#thera rambles
etherealaberrance · 2 months
8 and 29 for the ask meme!
Author Ask Game!
8 - Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story?
Honestly, I have no idea which is my favorite. The beginning is fun, but I'd say it's also the hardest. The work is so new to me and the outline is exhausting to push out. But it is also very rewarding because after the first bump, I'm off! The middle is slow to write, but I try to include small plot lines along the main plotline to keep my interest while writing. The end, though. I enjoy the end. It is bittersweet in a way; on one hand, it is very fun to wrap up the plot and choose a lasting sentence to end it all, but on the other hand, I find myself very disappointed everything is over.
So perhaps a nonanswer is how I will respond to this one because I really have no idea. It's like comparing the color green to the color red--they both feel and look very different, and I think that makes them hard to compare.
29 - What’s your revision or editing process like?
Oh, I love this question. You know me and my forever growing pile of AUs, meaning I rarely finish my first drafts, but I have everything planned for when I eventually get there with my WIP projects. I now write my first draft in its entirety before I post anything, since that ensures I don't run out of *waves hands* whatever it is that keeps me going.
From there, I rewrite everything with prettier words and better flow. After that, I read over and do a rudimentary check before sending over to my betas, if any. I usually try to put it into a different program after that, or at least change the font, since it helps me catch any additional errors as I do my edits and work with beta feedback. I usually input it into my first software as a final draft, run over it once more, and then convert it to HTML for AO3.
It's pretty extensive, but I got a comment on a fic once that I'd written 'May 32' and I have not lived down that embarrassment. Since then, I have gotten better about actually editing my work in a way that helps me catch my errors.
Hope this answers your questions! :D
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heartbreaktrio · 1 year
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Land: Adults of the Dark
Sea: Teenagers of the Silver Lining
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kihaku-gato · 3 months
I only have two "official" Dnd characters to my name but the trend I've noticed required a meme
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My young wolf, Thera, right now doesn't really care what she looks like when wearing casual clothes. It's usually just baggy jeans and a T-shirt with worn out sneakers (not that that's not its own style). She very rarely goes out to begin with right now with everything going on. But I feel like after everything is over, things are going well, and she gets that nice large apartment in the city with Crow she will totally put some effort into her fits when she goes out. I'm talking leather jackets, aviator sunglasses, and lots of jewelry. Maybe even some flashy makeup. She may not show it but this girl actually has a very nice sense of style.
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I went to my first RP venue (well first that I didn't immediately flee from) and it was so much fun!
Thera got to talk to a librarian (that is almost certainly a vampire) and he might have more information that she needs so I might go back next week or the week after.
Baby steps but I'm super proud of myself.
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afoolandathief · 11 months
Thera falls asleep in Logi's bed and he feels so bad about moving her and waking her that he goes to sleep on the floor (I mean he can't sleep there without squishing her so). Thera wakes up and instead of finding it cute she berates him for several minutes about how he wrecked his neck and back doing this shit
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kuroov · 16 days
or in other words, me being a delusional gojo dick rider
this post contains: jujutsu kaisen spoilers, theories, slight gore, religious (Buddhism) talks. My maybe incoherent rambling? No seriously this might be very incoherent and messily put together, so I’m sorry in advance 😭
This is an expanded and refreshed version of my previous theory while I hate what Gege did, I have this odd believe there is a big piece we all are missing and it might be delusions, but I think this piece or rather those pieces are crucial to get Gojo back, so stay strong fellow Gojo lovers
ANYWAYS let’s dig into it
Before we go into the depths of the Jujutsu Kaisen Manga. I want to dig further into Buddhism, because part of it is crucial for this theory.
First of Buddhism basically teaches that human life is one of suffering, it’s a cycle that you can only escape through becoming a “better” person. If you’re bad person, you will be a bad person in your next life and so on, that is until you stop wanting things, until you start letting go off greed, hatred and ignorance etc. It’s believed one shall reach Nirvana and become enlightened when this happens — so to put it in simple words. Good now, good later, bad now, even worse later. Got it?
