#she was so snarky and bitchy the whole time she was handling it but I must emphasize that SHE handled it
sweetest-honeybee · 1 year
them having you chill on the side is how they lure you in with a false sense of hope of "it's really not that bad!~" DON'T FALL FOR IT--
but deadass i remember it was like that the first day i was a carhop at sonic, thought it wasn't too bad. literally the next day i had over a 100 separate orders i took out. i worked there for 2 weeks then gave a 2 weeks cause i was too scared to just quite outright LMAO (was my first job at 17)
best of luck to you, and am sending all the good vibes that you get a better opportunity elsewhere!!! 💛🏵
EXACTLY and I fuckin KNOW they’re making it look easier. I’m not quick enough yet to handle a line of people and that’s fine but they haven’t trained me for it yet
The funniest thing is is that so many people quit ALL at he time there and people would keep saying those people who quit were just too lazy and the workload was too hard and blah blah blah
It’s NOT. The “workload” is running around in the same open room or to the kitchen unless you spend your time in the cooler. The main managers just an ass and I have the strongest feeling she’s run out people by being an asshole to them because the second I saw the way she handled me accidentally letting a dude walk out without paying, I knew there and then that I wasn’t gonna be working there long be it that she fired me for the stupidest gd reason or I quit
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djeterg19 · 11 months
I think that I do hope that Top break it off with Mew basically. Because I do think Mew needs to a wake up call. Cause Top has been doing everything Mew asks for. And I think that if he were to be like. I’m done. Come find me when you’ve decided to respect me and our relationship. Mew would be like. Wait no come back.
I think Mew has been hurt really badly. And Boeing saying he is forgiving Top too easily did really get to Mew and make him think that he needs to “get even” with Top for them to be on the same level. Or this will happen all over again.
So like I get his state of mind. But come on man! He needs to talk to Cheum. Because she will tell him how absolutely stupidly in love with him Top is. I genuinely think even Boston would be able to tell Mew how in love with him Top is.
I also had this thought that maybe Mew’s mothers invite Top to their house somehow. And that’s why he’s still there. And Top is such a good boy he wouldn’t not go just because he and Mew aren’t working out. I don’t know. This show has pleasantly surprised me in the past and handled things better than I thought they would. So my fingers are crossed this works out.
Thanks for the ask! I have rewatched the preview way too many times as I am wont to do and I do think Top has reached his limit with Mew. He is much more bitchy in the first scene than he generally is with Mew and I think that's fitting. First, they already did this. Mew said he was going to give him another chance but then plotted behind his back with Boeing. And I kinda want Top to be bitchy with Mew? Because that is clearly part of his personality and who he is. When pushed he can and will be bitchy and snarky and I find that extremely relatable. And sooner or later that side of him will come out with Mew because everything wont' always be sunshine and rainbows. You have to take the good with the bad because that's just how people and relationships are.
And I don't remember who(I have the memory of a goldfish?) but someone was saying that Mew hasn't actually let himself feel his feelings about the whole thing? So yeah I can kinda see him needing to vent and get it all out which is also why I wish we had seen the smash date even though it was a bit dark. I'm also hoping he will break down with him moms because I don't know that's he's had time to grieve or work through his sadness about everything that happened. Yes, he was angry but there has to be sadness and heartbreak as well that's he's feeling.
I mostly want them to get to even footing because right now Top is doing all of the work and I need Mew to put some effort into the reconciliation. I would love if he talked to Cheum because she can tell him that Top only wanted what was best for him. I don't think(or want?) any kind of reconciliation with Boston is coming unless Boston is the one that reaches out and genuinely apologizes because he has been truly awful to Mew. And I still don't think he knows what he did was wrong or why.
And Mew's moms did already kind of invite Top to come visit their cafe during their shopping trip. I wouldn't be surprised if they reached out and invited him once they have everything setup. I would prefer if Mew was the one to invite him because I do want him to be more proactive in rebuilding the relationship with Top but we will see. And if you had asked me up to episode 8, I would be much more optimistic...but now that we know they change things based on fan reaction it feels like we aren't getting the real vision of the show. Not when it comes to Top and Mew. They are toning things down and removing things based on who has the loudest voice which is unfortunate. Hopefully they realize that they cannot continue to chop their story to pieces and still have it make sense.
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[Oh this is gonna be one long ride, then-/j Im gonna try doing a more fast list about the Ocs here and how i imagine they would interact with Antonio, And maybe in the future im gonna do a more detailed version in rp or ooc (Tw of manipulation mention and also longass text)
Also all of these versions are like "Au" almost because their og version is your normal DHMIS goofy ahh bois Laurence - I've already showed a bit how much of an asshole he is and how he would interact with Tony in rp but oH GOD THERES SO MUCH MORE ABOUT HIM- If Lesley is the equal of a "God" to the puppet world, Then Laurence is the equal of literal Lucifer to them- Cunning, Puts himself high asf in a pedestal because he KNOWS he has much, much more power than anyone else, Wants to see everyone bow to him and Will play with your sanity like how a cat plays with a toy. But even thought he acts more "Nicer" normally, He is a lot more cruel and direct to the point when acting more agressive (aka he would totally place his feet on someone's head and squish it out of spite) OH AND I DIDNT EVEN TOUCH ON THE PART ABOUT HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH LINNA- THAT'S A WHOLE PIECE BY ITSELF- But explaining quickly how it is; It's him dangling a little light of hope that the loop will stop some hour or another if she listens to him, Making her basically his servent while she doenst notice he is the cause of her entire suffering- Theo - Already mentioned in RP, But he is like- The equal of Colin ig because he is a computer too- but he is so much, much more fucking bitchy and horrible that makes Colin look like a angel beside him. Manipulative, Sadistic to the point of being the word "Schadenfreude" itself, And even if he doenst show it, He could hurt people out of pure spite or boredom all because he can- I can imagine him and Antonio probably talking about the people they manipulated for own benefit or about their enemies, But just if Antonio is able to handle someone with non-stop ADHD behaviour and loud asf robotic voice (also that loves angering people with anything because, again, he can) Marie - Oh hey, That one who gave Linna trauma about medical stuff! Anyways; Your standart mentally insane nurse/doctor type- Always having a extended creepy smile, Having a questionable interest about dissections and vivisections, Acting SICKY, DERANGEDLY sweet and cute in the WORST times possible, And also doenst help that she has hands like the other mother from coraline true form- So maybe her and Antonio would go along really well? Who knows Lucy & Lisa - One is the embodiment of the universe and the other is fucking dea- i mean a spirit/j Ok but- Maybe those two would not really be the type to talk to Antonio, Maybe Lucy would try because he already talked with Laurence and all, And both are togheter so manipulative bitch going to see manipulative hubby's frienb :> Overall, Lucy is the more colder, Snarky type around others, But also would do a amazing "Rapunzel's mother" type if she had the chance. (*cough* linna *cough*) She can really put on a nice talk for hours and hours, And with that, Can get people on her cosmic web pretty well until some day she'll feel like crushing someone's hope- Lisa in the other hand is just- Too quiet and nice i think; They just want to chill around blooming flowers before winter comes and they needs to go help Coffin with all the dying people in the cold, So pretty indiferent about life and death. Rosé & Sabrina - Not really having much about these two interacting with Antonio tbh- Rosé is a literal cult leader like shrignold but instead about love its about the fame world and stuff and Sabrina is snarky and acts more like a popular teenager girl who loves picking on people even thought she is already pretty much an really old adult- And Rosé is the type of old gossipy man who wants to see his enemies fall without having to move a finger- Im gonna end here for now because i have more of them to talk about but it's already so long mjnhbgabhsnjd SORRY FOR LONG TEXT I JUST LIKE U AND THIS BLOG VERY MUCH-]
[[ first off, sorry for not responding rp-wise for so long, sometimes longer writing takes more outta me BUT i have the writing power(tm) now!
& from the sound of it, i think he'd generally get along with all of them! but also want to see what makes them tick, but that's just an antonio thing ]]
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malloryslourd · 4 years
Madison Dating Goodeday’s Daughter
Warnings: Some Strong Language, Mentions Of Alcohol Use, Suggestive Themes
A/N: yea yea i did it😼 these are crazy long tho so... oops maybe
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before you two even get together there’s always a weird aura around the way you two act with each other
Madison still made her snarky comments but they were better categorized as backhanded compliments instead of her standard bitchy remarks
being raised by a Cordelia and Misty you were always taught to be as nice as possible, but the other girls notice you’re a lot nicer to Madison than anyone else
if you ever need to run an errand Madison volunteers to go with you
only to “get out of the house” tho
if you volunteer to do the dishes after dinner she conveniently will stay behind to help
if she needs help with a spell or class you’re always free to give help
it’s all just really convenient
one of those convenient nights when everyone’s already went to their own rooms and settled, you two were downstairs cleaning up the kitchen
Madison was making jokes about the other girls that you laughed at even tho they were a little rude
after a while the laughter and struggling to breathe at moments turns into a tense silence, the two of you sharing quick glances as you moved around the room
you’d finally stop to take a breath and look at her out of the corner of your eye
“You’ve been a lot nicer to me than usual, you know?”
Madison stopped cold, trying to think if it was that obvious that she had been
“I don’t... You...”
“It’s not a problem. Like, not to say you’ve been outstandingly mean to me. You’ve always been... nice”
you’d both fall quiet again, waiting for the other to continue on
“You’re easier to be nice to. You’re not like everybody else”
the conversation would end again, actually allowing for some cleaning to get done
after that you both hurried to finish and go your own way to your rooms
the convo had been awkward enough, there was no reason to continue it
the next day you talked to Mallory and Zoe about it
“I don’t know... it was just, like, weird to be honest”
Zoe would most def be like “Yeah it was weird because you’re in love with her”
you kinda both distanced yourself from each other for a bit, neither of you wanting to be alone in a room with the other
it didn’t take long for another confrontation to take place
it would happen at a party thrown at the coven when Misty and Cordelia were away
after a few hours of music too loud to handle and few sips of whatever the hell Coco created in the kitchen, thoughts became words a lot easier
you and Madi ended up sitting next to each other on a couch, not saying anything at first
then you would turn to her, grabbing her arm and tilting your head while you waited for her to acknowledge you
“Why don’t you hate me?” “What?” “Why don’t you hate me like everyone else? What did I do?” “I... I don’t fucking know!”
you’d blink at each other
you weren’t satisfied with that answer and she knew that
“Not cool Madi” “You’re not cool” “Bullshit, you think I’m cool” “Yea, sure I do. I think you’re the goddamn coolest” “Because I am!” “Whatever” “If I wasn’t cool you wouldn’t like me as much as you do. Admit it!” “I don’t like you!”
it was definitely the drinks that had made that hurt a lot more than it should’ve
“But do you really? Like do you like me or what?” “I was joking. Of course I like you” “Not like that... Do you like me?”
she would go extremely quiet, thinking about that fact that maybe she DID like you
“I... I think” “The fuck is that supposed to mean?!” “I don’t fucking no!” “It’s a yes or no question Madi!” “Well then yeah, I like you! A lot!”
you’d let go of her arm slowly, both of you slightly leaning away from the other
“What the fuck am I doing?”
Madi would get up and hurry to the kitchen, you following her through the crowd of ppl
she leaned against the counter watching as you followed her in
you were pissed, what did that even mean
you’d start asking her what was wrong, saying that something was obviously keeping her from telling you the truth
after continuous “I don’t knows” and another cup of God knows what she would finally turn to you
“We can’t be together! Are you crazy?” “Why the fuck not?” “Are you serious? I literally have tried to kill your mother, very unsuccessfully! Everyone here hates me and everyone loves you! It just doesn’t make sense!”
you’d tell her it wasn’t true and shake your head
not everyone hated her, or at least in your mind, and if they did who really cared
“Well fuck them, I don’t care. If we like each other than so what? It doesn’t matter”
her face had somehow ended up in your hands and you both just stared at each other
after a very long discussion, interrupted by way too many drunk ppl, you both would somehow end up in your room, sitting on your bed, facing each other while holding hands and trying to figure out what the hell happened downstairs
you’d fall asleep taking about it, offering absolutely no help to clean after the party- very in character for Madison, very out of character for you
the relationship would be mostly secret from there
Queenie knows everything tho, she knows everything
it would be small changes around the house
the two of you sitting together for every meal, instead of Madi joining just a few errands it was almost all of them, you would go upstairs to go to bed at just around the same time
the girls put two and two together before Cordelia and Misty did
Zoe was $100 richer
Coco? not so much let’s just say that
they didn’t say anything, they knew it wasn’t their place
it was pretty easy for a while until there was a stupid slip up: Madi forgetting to lock your door after coming in to hang out with you
Misty would just walk in to the two of you laying on each other, one of your faces buried in the other’s neck
there was no getting out of it, she knew immediately- everything made sense at that moment
Misty and Cordelia are not the happiest about this relationship
you two were able to keep it secret for two months at the absolute most, but these women aren’t stupid
Cordelia is incredibly disappointed
Misty on the other hand is trying to figure out how long her prison sentence would be if she just so happened to kill someone
it would lead to a giant argument between the three of you, Madison secretly spectating from a bit of a distance to ensure her own safety
Cordelia would say something like “I’m over it, you two can’t be together”
the conversation wouldn’t end well
you’d end up walking out of the room to go rant to Madison or some of the other girls while absolutely fuming
you, Cordelia, and Misty would exchange very few words over the next two or three weeks, at least
Madi would be there to help with it tho
reassuring you that you did nothing wrong or everything would be okay
she would feel guilty, thinking about how she HAD done some pretty horrible things to them both in the past
but she was willing to fix that
your best interest was always Madison’s top priority
she wouldn’t want to ruin anything for you
so she would help you with whatever you needed- magic, chores, literally anything
you would insist it wasn’t necessary but that’s all she wanted to do
and plus it gave you both an excuse to be with each other more
the more time you two spent together the more considerate Madi became to everyone else
granted, everyone thought this was some type of prank or worse some type of sick trap, but it was nice (?)
Cordelia would notice it
the bitchy comments at dinner almost came to a stop(emphasis on the almost), she did what she had to around the house without having to be asked more than twice or so, and she stopped going out of her way to make ppl miserable
but she couldn’t help but notice you were a lot happier too
Misty on the other hand still thought this was all a coverup for some greater evil, or so she claimed
it wasn’t that she didn’t want to admit to the changes, she just didn’t want to admit to the causes of the changes
it did NOT make sense with her reality that her sweet baby was happy with someone so evil
Cordelia would be easier about it, there would be less times she would stop you going to Madi’s room or vice versa, she’d find herself smiling at the two of you getting along instead of being angry
Misty took a lot of convincing from Cordelia on the other hand
like multiple discussions before bed about how maybe they should cut Madison some slack
that girl was not having it at all
she comes around eventually
soon? no. but eventually? sure.
