#then jolyne's problems started
jolyn suits being SEVENTY FIVE FUCKING DOLLARS is so bad for my bank account. they just came out with like a galaxy star moon print and it’s so pretty and i love it so much but i already have like seven swimsuits in rotation. and i literally ordered two bikini tops today. i do not need this. but i love it SO MUCH
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Welp. I just had the strange capsule event happen to me. It's only ever happened to me once before so I was completely shocked to see it just sitting there in the middle of my animal enclosure.
I feel like out of all the things the farmer experiences, this might be the one thing that takes the cake.
How about some reactions to the strange capsule from the adventurers and magicians? So like, Magnus, Marlon and Gil, Camilla, Lance and Alesia etc.
Like, the farmer has no idea what this is or what to do, so they go to the first person they can find. It would be quite strange to see the normally unflappable farmer so nervous. Maybe there could be romance and non-romance reactions from the dateables?
Sure thing! ☺️
I did two different reactions (platonic/romantic), including future marriage candidates (Isaac and Alesia). I don't remember if it was confirmed that Jadu would definitely be a marriage candidate (I want to flirt with him so much, Flashshifter please), so I left him neutral. Hope it's alright. Thanks for the ask! ❤️
It doesn't matter if Alesia is just a Farmer's friend or their partner, the sniper will respond to their alarm in the same way, namely instantly, without delay. She reacts like that to any news she receives from adventurers, because she can tell from her experience that events that the rest of the warriors and mages would normally consider nothing dangerous can spell doom for an entire world. Better safe than sorry.
Except Farmer started telling Alesia not about a corrupt monster, but about a huge capsule with alien life. She's... in complete shock, and for the first time, she doesn't know what to do next. Still, it's better to tell the Ministry and the Order, let them decide for themselves. In the case of Alesia's romantic relationship with Farmer, she later shares that she has always believed in the existence of aliens, even if her religion says that humans are the only creatures, created by Yoba.
Isaac, being Farmer's friend (if almost constant silence and absence of harsh/unpleasant comments in their direction can be called friendship at all), at first will not react at all to the panic raised by the young adventurer. They have thei Guild master - let them take their stupid problems to Marlon. Why in the world would Farmer want to bother him? He wants a goddamn rest. But later, the sullen monster hunter will almost swallow his own tongue because of shock. What the hell is that thing? And it's... pulsing??? Report this to the Order immediately.
In the case of a romantic relationship, Isaac won't be rude or ignore Farmer, and will almost immediately rush to find out what's got his partner so worried. Well, the reaction will be the same - pure shock and confusion. The alien capsule... Sigh, and his day had started out so peacefully...
If Lance's friend, who single-handedly managed to deal with Bully and Apophis, is shouting that something terrible has happened, then it's a very serious matter. The gallant adventurer immediately arrived at the place where Farmer had pointed out, in passing giving a warning to Jolyne and the other members of The First Slash to be on their guard. Even as a young man, Lance had seen all sorts of wonders and creatures, but even this was something he wasn't prepared for....
This should be handled by the head of the Ferngill Republic. Sure, Lance would make a report for the Order and the Ministry, but they deal with magic, and this was completely different thing. After the capsule is taken away, Lance assures his friend that everything will be fine. Except, being Farmer's partner, he and they will reflect before bed whether they made the right choice. What will happen to that alien, and was it really a threat?
A capsule? What capsule? Farmer, wait, don't pull Jadu's sleeves. Okay, he'll go after them, but there's no need to panic so much. "What's wrong with them", the young mage thinks. If his memory doesn't deceive him, Marlon had described his new Guild member as professional and always keeping calm. And now Farmer in front of him is panicking and flailing their arms.
Fine, they both come to the farm, so what next- What... What is that? It's a... thing. it's emitting a strange energy that's unlike anything else. It's actually disturbing. Jadu's a pretty calm and collected person himself, but this capsule definitely needs special attention. It's worth alerting Camilla. Or the Ministry of Magic right away. Either way, Jadu thanks his friend for keeping a watchful eye on the safety of the people of the Valey.
Marlon already knows very well that Farmer is capable of many things - no monster in the Mines and Skull Cavern can stop them, and dozens of corrupt mummies in Crimson Baldlans fall by their weapon. Therefore, if they burst into the Guild, anxious and panicked, it means a great danger is coming. Before doing so, however, one-eyed adventurer will remind Farmer that it's impossible to make wise decisions in s state like that, so they need to calm down first.
When they both arrived at the farm and saw the object of Farmer's worry, Marlon still remained calm. The thing hadn't exploded and no one had crawled out of it yet - at least that's good. The Order of Pythagoras should look into this capsule, they can figure out what it is and if it's a danger to humans. Farmer's doing a good job keeping Pelican Town safe. There's no problem he and Marlon and Gil can't solve, everything if fine.
"Huh," that's Gil's reaction out loud to all of this. To be honest, it's only on the surface that the old adventurer seems indifferent to what's going on around him. Gil is just as concerned about this strange light emitting capsule, it's just that he doesn't panic as much as his young colleague. Destroying the thing would probably be unwise, little wonder what's inside. A virus? A monster? A hostile alien creature? What a load of bollocks this thing's dropped on their heads.
Gil will immediately contact Marlon, taking Farmer with him (and reassure them, reminding them that panic is an adventurer's worst enemy in such cases). The important thing now is to figure out exactly who the three of them need to contact with such a problem. Gil still insists on contacting the Order of the Knights of Pythagoras, since this thing can definitely be classed as a "potential threat to human life." The Orden will deal with this problem.
Poor Farmer was shaking beside Camilla, who had dropped in, sounding the alarm, pointing their finger in the direction of a two-metre long strange capsule. Their gut was screaming that this thing contained something (or someone) dangerous, but the young farmer didn't know who to turn to for help. And that's where Camilla came in! She's the one who can definitely tell them what to do with this capsule that contains danger.
