#then came the Star Wars era pt. 1
lynn-writes-things · 2 years
ya know I think I pieced together EXACTLY where my mask kink stemmed from
I was a big power rangers fan as a little kid.. I’ll leave it at that
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padawanlost · 7 months
just saw a text post about how leia killing a slave master when anakin was a slave himself is cool but i find it interesting how ppl can find rational things to point out for stuff like that but when its anakin disliking a sandy planet like its ridiculous thing for him to say? but made so much sense cause you know... he's been enslaved there with his mom as a kid. idk i guess im still bitter of hayden/anakins treatment of his character
I get it but I believe the key here is to understand this weird moment we are a living right now (suddenly the prequels are cool and *everyone* had always loved them) by separating the old negative crap we were used to, from the genuine takes coming from the new found love the prequels are getting.
What I’m trying to say is the people who are excited by the prequels, who are discovering the value of the movies for the first time or just rediscovering it after so long, are not necessarily the same people who trashed the movies and made fun of Anakin’s “sand issues” or Hayden’s performance. So, to me at least, there’re two different issues here:
1 – for the longest time PT fans and Anakin fans had to deal with unfair amount of criticism, hate, mockery and even attacks. These behaviors came from part of the fandom and the media because for the longest time hating on the prequels made you cool and a “real star wars fan”.
2 – we have a bunch of new fans (literal new fans but also old fans who didn’t like or didn’t want to be seen liking the prequels) who are now vocal about the PT-Era, who want to talk about it, to engage, to discuss and, you know, just share their appreciation for the movies.
I try not to mix the two, especially in this particular case. From my own experience with this fandom, the people who trashed Anakin for not liking sand didn’t understand his character enough to get the impact slavery had on the Skywalker family.
I’ve talked about the “sand issue” here before:
But, to sum it up, the meaning behind the “I hate sand” is pretty obvious once you look beyond “Anakin is whiny/The prequels suck/George Lucas ruined my life”.
“When I was in Level Three, we used to come here for school retreat,” she said. She pointed out across the way, to another island. “See that island? We used to swim there every day. I love the water.” “I do, too. I guess it comes from growing up on a desert planet.” He was staring at her again, his eyes soaking in her beauty. He could tell that Padmé sensed his stare, but she pointedly continued to look out over the water. “We used to lie on the sand and let the sun dry us … and try to guess the names of the birds singing.” “I don’t like the sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating. And it gets everywhere.” Padmé turned to look back at him “Not here,” Anakin went on. “It’s like that on Tatooine—everything’s like that on Tatooine. But here, everything’s soft, and smooth.” As he finished, hardly even aware of the motion, he reached out and stroked Padmé’s arm. [R.A. Salvatore. Attack of the Clones]
It’s about childhood trauma, privilege and systemic injustice and inequality. The sand physically represents everything Anakin loathes about his home planet, specially when compared to Padmé’s own childhood and home planet:
“This is Anakin. Anakin, this is Ryoo and Pooja!” The blush on the pair as they shyly said hello brought a burst of laughter from Padmé and a smile to Anakin’s face, though he was equally ill at ease as the two children. The girls’ shyness lasted only as long as it took for them to notice the little droid rolling behind Anakin, trying to catch up. “Artoo!” they shouted in unison. Breaking away from Padmé, they rushed to the droid, leaping upon him, hugging him cheek to dome. And R2-D2 seemed equally thrilled, beeping and whistling as happily as Anakin had ever heard. Anakin couldn’t help but be touched by the scene, a view of innocence that he had never known. Well, not never, he had to admit. There were times when Shmi had found some way to produce such moments of joy amid the drudgery that was life as a slave on Tatooine. In their own way, in that dusty, dirty, hot, and smelly place, Anakin and his mother had carved out a few instants of innocent beauty. Here, though, such moments seemed so much more the norm than the memorable exception. [R.A. Salvatore. Attack of the Clones]
[Ahsoka] was hyperalert again, all her instincts firing. One of these millennia she’d make a pretty good Jedi, probably. Provided he could smooth the rough edges off her. “Yes, Master,” she said. “You can trust me.” He frowned down at her. Was I ever this young? Was this how I used to look to Obi-Wan? He doubted it. Slaves lost their innocence while they were still in the cradle. [Karen Miller. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Wild Space]
Of course, because it became a meme used to “expose” George Lucas inability to write, direct or even understand what Star Wars is all about (eyeroll), that’s what most casual viewer think about when someone says “I hate sand”. But, on a more hopeful note, I do believe we’re doing good work claiming it back, by talking about it and even making memes about it in a way that’s not offensive to the characters, actors or fans. There are healthy, fun ways to laugh at Star wars  without diminishing the experiences and feelings of others.
Anakin represents so much different things to so many different fans it’s impossible to put everything in one single answer, but I hope you know I do understand exactly how you feel. I’m also very protective of Anakin, flaws and all. And it does annoy me to see people dismiss him and Hayden’s work in ways that can be very…cruel. But, Prequel/Anakin’s fans are awesome and now we’ve reclaimed the prequels proper place in history as peak star wars, we are unstoppable!! So let them come!
They just can’t accept how incredible Anakin’s story is, and that’s their loss.  
“Anakin had always hated sand. It was one of the many things about his Padawan that Obi-Wan understood better now that Anakin was dead. That was the horror of losing someone: Understanding came too late.” [Obi-wan Kenobi in Jude Watson’s The Last One Standing]
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bedlamsbard · 4 years
VERY SCATTERED thoughts on Star Wars: The High Republic: Light of the Jedi by Charles Soule -- not terribly spoilery, but probably there’s some if you don’t want to not be spoiled at all.  I’m just going to copy and paste from last night’s Twitter thread(s), so this is definitely not in the top ten most coherent things I’ve ever written.
Under a cut for anyone who is avoiding spoilers.
Light of the Jedi is fine. Weirdly paced, probably a nightmare to read if you're going to read it over several days rather than in one day because of the size of the cast of characters (go back to doing those, Lucasfilm), very much a Western. 
I will say this, as someone who came out of the EU: this book is REALLY jarring to read if you're familiar with the EU, especially the Old Republic era but quite a lot of the later-set stuff as well. It's essentially a reset, but there are things in there that are just ???? like, okay, we're going to change where bacta comes from, sure...? why...?  hyperspace is weird and scary a mere two hundred years before TPM.  why...?
I had this vibe from A Test of Courage (which I read first), but I'm getting it here too -- the Jedi seem more...Christian. It's not something I can put my finger on or point to anything really specific, but something about the approach feels far more Western. I know the promo and publicity for the High Republic series leaned hard into the Knights of the Round Table vibe and it's very...I mean, I can't argue?  I'm not totally comfortable with it?
Coming out of the PT/TCW era as well, these Jedi seem more...what's the word I want. They're not necessarily different philosophically (except for the fact they read more Western-influenced than Eastern), but they're...smoother. That's not a great descriptor. The PT era Jedi feel scrappier, and I don't necessarily mean that just because we mostly see them in the midst of the Clone Wars. (I came out of the PT-era EU, not just the Clone Wars era.) Maybe this is the event that's going to scrape the Jedi down to bare bones and sharp-edged teeth. Maybe I missed something not having read the PT-era new canon. Again, like, I don't think they're philosophically different, they're hmm. less...desperate?  and certainly part of that is that the PT Jedi are in their twilight, even before the Clone Wars, and the High Republic Jedi are at their height, but... *flips hands* I don't know.
also I'm going to be honest if I saw the words "we are all the Republic" one more time I was going to lose my mind. this is particularly noticeable because the government is apparently just the Chancellor and two ministers. you are telling me the Senate doesn't care?  perhaps I am particularly sensitive to this because of the U.S. politics we are all suffering through but WHERE WAS THE SENATE.
the Nihil are whatever.
a lot of the design choices in this book feel very Rule of Cool, which going by the way that the designs seem to have been done may actually be true. (lightsabers...holstered?)  (honestly I have my back up with how SW introduced them by basically going "ALL RIGHT COSPLAYERS HAVE AT."   and I feel kind of weird about the fact they went for the blonde white woman as their main Jedi.)  just a lot of this feels very "okay what if we do THIS because it's COOL" which like as a fic writer sure! fine! that's great! I'm tired.
I can't believe we have to live through three phases of this for at least the next three years.
anyway it's fine. the pacing in Light of the Jedi is fucked up -- mostly it's fine but then there's the back third and that's...not...great. especially if one is trying to apply timeline logic.
[this is a separate thread I wrote about the same book]
was not expecting the trend in new canon Star Wars to be authors being really weird about writing nonhumans but whatever like, they're doing it, but the descriptions are...weird.  it's the less fucked up equivalent of "she breasted boobily"
this is something I think about a lot because I write from Twi'lek POVs all the time, so I am probably more sensitive to it than average
would you describe a human in this way? no? then don't do it. (I should specify because lolsob people, would you describe whatever your idea of a Standard Person is in this way? no? then don't do it. because people are also weird about describing, amongst others, women and POC.)
this sort of thing isn't, like, BAD but it also feels very...unnatural.
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IDK, this is one of the Star Wars things that I'm unusually sensitive about.
the author is less weird about describing some of the other nonhumans so I think it's entirely possible he doesn't think his audience knows what the fuck a Nautolan is
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if you didn't already know what Togruta looked like this description would make zero sense so it's kind of just reading like the author going "Togruta are sexy, check."
(I swear I'm getting other stuff from this book too, it's just the description thing is what I'm attuned to so it's getting the most commentary from me.)
[subthread in response to a question I got about this sort of thing]
I don't know that there's a pattern -- I'm not doing much SW reading because I don't generally find it enjoyable anymore, but what I usually look for are 1) in a close third person POV how is the author having the character describe themselves?
and then, is that described in a way that feels natural? (thinking about Freed having Hera call her skin "jade-colored" or here "tentacles emerging from the back of his skull.") is there an ever-present awareness from within the character that they're not "human-standard"?
2) how much does the narrative exoticize their non-humanness -- Soh talking about Togruta in this thread is a very obvious example, even if that's not a Togruta describing themselves.
if it feels like the narrative is going "LOOK! THEY'RE NOT HUMAN!" and then lays out the ways how based on their physical characteristics. and what the narrator chooses to describe and not (skin color, lekku, horns, etc.)
there can also just be some REALLY weird phrasing around the way authors choose to describe nonhuman characters -- thinking about EKJ's Ahsoka talking about how "her head had grown again", that'a a phrase that lives rent-free in my brain.
also Soule has a weird quirk I've noticed where nonhuman characters are not described as being "a Twi'lek" or "a Tholothian" but as "Twi'lek" or "Tholothian" -- using the species as an adjective rather than a noun, which grates a little on me because it's not SW standard.
and then also the decision about what's being described sometimes just feels WEIRD in a Star Wars setting, and it's particularly glaring here because there are some species Soule's singling out to describe and some that are just allowed to exist.
*snaps fingers* and also if the author will identify various nonhumans as their species, but never specify that humans are humans, even while describing skin tone, eye color, etc. (I mention this because I JUST ran into this in the book.)
the human default is really jarring in this book even if there are a ton of nonhuman characters, because he tends to not specify that the humans are human. like, I'm more attuned to it than most of the audience for various reasons, but. *flips hand*
like, this is definitely a thing I'm unusually sensitive to because of Backbone, so. *shrug*
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mandaloriangf · 3 years
Im somebody who doesn’t really care about Star Wars (at all) and has an entirely neutral outlook on ALL of the trilogies, and I think it’s pretty funny whenever people say that the sequels will become beloved over time like the prequels did. I mean, I’m not even talking about quality here, which I don’t care about, but there are definite fundamental differences
1. Despite having a VERY vocal hatedom, the PT was nevertheless wildly popular when it came out. Non-dudebro audiences LOVED it and found it endearingly cheesy fun, and kids went WILD for it. Growing up as a kid in that era, nobody could shut up about it, and kids on the playground constantly played as Star Wars characters. PT merch was flying off the shelves to the point that even in places like Toys R Us, where the amount of PT merch they had was HUGE, it was SO HARD to buy ANYTHING PT-related before it sold out. (I remember my parents STRUGGLING to buy a Padme figure for my cousin’s birthday). And then, as we saw, the people who loved the PT as kids then grew up to be people who STILL love the PT as salaried adults and now buy more PT merch
2. Meanwhile, the ST landed dead in the water, from what I can see. Among Star Wars fans, it’s WILDLY divisive, to say the least, and I’m hard-pressed to find any sequels fans outside of Twitter. And among casual audiences, it seems like nobody really cares, and most people can’t recall any of the characters’ names (not even Rey’s). Kids don’t really care about it. A lot of them found the movies totally boring, and they don’t give a crap about Star Wars beyond Baby Yoda, so there won’t be a wave of positive feelings and nostalgia towards the ST once those kids grow up. The only people I know who like it are White dudebros on Twitter. Also, and perhaps most importantly to Disney, the ST merch was dead in the water. Unlike the PT, while the ST movies were still releasing and even afterwards, the ST merch failed to sell. Actually, to put it frankly, ST merch BOMBED and nobody is bothering to buy it. ST merch is a financial failure
Basically, regardless of how much White people on Twitter scream otherwise, people won’t come to adore the ST in the future because people don’t like the ST NOW, LMAO
im actually very curious to know how kids view the st. i was a kid when the pt came out and it was my first introduction to star wars and i was OBSESSED. like i was the horse girl but instead of horses it was star wars. no matter how cheesy it was, i loved it. 
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name 7 comfort movies + tag 7 people
tagged by @swinging-stars-from-satellites (yes I’m still catching up on things from like 2 weeks ago, shhh 😅🙃) thank you dear!! ^-^
(these are in no particular order aside from the order they came to my mind)
1) Spider-Man: Homecoming--I know there are some IssuesTM with this movie (specifically its portrayal of Spidey as compared to the original comics’ portrayal of him), and I try to be aware of them, but I do still personally really love this film. it’s very comforting to me for some reason, I think because it’s familiar and has a fairly straight-forward plot and themes that I resonate very deeply with?
2) Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring--I mean really all of the LOTR movies are comfort movies for me, but I think FotR is especially so, probably because of all the time spent in the Shire.
3) Doctor Strange--I’ve only seen it a couple of times, but I’m still going to count it because it’s another one where I’m very comfortable with the characters and storyline and resonate deeply with the themes (I guess I just don’t rewatch movies quite to the extent that some people do, even movies I really love??) 
4) Rogue One--yes it’s tragic, yes it’s kind of heavy, but I still just love it so much. I’ve seen it so many times, I’m very comfortable with the characters and their journeys at this point, but I also never get tired of seeing their story play out, and I always manage to come away having noticed new things about them and being touched by the themes in a new way. Jyn is still my favourite Disney-era SW film heroine. <3
5) The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey--I certainly understand the complaints with all the films of this trilogy, but they’re rather nostalgic for me, because I still remember watching them when I was young with my dad and little sisters, and how re-enraptured I was by the world of Middle-earth (I’d seen the LOTR films not long before but hadn’t read any of the books yet). the colours and designs of this film are just so appealing to me, and it has fairly few discrepancies between the book and the film (compared to the other two)
6-7) all of the Star Wars Prequels + The Force Awakens--this is a bit of a cheat, but I’m going with it anyway, because doing this tag has reminded me just how rarely I actually watch movies and I’m struggling to come up with more to list 😅 I grew up watching the PT almost every weekend for several years of my early childhood, and then when my sisters discovered the Star Wars universe a while later, they were also the ones they fixated most on. I firmly believe that all my entire understanding of storytelling was heavily molded by these movies.
and then The Force Awakens was just so cool when it first came out. at first I complained a lot about how it was “too simple” and “too much like A New Hope”--and while I still think it copied the format of ANH a bit, it’s also very fun in its simplicity. I just enjoy it and it makes me feel like a kid going to the to watch spaceships without worrying about what The Important Fandom Officials thought about every detail.
tagging @audreythevaliant @as-dreamers-do @ladyzayinwonderland @ontologicalmoki @dawnflames @ladyverachtung @assorted-things (but if you guys don’t want to do it or have done it already, that’s perfectly fine! :))
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notoriousghosts · 4 years
tagged by @itsonofthem
1. name / nicknames: diana
2. gender: big capes....
3. star sign: scorpio
4. height: i think it’s really close to 5′7″ but not quite
5. time: 6:48pm
6. birthday: october 27th
7. favorite band: the only thing i can think of that isn’t an orchestra performing prokofiev is duran duran oh dear
8. favorite solo artist: going to go with prokofiev bc idk what else to say
9. song stuck in my head: this distorted version of dynamite by bts which has been stuck since the moment i realized my computer corrupted a painting i had been working on for two weeks
10. last movie: currently watching war and peace, part i: andrei bolkonsky (1965)
11. last show: i just watched the muppet show ep with vincent price does that count
12. when I created this blog: i think last year or the year before after i accidentally deleted the one i had been using since around 2011...
13. what I post: Many Images
14. last thing I googled: dead can dance
15. other blogs: this is all i got
16. do I get asks?: no
17. why I chose my url: i came up with it during my 80s music era goodbye
18. following: 98
19. followers: 48 😞
20. average hours of sleep: maybe like....7 and not consecutively 
21. lucky number: 27 has been good
22. instruments: they tried to teach me so much in middle school but i forgot
23. what I'm wearing: .....gremlins pajamas
24. dream job: is looking like it might be obtained once it is safe to travel i have been screaming
25. dream trip: no clue i just like getting out of my house to look at things
26. favorite food: idk
27. nationality: american
28. favorite song: well according to spotify it’s ivan the terrible, op. 116, pt. 2: song of the oprichniki i - orderly dance iii- shuishky and the keepers of the hounds iii by prokofiev
29. last book I read: notes of a soviet actor by nikolai cherkasov
30. top 3 fictional universes I would love to live in: living is stressful in any universe but i guess popping into one where a fave is would be funny
i tag anyone who wants to do it!!
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fantasticpostpatrol · 4 years
Assistir Anônimo (2021) Filme Completo Legendado em Português HD
Assistir Anônimo (2021) Filme Completo Legendado/Dublado em Português gratis
Assistir filme: | ✮☛ http://bit.ly/35O3j6c
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Anônimo 2021 O filme de ação ‘Anônimo‘ (Nobody), estrelado por Bob Odenkirk (das séries de sucesso ‘Breaking Bad‘ e ‘Better Call Saul‘), acaba de ganhar seu primeiro trailer. O ator interpreta Hutch, um marido e pai subestimado que após uma invasão em sua casa, vê seu passado sombrio voltar à tona. O vídeo traz muita ação e impressionantes cenas de luta.
Lançado : 2021-02-25 Tempo de Execução : 115 minutos Gênero : Ação, Thriller, Crime Estrelas : Bob Odenkirk, Christopher Lloyd, Connie Nielsen, J.P. Manoux, Humberly Gonzalez
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❍❍❍ TV MOVIE ❍❍❍
The first television shows were experimental, sporadic broadcasts viewable only within a very short range from the broadcast tower starting in the 1930s. Televised events such as the 1936 Summer Olympics in Germany, the 19340 coronation of King George VI in the UK, and David Sarnoff’s famous introduction at the 1939 New York World’s Fair in the US spurred a growth in the medium, but World War II put a halt to development until after the war. The 19440 World MOVIE inspired many Americans to buy their first television set and then in 1948, the popular radio show Texaco Star Theater made the move and became the first weekly televised variety show, earning host Milton Berle the name “Mr Television” and demonstrating that the medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment which could attract advertisers. The first national live television broadcast in the US took place on September 4, 1951 when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco was transmitted over AT&T’s transcontinental cable and microwave radio relay system to broadcast stations in local markets.
The first national color broadcast (the 1954 Tournament of Roses Parade) in the US occurred on January 1, 1954. During the following ten years most network broadcasts, and nearly all local programming, continued to be in black-and-white. A color transition was announced for the fall of 1965, during which over half of all network prime-time programming would be broadcast in color. The first all-color prime-time season came just one year later. In 19402, the last holdout among daytime network shows converted to color, resulting in the first completely all-color network season.
❍❍❍ Formats and Genres ❍❍❍
See also: List of genres § Film and television formats and genres Television shows are more varied than most other forms of media due to the wide variety of formats and genres that can be presented. A show may be fictional (as in comedies and dramas), or non-fictional (as in documentary, news, and reality television). It may be topical (as in the case of a local newscast and some made-for-television films), or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional MOVIE). They could be primarily instructional or educational, or entertaining as is the case in situation comedy and game shows.[citation needed]
A drama program usually features a set of actors playing characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before the 1980s, shows (except for soap opera-type serials) typically remained static without story arcs, and the main characters and premise changed little.[citation needed] If some change happened to the characters’ lives during the episode, it was usually undone by the end. Because of this, the episodes could be broadcast in any order.[citation needed] Since the 1980s, many MOVIE feature progressive change in the plot, the characters, or both. For instance, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first American prime time drama television MOVIE to have this kind of dramatic structure,[4][better source needed] while the later MOVIE Babylon 5 further exemplifies such structure in that it had a predetermined story running over its intended five-season run.[citation needed] In “DC1&”, it was reported that television was growing into a larger component of major media companies’ revenues than film.[5] Some also noted the increase in quality of some television programs. In “DC1&”, Academy-Award-winning film director Steven Soderbergh, commenting on ambiguity and complexity of character and narrative, stated: “I think those qualities are now being seen on television and that people who want to see stories that have those kinds of qualities are watching television.
❍❍❍ Thank’s For All And Happy Watching❍❍❍
Find all the movies that you can stream online, including those that were screened this week. If you are wondering what you can watch on this website, then you should know that it covers genres that include crime, Science, Fi-Fi, action, romance, thriller, Comedy, drama and Anime Movie. Thank you very much. We tell everyone who is happy to receive us as news or information about this year’s film schedule and how you watch your favorite films. Hopefully we can become the best partner for you in finding recommendations for your favorite movies. That’s all from us, greetings!
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Sprinkle cheerful smile so that the world back in a variety of colors.
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eurosong · 4 years
Undo my ESC
Good evening, folks! If you saw my first instalment of “Undo my ESC”, the annual feature where I make a year’s Eurovision better for me by making alterations in each country, you might have thought that ESC getting cancelled had dulled my edge, since, comparing to usual standards, I hardly changed much at all there. Well, that’s because, once again, we have seriously uneven semis, and Semi #1 would have been killer, whilst Semi #2 would have been dead. Here is what Í would have done to even those semis up! 🇦🇱 Albania: The Albanian delegation had seemingly done all it could to wash its hands of, well, two years of comparatively excellent results with authentic, melancholically poëtic and qualitative tracks, namely Malland Ktheju tokës. They brought in Byuckman, in whose interest it is for the contest to become as generically “radio-friendly” as possible, and the genius who brought us lyrics like “this is love/rain falls from above”. As judges. Of a serious musical festival. The foreign jurors did as expected, and voted for the appointed “bop”, but were foiled, however, by one of the minority Albanian jurors on the panel who put it  low in her ranks. An actual renowned music professor who got called all the names under the sun for doing so. And so, to an ensuing shitstorm, the classical and powerful Shaj prevailed instead. Unfortunately, the battle was won but the war was lost, because the representative herself took the lessons of 2018-9, threw them down the aeroplane toilet on the way to LA, and ripped the spirit out of the song, reverting back to the previous Albanian trend of terrible “revamps” and laboured translations into English. The result, Fall from the sky, is but a husk of the original. In my ESC, I’d probably simply keeping the original version of Shaj, which was my uncontested #1 of all songs, but part of me would opt for Ajër, which I love almost as well but which doesn’t carry the baggage of hanging over my head like the sword of Democles this entire season. 🇦🇲 Armenia: I’ve more often than not loved the entries of Hayastan, from the joyous Jan Jan to the soaring Fly with me and defiant Walking out. To say they took a step back this year is kind – it was more like a powerful jump backwards that landed them in the nearest ocean, where they sank like a stone. It was one of the most singularly unpalatable NFs that I have ever watched in this era. Rather than retraumatise myself by going into detail about it, I’ll just say, I would have sent Srbuk or Artsvik again to get the top 10 that I feel both warranted!
🇦🇹 Austria: What a journey for Österreich. From Conchita to this guy, a perky homophobe who explicitly said he wished his kids would not turn out to be gay. He comes up with a third-rate impersonator of a third-rate Benjamin Ingrosso impersonator’s third-rate impersonation of a Timberlake b-side. I would throw that in the bin and invite Pænda back from last year for a shot at redemption after her gorgeous Limits got slept on in 2019.
🇧🇬 Bulgaria: Some people had the neck to say to me “who needs Hungary when Bulgaria is coming back?” Well, I do. Hungary were constantly in the top of my rankings, and just quietly and consistently brought quality. Bulgaria has brought me one good thing – Poli Genova’s œuvre – and a tonne of hype. Their song this year was one of the favourites, and I still can’t wrap my head around how other than the force of PR. It’s a bizarre, unsettling combination of passive-aggressive “look how much you’re making me hurt myself” lyrics with Disneyish saccharine accompaniment, topped off with a key change?! For want yet again of a national final, I would bring Poli back – third time even luckier? 🇨🇿 Czechia: The Bohemians (and Moravians) keep it contemporary but superficial for a third year running, although, thankfully, for the first time since they began doing national finals, we finally have a song without a dubious attitude towards women in the lyrics. Not that there is much to analyse in those lyrics. It’s a merely ok song for me, no better, no worse: a superior alternative would have been Barbara Mochowa’s lush and contemplative second effort, White and black holes, or the glorious 90s British indie-influenced All the blood. 🇩🇰 Denmark: Did Denmark confound international monitors into calling it the world’s happiest country by exposing them to the relentlessly cheery songs that they pick for Eurovision lately? And yet – I really do say yes to Yes, To a certain extent, to a limited amount of exposure, and despite the fact that it leans a little too hard into the territory of sounding like a second Little talks. It was one of the few good songs from DMGP – I also liked the 80s shoegaze-ish Den eneste goth– and I feel so mad at DR that they won’t give Ben and Tan a guaranteed second shot to represent their country after they won in front of an empty crowd. 🇪🇪 Estonia: The days of Eesti being Beesti seem like from a distant memory to me, but there was some quality and quirkiness in Eesti Laul, buried under mountains of beigedom, like the rich-voiced Egert Miller’s soulful Georgia, the jazzy Write about me, or the feisty earworm that was Ping pong. Instead, we got a dreary dirge with sub-Hallmark lines about wot luv is, which would have sounded dated in a contest 30 years ago, sung by a repugnant guy who tried to get people to vote for him last year by leaning on the idea that he was the “only true Estonian.” I’d have Egert get his rightful place as Jüri Pootsmann’s spiritual successor. 🇫🇮 Finland: I was one of the few to be jubilant when a bizarre ode to an Italian porn star with a backing track sounding like a violated version of Eläköön elämä came second in the polls to its spiritual opposite: a shy and rather awkward guy singing a quietly moving song about the passing of time. I love Looking back and wouldn’t change a thing. 🇬🇪 Georgia: You never know what to expect from Georgia, except the unexpected, and yet even I was surprised by what they came up with: a close-shaven guy with veins popping in his head screaming “why don’t you love meeeee?” to a rocky, electronic backdrop. Me being me, I actually do like it a lot. “Take me as I am” sounds like a veiled potshot at the big 5 and a vindication of Georgia’s “keep it weird, send what we want” philosophy. I could suggest that the lyrics, that sound like those of a spurned angsty teen, change a bit, but that would be defeating the purpose of Georgia: one takes them as they are. 🇬🇪 Greece: So, somehow, despite S!STERS coming dead last with 0 pts in the televote last year, using exclamation marks to substitute the letter I is now a thing in Eurovision with the advent of Superg!rl. I spent an hour watching folk waffle on in Greek in its reveal show only for them to reveal the song literally at the very end, so after that, it was a little underwhelming, and nowhere near as good as Better love in 2019. I don’t hate it – and the music video’s concept of her being an amazing superhero who can change the world, but instead she’s stopping people slipping over bananas and rescuing cats from trees is weirdly endearing, so it can stay, but I’d improve the lyrics, particularly in the chorus. “I’m a supergirl, supergirl, in a crazy world, crazy world” is not much higher than “this is love, rain falls from above” in historically bad Greek lyrics at ESC. 🇮🇸 Iceland: Daði Freyr came back from near-victory with the delightful Is this love, added a lovely inspiration in his newborn daughter to a similarly funky and playful track, and came out with Think about things. Unlike what usually happens with songs that are a little bit odd, I was positively surprised to see it walk the NF, and become a phenomenon even outside the ESC fandom. This was perfect and joyous from beginning to end. I hope Iceland will not be like the other Nordics, and will invite Daði directly back .🇱🇻 Latvia: I have come to enjoy the bizarre chaötic energy of Still breathing, It’s a hot mess, but I take weird over dull any day. It wasn’t my favourite in Supernova – that would be the effortlessly cool Polyester, an earworm with a social conscience, written about the cost of fast fashion but dismissed by many people as “she luvs t-shirts song lol”. Given that Samanta Tina tried over half a dozen times to go to ESC, finally won and then had the chance ripped out of her hands by the cancellation, I don’t have the heart to remove her from my ideal ESC 2020 though. She stays, but maybe the staging changes? It’s odd to have what you believe is a feminist anthem but then relegate your backing singers to in the distance, their faces shielded away. 🇲🇩 Moldova: Life is too short to follow Moldovan national finals, especially when you know, lately, that whoever is backed by the hilariously inaptly named Dream team will win there. They are like a parasite, sucking out the colour and fun out of a country that once had plenty of both – cross-reference Hora din Moldova or Lăutar to name just two examples. I guess out of an uninspiring lineüp, I’d go for Moldoviţa for having at least a hint of the brassy folk that used to be their calling card. 🇵🇱 Poland: Speaking of calling cards, after a one year hiatus with an arresting combo of white voice and rocky instrumentation, Poland has returned to what it has most often done in recent years – presented us with an absolute dirge, Empires, which seems like it was written by an unenthusiastic English student whose homework assignment (for which they received a generous C-) was to write a poëm with a bunch of metaphors “we’re moths to a flame, birds to a pane of glass, gasoline and a match”. Despite having a big music industry from which to choose many gems, Poland offers me little alternative choice given that there were only three songs in their grand final – one by the Czech representative last year who, as you might guess from what I said literally a sentence up, isn’t even Polish!Horny Elf, who’s contractually obliged to write only creepy lyrics for songs, tried to represent Polska with a song inspired by a true-life situation where he went around Tel Aviv with a cardboard cutout of one of the hostesses of the show. It’s a love song inspired by gallivanting around with a piece of cardboard. Addressed to that actual hostess. And it’s an almighty earworm that hasn’t escaped my mind since. Amazingly, his Lucy would be my Polish representative. 🇵🇹 Portugal: Portugal is another country beloved by me by for dancing to the beat of its own drummer, or perhaps, rather shedding tears to the strumming of its own fado guitar. They struggled being different, they won being different, and for the last few years they’ve struggled again, despite having a lot of support for both O jardim and Telemóveis amongst fans. This year, the televote went for one interesting song, the charmingly Gallic, accordion-drenched Passe-partout, a song about a cultured girl shaking off her boorish ex who could “never even get into Piaf”, whilst the jury got behind another interesting song, Gerbera, an entrancing, arresting and poëtic song laden with metaphor about the idea of music competing itself. This let Medo de sentir,second in both polls, turn silver into gold. It’s a lovely, heart-felt track, but rather unexceptional - I would have had one of the other more singular songs win. 🇸🇲 San Marino: The weird boil on the face of ESC that somehow never pops, SM is back after its bewildering qualification with a tone-deaf dentist wailing to a microwaved disco song… with something actually palatable, sort of. The aptly named Freaky is dated, odd, overly busy, but Senhit has a lot of charisma, and the idea of “break[ing] all the rules, mak[ing] up some new [ones] and destroy[ing] all of them too” and “life goes by too quickly not to be freaking it up”, well, maybe we do get on board. 🇷🇸 Serbia: Serbia is usually a byword for quality at the contest – they won with one of the best 21st century winners hands down in Molitva, and also sent some of the most beautiful compositions in the contest’s history at the hands of Željko. This year, they decided to join in the leitmotif of reliable countries sucking by sending a group that sound like a third-rate mid-2000s girl band from Transnistria when beautiful songs like Cvet sa Prokletija were right there. 🇨🇭 Switzerland: Fair play to the Swiss for not doing a Cyprus and leaning in on their success with their male Fuego, She gat me, and instead going in a completely different direction with this moody effort. I’m not entirely convinced by the teenage emo-ish lyrics or the unnecessary falsetto, but Répondez-moi is a refreshing effort, and has the bonus of being in French too! And the automatic qualifiers: 🇫🇷 France: You’ve heard of France, right? You know, that wee country south of Belgium, north of Andorra, not much of a music industry… or so you’d think, given that the troolee jeenyuss new delegation, who abandoned their brilliant national final which showcased how diverse and qualitative their music scene is despite it being a huge success in the fandom, and instead reached out to the writer of last year’s last place song for the UK and a few other rentaswedes and they produced something that sounds like a b-side that not even Westlife would have recorded, replete with a stock key change. About as French as IKEA köttbullar. A real shame for one of Europe’s most highly esteemed cultural hotbeds. If they wanted to pick Tom Leeb, who seems like a nice guy and has written some lovely music, he could have made his own song and it would have indubitably been scores better than this. 🇪🇸 Spain: I’m going to apply this to all the automatic qualifiers voting on this semi-final: they scrapped a national final for this? OT was not an ideal format as last year demonstrated with its shit show of contestants sabotaging themselves so as not to get picked for ESC – but still. There’s not much I can say about this other than I don’t like it much and I’d rather Spain return to a proper NF. You don’t spend time trapped on a bus where this song with its torturous falsetto was on replay and emerge with fond feelings. 🇬🇧 United Kingdom: Usually, in this space, I can point to a song that the UK should have sent and that I fell in love with – like I wish I loved you more or You. Once again, though, another big 6 nation scrapped their NF after tanking it with a bizarre format last year. The BBC said nothing for months, then were unwilling to spend tv time on ESC this year so just blurted out an announcement of an announcement in  about 40 seconds after some dance show. And then they dropped this song. It’s… passable at best, with an annoying chorus (especially that beat in “my last… breath”) and a staggering amount of repetition in a song that clocks in at only around 80% of the standard Eurovision song length. James Newman surely could have come up with something better. It’s a baby step in the right direction, but one taken at the shore where you need to start running to avoid getting pulled away in a rip.
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gffa · 5 years
Hey! Long time reader, first time asker but I read your post yesterday about supplementary material enriching experience. I’ve seen all the movies, I’m loving The Clone Wars and I enjoy playing Swtor but that’s all I have experienced. Do you have any recommendations as to where to start with supplementary material? Are the graphic novels you reference on that marvel comic subscription do you know? Thank you for your posts, they are always so interesting!