Madi might not be the best roommate to some of the girls but she’s genuinely a great partner
she always puts you first
no matter what
she likes to know that if there’s anything she can do to make you feel safe or loved, she’s doing it
if she’s not with you in person she texts you as often as she can without being annoying
study dates where you’re actually trying to help her but she’s on her phone the whole time or trying to convince you to give up
she’ll “accidentally” knock the book you’re reading off of the bed or out your hands
“Ugh, looks like we can’t do that anymore... Bummer”
you learn to just give up when she starts retaliating
she’ll sneak into your room after everyone goes to bed, greeting you with a quick kiss you both smile through
you only got caught once but Cordelia didn’t even care enough to say anything at the time, just a “don’t let it happen again” in the morning
it happened again
it’s literally most of the time just the two of you talking about whatever happened throughout the day or watching a movie and laughing at Madison making jokes about on of the actors
Madi is very physically affectionate, no matter where either of you are
she won’t admit it but she’s loves sweet soft kisses rather than a rough make out session- but only in private i feel??? she has a character to uphold outside of closed doors
you’ll be laying in bed and she’ll kiss your forehead and you cheek, smiling at you if you even try to act annoyed with her
the other girls are over the PDA... OVER IT
sometimes they can’t even go into the kitchen to get something to drink, it’s ridiculous
Misty is always disapproving of it, without fail
she’s so childish she would literally make gagging noises just seeing you two sit next to each other
she did that when Madison walked into a room before you two started dating but that’s not important
Madi is very much a Look-What-I-Have-And-You-Don’t type of person (always has been, always will be)
she loves to show you off
“So my girlfriend...” “Yeah my girlfriend...” “Did you see that my girlfriend...”
you would get embarrassed after so much of it, getting flustered everytime she would say “my” or “mine”
Madison lives a very expensive lifestyle, no surprise there, so she’s always buying you some type of gift
you come home and there would be a gift bag on your bed or she’ll text you telling you she had a surprise
she has trouble with saying what she means or being able to talk about how she feels so that’s one of her go-to’s when she can’t figure out how to say “I love you”
you try to tell her it’s not necessary but she doesn’t listen
the two of you could spend all day together and not get tired of the other
you find anything and everything to talk about
some conversations carry on for days sometimes
they’ll roll over right to the next morning without missing a beat
Madi loves to call you “Baby”, “Darling”, “Sweetheart”, and “Love”
the Madison-Calling-Her-SO-Mommy stuff started when she was drunk we don’t have time for that right now
anything that makes you feel special is okay with her
you call her “Sweetheart” and “Love” too, maybe “Babe” instead of “Baby”
with her being so possessive she would buy you a piece of jewelry with her initials on it
a ring, necklace, whatever it may be
and she would love to put it on for you
k, Madison loves a good hickey gotta admit
she has no shame in it either
she likes to both put them on someone and have them out on her
she wears hers a lot more proudly than you tho
the other girls make fun of you for it, saying it look like you got in a fight with someone
thankfully you’re able to hide them from Cordelia and Misty, and Madison is nice enough to make sure they don’t see hers
she notices that Misty is still hostile towards your relationship she would eventually take matters into her own hands
Madi would tell her that she knows her and Misty aren’t the best of friends but you made Madi happy and Madi made you happy and it still hurt you to see Misty so upset with you
Misty doesn’t know why hearing this from her made it anymore convincing than anyone else, but she would understand it now
Madison is always touching you to be honest
she’ll come up behind you and hug you from behind, kissing your shoulder and staying there without saying anything
she’d put her head in your lap and just start rambling about something that happened that day
“Are you ignoring me?” “Of course not” “What did I say?” “Something about... something” “ANYWAYS, back to what I was saying” “Great babe, yeah”
half of her twitter is dedicated to you let’s be real
Madison Montgomery Tweeted: My girlfriend is so much better than all of you :)
“Let’s go do something” “It’s 3 in the morning” “... So?”
driving around the city at night, listening to music and holding hands as you take random turns and streets neither of you had really ever been on
people telling you how much better Madison had been since you got together
going on date nights where the two of you argue over who’s gonna pay for thirty minutes
one of you ending up taking the card out of the others wallet before leaving the house
once both of you did this but you were able to come up with the cash together and a tip for the waiter after making them wait so long
Madi will walk into your room to find you studying or practicing your magic and go “Ugh, you and Zoe hang out too much”
she has the most embarrassing photo of you as he screensaver... like ma’am... this isn’t funny :|
the both of you have pictures with each other everywhere in you rooms
she doesn’t like to argue
she really does try her best to not upset you
so she learns how to be more open about her feelings instead of covering them up and acting as if nothing is bothering her
stargazing on nights neither of you can sleep
making sure to tell the other how much you love them at least once a day
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Not Your Type 2
Steve Harrington x Reader
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Read the first part HERE
Word Count: 5,651
Warnings: Swearing
Authors note: You want it, I found a way to do it! Sorry if I came off mean at first about doing a sequel, comments that are purely asking for sequels to fics are really disheartening because I get all excited about a comment and then it just feels like a demand for more with nothing else. But I found a thing I like so here ya are! Thanks to everyone who read part 1, I hope you like part 2 too!!!
Tag List: @moonstruckhargrove @hotstuffhargrove @carolimedanvers @thechickvic @alex--awesome--22 @lilmissperfectlyimperfect @so-not-hotmess @hipsmcgee @agentsinstorybrooke @sunflowercandie @kaliforniacoastalteens @songforhema @spidey-pal
It took him a full twenty-four hours to call. You suffered through the whole sleepover at Robin’s, filled with ‘I told you so’s’ and holding back her hair when she puked from a bad combination of sour belts and malt whiskey. She nearly puked on the lavender trumpet sleeves you’d lovingly built for Juliet herself and you nearly killed her.  You’d never bolted out of her house faster and back to your own, only a block away, to check your messages.
Unfortunately, there were none to check. You were insanely disappointed. But you held out hope, you had nowhere to be with the demon child’s parents taking him to the zoo for the day. You spent half the day cooped up in the living room on your couch, switching positions every thirty minutes and watching everything your tiny selection of TV channels, watching soap operas and the news and b movies from the fifties and reruns. You ate sparingly, flipped through every magazine on your coffee table, you found a great dress to recreate once you were done the Juliet dress, you did your makeup and then took it off-anything to fill the time.
And then, at five o’clock on the dot, he called.
Every phone call that had come through all day, you waited at least two rings on before answering. Both your parents worked full time, so you were free all day to do nothing. But with your mother home since four, you were risking her answering, so you pounced on the phone. You were glad that the first call the house had gotten was him, it meant that you could finally ignore the phone.
“Hey, is this Y/N?” Steve asked. He sounded so nervous and awkward; he probably expected to get an older sibling or parent. He was trying so hard to sound polite. It was a little bit adorable. Just a little.
“Hey, Steve, what’s up?” you asked with a chuckle. The corded phone in the living room only reached so far, so you pulled the recliner’s matching stool to you with your foot and sat down again, resting your elbows on your knees and your head in your hands.
“Hey! Nothing much, how was Robin’s place?” Across town, Steve was fully laid down in bed, clutched his own phone to his ear. It had taken him all day to buck up the courage to make the call-he didn’t want to get your mom or some sibling he hadn’t heard about yet by mistake, that would be embarrassing and weird. He’d slowly given up on trying to be popular, but part of him wanted to live up to others expectations of him.
“About as fun as always. I half-watched Carrie for the fourteenth time and held back her hair after she drank too much and threw up. Party of the century...” you replied with an awkward laugh. You felt weird about making fun of Robin to Steve, but he laughed all the same and you didn’t want to seem totally lame and boring. In actuality, the night was boring and uneventful. You threw handfuls of popcorn at Robin’s younger brother Kyle when he tried to bust in all creepy. You hemmed a dress. You ate dinner with Robin’s mom. Nothing insanely eventful. Even the puking was fairly normal; Robin couldn’t hold her whisky despite her love for the stuff.
“No pillow fights and practising kissing?” Steve asked. He felt gross about it, especially knowing Robin, but he did it anyway. Maybe you’d laugh. Or say something snarky and cool.
You giggled, rolling your eyes “No, not really?” you replied, your tone turning up into a question. You couldn’t tell if he was serious. You hoped it wasn’t.
“No? Oh well...you’ll have to have one with me next time. Way more fun.” Steve propped his head up on his race car themed pillow.
“I generally like to have a guy take me out on a date before I start planning sleepovers with them...” you twisted the coiled cord around your finger, looking down the hall to ensure that your mother wasn’t listening from the kitchen, or worse on the other line getting the full conversation. Luckily, she had her ABBA cassette on blast as she cooked in the kitchen, mouthing the words to dancing queen into her slotted spoon.
“Well, then I’ll have to take you out then, what’re you doing tonight?” Steve asked, checking the time. It was only five fifteen, he had all night to see you.
“Nothing much, where’re you taking me?” you asked. You’d need at least an hour, to wash your hair and change your clothes. And that was just to look less sweaty and awful, to be at the level you’d like to be for a date you’d need at least another hour.
“How about I pick you up at eight and I take you to this diner I know and we get some food. And then we can drive around for a bit, nothing crazy.”  Steve offered out, trying to not sound meek and weird. He was not exactly proud of the half-assed plan, but it would work for now.
“I think I can make that work...I’ll see you at eight at 1245 Orchid Lane, alright?” you said, grinning giddily.  Steve bid his goodbyes and you hung up, rushing upstairs to take a shower. You scrubbed your hair rigorously, filling your private bathroom with the scent of artificial roses. You wanted the scent to linger in your hair as long as possible, even though you were going to put perfume over top. You knew that perfume never lasted as long as a man’s cologne, so you wanted to make sure you still smelt good. You scrubbed your body in strawberry body wash and scrubbed your face in apricot face scrub. You turned off the water fast and jumped out of the shower, pulling on a massive ‘Hawkins High’ tee shirt.
“Y/N! Robin’s here!” your mother called from downstairs, clearly annoyed by your not telling her that someone was coming over for dinner.
“Send her up!” you replied, pulling your baby pink hairdryer from the lowest drawer of your vanity and plugging it in, blasting your hair with hot air and using a rounded brush to build some waves in your hair.
“Harrington called.” Robin mused with a smirk as she walked into your room, plopping herself on your twin bed.
“He called. He’s taking me out. You got one right, bask in the glow or whatever.” You huffed, talking over the roar of the hairdryer.
“And we’re doing our hair...interesting...” Robin replied, examining her short nails and their chipped black paint.
You turned to her with a scoff   “I do my hair for every date. Unless I have no time, I always try to bring a bit of glamour to the equation.” Robin chuckled at that, reaching for the Seventeen magazine on your nightstand. “Well, if they’re going to take me out, they should get a bit of a show, shouldn’t they?”
“Whatever you say...” Robin said “But I’m sure Steve isn’t putting in this much effort.”
Robin was wrong. The second he got off the phone, he rushed to start his own process. He had just washed his hair the day before, but the Steve Harrington hair process took a bit of effort and time. And his hair needed to be damp. So he rushed to get it wet under the bathroom sink, running water into his palms and then his fingers through his hair. He repeated the motion over and over again, until he deemed his hair wet enough. Then went in the Farrah Fawcett spray and the fluffing and preening until it was the right height and shape.  He thought about calling Robin for help.  He felt completely out of his depths with you: you were still an enigma to him, confusing and strange and hard to discern. One moment you were bitchy and snarky and the next you were funny and supportive. He couldn’t gauge where he sat with you. Sure, you’d agreed to this date with him, you even seemed excited, but that didn’t mean that he was in the clear with you. You could turn on him again. He wanted to be sure that this would go okay. But Robin might not know, or worse she’d tell you and you’d laugh at him.  He couldn’t handle that.
He put his focus on choosing something to wear, something that wouldn’t look like it too much effort and yet came off attractive.
Back in your bedroom, you were freaking out. And Robin wasn’t helping. She had taken to pulling clothes from your closet to laugh at. It was like she wanted to stress you out. You tried to keep your focus on the tiny foam tipped applicator brush between your fingers, smudging very light peach eye shadow over your lids. You’d already filled in your eyebrows and put on the faintest amount of blush, to look flushed but not caked with makeup.  
Robin sauntered behind you, holding up a teddy bear themed knit sweater with a cheeky grin. “I think this would be perfect for your date with Harrington.” She giggled, bouncing the material up and down behind your head.
You scoffed, rolling your eyes as you tried to apply some mascara to your lashes.  “Yeah, that’s a no.” You muttered, jabbing the wand back into its pot and pulling it out to force more product onto the brush, swiping it thoroughly through your lashes till they looked defined enough for your liking.  You reached into the cup you’d filled with various lip glosses and lipsticks, digging through to find the cherry flavour you wanted. It was just pink enough to look defined on your face, but it wouldn’t stain the skin if you made out with him. Not that you were planning to make out with him. Just a precaution.
But it wasn’t in the cup. You whipped around to glare at Robin, who’d returned to your closet, examining a costume from the regional theatre’s production of Sweet Charity, which you’d snagged before the theatre snatched up all your hard work to keep in their vaults. “Did you borrow my cherry lip gloss?” you snapped.
Robin turned to you briefly, deadpan “Why on earth would I touch your lip gloss?” she asked, her voice completely monotone. You knew she didn’t touch the stuff. You were just stressed out.
“Damn...it was my favourite one...” you sighed, turning back to the mirror, choosing two lesser glosses and deciding between vanilla and strawberry flavour.  “Hey, while you’re in there, can you dig out my acid wash skirt? The one I hemmed too short, not the knee length one my mom bought.” Robin did a mocking salute before pushing through the hangers roughly. You felt like making a crack about her going back into the closet, but decided it wasn’t couth.
“Y/N! Come down if you’re eating! And bring Robin, she’s too skinny!” your mother called from the stairwell. You got up with a sigh, grabbing Robin’s wrist as she threw the skirt on your messy bed. You picked at your dinner nervously, unsure if eating would be beneficial to you or if it would just make you look bloated. Across town, Steve ate cold pizza while standing in the fridge.  Neither one of you were exactly focused on eating, simply on killing time before they had to meet one another.
Once you were able to excuse yourself, Robin left you to panic on your own and you went back to getting ready. Time flew by much faster with Robin not looming behind you, you were able to relax again as you dressed and painted your nails. Your tight denim skirt and white imitation silk blouse weren’t exactly comfortable, but you looked good and when you saw Steve’s car pull up to your house, you made your break downstairs. You shoved your feet into your white tennis shoes and threw your purse over your shoulder.  
“Be back later! Don’t wait up!” you called, yanking open the door. You waved shyly at Steve, who you found waiting outside his car, leaning on the passenger side door.  He looked effortlessly cool and confident; he wasn’t even looking at you. You made your way quickly over to the car, muttering a quick hello which he didn’t return. He did come to your side of the car and opened the door for you. That was the first time he looked at you in your whole interaction and he looked...nervous. It only showed in his eyes, but they completely gave him away.
He rushed to his own side again and climbed in, starting the car fast. You sped off a bit too fast out of your street and off into the night. Steve had the radio on low and The Smiths were playing, softly filling the car. You watched him drive, how he slowly began to find himself with his hands on the steering wheel and his eyes on the road.  You watched the grin slide onto his lips and the way it lit up his face, how it warmed his eyes and brought a bit of colour to his paled complexion.
“So, where are you taking me here?” you asked, turning to look at him fully. You crossed your right leg over your left, tapping your foot slightly to the melancholic wailing coming from the stereo.
