#then shrugged as an answer ruined the mysteries and slaughtered the characters without telling me anything
hakugreenfinch · 11 months
my friend sent me a screenshot of an old fb post of mine that she was tagged in and in which i complain that the new snk manga chapters were killing my motivation to write my fanfiction (that i was actually passionate enough about to then rework and start drawing as a comic in 2019. didnt finish but thats not the point now)
the thing is that post was from november 2014. i got into snk in july 2013. i dont actually remember exactly what made me post that, i looked up what chapter came out that day and i have guesses. probably just got annoyed that i had to rewrite the entire lore.
...actually tumblr is a great platform to post this on bc my blog probably documents my entire journey with that series. like the thing is. i started getting less joy out of this manga a little over a year after getting into it. i remember buying the first volume in december 2013, ive been reading it for less than a year at that point. and thats like, curious because i dont recall any story that i was/am into as much as i can sorta say i was into snk that started to become disillusioning this soon.
i started becoming less hopeful regarding snk in a year and my hopes for it only declined until i finally quit in summer 2016 and like... this is not me saying "ooooh it was never any good and i knew it deep down" because the main beef i have with it is that it has very good points its just less than the sum of its parts. its just... very weird to me. ive been into jojo for 4 years, n+c for 8, fma at least 13 and i still dont pick up any of these with the feeling of "well for whatever reason this is worth my time less and less".
i guess im just stuck on the part where i keep being told i have no right to say this show isnt The Best Ever because i "dont even know anything about the story" because i actually held out for it so long. i read a majority of the manga i spent most of my time in the fandom apparently hoping for it to make sense again and it just sucks remembering how it never delivered to me and how i keep being shut down because i dont know what im talking about, apparently.
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thebutterflyranger · 7 years
The Echo of Your Absence: Prologue
Hi guys. So this is my to new story, The Echo of Your Absence. Its been an idea that has been in the making for a long time now. I’m pretty bad at commitment, so I can’t guarantee that I will complete the story (although I have written the last chapter), but I will definitely try my very best. And the more encouragement and support will definitely make it easier, so if you like the story please let me know!
There are two different versions of this story. The one on ff.net is rated T, it has little mature content and no curse words. The one on Ao3 is Mature, with sexual content and mature themes.
The Echo of Your Absence 
Summary:  The kingdom of Araluen is in terror and chaos, and King Duncan's army is fighting against an unbeatable army. Will realizes that country is no longer safe for Alyss and their unborn child, and he makes a very difficult decision to protect her.
Characters: Will Treaty, Alyss Mainwaring, Horace Altman, Halt O’Carrick, Sean Carrick.
Relationship: Will Treaty/Alyss Mainwaring
Genre: Romance, Angst, Tragedy 
Riding into the clearing and catching sight of the cozy cabin in the woods, Alyss could not keep the smile from spreading across her face. She felt the natural sense of safety one feels when they return home. It was not because of the cabin itself, but because of the person inside.
It was a beautiful, clear, sunny day, a rare thing in that part of the country, and Alyss enjoyed every bit of it. She had been residing in her apartment at Redmont Castle for the past week, for Will had gone on a mission, and she disliked being home alone for a long period of time. When she wasn't cooped up in meetings and running errands for the Diplomatic Service, she was in the village or outdoors. 
She had payed her dear friend Jenny a visit and spent the whole day catching up on old times with her good friend. She had also taken time to go to the market. She didn't buy much-aside from a small gift for Will, but enjoyed the buzz of activity all around her. It was an enjoyable week, but after a while she missed the company of her Ranger and eagerly awaited for his return. And he was finally back.
Approaching the stables, she heard a soft nicker before riding inside. Tug raised his head, the hay sticking out of his mouth quickly disappearing. Alyss set her steed into the stall beside his, and he glanced at her sideways as she dismounted. She smiled and patted his muzzle fondly.
"Hullo, boy." She had adopted the habit of talking to the horse from her husband. "Would you like an apple?" She smirked when his ears pricked up. She reached in her packsaddle and pulled out two red apples, giving one to each horse. "Don't tell Will," she whispered to Tug. Your secret is safe with me, he seemed to reply, munching contently.
After caring for her horse, the courier stepped onto the veranda and reached out to open the front door, but before her hand could touch the handle the door swung open. Will's smiling face appeared in the doorway.
She felt her heart lighten instantly. It had been a long week without him.
"I was just thinking about you,” was the first thing he said to her, and she couldn't help but smile.
He hadn't changed much at all since the last time she saw him, it had only been a week after all. She did notice his facial hair had grown thicker, it was no longer just a unshaven shadow but it was not yet a beard. Just the way she loved it.
"Hullo, darling," she replied softly, walking inside as Will moved aside to let her in. She breathed in deeply, taking in the scent of pine, coffee, and flowers from the ever present vase above the fireplace. It smelled like home.
She felt strong arms wrap around her from behind, and she melted into the embrace, enjoying the warm squeeze they gave her.
“Answer me honestly,” the voice behind her spoke softly into her ear, “How much did you miss me?”
“Miss you?” Alyss scoffed. “It's only been a week, Will.” She felt him shrug.
“Nine days, to be exact.” She rolled her eyes.
“Honestly,” Alyss turned to him, putting her arms around his waist. Facing her, Will saw how hard she was trying to hide her smile. “I didn't miss you very much.” She lied.
