#then trying to figure out a state Racoon City could be in :|
umbrellamedic · 1 year
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LEGAL NAME: Michaela Schneider NICKNAME[S]: Bertha DATE OF BIRTH: November 12, 1964 GENDER: Cis!Female PLACE OF BIRTH: Saarbrücken, Saarland, Germany CURRENTLY LIVING: Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany (part time) Raccoon City, Colorado, USA (part time) Nayshall (Street Fighter verse part time) Metro City (Street Fighter verse part time) SPOKEN LANGUAGES: German, French, English, some Russian EDUCATION: trained combat medic HAIR COLOR: Blond EYE COLOR: Blue HEIGHT: 5'7" WEIGHT: 142LBS
SIBLING[S]: None PARENT[S]: Michael Schneider IV (father) Maria Schneider (mother) RELATIVE[S]: Michael Schneider III (grandfather) CHILDREN: None PET[S]: Beltway None
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Multiship/Multiverse- main verse single SINCE WHEN: Since Always
Stolen from my main blog :D Tagging: @alphateamsfinest @ubcs @manufactoredxbyxdesign @outbreaksurvived
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My OC Universe: Rowan 130
Chapter 130 Summary: Marie comes for William. And surprises Rowan, seeing her after so long. (Tags: @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi, @much-ado-about-whumping, @abitefullofeverything, @whump-me-all-night-long, @sky-or-something-idfk and @tears-and-lilies)
Trigger Warnings: PTSD whumpee, reference to previous abuse, reference to character death, threat, man-handling, verbal abuse
Peter and Rowan managed to figure out a way for Rowan to completely avoid William’s company. Peter leashed him outside for a few hours so Rowan could wash in peace, Rowan would grasp brief walks outside to stay active and get some fresh air. He always felt awful for Peter, though, who insisted on sleeping in full view of their prisoner. Rowan gave him pillows and blankets from his bed which he refused, in case the comfort allowed him to sleep too deeply or for too long. William realised soon that his manipulation wouldn’t work on Peter, and Rowan was nowhere to be seen, so he spent the days in almost complete silence, waiting in agony for Marie to arrive and drag him kicking and screaming back to his prison.
One morning Peter was preparing a cup of tea when he heard sounds outside. Multiple sets of hooves churning up the melting snow as they drew closer to the house. His eyes lit up and he abandoned his tea to turn to William, who had also heard the sounds and was waiting for the inevitable, his pale grey eyes dull and filled with dread.
“I have a feeling you’re finally going to be out of Rowan’s life forever.” Peter grinned. “But I promise, if you escape and come back here, I won’t hesitate to kill you.” William nodded weakly and turned his head away.
“Don’t worry, I won’t. I’m sure Marie will have me kneecapped to prevent it happening again.” He paused uncomfortably and looked up, flinching as Peter narrowed his eyes. 
“If Rowan is going to stay here for the rest of his life,” He hesitated before continuing and shrugged. “Keep him happy –“ He jerked as Peter dragged him to his feet to glare at him easier. “I’m sure you will, but…he was a good creature, I am going to miss him.” He flinched as Peter struck him hard and attempted to blink through the pain.
“You’re so sick and twisted that you can’t even feel real emotions.” Peter hissed. “You never cared for him.”
“I may be cruel, but I still felt things.” William replied, grunting as he was shoved unceremoniously towards the door. “Most frequently pride. I never wanted to admit my fondness for him, and used his that remained to try and save myself. But still, his company was worth more than I told him. And I admit I took it for granted. You don’t have to tell him this if you don’t want to,”
“I won’t.” Peter snapped. “You’ve played with his head enough.”
The air was cold as he came outside, the horses bore the royal crest and the men dismounting them wore the formal royal armour, so Peter pulled William out as well. It was liberating to be able to drag William into the wet ground and push him forward, finally this creature would leave his property and his life.
A particularly impressive horse drew closer and as Peter looked it over he realised the creature mounted on it was a woman, and her dress was a thick crushed velvet embroidered with golden thread. He fell to his knees as he recognised the Queen’s face and lowered his head respectfully as she drew up to him.
“Are you the one who owns this land?” He had never heard the Queen’s voice before, and it was such a foreign concept that he struggled to process her words.
“Yes, your majesty,” His head jerked up as he heard the crunch of another approaching horse and immediately lowered it again as the Prince came beside his mother.
“Confiscate my husband.” She ordered and two of the soldiers moved to take William’s arms and drag him over to their company.
“Lovely to see you again, as well, my love,” He said, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“And speaking of your love, did he receive you as you predicted?” She taunted in reply and he flushed, with rage or shame it wasn’t clear. “Speaking of, where is the boy?” She wondered.
“He…he’s inside,” Peter said softly, reluctant to reveal Rowan’s hiding place.
“Fetch him.” He looked up as the soldiers nodded and threw himself to his feet.
“I –“ He hesitated nervously and swallowed the lump in his throat. “If you would permit me to go and get him?” He asked. “I’m afraid he may be hiding from your majesty,”
“Why would he be hiding?” Marie scoffed.
“Your majesty apparently made a promise to kill him if you ever saw him again.” Peter said cautiously.
“You did.” Alexander added and Marie let out a sigh.
“Fine,” She said flippantly. “Whatever will save the most time, I’ve already spent three days on horseback.” Peter nodded and took a step back.
“Thank you, your majesty,” He said. “I won’t be a moment.” He raced into the house and opened the door to his room. He could hear the soft squeak of fear and felt his chest tighten sadly.
“Hey, Rowan?” He checked the rest of the space before crouching down to look beneath the beds. “The Queen wants to speak to you,” Rowan’s eyes shone black with the little light available beneath the beds.
“Please, Peter!” He squeaked. “She’ll kill me!”
“I don’t care what it means, but she has assured me that it means I won’t need to think about him ever again.”
“No, no Rowan,” Peter soothed. “I won’t let her. I’ll be there the whole time,” He extended a hand beneath the bed and watched as Rowan considered the idea.
“All right,” He murmured, shimmying out from his cave and taking Peter’s hand.
“Good, I promise you’ll be safe,” Peter smiled.
“If I don’t she’ll just send in guards to drag me out,” Rowan reasoned and Peter sighed softly.
“Just take a deep breath, it’s almost over.” He said as he wrapped a blanket around Rowan’s slim shoulders.
As he left the house again he felt Rowan’s hand tightening in his. Marie was waiting impatiently, looking around the sparse clearing and glancing over to her enslaved husband who was antagonising her son. She looked up when Peter reappeared and he saw her piercing blue eyes searching past him for the one she was after. He knelt once again in front of her but Rowan stood stoically beside him.
“Your majesty.” The cold air swallowed up his soft and stern voice.
“Rowan,” Marie said in mild surprise. “You look much healthier, this man treats you well?” Rowan appeared to be startled by her question and hesitated.
“He-he does, thank you, your majesty.” He muttered. He was confused by her interest.
“Good, you look to be in good health.”
“And you, your majesty, considering,” The last word was barely a whisper, but both the royals heard it.
“The impertinence,” Alexander hissed, but Marie held a hand out to him.
“He was only enquiring.” She answered calmly. “Considering the damages that William’s presence certainly inspired, he is entitled to a level of respect not many others deserve.” Her voice was calm but firm, she wouldn’t punish him for mentioning such things, but she won’t allow her own power to be threatened.
“Thank you, your majesty,” Rowan whispered. “Your majesty always was far too kind to me,” She smiled slightly as his courage waned and he reverted to his more comfortable state.
The party all turned as another horse burst from the trees, the soldiers raising their spears in preparation to protect the Queen and guard against William’s release. Rowan and Peter were completely at a loss as to who the newcomer would be but as they pulled up their steed and leapt off they recognised her as Cordelia, and relief flooded in Rowan’s chest. She swept unflinchingly past the soldiers and the nobles to place a hand on Rowan’s cheek and the other press on Peter’s shoulder.
“You’re all right?” She asked breathlessly and he nodded gently. “Get up, you fool,” She directed to Peter, and he sheepishly rose to his feet, keeping his head bowed.
“Forgive my interruption, my lady,” She said, directing her attention to the Queen. “But I was held up in the city.” Marie only nodded in understanding and shrugged softly.
“Of course,” She said. “Who wouldn’t want to witness William’s recapture?”
“Look how powerful you are surrounded by armed guards,” The prisoner spat and grunted as a soldier struck the back of his head.
“You know, maybe this time I really will have your tongue ripped out.” She hissed to him. “Let’s go. I don’t want him to be in the open for any longer. Make sure he’s gagged.” Rowan fought to avoid staring as William’s mouth was wrapped tightly with cloth and he was thrown over the pommel of a saddle, much like how he had been transported when he was imprisoned.
“Here,” She said, tossing a heavy purse to the ground before them. “For your loyalty to the crown.” Rowan’s eyes turned to it and only dragged away from the reward when he felt her moving.
“Wait! Your majesty?”
She hesitated for a moment and allowed her horse to settle before indicating for him to continue.
“Would I be allowed to ask you something?”
She paused for a moment to consider the request as Alexander raised an eyebrow suspiciously.
“If you want more money then you won’t get it.” He said firmly and Rowan turned his head down shamefully.
“Oh, hush, Alex,” Marie sighed, climbing from the saddle to stand before them. It was far more intimidating having her stand at their level. “What is it?” She asked and stepped towards them.
Rowan swallowed heavily and fell instinctively to his knees, followed by Peter, despite Cordelia’s previous demand. Now that she was close enough that he could smell her perfume he was swept up with the dreadful memories that came with her refined scent.
“I heard an order that William was dead,” He finally choked out. “I thought you were killing him along with…” He hesitated but they both knew what he was referring to. “Wh-why didn’t you kill him?” His voice trembled weakly as he finally spat out his question and he heard Marie’s gentle sigh.
“We intended to punish him,” She admitted. “We wanted to keep him alive until we broke him. But his arrogance is so strong that not even torture managed to blunt his tongue.” She shook her head gently and pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration. “Alexander and I’s own arrogance wouldn’t allow him to win by killing him while he still retained some of his dignity. He feigned an injury and while a guard was moving him to another cell he escaped. It is our own fault and I’m sincerely sorry that he managed to find his way back to you.”
Rowan’s breath caught as his head whipped up to look at her, the notion of the Queen apologising to him was so ridiculous that he couldn’t hide his surprise.
“No-no, your majesty, really there isn’t anything for you to apologise for!” He squeaked and watched in bemusement as Marie chuckled softly.
“I hope you are trying to teach him to stop apologising so much,” She said to Peter as she stepped forward and cupped Rowan’s cheek gently, her soft leather glove sliding across his skin.
“I-I’m trying, your majesty,” He replied, flushing at her direct acknowledgement.
“I must admit, when we first came to the castle I was quite cruel to you, I hope you can forgive me, I didn’t understand the part you were playing was for your own survival.” Rowan couldn’t breathe as he felt the Queen’s touch on his skin. “Any creature who could pretend to be so devoted to a monster like William deserves respect.” Part of him craved the superior affection that he hadn’t felt since being released, but still his stomach pooled with dread at the dominating touch.
“Thank you, your majesty,” He breathed nervously and she gently took her hand away.
“I promise on my crown that William will never disturb you again. Alexander and I owe much to your loyalty.” Rowan was still unperturbed by this level of kindness Marie was offering him and barely knew how to answer through grunting softly in reply.
“My lady, would I be permitted to remain here for a few days to ensure Rowan’s peace of mind?” Cordelia asked and Marie nodded.
“Of course. I don’t need your reports until the end of next week, take your time.” She said and turned, climbing gracefully back onto her horse. “I am glad you’ve found a safe place, Rowan. Please let Cordelia know if you need anything in the future and I will make sure it is provided.”
“Oh…that-that’s too kind, your majesty,” Rowan gasped and she shook her head.
“As someone most impacted by William’s cruelty it is justified.” She said and glanced down as Alexander helped steady her horse. “Oh, also,” Rowan looked up timidly as her voice paused and watched her study his face. “Cordelia told me you were close to your bodyguard. I am sorry he didn’t survive.” Rowan looked down sadly and managed to bob his head in agreement.
“Thank you, your majesty, your condolences mean a lot,” He muttered.
“I hope you understand that there was never anything personal Alexander and I held against you, you were purely collateral damage.”
Rowan didn’t have the strength to lift his head as he heard the party turn to go, he didn’t want to risk catching William’s eye as he finally disappeared.