“I know this absolutely awful diner, just the worst. And I figured, since it’s always empty, we’d go there, since its quiet. And hopefully, if all goes to plan, you won’t let me eat there ever again.” He chuckled and you bit back a grin, nodding slowly. With anyone else, having a boy tell you that they were bringing you to a secluded, empty, crappy diner would make you nervous and annoyed, but Steve was so trustworthy.  He wouldn’t pull any tricks on you. So you let him drive you to the outskirts of town to a faded, desolate diner off the turnpike, its spinning sign spelling out ‘Benny’s Burgers’.
“Isn’t this the place where the owner killed himself? In like the dining room?” you asked, furrowing your brow.
“No clue.” Steve replied with a shrug. He put the car in park and climbed out easily. You took a breath and followed behind quickly, not wanting to be left behind in the empty, dark, and far too quiet parking lot. Steve held open the door for you and ushered you in quickly to the desolate diner. The bright, white florescent lights hit you like a wall and you went momentarily blind, squinting under their harsh glow. You hadn’t realized how dark it was outside until they smacked you in the face.
Steve found you a booth and you slid in, still not used to the lights. He looked over you, concerned. “You alright over there?” he asked, leaning his elbows on the table as the ancient waitress brought you menus and cups of coffee.
“Just regaining sight, why is it so bright in here?” you asked, rubbing your eyes rigorously.
“No idea, it’s always like this at night.” Steve shrugged easily, flipping open the menu.
“You spend a lot of time here?” you followed his lead, looking over the standard diner fare at the offer.
“Yeah kind of...” Steve muttered, looking up to meet your eye. You nodded, easing him into the rest of the story obviously on the tip of his tongue. “My dad is a big investor in a chain of hardware stores. He’s always off out of town and my mom goes with him most of the time, so I’m on my own a lot. Big empty house, gets quiet. Sometimes I come here.”
You nodded “I get it, kind of...my dad’s never home either. He’s a truck driver, so he’s always gone, driving something somewhere. My mom has a job here now, but before my sister was born, she used to be one too, that’s how they met.” You explained.
“You have a sister?” Steve asked, surprised by the news. He’d hardly heard of you, much less another one in the family.
“Yeah, she’s like seven years older than me. Lives in Kentucky now with her fiancé and their kid. You probably wouldn’t know her, she didn’t live her very long before she graduated and moved out.” You replied. Steve looked confused, so you added “I didn’t move here till like fourth grade, super late into the year.”
Suddenly, Steve’s face lit up into a look of pure realization “I totally remember you now!” he slapped the table. You raised an eyebrow, cocking your head to the side. Steve pulled his hand off the table, pushing himself into the back of the seat shamefully “From school, I mean...” he added.
“Oh yeah?” you chuckled awkwardly. There were two options here: one was embarrassing, the other flashy and cool. You were really hoping he remembered the cool thing, not the awkward one.
“Yeah! You were in my gym class that year, you totally yakked on the gym floor on like the first day!” he cried with a laugh. You felt your whole face turn beet red and you turned away, utterly embarrassed. You hated that memory; it made you feel so small. You were so nervous that day and the cafeteria had accidently served milk out of date, it was a recipe for disaster.
“Everyone called me puke face for like a year...” you muttered. That shut him up quick. Steve’s laughter died in his throat and he coughed to clear it, rubbing the back of his neck, heat rises up his skin.
“That sucks, man...” he said awkwardly, floundering for something to say to fix the moment. He found what he was looking for quickly. “If it makes you feel better, like a year later I ripped my pants in front of like the whole school at one of the big assemblies, Tommy never let me live it down.”
You smiled sadly “Yeah I remember, I laughed my ass off about your Spider Man undies.” This made Steve blush, which was cute. But a bit of bitter bile came up in the back of your throat and you let the words it carried with it out thoughtlessly. “But mostly I remembered the way your butt was the gossip of the school for the rest of the year. I was puke girl after what I did, but you were just hotter.”
Steve frowned “I mean, that’s not completely true: all the guys gave me the same amount people gave you. And the puke thing wore off after Ricky Scott got stuck on that chain in the woods and had to be rescued by the fire department.” He argued, crossing your arms over your chest.
“The difference is that you had people on your side. You had Carol and Macy and Tina all telling the boys to stop. The right people. Anyone who stood up for me was shamed too, it was too much of a risk. And Ricky was left in that tree by Tommy H and Chris Samuels. Nothing would’ve happened to him if they had stayed to help him.” You fired back quickly.
Steve opened his mouth to speak, but shut it again. What could he argue? That it wasn’t a competition? He was battling against the hurtful memory of yours he’d brought up. He wouldn’t pretend that he didn’t call you that behind your back, that he didn’t laugh when people made fun of you to your face. He was a bad guy, he knew that. He was trying to be better now. And that meant, in that moment, to shut up.
You sighed, releasing the anger. You shouldn’t have brought up any of it anyway. You had let most of it go, that little bit was the last of it that remained. “But nobody really remembers puke girl now, except for you, I guess. I lived it down.” You said offhandedly. Steve nodded, his mind elsewhere, trying to figure out how to fix this.
“But you know who’ll never like her nickname down?” you asked. Steve didn’t respond, but you said it anyway. “Carol.”
“Carol didn’t have a nickname.” Steve muttered, clearly annoyed by the mention of her name. He really didn’t like Carol, not after what she said about Nancy way back when they were just starting out.
“Oh yes she did. Everyone called her period head in sixth grade. She got her period in Mr. Fitz’s history class and after that everyone called her period head, cause her hair matched her jeans.” You giggled at the memory. Karma was sweet: Carol was the worst about your cruel nickname, having her deal with the same embarrassment for a year was sweet revenge.
“Nobody called her that after seventh grade, when Tommy beat up Anthony Parks.” Steve countered, leaning on the table. You’d piqued his interest just a bit. Or maybe it was your smile. You looked so happy in the moment, it was hard to ignore.
“You and your friends might not have, but mine did. After she pushed Amanda Peats down the stairs in freshman year, we all started calling her that in silent protest. Amanda’s boyfriend, Arnold took care of actually going after Carol for it, and getting his ass handed to him by Tommy for it. Whenever we talk about Carol, she’s still period head.”  You said a bit too proudly.
Steve nodded, taking a sip of his coffee. Your waitress had returned and you couldn’t even remember what you had ordered as you handed back your menus, your focus solely on Steve and his pensive, thoughtful look. You didn’t think you’d ever seen him look pensive in your life.
“So, wait, what did your friends call me?” he asked, setting the mug down.
You scrunched up your face thoughtfully “Oh different people called you different things...Harrington, the hair, I know the whole soprano section of the Hawkins High choir called you heart stopper Harrington. My friends alternated between Harrington and that douche.” You replied.
Steve nodded “Sounds about right, I knew about the heart stopper thing. Don’t know where it came from.”
“You went to see the choir in junior year.” Steve shook his head, looking at you like you were crazy. “No you did, I remember I was there too, I went to see Robin perform with the band and you were there in the third row. You had detention or something, forced to see the show. You smiled at Tammy Thompson and she about near fainted. That’s where the nickname came from.”  
Realization washed over his face “I had to go cause Ms. Seymour gave me detention for skipping drama like four times in a row.” He added quietly before turning to you, wide eyed “How do you remember all this stuff?”
You found yourself blushing again, looking down at your lap “I don’t really know...I guess my life has just happened in parallel to your for awhile and I never noticed that it was weird till now.” You said shyly.
Steve smiled cheekily “I like it.”
You rolled you eyes, trying not to smile back “Well that’s cause you’re an egomaniac.”  Steve laughed at that and you watched him for a second. A piece of his puffed up coif had fallen into his eyes and his eyes crinkled up at the edges when he laughed. You wished freak Byers was wandering around with his camera, taking his creeper shots. You wouldn’t have a copy of this moment.
When he finally recovered and your food arrived, Steve looked you over, watching you for signs of discontent. He’d already fucked up once and you finally seemed to be happy again, he didn’t want to ruin it. But he had one moment he wanted to recount with you.
“I remember you for one more thing, you know...” he said softly, building a large pile with his corned beef hash, using the sides of his fork to mix everything together.
“Oh yeah? What’s that?” you asked, leaning your head on your palm, watching him lazily.
“You were in my drama class in junior year. It was the sophomore class, cause I didn’t have the credits for the junior one and I needed a class that I couldn’t fail.” He said confidently.
You nodded slowly “That all?” It wasn’t exactly a deep memory, it hardly had anything to do with you, just a glimpse of your life happening far in the background of his.
Steve swallowed. This was the part that could hurt him, he didn’t know how you’d take it. “No, I remember one more thing. We had to do monologues for our final. I don’t remember most of them, because they were shit. But I remember yours. You did this one from some Shakespeare play and I just remember how...beautiful you liked. Seymour insisted on having everyone stand under the spotlight on the stage in the cafeteria. And you were up there, and your hair looked so pretty under the lights, and you seemed so...confident. You were the only one who seemed confident about anything. You did the best job.” He explained.
You demurred. This was not the amazing moment you wanted to remember. That moment was really insignificant in your life. You preferred backstage work, you move onto crew quickly. Nobody else thought that scene was good, everyone liked Kristy McNeel’s scene better, she did the monologue about Santa killing her mom so naturally it was popular.
But you didn’t say any of that, though.
“You remember that?” you asked softly, almost in a whisper. You suddenly felt very seen and very shy.  
“Yeah, it was cool! You did like Romeo and Juliet or something. I didn’t really get what you were saying, but you sounded so dreamy and sweet. And then I actually met you and-”
“And I was a massive bitch, sorry about that...” it was your turn to be embarrassed and awkward. You reached up to run your fingers through the side of your hair, destroying the styling you’d done in one awkward movement.
“It’s cool, I was a douche like all of the time you knew me, it evens out.” Steve shrugged “So wait, what do you think? Did my reviews live up?” he gestured wide towards the empty seating around you.
You chuckled “Well...yeah kind of.” Steve chuckled, shaking his head. “But I can see why you’d want to come here sometimes. It’s peaceful in a way.” The diner wasn’t insanely loud, but it wasn’t dead silent. You could hear the hum of the radio in the kitchen, the distant chattering of your waitress and the cook in the back, the jukebox in the corner looked absolutely desperate to be played. When combined, it wasn’t bad company. Add in the sound of your forks scraping plates and the cups hitting the table and a good book and this place could feel like home.
“Plus it’s open really late.” Steve added thoughtlessly. You raised an eyebrow at him curiously. Steve swallowed hard, his throat turning dry. “I have a bit of insomnia.” It wasn’t a complete lie, he just didn’t give any reasoning behind it. He could rationalize holding back information, it made things easier.
You pursed your lips, nodding your head back and forth “I guess that’s good then, good to have somewhere to go.” You decided.  “But you know what this means, right? Now I know your hiding place. Robin has been trying to figure out where you go besides your house, work, the arcade with Henderson, and the occasional party. Now I know, I could sell you out to her in a second.”
“Don’t you dare! That girl has been trying to get me to go to a Chicago concert with her for the past week and a half! Do you know how much Chicago sucks? If she knew where I hid from her I’d never hear the end of it.” Steve pleaded jokingly.
“Oh she’s on you about that too? I won’t go see it with her either! I saw them once, with my mom when I was ten, and it sucked ass. I won’t do it again.  I can’t believe she’s bugging you about it now!” you moaned, shaking her head as the image of Robin heckling Steve over the counter at Family Video to come to the dumb concert filled your mind and made you cringe. Poor guy, Robin was persistent about those sorts of things too, he probably never heard the end of it.
“It’s not so bad; if it was like three towns over I’d go see it with her, but it’s right in Carmel, people will see me there.” Steve said.
“Oh, and I thought you were over caring about your rep in this town?” you asked cheekily, swatting his arm.
“A man’s gotta put his foot down somewhere. I choose to not be seen at Chicago concerts with girls who I’m not dating.” Steve answered truthfully. Your waitress brought over your check and cleared your half-eaten food away before either of you could pretend to want to take it home. Steve dropped two twenties on the check before you could even attempt to pull your wallet from your purse.
“So, and correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re saying that you’d be seen at a Chicago concert if the girl was putting out.” You asked with a giggle. The logic was so stupid, you had to laugh.
“Pretty much, you ready to blow this place?” he offered you his hand and you took it happily, letting him pull you up and walk you out of the diner. It was nice; his hands were warm and enveloped yours easily. You found yourself gravitating towards the heat his body gave off. And he smelt good, like good cologne and hairspray and something else, maybe laundry detergent? Whatever it was, it made the smell utterly intoxicating. You wanted to be wrapped up in that smell and that warmth.
Steve drove you home in comfortable silence, your hand held in his and your gazes switching from each other to the road ahead and back again. You felt giddy and drunk. You really liked him. That was weird to think, that you liked Steve. You remembered making fun of him with your friends in school, joking about how dumb his hair is and how stupid he was. But now...now, you saw something different in him. How self-aware he was, how focused he was. He was just a big old dork with money and a cool car and more than an ounce of charm.
You liked that he was a dork. It made him more approachable.
Steve already liked you. He knew that he liked you the second he saw you smile in Burger in a Basket the day before. He didn’t want you to stop smiling. You were too pretty to not smile. And you were smart and funny and you paid attention to people, to him. He wasn’t used to that. Nancy didn’t pay attention to him, especially after Christmas. He always paid attention to the girls he dated, especially Nancy, but you? You matched his attention at every move.  It was flattering. But it was also nice to feel as though his effort was matched by yours. It made him feel wanted.
“You know...in that drama class, I had a massive crush on you...” you whispered softly, running your thumb over his knuckles. There were scarred and jagged from some events you weren’t a part of. You wanted to know the stories behind the scars, the fights he’d won or probably lost. Everyone already knew that he lost a fight to Billy Hargrove, expected, and Jonathan Byers, very unexpected and kind of embarrassing.
“Yeah?” Steve muttered back, his expression softening.
“Yeah...I mean you were so cool and charming...it was hard not to like you. But I did fall out of it quick enough. You’re a terrible actor.” You chuckled, brushing a strand of hair out of your hair, grinning up at him.  Steve scoffed dramatically, rolling his eyes with a wide smirk.
“No, I’m serious you’re awful! You did that scene from A Streetcar Named Desire, which I’m sure Seymour chose for you since you were never there, and you were awful! You didn’t even know what you were saying!” You cried. Steve shook his head, laughing along with you. He pulled up to your house, parking outside.
The pair of you stared at one another for a moment, the laughter dying out in both your throats and your eyes locking onto one another. You weren’t sure what to do, but you couldn’t look away. You watched as Steve’s eyes flicked to your lips and yours did the same. You couldn’t tell who kissed who first, but you knew that Steve was a really good kisser. Top five at least, maybe even top three. He was firm and slightly aggressive. He kissed you like it was his last moment on earth and he needed to savour it. He set your whole body on fire in a single moment.
Steve broke away first, but you pulled him back fast, pulling him to your chest and letting his hands run up your back and to your hips. The gear shift was in your way, but it was clear that Steve wanted you even closer. You wanted him closer too.  