Hi!  Thank you for the kind words, I’m glad you’re enjoying the blog!  And I love doing “where to start” posts!  Keep in mind that a lot depends on what you happen to like (if you’re more of an OT fan or a PT fan or an ST fan, if you like certain characters more than others, etc.) but I think the basic places to start when moving on from the movies are:- The Clone Wars TV show.  As you’ve said, you’re already watching this one but it’s still my #1 recommendation, because it sets up so much of the galaxy and the way things operate in the Republic and is just really good.  Finish this one first, as it introduces you to so much you’ll need down the road–a lot of the Jedi characters that will then break your heart when you watch Order 66 happening in Revenge of the Sith, getting invested in Ahsoka Tano and her role in Anakin’s life, getting more time spent with characters like Obi-Wan Kenobi and Padme Amidala, some trippy arcs like the Mortis arc that are fascinating for Force Woo, and a lot of stuff will come up in other shows, comics, and books!- Star Wars Rebels TV show.  While it’s about an entirely new group of characters, it has a lot of recurring familiar characters–like James Earl Jones reprises his role in voicing Darth Vader, you learn the fate of Ahsoka Tano here, you get to see some of the clones again, you get a look at what it’s like for Jedi under the thumb of the Empire, you’re introduced to the Inquisitors, you get to see the politics of the Rebellion as the show goes along, you get a better look at Mandalore, etc.  This is another show that will help form the foundations of other stuff.- Star Wars Battlefront II game.  You can play it or just watch a movie version of it on YouTube.  Yeah, the game got a lot of crap for the shit EA tried to pull with it, but it’s turned into a really great piece of media and the story itself is absolutely fantastic and will only take about 2 hours to get through, but a) it’s a great story with great characters (I LOVE IDEN VERSIO SO MUCH) and b) it does a great job at showing a lot of what happened after Return of the Jedi but before the Empire truly gave up.  This establishes a lot of the final fight stuff, like the Battle of Jakku and its importance (aka, that’s all those ships that Rey is scavenging at the beginning of The Force Awakens) and what Operation Cinder is and the epilogue helps lead into what the First Order is.- The Star Wars titular comic + Darth Vader volume 1 (by Kieron Gillen) comics.  These two are meant to be read concurrently, so I recommend them together, and they do an absolutely incredible job of filling out the space between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back.  They’re telling fantastic stories (including some really powerful stuff about Vader finding out the name of the Death Star pilot is Skywalker) while also giving some really great insights into the characters, adding depth to the story of the movies, and made me fall in love with the characters all over again.  This Vader tends to be a little more mysterious, Gillen liked keeping the mystique to him (which appeals more to some, so if that’s your jam, read these first!), the feeling is very much in tune with the original trilogy in that sense.  Same for the heroes, they feel very OT!- Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith by Charles Soule comics.  You can read the Vader comics in either order, but I generally like suggesting this one to go second (release order is always good, imo) despite that this is my favorite of the comics.  Set not long after Revenge of the Sith, this is a comic about Darth Vader adjusting to his new life and about the bigger, overarching story of the psychological look at a character who cannot admit what he’s done wrong.  On the surface, it’s about him hunting down Jedi and trying to raise his wife from the dead, but in the macro sense, it’s about this guy who cannot admit that he had other choices, even when the Force is literally throwing those other paths in his face.  Great Vader content for him being powerful and terrifying, while also being an absolute human disaster garbage bag.- Age of the Republic comics by Jodie Houser.  If you like the prequels at all, these comics are stellar.  There are eight of them, four for the main heroes, four for the main villains, and they’re a single issue each, where there’s a short look into their lives at various points, all which illustrate really thoughtful things about the characters, whether through their actions or even sometimes comparisons with other issues in the series.  (ie, reading the Obi-Wan one and Jango Fett one really highlighted how each of them dealt with this young person they were taking care of.)  They were just REALLY GOOD STORIES, too.- Star Wars Adventures by IDW Comics.  These are cuter stories and set all across various eras, from the PT to the OT to the ST to occasionally other areas, but they’re always just absolutely CHARMING.  They’re pure delight to read, they tend to focus on moments that are just really fun, so it’s easy to think of it as a kids’ comic, but instead I think they work best at showing some of the more hopeful moments of Star Wars without being too fluffy.- Poe Dameron by Charles Soule comics.  These are SO GOOD, they really add so much to Poe’s character and they also do a great job of fleshing out that time between the New Republic still working to stabilize itself and when we know the First Order is coming.  But mostly it just really makes you like Poe as a character, it captures his sense of charm and swagger while giving him an actual character arc, as he learns to be a leader.- Kanan: The Last Padawan comics.  You need to see Rebels first (or at least the first two seasons, enough to make you care about Kanan as a character) but then this is a gorgeous, beautifully told story.  It’s half about the current days with his new found family the Ghost crew (the cast of Rebels) and half about his history as a Padawan in the Jedi Order, how he was apprenticed to Depa Billaba, how he watched her die, how he had to live in the galaxy that wanted him dead just for being born the way he was, how he was being hunted for it, and how he survived.  It’s really, really good!- Forces of Destiny animated shorts.  You can find them all on Disney’s YouTube channel, they’re these 2-3 minute long stories about the women of the galaxy far, far away (with occasional appearances by others) and they’re pretty light-hearted fare, they’re meant to impart messages to kids or just be bite-sized content, but they’re pretty wonderful and it’s nice to see the women of SW get some attention.- From a Certain Point of View book.  For the 40th Anniversary of A New Hope they put out an anthology of short stories, telling the various points of view of different side characters and adding depth to everything that was going on.  Not all of them are super great, you can feel free to skip ones if you’re getting bored, but there are some MUST READ ones, especially the Qui-Gon, Yoda, and Obi-Wan ones.  And the Admiral Motti story had me in absolute tears from cry-laughing while reading it.- Bloodline by Claudia Gray book.  It’s a really good Leia story, but it’s also a book that does a lot to cover what’s going on with the New Republic still struggling to establish itself, why Leia isn’t part of it by TFA, and more on how the First Order came to be and why people stuck their heads in the sand about it.- Thrawn by Timothy Zahn book.  While there’s some dissonance between Zahn’s version of the character and the character from Rebels, I think you can make them fit together, and this book really is one of the best of canon material.  It’s fun and zips right along and introduces some new characters and sets up some really interesting backstories and just fleshes out the Imperial stuff and gives us Eli Vanto.  ALL THINGS I LOVED.FINALLY:  The above is aimed at a general list of things that I thin pretty much anyone would enjoy, it’s meant to cover most of the bases as best I can, but if you have a favorite era or a favorite character, feel free to run straight to anything that involves them.  There’s a lot of good Legends stuff (as always it’s hard not to recommend the Revenge of the Sith novelization or Wild Space, but that’d just muddle the line between canon and Legends), but I’m sticking with canon right now because it’s easier and there’s so much good stuff and it’s less confusing that way.All the comics are available on Comixology (and there’s never been a comic I hated by any means, though, admittedly some of the mini series can be kind of bland, anything that ran for at least 20 issues is a good bet, and most of the comics are THE BEST of the supplementary material), and if you don’t mind waiting a couple of months for Disney+ (or Googling for streaming sites) the animated properties are all really worth watching.  Sometimes they take a bit to get going, but I’ve fallen in love with every single one.These might not end up being your favorites (some of my favorites–like the Aftermath books or the Join the Resistance books–are ones that I wouldn’t put on a list for new-to-supplementary-material fans, because they’re a little too distanced from established characters) but they’re great places to start getting a feel for whether or not you like this kind of thing!  :D
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tacosandtomcos · 6 years
Spoiler Review for The Book Of Spells! pt 1
So how this is going to work is i’m going to list fun little facts about each queen and list a brief view of each section. buckle up, it’s gonna be a LONG post!
And since it got so big, this is gonna be a bit of a parter.
So we’re just doing the first three queens here.
The intro is basically glossaryck treating you like the next queen in his glossaryck way, he explains how he was born, and that he created the high commission to be contact points between the queens and realm of magic.
apparently he was literally made to serve the queens, from the moment he was born he was called to help them.
Also his hair is white because of silkworm slime, which can kill you...
also there was a high commission member we haven’t see before: Reynaldo the bald plate, but we’ll get back to him later.
Fun Facts:
She didn’t believe in the stump
There were 27 queens before skywynne, so this rule has been going on for a LONG time.
middle name was lavender
they seem to say the first queen had a wand summoned to her because of her magic? But then again, that might just be a tale...
her mom was so eager to give up the throne, skywynne became queen at 17, and now her mom lives in a volcano. :p She literally sucks, she thought a book of fashion was more important to save then the book of spells. (Her name was lyric and she had a broom-wand).
The freaking lucitors pulled down half of mewni’s people into the underworld a century ago.
Her mom brought dragons to her wand ceremony, which destroyed everything. The castle was made of wood, some from the stump, so guess how that went? And the old book was destroyed because of it ( That’s the excuse for why we don’t see those 27 other queens). Skywynne started this new book and the castle we know today was being built.
Her mom made her pick fashion for her people to wear, skywynne literally just flipped and picked something random without a care in the world.
Had a make-up wand ceremony with just her parents.....on top of the destroyed castle.
her wand crystal is the clock’s face, and the ringing can be heard by certain creatures.
I think her mom was trying to set her up with Dip Kelpbottom but she just spent a ton of time using magic to kick them out. When she realized time was repeating herself and this was why, it’s what triggered her time powers. She used this to trick everyone into thinking they were building the castle in a day, which was actually 5 YEARS.
She really hated her mom pushing dudes on her, used it to fuel her magic XD
Made food with magic, it literally rained from the sky.It got to a point where it felt like the people of mewni only liked her for making them food to her. . Eventually she stopped doing so which lead to corn. Which scattered more monsters from their homes and made room for crops so her people could feed themselves and the population doubled.
Deleted gravity once.
Invented star’s lasso spell, warnicorn stampeade, and of course the time spell she ended up using.
Opened pandora’s box.
Raised the dead from the underworld for fun. Apparently zombies don’t eat brains but clown zombies do.
Only guy she liked was Sir Gem-Robin, failed to talk to him for four years when he got a gf. Which leads to -
Blew up a dimension using the spell star used to destroy toffee to take out her anger. (Apparently mewni is earth, just you know..another dimension of it). This was how she first dipper down, being pissed at her crush.
when the population doubled they took away more and more monster territory for them to live in, also teaching her people to fight.
She built a school whose title is clearly based off professor Xavier’s school from the X-Men.
After sir gem-robin got divorced, they got together. Also they eloped in a rock dimension surrounded by worms she saved from the dimension she destroyed.
She thought the fire killed gloss by he just spent all those years in the new book eating or on a trip. He has pet bugs living in the book. Skywynne is fond of bugs tho. Jushtin was two by this point and solaria was not even a twinkle in her eye yet, gloss was surprised she had a boy.
Skywynne saw great potential in jushtin, and let him hold her wand at times, thought he’d be a mighty magic wielder and a mighty ruler like her.
Gloss turned rhombulus’s hands into snakes to teach him a lesson....that snakes for hands sucked.
All in all, skywynne was alright, she is rather relatable if you’re one of those people who hate it when your parents pressure you into dating people or get annoyed at people who feel like they use you. She also was the queen that did start a new system and era for mewni.  There’s not a ton to say though she got herself into ALOT of crazy messes on accident.
Jushtin has a new title, he’s no longer “The boy-queen” he’s now known as “The uncalculated”. Not sure what this change was for but it’s not the only change in this book.
Apparently jushtin’s wand is alive.
He likes boy-bands, soda, was friends with a prince called Sazmo, had a crush on his math tutor, oh and we see what may be a spiderbite ancestor in here based on well....the bites. He had a crew which consisted of this spiderbite and his best friend, but also some weird mole man prince and an old man?
Jushtin speaks like he’s some weird gangsta, he has a crew but he spells this like “Tha cru”.  He used “Tha” , “Mah”, “Ma”and “Cur” a lot. And this applies to ALOT of other words he also misspelled because i think he thought it make him sound cool. (He put “Luv u mom” in his intro chapter.).
Wanted to make mewni a destination and put it on the map.
Jushtin cares about cool cars that make him and his crew cool.
Made a spell to give horses wings? And make your chariot comfy? The punchline is, he literally does the same movement on all his spells.
Him being a math expert is no joke, despite his weird lingo he actually went through the effort to consider the math needed for the horses to lift the carriage.
His mom left him a note letting him know he left the book in a place filled with horse poop. Gloss was scarred for life. His mom wasn’t happy with him and wanted him to take better care of it.
His mom woke him in the middle of the night to let him know he was going to be having a sister and she was gonna take the wand and book. Y’know, considering they live in a matriarchy. Jushtin words this in a way that implies his mom was really sad about this, but she actually was SUPER happy about it. Jushtin pretended she was “Masking the pain” by jumping up and down and being excited.
Jushtin’s chapter was “Understandably since he was queen for like. a year”, short. I’m actually a bit sad we can’t see more but then again his lingo is so ridiculous i got no idea with him. It’s actually really funny for him to speak this way and sound like he’s trying to be a cool gang member, while also speaking math like a genuis. Weird mix.
Jushtin is arguably the most innocent queen in this book, he had no affect on the monsters and though he was very irresponsible i feel bad for him since it’s clear he REALLY wanted to be a ruler.
i actually feel slightly bad also cause it kinda seems like his mom had solaria simply because she lost faith in her son to literally do anything. But then again i dunno how serious he took being ruler based on his short chapter.
She speaks like you’d think she’d speak, like a warrior.
Has the same millhorse her mom had so i guess these three shared the same horse.
Solaria made an INDEX on her chapter to see all of her entries. Her chapter could be it’s own book.
Saw monsters this way, why respect them when they don’t respect us? Queens need to expand their reach regardless what the monsters think. She also thought they were jealous and wanted their power.
She thought the past queens let the monsters get away with too much, decided to take this into her own hands. She wanted the monsters right under her thumb and wiped away from the land.
Alphonse the worthy and her tried peace, but war was inevitable when monsters attacked some of their bases. Alphonse was the secretary of the monster peace council.
She met with her council, Alphonse and hekapoo being involved, and they declared war. (Some of these members may be past royals of other kingdoms).
Solaria was losing until she decided they needed a new kind of warrior to drive the monsters back. She found some old spells from the old book  and from old tomes and came up with a solution. She wanted to create a superpowered magical army. (Basically she wanted to make super-soldiers).
Had peasants volunteer for the experimentation of these spells as she learned to weave them together to make her army. These soldiers were called Solarians.
Mina was the first to volunteer to be one. She is endowed with a weapon as powerful as solaria’s wand and it’s terminal to monsters. She became solaria’s most trusted solarian and her age seems to be result of this experimentation. (Not sure about her mind tho?)
Solaria was already allied with the ponyheads by this point, not so much the lucitors yet.
The solarians were successful in driving the monsters back. and they celebrated by burning the dead monsters on a pyre. (This book gets dark).
Soalrias had literally no interest in having a king, so it was just her and eclipsa.
Eclispa ran off to meet a young globgor and solaria thought he kidnapped her (Best way to meet your future in-law). Eclispa hid alot in the caslte and she begged her mom to talk to him but well..solaria of course thinks he’s a slobbering monster who will hurt her. Solara thought she snuck out to find her, but it’s clear she snuck out to see him. She also thinks eclipsa’s sad reaction is because she almost died...and not because she missed globgor and that he might’ve almost died.
Solaria gushes about eclipsa ALOT, about how smart she is and precious she is.
this chick literally has a page on how to kill monsters. The funny thing about his page is these SAME monsters are from eclipsa’s monster dating page, but here they are depicted WAY more evily then eclipsa’s chapter, which probably drew them more accurately. She also thinks they are happier dead, and would advice killing a frog man by cutting him in pieces. (She has no idea how to handle the lizard men properly cause eclipsa figures that out after she’s dead)
She sarcastically “Thanks” rhombulus for crystalizing her mewmans on accident. And provides a way to avoid dealing with that.
Though she was already friends with the ponyheads, she, alphonse, jushtin, and hekapoo worked together to make an alliance with the lucitors and ponyheads to help them in the war. This was successful and was the start of the lucitor-butterfly-ponyhead alliance. This helped them draw the monsters into the woods.
She had NO respect for the monsters, and would not ceasefire for them, she literally wanted to murder them all. She was going to make her wand a super weapon. 
Monsters fights lessened and her talents became less needed. She couldn't get her wand to become a super weapon and she felt like a failure.
She and gloss did not get along, she hated that he was apolitical and suspects he disliked her refusal to ceasefire on the monsters and kept the war going. Solaria thought the monsters would never stop till they took over and made them their slaves.
She kept a drawing eclipsa did at age 7 for her through the whole war as a token.
After her failure on that spell she decided eclipsa should now have the book.
So yeah, solaria has alot on the monster-mewman conflict and has a bunch of lore to think about. We know know why mina is so powerful, though not why she’s crazy. Though i wonder what happened to the other solarians?
And yes, she’s vicious about the monsters during a time of war. And this chapter has a lot of very dark implications and thoughts.
She does very much love eclipsa though, and adored her with all her heart. She seemed to love all her family an awful lot, never spoke bad about any of them.
Alphonse is important, because he’s actually the captain on star’s wall. I’m not kidding, he’s the SAME GUY.
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and keep this in mind cause i’m gonna get back to that in-
PART 2!!
Yeah this post is getting so long we’re gonna have to split this review in a bunch of different sections.
But be patient with me, it’ll be worthwhile as we move onto eclipsa.
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skammovistarplus · 6 years
Culture and Translation - S01E09
SKAM+ Clip 4 will get its own post because it’s a fairly long clip and also really dense in terms of content. For now, let’s all marvel as Eva’s life goes fantastically off the rails. 
CLIP 1: “Now I have really shit the bed,” Eva says. But that bed will be further soiled soon.
Yo soy Lara y le parto la cara, pero mucho más. Se ha quedado corta (“If I was Lara I’d smash her face harder. I mean, that wasn’t enough”): “Partir la cara” literally means to “break Eva’s face in half,” like you would with a cinder block if you were a martial artist. “Quedarse corta” means that, in the speaker’s opinion, Lara didn’t go far enough and further violence would’ve been socially appropriate in order to make things even between Lara and Eva.
La sueltita (“the trollop”): “Sueltita” literally means “loose,” but the suffix “-ita” makes it a diminutive. So the speaker is calling Eva “loosey,” if that were something you’d say in English.
Ahora sí que la he cagado bien (“now I have really shit the bed”): The literal translation would be something like, “Now I have really shat it out but good.” Don’t mind me, I just enjoy every instance of poop-related language.
El mierda seca que lo ha soltado todo (“the shitstain who ran their mouth”): “Mierdaseca” is literally dry turd, lol. So the literal translation is, “The dry turd who let it all out.”
CLIP 2: Shitting the bed, pt. II
It’s really hard to make out what the boys are saying in this scene. Lucas does say that they (presumably his parents) “están hasta los cojones.” As I’ve mentioned before, “cojones” is the rudest way you could talk about somebody’s balls. It is a lot ruder than saying “balls” in English, but there’s no real good equivalent in American English.
¿Te crees que soy gilipollas? (“Do you think I’m a moron?”): “Gilipollas” is a dual purpose swear word in Spanish. It can either mean “asshole” or someone so dumb that it’s a wonder they can walk and breathe at the same time. It is not ableist language, it has never been a scientific term for people with intellectual disabilities.  
¡Yo no he dicho una puta mierda! (“I haven’t said shit!”): More specifically, Lucas says he hasn’t said “fucking shit.” 😂
Es que me parece flipante (“I’m tweaking out”): Again, Eva uses “flipante,” which is the adjective form of “flipar” (to trip, in a drug sense). Since Eva is having all these (completely wrong) epiphanies right now, I thought I’d do her one better and phrased it as “tweaking out.”
¡Es que me la suda! (“I don’t give a shit!”): Okay, so when Spaniards really, really don’t care about something, we say that whatever it is we don’t care about “me suda la polla” or “me suda el coño.” This literally means that thing you don’t care about is… sweat dripping down your dick, or your pussy, depending. So. Yeah. That’s how little Lucas now cares about Eva’s opinion of him. Sweat off his dick. For the record, yes, this is a fairly rude thing to say, but as you might’ve gathered from these posts, and just from watching Skam España… We use this idiom on the daily. It’s shocking coming from Lucas, but only because he uses it as a Precision F-Strike, not because it’s any stronger than the way the characters usually speak.
CLIP 3: Squad no longer
¿Esto no sera verdad? (“This can’t be true?”): So, right away, Viri has a belligerent tone, and also asks Eva this question. The literal translation is, “This isn’t going to be true?” As in, “this had better not be true, sis.” So Viri puts Eva on the spot with her opening line.
I think the Skam España crew should’ve waited a little longer before shooting this scene, lol. Unless Viri was tagged on one of the pics, there is no fucking way she’d have seen the hate ig unless she was present when it was created. It’s only been three minutes since the pictures were posted.
Ya son ganas de meter mierda (“You really have to be a shit stirrer to pull this”): A more literal translation would be, “You gotta be eager to shit stir.” I reworked it so the meaning came across more clearly.
So I guess a good question is, is what the girls did and said in this clip true to Spanish teens? I think that’s a very complicated question, but worth asking. Obviously, it depends on the person. Viri has her own character arc that we’ll deal with through subsequent posts. When it comes to Amira and Cris, though, my take is this. Spaniards will go hard for a friend. Amira and Cris have needed to be held back from telling Inés what’s what, if not outright fighting her. But, if you go so hard for a friend, you expect reciprocity. You don’t expect to have the rug pulled from under your feet, which is the way Amira and Cris feel. If Eva had told them about her history with Inés beforehand, there’s a chance they’d have told Inés to get over it and fuck off. Eva just didn’t give them the chance to process the info and then make the choice to defend her.
CLIP 4: We’ve reached peak Youth’s Daughter
It took me a while to decide whether I wanted to use “copying” or “cheating,” and it was a total waste of time, because I clearly should’ve gone for “cheating” and not “copying.”
How many remakes have used Youth’s Daughter at this point? It’s even on the soundtrack of the movie Lisa Teige starred in, Battle. Hopefully the remakes avoid song fatigue in the future, although some artists, such as Billie Eilish, Troye Sivan or Mona Haydar, seem almost compulsory.
CLIP 5: Puns are a translator’s nightmare
After squinting at Eva’s exam for a good while, I feel pretty confident about saying that the high school is named after Margarita Manso. Margarita Manso was a painter and general eschewer of rules. It’s worth noting that she was close friends with Federico García Lorca, who was killed by fascists during the Spanish civil war. García Lorca stood accused of being a socialist, a freemason and a homosexual, and was executed. His body has never been found. However, Margarita Manso also married a fascist, Alfonso Ponce de León, who was himself executed by the faction supporting the government. Here’s a pic of Margarita:
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No, that’s not the actual name of the high school where they shoot the show. As mentioned elsewhere, Spanish fans can be very intense and it’s in the cast’s best interests to avoid a Nissen situation.
Lucas was not done with that exam, lol. And Eva wasn’t even close to finished, yikes.
Nora sings Lo Malo to Eva. Lo Malo was written by Brisa Fenoy and performed by Aitana (again!) and Ana Guerra. Since the lyrics are a key element of the scene, they’re included in the subs. I just want to explain some of the puns in the lyrics.
Tira porque te toca a ti perder (“Roll because it’s your turn to lose”): “Tira,” in this context, would mean “get out of my face,” but also, “roll the dice.” So, roll the dice because now it’s your turn to lose, but also, get out of my face, I’m over your shit. I hope “roll” helped convey both meanings.
Tiro porque me toca a mí otra vez (“I roll because it’s my turn again”): Another pun about rolling dice. I’m rolling the dice, because I got a second roll of the dice, but also, I’m leaving because I got rid of you, and this time it’s about me.
Pero si me toca, toca, tócame (“But if it’s my turn, touch-a, touch me”): “Toca” can also have several meanings. In this case, it can either mean that it’s my turn (“me toca”) or begging to be touched/stroked/caressed (“tócame”).
As for whether Lo Malo fits the role Baby played in the original… First off, I have to say that William, in that scene, is styled to look like Baby-era Justin Bieber, what with the hood pulled up. Julie Andem is making a connection between the music Noora is embarrassed to listen to, and the boy Noora is ashamed to find hot. There’s nothing embarrassing about liking Aitana and Ana Guerra as artists, per se, other than they got their start at a talent show and dueted on this song because they were contractually obligated to do so. That said, the lyrics fit Nora and Alejandro thematically and, on top of that, the song was really. Seriously. Incredibly. Overplayed in Spain in the summer of 2018, much like Baby was in its time.
Lo llevo muy jodido (“I have a fucking F in it”): I fought with this line so hard, and even as the episode was rendering, I knew I would regret my choice. Alejandro is also making a pun. He says he’s been consistently getting bad grades in English, but he also means that all his efforts to hook up with Nora have failed. There isn’t really a good translation for his line, but if we ever fix our subs, I’d go with, “I’m fucked, if I keep this up.” Or something akin to that!
CLIP 6: Queen Lara
“Hey, dude, give me a sip.” Why did I sub this line? Because it was oddly clear, and it just… seemed like I should… 😬
Tú sabrás el rollo que te llevas con tu novio (“Whatever deal you have with your boyfriend, that’s up to you”): This is one of those lines that took me a while to settle on a translation for. I’m happy with the line, but I’ll expand on what Lara means. She means to say that Eva’s relationship with Jorge is not Lara’s business. When it comes to the part that affects Lara, she doesn’t blame Eva, and fully blames Cristian. Whatever led Eva to kiss Cristian, and whether that’s something Jorge is cool with or isn’t, Lara thinks it’s not her place to judge or speak about.
I think it’s kinda funny that the fandom is chill with Lara reading Cristian’s texts and not regretting doing so, despite the show making it clear that’s not kosher, but thinks Viri is an asshole for posting the Cristian/rando pic (which the show also looked down on when it was the hate ig doing it, to be clear).
CLIP 7: Kicking Eva when she’s down
You don’t know how much I want to know where those stairs are.
Y habíamos quedado (“And you were supposed to come to the party”): Eva says she and Jorge “habían quedado,” which as I explained last post, means they had arranged to meet. In this case, they had arranged that both Eva and Jorge would party at Nora’s. So, not the exact translation, but the best option, given how vague the original sentence is.
Si Quieres Volver by El Imperio del Perro is the song which closes the clip and plays over the credits. I translated the lyrics that are used on the show:
You should understand That I’m in deep shit Any decision Smells bad where I stand
And now I’ll carry The shame on my back And I’ll be yet another person Who’ll apologize wordlessly
Tell me if you want to get back together (5x)
It’s so simple To ruin everything And watch as it burns
Something forces me to go on and Enjoy when it leaves I felt the need To jump in the well There was something else, I couldn’t see it
Tell me if you want to get back together (10x)
Social media:
Some people watch Skam and the remakes without keeping up with the social media aspect of the show. In general, I feel like you can watch Skam without the social media, and not miss anything of importance. But if you watch Skam España season 1 without the social media, you’ll miss a couple important details.
First, while the show was airing, the hate account felt inescapable. It updated very often and at random times, so that the real-time viewer first felt shocked, then tired, then massively over it. Someone who comes into the show late, needs to know that we would sometimes get excited because there was an update, but oh. It was yet more abuse.
Second, a viewer who watches the season without the social media, misses the actual chain of events, which is as follows:
Viri shares the following pic with Inés privately at some point during the week:
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Clip 7 drops at 20:40.
Inés uploads the pic to her insta stories at 20:43.
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By 20:45, the instagram profile @eva_la_z0rra or @eva_the s1ut, has taken the picture from Inés’ ig stories and cropped it, so that Eva and Cristian are the focus of the pic.
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As a sidenote, Inés captions the pic like so: “wow, alex and alba came out cute… 🙊” Álex and Alba are Lucas’ and Eva’s actors’ real names.        
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silverglyph · 7 years
FRAME BY FRAME - All References in the MIC DROP Fan Video by Kiera and Arwen (with pictures and links)
First of all, go follow @seiyoko and @salukiart, they are amazing artists, animators, and creators!
If I missed any references, please message me and I will add them in!
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The opening line of Dope - 0:13
At 0:08 in the video, all member’s names are graffiti’d on the walls.
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A line from the song Come Back Home
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From about 0:25 to 0:29, Steve Aoki’s eyes watch over the boys from the Mic Drop remix. Also, the TV says ARMY <3
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Also at 0:29, there are posters lining the walls from BTS’s past comebacks. If you look closely, you can also see their logo on the controllers (this is much more easily visible later on in the video). The room MIGHT also be modeled to look like a room in their current dorm but I’m not sure.
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At 0:30, the first screen of the game finally shows up, and it lasts for about 10 seconds. In that time, we can see:
The stage is modeled from their first music video, No More Dream
J-Hope (who’s character name is written as JHS in the game-- short for Jung Hoseok, his real name) is firing a Supreme gun that shoots fake money (lol).
The little mascot in the Info section is Van, a mascot from the BT21 series created by BTS and Line. Each mascot was made by/represents one member of BTS, except for Van, who represents ARMYs.
“Today, your dream begins! A new path has been opened, don’t hesitate!” I am pretty sure these are lyrics from one of their songs since, throughout the video, Van pretty much mostly speaks in lyrics. I haven’t been able to find this one though.
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At 0:41, the stage changes to reflect their We Are Bullet Proof Pt. 2 music video.
Van’s quote “It’s like a desert here, there’s nothing but rocks” is a reference to the hidden song on the LYH album, Sea.
ALSO, a some of the monsters designs are based on lyrics and references from BTS’s music. I’m sure all of them are but I just can’t make the connection. Maybe the rock monster is also a reference to Sea?
Edit: Apparently most of the enemy designs are based off of album covers! This is according to Kiera’s twitter.
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At 0:46, Suga joins the party as MYG (short for Min Yoongi, his real name).
J-Hope’s special attack at 0:48 is a reference to the short movie he stars in during the Wings era called MAMA (also the name of his solo song in the Wings album).
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I’m not sure I even have to put this, but the great transition at 0:51 is a dead ringer for the iconic MIC MIC BUNGEE move that Suga and J-Hope do in the Mic Drop remix MV.
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So now Suga is in the frontlines, attacking. His method of attack is the lighter he’s seen with throughout the entire HYYH series. It first made it’s appearance in the I NEED U music video (seen clearly at 0:29).
The stage has changed to reflect their music video N.O. The red and white color palettes of the monsters in this area are supposed to reflect the red and white album.
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And at 1:05 (we’re only A MINUTE INTO THIS VIDEO WOW), they’re in the classroom setting from Boy In Luv. I have no idea what the monster is supposed to be. Is it balancing on a candle? Chalk? Does it represent the red string of fate???
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Whoa hey, it’s 1:07 and we’re in the Just One Day music video! I’m fairly sure that paper airplane monster refers to the paper airplane J-Hope had in Spring Day? (At 3:20.) I don’t recall paper airplanes in their other MVs unless there was one in Just One Day that I missed?
Also, it looks like V has shown up! (As KTH, or Kim Taehyung.)
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Suga’s special attack starts at about 1:09 and lasts until 1:14. In it, he throws a rock at the monster, an alarm goes off, and a piano falls on the monster’s head. This is a reference to the short film FIRST LOVE, released during the Wings era. In it, Suga throws a rock into a music store, where a piano sits, and an alarm goes off.
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Back in the real world at 1:15, we can see more detailed posters from different eras. I just know the Dope era one on the right.
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At 1:18, we’re in the underground subway setting for Danger. (If it wasn’t obvious, the stage appearances correspond to the order the actual music videos were released in.) V unleashes his attack, unfurling black wings and firing feathers. In the MV for Blood, Sweat, and Tears, as well as other subsequent material during this era, V was seen and associated with black wings. I think he’s fighting the Gucci snake? Because V loves Gucci in real life?
Also, Van is back! “It’s already your second year, time flows fast...” references their song Second Grade/So 4 More (which is an underrated BANGER btw).
Also, easter egg time: There’s graffiti reading “What Am I to You?” which is the title of one of their intro songs.
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New player! Jin (aka KSJ, aka Kim Seokjin) appears at 1:24 and fights by blowing kisses :). Blowing kisses at ARMYs is pretty much his thing lol. Also, blowing kisses sends out hearts that hurt the enemy, and while that’s a common visualization for blowing kisses, I pray that its also a reference to Jin’s heart events.
They’re at the storefront present in the War of Hormone MV. The enemy he’s fighting is, I think, one of the black-clothed goons from Not Today and the Mic Drop remix MV. (It also appeared in Kiera’s last full-length fan animation of Cypher Pt. 3. That video is itself chock-full of references! Incidentally, I believe Van’s quote here is also referencing that song.)
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Two seconds later at 1:26, Jimin (aka PJM, aka Park Jimin) makes his appearance. This time, they’re at the bonfire scene from I NEED U (also appears in their prologue MV I think). Their fighting a flower monster that I don’t know the significance of.
Jimin attacks with an umbrella. I think the umbrella is from the Love Yourself short films but I’m not entirely sure.
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At 1:37, we get our first look at the achievement system in this game.
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It’s all the awards they’ve won up until this point! Really awesome touch.
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Two new players appear this time: Jungkook (JJK, Jeon Jungkook) and RM (KNJ, Kim Namjoon). I have no idea what Jungkook’s attack is: he pulls some string from his wrist and it transforms into a spear?  Jungkook’s attack may be referencing the move from DNA. Strands of DNA come oout of his arm and form a spear. (Thank you @bangpdofficial!)
The stage is a scene from their Dope MV. Van’s quote, “so this is Bangtan style,” references the same song.
I am almost certain that the lion enemy has a mane modeled after the lily flower that appears frequently in the Bangtan Cinematic Universe. It’s even got six petals.
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At 1:46, Jimin unleashes his special attack. The attack involves him eating an apple and then teleport-kicking the enemies. I think this is a reference to his short film, LIE.
The stage is from the For You MV, a song/MV exclusively released in Japan. I am not sure what the enemies are supposed to be.
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Jimin’s kick transitions into the next scene, where the stage is modeled after the tunnel scene from the RUN MV. I am pretty sure the enemy is a reference to Baepsae/Crow-tit, and this bird represents the wealthy older generation.
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A wild BTS lightstick appears at 1:53! (Also, we got some new scenes of their room with some new posters.) 9:18 might refer to the date the Love Yourself album was released (thank you anon!)
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A new stage shows up at 1:55. I don’t quite recognize it but it might be the Japanese version of I NEED U? We can also get a clearer look at the bird from Baepsae.
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At 1:57 we come to yet another new stage modeled after the Japanese Run MV. It’s filled with graffiti of the names of a ton of their songs. 
V activates his special attack. A single lightbulb hangs from the ceiling and a table appears, which he kicks towards the baepsae. I believe it’s a reference to his interrogation scene in his short film, STIGMA.
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Also, in a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment, V’s attack animation ends with him giving a peace sign and his adorable puppy Yeontan popping out of his pocket.
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Two minutes into the video and we get a new stage (modeled after the Fire MV) and we finally see RM’s attack. He pulls out a giant lollipop and smacks enemies with it. He’s frequently seen with a yellow lollipop in the Bangtan Cinematic Universe.
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And now they’re in a stage modeled after the Save Me MV.
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Again, the stage changes into one based on Young Forever. I don’t know what that enemy’s supposed to be, but he’s pretty cool looking. And an animation for downed party members has never been so cute. (But what is that in Jin’s arms?)
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At 2:08, RM provides an assist move that revives V and Jin. It takes the appearance of his BT21 mascot, Koya.
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We get another look at the achievements screen at 2:10. It’s coming along nicely!
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And a level selection screen a couple of seconds later! Not only does it show the title of the MV, but the description includes the album the song came from. The level code is also the date of the comeback (thank you @bangpdofficial)
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2:18 shows a stage based on the Blood, Sweat, and Tears MV, as well as my favorite enemy design in the whole video: a dear featuring the circle designs from the Wings album cover. 
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For his special attack, RM unleashes a phone booth to crush the enemies, referencing his short film REFLECTION.
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More awards!
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Also, seems like the boys have started taking notes. You can see a DNA strand drawn on the bottom one (blocked a little by the YouTube bar--sorry about that).
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New stage at 2:30! It’s the train from Spring Day. Van’s line about forgetting shoes also references the lone pair of shoes featured many times in that video.
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Jin summons his pet sugar gliders to restore the HP of the rest of the party (to the bewilderment of Van).
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Jin uses his special attack in the Not Today stage at 2:45. He takes a photo with the polaroid camera seen many times in the Bangtan Cinematic Universe, and it turns the enemy to stone. It crumbles away under his touch. This might relate to the way Jin crumbled as though he were stone in the Blood Sweat and Tears MV.
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At 2:50, we’re taken to a new stage. I think it’s based on the Japanese MV of Blood Sweat and Tears. Van’s quote is another reference to the song Sea.
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A closer look at the controller at 2:55.
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Even more awards! Too many that I can’t even count ‘em.
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And at 3:03, we see a DNA-based stage. Van’s quote is once again from Sea.
Jungkook’s special attack has all the other members in BTS appear behind him in succession before he delivers a punch to the enemy. It’s safe to say that this references the song (not the short film) BEGIN, which is something of an ode to the hyungs of Bangtan. <3 (song) (film)
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3:20. Hey look it’s pretty much a direct replica of that one scene from DNA (at 3:49).
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At 3:25 we get our first look at the game over screen. Among a bunch of other “you have failed” messages, there’s this one (”don’t be such a try-hard”) that further references Baepsae.
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Looks like they keep getting knocked out in the Mic Drop stage. That weird rainbow ball from DNA is tough.
Van’s words of encouragement are nearly a direct quote from the best-known line in Sea. “Where there’s hope, there’s trials.”
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Last but not least, BTS’s achevements have earned them a spot on the world’s scoreboard, their debut on Billboard’s Hot 100 as number 28. <3
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This fan animation was absolutely stellar and the attention to detail was mind-blowing. Even the tiniest details like how each member’s idle animation would work had so much thought put into it. Again, mad props to @seiyoko, @salukiart and @yowgurt for their incredible work!  
