#then turns to me when the screens got the DOB thing you fill in for cigs/alcohol
sweetest-honeybee · 1 year
them having you chill on the side is how they lure you in with a false sense of hope of "it's really not that bad!~" DON'T FALL FOR IT--
but deadass i remember it was like that the first day i was a carhop at sonic, thought it wasn't too bad. literally the next day i had over a 100 separate orders i took out. i worked there for 2 weeks then gave a 2 weeks cause i was too scared to just quite outright LMAO (was my first job at 17)
best of luck to you, and am sending all the good vibes that you get a better opportunity elsewhere!!! 💛🏵
EXACTLY and I fuckin KNOW they’re making it look easier. I’m not quick enough yet to handle a line of people and that’s fine but they haven’t trained me for it yet
The funniest thing is is that so many people quit ALL at he time there and people would keep saying those people who quit were just too lazy and the workload was too hard and blah blah blah
It’s NOT. The “workload” is running around in the same open room or to the kitchen unless you spend your time in the cooler. The main managers just an ass and I have the strongest feeling she’s run out people by being an asshole to them because the second I saw the way she handled me accidentally letting a dude walk out without paying, I knew there and then that I wasn’t gonna be working there long be it that she fired me for the stupidest gd reason or I quit
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Lance gets bad news, Keith gets bottomed?, and Allura gets to see...
Something was definitely going on with Lance, something that was more than simple tiredness. Lance wouldn't even look him in the eye after talking him through how to perform a scan with the castle's equipment. Keith hadn't seen anything wrong with Lance, still he'd gone ahead and set up an IV line for his mate, staying by his side until the sedatives had kicked in and Lance was out cold. Normally Lance didn't require sedatives to sleep, but Keith had a feeling his mate would insist on dragging himself up to the bridge to wait for the others if he hadn't administer under the guise of painkiller for Lance's still aching head. From the moment the machine stopped it's scan, right up to the moment Lance fell asleep, his mate stared across the room at their son's on the other bed. Maybe Lance was just trying to calm his omega down? He said it was feeling clucky... did that mean Lance wanted more pups already? He said he couldn't go through birth again, so Keith had kind of accepted that the twins might be the only children they'd have, and he'd made peace with that. Lance's health and safety came first, as well as the fact it was Lance's body, so at the end of the day, his mate had full control of what happened to it... it just confused him that Lance was bringing it all up again after going on a mission with Lotor and Shiro, both of which had slept with his mate at some point... well Lotor was a maybe, he'd definitely touched Lance, but neither of them knew how far he'd taken it.
 Leaving Lance sleeping, Keith carried the boys up to the bridge. With their energetic movements, the last thing they needed was for one of the pups to fall from the bed, or even worse, for them both too and be seriously hurt. Allura, Coran and Krolia were all standing, waiting for Pidge, or Hunk to call through
"Any news?"
"No. How's Lance?"
"He's sleeping in the medical bay, despite being in the pod, he's still a little uncomfortable"
"Nothing too bad, I hope"
"No Coran, thanks to all your help, we now know how to work the scanner and nothing came up on his scan"
"Are you sure? I mean, Coran is the expert when it comes to scans"
"That's true, but Lance and I didn't see anything"
If Keith was honest, he was just going off of Lance's previous scans and was no expert like Coran, but the scanner hadn't highlighted anything
"Perhaps it would be best to conduct another scan once Lance wakes"
"He'll be out for a while, I gave him a shot for pain... that was actually a sedative. He would have wanted to wait for Pidge, Hunk and Matt if I hadn't, he also said that Shiro and Lotor didn't hurt him. So once they've returned, we can release them"
"So do we just wait?"
"You can go ahead and call Pidge and Hunk, I doubt they'll be discussing anything too exciting"
Moving over to his console, Coran went about calling their three friends. Pidge's face filled her half the screen, while Hunk looked somewhat more relaxed
"Hey guys! How's Lance?!"
"He's good. He's sleeping at the moment, Hunk"
"I'm surprised you got him to sleep"
"Keith drugged him"
"Mum, you don't need to dob me in"
"Well you did"
Forcing an exerted sigh, Keith had no idea why his mother insisted on telling everyone 
"What does it look like?"
"We're just arriving, here let me switch view"
The scene in front of them was floating chunks of earth
"Well. It's gone. I don't see how anyone could have survived this, and we aren't reading any life signs in the area"
"Though we are getting some unusual energy readings"
"It's emitting the signals one would have expect from a black hole, and radiation is continuing to rise"
"There's no way she could have survived?"
"No. Nothing could have survived, and there's no trace of that black goop or pure quintessence"
"Alright, take as many readings are you and then fall back. We'll need to contact our allies and let them know to avoid that quadrant"
"Do we know what Honerva was trying to do?"
"She wanted to go back in time"
"Ugh. Why can't bad guys ever be original?... ow! Matt!"
"Keith, we'll take the readings and return. Do you mind if I use Green to contact the rebel forces?"
"Why are you asking him? She's my lion"
"No, go ahead"
"Guys, Green is mine!"
"No ones saying she's not"
"Then stop..."
The call was ended, presumably by Matt. Shaking his head at his friend's, Keith couldn't quite believe that Honerva was dead. Just like that...
"Hunk, just make sure they don't kill each other"
"Will do"
Ending his call, there was nothing else for them to say
"So what now?"
"We wait for them, mum, can you contact Kolivan. Let them know to avoid any missions concerning infected ships and that quadrant of space. Once that is done, why don't you guys get some rest? It'll be vargas before Pidge, Matt and Hunk return"
 Still agitated from Lance being hurt, Keith headed down to the training deck to work his anger into something more constructive than cursing Lotor and Shiro.
After waking from an amazing sleep, the only thing wrong was the cramping in his stomach. Pushing himself up, Lance slid the IV from his arm as he winced 
"Lance, lovely to see you awake my boy. How are you feeling?"
Rubbing his face, Lance yawned as he nodded at Coran 
"Oddly refreshed, I can't believe I fell asleep"
"You certainly needed it"
"How long was I out for? And are the others back?"
"Yes. Honerva's base was completely destroyed. We've decided to cordon off that quadrant of space for now, as by Pidge's calculations, it's turning into a black hole"
"I thought they happened instantaneously"
"Yes, well, this one hasn't. Now that you're awake, are you up for a scan"
"I already had one"
"There's no harm in being thorough. Young Keith only just left before you woke. He's been worried for you"
Talk about guilt tripping...
"Coran, if I tell you something, can you swear you won't tell anyone"
"Lance, what is it? What's wrong?"