Hopefully this time for good.
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bre-meister · 4 years
Grandpa Barry
a not so short fluffy one-shot based off of an old offhanded comment by @onehelluvafirstdate that kinda just stuck with me
Holidays for the Butron’s had become more than just family affairs. For several years prior to the events at the Spencer Mansion, the Redfield siblings had begun to join them for these types of events after their parent’s deaths. However, after the mansion incident, the large scale outbreak that was Racoon City, and the countless other BOW incidents that had occurred since family holidays had extended well past just the family.
Thanksgivings and Christmases and Fourth of July’s had become celebrations of more than just that particular holiday. They were a celebration of another year lived, another attack survived, and sometimes, celebrations of another survivor added to their small but growing group of what they considered to be extended family.
This particular Thanksgiving was no different and so, the Burtons found themselves preparing to host their extended family for dinner, drinks, and overall good times. Not everyone was always able to attend - their common line of work never really took holidays into consideration - but this year they’re gearing up for an unusually good turnout.
Chris arrives first, as always. Early in order to help set up. The man can’t cook for shit so he brings drinks - both alcoholic and non-alcoholic - for his contribution to the large meal. Rebecca is next along with Sherry and Jake. Quite frankly, Barry was surprised they’ ed convinced the kid to come but, at the same time, the older man was fairly sure Jake would do anything for Sherry if she just asked. The three had brought different desserts that were most probably store-bought. Barry could already see Rebecca’s hand slowly drifting up to the pair of dog tags that hung around her neck - it would become more evident as the night wore on.
Next are Jill and Carlos, the latter of which has just been a recent addition to these types of celebrations despite having known Jill since Racoon. They arrive with a dish that smells heavenly and was most definitely prepared by Carlos. Jill, like Chris, was poorly adept in the kitchen. 
Last to arrive was Leon and Claire along with their ever-growing brood. Isabelle seemed to be barley restraining herself, a ball of excitement ready to burst at the seams.
“Hi, Grandpa Barry!” 
Barry smiled at the little girl.  She had been calling him ‘Grandpa” for as long as he could remember and, seeing as the kid had no real grandparents in her life, he and his wife had taken on the pseudo roll eagerly. 
“Hey kid,” Barry ruffled her hair, “how’s it going?”
“Great!” she giggled. Pleasantries out of the way, Isabelle moved on to her main prerogative,
“Are Sherry and Jake here yet?” 
For some reason, Izzy had taken quite the shining to her older sister’s new boy toy. Jake, for his part, seemed to have begrudgingly accepted his newfound role as ‘big brother’ to the Kennedy kid. Barry supposed that Izzy had never really given him a choice.
“They are. In fact, you guys are the last to get here.”
Isabelle pouted before turning to her mother who had been hanging up their coats by the door.
“I told you, Mamma, we’re always late.”
“We’re not late Izzy. Dinner isn’t anywhere near ready yet so you have plenty of time to play with Sherry and Jake.”
Izzy harrumphed before running off to the living room where she assumed everyone else would be. Claire sighed before turning to their host.
“Hey, Barry.” She smiled and accepted the hug that Barry was offering her. She registered Leon scolding Izzy for not taking her shoes off before running further into the house.
“Leon.” Barry moved on to the younger man, waving at little Olivia who was snuggled up in her Daddy’s arms.
This was usually how things were. The two would act aloof until Claire has moved out of earshot and Barry could well and truly find out how Leon was doing.
“Kathy is in the kitchen, said to send you in once you got here.”
“Oh, of course.” Claire looked between the two men and pretended not to know what was going on. She pecked Leon on the lips and tickled Olivia’s belly before heading towards the kitchen to help Kathy with the dinner. 
“Sorry, we didn’t bring anything this year. Claire’s had her hands full with her job and the girls while I was gone and since I got back a few days ago things have been a little out of whack.” Leon chuckled.
“Don’t worry about it kid.” God, Barry thought, am I really so old that I’m calling everyone kid?
“Anyway,” Barry said, “how’s the family life treating ya?” 
Leon knew Barry wasn’t really asking about the ‘family life’. But it was just easier sometimes to talk in innuendos and code words what with little ears around. In this case, the family life really meant the sober life. The special agent looked down at a specific pair of little ears before answering. Liv was currently clinging to Leon like her life depended on it. Both girls were always a little clingy when he returned from long missions but Liv tended to take the term ‘Daddy’s girl’ to a new level.
The three-year-old had only let go of the man long enough for both of them to take their coats off.  What Barry noticed though, was that Leon seemed to be holding on to Olivia just as desperately.
“Family life is... It’s ah, a little hard sometimes. But I’d never go back.”
Barry smiled but nodded. Motioning for Leon to follow, he made his way into the living room to join everyone else.
“Hi, Livy!” Moira said, waving enthusiastically at the little girl.
“Hi,” Liv said in a small, quiet voice
“Come play with us!” Natalia called from where she and Moira were stationed in front of a dollhouse.
Barry’s adopted daughter loved playing with Olivia whenever she got the chance. She once told him that it was because she had fun playing with ‘babies’ which, Barry thought was a little funny considering that, at only eleven, Barry still very much saw Natalia as barely more than a baby himself. He supposed he should work on that, the girls as growing up every day - thriving, even, in a stable environment with what is probably the closest to a normal life she’d ever had.
Olivia shook her head at Natalia’s invitation to play. Instead, she buried her head even further in her father’s shoulder. 
“Common Liv, we have a special doll just for you.” This time it was Moira trying to do the convincing, even going as far as to use a sing-song voice.
All she garnered was another head shake. 
“I’m sure your sister is having a lot of fun with Sherry and Jake,” Barry motioned to where the three were making various buildings and figures out of Leggos, “I think you’d have a lot of fun.”
“Jake could use some help over here Liv, I think you should come show him how its done.” Sherry chimed in.
“What? No I -” Jake’s cry of indignation was cut off by Sherry’s elbow to his side. “ I’m real lost here, Oliva. Sherry’s right.”
“ I stay with Daddy.”
A round of soft laughter went through the room at that. Barry shared a knowing look with his wife before holding his arms out to the little girl who looked at him skeptically,
“Common sweetie. I’m sure you’ve been attached your Daddy since he’s been back. Why don’t you spend some time with Grandpa for a bit? I feel like I haven’t seen your cute little face in ages!”
Olivia didn’t say anything. Instead, she just looked at Barry in that way kids were so good at like he was spewing a load of fresh bullshit.
“It’s fine Barry.”  Leon’s response saw Olivia snuggles back into her father, content to be in his arms.
“Well, she can’t stay with you forever kid, gotta learn sometime - both of you. Why not now when you won’t be any further than a room away.”
“I’m with you Barry, I tell Leon all the time he coddles her too much,” Claire said. From her spot in the kitchen, she had a clear view of what was going on in the living room.
“Is it really coddling though? I was gone for almost two weeks.” Leon’s defense was weak sounding.
“And we both know you could be gone longer at the drop of a hat. That’s just the life we live and when she refuses to be put down and you refuse to put her down, you make my life harder when Daddy inevitably has to leave again. Barry’s still got my vote. She’s gotta learn.” 
“Common, Chris, Carlos, if you guys were in my situation you’re telling me you guys wouldn’t do the same thing.”
“ Sorry bro, as much as I love to disagree with my sister, she’s kinda right.” Chris’s reply was definitely not what Leon was looking for so the blonde man turned to Carlos for his support.
“Look man, I’d be the first to admit that if I ever had kids it would be hard for me to ever deny them anything.” Leon lit up at that and everyone else pretended to ignore the quick look Carlos shot Jill as he finished his statement.
“But,” Leon seemed to visibly deflate as Carlos continued, already knowing where this was going - not in his favor “ that doesn’t mean they aren’t right.”
“Thank you!” Claire interjected.
“Well, I think it’s cute.” Rebecca proudly stated.
At that Caire stepped fully out of the kitchen and pointed a pair of tongs at Rebecca who had been nursing a glass of something strong by the fireplace.
“You say that now. Wait until you find someone and have a few kids of your own. As cute as it is, your tune will change real quick.”
Rebecca let out a little laugh as Claire returned to the kitchen but it sounded a little forced, hand drifting back up to the dog tags around her neck.
“Hand her over, Leon. She’ll be fine.”
Reluctantly, Leon did as he was told. Olivia did not go quietly, the beginnings of a tantrum becoming evident as she was handed off to her ‘grandpa’.
“Oh stop acting up baby girl, you’re just fine!” Claire’s voice carried sweet but stern from the kitchen.
Olivia quieted at her mother’s words but still hadn’t silenced her whimpers. Leon looked about ready to cave.
“I have three kids Leon and more years of experience. Trust me, I’ve got this. Now, Livy and I are gonna go read a nice story and I’m sure Kathy and Claire could use some help.” Barry said with a smile. 
“ Leon, could be a dear and go bring the cooler in from the garage?” 
“Of course Kathy.”
“Oh, you might need some help. It’s not exactly small and Barry already put the ice and some drinks in.”
“I got you.” Carlos squeezed Leon’s shoulder as he passed, effectively turning the man away from Olivia and punching him in the direction of the garage.
“Thanks, boys!” Kathy called after them.
Olivia got a little angsty once Leon was out of her sights but soon Barry had her thoughts away from her missing Daddy and onto The Cat in the Hat. They got through three more books - Olivia entranced by the pictures in on each page - before eventually going off to color with Polly who had brought out some of her colored pencils, crayons, and old coloring books. 
Olivia even convinced her Uncle Chris to come color with her ( and he’d never admit it to Leon but, when those large blue eyes were turned on him Chris knew he wouldn’t be able to say no).
When Claire and Kathy called that dinner was ready to be served Leon took that as his cue that ‘separation’ time was over. He collected Izzy first, watching to make sure to washed-up properly before helping her to make a plate.
“ Do you want ham or turkey, Princess?”
“ Ham, please. Daddy, I don’t want green beans.” Isabelle made a face as Leon scooped some onto the plate, ignoring her protest.
“ I know, but remember what we talked about?”
Isabelle sighed, “No green beans, no desert.” The girl had a sweet tooth that could rival her mother’s and her parents tended to use that to their advantage.
Leon chuckled, bringing the plate over to the smaller table just to the side of the main one in the dining room. Their found family was getting too big for everyone to sit at the dining table, so they had resorted to setting up a table for the youngest of the group to sit.
Izzy seemed to accept her fate as she sat Jake at the table, giggling as he too joked about being forced to eat his vegetables in return for dessert. Sherry always volunteered to sit with the kiddos along with Moira and Polly and wherever Sherry went, Jake went. Leon shot the kid a look, it seemed that two of his girls had taken quite a shining to him and it was safe to say that he wasn’t too pleased with it. Rationally, he knew that Sherry was old enough to make her own decisions and Izzy most likely just had a silly schoolgirl crush that would go away with time. But Leon didn’t want to think rationally right now.
He was interrupted from his thoughts as he heard Claire playfully inspecting Olivia’s hands.
“Did you get ‘em all clean, baby?”
“Uh-huh. Uncle Chris help me!”
“Did he sing you your song?” Claire asked teasingly. Olivia just giggled while nodding her head yes.
“He did, did he?” Claire sent a shit-eating grin to her brother who quickly excused himself to the table.
“You do it better, Mommy.” Claire laughed before kissing her little girl’s bleach blonde hair. Leon was convinced it would darken over time, just like his had.
“Come here little bug, let’s get you something to eat.”
Leon helped Liv just as he had with Izzy. Once she’d had all she wanted on her plate, as well as some vegetables she didn’t, he made to set her up next to her sister at the other table.
“Daddy, no!”
Leon was prepared for this, it happened every time. Liv wouldn’t want to sit with the other kids, no, she always much rather stay with her Daddy. So, safe to say he was more than taken aback by Livy’s next words.
“ I sit with Grandpa.” 
It was as if the whole room went silent at Olivia’s request, even Izzy stopped her laughing and was looking at her little sister with a shocked expression.
“ I - um… you’d have to ask Grandpa.”
Olivia wasted no time running over to Barry where he sat at the head of the table.
“Grandpa, I sit with you?”
“Sure, sweetheart.”
Barry lifted the little girl onto her lap. She settled in with a little giggle and Leon felt his heart both swell and break at the sound. This was what they were trying to achieve the whole night, right? He voiced such out loud when Claire came over to ask if he was ok.