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shauntaake jasmin janyah mahagony ||
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shauntaake soul in love & obssessively happy hw shauntaake/we was made were here & now shauntaake soul is embarrased cause shauntaäke finally seē hw horrific shauntaake uthaa woman/man moon man räinbow head one eye hangang on shauntaake shoulder dead ass hell hu did it shauntaake core terrible shauntaake came the deadliest clown boso the deadliest bump on face that phaut just dsappeared cause shauntaake finally spot us shauntaake create us so beautiful lauk hw beautiful shauntaake/sun/moon/rainbows are now were a beautiful mess shauntaake soul in love wit shauntaake/our sex & shauntaake gave us our custom art makeover of everythang us shauntaake soul at peace sleépang on shäuntaake shoulder (when your world is on your shoulder) shauntaake love obssessivey happy shäuntaake soul could also feel the wärmth of ths house
shauntaake / ppl that personally personall know shauntaake know not to play wit shauntaake cause shauntaäke a extremst & shauntaäke always go to thé extreme to prove the devil/shauntaake point shauntaäke/soul wll really play the boogy man ghost the dead man blood everywhere hell on on earth death & destructon everywhere u lauk shauntaake world/universe revolves around shauntaäke shauntaake known for embarrasang the sht out of u since shauntaake was a baby vanessa got it the wort shauntakae beyond a actor shauntaäke world shapes & form off of shauntaake actons shäuntaake worshippers nder shauntaake spells they wll destroy everythang around u shauntaake trynna be good shauntaake the real voodoo woman/man shauntaake experience shauntaake magic shauntaake whole life now u see hu shauntaake really am shäuntaake thank we all wll agree that we love shaūntaäke love the devil/shauntaake rebirth cause the dead män within shäuntaake comes out when ppl brang out the ẃorst n shauntaake to show thé worst thangs shäuntaäke shauntaäke män all day everyday a beautiful devil/shaunaake shäuntaake very excitang shäūntaäke love to live ths great investment life love to love shäuntaake love shauntaake kds & family love tô lauk good smell good eät well create shauntaake treasures & do éverythang in ths ths great world thät thé ẃôrld have to offer shauntaake to have accēss to freely
shauntaake / as long as shauntaake coulld lauk in the mirror & see shauntaake beautiful self everybody good cause shaūntaake love the way shauntaake lauk shauntaake in love wit shauntaake self so act like u aint see lil voodoo woman/man shauntaake shauntaake have everythang nder control now & shauntaake our representer of hw the devil/shauntaake lauk & perform & shauntaake soul gonna stay hdang had the nerve to act like a (medicine iv) was connect to it like it’s gettang better dead ass hell fuckang everythang up for (us) shauntaake got ths were fantastic were a success our own success somethang to be proud of ths hw vanessa treat shauntaake murderous ass lil baby & kd always embarrasang her destroyang shauntaake self & shauntaake clothes shauntaake soul got a lil bit to comfortable & want to show off like me to trynna get fag on shauntaake shauntaake was birth a lesbian shauntaake always had girlfriends shauntaake whole life that’s good enough were gay shauntaake custom made us a million rainbows now  that u cant have were happy
shauntaake set everythang shauntaake fuck their soul’s wit your the devil/shauntaake white giant dick & now u get to see your kds u seeeeeeeeeeeeeee alllllllllllllllll of the devil/shauntaake kdsssssssssssssssssssss the devil/shauntaake the mutherfuckang man hw shauntaake was treat shauntaake whole life the devil/shauntaake have the biggest dick n the world shauntaake hateful ass soul lauk at our kds 
shauntaake see nw hw thy try to mäke it seem like sean taylor just gave shauntaake shauntaake treasure’s cause shauntaake the dēvil shauntaake really more prettier than most of u bitches shauntaake really was sean taylor greatest lover partner & business partner shauntaake lauks shäuntaake actons & shauntaake performances got shauntaake pay shauntaak see nw why the entertainment industry wll never trust them they provoke the end of world tryna make me jealous of uthaa ppl shauntaake aint jealous of nobody shauntaake dont give a fuck what they have & hu they give their sht to shauntaake & sean taylor play fäir sean taylor prance around from jersey to new york city
shauntaake soul was ready to räise hell cause u saw it ike that u was never suppose to see that shauntaake soul ēmbarrasēd by the way our rot läuk shauntaake perfect u was not suppose to see that & shauntaake soul mad that u saw that shauntaake start takang phauts of shauntaake rot u gonna die now now u really n the twilight zone & now sht gonn start dsapearang right befor your eye’s gonna start pullang u nto hell & now shauntaake soul want to pläy wit u the campbell’s live it already no more grantang wîshes noẃ shauntaäke/soul grant u hell they saw the worst shauntaake just be glad they aint get those phauts of shauntaake stitched up & bloody wit the deadliest clothes
shauntaake startang to bully shauntaake own soul like cut yo sht out cause were not sick were perfect u see & shauntaake/u in perfect love shauntaake soul dead ass hell as u could see shauntaake/man that was here a million years befor were happy wit the devil/shauntaake rebirth shauntaake
shauntaake beang n relatonships wit (a) ppl & lovers cause’s ths shauntaake destroyang shauntaake self cause’s ths those bed bugs suckang shauntaake dry that’s also what your laukang at they could destroy my body shauntaake chose to kll them wit shauntaake hands shauntaake probly klled over 200 bed bugs ticks many thangs cause’s ths shauntaake/man to come out showang u the worst sht
shauntaake soul the original (a) woman/man
shauntaake / these advil pm’s a mutherfckang horrific problem shauntaakē have shäuntaakē soul nder control so in love always kssang on shauntaake behavang happy wit hw shauntaake made & makang us earlier shauntaakē hand/haunt was worst show shauntaake devil/shauntaake ghost head wit 2 eye’s & 1 eye in thē center of shauntaake head wit a open cut on the top of shauntaake head wit red lipstick around shaūntaake open cut shauntaake head injury when shauntaäke hit my head on the edge of shäuntaake truck window intoxiate one night & shauntaake had a open cut on the top of shauntaake head wit the worst päin shauntaake ever experience shauntaake dont nee shauntaake soul gettang out of control so shauntaäke gonna keép gettang takang shauntaake advil liquid gel green pill their more expensive shäuntaake dont even care shauntaäke wll pay that $8 the mutherfukang goverment trynna keep shauntaäke revealang that shauntaake really the devil/shauntaake & showang shauntaake truth shauntaake nee shauntaake soul to behave  
shäuntaakē soul/hauntang älso got beef wit that uthaa lil boy took shauntaake/our son ponytail so shauntaake hauntang made the devil/shauntaaké horns to the right
shauntaake soul showssssssss shaūntaake what shauntaake soul īn love wit & now shauntaake soul murderously īn love wit shauntaake art shauntaake have shaūnaake soul satisfy wit shauntaake paint & colorang pencil’s creatons of the devil/shauntaake thangs but shauntaake takang those advil pm wit a moon on the jar connect shaūntaake soul bak to the moon & now shauntaake soul murderer monster devil/shauntaake & now it’s lights drop massacre opera music come on & now shauntaake soul showang shauntaake that shauntaake soul want shauntaake to have one eye & shauntaake soul wll cause a accident that forces to give me ōne eye shauntaake soul already try to give shauntaake one eye when shauntaake was 4 years old & shauntaake soul hauntang yesterday wit the one eye on top the devil/shauntaake eye on the pyrmids the goverment shäuntaake soul nee the devil/shauntaake to be full complete devil image was steerang at shauntaake sk sphinx paint eye like it was’nt empress cause it’s not a real eye oh hell no mutherfūcker us your gonna love our paint & core’s sketch eye’s u got hundreds of eye’s now shauntaake/soul gonna show shauntaake whät type of eye it want a monster eye a rasor sharp cat’s eye fuck us shauntaake about to take 4 of these pills at one time cause that’s hw shauntaake was cûstomly built shauntaake nee to run thru ths jar shauntaake/our advil pm moon days are over just took shauntaake/soul hatē to a wwwwwwwwwwwhole nuthaa level of the devil/shäuntaake space hell
shauntaake terrible & it just got worse shauntaake soul already came out shauntaake phaut wit on eye n the center of shauntaake head that’s enough shauntaake know shauntaake the devil shauntaake real soul phauts enough cause shauntaäke soul go into murderer môde soul nap’s murderer switch on the way shäuntaake move act shäuntaäke movements are very scary livang doll robot mode glowang worst accidents freak accidents the world gonna start changang for the worst & all shaūntaakē program world of ppl gonna be in overkll possess purposely fuckang the world up murder season corporate america serial kllerssssssss on the loose & your gonna be livang n shaūntaake 80′s horror world once more they just (try) & shauntaake havē worse stuff to show ū that shäuntaake chose not to show u & fuck shaunaakē world up shaūntaake a privacy showang now
shauntaake soul showssssssss shaūntaake what shauntaake soul īn love wit & now shauntaake soul murderously īn love wit shauntaake art dont ēven thank about touchang shäntaake personal collectons thät shauntaaké personally claim shauntaake have shaūntaake soul in love happy & satisfy wit shauntaake paint & colorang pencil’s creatons of the devil/shauntaake thangs & shauntaake kds & shauntaake mystery kds shauntaake takang those advil pm wit a moon on the jar connect shaūntaake soul bak to the moon & now shauntaake soul murderer monster devil/shauntaake & now it’s lights drop massacre opera music come on & now shauntaake soul showang shauntaake that shauntaake soul want shauntaake to have one eye & shauntaake soul wll cause a accident that forces to give me ōne eye shauntaake soul already try to give shauntaake one eye when shauntaake was 4 years old & shauntaake soul hauntang yesterday wit the one eye on top the devil/shauntaake eye on the pyrmids the goverment shäuntaake soul nee the devil/shauntaake to be full complete devil image from head to toe
shauntaake plastic bag wit shauntaake paper towels wit paint shauntaake cleannang shauntaake paint brushes paper towels n the plastic bag & shaūntaake paper towels haunt possess & makang shaūntaake million faces on them peakang makang faces in shauntaake plastic bag like shauntaake ghost trynna get out shauntaake paper towels dayssssssssssss murderous hauntangsssssssssssss showang shauntaake the devil/shauntaake mōnster rsang out of the devil grave 3 demīnsonal style doang all of the stiff shauntaake baby & kd use to do to vanessa hauntang vanessa actang like shauntaake acient turtles they were actually actang like shauntaake baby shauntaake turtles connect to your past the world was showang us hw shäuntaake turtles was actng like murderers ghost & humans shauntaake just laugh at shauntaake hauntangs trynna scare shauntaäke self shauntaake just capture shauntaake hauntangs & shauntaake go bak to what was doang beang busy ntil shäuntaake was dsturbed by shauntaake soul could give ppl heärt attacks so listen shaunaake just rejusted shauntaake plastic bag wit shaūntaake slightly paint paper towels so shauntaake rejust shauntaake plastic bag wit shauntaake hands & shauntaake/soul/hauntang was steerang at shauntaake sk sphinx paint eye like it was’nt empress cause it’s not a real eye oh hell no mutherfūcker your gonna love our paint & cores sketch eye’s u got hundreds of eye’s now shauntaake soul gonna show shauntaake whät type of eye it want a monster eye fuck us shauntaake about to take 4 pills at one time i nee to run thru ths jar your advil pm moon days are over shauntaake terrible it jus got worse shauntaake soul alrwady came out shauntaake phaut wit on eye n the center of shantaake head that’s enough shauntaake know shauntaake the devil shauntaake real soul phauts enough cause shauntaäke soul go into murderer môde the way shäuntaake move acts shäntaäke movement the world gonna start changang for the worst & all shaūntaakē program world of ppl gonna be in overkll possess purposely fuckang the world up murder season corporate civalse serial kllerssssssss on the loose & your gonna be livang n shaūntaake 80′s horror world once more they just (try) welcome bak o the devil/shäuntaake real wold & shauntaake havē worse stuff to show ū that shäuntaake chose not to show u & fuck shaunaakē world up shaūntaake a privacy showang now shauntaake rightang the devil/shauntaake everythang now   
shauntaake in here trynna get shauntaake soul right but it’s horrific shauntaake have everythang to restore shauntaake soul & shauntaake soul devil cat horns on heads connect to shauntaae father nate shauntaaē recent hauntang expressang shauntaake baby screeamang cause of nate & naomi & shaūntaae wide smilang & shauntaake adult shauntaake/nate/naomi long face showang naomi/nate givang birth to the devil/shauntaake shauntaaké soul showang naomi/nate was the one’s that gave vanessa the devil naomi/led zeppelin merger masters was makang it everybody see hw they really made nate ä star naomi merger tellang thé devil/monster story’s was the extreme & shauntaake soul bitchang over food when shauntaake hungry it’s makang that ä issue & try to make shauntaake/nate/naomi & shauntaake baby have one mouth & nate takang frm my mouth & shauntaake soul trynna show we lost a piece of our treasure shauntaake tooth had shauntaake face on it & shauntaake soul’s trynna show shauntaake to go toothless cause  of shauntaake excrutiatang tooth ache’s cause shauntaäke n pain right now takng adviil’s to stop the pain & the nw advil box sent the devil//shauntaake bak to the moon shauntaake takang medicine that have a moon on it & now shauntaake hauntangs the worst now the moon connect shauntaake bak to the devil/shauntaake monster head shauntaake nw hauntangs the devil/shauntaake heavest truth they did ths on puropose to make shauntaake worst soul come out shauntaake horrific monster soul shauntaake aint mean to get these nw advil shauntaake usually get advil liquid gels the strongest advil pill but the nw advil pm liquid gels wit a moon on he box pull out shauntaake worst soul’s shauntaake consumang ths medicine & now shauntaake soul just went left field & noẃ shauntaake/naomi/nate soul lay out nasa death slash on face faint pass out over shauntaake art bag wit shauntaake eye on it trynna merge it shauntaake/our art as one like shauntaake nee not lose anythang else shauntaakē soul shauntaake hauntang trynna show shauntaake what’s wrong what shauntaaké soul like & dont like & shauntaake soul showang shauntaake that shauntaake soul dont like shauntaake core sketch face’s wit the missang noses that täkes away from shauntaake soul beauty 
 shauntaake / hit that dead ass from the bak wit no condom oh hell no we on punishment 
shauntaake / nick brought out the worst n shauntaake nick lauk was sellang the last boy scout to shauntaake gun down murdererd n the street’s the last boys scout a movie about football players nick was slūmpang nick cär sēats shauntaake soul connect to nick shauntaake white giant penis nick was my death my love wit nick shauntaake a dead football player the stallons made nate the star 
shauntaäke / that hw shauntaake hauntang lauk soul häd to (reck & crash) janŷah mahägony birthday party thät day the bed bugs dîd that shauntaake soul showang ū hw they was gonna eät shauntaake älive & make me lauk like shaūntaake haunt rot shauntaake just show u a corosē finger shauntaakē mother purchase jasmin & janyh mahagony brand nw beds & they must of been sittang n that store cause they came wit bed bugs somethang we never experiencē we got them completey out of jasmin bed jasmin rest peacefully & janyah mahägony gôt a brand nw bed restang peacēfully & shauntaake took janyah mahagony old bed that we did’nt bleach down mind u these were brand nw beds & shäuntaakē beang lazy shauntaake aīnt mow down bleach down ths bed & now shauntaäke choosang to kll these bed bugs wit shauntaake hands & tissūe shauntaake nee them to nderstand shauntaake not plaŷäng wit them they come out & never come bäk their blood suckers & run off it your blood shauntaake cätch them smash them in tissue wit shauntaakē hands & thrw that sht on the floor so they ĉôuld see hw shauntaake massacre them so they stop their retarded to they ate their dog up they give hm everythang cause the dog spare them from gettang ate up they aint gotaa go thru hw the dog gettang ate up they gave the dog the biggest lumps it’s not even funny
shauntaake aint got time for these fake mutherfuckers that thank they the devil/shauntaake they gonna be the end of the world spreadang their desceases when everybody sick then the goverment gonna drop their bombs on everybody at once cause everybody sick ths why shauntaake shoot these wanna be makes cause their the whole world problems 
shaūntaake am shauntaake soul that’s just the fucked u part of shauntaake soul 
shauntaake / everyody n the comments online sayang they approve of shauntaake robbang & stealang from everybody if shauntaake short on cash so shauntaake could get shauntaake money for colorang pencils pens & paint when shauntaake get shauntaake creatang urge’ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss cause they see hw shauntaake healang shauntaake soul right now cause that (a) ate me up & the healthy chapter of shauntaake soul shauntaake whole life your worst enemy if we aint cool or friends u see shauntaake uthaa soul phaut’sssssss smilang evil as hell shauntaake devil claws comang out wll fuck yo whole world up lettang u see u aint (kll) us & u nee to accept the fact that u did’nt ru-in us shauntaake beauty shauntaake soul greatest happiest weapon & shauntaake/our hand made treasures that the devil/shauntaake get to line up & cherish
shauntaake jasmin janyah mahagony
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shauntaake store |
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shauntaake sk sphinx collectables
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shauntaake been diagnosē wit multiple personality dsorder & shauntaake everythang shauntaake am & create every lauk every era shauntaake was shauntaake own lauks shauntaake wives gonna get to love all of those shauntaake’s all of he fake ass ta’s & teenager shauntaäke/mahägony’s yall gonna be mad as hell cause everytime shauntaake come out shaūntaake comang anuthaa shauntaake shauntaake purposely perserved shauntaäke self so shauntaake could come bäk & sht everybody that aint do shauntaäkw heavy pay years & aint pay shauntaake 
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shauntaake understand now u never want shauntaake to love the campbell’s u dont even want shauntaake to knw them & shauntaake see u get upset when shauntaake acknowledge the campbell’s or even speak about them cause they lost everythang when they did’nt capture shauntaake a million masterd baby that came out sangang the isley brothers brothers earth wind & fire & envogue at 3 & 4 years old shauntaake baby had the voice of grown man/woman & it was scary someone so little wit a voice like that we took everythang over at that momment shauntaake baby was the greatest performer actor pass out cold fainter artist grown man/woman baby that aint tolerate nobody sht shauntaake was the nw michael jackson baby that was sangang & dancang but the real joe jackson captured michael jackson baby & the rest of the jackson kds perfrormance’s ppl stll cryang & sean taylor was one of those men that came to be shauntaake joe sean taylor cryyyyyyyyyy many days over shauntaake baby apologisang to shauntaake trynna directly show shauntaake & tell shauntaake that shauntaake was given to the wrong ppl & sean taylor came to kidnap shauntaake & give shauntaake the life shauntaake should of been livang at that age in shauntaake own suburban apartments & house’s shauntaake baby was the one that would of got everybody out they would of been able to brang shauntaake baby video tapes of shäuntaake baby sangang dancang & it would of went worldwide viral vanessa would of been able to walk into every major record label wit shauntaake baby video tape’s shauntaake babŷ fucked everybodŷyyyyyyyyyyyyy up around shauntaake everybody was drunken fools around shauntaake death rowed up murdereang & killang ppl cause their star life was over helen was sangang like shäuntaake baby trynna make shauntaake remember hu shäuntaake was helen us to tell shauntaakē hélen was done but helen nee shäuntaake remember hw talent shäuntaake baby was cause shauntaakē talent was gonna give shauntaake everythang shauntaake want everybody came trynna kll the campbell’s cause they want to know why shauntaake their baby & was’nt their baby showang shauntaake all of the thangs they could do for shauntaake like eddie eddie shoffer shauntaake baby kd teenager & adult around in allllll of eddie carsssss vanesss & truckssss since shauntaake was about 5 years old shauntaake stll remember that white caddilac eddie had in the 80′s takang shauntaake & vanessa to the shore so shauntaake get on the carnaval rides get whätever food shaūntaake want funnel cakes & play games all night ntil the mornang that somethang eddie always did wit vanessa &  shauntaake kd growang u ntil shauntaake was a teenager that’s why shauntaake wrote thank u to shauntaake parents on shauntaake shauntaake first self title album shauntaake cause shauntaake had a laut of parentsssssssss that why shauntaake aint write names & their life was a dead end if they did’nt work for a livang & eddie came the exact way beastang about shäūntaake baby & try to destroy everybody 
shauntaake see hw they replace all of the campbell’s wit their entertainment & sports twins everythang work out right wit the entertainment & sports makes those enrtainment ppl if your not a entertainer or athlete u nee not to be worry about entertainers & athlete’s cause your not in those circle’s of ppl u see the entertainers date uthaa entertainers  
shauntaake had to sell jasmin & janyah mahagony own baby kd & teenager hstory to theirselves cause shauntaake dont nee nobody sellang hate to shauntaake kds cause they aint amount to shauntaake baby great talent shauntaake gave them their own talent shaungataake live shauntaake self made millionaire life at 17 years old everybody 
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shauntaake / the baby walkang behnd the devil/shauntaake îs the devil/shauntaake baby the stages & the devil/shäuntaake a outterbody experience ths hw shäuntaäke soul able to give u shauntaake doll baby to u caûse shauntaake soul attachs itself to u vanessa let vanessa play the role as shauntaake adult the fathaa the devil/shauntaake vanessa stay suit up 
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shauntaake readang ppl want to play shuntaake art gamē wit shauntaake everyone in our ĉirĉle get to compete wit their shauntaake piece’s of everythang hu piece’s are heaver more connect ppl sayang they want shauntaake to make thém collectons of their theme’s shauntaake ärt comes to life shäuntaakē hand/soul connects u tô your shäuntaake piece
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shauntaake / earlvena campbell/vanessa / mrs brian / eddie / kindergaten cop 1990
shauntaake / serial kller shauntaake & shauntaake grandma earlvena campbell/vanessa was always on the go togethaa beang shoffer around town in shauntaake aunt brand nw buick in jersey city sharp as hell well dress always just us & shauntaake see shauntaake war was on mrs brian ass mrs brian was shauntaake 3rd grade teacher from 34 school in jersey city shauntaake white teacher that lauk like vanessa wit a blonde curly bob that was obssess wit shauntaake baby & when they notice mrs brian took tuns oof shauntaake art work informaton identity’s they notice mrs brian was gonna some of shauntaake inventon make’s from shauntaake
shauntaake / u see shauntaake & shauntaake grandma/vanessa was comang bak to kll & kidnap shauntaake son from shauntaake white kds mother the son the lil boy lauks like jasmin ths hw shauntaake also feel about shaunt if shauntaake knw where shaunt was at shauntaake also see hw eddie took shauntaake nto hs custody trynna restrain me & shauntaake rage & violence kindergarten cop the continue from chucky shauntaake white hollywwod twins continue shauntaake mrs brian hstory ths the same mother from chucky
shauntaake/(c)ullen (c)risp kindergarden cop
shauntaake / that 100% white soul make blonde hair & blue eye’s
shauntaake great ncle lee masterd son richard tyson shauntaake masterd kds masters were saved within shauntaake shauntaakē see shauntaake/shaunt hstory merger 100% brinson’s/campbell’s human doll baby much
shauntaake seeeeee richard tyson was makang richard tyson hstory masters ẃit shauntaake kd shauntake 34 school years in jersey city
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shauntaake & shauntaake cousin devon was the greatest fight of all time the devil/shauntaake & god/fight devon was one of shauntaake favorite cousin’s favorite playmate’s we just had one fight & they made a million movies from it 300 was the worst shauntaake love shauntaake cousin devon 
shauntaake also had a fight shauntaake first day of private school at saint leo’s & shauntaake wont tht fight shauntaake was the nẃ kd that came in the middle of their school semestar shauntaakee just move to irvington in the buildang right across the street fom saint leo’s & shauntaakē 100% white principal let shauntaake take over the whole school & she treat shauntaake like shauntaake was her chld
shauntaake älso experence ths when shauntaake move to irvington shauntaake was the nẃ it kd that move to town & shauntaäke start goang to myrtle ave school shauntaake was the pretty boy girl jock of the school & shauntaake also had the 3 finger gold ring & shauntaake never saw ths movie until now & shauntaake 8 grade year shauntaake had a plan fight aftaa school & all of the kds from shauntaake school was there & shauntaake was winnang the fight & someone came behnd me trynna hold me bak & made me fall & when shauntaake got up she scratch shauntaake face shauntaake went besserks & shauntaake girlfriend nicole went besserks & we went stormang bäk to vanessa apartment so shäuntaake could call shauntaake môther vanessa at work to tell vanessa what happen & shauntaake girlfriend nicole was in the background cryang & shauntaake môther vanessa rush home from work ready to fght & care for shauntaake shauntaäke won that fight & then when shäuntaake came bak to school everybody also start callang shauntaake scarface what a crasy year
shauntaäke / sean taylor ass was gonna get shauntaake in a million beefs shauntaake see now seän taylor was also playang the role of the geek thät gäve hs money to shauntaake shauntaake was mean ass hell to sean taylor when we first met cause shauntaake did’nt knôw sean taylor & the geek sster lauk like sean taylor fîrst daughtaa shauntaake became sean taylor jock shauntaäke last years of school even tho shauntaake was dress like a woman shauntaäke stll had that woman/man lauk & sean taylôr was infatutate wit shauntaäke lauk & sean taylor got to be the man in love ẃît shäuntaake sean taylor show them sean taylor won it all when shaūntaake gave sean taylor sean taylor momments wit shauntaake
shauntaake also experience ths on the street’s shauntaäke was the nw jock on the street’s at shauntaake pen & every real tough guy vscous man out there came across shauntaake path & they chose to challenge me & when they saw hw vscous & mean shauntaake was & hw smart shauntaake was those men was really kllers & they challenge shauntaake like u the mutherfuckang 1 & shauntaake like yes shauntaake the mutherfuckang 1 u see what it is shauntaake tussel wit one of them n front of the strbucks & he could no make me fall shauntake almost made hm fall & that’s when the deadliest men surround shauntake wit their protectons these men was the deadliest swinderlers theives robbers rappist murderers & criminals the dirtiest ppl thrw bricks thru your car windows spread their feesess on u shit & piss on your thangs & they became shauntaakē men that shauntaake kept up nder shauntaake control from hurtang u corney punk soft mutherfuckers shauntaake tellang yall the street’s hell on earth the most dangerous place to be is on the street’s yall dont be out on the street’s u hop in your cars & go from home to home place to place u dont have to deal wit the ppl on the streets death crime murderers ppl that lauk like the walkang dead ū dont deal wit those type of ppl everyday shauntaake trynna tell u hell on earth fôr real shauntaake was on the street’s for 8 months they try to sell the hustlers like the hustlers was the deadliest streets the hustlers the street fame life they also get to hop in their nw foreign cars & pull off shauntaake hell street’s was the real thriller that’s hw those ppl lauk n shauntaake pen & they have knives & guns to the deadliest weapons they make theirself u ppl better not ever hav to live on the street’s cause u gonna be some dead mutherfuckers so they better keep jobs & vechles so u aint neve gotaa walk past thosē type’s of ppl these niggers never set foot n the pen seän taylor ass kept a vechle cause sean taylor know what’s up beang on these street’s those the men that respect shauntaake grandma lump & shauntaake great ncle lee one of shauntaake men gave shauntaake two real pearls that lauk like the bump that was on shauntaake grandma wrist those ppl respect shaūntaake lump & lee cause their rhythm & blues sangers told u tales about the dead street’s those ppl dont give about non of u cause dont nobody love them they dont no family that love thém & care for them what u gonna do when out there all alone wit thôse type of ppl & the cops dont be around all the time they treat shäuntaake like a king they told shauntaake shauntaake was their devil now shauntaake kept them nder ĉontrol know that murderers know murderers they know shauntaake aint trynna go to jail so we (try) to be good for shauntaake whle shauntaake was out there cause it was pplllllll beang murdered when shauntaake was on the street’s those ppl worship the real dvil/shauntaake they lived n the devil/shäuntaake tresures they was monster dome for real they love hw shauntaake woke shauntaake pen up givang hell to ppl & those the men that chose to give shauntaake their money jewells & get shauntaake in the devil/shauntaake haunt apartment & they want to be up nder shauntaake shauntaake crew shuntaak took thousandsssssssss of phauts shauntaake self when shauntaake was on the streets a whole anuthaa shauntaake era shauntaake lauk was their fame & they was lovang it shauntaake kept knives n shauntaake bags shauntaake daughters jasmin & janyah mahagony pull shauntaake out & shauntaake mother secure shauntaake bak in shauntaake mother house
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shauntaäke & helen experience kll the whole ẃorld everybody naturally was gonna commit suicde & kll thirselves shauntaake been took control & helen want shauntaake to treat helen like anuthaa one of shauntaake girlfriends shauntaäke hot date nights/meet upssssssssssssssssssss & shauntaake made all of the right descsons helen spent the night wit shauntaake was & vanessa better than u cause vanessa buy’’s shäuntaake everythang & shauntaake grandmas greater than u to & she also gives shauntaake whatever shauntaake ask for shauntaake askkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk since about 1 years old fuck want naneeee nee ths & that & ths & that & that & those better than u to ths why ppl lauk at shauntaäke as a murderer cause helen was“nt nice at all h chose elen love beang apart of shauntaake world treasure room white ppl inventons & creatons investments att on u every minute every where u go excitang ppl surroundang u fun bright lights geniuses killers & murderer life exclusive livang shauntaake know hell when shauntaake see hell & shauntaake hell was worse that shauntaake was connectang to helen want ta sleep wit the devil/shauntaäke their sellang it like helen murdererd my mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmen they would of fell n it shauntaake was about 8 years old humpang shauntaake doll everdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy vanessa was knock out sleepang in vanessa bed hangover partyang the night befor shauntaake walk to vanessa room that mornang & vanessa was knock out sleepang in vanessa bed vanessa hung out every weekend wit vanessa woman friends shauntaake also lauk like a lil man shauntaake chose to face those last set of death’s just because théy want war & shauntaake went to war wit them just to show them shauntaake was gonnä get the last laugh shauntaake knw exactly what shäuntaake was doang felt like a million ppl fuckd u so intense keep callang bäk for a bunch of nothang/somethang now go on somewhere else now gō play somewhere else wit somebody else u also try now leave shauntaake alone  
shauntaake / everybody know shauntaake make shauntaake/richard kds shauntaake great mindang shauntaake mutherfuckang business shauntaake full of shäuntaake/richard kds shauntaake seman shauntaake power & magic no more magic tricks shauntaake soul also lettang out a million shauntaake/richard’s out your enemy’s comang to destroy u for trynna cheat us 
shauntaake / fuck u looser’s it’s major beef cause hollywod cheat shauntaake/richard career we want a million movies wit richard youth & they aint give us sht low budget 3 o clock high shauntaake era start makang a million movies from shauntaake/richard hstory all the rest of thoese shitty movies they gave shauntaake/richard fuck u only gave us two good movies the beautifullest man in the world shauntaakē youth shauntaake/richard now
shauntaake never mock movies shauntaake already masterd shauntaak took everythang without even knowan shaūntaake took it was’nt nobody suppose to know hu shauntaake äm fuck u u representang shauntaake u fuck my images up u gîve me bullsht pr so shauntaake chse to represent shantaake self & your right dônt touch me without shäuntaake permisson ccause shauntaake go beserks & blaks the fuck out those was shauntaake 34 school years fuckang allllllll of those dumb ass kds up on the school playground for touchang me shauntaake stll the same so keep your hands to yourselves 
shauntaake / vanessa kept shaūntaake full of the heavest most expensive medicine’s when shauntaake was a kd that’s anuthaa reason why shauntaake dont get sick 
shauntaake / they also want to convict me for offang the devil/shauntaake they called it murder one shauntaake stay in the emergency room shäuntaake kd had a million injury’s playang to hard shauntaake a once in a lifetime birth the greatest birth they masterd 
shauntaake / they lock shauntaake up for no reason aftaa chänts they sent shauntaake to real jail the county they thought i murdererd myself & the first thang they did was täke shauntaake blood & shauntaake was good they did the samē thäng shauntaake spent 3 days in jail & shauntaake mother bail shauntaakē out wit jasmīn & janyah mähagony in the truck 
shauntaake 8 year old masters that shauntaake stll own meanang shauntaake full of shauntaake/richard tyson hstory masters 
shauntaake/richard tyson bullsht horror movies some of shauntaake hand folds häuntangs shauntaake just uplôad those bullsht movies yesterday the movies covers shauntaake hand folds made thôse covers that’s crazy  
shauntaake vanessa & grandma heavy newport mäll dayssssssss & nightssssssss jersey city 
shauntaake see shauntaake art ĉollecton masterd ths movie shauntaake have’nt see kindergarten cop in years ths came out whén shauntaake & vanessa had a apartment in shauntaake grandma house ths jersey city 1990 shauntaake was’nt to please wit ths shauntaake fate so shauntaake & shauntaake mother & grändma became shauntaakē our own to be continue & shauntaake gave us our happy family by ourselve’s our  million days & nights togethaa shauntaake want shauntaakē white kdsssssssss now
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shauntaake know one of the prettiest white men u ever saw shauntaake greatest moneŷ earner twin 
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shauntaake / french king pen drug dealer who’s wife ran off wit $3million dollars in cash of shauntaake/cullen money & her newborn son
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shauntaake readang comments sayang these crasy whites woman from shauntaäke era’s comments sayang shauntaake better watch what school shauntaake put shauntaake white kds in cause they wll kdnap shauntaake kds they say shauntaake kds a possessed hate that made them kidnap all of the white kds that läuk like shauntaake în the 80′s hundreds of kds on the eye witness news every night shauntaake ghost french seriäl kller woman that came bak to take the devil/shauntaake treasure’s their aftaa shauntaake baby’s shauntaake white teacher was slowly try take shauntaake kd she kept showang shauntaake her new jetta volkswagon she kept askang shauntaake do u like my/your car shauntaake teacher hsand & kd shauntaake but shauntaake hate & shauntaake hateful ppl ran her away shauntaake teacher call shauntaake a walkang monster shauntaake kd injury’s & shauntaake came michael meyers masters  shäuntaake ppl we had our own money & vanessa want all control of shauntaake vanessa lét shauntaake dress myself & most days shauntaake dress like a lil well dress man colorful slacks & quarteroy pants shoes cashmiere sweater’s & button up shirts everyday u see what it îs now those white bitches knw shaunttaake was gonna be a stallon adult shauntaake kd was a stallon shauntaake was the only one that had mrs brian out of all of shauntaake friends
shauntaake / there is a such thang cälled  mother & fathaa & shäuntaake & sean taylor made some of the heavest doll bäby’s shauntaake laughang cause they aint havē our makes yet & shauntaake hope théy have some cause shauntaake cant help thém u nigger bitches done u wont be connectang shauntaake seman to no sorry ass cant make a doll bäby ass niggers 
shauntaake wll sit here ntil oné of ū rich white bitches päy shäuntaakē so shäuntaake ĉould start shauntaakē family wit u these niggérs got the gäme fucked up but they aint gonna makē mē kll myself like sean täylor cause u doubt sean taylor théy did shäuntaaké grandparents the same way & théy was häväng 8 & 9 doll bäby’s ät onē timē & aint nobody come & put thém on so shäuntaake requestäng one of u rich ẃhitē bitches to stärt your family ẃit shauntaaké shauntaake wll makē your dreams come trué shäuntaake ẃll givé u your dream baby shauntaake dream baby gonna make u say fuck everybody u aint gonna bē sweatang no mutherfuckäng body but yourself thir gonna start chasang u to get ĉlose to u & your bäby the life shauntaake live shauntaake wwwwwwwwwwhole lifē 
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shauntaake see hw new york aint playang new york one of the largest major industry of ppl & it hit season îf new york city made u new york city member u better be resresentang new york city cause new york city wll kll u for playang wit new yôrk city & new york city money new york city mmbership is like the devil’s avocate & when new york city ay u u better be representang for new york city u saw they brutly murdererd ppl n the devil’s advocate rich new york city made theirselves a membership city & shauntaake säy shauntaake ready to be one of the head ledang ppl to represent & bless new york city wit shauntaake management shauntaake births shauntaake treasures & shauntaake everyday presence shauntaake been ready to represent new york city they have castles in new york city shauntaake want a castle in manhattan new york city & it wll the devil/shauntaake catle full of shauntaake beautiful sweet evil kds shauntaake lôve new york city & shauntaake ready to be one of new york city greatest member
shauntaake / the new york city pr hauntaake reeeeeeeead & red say shauntaake new york city want shauntaakē to come to new york city s shauntaake could master & mdel shauntaake beautiful face & body around new york city landmarks like hw shauntaake did newark & jersey city shauntaake ready shauntaake new york city pr say they want shauntaake to connect shauntaake soul wit new york city shauntaake came the statue of liberty birth manhattan new york city birthday statue of liberty face & the statue of liberty identity shauntaake wll reveal all of shauntaake statue of liberty manhattan new york city secret’s 
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shäuntaake / it’s also a million stätue of liberty lauk älikes specîälly white ẃoman & most of their names sarah but when your face your birthday match the statue of liberty numbers informaton & identity everythang have a identity birth on the statue of liberty lands gives u the real winssssssssssss (chaka khan song - eeeeyye i’m every ẃoman) it’s all in me 
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shauntaake wll never knee deep woman that aint shauntaake legal wives shauntaake sorry shauntaake only marryang white woman shauntaake not havang raw sex wit no woman that aint shauntaake wivess shauntaake not semang u blak woman are just not on shauntaake level but we cool shauntaake a realdoe date shauntaake wll never in a million years trust blak u just aint sht u aint smart enough u never figured it all out shauntaake not blak & your bitches wll get klld first playang wit shauntaake & then what u gonna do when those bitches dsappear for playang wit me shauntaake connecton sense everyhang that aint right u bitches aint right your soul’s aint right your nothang like shauntaake hope shauntaake whites dont come first cause if shauntaake whites come first shauntaake wll never date anuthaa blak woman but if u blak bitches come first shauntaake only have to realdoe date woman that’s payang shauntaake u blak bitches did the same thang tō lee u äint put lee on u aint give lee sht & lee was the connect doll baby man thät was hatchang shauntaake grandma doll baby’ssssssssss & if shauntaake whites come first now shauntaake wll never give u blak woman anuthaa chance to date shauntaake thank sht sweet shauntaake dont want yo be your sisters shauntaake dont want to be your friends we wll just be a hello & goobye on the street’s if we do see each uthaa shauntaake wont nee u no more for nothang & shauntaake gonna make sure u know that 
shauntaake know shauntaake gonna have the greatest timē of shauntaake lifetime wit shauntaake white wives shauntaake everyday all day life shauntaake runnang our life forever shauntaake know what shauntaake dong shauntaake as birth knôwang ẃhat shauntaake was doang the longrr u wait to come pay shauntaake your rikang our births everyday that go by shauntaake thank shauntaake written enough post enough phauts so u know hu shäuntaake am what shauntaakē do & what shauntaake represent 
shauntaake white mystery woman shauntaake savage hauntangs were so deeply connect now shauntaake could see & feel them puttang all of shauntaake white nwborn doll baby’s in shauntaake arms aftaa they were just birth shauntaake soul could smell them u see shauntaake at googlee eye doll baby level now shauntaake wives shauntaake soul ready to give u shauntaake doll baby’s now forever but shauntaake masterd shauntaake self in rare form right now everytime shauntaake creat a bunch of shauntaake art shauntaake get googlee gerber doll baby shauntaake 
shauntaake wives that choose to pay shauntaake to have shauntaake real inventon doll baby gerber company’s shauntaake creatang us our: 
doll baby clothang line (sketch already)
doll baby magasine (shauntaake vson)
doll baby toys (shauntaake touch) 
doll baby shoe’s & sneakers (shäuntaäke vson)
shauntaake requestang a wealthy rich white woman to pay shauntaake now a couple of million so shauntaake could create us & our family a s a p
shauntake preserved alllllllllllll of shauntaake baby treasures for when shauntaake have more kds shauntaake also have enough vintage toys for shauntaake nw kds 