Placing one hand on his stomach, Lance sank back down
"I've been feeling sick lately, and my stomach is cramping... um... Krolia said I... she said I was... that I was miscarrying. I haven't taken off my ring, so I don't see how I could be, but I need to know"
"Does Keith know?"
"No. So please don't tell him. I don't want to upset him when it might just be nothing"
"Alright, just lay back and get comfortable. You know the drill"
"I wish I didn't"
"We all wish you didn't. Don't worry, I'll get to the bottom of this"
Closing his eyes, Lance took a deep breath as he waited for the heat to fill his stomach.
 "Coran. You're not saying anything"
"Lance, I don't see a foetus, but there does seem to be evidence that your womb lining is "shedding". I can't not say that you were, but it is thicker than your previous scans"
"So I might have been?"
"Or it may just be your hormones returning to normal levels"
"Ok... thanks Coran. I'll um... I'll talk to the doctor when we get back to Olkarion"
Though Coran probably knew more than the doctors did
"Lance, perhaps you should tell Keith?"
"No. It's ok. If it's something serious, then I'll tell him"
Climbing off the bed, Lance was in shock. The ring on his finger was supposed to prevent this kind of thing. Internally his omega was having a breakdown over it all. He needed to see his kids.
 Heading down to the nursery, he found it empty, as was his and Keith's quarters. Walking all the way back up to find Keith and the pups was too much effort, so he remade their bed and gave Keith a call. In the background he could hear Hunk and Pidge laughing. Jealousy flared inside of him. Why did they get to be happy? When there was possibly something wrong with him... he still didn't want to believe it could be a miscarriage. Promising to be down soon, Lance changed into a pair of Keith's black track pants and one of his mates singlets. He really wanted Keith. He wanted his mate curled around him, kissing him, telling him everything was going to be ok. It was hard to choke down his tears, and it took forever before Keith came in with the boys. Laying them on the bed, Keith went to climb on the outer side, effectively blocking them in. Reaching out, Lance tugged his hand as he stared up at his mate
"Hey, what's up? Did your scan not go alright?"
"It... I just, I really want you to hold me"
Keith was confused, but still did as asked, climbing around him and the boys before spooning up behind him and kissing his nape
"Baby, you can tell me anything"
"I know. Just... I really love you Keith"
"I love you too"
"And the boys. I love them so much"
Lance placed his hand over Keith's, squeezing firmly as he did
"You're scaring me"
"Sorry. I just really wanted to see you and the boys"
"You don't need to be so upset over that. We missed you too"
"We're on our way back to Olkarion, aren't we?"
"It's still going to take a couple of quintants"
Quintants... which meant this might all pass before they reached Olkarion. He could only hope so. Leaning in to kiss Laneith, his son stuck his fingers up his nose
"That's gross"
"Do you have a problem with my snot?"
"No, but maybe it's better that it's not on Laneith's fingers"
"I haven't got anything to wipe it on"
"I'll get a tissue"
"It's fine. We'll live. Won't be baby. Yes we will, look at you, you think it's all a big game"
Laneith cooed happily, his other hand grabbing for Lance's face, capturing his hand, Lance kissed his palm as he made nomming noises
"You're an amazing mother"
"It helps these guys are so adorable, just like their daddy"
"I am not adorable"
"Sexy. Perfect. Adorable"
"I'm definitely none of those"
"You are to me"
"That's because you're weird"
"That's not nice"
"Just calling it like I see it"
For the most part, his cramping had passed during the trip back to Olkarion. With nothing to do, Lance spent most of his time down in the nursery with the boys. They loved wriggling on their play mat, and being just the three of them, Lance opted to let them play naked. It wasn't healthy to keep them in nappies all the time, and Kelance has a small rash forming from it. Even if he was in pain, he definitely enjoyed spending time with them, and reading to them, and watching them inch their way closer to crawling. So far there had only been two accidents, both of which were pee, so it wasn't too hard to clean up. 
 The evening they arrived on Olkarion, Lance was the first one off the castle, taking his pups with him while Keith dealt with finding a way home for Lotor and Matt. Making his way down towards the village, he ran into the person he was seeking out as he went
As always, Ryner didn't know to deal with perky persona, the old woman smiling thinly as she nodded
"Lance. What news from the castle?"
"Everyone's ok... hey, do you happen to have a few doboshes? I was actually coming to find you"
"What can this old lady do for you?"
Fidgeting with Laneith's blanket, Lance hated asking
"I think there might be something wrong with the ring you made for me. Is it possible you can take a look?"
"Did something happen?"
"Uh... possibly. I was... I need to see a doctor too"
"Why don't we take a walk down to the hospital?"
"Thanks. I'm sorry for all of this, especially when just got back"
 Walking tensely beside Ryner, neither of them talked as they made their way down to the hospital and inside. A few of the Olkarion came to ask how the pups were, so when Ryner took him by the elbow and led him away, he was more than a little grateful. He didn't know what to say. The pups were fine. Lead into a small examination room, the doctor was already waiting 
"I'll take that ring of yours now"
"Oh, hang on. I need to put the boys down"
Trying to appear normal, the omega laid both pups on the bed, before sliding the ring from his finger and dropping it into Ryner's palm
"I will return it to you later, if that's acceptable"
"That would be awesome. Thank you"
"No worries"
Nodding to both of them, the woman shuffled from the room, leaving him with the same doctor he had after birthing the boys
"Red Paladin, what seems to be the problem?"
"I... Ryner created a ring so I wouldn't fall pregnant, but recently I took a blow to the stomach and I've been bleeding since"
"So you think you're miscarrying?"
"I've been bleeding and cramping for the last 3 quintants. It's lightening up, but we weren't sure if I did miscarry of if it's hormone related"
"I'll need to examine you. Please lower your pants and place your hands on the bed"
Because that wasn't embarrassing... gritting his teeth, he did as he was asked.
 After being poked and prodded in ways he definitely didn't like, Lance focused all his attention on his boys
"There's no sign of internal or external trauma. You may pull your pants back up, and please lay on the bed"
Holding two pups and trying to climb onto the bed was nearly impossible and the old man didn't move a finger to help him as he did. Both boys were just as cranky as he was by the end of it 
"I'm going to perform an ultrasound. It will also measure your hormone levels, and test for any traces of lingering foreign matter"
"Um. Ok"
The look he got clearly said he didn't need to speak. Couldn't the man at least be a little nice? He was completely freaking out! And the gel pad he placed on his stomach... Oh Lordy... his whole body clenched.
