#then not only do you get a plausible explanation for Leia having memories of her mother
radioactivepeasant · 4 years
Fic Prompts: Free Day Thursday
(Part 2 of yesterday's snippet!)
Something is wrong. Something is very, very wrong. 
Luke had been so sure of himself when he'd entered the chamber. He knew what he had to do, and he knew there was always a chance that he would die in the attempt. But his friends -- no, his family -- were trapped in this facility, and Luke would not let them die.
Yoda didn't understand. He claimed to have watched over Luke all his life. He criticized Luke for looking to the future and not the present. 
If the present is so important, Master, if you can see so far, why didn't you see that Leia's been tortured by Vader before? How can you be willing to let her fall into his hands again?
No. Luke would never let that happen. His friend was more important than his training: he would never choose to let someone die for his own benefit. 
That's not the kind of Jedi I'm going to be.
And so he had chosen to fight.
But there was a problem. 
Darth Vader had chosen not to fight.
The man's presence filled the room like smoke, billowing and curling around them both as though it could cut off every escape route. Maybe it could. Luke was not foolish enough to believe that Vader was vulnerable, just because he refused to draw his sword. The Force was with him, after all. Corrupted, used for selfish purposes, but nevertheless a powerful ally. 
But Vader did not attack.
Again and again he admonished Luke for his aggression. A hint of scolding. A hint of fond exasperation. As if he were a teacher correcting a favored pupil. 
Or a fa-
Luke cut off the thoughts in fury. His enemy was underestimating him. Patronizing the would-be Jedi, so sure of his own superiority. 
This was not a Darth Vader he had seen before. Where was the cold pragmatism? The apathy towards others? Clearly it had been in play when he had harmed Han and Leia and Chewie. 
"I have no specific grievance against those you keep company with."
And that was worse. Infinitely worse. Everything he had done to his friends -- to Leia! -- and he didn't even have any particular issues with them?! If he could torture someone he didn't hate, what would he do to someone he did have a grudge against?
What will he do to me?
Now he walked down the stairs, ignoring Luke's lightsaber, speaking calmly as though he could pretend he hadn't just used sentient beings as bait to draw him here. It didn't work like that! He couldn't just make Luke drop his guard with honeyed words. Every child raised on Tatooine knew the danger of those who spoke sweetly and held a transmitter behind their backs. Luke wasn't going to fall for it and he wasn't shy about saying so.
"The jakreb learns to listen before he runs," his enemy quoted suddenly. He sounded amused.
That was an old saying on Tatooine. A proverb to teach children to watch carefully for signs of danger before making a move. There should have been no reason for Vader to know it.
None whatsoever.
I don't like this. Something is wrong.
Something plucked at his memories. A tickle at the back of his mind, like a spider crawling across his skin. Nothing concrete, but a nameless, formless, something. 
"The dragon who moves too soon is a dragon who starves," Luke shot back, a little rashly.
Another old proverb. Less about wariness and caution and more about patience. 
I know what you're doing, old man. You're the dragon. I'm the jakreb. So which one of us is going to move first?
But Vader kept walking. After all this, after the horrible things he'd done just to get Luke here, he was just...just leaving?! But that didn't make any sense!
“You want me to drop my guard, so you can kill me. Just like you did to Ben!” he accused.
He turned his blade to a more horizontal guard and stepped up to the high ground. 
If Vader was trying to lure him in close enough to run him through, he was going to be disappointed. 
“Luke.” Vader shook his head and continued to descend the staircase. Again his voice was sickeningly compassionate. “Obi-wan allowed himself to be killed. What his motives could have been, I do not know. He told himself and everyone around him such pretty lies that I am no longer certain that even he knew what his motivations were. But I assure you that whatever he did, he did so deliberately.”
The bottom seemed to drop out of Luke's stomach. There was so much anger hiding in those words. Maybe Vader didn't have a vendetta against Luke's friends, but it was very clear that he'd hated Obi-wan. But why?
Ben said that Vader betrayed and murdered his father. He said nothing about Vader betraying him. And he'd given no hint that there might be particularly bad blood between them. Did he just think it wasn't Luke's business?
But Luke knew that Vader was right about one thing: Ben had chosen to die at that particular moment. “To give us time to escape," he said defiantly. Lightsaber at the ready, he cautiously began to descend the stairs after Vader. "So we could destroy your Death Star! Worked out pretty well, Vader.”