He gave her a small pout. “How foreseeably cold of you.” Her mouth opened in offence. He grinned and put his own arms around her waist. “I, on the other hand, haven't stopped missing you since the moment I left you.”
“Nine whole days ago,” he added after a moment.
“You are absolutely ridiculous,” Alyss laughed softly, leaning forward to give him a lingering kiss on his cheek. It was rough and stubbly, but she nonetheless pressed her own cheek to his, keeping him as close to her as she could. She realized that the moment before, when she had first walked inside, it wasn't the cabin that smelled of pine, coffee and flowers, but it was Will. He was home. 
Late that night, after taking a bath and changing her clothes, Alyss walked into the living room to see Will standing by the table. Stopping by the kitchenette to pour out two cups of coffee from the steaming pot on the fire, she went to stand by his side and placed mugs of dark liquid alongside the disarray of letters and reports her husband was poring over. Glancing at the side of his face, she could see that the words he was reading were not pleasant.
"I made some coffee for you," she said, gesturing to the steaming cup in front of him.
"Hmm." He didn't look up.
"Would you like some honey with that?" She watched for his reaction.
A few seconds later. "Hmm?"
This was important business, Alyss realized. Will didn't often speak absently, only when he had a lot on his mind. And only if it was serious.
"What is all this?" she asked, looking to the paper he was reading. She thought it was a good idea to be informed about this serious matter. If it concerned a Ranger, then there was a good chance it would concern a Courier.
After a few moments, the Ranger looked up at her. "You know about the attacks up North?" She nodded. "Well, it's gotten much worse."
For the past month, there had been violent attacks on the northern villages and fiefs. Houses were burned down, men were slaughtered, and women and children were kidnapped. King Duncan had sent out an alert to all Barons and Lords to mobilize their soldiers, and Rangers were sent to try to fix the situation. No one knew of this mysterious terrorist group or where they came from. (what rules out the Scotti?)
"What's happened now?" Alyss asked. Will sighed again.
"Baron Ergel is dead. They've killed him." Alyss's widened. "And Norgate village is in ruins," he continued grimly. "There is chaos up North and no one can control it."
"My God."
"It looks like these people are trying to start a war." Will shook his head, "How could we not see this coming?"
Alyss felt a cold hand around her heart. War. She had been part of one, only two years previously in Nihon-Ja. She had been fearless and strong-willed during the battles. She had made herself useful and played a pivotal role in bringing their side to victory. She wasn't afraid of war. But this time it was different.
"This means you'll get called away, doesn't it?" If this was war, then the King would need his best men in the field. Will was the best man, she knew.
Will nodded. "I'm going in for a meeting with Duncan sometime this week, along with Halt."
Alyss closed her eyes briefly. "But I need you here, Will."
Will turned to her quickly. For the first time he noticed how upset she was. He was surprised. She doesn't usually get fearful about such things. He put his hands on her arms and turned her towards him gently, looking into her eyes.
"Don't worry," he smiled. "We'll get through this. Like we always do."
To reassure her further he added, "And maybe this mysterious army will be taken care of before a war even starts."
Alyss pulled away and shook her head. It didn't seem likely.
"Something has happened, Will."
"What's wrong? What happened?" His eyes narrowed. Suddenly he felt an uneasy twinge of fear.
She stepped back to him and placed her hands on his chest.
"I'm with child, Will." Her fingers curled into his shirt, as her hands turned to fists. "And I need you to be here with me, safe and alive. To be there for your child. But-but if there is war… and those bloody invaders…" She looked up into his eyes and shook her head. "This is different from everything else, Will."
Will was staring at her, stunned. Only her first words had processed in his mind. His voice came came out strangled. "You're with—"
Alyss thumped her fists on his chest, stopping him from speaking. "Yes! But, Will, how could we—?" This time he stopped her from speaking by kissing her deeply. He put his arms around her and held her until he felt her body relax. When he pulled away, he reached up to stroke her cheek.
"We will get through this," he whispered. But the sincerity of his words didn't soothe the panic in her heart.
"But, Will, listen to me—" He hushed her again, and she felt frustration build up inside her
"Whatever happens, Alyss," he said calmly, gazing into her glaring eyes, "whatever happens, I promise you, we can get through it. I won't let anything happen to you. I'll keep you safe." He brought his hand to cup her face. "Both of you. I swear it."
He leaned forward to press his lips on her’s firmly. "We've gone through crazy things in the past," he whispered against her lips, then kissed her again. "And damn it, we will get through this as well." He said the words with such ferocity that Alyss was stunned silent.
And slowly, the panic and fear melted away. She trusted him. She always had. She realized how much she was overreacting and couldn't help but feel slightly shameful. Her emotions were heightened because of her pregnancy, and she promised herself never to let them get the best of her again.
She brought her hand up to cover Will's. "Okay," she said, giving him a small smile.
Finally the great, powerful, life changing news that Alyss had just shared with him, hit Will like a bull.
"A baby," he whispered. His eyes went wide as his mind wrapped around it. She laughed softly at his dumbstruck expression and put her arms around him.
"Yes," she said. "Our baby."
He just shook his head, eyes still wide open.
"Are you happy?" She asked, suddenly doubtful when she saw his unemotional expression. At the question Will's eyes snapped to look at her. His expression softened and he smiled.
"I don't think I've ever been happier," he confessed. He pulled her tight into his embrace and kissed her forehead and hair and her cheeks and she felt the peace and safety that only his arms could give to her.
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