When you broke away again, your chest heaving in breaths, you nodded to Steve with a small smirk “Wanna go to your place?” you asked slowly, drinking him in.
Steve’s eyes darkened and he swallowed hard, nodding hard. He shifted the car into drive and slammed the gas, sending you flying back in your seat and laughing loudly.
This was going to be a fun night.
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Previously On Supernatural Season 3, we had a really rock solid trio of episodes to kick us off right, so what does SPN do next? It’s gonna lay the groundwork for some spicy character development that may or may not pay off by the end of the season. Let's find out!
To be honest, I felt the next three episodes just sort of plateau? There’s enough nuggets in these three eps - “Sin City”, “Bedtime Stories”, and “Red Sky at Morning” - that it does feel like they’re setting up for something big but it’s taking too much time. If the season had been longer, I don’t know that I’d be complaining, because there’s SO much potential introduced with these character developments, but I know it’s gonna get cut off at the knees in the very near future. 2021 Me has been trained on what to expect from a short season, so half of my brain wants to give the show slack for Unexpected Circumstances, but the other half of my brain is shouting YOUR NOT DRIVING THE BUS FAST ENOUGH, YOU’LL NEVER MAKE IT TO THE END OF THE LINE IN TIME!!!
And that’s maybe unfair because there really are some great nuggets in here. We’ve got “Sin City”, which is Dean’s episode. I mean, they’re ALL Dean’s episode, but this one more so than the other two in this post. Dean gets trapped with a demon who turns out to be...kinda...nice? In kind of a Stockholm Syndromey way I guess? She let’s Dean in on the fate that awaits him when his year long contract is up and it is NOT great. This isn’t the first time we see that there’s more to the demons than SPN has shown us in the past (hello, Ruby), but it is the first time Dean chills out enough to actually have a conversation with one. Dean doesn’t really get it, like he’s still not interested in getting out of his deal, but the fear gets planted, it just needs some time to grow. Oh, also, the Colt Ex Machina is back in action, so that's important.
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This dumb bitch thinks he can fool us with that devil-may-care side glance but he caaaan't
But then we get “Bedtime Stories”, the Sam episode, where Sam learns...to let go? That’s the point of this episode right? It’s about letting go of someone before that person becomes too toxic and dangerous? At least, that’s the lesson that Dean wants Sam to take away from this case. But Sam will NOT learn this lesson, so instead he tries to cancel Dean’s deal by killing the crossroads demon who wrote it. Spoiler Alert: it doesn't work.
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And then we get “Red Sky At Morning”, which opens and closes with some heavy emotional baggage, but then is stuffed full of fun. Like, this episode ricochets wildly in terms of Feelings, but then that’s probably what we should expect from SPN. I mean, what show have I been watching for 3 seasons now?
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Fun Facts guys: I’m a tired Millenial, and swapping DVD discs was too much work so I switched over to watching this season on Netflix and GUESS WHAT???? THESE EPISODES COME WITH A SUICIDE WARNING!?!?!
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They're not wrong.
And like, if that doesn’t tell you everything you need to know about this season I don’t know WHAT will. Cuz Dean is absolutely suicidal and I am surprised (??) I guess (???) by how much the show acknowledges that. Or I guess, surprised by how much Netflix acknowledges that. It’s something that I did not...pick up on the first go around on season 3, possibly because I was 19 and I was an idiot and found this sort of emotional vulnerability to be endearing. Listen, I know there’s a lot to be said about the producers of the show making...umm…poor decisions in regards to character developments? But if the target demographic of this show was anything like me - and I suspect they were - then the viewers were also...probably...responding inappropriately to some of those character developments. And here’s the thing - I’m looking at this from 12 years in the future, with 12 years worth of real life drama that makes the heavy handed melodrama of television feel...well, heavy handed. Maybe irresponsible? Certainly a little uncomfortable. Big Me is having A Time confronting Little Me’s taste in TV Characters. It’s one thing to have a kink, Little Me, it’s another thing to romanticize suicidal depression.
And hey, I can’t deny that the character development for Dean makes sense. I actually appreciate that the show is thinking through the world and the relationship dynamics that they’ve built and the toll that these misadventures are having on their main characters. These episodes all get bookended by Impala Fights where Sam keeps pushing Dean to give a shit about his own life and Dean responds with an inability to care. That’s just where he is right now, and I get that. We’re early in the season still. But how will the rest of the season handle this? I honestly can’t remember but I also don’t want this to be a throw-away issue that they use to remind us that Dean’s supposed to die at the end of the season. I’m prob gonna come back to this throughout the season because I ~just~want~this~show~to be~repsonsiblllllleeeeeeeeeeee.
Lol, I know, that’s a lot to ask from the CW.
Sam is gettin’ reeeeeallll bitchy in these episodes and #1, I love it, Bitchy Sam 5Ever, but also #2, was this supposed to be the sign that Sam was going darkside? Like, he’s snarky, he’s angry, he’s not pulling any punches and that could just be him reacting to his brother’s situation but it could also be….you know...him...becoming slightly...evil? For instance in “Sin City”, he kills the two demons who kidnapped Dean without even thinking. On the one hand, this is the Winchester MO, they kill demons, that’s their job, but on the other hand, Dean is actively telling Sam to stop. Same deal in “Bed Time Stories” - Sam kills the crossroads demon in cold blood (or maybe viscera). Again, we could blame this on instinct - the Winchesters were brought up to do exactly this - but 1) Dean keeps telling Sam not to and 2) that’s not Sam. This show spent 2 seasons telling us that Sam is the Good Brother, the White Hat, the Touchy-Feely One. This is not the Touchy Feely Sam who reasons with ghosts and falls in love with werewolves. Like, everyone else sees it too, right? Also, he is usually very nice to everyone but he is a REAL BITCH to Gertrude in “Red Sky at Morning.” Like, come on, Sam, she just wants to have a nice time. She is OLD. You really think she’s got what it takes to climb that tree?
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Honestly, how tall are this lady's heels?
I know that there was a plan for Sam to start Turning in this season before the show’s episode order got slashed due to the Writer’s Strike. And man, I really would have liked to have seen this play out. Like, first season Sam is the Innocent, right? He’s our stand in for the viewer in those first few episodes and then he’s revealed to be kind of the only thing that went right in the lives of both John and Dean, so Baby Must Be Protected at All Costs. The fact that John ultimately lets Sam go off to college and doesn’t contact him for the next four years says to me that on some level, John felt the need to preserve that innocence, that kind of untouched quality Sam has. Dean is very similar - whenever Sam gets too into the job, Dean calls him out on it. So in the second season when we find out that Sam might be evil, it’s a real punch in the gut, for Dean most of all. But then the show admittedly got bored with that storyline and it didn’t really go anywhere. So whereas Dean has personality in SPADES that fluctuates and changes and develops/maybe just gets more intense as the show goes on, Sam remains that kind of blank slate that the viewer can put their face on. Except now we’re in season three, and if you’ve bought into this show, then you’ve bought into it, so the audience doesn’t need a Blank Slate Sam anymore. And if you start with Sam the Innocent and then introduce the idea of Dark!Sam and then just leave that concept hanging, then isn’t this sort of like Checkov’s Evil Sam? If you introduce Evil Sam in the first act you really ought to deliver on Evil Sam by act three, right? Wouldn’t that have been A+ and Wild? Wouldn’t that have made Sam’s arc and emotional struggles over the previous seasons have more weight?
Will this be resolved in later seasons? Maybe. I’m gonna be honest, this is the last season I watched all the way through and seasons 4 through...like, 8 were real touch and go for me. I know that Sam ultimately is revealed to be a vessel for??? The devil??? And Dean is ultimately revealed to be a vessel for??? Michael??? And then the two of them???? Fight to the death???? Point is, season 5 got weird guys and I’m not there yet.
Back to more fun things! You know what guys?? I think I ship Dean and Bela. I’m...almost ashamed to admit it? Like, I remember Little Me watching this season and just dumping on Bela, I HATED her, but this time? I am 1,000% On Board This Ship. Like, there is an alternate universe somewhere where these two got a spinoff show that ran for 6 seasons and I watched EVERY episode. And then, like, 5 years after it ended, they rebooted it with Dean and Bela’s grown up daughter as the lead and the whole OG cast makes cameos over the three seasons it stays on the air and it’s amazing. I’d own both shows on DVD.
What I like about Bela this time around (and again, I am WILDLY surprised about this development), is that she can dish it just as hard as the Winchesters can. Like, every line Dean throws at her she holds up a mirror to say, “Oh yes, I know the Kettle is black, but what color are you, Pot?” and I’m just continually thrilled. She is also just as damaged as Dean is but somehow channeling it into a healthier way? Like, she’s true Chaotic Neutral, which is not necessarily healthy, it’s just healthier than Dean. Or maybe it’s just that she’s better at managing it. In either case, they are HOT MESSES and I love it. I just love it. I know I complained about shoehorned romances but Ackles and Lauren Cohan just totally crush it in every scene and when Dean walks down the stairs all She’s All That in “Red Sky at Morning”, I yelled at the screen OMG just BONE already!!!!! And then like, 5 seconds later, Bela literally says “We should really have angry sex,” and it was probably the most vindicating moment I’ve had on this ride so far.
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I just think they're neat!
WHY did we cancel her? WHY?? I don’t want to believe it was the Wincest again, so I’m gonna pretend that it wasn’t, but it was definitely fans. According to Kripke, Bela gets the axe at the end of this season because of the fan hatred of her. Now, I’ve already admitted that I personally held a grudge, but good Lord, what was wrong with us, as a Fandom? To be fair to me (and all of us), would we have felt differently if we had not been introduced to Jo a mere season earlier?? I'm gonna say yes. Although I had misgivings about Jo the first episode we meet her, by the end of season 2 I was certainly on her side. Working through season 3, I am remembering that, when we were introduced to Bela, I was immediately FURIOUS because WTF, WHERE’S JO? SPN just introduced to her. They just settled on a love interest for Dean and the writer’s just got me on board with that. Now they’ve completely done away with both that character AND that dynamic and you want me to get on board this NEW thing? And be excited about it??? So I'm gonna blame the love-interest-whiplash, combined with the fact that Little Me related my own personal self more to Jo than to Bela, that made me hate Bela in the first place. When you look at how quickly the show abandoned one character to introduce another character, it makes sense why fans got mad, but I’m also mad that we continued to hate Bela when she turned out to be such an A+ Frenemy. It makes me want to shout at the writers through the time void COMMIT TO A FEMALE CHARACTER YOU JAGWEEDS.
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What’s wild watching this show now is just how Male it was, especially considering its audience was already skewed heavily female by this point in the series. If you made this show today, I don’t know that you could do that. Today, there’s a real push for balanced, diverse casts in programming, especially in sci-fi/fantasy and young adult. I think if SPN had started in 2021, they would have introduced the Harvell’s or Bela up in season 1, and that introduction would have been much more intentional. The benefit of having a shorter episode count as the standard is that there’s less of the “throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks” approach. Looking at it from 2021, reading snippets of interviews from Kripke, that’s definitely what they’re doing with the side characters in these seasons and you can feel that in Jo and Bela. A shorter season means that the storytelling has to be tighter, it can’t wander, so every decision has to be a load-bearing decision. On the other hand, one of the down sides of having a shorter episode count is the exact same thing - less room to throw stuff, less room to experiment. Heck, Bobby was technically a character they threw at the wall and he didn’t just stick, he became a tentpole character of the series. The only side character that actually made it into the series finale even!
So how much room should we be giving our television programs? I think it depends on the show, honestly. I think you have to decide up front if you want space to experiment, or if you have one, tight, compact story line that’s gonna drive viewers from episode 1 right through the finale without giving them the chance to catch their breath. You have to make the decision, but that doesn’t mean we have to stop making one style of show in favor of the other. Just because we’re in the Age of Streaming doesn’t mean there isn’t room enough for both.
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nightincrow · 5 years
ok i watched the whole season of the witcher yesterday, but i needed time to..think. my overall opinion is very mixed. there were things that i liked, but also things which i hated. cavill’s geralt had moments when i was like “yes! that’s book!geralt”, but other times he was so ooc it was painful. like, yeah, geralt is grumpy, but he’s not mute. also his relationship with jaskier...i’m literally devasted. geralt might not be the most open about feelings person, he banters with jaskier and makes snarky comments a lot, but in the netflix series he was downright hostile and aggresive towards him. the scene when he punched him in the stomach...bitch what the fuck!!! on the side note i love joey’s portrayal of jaskier, he’s just the way i imagined him. yes, he’s mostly comedic relief, but i guess it was hard to put some deep™ conversation with geralt when he either ignores him or wants to kill him all the time. yennefer’s origin story was nice and i liked anya’s acting. she was...gentler?? than book!yen, but i’m blaming the script, i believe anya could handle bitchy yen, she just didn’t get chance to do it. i really like that they didn’t go with the ugly duckling story and yen gaining confidence and her strong character only after she becomes beautiful. she was still “herself” pre-transformation. her relationship with geralt has potential, but it lacks something. development, i think. at the end of last wish ep we should feel that there was this instant deep feeling between them. yes, it’s not the easiest thing to do, but i feel like they didn’t even try. it was just yen and geralt going for a quick fuck in ruins, when in the books it was such a emotional scene. i liked freya as ciri, she showed her naive and fragile side, at the same time remaining quite resourceful, but i just feel like the ciri’s arc was so unnecessary. they literally could do her whole story in the last 3 eps, instead we got 8 eps of ciri running around and being miserable. also the fact that she meets geralt for the first time at the end in yurga’s house... what was the point of her being in brokilon without geralt there? in the books it was supposed to show geralt that she’s his destiny and he can’t run away from it and at the same time they made some bond. i could talk much much longer about many things, but i don’t want to make this any longer (if anyone actually read this thank you akjdhjskad). i think the series suffered the most bc of the multiple timelines and trying to stick the short stories and original content into one story. since the 2nd season will adapt blood of elves (i think?) it should be better bc of linear narrative. ANYWAY feel free to ask me anything or discuss with me about things i complained about (or liked!)
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swanface · 5 years
Who are your top two/three favorite cats in each clan you are in?
i am cheating a tiny bit by using this version of the ask because i have one that asks for just two ocs per clan, but...here you go! under a read more because oh man, i had a lot to say.
Berryclaw: an answer that surprises no one! i’ve been out here loving and cherishing this girl from the moment she was just a little baby, and for good reason! berryclaw’s such a well written and rounded out character who feels genuinely real. she has believable motivations, a character arc that has developed at a steady pace, and overall is just...impossible not to love. maybe i’m biased because i’ve always had such strong ties to her through swanface and crowstorm, but i genuinely think berryclaw is just the perfect sort of character to cheer for. she tries so hard to be perfect, striving to be the very best, and i think her current situation makes that super interesting...she’s really being faced with a future that she didn’t fully plan for right now, and i am beyond excited to see how she continues to grow and change according to her new circumstance!