Vader glanced back over his shoulder at Luke, then stepped off the edge of the platform. 
What the kriff?!
He was leaving! Why? Was this room a trap? Would he activate one of those machines as soon as he was out?
Oh no way. Not a chance. You don't get to walk away from me, Sithspawn.
Luke scrambled to the edge of the platform in time to see Vader stepping into one of the maintenance tunnels.
“That is a topic for speculation, I believe," the rumbling voice echoed back. Luke definitely caught some sarcasm in his tone. "But for all the times your “Ben” betrayed me, it is fitting that in his final moments he unwittingly revealed you to me. Returning what he stole all those years ago.”
The reverberating breaths faded out, and Luke stood at the edge of the platform. He tried to piece together what he'd just heard logically.
Had Ben stolen something from Vader? If the Sith wanted it, it was probably a good thing Obi-wan had taken it. Whatever it was. Maybe a weapon?
Luke's heart sank as he looked down at the brilliant blue glow of his saber. 
Vader killed his father. He might have felt that Anakin's lightsaber rightfully belonged to him.
What do I do?! This is my lightsaber! My inheritance. It's all I have of my father and I will not let him take that away.
Luke's emotions twisted around each other, bending back over themselves in a discordant jangle of mismatched rhythms as he tried to understand what was happening. The grip of the saber was slick in his hands. 
No, no, I can do this.
I'm scared 
I can do this!
He was being torn in two different directions. Every fiber of his being begged him to flee. To not walk into what could very well be a trap. But at the same time, something down that tunnel was calling him. Like a cord wrapped around his heart, steadily pulling him to an unknown destination, he felt the whispers more than he heard them.
I'm scared. 
It's alright to be scared. I'm here.
They weren't words so much as sensations. Faintly brushing against his memory like a butterfly's wing, the whispers seemed to promise that everything would be alright, he just couldn't look back. 
Frightened, but determined, Luke clipped his saber to his belt and eased over the edge of the platform. 
It's okay. I can do this. 
I can win.
Just don't look back. 
The instant Luke stepped into the tunnel, the lights snapped on. He had a feeling that he was walking into a trap. But then, the place he had just left felt like a trap, too. 
Kriff kriff kriff.
Stupid jakreb hopped right into the snare.
There was a control room at the end of the tunnel. 
There was a Sith Lord at the end of the tunnel.
Luke had his lightsaber out almost before he had time to think. 
A grate slid shut over the tunnel mouth behind him, cutting off his retreat.
At least he could see in this room.
"Put down your weapon, young one," Vader said again. He did not even turn away from the holographic map to face Luke. 
"Not. Happening." Luke bared his teeth and forced himself to take two steps forward. "You have to answer for what you did, Vader. To my friends, and the galaxy, and the Jedi...and my father."
Quite suddenly, Vader's shoulders fell. He leaned against the projector as if he were bone-weary. 
"Child, I have done nothing to your father."
He still did not turn.
"He is a contemptible, pitiable wretch, too quick to give his loyalty to those who do not deserve it. But he is a powerful wretch. Powerful enough to conceal your existence from the emperor for the last three years."
Luke stumbled back. His father's lightsaber hung by his side uselessly.
Present tense.
Darth Vader was speaking about his father in the present tense.
Anakin Skywalker. 
Present tense.
"You...you're lying."
No please, please don't be lying-
I can't…
Don't toy with me you sleemo
Don't you dare use my father's memory as a ploy-
At last, Vader turned to face him. "I have done what I can, Luke," he said simply. "But now we are out of time."
"I have done what I can"
Something cold and clammy slithered in Luke's gut. It knotted in coils around his spine to sink its teeth into his heart. Against his will, tears sprang to his eyes.
He knew Darth Vader was evil, but this was a cruelty he had not expected. The carefully laid trap, baited with words, and the insinuations eased between sentences, struck deeper than any lightsaber's blow. He played on the memory of Luke's father -- of his loneliness, his lifelong yearning for his father -- and twisted it. Perverted it into an attempt at manipulation so blatant it could hardly be believed.
Did he believe it was an attempt at manipulation?
What if it was worse? What if Vader actually believed what he seemed to be implying? Pointing out how illogical it was could quickly become dangerous. But Luke was past the point of caring.
"You...you aren't half the man my father was!" he hissed. 
