#omega lance
Keith knew it was coming. It would be foolish to pretend otherwise. Lance doesn’t mind his own business regularly, but this involves him directly — of course he’d interrogate Keith about it. Keith can’t blame him.
“You know what this is about,” Lance says softly, walking over to sit next to Keith on the bed. It speaks volumes to how miserable Keith must look for Lance to approach this so calmly. Lance is great in a crisis, sure, but he isn’t usually gentle about it. He’s usually very firm when he’s explaining exactly how you fucked up. (And then endlessly kind in the hours he spends helping you fix it. But that’s neither here nor there.)
Keith sighs, forcing himself to look over at Lance even though all he wants to do was crawl under his bed and die in a puddle of mortification.
“Yeah, I know.”
“Talk to me, hotshot,” Lance prods, patting Keith gently on the hip. “One second you’re growling at everyone who smiles at me, big bad Galra fangs out and everything, and now you’re running away from me. We can’t have that, Red. We’re a team, now.”
Keith swallows roughly. He wishes more than anything, right then, that Shiro was back, and he didn’t have the burden of team leader on his shoulders as well as… this.
“I talked to Kolivan, like you said,” Keith whispers. “Uh, turns out we were both wrong. Apparently I’m going through Galra puberty, and presenting as a —“ he makes a face — “as an alpha.”
Lance blinks. “An alpha? Like a… wolf?”
“Kind of?” Keith huffs miserably. “It’s sign of sexual maturity, I guess. A secondary gender. Some present as alphas, some as betas, and some as omegas.”
“Okay…” Lance says slowly, “so you’ve presented. How does being an alpha equate to you acting all bonkers?”
Keith winces. Lord above, he wants to do anything but have this horrible conversation. “The whole point of the secondary genders is to mate, basically. Um.”
Lance starts to grin, very clearly taking a good amount of pleasure in Keith’s misery, because he is the king of schadenfreude.
“Oh, I see.”
“Shut up and let me finish my explanation,” Keith says hotly, but Lance only laughs.
“As I was saying. Because the whole purpose is to mate, we gets these — things. Mating periods, called ruts or heats.”
Lance giggles. Keith smacks him.
“Stop it. It’s not funny.”
“S — sorry,” Lance says, clearly not very sorry.
Keith rolls his eyes. “Whatever. The gist of the matter is that since I have presented as an alpha, I am in my first rut, and my dumbass monkey brain has decided that you’re a picturesque omega. It feels like my brain has latched onto any and all feelings I have for you, turned the horny meter up to eleven, and went ham, so I’ve admittedly been a little jealous.”
“Oh, Keith,” Lance says, and promptly loses his shit.
So much for being Keith’s right hand. So much for having his back.
God, why is Keith so gone on this asshole again?
“This is betrayal. I’m feeling very betrayed right now.”
Lance wheezes.
“I bare my most embarrassing conundrum to you, expecting sympathy —”
He wheezes harder.
“You — you dumbass —”
“And instead,” Keith says loudly, “I get mocked about something I cannot control. You are the worst.”
“Aw, baby,” Lance coos, finally getting himself under control. And, like. Lance calls Keith ‘baby’ all the time. It shouldn’t be a big deal.
But apparently, now that he’s a stupid alpha, it is.
Keith melts, slumping completely forward into Lance, and starts basically purring.
Lance snorts. “This part of that alpha shit too?”
“I don’t know,” Keith wails, reaching blindly to grab one of Lance’s hands and place it on his head. Thankfully Lance gets the hint and starts gently playing with his hair. “I just know that I’m horny all the fucking time, I get blindingly jealous every time some jackass looks at you wrong, and I want to simultaneously whisk you away somewhere where no one can ever hurt you and bend you over the nearest fucking table. Fuck.”
“Well, that last part isn’t new,” Lance says, and Keith can hear the stupid grin in his voice. “But I assume the rest of it is your brain deciding that I am your omega, and as such, the mate you must protect if your potential children are to survive?”
“I guess so,” Keith mumbles. “Sorry.”
“‘S’okay,” Lance assures, leaning down to press a kiss to Keith’s cheek with an exaggerated ‘mwah’ noise. “It’s the sashay, I think. I knew it would come back to bite me in the ass. Mamá always told me it would attract unwanted attention.”
Keith snorts. “Once again, Mamá McClain knows everything.”
Lance is quiet for a while, running calloused hands through Keith’s hair. He’s quiet for long enough that Keith is half asleep when Lance suddenly gasps, accidentally yanking on his hair in his excitement.