"Or potential." What?... "Darling, what makes you think this object reeks of danger? Maybe it could be useful to us, who knows what secrets are inside." Oh, no no no... Farmer regretted telling the witch of Castle Village. She teleported capsule instantly, Farmer didn't even have time to react. "Don't worry, it's gonna be ok. We'll take care of it~" With that, she spurred and vanished into the smoke herself. Now Farmer was panicking even more.
Magnus Rasmodius:
"Magnus!" The man with that name nearly dropped the flask of black liquid right into his potions cauldron after that sudden noise. He began to grumble at this tactless appearance of Farmer. Though their panic and incomprehensible muttering made Rasmodius realise that something was wrong, they're usually collected and unwavering.
A capsule of incomprehensible contents falling from the sky right onto the ground of his friend/lover... Yeah, that's not something you see very often. Magnus will ask Farmer to calm down (or use a spell to do so), while looking at the capsule. Yes, the unknown is frightening, but maybe it's not that baf? Naturally, Magnus will move the capsule to a safe place, alerting the Ministry to be as careful as possible with the object. The reaction in both cases will be the same (only in the case of a romantic relationship, Magnus won't grumble about the abrupt open door).
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potatogirlll · 2 years
so, jojos and autism
Since it's 7 am and i have nothing else to do, I've decided to compile a list of Jojo characters that i think may be autistic. Because there are. A LOT.
Part 3
Jotaro: dude. He is literally THE most autistic anime character I've ever seen in my entire life. How he gets upset over stupid shit but remains calm during actually distressful situations. How he's mostly quiet and his expression is always the same. HOW HE THINKS EVERYONE ELSE KNOWS WHAT HE IS THINKING. and also that one clip with koichi where he is UNABLE to make small talk. Yeah
kakyoin: Self isolated masking child prodigy that memorizes random trivia he finds and uses it as a conversation starter. Literally feels like he is alone in the world and no one can understand him because no one tries and no one can, he also has an extremely internalized displeasure and apathy towards the world... This is mostly subtext but if you pay attention its there, i love my boy
Part 4
Kira: extreme anxiety over his nails, masks all the time, kind of infodumps, lack of empathy, obsession with his routines, etc. This one i am not so sure about, as he definetely has antisocial personality disorder and his obsessions with his routine and his nails could be interpreted as OCD. just some thoughts
rohan: OK HEAR ME OUT. No social awareness, has a very specific way of writing his manga, DOESNT CARE WHEN HIS HOUSE IS BURNING DOWN AND WANTS TO KNOW HOW JOSUKE CHEATED. Licks a fucking spider and doesnt see the problem!!!!!!! ik yall hate him (affectionately????) but i just had to say this.
Part 5
Giorno: usually monotonous voice, thinks outside of the box, always the same expression, socially distant. This one is mostly a gut feeling, but it could also be interpreted as him being a very traumatized kid.
Part 6
Anasui: (disclaimer: i hate jolysui i hate him as a person i hate how the manga did him i hope he just stays in his little queerplatonic relationship with weather while taking care (very horribly might i add) of emporio and never is exposed to the outside world. i love him. ughhhhh) lack of social cues, especially with jolyne, obsession with dismembering things, extreme emotional outbursts,,, the signs are there, but it could also be interpreted as ocd, ocpd and intermittent explosive personality disorder, respectly. whatever.
Pucci: uses prime numbers as stimming mechanism, kind of sees social interactions unconventionally, lack of empathy (but not as much as kira, also no clear malicious intent, so i dont think hes coded as a psychopath?). Again, could be interpreted as OCD.
not gonna add foo fighters because theyre literally plankton but they do have autistic traits
i havent finished part 7 and havent started part 8. as of writing this, part 9 currently just released its first chapter, and i dont see any autistic traits in any of the characters rn. might edit this in the future and add anyone that i might have missed or just discovered through reading the later parts. Thats all i wanted to say, thanks 4 reading
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nami-moittli · 1 month
Was thinking about my SDC! Jolyne AU, and I imagine her to still have the pendant that her dad gave her, the one with the picture of Jotaro and Jolyne’s mom, and so that means that Jolyne would still have the stand arrow shard. At first I was thinking it would just be a memento of sorts, but Araki once mentioned that Anne was going to get a stand if she stayed with the gang and that got me thinking
Before Anne leaves, Jolyne talks to her, relating to her through her own parental troubles (not that we actually know Anne’s backstory) and so she pulls out her pendant. She tells Anne about how her dad did love her, even though he wasn’t around. Then she realizes, Anne really is in a similar position to her. Being pushed away for being young and not having a stand, Jolyne sees herself in Anne here.
And so, carefully taking out the arrow shard so that no one sees the picture inside, she offers Anne a chance to come with them. Of course, it’s not without its risks, if Anne doesn’t get a stand, then she’ll die, and Jolyne lays this out very clearly for her. Option A, go back home and try to fix whatever problems you have at home, or B, take the risk of cutting yourself with the arrow and risk dying
Ofc the others would be very surprised to know that Jolyne apparently has something that’s able to give people stands, and very curious on who the fuck her father is to have something like that in the first place (he’s a marine biologist? Not with the SPDW??)