“Ya but, it doesn’t mean it would hurt any less. That was a hard reject, Kennedy.” Jill said. 
“Jill.” Carlos gently admonished.
“What? Are we all just supposed to sit here and pretend like that didn’t just happen? I mean, no offense to you Leon but that was the funniest thing I’ve seen all night.” Jill laughed again.
“You know Jill, I never took you as one to languish in someone else’s pain. Hats off to you.” 
Jill raised her wine glass to Jake in acknowledgment of his comment. Claire took Liv’s plate out of Leon’s hand and placed it in front of the little girl. She then began to make up another one with all of Leon’s favorites.
Putting down the plate in front of an empty chair she motioned for Leon to come and sit.
“Why don’t you come eat something, honey.” 
Leon could tell that even Claire felt a little bad for him - she only calls him ‘honey’ when she does. She even kissed his cheek as he pulled a chair out for her before sitting down like she’d suggested.
“It’s fine,” he lied, “I don’t get why you guys are making such a big deal out of this.”
“If he’s acting this way now imagine how he’ll act once they start dating.” Rebecca whisper yelled to Chris who was seated next to her.
Chris almost choked on his drink, laughing at the image of Leon’s suffering.
“Hey, he hasn’t said anything about Jake yet!” Sherry’s attempt at defending Leon was not appreciated by Jake who shot her a scathing look.
“Only because I haven’t had the chance yet. It’s coming, Shelly.” Leon turned to look at the two adults in question as he said it.
Sherry blushed - whether, from the use of his old nickname for her or from the thinly veiled threat, he wasn’t exactly sure. Jake let out a withered sigh before turning back to his food. Eventually, everyone else took pity on Leon’s poor soul and did the same. That, or they just got tired of making fun of him - with people like these for family one never could be too sure. 
Dinner continued with much merriment; teasing abounded but not all at the expense of Leon. Once the word was out that Rebeca had been curbing advances from several men she had met at her new job the table was divided - some teasing and encouraging her to go for it, others defending that she didn’t have to. By the end of it, the dog tags had ended back up in her hands. Rebecca then flipped it on the perpetually single Chris who, in turn, threw Jill and Carlos under the bus. The friendly banter then shifted to their undefined relationship status. All the while laughter continuously flowed from the table along with the occasional interjection from Moira, Polly, or Sherry. Jake mainly sticking to entertaining the kids.
By the end of the night, Leon found himself with an arm around Claire’s shoulders and Livy sitting in his lap - two out of three of his girls snuggled up against his chest, still seated at the table. Olivia had migrated back to her Daddy when she had started to get tired and Leon would be lying if he said it hadn’t made him feel miles better. Number three wasn’t far behind.
“Daddy, are we going home soon?”
Leon could see the tiredness almost radiating off of his daughter. Izzy had run off her sugar high from dessert and looked like she was ready to drop right there in front of him.
“Soon, Princess.” he shifted Livy in his lap to make room for Izzy.
It always took a little finagling to fit both Isabelle and Olivia on his lap but, somehow, they always seemed to make a way. Izzy climbed up and Leon felt content - belly full of good food, surrounded by family and good conversation, and most importantly, his little family wrapped safely in his arms.
They stayed like that for a while. Eventually, Chris, Carlos, and Jill began to clear the table. They made their way to the kitchen with the intent to clean up and give Kathy a break since she and Claire were the main ones who set everything up.
Leon could hear his wife sigh,
“It’s late. We should get the girls home.” except she made no move to do that, instead she buried her face in his neck and took in a deep breath letting out an even deeper sigh.
Eventually, Izzy began softly snoring. Leon and Claire knew they couldn’t put off heading home any longer - the drive wasn’t long but it wasn’t exactly short either and the girls should be sleeping in their own beds where it was more comfortable.
Between the two of them, they were able to get the girls into their shoes and jackets and then into their car seats with minimal trouble. They said their goodbyes outside by the car. Promises to do it again for Christmas were made but they were all taken with a grain of salt. One never knew when Leon would be called away on a mission or when Claire would be needed for some Terrasave function or clean-up job. 
“I hope you enjoy being ‘grandpa’ to those cute little girls ‘cause you sure aren’t getting any grandkids from me anytime soon.”
Barry turned away from watching Claire and Leon drive away to look down at his oldest daughter. She looked back up at him. All was silent for a moment until the two broke out into easy laughter. He guided her back into the house, closing the door and effectively blocking the cold out.
As Barry held his own daughter close he looked around at everyone left. Natalia sleeping on the couch, Sherry and Jake whispering in a not-so secluded corner. Rebecca had joined the cleanup crew in the kitchen after having seen off the Kennedy clan. His eyes met his wife’s who was still seated at the table enjoying a slice of pie with Polly.
Barry knew that in the world they lived in, one couldn’t be certain of many things. But, he also knew that he could be certain of this - family wasn’t just defined by blood. Barry didn’t know what the future held, no one did. What they did know, however, was that their family was always changing - in size and look. But, they would always be there, especially on holidays like this, to remind one another that they were alive, that they had all made it through another year. They would be there to remind each other that there was still love and kindness in this dark world worth fighting for, and they did it in what seemed like the easiest, most simple way - by loving each other.
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ghostdummieideas · 4 years
A Grave Mistake 1/?
I wanted to write a comedic series involving a graveyard worker and Mary Goore. I don’t know how long this will be, but enjoy. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In a desperate need to pick up a job before your last semester, you committed to any PM shift available on the posting. Your previous supervisor refused to adjust your shift to your school schedule. Thus, you had to part ways to prioritize your education. The only problem was the fact that you require money to survive, and out of the ten work postings you applied for, one replied: A position in maintaining and watching over the local cemetery. 
Your first impression of your boss isn’t outstanding, either. An unwelcoming, scowling man with a cue ball head and stained uniform. He didn’t even look up at you from his security monitors, just jabbed his thumb over this shoulder.
“Even out the gravel, kid,” he grunted. Your eyes followed his gesture to locate a rusty rake and a headlamp hanging from one of the many hooks. You shuffled over to the corner and snagged the headband, then grasped the rough handle of the appliance and took the tool off the hook. 
“Wear the jacket before you go.” 
You turned back towards your new boss to see him now pointing to the coat hanger next to the office door, bearing a crusty-looking trench coat. Without another word, you grabbed the article of clothing and ventured out into the chilly outdoors.
The extra layer of the trench coat provided little to no aid into blocking the frigid winds swirling around you. You stuffed your free hand into the pocket, pausing when your hand met with plastic. You grasped the unknown item in your hand and brought it in front of you. A plastic bag with draw strings attached to the lip of the liner. “That’s nice of him,” you mumbled to yourself. ‘This will make the disposal process easier.’
Buzzing from the ancient lamps that flanked the gravel walkway illuminated with a pale glow. Rustles of dead leaves created a lullaby people could only find during this time of year. A sigh escaped your lips as you contemplated your options.
‘I’ll start around the outer perimeter, then work my way in towards the mausoleums,’ you thought.
You took your time to walk to the entryway of the burial ground, pushing aside piles of wilted leaves from the main path. The buzz of electricity and faint noise of the city beyond the iron gates provided the perfect white noise. Another gust of wind swept past you.
‘There are worse jobs out there, right?’ became your mantra, and you repeated it in your head whenever you felt a little spooked.
  Your efforts in clearing the property quickly become visible. The once-obscured trail was now in sight after just a few hours’ worth of work. Without warning, a crash interrupted your work to push through the decaying fauna. You stopped your labor to find the source of the mysterious noise.
With a glance around the area, you searched for any source of the ruckus. With no luck, you cautiously moved forward through the cemetery, trying to find whatever’s making that weird noise. There’s no mistake, you weren’t the only one in the gravesite. No way would a possum or a racoon cause that much of a disturbance.
‘What the hell is that?’ you wonder, anxiety spiking your pulse. You raise the rake from the crumbling earth to follow the commotion, deviating from the path and proceeding into the dark. The closer you stepped into the graveyard, the louder the sound of metal scraping mud became. You stopped for a moment to shut off your head lamp. The light would only alert the source of the noise to your location. Your steps eclipsed by the shadows, you steal deeper into the cemetery. The moonlight assisted your journey to the mystery that lies ahead. 
‘Am I in a cliché horror movie? Ha, good one, me. I’ll run into some kind of murder and scream myself to death!’
The self-deprecating humor failed to extinguish the knot that had formed in your gut. As you looked up from your path, a moving shape caught your attention. In the near darkness, you can barely make out the silhouette of a male with fitted clothes hugging his outline, the handle of a shovel in his grasp. The cadence of the shovel’s blade meeting the moist terrain echoed with his motions.
With grace, you noiselessly crouch behind a gravestone without alerting the stranger of your presence. You gently put the equipment right next to you so it won’t appear in his view. 
With a better vantage point, you can make the stranger’s features in the moonlight. Leather cuffs adorned his lean arms. A grime-covered shirt and torn jeans hugged his frame. Raven black hair draped to the front of his face. 
‘I-is that blood??’ you asked yourself as you spy the specs of maroon painted on the side of the unknown figure’s skin.
‘Why is he digging at a gravesite in this hour? Is he graverobbing? Fuck, boss never gave me a protocol for this problem.’ Your mind filled with the plausible solution to this problem. Should you dash to the office and tell that prune what’s happening? Wouldn’t he have seen this guy trespassing on the security feed?
With your knees aching from crouching to remain hidden, you went to adjust your footing to find a comfortable position. 
‘Oh, fuck’ you internally screamed at yourself as your foot breaks a rogue stick. 
The man halted his movement. Lifting himself upright from his excavation, he patrolled his surroundings. As he scanned the cemetery, you ducked to get out of his sight. In a state of frenzy, you didn’t know what the best choice was. Run? Wait for him to dig again so he’s too distracted to witness you scurrying away?
The sound of crunching leaves was getting closer and pulled you out of your thoughts. You pressed yourself against the icy marble and prayed that he doesn't catch you stumbling onto his grim activity. His footsteps stopped and you couldn't breathe. 'Please turn back, please turn back, please turn back,' you pleaded over and over again in your mind. From the corner of your eye, you saw a scrawny hand reach over the block of stone that hid your body.
The silhouette of the unwanted guest’s shadow loomed over you. Glancing to your right, you could see mud-caked boots. You scanned up to see the enigmatic man glowering down at your petrified figure. His devilish grin complemented the crimson fluid flowing from his forehead. The moonlight cast a haunting look on his sunken cheeks and hollow eyes. He looks like a walking corpse. The living dead. His manic looking face came closer to yours. 
Using whatever strength you have, your nails dug into the pile of leaves and threw the concoction of dirt, pebbles, and sticks at the man. A distressed grunt and the sound of shuffling let you know you had your chance. You scrambled to your feet and made a mad dash from the walking corpse, your shrieks of distress echoing through the silent field. One hand held down the first layer of coating while the other dug  to find the lanyard containing your assortment of keys.
With a goal in mind, you ran past the iron gates, rushing out of the cemetery and into the parking lot. With your beat up Toyota in view, you slowed your dash to a jog. You did a double take to figure if they followed you. You couldn't see him, but you could hear the crunching of leaves from the direction you came. Yanking your lanyard out of the pocket of your coat, you arrived at the driver’s side of the vehicle. Pressing the unlock button, the sound of your door unlocking never sounded so sweet until this moment. Ripping open the door, you slide in and close it right behind you. You scanned the entrance to see any signs of the chaser. On cue, the man collided with the cemetery gate, gripping the bars as he tried to catch his breath.
When the key aligned with the slot, you revved the engine to life. Without looking back, you threw the car in reverse and sped towards the parking entrance. You drove until you found the first public parking space. You maneuver into the spot closest to the illuminated building. Setting the gear to park, you allowed your body to release the tension in your shoulders. The adrenaline started to wear off, and the dam broke. A whimper grew into a sob. Your palms covered your eyes as you crashed from the anxiety-inducing event.
‘Who was that guy?’
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missallycat · 5 years
Did you know? - Gilmore Girls FAQs, trivia and curiosites
I’ve watched this show so many times, I stopped counting years ago when I reached double digits. Is my favorite show of all times and I’ve been told almost nobody knows it as well as I do, so I decided to put together all the knowledge I’ve gained over the years of trivia tidbits, although in that I’m nowhere near an expert ;) my deal is knowing these characters and their personalities and the lines of the show lol but I figured I’d give it a try and collect all the trivia and tidbits of knowledge I’ve gained over the years in one post that I’ll continue to edit to add more stuff (there are a couple that I didn’t get a chance to add right not that will add later on)
1. Yes, that’s Kirk in guardians of the galaxy 2 http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0348231/. And yes Sam Smith (depending on the photo) does look like Kirk (Sean Gunn). Sean Gunn also played the movements of Rocket the racoon.