Something bitter and almost amused dripped from the Sith to puddle around Luke's fear.
"An ironic statement."
"You don't know me!" Luke continued gamely on as if he had not been interrupted. "You think you're the first person to play mind games with my memories? Huh? Kriff you!"
He swung the blade up in a ready position. 
Darth Vader tilted his head to one side, considering.
"This is not going to go the way you think."
The spiders were back, creeping across his brain. Luke blinked and shook his head to clear it. Losing his focus here would be fatal.
"Don't fight it."
Vader raised a hand towards him, almost reaching out. 
"You have been running for a long time. It is alright to rest, now."
Was the Sith doing something to his mind?!
But Ben said mind tricks only worked on the weak-willed! And Yoda was always complaining about how stubborn he was!
"Get out of my head!" Luke shouted. Don't panic, don't panic-
"It is not me." 
Oh, gentleness did not sound right coming out of that voice.
"You have forgotten who you are, and yet from our first encounter your memories have tried to reestablish themselves. Stop fighting them, Luke. Let them flow."
Luke stopped pretending he wasn't afraid. He was terrified. He was alone in an isolated place, too far away to call for help, and trapped with a deadly enemy who meant to prey upon his very sense of self. 
His hands were shaking too badly to hold up his father's blade. This was so stupid, he was so stupid, he never should have come here! He had to get out, there had to be a way out!
Luke scanned the room frantically for an exit. He backed away from Vader and edged towards what looked like a corridor. 
Luke stumbled over a bundle of cables on the floor and nearly fell. He managed a graceful recovery despite his terror and kept moving.
"Stay away from me!"
Vader did not. He began to move at last, slow and purposeful and relentless. 
The Force moved around them like a frigid tide, pulling machinery from the walls to land behind Luke. He was cutting off his escape. The trap had been sprung.
"Stop running, Luke."
"Leave me alone!"
He was pleading now.
All sense of bravado, of dignity, had fled.
Obi-wan was right. I'm not ready. I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die-
If Leia lives, it's worth it
But I don't-
I don't want to die
And then at last, he could go no further. His calves caught on some discarded hunk of metal, and toppled him. Sharp, broken pieces dug into his back as he landed. The pain felt distant, like something that was happening to someone else. Luke's increasing disorientation muffled everything but his fear.
This was the end. Luke, on the ground at Darth Vader's feet. If the encounter didn't end in immediate death, his interrogation was likely imminent. 
But Vader 
He kneeled down beside Luke and rested his gloved hand on Luke's cheek. Luke was very sure that his heart was going to stop.
Oh. He's going to snap my neck. At least it'll be quick.
"Enough, child." A deep bass growl vibrated through the words. He sounded as though he was finally angry. "I am not going to kill you!"
Before Luke had time to process that, he added, "I am trying to save you."
Save me?! From what?!
Luke swung out with one arm, trying to push the dark lord away. Vader caught his wrist easily and squeezed it. 
"You know me." Each syllable dripped with an unexpected urgency. "Search your feelings: you will know it to be true. Remember, Luke. You must remember."
"No!" Luke tried in vain to pull away. "S-stop!"
He was pulled, gently, but firmly, up into a sitting position. 
He was pulled, less gently, by the thread around his soul. It reached out, straining for something it had once known. A sense of something missing. 
A sense that was being answered in kind.
And he felt something. Something he had felt before. 
Or rather 
Luke knew the answer to the question his soul was asking. 
He didn't want to know. 
He didn't want to face it. 
No, no please-! 
"You have forgotten what you once knew," Vader murmured. "You have forgotten me. And I- I believed you had died."
Seething shadows coiled around them both. 
"The Emperor will suffer no Skywalker to be free. If he is not entirely beneath the emperor's thumb, then he must die. If you lived, his hold on me was jeopardized. Luke, he told me you were dead. But here you are, alive again!"
Vader was referring to himself as Skywalker. 
The Force resonated. A great bell seemed to have tolled, and with each reverberation the jagged pieces were forced together. 
Darkness and Light.
Hunter and quarry. 
Lost and found. 
Father and son.
Luke could not see through his tears. He didn't need to. He could feel. 
The Force was no longer a counterpoint around them. It was a harmony. And that was the hardest truth of all.
Shhh, you are safe. I'm here, I'm here.
The same soundless lullaby that had soothed his childhood nightmares. The thing he had forgotten.