Wrenclaw: do i have a thing for -claw cats in nettleclan? maybe. but really, wrenclaw is a character i’ve always been baseline fond of that i’ve found myself enjoying even more lately. she has a similar setup to berryclaw where she’s always trying to be the best, except with wrenclaw i feel as if there’s a more overt pressure on her to be great. berryclaw has had a lot of support throughout her life and though she’s certainly suffered, she at least had a stable mother and siblings who always loved her...wrenclaw, though, is a golden child who got the short end of the stick, i feel. i always imagine that she’s so obsessed with being perfect because she knows just how dysfunctional her family has always been and she wants to make something of it, make honeyflame proud, stand out in comparison to her siblings...but she has such a compelling internal struggle over it and i just really, really adore her. 
Halfstream: an old classic...halfstream is, i think, my longest standing favorite oc in the group at this point. i’ve loved him since the days of og nettleclan, and i still absolutely adore him. his development from an angsty, violently angry apprentice who forcefully shoved everyone away from him into...well, a still grumpy but more mature and stable warrior who has a family that he loves is just too sweet. i’m typically not a fan of blatant asshole characters, but halfstream has always been more than that for me...he’s sympathetic because he’s always known his own flaws, even when he felt like the world was against him. he didn’t remain stuck in his suffering, either; instead, he clawed his way out of it to become the cat he is. he still retained his sharp attitude, of course, which i think is so important (i can’t imagine him ever truly mellowing out), but he’s able to be at least somewhat happy now as a full grown adult with a definite place in his clan. seeing his love for his kits also always makes my heart so soft, even if that love didn’t go over so well in some cases...sorry for snowclaw, halfstream. i still love you.
Sparrowheart: how can you not love sparrowheart? he’s got an undeniable charm, both in the roleplay and as a character. i love him because of all the ups and downs he’s been through, the struggles with his heritage and the way that affected him in creekclan, the internal conflict he’s had over his time as deputy and how he chose to step down...and now seeing him as a settled in father i feel like he’s really found a good place to be. he seems genuinely happy, and that makes me happy, because i absolutely adore this boy. sparrowheart manages to both be a source of happiness, laughter, and joy without ever becoming a joke of a character himself...he’s understanding, sympathetic, kind, and incredibly well rounded. he might not be in the spotlight now as much as he was in his past, but i’ll always have a spot for him in my heart. 
Currentstar: woah, two toms in a row? wild, i know, but...currentstar is another absolute favorite character of mine. i didn’t give him a lot of thought for a good while, because for a long time he was little more than a background character, but with his recent development under snow, he’s become an absolute standout for me. i love the contrast of his more traditional style of thinking and leadership, and i also adore the arc he’s been written to have...from kithood, currentstar’s always been expected to be the mature one, the golden child, again...i think i just have a thing for characters who have high expectations resting on their shoulders that are just, yknow, doing their best to meet those expectations. really, though, currentstar is an absolutely unique character within not only creekclan but the group as a whole, and i’m so glad to see him settling into his role as leader of creekclan.
Carpfang: ah, my ultimate weakness...an angry, snarky girl who covers up her vulnerability with an attitude. carpfang has always been a literal black sheep in her litter and in her family, and though i also adore her sisters, she’s always been the standout one for me. her way of coping with the cards she’s been dealt in life is objectively not the healthiest, but it’s undeniably interesting and also very understandable. the dynamic she has with brightheart and cherrysong is so incredibly sweet, and i adore watching her interact with marigoldpaw...her protectiveness over those few cats she holds close makes her more than just a bitchy outer shell, and that makes her really special to me! i think she has a lot more room to grow and develop into herself, and i’m excited to see how her arc continues with time.
Stonefang: okay, so. technically she’s not a jaggedclan cat right now, maybe, but it would be a crime to not include her here. stonefang is so masterfully written that sometimes it feels less like i’m reading roleplay posts and more like she’s a character in a novel...her arc is absolutely brilliantly planned, and yknow, i’m really starting to realize that i have a thing for protagonist / hero-esque characters, BUT. that aside. stonefang’s storyline isn’t the only thing that makes her one of my favorite cats. her personality is amazing as well. she’s got such a big heart and is so deeply selfless that she’s willing to sacrifice herself to save her family, her home, those that she loves...watching her struggle with palestar’s return and the thought that maybe she’d been wrong all along was so genuinely heartbreaking and tragic. that doubt shook her to her very core, and was such a huge turning point for her, and GOD, i just...adore stonefang. i adore every interaction she has with her clanmates, with those around her, how motherly and kindhearted she is...i truly think she’s one of the best characters in the group as a whole. stan stonefang!
Eveningstorm: i am usually not one for sweet and soft characters, and for a while i wasn’t sure where i stood on eveningstorm, but with time she’s grown to be a favorite of mine. i’ve talked about her before, but one reason i think i’ve been drawn to her in particular is that...yes, she’s soft in that she’s kind and compassionate, but she has a certain determination to her, a hardness beneath all that fluff. she doesn’t let anyone step all over her or the cats that she loves, and her sweetness is so nicely balanced with her energy that she’s just...compelling. she doesn’t have any big dramatic backstory to build her up, but instead, her appeal comes from her relationship with her clanmates and the place she has built for herself. i genuinely forget sometimes that she wasn’t a jaggedclan born cat, because she belongs there so perfectly. even if she’s not my usual type, eveningstorm is a character that i really adore, and she’s such a lovely presence to have around in jaggedclan.
Swallowpaw: another cat who i absolutely could never have predicted being on a list like this, except this time to an extreme. though i never hated swallowpaw, i remember thinking of her as, well, an absolute fucking menace of a character. she was always sticking her nose into trouble, bragging and boasting and starting arguments, and sometimes characters like that aren’t ones you’re attracted to, but...i don’t know how, but she got me, somewhere along the way. her struggle with her bloodline and how deeply affected she was to learn that she wasn’t all that she’d built herself up to be was such a tragic thing for a character so young to endure, and the way that she handled it with turning against her father and carving out her own path to purposefully lift herself up to that sense of importance she feels she deserves...it’s really brilliant to me. swallowpaw still isn’t the sort of character that i look at with the lens of her being perfect, an angel, can do no wrong...instead, i love that she does do wrong, and also that she’s been set up for such a difficult life from the very start. she’s not a good person, and that’s so intriguing, because she is sympathetic when you really lean back and look at her. i wouldn’t really call her a villain, per say, but she’s certainly a more antagonistic sort of character, and i absolutely love her for that. she’s so interesting that i always want to see more of her.
Lilystorm: of all of the former fogclan cats turned traitors (turned fogclan cats again, in lilystorm’s case), lilystorm has always been one of the most intriguing for me. the fact that her loyalty to palestar wavered for just long enough for her to run away and then returned full force, strongly enough for her to feel such deep regret...it’s such a brilliant setup for a character that stands out from the crowd. nearly every other fogclan cat was happy to leave, but lilystorm remembered the good times, which i think is a super realistic and well done take on the situation as a whole. she’s always been so consistently well written, sticking to her personality and never wavering or seeming out of character...and despite not being as kind or as soft as some others, i think lilystorm’s always been a very sympathetic cat, at least for me. she clearly struggles a lot with internal conflicts that she’s never truly been comfortable with voicing out loud, and i can only imagine how difficult it must be for her to not really have anyone that she can fully confide in. she’s so determined to be strong that she tries to erase her vulnerability, and that’s so compelling to me...overall i just really adore lilystorm and think she’s one of the best and most unique fogclan cats around, former or current. 
Bramblefang: when bramblefang first started to exist as more than an npc in fogclan, i was instantly hooked. i think that i really just enjoy perspectives that vary from the typical, immediate response that a lot of characters seem to have to fogclan and to palestar, which is an instant “oh, she’s obviously Bad and Evil” sort of deal. bramblefang was a cat who had been through enough hardship to be vulnerable to the sort of masterful manipulation palestar had weaved, and seeing his anger at hollyfur for abandoning him and their clan was so excellent...and then he started to change, started to see the bad in his situation, and i still found myself super attached. bramblefang’s a loyal character, through and through, dedicated deeply to those he loves, and i think that’s perhaps his biggest appeal. he’s no standout hero who’s going to be bold and act overtly out against the higher powers, but watching him begin to realize that the leader and clan he dedicated himself to in his weakest moments is maybe not as wonderful as he’d thought...it’s super intriguing. 
Dippernose: so, a trend throughout all my favorite fogclan cats is that they’re all characters who have, objectively, found themselves on the wrong side of things at one point in time...but that’s why they’re so special and so interesting, in my opinion. it’s easy to make a character who is good, who understands right from wrong, who sees everything clearly, but it’s so much more fun to have someone who doesn’t. dippernose fits that perfectly for me, and her belief in fogclan and in palestar is made all the more interesting because of her relationship with her brother. what do you do when the cat you care for most is the practical opposite of you? dippernose’s development feels like it’s just beginning to take off, so i don’t have as much of an essay to write on her, but right now i really enjoy the unique feeling she brings to the clan...she feels very realistic to me, a young cat who doesn’t quite know what to believe in as she’s being torn in so many different directions. i’m really excited to see more of her as fogclan progresses!
Spark Feather: spark feather is an absolute darling little lad. i’ve been fond of him from the start. his sunny disposition and cheerful nature transforming into something more bitter and reserved has been such an interesting process to watch, and though i doubt he’ll ever go back to the spark he was before raven and flickerclaw left, i like to see the little bits of his old personality shining through now that the tribe is once again settled down. overall i think that spark feather is just a really enjoyable, easy to root for character that you kind of can’t help but adore...he was left behind by his closest friend and had his whole world altered, but despite it all, he made it through alive and okay. i really admire his steadfast determination and the slow healing he’s been able to do, and i’m always excited to read any roleplay he’s involved in.
Aspen Snow: can you have spark feather without aspen snow? probably not. aspen snow is another case of bad girl with a bad attitude, and boy oh boy does she have justification for it. like spark feather, she’s suffered so much in watching her brother basically walk away from her and from their home, but unlike raven and spark feather, aspen snow and flickerclaw...well. it feels like there’s something still there, still lingering. watching her cope with anger is always so intriguing but so upsetting, and i wish that she could just catch a break for once, but the world seems determined to keep tossing difficulties her way...despite all of it, though, i think aspen snow remains strong...as strong as she can, at least. i obviously adore her dynamic with spark feather and i think she has some other really sweet hidden gems of relationships within the tribe despite her more standoffish nature. she’s just fun to watch, in the end, and i really enjoy her!
Butterfly: though butterfly is a fairly new character in the tribe, i’ve really been enjoying her and how she’s already being set up for such a heartbreaking storyline. she was born into a world with no one truly willing to care for and cherish her, which is tragic on its own, but the way that she’s already growing up to realize that the world she’s dreamed up isn’t all it’s made out to be...god. she’s an absolutely precious little angel that you can’t help but adore, and watching her get built up only to be broken down is just so upsetting...i’m super excited to see where she goes now that a semblance of the truth has been revealed to her! i think she could grow up to be one of the tribe’s most interesting characters.
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goddamnitdazai · 6 years
Can I request some hcs for the Akutagawas and their relationship as siblings?
[ Domestic ]• Akutagawa is naturally clean due to their upbringing in the slums, but Gin has a habit of leaving her clothes on the floor when she’s tired or not scrubbing all the food off of the plates in the sink. Akutagawa grumbles but finishes whatever dishes need redone or picks up her clothing from the shared hallway without mentioning it to her. • Cooking is something Gin loves doing. Making meals for herself and her brother is a way she feels she can repay him for finding her all those years ago instead of just forgetting her and living his life without her. On days they’re both home Gin makes a full meal with dessert afterwards. Their conversations are light, with Gin doing more of the talking (though it’s not much) but she just enjoys spending quality time with him. And, knowing he’s actually eating something sustaining eases her worry.• Neither of them know what the hell they’re doing when it comes to decoration. Minimal is an understatement. The first time Chuuya came over he asked if they’d just moved in–they’d been there for a year. Gin sometimes buys new pen holders for Akutagawa’s calligraphy pens, and Akutagawa in turn buys flowers for Gin’s bedside table. Outside of personalized gifts, their apartment has the essentials with a few paintings that piqued Akutagawa’s interest. [ Comfort ]• Gin is the only one who knows Akutagawa is sick outside of him deadass fainting in the HQ hallway. She makes him tea, depending on his ailment, and makes him comfort food. With his aversion to admitting anything tastes good it took two years of her living with him to figure out what food outside of figs made him happy, so she always has the ingredients on hand since he doesn’t take care of himself very well. If he’s too sick to work she slips it into conversation with Hirotsu because it’ll get back to Chuuya, the only one that can force him not to come into work. • On the rare occasion Gin gets injured during her mission Akutagawa leaves the medical treatment to the doctors, but he watches over her if its intense enough she needs to go to the hospital versus being patched up at HQ. Gin being sick or injured is the only time Akutagawa cooks. He stays in her bedroom reading a book or working on reports ensuring she’s never alone. [ General ] • For the most part, they stay out of each other’s private lives. Their trust in each other is one, if not the only, strong bonds in both of their lives. Both of them don’t spend time with anyone outside the mafia to being with, and Akutagawa’s gift is the only warning anyone needs to have if they think about trying to fuck his sister over in any capacity. Akutagawa knows Gin can handle herself, and will only step in if he feels she is acting naive in a situation that could lead to harm. • For the first year or two after Akutagawa found her it took awhile for her to open up. And, he felt guilty as hell about the whole thing. For not being able to protect her or find her sooner. Their interactions were painfully awkward and Akutagawa didn’t exactly know how to handle Gin becoming a teenager on top of dealing with his own problems. Their mutual understanding of each other was forged through this time, and is one of the main reasons they can share so much with just a look or gesture. • Gin can drink Akutagawa under the table, and does so when he’s getting bitchy about simple things during high stress times. If he’s overreacting to a glass being left overnight in the sink or the laundry being left in the dryer all day she breaks out the vodka and convinces him to drink with her. By three shots he’s passed out on the table and she has five seconds without him making snarky remarks about her occasional laziness.
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albionscastle · 6 years
First Impressions 7 - New Friends and Old Enemies
I’m writing slowly but I am writing!!!! I’m working two jobs right now so updates will be slow, but still coming.
There brief mentions of domestic violence, past, in this chapter.
Disclaimer: I actually really like Zac Efron but I thought he had the perfect look to be a Wickham character so there we go. 
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Colin Ryan being back in town was an unexpected and decidedly unpleasant turn of events. It had been 3 years since she’d last seen him, hightailing it out of town after she’d threatened to expose his true nature. She still shivered in fear when she thought about that last day with him, how she’d finally gathered the courage to leave, the bruises on his ribs a stark reminder of his temper. Oh, he’d slapped her, pulled her hair, screamed in her face, but for the first time she’d felt strong, strong enough to get out. With all the proof she’d gathered there was nothing that he could do except let her go and get out of town.
She’d dealt with the fallout for a year, the gossip and the finger pointing, the bill that Colin’s parents had stuck her with for the wedding, not to mention the constant lamenting of her mother. The only person to ever know what had really happened was Maya, and as far as anyone else was concerned, well it was none of their fucking business.
Though now she knew for a fact that Lydia had known about it all along and after the incident with Colin the day before she was pretty sure that Jack and Tom had cottoned on to it too. She had shrunk, all her strength had gone until the moment Jack had taken her hand. Disgusted with herself and stunned at his thoughtfulness, Lizzie had spent the whole night tossing and turning, unable to quiet her thoughts, even with her medication.