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2. And yes that is Jess dad's girlfriend Sasha now as April's mom (yes she was/is in Twin Peaks http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000145/). Amy wanted to work with Sherilyn and rumor has it she was offered the role for Lorelai first but there’s no article yet to be found stating this directly from the Palladinos mouths.
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3. And yes cousin Marilyn and Gran, Lorelai the first, Richard’s mother, are the same actress. (Happy Day’s Mrs Cunningham http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005385/?ref_=nv_sr_1).
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3. Yes the girl in SH high unnamed who asks Lorelai a question and Logan’s LBD friend Juliette are the same actress. Different character. Riki Lindhome played the unnamed student of SH high and Juliette
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5. Yes the first episode looks completely different (not just in the diner) because it was filmed in a different location (Ontario, Canada).
6. Yes, that’s Luke in Seinfeld. (”sponge worthy guy”) and in Will & Grace, jerk guy obsessed with huge boobs, Grace wanted to impress with the water bra. Lauren was also in Seinfield as one of Jerry’s brief girlfriends. That’s also a young Lauren in Caroline in the city.
7. That’s Chris in friends (hums when he pees guy). Yes that's both Luke and Chris on Will & Grace (Luke water bra artist narcissistic guy, Chris cabin in the woods hot guy).
8. Yes that is Logan (and with Usher for that matter lol) in that scene at 7th heaven . And yes Logan. Matt Czuchry was in the good wife, and he has his own show now “The Resident” on Fox. Currently filming a second season (as in October 1st, 2018)
9. Yes Crazy Carrie was also the Stars Hollow High teacher (by a different name) in the pilot. Same actress that plays crazy Carrie but different name of character
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10. No, nobody knows if the show will ever come back (as far as it’s been told everything points to a NO). The Palladinos don’t double book, they are happy doing Mrs Maisel and they devote themselves to one show at the time. The last interview they gave on the subject was to Michael Ausiello in the podcast you can hear in the links. 1. A direct link to the article from November 2017 but is important to listen to the podcast http://tvline.com/2017/11/27/amy-sherman-palladino-podcast-interview-gilmore-girls-mrs-maisel/ 2. This is a link directly to the podcast that opens right up and they say "it would have to be the right time , we don't know but we're open. We said no before and ended up doing more that's why we're open now but it would have to be in a different format", Daniel doesn't repeat the would have to because he already said it right before in the same sentence. Basically is nothing we didn't know. However is a very interesting podcast http://hwcdn.libsyn.com/p/b/8/1/b810a8eea76b5eb5/Amy_and_Dan.mp3?c_id=17932724&expiration=1526427435&hwt=95629606ee9caf86bc57bb8d2d70cf6a. Amy and Dan Palladino show creators and writers and producers, these are the people who made this universe, these are the people who the show belongs to, this is THEIR baby and they made a damn good one.
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11. No, Lauren Graham did not have cancer and write a book about it. (different person, same name).
12. No, Lauren and Scott didn't hate each other's guts they just weren't BFFs. They have both said this endlessly, they have respect for each other. Scott had a crush on Lauren when he begun the show. But from what has been told and learned about Scott, it seems he doesn’t like to get along with the rest of the cast unless is for his personal gain.
13. NO Rory is not a surrogate. They never even discussed the surrogacy Lorelai with Rory neither did Paris with Rory and Gilmore Girls is a light dramedy not a soap opera it doesn’t have sudden hidden scenes that come to change the show completely, other shows, soap operas could do that, Gilmore Girls DOES NOT. She is NOT pregnant of the Wookie. She never slept with Paul (the actor even said it wasn’t Paul’s) Milo said Jess is not the father and doesn’t romantically love Rory anymore. Only Alexis and Matt were told who the father of the baby is. The Palladinos have said clearly that the father of Rory’s baby was never meant to be a mystery. The only person that fits is Logan. The only actors they have told are Alexis and Matt and told them they could do what they wanted with the information but they have chosen not to say anything because is Amy’s story.And the Palladinos have said IT IS THE OBVIOUS CHOICE. So, Logan is the father, is no cliffhanger is open ending. Yes it would be lovely to see more of them but the Palladinos don’t have the style of wrapping up things in a big pink bow.
14. Ace is Logan’s term of endearment for Rory, it shows respect and admiration, it comes from what they used to call top reporters in the 50’s movies, he first calls her that in a IM conversation at the Yale daily news in the episode season 5 episode 6 of Norman Mailer, I’m pregnant!. Not in the poker game, not in the LDB first gathering. Is a term of respect for her abilities investigating the Life and Death Brigade.
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15. The love rocket. Rory understood the meaning because it was the same model, came from an episode of the Twilight zone that was Logan’s favorite. It didn’t need confirmation from Logan because Rory had already said she understood it and she explained it to Lorelai in the same episode: “When Logan and I were first going out, we were in the pool house one night really late, and we were falling asleep on the couch. And this episode of "the twilight zone" came on -- "the long morrow." There's this astronaut who was supposed to go into space for 40 years, but right before he left, he met this beautiful woman. But for those 40 years that he was going to be in space, he was going to be in suspended animation. So when he came back to earth, he was going to be really young, but she would be really old. So he goes into space, and when he does come back, the woman is still young and beautiful because she put herself in suspended animation to wait for him, but he's really, really old because he took himself out of suspended animation so he could be old with her. He spent 40 years alone in space just waiting to see her, and he was willing to come back as an 80-year-old man, giving up almost his entire life just to spend those last few years with her. The point is, that this is Logan's favorite episode of "the twilight zone." And when we watched it together, he said, "that's true love." That's true love! This is the most romantic gift I've ever been given.”.
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16. Chris wasn’t at Rory’s high school graduation. He was however at her college graduation. The reason they give is he had to work. Probably the actor who was a guest star was doing another project and couldn’t be in the episode or they just didn’t want to write him in so they could develop more the arc between Lorelai and Luke.
17. June 3rd is the date of Rory’s court date AND the date chosen by Lorelai for hers and Luke’s wedding in the original show. Is the same date different year, coincidence as Lorelai herself says the date happened to happen. There’s a theory that is ASP’s best friend Helen Pai’s birthday. Since it was in an old interview we haven’t found the confirmation of it yet becaue there’s no data (at least on the searches we’ve done so far by various people) on Helen Pai’s date of birth.
18. Lane’s story is loosely based on Helen Pai’s, executive producer of the show and Amy Sherman Palladino’s best friend. HEP ALIEN is an anagram of her name (Pai’s name). Helen Pai’s husband is real life Dave Rygalski which was the character of Dave initially based on until the actor had to leave for a better offer.
19. The real life Dave Rygalski shows up in the troubadour’s “attack” episode, he was with Daniel Palladino who was singing a beaver ate my thumb Dan is singing and Dave is playing the bass. Daniel Palladino is also the town loner, the one who protests at the church and appears briefly in the pilot episode leaving Luke’s. In total Dan Palladino shows up three times in the show
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20. Keiko Agena and Emily Kuroda are Japanese American that’s why when they speak korean in very few moments in the show is very difficult to understand for people who do understand korean. Also Mrs Kim’s real name, at least Korean’s name is Jong Ya. Lane’s is Hyun Kyung, without last names, which come first in Korean Culture so Lane would be Kim Hyun Kyung, Mrs Kim however would not be Kim as last name, that’s a westerner tradition, in Korea women don’t change their last name when they marry and they are referred as Madam, Auntie, or as mother of such (name of youngest child) depending on level of familiarity. There’s never a mention of Mrs Kim’s “westerner” first name.
21. There’s also no idea of what Lane’s father does or where he is during the original show. Amy Sherman Palladino show creator said she never saw the need to create or cast a Mr Kim because it was more to focus in the mother and daughter dinamics. No is not the unnamed Asian waiter at Luke’s. Mr Kim appears in the revival for a brief moment, never before. There’s a fan theory going around that he was never there because he had to constantly be traveling to supply antiques for the store. Lane mentions “my parents”, “my mother and father” in a handful of ocassions through the show. He WAS NOT the unnamed Asian waiter that is always at the background at Luke’s. The Palladinos had never made anyone pass for Mr Kim not even as the back of a head until the revival as a way of fan service and as a joke like saying “oh look, so maybe he had been there the entire time”.
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22. The translation of the korean wedding ceremony is here: https://missallycat.tumblr.com/post/173812878159/i-got-a-sidekick-out-of-you (is a tumblr post) complete with before and after.
23. What does Lane’s grandmother say when she arrives at the house before the wedding? Grandma takes her coat and she sees Lane, she calls out her name Hyun Kyung-a (the a is an added sound they use for familiarity when they call someone's name) and tells her to come down. After Lane comes down she pats her in the cheek and says Lane is "oh so pretty!". Lane replies, "welcome, grandmother, I am very happy you came." The grandmother then says, "it's good to have come / I'm glad I came." She then talks to Mrs Kim (Yong Ja-ya Jong Ya is the name the ya the added familiarity informal sound), asking why is that Budha statue here in the room?. Mrs Kim says I was going to move it, mother (formal). Grandma walks through the house she's saying, "ugh, it's so dirty and stuffy in here - open a door." Then Mrs Kim says something that sounds sort of like, "rest first, please." When the camera cuts to Lane and Rory giving each other 'the look,' Grammy Kim is saying, "hey, why didn't you come out to the airport?" Mrs Kim maybe replies, "you said yesterday... that I shouldn't..." (and the sentence doesn't finish). Grammy Kim then says, "the atmosphere/karma is bad [in here]. It needs to be changed. Let's bow 108 times."
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24. The episode of Jess in California “Here comes the son” WAS the backdoor pilot episode of what was going to be made into a spin off. But it wasn’t deemed interesting enough by the network to justify the expenses of shooting in the actual locations so it didn’t happen.
25. Miss Celine and Drella the harpist are the same actress. Alex Borstein. She was going to be Sookie, she was in the unaired pilot but due to conflicts with her other show she couldn’t be so she came later as other characters. She was also the voice in Dwight’s answering machine (especially my trivial pursuit!) and the woman’s voice in the museum. Jackson was married to her but they are divorced know.
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26. Paris (Liza Weill) initially auditioned for the role of Rory, she didn’t get it but they liked her so much they created Paris for her.
27. Luke was initially going to be a woman but they figured the show needed more testosterone so they casted Scott. This has been the first and only major role Scott Patterson has had in his entire “career” as an actor, the one that led him to get a few more minor roles, rumor has it, he’s very difficult to work with and not talented enought to be worth the pain. He milks Gilmore Girls every chance he gets.
28. Sookie was going to be gay but the network put a stop to that, they didn’t want any openly gay characters in the show. The Palladinos were new at this so they accepted the network’s conditions. Is probably why Michel was always put as bicurious or closeted gay man during the original show and was only fully out in the revival as an obvious thing that needed no explanation or backstory because everyone always assumed Michel was gay.
29. Kirk (Sean Gunn) was initially just an appearance, Mick in the pilot episode, then swan guy, then Kirk new manager at Doose’s new in town who didn’t know Miss Patty or anyone and then became the Kirk Gleason we know and love. Sean Gunn was initially an extra but they loved him so much they created Kirk Gleason as permanent character for him.
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30. Gypsy and Berta, the maid in AYITL are both played by the extremely talented, Rose Abdoo. She was hilarious in a reading when they hadn’t casted anyone yet so she was given the part. Her language is “berta-ese” lol She speaks mostly Spanish, a couple of words could be Brazilian portuguese (maybe?), is mostly nonsensical Spanish words in the kind of Spanish that wouldn’t make a sentence with any meaning or sense and Rose Abdoo said she had changed a few vowels of the words to make it more confusing.G
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31. The unkown town elder (towel guy) is played by William Morgan Sheppard. He was never in the show before or after.
32. None of the elders were the same actors or characters of Richard’s two friends in the golf outing with Rory. But one of those friends was the reverend that buries gran, and in the revival is Charlie of the gazette.