His father's voice. 
I know you. 
"Oh." Darth Vader lifted him free of the machinery as easily as if he were still a little child. 
He pulled Luke into his arms. Luke did not have the strength to resist.
“There you are.”
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geoffreytoday · 5 years
I have seen The Rise of Skywalker
I’m going to need a few more viewings to really wrap my head around the movie. Opinions may change accordingly, but I’ll share some initial thoughts. Spoilers ahead, read no further if you wish to remain unspoiled. 
I liked it. I don’t love it, not yet at least. It might take some time. Certainly I had a similar level of ambivalence to The Last Jedi initially, a film I’ve come to really like a lot. 
The opening scenes feel super rushed to me, like the pace is breakneck and we have literally no idea what’s going on. 
I am sad to report that RoS does back pedal a bit on The Last Jedi, which is a shame because when it does so, those are the weakest points of the film. Specifically, it was a terrible idea to reopen the Rey’s parents thing, and what they replaced it with is infinitely worse than what we had. Be careful what you wish for TLJ haters, you wanted this, and now you have it, and we’re all the poorer for it. 
The powers of the Force are getting kinda absurd. Force healing (now seen in RoS and The Mandalorian) feels a bit too magicy, but I’m willing to slide on it as I can head canon a relatively reasonable explanation for how the Force is able to do that. Teleportation is another matter. I can’t say I particularly like the idea that when Kylo and Rey are Forcetiming that they can snatch physical objects from each other. They hinted at it a bit in TLJ with the rain on Kylo’s glove. I can let the rain slide, as once again I can head canon a relatively plausible explanation for that, but necklaces and lightsabers? It’s a bit far for my tastes. The Mind trick is also getting way overused and its power has become considerably more powerful, but I’ll let that slide too because the mind trick scene is so funny it’s worth it :p
Mark Hamill’s line delivery was much better in the trailers than the final cut of the film. I do not know why they changed to those takes, but they fall kinda flat. Honestly, all of Luke’s scenes feel clunky and it’s a real bummer after his powerhouse performance in TLJ. 
Some punches were pulled, and that’s a shame. Threepio’s noble sacrifice gets undone in short order, and while I’m happy Threepio gets to have his memories back, I feel like it would have been more meaningful and affecting if he hadn’t. I’m also disappointed in how disinterested and unfussed the heroes were about Threepio’s sacrifice. Would have been an excellent spot for one final repetition of “Never underestimate a droid” solemnly delivered by Rey, perhaps with a hand on Threepio’s shoulder as she looks in to his eyes for what will be the last time. Missed opportunity. 
I may have hurt my eyes, I rolled them so hard when Rey kissed Ben. That was completely unnecessary, and honestly doesn’t make a lick of sense. That is super not the relationship they have (sorry Reylo fans). 
Palpatine’s return is weird. I’m not against it. I’m not for it. It was handled clumsily. It’s certainly very visually striking. I think I would have liked it better if they had known from the beginning of the trilogy that this was where they were going and could have properly set it up in the previous two films. As it stands, it feels kinda shoe-horned in. 
I guess we have another Sith homeworld now. That makes 3 so far. First it was Korriban, then it was Moraband, and now I guess it’s Exegul (sic?)
Wedge’s cameo was way too short. That might be the thing that saddens me the most. Why did they bother to bring him back at all if he only gets a single line and barely 3 seconds of screen time? I would love to have seen him in a mentor role. Maybe he’s Poe’s mentor (when it comes to being a fighter pilot)
I am sad to say that all of the stuff with Leia is uninteresting and awkward. Clearly because her scenes were filmed for the other movies and they’re being repurposed. This results in clunky dialogue and stilted acting. It pains me to say it, but her character’s death should have come between movies. Also, her death somehow freeing Kylo from the Dark Side? it’s a little too hand-wavey for my tastes. It doesn’t feel earned, it feels cheap. 
Rose was horribly underused. JJ once said that he considered the casting of  Trần Loan as the greatest gift Rian Johnson gave him from TLJ, and this is what he did with that gift? Weak. 
Like I say, I need to see the movie a few more times to let it sink in, but my current feelings are that it was fun, I had a good time, but JJ didn’t quite stick the landing. 