“The four noble truths”
1. Dukkha (Suffering) — Humans are subjected to desires and cravings, but even when we obtain those cravings, satisfy those desires. It’s only merely temporary. Pleasure does not last, so evenwhen we are not suffering from outward causes like illness or bereavement, we are unfulfilled, unsatisfied because none of this things last, and if they do they become monotonous
2. Samudāya (The origins of Suffering) — Buddha discovered that the root of all suffering comes from one thing and that’s desire, which comes in three forms or rather the three roots of evil.
Greed and desire, represented in by a rooster
Ignorance or delusion, represented by a pig
Hatred and destructive urges, represented by a snake
In the Fire Sermon Buddha has taught the Buddhist Monks more about suffering.
Bhikkhus, all is burning. And what is the all that is burning?
The eye is burning, forms are burning, eye-consciousness is burning, eye-contact is burning, also whatever is felt as pleasant or painful or neither-painful-nor-pleasant that arises with eye-contact for its indispensable condition, that too is burning. Burning with what? Burning with the fire of lust, with the fire of hate, with the fire of delusion. I say it is burning with birth, aging and death, with sorrows, with lamentations, with pains, with griefs, with despairs.
The Fire Sermon (SN 35:28), translation by N̄anamoli Thera. © 1981 Buddhist Publication Society, used with permission
Buddha went on to say the same of the other four senses, and the mind, showing that attachment to positive, negative and neutral sensations and thoughts is the cause of suffering.
3. Nirodha (Cessation of Suffering) — How do you stop suffering? Buddha’s teaching says that you stop it, once you liberate yourself from attachment.
Bhikkhus, when a noble follower who has heard (the truth) sees thus, he finds estrangement in the eye, finds estrangement in forms, finds estrangement in eye-consciousness, finds estrangement in eye-contact, and whatever is felt as pleasant or painful or neither-painful- nor-pleasant that arises with eye-contact for its indispensable condition, in that too he finds estrangement.
The Fire Sermon (SN 35:28), translation by N̄anamoli Thera. © 1981 Buddhist Publication Society, used with permission
"Estrangement" here means disenchantment: a Buddhist aims to know sense conditions clearly as they are without becoming enchanted or misled by them.
When he finds estrangement, passion fades out. With the fading of passion, he is liberated. When liberated, there is knowledge that he is liberated. He understands: 'Birth is exhausted, the holy life has been lived out, what can be done is done, of this there is no more beyond.'
The Fire Sermon (SN 35:28), translation by N̄anamoli Thera. © 1981 Buddhist Publication Society, used with permission
[After death an enlightened person is liberated from the cycle of rebirth.]
4. Magga (Path of the Cessation of Suffering) — The fourth and last noble truth, is the Buddha’s prescription for the end of suffering. This is a set of principles called the Eightfold Path.
The Eightfold Path is also called the Middle Way: it avoids both indulgence and severe asceticism, neither of which the Buddha had found helpful in his search for enlightenment.
The eight divisions. Note the eight stages are not to be taken in order, but rather support and reinforce each other:
Right Understanding - Sammā ditthi
Accepting Buddhist teachings. (The Buddha never intended his followers to believe his teachings blindly, but to practise them and judge for themselves whether they were true.)
Right Intention - Sammā san̄kappa
A commitment to cultivate the right attitudes.
Right Speech - Sammā vācā
Speaking truthfully, avoiding slander, gossip and abusive speech.
Right Action - Sammā kammanta
Behaving peacefully and harmoniously; refraining from stealing, killing and overindulgence in sensual pleasure.
Right Livelihood - Sammā ājīva
Avoiding making a living in ways that cause harm, such as exploiting people or killing animals, or trading in intoxicants or weapons.
Right Effort - Sammā vāyāma
Cultivating positive states of mind; freeing oneself from evil and unwholesome states and preventing them arising in future.
Right Mindfulness - Sammā sati
Developing awareness of the body, sensations, feelings and states of mind.
Right Concentration - Sammā samādhi
Developing the mental focus necessary for this awareness.
The eight stages can be grouped into Wisdom (right understanding and intention), Ethical Conduct (right speech, action and livelihood) and Meditation (right effort, mindfulness and concentration).