33. Rory’s resident advisor Tess the girl who hands her the keys on her first day of Yale (SE04 EP2 “The Lorelais first day at Yale”) is a different actress than Sandee from Sandee says in AYTIL (a year in the life, netflix GG revival) Tess name is Joy Darash http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1384632/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t17 Sandee is Julia Goldani Telles http://www.imdb.com/name/nm5065920/?ref_=tt_cl_t3 (if you ever saw ASP’s show bunheads that’s Sasha)
34. When they take the roadtrip to Harvard. The picture of the girl Lorelai stares at when she’s in the hallway is a stranger it has to do with the year not the girl herself. That's the year she would have graduated if she went to an Ivy league college as it was planned. It was sort of a “what if” moment.
35. Emily Gilmore didn’t go to Yale she went to Smith to study History. Women weren’t admitted in Yale at the time Richard and Emily went to college but it was usual that girls colleges and guys colleges would have parties together and visited each other when there were couples. First mention of Emily attending Smith was in season 5. How many kropogs to cape cod. Richard jokes how Emily got kicked out of the women’s softball team for elbowing another girl. In season 7 I’m a kayak hear me roar, Emily says she went to Smith and majored in History.
36. They talk about Richard’s mother in the first season in past tense but later on Trix appears. It was an error of the first season when things weren’t that defined.
37. Alexis Bledel and Milo Ventimiglia did date in real life, apparently it ended really badly. She also dated Jared Padalecki. She didn’t date Matt Czuchry at least not that is known but both are extremely private people, however they are good friends and trust each other a lot from every interview they have given and enjoy working together. She’s now happily married to her Mad Men costar Vincent Kartheiser and they have a beautiful boy together.
38. Luke’s diner has the sign of William’s hardware store and not Danes’ because as a fandom we assume William was his dad’s first name. You’ll see changes in the diner all through the show. However Luke’s parents names are never mentioned ever during the show. The pilot episode was filmed in Unionville Ontario in a building that was formerly Williams hardware. For continuity when they moved to the studio lot at Warner Brothers the name was kept. I don't remember them ever explaining the name on the series other than the hardware store belonged to Lukes father
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39. Lorelai’s doll house is NOT the same dollhouse on friends but it is the dollhouse they show on sale at Kim’s antiques, in one episode where Lane is going to talk to her mom about the band and Mrs Kim cracks the joke “but is past their bedtime”.
40. Yes Gil from Hep Alien is Sebastian Bach from Skid Row.
41. Yes the “hug-a-world” that was in the garage in season 4 is on their couch in season 1! (Same as the scary clown pillow is in a number of seasons lying around lol)
42. Alexis Bledel is actually a Latina. She was born and raised in the US but grew in a Spanish speaking, latino, household, her father and paternal grandfather are Argentinian, her mother, like herself was born in the US, but Alexis’ mother grew up in Mexico. Alexis didn’t learn English until she started school. The episode where Rory speaks Spanish with Esperanza (Season 6 episode 2: “Fight face”) she anglicized her native Spanish BECAUSE Rory didn’t know much Spanish. There’s an old interview with Ellen Degeneres on set while filming season 6 or 7 that she’s asked to translate for Lauren, she doesn’t translate everything due to nervousness. (It also happens when you live your adult life in a country that doesn’t speak your first language, growing up bilingual, you tend to adopt the accent of the language you use most and tend to confuse some words when you don’t use your native language often).
43. People praised the chemistry and physical closeness between Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel, but there is actually a very logical reason for this: Alexis was a model and was just starting out acting and had a tougher time making her marks, so as veteran, Lauren often physically moved Alexis to make sure she was in the right place. Lauren told “The Today Show” in 2015: "The camerawork on that show is very specific and we really had to hit certain marks, which especially when you start out, is just a foreign concept...I remember a lot of times just kind of grabbing her, just kind of leading her arm. So, in the beginning, people are like, 'You have such great chemistry.' And I'm like, 'I'm mauling her. That's why.'"
(check this entry from time to time because I’ll keep writing fun facts)
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avadakaravadra · 7 years
tea & biscuits || lina and jax
While a new friendship buds above in the night sky, another crumbles beneath it.
Apparently, it was going to be a sleepless night for Jax. The realization had come after a particularly noisy racoon had sought help at his window, wanting a thorn out of her paw. Of course, Jax had obliged, but true to his Nox curse— now that he had risen once during the night, he was doomed to stay up. Nashira’s inky wings soared above him as he made his way to the lake. During the day, he wasn’t there often. But at night, it was one of his favorite places to be when he couldn’t sleep as the reflection of the stars rippled in its surface. As sounds of excitement came from Nashira, he called up to her mentally. “Find a friend?” The bird stayed silent for once, which he found deeply suspicious. He had his answer as to why as his eyes trailed to family's dock, and he could make out the form of Lina there. Suddenly dread filled his insides, and he stopped in his tracks. Was it too late to turn back? Had she already noticed him?
Of course, Lina knew it was dumb to sit at the spot that she and Jax screwed. She knew it wasn’t going to happen and she knew she was an idiot for feeling like maybe she wasn’t good enough in bed and that was part of the reason he was being weird. She knew that wasn’t it and it the dinner, but trying to get out of her own head was harder than expected. When Biscuit took off to the sky, she was startled, a yelp coming from her. She soon realized it was Nash and looked around the lake looking for Jax. When she finally caught him, she raised her hand for a wave. “Hey,” She was trying to act natural, as if she picked this spot randomly, though her blush gave away that she had not. “How are you?”
The effect of her greeting over Jax was instantaneous as he felt nearly every muscle in his body tense. It was as if it was preparing for fight or flight, though he knew that at this point the latter wasn’t a viable option, and the former wasn’t one he was willing to consider. It made him angry that it wasn’t. He’d hurt countless people that had gotten in his way without a blink of an eye, and now that Lina was sitting firmly in his path after making her sentiments obvious at the centurion dinner— he still knew that hurting he was the last thing he wanted. He was failing, disappointing his father and the family name even if Jefferson didn’t know it. But in another moment he was careful to put his body at ease, trying to appear as if everything was normal. Though it hadn’t escaped his notice that she’d chosen to sit in the spot they’d hooked up on, and her blush only made more memories of the time rush forth unbidden, as he was unable to wipe from his memory the redness that had filled her cheeks once they’d finished. And there was that stupid question again. Not exactly ‘Are you fine?’ but still asking after his emotional state. Which was something he was still trying to deny even existed. “I’m fine,” he said almost as a prod towards himself and his idiotic sensitivity to Lina’s words. “How are you?” he shot back, though his words were carefully neutral.
To say Lina felt like a stupid little girl right in that moment was an understatement. A few days wasn’t going to fix what she had said or what she had done or what they had done. Her knees went to her chest, making herself as small as she could at his answer. She hadn’t been expecting rainbows and sunshine, but she expected something more than the same flat tone that people often used with Lina. “I missed Christmas with my dad.” She said instead of I’m fine back. Maybe the openness would be better, maybe Jax would be taken off guard and she’d be able to get behind the mask he had put up for her. She looked up at the sky, two figures playing. “Nash and Biscuit seem to be having fun.” At least they were happy.
Jax couldn’t miss Lina’s attempt at making herself smaller, and it only caused another pang of guilt tug at him, a rather new emotion for him to be feeling. But it was soon followed by the anger once more, as his mind threw accusations at him for caring in the way that he was for someone that should be his enemy. He was somewhat surprised by Lina’s admission, as he’d gotten the sense before that she and her dad were rather close. “Why’s that?” This had to be a safe topic to speak of, right? It was of a mortal man, and mortal affairs. Mentally checking on Nashira and Biscuit flying above them, he tried his best to continue at pretending everything was normal. “What can I say, she’s a social gal.”
With her arms wrapped against her knees and her chin tucked in between her knees, Lina felt a bit like a kid again. Her small frame did wonders for hiding, but she wished she could go invisible like Maia. Of course, the conversation with Jax wasn’t bad, it just wasn’t actually a conversation with Jax. “His girlfriend is the most annoying person I’ve ever met. I have to call him Pete in front of her and she constantly tells me ways to make myself better. Go to college, wear makeup, go vegan.” She rolled her eyes,”It’s exhausting.” She didn’t know why she was saying it. She didn’t know why she was telling Jax about Karen, but it was nice to talk to him. She watched their two companions fly through the air together. “Who would have thought a bat and raven would be friends?” But then again, who would have thought Lina and Jax would be? She wondered if their friendship would crash and burn like hers did.
Jax shouldn’t be walking closer to the dock, nearing Lina as he went. But the way she was speaking, it was almost as if he could pretend that the dinner had never happened, that they’d only just met here for another moonlit rendezvous. He had so few people he could trust this days, and though he knew Lina could no longer be one of them— it didn’t change that as much as he didn’t want to admit it to himself...he wanted her to be one of them. But again the other side of him lashed out, telling him that these were the thoughts of a traitor. How could he possibly want to trust someone that was working against his need for vengeance? Working against the debt that his former centurion was owed. And it wasn’t just that. The Greeks had proved in that small moment that they were a hazard to all the Romans with their unpredictable ways. He wouldn’t let them hurt his remaining friends, his city, his home. Lina was included in those he’d been trying to protect, and here she was going against his secret efforts. He tried to only focus on Lina’s words, and not the civil war within his thoughts. “You’re telling me this isn’t the beginning of your staunch vegan phase?” Had he made a joke? Maybe. It was what he should have done, right? He gave a shrug at her last comment, not having any particular reply to it.
Lina had been avoiding looking at him, though was subtle about it. If she looked at him, she’d remember everything that attracted her to him. She’d remember how he understood her better than anyone else. And then she’d remember how she insulted his family, twice. She’d remember that he had a reason to be angry with her. She’d remember how she had acted like a petulant child, showing up to the Christmas already drunk because she couldn’t quite handle the idea of sitting through a dinner with some of those people. And Jax hadn’t been included in those people. Really she had expected them to leave together, but maybe she had gotten her hopes up. Why would someone like Jax actually want someone like her? “I’m going to be a vegan beauty school student. Get all of her checklist out of the way.” She hated how the joking made her miss him that much more. She missed him and he was stood in front of her, wasn’t that fucked up.
For the moment, Jax resisted the increasingly strong urge to sit down beside Lina, simultaneously trying to bury the memory of the delicious sounds she’d been making the last they’d been here as his lips and hands had traveled her. Though he supposed he shouldn’t be surprised that he was still annoyingly attracted to her. After all, he’d slept with Greeks hadn’t he? He knew attraction didn’t have to have grounds in emotional connection, but he was having a harder time of convincing himself of such things these days between Adriana and Lina. Still, it was managing to hold true for him. But despite his internal debate, her absurd words managed to draw a chuckle from him— though as soon as it fell from him it felt as if the sound waves of it had turned right back around to spear him through the chest. His own words echoed through his head from his last Cult job. ‘Pain hits you right in the gut. Knowing that things are different now. That even though they’re alive and well things will never be the same.’ He shouldn’t be laughing with Lina. Or should he? His father would most likely tell him to keep his enemies closer, but all his usual tricks he employed felt dirty when he thought of using them on Lina, and he was growing increasingly angry with his mind’s apparent need to grow a conscience where she was involved. “She must be thrilled.”
Lina wanted to kiss him. She wanted to feel him pick her up again like her weight was nothing to him. She wanted to lose herself in the moment and call him things she never would otherwise. The idea sent a shiver through her body and she had to pretend it was the cold. Her hands rubbed up and down her arms, trying to get rid of goosebumps that were popping up from the mere idea of Jax touching her again. Maybe it was the knowledge that it would never happen again that made it so dangerous for her to think about. Something lost was often something sought after more than not. Were they lost? Yes, they were. “She won’t be thrilled until my father blocks my phone number and changes addresses without telling me.”
For a moment, Nashira’s attention was back on Jax, and she called down to him as they both took notice of Lina’s chilliness. “Well, don’t be an asshole. Be the gentleman you were raised to be. Sit your ass down.” Finally, his knees got the best of him— folding in so that he could sit beside Lina as he saw her shiver. Why was she even out here without warmer clothes? He told himself he sat because he was tired and unable to fall asleep, and his secondary excuse should the first one implode was that he was simply being a gentleman as Nashira demanded, and he let the heat radiating off him find its way to her as they ended up closer. Though he didn’t dare touch her. That would most likely result in a heat that was similar to how they’d ended up doing much more than kissing underneath some mistletoe. His brows drew together in concern before he could stop them, and just as the voice in his head began to berate him he only just managed to silence it for the moment being. If he’d taken the time to think on it, he’d realize it was the first time he’d ever so wholly managed such a feat. “Yeah, as if we wouldn’t be able to find him even if something like that happened.” Another stab of pain at the word we. Who knew two little letters could make such an effective weapon against himself?