Tiptoeing into the kitchen, she passed Maya and Lydia sound asleep on the couches. For all the issues Lyds had, she was staunchly loyal to her sisters and had been able to make her laugh. Waking her before 9am however merely guaranteed you a slew of obscenities and a bitchy mood for the rest of the day, didn’t matter who you were. Maya, though, woke to the smell of the coffee maker, shuffling into the kitchen quietly.
“How are you doing, Lizzie?”
Lizzie shrugged, taking another sip of her Death Wish under her sister’s disapproving eye.
“I didn’t sleep much.”
“Drinking that crap won’t help. Did you take your meds?”
“Yes, mom, I did.” Lizzie rolled her eyes and kept sipping her coffee.
Maya was definitely the only one, other than her doctor, who knew about that. Lizzie even went so far as to have her prescription filled at the next town over, just so no one could add to the gossip. There was still so much stigma attached to her condition and the cause of it that it was best just to stay quiet.
“I’m sure he won’t be here long.”
“I don’t understand why he’s here at all. His parents moved away, retired to Aspen or some such shit. There’s absolutely no reason for him to be here.”
Maya nodded sympathetically, getting up to raid the fridge.
“Knowing that jerk I’m sure we’ll know sooner rather than later. But we aren’t going to let him get to us, right Liz?”
“Don’t worry about me, Maya. It was a shock seeing him yesterday, but now I know he’s here I can handle it. I won’t let him get to me again.”
“I’ll fucking kick him in the nuts if he ever comes near you again.” Lydia muttered, dragging herself  over to the coffee machine.
“Language Lydia!”
“Bite me Maya.”
“Stop it you two.” Lizzie muttered.
After breakfast, which was more pleasant than expected with Lydia full of caffeine, they finished a rough draft of her paper and attempted to talk some sense into her about her wardrobe. As always it was a waste of time, but Lizzie would never stop trying.
They were meeting mary and Kate for lunch at the park, the first time all the sisters had been together since Kate’s birthday party. Mary’s job and the band meant she rarely left the city and kate had been kept fairly cloistered since she entered the convent, only able to communicate through letters. Lizzie missed them both terribly and unashamedly cried when she hugged Kate, looking both like a child and a grown up in her brown habit, her eyes as big and serious as ever.
“You look happy Katie.” Lizzie whispered, not willing to let her sister go.
“I am happy, Lizzie. The convent is so peaceful and we do so much outreach. It’s perfect for me.”
Kate, or Sister Mary Kate as she would soon be known, was the center of attention. From the city Mary was in contact almost daily, especially with Maya who went to class close to where she worked. Seeing her was a happy extension of the texts and calls that were normal. Her girlfriend was a little hesitant at first, but Kate was ecstatic to meet her and quickly erased her fears of being accepted. It was just perfect, sitting on their blankets, eating and talking, just the 6 of them. Any residual ill feeling that Lizzie had about Colin was swept away in the balm of her sisters.
A soccer ball suddenly flew towards them, expertly caught by kate before it could destroy their picnic. Hot on it’s heels was a man, shirtless and so well built that even katie was gawking open mouthed.
“Sorry ladies, it just got away from me.” His perfect white smile spread across his face as he took in each of the girls in turn.
For her part, Lizzie had never seen a more gorgeous man her whole life. He turned that megawatt smile onto her and she couldn’t help but respond in kind, her cheeks flushing as he looked her up and down before holding out his hand.
“Hi, name’s Brad, Grad Wick.”
Jack couldn’t sleep, he was still wide awake at 2am, his brain refusing to shut off. He tossed and turned, kicking the blankets off then pulling them up again. He warmed milk in the tiny suite microwave and even counted sheep, but nothing worked. Every time he closed his eyes all he could see was Elizabeth cowering in front of Colin Ryan.
It pissed him off.
If there was one thing he hated it was men who abused women. It didn’t matter which woman, he abhorred it. Had Caro come to him saying she’d been hit he would have felt the same way, despite how much he disliked her. There was no excuse for violence in a relationship and least of all against someone as small as Elizabeth Bennet. He didn’t even want to imagine the extent of the abused, but his mind of course had other ideas. Instead of sleeping he’d been he’d been laying there while increasingly worse scenarios had flashed in his head.
With a 5 am call time he decided there was no use in trying to sleep any longer. He stumbled out to the bathroom, hanging his head under the cold shower spray to try and clear the cobwebs. What the fuck was wrong with him lately? Honestly this shoot couldn’t be over quickly enough in his opinion, he needed to get home, walk the glenns and get his shit together. He was a grown man, successful, in demand and yet this one bloody woman had managed to derail his peace of mind. It didn’t matter how pretty, smart or nice she was, they were from two different worlds. When he left Indiana in November he would never see her again.
The twinge he felt in his chest at that thought was something he was going to ignore.
She’d hugged him though, held his hand.
He tried to tell himself it was just the situation, that she would have done the same with Tom. The part of him that he wanted to shut up disagreed, that traitorous voice was telling him that Elizabeth might actually like him. They were both adults and maybe her prickliness was just a product of her former relationship. He just had to be….less aggressive, more….
“Don be an eejit.” he muttered as he dressed. “The last thing ye need is a fuckin woman complicatin the shite outa things.”
Lizzie wasn’t a roll in the hay type of woman and that’s all he wanted. One and done, no complications, no emotions, no phone calls, no nothing. He’d vowed he’d never let another woman close after Lisa and he needed to keep to that. No distracting redheads. He would be polite and nothing more.
If he ended each day imagining how good she might feel beneath him, or astride him, her hair falling around them both, then so be it. Taking himself in hand was infinitely preferable to the fallout that would come from being intimately involved with a Bennet.
Determined, and his mind made up, Jack was feeling a lot better when he arrived on set. Even Caro had backed off enough that he didn't dread being at work anymore, all he had to do was get through the next six weeks and he’d be home. There were any number of discrete, gorgeous women he could entice to bed if he wanted. By Christmas all this bullshit would be in the past.
“Jack!” Tom was trotting to catch up with him as he left the set for the day. “Do you want to do for a run?”
Jack was pretty sure that Tom’s new love of running was based more on necessity than a desire to exercise. With the lovely Maya no longer sharing his bed every night, the lad needed to run off all that sexual frustration.
And so did he if he was completely honest.
The late September weather was a welcome relief from the sweltering heat of July and August in Indiana and Jack barely broke a sweat as they jogged around the lakefront park. His endorphins had him feeling much better and the physical exercise would certainly ensure a good night’s sleep.
“Hold up mate!” Tom panted, bending over to catch his breath.
“Ye ain’t givin up already are ye lad?”
“Just give me a second old man.” Tom groaned. “Not all of us have your stamina.”
“Hence why ye still have the body of a teenage boy.”
“Shut it Angel Face.”
Jack winced slightly, apparently some fans had likened his unshaven face to something like a cherub and Tom hadn’t let it go since. His aversion to the comparison was a constant source of delight to Tom, who seemed to love nothing more than getting under his skin.
Snarky cunt.
He pushed Tom a little further before taking pity on him and slowing to a walk. The park was full of people, families picnicking and using the playgrounds, couples walking hand in hand. If he felt a twinge of envy, he quickly shoved it down deep. Alone was better, alone was safe.
“Tom! Jack!” Lydia’s loud call couldn’t be ignored and he groaned inwardly as Tom trotted off in the direction of the Bennet sisters.
All five of them were there, but Jack saw only one. Elizabeth sat, leaning on her elbows and laughing at the man who sat with them. He had never seen her smile like that at him, in fact he was pretty sure this was the first time he’d ever seen her really laugh.
His gut twisted.
Tom was already sitting down, an arm around Maya, commenting on Mary’s tattoo. Kate, the novice nun, smiled warmly at him and he moved closer. The memory of Elizabeth’s hand in his bolstered him, even though she was no longer laughing. He raised a hand in greeting, getting a curt nod in response.
“How are ye all doin?” Jack was about to sit down when the breath was knocked out of him in shock.
The man beside Elizabeth turned and Jack felt himself freeze, anger and disgust rolling through him.
What the fuck was that piece of shit doing there?
He looked at Elizabeth who seemed confused, then at Bradley Wick who sat there smirking, daring him to say something.
That would have been a mistake.
Instead he turned, without saying a word, and walked away.
He really was a rude bastard. She watched as Jack walked away, a stunned looking Tom hot on his heels. Just when she thought there was a slight that she might have misjudged him, he had just merely reinforced her dislike of him.
Arrogant, uptight assclown.
“Nice to see some things never change.” Brad remarked wryly from beside her.
“You know Jack?”
“Shit, I’ve known him since drama school. He was just as big a cock back then.”
Lizzie’s eyes narrowed, something in Jack’s eyes had seemed deeply shocked when he’d seen Brad. there was definitely more to this story.
“Bastard never liked me. Too full of himself to pay attention to lowly nobodies like me.” Brad laughed quietly.
“Seems like there might be some history there.” Lizzie cautiously, curious despite herself.
“You noticed that did you?”
“Kinda hard not to.”
Brad’s handsome face looked sad as he took a deep breath. Lizzie instantly felt sorry for him, having a feeling that what he was about to say hurt him.
“Jack was a year behind me at drama school, we met when we were both going out for a play. He seemed like a great guy, until I got the part instead of him. Then he found out that I’d grown up in an orphanage in Leeds. After that he did everything he could to ruin me. He’s talented, don’t get me wrong, I would have been more than happy to share roles, but no. It escalated in his second year, he was cast as my understudy in a play. It just got worse until eventually he got me fired, he stashed coke in my dressing room. I had a record from when I was a teen so when he told the director, well I was done. I got booted out of school for that too. Jack ended up with an agent and a slew of offers.”
“That’s awful.” Lizzie admitted.
She honestly hadn’t imagined that Jack was that much of a prick.
“I made do.” Brad shrugged. “He was young, insecure, and a lot of people do worse in our line of work.”
“That doesn’t make it right!” Lizzie sputtered. “Was that the last time you had contact?”
“I wish.” Brad murmured, looking at the ground. “I ran into him again last year on set. He didn’t recognize me at first, not for a few weeks. The girl he was with, Lisa, sweet girl. He treated her like shit, I found her crying one day and sat with her, he saw me with her and dragged her off. Next day I saw her getting in the cab to leave, her lip was all busted. I was fired the same day.”
Lizzie felt sick to her stomach, her head spinning. It was worse than she’d ever imagined, she never would have thought that he was violent. A vision of him standing beside her the day before, facing off Colin, came unbidden. The fucking nerve of him! To act like that when he’d done the exact same thing himself!
Her stomach protested for the rest of the afternoon as she fought to engage with her family. Brad had left soon after Jack, apologetic and charming. He’d offered to take her to dinner, something she’d rain-checked. What she wanted to do was to talk to Maya, to try and process what she’d just heard.
After they’d visited their parents and Lizzie had been forced to listen to her mother informing her that she’d run into ‘dear Colin’ at the store, she finally managed to take Maya aside, imparting everything she’d learned from Brad. She’d been as shocked as expected, her eyes wide as Lizzie spoke.
“I always thought he was just prickly.” Maya gasped. “Figured he would warm up eventually.”
“As if, he’s been a dick since the day we met him.”
Maya looked thoughtful as Lizzie paced back and forth in a tizzy.
“I can’t believe the fucking nerve of him. Where does he get off acting like he’s so much better than everyone else? It makes me sick Maya.”
“Maybe Brad was mistaken?”
“I doubt it Maya.” Lizzie snapped. “The guy was practically in tears when he was done. What possible reason could he have to lie?”
“I didn’t say lie, Lizzie, but maybe Jack wasn’t responsible for all his bad luck.”
Lizzie leveled her sister with a hard glare, she really was naive at times.
“You can’t talk him out of this one Mai, you just can’t. He hit his girlfriend!”
“Yeah, I guess you really can’t argue with that. But what about Tom? Why would he be his friend?”
“I’ll bet any amount of money that Tom has no idea. Jack’s an actor, he can make himself into anyone he wants.”
“What do we do?”
“Nothing. He’ll be gone in a few weeks. Just don’t expect me to have anything to do with the asshole. I love Tom to death, but not even for you will I associate with an abuser.
“I understand. I’m just so sorry this happened.”
“I’m not, because now we know the truth of what he is.”
Even Maya couldn’t see the good in him now, and she was the one who liked everyone. By the time Lizzie got back to the apartment she’d apologized several times in text for sticking up for him. It didn’t matter, she thought sourly as she sat in her living room window, she never had to see him again unless she chose to. She was just grateful she’d found out now, instead of after she’d invited him to lunch to say thank you. He didn’t deserve a thank you, he deserved to be outed. Why Brad never had she understood, Lisa was an actress and he’d wanted to spare her the scandal. Besides Jack probably wouldn’t hesitate to ruin them both if the truth was even so much as hinted at. As much as Lizzie wanted everyone to know what a creep he was, she wouldn’t do that to Brad.
“How did everything get so fucked up?” she sighed, realising for the first time how utterly unsatisfied she was with everything.
Her life had been in a holding pattern since she’d called off the wedding and if Brad could overcome what he had then there was nothing to stop her.
It was time to stop being afraid to live.
Bradley Wick! Just when he thought he’d seen the last of the cunt here he was, as always, just in the shadows of his life. Everywhere he’d stepped in the last decade Wick was there, at least in his mind. The bastard haunted him, the mistake of attempting to be the man’s friend and co-worker was something he lived with everyday.
Seeing him with Elizabeth made his blood boil, it was as if the man knew exactly who would hurt him the most and that’s who he targeted. The only reason he’d walked away was so the ladies didn’t have to witness him pounding Wick into a pulp. That and the assault charge stemming from that would ruin his career. Brad would of course come out smelling like roses, just like he always did.
“Jack, mate. Are you going to tell me what that was about?”
“Nope.” he took a shot of whiskey, weighing up the pros and cons of just drinking from the bottle.
“Seriously man, I’m worried. I’ve not seen you like this before.”
“I’m fine Tom.” another shot. “I have history with Bradley Wick, thas all. None of it good.”
“That’s all I’m going to get?”
“Yup.” If he played his cards right he could be blind drunk before it even got dark.
“I don’t like this Jack. This isn’t like you.”
“Too bad, is me now. Take me or leave me, I donna care.”
Tom just shook his head, disappearing out the door, no doubt to see Maya.
It bothered him.
The fact that he liked Elizabeth Bennet bothered him.
He was jealous of Tom, who could give himself so easily.
The fact that he couldn’t read Lizzie bothered him, her elusiveness both enticing and infuriating.
Bradley Wick suddenly being in town enraged him.
Everything had gone to shit.
Himself included.
He couldn't wait to leave this shithole, not that he had much to look forward to in London, but it was better to miserable in familiar surroundings. As far away as he could get from Elizabeth, Brad, all of them. Callum would knock some sense into him over Christmas he was sure, his little brother never failed to be the logical one. Had he listened to Callum in the first place, the two years he'd wasted with Lisa would never have happened. None of his family had ever really liked her and made no secret of their feelings, Jack had just been too stubborn to listen.