 "You're not pregnant. If you were, you have already passed the foetus. There is still some lining of the womb shedding, which suggests a pregnancy has occurred"
"So I lost a baby"
The old man sighed as he nodded
"For now take comfort in the knowledge you have two boys already"
Packing everything away, just as efficiently as he'd unpacked the portable scanner, Lance was too shocked to move. The ring was supposed to protect against falling pregnant... this wasn't supposed to happen. Sliding off the bed, he mumbled his thanks, before fleeing. His omega just as shocked as the rest of him, and he didn't know what to say or do.
 Blindly fleeing up to the castle, luck wasn't on his side as he walked into Lotor and Shiro. Bouncing back, Shiro grabbed his arm so he wouldn't fall
"Lance! What are you doing out here?"
"I just went for a walk..."
"On a cold night like this? The pups aren't dressed for such cool weather. You better get them inside"
"That's what I was trying to do"
Ignoring the angry look on Lotor's face, Lance pulled away from Shiro 
"It was just a walk. Lay off of me"
"I didn't..."
"You didn't what? Mean to imply in a bad mother?! Just leave me alone"
Shiro and Lotor could both...
"Lance, what's wrong?"
"Nothings wrong! If you've got time to stand here and yell at me, then you've got time to go away!"
"I wasn't yelling at you"
"What's going on here?"
Appearing from the castle entry, Allura walked to his side
"Can't you all just leave me alone! I went for a walk! That's not illegal, I wasn't doing anything wrong"
Allura took half a step back, concern written all over her face 
"Lance, no one said you did anything wrong"
"Shiro did. And I can tell Lotor's mad because I didn't save Honerva"
This was their first time seeing each other since the incident, that was another reason he'd stayed down in the nursery with the boys 
"Stop saying my name! God. Can't you all give me some space?"
Pushing past Allura, Lance strode into the castle, making his way straight back down to the nursery. The night wasn't that cold, and both boys were in full length onesies with beanies on. He knew how to take care of his kids. He didn't need anyone sticking their nose in his business.
After talking with Allura, Keith sought out Lance. His mate was hidden under a pile of blankets, with the twins laying on his chest. Pulling the pile back, the glare his husband shot him had him sighing 
"If you're going to hell me off, I don't want to hear it"
"Allura said you were upset. You've been upset for days... are you ready to tell me what's wrong?"
"Baby, please talk to me. Not only did Allura say you were upset, Shiro said the same thing, and apparently villagers saw you at the hospital"
"I don't want to talk about it!"
Keith flinched as anger rolled off Lance 
"Baby, I'm worried. Mums worried to"
"That's funny"
"What's so funny about that?"
"That mum would be worried. If she hadn't told me, I wouldn't have even known"
Breaking down into sobs, Lance tried to curl around their son's 
"If she hadn't told you what?"
"I... I had a miscarriage. I think I had a miscarriage, it... there wasn't any evidence of carrying... but... I was down at the hospital hoping they'd tell me I didn't. Mum smelt it on me. And. Just. I'm a broken omega, so just leave"
Keith was floored. The thought had crossed his mind for a moment when Lance started bleeding, but the ring was supposed to prevent him falling pregnant. If Lance had conceived, he wouldn't have been very far along
"Don't! Don't be nice to me! Not now"
"Hey, come here"
Climbing into their bed, Keith pulled Lance up against him, with the pups still on lance's chest as he cried
"I didn't even want another kid so soon, so I don't know why it hurts!"
"Because you love so much baby..."
"I wasn't supposed to fall pregnant!"
"I know. But we were using technology not built for our exact make up. There are no one hundred percent contraceptives"
"How come you don't hate me?!"
"Because these things happen. Your body was probably drained for your extended heat, and it didn't know what to do"
"Why me! What did I do with wrong?"
"You didn't do anything wrong baby. Nothing at all. I'm here, I'm here without"
Pressing kisses to Lance's temple, he rubbed his mates arm at the same time. Losing another pup was rough, but he wasn't the one who to physically deal with the effects of doing so
"I'm here. I've got you. I love you"
"You shouldn't... I'm wrong"
"You're not wrong"
Let holding his crying mate, Keith struggled to hold down his emotions, eventually giving into his own tears.
 With Lotor and Matt both leaving the following morning, Keith let Lance sleep in. His first stop of the morning after seeing two of them off, was a trip down to see Ryner and the organising a house to borrow. He make good on his promise that they'd live off the castle, and with a little string pulling, the Olkari woman had an even better plan. They were going to construct a house for them, from the ground up using vines and Olkarion technology. Keith didn't care what it looked like, to him a house was a house, he'd only stipulated that it needed to have a bath, but the rest of it was left to her discretion. Returning to the castle, he found Lance was up and about, eating breakfast in the kitchen while Hunk was baking. Blinking at him, Lance blushed as Keith walked over to his mate and kissed him deeply
"Guys, it's too early for this"
"It's never too early to kiss Lance. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up"
"It's ok. Hunk explained you were seeing off Matt and Lotor"
"Yeah. We had to piece together a ship for Lotor, so we didn't have to part with the fighter jet. Matt had his own ship, so he left first"
Nodding, Lance went back to what seemed to be space cereal
"So what's the plan now? I mean. We have no big bad at the moment... who do we fight now?"
"There's still some factions that are more than likely to cause trouble, but for the most part, we'll be continuing to offer aid and support to the planets in the coalition"
"It feels weird not having anyone to fight"
"I thought you'd be happy Hunk"
"I am. It's just... it's been one adventure after another since we came out here, and now there seems to be some stability in the Galaxy. What do we do?"
"Isn't that what I just asked"
"For now, I think we have all earned a well deserved break. We'll monitor Lotor's movements until we're sure he isn't planning to move against us"
"He's still mad I couldn't save Honerva"
"What makes you say that?"
"Because he didn't say anything. He didn't yell at me or ask me what happened in her final moments. He just accepted it"
"He is half Galra"
"Keith's half Galra and if something happened to his mum? He'd want to know"
"Keith likes his mum. I don't think Lotor liked Honerva"
"He liked Honerva. His problem was mostly with Haggar. You weren't there. I think he actually supported her trying to turn back time"
"Something like that, it can't be possible"
"It's happened before. Remember, Allura and Coran were trapped in that time rift before. I'm worried Lotor will want to pick up where Honerva ended"
"He doesn't have the quintessence or knowledge to do so"
"But he talked to her... he would have seen what she was doing. And there's probably more of that black stuff out there..."
Placing his spoon back down, Lance shook his head
"I think I might go read to the boys for a bit"
"I'll come down with you. Did you leave them sleeping?"