Finally, Lina caved and looked over at him. She told herself she’d only look for a second, but as if she was a starved man, one second of him wasn’t enough. Her eyes swept over him, trying to memorize the shape of his brows, the angle of his nose, the softness of his lips. It was if she would never see him again and she need to sear him into her brain to make sure she had one good memory left. After staring at his lips for far too long, Lina tore her eyes away, face looking away from him. She couldn’t kiss him and she had to accept it. “If he wanted out, I’d give him out. My life has been spent with too many feeling trapped by me and I won't force more people into the trap that is Lina. And maybe Karen’s right, maybe he’s better off without me.” Was she talking about her dad still? She didn’t think so.
For a moment, Jax couldn’t help but notice where her gaze had gone to his lips, and his heart had already begun to pound faster in his chest, as if it knew that him kissing her was inevitable. Unknowingly, he leaned forward in the slightest, his body moving of its own accord before Lina looked away. It was too easy for Jax to fall back into the way they’d been, though the realization of having done such a thing only made him more upset— another reminder of what it was he’d lost. “Karen sounds like a bitch. And wrong.” But Lina’s other words confused him. Could she actually believe such a thing? He didn’t know all that much about Lina’s past, but he couldn’t help but think that her equating herself to a trap wasn’t something that was accurate. “And I’m sure your father would never want to be without you.”
The movement of him leaning forward caught Lina’s eye and she looked back toward him. She mimicked his motion, her body spurred on by his. There was a flicker of potential, maybe they would kiss and Lina’s fears of them being forever changed would be proven wrong. She doubted it, but still she kept looking at him. “Karen is a bitch.” Lina wasn’t sure she was wrong, however. He was just being nice to her, like he always was, even when she proved over and over again she didn’t deserve it. “He would be one of the few to think that then. I’m a little much for a lot of people.”
Jax’s body was begging him to move forwards once more, to close the distance between him and Lina just as he had done underneath the mistletoe, and once again in this very spot at the lake that same night. There were too many directions his mind was trying to pull him. One was in the direction of locking his lips to Lina’s because it was simply what he wanted to do. But when had he last let himself do simply what he wanted to do? At the same time there was the voice demanding that he not fraternize with anyone that could support the Greeks. The last was the voice of his father, a sound that he was never far from. It was this one that made Jax’s decision for him— for this voice was also telling him to kiss Lina. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer, right? But manipulating her to such an extent was something that caused his stomach to roll, and he knew that if it was something Jefferson would approve of— it wasn’t something he wanted to do to Lina. “Well then people are stupid,” he said as he inched backwards once more, disappointed and relieved all at the same time. “You don’t need them.”
Lina swallowed that hope that had welled up in her quickly as Jax inched away from her. It hurt to see him back away and she couldn’t help but wonder if she had said what she did if they’d already be kissing. Her arms wrapped themselves tightly around herself and she sunk further down, the small woman a small ball now. “You’re one of the few who thinks I don’t need them.” Hadn’t he said this before during training? That people were idiots and she didn’t need them. “Don’t we all need people to support us?” She didn’t have that, at least not as much as she needed. That was the most devastating thing of the dinner; realizing that she needed people much more than they needed her. Realizing that the people she needed didn’t need her. Realizing that her views made them not even want her.
Jax wanted to be certain that he’d made the right decision in not kissing her. But it was most likely he would never truly know if it was or not. It was infuriating to no end, and a rather foreign concept to not be sure of something he’d done. Most of his actions had the utmost confidence behind him, and he was quickly finding that this questioning of everything he did was terribly annoying. He knew he’d said something quite similar in training, but that didn’t make his words any less true. “Maybe. But why would you want people like that supporting you?”
Lina forced herself to look forward, the disappointment that she was trying make disappear crawling up her throat. It’s presence was so distracting she didn’t know how she was breathing. She almost wanted to hate him for how this was making her feel, how out of control he got her. She’d be perfectly fine at keeping control in almost all situations before him. Now she was a miserable lump sitting in the freezing cold feeling like a teenager who had had gone through her first break up. She leaned her face on its side against her arms. “Because then at least I would have someone supporting me.”
Jax shrugged himself out of his jacket, taking note of the way Lina had curled into a ball. Was the brisk air making her cold? Or was it their strained conversation? Either way, it made him feel better if he did something. Draping the garment over her shoulders wordlessly, he tried his best not to look at her. After their almost kiss, he didn’t trust himself to see her once more without the urge resurfacing. He wanted to say he supported her. That there were other supporting her. But saying he supported someone who rooted for the Greeks would go against his every fiber, or at least— that’s what he thought. But then why was every inch of his body telling him to comfort Lina no matter the cost? As if the cost of not comforting Lina was far greater than anything else? “It’d probably prove more toxic than helpful.” Nashira dipped down from her playing to check on the pair for a moment, sensing Jax’s tumultuous emotions. “This is getting a bit tangled, Jax.” She was right. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could do this for with all these voices sounding off against one another in his head. “You should get some sleep, Lina.”
That heavy lump in her throat grew more uncomfortable as he draped his jacket over her shoulders. Of course, somehow in the middle of her trying to hate him, he does that. Lina couldn’t help but snuggle into the jacket. It was very cold outside and the fact that it was Jax’s definitely had nothing to do with it. She sighed,”Hasn’t everything turned out to be more toxic than useful lately?” At least everything to do with her. At least fake support would give her a few moments of assurance that she wasn’t being crazy. She watched her bat, Biscuit, fly down a bit to, she assumed, check on her. “As if she sleeps much anymore.” Biscuit, unbeknownst to Lina, hissed to Jax. The demigod woman sighed again, but nodded. “I probably should. I’m a bit of a nocturnal creature because of my mother.”
Lina’s question was a loaded one, and Jax didn’t particularly want to answer it. His entire life was toxic, it was simply unfortunate that everything seemed to be taking on a similarly poisonous tone, though he tried to remind himself that this sort of animosity towards the Greeks was what he wanted. What his friends, family, and city deserved. Biscuit’s comment did nothing but worry him, his brow drawing together. Why wouldn’t Lina be sleeping? But being a nocturnal creatures naturally was something he could relate to. “My grandmother doesn’t let me like the day all too much either,” he supplied in what he hoped was a lighter tone. He didn’t want to leave this meeting as tragically as the rest of it had seemed to go. He rose from his place and began to retreat, already knowing he’d stayed too long, been too invested. “Take care of yourself, Lina.”
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justanothr · 7 years
Spider sleuth and the case of a missing MJ part 2
FANFIC: PETER X MICHELLE Alright guys, there will have to be a part 3. The story gets a little cheesy and angsty over here. Fair warning. Special shoutout to: @tomhollandisdaddy2003  ! You have motivated me to write the next part of this story! Thank you! :* Quick recap of part 1: Spidey falls out of a tree right in front of Michelle's front door. For more part 1 read: https://justanotherfangirlpassingthrough.tumblr.com/post/163860253638/spider-sleuth-and-the-case-of-a-missing-mj
PART 2: Peter hadn't planned on starting a conversation with MJ! He had to say something now, though. It would be super awkward otherwise. "H-hey, Mich- uhm, miss! How are you doing on a fine day like this! " Peter tried and failed, to make his voice sound as deep as possible. This was going to end well. "Hey spider dude." Said Michelle. She'd lost her composure for only about a second. Now she was leaning coolly against the doorframe. "It's spiderman!" Peter corrected. "Yeah, whatever, I don't care." She was eyeing him with those striking eyes of hers, looking as bored and uninterested as ever. She still had unmistakable marks of bruising on her cheek. She also had crazy dark circles, making her look like she hadn't slept for weeks. He slowly let go of the web string and landed lightly on to the ground. God, how he hoped that he looked cooler than he felt. "So are you here looking for a bad guy in my frontyard? Because if you are, there's this really nasty racoon that's been terrorising my cat for the past week. It might be worth looking into as well." "Uh ma'am, I was just passing through! But you can count on your friendly neighborhood spiderman to get rid of the racoon menace for you!" Peter did a sort of salute and started to turn around, desperate for an escape. "Yo, hold up just a second, spider thing! " "It's spiderman" Peter groaned under his breath as he turned back around to face her. She rummaged through her hoodie pocket, took out a Rubik's cube and started fidgeting with it with quick flicks of her fingers. Not even looking up from the cube, she said, " I was just wondering about what you were doing in DC that day. The day the Washington monument blew up." She looked up at him with a slight smile. Ok, this was getting bad. He had to leave NOW. But something kept him rooted to the ground. "Uh, it was a lucky coincidence, really!" He said, sort of lamely. " Uh-uh" she said, continuing to flick her Rubik's cube around. " A local New York vigilante, spotted almost everyday on the streets of Queens, decides to visit Washington on the very day the monument blows up?" Damn, this girl ain't easy to convince! " Well, to tell you the truth, It was a tip off that led me to the bomb. There were a lot of things going on at the time... " Peter improvised. He tried to run his hand through his hair but then realized he had the mask on and awkwardly lowered it. "Sure, sure..." She was concentrating on the cube now. "You know, there's this loser named peter parker in my decathlon team. He says he knows you. He was supposed to be at the Washington monument with us that day, but he wasn't. Do you know where he disappears off to? " She tossed the Rubik's cube upwards and caught it. It was fully solved. Holy mother of spiders. " I know Peter , he's a good kid! But I cannot stay here and answer your questions all day, ma'am. I have a city to watch over! So see you around! " "Alright, spider dude! " "Just don't get into any trouble" he said, gesturing at his cheek. She raised her middle finger at him. "Fuck off, spiderman!" "Now she gets my name right." He muttered, as he turned around and swung away. ------------------------- "So you were stalking her." " Don't call it that, Ned!" Peter groaned. He was lying on his bed with his face buried in his pillow while Ned sat at the table, trying to finish an essay which was due the next day. " What else would you call following someone to their house without their permission?" Peter sat up. " look, I'm sure Michelle probably just ran into someone's extended fist and got bruised. But if there was even the slightest chance that she was in some sort of trouble, and I was sitting right there not doing anything, I'd feel terrible. I mean, what's the point of being a superhero if you can't even look out for your friends!" " I get your point. We are probably the closest things to 'friends' that she has." "Exactly! And she was right there and I couldn't help myself. " Peter sighed. " Anyway, I didn't really have to worry. I just got owned by her." " Yup. She wiped the floor with you." Said Ned, nodding. Peter threw the pillow at him. " MJ suspects that I'm spiderman. This is the last thing I needed right now." " Well, you can worry about that later. You have three essays to finish by tomorrow." ------------------------- MJ was a no show to school the next day too. Peter was returning home after running a couple of errands for May that evening. As he reached the seventh floor, he heard voices issuing from outside old Mrs Anna's house from across the hallway. Mrs Anna was this lovely old lady who always offered sweet treats to Peter when he was little. "Now don't get too stressed out, Michelle dear." She was saying. " You and your sister need plenty of sleep. Make sure you get it, won't you? " " don't worry about it, aunt Anna!" It was MJ's voice. Peter instinctively hid around a corner in the hallway, listening. He didn't want to have any awkward encounters. Not two days in a row. "Ohh, I won't. Take care now, both of you! And give Madeline my best!" " We will aunt Anna!" Came a second girl's voice. The sister? There were footsteps coming his way as the two girls approached the lift. They passed Peter in his hiding place and as they did, he could make out MJ's face. She had a swollen lip today and more bruises. Peter stifled a gasp. Who did this to her!? Face timing Ned later that day, Peter told him about everything he'd seen and heard. "Do you think she's being bullied? " Peter asked apprehensively. "Naah, she's too intimidating for that. She'd be the bully!" "I wouldn't be so sure about that. Bullies come in all shapes and sizes. If there's anything being spiderman has taught me, it's that. " Peter scratched his chin thoughfully. " I could ask Mrs Anna about it. She has always been nice to me." --------------------- Unable to shake the vision of the state of MJ's face last night from his brain, Peter decided to risk being called a nosy prat and pay Mrs Anna a visit. Mrs Anna loved having guests. She was especially delighted to have Peter over. After being offered coffee and a bunch of other snacks and trying his best to engage in small talk, Peter finally managed to get to the point. " So uh- Michelle Jones goes to my school, and I couldn't help but notice that you had her over yesterday!" "Oh you know dear Michelle, do you? What a small world! Her mother Madeline was the only one I was close to in the family. Having her children over is such a joy, seeing how I don't have any of my own!" She chuckled fondly. Peter went on tentatively. " She hasn't been coming to school much these days. I was just wondering if something's going on..." Mrs Anna's face grew somber. " She has been through a lot, Michelle. But she's a strong girl. She always has been. Never had many friends. Kids her age always think of her as weird, that's what she'd tell me. She has grown used to being alone. " Mrs Anna took a sip of her coffee, frowning. " But everyone needs friends at some point, Peter. No matter how strong they are. And that's why it's so great to see that she has someone like you asking after her, it really is. But it's not my place to tell you what she is going through, you'll have to ask her that yourself." She finished, with a sad smile on her face. ----------------------- You do not always need a fancy suit or a mask to help people. Sometimes, all you've got to be is yourself. Peter figured that Michelle didn't need Spiderman's help, she needed Peter Parker's. It was really chilly outside. Peter wore a jacket over his hoodie as he left the house that evening. He'd decided to go right up to MJ's front door and talk to her. Mrs Anna was right. No one can get through life without friends. He had Ned and that made life so much better. MJ shouldn't have to deal with whatever she was going through alone. She would have him if she needed him. part 3:
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How would the bros react to finding out their new love interest is living out of their car/homeless and struggles to find food but hides it from everyone?