“Ow, babe, Jesus shit —”
“I have a plan!” Lance announces excitedly, ignoring Keith’s complaints.
Despite himself, Keith grins.
“You always do.”
“Yep! I know how to solve your whole big bad alpha schtick. C’mon. Up you get.”
Keith would love to say it’s because of his newfound weirdo hormones that he gets up and follows Lance immediately, without question, or pause. But unfortunately he knows that he was whipped as hell before presenting as an alpha, and will remain whipped as hell long after.
“Where are we going?”
Lance turns back to face him from where he’s dragging them out of Keith’s room and down the castle’s hallway, brown eyes
twinkling with mischief.
“To the training room.”
Keith narrows his eyes. “How is that going to help? Is it — are we going to do the sparring foreplay thing again? I thought Hunk said that was forbidden after he caught us making out.”
“We’re not going to do that,” Lance says, rolling his eyes like Keith is somehow the dumbass here, “duh. Even though it was kind of fun. But you’re getting all grisly and jealous because you’re ultra-protective right now, right?”
“Yeah, I think.”
“Well, then how about I lay you out on your ass fifteen or so times in the ring, and then your hindbrain knows I’ll be perfectly fine protecting myself?”
It’s not a bad plan. Lance has always been the logical one to Keith’s rampant emotion, and this plan is no exception — if Lance were to prove that he has no problem kicking ass, then Keith doesn’t have to worry anymore! It makes perfect sense!
But Keith knows that’s not all it is. For all the alpha-protective garbage his brain is doing is annoying and probably demeaning, Keith knows it comes from a protectiveness over Lance. A desperation to keep him safe. A huge fear of anything happening to him — a valid fear, with them on the front lines. There’s nothing that’s going to dim Keith’s intense need Lance to be okay, all the time; it’s just something he’ll need to fight until his rut is over.
But… Keith will never admit it, but he kind of likes it when Lance pushes him around. Futile or not, he’s not going to object to his boyfriend, sweaty and smug, kicking his ass for a couple hours.
“Sure, Lance. Let’s try it.”
Lance’s dorky cheer makes it all worth it.
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corvus--rex · 1 year
Tiniest excerpt from an upcoming chapter of OLIP that's been sitting around for a very long time just for New Year's
☆・* ☆ *・☆
“Did you know that if you kiss the person you love when it turns to the new year that you’ll be with them forever?” Lance asked quietly.
“I did,” Keith answered, “Will you?”
“Like you even need to ask me that.”
Keith turned Lance around.  He didn’t know what was possessing him to do it right then and there, but he wasn’t going to stop now.  “That’s not what I’m asking.”
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corvus-rex-a-b-o · 2 years
I never thought I'd do omega/omega klance, but I got bit by the idea a couple days ago - specifically an au where omegas are reproductively capable both ways - and now I just have this thought of them both being pregnant at the same time with each other's pups. They'd go back and forth between snuggling in their nest and talking about the pups to driving each other insane with no in between.
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mommavanillabear · 2 years
Finally got around to writing this, please enjoy this humble meal of Omega Lance and alpha Shiro.
Read tags of the story!!!!
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klance-dreams · 4 months
Omega Shield / Keith finds out Lance died while he was gone
How do i not have a dedicated little rec list for this this yet! wtf??? Also! I will not rec fics where lance stays dead / ( NO permanent major character death fics here, safe reading!) xoSee Also: Coda (Missing Scenes) all my love for the sweetness of his laughter // he is the tear that hangs inside my soul forever by: KaterinaRiley, Word Count: 7,157, Rating: Mature, Summary: The story of how…
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askmeanjudge · 4 months
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seraphimfawn-fallen · 8 months
The Child in the Castle - Part 1 Helping Love - Klance Omegaverse AU
It was just another day in the castle of lions, nothing out of place, nothing out of the ordinary- except for the laughter of a child. A child that wasn't supposed to be in the castle nor was there a child in the first place, "Can anyone find out where the laughter is coming from?" Hunk asked a bit paranoid, it's not everyday you here a child's laughter where you aren't supposed to.
"Not sure, I can't seem to find anyone looking through the cameras" Allura frowned though thoroughly she was a bit nervous, the child's laugher again voiced around them in a small echo. "Wait, where is Lance and Keith?" Pidge asked looking around and not spotting either of them, then immediately after the announcement of the two missing paladins, the bridge doors opened and in walked Keith- with a toddler who was Altean. "Lura!" Allura blinked, "Keith, where did you find him?" she asked him while making her way over to the excited child practically reaching for her, "In our room, Lance was gone and in his place was this little guy" he said as Allura took the child who laughed in smiles, "Lura? Isn't your name Allura though?" Shiro voiced, "It's an old nickname given to me by my little brother, but this is impossible" she said, the child played with her hands "What do you mean?" Pidge asked "My brother was kidnapped when he was 5, we couldn't find him and I don't even know if he's alive" looking at the child who looked at her, she thought that he was possibly her little brother.