"Yeah. They'll probably be awake now"
Sliding off his stool, Lance winced as he wrapped an arm around his stomach, leaving Keith wishing he could do more than just watch. Hopefully Ryner would get back to him sooner rather than later, and Lance would be able to take a nice long bath to ease his pain. Taking his mates free hand, he stayed close to his husband as they left the kitchen and headed down to the nursery.
 As Lance had predicted, both boys were awake. Kelance was sucking on his hand again, while Laneith was mouthing at the soft toy bear in his cot. Not missing the way Lance was still holding his stomach, Keith guided Lance to sit before moving to lift Kelance from his cot 
"Someone's gotten bigger"
"Mhmm, they both have... sorry you had to pick them up, my stomachs still a little tender"
"I don't mind. I've missed the three of you all morning"
Taking Kelance from him, Lance smiled at their baby boy, before lifting him high and blowing a raspberry on his stomach. Kelance squealed at the action, kicking his feet out as he did
"Hey, I don't suppose you saw Ryner while you were out?"
"How come?"
He didn't want to mention the house thing until he could actually take Lance down to see it, but his mate didn't seem to notice him smoothly dodging the actual question 
"I gave her my ring yesterday, and she was going to take a look at it to see why it didn't work... she was supposed to return it to me last night"
"Oh. I didn't even notice you weren't wearing it"
"I've still got the important one on"
"I know. Does it ever feel weird under your gloves?"
"No, I've gotten used to it. I think it'd feel weirder if I didn't wear it... besides, it reminds me I have you waiting for me"
After lifting Laneith in his hold, Keith crossed to sit by Lance. His husband immediately placing his forehead against the alpha's right should and kissing his arm
"Hey, it's ok. I'm here"
"I know. I guess we know why I wasn't feeling great, and why my omega was feeling so clucky"
"Yeah... baby, you know I'm not mad at you, don't you? Neither of us suspected you might be, and mum... I can't believe she'd be able to smell the change in your hormones so soon"
"I didn't think it was possible..."
"I know baby. Are you up for helping with bath time?"
"I'm not missing bath time. I'll just sit on the edge of the shower, but... there might be some blood. I mean. Most of its passed, and it's just spotting now, but I get if it's gross"
"Lance, it's not gross, and I was there last time this happened. You have no idea how proud I am of you, do you?"
"For loosing another pup?"
"For letting me in"
"I practically had a mental breakdown and sobbed at you"
"But you told me, and that's the main thing. I love you so much"
"I love you too. Can we stay inside today? The boys have really liked playing on their play mat"
"With Lotor and Matt gone, it's just admin work, and Shiro has probably already started on that. I think mum wanted to talk to me, but she'll find us when she's ready"
Humming, Lance nuzzled his arm as he kissed it again
"Thanks. I really just need to feel safe at the moment, and while the castle's home, I still feel best when I'm with you and the boys"
Keith's heart swelled at his mates words. He wanted to sweep Lance off his feet and spoil his mate rotten, while also wanting to tuck him up in bed and do whatever Lance wanted or needed him to do. So if his mate wanted him there, he wasn't going anywhere.
Laying on the floor, Keith was spooned up against him as they watched the boys. It was a race now, as both pups had rolled onto their stomachs and were in the process of conquering holding themselves up. The moment was so magical, and so intimate that Lance wished he was filming it, but didn't dare track down a camera in case he missed seeing who crawled first. Behind him, Keith was tense, as if holding back a cheer at the boys progress... or maybe he wanted to yell at them to hurry up. They were both so close. Reaching out for his brother, Kelance fell down, while Laneith reached a chubby hand out, crawling ever so slightly before Kelance grabbed his arm and Laneith fell on his butt. Laughing at their boys, Lance reached out and lifted Kelance up 
"You're not supposed to sabotage your brother"
"Hey, he just wanted to do the same thing as Laneith"
"I think this means Laneith crawled first. Keith, how can they be getting so big? I can't believe it... our sons are crawling"
"They're not crawling yet"
"They're close enough. I don't want them growing up. They're so adorable"
"So you like dirty nappies and temper tantrums?"
"I like their chubby faces and how curious they are about everything... how about I take care of them when they're this big, and you can take care of them when they're moody teenagers like you"
"I'm not moody"
"Mhmm... I suppose you've gotten better"
Nipping his shoulder playfully, Keith reached up and took Kelance's hand
"It's being with you that did it"
"Oh, so you love our sons more than me. I see how it is"
"I don't think I'm physically capable of loving anyone more than I love you"
"Just remember that next time I do something wrong"
"If you didn't mess up, you wouldn't be you"
"Hey! Did you just insult me?!"
"Maybe. What are you going to do about it?"
"Ummm, I don't know. Actually, yes I do. You can make me lunch"
"Nope. You've never cooked for me. Not proper food"
"Probably because I didn't really bother with proper food. It's not exactly high on the priorities when you live alone"
"Keith, I was joking. If you really want to do something to make it up to me, I wouldn't say no to a kiss"
"I can cook"
"And I'm telling you I was joking"
"No. You don't believe me"
"I do. Now give me a kiss"
Rolling in his hold, Lance closed his eyes expectantly. Biting his mates lower lip, Keith cut off Lance's yelp with a hard kiss, that soon turned heated. Almost forgetting the pups were even there, the alpha rocked his hips suggestively as he dominated Lance's mouth, before breaking the kiss to smirk down at him
"Keith... that's not fair"
"What's not fair"
"You know we can't... while I'm like this"
"I know. Doesn't mean I don't love and want you"
Pouting Lance rolled back and placed Kelance back next to Laneith, wriggling his arse against Keith's half erection as he did
"Now who's being a tease"
"Me. You deserve it though"
"No maybes about it"
"I think it's time the boys had a nap. Laneith looks like he's about to fall asleep"
With his bum in the air and his eyes firmly closed, Laneith really did look like he was trying to sleep through their shenanigans. Nodding his agreement, Lance pushed himself up
"I'll place them in their cots"
"It's ok. I'm not as sore as I was before"
"You're still recovering. Let me take care of you for a change"
"You're always taking care of me"
"Because I love you"
Climbing to his feet, Keith moved both pups to their respective cots, before sweeping Lance off his feet and into his arms, letting out a giggle the omega found himself staring into Keith's eyes. He really did have the sweetest mate, even if he was starting to creep him out
"You're staring"
"Because you're adorable"
"I'm not adorable"
"You are, and you're mine. I know we can't do anything, but how about we go back to our room. I can massage your lower back for you"
"That would be nice"
 Stripping down to their boxers, Lance laid on his stomach as Keith straddled his legs from behind, if didn't take long for his alpha to have him purring as Keith's fingers gently, yet firmly, massaged his tense muscles. He knew Keith wanted more than just this, but he really wasn't up for having his mate between his legs...