The Buddha described the Eightfold Path as a means to enlightenment, like a raft for crossing a river. Once one has reached the opposite shore, one no longer needs the raft and can leave it behind.
The five Skandhas. What are the five Skandhas? They are an essential concept in Buddhist philosophy and psychology, that describe the components that make up the human experience and the illusory nature of a self. They are said to be a big milestone to achieving enlightenment
1. Form (Rupa) — The material or physical aspect of existence. Form encompasses the physical body and the sense organs through which we perceive the external world. Traditionally, these are listed as the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind.
2. Feelings (Serdana) — The feelings or sensations that arise in response to our experiences, including all pain and pleasure. These feelings can be pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral.
3. Perceptions (Samjna) — The mental process of recognizing, identifying, and interpreting sensory information. Perception involves conceptualizing and categorizing our experiences using the information gained by our five senses.
4. Mental Formations (Sankhara) — This includes all our mental activities, including thoughts, emotions, attitudes, intentions, and habitual tendencies.
5. Consciousness (Vijnana) — Consciousness is the subjective knowledge that arises in recognition of the other four skandhas. Simply put, this is your awareness of skandhas one through four.
Like all conditioned or compound phenomena, the five skandhas are impermanent and subject to change and decay. Understanding the nature of the aggregates helps us to realize the insubstantial and impermanent nature of the self and leads to the insight of no self (anatta), which is the foundation of the Buddhist path to liberation.
Buddhahood is the state of an awakened being, who, has found the path of cessation of “suffering" and they are now in the state of "no-more-learning" as they understand the principle of Suffering and how to cease it. Their mind is cleansed from the three roots of evil (Greed/Desire, Ignorance/Delusions, Hate/Destruction). A Buddha is no longer bound to the cycle of rebirth, but has ended the suffering of it alas a Buddha reached Nirvana.
Nirvana means extinguishing. Attaining nirvana - reaching enlightenment - means extinguishing the three fires of greed, delusion and hatred.
Someone who reaches nirvana does not immediately disappear to a heavenly realm. Nirvana is better understood as a state of mind that humans can reach. It is a state of profound spiritual joy, without negative emotions and fears.
BUT there is “two” stages of Nirvana, one in life and one upon death. The one in life marks the state of a Monk, whose got rid off all attachments and Desires while still having an identity (Body, Name and Life). The Nirvana upon death however is the complete cessation or liberation of everything, including consciousness and rebirth.
We are almost there (no we are not)
Bodhisattva means to “seek enlightenment”, it’s the second type of enlightened next to Buddha. The Term however has taken on multiple meanings.
1. Bodhisattava originally referred to the Histrorical Buddha before he reached enlightenment — a Man who has first enlightened himself and then will enlighten others
2. One who achieves enlightenment but not Buddhahood yet — remains on earth to help humans attain salvation
3. Bosatsu is the highest aspiration of Bodhisattava and it’s goal is to save all sentient beings.
Great! Now what does this got to do anything with Jujutsu Kaisen and Gojo?
A lot, because let me tell you. Gojo has never been truly enlightened. But how? I thought his enlightenment was in Hidden Inventory arc.
No we, as the readers have been always under the impression that Gojo was enlightened because of his proclamation, quoting Buddha’s infamous quote. But that doesn’t mean he’s been actually enlightened. Because truth is Gojo was never enlightened.
Satoru Gojo is currently supposed to be 29 years old, however, he isn't. Gojo was sealed October 31st, at around 9:00 pm and unsealed November 19th at an unknown time line. So this means he had spend roughly around 17 days in the prison realm— a space where time didn’t pass for him, and therefore his body has not aged for those 17 days. Gojo’s birthday is the 7th December, but due to the circumstances of the prison realm his body was behind on aging, therefore we adding those 17 days he hasn’t aged to his birthday, the 7th — that would bring us to the number 24. The battle of the strongest was on December 24, so hence that information Gojo is supposed to turn physically 29 that day. But why is the timeline when Gojo turned 29 so important? Because Buddha began his spiritual journey at the age of 29 and this is crucial for Gojo’s possible revival.