"You didn't tell us you even had a sibling" Pidge frowned, "I know because my family and my people were heartbroken because of it so we didn't say much in order to not be reminded that he was missing with no trace" she explained grimly with a shaky breath, "No cry, here" he tapped her chin with a smile, "What was his name?" Keith asked after a few moments of processing, "The same name as our blue Paladin. Lance Altea" the child smiled, "Blue!" he giggled, "Wait, Lance is Human though is there another one just like him?" Hunk questioned, "Possibly but the loss prince can't have been in the castle when number 2 found the child who, judging from his current age, about 2 at the moment" Coran messed with his mustache, "Coran! Up, up!" the old Altean blinked, "Okay then Lad" Allura handed him over, "Where's papa? Momma I couldn't find them" he asked innocently, "What are you talking about there, lad?" he asked the young toddler, "I can't find my momma and papa, Lura is right there but I woke up with the nice man there" he pointed his small finger at Keith, "Hey you woke up in my bed and my mate is missing" he grumbled, "Momma said I would have a good mate when I grow up, Lura and papa kept forbidding it" the Paladins looked at Allura who showed bright pink cheeks in embarrassment, "You did?" Pidge grinned, as she sputtered "He's an innocent boy who doesn't need a mate who may just use him! I had my reasons as his big sister" she squeaked and Pidge laughed.
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justaz · 2 years
is the vld fandom still alive?? anyways, after the whole omega shield incident, lance has scars all over his body, like literally from head to toe from the thousands of volts of electricity coursing through his body. they’re like tiger stripes kind of but thinner. you know that art piece of hp with his scar looking like actual lightning? that but all over lances body
and!! if ur a fan of the idea that when allura healed him, it changed his dna to be altean, consider that when he’s super excited or happy or embarrassed or whatever, the marks on his cheeks glow along with the scars so he’s just this blue glow stick when he’s happy
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secondgenerationnerd · 4 months
How did you decide which characters goes with which group? Like why put Jon, Damian, Colin, Lian, etc on the same team?
……purely for the fucking vibes if I’m totally honest 😂😂
Like my main teams I write/think about are:
Omega squad—Damian Wayne, Mar’i Grayson, Lian Harper, Colin Wilkes, Milagro Reyes, Jai West, and Irey West
Epsilon Squad—Maya Ducard, Kathy Branden, Nell Little, Anissa Pierce, Jennifer Pierce, Sin Lance, and Tiffany Fox
YJL—Ceridian’ahm, Zachary Zatara, Lucy Quinzel, Connor Lance-Queen, Matty West, Jania West, and Luca Gordon-Grayson (mostly OCs, but the last names should help understand who’s kids they are)
Like that’s 22 characters ON THOSE TEAMS ALONE, who’s general vibes are “I will call you a little bitch if you touch my fries, but if ANYONE disrespects you, their body will never be discovered.”
Past that it boiled down to “what are the funniest people to put on a team together”
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lil-shiro · 5 months
im afraid that if I speak my true opinions about f1 omegaverse I may be jailed so I won't say anything
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corvus--rex · 5 months
bodyguard au, trans omega Keith/alpha Lance
I started this and it got away from me, so this is the original unedited twt thread. whenI have the spoons again I'll finish and post the second part to twt first and then here and then the rest (along with the expanded parts 1&2 will be posted to ao3.
Also, there is a description of a nsfm image so...
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Keith needed a bodyguard. The vocalist/guitarist of Marmora had a stalker and it had reached a point he couldn't ignore, not when he'd been sent pictures of himself in his own home - pictures taken at different times of the day, doing anything and nothing.
Given that he was both trans and an omega, he'd dealt with shitty fans before, but this was terrifying. it had started over social media, unsettling comments on the band's posts that shifted to Keith's public accounts. For every account that was blocked, another took its place, and the comments continued.
But that morning he'd found the manila envelope on his doorstep, well inside the safety of his security system. He almost threw the envelope in the fireplace, not wanting to know what was in it, but curiosity got the better of him. Over a dozen blown up photos, all in black and white, taken from a different place each time.