Mm, this one was a little difficult, but I think I figured it out…*Fingers crossed*
You stood in a rather stunning apartment, turning as you looked to the owner of said apartment removing his shoes, before raising a questioning eyebrow to you.
“Uh, make yourself at home.” Noctis stated.
You opened your mouth to reply, “I don’t mean to sound ungrateful but you don’t have to do this Noctis.”
Noctis glanced over his shoulder, before moving to the couch collapsing on it, “I know, but I want to.”
You fidget with the large overused duffle bag, holding every last piece of item you had left in  the world.
Somehow the Prince had gotten wind of your currently living situation, it was kind of difficult to explain, your parents were supporting your housing situation, yet when you got a ‘B’ on a final they stopped supporting you and you were immediately evicted from your apartment. Fortunately your Grandparents had purchased your car, so you had been living in the backseat, living off of To-go soup cans and the veggies that Noctis often picked off his food.
Yet the moment Noctis found you, going back to your car after an evening out with your friends, he immediately, jumped into the passenger seat and demanded you take him home. Only to trick you at the door, demanding you come up. Stating there was plenty of room, and Ignis wouldn’t mind cooking for you as well.
“If you’d like a shower, it’s down the way to the left. When’s the last time you ate?” Noctis asked, tapping away at his phone.
“Uh, about 2 days ago.” You thought, it might have been longer, since you were actually much shorter on money.
“I’ll order some take out.” He stated.
You smiled weakly, “Thank you.” You were lucky to make it to the bathroom before you broke down crying.
“Hey, y/n!” Prompto  cheered,  on his morning jog through the park.
You looked up from your everyday perch as you watched the blonde, “Morning!” You called back, you always marked his half way point.   Only noticing that he was holding a white back, which meant the sunshine, had washed your clothes, and brought you something to eat. “Thanks.”
You had only been living out your car for a few weeks, and if you played your cards right you would hopefully be moving into an apartment by the end of the month. It wasn’t in the safest part of town, but it would at least allow you a warm place to stay.
“So when are you getting the bigger place?” Prompto asked, as he handed you the bag.
“Hopefully by the end of the month.” You beam, “Thanks again for all the help Prompto.”
“No problem!”
“But it is, to tell you truthfully, I was worried I’d have to move back in with my Dad, but thanks to your kindness, this has been a lot easier. I mean you let me crash at your place anytime you can , and you keep feeding me. You’re amazing, I could never repay you!”
Prompto chuckled, as he scratched the back of his head, “Well there is one thing.”
“Name it!”
Prompto’s blue eyes glanced toward you, than away, “Instead of that place, would you mind moving in with me? It’s a huge apartment and just me, so it would just be safer in numbers.”
You seriously wanted to cry, “Prompto.”
“We can move in next week, but there’s one thing before that.”
“Yeah?” You asked, unsure of what other strings were attached to this deal.
“You have to let me take you out for dinner, sometime.”
You couldn’t stop the bright smile over your face. “I’d be honored!”
You jumped as you heard something brush against your tent, you hoped it was a racoon! It had better be a racoon! You thought, hand going to your hunting knife.
It was just one thing after another, Week one your parents kicked you,  then week two your lost job due to downsizing. Now you spent all your time trying to find a job and not starve to death while doing so.  Lucky you still had your gym membership so that you could take a shower, refill your water bottle, and charge your phone and emergency backup battery.
Now week three and you were about to protect what little you had left from a raccoon! Well you had a lot of rage from the last couple of weeks so bring it on!
“Y/n, are you in there?”
You put down your knife, “Gladiolus?” Stumbling from your one person tent you, stared at the large man standing before the opening. “What are you doing out here?”
“I could ask you the same thing.”
You glanced around, you were camped up in one of the larger camping areas on the outskirts of the city. “Camping?”
“For 2 weeks?”
“You been stalking me?” You gasped accusatorily.
Gladiolus rose an eyebrow, before kneeling before your tent opening, “Y/n, come out.”
You groaned, before disappearing back into your tent, pulling on a hoodie to cover your tank top. Before crawling out the tent, checking your phone to see that it was about 10 at night. Standing full height as you looked to the man, who was still staring you down.
“So…” You begun.
“So start packing this stuff up.”
“Excuse me?”
Gladiolus motioned toward the large SUV behind him, “You’re staying with me.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
Gladiolus groaned, running a large hand through his hair, “I can’t have you out here, just stay with me until you get back on your feet.”
You made to retort, only to glance at your small tent, it was old and patched up, letting out a sigh, as you turned back to the large guy. “Give me a second to pack a bag.”
Within half an hour your old home was tossed into the back of Gladiolus’ truck, and you sat in the large front seat, holding your backpack, to your chest. The two of you riding in silence, as he drove you to his large home.
“Gladiolus, thanks.”
A large hand found your head, as the man chuckled, “No problem.”
You paused your morning routine of cleaning the breakfast dishes, you had been living with Ignis for about 2 months now, prior you had been couch surfing on friends couches. As it turns out an internship at the castle, and working part time at a cafe, didn’t allow for you to afford a full meal, let alone  a place to live.
The truth came out, one evening while working at the castle, you had delivered some papers to Ignis, only to faint on the man’s floor after not eating a full meal in about four days. The man had allowed for you to rest on his couch, and even let you use his suit jacket as a blanket.
When you came to, the man had provide you with a hefty lunch, and feeling guilty about scarfing down his food, you explained your situation. The man opened his home to you right away, stating that you could stay with him until you saved up enough money to get your own apartment.
You offered to not to stay just for free, so you often cleaned up the house on your day off, or when going in late to the part time job. You two often arrived together to the castle most mornings, which of course got rumors going.
Yet Ignis never once provided the actual nature of your relationship.
As the two of you fell into your routine, you found it very difficult to find yourself the will to move out and by the way you found the the apartment listing brochures in the recycle bin, Ignis also felt the same way.
A smile played on your mouth, as you picked up your grocery basket, Ignis left a list on the table this morning of a new recipe that he would  like to try out.  It would be an exciting evening,
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magnomagus-janus · 8 years
Survival + Racoon City
The first rule of traversing worlds is that you may never know where you will end up.  You need some way of looking and testing where you will end up.
Magus forgot that one day, and he would soon have another reminder.
He first found himself surrounded by complete darkness.  There was an awful stench that permeated the surroundings, a stench of pure rot and decay.  There was complete silence except for a drip.
Drip, drip, drip.
Magus flicked his wrist and then summoned a glowing orb of light to illuminate his surroundings.
The first thing he encountered was a corpse.  A human corpse, chewed up and splayed across a desk.  It looked more like a dummy made of some foam-like material that had been gouged out on the surface–a dummy made of meat and dripping blood.
Magus immediately recoiled at the sight, and noted he had stepped on a pool of coagulated blood from the poor victim.  He covered his mouth and nose with his cape and increased the illumination.
He found himself in a windowless room with walls of white-painted brick.  The room was cramped and tiny, and all there was besides the unfortunate person was the desk, a dead potted plant, and numerous office supplies and some electronic devices that Magus could not completely identify were scattered in a mess of wires, broken pieces of material, and shattered glass.  A plain upholstered swivel-chair lay on the floor and was stained with the blood that covered the floor.  
Magus quickly checked for an exit, and found that the door was opened ajar into a hallway.  He made himself levitate to avoid stepping into any hazards, and then silently walked ahead as if he were walking on an invisible platform a few inches off the ground.  
The left was more corridor, full of debris, trash, and blood.  Another human corpse lay at the far end soaked in blood and missing a head.  To the right there was a glass door that revealed the outside to be a gloomy overcast that shone a piece of paved road, and across it a building that looked like it was also a wrecked.  The gloom and disaster reminded him of the negated future, full of despair and death, but this was a disaster that seemed to have been more immediate.
He walked toward the door.  His senses steeled himself for what may be there.  
Nothing, nothing but more debris, another corpse that was unrecognizable and twisted in all sorts of directions.  There were papers and more office paraphernalia scattered and broken all over.  The glass door was part of a larger glass wall that had twisted and broken shades.  A larger trail of broken glass lead to a large section of the glass wall completely broken.  A cold chill creeped in and scattered the papers like fallen leaves all around.  The glass doors were surprisingly closed, on them were letters on reverse, but Magus was able to read them.  
Dunn & Dunn Attorneys at Law. 
“Hmph” was all the mage could respond. 
Just as he was about open the door to leave, he heard it.
It started as a soft murmur, then it was moan.  
It came from the direction of the corpse that was twisted on the floor.  It was not just a corpse anymore, it rose on its feet somehow and its arms were hanging and limp.  Despite its twisted torso and bent ankles it was able to lumber forward, mouth agape and hungry.
Magus was no stranger to the undead, he himself had even made some before.  He quickly pulled out his scythe from its pocket dimension and quickly made a vertical strike that slashed the zombie in half from the shoulder to the waist.  The pieces of it still squirmed on the floor, and Magus made another stroke to slice its head off.  
He looked around to check for more zombies.  It occurred to him that this is what may have happened here: a zombie invasion.  Beyond the window he could see a dilapidated, desolate world of shattered glass, broken wood, pieces of torn metal and charred buildings.  There were signs that the people here did put up a fight before they were either driven away of fell to the horrid state of mindless undeath.  
He pushed the door and came outside.  The air was cold and bitter, a breeze wailed.
If the black wind was here, it would roar.
And then a moan was heard.  To his left, to his right, and behind.  He had little time to react.  The one behind was closest, the ones to his sides were still many yards away.  He swung his scythe as he turned around, it missed the zombie by mere inches–so he swung it back up and the massive blade sliced it from armpit to head.  Another swing down and it was decapitated.  The other moans got closer.  He twisted his left glove and fire sprang forth and surrounded him, burning both incoming zombies.  Their rotten flesh burned and blasted he swung at their necks to make sure.
He panted and assessed the bodies.  The way they dressed was rather minimal and casual.  He looked around and noted the world was not as advanced as Guardia during the nullified apocalypse, but heading in the direction.  There were paved roads, vehicles, concrete, and tall, angled metal poles that bent and hung lanterns with three lights on them.  Those lights were now broken, and some were on the ground in pieces. 
He made his way around, trying to get a feel for this place.  He really shouldn’t be here, but he wanted to know what happened.  He found more zombies and dispatched them quickly.  There were larger, meaner zombies with enormous claws that were tougher to deal with but were no match for well-aimed spells.  The swift zombie dogs were the worst to deal with but were taken down by a zap.  
The amount of zombies was getting more and more on his nerves.  They could be dealt with, but now their numbers were mounting.  He perched on top of a building to give himself time to think.
Oh he really could have just skipped all this and left the city to find out what happened.  Yet here had the opportunity to test a wild idea he just had.
He looked at a pile of slain zombies on the ground.  He noted some still had their heads.  He pulled both of his gloves and then smirked.  
After ten minutes of spellcasting, Magus was now in charge of his own undead army, which he promptly commanded to clear the area of other zombies.  Soon even those slain zombies were now under his command, even the ones that peskily seemed to re-animate by themselves stronger and faster. 