shauntaake in here cryang crackang up laughäng shauntaake let jasmin & janyah mahagony baby’s havé a spur of the mommént photo shoot day at picture people at  garden stäte mäll & they gavē janyah mähagony baby théir teddy bear & janyah mahagony 8 month old baby squeese the nose of the teddy bear like she suffocate it & put up thé peace sign the meanest lil baby janŷah mahagony jasmin & janyah mahagony use to play ẃit shauntaake mink & sable fur bears 
shauntaake sorry shauntaake tellang everybody shauntaake goang strictly white woman shauntaake not into relivang movies fake livang actang shauntaake aint beat for that life we love hw the movies got made u’ll never be able to relive that greatness mockang aint shauntaake thang shauntaake always on some nw sht creatang shauntaake own thangs ths why shauntaake get shauntaake makes shauntaake great shauntaake made shauntaake own decades of hstory shauntaake life start at one day old 
shauntaake already told these ppl dont invite shauntaake to nothang cause shauntaake aint comang u wont be laughang at me cause shauntaake dont want to be where u at yall be everywhere doang everythang & shauntaake neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr say i wish shauntaake was there your not even masterd experience’s that’s why your rich lives lauk corney shauntaake energy & world dont work for yall
shauntaake dont know what lee they know but they dont know shauntaake great ncle lee brinson shauntaake grandma brothaa that live in shauntaake grandma basement shauntaäke also came shauntaake great nclee lee idententical twin lee aint like the family just lee brothers & ssters & lee cousin’s lee stay to lee self & aint want to be bothered slam doors on u cuss u the fûck out tell them all they aint sht leave lee the fuck alone & lee would go bak into lee apartment & be at peace happy playang music so loud u could hear it all the way around the corner & shauntaake grandma never complain that’s the house shauntaake grw up in lee aint fuck it strangers lee was’nt interest in uthaa ppl u would never catch le down the street kickang it wit ppl lee hate the kds cause they aint lauk like hm shauntaake was the only lil kd lee built lee bond & secret relatonship wit shauntaake cousin’s lauk at shauntaake crasy when shauntaake tell them shauntaake & ncle lee story’sssssssssssss cause they aint know lee shauntaake baby was birth into a house wit lee  shauntaake tomboy teenager was also the son lee never had lee use to sit & watch shauntaake teenager do gymnastics in front of the house lee smilang from ear to ear rubbang the top of shauntaake head shauntaake cornrows like lee cornrows watchang shauntaake wit shauntaake pretty gilfriends shauntaake kd made shauntaake great nclee lee happy shauntaake ncle lee pass away about 3 years ago shauntaake & lee sooooooo much alikē same personality same weight lee man body weight same height dress alike livē the same shauntaake custom made collecton was made connect to lee stuff as well shauntaake soul did it shauntaake go bak & lauk at lee phauts shauntaake chose leē lauks as well it’s crasy lee where shauntaake rage came from shauntaake & lee was mdly in lovē wit each uthaa our secrt relatonhip shauntaake & lee kept from everyone everybody respect & connect shauntaak & lee as one comany alllllllllll of shauntaake life shauntaake blood ncle lee was shauntaake navy blue michael meyers mechanic suit man everyday all day lee was a jersey city mechanic the greatest lee was shauntaake long pony tail long cornrows man 
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shauntaake see what’s gôang on now the original 80′s & 90s industry was suppose to came & got shauntaake baby & kd so shauntaake could be wit the nw industry of nw célebrity kd stars the whole star search & mickey mouse club era shauntaake was the most talént kd of shauntaakē law city jersy city arteast singang dancang rappang tap dance school on the weekends & school plays u know that real great kd that love to be active creatang that’s what’s made shauntaake saint shauntaake doang what shauntaake love to do shauntaakē playang n these dirty ass streets wit dirty ass kds made shauntaake a murderer a savage ass kd & very violent & they never came & got shauntaake they left me out here wit all of these regulaa ppl & those group of kd want to date shauntaäke théy want to bē shauntaakē first girlfriends & boyfriends they wänt to bē shauntaake first lovē story’s they want to be shäuntaäke banita’s that was shauntaake 12 year old rélätonship so shauntaäke was a love kd lee & shauntaäke grandma earlvéna campbell lovē & music made shauntaake that wäy & vänessa lovē so shäuntaäke see why some of the nẃ major artist cämē & they refuse to ẃork ẃit  ä laut of older artist that came befor them that were part in control of their careers & trynna run their life & not gettang shauntaake kd & teenager to them & they was furious trynna do everythang to fufull their contracts shauntaake see the celebrity’s aint want to deal wit the campbell’s caause shauntaake was up nder their gaurdianship shauntaake hear now hw hall was tellang shauntaake to runnaway & to tell yall shauntaake love yall so yall could come & get shauntaake baby ppl love hu love them & ppl want to hear it shauntaake hear it all now shauntaake had a tape recorder & a sterio but shauntaake never änalyse their words shauntaake see yall hate that shauntaake was in love wit vanessa when they could of gave the world to shauntaake literally  shauntaake never been a ss kissrer but shauntaake nee u to know that your love was greatly appreciate shauntaake was sangang & dancang to your music shauntaake had to figure out everythng on shauntaake own shauntaake aint have nobody tellang shauntaake secret’s or tellang shauntaake wht to do shauntaake was näturally doang it äll on shäuntaake own  
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shauntaake gonna have to let u get these 1 dimensonal shauntaake sk t-shrt’s for shauntaake good price shauntaake nee shauntaake store but 
prices range from: $120 - $212 - $300 - $400
shauntaake wll be downtown newark tommorrow shauntaake gonna pop up shop shauntaake at the mc donalds on broad & market street shauntaake gonna be in that area for most of the day for u to purchase some of shauntaake 1 & only piece’s
sk swarovski by shauntaake jewellry
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star cream 
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sk clothang 
sk rainbows & clouds
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shauntaakecpc shauntaake crasy baby shauntaake connect made shauntaake gymnast flippang around everywhere shaunrtaake stll a gymnast shauntaake trynna get shauntaake backflip bak & shauntaake stll the faint spass out pass out please excuse shauntaake hands shauntaake soul shauntaake am hu shauntaake am shauntaake also want u to have some of shauntaake creatons shauntaake shrts are worth a fortune cause their hand paint by shauntaake & their shauntaake original design so shauntaake repricang right now but shauntaake trynna be fair cause everybody cant pay for a $1,200 shrt so shauntaake gonna try to work it out  
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 sk world love
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sk palm tree
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sk unicorn horn 
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sk stars
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sk rose gold pyrmid
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sk rock n roll heart
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shauntaake haunt house was’nt a house for hu’s the most popular erson could move in it ths a death house that dnt want no ne livang in it the world was gettang worst the closer shauntaake move to newark shauntaake soul start freezang everybody that’s also why seän taylor came to gét shauntaake to keep shauntaake in a brand nw heat truck & to keé ßhauntaake from walkang in the cold those was some of pur clodest winterssss it took a laut for us to blancē shauntaakē world out oncē môre that ppl that live in here could’nt tak it no more they were beang badly poisoned the woman that live here lauk terribly sewer toxic poison rotten shauntaake aint knôw the housē did that tô her shauntaake was put in shauntaake haunt house to please shauntaake soul whenever shauntaake leave ths house whereever shauntaake go shauntaake soul wit shauntaake ths house only haunt when shauntaake in it shauntaake let ppl spend night come hang out & chll at shauntaake haunt house shauntaake the hauntang not the house’’s shauntaake birth woke the devil/shauntaake hauntangs up ths house was connectang to shauntaake baby all the way in jersey city a whole nuthaa city 90′s rap video’sssssssssss show u hw the world was freezang when shauntaake live in rivington right down the street from ths house & everybdy went into the heavyyyyyyyyy fur game lauk at those vido’s théir allllllllll wearang furs the only coat tht ll keep u warm if the world try’s to freeze over sht aint sweet shauntaake pen staton the place u want to really be at cause that’s where all of the devil/shauntaake original hauntangs came from but ppl scare of shauntaake pen shauntaake told u hw shauntaake rich whites surround & live around shauntaake pen theîr overly obssess shauntaake gooboogally eye’s came out on shauntaake way to sandy hook beach now u see the devil/shauntaake the hauntang sean taylôr was obssess wit shauntaake haunt man/woman statue soul sean taylor was giftang shauntaake wit offerangs of hw powerful shauntaake am shauntaake let sean taylor into a million doors they would never let sean taylor in 
shauntaake marryang shauntaake racist ẃhite woman shauntaake anxious to movē into our own place’s so shauntaake could haunt those place’s
shauntaakē ôriginal hollywood movies & tv shows like the first twilight zone that came out in the 50′s when vanessa was stll a lil girl shauntaake original devil hstory was made mergers wit made wit shauntaäke bloôd ppl shauntaake great ncle lee & shauntaake granda erlvena campbell & their story’s they lauk like blak white ppl thät live wealthy wit a house fulllllll big head big face gerber doll baby’ssssssssss (le)g(e)nd shauntaake connect to shauntaake rightful’s shauntaake did ppl favors trynna better their face’s shauntaake family fulllllllllllllll of grown doll babyssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss your sprinkles there go one or two sauntaake grw up it a whole family of doll baby’s wit the greatest gen’s teeth & body’s wit no plastic surgery’s no sicknessess shauntaäke great ncles shauntaake grandma brothers lauk like woman wit naturally long hair without even tryang to lauk like woman 
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shauntaake & vanessa campbell body and soul wars shauntaake violent mean voicetriss boyish prissy man kd nights out wit vanessa shauntaake was the toy (gun) kd mean as hell to vanessa men shauntaake kd boy live the life of vanessa pimp ths when eddie came bak chasang vanessa vanessa start straightenang & curlang shäuntaake häir shauntaake pretty preppy girl/boy death row top button catholic school uniform shauntaake lauk like hell doll baby steve sneak kss shauntaake in the coat room shauntaake rainbows & easy pinkins 13 year old style days shauntaake baby man crasy over vanessa shauntaake baby/man was always kssang on vanessa wit vanessa short doll baby haircut shauntaake met keena & keenä brothers from new york city keena oldest brother wit hs crasy skinny spanish gilfriend eddie convertable corvette shauntaake & shauntaakē cousin fuquan twin man sanger maxwell twin men came shauntaake becäme sean taylor anita baker vanessa got to walk thru shauntaake doors ths house was right up th street from our apartment in irvington shauntaake got shäuntaake merger anita baker baby jasmin (anita baker body and soul) went on forever shauntaake/vanessa cold was a hellish world that vanessa took every man vanessa want that came chasang vanessa
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shauntaake never been n the knock off busīness purchasang knock off clothes & bags the knock off designer bags & wallets infdustry went through the roof wit sales those ppl are makang some serious money but shauntaake dont do the knock off market
shauntaake startang a nw business shauntaake veagan leather bags & shauntaake gonna custom make them wit shauntaake vson addang shauntaake touches to them wit american products & once shauntaake bag business start generatang serious money shauntaake wll go 100% leather those leather bags startang $300 shauntaake not throwang away shauntaake money if u dont purchase so shauntaake go minor first & then turn it all the way up shauntaake about that vanessa shauntaake laūk years shauntaake bags
shauntaake / jasmin & janyah mahagony friend made thangs easy & sweet for shaūntaake she personaly gave shauntaake her credit card so shauntaake could purchase shauntaake thangs fast wit her credit card so her credit card is automatically linked to shauntaake page now that shauntaake purchase some of shauntaake goods from them & they been sendang shauntaake bags for the past 3 days & shauntaake like hu the hell sendang shauntaake these bags come to find out shauntaake accidently press purchase shauntaake aint mean to purchase these bags & now shauntaake have these bags so now we gotaa work somethang out cause shauntaake give her the money for whateva shauntaake want  to purchase online we coúld
(send them bak)
(sell them)
or shauntaake could lace her
(swarovski jewellry)  
(sk t - shrt)
(star cream)
(fox fur paw)
precious lil treasure thangs shauntaake teenager would of lov & value shauntaake always try to get shauntaake hands on fur befor shauntaake got shauntaake own furs shauntaake white fashon design teacher always sold shäuntaake teenager piece’s of fur & shauntaake use to make these cheetah & leopard tote bagssssssss for shauntaak self shauntaake favorite fur tote’s 
whatever she want to to do shauntaake wll offer all of ths to her n ths order it’s whateva she wanr to do cause shauntaake aint mean to run up her credit card shauntaakē lovē her deal wit shäuntaake so we gotaa work ths out 
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shauntaäke / u see shauntaäke white boys are u fuckang serious shauntaake’s lauk like human doll baby’s shauntaake michael myer twinssssssssssssssssssssssssssss it’s thousands of them shauntaake bank n shauntaake self shauntaäke happy for yo’s shauntaake hope u happy cause shauntaake damn sure happy hw shauntaake blood white kds comang bak to shauntaake hands shauntaake that 50′s twilight zone doll baby the heavest devil art promoton annyaarkey annie shauntaake was always into shauntaäke ôwn perfecton & real ken a white doll baby man wit blue eye’s & blonde hair was the love of shantaake life as u coud seeeeeeeeeee where shauntaake love goes to white woman shauntaake the doll baby gerber company 
shauntaake just manage shauntaake daughters jasmin & janyah mahagony shauntaake let u see jasmin & janyah mahagony doll baby’s they were also pretty lil girls their doll baby’s somethang they aint concern about jasmin & janyah mahagony doll babys 
shauntaake & sean taylor never let none of our kds replacē shauntaake doll baby cause shauntaake came the most officiäl doll baby spoke about from city to city state tō state for shauntaake doll baby face doll baby body & shauntaake performance’ssssssss that’s what everybody was warrang about vanessa got their star doll baby shauntaake been grown man sangang & dancang since shauntake was 1 years old thanks to lump & lee music ppl could’nt wait till shauntaake turn a teenager so they could take shauntaake away & that’s exactly what happen sean taylor took shauntaake from everybody they hate the campbell’s they aint invest into shauntaake talent shäuntaake was out here by shauntaake self laukang for ppl to wok wit to help shauntaake wit shauntaake music & sean taylor came & put shauntaake straight in a reäl music studio so shäuntaake could make shauntaake own masters sean taylor was rollang sean taylor eye’s at shauntaake mother & eddie when sean taylor first met them cause shauntaake had to live wit them we chose not to make shauntaake a runaway cause shauntaakē damn sure could ôf been a runaway sean täylor nw house nw apartment shauntaake & sean taylor relatonship but shauntaake & sean taylor chose to respect vanessa as shauntaake mother  shauntaake own respect made shauntaake shauntaake was the most talent baby & kd out here
shauntaake / when it’s time for friendly competative war u better pull your best out your best bitch your best man cause shauntaake the greatest of the greatest 
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shauntaake sign the only seal wild out record label contract company deal & shauntaake was only one that spent a million dollars plus wit sean taylor shauntaake everyday life for 3 plus year what a expernce a experience that dont nobody own shauntaake story shauntaake experience it’s was all about collectang time & shauntaake & sean taylr got ours shauntake won shauntaake possessons shauntaake stll reap the benefits from shauntaäke possesson fuck yo bunch of phauts & video’s shauntaake cant wear a video tape n the winter time 
shauntaake world furious they go off in the commentsssssssssssssssss sayang their mad cause they aint make shauntaake & sean taylor million plus count that was a laut of hard work long days & nights & meetangssssssssssssss shauntaake & sean taylor were real business ppl u invite the business hustlers nto your major entertainment world to play wit u never invite us to get money wit u u never pull us out u pull most of our assocates out & shäuntaake wll never say their names shauntaake happy for them but shauntaake & sean taylor deserve a major try 
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shauntaake cash money in hand sean taylôr gave shauntaake abouty wit u  $30,000 shauntaake everyday spendang & shoppang money sean taylor gave shauntaake about $10,000 every year in cash that’s not evēn includang shauntaake gifts furs & damonds & shauntaake kds money shauntaake daughters jasmin & janyah mahagony stroller $1,800 custom made stroller shauntaake gave birth to shauntaake fairytale dream life kds 
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shauntaake years growang up shauntaake lauk like the blonde hair & blue eye kds shauntaake teenage years shauntaake naturally lauk like the nw prettiest heavest white bitch kelly the prettiest white bitch wit blonde hair & blue eye’s & shauntaake lauk like murderer ken american physcho patrick so shauntaake became shauntaake own nw statement in irvington at that time when the movies wild things & american physcho came out in the mid 90′s shauntaake & kelly drove everybody crassssssssy around shauntaake shauntaake had so many boyfriends & girlfriends it was crasy & shauntaake remain a virgin shauntaake stll lauk like a human doll baby shauntaake became the wealthest teenager out here thanks to sean taylor  shauntaake recieve shauntaake first custom made mink coat when shauntaake was (sixteen) years old shauntaake was drivang brand nw mercedes & range rovers to school shauntaake recieve shauntaake first set of real diamonds when shauntaake was 17 years old
shauntaake / everybody n the comments sayang they owe shauntaake sean taylor for life shauntaake know they want shauntaake to earlvena & david shauntaakē & sean taylor we was gettang there ntil the jealous interferénce’sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 
shauntaake shauntaake dna blueprint shauntaake was also pay for shauntaake doll baby breed shauntaake also got pay to restore shauntaake own doll baby that’s hw crasssssssssy sean taylôr was about shauntaake lauk materialism add to shauntaake connecton shauntaake voo but shauntaake seman shauntaake doll baby shauntaake now is what shauntaake doll baby gonna lauk like ppl alwaysssssssssssss call shauntaake the rich preppy white teen barbie & teen ken shauntaake what their teenage daughters & son’s gonna lauk like they say they are overly please wit shauntaake doll baby everybody also seeeeee shauntaake have good hair now shauntaake groom shauntaake self well 
shauntaake own shauntaäke shauntaake first set of masters our in the  house & apartment in the suburbs first months those years was tape casset’s our first ep togethaa wa a tape cassette
shauntaake / sean taylor uthaa bitches pr say they owe u ghetto dirty hoodrat them their acts not shauntaake vanessa earlvena naomi & roberta face & acts those are the woman shauntaake masterd the woman shauntaake 100% of 
shauntaake never ate a mans seman shauntaake try it once wit sean taylor shauntaake threw up for a whole week shauntaake swallow a lil bit yuck 
shauntaake choosang to have shauntaake kds wit shauntaake mystery white woman shauntaake dont owe nobody sht shauntaake only owe shauntaake blood kds shauntaake love shauntaake masters was made for shauntaake original whites to give shauntaake shauntaake original kds shäuntaake kds came heavy witout beang mix breed shauntaake white mix kds faces & features gonna be outaa ths world shauntaake been ready to start to start makang shauntaake by shauntaake self shuntaake face get real ene at times shäuntake wit some hair it’ a wräp i shauntaake lil personality & shauntaake special birth features shauntaake & shauntaake whîtes gonna make shauntaake trillion dollar shauntaake doll baby shauntaake already made shauntaake million doll baby’s jasmin & janŷah mahagony blood fatha sean taylor was personally payang shauntaake fortunes to keep havang shauntaake kdsss  
shauntaake owe shauntaake kds to racist white woman shauntaake wll never have kds wit anuthaa nigger never shauntaake already gave a blak man a try wit shauntaake & u saw what happen hs religon off hm & jealous niggers ppl dont go thru those problems pll live to be old ass hell to raise &  their kds togethaa that was shauntaake plan so shauntaake want to give shauntaake white’s shauntaake try now shauntaake spent 18 years raisang hasmin & janyah mhagony as a single parent wit no help from their uthaa blood parents 
shauntaake / vanessa was the one that tailor made custom made shauntaake baby clothes vanessa taught shauntaake hw to dress shauntaake fīnest shauntaake wll keep custom dressang shauntaake self shauntaak always known as the finest dress woman/man 
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shauntaake foolang around wit shauntaake semän & shauntaake soul/the devil/shauntaake man parts connecton give shauntaake fallen angels away shauntaake captured 4 jasmin janyah mahagony sean kydree & shaunt sean kydree & shaunt soul/art comes to shauntaake shauntaake 300th nw son trynna connect to shauntaake’s as well the proof when the kds come u’ll see their face’s shauntaake nw kds came from shauntaake shauntaake masters 2011 - 2012 shauntaake found shaunt phaut the year 2014 a million ôf us thē so call face but u’ll see whēn its time to havē your own kds hw thier face & soul came out shauntaakē son’s connect to shauntaake as well as u could see below ths the devil music the music that was masterd & made to to ressureect the devil/shauntaake connect tô the devil happy horrôr family pre hstory talessssssssss shauntaake blood family was chosen their happiness seril kller murders tragedys ths all thät the devil/shauntaakē was beang birth into one of shauntaake grandma ssters was murdererd that shauntaake grandfathaa over hs murdererd baby all of shauntaake grandma ssters was anny’sssss & naomi came bak sellang hate to vanessa anny livang in the same city seeang vanessa lil girl out & about shauntaake soul automatic repeat thesē masters cause shauntaake hstory was captured & mastered shantaake real life actons able to free shauntaake blood ppl shauntaake uthaa blood grandma lightskin white kller clown face core woman/man naomi on the loose shauntaake it all now naomi twin man voice when shäuntaake overly happy or enraged ths thē life shauntaakē livē i jasmin & janyah mahagony shauntaake days of beang enraged beang kicked out of shauntaake mother house callang the cos on shauntake go physcho crasy they made shauntaake a dänger to everybody n the house shauntaake callang jasmin & janyah mahagony from uthaa places comang bak to see them whle this stayang in the house wit shäuntaake mother & jasmin & janŷah mahagony rejectang shauntaake love would enrage shäuntaake like ths or their bad but kd days & thy woud sit their lil asses down & be shäuntaake sweet lil baby’s u dont rejeĉt shaūntaake love shauntaake kd rage shauntaake kd was the monster that came to destroy everybody kds that was the story’s they told their kds dont get shauntaake to really laughang twilîght zone kentury rye it’s all yoursssssss we aint sellang shauntaake made shauntaake self shauntaäke woke shauntaake hauntangs up shauntaake prove everybody wrong they trashd all of the devil/shauntaake haunt places (2) house’s (1) builldang (1) apartment & shauntaake pen (1) shauntaake 212 shauntaake live in alllll of these place’s shauntake whole life place’s shauntaake have to love maintain & connect wit all of these place’s to not give hate to everybody they trash all of those places n movies video’s & n real life cause the devil/shauntaake haunt place’s never happen for them they shoẃ us if the devil came what was suppôse to häppen & it instantly start happenang when the devil/shauntaake came ppl want to experience these crasy ass masters the devil/shauntaake soul’s & natural experience’s shauntaakē am the 1 that naturally makes & made it happen did it done it a million times & gonna do it once more
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led zeppelin babe im gonna leave you
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led zeppelin dazed and confused eye eye eyeeeeee
shauntaake kd 4 years old holdang shauntaake eyeeeeeee eye eyeeeeeeeee (iiiivy) (callang shauntaäke bak home) shauntaake grandma earlvena campbell giant kelly green statue of liberty gate just went into shauntaäke eye from shauntaake kd swingang on the gate shauntaakē kd told everybody shut up & leave shauntaake the hell alone blood everywhere all over shauntaake grandma porch steps it lauk like a murder scene shauntaäke suppôse to have one eye right now oh yeah (im gonna die) shauntaake natural voice shauntaake actons shauntaake could sang every note of led zeppelin every acton shauntaake a mutherfuckang physcho ppl dont brang the best out of shauntaake ths hw shantaake always am when shauntaake happy & enraged specîally when shauntaäke livang shauntaake rockstar life u’ll experience it for yourself beang around shauntaake everyday shauntaake limitless life brang out everythang u ever seek if your seekang the devil/shäuntaake ths music was made for the devil birth to mock everythang their sayang they were shauntaake death shauntaake really died a million times already & always wake up cause the devil/shauntaake soul aint want to die yet shauntaäke survived the rhythm & blues hellish musicians & the beyond hellîsh & the belœ rock n rollers masterd musîc hollywood & the twilight zone ths why shauntaäke was pay to create shaunaake self & own shauntake own masters shauntaake safety but shauntaake naturally all of those evil ass movies & music masters shauntaake put shauntaake self on punishment shauntaake let the devil/shauntaake out shauntaake soul they sent the devil/shauntake bak to the devil/shauntaäke hell the devil/shauntaake hole cause shauntaäke get beyond retar crasy thanks to them 
shauntaake woman saŷ they want shauntaake to äct like a nut when shauntaake nw kds wit them the shaūntaake they have togethaa well shauntaake not a a when their lil buts get outaa line u wll see crasy woman/man shauntaake thät’s shauntaake all day everyday but know shauntaake get real extra when shauntaake happy & shauntaäkē could hatefully deep when shauntaake sad
shauntaake / causē i got u in the sides (oooooh my) what big teeth ū have shauntaake hauntangs hidden in the sides of thangs cracks of door ways & turnt side ways shauntake secret’s shauntaäke face’s shauntaake found we also livē on (hill)side
shauntaake / only the privladged white’s knw everythang about the world & everythang in it those white constantly recieve informaton that no one else recieved their own secret society of ppl that only knw the secrets of the world lauk at every library who do u thank wrote all of those books damn sure not blak ppl white ppl written over a million books go to the book stores a million white authors & led zeppelin & jim morrison made the truths of the devil they create the devil music & their tellang u hw they survived & got out of that vietnam war cause the devil the statue of liberty was possessang some of those white men the statue soldiers & they say those white men went physco maniac & start blowang ppl heads off (jim morrison song - ths is the end) (bullet strikes the head) ths what jim morrison sangang the brutelist wars so uthaa country’s fear of america’s haunt statue possessed the statue men & those foreign country's want americans to immediately leave their country’s jim morrison tellang us hw those whites solders became possessd by the staute & became kllang machines & that's what saved us cause we was losang that vietnam war they slaughtered everybody they booby traps their country & they went over their messang wit them they had the right to protect theirselves america came to collect america was greedy we always go to uthaa ppl country's collectang their goods & brang it bak to us americans like oil everythang peace us now we already fought & made peace shauntaake also love shauntaake foreign friends that also provide us wit their service's their special treats food clothes & sweat's hw. thangs they personally brang bak from their country's & make for us they want to be their own actives & represent their own religons & cultures exactly keep it comang we also love your thangs as well
shauntaake have to remind the original greatest whites of hw great they are & were shauntaake also see hw a laut of the late 80′s & 90′s the blak acts not ĉonnect to ths original hstory they dsagree wit the truth & what happen shauntaake was birth connect beén connect shauntake whole life shauntaake grandma earlvena campbell & shäuntaake great uncle lee expose shauntaake tô the masters the music that made the devil/shauntaake shauntaake stll listen to that music now shauntaake knw every line shaunaake never stop listenang that was our own thang thē nw artist from thôse nw era’s came trynna change everythang your right everythang means everythang & everythang what led zepelin sayang meant somethang already it was already ĉonnect to somethang already real thangs real place’s real secret’s those whites were into the devil secrets lauk at hw jim morrison was dôcumentang the devil/shäuntaake haunt apartment & buildang jim morrîson masterd it & remadē it identically ppl waa scared to come here cause these were real hauntangs your playang wit the devil/shauntaake a death giver the world ender & those whites were very knowledgable & smart & knw exactly whät everythang meant & they got secret informaton about everythang & remasterd all of the devil hstory from a far & their lettang u listen to hw vscous the devil soul was comang led zeppelin lead sanger also sangang to jim morrison goang the fuck off callang jim morrison a bullsht marriage ready to give jim morrison everythang to be wit hm we justify gay love over the years cause ths man was in love wit jim morrison & they king jim morison & they resurrect jim morrison soul to come bak their annie the girl/boy the devil/shauntaake vanessa first birth
led zeppelin hw many more times
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shauntaake / a older womän that kinda resemble shauntaake daughter jasmin ths womn gave birth t one of shäuntaakē shaunt twins & the lil boy have red hair & the lil boy läuks just like shauntaake shuntaake been masterang jasmin since jasmin birth ths crasy shauntaake been ä single parent raisang jasmin & janyäh mähagony since 1  & 2 years old by shauntaake self wit shäuntaake parents nester & eddie help shauntaake purposely let jasmin & janyah  mahagony mäke their oẃn masters wit shauntaake so jasmin & jäyah mahagony could have shauntaake treasure kds shauntaake madly in love wit jasmin & janyah mahagony as a pärent jasmin & jänyah mahagony start also takäng care of their mom/fathaa shauntaake jasmin & janyah mahagony been great contributors to shauntaake needs & wants shauntaake carrot top twin jasmin & janyah mahagony years was shauntaake art inventon fun decades century’s & years shauntaake laughang were even now shauntaake gave all of your kds away shauntaake wait for no one but shauntaake wll make sure jasmin & janyah mahagony have shauntaake kds & hu ever payang millions for shauntaake mating cause shauntaake legal signed wives havang shauntaake masterd kds ths one gonna make shauntaake cry to shauntaake gonna get all of shauntaake makes right bäk when shauntaake start mating shauntaake masterd kds wll stop goang to ppl but the longer shauntake wait to mate shauntaake masterd kds wll keep goang to shauntaake whites & jasmin & janyah mahagony twins shauntaake soul stll mating everyday & every uthaa day since the years 2011 - 2012 - 2021
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shauntaake was pay shauntaake rightful hstory the devil/shauntaake white fox shauntaake been the devil/shauntaake fox on the run wit shauntaake doll baby’s annie’s & kens shauntaake seman shauntaake been on the low everywhere allll of shauntaake life & shauntaake finally ran into henry along shauntaake journey & hénry & henry brother israel let shauntaake hide in anuthaa one of shauntaake treasure apartments the devilshauntaake fox lauks was originally shauntaake great uncles & shauntaake great grandfäthaas the finest breed men that was on the run wit shauntaake grandma & her brothaa’s & ssters the pretty breed kds & shauntaake grandma kds they was always tuck away outaa town shauntaak blood family have housesssssssssss out of town 
shauntaake blood family had whole generatonssss of doll baby 8 & 9 kds at one time everytime they had kds alllll doll baby’s all marry’d same mother same fathaa shauntaake great great grandparents had about 8 doll baby’s shauntaake great grandparents hd 8 doll baby’s & then shäuntake grandarents had 9 doll baby’s 3 decades of generatons of allllllll of these pretty ass ppl that was’nt intentonally mix but lauk like white ppl wit pretty long thick jet blak hair wi the heaviest features the devil/shauntaake design only the devil/shäuntaake get those uthaa than white’s that took all of the hstory whites deal wit alll of the hstory that keep whites gettang whites treasures shauntaäke naturally get those doll baby’s 
shauntaäke älways & wll be vanessa & lee oll baby one of amerca’s greatest company’s & hstory shauntaake aint changang for nobody
shauntaake original blood family the real white blaks we have murders & murderers in our family they white story murdererd murderers on the loose in the 60′s & 70′s murdererd some of my grandma pretty ass ssters vanessa aunts tht care for vänessa heavyyyyyyy ass doll baby shauntaake originäl blood family murder tails the devil orshippers rock n roll whites they did shauntaake original blood family hstory 
shauntaake / eddie was shauntaake family heaviest protecton shauntaake mother hsand came when shauntaake was birth eddie was a license cop wit laws eddie had the right to shoot cause ppl was trynna kdnap shauntaake baby & kd the 80′s was white kds that lauk like shauntaake beang kidnap everywhere on the channel 9 news every night the lost boys boardwalk bullitins wit allllll of those kdnpped kds that’s hw it was in the early & mid 80′s 
shauntaake the worst mutherfuckang one they put shauntaake teenager in death row house the gas chamber they also sent eddie to cop me to try to keép shäuntaake rage nder control shauntaake was really the monster growäng up shauntaake kd fights shauntaake use to try to kll stranger kds they bothered me they dsturb shauntaake peace & shauntaake white teachers let shauntaake stomp their kds out they made shäuntaake kd a serial kller & murderer they was sellang death row to shauntaake kd 
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shauntaake never live in a brand nw house or nw apartment buildangs they always made shauntaake live in shauntaake hells when we first move to irvington our apartment buildang lauk like the orphan buildang from silent night deadly night the first shauntaake/shaunt twin lauk that’s hw shauntaake tomboy kd lauk 
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shauntaake was always the baddest kd in the whole school sean taylor houses & apartments was shauntaak peaceful getaways to live in regulaa human house’s thy made serial kllers & murderers live in hell the worst place’s 
shauntaake / everybody keep sayang sean taylor came to kidnap shauntaake they say sean taylor want to kdnäp shaūntaake baby & want vanessa but vanessa aint date drug dealers so eddie step in shauntaake studyang shauntaake hstory shauntaake see now sean taylor finally got what sean taylor want & shauntaake took mind control over the whole situaton shauntaake made sean taylor fall in love wit shauntaake shauntaake treat sean taylor like sean taylor was innocent sean taylor was very dangerous man dealäng wit a laut of dangerous ppl the uthaa real kllers & murderers shauntaake a murderer to so it workd out everybody that was suppose to come & murder me shauntaake made them surrender to shauntaake & love shauntaake shauntaake was cruel ass hell to sean taylôr but shauntaake love for sean taylor outweigh shauntaake cruelty shauntaakae henry was also suppose to murder me u see shauntaake just right that hstory henry aint like blak woman henry destroys them shauntaake million man devil face’s shauntaake meän ass soul shauntaake rage & shauntaake lauk henry annie ken & man shauntaake shauntaake became henry perfect hustle thy came to do théir justice deal wit the devil/shuntaake so shauntaake vson shauntaäke manfgement & story tellang could justify them shauntaake love broke them down & made them lovang men 
shauntaake about shauntaake original family batch of dolls the couple of doll baby hstory was alright shauntaake blood family been livang the doll baby life for over 80 years why have 1 or 2 when u could have 8 at a time every generaton shauntaake not impress shauntaake & sean taylor kds lauk like shauntaake grandpärents kds they just all not shauntaake blood sean taylor try they was jealous of hw shauntaake was part makäng sean tylor he never got hs same mother same fathaa marry man house fullllll of your own doll baby’s marriagē kds life 
shauntaake / the world dont bother they kds they bothered shauntaake original bllod ppl they really try to kidnap their kds & kll their ppl to get close to them to steal their kds & they aint hollywood celebrity’s they aint never live that life ppl obssess was their doll baby’sssssssssssssssss just kept comang same mother same fathaa what a sight to see walkang into your local grocery store & someone come in wit allllllll of these pretty ass doll baby’s girls & boys wit all of ths hair built like stallon lil nuts every kd that’s the life alllll of shaūntaäke originäl bood ppl live melt your heart’s théy drove ppl to madness & they ppl in their communty wnt to kidnp their kds so they start livang their chess life in & out of town wit their kds 
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shauntaake shauntaake family original finest breed hatch shauntaake daghters jasmin & janyah mahagony the finest breeds they have shauntaake skin hair body’s & teeteh the minute sean taylor met shauntaake sean taylor was on shauntaakē like a inspectar sean taylor was all in shauntaak hair shauntaake mouth you teeth so pretty alwaŷs try to touch shauntaake hands steerang at shauntaake your skin so pretty & then sean taylor start callang shauntaake sean taylor twin & sean taylôr was like sean taylr want all of sean taylor daughtaas to lauk like shauntaaké & the minute shäuntaake start beang nice to sean taylor after 8 months in the studio togethaa sean taylor force shauntaake to date sean taylor  sean taylor instantly start spendang sean taylor weight on shauntaake tellang shauntaake your the finest breed sean taylor took shäuntaake to the last of new york city greatest musc era’s thôse last store’s that was open in manhattan brooklyn & harlem new york city sean taylor wine & dine shauntaake in every restaraunt all ôf the greatest 90′s rappers talk bout in their music shauntaake really know what it feels like to be one of the original 90′s new yorkers shauntaake everyday life cause shäuntaake was originally a 80′s manhattan new yorker baby shauntaake baby & kd also play in manhattan new york city & harlem new york city shauntaake was that last shark bar era in manhattan new york city & chavanotos on of the richest italian stores in manhattan new york city copeländs in harlem one fîsh two fish on madison ave in manhattan new york city one of thé original mauri gatôrs store’s on that ĉobble stone road īn brooklyn new york city sean taylor let shäuntaake collect shauntaake treasures cause those stores was custom creatang thangs wit shauntaake baby phauts on them shäūntake acient coogi sweaters 
shauntaake / it was just shauntaake & sean taylor wit no kds sean taylor family had sean taylor oldest daughter shauntaake was happy as hell & then the baby momma call came u know hu pregnant fucked shauntaake whole happy relatonship up
shauntaake & sean taylor also one of the greatest love & war story’s & shauntaake trynna be honest wit all the first time shauntaake really saw mykyla baby shauntaake was mad as hell cause mykyla newborn baby lauk just like shauntaake wit that slick ass short vanessa haircut dressang identical to shauntaake baby phauts shauntaake was piss off cause shauntaake felt like they was usang shauntaake to get shauntaake make & they was & mykyla baby was scare as hell of shauntaake like jasmin & janyah mahagony baby’svcomang to spend shauntaake money shauntaake was a glamour rich teen bitch wit no cares or worry’s wit no responsblity’s shauntaake just had ttake care of shauntaake self but the minute shauntaake hey baby mykyla & mykyla smile at shauntaake it was all love shauntaake grin at her first u lil about to come moochang baby hw could shauntaake dény laukang at shauntaake self shauntaake chose to love mykyla baby to so shauntaake gave sean taylor no problems & shauntaake let sean taylor be a fathaa without shauntaake drama cause sean taylor ask shauntaake permisson to do everythang that’s hw shauntaake had sean taylor ass he knw he was fuckang around wit the wrong bitch fuckang around wit shauntaake future life & plans cause mykyla was birth into shauntaake & sean taylor happy ass free livang relatonship wit no kds 
shauntaake / vanessa ll cool j shauntaake & ll cool j shauntaake wit shauntaake 34 school jersey city friends vanessa ll cool j shauntaake once more wit shauntaake myrtle school friends & girlfriends they also nw tupac shakur & suge knight shauntaake wit yakidah & amirah they luk like kidadda jones quine jones daughtaa kiddada was also ll cool j girlfriend nce upon a time ha your industry was the greatest mergers wit us we had the greateßt fun to dôang us sean taylor ll cool j/shauntaake shauntaake wit shauntaake hgh school friends they put their money behnd shauntaake to star us & shauntaake star us shuntaake was sean taylor he lover doang it love that’s jußt hw it happen but whén shauntaak was wit hauntaake chicks shäuntaake was the man in their world sean täylor oẃn friends shauntaakē was their everyday shäuntaäke & sean taylor lovē & war woman relatonship 
