you might like?"
"--Oh!" Izuku's eyes and mouth went round. Surely that's too much!! I couldn't even think of anyth-- wait, yes I could! "Well-- actually... I was wondering if we could pick out some stuff for the others?" He thought of the Crimson Riot jacket, knowing Kirishima would love it, and wondered if he could find something of Kamui Woods' or even Snipe's for Shouji. "Not, like-- all twenty or anything... but maybe..." he bit his lip and stared into space, a plan formulating. "Maybe we could hunt for stuff, like, over a while... and save it until we have one for everybody? Would you like that?"
Toshi's entire face lit up at this suggestion.  "That's a fantastic idea!  And anything we can't find on our own, I'm sure I could dig up somewhere else." He shook his head in admiration.  "You're one in a million, kid, you know that?"
Izuku tilted his head and gave a scrunchy, lopsided smile. "What, really?" For coming up with a gift idea? Everyone will be doing it come Christmas. A thought occurred. "Well, technically, I'm one in 7 billion...."
"Even better.  And to think, you're my kid now." oh no wait, what did I just say oh no OH NO He stammered out a quick apology.  "I-I mean...ah...err... what I mean to say, y-young Midoriya--" He could feel his ears burning.
Izuku went limp in shock, and his eyes grew wide as saucers, practically sparkling. His mouth started to wobble.
"Hey wait, nonono, what did we say about the waterworks?!"  He frantically gestured at the boy, acutely aware of being watched now.  "UH--"
Izuku shot forward, wrapping his arms around Toshi and squeezing tight.
Toshi stiffened in shock then relaxed his muscles, ruffling Izuku's hair.  "Hey now..." I care about you I care about you a LOT and I know I'm terrible at speaking my true heart.  I never told Master and lost my chance.  I never told Mirai and lost my chance.  I don’t want to lose my chance with you, I couldn’t bear it. "Kid..."
((Part 5))
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