My current Ranking of the sequel trilogy:
The Force Awakens
The Last Jedi
The Rise of Skywalker
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stonefreeak · 8 years
Hello! I love Chancellor!Obi-Wan ! I have a question though, we all know that sometimes Anakin has visions, right? But, what about Obi-Wan? 'Cause on the expanded universe, he is decribed to be very much in tune with the Unifing Force, wich is what grants Jedi and Sith, force visions... They say that since he was very young he was plagued by very strong visions... Is something like that going to be important at one point in this AU?
Well. Let’s start with Obi-Wan shall we?
I have no set headcanon on how prone to visions and stuff Obi-Wan is, but I am at the very least a believer in him having fairly decent precognition/prescience. Y’know, like his “bad feeling” during the Naboo crisis.
We’ve actually seen a bit of this in Chancellor Kenobi. For example: when he ducks during the first assassination attempt.
As for actual visions… nah, I have no plans to bring that into this verse. Right now, anyway.
Now on to Anakin.
Anakin, Anakin, Anakin…
Please don’t come after me for this, but: I don’t think Anakin gets Force visions. 
Read my long-winded explanation beneath the cut. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Aight, so you might be thinking “Stone, wtf. Anakin has those dreams about his mom and later about Padmé! What are you smoking?”
Well, I don’t think they’re Force visions. There. I said it.
“But Yoda told him to be careful when sensing the future!”
Yeah, obviously. But it’s not like Yoda could be sure whether or not Anakin was really sensing the future or not, he’s not omniscient. Better safe than sorry. Especially when the dreams are about pain and suffering but considering that they’re at war and Anakin never says he thinks it’s from childbirth, obvs Yoda’s advice lacked a few necessary extra steps like “Take that friend to the Healers, you should. Double check their health, you should.” before the part about learning to let go and all that with its shade of “forgetting that not everyone else lives for centuries and has a different reference for the passage of time as well as life and death” lmao
Also, if Anakin was prone to visions, I’m pretty sure Obi-Wan wouldn’t be treating Anakin’s dreams about his mom as just dreams. It’d kinda be his responsibility and duty to check for that, so he’d probably ask for more details and ensure they’re not visions. Also, Anakin probably would have called it visions rather than dreams. But whatevs, lol.
So if we exclude Force visions from the explanation of Anakin’s dreams, what other explanation is there for him having them in the first place?
Well, from a Doylist/extradiegetic perspective the dreams serve a very specific function:
Anakin’s dreams about his mom, and the later discovery of her kidnapping and death, is only in AotC in order to set up the dreams in RotS. If the Tatooine business in AotC didn’t happen, the audience wouldn’t recognise “Anakin’s having dreams” as anything of worth. It would also be a bit confusing as to why he’s putting so much energy and basically laying everything in his whole life on the line over dreams.
So the dreams about Shmi + what happens on Tatooine exist to make the audience go “OH NO, WAIT, REMEMBER AOTC! IS PADMÉ GONNA DIE?!”
The dreams about Padmé serves to make the audience see why Anakin decides to do what he does. 
From a Watsonian/intradiegetic perspective, however, things are a bit different.
Let’s begin with the dreams about Shmi.
They could just be force visions, absolutely. But as we’ve removed that from the list of possibilities for now, what remains is two options that I will explain.
1) Shmi is Force sensitive.
This idea is one of those that I can’t say for sure work because keeping track of time in Star Wars is a crap shoot at best. However, we know that Shmi has been gone for a month, because Cliegg says so.
In star wars, from what I can find, a month is 7 weeks of 5 day weeks. Aka 35 days. Then there’s the travel times, I’ve based it on this post, because what else would I use, as well as this map and this map.
Basically, from Coruscant (Core) to Naboo (Mid Rim) it’s about 84 hours of pure travel time, that’s 3.5 days. From Naboo (Mid Rim) to Tatooine (Outer Rim) it’s supposedly 24 hours, aka one day.
So that’s 4.5 days, let’s say 5 days (a week), of pure travel time.
That still leaves 6 weeks, 30 days, for: Anakin dreaming, mission days on Coruscant, and hanging out on Naboo. Aka more than enough time for the timeline to work out; in fact, it would even if you were to go really on the safe side and set two weeks for travel times instead.
So why the fuck did I check travel times and timeline for this, you might ask? Well, this idea is based on Shmi being Force sensitive. When she’s kidnapped and hurt, she subconsciously calls out for her son, who she so dearly would like to see at least one last time before she dies. She does so through the Force, and reaches Anakin through his dreams. She calls for him, and she’s in pain, of course that would make the dreams seem scary. Even if Anakin doesn’t know that she’s dying at first.