"Can we do that thing again?"
Hissing as Keith worked out a particularly tight knot, his husband waited until the pain lessened
"What thing?"
"Where, you bottom? I mean... I want to make you feel good too"
"I'm fine with this"
"Have you ever considered I might not be?"
How Keith hadn't realised he was hard and aching, he had no idea
"You want to do that?"
"Only if you want to..."
"Are you sure you'll be ok?"
"Mmm, I'll be fine... besides, thinking about it makes me want to try it again"
"Hold still then"
Climbing off the bed, Lance propping himself up some he could watch as Keith walked over to their wardrobe, his husband started rummaging through it, before pulling out a small bag
"What's that?"
"After last time, I found the condoms and lube from Earth..."
"We bought condoms and lube? Why didn't I know about this?"
"Because I thought we only bought lube, it wasn't until I found the bag that I found out we got condoms too"
"Wow. You really do think of everything"
"I try... though you made it pretty hard to think"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means you were so excited to be back on Earth, and so happy that I spent more time patting attention to you than anything else"
Ducking his head, Lance blushed. He might have been a tad excited at being home, and triply so because he got to experience everything with Keith. Rolling onto his side, he patted the spot he'd just vacated, while Keith paused 
"Boxers on or off?"
"That depends. Do you want me to cut a hole in them, or just pull them down as soon as you get on the bed"
"... right... stupid question"
Dropping the back on the bed, Keith hooked his thumbs in the waist band of his underwear, freeing his erection. Groaning at the musky and earthy smell, Lance crawled onto his hands and knees, over to the edge of the bed 
"Fuck you're big"
Grasping Keith's erection, his alpha moaned as he jerked it lightly, before sinking his lips over its crown. Giving a few tentative bobs, Lance pulled back so he could look up at Keith properly
"Get on the bed"
"Is that an order?"
"Maybe. I want to pounce on you and lick you all over"
Wrinkling his nose, Keith let out a snort
"Or not"
 With Keith laying on the bed, Lance's head was buried between his mates legs as he sucked his alphas erection. Having breached Keith with a lubed finger, he was trying to make the experience as comfortable as possible for his mate. Probing his finger deeper, Keith's hands grabbed his hair
Nodding around his mates erection, he rubbed at Keith's sweet spot until he started to rock hard into Lance's mouth. Risking gagging, Lance pulled back and nudged Keith's legs further apart, as he slid his finger back 
"You weren't supposed to stop"
"Just be patient"
Lubing up his second finger, Lance slid them both in slowly, Keith's back arching off the bed as he did 
"Do you want me to stop?"
"No! No... don't stop"
Grateful Keith couldn't watch what he was doing, Lance began to move both fingers as he scooted down and began to nervously lick at Keith's stretching opening. He wasn't as confident as he'd managed to be the first time around, and he wasn't even sure if he was doing it right, but Keith hadn't told him to stop. Sliding his fingers so close to his tongue, he wondered how stupid he looked as he covered them in drool. This wasn't working well enough. Pulling out his fingers, Keith groaned at the loss, so Lance moved to mouth and lick at his lovers opening
"Feels... good"
Encouraged by Keith's words, he slid his tongue in, ignoring how weird the lube felt in his mouth as he slowly began tonguing Keith's opening 
"Baby! You're going to make me cum..."
Pulling his tongue out, he thrust his fingers back in, Keith's insides clenching and rippling around him as he gasped. Sitting back up, Lance locked eyes with his mate as he fucked him with his fingers 
"Shit baby... I can't..."
Without any direct stimulating to his penis, Keith came across his stomach with a long growl. The sight so erotic that all Lance could think was how lucky he was to be the only one watching Keith fall apart beneath him, leaning in, he kept slamming his fingers into his alpha as he lapped his way up a long trail thick of cum
"Lance, I want you..."
"I need to have at least three fingers in you"
"Then hurry up"
"You sound like an omega, so desperate to be filled by me"
Growling, Keith shot up, his hand grabbing a fistful of Lance's hair as he smashed his mouth against his, kissing him hungrily until Lance whined 
"Who's the alpha?"
"You are"
"And who's the omega who's going to be fucking this alpha?"
"I am"
"Mmm, good omega"
Releasing him, Keith wrapped his legs around Lance's waist, angling his hips up as he did. Prep time was over. He wanted to be in Keith, because there was no way he was going to be able to last much longer. 
 Shimmying his boxers down to free his erection, he coated himself in lube, before lining up teasing Keith's opening with the blunt tip
"Don't forget to breathe"
Not waiting, Keith howled as he impaled himself on Lance, forcing him inside his alpha until he swallowed to the very root. Shuddering as he tried to hold off his orgasm, Lance took a few deep breaths of his own before looking up to Keith's face. He hadn't even moved and his alpha already looked wrecked 
"I'm not going to last"
Nodding, Keith's hands fisted the blankets as the alpha impatiently began trying to rock against him. Taking hips firmly in his hands, Lance rose so he could actually begin to find his rhythm. If he didn't pull out all the way, his back didn't hurt, but Keith was growing impatient for more. Flipping them over, his alpha began to ride him, and Lance was sure he'd died and gone to heaven. This was all too much. His alpha fucking himself openly as lewd moans poured from his lips, when Keith took his erection in his hand and began pumping himself, that was it for Lance. His toes curling as he came hard, Keith not even slowing down as he filled him. Wrecked from his own orgasm, he watched Keith cum across his hand, a satisfied smile on the alphas face as he immediately slumped forward and started nuzzling Lance's neck 
"Mmm, so good to me baby. I love you"
Purring, Lance kissed a sloppy kiss to the side of Keith's head. He'd supposed to be making Keith feel good, but he'd needed the release just as much as his mate had. Wrapping his arms around Keith, his alpha ground down in his lap, keeping them joined together 
"I love you, I love you so much"
Nuzzling his neck, Lance groaned as Keith's nuzzling turned to his mate sucking a painful and possessive hickey, before dropping back against him with a low laugh.
 Their post-coital bliss was interrupted by a scream as the door to their room slid open, revealing all to Allura 
"I'm sorry! Ryner's here! I'm sorry!"
"Allura, go away!"
"I'm sorry!"
Blushing bright red, Lance tried to hide from the world against Keith's shoulder. His happiness turning to embarrassed distress in an instant. Sliding off of him, Keith immediately repositioned them so he was sitting in this alphas lap
"Shhh, it's ok"
"Allura... Allura saw"
"I know"
"She saw!"