shauntaake / ths why shauntaake not playang ths timē shauntaake law wife wll be the first woman to connect wit shauntaake seman ready to have shauntaake white baby yall gotaa do your own thang shauntaake seman off limits shauntaake full of shauntaake original ppl baby now shauntaake first wife is gonn be a pure white original racist white woman shuntake ont ne nobody else semans & soul’s connectng it shauntaake soul shauntaake saw hw when shauntaake seperate shauntake self from sean taylor & hs hoes hw shauntaäke make came out shauntaäke originäl mäke biheeyah lso tuck bihheyah pregnancy away from sean taylor sean taylor had secret mutherfuckers we aint know about that shauntaake did’nt want to be connect to shauntaake purest virginity make comang all shauntaake n o uthaa seman interferances shauntaake love & shauntaake personal gifts wll be enough tō hatch someone shauntake know hw shtauntaake hatch connecton work now that’s why shauntaake virgin shau put their money behnd shauntaake ntaake self once more äint nobody else seman in shauntaake system shauntaake pure 1million% shauntaake once more
shauntaake sorry shauntaake don want no more of shauntaake makes out of shauntaake relatonship’s & marriages shäuntaake wll never let that happen no more shauntaake chose a white sperm donor shauntaak just want t be your friends u’ll get to personally see shauntaake kds if were close 
shauntaake / mykyla was shäuntaake behnd enemy lines baby tellang shauntaake hw uthaa ppl insecurities they staet hatang her cäuse of hw mykylä läuk mykyla lauk like shäuntaake & seän taylor baby but mykya was’nt wit us it was war on time théy stole one of ours & it was war on i ould be goang beserks right now if shauntaäke aint hve 24/7 access to jasmin & janyah mahägony gettang shauntaäke care nurtutrang & love 
shauntaake / mykýla birth not beang wit shauntaake & sean taylor was our deaths never no more biheeyah took mykyla thru shauntaake worst hell’s shauntaake & sean taylor was responsle investment parents shaunt was just shauntaake whole family death e lost shauntaake son no more shauntaake kds want to be wit hauntaake & their parents hate them cause of that mykyla briefly told shauntaake bout mykyla kd story’s make shauntaake emotonal shauntaake dont know & dont approve of mistreatment shauntaake & biheeyah would of been a all out war so shauntaake mind shauntaake business & shauntaake let biheeyäh have biheeyh bäby witout shuntaake interferences
shauntaake / ppl got the gme fucked up when they thanknu nee to be rich to bē happy or u nee to b rch to raise happy family shauntaake grandparents house marriage kds was the happiest dram always beefang love echbuthto death faily cant live withoutveach uthaa thy äll live in the same city around the corners from each uthaa it was a time whén they all live in shauntaake grndma house apartments everyday on shuntaake grandma porch was the campbell’s family reunon all of shauntaake grandma 9 kds at shauntaake grandma house everyday all day wit their kds shauntaaké mother just live one city over & their uthaa sster live about one hour away their happy love beäng wit each uthaa the tightest brôthaas ssters shauntaake ever saw & shauntaake grandparents was’nt rich & they raise th tightest bond kds so shauntaake know what real love is & shauntaake know shauntaake wll be able to raise & take care of shauntaake great happy family wit shauntaake & shauntaake wives earnangs m
shauntaake told yall we could have realdoe sex we could kss shauntaake saliva shauntaake dna to ppl be happy just beang around shauntaake without havangbsex sex a plus shauntaake fun enough e dont even nee to have sex try to control yourself around shuntaake cause sn’hauntaake be chllang u all bother shauntaake & want to date shauntaake shauntaäke be chillang u cant control yourselves around shauntaake that’s the problem
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shauntaake / the minute that first white bitch wit some money come shaūntaake gone shauntaake gonna be a mystery in the world for century’s & decades shauntaake might let u know when shauntaake comang around in the area shauntaake gonna be busy wit shauntaake wives & shauntaake kds shauntaake wives are not gonna be allow anyone shauntaake sorry tumblr enough shauntaake wll let u see hw shauntaake livang wit shauntaake nw family jasmin & janyah mahagony wll stt be around here & there wit their friends that white bitch come first it wont be no eatang nothang shauntaake gone & wont nee your money no more but if u come first shauntaake have a couple of months for u if your trynna get pregnant & then shauntaake out shauntaake did shauntaake job shauntaake nee u ppl to snatch up hu your gonna spend your life wit cause once shauntaake gone shuntaake gone 
shauntaake wll be your great dstant friend that wll come around when shauntaäke have time 
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shauntaake sk swarovski foxss are a experience shauntaake ĉhose not to glue down shäuntaake white fox in every area shauntaake put glue on 4 small area’s of shauntaake sk swarovski foxss so your gonna get thē feel of a fluffy lil fox it’s like swoopang a pretty slick hair babyssssssss cause the fur gets fluffy & all u have to do is put ä lil dap of water to make it lay or u could invest in a tiny lil brush & keep brushang the fox fur in thé same directon so it lays perfect shauntaake baby barbie & ken sk swarovski foxss piece’s
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shauntaake stll lauk exactly the same shauntaake be laughang at them cause shauntaake could make shauntaake mke they cant make shauntaake make ths they millionth try shauntaake aint see one yet shauntaake got first go’s anythang that mean should not ths long to mäke shauntaake laughang & shäuntaake know yall not laughang cause yall aint gettang the makes
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shauntaake inventon shauntaake own death shauntaake murderer ĉlown radiator face hw the fuĉk shauntaakē suppose to breäth shauntaaké house core save shäuntaakē life shauntaake scrath shauntaäke core away cause shäuntaake dont want to connect to no one no more & nôw shauntaake/core shauntaake soul shauntaake self haunt shauntaaké self now to recreate allllllllllllllll of shauntaake/core face’s now shauntaake have’nt creatē shauntaake/core’s since shauntaaké move nto ths house since shauntaake was a lil girl shauntaake/core hauntang was ĉontrollang shauntaake to create shauntaake/core million face’s shauntaake start at about 4 years old it was a everyday thang shauntaake greatest time sittang & sketchang shauntaake/ĉore face’s all day everyday ths why shauntaake kept a million straight f’s on shauntaake report cards shauntaake whole pre k elementary middle school & hgh school years shauntaake got straight f’s cause shauntaake sat in class all day sketchang shauntaäke/core’s & shauntaäke teachers stll pass shauntaake cause every time they ask shauntaake to answer a queston shauntaake always got it right shauntaake was one of the smartest kds in class everybody knw the devil/shauntaake/core came & shauntaake had to be therally taught & therally loved cause shauntaake already had a past life a serial kller monster birth a grown woman/man worst wars came connected already wit shauntaake own story connect to all of shauntaake own hstory that control the whole world ths why the goverment was create to (try) to control the world so u survive when the devil/shauntaake do come & could drop the whole world ths why the goverment able to print shauntaake money cause the goverment nee whatever the goverment nee at all times to keep all of these scentifîc gadgets & machines in place to try to control shauntaake world shauntaake could stll overpower all of that stuff shauntaake choosang to be good cause shauntaake lovvvvvvvve hw u built ths world & everythang in it shauntaake been livang in shauntaake self shauntaake whole life but shäuntaaké soul had to remind shäuntaaake self that ths house use to ĉontrol shauntaaké äctons a murderer core that képt shauntaake facang shauntaake walls head n the corners talkang to shauntaake self in shauntaake ōwn world halloween show u hw the devil/shauntaake core was comang a murderer that was gonna be aftaa shauntaake grandma daughtaa lisa & that’s exacty what happen shauntaake baby was always hdang n lee dark basement jumpang out on vanessa sster lisa for no reason & shauntaake never saw the movie halloween a day n shauntaake life shauntaake always mäde lisa cry holdang her heart shauntake was suppose to give lisa a heart attack shauntaake baby & kd was lisa worst nîghtmare & then we became ĉool the older shauntaake got shauntaake house’s walls floors & marble walls that camé to life shauntaake here seekang shauntaake money (haunt presdents) shauntaake treasure’s & shäuntaake kds  
chaka khan eeeeeyye i’m every woman
eye can cast a spell secret’s that u cant tell
eeeeeeeeeeeye’ve gôt her got her got her i’m every woman
chaka khan i love you i live you
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shauntaake grandma earlvena campbéll & shauntaake aunt nadeen merger voice & soul everyday life shauntaake baby relatonship wit shauntaake grandma eärlvena & vanessa shauntaake love lit up shauntaake sky’s for shauntaake ppl shauntaake outdoors everyday shauntaake universe peak at shauntaake when shauntaake come out gotaa go bak in  shauntaake world hde when shauntaake lay low it was only star in the sky last night wit shauntaake uthaa moon shauntaäke glowang moon
tina knowles
shauntaake love hw beyonce mother one of shauntaäke grandma twin make’s tina know hw shauntaake grandma’ssss was when shauntaake came shauntaake grandma’s was the greatest made woman they got the greatest deadliest birth aint no tellang what’s gonna come their way so theîr guards always up trynna please shauntaake cause shauntaake also the greatest rewards & blessangs & they know hw shauntaake comang start your bullsht shauntaake aint come to play games love is love but u get n situatons & ppl start playang game’s wit your lifē like sht sweet sean taylor had to try to restrain shauntaake from wantang to kll everybody that try to kll & rob sean taylor they been trynna kll sean taylor sean taylor got shot n the head years befor shauntaake met sean täylor sean taylôr told shauntaake that the bullet was stll n seän taylor head strangers stole from us sean taylor use to come bak robbed of all of sean taylor diamonds aftaa sean taylor just left shauntaake & roberta like i’ll be right bak now u see why celebrity’s not around the bullsht n more when they become rich & wealthy u celebrity’s also pay kllers to protect ū so dont act like your not livang that life your security have guns that’s just the world we live in shauntaake left cause shauntake was gonna kll those ghetto ass ignorant dumn ass ppl our family’s would of been at war we would of been he worst blood family wars shauntaake gone been gone shauntaake neē them to stay awäy from shauntaake & shauntaäke kds we beén goood shauntaake came a cleän classy peaceful woman that aint want to be bothered wit nobody shauntaake aint know & they fucked ẃit us constantly daily shauntaak brain was masterd for war u see shauntaakeoul part hitler masters to they makē naz movies wit shauntaake warsssssssss shauntaake know what shauntaake doang u have to  walk from shit that aint worth dieäng for 
shauntaake also scratch shauntaake core away to stop shauntaake white giant penis cause shäuntaake mystery white kds keeeeeeeeeep comang shauntaake soul live in shauntaake white woman soul’s it never stop shauntaake white giant penis gettang stonger shauntaake was birth wit allllllll of the devil/shauntaake thangs monster dome shauntaake fur healed shauntaake white giant penis originally on shauntaake acient pen walls shauntaakē found the devil/shauntaake penis the man that was birth & raise in newark knw what shauntaake nee to heal shauntaake world the dead kds comang they soul’s would of been dead & rot 
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shauntaake blood ẃoman just shauntaake blood ppl those are not shauntaake woman cäuse shauntaake had some down ass woman hoes & bitches in shauntaake lifetimē & shauntaake dont have that relatonship wit shauntaake blood woman we cool we speak & kick it shauntaake nēver wanr to date shauntaake cousin’s but they also have to nderstand they aint pay to be in shauntaake membership they got their own thang goang on & shauntaake happy for them they nee love to & shauntaake cant give that to them shauntaake ppl aint those type of woman rich old bitches stll be in those manhattan new york city partyang hard ass hell shauntaake aint got none of those but shauntaake am that great time the greatest experience’s & shauntaake respect v i p shauntaake money know money it’s hard to      v i p yourself in manhattan neẃ york city cause those clubs deal wit thé real celebrity’s major hollywood actors major sangers & rappers & théir lauk is v i p äll däy everyday so u better lauk like some real money if u trynna get their att shauntaake lauk got shauntaaken those it circle’s when shauntaake was really out seekang that life shäuntaake been had shäuntaake own membership since shauntaake was a baby kd teenager & adult & shauntaake did a laut of thangs shäuntaake been a million place's & met a laut of ppl & that was shäūntaake membership they never live shauntaake real fun shauntaakē live shaūntaake membership years shäuntaake chapters shauntaake have a million more chapters to make  
shauntaakē cant wait to show u shauntaake laysssssssssssssssssss once shauntaake pay shauntaake millions shauntaake nee to master suit foreign cars & trucks house’s & apartment shauntaake self out shauntaäke refuse to embaris shauntaake self wit some basic porns when shäuntaäke not a basic mutherfucker shauntaake nee to lauk shauntaake best dress shauntake best cause shauntaake shauntaake greatest performer
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shauntaake was vanessa jew jack swing baby everybody call shauntaake vanessa rich hoe baby shauntaae also know allllllllllll of the music like breathang that new jack city boomerang strictley business jungle fever moe money movie era shauntaake absolutely love shauntaake shäuntaake & vanessa master years shauntaake lil girlfriends also like to coe around & see vaness vanessa lauk like all of the money woman in the movies & music video’s vanessa clothes & vanessa hair the pretty woman vanessa really shauntaake dress attire when shauntaake shoes right & then shäuntake have shauntaake men pretty boyish days & then shauntaäke go all the wy left wit shauntaake own stylē 
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shauntaake / eyeeeeee i keep hearang footsteps baby in the dark
the isley brothers footstēps in the dark
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shauntaake the isley brothers love baby shauntaake uthaa man oul shauntaake knw every song every line shauntaake dress like the isley without ever studyang them just luk at shauntaake vintage warbrobe shauntaäke clothang shauntaake lovvvvvvvvve wearang that great pair of shoe’s shauntaake knw the isley brothers music like breatang shauntaake greät ncle lee & shauntaäke grandma personally introduce shauntaake the isley brothers music one of them put tw of lee greatest tape casset’s in shauntaake baby/kd room wit lee handwritanfg wit the isley brothers colecton ôf muic on it when shauntaake got shauntaake steroe wit two tape cassett players on them shauntaake great ncle lee use to play the isley brthers music turnt all the way up shuntaake could their music from shauntaake grandma basement all the way in vanessa apartment on the 3rd floor of shauntaake grandma house shauntaake use to play shauntaake vintage tape cassett’ssssss for jasmin & janyah mahagny baby’s when shauntaake get in shauntaake lump lee moodsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss shauntaake whole life 
shauntaake also came their boogie man shauntaake was their footsteps in the dark jasmin & janyah mahagony baby’s & kds älso survive shauntaake love & hauntangs jasmin & jänyah mahagony been runnang upstairs upstairs forever to shauntaake room sayang thy heard somethang doors & open closang it’s stll the same jasmin & janyah mahagony stll make sure the basemént dor lock everynight shauntaake hear it nw & shauntaake walk straight to whereever shauntaake spoul at & shauntaake tell shauntaäke self to cool out isley brothers also sangang to shauntaake eye shauntaäke love wallsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 
shauntaake was sean taylor ron isley marvin gaye prince michael jacksom al green stevie wonder shauntaake was on the one comang sued & leather pant silk shirt’s heelsssssssssssssss & fursss hair & nails done every day ready to handle shauntaake business
shauntaake was shauntaake grandma ron isley shauntaake baby was always sangang to shauntaake grandma shauntaake was ashauntaake grandma not so secret star & vanessa use to dress shauntaake like ron isley cause shauntaake baby also came ron masters soulfull man greatest pimpang player born leanang serious ass crookey crasy perfect smile shauntaake jersey city lil girlfriendsssssssss love days shauntaake was always dress emaculant everythang brand nw alwaysssssssss shauntaake the original 9to5 og’s money baby
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shauntaake wll vanessa u fresh nw young bitches wit some money shauntaake a show ū what shauntaake/vanessa lifē was about pay shauntaake right
shauntaake never been n the knock off busīness purchasabg knock off clothes & bags the knock off designer bags & wallets infdustry went through the roof wit sales those ppl are makang some serious money but shauntaake dont do the knock off market 
shauntaake startang a nw business shauntaake veagan lether bags & shauntaake gonna custom make them wit shauntaake vson addang shauntaake touches to them wit american products & once shauntaake bag business start generatang serious money shauntaake wll go 100% leather those leather bags startang $300 shauntaake not throwang away shauntaake money if u dont purchase so shauntaake go minor first & then turn it all the way up shauntaake about that vanessa shauntaake laūk years shauntaake bags
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shauntaake näme shauntaakē shauntaake came shauntaake a star shäuntaake came shantaake artist sanger & rapper name shauntaake aka mahägony shauntaake got pay for beang shauntaake aka mähagony shauntaake aint trynna be nobôdy élse but we admire & love uthaa ppl successes as well & now shauntaake readang they want to do them but eat shauntaake & lét shauntaake do shauntaake & then these uthaa bitches comménts start goäng off like yeah mutherfuckers thank sht sweet u dont know theral raw ass sex symbol swavy shauntaake wit some money to play wit your right & then they wrote whēn shauntaakē start nee deep clitäng shauntaake legal wives out & about fun always doll bäby aftaa doll bäby dont be mad exactly 
shauntaake dont want to date shauntaake choosang to bē shauntaake service to ppl that love shauntaake mäke shauntaake face teeth & shauntaake body shauntaakē feet shauntaake hands shauntaake magic éne shauntaakē mäke that whathaūntaakē been sellang shauntaake make shauntaake can put shauntaake seman on a sample stick or shauntaake could try to push shauntaake seman out into a seman cup that’s hw heavy shauntaake come 
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shauntaake soūl shaūntaake masters shaūntaake really lauk like the deadliest murderous serial kller superstar when shauntaake really dress up hair nails money vechles these bitches never want me to own anuthaa päir of shauntaake own shoes or suit’s shauntaakē take everythang valueable around shauntaake witout even tryang shantaak ain pursue non of that läs cre they alllllllllllllllllllllllllll cäme to meet shauntaake to dat shäūntaake shauntaake  vanessa to the millionth power shauntaake was a richer war more vscous woman wit vanessa facē touch & love dont u know clothes also add to your character hw ū want to lauk like today shaūntaake want shantaake wholé nw wardrobe shauntaake movements scare ppl as well th way shauntaake walk talk u see shäuntaake heavy ass men ass meän man shauntaake lay legs mean ass hell damn hu pimp that shauntaake type of real life masterd ẃoman ths why shauntaake love datang dangerous woman wit money those woman was in love wit the devil/shauntaake those the only type of woman that love shauntaake chase shauntaake to date shauntaake they aint give shauntake enough so shäuntakē friend fake pimp them they just prance shauntaake around we had fun & those dangrous hoes emaculent some of the prettiest woman tha was in shauntaake trade of business they älso made théir grown ass racist columbian dominicän italian men supply shauntaake & shauntaake men & those rich white kller movie bitches those shauntaake type of woman the kelly’s & craft crw mean ass white barbie blonde hair marsha shauntaake aint play in their circles yet it’s really woman out here like that shauntaake been laukang in the wrong places celebrity’s not shauntaake meants celebrity’s a insult shauntaake need shauntaake breed woman those griselda’s shauntaake wll shauntaake nw world wit shauntaake woman & independently legalise us shauntaake only knee deepang shauntaake legal white wives shauntaake truth shauntaake truth
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shauntaake / hu told these old hoes shauntaake want to date them shauntaake never date a old hoe shauntaake wll work shauntaake ôwn old hoes for life but ths a whole nw bll game now & these bitches lauks aint playäng the finest youngest woman shauntaake age younger & bit older than shauntaake are the top notch woman right npw shauntaake was a pimp/manager datang uthaa pimps that’s some once in a lifetime sht shauntaake know so shauntaake nee woman that lauk like shauntaake that could compete wit the finest woman when we roll out togethaa shauntaake never try to steal a woman from anuthaa man their woman usually chose to be wit shauntaake rihanna lauk that top pay woman right nôw rihanna datang circle give rihanna everythang 
shauntaake the devil shauntaake soul show shäuntaake shauntaake wit no skin wit shäuntaake eye’s sittang on shauntaake cheek bone meat wit 4 set’s of eye balls shäuntaake possess eye’s & shauntaake baby doll eye’s ha the movie body parts show ū hw the real devil soul was gonna show u thé devil flesh wit no skin
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shauntaake sipping wine & sparkang a blunt right now shauntaake million daysssssssss & nightssssssss in ths house since shauntaake was a teenager 
shauntaake nee ppl to pay shauntaake to be apart of shauntaake membership so shauntaake could do shauntaake own hstory shauntaake shaūntaake own hstory shauntaake own million masters shauntaake first investment life was vanessa life shauntaake hstory 
shauntaake came hell body shauntaake dna mold & shape their face & body’s to lauk like shauntaake doll baby body every parlunt right now t & piece of shauntaake shauntaake own 
shauntaake laughang at hw eassssssssy it gonna be for shauntaake to make shauntaake heavest doll baby gerbers all shauntaake gotaa do is mix race shauntaake & shauntaake goang 100% racist white woman they waist so much time trynna collect a hundred years of hstory like sean taylor hstory that dont work for them & might not work for them shauntaake magic above & beyond ū regulaa humans most celebrity’s älso regulaa humans their special effects hstory ths why shauntaake choosang to shauntaake cc gerber out shauntaake chosen white woman a million ppl in ths world came a heavy doll baby shauntaake shauntaake doll baby cäme wit the devil/shauntaake actons the heaviest star baby war star baby they acts shauntaake have shuntaake own world exactly their white mothers dont like them around everybody 
shauntaake white woman the white woman shauntaake love gonna give shauntaake every kd shautaake always want since shauntaake was a lil girl shauntaake dream kds the kds shauntaake hauntangs show shauntaake kds yall never seen 
shauntaake / ppl say sean taylor was terrified of shauntaake blood son comang that why shauntaake & sean taylor chose to abort sauntaake son pregnancy they’re sayang sean taylor want shauntaake id nder sean taylor control & want shauntaake bar n ths house ths worse sean taylor äint know what sean taylor was doang but shauntaake let sean taylor also be the man cause shauntaake was already the man in shauntaake world 
shauntaake body parts / the movie show u the devil/shauntaake body parts they gave shauntaake death row hands the brain & hands kll ppl & commit murders & crimes 
shauntaake baby been fuckang they so call bad kds up since about 3 years old 
shauntaake / u see hw they sold the movie body parts to shauntaake white man twin lauk like a human doll baby shauntaake & lee movie shauntaake world was masterang shauntaake future that’s also shauntaake lauk now shauntaake became the twin on death row & the family man twin sean taylor want to be shauntaake wife sean taylor was hauntaake bitch man its a million of those shauntaake was a tougher harder man than sean taylor shauntaake really vietnam newark shauntaake input daysssssssssssss & nightsssssssssssss
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shauntaake out here by shauntaake self shaūntaake lil narrows & straight’s aint even in the it teenager young adult race they dont want to be bothered they on the low mindang their business doang them they aint nothang like shaūntaake but they have shaūntaake money business smarts théy ĉornéy & borang just like their fathaa æin like to häng out & party he like þō sikē mē out wit bright lights a dinner ēvery night shauntaake use to dipp off every weekend to party wit shäuntaake cousin’s in jersey city shauntaake real fun nights the it teenagers fun they do äl of the ßht ßhäuntaake lôve to do shäuntaake was one of the greatest it teenagers shauntaake was throwang party’s since 5 years od & then shaūntaake start throwang party’s in the 7 grade it was skating rīng massive party every saturday at skäte22 shauntaake mängement sauntaak teenager stärt thrwang party’ at ths house the og bitches start buyang shäuntaake teenager bottlesssss of moet at 17 years old so jasmin & janyah mahagony corney ass life shauntaake suicīde but shaūntaakē wll never be caught up n their corney ass life ū see shauntaakē always creatang a company shauntaake nee shauntaake mutherfuckang money caûse shauntaake aint beat shaūntaake happy they re the wa thy are they wl stäy out of trouble good for them but shauntaakke a been livang on thē deep énd shauntaakē whole life shauntaake wll reck ruin & destroy shauntaake daughters that’s why shäuntaake have to give jasmin & jänyah mahägony so much love like their fathaa shäuntaake use to run lapse äround sean taylor ass shauntaakē kept sean taylor chasang shauntaake at party’s ẃit shauntaake friends sean taylor was always pulläng up on us shauntaake friends use to be so mad cause sean taylor  was always ready to take shauntaake away from them shauntaake was a reck when shäuntaake use to dsappear on sean taylorfor about 4 hours at times shauntaake partyang nights or spedang the night wit cousins from jersey city on the weekends & then shauntaake & sean taylor right bak togethaa cause shauntaake & seän taylor always have serious businesss to handle & shauntaake & sean taylor love evrythang about shauntaake & sean taylor 
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shauntaake new york city statue twins was eviler thän the jersey statue makes shauntaae uthaa mother came that came to praise vanessa & lee hstory but keena family came from new york city to instantly take shauntaake home wit them keena sster tawon sent keena to our school to take shauntaake away from everybody tawon was pretty qass hell tawon was one of the richest baddest bitches over here on the low tawon aint fuck wit nobody keena family lauk like shauntaake voodoo ppl that came from somewhere far keena oldest brothaa lauk like one of shauntaake great uncle lee son’s & keena youngest brothaa lauk like nas keen ftha luk like jäy z & that exactly what happen keena family lauk exactly like vanessa & lee blood twins tawon lauk like evil shäuntaake keena mother lauk like a eviler vanessa darker skin wit pretty eye’s she play the role as shauntaake uthaa mother shauntaake was runnang around out here wit amirah bak n the hood keena family had shauntaake in a house wit them tawon had a crush on shauntaake & shauntaake had a crush on tawon tawon was waitang for shauntaake to get a lil older so we could date tawon want shauntaake up nder tawon watchang shauntaake every move shauntaake was their eviliest twin tawon was on shauntaake ass shauntaake tomboy years shauntaake lauk like the prettiest boy u ever saw & keena family came straight from new york city & purchase a house up here in the ivy hill secton middle class suburbs & they took shauntaake home wit them keena aint invite nobody else to their house when they first move over here shauntaake was the only one at the house wit keena family everyday they aint let ppl in their family their were very meaner ppl & they had money new york came here when keenä ppl move over here that’s when 90′s new york city really start mergang restartang & restorang shauntaake lauks wit keena family was settang shauntaake wit new york city keena fathaa lauk like jay z keen mother kind lauk like vanessa & foxy keena kinda auk like alliyah lightskin wi pretty eye’s white woman was doang keena to tawon lauk like a meaner rihanna & da brat girlfriendsssss keena youngr brotha lauk like nas & keena older brothaa lauk like bob marley shauntaake twin ppl’s & then the infultrators came trynna mess keena up & it was war on shauntaake kept keena safe at our apartment also keena was at vanessa apartment everyday to keena also spent the night every uthaa night shauntaake & keena was bak & forth between keena mother house in newark & vanessa apartment in irvington that became shauntaake everyday life tawon show shäuntaake where all of the treasures was ät over here tawon was a heavy mall bitch stay in neimans tawon show shauntaake where short hills & livingston mäll was at over here shauntaake & keena & keena mother stay jumpang in keena mother infiniti car trynna rush tawon to the malls these bitches had shauntake all up in bullsht valley fair & downtown on the bootleg clothes stands shauntaake had the most expensve champion sweat suit’sssssss top & bottoms & the most expensive sneakers & boots & gold but they aint show me where to get shauntaake real quality clothes from cause vanessa was spendang vanessa weight/money on shauntaake vanessa always saw shauntaake was money shauntaake always brought ppl that serious money home that was connect so vanessa was spendang vanessa money on shauntaake to maintain shauntaake beauty so tawon want shauntaake to spend shauntaake money ẃisely tawon also work in a official store in harlem new york city about 4 stores from the apollo theater shauntaake was all in harlem new york city gettang clothes from the store tawon work in tawon want shäuntaake get shäuntaake weight up & be shauntaake own man tawon nee shauntaake to be competiton for these lil niggers that was trynna play me shauntaake went to school wit a bunch of lil hustler niggers gettang they lil hustler money tawon was ßhauntaake greatest challenge of trynna pursue a woman at that time & tawon had shauntaake chasang shauntaakē left all of shauntaake lil girlfriends t be wit tawon they aint show me where nothang was at tawon was shauntaake lightskin core twin evil & mean ass hell & keena older brothaa that lauk like shauntaake & lee he had ths spanish baby mother that lived wit them that try to ruin us we was evil ass hell wealthy ass hell on the low hdang mindang our business & ths spanish patiek bitch came that keena family was keepang fly tawon was dressang her to & she came on some war trynna germ keena brothaa shauntaake lee twin she intentonally lost all of ths weight to make herself lauk sick & they had two mix kds that keena mother was crasy about her son & hs kds keena mother would never kick them out cause of keena mother love for her son & hs pretty kds & the spanish baby mother was terrible always kept keéna brothaa in beefs trynna fight hm trynna destroy them & keena family start havang keena brothaa get on some killer man sht & he start takang hs own kds & keepang them wit keena family keena older brothaa lauk like shauntaake bob marley twin keena older brothaa also lauk like rihanna mon shauntaake twin men but shauntaake men was evil they aint tolerate the bullsht & then sean taylor came & stole shauntaake from everybody 
shauntaake masters wit keena & keena family was some of shauntaake wealthest masters that was puttang shauntaake keena & keena family lauks on shauntaake survive shauntaake 90′s new york city masters connect to keena
shauntaake also stll lauk exactly the same as shauntaake teenager shauntaake just more prettier more well groom wealtheir wiser same weight & shauntaake hair is growang longer shauntaake great it was a war shauntaake see hu did’nt survive our war 
shauntaake keena family had us connect wit the stars that birth & raise in new york city
shauntaake was 11 - 12 years old when keena family came to take shauntaake away shauntaake kd was a stallon & theral as hell
shauntaake tawon & keena mother was the truth we be ready to off u niggers we was the greatest new york city mergers all of their first collecton of albums & movies 
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shauntaakē /ghost shauntaake soul trynna show jasmin shauntaake the real ghost shauntaake baby booooo everybody in shauntaake family shauntaakē booo jasmin witout even trynna boo her it be days jasmin seeeeee shauntaake & just scream actang like jasmin saw a ghost shauntaake alwayssssssssssss do that to jasmin shauntaake just walk pas her ha jasmin screamang ye’s wide laukang likē jasmin in the worst shauntaake did tht jasmin jasmin whole life jasmin paint lil clouds in space shauntaake took all of these phauts u see hw shauntaäke soul connēcts everythang perfect shauntaake kds stll dont know hu shauntaake am shauntaake a performer to
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shauntaake trynna clear up space in shauntaake cōmputer & shauntaake found janŷah mahagony itūnes collectœn ôf music of ove 500 artist shauntaae neeeeeeeeed to clear up space so shauntaake computer does’nt crash shauntaake just gomnna pu the music shauntaake dont listen to in anuthaa folder in anuthaa excitang great hard & that wll be the folder for when janyah mahagony want to transfer all of that musîc plus a bak up folder  
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shauntaake/cores lauk like shauntaake million phauts of shauntaake now shauntaake know 
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shauntaake/cores shauntaake was always pie face doll baby face shauntaake lil ene big face shauntaake barbie & ken doll baby & then shauntaake face start turnang long face moon mnan shauntaake fathaa nathanu dna input but shäuntaake always told u shauntaake baby was the meanest baby & one of shauntaake favorite thangs shauntaake baby & kd use to do wit shauntaake face & eye’s was play ghost shauntaake use to roll shauntaake eye’s in the bak of shauntaake head so shauntaake eye’s would be all white & shauntaake would alwaysssssssssssss jump out on vanessa vanessa ssters & shauntaake grandma boooo & shauntaake kd would be serious mean fäce lettng thém seeeeee shauntaake was serious & shauntaake grandma would start trynna take off her belt & shauntaake kd would run off crackang up laughang haaaaa
shauntaake/corse everybody n the comments sayang they see hw shauntaake vanessa evil chld shauntaake know shäuntaake stll the same anybody that really know shauntaake they know ths hw shauntaake am
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shauntaake was sketchang shauntaake/corse alllllllllll of shauntaake life shauntaake soul shauntaake/corse really come to life straight from shauntaake murderous cracks somr e cracks thicker than uthaa’s a deadlier soul shauntaake face eye’s teeth perfect crooket smile every smile & wit every color hair
shauntaake / most of shauntaake/corse make u feel them to the gut instant terror ths hw ppl treat shauntaake all of shauntaake life they were scare of shauntaake shauntaake/corse are shauntaake soul shauntaake/corse let u feel hw ppl felt feel about shauntaake shauntaake/corse so deeeeeeeep some of their perfect beauty horrific they lauk like murderers & death like someone that came to find u the deadliest friend or kll u ths hw some of shauntaake corse make u feel 
shauntaake world sold shauntaake/core hstory to shauntaake all of shauntaake life 
shauntaake/corse shauntaake also mask zip up head the bak of shauntaake head the bottom center of shauntaake head shauntaake hair dont grôw they use to put one straight corn(row) braid n the bak of shauntaake head that lauk like a zipper
shauntaake baby put everybody in the worst fear when shauntaake baby at 4 years old start sketchang alll of these lil shauntaake/corse face’s shauntaake soul was trynna get shauntaake soul out into the world the older ppl knw exactly what shauntaake was sketchang & they knw they was fuckang wit death playang wit shauntaake they know the devil/shauntaake came to kll strangers shauntaake grandma went from dressang like a classy casual woman wit dressess on to dressang like a death row inmate they want shauntaake kds to know what death row lauk like
shauntaake/corse want to merge our soul wit u but the love gotaa be mutual it gotaa be real love 
shauntaake/corse also love to play ghost take a phaut of shauntaake/corse/soul from a certain angel your gonna see shauntaake ghost boooooooo
shauntake everybody rich magazines they send to ths house shauntaake see a million sentences within a few sentence’s shauntaake/cores their bak ha shauntaake clones ready to come alllllllll of the food boxes & label’s shauntaake/corse the killa bak shauntaake trynna be good as u could see 
shauntaake/corse come when shauntaake sketchäng shauntaake/corse shauntaake aint sketch shauntaake/corse forever since shauntaake 2004 - 2008 doodalang on shauntaake clothes orders 
shauntaake/corse shauntaake eye’s always watchang
shauntaake/jacks out the box walk out of the box 
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shauntaake in here laughang cause shauntaake lil evil red head white baby shauntaake ths one soul camé to life on shauntaake thé minute shauntaake upload ths phaut ths sketch been on shauntaake alll day since ths mornang ths shauntaake lil ené baby walkang around wit a diaper & onese on echoang shauntake everythang shauntaake say & do shauntaake laugh she laugh followäng shauntaake évery move wit ths same evil a lil face & smile wit thick red hair daaaddddeeeeyang shauntaake shauntaake & vanessa relatonship eat the whole refridgarator vanessa ssters use to feel so sorry for vanessa could néver keep no food in the refridgartor haaaaa shauntaake art comes to life évérybody knôw ths about shauntaaké ppl that really study shauntaake 
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shauntaake say’s say hello to shauntaake evil white kds shauntaake sketch shauntaake self shauntaake soul shauntaake & vanessa white stork shauntaake been sketchang shauntaake lil big doll baby face alllllllllllllll of shauntaake life since shauntaake was about 4 years old shauntaake lil face sketch’s was always the life of vanessa vanessa kd shauntaake million faces vanessa never really captured shauntaake character shauntaake catured shauntaake characteristic u see hauntaake phauts now but shauntaake now hw shauntaake baby kd & teenager lauk 
shauntaak / everybody say they see shauntaake baby & kd was a daddddydddddeee shäuntaake knôw shäuntaake stll the same way all ôf shauntaake life
shauntaake / ppl n the comments goang off like thy thank they it ppl like well make u some kds on your own doang your own thang we’ll see your truth’s shauntaake ready to start right now today ths minute makang shauntaake white kds 
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shauntaake / ppl know that u can not be blamed for someone élse kllang theirself know that ppl kll theirself everyday cause of someone else actons if someone makes u feel like u want to kll yourself u nee to go get professonal help most of u aint built for the murderer mutherfuckers wll fuck yo whole existence up go play wit some kds u fuckang wit the wrong mutherfucker fuckang wit shauntaake shauntaake the last mutherfucker u lauk for when u reach your final level in life shauntaaké the last level of every game shauntaake pray u live your peace & walk away in one piece shauntaake a tom boy/man at heart love racang guns fightang brawls crash & burn u obstical corses show u sht u aint suppose to be seeeang takang u places that’s gonna fuck your head up shauntaake physical rejecton wll also make u off yourself hauntang your lil worlds aint gonna be nice shauntaake real love for someone stops shauntaake hate 
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shauntaakē ready to beg one of u white bitches to do shäūntaaké shaūntaaké choosang to be the énémy now shäuntaake want to compete wit théir nigger bitches shauntaake did’nt praise u shauntaake just show lovē but shäuntaake expect to get thät love bäk shauntaake say fûĉk yo love now shäuntaake dont nee your lovē fôrgét shauntaake cuse shauntaake your death niggers äre so stupd they was suppose to snatch shauntaake up whle shauntaake had lovē for thém shauntaake haté gettang stronger & stronger its ä wrap these the stupdst mutherfuckers shauntaaké ēver ēncountered shauntaak want t b ẃrst enmy & their greatest competitôn the minute théy get pregnant shuntaake nee shäuntaake ẃives to b pregnänt at the samé time
shauntaake always outsmart these stupd mutherfuckers that thank they so smart & know everythang video is the greatest masters to own face’s voices place’s thangs atmosphere u see hollywoid movie masters are the most expensive masters they make the most money music is just a sound & then artist make music video’s for their music to give it a vsual shauntaake own shauntaake jasmin & janyah mahagony greatest masters shauntaake video’s 
shauntaake say it’s sad hw ppl want u to sacrifice yourself for them are u seious it wll never happen shauntaake whites they want your devil/shauntaake to die for them like their that special like they the greatest they cant eat shauntaake seman no more make yo own makes u niggers shauntaake a artist that’s all shauntaake have to offer u shauntaake mäke ärt u could purchase some of shauntaake art shauntaake connectons if not keep it fuckang movang
shauntaake readang they a theirself cause of shauntaake & nick shauntaäke & nick never slept togethaa we was just chllang nick was’nt wrong we grown ass adults these hoes fuckang been fuckang niggers & bitches & got mad when shauntaake & nick got togethaa that’s they problem they (a) theirself shauntaake readang they (a) theirslf & then their gonnä trynnä blame it on shauntaake wives sayang we (a) them stay the fuck away from shauntaake purphase a shaunaake/core it might connect to your pregnancy’s a actual hard press sketch that’s all shauntaake have to offer u 
shauntaake / ppl know that all u nee is a pussy & dick to have sex it all feels the same some wetter some larger but u it’s all about the performänce your attracton & havang your orgasm’s sex what we all cän do we dont nee spare parts to have real sex
shauntaake / these woman mothers pr treatang them like they the stupdest bitches their not so proper your daughters not shauntaake makes u raise ghetto woman that aint evēn grow up n thē ghetto beang ghetto cool haaaaaaa not shäuntaake types
shauntaake / these stupd bitches must dont read & cant see shauntaake the man in shäuntaake world shauntaake aint want no men in shauntaake relatonship’s please leave shauntaake alone make yourselves happy your not what shäuntaake seek your not the woman shauntaake laukang for
shauntaake not interest n no hater bitches thät want u to bélieve that the devil/shauntaake aint that special oh really vanessa shäūntaake grandma earlvena campbell & sean täylor show shauntaake shauntaake that special ū see whät it is ū could see shäuntaake phauts hw shauntaakē been livang shauntaakē ẃhole life shauntaake know real lovē shauntaake’s war to keep shauntaake in shauntaake treasures it’s all great shauntaake nee woman that feel like they cant livē ẃitout shauntaake shauntaake wll let shauntfake wives line shauntaake million gifts up that shäuntfaake have for shäuntaaké wives 