There was one of him rolling around in the backyard with his huge husky mix Kosmo, one of him sprawled across his sofa late at night, the glow of the tv lighting his face, sitting at the huge kitchen island, coffee in one hand and his phone in the other, one from his bedroom, fresh from a shower with nothing but a towel loosely wrapped around his hips, several others he only glanced at.
After the post-shower picture, they increased in intimacy until the last in the pile, another from his bedroom, naked, back arched and head thrown back as he came, his favorite knotting toy in clear view stretching his soaked pussy.
Keith stared at it, knowing exactly when that was taken. It was the night his last heat had started, his nest only half made before the first wave hit. He pushed the photo away, dislodging a single sheet of printer paper and sending it to the floor. He picked it up, dropping it to the island's surface when he saw what was on it.
Beautiful. You'll look even more exquisite screaming my name. Soon, darling. I'll have you very soon.
Minutes later, Keith was pulling out of his driveway, nearly crashing into his own gate in his desperation to get away from his own house. Kosmo whined in the backseat, but Keith was too afraid to leave him there alone or be without him. He hadn't managed to put the photos or message back into the envelope, and the image of him with Kosmo stared at him from the passenger seat. He forced himself to focus on the road, not looking away until he reached his manager's office building.
Once inside, he walked past Kolivan's admin and straight into his office, not caring who could be in there. Fortunately, his manager was alone, a spreadsheet of Marmora's upcoming tour and appearances on his monitor. Keith threw the stack of photos, emtpy folder, and typed message on Kolivan's pristine desk. He didn't realize he was shaking until Kosmo pulled on his sleeve, dragging him to the sofa.
"What's this?" Kolivan asked, but stopped when he looked through the first few pictures.
Keith had kept them in the same order they'd been in, note included, and said without looking up from Kosmo's head on his lap, "Keep going."
Kolivan handled each photograph carefully, taking in each image until he got to the last one. "Your bed doesn't face the windows and the curtains are drawn. How was this taken?"
Keith buried his fingers in the thick fur of Kosmo's neck. "I don't know. You-you don't think they've gotten inside do you? Set up cameras I don't know about?"
"I certainly hope not, but we can find out. Let me make a few calls." He picked up his phone, turning back to Keith once he'd found the contact he wa looking for. "I know a good private investigator. But with everything and then this," he gestured at the pile of photos and that note he'd stayed silent on, although Keith saw the rage in his hazel eyes, "I'm getting you a bodyguard, no arguments."
"Won't get any from me on that."
divider/warning banner credit @cafekitsune
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icypantherwrites · 8 months
Fic Update: Sword and Shield, Chapter Seven (FINAL)
Chapter snippet: Keith was at the bedside within a few steps, just in time to see Lance slowly blink open his eyes, staring at the ceiling.
He blinked again.
And then he sat up with a yelp followed by a groan and his body tipped sideways.
Keith caught him by the arm before he could fall off the bed and that drew another breathless shout, Lance’s head whipping around so fast Keith winced.
“Keith,” he gasped, eyes wide. “I… you… Red…wh-what?”
“Breathe,” Keith instructed as Lance floundered for both words and breath. And he said the words he hadn’t allowed himself to promise yet. “You’re okay.”
And at that Lance slumped forward and for a second Keith feared he’d passed out but Lance only brought a hand up to press against his heart, trembling and, as Keith had instructed, breathing.
He didn’t interrupt, letting Lance collect himself, and stepping back to give him space.
He still didn’t know how to say what needed said.
Reckless, he’d been called.
Instinctual, Keith preferred.
And hopefully that would be enough for what came next.
A few moments later Lance looked up, dark ocean plagued with none of the fever or haziness meeting Keith’s. “You saved me,” he whispered. “You… you and Red. I… th-thank you. I…”
But Keith didn’t want gratitude.
That wouldn’t keep Lance safe.
“You almost died,” Keith said, and apparently blunt was the direction he was going to take. And he didn’t regret it.
Lance flinched at that.
Keith didn’t let himself stop.
“But that wouldn’t be the first time, would it?”
Read it here
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piratewithvigor · 2 years
Bryan Danielson - Monty Python's Life Of Bryan
Chris Jericho - The 13 Stages Of Grief With Y2J
Danhausen - Danhausen In Exactly As Much Context As He Requires
Danhausen - Feed My Evilhausen
“Hangman” Adam Page -  Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself
"Hangman" Adam Page - Country Girl 🤠
"Hangman" Adam Page - La Folie Temporaire
Jack Perry - Jungle Boy - I Wanna Be Evil
Jon Moxley - Livewire
Marko Stunt - The Very Best
Marq Lynch - Hurt
MJF - Everybody Loves Me ;3
MJF - blah blah blah...