Look where that had landed him.
He didn't have the stomach to finish the whiskey, drinking the night away had gotten old in his early twenties. Losing his head was also most certainly not the way to deal with the situation?
Should he warn the Bennets?
They wouldn't believe him, no one ever did. Wick had this fucking gift of charming his way out of every situation and he already had door in the door. Nothing Jack could say now would hold any sway, plus he would have to admit his own guilt and shame in past events. He wasn't ready for that, for the disappointment and the accusation, he got enough of that from his own mind.
He found himself wandering, the sun dipping below the horizon, the breeze from the lake chilly. Jack told himself he was just going to get dinner at the only good restaurant in town and that it had nothing to do with the place being directly across from Elizabeth's movie theatre apartment.
He kept telling himself that as he sat alone in the window with his food, watching her shadow as she read a book behind the curtains. He watched her lights go out at 8:30, tipped his waitress well and shuffled back to the hotel, ready to fall into an exhausted, dreamless sleep.  
Hoping to escape from himself for just a little while.
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mermaidrequiem · 7 years
A note about Marinette in fan fiction…
Accurate characterization is hard to come by in fan fiction. I mean, fan fiction is written to push the boundaries (or completely jump them) and explore new avenues and ideas within the fandom. And yet, Reader A complains that Author B’s character isn't in canon, that they don’t adhere to the same design as the characters in the original work. But can we really blame Reader A when their favorite character is portrayed as a bitchy, whiny crybaby who treats all the other characters like dirt, or suddenly discards all his/her core values to go clubbing and/or have a not-so-humorous one night stand because really? Another one? 
It’s a thin wire writers walk, between in-character and originality.
However, in some cases, a strange collective consciousness forms within the fandom, deriving from a particularly popular trope or fanon, and takes over. Like Chat Noir involuntarily behaving like an actual cat. Or Marinette being a fragile, emotionally incompetent brat who can’t handle life.
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Is it just me, or does the super-insecure Marinette that pops up in 90% of Miraculous fanfic tend to blame all her problems on someone else (namely Adrien/Chat)? And then she blames her own perceived clumsiness and undesirability, which she cannot be convinced does not exist, despite the many paragraphs of reassurances, compliments, and coddling.
I mean, whether Adrien lied/deceived her in some way or she’s just an emotional wreck, it’s always his fault. And even if the whole thing is a misunderstanding, she freaks out, he gets blamed, she finds out the truth, and with one little “I’m sorry” he forgives her and everything is hunky-dory. Meanwhile, Adrien is being punished by Marinette (and maybe Alya too, if she can’t keep her nose out of it) usually through cold shoulders and snarky comments, but in such cases, he usually blames himself anyway because of his own insecurities and feelings of never being good enough to love.
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Here’s the usual procedure:
Adrien/Chat busts his butt trying to talk to Marinette/Ladybug to apologize for whatever it is the both of them think he’s done wrong. 
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Source: http://miraculousgifs.tumblr.com/post/133913728084/miraculous-parallels-episodes-9-13-ladybug
During this time, Marinette skips school and hides in her room. She is comforted multiple times by her family, friends, and kwami. 
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They all tell her, in the nicest language possible, to get over herself and just talk to him, but she makes a million childish—and frankly stupid—reasons why she can’t follow this simple advice. And though she usually knows full well what she has to do to rectify the situation without their prompting, she can't because she’s just so emotionally damaged that it’s unbearable to even see him! 
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Source: http://miraculousgifs.tumblr.com/post/137206333179/adrienette-moments-ep-1-15
When Adrien/Chat finally corners her, she resists listening until he’s practically on his knees, begging. 
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After he’s said his piece, she either considers it in silence or immediately leaves to think it over for another week. Eventually, she realizes the whole mess wasn’t such a big deal after all, and he should be forgiven. So the next time they meet up, she tells him this, then she half-heartedly apologizes for all the crap she put him through. The nasty assumptions she made about him are not mentioned. He, of course, insists she has nothing to apologize for. Everything is rainbows and purified butterflies.
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In cases which the situation is reversed, and Marinette is the one who screws up, she usually denies she did anything wrong at first, her Ladybug confidence convincing her that she’s always right. If she does realize she’s in the wrong (eventually), she usually offers Adrien/Chat some baked goods, apologizes, and he instantly forgives her. No muss, no fuss. The End.
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Oh, and the pièce de résistance… the problem is usually that Marinette has found out Chat Noir is Adrien. Though, her own stubborn inability to see the obvious is not the real issue, no, it’s that he kept the truth from her.
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But hey, we must forgive Marinette. Because she’s only fourteen, and all fourteen-year-olds are immature hormone bombs that can’t help behaving like that, right?
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Source: http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/miraculous-ladybug/images/39337707/title/chat-noir-fanart
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enby-angel · 8 years
Model Material
Author: Willow Angel (willow0angel; Willow_Angel) Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Warnings: N/A Fandom: Supernatural (TV) Category: M/M Relationship: Gabriel/Sam Winchester Characters: Gabriel (Supernatural); Sam Winchester; Meg Masters; Hael (Supernatural); Dean Winchester; Castiel (Supernatural) (mentioned) Tags: Fluff; Art; art class; Model; art model Sam Winchester; art student Gabriel Novak; Sam is a perfect human specimen; Gabriel is a Little Shit; Gabriel is a Tease; Gabriel is a Flirt; Gabriel cannot handle Sam Winchester's perfection; Dean is a Little Shit; Dean teases Sam; Dinne; rdinner date; Implied Sexual Content; SO MUCH FLUFF; Tooth-Rotting Fluff; i had so much fun writing this; Tumblr; Tumblr Prompt; tumblr prompt fill; dirty-minded Gabriel
Summary: AU. Gabriel is an art student that is dumbfounded by the new model.
Ao3 Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/8160124
Gabriel Novak made his way down the college halls towards his class, his thoughts spinning from one topic to the next in a matter of seconds. He pulled a lollipop out of his pocket and popped it in his mouth as he thought.
“Hey, Gabe!”
Gabriel turned to see his favourite redhead jogging up to him. “Heya Charlie Bear, how are you?” he asked as Charlie came to a stop beside him.
“Alright,” she replied, panting a little. “What’cha doing?”
Gabriel winked at her. “Thinking about who the new model for my art class might be,” he said.
“Oh, that’s right! You guys get a new one today!” Charlie laughed.
“Yeah, hopefully it’s a good-looking one this time,” Gabriel sighed wistfully – the last model they had wasn’t exactly on his ‘Would Bang’ list. And that was saying something; it was a pretty long list.
“Hey!” Charlie exclaimed. “The last one you had was hot!”
“Oh, please,” Gabriel scoffed. “The only thing real about her was her bitchy attitude, and even that’s questionable. She was totally unproportioned! She even wore hair extensions! Not to mention her boobs were just way too big to be natural. I don’t even know why they brought her in.”
“Really?” Charlie said, sounding disappointed.
“I am an art student, Charlie Bear, I know these things,” Gabriel pointed out, and Charlie elbowed him in the ribs and rolled her eyes. “Oi!”
“Here’s your stop!” Charlie said brightly. She winked at him. “Good luck!”
Now it was Gabriel’s turn to roll his eyes as he waved and opened the door to enter the classroom. A few people in the already nearly-full room looked up to see who had walked in.
“Mr Novak,” one of his classmates said, imitating their teacher’s annoyed accent. “How good of you to finally join us.”
“Shut your cakehole, Hael,” Gabriel shot back.
“Hey Gabe?” another classmate, Meg, asked. “Do you know who the new model is?”
“No idea whatsoever,” Gabriel answered, shrugging his shoulders. “I was just talking to Charlie about it. She thinks the last one was hot.”
Meg snorted. “Yeah, well, hopefully this one’s actually human.”
Gabriel laughed, and took a seat next to her and began setting up his equipment. He glanced at the stool at the front of the room, wondering who would be sitting there this time. Would it be a boy or a girl? Would they be dark-skinned or light? Would they generally fit into society’s view of “normal” or “sexy” or “beautiful”, or would they lie outside of the norm?
Well, he was about to find out.
The door swung open again and their teacher walked in, followed by a-
Whoa, this guy was freaking tall! Like, moose size! What the hell? He was also hot, like, really hot. Seriously, he zoomed up to the top of Gabriel’s ‘10/10 Totally Would Bang’ list, and he wasn’t even naked yet.
Gabriel looked back down at his sketch book, trying to appear busy.
“Afternoon, ladies and gents!” the teacher exclaimed, clapping her hands together. “Now here’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for!” she went on, without waiting for an answer. “This here is Sam, and he’ll be our model for the week! Be nice, okay? Especially you, Gabriel. I’m watching you.”
Gabriel looked up to see Sam watching him with a bit of worry on his face. Gabriel smirked and winked, waiting just long enough before looking down to see a tinge of pink spread across his cheeks.
“Like I said, I’m watching you. Now Sam, if you’d like to take the robe off and take a seat just there, we can get started!”
There was a shuffle throughout the room as everyone got out their pencils and erasers and flipped to new pages in their books and whatnot. Gabriel was trying hard not to imagine what he would see before he actually saw.
He didn’t even look up when there were a few wow’s and ooh’s. But when he saw Meg freeze next to him and give out a low “Oh my god”, he did look up.
“Holy mother-!” He slapped a hand over his mouth when he realised that he’d basically screeched that at the top of his lungs, his voice cracking in the middle. A few people burst out laughing and Meg subsided into a fit of giggles. “What the fuck,” he mumbled through his hand, quickly leaning back and staring at the perfect human specimen sitting on the stool, and was therefore completely unprepared when he leaned too far back and promptly went crashing to the floor.
Now the whole room was laughing, but Gabriel couldn’t care less. He was used to it, as he was the school Trickster, after all. Being the cause of laughter was basically the job description.
Meg helped him up, and then everyone settled down and began drawing. Gabriel’s mind was whirring away.
How in Hell was it possible to be that physically perfect? This guy, this Sam, was so hot he could melt the sun. While he was drawing, Gabriel had plenty of excuses to stare this guy down. At about six-foot-fifteen, he was definitely a guy that worked out. He was muscled up to the max, and he even had a tattoo of some sort of pentagram inside some sort of sun-like shape on the left side of his chest. It took Gabriel a few tries to get that right.
Gabriel always considered his hair long for a boy’s, but Sam’s hair was longer and it was somehow, absolutely gorgeous. Could hair be gorgeous? Yeah, yeah it could.
Gabriel took his time with this drawing. Partially because he wanted to get this piece of perfection down on paper as best he could, partially because he kept staring at him for too long, and partially because his mind was going places that nobody really needed to know about.
Oh, how he would love to just eat this boy up and ravish him all night long. He was just yummy.
But he kept those thoughts to himself, of course.
After a while, people began to finish and started leaving. Meg gave him a look that said she knew what he was planning, and Gabriel just winked at her. Eventually, she packed up and left, too. The teacher got called out of the classroom to do something and in the end, there were only two people left in the room.
Sam and Gabriel.
“You’re taking your time,” Sam commented, but not in a snarky way. As if it was just a casual observation said in a kind tone. And oh god the sound of his voice made Gabriel think unholy thoughts.
So much for being named after an Archangel, he thought smugly. “I always take my time with people like you,” Gabriel replied, putting his sketch book down and leaning his chin on one hand.
Sam laughed, and it was like honey. “I bet you do,” he said, standing up and shrugging the robe back on.
“Please, don’t get dressed on my account,” Gabriel said, raising an eyebrow. “I was enjoying the view!”
As he was tying up the robe, Sam burst into laughter. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I do have a bit of dignity left,” he chuckled, though Gabriel clearly saw that his face was going red.
Gabriel shrugged, beginning to pack away his things. “Whatever,” he said lightly. “But y’know, I think we’ve gone about this in completely the wrong order.”
“Oh?” Sam asked, raising his eyebrows. “How so?”
“Don’t you normally buy someone dinner and a drink before you see them naked?” Gabriel said, like he was wondering aloud as he finished packing up.
Sam gave a short laugh. “In that case, why don’t I buy you dinner and a drink?”
Gabriel grinned at him. “Gabriel Novak, by the way,” he introduced himself.
“Sam Winchester,” Sam responded with an easy grin. “Entwined at, say, seven?”
Gabriel took the opportunity to walk up closer to him and examine his face, and his eyes. His eyes were swirling with blues, greens, yellows, and even some brown, like they couldn’t quite decide what colour they wanted to be.
“I think you’ve got yourself a date, Sam Winchester,” Gabriel said.
“Sounds like a plan, Gabriel Novak,” Sam returned, and Gabriel was thoroughly enjoying the intense look in the boy’s eyes and the way that his name rolled off Sam’s tongue.
Gabriel smirked and moved towards the door. “And y’know, now I’m glad you put some clothes back on,” he said casually.
“And why is that?” Sam inquired. “I thought you were ‘enjoying the view’.”
“Oh I was.” Gabriel paused, halfway out the door. “But now I get the honour to take your clothes off, myself.”
And before he left, he heard Sam break down into laughter. Gabriel smirked, very pleased with himself.
Gabriel met Sam at the restaurant at seven like they agreed (thank goodness), and they fell into conversation as they ate. Sam told him about himself – what he was studying and why, a bit about his family, and in return Gabriel told him about his unbelievably large family and about a few of his tricks.
Gabriel learned that Sam was, in fact, the younger brother of Dean Winchester, the guy he’d had a passive-aggressive prank war with in high school before he graduated. That was a fun time to remember – he’d kicked Dean’s ass, of course.
“So why’d you volunteer to be our model, Samsquatch?” Gabriel asked in between mouthfuls of food. “I mean, I’m not complaining, you’re certainly model material, I’m just curious.”
Sam grinned, and looked down for a few seconds. “It was a bet,” he admitted, looking back up.
Gabriel raised his eyebrows. “Oh?”
“Yeah, my brother saw the advertisement in the paper,” Sam explained. “Then my adoptive mother, Ellen, butted in and said that me or Dean should do it. Dean probably would’ve, knowing the self-indulged jerk, but he was too busy bragging that I wouldn’t do it. So I told him that if he paid me fifty bucks I’d do it. And that,” he finished grandly, “is what is paying for dinner.”
“Well, you weren’t the only one to get something out of that bet.” Gabriel grinned cheekily. “Best bet you’ve ever made, in my opinion.”
“Hopefully it’ll be the best one I’ll ever make.” There was a touch of shyness in Sam’s tone now, and Gabriel’s grin faded to a small smile – small, but genuine, and he knew that Sam knew that.
“Yeah, well,” Gabriel started, “I know that it would be the best one I’d ever make if it meant I got to spend the night with you.”
Adorably, Sam’s cheeks began to redden and he looked down, smiling.
And later, when they were kissing and touching and pulling the clothes off of each other in Gabriel’s apartment, Sam would tend to agree.
Gabriel work up the next morning with one arm draped across Sam’s bare chest, and one of Sam’s arms holding him securely against his side. Gabriel blinked a few times and, remembering the previous day, sighed contentedly and moved into a more comfortable position. That’s when he noticed that Sam was running his fingers gently through Gabriel’s hair.