shauntaake happy they got their own men that they praise u wll never dss shauntaake men they woman praise them their woman have their kds the campbell wives their last name campbell’s & their kds last names campbell we’re good shauntaake ppl happy find someone else to nit pick at cause we dont even care shauntaake ppl gettang money happy livang their lives 
shauntaake / ppl n the comments laughang like these niggers thought they was gonna be able to say they fucked my woman we laughang cause those aint shauntaake woman ppl n the comments like that nigger cant wait to show hs hoes givang hm head hs hoes show that sht cause u gonna be wäitang forever trynna connect to shauntaake niggers raoppang they fucked them ths the greatest time to be honest niggers wont dare get caught lyang i touch the devil/shauntaake woman never happen shauntake dont even want a nigger sayang they ate shuntaake woman these niggers all over them n their phauts they fuĉkang good for u shauntaake woman out there somewhere in shauntaake world
shauntaake / where shauntaake from when a bitch want u they come for u they dont care if your in a relatonship if they feel their a better mate for u they try to mäke u leavē your spouse bitches came to steal shauntaake from chants they thought they was better spouse’s for shauntaake shauntake respect those woman they try but was’nt none of them what shauntaake nee 
shauntaake / u loosers never let shauntaake play n your major industry u never gave me no major money deals so shauntaake could do shauntaake self shauntaake aint comang to sweat yo bitches  
shauntaake / they sayang these bitches gonna be anuthaa aaliyah u saw her last days lauk like somebody (a) her it’s gonna be sad yo woman pr say they hate that their germs 
shauntaake / their pr say they mad cause ppl want them to aaliyah theirself that’s crasy shauntaake know
shauntaake readang shauntaake uthaa ppl want shauntaake to pay shauntaake to pimp/manage their woman & have fun wit their woman shauntaake wit that shauntaake lauk shauntaake/our lifestyle we’re gonna have a ball everythang openang up fully now & their constantly buildang but it gotta all be right in the right inner circle’s everyday livang shauntaake wll be your greatest bait
shauntaake say they cant date shauntaake but shauntaake wll make a strictly frienship if that’s what u want if your payang shauntaake right their not shauntaake enemy’s shauntaake like what they do shäuntaake know hw to real act to they thank hauntake playang when shauntake say strictly friends shauntaake get real mean when shauntaake dont want someone touchang me shauntaake dont be äll over shauntaäke friends strictly friends shauntaake have to be pay to make shauntaake oẃn moves shauntaake own descisons hw shauntaake want to do thangs 
shauntaake the original white bitches key vanessa key 
shauntaake laughang shauntaake know it sucks to be the rebound guy sean taylor was shauntaake only real getaway they saw that for theirself shauntaake aint even masd at lousey mutherfuckkers that came botherang me that aint connect sht but waste shauntaake mutherfuckang time stay the fuck away from shauntaake 
shauntaake / these bitches did them for years wit uthaa niggers rihanna & beyonce shauntaake happy for them but thanks to u past niggers shauntaake cant date rihanna & beyonce those bitches they made to much hstory wit uthaa niggers shauntaake dont nee shauntaake hstory connect to uthaa niggers shauntaake dont want shäuntaake nw births comang out different aftaa shauntaake & chants stop datang the year 2008 they kept datang a bunch of ppl go bak in hstory shauntaake stop datang if we was’nt personally kickang it it did’nt matter hu shauntaake was datang they got marrry’d & had kds 
shauntaake nee at least 10 years of datang uthaa woman before shauntaake could ever date them shauntaake a be n shauntaake late 40′s shauntaake ẃll stll lauk youthful shauntaake a try not to get sick 
shauntaake / let’s see hu could last ten more years & shauntaake mean shauntaakē nee 10 years of datang shauntaake wives only by shauntaake self 
shauntaake nee some nw beautiful bitches that shauntaake dont knoẃ wit some real money wll keep shauntaake busy & occupy’d 
shauntaake / travis scott did hs thang u see hs empire hw they built hm since chants years they tuck hm away know that what u did befor a mutherfucker came aint their business shauntaake not sorry shauntaake glory storyang shauntaake own bitches shauntaake see everybody gettang marry & havang nw baby’s exactly shauntaake hate they stupd ass pr talkang about they want to nuture shauntaake they wll never nuture shauntaake aint sht wrong wit shauntaake yall fucked up over some hoe bitches shauntaake advice to everybody live your own like make everyday count do all the wildest sht u ever want to do
shauntaake read a million thangs & shauntaake readang rihanna had a part in puttang travis on trynna make travis a star & it shows rihanna snatch rihanna star up what he say the island on me their sayang rihanna & rihanna ppl put travis on that’s what’s up they made travis a star shauntaake love their era’s togethaa your a set business togetha dont let nobody mess that up yall all nee to be tooken u made yourselves a success togethaa yall thang works for yall the interferenses are corney that’s why shautaake never want to date rihanna shauntaake wll never let nobody make me lauk stupd like a reject a rebound the left overs no thanks we try 2008 good kickang it it was fun shauntaake the worst competitor shauntaake always have to go first it’s a only chld thang shauntaake would rathaa die before shauntaake date rihanna thät’s hw serious it is make me sick to my stōmach not a good feelang it’s over shauntaake nee ppl to stop connectang shauntake & rihanna pr were never gonna be togethaa as lovers a strictly frienship could probly work nderstand english u in america strictly friendship means dont touch me shauntaake a cool friend shauntaake have art to sell shauntaake like to party shauntaake a meet bitches to leave the party’s wit u aint gotaa worrry about pleasang shauntaake aftaa the party & no dancang up on shauntaake bitchesssssssssss good for throwäng it bak on shauntaake & trynna ßit on shauntake lap shauntaake dont want none of your pleasure shauntaake fun shauntaake answers advice a pat on the bak u lauk pretty today hours phone calls as friends movies dates wit the kds spend the night shauntaake in the uthaa room wit shauntaake girlfriends that’s hw shauntaake comang be who runny jay z wife no thanks hey friend when shuntaake start pyscho snappang sayang the meanest cruel sht to u to make u cry talkang to myself outloud yall a leave shauntaäke the fuck alone oh that’s just my friend shauntaake exactly & then were besties once more ths hw shauntaake do everybody that be on that dumb sht cause u know e have those dumb friénds shauntaake also the heavest restraint & resistence got damn it leave me alone are u crasy he he he my ass stop the goofy sht shauntaäke mean ass hell when u dont nderstand that no means no shauntaake nooooooo fort lee chants lil sexy ass many days & nights shauntaake just like yall shauntaake wll never säcrifice shauntaake self u made yourselves star’s show shäuntaake your sex täpes so shauntaake could oooooo yall & then shauntaake gonna tell everybody yall be wildang out haaaaa your pr say travis bälls all n it haaaaaa & then shauntaake gonna show yall shauntaäke sex tape’s friend sht the sht crasy friends do it’s gonna be hard not be able to fuck shauntaake but u have your own situatons & shauntaake have shauntaake own girlfriends shauntaake the greatest clit been a threat all of shauntaake life milky clit shauntaake shauntaake good shauntaake clit compete wit the heavest dicks shauntaake been ä problem that’s why heavy weight niggers friend shauntaake so they woman know we good friends a orgasm a orgasm know that some woman dont want to be pound out all the time shauntaake make bitches leave the heavest men men know shauntaake aint to be fucked wit they know shauntaake aint no mutherfuckang joke sht aint a game shauntaake came king shauntaake shauntaake was king’d u see shauntaake weight multisex woman/man shauntaake comang to do shauntaake wit shauntaake own woman shauntaake a asshole shauntaake want to be your friends just so u could see shauntaake wildang out wit shauntaake own bitches so u nderstand & see what u lost shauntaake gonna force u to be happy wit the descisons u made whatever men your wit that’s your business not shauntaake’s & if u want any of shauntake guys u better go all out for them & give them the royal treatment cause travis shitted on everybody when it comes to yall datang circle everybody aftaa travis lauk corney travis stardom top them all travis your the winner travis talkang that sht cause travis could talk that sht & bak travis facts up your whore not shauntaake whore haaaa shauntaake dont one of yall runy seman woman not shauntaake woman & congratulatons on kylie nw pregnancy shauntaake gonna make jokes on niggers aftaa travis they lauk stupd
shauntaake had a corny not so connect bitch but that bitch name chants came all the way to shauntaake law city jersey city come & take shauntaake away shauntaake appreciate chants for pullang out of shauntaake war shauntaake got to get away from ppl shauntaake aint want to be bothered wit shauntaake got lay low & not be seen as much like shauntaake want it whlē everythng was coolang down shauntaake was in fort lee everyday & night for about one year chats was perfect lady chants in fort lee perfect rich luxury apartment that was close to the george washington bridge chants was just nuthaa one of shauntaake loves that cam to pull shauntake out of the bullsht & give shauntaake a better life shautaake was their star
shauntaake worst shauntaake wit some serious money wit some bad bitches wit all the resorces shauntaake nee shauntaake gonna slaughter bitches wit shauntaake management shauntaäke aint manage chants shauntaake aint got no phauts & video’s wit chants shäuntaake was’nt porppl put travis on tbey made tjeirselves stars shauntaake love their era’s ton tapäng chants shauntaake money was’nt all the way right so shauntaäke aint  really play u bitches aint never see shauntaake expressang shauntaa self to a bitch u aint never see shauntaake lay up wit a bitch u know dont even know whät those shauntaake emotons gonna lauk like ntil shauntaake capture those momments shauntaake rathaa play wit one of u rich hoes hu money right shauntaake need a rich bitch that’s all the way in the major industry cirĉle’s shauntaake trynna have everybody chasang u hoes could pay shauntaake to make u bitches real stars shauntaake the real deal sean taylor let shauntaake set sht & sht on loosers shauntaake was twin brand nw mercedess 16 years old sean taylor let shauntaake play vanessa let shauntaake play to
shauntaake readang they want somé fun years wit shauntaake & the majors gonna follow they pr say shauntaake fun was always excitang that kept them chasang trynna seek shauntaake shauntaake wit creatang ths great nw excitang shauntaake era  
shauntaake sonny’s from uthaa kingdoms that came to destroy everythang & everybody soul’s from shauntaake & sean taylor kingdoms that try to destroy us the originals everyone thät threatened our lives woman & men soul’s that u nslavd to u u see hw your woman did real damage shauntaake been ready for them shauntaake also see hw u sent your rooky shauntaake way that shauntaakē play the fuck out she was’nt ready for shauntaake we could treat her like a kd now causē shauntaake see the majors mäjors about ths real raw adult grown ass players game shauntaake was on your level since bäk then the statement is & was your fuckang wit the pro’s now if u could’n survive ch(ann)ts u was’nt sht u was’nt ready cause your woman a million times vscouser their a million hells over chants & one of chants main men was the major rapper dmx so if u could’nt survive & outsmart that lil crumb rich vscous hoe ū was’nt ready for the pro’s 
shauntaake interest in shauntaake self u see shauntaake tell a million shauntaakē story’s shauntaake respond to ppl comments personal beefs shauntaake wll never speak on their pr when u speak of someone u give thém promoton that’s not shauntaake job shauntaake laugh at ppl & their games
shauntaake readang her man behnd the mirrir came to conquor every man & everybody & then leave wit hs favorite bitch whle he stll on top & topped everythang & everybody more power to u yall do yall hs pr say he let men pay to borrow hs favorite bitch shauntaake wish yall nothang but happiness in your war circle u see the family he set hs favvorite bitch/wifē your a serious man that was’nt to be played wit shauntaake the same way shauntaake wish u nothang but happiness shauntaake love your artistry as well but shauntaakē the king of shauntaake empires & kings live in seperate kingdoms shauntaake dont want nothang from your kingdom
shauntaake birth into money woman that taught shauntaake baby & kd the game & know that when a hoe your hoe your hoe suppose to be takang care of u the whole time your hoe hoeang your hoe suppose to give u money everytime your hoe make money shauntaake stay trynna show bitches aint your woman
shauntaake readang rihanna & asap got & gettang marry good for those two they good for each uthaa the innocent 
shauntaake / trynna be down wit them is ike a waste of stardom they already live their greatest stardom years & a laut of ppl got to go on that journey wit thēm tourang all over the ẃorld show’s all over the world that’s the real fun thay’s what it’s all about livang that real star lif their like retired stars now their corney now dont lauk the same got  laut of milege on them date to many ppl it’s just to much stuff shauntaake dont want to deäl wit keep eatang get fat u havē to survive shauntaake good shauntaakē not interest no more shauntaake seek nw stars ppl shauntaake could go on their nw careers & journey’s wit ppl that aint really do nothang yet shauntaake want to give those ppl shauntaake time & shauntaake love we could make us from the stärt shauntaakē want to do shauntaake art tours hu ever want to put some serious money up for shauntaake shauntaake wll make our life togethaaa our fun journey we could do tour buses to & private jet’s shauntaake wll make our everyday life excitang ppl nee to know when ppl trynna cheat them from livang that great experiénce life we suppose to just lay around all day now that so excitang shauntaake have no lîfe for them they aint sell their greatest experience lifē to me shäuntaake next excitng life shauntaake art tours & shauntaake nw kds shauntaake sorry shauntaake cant give that life to thém shuntaake gone shauntaake nee to be on shauntaake on shauntaake 10 year tour that’s what shauntaake nee shauntaake want to collect shauntaaké own money
shauntaake / it been a constant war & battlé ince rihanna came & these niggers wen crasy & shauntaake gonna tell u ths for your own good & your own safety u alll’llllllllllllll are gonna have to let rīhanna choose for rihanna self hu rihanna wants rihanna ppl dont really respect u datang caûse your stll a somewhat free woman rihanna ppl warrang for rihanna law rihanna hand in marriage & rihanna fîrst chld rihanna lauks like the onlŷ mäjor that stll aint marry wit kds so rihanna one of the last great woman to marry & were tälkng a public out right marriagē u confessang your love & your love chld wit your lover that’s hw théy want it the man or woma that marry’s rihanna gonna be one of the most respect & praise ppl know thät & everybody gonna respect rihanna chosen lover
shauntaakē was birth on the major celebrity’s level their gift of creaton it’s hard to make magical song’s & movies those ppl are beyond gift ū see the greatest white ceo sell the mäjors ceo’s of the major industry sent their artist & actors to the moon they reachd that final level of beang gift lauk at their vet award shows läuk like their on the moon shauntaakē been into thesē beyond average woman the beautifullest woman shauntaake did alllll of ths already been over it they cant afford shauntaake they been not on shauntaake level shauntaake chose to be celebate for over a decade if that aint over ths shauntaake dint know what over ths is shäuntaake not lettang nobody else waste shauntaake time that shauntaakē not interest in a laut of these ppl waste shauntaake time the rich bitches pr lettang shauntaakē know that was to special to be connect to bitches from shauntaake past they pr like ilk chants & thät was before sore ass chants was whole nuthaa crw of rap niggers & that rihanna jay z puffy & kanye crw shauntaake want to be in was’nt datang chants circlé they have their own men & woman shauntaake neve pursue beyonce cause beyonce got marry’d shauntaake respect marriage & beyonce early career years we aint have no internet social media website’s to connect wit the artist cause shauntaake would of been hollerang at beyonce like you fly bitch here come get shaunaake myspace came & jay z snatch beyonce right up that dangerously in love era & the year myspace internet sensaton came rihanna was the nw it star that was trynna date but rihanna only date the major industry stars & it’s always been about what crw u in & shauntaake was n the wrong cirle wll fuck your whole reputaton up the relevant star’s pr be like hell nō like now they eatang all of the ppl u eatang bitches tht aint even on their level u see they only date their rich u know the real entertainment stars that the whole world know that good lauk nobody could never diss them cause they date within their league their price range rihanna came & shauntaake felt like shauntake was cheated out of shauntaake type a quality woman that was’nt pass around & used up a real successful woman 
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rihanna savage fenty show vol. 3
shauntaake love rihanna
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shauntaake / our baby ready to be birth whenever your ready
shauntaake aint see crasy rihanna yet shauntaake see aint nobody turn rihanna out rihanna in fullllllll control rihanna runnang all of rihanna relatonships once shauntaake get it’s a wrap no more relatonship’s they know that that’s why they hate me & shauntaake be laughang cause they already know shauntaake came to make crasy rihanna that’s gonna give shauntaake everythang shauntaake ask for shauntaake love touch tounge & pound gonna ritar rihanna ha shauntaake power sex nobody never put shauntaake to sleep shauntaake ran into the so call sex pro’s shauntaake kept them curl up sleepang wit protect sex all of them wit regulaa sex the time when shauntaake was just mssang havang sex rihanna ass her own power shauntaake aint have a rihanna yet that put in work rihanna weight but shauntaake extra weight vanessa been buildang shauntaake forever shauntaake also brang home shauntaake wins forever shauntaake sneakang in tailor made custom made shauntaake mink coats in vanessa apartment when shauntaake was only 16 years old shauntaake was also sean taylor real sex weapon shauntaake start linnng everybody rich wives up they was like hell no they knw hw shauntaake was nailang shauntaake baby sean taylor shauntaake always lauk at rihanna like shauntaake nw challenge once shauntaake got her shauntaake want to see rihanna crasy in love shauntaake aint see that rihanna yet like britney & kevin ha sean taylor was obssesd wit shauntaake sex & shauntaake love shauntaake was havang sex everyday shauntaake & sean taylor relatonship shauntaake was pregnant for 3 summers straight shauntaake would never try to end rihanna shauntaake just want crasy rihanna that’s gonna be a whole nuthaa next level rihanna rihanna already did it all u cant fake crasy we could tell when it’s real or fake rihanna performance’s so passonate & agressive but shauntaake dont see that rihanna wit rihanna lovers aint nobody pull that rihanna out yet ppl that never been in love wll nver knoẃ tht real love makes u crasy
shauntaake in love rihanna music excellent shauntaake know every song it’s not a obssesson it’s love your music is very diverse & your voice so proper & well spoken it sounds like u were pay to be shauntaake personal artist to tell shauntaake & your story’s so shauntaake tellang u now shauntaake want shauntaakē rihanna/money bak shauntaake nee u rihanna to know your worth a fortune your delivery & performance’s are excellent shauntaake nee u to know that shauntaake hope your like ths in real life cause if not u fucked up shauntaake dream girl goals u nee a pro relatonship shauntaake aint see your pro relatonship yet
shauntaak want to ask u a queston rihanna can shauntaake sell your whole collecton for $1,200 as a whole rihanna set shauntaake been had every rihanna album & shauntaake reuploadang all of your concert’s & shauntaake wll put it on a iphone andriod computer flashdrive when shauntaake say shauntaake got that rihanna shauntaake really mean shauntaake got that rihanna the way shauntaake gonna set it a full rihanna company collecters item it’s gonna be great so ppl could admire rihanna for life for your excellence shauntaake collectang all of your exclusive everythang
shauntaake been confess one of shauntaake great sin’s rihanna shauntaake creaton rihanna one of shauntaake first cores everyone of shauntaake lil kd girlfriends lauk like rihanna they all chose shauntaake to be their girlfriend/man we chose each uthaa cause shauntaake was in love wit them shauntaake lil perfect girlfriends that shauntaake threaten to be shauntaake perfect they could’nt mess around & they did’nt want to mess around no more once shauntaake love took them like all of shauntaake lil boyfriends lauk like sean taylor shauntaake want shauntaake real love rihanna now rihanna came wit shauntaake lauks & talent our family lauk identical twin ppl shauntaake cant let nobody fuck that up it’s gonna be war shauntaake the sit your ass down u cant go out today u cant play wit that crowd u all around rihanna u better be protectang rihanna like that’s your lifetime job like your life depend on it shauntaake dont want nobody around rihanna that should’nt be around rihanna rihanna one of shauntaake star’s that shauntaake soul sent shauntaake creaton whateva u want baby shauntaake so sorry for beang the ass hole shauntaake am shauntaäke whole life but if your readang shauntaake page u’ll read hw & where shauntaake grw up around some of the worst atmosphere’s & the worst ppl shauntaake am the devil/shauntaake shauntaake grew up in shauntaake paradise hell alllllll of shauntaake life shauntaake cruelty makes u hard shauntaake know u nderstand 
shauntaake want to paint rihanna nw wite dress & shauntaake want to custom hand make your/rihanna long wrap long necklace 
shauntaake / laut of ppl dont knôw thē actons of crasy in love caûse they never experience or witness those types of relatonships would do any everythang for their sex a spend their last if they had to so they could keep havang sex ẃit u & aint no bitch dssang their money men for nobody rich whites whores was bankruptang their rich men watch the movie cherie they say one of the rich white whores bankrupt one of the tycoons purchasang hs white whore a rare pink diamond
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shauntaake sk sphinx collectons shauntaake personl collectable mickey mouse shauntaake was’nt trynna make nazi mickey mouse ths just the way it came out shauntaake hands shauntaake soul 
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shauntaake rude originäl nazi micky mouse
shauntaake in here cryang crackang up laughang
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shauntaake & sean taylor was treat like great sperm donors the minute sean taylor woman got pregnant they was gone dsappear & those woman blood family’s & ppl help raise their kds they treat sean taylor like sean taylor was’nt even the fathaa shauntaake personally saw sean taylor wit these woman whenbshauntaake & sean taylr was just ĉool so shauntaake knw sean taylor was their fathaa & they lauk just like shauntaake & sean taylor & they try to rob us the taylor got court visitaton rights wit sean taylor môther that’s when sean taylor & the taylors really start seeang mykýla on the regulaa ths sht not even funny the first lil boy came around laughang at sean taylor wit allllll of hs men surroundang hm sean taylôr hoes aint even give théir kds sean taylor last name sean taylor want all of sean taylor blood kds last name taylor name aftaa sean taylor grandma roberta taylor
shauntaake tell all ôf these shauntaake & sean taylor real story’s cause a laut ôf men try to fake sean taylor hstory & some of them change the story so shauntaake lettang u know hu sean taylor was in shäuntaake & sean taylor relatonship
shauntaake use to feel so sorry for mykla baby like baby u was tooken from us mykyla was a every two to three months baby when shauntaake sean taylor & the taylors saw mykyla baby & toddler sean taylor kissang all on shauntaake pretty wide smile doll baby face everyyyyyyyyyyydayyyyyy always dress up shoes hair & nails shauntaake classy rich prep school chick rock star rebel lauk no make up pretty shauntaake was sean taylor first real doll baby love shauntaake kept seän taylor happy ths why shauntake over men anuthaa bitch wll never take shauntaake make away from shauntaake it’s crasy cause all of these kds grown now 
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shauntaake kd was hatchäng hauntang all of vanessa twin brothaa darryl campbell kds the last one came out wit dark blonde hair they all camē out laukang like shauntaake baby actang like shaūntaake baby takang phauts like shauntaake baby phauts they ship those kds away down south shauntaake uthaa prettiest campbell twins they sold jealousy to them ppl was scare of them so their mother took them away from everybody they aint even want to help take care of those shauntaake makes vanessa stuff them wit food when they came around their mother was a ghetto mess so vanessa & vanessa ssters had a problem but it was about the kds & penny was crasy over penny kds so their mother penny left dssapear vanish & never came bak penny aint like hw the campbells treat her penny lil ene dirty kds shauntaake baby’sssss shauntaake kds use to cry faint & pass out cause shauntaake lil ene’s mother penny would’nt let them spend the night ẃit vanessa & shauntaake vanessa kept them stuff wit food when vanessa brother darryl brought them around every uthaa monthssssd shauntaake kd us to be in shauntaake room like lauk ma shauntaake have room here & there for them to spend the night shauntaake have’nt seen shauntaake lil inventons shauntaake lil cousin’sssss since the late 80′s that’s hw long they been gone & it devistate everybody everybody heard about the nw campbell’s dark blonde hair baby that they try to keep a secret the first one was a shaunt that shaunt one came befor shauntaake 8 years old tape cassette everybody know shauntaake voo did it rag doll baby shauntaake they fuck up shauntaake credibility so bad shauntaake ncle darryl was all up nder shauntaake those years ths why shauntaake choose not to be around ppl no more or attach shauntaake self to a situaton cause shauntaake soul/lauk attach’s itself to ppl  
shauntaake also seeeeeeee hw a laut of ppl use rihanna to get shauntaake make when shauntaake & rihanna was kickang it online no more shauntaake see candice first two sons specially onder uh huh they had all of candice pr connect to rihanna rihanna lauk alike candice all over the internet candice also date n rihanna same circle’s why onder lauk identically like shauntaake also our phauts match identical  
shauntaake / & then sean taylor came & gave shauntaake anuthaa chance to prove shäuntaake power & shauntaake did shauntaake job when it came to sean taylor first try first go sean taylor want to connect to shauntaake lauk & shauntaake made that happen walla it’s shauntaake magic just shauntaakē lauks not shauntaake power & shauntaake magic îs what sean taylor utha kds did not get & shauntaake just hope they use uthaa thangs to save theirselves cause their gonna get theirself hurt cause their not shauntaake/treasurey key they cant use shauntaake as their connecton cause shauntaake connecton aint workang for them that’s what shauntaake was’nt pay for shauntaake extra’s when ppl spendang their hard earn money they want what they pay for
shauntaake try to show mykyla love & sell mykyla baby hstory bak to mykyla self so mykyla could try to connect mykyla self cause shauntaake seeeeeeee a laut off ppl did mykyla & they did’nt get mykya make & that start many wars a laut of ppl surround mykyla baby like they surround shauntaake baby wit hopes of havang their own lil doll baby
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shauntaakē see why ẃomän want to professonäl les porn shauntaake cause the les porns online garbadge thy dont really know hw to have lesbian sex shauntaäke les sex so savage thy start selang shauntaake men porns the prettiest men they also stärt connectng shäuntaake sex to nacho shauntaake les sex facē to fäce sex like straight sex but shäuntaaké les sex shauntaake see thē ẃord nee shauntaake collecton of les sex shauntaake the rawest les sex they playang the les sex on pornhub it’s not hardcore sex some bullsht shauntaake wll be the nacho of les sex raw & feldoe
shauntake / we wll be introducang a nw style & lauk lesbian sex to the world
shauntaake woman from shauntaake past we could do us cause we never really got to do us no donah no thanks so listen we could create a fealdoe les sex empire shauntaake wll let yall make a fortune off of shauntaake performance strictly realdoe sex u know shauntaake trynn get marry so shauntaake raw sex for shauntaake legal wives shauntaake dont ne shauntaake kds everywhere shauntaake wll physchopath shauntaäke fealdoe sex
shauntaake soul in your video’s wll connect your pregnancy’s
shauntaake / u know pornstärs get päy for their great performance’s & their lauk pay shauntaake wéight/money jewellry & gift’s ths shauntaake gift to u collectang a piece of shauntaake soul 
shauntaake / great sex undeniable when your fuckang right ppl want to see it they dont care hu u are
shauntaake mommy doorta 
shauntaake alwäys laughang ät les sex cause their such woman vanessa built a custom made tailor made woman/män name shäuntaake
shauntaake just uplad these white ẃoman fealdoe sex phauts shäuntaake bodyssssssss shäuntaake told them shäuntaakē was part white théy not built like thät that’s anuthaa thang shauntaake been glorify for shauntaake whoe life shauntaake rare stallon body shauntaakē woman & men love shauntaake body u see hw shauntaake investment man pay shauntaäke sean taylor was obssess wit shauntaake body sean taylor never want shauntaake do porn cause sean taylôr aint want anuthaa man laukang at shauntaake body/soul
shauntaake wit pornang 12 chosen woman from shauntaake past the bitches shauntaake play wit & got money wit the woman shauntaake spent lifetimes wit we already on shauntaake tapes togethaa
shäuntaaké could porn the celebrity’s aftaa we do us cause théy sty dœang them they made porns wit ppl already 
shauntaake / we could go dgital les porns no pornhub we could go dgital flashdrive that connects to iphones androids & computers & we could make mmilloinssssssssss of dollars sellang them ourselves or could put samples scene’s on our websîte & ppl could purchase the whole video
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shauntaake just found one of shuntaake past friends shunda & shunda daughter jaziah (officialaadyj) they make music to shauntaake & shunda stay in the studio’sssss shauntaake so happy for them jaziah aint a baby no more shauntaake see jaziah was about 8 years old the last time shaūntaake saw jazziah we kept our music flôwang around our kds shauntaake fathaa baby’d shunda & jaziah as well
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shauntaake / thē minute shauntaakē ẃives pay shauntaake thē faster we could start our life togethaa shauntaake instantly startang our family our pregnancy’s only shauntaake wives allow around shauntaake/our pregnancy’s but your gonn have to let shauntaake stash our pregnancy’s way those whole nine months & let shauntaake connect shauntaak soul 1million percent to our pregnancy’s the home shuntaake create for us wll have many wings so we wll be togetha for our own pleasures or wll come out to your partments & mansons u have already so we could bē togethaa that’ why shauntaake all of u friends so we all could togethaä as one lrge family shauntaake nee all of u to get along & be nw besty’s shauntaake dont want to be a million place’s a one time shauntaake want to cll out our meet up spots today let’s äll met up at such & such apartment  aftaa shauntaake attend to our pregnancy’s all of u could be at our chosen locatons those  days & when shauntaake arrive shauntake nee all of u to be there togethaa gettang long chllang cookang comang wit your own idea’s of what u want to do & try today well what u want shæuntaake/us to try food dranks champagn wine games movies music & shauntaake comang wit shauntaake art gifts shauntaake gonna be creatang whle shauntaake ẃit u whle shauntaake pregnancy’s tuckd away that’s why shauntaake nee to wing us so we could all be at the sam place just in directon locatons shäuntaake nee survalence on shäuntaake/ou pregnancy’s 24/7 or meet up däys shäuntaaké gonna custom van our pregnancy’s to our meet up’s they could cool out whle we pamper thēm but shauntaake have to cater to u to as well shauntaake nee a laut of your quality time as well that’s why shauntaake nee all of u to be wives/ friends now your gonna hve to mke tht ork cause were gonnä have kds comng & your all gonna wänt to spend a laut of time wit shauntaake/our nw baby’s everyday all day your all gonna be nw mommy’ssssssssssss
shauntaaké / the not - that want to pay into shauntaake family shauntaake wll stll make it all good we could havē protect sex u stll could family day us shauntaak grẃ up around + ppl all of shauntaakē lifē & they protect shauntaakē & war þo keep shauntaake uck away & safē shauntaake was their good money to prance around
shauntaake wll sell shauntaake music shauntaake real pure deep powerful voice & sounds to white hollywood when shauntaake do get that opportunity shauntaake wll sell shauntaake real masters to shauntaake whites shauntaake soul already sellang to shauntaake mystery whites shauntaake musical soul whites ass hell beatles rock n roll type music & instruments shauntaake that jim morrion u dont know that musical orchestra operah symphony’s rock n roll shauntaake u just know shauntaake lauk u dont really know shauntaake shauntaake the devil/shauntaake a born horror shauntaake baby love horror movies & white rock n roll pop culture america the worlds worst nightmare connecton shauntaake know every great heavenly sound & every horrible sound shauntaake been watchang tv & movies forever shauntãake baby eye’s was glued to the tv horror 80′s & 90′s always slept wit the lights off pitch blak room pitch bläk house all of shauntaake life 
shauntaake / ppl in the comments sayang shauntaake22 bolo them wit shauntaake shäuntaake era’s now & shauntaäke only record wit a dgital keyboard & instruments limit sounds amature sounds & those beat machines havē hundreds of instruments & sound’s the expensive keyboards have hundreds of sounds shauntaake aint even play wit those yet & like live instruments like guitars violins grand piano’s 
shauntaake / u know what just gave shauntaake that hurt want to cry feelang seeang ppl shauntaake know & met be the chosen ppl to create wit the nw generaton of artist like beyonce & rihanna those ppl shauntaake know have major producton on their albums they got make hstory & album credit rights wit those artist & u knw what shauntaake genuinely happy for u that’s a check that it job connect shauntaake happy u guys got to make your major hstory 
shauntaake gave niggers what niggers want & pay shauntaake for a pretty rap bitch shauntaake just start makang producton on shauntaake & sean taylor triton keyboards right befor sean taylor passed sean taylor was happy as hell wit those lil song’s shauntaake gave sean taylor sen tylor was in love wit them shäuntaake did shauntaake job of pleasang sean taylor cause shauntaakē was gift & pay
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shauntaake / ppl startang to gift shäuntaake mother once môre manhattan new yôrk city givang shauntaake mother some of their vintage marbllllllle from one of their hotels near 5th ave their renvevatang their manhattan new york city hotels 
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shauntaake / the real devil/shauntaakē gift’s & power is the magic of voodoo & real life shauntaake soul/hauntangs some hauntangs could be innocent & some hauntangs could be very violent scary & spooky shauntaake see u ppl never experience a real hauntang u caught up on these fake ass paranormal movies fake ass sht that never happen paranormal movies that actons of beang caught in a hurricane tv go static crasy sht fallang everywhere everythang openang & closang that sound like those movies
shauntaake / ppl in the comments like we see now was’nt nobody allow in their row shauntaake know shauntaake girlfriends was’nt allow upstairs in shauntaake room shauntaake dont even remember playang wit shauntaäke cousin’s in shauntaäke kd room vanessa lee & shauntaäke grandma aint want nobody mssäng wit shauntaake or shauntaake stuff vanessa apartment was like fort knox shauntaake good/evil kd management right the deadliest ppl 
shauntaake voodoo the littlest thangs shauntaake hand create could kll u wit the worst pain blind u split your body parts make u feel sick make u committ suicide from the exscruatang pain that pills dont stop the pain that what shauntaake baby lil pink & white foxet did to me it want shauntaake to feel shauntaake kd pain
shauntaake paint did shauntaake voodoo right yarns thread death (veins) of the body  
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shauntaake / ths the bak of shauntaake baby head
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shauntaake / newark a whole nw city since shauntaake management the rich whites move bak it newark & they turn all of the original newark corporate buildangs into rich luxury apartments that allllllllllll of the wealthy whites live in now they want tl movē clôsē to shäuntaake pen these racist whites in newark aint playang they custom rebuilt the whole area one & two blôcks from pen staton the rîchest areas of newark now they want to live the closests to shauntaake pen they cherish that area they want to eat sleep & breathe it the devil/shaūntaake worshppers they move close to the devil/shauntaake hstory treasures shauntaake pen have marble no one ever seen before twinkll marble they move close to hollywood million movies & tv shows hstory marble ths area 24/7 bright lights area like time square in manhattan new york city 
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shauntaake / ths a old corporte business buildang have apartments in it now ths about two blocks from shauntaake pen regulaa ppl cant affôrd to live in ths area no môre 
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shauntaake starwars
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shauntaake spell’s shauntaake eye njury cross eye’s shauntaake kd havang fun 
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shauntaake platform hell shauntaake birth shauntaake soul instant connecton shauntaake eye stitche’s
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shauntaake crackang up laughang at hw shauntaake really pop up shop shauntaake today at mc donalds shauntaake had fun today but it’s totally different now they change all of the hang out spot’s downtown newark mc donalds use to be full & jumpang allll day everyday full of ppl just chllang & orderang food now they have the yellow plastic chäins on the sittang area’s & their restaraunt management was walkang around & it was only two ppl when shauntaake walk n it would usually be like at least 30 ppl already sittang in mc dônalds & orderang food so okaaaay it felt so awkward so shauntaake arrive shauntaake pop u shop but it was so restrict & shäuntaake sat for about one hour sippang shauntaake absolute & tropican juice & then a laut of ppl start comang it was stll all good shäuntaake was ablé to give ppl shauntaake paper cardsssssssssss wit shauntaake jewellry & clothäng company’s informaton
shauntaake only datang shauntaake racist whites shauntake plän shauntaake life hw shauntaake nee shäuntaäke life to go shauntaake dont want yo favors or your invites no thanks shäuntaake buildang shauntake own fämily witout everybody
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shauntaake / new jack city a movie that was film in harlem new york city if u never been to harlem new york city u wll never know what the real big city feel like the richesr grittest grimmest street’s that dont fuck wit rooky’s u have to be careful fuckang wit new york city cause new york city love the real new yorkers ppl that was birth & raised in new york city u wll never know what that feels like if your nott from new york city those ialians & columbian & dominicans wll kll u the one’s from new york city shauntaake mens the blaks went soft u nsaw hw the italians came out the gate ready to hirt them thank sht sweet shauntaake move weight ina those same exact locatons as neeno doang business wit the italians no actang they was’nt playang wit niggers they was racst shauntaake was the midddle man peace makers those men were in love wit shauntaake new york city hstory & neno was one of shauntaake future lives that they plan for sahuntaake to live eddie shoffer shauntaake all around in that same blak 2 door jeep when shauntaake became a teenager shauntaake was lauk at as the lil bad mutherfucker but shauntaake business was handeled right professonally & if shauntaake neno shauntaake self nce more shauntaake the continue shauntaake survived shauntaake new jack city war these old men out here fear shauntaake presence cause they saw hw we rantbeswe streetas of newark in the late 90′s & shauntaake hate that ppl fear me cause fear makes ppl want to hurt u cause their scare of u so shauntaake try to come out peaceful cause u know the reql jack city was a laut of death hit’s & drive by shootings everywhere if it aint goang down like that it aint new jack city shauntaake know shauntaake also in the murder business those  were awhole nuthaa breed of woman vanessa shauntaake right hand lady but that’s hw those 80′s rich bitches was shauntaake seek those woman sean taylor was shauntaake g money & duter man shaunytaake eas shauntaake own bitchl u see the way shauntaake lauk straight fluffy bob damonds & gold italian custom madd bitch shauntaake never had shauntaakw son that’s a goal of shauntaake’s as well shauntaake a cold world ths mutherfucker real fast shauntaake really came that terrible mutherfucker that wll start a massive drug war wit u soft niggers new jæck city was a heavyyyyyy coke & dope war that happen in the tristate  shauntaake trynna keep the peace cause shauntaake have kds shauntaake would just come bak to make shauntaake son throw a million party’s wit the flyest bitches jersey womän u äint nothang like those rea new york cty bitches a laut of them on the low shauntaake rärely see shauntaake shaneekqua makes & shauntaake rich business crudentäl bitches a laut of ppl want to die cause they were born to late or to early & they miss out on that era breed of ppl cause these bitches aint like that now that’s why shauntaake had to come all of those woman to shauntaake vanessa roles shauntaake support shauntaake know hw to dress a bitch & master a bitch hw shauntaake want a bitch & these alright hoes aint it the original woman say their furious these rookie bitches came fucng our great hstory up shaūntaake know all of those new jack city woman was a shauntaake vanessa merger shaneeqa hw shauntaake kd vanessa dress & lauk