MJF - The Biggest Balls Of Them All
MJF - Long Island V Connecticut
MJF - MJF Being Completely Insufferable Part 1: Jul-Nov 2019
MJF - MJF Being Completely Insufferable Part 2: Nov 2019-Jan 2020
MJF - MJF Being Completely Insufferable Part 3: Jan-March 2020
MJF - MJF Being Completely Insufferable Part 4: April - August 2020
Nick Jackson - Magic Girl
Orange Cassidy -  BASIC 🍊🕶️NOMICS
Pac - If Weird Al Did Pac's Theme
Sting - What Goes On In Surfer Sting's Head
Wheeler Yuta - Yu Make My Dreams Come True 💕
William Regal - Sharp Dressed Man’s Man
William Regal - Ra Ra Regal
William Regal - What A Lucky Man (He Was)
Gunn Club Assboys - Billy Ass And The Assboys
Blackpool Combat Club - BCC Golden Girls
Dustin Rhodes VS Willie Mack - Kissin Willie
Eddie Kingston & CM Punk - WRESTLING SILENT FILMS: Was The Truth Too Much For CM Punk To Handle When Kingston Put Him On Blast?
The Elite - When I See You Dance With Another
The Elite - Best 15 Seconds Of Each BTE (1-23)
The Elite - Runnin On Empty
The Elite - What If Carly Rae Jepsen Sang Like 4 Middle Aged Men Having A Sexually Charged Karaoke Battle On A Japanese Train?
"Hangman" Adam Page VS Lance Archer - Blood In The Texas Death Match
The Hardys - The Hardy Show: Rednecks On The Loose
House Of Black - Du Rieschst So Gut~
Jurassic Express - KINGS OF THE JUNGLE
Jurassic Express - Happier Days
Pinnacle & Inner Circle - Pinnacle VS. Inner Circle: Ballroom Fucking Blitz
The Hardys VS Private Party - Poor Bones
Young Bucks VS Lucha Bros - The Match, But As Clowns
AEW Moments That Have Probably Changed Me As A Person
Ranking Hey!(EW) Guests Based On How Angry They Get Being There
Once In A Lifetime: An AEW Retrospective
Oh, You Missed The First 3 Years Of AEW? Let Me Catch You Up Real Quick
Hookhausen (Hook X Danhausen) - curses~
William Regal X Tony Schiavone - Out Of Touch Thursday
Hangmox (Hangman X Mox) - ⛓️HANGMOX: THE CHAIN⛓️
AdaMJF (Adam Cole X MJF) - You're My Best Friend
Chuck Taylor X Orange Cassidy - I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire
What if Dynamite was 2004 Raw?
What if Collision was 2009 Hockey Night In Canada?
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f1uckinghell · 1 year
For your consideration: VV Charles and Lance as catty frenemies.
They’re both high maintenance people, enjoy the finer things in life, and let’s face it, are a bit spoiled, so they somehow naturally end up clashing but in a classy rich people way:
“Oh I love that you’re not all about the trends Charles, wearing last season’s collection is so vintage of you!”
“Darling this is from the European collection, they did only show it in Milan, were you not invited to the private showing?”
“We were on holiday in the Mediterranian during Milan fashion week, on my fathers yacht of course.”
“Lovely little boat that is.”
All of this with the biggest smiles on their faces.
anon i love you so much for this, this is gold
add nico into this and the vibes will be amazing (speak: rancid)
„Oh, you’re going on a yacht? Is it one of those environmentally conscious sailing ones? No? Oh… okay. No, no I just thought you-… no it’s fine, I hope you enjoy it.“
the cattiness would be insane. Max and Lando remove themselves from the conversation immediately. I also think a big topic would be „MY Alpha does XYZ!“, basically bragging about them, especially between Nico and Lance.
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questintheskies · 1 year
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Who is going to face Kenny at Forbidden Door?
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dusty-cobweb · 7 months
i think it would be interesting to explore lance’s death from the omega shield as not just his soul returning to his body and everything is exactly the same but kind of like a Quaritch avatar situation. he has all the memories of his past life— his family, the garrison, voltron, his personality and values, and yet he’s still different. at that point in time, he is not really lance anymore, just the memories of him placed into a his body. that doesn’t mean lance no longer has an emotional/personal attachment to these memories, but he can certainly be a lot more retrospective. he sees keith and respects him in a different light now, gets pisses off a lil bit at Allura and Shiro, and just is less inhibited in everything. yeah….
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