As I said Satoru Gojo was born December 7th, 1989 at an unknown time. Instantly the focus was on him, the golden child of the Gojo clan. Why? Because after 100 years, the clan had another potential heir with both the limitless technique and the six eye. It was literally said the balance of the world was altered when he was born, therefore we can all imagine the amount of responsibilities he had. And Gojo most likely was raised with this knowledge, which might be a fundamental reason why we have never seen child Gojo hanging out with people his age. He was either alone or with an adult by his side — but then he went to Jujutsu Tech, he met Suguru, Shoko, Nanami etc. He seemed to finally have friends and what’s more important, he had found an equal in Suguru.
Geto’s department was the reason why Gojo had become a teacher, to foster and guide the new generation and to mend the mistakes that the system did back then with him and Suguru. Gojo wanted to actively create an environment, that would be safe for his students and not make history repeat itself. Personally I believe part of the reason why most of Gojo’s students are considered outcasts in the Jujutsu Society — Maki as someone with zero cursed energy, Toge as someone who can’t even communicate properly because of his technique, Yuta who had a curse attached to him and so on.
But although Gojo cared for people, he still identified them by their strength. And this is another reason why Gojo decided to teach the outcasts of Jujutsu, because he mostly saw the potential in them to be strong, stronger than him under his guidance and share the burden of being the strongest with them or have them outshine him one day. Does this make him a bad person? No, while his selflessness might have stemmed from selfish desires, it doesn’t make him a poor character, but only shades his personality more.
Why am I mentioning this? Because Gojo’s character has always been defined by his strength, his powers — it’s what he identified with, and boosted himself with. And that’s exactly where his flaw lies. Don’t get me wrong, again I’m not saying that Gojo is a bad person or anything along the lines, but I am saying that Gojo is a deeply troubled and complex character and part of the reasons for this are his powers, because he identifies and defines himself by them. Even some of his closed ones define him by his powers.
That being said Gojo had declared to win the battle against Sukuna, because he has no other choice — He’s proclaimed as the strongest sorcerer, so it’s a given he must win, no? HOWEVER Sukuna has never made those claims, he has never called himself the strongest or promised to win on December. What he did say was, that he would kill Gojo and that’s what he did. But fact is Sukuna has never felt the need to attach his identify to titles like Gojo does because, Sukuna is secure in his identity and to be honest he doesn’t give a fuck about anything. He just does want he wants, does things he takes pleasure in and that’s it — A prime example are Haruto and the twin girls, Mimiko and Nanako, he killed them because he just felt like it, simple as that. Sukuna‘s understanding of Jujutsu is also completely different than Gojo’s since he only needs to see something once to understand it and copy it for his own uses. As Angel pointed out, it was a mistake for Gojo to "show" Sukuna how to restore his burnt out Curse Technique. Because Sukuna is able to understand its inner workings and deduce its limits better than Gojo — the fight between him and Mahoraga was another prime example for that. But most important Sukuna doesn’t rely on his techniques, whilst a crucial part of Gojo relies on his six eye to understand and detect cursed energy/techniques.
That brings us to the infamous identity crisis of Satoru Gojo
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The recent chapter had this question stand in focus again, because perhaps we finally get an answer to it now. (Putting this off for now, cause I want to focus on something else) and that’s Gojo’s six eye, specifically a Music Video that has dropped months ago by Eve.
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First of the chopped fish with the six eye, the biggest eye destroyed specifically. Now while this might seem random, hear me out. Sukuna has referred to Gojo as a nameless fish in one panel, the chopped fish is mostly a reference to that but why destroy it’s eye? When Sukuna didn’t even mention anything about eyes and then the biggest one aswell (as if it’s like a core point here) being destroyed and the other two pictures from the mv — Clearly that’s supposed to be Gojo’s eyes, but why the chains over it? (in the anime chains were used to represent a binding vow) and then the chains disappear and suddenly the dark spot pops up (it’s supposed to be blood I’m assuming, but if you watch the video you can see how it suddenly just stains the picture after the chains disappear. In a way it reminded me of Nobara and how she lost her eye) and that brings me to a significant question: Why make it seem as if Gojo would lose his eye? Or perhaps not his eye but his six eye.