"Lance, I'm well aware of what she saw"
"But... how am I meant to face her?"
"Baby, it's fine. We weren't doing anything wrong or shameful"
"No. You don't need to be upset. It's her fault for not knocking"
"I was still in you"
"I know"
"Lance, it's ok. Let's get cleaned up and see what she wants"
"I don't feel very well"
It was true. He now felt like he was going to throw up, probably from having Keith's hands pressing down on his tender stomach, and the fact he was terrified of what Allura would say. There was also now a throbbing in his head that hadn't been there before Allura walked in...
"Give me a few doboshes before coming in"
 Climbing from Keith's lap, Lance stumbled through to the bathroom, pulling his boxers down as he sank onto the toilet and wiped began cleaning up. The bleeding was a little thicker, but not as bad as it had been, and respecting this need for a few moments alone, Keith came in as he was turning the shower on
"Are you ok?"
"Y-yeah. Sorry. I think my stomach didn't like that as much as the rest of me did"
"No. I should have said no. You're still recovering"
"I thought the worse of it had passed"
Why were his eyes filling with tears?"
With three large steps, Keith was wrapping his arms around him as Lance started to cry
"I've got you"
The release had broken the final part of the wall keeping the dregs of his emotions at bay. He'd lost another pup, and acting like it didn't hurt hadn't helped. He was just so confused, and so shocked. Nuzzling and kissing his hair, Keith whispered all kinds of things under the running water, but for the life of him, Lance couldn't say what. He just knew he didn't want to let Keith go.
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Something was definitely going on with Lance, something that was more than simple tiredness. Lance wouldn't even look him in the eye after talking him through how to perform a scan with the castle's equipment. Keith hadn't seen anything wrong with Lance, still he'd gone ahead and set up an IV line for his mate, staying by his side until the sedatives had kicked in and Lance was out cold. Normally Lance didn't require sedatives to sleep, but Keith had a feeling his mate would insist on dragging himself up to the bridge to wait for the others if he hadn't administer under the guise of painkiller for Lance's still aching head. From the moment the machine stopped it's scan, right up to the moment Lance fell asleep, his mate stared across the room at their son's on the other bed. Maybe Lance was just trying to calm his omega down? He said it was feeling clucky... did that mean Lance wanted more pups already? He said he couldn't go through birth again, so Keith had kind of accepted that the twins might be the only children they'd have, and he'd made peace with that. Lance's health and safety came first, as well as the fact it was Lance's body, so at the end of the day, his mate had full control of what happened to it... it just confused him that Lance was bringing it all up again after going on a mission with Lotor and Shiro, both of which had slept with his mate at some point... well Lotor was a maybe, he'd definitely touched Lance, but neither of them knew how far he'd taken it.
 Leaving Lance sleeping, Keith carried the boys up to the bridge. With their energetic movements, the last thing they needed was for one of the pups to fall from the bed, or even worse, for them both too and be seriously hurt. Allura, Coran and Krolia were all standing, waiting for Pidge, or Hunk to call through
"Any news?"
"No. How's Lance?"
"He's sleeping in the medical bay, despite being in the pod, he's still a little uncomfortable"
"Nothing too bad, I hope"
"No Coran, thanks to all your help, we now know how to work the scanner and nothing came up on his scan"
"Are you sure? I mean, Coran is the expert when it comes to scans"
"That's true, but Lance and I didn't see anything"
If Keith was honest, he was just going off of Lance's previous scans and was no expert like Coran, but the scanner hadn't highlighted anything
"Perhaps it would be best to conduct another scan once Lance wakes"
"He'll be out for a while, I gave him a shot for pain... that was actually a sedative. He would have wanted to wait for Pidge, Hunk and Matt if I hadn't, he also said that Shiro and Lotor didn't hurt him. So once they've returned, we can release them"
"So do we just wait?"
"You can go ahead and call Pidge and Hunk, I doubt they'll be discussing anything too exciting"
Moving over to his console, Coran went about calling their three friends. Pidge's face filled her half the screen, while Hunk looked somewhat more relaxed
"Hey guys! How's Lance?!"
"He's good. He's sleeping at the moment, Hunk"
"I'm surprised you got him to sleep"
"Keith drugged him"
"Mum, you don't need to dob me in"
"Well you did"
Forcing an exerted sigh, Keith had no idea why his mother insisted on telling everyone 
"What does it look like?"
"We're just arriving, here let me switch view"
The scene in front of them was floating chunks of earth
"Well. It's gone. I don't see how anyone could have survived this, and we aren't reading any life signs in the area"
"Though we are getting some unusual energy readings"
"It's emitting the signals one would have expect from a black hole, and radiation is continuing to rise"
"There's no way she could have survived?"
"No. Nothing could have survived, and there's no trace of that black goop or pure quintessence"
"Alright, take as many readings are you and then fall back. We'll need to contact our allies and let them know to avoid that quadrant"
"Do we know what Honerva was trying to do?"
"She wanted to go back in time"
"Ugh. Why can't bad guys ever be original?... ow! Matt!"
"Keith, we'll take the readings and return. Do you mind if I use Green to contact the rebel forces?"
"Why are you asking him? She's my lion"
"No, go ahead"
"Guys, Green is mine!"
"No ones saying she's not"
"Then stop..."
The call was ended, presumably by Matt. Shaking his head at his friend's, Keith couldn't quite believe that Honerva was dead. Just like that...
"Hunk, just make sure they don't kill each other"
"Will do"
Ending his call, there was nothing else for them to say
"So what now?"
"We wait for them, mum, can you contact Kolivan. Let them know to avoid any missions concerning infected ships and that quadrant of space. Once that is done, why don't you guys get some rest? It'll be vargas before Pidge, Matt and Hunk return"
 Still agitated from Lance being hurt, Keith headed down to the training deck to work his anger into something more constructive than cursing Lotor and Shiro.
After waking from an amazing sleep, the only thing wrong was the cramping in his stomach. Pushing himself up, Lance slid the IV from his arm as he winced 
"Lance, lovely to see you awake my boy. How are you feeling?"
Rubbing his face, Lance yawned as he nodded at Coran 
"Oddly refreshed, I can't believe I fell asleep"
"You certainly needed it"
"How long was I out for? And are the others back?"
"Yes. Honerva's base was completely destroyed. We've decided to cordon off that quadrant of space for now, as by Pidge's calculations, it's turning into a black hole"
"I thought they happened instantaneously"
"Yes, well, this one hasn't. Now that you're awake, are you up for a scan"
"I already had one"
"There's no harm in being thorough. Young Keith only just left before you woke. He's been worried for you"
Talk about guilt tripping...