Ofc Anne would take it and cut herself, probably pass out, but decidedly not dead! Though this does mean that I would have to design, name and give a power to her now so that’s fun
Maybe a healing based power? God knows these guys need it. I did once see a post about how hamon has the ability to heal and that “Joseph was trying to play a dps when he should’ve been a healer” (I don’t remember exactly what they said, but that’s close enough lol)
I like to think that that’d come up and Jolyne’s like, Old Man, if you do not start that up again I swear to whatever god that may exist I will fucking kill you before any of our enemies have the chance to think of it themselves
And do Joseph starts using hamon again! Yay lmao
I do still think having a designated healer stand would be good though, so now to just figure out the logistics of that
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tlcartist · 2 years
Jotaro’s character arc over the events of Stardust Crusaders to Stone Ocean is just really powerful and I can’t stop thinking about it. 
Our first introduction to Jotaro revealed a bratty teen who frequently called his mom a bitch along with any other woman who mildly annoyed him. He adopted the brash, tough guy persona of a delinquent because he didn’t understand how to express himself, operating under the assumption that those around him should just get what he’s feeling. In spite of his cool exterior he was a bit of a hot head who preferred to solve problems with his fists than with his words. But all of this was ultimately a facade, a persona he adopted as a defense mechanism, because ultimately, if you remain unattached people can’t disappoint you. If you play your cards close to your chest people can’t hurt you. If you act aloof then you never really lose anything when things go south. 
We got to see him mature during the events of Diamond is Unbreakable. This is a man who’s learned that he can no longer afford to shoot first and ask questions later. He’s not only a father but takes on a protective role while helping the townspeople in Morioh. This is a man who has responsibilities and people to care about beyond himself. This is a man who’s learned the value in caution, patience, and observation. This is a man who has experienced the loss of a loved one. He truly understands what’s at stake and the risks involved in every encounter and acts accordingly.
And yet, in spite of all of this growth, Jotaro was still a deeply flawed individual by the events of Stone Ocean. He was a hero but he struggled to maintain personal relationships. He was dedicated to his work but neglected his daughter, and while this may have been done with the good intention of protecting her, it still resulted in harm. He was far from perfect but honestly, like every JoJo, that’s what made him interesting. 
He didn’t get to experience an end with all of his t’s crossed and his i’s dotted. He never got a clear reconciliation with Jolyne. While she did come to understand his motives over time, they never got the time they truly needed to get a fresh start. Understanding is one thing, but understanding without addressing underlying issues is like putting a bandaid on a gaping wound. The characters in Stone Ocean didn’t get a perfect ending wrapped up in a pretty little bow, and yet, in spite of how much it hurts it feels right. Much like in real life, sometimes things end with words left unsaid. Sometimes we die with our regrets, with our would haves and should haves while the world marches on. 
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cosplayinamerica · 1 year
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Merengue from #AnimalCrossings Cosplayer: @BlueClarice Photo: @angeladalton_author Con: #AwesomeCon
I’ve always enjoyed dressing up. When I was a kid I would refuse to go anywhere without wearing a tiara which eventually evolved in me not going anywhere without my detective hat. But then one day when I was 14 I decided to dress up as a character from my favorite anime at the time and I’d like to say I jumped head first into #cosplaying then but I didn’t. I was scared to be open about liking to dress up.
Even though I went to many conventions in my younger years it wasn’t until my 20s that I started to cosplay more consistently with more elaborate costumes. There were many moments where I thought I might actually be good at this and one key moment was my first #cosplaycompetition. It took me a year to work up the courage to even enter.
I created my first ever suit which was covered in hand sewn zippers and I went in not expecting to win anything. So I was completely surprised when I had entered as beginner and won as intermediate. I’ve been cosplaying competitively ever since because it helps push myself further to create bigger and more complex costumes and meet some amazing people.
As soon as I saw @Sunset Dragon’s version of Merengue from Animal Crossings, I immediately knew I had to make it and make it look like real strawberry cake!
This was my first time ever making a dress and was the hardest cosplay to figure out how to make. I had to do a lot of research to figure out how people traditionally make fake cakes. They use sponges for the cake and spackling or modeling clay for frosting but I had two problems I couldn’t find a sponge large enough for a skirt and clay could potentially chip and be too heavy.
I solved this by using a roll of memory foam for the skirt and hand sculpted wool for the frosting. I did a lot of hand sewing, dying, beading, and needle felting for this cosplay. I even crochet a matching strawberry bag with a strawberry chain and created strawberry cake hair clips.
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My most proud cosplay is my Jolyne Kujo cosplay! I think it’s my best sewn cosplay to date because it is patchwork that I literally hand stitched together to look like it was strung together by her stand. I’m also really proud of the wig because I turned a white straight wig into a blue and green afro with box braids! I especially love the braided butterfly detail. I also will forever love this cosplay because it got me my biggest win yet. I won Blerdcon’s Craftmanship contest 2022 and became their first black cosplayer of the year for my hard work. 
The only thing I’d like to add is that I’m just getting started. I can’t wait to create and show the world all the crazy designs I have in my head.
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jjbabies · 2 months
How does potty training go with some of the kids?
Oh boy, that can be tricky. Most parents already have some training started at home, so we try to reinforce it with the class bathroom or in the infant rooms.
-Most of our older kids like Dragona, Rohan, and Jolyne have no problem. They just need reminders to wash their hands every now and then
-Ermes, Prosciutto, and Melone usually make it to the bathroom! Usually…
-Since kids like Joseph, Mike O., and Dio are still learning (and have accidents), they usually wear pull ups. All we do is change them and encourage any attempts to learn on their own.
