#then it was my beloved masky from MH
lynn-writes-things · 2 years
ya know I think I pieced together EXACTLY where my mask kink stemmed from
I was a big power rangers fan as a little kid.. I’ll leave it at that
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spellboundcities · 2 years
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Been a minute since I've posted a doodle comp have clownery
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
OMG HI I FOUND YOU FROM QUOTEV THEN AO3 AND HERE AND I JUST WANTED TO SAY YOUR CREEPYPASTA SERIES??? LITERALLY SOME OF THE MOST S+ TIER STUFF I'VE EVER READ FOR THEM, ESPECIALLY HOODIE AND MASKY?? Like when I read "In the Backyard Catching Fireflies" I evaporated in my bed from how domestic and sweet it was, like you can't find stuff this good anywhere else?? And then "Seeing Him Smile and Kiss Someone Else" and "In the Kitchen When No One Else is Home" and "You Are a Fixed Star" came and SHATTERED me, I had to take breaks in between paragraphs multiple times because of my emotions being EVERYWHERE and how beautiful the writing was, like I am a broken person now and I absolutely need follow-ups on any of these oneshots??? So I hope you're happy with yourself LMAO
I'm like a fungi network. Hundreds upon hundreds of little hyphae connections connecting me to,,,, way too many places.
ANYWAYS, lovely to see you here, love bug! Feel free to check out my creepypasta/MH masterlists because a whole bunch of stuff I never posted on quotev or AO3 started here due to lovely requesters. You should've seen this place in its creepypasta heyday, it's in a bit of a content shift? Seems we're focusing on SCP!
But you absolutely flattered me silly with all of these lovely words though. Thank you so so much. Sometimes I like, severely doubt my work? Like, is it good enough, do people actually care but these things genuinely bring me joy. And the works you mentioned are some of my most beloved! You Are A Fixed Star is one of my personal king fish simply because of the BoJack references in it. And I like talking about space.
I think requests will be opening up,,,, soon I have no idea I'm in finals season. These next three or so weeks are gonna get weird.
Lots of love to you <3
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juicebox-sys · 2 years
I finished Marble Hornets for the first time recently and I feel like rambling about it so here we go
So a bit of background, I was in the Creepypasta fandom sometime around mid 2013, up until fnaf came out in late 2014 at which point I fell out of Creepypasta to move on to that. 
Marble Hornets started in 2009, and the date it released means I was maybe 7. Once I got into Creepypasta, I was around 11/12. And then I just kinda moved on from it and didn’t revisit it for a long ass time.
Since I primarily existed on a tiny fanfic site called Quotev, a majority of the content I consumed in regards to Creepypasta/MH characters was through the Fanfiction Filter, which basically meant if you weren’t a masked murderer you got no attention.
This was where I was first introduced to “Masky” and “Hoodie” as characters. I only knew what they looked like through fanart used in the fanfics I read. I remember being told at some point that they were from a series called Marble Hornets, but I wasn’t really interested in that kind of content back then, I was off doing my own shit.
I wish I had watched this back then, really. I wish I had gotten to see this through the lens of a kid in 2013 who wasn’t sure if they should be scared of the Slenderman or not. I really wish I had gotten to let this series scare me.
I love analog horror. The Walten Files owns my ass. I would bend over for the angel statue from Mandela Catalogue. And this is so clearly what so many analog horror projects are using as groundwork, it’s fascinating to watch through that perspective. But that’s the only perspective I have on it.
It’s not scary by today’s standards of Internet horror - partially because using Slenderman as your main villain is more of a meme at this point - but it really doesn’t need to be scary. I think it stands alone as a great mystery on top of its potential scares. I still don’t think I know what the fuck happened at the end there, and I still have no fucking clue what the “Ark” is, but goddamn do i wanna know so fucking bad.
I think that’s a large reason why MH’s influence is so clear in a lot of modern Internet horror projects. It was scary for 2009, but it had enough mystery to still make it worth the watch over 10 years later. Even if you’re not scared, you’re gonna be intrigued.
I don’t have nostalgia for the series the way a lot of people do, but I definitely have an appreciation for it. I can see why it’s so beloved and I can absolutely see why it got popular. It’s very well done and I cannot stress enough how much I wish I had watched when I was younger. I would have eaten this shit up.
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