"Coran, if I tell you something, can you swear you won't tell anyone"
"Lance, what is it? What's wrong?"
Placing one hand on his stomach, Lance sank back down
"I've been feeling sick lately, and my stomach is cramping... um... Krolia said I... she said I was... that I was miscarrying. I haven't taken off my ring, so I don't see how I could be, but I need to know"
"Does Keith know?"
"No. So please don't tell him. I don't want to upset him when it might just be nothing"
"Alright, just lay back and get comfortable. You know the drill"
"I wish I didn't"
"We all wish you didn't. Don't worry, I'll get to the bottom of this"
Closing his eyes, Lance took a deep breath as he waited for the heat to fill his stomach.
 "Coran. You're not saying anything"
"Lance, I don't see a foetus, but there does seem to be evidence that your womb lining is "shedding". I can't not say that you were, but it is thicker than your previous scans"
"So I might have been?"
"Or it may just be your hormones returning to normal levels"
"Ok... thanks Coran. I'll um... I'll talk to the doctor when we get back to Olkarion"
Though Coran probably knew more than the doctors did
"Lance, perhaps you should tell Keith?"
"No. It's ok. If it's something serious, then I'll tell him"
Climbing off the bed, Lance was in shock. The ring on his finger was supposed to prevent this kind of thing. Internally his omega was having a breakdown over it all. He needed to see his kids.
 Heading down to the nursery, he found it empty, as was his and Keith's quarters. Walking all the way back up to find Keith and the pups was too much effort, so he remade their bed and gave Keith a call. In the background he could hear Hunk and Pidge laughing. Jealousy flared inside of him. Why did they get to be happy? When there was possibly something wrong with him... he still didn't want to believe it could be a miscarriage. Promising to be down soon, Lance changed into a pair of Keith's black track pants and one of his mates singlets. He really wanted Keith. He wanted his mate curled around him, kissing him, telling him everything was going to be ok. It was hard to choke down his tears, and it took forever before Keith came in with the boys. Laying them on the bed, Keith went to climb on the outer side, effectively blocking them in. Reaching out, Lance tugged his hand as he stared up at his mate
"Hey, what's up? Did your scan not go alright?"
"It... I just, I really want you to hold me"
Keith was confused, but still did as asked, climbing around him and the boys before spooning up behind him and kissing his nape
"Baby, you can tell me anything"
"I know. Just... I really love you Keith"
"I love you too"
"And the boys. I love them so much"
Lance placed his hand over Keith's, squeezing firmly as he did
"You're scaring me"
"Sorry. I just really wanted to see you and the boys"
"You don't need to be so upset over that. We missed you too"
"We're on our way back to Olkarion, aren't we?"
"It's still going to take a couple of quintants"
Quintants... which meant this might all pass before they reached Olkarion. He could only hope so. Leaning in to kiss Laneith, his son stuck his fingers up his nose
"That's gross"
"Do you have a problem with my snot?"
"No, but maybe it's better that it's not on Laneith's fingers"
"I haven't got anything to wipe it on"
"I'll get a tissue"
"It's fine. We'll live. Won't be baby. Yes we will, look at you, you think it's all a big game"
Laneith cooed happily, his other hand grabbing for Lance's face, capturing his hand, Lance kissed his palm as he made nomming noises
"You're an amazing mother"
"It helps these guys are so adorable, just like their daddy"
"I am not adorable"
"Sexy. Perfect. Adorable"
"I'm definitely none of those"
"You are to me"
"That's because you're weird"
"That's not nice"
"Just calling it like I see it"
For the most part, his cramping had passed during the trip back to Olkarion. With nothing to do, Lance spent most of his time down in the nursery with the boys. They loved wriggling on their play mat, and being just the three of them, Lance opted to let them play naked. It wasn't healthy to keep them in nappies all the time, and Kelance has a small rash forming from it. Even if he was in pain, he definitely enjoyed spending time with them, and reading to them, and watching them inch their way closer to crawling. So far there had only been two accidents, both of which were pee, so it wasn't too hard to clean up. 
 The evening they arrived on Olkarion, Lance was the first one off the castle, taking his pups with him while Keith dealt with finding a way home for Lotor and Matt. Making his way down towards the village, he ran into the person he was seeking out as he went
As always, Ryner didn't know to deal with perky persona, the old woman smiling thinly as she nodded
"Lance. What news from the castle?"
"Everyone's ok... hey, do you happen to have a few doboshes? I was actually coming to find you"
"What can this old lady do for you?"
Fidgeting with Laneith's blanket, Lance hated asking
"I think there might be something wrong with the ring you made for me. Is it possible you can take a look?"
"Did something happen?"
"Uh... possibly. I was... I need to see a doctor too"
"Why don't we take a walk down to the hospital?"
"Thanks. I'm sorry for all of this, especially when just got back"
 Walking tensely beside Ryner, neither of them talked as they made their way down to the hospital and inside. A few of the Olkarion came to ask how the pups were, so when Ryner took him by the elbow and led him away, he was more than a little grateful. He didn't know what to say. The pups were fine. Lead into a small examination room, the doctor was already waiting 
"I'll take that ring of yours now"
"Oh, hang on. I need to put the boys down"
Trying to appear normal, the omega laid both pups on the bed, before sliding the ring from his finger and dropping it into Ryner's palm
"I will return it to you later, if that's acceptable"
"That would be awesome. Thank you"
"No worries"
Nodding to both of them, the woman shuffled from the room, leaving him with the same doctor he had after birthing the boys
"Red Paladin, what seems to be the problem?"
"I... Ryner created a ring so I wouldn't fall pregnant, but recently I took a blow to the stomach and I've been bleeding since"
"So you think you're miscarrying?"
"I've been bleeding and cramping for the last 3 quintants. It's lightening up, but we weren't sure if I did miscarry of if it's hormone related"
"I'll need to examine you. Please lower your pants and place your hands on the bed"
Because that wasn't embarrassing... gritting his teeth, he did as he was asked.
 After being poked and prodded in ways he definitely didn't like, Lance focused all his attention on his boys
"There's no sign of internal or external trauma. You may pull your pants back up, and please lay on the bed"
Holding two pups and trying to climb onto the bed was nearly impossible and the old man didn't move a finger to help him as he did. Both boys were just as cranky as he was by the end of it 
"I'm going to perform an ultrasound. It will also measure your hormone levels, and test for any traces of lingering foreign matter"
"Um. Ok"
The look he got clearly said he didn't need to speak. Couldn't the man at least be a little nice? He was completely freaking out! And the gel pad he placed on his stomach... Oh Lordy... his whole body clenched.