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
I've seen a lot of different AUs on here, especially with vampires. I went back a bit. But then the app closed out. 😔
Anyway, (and maybe this was already done further back) but I was thinking of an AU where Joseph teaches Holly how to use Ripple/Hamon. She teaches Jotaro who then teaches Josuke. Meanwhile, Giorno either learns on his own or meets a Zeppeli descendant who teaches him. 🙃
If I may raise a possibility: this happens in the Hamon Healer AU
Holly really wants to be like her awesome Great Granny Erina and Grandma Lisa and gets her dad to start teaching her when she’s still really young. Lisa Lisa and Caesar end up teaching her a bunch of other little tricks and eventually once she’s getting older and more capable start giving her formal training
And from there it really begins to be a family legacy type thing, with every new member being taught at least the basics so they can defend themself and treat injuries. Holly eventually teaches Jotaro, who then teaches Josuke with the help of Joseph, and around then he even starts teaching Jolyne and maybe does some joint lessons
As for Giorno...... what if to differ this from the Night Learns the Sun AU and draw from your Zeppeli idea, it was Caesar who found Giorno. It was clear the kid had a home, but Caesar couldn’t shake the feeling that something was.... off.
So he did what Lisa Lisa did for him and started teaching him Hamon, starting with the basics and slowly working up to more advanced stuff. He was never able to convince the kid to come back to Air Supplena with him (despite the years they’d spent together Giorno was still too wary and paranoid to do that, plus it was a long ways away) but he made due with the terrain around Naples. Eventually he even started renting a small apartment in Naples in order to save travel time and money....... plus leaving the kid alone for days on end made him anxious
But let’s fast forward a couple years. Caesar ends up being called back to Air Supplena since apparently the mafia are causing problems and getting a bit too close again, so he heads back to Venice to help deal with it, but not without tell Giorno where he’s going and that he’ll be back in a few weeks
Imagine his surprise when not even two weeks later when he’s taking a break at a nearby restaurant he sees his kid student in Venice where he’s definitely not supposed to be what the fuck how did he get here-
Imagine Giorno’s surprise when his Very Unhappy Teacher marches over to him and suddenly remembers “oh fuck he did say he was going to Venice for business didn’t he” and starts scrambling for an explanation
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pillow-anime-talk · 1 year
jolyne's revenge.
request: how would jolyne react if her boyfriend reveals that he was bullied by romeo jisso during middle school?
# tags: scenario; current relationship; mostly drama; also fluff; flashbacks; nightmare; crying mention; mention of being bullied; angry!jolyne; rather sfw
includes: male reader ft. jolyne cujoh & romeo jisso in the background {jojo 6}
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↘ You’ve been dating Jolyne for many years. It was a really good and supportive relationship, although it was obvious you both had your ups and downs. Together with the girl, however, you had a relationship based not only on love, but also on friendship, thanks to which you could always be one hundred percent honest with each other. Trust was the most important thing for you in the relation.
↘ You had quite a hard time in middle school. You didn’t cause any problems with your behavior, your grades were satisfactory (for you and your parents), and you could boast of two close friends and, of course, your pretty girlfriend. Even though you were in two different classes during the school period, you spent a lot of time together during breaks and after classes (usually in arcades or manga shops).
↘ Your greatest and only nightmare during your teenage years was the presence of Romeo Jisso in your class. The boy has been in love with Jolyne for a long time, and since she had an amazing relationship with you, this has resulted in a growing hatred towards you. Romeo bullied you often; pulled your hair, destroyed your pencils and crayons, insulted you in front of other people, stole your money and wished you all the worst – including breaking up with Jolyne.
↘ Fortunately, the middle school period passed quickly and as soon as you left the school walls, you could breathe in peace and deal with more pleasant things.
↘ A lot of time has passed since the end of that stage of education, and in addition this year was your next anniversary with your beloved woman. It was pretty crazy that you guys were still together with strong feelings and a friendly atmosphere. You even planned to move in together, but actually you spent the night together, sleeping cuddled up at Jolyne’s house (her father, Jotaro, surprisingly liked you very much).
↘ Unfortunately you had a nightmare that night; you couldn’t quite remember what it was all about... Romeo probably took Jolyne from you and laughed in your face as he cheered your ignominious defeat. It was awful, and yet so abstract that you didn’t know if it was real or not... You awoke from your sleep thanks to Jolyne’s voice. She touched your face and sweaty forehead. Your entire back was covered in shivers.
↘ “Are you okay, Y/N? You were shaking a lot in your sleep and you started to cry.” She said concerned about your condition, smiling slightly to comfort your worried person. You didn’t cry often, maybe while watching movies or when Jolyne gave you a birthday present. Crying in your sleep was new to both of you.
↘ “Nightmare.” You answered honestly, rubbing your face with your hands.
↘ “Want to tell me about it?” She asked, while offering the glass of water that always stood on the cupboard next to her bed.
↘ You thanked her and told her about your dream and also the past. You had nothing to hide from your girlfriend. Of course, you apologized to her for keeping it a secret, but you admitted that you were ashamed of it and preferred to remember middle school as a time of study and time spent with the green-haired girl. You laughed a little, but there was also some emotion. You told exactly what Romeo and his closest friends were doing to you, and when you were done you thanked for the water and breathed a sigh of relief.
↘ Looking at Jolyne, you saw the bloodlust in her eyes. It was the first time you saw her like this, and it was strange for you (a bit). At first you wanted to speak, but the girl hugged you and then stood up.
↘ “... Where are you going?” You asked, surprised.
↘ “I’m goin’ to kick that jerk’s stupid ass. Maybe it’s too late and he probably doesn’t remember what he did to you, but don’t worry. I will remind him of that.” She smiled sweetly and then put on pants and a sweatshirt. “Shall we go?”
↘ Your girlfriend was insane when it came to hurting those closest to her, but she was definitely the most wonderful person you had in your life and you were grateful that you could have a relationship with her.