Considering that Anakin’s dreams seem to be progressively getting worse, that could be connected to Shmi being progressively more hurt and closer to dying.
That’s why the timeline is important here. If there hadn’t been enough time for the travels and stuff, the idea would be bust simply because Shmi would have gone missing after Anakin started having the dreams.
But as I said before, we have no such issues and this is a perfectly plausible Watsonian explanation. Especially since we’ve already seen that Force sensitivity is a bit hereditary in the Skywalker line: Anakin -> Luke & Leia -> Kylo Ren. Why not add Shmi to that?
So that’s one explanation!
2) Palpatine did it.
Of course this is an explanation. Palpatine could very well have set everything up, both with Shmi’s kidnapping (Force compulsion on the Tusken) and then ensuring Shmi stays alive long enough for Anakin to get there (after all, Darth Plagueis did learn how to keep people from death, didn’t he? Who says Sidious didn’t learn to do that too?).
Because really, how convenient was it that Shmi died just moments after Anakin finally reached her? Unless, whatever kept her alive felt Anakin reach her and stopped doing the whole “keeping her alive” thing.
After all, Palpatine wants Anakin to Fall and lose his shit. Setting up the death of Anakin’s mother is certainly not unthinkable for Palpatine.
Not to mention, the first time Anakin dreams about his mother being in pain and suffering calling out for help, is after he and Obi-Wan has been separated. Which could hint that well, finally time for Palps to make his move and ensure Anakin really goes to Tatooine. Because again, it’s really convenient that he dreams about his mother actually dying only now. 
After all, Palpatine would want to make damn sure Anakin goes looking by making sure he dreams about more specific Bad Shit™, but if Anakin had dreamt about his mother dying while still with Obi-Wan, the latter would likely make sure they check that shit out “just in case” rather than say dreams pass in time—which is a totally valid thing to say when Anakin is just dreaming about his mom, and it could be memories for all Obi-Wan knows—which would be bad since Anakin probably wouldn’t go on to commit mass murder when Obi-Wan is right there.
So those are two plausible Watsonian explanations for Anakin’s dreams about Shmi that aren’t “Force visions”.
Next we move on to the dreams about Padmé dying in childbirth. So what’s my “not Force visions” explanation for this one?
Palpatine did it.
Of course it is. Considering everything else Palpatine has done, this really shouldn’t come as a surprise that he would.
But you might think “but the dreams about Padmé came true though! They even had Obi-Wan there!”, but I’d say that’s not actually correct.
1) Padmé doesn’t die in childbirth. Literally, does not die in childbirth. (Ofc, that could just be Anakin’s interpretation of the dreams). The med droid says “Medically, she is completely healthy. For reasons we can’t explain, we are losing her.” and then they said they should operate immediately save the twins, because Padmé isn’t even in labour (I think it looks like they end up inducing actual labour instead of just doing a c-section… or else it’s a Space C-section). They said something about her having lost the will to live too. Palpatine did it
2) Yes, Obi-Wan is there, but that’s just about the only thing the dreams get right. Everything else is wrong. 
The first dream has Padmé crying out “Anakin, help me!” which she does not. The next has Obi-Wan saying “Save your energy”, which he does not, and she answers him with “I can’t!” which she does not, and then he says “Don’t give up, Padmé.” which he also does not. So the dreams get way more things wrong than they do right.
Ofc, Obi-Wan being in the dreams makes Anakin suspicious and like “Obi-Wan was here.” and then goes on to say that “Obi-Wan and the Council don’t trust me.” despite everything Obi-Wan said before he left for Utapau. 
3) Obi-Wan being in the dream and Padmé still dying lends a lot of credence to the “the Jedi can’t save her” thing Palpatine implies. After all, if Anakin’s dreams about Padmé dying has Obi-Wan being RIGHT THERE, then clearly Palpatine is right when he says that you can’t learn to keep someone from dying from a Jedi. Otherwise Obi-Wan would know and save her, right?
ALSO, both dreams happen after Anakin was recently in Palpatine’s presence, so bonus points for that, lmao.
Anyway, it’s 100% possible that I’ve forgotten something that breaks my whole argument, but whatevs. This is my take on it, lmao
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