 "You're not pregnant. If you were, you have already passed the foetus. There is still some lining of the womb shedding, which suggests a pregnancy has occurred"
"So I lost a baby"
The old man sighed as he nodded
"For now take comfort in the knowledge you have two boys already"
Packing everything away, just as efficiently as he'd unpacked the portable scanner, Lance was too shocked to move. The ring was supposed to protect against falling pregnant... this wasn't supposed to happen. Sliding off the bed, he mumbled his thanks, before fleeing. His omega just as shocked as the rest of him, and he didn't know what to say or do.
 Blindly fleeing up to the castle, luck wasn't on his side as he walked into Lotor and Shiro. Bouncing back, Shiro grabbed his arm so he wouldn't fall
"Lance! What are you doing out here?"
"I just went for a walk..."
"On a cold night like this? The pups aren't dressed for such cool weather. You better get them inside"
"That's what I was trying to do"
Ignoring the angry look on Lotor's face, Lance pulled away from Shiro 
"It was just a walk. Lay off of me"
"I didn't..."
"You didn't what? Mean to imply in a bad mother?! Just leave me alone"
Shiro and Lotor could both...
"Lance, what's wrong?"
"Nothings wrong! If you've got time to stand here and yell at me, then you've got time to go away!"
"I wasn't yelling at you"
"What's going on here?"
Appearing from the castle entry, Allura walked to his side
"Can't you all just leave me alone! I went for a walk! That's not illegal, I wasn't doing anything wrong"
Allura took half a step back, concern written all over her face 
"Lance, no one said you did anything wrong"
"Shiro did. And I can tell Lotor's mad because I didn't save Honerva"
This was their first time seeing each other since the incident, that was another reason he'd stayed down in the nursery with the boys 
"Stop saying my name! God. Can't you all give me some space?"
Pushing past Allura, Lance strode into the castle, making his way straight back down to the nursery. The night wasn't that cold, and both boys were in full length onesies with beanies on. He knew how to take care of his kids. He didn't need anyone sticking their nose in his business.
After talking with Allura, Keith sought out Lance. His mate was hidden under a pile of blankets, with the twins laying on his chest. Pulling the pile back, the glare his husband shot him had him sighing 
"If you're going to hell me off, I don't want to hear it"
"Allura said you were upset. You've been upset for days... are you ready to tell me what's wrong?"
"Baby, please talk to me. Not only did Allura say you were upset, Shiro said the same thing, and apparently villagers saw you at the hospital"
"I don't want to talk about it!"
Keith flinched as anger rolled off Lance 
"Baby, I'm worried. Mums worried to"
"That's funny"
"What's so funny about that?"
"That mum would be worried. If she hadn't told me, I wouldn't have even known"
Breaking down into sobs, Lance tried to curl around their son's 
"If she hadn't told you what?"
"I... I had a miscarriage. I think I had a miscarriage, it... there wasn't any evidence of carrying... but... I was down at the hospital hoping they'd tell me I didn't. Mum smelt it on me. And. Just. I'm a broken omega, so just leave"
Keith was flawed. The thought had crossed his mind for a moment when Lance started bleeding, but the ring was supposed to prevent him falling pregnant. If Lance had conceived, he wouldn't have been very far along
"Don't! Don't be nice to me! Not now"
"Hey, come here"
Climbing into their bed, Keith pulled Lance up against him, with the pups still on lance's chest as he cried
"I didn't even want another kid so soon, so I don't know why it hurts!"
"Because you love so much baby..."
"I wasn't supposed to fall pregnant!"
"I know. But we were using technology not built for our exact make up. There are no one hundred percent contraceptives"
"How come you don't hate me?!"
"Because these things happen. Your body was probably drained for your extended heat, and it didn't know what to do"
"Why me! What did I do with wrong?"
"You didn't do anything wrong baby. Nothing at all. I'm here, I'm here without"
Pressing kisses to Lance's temple, he rubbed his mates arm at the same time. Losing another pup was rough, but he wasn't the one who to physically deal with the effects of doing so
"I'm here. I've got you. I love you"
"You shouldn't... I'm wrong"
"You're not wrong"
Let holding his crying mate, Keith struggled to hold down his emotions, eventually giving into his own tears.
 With Lotor and Matt both leaving the following morning, Keith let Lance sleep in. His first stop of the morning after seeing two of them off, was a trip down to see Ryner and the organising a house to borrow. He make good on his promise that they'd live off the castle, and with a little string pulling, the Olkari woman had an even better plan. They were going to construct a house for them, from the group up using vines. Keith didn't care, he'd only stipulated that it needed to have a bath, but the rest of it was left to her discretion. Returning to the castle, he found Lance was up and about, eating breakfast in the kitchen while Hunk was baking. Blinking at him, Lance blushed as Keith walked over to his mate and kissed him deeply
"Guys, it's too early for this"
"It's never too early to kiss Lance. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up"
"It's ok. Hunk explained you were seeing off Matt and Lotor"
"Yeah. We had to piece together a ship for Lotor, so we didn't have to part with the fighter jet. Matt had his own ship, so he left first"
Nodding, Lance went back to what seemed to be space cereal
"So what's the plan now? I mean. We have no big bad at the moment... who do we fight now?"
"There's still some factions that are more than likely to cause trouble, but for the most part, we'll be continuing to offer aid and support to the planets in the coalition"
"It feels weird not having anyone to fight"
"I thought you'd be happy Hunk"
"I am. It's just... it's been one adventure after another since we came out here, and now there seems to be some stability in the Galaxy. What do we do?"
"Isn't that what I just asked"
"For now, I think we have all earned a well deserved break. We'll monitor Lotor's movements until we're sure he isn't planning to move against us"
"He's still mad I couldn't save Honerva"
"What makes you say that?"
"Because he didn't say anything. He didn't yell at me or ask me what happened in her final moments. He just accepted it"
"He is half Galra"
"Keith's half Galra and if something happened to his mum? He'd want to know"
"Keith likes his mum. I don't think Lotor liked Honerva"
"He liked Honerva. His problem was mostly with Haggar. You weren't there. I think he actually supported her trying to turn back time"
"Something like that, it can't be possible"
"It's happened before. Remember, Allura and Coran were trapped in that time rift before. I'm worried Lotor will want to pick up where Honerva ended"
"He doesn't have the quintessence or knowledge to do so"
"But he talked to her...
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