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antirepurp · 2 months
working on writing bits and noticing a particular challenge with removing the universe reset from stone ocean: addressing the aftermath in a way that works. because with the ireneverse also comes the erasure of prison sentences and crimes, those don't need to be dealt with separately anymore. if you remove that and intend to address it you have to tackle the fact that everyone's still wanted for a number of reasons including them breaking out to chase pucci. for jolyne it's reasonable to just pull the speedwagon card and have them solve that problem, but for the others its harder when they definitely committed crimes for one reason or another and had little to no alibis for them either. it's an interesting case really, one that highlights that thing in stone ocean where everyone's lives are over from the start, where they are set to rot within a prison for years to come no matter what. it definitely makes creating a satisfying aftermath more difficult, let alone figuring out a way to "solve" that aspect of it
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That one recent question about Amethyne RSV gave me another one; how would the event be if Lance ever met with one of the Amethynes?
Let's just say the family had something to do with the adventurers. Maybe they tried to established a new Ferngill Republic department of defense, or a private security company that specializes with monsters (it's just a prompt that I randomly came up with, I'm sorry if it sounds dumb 🥲)
They need someone they can consult with, or even better, establish collaboration. For some reason, they managed to contact Lance (either they asked Farmer, or just knew him since from one of Victor's heart event, Lance seems to be the type of adventurer who is famous and approachable due to his friendly nature)
I can imagine, since from what I heard somewhere, Lance came from a noble family. So he knew pretty well high society etiquette, but never show them to anyone because of his humble personality. But when he met the Amethyne, he unconsciously let those etiquette lesson seep out (again, this might sound dumb, but I just love a situation where Lance unknowingly let others see his nobility side, especially to other noble that doesn't know his family and known him only as an adventurer)
Thank you for reading my super long rambling
Yes yes yes yes! Y E S !
Be aware, dear anon 😅 also super long rumbling:
I definitely remember discussing with someone the possibility of Lance meeting the Amethyne family (at least one of them, like Maive), as the Farmer's spouse, not on official business. But this event is entirely possible!
Because if you recall the events in SVE, civilians can hire adventurers as mercenaries and bodyguards, and it doesn't violate the rules of the Guilds themselves or the Order. How exactly this happens, and whether it is somehow documented (by contract) is unknown, and yet it is there. Gunther was able to hire a Farmer to accompany him to the Mines, so why can't other adventurers do such a thing if it means extra profit and glorification of the Guild's name?
The north of Ridgeside Village is teeming with monsters, and although ninja assassins stand guard, they don't officially show up anywhere. Also, people are realizing that monsters exist, which means that if the problem gets to be too big, it's time to call in the professionals. And since the Amethyne family are (officially or not - I can't say) patrons of Ridgeside Village, looking out for the very community, like Lenny, they will send urgent letters to verified Guilds, offering work in the "cleanup".
Maive would definitely push for an urgent meeting with the Guild heads or deputies, as she wouldn't allow a possible threat to Ridgeside Village, plus the area covered in monsters could be utilized. I came up with this "Maive want an expansion everywhere" theory, because I vividly remember meeting her at the resort on Ginger Island, and the first thing she said was about "expanding the resort and creating a tourist spot here", or something like that. That surprised me a little bit. I don't know why the hell our Madame thinks she can do whatever she wants, but apparently she has enough power and the means to do it, she feels so confident. So Maive can do the same with Ridge Forest.
Now the question: which Guilds will respond?
The famous Castle Village was the first choice, since it's all professional monster hunters (also the prices are sharp, as Morris confirms when he hired them for Spirit's Eve, but it's not a problem for wealthy noble family), but due to some personal factors, Camilla said no. Okay, whatever, Maive will complain, and starts looking for other options later. The Adventurer's Guild is the most logical option, as the headquarters is not far away, but Marlon is unlikely to agree to deal with this family of demanding aristocrats, even for a lot of money (his own nerves are more important). And The First Slash Clan comes to mind.
Jolyne could safely let Lance, as her second-in-command, negotiate such contracts if it meant a benefit to the First Slash itself. Given that our pink-haired adventurer is smart and well-mannered (we won't mention here the possibility that Lance can be a smug bitch), his charm, silver tongue and friendly nature, he will always make good deals, Jolyne trusts him to do so.
Maive will invite Lance to a meeting at her mansion for dinner because that's what the rules of hospitality in her house require (also headcanons, because idk how this things works). Madame was morally prepared for all the antics of the guest, considering adventurers rather rude in communication and ill-mannered. Anything to bargain for the work. And what was her surprise when Lance spoke to her according to all the rules, as a civilized man, knows table etiquette perfectly and in general a very pleasant and polite person. Maive's discerning eyes wouldn't miss it all. The conversation somehow touched on Lance's personal life, to which he would politely and modestly confirm his pedigree of noble adventurers.
So now the adventurer from First Slash will take care of the monster problem, because Maive is sure that at least one of their guild members can be dealt with properly.
She won't ask about Lance in more detail about his life, because with all due respect, these are rather personal matters and her upbringing doesn't allow her to go overboard. But it will be allowed if Lance also happens to be the husband of Farmer, best friend of all Amethyne members and grandchild of Maive's old friends. That's where she learns all the details.
I apologize if my rumbling got a little chaotic, but I've always been in favor of the idea of Lance interacting with the Amethyne family and what would come of it. Thank you again for your interesting thoughts, I really enjoyed rereading your ask! 😊💖
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purpleowl666 · 1 year
Araki knows how to write female characters? I barely see him and Oda in mentions of their female characters in manga discourses when it comes to good female characters.
Hi anon, haha sorry for my lack of energy.
Warning: Long text SA mentions, little spoilers from Jojolion.
Uh that's a good one, honestly both Oda and Araki fall into the same issue about it but when they cook, they cook (or at least is what I have noticed from Oda, since I'm in 305 chapter of One Piece, so I can't tell you how much he fails or gets better).
Let's start with Araki, In general, there are never mentions of Jojo in the tops or compilations of good aspects of some Mangas, better protagonists, best character designs, etc. Because still people refuse to see Jojos in any serious way (okay, Jojo isn't 100% serious, it's bizarre) and others refuse to watch it because of its art style.