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shauntaake / ths girlfriend was the sanger vanessa willîams twin lauk u see shauntaake vanessa’sss was our greatest twin’s
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shauntaaake / rich bitches comments sayng if they date shauntaake here they want shauntaake to post they gavē shauntaake their money & they want shauntaake to post our fun on shauntaake tumblr & they say their bankang on shauntaake to protect them shauntaake gonna build  pool n the bäk we gotaa find some nw on the low hang out spots u bitches have your own security shäuntaake ramagang thru u bitches your bags & clothes even befor u come īn here brang a months mount of cclothes so ū havē more than enough clothang u know celebrity’s they be out everywhere amongst regulaa ppl shauntaake wll hävē places shut down like shauntaake barcade over here & shauntaake white man bar thy pr say they wll risk their life to be wit shauntaake & their pr say they want to die cause u all keep connectang yourself to them & they aint do u shäuntaake know that could be fustratang ppl connectang theirself to u that u dont want to be connect to shauntaake have the perfect exotic bar for us to chll shauntaake wll call so théy could shut it down shauntaake & shauntaäke very exclusive womän are comang shauntaake wll have shauntaake giant white men out here ready to murder & destroy u dumb ignoränt niggers mind your own business do your own thang u niggers dont play fair these nights wll givē your company's so much pr & nẃ monéy n būsiness shauntaake wll pay weight to reserve ēverythang for shauntaake shauntaak years was thē funnest fun was celebrity’s & major rappers was comang around to kick it wit us & u niggers fûckd everythang up
shauntaake / the first thang shauntaake doang when shauntaake recieve shauntaake millions shauntaake purchsang gunsssssssssssssssss tazors mase poison boobe traps camera’s everywhere
shauuntaake nw heaver sterdyer taller gates taller trees
shäuntaake / i know those bitches there shauntaake dont know what your talkang about 
shauntaake nee shauntaake two law manhattan new york city hall 1/seal  & your seal no beefs just sayang your shauntaake’s to u have the right to love me & give shauntaake to manhattan new york city made lesbian marriage legal our law
shauntaake met a rich white bitch ẃit some serious money once we get real serious & she start givang shauntaake her money shauntaakē wll let u see us togethaa out in public u’ll see shauntaake wit shauntaake rich white bitch a white bitch none of u know shē aint a billionaire likē u know hu but she got enough for shauntaake & she have a bunch of friends 
shauntaake / we could take over the whole basement get a nw bed nw bar got it’s own refridgarator bathroom giant tv pantry stock shelves for food & snacks the deck also have secluded area’s  
shauntaake wll post our jersey phauts aftaa shäuntaake move to manhattan new york city or paramus 
shäuntaake cars & trucks dark tent up ez pass everythang sun glassess out callang u other names whle we out laughang shauntaake thank they wan to see whät it feels like to live ths real real life somethang they never experience shauntaake loved everywhere shauntaake go shauntaake comang bak to enrich everywhere we visit & our everyday surroundangs shauntaake know hw to lay low & properlly descise u cause at the end of he day it’s about our personäl pleasure so we dont nee to go out to please ourselves & know it’s all love when u aint stingyould take over he basemen get a nw bar  
shauntaake past shauntaake so proud of u u made somethang excellent of yourself shauntaake came to contribute to help u reach your excellence ths what shauntaake was also blessed ẃit the gift to manage ppl & create thangs for them to help them perfect theirselves & u make u better artist & ppl but over the ŷears u have’nt beén givang me anythang u have’nt been contributang to shäuntaake membership so shauntaake n longer owe u anythang but a hello & goodbye case shauntaake & u are no longer in business shauntaake membership’s dont want shauntaake datang u once shauntaake membership’s pay shauntaake shauntaake millions cause u dont deserve shauntaake money shauntaake did u allllllllllll favors recordang wit u & worlds of major ppl praise u for hävang song’s & creatons wit the devil/shauntaake shauntaake made u some of the most special ppl in ths world & shauntaake happy shauntaake was able to do that fo u the ppl that shauntaake personally chose to merge wit but shauntaake everyhang at peace when shauntaake do get shauntaake next chancē to go major & have shauntaake own optons of leavang caus u know shauntaake always comang bak to party build stores & company’s & just shoẃ lovē & givē ppl job opportunity’s these kds comang up that nee our help to get them start in ths cruel ass world but shauntaake point shhäuntaake trynna make is that shauntaake dont owe nobody nothang & shauntaake at peacē wit everyone everybody happy everybody eatang & gettang their own money & everybody nee to mind their own business shauntaake have nothang but love for everyone shauntaake ever made special momments wit shauntaake cant help it that u want to be stingy & not paŷ me when u got on that you problems not shauntaake’s so shauntaake could leave in one piece u make shauntaake want to leave cause your not shauntaake support system shauntaake never nee you money but your money was u payang into shauntaake membership so beang that u did’nt contribute to shauntaake membership that meanssssssss shauntaake dont owe u nothang but a hellō & goodbye shauntaake try & shauntaake just want to let u know it’s all love & shauntaake have nothang but love for u & u shauntaake wish u best in life 
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shauntaake / once shauntaake recieve shauntaake millions shauntaake wll purchase your company’s from u aftaa shauntaake births 
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shauntaake / ppl be in the comments goang likē they aint beat to be sweatang anuthaa bitch they want their oẃn slick & lay hair baby that misert beang obssess over someone else kds that wll block u from fufullang your own dreams of havang your own dream baby
shauntaake / ppl are so stupd if your interest in a certain make baby your suppose to go bak to the biologicl parents hu was involve in makang ths child that“s what the fuck u was suppose to do liké the movie she hate me they like that shauntaake man make & the ex girlfriend line those les’s up for that shauntaake man to impregnant them for $10,000 each & they all got to go home pregnany carryang their own baby’s & they were all happy & one great family shauntaak was about to start fuckäng once more when shauntaake met chance they was like it’s on a bunch a doll baby’s about to come shauntaake aint even wild out wit those hoes they aint pay shauntaake enough shauntaake & sean taylor had some many woman out here chasang shauntaake & sean taylor trynna date us these woman all want their own baby they was lineeeeeeeeeeeeed up ppl could see it’s a such thang called features a lauk
shauntaake say no men in shauntaake marriages shauntaake just nee one white man semn that’s it shauntaake & shauntaake wives could handel the rest these nw great proffesonal doctors pr say shuntaake cou’d stll plant shauntaake eggs in shuntaake wives thē l word they found their chosen sperm donor & one of the les couples had sex one night wit enteons to concieve & they use somethang to personally insert their chosen seman ito her wife & it worked like a lil turky baster ha exactly no touchng shauntaake wives 
shauntaake / these niggers knew shauntaake & sean taylor was their greatest friéndly competiton ū niggers gotaa do yourself witout me what they gonna do if they sht dont come out right aftaa they spent a tun on someone u just gonna have to deal wit those lossess shauntaake was pay for beang vanessa doll baby beang hauntaak self shauntaake beauty
shauntaake aint gonna say no names one of the it chicks shauntaake know say shauntaake owe her shauntaake lay up’s wit shauntaake doll baby’s shauntaake know but it was crasy bak then the stuff shauntake was dealang wit shauntaake nee shauntaake kller bodyguard protecton
shauntaake / nigger’s talkang about shauntaake dout their niggers shauntaak see their kds good for u shauntaake love shauntaake lauk & shauntaake the only one that make shäuntaake make
shauntaake happy they seperate shauntaake & mykyla so mykyla could try to make mykya baby by mykyla self without hauntaake that’s exactly hw shauntaake want it so mykyla could start claimang mykyla own baby fame shuntaak trynna connect u to somē of your baby hstory cause u were your fathaa first big deal know that sean taylor doll baby respect 
shauntaake world the merged shauntaake & sean taylor since shauntaake was a kd they say sean taylor say sean taylor healthy man parts was shauntaake’s waitang for shauntaake to get older shauntaake & sean taylor happen shauntaake white ppl law masterd dream doll baby they only did sean taylor right connect to shauntaake it’s a wräp shauntaake not interest n blak men no more shauntaake made shauntaake love kds wit the first love of shauntaake life sean taylor that’s a long ass storyhavang phauts of our possessons dont mean sht possessons u dont even possess u was’nt livang shauntaake &  sean taylor everyday life u dont know that hstory shauntaäke prbly could explain every phaut where we was ät what was goang on what year it was let sean taylor phauts out
shauntaake so sorry mykyla u went thru all of the war bullsht u been thru & it’s sean taylor fault fuckang wit shauntaake hell usang shauntaake haunt locatons to try to make mykyla baby we was connectang mykyla pregnancy to everythang vanessa sold to shauntaake baby ppl callang mykyla one of shauntaake fîrst cores 
shauntaake / mykyla doll baby birth was a terrible obssesson these retar bitches n the comments talkang about mykyla baby should of been theirs are u serious u are the stupdest mutherfuckers shauntaake ever experience when shauntaake whites one come shauntaake secret nazi serial kller season it’s gonna be guns on u at all times & those gonna be hdden murderers & kllers u äīnt even fûck wît sean taylor they aint try to help better sean taylor life they made thangs hard for us & then bitches comments sayang sean taylor was lieang to some of them promisang them sean taylor was gonna family them to bitches that came bak fuckang wit shaūntaake aftaa sean taylor pass trynna get shauntaake to seam thém shauntake sick of the looser’s shauntaake hope yo sht come out right witout shauntaake cause shauntaake not interest hw your gonna react when it’s about 8 of those makes that came at the same time shauntaake make 
shauntaake / watch she hate me u see hw those very classy business woman gave their chosen man a fortune so he could better hsself fuckang wit these stupd ignorant niggers it’s always tragedy ths why shauntaake solo leave shauntaake the fuck alone 
shauntaake /  mutherfuckers aint u do sean tylor u chosē so many uthaa niggers over hm sean taylor know sean taylor chose to off hself so u mutherfuckers could never get sean taylor make seän taylor want u all to see what u left behnd we extremist ths why shauntaake refuse to love these hoes shauntaake givang shauntaake makes to shauntaake racist white woman shauntaake experienced what sean tylor experience the doubt a rich bitch should of manson wing shauntaake right aftaa sean taylor pass shauntaake not kllang shauntaake self shauntaake just comang bak the greatest revenge come bak shauntaake comang bak 5 at once vanessa already knw hw shauntaake doll baby was comang a perminate law shauntaake great grndparent’s & grandparents was havang 8 & 9 doll baby’s at one time our soul’s to much sean tylor could’nt handle all of that fame we was gettang it was to much & then the dsrespect they try to treat us like we was’nt the truth shauntaake she hate me years shauntaake never got to make shauntaake kds shauntaake seman kds shauntaae was’nt semang nobody pregnancy’s
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shäuntaake had to see hw shäuntaake had banita shauntaake tomboy about 12 years old pretty boy/girl & banita was from down south the nw prettiest girl on shauntaake block that instantly want to date shauntaake the minute she saw shauntaake banita was up here wit her cousin fat nicole for the summer banita lauk like pon de repplay rihanna wit a down south accent so shauntaake & banita start instanly datang & all of shauntaake boy friends & shauntaakē boy cousin’s want to date banita the minute they saw banita thick stallon carämel lil mean bitch & shauntaake use to threaten banita about speäkang to shauntaakē boy friends & boy cousin’s shauntaake use to smack banita point at her head & tell that lil bitch u lil bitch keep your muthafuckang mouth close shauntaake bet not see u sayang sht to these lil niggers banita use to be cryang & tellang shauntaake banita shauntaake girlfriend & banita was so obediant banita ass would sit on fat nicole porch & wont say sht to shauntaake boy friends & boy cousin’s vanessa aint know shauntaake was like that to shauntaake girlfriendsssssssssssssss shauntaake bäby & kd was like that to vanessa naturally cruél & mean dont ever try to play me & shauntaake boy friends & by cousins tried to stel banita everytime shauntaake turn shauntaake bak & banita would just ignorē thém & shauntaake stay inbetween banita legs everyday banita paintang shauntaake nails a different color everyday & shauntaake & banita use to laugh & have our own lil fun & shauntaake boy friends hate shauntaake cause of hw shäuntaake had shauntaake real love girlfriends they never cross me shauntaake real lovē girlfrriends love beang in love wit shauntaake & that’s all shauntaake know shäuntaake insult by their loose woman 
shäuntaake world say they love shauntaake real story’s & the life shauntaake live & their comments say their anxious for shauntaake to start datang woman once more caûse shauntaake fun shauntaake know
shauntaake fun life is naturally fun when u have a life money & places to go but life gets funner wit shauntaake & shauntaake say u nee to keep datang u nee to let shauntaake manage your relatonships shauntaake wll mega superstar your relatonships shauntaake want to plan your dates shauntaake known for a rockstar ass life without millionsssss of dollars just hw shauntaake move the moves shauntaake make lauks locatons shauntaake wll make u the talk & tails of city’s forever hw shauntaake gonn manage u & have u movang your already superstars u complete that that’s a entertainment life but shauntaake talkang about real life 
shäuntaake be laughang at them aint no more shaunts or jacksons comang shäuntaake älready let out shauntaakē heaviest soul company tuck away no more 
shauntaake / ẃhen shauntaake stop writang & postang u know shauntaake left the internet bordom is suicidal & beang that shauntaake know that boredom is death know that ths why shauntaäke nee to be busy right now doang somethäng makang shauntaake money so shauntaake could stäy active 
shauntaake / u niggers mad ät the wrong mutherfucker player of the new years germ yo bitches get at yo bitches they open their legs the nigger that got them nee to be praise for yo woman lettang hm touch them those bitches would of had black eye’s broken noses fuckäng wit shauntaake that’s why niggerrs want to (a) yo bitches so they could say they top hẃ yo nigger (hiv) them shauntaake a rub their baks & nurture them as good ppl’s u are loved now it’s time to live ēvéryday like it’s your last cause (hiv) eventually turns nto (a) if ths the truth cause ths what shauntaake just read if so ths is terrrible & sad shauntaake feel for u make your lives worth livang love yoúr (hiv) sex circle your happiness your gonna live & diē togethaa as your legacy’s togethaa love is dangerous as your now expériencang u woman were n love & aint nothang wrong it that cause real love makes u sacrifice yourselves ths nw medicine wll help u live longer heathy lives cherish what u did cause u sacrifice yourselves for anuthaa shauntaake not interfest n (hiv) but shauntaake a realdoe date we aint even gotaa kss shauntaake keep telllllllng u shauntaake love your monéy 
shauntaake / these bitches pr crasy talkang about they want to eat shauntaake now cause the pplllllllllllllll they chose connecton aint work out wit their dream births that’s their problem 
shauntaake hope the ppl they invest into reach their goal that their trynna attain cause that aint shauntaake job to brang u in when shauntaake get shauntaake deal
shauntaake / u niggers mad ät the wrong mutherfucker player of the new years germ yo bitches get at yo bitches thy open they legs the nigger that got them nee to be praise for yo woman lettang hm touch them those bitches would of had black eye’ß broken noes uckäng wit hauntaake that why niggerrs want to (a) yo bitches so they could say they top hẃ yo jigger (hiv) them shauntaake a rub their baks & nurture them as good ppl’s u are loved now it’s time to live ēvéryday like it’s your last cauuse (hiv) eventually turns nto (a) ths  is terrrible & sad shauntaake feel for u make your lives worth livang love yoúr (hiv) sex circle your happiness shauntaak not interfest bin (hiv) but shauntaake a realdoe date we aint even gotaa kss shhauntaake keep telllllllng u shauntaake love your monéy 
shauntaake / u bitches could never n a million years sean taylor shauntaake shauntaake glorify for beang shäuntaake own lauk shauntaake not a stupd pass around niggersssssss u bitches a never run off wit shauntaake make shauntaake wll hav u klld bitch pregnant wit shäuntaake make & dsappeärd man hunt on yo ass now u see shäuntaake aint sean taylor
shauntaake see salîah was one of the muslim môst respect face’s of muslim woman light fair skin womn tall country down south accent saliah was a rihanna raye twin saliah handeled salîah business saliah was a very respect woman amongst musliums saliah went to masjir every sunday faithfully saliah use to be like girl shauntake i aint doang nothang ntil salîäh pray at masjir saliah world for saliah father official company saliah crudentäls & paperwork was right saliah connectans saliah lauk realy the muslims respect freedom shauntaake video’sss wit saliah set the musliums shantaake & saliah was great friends that chll & hung out did kd dates wit our baby’s saliah was a welllllllllllll respect peaceful woman tht kept the peace no deaths no drama saliah was äbout gettang saliah money 
shauntaake / most muslium men shäuntaake knw only have kds wit ther wives they fuck around wit their creep creep bitches
shauntaake / first of all we nee to go bak to your latest achevements we nee to go bak to your man first album a hit album shauntaake listenang for the first time today shauntaake wll set our scene’s & atmosphere’s to invite u into shauntaake world of every race ppl ready to celebrate u wit shauntake u have the best albums out right now wit  great content that connects to your reaal life story’s
shauntaake / stop poppang sht shauntaake aint got no beef wit none of u u do u shauntaake like yall as couples & sneakang around that’s your nw gig’s exposang yourselves that what’s gonna keep ppl all into u your entertainers u get pay to entertain us so entertain us shauntaake have uthaa plans to do shauntaake wit shauntaake own bitches shauntaake made u friendly ompetiton cause as u could seeeeeeeee shäuntaake have shäuntaake own thang goang on u see ßhäuntaake läuk not your läuk u see shäuntaake creatons not your creatons
shauntaake / ppl nee to laugh at uthaa ppl management cause that’s them they came to get theirs u better take some phauts of yourself lauk alikes aint your friends they comang to outdo ū know that white ppl take the cake in lauks the way they läuk their nätural häir & features their body’s lauk at shauntaake white swimmäng twin man one of the most gorgeous men shauntake ever saw so blaks u better well groom yourself if u do lauk white u could really get in the beauty race of a fine breeds
shauntaake / white boys & white men online right now wit their hair blowang in the wind shauntaake was corey haims teenager merger shauntaake had to remind thém hw beautiful they are exäctly competiton on shauntaäké kd years remember baywtch night rider miami vice new kids on the block beverly hills 90210 saved by the bell all of the prettiest white men those was shauntaakē men twins shauntaake cherish & dress like shauntaake kéns hip hop was a nw thang to shauntaake
shauntaake tellang u ppl do your own thang cause ẃhen these lauk alikes thank they got what u want or thy thank they in a positon u wnt to be in they try to make u lauk bad & shuntake be laukng t them crasy u jealous ass corney mutherfuckers u mock shauntaäke luk u nigfgers aint prettier than me u fuck bitches that fuck u & all of your friends u niggers jokes to me your md cause yoir not s pretty s shauntake these niggers be goang crasy cause they not prettier thän shauntaake shauntaake wll go yto war wit yo lil stupd niggers u want to fuck it the real grown mutherfuckers the deadliest mutherfuckers u crasy over come pass around ass bitches those the bitches shauntaake cuss the fuck out & hang hones up on u lil niggers got the game fucked up u want to be baby’s by some hoes shauntake rocka bye bäby yo ass for real u dont know shauntaa teenager ke new york city off all of u niggers u live in everythang they own 
shauntaake dont nee nobody fuckang wit & älterang shauntaake images shauntaake dont fuck wit your images trynna make u lauk bad shauntaake dont give a fiuck about your ugly phauts niggers u aint that pretty shauntaake dont collect your phauts dont want them your the jokes u trynna be shauntaäke past shauntake wll relive shauntaake own past shauntaake great at beang every shauntaake shauntake wll also show u tomboy shauntaake éveryday life wit shauntaake real girlfriends cause shauntaake dont see it shauntaake wll show u hw we was livang everyday shauntaake remember every lauk shauntaäke wll give u those days älso
shauntaake aint sorey niggers shauntake body so right no sickness no deädly desceases 
shauntaake / they came to fuck the weak heads up they liars talkang about now were gonna do u next they want u all to fuck yourselves up & they gonna be lauakang at u ll crasy like u fucked yourselves up that aint they fault they love they nigger music hs creaton great creaters these bitches they be wantang to marry u to own your inventons & creatons so they could claim it they want to claim they nigger all of shauntaake real bitches want to marry shauntaake to but shauntaake knw the same sht they was obssesed wit shauntaake lauk shauntaake investments & shauntaake creätons a bitch gonna have to have some serious money if shauntaakē marry them shauntaake feel the same way u fuckd yourselves up shauntaake glad u hoe ass bitches did u cause shauntaake not interest leave shauntaake the fuck alone u used ass hoes u see they aint fuck wit shauntaake wit sean taylor & when shauntaake was wit chants they aint never show love & they been datang their dude good for u shauntaäke happpy for u 
shauntaake / the world laughang at them now all the sht they poppang shauntaake dont even want their bitches & shauntaake pop sht about shauntaake own bitches anuthaa nigger wll never be able to talk sht about the bitch that shauntaake love & love shauntaake
shauntaaake / the rich stupd mutherfuckers they already shinnng vanessa bitches came the hardest as far as performance their pr music & movies mergers were iconic u nw bitches please u have the same clothes cärs & trucks sht everybody else have 
shauntaake just nee one rich white bitch to come get shauntaake now shauntaake instantly plannäng shauntaake & your future togethaa shauntaake gonna be happy as hell it shauntaake white wives shäuntaake gonna show u 
shauntaäke / u mutherfuckers loosers for not payang shauntaake to destroy these bitches thät dont want u & wll never date u shauntaake datang & fuckang gonna fuck them up they gonna lauk ceasy & stupd & chasang when it’s shauntaake turn to show shauntaäke woman & shauntaake private dates it int ä sex thang it’s  love thäng these bitches got their good sex their like they gave their big d nigger to u know hu pullang up it her nigger so he digging in it but when your in love u dont share yourself u dont fuck around shauntaake personally experince shauntaake 3 year madly in love relatonship togethaa all day everyday shauntaäke know real love shauntaake love gonna fuck them up
shauntaake / these bitches pr crasy talkang about they want to eat shauntaake now cause the pplllllllllllllll they chose connecton aint work out wit their dream births that’s their problem
shauntaakē / ppl alwayssssssssss in thé commént laughang liké u was’nt gettang nothang spēcial anyway thy fucked ä laut of ppl okay are they finish yet they got a million try’s 
shauntaake / these bitches say they want shauntaake to just pimp them shauntaake wit that u gotaa pay shauntaake first & then shauntaake wll take u into shauntaake directons & atmophere’s 
shauntaake / now shäuntaake readang chants halt shauntaake nw births wit them cause they thought i was sick fuck u we could of went to the doctors & we could of got test togethaa äint no excuses shauntaake showwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww u & told u shauntaake health was good 
shauntaäke / dirty ass donah try to hit me that bitch chants got shauntaake on vidéo tapes somewhere everywhere
shauntaake readang comments sayang the nw woman that want to be shauntaake nw investment woman say they dont approve of shauntaake datang ppl from shauntaake past or givang them money u aint gotaa worry about that shauntaake just speak they aint give me nothang so shauntaake dont owe ppl from shauntaake past anythang but to be someone they once knew shauntaake trynna make shauntaake soul right wit ppl no harsh feelangs  
shauntaake wll just be here ntil shauntaake find shauntaake racist white investment wives come u ppl your livang that’’s what your suppose to do shauntaake wll never ne jealous of u livang your life d yall post a million phauts so the world know u was here 
shauntaake sorry shauntaake off the market shauntaake seman only for shauntaake wives sorry shauntaake soul dont love u & wll never got to u these mystery white woman they realllllllly love shauntaake & it showssssss white woman sold shauntaake mystery white kds hstory bak to shauntaake we dont knoepw hu none of these white woman are they kept theirselves a secret their scare of shauntaake as well but they let shauntaake see phauts of shauntaake white kds 
shauntaake see shauntaake made some pretty kds without mixang races or trynna use uthaa ppl
shauntaake / & bitches wit no kds nee to mind their busness we dônt hw your make come out some of th prettiest bitches have the ugliest kds 
shauntaake aint djang no mutherfuckangbody
shauntaake a shinnang mutherfucker shauntaake refuse to let shauntaake full companyssssssssss out shauntaake nee shauntaake money right first your not even seeang money shauntaake 
shauntaake happy these ppl know shauntaake aint dieang for none of these bitches
shauntaake / u see ll rich bitches they real new york city 
shauntaake mad max fury road came out tjhe year 2013 shauntaake jersey city war was the year 2014
  shauntaake laughng at hw the ppl that really know shauntake sell shauntaake shauntaake rightful hstory & shauntaake mother & eddie purchase shauntaake the white oj truck when shauntaake was datang chants eddie knw shauntaake äint play wit shauntaake bitches they was always caterang to shauntaake & shauntaake girlfriendssssssssssss shauntaake girlfriends was always at our apartments & houses everyday all day & they saw hw shauntaake had shauntaake real bitches in check on their best behävor & obedient when they saw shauntaake was datang loose hoes they was like shauntakē gong to jail haaa they made shauntaake the nw oj eddie even left hs blak goves out for shauntaake shauntaake cryang crackang up läughang shäuntaake stll have shauntaake keys to shauntaake white oj mad max fury road truck ha hee hee
shauntaake / ppl actang like it aint a million woman in ths world yay know it’s a million twins that lauk those men woman shauntaake want shauntaake vanessa original white woman 
shauntaake not alang nobody it’s against shauntaake nazi religon shauntaäke can never date a muslium no môre shauntaake whites wll drop ths wold on u once more shauntaake learn shauntaake lesson but shauntaake great friends wit musliums if those woman want to marry shauntaake they should of ask shauntaäke first shauntaakē play second to nobody these hoes got the game fuckd up like they dont know hu the fuck shauntaake am
shauntaake own shauntaake most important masters yo dats dont mean sht aint nonē of them shauntaake personality or soul their not masterd shauntaake no means no those dats wll never work for u sorry u fucked wit the wrong one shauntaake creaton somethang u did’nt collect shäuntaake creatons shauntaake dont even listen to ßhauntaake old musc no more it’s alright shauntaake not in love wit it meanäng it int gonnä work for u cause shauntaake äint thankng about tht sht that’s what u get for trynna make wannabe shauntaake’s u stll aint get it 
shauntaake have’nt had a perm in shauntaake hair over 12 years shauntaake bevel shauntaake hair 
shauntaake shauntaake own lauk shauntaake own hstory & like shauntaake was sayang shauntaake seeeeeeeee shauntaake stll lauk like shauntaake teenager so wit that beang a fact  shauntaake soul & shauntaake love gonna automatic pull shäuntaake real relatonships into shäuntaakē erä’s once more why thy all caught up in shäuntaake story’s  hstory they aint got no story’s they was never in love shauntaake stll alllllllll of shauntaakē money lauks shauntaake gonna relive allll of those lauks & momments the next time shauntaake takäng a million phauts every outfit every lauk &  hairstyle
shauntaake / someone wrote they want shauntaake to date nicole once more well shauntaake dont knôw where nicole at nicole family took nicole away when shauntaake & nicole was in the 7 grade 
shauntaake / evan cool shauntaake like évan but evan aint shäuntaake white sperm donor wll be a räcist white män thät shauntaaké find shäuntaakē self 
shauntaake aint goang to nobody’s island 
shauntaake / oh my shauntaaké just clean ou kirby insulated vacum bag that could hold tuns of dirt it lauk like shauntaake kd dirt a years worth of dirt it’s dirt horrific shauntaake sav æ lil bit in the kirby bag so u could see it for yourself 
shauntaäke love hw ppl assume that shäuntaäke was’nt häppy sean taylor last däys shauntaake was happy as hell chllang stll handelang business &  goanb business dinner meetang & shäuntaake was lettang sean taylor do sean taylor cause shauntaake & sean taylor was’nt even togethaa nô more & shauntaäke was goang on dates in manhattan new york city & sean taylor hate it & want shäuntaäkē & our kds to môve into one of sean täylor nw houses wit sean taylôr as parents & shauntaake was wit it shauntaake show u hw sēan taylor kept shäuntaäke happy as hell flud shauntaake love & shauntaäke treasures 
shauntaake / hu ever sean taylor son family is give sean taylor son your heavy love cause shauntaake just saw hs soul shrivel up like a slim jim & it’s your fault u try to connct hm to shauntaake hstory not hs hstory so connect hm to what is hs whatever u have to give hm your love the ppl that love hm have to save hs soul stop connectang sean taylor son to the devil/white man/shauntaake cause our connecton aint no good cause we are not n love never was so please surround hm wit hs blood family the ppl that really love hm okay cause shäuntaake dont want to see ths connecton no more hu ever love hm nee to be wit hm more power to u & hope u live a happy life togethaa shauntaake upset tht shauntaake saw that shauntaake dont know but shauntaake know sean taylor son so ths why shauntaake tellang the ppl that love sean taylor son u nee to love hm more cause your love änt strong enough to keep hs soul alive 
shauntaake / if someonē stole your lauk it’s cause a million mutherfuckers stole from your maker 
shauntaake / ppl in the comentsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss goang off about u all wit your special effects the ppl been sold so much reach hstory that they could see the fake sht cut the fake sht out
shauntaake a never in a million years date sean taylor bitches their not shauntaake type sorry shauntaake wish they ould forget about shauntaake
shauntaake keep tellang they loose woman to do them your dead woman fuckang wit shauntaake a nigger cant even breathe on shauntaake bitch shauntaake comang for u 
shauntaake / ppl online sellang shauntaake son klld sean taylor son trynna be around shauntaake when shauntaake was on the street’s they made it shauntaake son off hm n the parks & woods around shäuntaake no offence but seän taylor knw & shauntaake son was comang a couple of months earlier 
shauntaake be crackang up laughng hu shorty shauntaake know shorty aint doang ẃhät that nẃ nigger sayang oooooh it’s pimp power struggle era shauntaake show hm some respect nw homey say they propose hm they say he also nacho them oooooh niggers goang crasy they know shauntaake copetitor shauntaake came to make shauntaake own respect wit shauntaake own woman
shauntaake about shauntaake shauntaake dont sit around & bashang ppl all day shauntaake a star
shauntaake / u see hw they do now it’s your turn no thanks u’ll never have me on a list wit a bunch of uthaa mutherfuckers u fucked no thanks shauntaake never date ppl tht date ä laut of ppl shauntaake found out about hoes fucked everybody past & shauntaakē left them the minute shaun/taake datang ä bitch & they datang someone else shauntaake gone forever sorry shauntaake was never into loose premiscous woman shauntaake the only 1
shauntaake fathaa nate was sharp as hell stay wit a pair of slacks on dress pants grown men lethaa jackets that whole guy lauk shäuntaakē fathaa was just a crack lovér that wan t get fucked up everyday that mutherfucker was thfe fäthsa of the dévil/shauntaake that was the greatest & hardest thäng for nate to to accept nate was in dsbliief scare ass hell nate had to face the deadliest ẃoman/man nate had to facē nate death nate was a fuĉk up & shauntaake world attacked kds have to properlly tooken care of
shauntaake / everybody know shauntaake represent shauntaake self shauntaake respect shauntaake love give shäuntaäke the best service thank u shauntaake greaty appreciate it 
shauntaake gonna say it for the millionth time shauntaake never had a orgy shauntaake pussy only touchd to woman name chant’s & dior b their online they have their own instagram pages
shauntaake / a laut of ppl dont respect u celebrity’s caûse your not their saviors u dont do sht for thém so they could care less about what u have to say 
shauntaake / when shauntaake money right shauntaake go out into shauntaake world & live shauntaake life & spend shauntaake money on shauntaake self & shauntaake kds shauntaake purchase what shauntaake really nee food clothang pay bills & snacks overdose & most of the time shauntaake use shauntaake môney to purchase thangs to create to make more money for shauntaake self  
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shauntaake baby’s jasmin & janyah mahagony todller video’s ths house hauntangs show shauntaake hw the poison was gonna off them shauntaake also kept shauntaake soul in ths house nder control shauntaake deeeeeeeeeeep lovvvvvvvvvvve fôr jasmin & janyah mahagony shauntaake soul play hide & seek games wit them now the deadliest shauntaake baby thangs from shauntaake pen like shauntaake chicken pocks lil girl hdang n the closet ha shauntaake caught the chicken pocks when shauntaake was in the 3 grade from some dirty kd n school they use to send their kds to school sick spreadang their germs vanessa kept shauntaake baby kd & teenager health excellent shauntaake baby the cat & mouse wearang jasmin & janyah mahagony kd hat ha lauk hw shauntaake aliens surrender those hauntangs show their fates at the ge shauntaake had to right their fates & hstory wit shauntaake love & shauntaake money shauntaake had to enrich them it shuntaake hard earn money shauntaake start sellangshauntaake wn clothes mäkng a fortune shauntaake was gettang gverment money & shauntaake was sellang pounds of marijuana that hw shauntaake was makang money in jasmin & janyah mahagony toddler pre teen era shauntaake risk shauntaake life to keep shauntaake baby’s jasmin & janyah mahagony happy stay īn toys r us the mallssssssssssss amusement parks local amusement parks department stores shoppang 
shauntaake / niggers knw shauntaake could only deal wit shauntaake real blood kds all that mixang shauntaake seman wit uthaa bitches was’nt gonna work their not shauntaake love kds 
shauntaake two blood kds enough shauntaake two blood kds jasmin & janyah mahagony owe shauntaake just to be shauntaake kds 
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shauntaake phauts made shauntaake the devil/shauntaake shauntaake soul shauntaake aint gotaa wear costumes & use speĉial effects 
shautaake aint see none of thém have a outter body experience yet no horns no claws no crasy sht they regula just like everybody else shauntaake seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
shauntaake daughter jasmin just went foôd snacks & noodles crasy in asian store & jasmin purchasē two gian piece’s of kalamari like restaraunt purchase & why shäuntaake touch the bag & roll it u in the freezer it turn nto shauntaake ghôst shauntaake/corse hand ĉone head man human man facē wit a woman kissy lips as the left eye welcome to the devil/shäuntaake world imagine takäng that out the freezer it’s gonna soak it n some garlic salt & fry it it’s gonna be so good shauntaake everythang that love the devil/shauntaake nee shauntaake to eat
shauntaake / it rain just like ths when shauntaakewas a baby & kd when shauntaake was 1 million % shauntaake acient pen walls hstory those walls the end of  the world the reducton of soul is shauntaake havang shauntaake blood kds shuntaake blood kds come wit a million of shauntaake hauntangs within them shauntaake blood kds everythang in their video’s the devil/shauntaake when shauntaake tapang thém ot take their phaut they appear in their own taken phauts as well but not shauntaake million haunts
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shauntaake the nasty lil monster on the wall that hw the devil/shauntaake came everythang the devil live’d war’d & exxxxxxxxxxxxxxperience’d war horror vanessa groom shauntaake well shauntaake always got dirty vanessa sparly white & ruffellsssssssss shauntaake vanessa custom made tailor made shauntaake baby clothes 
shauntaake / u know a million ppl play the devil your men & woman just anuthaa attempt meriyl streep play the devil the devil wears prada so u know shauntaake just laugh hu the nw devil now they dont even know real hell they never been in real hell or even know ẃhat real hell lauk like or feel like the colleseum one of those places now a whoe nuthaa breed of ppl growang up in the devil/shauntaake haunt house was hell
shauntaake the real devil/shauntaake not your job it’s a experience the devil/shauntaake death shauntaake been runnang up to everyone since a baby showang them death but shauntaäke choôse not to shauntaake told yall shauntaake beang good shauntaake also all of those spookey ass 60′s & 70′s song’s lee set it off playang that music everyday it was forever halloween 
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shauntaakē was watchang casino last night & ths mornang & the eviliest white mēn & woman sangers like led zepplin & jim morison the vietnm war sangers jim morrison was sangang about the vietnam war as it was happenang they was sangang hẃ they all masterd it for vanessa to give birth to the devil/shauntaake vanessa first try vanessa only had 1 chld shauntaake vanessa only america nee the deadliest most powerful win to be birth a american vanessa came the lauk of the devil the statue of liberty but when they saw & sang hw vscous & hw sweet vanessa was vanessa aint have the devil/shauntaake markangs & then they say u know what vanessa we’re gonna let vanessa play wit the devil/shauntaake dress the devil up & make the devil/shauntaake vanessa pretty doll baby the devil gonna bē vanessa baby & that’s what happen america nee ämerica to be the most fear ppl shauntaake baby actons came a instant murderer 1 year old hand poston sniper them vscous villan baby shauntaake lil scribbles was the devil/shäuntaake horror hstory brutal fights ran the whole city that’s the great kd that do everythang & know hw to do everythang shauntaake kd was gettang grandmursssssssssssss love shauntaake grandma earlvena campbell & every old lady that was wealthy widowssssssss & own their housesssssssss those hey baby shauntaake on every block in jersey city sean taylor hand deliver shauntaake to sean taylor grandmur roberta taylor shauntaake came the greatest hden protecter of our goods & treasures maze’sssssssssssss secrets’ssssssssssssss was birth knowang war a hitler kd that lead shauntaake army of cousin’s & friends woman & men shauntaake was the ready to die to out perform u shauntaake kd outperform every kd around shauntaake shauntaake a perfectonst excellence robot goverment systems machine that also came death & the shauntaake play death days lauk like shauntaake kd walk straight out of a dirt grave the bloodiest scabs from playang shauntaake was blood gussssssssssh u nee large towelsssssssssssssss to soak shauntaake kd blood up the holes in shauntaake clothes the heavest hard bottom shoes & sneakers lauk like bullet holes was n them vanessa could’nt save none of shauntaake kd clothes treasure imagine playang wit a kd that lauk like their dead that lauk like they walk out of a dirt gravē filthy dirty corose like shäuntaake worst hauntang on the wall a laut of kdssssssssssss was’nt allow to play wit shauntaakē kd they fear for their kds lives they only brought shauntaake cousin’s around when shauntaake was on shauntaake best behävor at shauntaake grandmä house everythang beang print in major newspapers & on the major news & movies wanna play wit the devil/shauntaake death days a million horror movies came out in the 80′s & early mid 90′s & they serîäl kller’d the world protectang theirselves from the devil/shauntaake hate shauntaake worse now & shauntaake choose to behave cause shauntaake have plans for shauntaake self america nee to be the deadliest threat to the whole world  shauntaake/sun/moon/stars/woman/monster/man/alien/human connect to earth & spacē but we’ve made so much peace since then shauntaake vietnäm ppl american service shauntaake ẃell shauntaake friends
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shauntaake the only one that know vanessa like yesterdy clothes lauks hairstyles hand touch connectons