His undead army tore and fought bitterly against the other undead.  They ran and shambled, controlled by an urge to devour other undead that were not under their master’s command.  Then when their numbers were too much, Magus let them devour one another, until there were few left. 
Maybe if he cleared this place out, he could find a living human to figure out what happened here.
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d2kvirus · 4 years
Dickheads of the Month: April 2020
As it seems that there are people who say or do things that are remarkably dickheaded yet somehow people try to make excuses for them or pretend it never happened, here is a collection of some of the dickheaded actions we saw in the month of April 2020 to make sure that they are never forgotten.
Remember when Donald Trump thought he knew better than the WHO and said the CDC would do all Covid-19 testing...because nobody told him that would set back testing by at least three weeks?  You did?  Well that’s a problem, because he’s cut WHO funding because he’s trying to blame them for the risking death toll in the US rather than accept that it may have been his own incompetence that should be held accountable
...and you know he fucked up given Kellyanne Conway was dug up to speak absolute bollocks to try and pin the blame on the WHO by ignoring the fact that it;s called Covid-19 as the disease was discovered in 2019 and instead trying to claim that the WHO didn't tell us about eighteen previous outbreaks so Daddy Trump is justified in being a sociopath
But the President of Jonestown The United States Donald Trump didn’t stop there, as his next genius idea was to suggest that people inject disinfectant into their veins to combat Covid-19, apparently unaware that a 100ml dose of Dettol is...what’s that word again?  Oh yeah, now I remember: lethal
Does anyone remember that Matt Hancock tested positive for Covid-19 on March 27th?  I have to ask, because on 2nd April he was on press conference duty instead of self-isolating, and because he was on press conference duty he was risking infection of the two people flanking him during the conference who had to squeeze past him on their way to their lecterns
It says a lot about the British press and their motivations that they were all running headlines saying “Huzzah!” because Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson had recovered from Covid-19 after spending two nights in intensive care...with no mention whatsoever to the fact that, on both of the days he was in intensive care, the UK death rate was over 900
...of course we shouldn’t be surprised that Alison Pearson responded to the news of proven liar Boris Johnson being moved out of intensive care with an even more enthusiastic “Huzzah!” than her boot-licking peers, but to make a direct equation between his health and the health of the nation is the sort of thing usually reserved for works of dystopian fiction
Yet as soon as proven liar Boris Johnson slithered back into Downing Street after self-isolating the first thing he spoke of was “our apparent success” - because 20,000 deaths, and that’s just the number in hospital (aka the official figure) is a “success” now and definitely not a reason to ask why the fuck the absolute fucking cretin sat on his backside for six weeks and skived off a string of COBRA meetings instead of, oh I don’t know, bother to come up with a fucking plan for an impending pandemic
There was something utterly bizarre about how the Department of Health and Social Care responded to the revelation that one of Dominic Cummings’ troll farms had created dozens of Twitter profiles purporting to be those of NHS staff but were actually a group of his underlings using fake profiles to direct the day’s media narrative by claiming that the story was “categorically false” in spite of the wealth of evidence that the story was categorically true, especially in the case of the figurehead of this latest dirty tricks campaign “NHS Susan” as the profile photo was clearly of somebody clearly not named Susan that was nicked off of Unison’s website
So not only does Matt Hancock say it is not the time to talk about increasing NHS salaries at the exact time when they’re overworked due to having to try and stem the tide of the Tory’s lackadaisical attitude to preparing for Covid-19, but he also thinks he can blame NHS staff for their lack of protective equipment by saying it;s their fault they don’t have enough as they’re not using what little equipment they have until it’s literally falling to pieces...which is hardly what any normal human being would call “protective”, is it?
Mayor of Amity Island Governor of Florida Ron DeSantis continued his campaign of being the villain of every disaster movie ever when he decided that WWE shall be classified as “essential business” in Florida, which of course has nothing to do with DeSantis being in Trump’s pocket and the wife of the bloke running WWE being in Trump’s cabinet
...although Racoon City Las Vegas mayor Carolyn Goodman soon one-upped even this stupidity when she suggested re-opening Vegas’ casinos not just so people could get back to work, but also so there would be a control group to test just how necessary social distancing measures really are amidst widespread protests from ignorant cretins loudly demanding a haircut
Yet after the $18m bung from WWE had cleared and they were classified as an “essential business” in Florida, the next phase of the plan was releasing a glut of talent from their contracts - which is certainly not related to how WWE head honcho Vince McMahon lied to WWE stockholders about how WWE definitely did not hold a stake in the revived XFL...only for it to come out when the XFL went belly up for a second time in twenty years that WWE held a 23.5% stake in the franchise
Naturally the response from the “centrists” of Twitter when Labour Leaks got out wasn’t one of the dawning realisation that they had been duped by those who so vociferously campaigned against Jeremy Corbyn after a wealth of evidence that the likes of Tom Watson, Mike Gapes, West Streeting and Chris Leslie were among the names sinking to new lows trying to force out Jeremy Corbyn up to and including gaslighting MPs, tipping off journalists to the whereabouts of Diane Abbott so the press could keep hounding her and actively slowing down investigations into antisemitism to make Corbyn look bad - no, instead their response was howling indignantly that somebody would dare blow the whistle on everything that was going on behind the scenes that had long been suspected but now there was proof that those suspicions didn't even scratch the surface
...which was less baffling than Emilie Oldknow responding to her being revealed as one of those responsible for the hounding of Abbott and various other attempts to cost Labour the 2017 election by threatening to sue the Labour Party, as if the information about what she, Iain McNicol, Tracey Allen, Julie Lawrence, Simon Mills, Patrick Heneghan, Sarah Mulholland, and John Stolliday were up to - as if the leak didn’t come from one of that group forwarding their entire WhatsApp log to their Labour email account  
Are we supposed to ignore how Matt Hancock said that four doctors “and some nurses” dying of Covid-19 made it look uncannily like he was saying that nurses were expendable?  Just like we’re supposed to ignore Matt Hancock saying that 19 NHS staff have died of Covid-19, at a time when the figure was somewhere between 28-31?
...but of course smirking cretin Priti Patel crawled out of the hermetically-sealed bunker she spent several weeks hiding in to announce "Three hundred thousand and thirty four, nine hundred and seventy four thousand tests” for Covid-19 had been carried out across the UK, which somehow hasn’t led to three years of dogpiling for flubbing her figures like Diane Abbott got
After all the talk form Keir Starmer saying he would unite the Labour party, when choosing his shadow cabinet he made it quite clear that he had no intention of doing so: the likes of Lisa Nandy, Jess Phillips and Wes Streeting all got nice jobs after years of sniping at Jeremy Corbyn, Rebecca Long-bailey and Emily Thornberry got clear demotions, which was better than what Barry Gardiner, Dawn Butler, Andy McDonald and Richard Burgon got as they were all dispatched to the backbenches PDQ
A book can be written about how Stephen Moore somehow equated those protesting stay-at-home orders with Rosa Parks, for the simple reason that an entire book needs to be written to try and engage with the complete lack of anything approaching knowledge, logic or common sense that would enable to say something so utterly moronic that it’s legitimately painful to read
The worst thing about the selfish cretins who hate lockdown taking to the streets...okay, that’s a multiple choice question on its own, but the fact they keep hollering into people’s faces that being in lockdown violates their Freedom of Speech because they can’t have some minimum wage peon cut their hair on the third Tuesday of every month like they used to is so utterly pathetic that it means there’s two reasons why guards at the Michigan capitol should have opened fire when the selfish morons descended upon them
Smirking cretin Priti Patel decided that, just as it was announced that 20,000 people had died in hospital of Covid-19 in the UK, the best idea was to announce that there had been a decrease in arrests for shoplifting in the UK compared to this time last year.  Just a thought: maybe it’s because there’s been a dramatic decrease in shops to shoplift from compared to this time last year due to the vast majority of them being closed?
When it dawned on the Professional Footballers Association that their stance of telling players to not accept any wage cut at a time where clubs were furloughing staff, they took the only available option to them: act like a bunch of spineless cowards and claim that, if footballers took a 30% wage cut, that would mean money was being taken out of the NHS’s pocket...a claim that was slightly undermined by them clearly pulling a figure out of their backsides when trying to say how much money that would be 
Not even a pandemic can stop Margaret Hodge and her tiresome vendetta against Jeremy Corbyn, judging by how as soon as Keir Starmer got his feet under the desk as Labour leader she was demanding a full and thorough investigation into how Jeremy Corbyn owned her at a public event in the mid-90s and made her look like a shrieking harpy with no understanding on any subject
While me singling out Amanda Holden for making herself the public face of the batshit insane 5G Truthers is a little bit mean, the fact that she made herself the public face of the 5G Truthers justifies her inclusion - with Eamonn Holmes also deciding to get in on that action a week or so later
...although she was soon put in her place when David Icke resurfaced to show people what batshit insane looks like and made himself the face of the 5G Truther movement while screaming how he’s being censored after vomiting misinformation in a livestream that Youtube promptly took down
Of course Alan Sugar was going to give his £0.02 about the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown at some point, at he didn’t disappoint when his take on the whole thing was journalists shouldn’t question the government (as if that’s been an issue in the last ten years...) and everyone should just shut up and not complain as if the 20,000+ deaths are a mere inconvenience and shouldn’t be referenced at any point because we are so much better off with a Tory government, even one that can’t be fucking bothered to do things such as prepare in any way for an impending pandemic reaching the country
It’s natural that Guido Blog responded to that NHS doctor who put his name and face to criticism of the government’s complete lack of supplying the NHS with enough protective equipment to keep NHS staff safe during a pandemic in the most Guido Blog way possible: by pointing the finger and calling him “anti-Britait”, “anti-Israel”, “pro-Palestine” (as if one doesn’t usually go without the other...) and a “socialist” - which simply asks the question that, if he was a pro-Leave, pro-Israel capitalist, would they actually be criticising them?
NASCAR’s virtual season hit a bump in the road after Kyle Larson momentarily mistook himself for PewDipShit and used a racial slur during the stream, getting himself suspended by both NASCAR and his team - and also got bitched out by literally every other NASCAR driver who was in the live chat
Apparently the worst thing that Paul Joseph Watson has had to endure in recent weeks isn’t the worldwide pandemic that’s affecting everyone but the most lunkheaded of people who hate not having minimum wage peons serving them every day, instead the worst he had to endure was getting blocked on Twitter by Piers Moron - and boy, did he have one hell of a meltdown about it...
Nothing sums up the “journalism” provided by The Sun than their front page bellowing how pubs might not reopen until Christmas, a front page embellished with the quote “596 dead: see page four” superimposed on a Covid-19 microbe graphic in the small piece of real estate left by the headline.  If ever there was an image that summed up why their hacks are taking to Twitter to literally beg people to buy their rag, this would be it
The determination of Alison Pearson to be on the wrong side of every story continued apace with her tweeting about a couple of her friends leaving lockdown due to being bored, and when asked if she would report them her response was to harrumph that they’ll be fine as they’re healthy people in their 40s and 50s...the problem being that, a few weeks before this, she was posting an article in the Telegraph howling about the selfishness of people who believe that self-isolation need not apply to them
Of course Randy Pitchford waited before the focus was elsewhere, such as the Covid-19 epidemic, before telling the Gearbox employees who worked on Borderlands 3 that, actually, those bonuses they were promised wouldn’t be coming as the game didn’t perform as expected even though their bonuses weren’t tied to sales or review scores, but of course if they had a problem with this they were free to quit...and by complete coincidence that would see them forfeit the scaled-back bonus entirely
On the one hand Steve Rotheram may have a point about Atletico Madrid fans flying into Liverpool for their Champions League tie being responsible for bringing Covid-19 onto Merseyside...but on the other hand, isn’t it funny how he made no mention whatsoever of the Liverpool fans going to Madrid two weeks earlier potentially bringing it back with them?
Irrelevant twat LeafyIsHere decided that now was the best time to make his return to Youtube, in which he made it clear he's still not over getting torn several new ones in by Idubbbz three years ago, somehow failing to understand that by making it obvious he cut his own throat as soon as he started
And finally, adding piracy to his resume is Donald Trump judging by him thinking that stealing Covid-19 supplies destined for Germany for American use is the sort of thing that doesn’t make him look like a dictatorial twat, nor does it sound like the sort of thing wars have legitimately started wars in the past
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