That said, Araki fails miserably with female character during part 1-4.
He fails but not in the bad way like only uses their female characters for fanservice, but as useless or from background or encourage male protagonists.
Erina and Lisa Lisa are maybe the exceptions, but again fails, Araki was clear that Erina was Jonathan's love interest and at the same time played with the dynamics, giving Speedwagon the role that in theory should have been Erina since that role was given to the women who were the girlfriends of the protagonist, he already did Gorgeous Irene as a protagonist and fighter, why didn't he gave Erina more role if he wanted to change the roles in his story? Because he wasn't that great at times, same with Lisa Lisa, looks like an attempt to have a strong character with more than a role than just a lover, but fails miserably at the end, giving Joseph all the attention instead of a fight between both Lisa Lisa and Joseph vs Kars, sucks because he gave more of that chance towards a N@zi 💀. I'm not even going to elaborate on part 3 bc it's too obvious.
Part 4, even tho has more female characters, none of them has relevance. Yukako was totally wasted, like her only role was to be a simp for Koichi, she didn't help at all. Reimi just was like a storyteller to give context towards the protagonists rather than useful character, of course even her own trauma is just there, same with Tomoko and Shinobu. Basically all pawns to fulfill or help the male characters.
Now, being a little fair, Araki fucked off the same with male characters, specially in part 4 and 5, but come on, even the Hazamada guy had more screen time than Tomoko and Araki just left her there to be completely in love with Joseph and for what? 😭 That sucks and it's sad.
In part 7 and 8, we actually have more good side characters, but again most of them wasted, literally Jojolion has more female characters than in stone ocean and yet Yasuho is the only one with importance.
Now the fanservice, what can I say? At this point is impossible to escape from it, only Metal alchemist and Attack on titan didn't and is oh so wonderful🥰, also Araki didn't with Jolyne so I'll take that as an apology from what he did to other female characters, lol.
And finally with that issues about SA scenes and mentions, the thing is that with Lucy, Trish or Dragona (probably they aren't a she, tho but let's count them.) seems more like a thing that happens a lot due to the context, specially with Lucy. Like real life issues that Araki has show up with other characters.
My problem is with Yasuho, like okay, she is vulnerable as every other woman, but some of the contexts she wents through are more implied in a funny context and it's something I dislike a lot, like that time Joshu almost rapes her, the touches that Tsurugi gives to her are so icky (I know he is a kid, but that doesn't make it any less creepy, Emporio was also a kid and didn't do that weird shit to Jolyne).
That's my only complain, uh I can see why ppl gets annoyed or disgusted with Lucy or Dragona SA situations and I understand it, but also saying that they have to gain some kind of lesson or something good from it is pathetic as if SA situations are only for that when in real life you only get trauma, not some kind of development. Perhaps, if there should be a Pov about their feelings and fears, how is going through SA and how affects the characters and their mechanisms to protect themselves, but okay I can ask for much in a Shonen manga when fights and powers are more relevant ig:/
As I said when Araki wants, he can cook a good female character like Jolyne, Lucy, Yasuho, Kaato, Trish and Mitsuba. This doesn't mean that other minors female characters are bad, just wasted. The only I mentioned some of them doesn't have great impact but with the role they get they make it work.
Now with Oda, his issue is about the way he draws female character, lots of fanservice and the anime doesn't help. At least Araki gives more different looks on his characters, Oda doesn't, lol. Must of them have the same face as Nami, and again due to the fanservice and how long One piece is, ppl don't take it seriously, another issue is that even though there's incredible powerful females, they're never enough as good as the males, even the only female character that was better than Zoro died 😭. Now that I think about it, Araki hasn't give this powerful stands to his female characters, not as powerful as GER or C-moon type.
Returning with the one piece, as far as I can see Oda actually writes good female characters! Nami and Robin are simply incredible, and as far as I know big mom is also a wonderful and good well character.
For me, Nami and Jolyne are one of the most stronger female characters in the Manga and media, next to Maki from Jujutsu no kaisen and Korra from avatar.
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dragkbluire · 7 months
It is I, the Wizard!
heres a though, Legend of Zelda, but Jojos style.
Heres the question. Who's the jojo and jobro?
The Jojo and the Jobro ...
Well, first of all, Ganondorf is the perfect DIO. He's always the origin of the problems, so DIO and Ganondorf can be friends even xd
Now I picture them drinking a cup of tea while ploting how to end a bloodline full of heroes with strong will ...
And ok thinking about your question.
The Jojo will always be a Link
Same (nick) name, same fate, same heart. The Links and the Jojos are very alike.
At first, I thought about saying that the Jobros would be their companion in each game, but I like more the idea of Hylia being their main Jobro.
Hylia can be Jonathan now that I think about it...
Nah, Hylia is Erina. Maybe Jonathan died to save her, but she's the one who saved the Joestar bloodline. Jonathan is the heart, but Erina is the soul, and together, they create the essence of the Joestars.
So yeah.
First and Jonathan are the start of their stories, while Hylia and Erina are the ones who saved their strong will.
If I had to pair a Jojo with a Link (hey, there are 9 of both groups!!!) I will pair them like this.
I won't be considering First to have 9 Links (unless I consider Jorge Joestar, so we would have 10 Joestars (but I haven't read the novel yet * cries *))
Jonathan and Sky. Both are the start, both have a heart of gold, and both are calm and gentle, yet they can kill with their strength (being one of the strongest in their bloodline).
Speedwagon and Groose. Both tried to hurt the protagonist but ended up being their most faithful friend. (Go send them to spend time together, they will get along I know).