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shauntaake the devil & shauntaake soul fully active shauntaake seeang shaunntaake self now as a racist white man magic man nagger white man kurnel sanders ncle sam man that have to sit at the head of the table  dhauntaake soul camaflagang cause shauntaake kurnel sanders uncle sam soul already shauntaake soul just goang from blak  to swhite shauntaake shantaake self but shauntaake saw shauntaake self fully white man plus michael myers wit the pastor top on trynna sanctify ths house cause shauntaake had to vscously threaten everythang to get out of here that is’nt heavenly horror house in full effect shauntaake been got it ths house/shauntaake/soul right that been hdang itself from shauntaake but shauntaake white man shauntaake been white shauntaake told u million story’s about shauntaake white giant penis connect to shauntaake dark tan skin shauntaake soul work itself all the way out shuntaake live in ths house for over 12 years since shauntaak was 17 years old & nothang never happen & tge minute shauntaake start masterang shauntaake legal birth name (shaunta)ake shauntaake white man penis came around the year of shauntaake birthday 2011 - 2012 shauntaake birthday is the same day as a white man abrahäm lincoln shäuntaake212 shauntaake make sense & now shauntaake seeang shauntaake self fully white connect to every terrible horrific hollywood movie masters that was ever create sht comang out from everywhere no & shauntaake vscously threatenang to kll everythang that aīnt ths aint about to be monster dome hell no shauntaake had shauntaake fami’y in ths house so shauntaake been purfiyang ths house & gettang it right just went straight to hell & shauntaake lead it right bak to heaven bak shauntaake not comandang to unleash shauntaake world it’s gonna givē death to everybody why spoil it for shauntaake self & everyone these ppl enrichang us as long as we perform & deliver shauntaake your great lovang decil that genuinely loves u & shauntaake great world shauntaake tellang u they  warnang warnang warnang warnang the devil/shauntaake they let off a red alert around here for a whoooooooooole night about two nights pripor to last night vanessa red alert ths house sht plud in these walls wit red alerts shauntaake pen red alert the devil/white man/shauntaake fully connect to everythang that’s the devil/shauntaake shauntaake acient pen the worst but shauntaake in love wit shauntaake pen & gonna give shauntaake pen shauntaake love shauntaake greatest threat to shauntaake whole world shauntaake have shauntaake lil baby’s shauntaake ene doll baby suns moons & stars to kss & talk to shauntaake hands free shauntaake world shauntaake art save everythang from shauntaake pen & restore it bak to new ths was a test for the real devil/shauntaake shauntaake restore shauntaake/corse shauntaake hundreds of ene shauntaake/core face’s now shauntaake tiles as well shaunaake wide smile shauntaake restore the devil/shauntaake all no nee to panic cause ths is the end shauntaake beautiful ppl but shauntaake dont want it to b the end shauntaake grown to love everythng about shauntaake ẃorld & everythang in it shauntaakē tellang u ths the time to d all of the thängs u ver want to do jus in case shäuntaäke change shauntaaké mind & decīde to finish shauntaake äll were gonna be doom shäuntaake ẃorld gonnä instantly connect bak to shauntaake oiginl acient pen walls & shauntaake hauntangs the end f shauntaake orld th shauntaakē lōveeeeeeeee so noẃ it’ time to just live everyday like it’s your last were in that stage right now if u love someone tht is not wit u right now u nee to mäke a way to get that person to be it u & spend your time wit them so your soul connects þo love cause love is the most powerful emoton that your whole body exudé’s when u really someone shauntaake telläng u shauntaakē tryang shauntaake hardest to keep myself häppy shauntaake kds jasmin & jänyäh mahagony keep shauntaake happy shuntaake mother vänessa cämpbell nester keeps shauntaake happy shauntaäke constntly creatang keeps shauntaake häppy but shäunaake want shauntaäke millionssssssss of dollars now to make shauntaake häppier that’s what shauntaake nee & want right now shaungtake tellang u stupd mutherfuckers hät shauntaakevnee shauntaake past relatnships was’nt sht & the ppl n them shauntaaake neeeeeeeed them to leave shauntaäke the fuck alone & move on wit their lives they aint do sht but use me shauntaake int collect mutherfuckers they colect shäuntaäke phauts from thät era shäuntaake music shauntaake barely have phauts ôf them shauntaake got pay for beang used were even now leave shauntaake the fuck alone shäuntaake nee new everythang shauntaäke nw money shauntaake nw kds & shauntaake nw family thät’s what shauntaäke nee everybody beeeeeeeeeeen happy as hell cause shauntaäke been creatang all of shauntaake right thangs allllllll of shauntaäke life since shauntaake was a baby shauntaake world shauntaake pen walls shauntaake hauntangsssssssssssssss shauntaake been restorang since shauntaake was a baby the more shauntaake hands create the better shauntaake world wll get ppl want the end steälang from shauntaake knw what to create without knowang shauntaake the heavest protectar of shauntaake world shauntaake been seeang shäuntaake soul shauntaake monster red man horns & claws white man set it off shauntaake hell shauntaake acient pen walls are here on earth wit us we’re äint in space no more shäuntaake have space place’s wit shauntaake space energy on earth that connects all the way to space so shauntaake soul descse shauntaakē self to be able to live amongst u 
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shauntaake laugh at everybody cause millions of ppl claim to be the devil these movie characters was chosen to be the devil that’s offîcîally apart of  their real resumes like the man that was the devil in legend one of the greatest devil acts whēn théir îs only 1 devil one woman/män that came wit everythang from spacē connect to everythang shauntaake chose to dsconnect shauntaake self from everybody cause they say théir the onē & shauntaäke aint see nothang yet
shauntaake / manifest art reveals your soul your truth & shauntaake shauntaake masters years 2011 - 2012 - 2018 shauntaake music shauntaake use shauntaakē real name shauntaake real birthdäy shauntaake real social shauntaake real hstory informaton & shauntaake stake manifest art show shauntaake that shauntaake the devil lil red man shauntaake connect to shauntaake baby phauts adult/baby these the years when shauntaake was solo & not around a laut of ppl no more 
shauntaake the wrong one for ppl to bē thankäng their shauntaake fuckng wit the french haunt wars u fuckäng wit the racist white dead thät came bak fuckng wit the devil/shauntaake deadliest one birth shauntaake constantly tellang shauntaake mother to leave shauntaake stuff alone shauntaake mother accidentally almost cut her fingers off for the 4th time the last 4 time she had to be rushed to the emergēncy room cause she cut her finger to the bone u cant touch shauntaake stuff shauntaake hauntangs gonna kll u or make u kll yourself shauntaake wont be blame shauntaake thank shauntaake mother took one of shauntaake stake art piece’s shauntaake notice shauntaake have one piece missang & alllllll of these terrible thangs start happenang to shauntaake mother since then shauntaake did’nt give that piece to her one of shauntaake stars u know from space show shauntaake it strike the tree to fall on shauntaake mother head n her truck whle she was goang to work the tree fell the same exact time she sit in her truck early in the mornangs 
shauntaake stäke art shauntaake vanessa shauntaake yeärs art shauntaake baby phauts all over that art shauntaake real lived acient treasure shauntaake world & everythang in it from the below to the above monster dome the unknown shauntaake eye’s all over shauntaake art restore animals murders hängangs linchangs from trees (alien invasonsssssssssssssssssssssss) (a) space frozen on the moon shauntaake mooooooons crasy stärs & sun’s trynna play crasy want a reason to fall cause it’s crasy shauntaake ghost the dead animal ppl from the pits of hell so ths why shauntaake stress to shauntaake mother jasmin & janyah mahagony dont touch shauntaake stuff shauntaake daughters dont touch shauntaake thangs shauntaake soul great wit jasmin & janyah mahagony shauntaäke soul/hauntang like playang hde & seek wit jasmin & janyah mahagony shauntaake scariest stuff hdang so they could see it & shauntaake so happy they dont be seeang what shauntaake see shauntaake show u in shauntaake phauts what shauntaake see shauntaakē haunt voo’s come out to play shauntaake keep them blind & innocent cause shauntaake soul want jasmin & janyah mahgony to know jasmin & janyah mahgony mother/fathaa the devil/shauntaake & their in shauntaake secret world now shauntaake know hw to keep shauntaake all peaceful & lovng to shauntaake rightful’s shauntaake soul love everythang shauntaake have everythang & shauntaake stake have shauntaake eye’ssssssssss on everythng shauntaake own aint none of shauntaake stake art for sale shauntaake stake art the most dangerous art in the world that have to be contain in shauntaake house within shauntaake love shäuntaake no longer could get a museum for shauntaake stake art strictly säfe illustratons american cartoon characters that’s it & shauntaake cores shauntaake try to explain in great detail about shauntaake cores as well the dos & dont’s it have to be real u have to really be in love wit shauntaake to purchase shauntaake core’s cause if not the dirty haunt lauks comang i know those eye’s aint move it aint smilang no more start seeang it in your sleep layang next to u followang u shauntaake wll start giftang shauntaake mother wit shauntaake safe art shauntaake world piece’s shauntaake hearts rainbows & lil characters
shauntaake the goverment/entertainent industry want to send shauntaake ppl to hell cause they were savages wreckless white ppl treat them like théy stole white ppl kds & shauntaake ppl aint know where théy was livang & they sent the devil/shauntaake to wake their house up monster dome & send them to hell & wake up all of shauntaakē haunt place’s their recklessness start warssss vanessa ssters & brothaa was kds they grw up when the vietnam war was happenang innocent kds wit hellish parentssssssss shauntaake grandma live like a wealth monster that live like could’nt nobody influtrate on her & shauntaake just like shauntaake great ncle lee & shauntaake grandma hellish livang but shauntaake just chose not to sell hate to shauntaake kds shauntaake kd came sellang hell to everybôdy shauntaake sat they hateful assess right down shauntaake grandma was trynna be shauntaake best friend vanessa & vanessa sster & brothaa’s got all ôf the greatest fame mergers connect wit shauntaake baby/man performances shauntaake kdsssssssss
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shauntaake the devil hstory shauntaake world from the below to thee above the unknown monster dome shauntaake real lived acient pen treasure shauntaake wll was the real big city lights all day & all night acton shauntaake made it felt like we were livang in manhattan in the late 80′s
shauntaake / who told ppl to be marchang downton like it was the civil rights movement they segragrate & boycott that whole commercial entertainment area no more fun no more excitement 
shauntaake real phauts crasssssssy shauntaake know shauntaake so obssess & in love wit shauntaake phauts shauntaake soul come’s out all of shauntaake life shauntaake soul the devil/shauntaake get caught when shauntaake get overly excite haaaaa shauntaake full real soul come out when shauntaake beang bad doang bad thangs sinistar shauntaakē ū see hw they allways made the devil the vilian the murderer the crook the bad guy that’s when the devil comes out to play shauntaake soul wll try to kll the devil/shaūntaake from boredome shauntaake soul dropped us n our death row poison room the gas chamber room shauntaake soul thought it was over shauntaake eye’s can see shauntaake soul thought we was captured by the enemy jasmin put the latch on the that door trynna hde shauntaake from shauntaake mother hitler army klld theirself befor the enemy could capture them exactly u wll never say klld us shauntaake have to be hu am the devil/shauntaäke nature is hell 24/2 acton wit everythang goang on in the world shauntaakē never sit stll when shauntaake money right shauntaake wll try to make sure nobody get’s hurt cause shauntaake shauntaake hate to spoil shauntaake fun  
shauntaake / vanessa & sean taylor really let the devil/shauntaakē out to play no limits u see shauntaake & sean taylor show performance lauk at the devil/shauntaake hand (oh my) what gigantic hands u have haaaaaa
  shauntaake / stupid ppl gonna get everybody klled ppl that dont understand what everythang means or ty to make thangs hw they want it when these movies & music was created way befor they was even birth shauntaake got straight f’s & was the smartest one that knw everythang wthout studyang
shauntaake dont have (a) shauntaake already the monster u see a monster when shauntaake soul come out & shauntaake dont have (a) shauntaake kd was a monster shauntaake quest to conquor everybody else kds to be the greatest performer warrang just to be warrang not for respect wit shauntaake army of cousins followang shauntaake lead to bloody cuts scrapes & soars dirty clothes holes in my sneakers & clothes lauk like shauntaake walk straight out the grave that’s the lauk of a monster we saw n movies & no one never lay a hand on me shauntaake was warrang for no reason kds hate to see shauntaake kd comang around their corners specially if we was’nt friends cause shauntaake comang to destroy u battle u in everythang u say your good at shauntaake comang to show u shauntaake greater those was shauntaake devil war days when some of the greatest movies came out the devil/shauntaake baby on shauntaake acient walls wit mssang limbs legs & arms after beang attacked by (aliens) thangs that really exist that are also hdang cause we’re hdang we built house’s to hde us were no longer out 24/7 we built thangs to hde us away so they no longer bôther us but they come out here & there trynna be nosey we catch them n the act tryna be out human outsmart (aliens) were gigantic flashang lights whites create thangs to make (aliens) scare of us
shauntaake / those femäles u better not have (a) or (hiv) if so shauntaäkē cant have oral sex wit ū & ßhauntaake cant have nprotect sēx wit u we wll strictly be realdoe sex rotect sex they have quick home made test now they just invent ūs a home test shauntaake comang wit shaūntaake test shaūntaake play fair your test results gonna let shauntaake know what we côuld do our sex optons 
shauntaakē takang phaut’s of shäuntaäke self the devil/shäūntaäke soul havē porn art shauntaakē mystery white ẃoman shauntaake vanesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssa white woman twins woman shäuntaake never seen befor long hair short blonde hair brunete hair red hair & white hair it’s crasy since the year 2011 - 2012 jumpang all over shauntaake core white penis hangäng out whle shauntaake lay out on shauntaake bak they flew shauntaake tō heaven hangang like a crusify but they aint crusify me they resträin shäuntaakē hands whle they ride shäūntaakē shauntaakē never did that in real life wit men or woman shauntaake hauntangs start comang out they been comang out shauntaake nw/old set of eye’s shauntaake just start noticang shauntaake hauntangs when u take from shauntaake creaton shauntaake lost shauntaake haunt vson shauntaake aint see nothäng u took from shauntaake full power of shauntaake seeang shauntaake soul shauntaake stop givang ppl shauntaake creatons shauntaake rebuilt shauntaake phauts of shauntaake self shauntaake video’s shauntaake art treasures & shauntaake writangs & now shauntaake 1 trillion percent shauntaake once more shauntaake happy  
shauntaake dont edit shauntaake phauts or video’s shauntaake dont know hw to edit shauntaake porns shauntaake woud just pause thém or the take a million phauts of shauntaake porn & when shauntaake go bak to lauk at shauntaake phauts shauntaake soul is gonna come out 
shauntaake the red man 24/7 all day everyday u see shauntaake phauts shauntaake beang a hell raiser let’s that part of shauntaake out so u could seeeeeeeeeeee for yourself shauntaake the devil shauntaake porns gonna let out the red man horns shauntaake man we could spot special effects we know the difference from what’s real & what’s fake u know porns are a act of beang bad when u rewind shauntaake real porn tapes shauntaake sex shauntaake soul gonna come out ths anuthaa reason why shauntaake aint want to make porns cause of shauntaake soul gonna come out their gonna see them havang sex wit the devil/shauntaake & ppl be scare of shauntaake the woman u so call infatuate wit & love their pr constantly tell shauntaake that their scare of shauntaake & everythang wit us get’s hault when shauntaake not on good terms wit them & their pr say their hault was shauntaake havang (her) they was’nt to sure they want (her) but their pr say their more open to shauntaake (her) cause thy see shauntaake never sick no medicine no breakout's shauntaakē skin body teeth & nails are the beautifullest shauntaake läuk pure & they see hw shauntaake blood kds have the purest laukang face’s skin body’s & teeth very healthy without tuns of medicines so these woman pr say their open now to recievang shauntaake love & if that’s why they made shauntaake wait for them all of these years shauntaäke no longer mad at u kissess shauntaake nderstand dont nobody want to be klled & someone could say they klld & conquord u when u were responble perserved yourself well took care of yourself properlly invest into your health u dont want nobody fuckang that up real beauty gave the greatest payang jobs the major entertinment industry 
shauntaake / we all are the generaton of the worlds of the worlds & the internet made that happen everybody that have a tumblr instagram twitter facebook or youtube page u are welcomng us into your own world we get to see your world how your livang everywhere u been the thangs u have your peronal life your world it's a welcomang into your world &  let ppl see hu u are what u are & what u represent & ppl that are investment ppl can desde whether they want to be in your world or not it's that easy create a internet page & show your own world
shauntaake / the devil/shauntaake gift & power voodoo shauntaake whole life shauntaake had voodoo powers since shauntaake was a baby kd teenager & now shauntaake a adult ths why shauntaake teachers & family was crasy about shauntaake art cause it had powers & they saw shauntaake acient pen treasures within shauntake art the first world thangs voodoo forms the whole world it’s worst when u focuse on somethang n a bad way but the goodness of voodoo makes the world blossom 
shauntaake u see the devil/shauntaake beyond beauty curse jealousy the bugs ate their dog up trynnx destroy shauntaake make now u see why shauntaake serial kller shauntaake shauntaake dont bother nobody shauntake stay to shauntake self shauntaake love jj & shauntaake was bondang wit their dog shauntaäke was in the house hdang those days wit jasmin janyah mahagony & their dog 
shauntaake / u see shauntaake bab one piece pajamas always laukang for vanessa always chllang wit uncle micheal gold hair dog shauntake doll baby was a well groom big head baby /shauntaakē giant head monster son laukang for whore dadddeee/mommy shaūntaake & the spanish man from new york city waitang in shauntaake pen walk up on shauntaake trynna holla & laukang for marijūana & shauntaäke had some mpweed so we dip off on tha low to shauntaake secret spärkang area where the corporate buildngs at & he  ask to take phauts wit shauntaake as he was waitang for the  train at shauntaake pen trynna get bak to new york city trynna brang shauntaake bak home wit hm & lauk at hu shauntaake jasmin janyah mahagony &the dog was stuck wit that’s one of shauntaake white son comang shauntaake seman shauntaake eggs the proof is when u came that make your own baby shauntaake know it be shauntaake baby hauntang shauntaake cause shauntaake haunts mock shauntake baby phauts shauntaake world love shauntaake doll baby lauk shauntaake face shauntaake ene doll baby body
shauntaake have shauntaake own vanessa shauntaake law gerber doll baby brand & make shauntaake laugh cause we’ll see when the kds come shauntaake gonna get the last laugh  
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0 notes
ruindil · 7 years
I hope you’re as Pro-Jedi as much as I am.
Oh Force, you have no idea. I’m completely 1000% PRO-JEDI. (anyone who isn’t might want to skip this post, because I have a lot of feelings about Star Wars and the Jedi Order) 
Warning: long, long meta ahead :)
I’m one of those fans who grew up during the prequel era. So when I first watched Star Wars, I got to enjoy both the Original and Prequel Trilogies at the same time. And I fell in love with it. I loved the simplicity and sincerity of the OT, but the nuanced complexity and tragedy of the PT captivated me. I’m a sucker for that kind of thing. So predictably, I was enamoured by the most tragic character, Obi-Wan. His sense of duty and how he always tried so hard and remained bafflingly kind despite all the horrible things that happened to him. It was so lovely and heartbreaking to watch how he tried and tried and yet he still lost everything but didn’t hate the galaxy for it. And the more you love and understand Obi-Wan’s character, the more you realise that what makes him such a great person is that he is quintessentially a Jedi. 
Unfortunately being Pro-Jedi is a very unpopular stance among Star Wars fans. I have met so many fans who believe that the Jedi Order was some sort of emotionally-stunted, oppressive cult that deserved to be exterminated, and to be very honest, it breaks my heart every time I hear someone say that. Because it’s not true. Not in the slightest. Obviously, these people don’t understand what they’re saying. There’s lots of evidence in EU material. 
Allow yourself to feel the emotions, then let them go.
- Jedi Apprentice #17: The Only Witness
First case in point. This is what the Jedi mean when they say ‘there is no emotion, there is peace’. (There’s also the Old Jedi Code, but that’s a whole other story) The Jedi philosophy isn’t about shoving down your emotions or suppressing it, it’s about acknowledging it, accepting it, feeling it. And then releasing those emotions and letting go. 
And the code isn’t asking a person to constantly not feel. It’s about releasing negative emotions or emotions that could distract you in a particular moment. (Let’s say you’re sparring and you can tell you’re winning and you start feeling all excited. That same excitement, if not released, could very well cause you to act hastily and allow your opponent to best you.) 
Then we have Anakin Skywalker. A lot of people blame the Order for Anakin’s fall, saying that the Jedi didn’t understand Anakin because he was emotional and they didn’t allow him to be with Padme. And here’s what I have to say to them: no matter what kind of training the other Jedi initiates received, all children are prone to feeling their emotions very deeply. Just look at Obi-Wan, that poor boy was so obsessed with being perfect, yet he still struggled with his temper and his fear and anger well through his childhood.
Yoda had always told him that anger and fear drove him too hard, that if he didn’t learn to control them, they would lead him down a path he didn’t want to follow.
“Befriend them, you should,” Yoda had advised. “Look them in the eye without blinking. Use faults as your teachers, you should. Then rule you, they will not. Rule them, you shall.”
Yoda’s wisdom was engraved in his heart.
- Jedi Apprentice #1: The Rising Force
Fear and anger are the same things Anakin and Obi-Wan were criticised for. The difference, I think, is in their response to the rebuke. Anakin got angry about it, and Palpatine fueled this by filling his head with the idea that because he feels all this, he is special. Palpatine is preaching exactly what anti-Jedi fans are saying: that the Jedi are the bad guys because they think emotions are bad. 
Obi-Wan takes a very different approach to the rebuke, he acknowledges his weakness and listens. Contrary to what Palpatine tells Anakin, the Jedi do not shun emotions. Yoda clearly says that ‘befriend them, you should’ , Jedi are supposed to be familiar with their emotions and accept them, but they must be able to control them and if they need to, let them go.
Anakin’s relationship with Padme was not bad in and of itself. The trouble came because Anakin could not draw the line between loving and possessing. Marriage is against the Jedi Code not because Jedi believe love is evil or anything. It’s more because the Jedi recognise that it can be difficult to avoid attachment when you’re in such a committed romantic relationship, and they understand that it could cause a conflict between vows to the Order and vows of marriage. The rule isn’t there to make life difficult or painful for the Jedi. It’s there to protect them from attachment. They can still feel what they feel, but they can only love from afar.
In the end, attachment is the final and only enemy of the Jedi. Attachment to a person, to emotions, that’s what the Jedi are against. They are allowed to love, allowed to feel, but they aren’t allowed to possess. And that there is the important difference. Anakin loved Padme, no one doubted it, but when faced with the thought of losing her, he could not let go.
And that’s not to say that the other Jedi did not face the same pain as Anakin. They may not have had romantic partners, but they had family. This is another aspect of the Order that I adore, and Obi-Wan says so himself.
I’ve lived my life in the structure of the Jedi Order. Yes, it was an organization with a goal- but it was also a family. I said it myself: Anakin was my brother. I had many brothers and sisters. And fathers and mothers. And even a strange little green uncle. I don’t have that home now. I don’t have that family. Almost every friend I’ve ever had is dead.
- Kenobi, John Jackson Miller
Each lineage was family, initiate clans and crechemates are family. Each Master and Padawan pair was family. They loved each other, but they had to learn to let go.
Okay, final point. Anakin was prophesied to bring balance to the Force. What exactly does that mean? We don’t get a clear answer, but we can speculate. This comic is from a recent Darth Vader comic, and it is about how the Sith obtain red kyber crystals.
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When I first read this I thought it was an excellent way to mirror the Sith’s relationship with the Force. The Jedi believe in serving the Force, in surrendering to its will. The Sith use the Force for power. (This point can be quite controversial, because domination and power is commonly the narrative of Western stories whereas servitude and surrender is seen more in Eastern fables and such.) 
Anyway, I like to think of the Sith as a corruption in the Force. They are like poison or a virus. The same way they make kyber crystals bleed, they pour their anger and hate into the Force and make the Force bleed. It is an anomaly and an unnatural state of being for the crystals and for the Force. And that’s because of the kind negative emotions (anger, hate) and negative energy they are emanating. The Force becomes corrupted by all the negative energy and that corruption manifests itself as the Dark Side. So by this theory, bringing balance to the Force isn’t about two Sith and two Jedi (this is probably the stupidest theory) nor is it about Gray Jedi (I have very strong feelings against the very notion of a Gray Jedi. It’s just utter nonsense.). Bringing balance is about removing the virus and corruption in the Force. It is about destroying the Sith.
So, The Last Jedi is coming out soon-ish, and I have to say I’ll be very disappointed if they chose to go with the Gray Jedi or the extinction of the Jedi route. I know it’s what a lot of fans want, but it isn’t what Star Wars has been about. To end off, let’s have a gorgeous quote from our favourite Jedi.
“We are not saints, but seekers,” Obi-Wan said, repeating a Jedi saying.
- Jedi Apprentice #2: The Dark Rival
The Jedi do not think they’re perfect, but they certainly always do their best. And I am so sick of this fandom for constantly criticising them and blaming them.
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Pablo Hidalgo’s Many Revelations About The Last Jedi at Comic Con Chile
Pablo Hidalgo, he of the witty Tweets wrecking Reywalker (exhibit 1), cat lover and Lucasfilm Story Group top banana, was recently at Comic Con Chile for a panel called “Mysteries of Star Wars”. One of our Spanish-speaking members from Reylo Skyforum has made a recap/translation of the panel. Behold the wisdom gleaned from this video.
Pablo (PH) opened by revealing that he wrote the captions that appear under the Annie Leibovitz photos in the Vanity Fair spotlight of The Last Jedi. He went on to scroll through the photos and added commentary about the characters and filming process as follows:
About Kylo Ren:
“Here are the bad guys in The Last Jedi -  Kylo of course, carrying the scar that he got from Rey. Kylo has a lot to prove. Even though the First Order was successful in a lot of what it did in TFA, you can't forget that Kylo was defeated by a newcomer. The Last Jedi starts off right where TFA ended, and he has to go visit his boss. We can all imagine how that's gonna turn out."
Audience member question: “Does Kylo Ren know that Darth Vader turned good in the end?” PH: “I think Luke would have told him. He may only have heard a certain side of the story from someone else, and he decided to choose what he chose to believe.”
About Luke/Mark Hamill:
Luke's gloved hand is touching "an ancient Jedi book" in the trailer.
Ahch-To is the site of the first Jedi temple, but the stone hut featured behind Rey and Luke in the VF picture is not a temple. PH: "The island is home to caretakers, and these aliens live in those huts - so Luke hasn't been entirely alone."
“The space siblings (Luke and Leia) have moments (in The Last Jedi) as well.”
Audience member question: “What can you say about Mark Hamill's displeasure with the creative direction of Lucasfilm? He has talked about this in a lot of articles.” PH: “Mark has been quoted out of context. He said he had disagreements with how his character was shown because he didn't think it was going to work out, but then he said ‘I was happy to be proven wrong.’ I think that Mark gives an amazing performance in TLJ and he has nothing but incredible things to say about Rian Johnson. I think any reports about him being unhappy are probably being framed that way for some reason.”
About Rey:
Rey has inherited Anakin's saber and the pilot's seat in the Millennium Falcon, and Chewbacca is a loyal co-pilot. 
     That’s it, wop wop :(
About Carrie Fisher/Princess Leia
"Carrie Fisher's role is much bigger in TLJ than in TFA. We didn’t intend for it to be that way at the time, but TLJ will be an amazing tribute to Carrie Fisher and Princess Leia.”
“Even though we lost Carrie Fisher it doesn't mean we're done telling stories about Princess Leia. There's chapters of her life that haven't been told yet. We have a book coming out by Claudia Grey which follows sixteen-year-old Leia. I think we have opportunity to tell more stories about her.
About Snoke: 
Audience member question: “Was Snoke's first appearance in TFA, or have we seen him before? Is he related to Darth Plagueis?” PH: “Snoke was first seen in TFA. He is a new character we have never seen before.
About the new characters:
“Kelly Marie Tran’s character Rose Tico is a mechanic in the Resistance, her sister Paige is a gunner on a bombing ship.”
Laura Dern’s character: “You had best not underestimate Vice-Admiral Holdo."
"Here is Benicio del Toro as DJ. There are all sorts of rumors about DJ on the internet; he is so shady that there's probably all sorts of rumors about him in the galaxy as well. If you shouldn't judge Holdo by her looks, you can probably judge DJ by his looks."
About Phasma:
"We'll learn a lot more about Phasma this year": there is a new comic about how she arrived on Star Killer Base. There is also a forthcoming novel from DelRey which “talks about how the First Order came to find her in the first place, her past, her home world.”
The picture of Phasma in Vanity Fair “is Gwendolyn behind the scenes, not what Phasma looks like without the helmet.”
About the filming process of The Last Jedi and episode 9:
Rian Johnson went to Skellig Michael to film the continuation of Luke and Rey’s meeting scene for start of The Last Jedi about 2 weeks after JJ wrapped up filming the end of TFA - so before TFA was released.
Audience member question: “Did Carrie's death affect The Last Jedi?” PH answer: “No, because she had already completed her part in its entirety. It did create a challenge for Colin in episode 9, because we all wanted her to feature quite prominently in it, but that can't happen anymore. We are evolving the story from the loss of that, to tell us where it should go.”
About the Force:
“If the Jedi have existed for thousands of years, they would have explored all aspects of how the Force works, from the spiritual to the biological. Only thinking of one side of the equation is an incomplete understanding.”
General Star Wars questions from the audience:
“Was Anakin Skywalker created by Darth Plagueis? PH: “All clues point to yes. This is just a theory, everyone can believe what they want; I think Sidious and Plagueis tried to provoke the creation of The Chosen One so that they could control it, and it didn't work out.
“Did Palpatine have any involvement in Padme's death?” PH: “You can theorize about it; I doubt we're ever going to get any more detail as to exactly how she died. That is a story George presented and we'll leave it as is in the movie.
“Did Palpatine influence Anakin's dreams?” PH doesn't think so. “He is a fearful person, and Palpatine took advantage of it.”
“How did you guys get over the criticism of the PT?” (lol) PH: “Lots of kids love the PT. That generation will get a chance to get out of the shadow of the previous generation. Then they also have to deal with the next generation, who have staked out episode 7, 8 and whatever comes next as THEIR Star Wars. That's healthy.”
“Is Return of the Jedi plural or singular? PH: “People should figure it out for themselves, it's magical that we're still arguing about what it means 30 years later. This is like our religion and we are not done studying it; it doesn't matter what I think about that, it matters what you believe."
“Is Jango Fett Mandalorian or just a mercenary wearing Mandalorian armor?” PH: “All we have to go by is Prime Minister Almec's word. if Jango is Mandalorian he has to be of such shaky standing that someone like Almec can say "No he's not," but there's more to come about this.”
“Are you going to make movies about the survivors from Order 66?” PH: “The era of the early Empire while Jedi were being hunted is an area of storytelling we're interested in. We just launched a new Darth Vader comic series that takes place right during that era. We're not done telling those stories, so it's always a possibility.”
“We saw Mace Windu fly out the window but we never saw his corpse. Is he alive or dead?” PH: “Depends on who you ask. Sam Jackson says he's alive and well, and I don't want to argue with Sam Jackson.”
PH: “Dave Filoni wants to do something special with stories he didn't get a chance to tell. I'll leave that for him to describe.”
“Is Disney interested in doing films about the Old Republic era?” PH: Creative direction for Star Wars is under Lucasfilm - we are always looking along the timeline to see what stories to develop, if we find a filmmaker passionate about that era we may consider it but for now the story is told through the video games.”
“There's a rumor that the First Order will fight against an external galactic threat like the Yuuzhan Vong; will there be something like the YV in the Sequel Trilogy?” PH: The First Order has its hands full trying to take over the known galaxy... The Yuuzhan Vong where going to appear in Clone Wars, they were going to be different than what we read in the books, and it was going to be mysterious aliens encountered by the Jedi - but it was never produced. In our mind there is a version out there where the Jedi encounter Yuuzhan Vong.”
“What do you think about the "Jar Jar is evil" theory?” PH: “Poor guy, he's been through so much but still has  a heart of gold.”
If you made it this far, we regale you with our quick-fire impressions:
As discussed in our podcast analyzing the The Last Jedi teaser trailer, we believe events shown in the teaser will be occurring in the first 1/3 of The Last Jedi. Pablo’s comments about continuity and Kylo having something to prove after just being defeated support that. Don’t expect to see Kylo Ren appeased at the start of TLJ, he will probably be a hot mess. (Hot because he’s attractive, get it? u_u)
The picture of Rey and Chewbacca in Vanity Fair + Pablo’s brief comment about Rey inheriting the Millennium Falcon and a loyal co-pilot in Chewie point to her eventually leaving Ahch-To in The Last Jedi. Some have speculated she will probably spend the entirety of the film on the island, but we disagree.
We are relieved and thanking the Maker after hearing Pablo say “WE are evolving the story (episode 9)” - it’s not just riding on Colin Trevorrow’s shoulders (sorry, Colin). This should also be reassuring in light of PlotGATE: the filmmaker has freedom, but Lucasfilm is always a part of the process. 
They have more Princess Leia stories to tell! And Claudia Grey is involved, huzzah!
Barely any questions about Kylo Ren and zero questions about Rey - but y’all ask about Darth Jar Jar? Get it together, my dudes. -___-
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darlingnisi · 7 years
My Time With Prince By Dez Dickerson Pt. 2
Here was part 1!
With Lisa Coleman joining the lineup to replace Gayle Chapman, we’re now into the Dirty Mind Era.
The Trench coat look was inspired by Sting from the movie Quadraphenia.
Prince insisted that the home recorded sessions be the record instead of going into the studio. He won out.
Rehearsals were still long jam sessions and experimentation 
This time, though, the results of the group’s creative output in rehearsal would often find its way onto tape in Prince’s one-man sessions. He would tape our jams in the warehouse on a boombox, and take them home as work reference tapes. As a result, the line between who actually came up with ideas and who got credit became blurred. This issue would come back to haunt in the future.
The title track, “Dirty Mind” actually came from a synth riff Matt came up with in rehearsal. “Uptown” was built on a bass groove that Andre played in rehearsal. The most clear-cut “borrowing”, though, came in the form of the song “Party Up”. That song was originally written by Prince’s friend (ever-present in the summer of ’80 rehearsals) Morris Day.
Morris had written the tune. Prince heard it, and loved it. He cooked up a deal – give me the song, let me rework it as my own, and I’ll get you a record deal.
Dez himself was tapped as the de-facto band leader when Prince was out. P would leave and have the band keep working with Dez in charge. Dez also had greater license to give honest feedback to P than the other members.
On their SNL Appearance
During the song, Prince used the pseudo – vulgarity “frickin” in the lyrics (“…fighting wars, is such a frickin’ bore, Party Up…”). On the set, through the monitors, it sounded to me like he and actually dropped the “F” – bomb on live TV. Afterward, it was a topic of serious discussion – did he, or didn’t he? I was convinced I had heard it.
That night, Charles Rocket made live TV history – thinking that Prince had already uttered the profanity once, Rocket clearly, purposely dropped the bomb. This made our goodbye an even more unique and memorable moment than I EVER expected. I don’t know what the aftermath was at NBC, but Rocket was gone the next week…
On Prince getting the offer to be let out of his contract
Later that night, we hung out in Hollywood. Prince wasn’t with us. Someone told me something that shocked me – the label folks had offered to let Prince out of contract earlier in the day…Sales of “Dirty Mind” were falling short of the labels expectations…This, combined with what some in the company felt was a too – radical change of sound and image, made for some skittishness on the part of the company regarding their investment in this mercurial young star. So, I was told, based on these factors, the label tried to convince him to walk away and sign with someone else that, perhaps, understood his vision a bit better. Prince, once again showing grit and wisdom beyond his years, didn’t bend; knowing that they couldn’t drop him – he had a guaranteed 3 record deal!
Despite the concerns, Dirty Mind was well received critically. They also specifically positioned him as a New Wave artist, having the tour stop at New Wave Venues and circulating the project with rock critics.
On their trip to Europe
In London…
As we were walking, just taking it all in, a young black man on a bicycle did a double take as he was riding by and just about crashed. He turned about, pedaled up and said, “Are you Prince? I’m coming to your show! Are you going to play ‘Sexy Dancer’? If you do, you’d better play it properly!”
We were taken aback, not so much by the rapid-fire questions, as the proper English accent coming out of this brother! As provincial as it seems now, that was a bizarre and surreal experience for these Midwestern kids who had never been outside the United States before.
Trouble with customs…
After their show, Dez had to get back home as he was getting married to his long-time sweetheart. Prince decided to come home early too and traveled with him. On their return to Chicago, they were tagged as suspicious, coming from Europe, seeing they were musicians…and other things…
They took us away, and proceeded to place us in separate holding rooms…I asked them what this was all about. The officer was very frank – he told me we fit a profile they used for identifying those likely to smuggle drugs. When they finally let us go, I found out they had actually gone as far as to strip-search Prince!
On Andre’s exit from the band
If my entering into a management deal was perhaps the very faint beginning of tension between Prince and I, tensions between Andre and Prince had developed into a full-blown meltdown. The issues that arouse surrounding The Time’s album (the publishing, the uncredited recordings and writing, etc.) had all piled up as far as Andre was concerned. Technically, he had quit at the end of the US leg of the “Dirty Mind” tour. He officially split after the European jaunt. I was bummed about it. Andre had been a musical and visual anchor for the band, and we had gotten to be friends.
[Not to be THAT PERSON but there are two chapters about the Rolling Stones incident. There’s no way I can summarize the way it was written here…it really is play by play. Please try to get your hands on this book or check your local library to see it for yourself!]
Trouble with planes…AGAIN
The Time is in the mix now. They were on the Texas Air plane heading to their next tour stop excited and rowdy. A “particularly cranky chief flight attendant” brought Sky Marshals on board to escort them off….well all of them except Monte Moir, the only white member of the band. Dez called the flight attendant and asked “Why did you kick the black guys off, but not the white guy?” She glared at him and walked away.
An Iranian passenger across the aisle from Dez was also upset by the situation. He called flight attendants back as well to voice his displeasure, “even going as far to set his food tray in the aisle in protest at one point.” The “Hair Lady” (head attendant) kept looking at Dez “as though I were part of the other gentleman’s campaign” though Dez never said anything else regarding after the first question.  Other passenger took it too far though when he grabbed the arm of one of the attendants.  Both Dez and the passenger were arrested (though again Dez didn’t do anything but ask the initial question). As Dez was led off the plane, his wife saw him and handcuffs and was upset. Head attendant lady blew a gasket (Dez’s wife was white) and it was just all bad.
They did have the benefit of being on home ground though as people recognized Dez and let him go (though he did have an outstanding warrant for parking tickets on a car that he’d sold).
On Little Red Corvette
The guitar solo is Dez and is ranked #64 on the 100 Top Guitar Solos of all Time by Guitar World Magazine. It was 4 different solos that Prince edited down to 1.
On 777-9311
It was Dez’s phone number. And people called it all the time.
*** Part 3 …the unraveling of the early Revolution…and the beginning of the Purple Rain era of Revolution…
Buy it here for lots more stories! (Again sketch website, but they do send it!) 
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