#then proceeded to waste almost an hour and a half on ig
kitorin · 5 months
Stayed up late working on Our Spring just to go through a crisis this morning 💔
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danhcwll-blog · 7 years
the beach || phan (3)
chapters: 3/?
words: 1578
“if i told you that i loved you tell me, what would you say?”
dan is a model; phil is a writer
inspiration: the beach by the neighbourhood
[ let me know what you thought of this chapter! ]
dan's pov
i went to check my mailbox in the apartment building's lobby, as i took the elevator back to my floor i looked at the mail, some subscriptions here and there but there was a fancy looking envelope mixed with the pile as well.
you've been invited!
i sighed, i had to make an appearance at yet another red carpet event, which ultimately meant going to the club after. i used to love doing this, i was quite arrogant in the beginning of my career, and so i got wasted did whatever i wanted and whoever i wanted with no regards, or second thought. now that i'm sober for a year, i try to avoid this as much as possible, but it's also apart of my job. which i'm beginning to hate.
i threw the invitation in the trash, still rsvping them saying that i would go, even though i really didn't want to. i emailed it to them, never checking a plus one because even in my fuckboy days, i was always there by myself. this is the life i made for myself though, i shouldn't be complaining so much, others have it worse.
it was the day of the red carpet event, showing up for yet another fashion designer to promote them, watching other models walk the run way that were much much more skinnier than i. i decided on wearing just a black button up with black fitted slacks, taking a deep breath i grabbed my phone and wallet and walked out my loft, locking the door behind me, and instead of calling my driver, i decider to take a walk to the nearest Starbucks. which was the Starbucks i always went to but it's been a while.
i used to go to the Starbucks closest to my apartment all the time, but i had stopped going since i've been rather busy. i used to go almost every other day because of the coffee, but then a certain raven-haired lad arrived and he became my reason for showing up.
i walked in, looking around for the lad with the blue-green, and sometimes even yellow eyes, but he was nowhere to be found. i mentally sighed, really hoping to see him, but then remembered that i didn't even believe in love to begin with. so i walked up to the register, half-smiling to the barista and just asking for a hot chocolate with a cinnamon sprinkle. once i paid i went to my usual spot, in the corner by the window, where the glass was fogged up and i would make little doodles, and then proceeded to just scroll through my tumblr feed on my phone. they called my name and i got up to grab my drink, i had an hour before i needed to call my driver and get going, and it was nice to have this bit of time to sit back and relax. not too long after receiving my hot chocolate, i looked up to see that the raven-haired lad had arrived, i felt my cheeks get hot and my heart begin to race. it had been a while since i've seen him and he still makes my heart race. i cleared my throat and looked down at my phone, sinking into my seat a bit out of nervousness, as if i was trying to hide from him even though he probably didn't even notice me to begin with.
i glanced up, peeping my eyes over my phone and seeing him sit in the same seat that wasn't too far from mine. he pulled out his gold mac laptop, set down his drink, adjusted his glasses and began typing away. i stared at him for a little while, always intrigued and caught in a trance as i watched him type away, he did it so smoothly, without a second thought as if he was planning in his head what he was going to type before hand.
but then he stopped.
he had never stopped typing before, not even for a break, and i was confused. i saw the crease in between his eyebrows, the crease of writer's block and frustration. i began nibbling at my bottom lip, tapping my fingers against the fake wooden table, debating whether or not to speak up and talk to him for the first time.
"looks like you're having trouble there."
shit what did i just do.
he looked up, and for the first time, his blue eyes met my brown ones. he smirked a bit and sat back in his seat and nodded his head, chuckling a bit.
"yeah i am, writing something a bit different so it's harder to think of what to say."
my heart raced a bit, hearing his voice for the first time, it was like a baritone voice. it was perfect. i could tell he was also from another part of england, his voice having a sort of twang to it when pronouncing certain words.
"hey that's a good thing though, you're doing something different and you really wanna make sure that it's perfect. it happens." i replied, mentally fist pumping the air because of how well crafted my response was.
"you're right..." he said, his voice drifting as he kept looking at me, and then suddenly he started grabbing his stuff and brought it over to where i was sitting, taking a seat in front of me and smiling.
"i'm philip lester, you can call me phil."
i felt my cheeks heat up more, he was now sitting in front of me, i'm sorry, phil was now sitting in front of me. and i finally knew his name.
"daniel howell, you can call me dan." i said with a smile, wanting to put my hand out and shake his but then realized that this is the 21st century, and not many people do that anymore.
"it's nice to meet you dan." he said, his voice confident while my response... "it's n-nice to finally meet you too."
...was utter crap.
phil furrowed his brows as he looked at me, he must've caught me saying finally. "what do you mean by finally?"
shit dan, what the bloody hell did you just do.
"i-i well... i've always seen you in this Starbucks and i've actually wanted to talk to you for a while but i've never had the chance to... or the confidence."
phil chuckled a bit, and i was suddenly embarrassed, what have i just done.
"that's rather cute, i've noticed you as well but haven't said anything because you always seemed like you wanted to be by yourself, it's quite intimidating." he replied with a chuckle, i sighed in relief that the response was better than i thought it was gonna be.
"that's quite a relief, i literally thought you would make fun of me for it... i don't really know why, so don't mind me." i said, beginning to mumble towards the end, a habit of mine that i hate actually.
"no it's fine, but question, would you be alright with listening to what i've typed so far? it's nice to have someone critique."
i nodded my head, feeling honored that he asked me. and so he proceeded to read what i was assuming a prologue, and i was so intrigued by how he spoke. how animated he was, and he wasn't even moving his hands, or moving about the room. he was sitting still, his eyebrows moving a bit whenever he said some certain syllables, his mouth intricately moving, speaking rhythmically and fluently, as if it had just happened yesterday.
"how was it?" he asked, his baritone voice snapping me out of my daze. "i- it was lovely, absolutely amazing."
he smiled, an angelic smile that made my heart skip a beat because i had caused that, that smile was because of me.
"t-thank you."
"alright love birds, i'm sorry but you're gonna have to leave, we need to close." a worker who was now standing at our table.
we blushed at the phrase he used to refer to us but started packing up, and eventually left the premises, leaving us out in the december cold. we stood there in front of each other, hands in our coat pockets, both of our relatively pale faces flushed red in certain areas because of sharpness of the cold. we both opened our mouths to speak, but then chuckled a bit because of the awkwardness.
"sorry, you go." phil had said, being a gentleman.
i smirked a bit, revealing my right dimple as i did so. "it was really nice meeting you, and talking to you, good luck with the book, i'm excited to read it."
phil looked as if he was taken aback, as if i had stunned him by what i had just said but i decided to not call him out on that.
"it was lovely meeting you too, i hope to talk to you again soon?" i nodded my head, "definitely."
"bye, dan." he said with another one of his sweet, angelic smiles.
"bye, phil."
and with that we turned in the opposite direction, and began walking our separate ways, and for the first time in a long time i smiled...
without being told to do so.
[ hope y'all liked this chapter, i had a lot of fun writing it. follow me on my social medias!: ig //  lnh.x twitter // laurenrblvd snap // lenixsnow
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