Joseph gives me so much Warriors energy. So handsome, mischievous, and with girls behind them. I also headcanon Wars as some kind of Batman (having a plan for everything), so they surely will predict their enemie's actions. Joseph taught Wars the "Your next line will be ...". (I don't have evidence, but I don't have doubts, neither)
Lisa Lisa and Impa. Just that xd
I haven't played Hyreule Warriors, and I have tried to dodge spoilers as much as I can, so I don't know who would be Caesar. (Sorry)
Jotaro and Time. Both grumpy old men who come back after years to teach their descendant. Also, they are tough on the outside and soft on the inside (c'mon, Jotaro didn't have his morning kiss ONE day, and he searched his mother).
Kakyoin and Navi. The know-all that and best friend that dies at the end of the adventure. (well, that's what I headcanon for Navi. Navi, just like any fairy, disappears after completing her task, and her task was guiding Link).
Polnareff and Taya (the fairy in MM. I know she has another name in the English sub, but I can't remember the name. In Spanish, she's Taya, so I will call her like that). Both searched for someone who hurt their sibling, and they went on different paths after the adventure.
Polnareff debió casarse con Malèna y no tomaré un no como respuesta. No está a discusión.
Josuke and Wind. They both feel so adventurous and optimistic, but they can deal so much damage. Also they are very cool. Wind will destroy everything while Josuke fixes (I can see it).
Okuyasu and Linebeck. Both are helpful but silly xd.
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Yo Angelo.
Giorno and Twilight. They will spend 19287372782 hours talking about animals and plants. Also serious on the outside, but lovely on the inside. They both are cute. (They smoll).
Mista and Midna. Even their names are alike xD. They help the protagonist, but they are mischievous. And they have more attention on the story than the protagonist xd.
Jolyne and Hyrule. Their worlds are ending, and they go like "MAXIMUM POWER!!!!". Also, I really find even poetic how they fight for a lost world and try everything. They see the beauty in something so tragic. What a wonderful world.
Rulie traveled alone, so I will say that the fairies and F.F. Because they heal the protagonist and because there are a lot of them xdxdxdxd.
Johnny and Legend. Bros can't have a rest. That's all I'm gonna say. I haven't finished Steel Ball Run yet (I just finished the Cath the Rainbow arc), but Johnny is so done with everything, and I know Legend feels the same.
Gyro and ... damn, Legend has so many adventures. I can't decide who I would pair with Gyro. It doesn't help I'm in the middle of Oracle of Seasons and A Link Between Worlds.
Gappy and Four. "WHO AM I?". Yeah, they have an identity crisis all the time. "I am made of two persons." "Well, I am made of FOUR." (5 if you consider Shadow).
Haven't read Jojolium, so besides Joshu and Yasuho, I don't know other Jobro. I haven't played Minish Cap or Four Swords, either. :^
Jodio and Wild. Little gremlins who have mental disorders and surely will burn everything because yes.
But Wild traveled alone (I don't have amiibo, sorry). And I don't feel like Zelda and Dragona would be alike. But I think I will leave it like that, both help the protagonist and have esteem for them.
Waos, that was a complete adventure. It was so funny to pair them like this. So so funny, really.
Thank you so much for this funny idea!!!
I had to use my brain on all power, trying to remember everything I knew about my two hiperfixiations.
Thank you!!! :DDDDD
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foxydivaxx · 11 months
Bad Romance Main Characters
I am calling the fanfic Bad Romance. Well that is the tentative title.
OG Generation:
Sanji: The main protagonist who is a combo of Blair and Serena and the biggest pop star in the world. If you combine Britney, Madonna and Janet Jackson and add a pitch of insanity, this is who you get. Everyone wants to either be him or fuck him and he knows it and openly flaunts his sexuality.
The story begins when Sanji returns to the Upper East Side and that opens a whole can of worms for everyone else.
Eren: The leader of Aogiri, well leader in name only as Sanji is the one that truly calls the shots. He is actually the closet thing Sanji has to a best friend. He is the other Blair in the gang. He secretly envies Sanji and wishes to surpass him one day. The reason their band disbanded is because of a fight between them leading to Sanji walking away and going solo. Fans and the media always pitted both of them against each other as they were the top two idols at the time. Deep down, both of them care for each other. Eren pretends to be innocent but is as bad as Sanji in a lot of areas. He also finds himself falling for Sukuna
Zoro: The Chuck Bass of the gang and Sanji's main baby daddy and lover. This guy is the richest of the gang and openly flaunts his wealth. He is a player who sleeps around but a certain blonde has stolen his heart.
Sukuna: The other Chuck Bass with hints of Georgina Sparks. He is the main troublemaker as he is obssessed with Sanji and will do anything to keep him even if he has to shed blood. He is Zoro's evil counterpart or at least starts off that way until he finds himself falling in love with Eren that is
Rukia Kuchiki: An old friend of Zoro's who is a successful actress. This lady has a serious drinking problem that would later cause problems in her relationship with her older brother Byakuya
Sakura Haruno: She got kicked out of her parents' home as of recent because she said she wanted to be a singer. The gang support her in her dreams and indirectly corrupt her in the process
Usagi Tsukino: She comes across as innocent but don't be fooled by her pretty face, she is a naughty girl, something Mamoru learns the hard way.