Gabriel smiled. “Morning, moose,” he murmured.
Sam chuckled, and Gabriel felt the vibrations through Sam’s chest. “Good morning to you, too, Gabriel,” he replied. “Sleep well?”
Gabriel brought his head up and looked sleepily up at Sam. “Best sleep ever after the best night of my life, yeah,” he said, running his hand up and down the beautiful man’s chest. Yep, Sam Winchester was certainly on the top of his ‘10/10 Would Definitely Bang Again’ list. “How ‘bout you?”
“Exactly the same,” was the reply, and Gabriel grinned.
“Good,” he said, and couldn’t resist placing a kiss on the top of Sam’s chest.
They were interrupted by Sam’s phone ringing on the bedside table, and Sam reached over to pick it up.
“Oh god, it’s my brother,” he groaned, rubbing his eyes.
“Any chance you can ignore it?” Gabriel mumbled, kissing the spot next to the last one.
“Probably not, he’ll just keep ringing until I answer,” Sam said, bringing the phone up to his ear. “Hello?”
“Mornin’ sleeping beauty,” said the voice on the other end of the phone. “Where you at?”
Gabriel grinned, and kept trailing kisses across Sam’s chest as Sam replied weakly, “A friend’s house.”
There was laughter for a few seconds. “Sure,” he said. “Need me to swing by and pick you up?”
“Nah, I’m good,” Sam replied.
“Yeah, don’t worry about him, Dean-o,” Gabriel said, moving so that he was lying on top of Sam. “I’ll take good care of him.”
There was silence. Then-
“Is that- is that Gabriel Novak?”
Sam groaned as Gabriel responded, “The one and only!”
Dean burst into laughter. “Sammy, you have no idea what you’ve just gotten yourself into,” he said, still laughing.
Sam just groaned again, electing not to respond.
So Gabriel responded for him. “Maybe you should’a thought of that one before you started crushing on my baby brother,” he said, and Sam had to turn his head away from the phone to muffle his laughter.
“Wha- I- what are you talking about?” Dean spluttered, and Gabriel laughed, snatching the phone from Sam’s hand.
“So you go and stop having eye-sex with Cassie and start having actual sex with him and stop complaining, ‘kay? Buh-bye, now!” And with that, he hung up and chucked the phone back on the table.
Sam’s shoulders shook with silent laughter. “That was amazing,” he said.
“Amazing and true,” Gabriel replied. “I couldn’t resist.”
Sam kissed the top of Gabriel’s head. “You are amazing.”
“In more ways than one, I hope.” Gabriel waggled his eyebrows, and Sam snorted. “Don’t deny it, Sammy!”
“I’m not denying anything.”
Gabriel hummed happily, drawing shapes on Sam’s chest. “Ever heard of a one-night stand, Sammy?” he asked, and smirked when he felt Sam freeze for a second.
“Do us a favour, moose? Don’t make it one of those, ‘kay?”
Sam laughed. “Sounds good to me.”
“Good! Now, are you going to kiss me again or am I going to have to pull you down by your antlers?”
Sam pulled Gabriel up instead, and kissed him again.
And while there were a fair few people still on the ‘Would Bang’ list (“Gabriel!” “What? I’m allowed to look!”), Sam was now the only one he would ever consider going back to.
And Sam would tend to agree.
A/N: First Sabriel I ever wrote! :D Please send me a prompt if you have one :3
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paige-writes · 7 years
I Like You, Okay? (part 2)
"Yo, Hunk, where's Glasses?" Anita questioned Hunk as they sat at their desks waiting for class to start.
"Glasses? Oh, wait, you mean Pidge! She's sick, so she stayed home today. How come?"
"Eh, no reason. Sick, huh? That sucks ass." There was a pause until Hunk spoke. "Hey so, uh, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be saying this to you, but Pidge told me, Keith, and Lance about what happened the other day between you two."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. And I'm sure you had your reasons, but I think you could've handled it in a less violent way. So....yeah. Just wanted to say that."
Anita stared at Hunk for a good fifteen seconds before nodding. "Okay, sorry," she said. "And you're right. I'm just really sensitive to personal shit like that. Lashing out was my first instinct." Hunk smiled at Anita and patted her on the back. "It's okay. You just have to tell Pidge that."
It was time for study hall, and Anita followed Rubi to the library where most of the students hung out before lunch started. They took a seat on the small couch in a secluded corner of the room. Anita had been in a sour mood all morning, mostly because Pidge wasn't in school. Rubi noticed her unchanged angry expression and nudged her with her elbow. "Jesus, Anita," she said, "who pissed in your cereal this morning? You look like you're about to murder someone. Or is that just your resting bitch face?"
Anita nudged Rubi back. "Shut up. I'm not that pissy. Today just sucks."
"It's not even twelve yet and you're already complaining about today?"
"Hey, I've got my reasons!" Rubi laughed, and Anita let a small smile slip onto her face. Rubi was a good friend. The matching colors for her eye shadow and lipstick, pink-dyed tips, and snarky personality were what made her the one and only Rubi. Anita didn't know how she did it so much, but Rubi was always taking care of her friends, whether it be cheering them up or making sure that they took their meds. Growing up in a foster family gave her that power, and Anita respected that.
"Is it because Pidge is out sick?"
"Rubi, are you like, a mind reader or some shit?"
"Aha, hit the nail right on the head!"
"Yeah, yeah, you guessed correctly, whoop-dee-fuckin'-doo. Yes it's because Pidge isn't here! I've been ignoring her for three days, and the one time I wanted to actually talk to her, she's sick! God shits in my dinner once again!" Rubi pat Anita's thigh. "There, there. All will be well. You wanna Skype call her?"
"Holy shit, really? Um, yeah, that would be fucking amazing!" Anita sounded a bit too excited as Rubi pulled out her phone and opened Skype. "I usually Skype Pidge for help on geometry, so a random call might be quite a shock to her."
The familiar Skype ringtone went off a few times, and Anita's knee bounced in anticipation. Finally, the screen revealed Pidge's face. Her glasses were off and she looked extremely tired. She probably just woke up.
"Well this is a surprise, Rubi," her nasally voice said. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Actually, it's for Sourpuss over here." Rubi gave Anita her phone so that she and Pidge were now facing each other. Pidge's eyes widened a fraction. "Oh....hey, Anita."
"Sup Glasses? Heard you were sick."
"I am. It's just a cold, though, so I'll be fine by tomorrow probably."
"Cool....well, feel better, I guess? Oh, and I have notes and a copy of the lab report we have to do for chem." Oh yeah. Pidge almost forgot that Coran had assigned Anita as her partner for chemistry projects. "Oh, thanks. You didn't have to, though."
"That's what partners are for, Glasses. I'll bring 'em to you after school."
"Couldn't I just get them tomorrow?" Anita's brows furrowed. This girl was so damn stubborn. "You might still be sick tomorrow, so text me your address and I'll bring you the notes!" Pidge seemed to hesitate for a moment, then she sighed in defeat. "Fine, okay." Anita smiled victoriously. "Atta girl, Glasses! See ya after school!" Anita and Pidge exchanged their goodbyes and hung up, and Anita couldn't help but feel a little over the moon about visiting Pidge.
Rubi noticed how Anita was feeling yet again and grinned slyly. "Awww," she cooed. "You like her!" Anita's tan cheeks flushed and she glared at her friend. "What? No....fuck off!"
"You do like her!"
"How the hell do you know all of these things!?"
"It's second nature, Anita. Second nature."
"Well your 'second nature' scares the crap outta me! I get attached quickly, okay? I wanted to apologize to her so bad and I realized....I fucking missed her already. She's also really fucking cute and I don't know how to handle that! Love at first sight or some bullshit."
Rubi sighed. "I know some guys who'll help you."
Anita slammed her hands down on the lunch table, making Lance, Hunk, and Keith jump. "I need your help," Anita said. Keith was quick to reply. "Why should we help you with anything? You almost beat up Pidge!"
"Yeah, I know, and I've been feeling shitty about it since then. But now I need your help. I have notes to bring to Pidge after school today, but I'm in a sort of predicament. I....think I like her." Both Lance and Hunk nearly choked on their food while Keith just looked between astonished and confused. "And I have no idea how to talk to girls because she's my first girl crush," Anita finished. She was patient as the three boys collected themselves. They all gave her a wide-eyed stare. "You like Pidge!?" Lance near yelled, to which Anita glared at him. "Maldito infierno, shout to the whole fucking world, why don't you! I don't need to make my situation even more embarrassing than it is!"
"Uh, I think it's too late for that," Hunk said, "because Nyma's coming over here. She probably overheard, and you know she loves student gossip."
Anita rolled her eyes and groaned. She heard about Nyma from Rubi. "My codename for her is TBB; Tall, Blonde, and Bitchy," Rubi had joked. Nyma was nosy and loved to get information on people for her own benefit. Her nice girl act was a façade, as she used people to get what she wanted, then cast them aside when she was finished. Anita had zero tolerance for those types of people.
The four of them watched as the tall, blonde girl sashayed over to their table and sat down on an empty chair, a fake sweet smile on her face. "What's this I hear about a crush?" she questioned.
"None of your business, Nyma," Hunk said. Whoa, he became annoyed super quick. "Yeah, so beat it, blondie," Anita chimed in. Nyma's smile just grew. "Aw, but I wanna hear all about Anita's little crush on the tech junkie."
"Pidge is her name, you know," Lance hissed. "And Hunk said it's none of your business."
"Just go away, Nyma," Keith added. Wow, these guys are really against this girl!
Nyma shrugged her shoulders and turned her attention towards Anita. "Honestly, what I don't understand is what you see in her. She's barely social and has, like, four friends. She doesn't even look the romantic type! And don't even get me started on you. You've been here, what, almost a week and you're already on the hunt. Is that what you did in prison? You bitched a girl there and now you're doing it here?"
Keith, Lance, and Hunk were about to say something when a loud laugh from Anita cut them of, grabbing the attention of them, Nyma, and a few other students. Rubi's voice could be heard saying, "Ohhhh, shit! You done fucked up, Nyma!" Anita soon calmed down and wiped a tear from her eye. A grin formed on her face when she looked at Nyma, although it was far from friendly.
"Oh man, you're a character alright." She leaned closer to Nyma, who inched back. "Y'know, I call girls like you 'Heather Chandler'. Not because you're blonde and popular, but because you're just a stone cold puta who thinks she can get everything she wants." Anita grinned more, closely resembling the Cheshire Cat. "And if you've seen Heathers before, you'll know that girls like Heather Chandler get a taste of their own medicine! See, Heather ends up drinking some toxic fluid and dies after about, mmm, ten seconds? Because she was so bitchy and manipulative that someone had to get rid of her! The point here is, you're lucky I'm on probation, or else you would've ended up like Heather Chandler after school, except my two fists would be doin' the killing. Can you process all of that, Nyma dear?"
The smile on Anita's face never faltered as she stood up to leave the cafeteria. "Oh, and one more thing. Talk shit about Pidge again and I'll beat your fucking face in." With that, Anita left, leaving the three boys and Nyma with their mouths hanging open. "I....would die for her," Lance finally said.
part 3 coming soon!
Maldito infierno - fucking hell ; puta - bitch
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sumergosuigeneris · 7 years
July 21, 2017
So much inside me. I thought I was handling the stress well, but really my patience and tolerance levels are so low.
I sort of compared my undergrad’s diploma to a sex toy. And I realized I’ve been kind of low-key bitchy to V, for example. 
I didn’t get a paycheck today. I sent an email last night, didn’t hear back by early afternoon at all, so I called. Everything was hinging on the boss submitting my time. He submitted it - two weeks after the deadline. Therefore, he has to resubmit a paper version. It’s never gonna happen. I sent him an email, and forwarded him the same email 14 times, just in case. I’ll definitely do it again on Monday, am wondering about the weekend since there isn’t really anything he can do then. But fucking seriously. It took so much not to bitch him out. I used up all my on-hand cash. I have some savings left but I’m so fucked until/unless I get this money. He is so fucking inconsiderate. I kind of hate him right now.
And I was livid to find out about my coffee. I spent some money last week joining weight watchers. I may not have a support system but it’s time to stop eating my life. I went to a meeting on Thursday and started figuring out how to use the stupid technology. Anyway, I looked up my morning coffee order. Now part of my order is the way it is for money, part of it is for my taste, and part of it is to save calories. I felt so fucking betrayed. My venti iced coffee, whole milk, vanilla syrup (2 less pumps) is 10 points!!!! But I get 2 less pumps!?!?!?!
I was fucking depressed. Not least of which is that starbucks iced coffee sucks. But this was the one thing I had. And I thought I was being healthy. But 3 iced coffees is a whole day’s diet. So damn my life and life choices. 
Anyway, I tried to get ahold of V to invite her to a meeting. For a nurse, and a 40 something year old, she’s pretty ignorant about some things. Like, she thought she could eat 2 and 3 grilled cheeses a day b/c it was just protein.
She finally got back to me today. I told her how upset I was. How broke. The first motherfucking thing she said was how she paid her bills so she didn’t have any money to lend me. Fucking bitch. First of all, I lent you money when I had none to lend. Technically you never paid me back. Second, you make way more money than I did. Third, when you were unemployed (combo of being stupid and being too stuckup to get a non-nursing job (see how I’m turning into a huge judgmental bitch?)) you STILL had money from unemployment and the husband you don’t appreciate. I have nothing and no one, as you so often make clear. Me having no money is me having no money. And she had just talked about buying some shirts from northface, literally yesterday, so also she’s probably lying. And I can’t fucking stand the lying. Then she was basically bitching about coming to see me. When I mentioned that when she was unemployed I always went to her, she did that thing where she’s like ‘I wasn’t saying I don’t want to come out but blah blah blah.’
It was so hard not to go off on her. Luckily, she had to go into work.
And damn if I’m not getting into fights on facebook with whiney bitch face, pampered privileged science people who have it sooooooo haaaardd in academia. I would almost kill to be in your shoes, as would many URMs, and hell at this point white men and women. It’s that hard out there to stay in the stem pipeline and you’re whining because you’re stupid and lazy and greedy and disillusioned b/c what you thought does not equal the reality???????!!!!!!!!!!!
I kept from fb bitch-slapping a girl who whined about how expensive her one bedroom apartment way (you saw that meme going around from idiotic mcdonald’s about how a person can make it on minimum wage?) I did let out one snarky comment about how if you can afford a one bedroom, you’re not that poor. Same thing with the Americorps crap. In real life, people work 2 and 3 jobs to make ends meet. That’s just as real a poverty-experience, as making a shit wage in Americorps.
I’m just so angry at myself. Instead of being happy for people who aren’t in as bad straights as I, and so many people I know, are/have been in, I’m just getting more and more resentful of their privilege. That attitude doesn’t help ANYONE, let alone me.
I need to get some certainty into my life, so my stress level goes down, so I don’t shut out even my barest of acquaintances.
Oh, and the white chick who isn’t sure about the new Doctor Who. She isn’t into diversity for diversity sake. I didn’t verbally punch her in the vagina.
These kinds of accomplishments tell me I’m in a very, very low place.
On the bright side, I started catching up on Doctor Who, and I no longer hate Clara. Yay!
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