New Generation:
Ezreal: The Jenny Humphrey of the gang whom Sanji takes under his wing. The boy is a former one hit wonder waiting to make a comeback. Sanji sees a lot of his younger self in the kid and is protective of him. Ezreal is part of a boy and named Heartsteel that recently debuted and have been doing well on the charts
Jolyne Cujoh: She is a huge Aogiri fan and may have a crush on Eren but struggles with her sexuality
Giorno Giovanni: Dio Brando's son who is a successful actor who intends to launch his singing career soon
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dontmindme2600 · 7 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
It’s no problem, I love answering questions like these!!! But also that’s a RRREAALLLYYYY hard question for me bc it changes depending on what I’m currently obsessed with lollll and it’s even harder for me to rank from least favorite to favorite so,,, if you don’t mind I’m just gonna keep it to anime/games and list like off the top of my head in no particular order!! If that’s ok:
-Yusuke from YYH (I’m a sucker for the “punk guy with a heart of gold” trope and also the first episode/chapter where he shows up to his own funeral and gets shocked at how much everyone misses him is like,,, the only anime/manga scene that actually makes me cry lmfao. It added a lot more depth to his character as well and I thought it was cool that Togashi managed all that in literally the first volume)
-Illumi from HxH (his design is iconic and I just think he’s cool. It’s honestly mostly the design… I wanted to only do one character per series for this post but Chrollo and Kite are also up there)
-Jolyne from JJBA (funny, badass and kinda relatable in a way??? Like I’m not very confrontational at all but somehow I just. Get her. I also love the way she speaks lmao)
-Spike from Cowboy Bebop (Looking at my blog theme I bet you could never guess! there’s a lot of reasons I like him but to keep it brief I just think he’s very fun to analyze bc his character is so complex if that makes sense?? Also he’s hot which is a bonus)
-Ginko from Mushi-shi (just seems like a cool dude!! Helpful and knowledgeable)
-Vash from Trigun 1998 (How can you NOT like him,,, I immediately liked him since his intro in episode one lmao. Forever mourning the loss of his accent in the 2023 version)
-N from Pokémon (This one’s the hardest to explain for some reason but tbh I just think that he’s cool! His backstory and mannerisms are really interesting and as a Pokémon fan it’s nice to see when they get really creative with the human characters! Also keeping true to my one character per series rule here but Guzma and Team Skull as a whole are also hilarious and I love them)
-Majima from Yakuza (specifically the version from 0, but I like all of them. He just makes me laugh lmao which is super fun!! But he also shows that he’s actually a very respectable guy on a lot of occasions, which bumped him up for me. Oh also his intro in 0 IS SO GOOD)
-Klavier from Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (I’m ngl I just think he’s hot but also he made me laugh a lot… and it was always just generally really fun/interesting whenever you got to talk to him in game)
-Otacon from MGS (Like a lot of other characters on this list it just started with him being really funny. I mean come on you really can’t beat a character introduction where you hype the dude up to be this super serious science hacker guy, and then when you finally meet him he pisses his pants and rants to you about anime… Aside from that his codec calls are really fun, Otasune is a good ship, and his character development as he ages is also interesting)
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zuszab · 1 year
SAMS X JOJO AU? Oh fuck yeah!! Got any information on it? Story? Ideas for what you shall do with it? Out of curiosity it looks to be based on part 5, is this the case? Are KC and Bloodmoon going to get any specials names based on music like other Stands? Is there any other characters in the AU such as Lunar, Monty, Earth, etc?
I have a "story sketch" but it's a bit chaotic
New attendants for Daycare?
Sun and Moon were separated because the manager feared that the virus Moon had infected could spread to Sun's program and cause even more damage. They had peace for a while. A new personality began to form in Sun's head, they named it Eclipse. Eclipse is the remnants of Moon's defense code, which has merged with the code that blocks certain Sun functions such as lying, hurting people, etc. Instead, a new personality has arisen in Moon's head from the mutated defense code affectionately called the Kill Code. Developers wanting to prevent further development of Kill Code got to work as soon as they noticed it. They succeeded, but this resulted in the fusion of the remnants of Sun's personality code with Moon's underlying code. This sweet and innocent personality they named Lunar. The manager got an idea from some people to separate the new personalities from the originals so they would have a reserve for the Daycare robots. He agreed to it. Eclipse, Lunar and Kill Code got their own bodies. Lunar and Eclipse became Sun and Moon's alternates, and Kill Code became Daycare's bodyguard
How they end in Japan?
Unfortunately, the virus that infected Moon had partially spread to Sun. Freddy Fazber Pizza Plex programmers did not have the proper skills to remove the virus from their codes. Recently, it became famous about a Japanese IT company that managed to destroy one of the most dangerous viruses in the world. They wrote to them asking if they would be able to remove the virus from highly developed artificial intelligence, they replied that it should not be a problem for them. After arranging and agreeing everything, they sent all five of them to this company to check them and clean them of dangerous errors
How they get Stands?
Sun - he was stabbed by an arrow. He sensed a threat to the life of a certain women and saw a strange arrow flying in that direction. He ran there and pulled the woman away at the last moment. He get hit at head, it was so strong that it destroyed the most important parts. When he turned back on he saw some worried boy, almost immediately he saw that he had some strange figure behind him. After a short conversation, he thanked him for saving him. They split up. After a few days, he noticed that the robot he had killed long ago began to reappear, but it was different. Over time, he realized that his visualization caused by the guilt of killing him became the embodiment of his mental strength, the so-called Stand
(As for the rest, I'm still creating it)
Characters personality/vibe?
Sun - Josuke Higashikata
Moon - Noriaki Kakyoin
Eclipse - Dio Brando, Pannacotta Fugo
Blood + Moon - Jotaro Kujo + Narancia Ghirga
Kill Code - Johnny Joestar, Okuyasu Nijimura
Lunar - Jolyne Cujoh
I want to start the story with Sun waiting for Moon to talk about the current situation and plans for the future. Of course Eclipse has plans for world domination
Yes, this is based on part 5 and a little on part 4
Perhaps, but I'm not sure. If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them :3
There's an Eclipse and Lunar
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Others are "normal" for now and there's no Earth here yet
If there's anything you'd like to know more, feel free to ask ;)
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