In a picture collage I made, there are several pictures of manga Gojo, and one thing stood out in particular about those frames. One eye is always covered or not shown and that Gojo sketch is drawn in his current fit in the manga, even the hair looks similar to how it was drawn when his dead body was shown — so going back to the main point; WHY IS HIS EYE COVERED?
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(Just some examples)
Gege has not done this with anyone so consistently and frequently, but with Gojo. Whose main focus has always been his six eyes; the reason he’s the strongest. The reason his birth altered the jujutsu society is because Gojo has both limitless and the six eyes. In the pictures there are two, where one eye is shown to be injured — he has cuts all over his face, but only one of his eyes is injured directly in the middle of it and it’s the same eye that has been covered up multiple times (this alone is pretty weird but it goes further) Same eye, with a cut/line through it in one picture — looking more bleary than the other eye. Also again in lot of fiction bleary eyes are used to show off blindness. And then the other pictures there, the eye that has been covered and injured before, completely dark now and not even shown and it’s also Gojo’s last move before his death. Again fiction uses one dark eye to represent eye loss (And while I know for anime it’s there to show off rage or badass moments, I believe considering everything this doesn’t sound so far stretched)
And even when he died, you can see that the same eye is more bleary than the other one and even has a subtle line drawn in it, if you look closer. It even seems like it still has some light in it (the little white dot). AND the eye thing has been going on in the anime aswell. shattered glass, blurred eyes — all that.
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[Gege is also working closely with Mappa on the anime, just adding this information to make you consider everything that was stated.]
In his official art of Gojo’s revival he has no stitches, but his eyes is glowing or something like that.
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Keeping this in mind aswell, let’s move onto the point that made run laps through my room. Kenjaku/Geto, Yuki, Toji and Yuji.
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Kenjaku has stated that ever since he possessed Geto’s body he had Moments where he started acting/speaking like him. Furthermore this also seems to be the first time, a body he’s possessed actively tried fighting him. As we see in this panel below (he’s actually trying to choke himself after Gojo called out to him) — now hear me out Gojo’s body is healed, and Yuta is not Kenjaku. He would most likely not resist if Gojo’s body tries to take control over his consciousness. Also according to Kenjaku the Body is the Soul and the Soul body, which is essential to Yuki’s Soul Research and Gojo’s comeback.
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Yes you read right — Yuki Tsukumo has been doing active Soul Research and journaling it. And who owns her Journal now? Itadori Yuji, the Protagonist of Jujutsu Kaisen and also someone who’s able to capture the Soul.
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I am at the picture Limit unfortunately, so I will make a part two that comes out a bit later today
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foxgirlpuddle · 8 months
Revised intro post thingy
Hello Tumblr! I'm Thera!~
I'm a 19 year old transfem polyamorous lesbian disaster that currently has 3 girlfriend/wives and they're all fucking amazing and despite not being with any of them for a super long period of time we cannot currently envision an even remotely happy existence without them!
My hobbies include video games, random crappy stuff on the internet, reading fantasy stuff, and chatting with cool entities online(and also being horny as all bleeding hells online)!
If I had the option between a button that instantly turned me into a girl and one that gave me freeform shapeshifting to my own overpowered desired specifications I'd pick the latter and then start with the basis of normal human girl and then slowly mutate into an eldritch monstrosity that's nonetheless cute and cuddly(the tendrils are for cuddles and lewd stuff too admittedly) and feminine!
Shapeshifting eldritch monstrosity is gender
So is soft cute foxgirl
Anyways! I'm rambling!
Words o words where art thou words!~
I'm loaded with social anxiety and stuff but i do like making new friends!
Feel free to DM me if you want, I'm bad at conversations alot of the time but I'll try!
I still don't comprehend alot of Tumblr but i have a slightly better comprehension now
This blog has 0 theme to it, i look at whatever and reblog random stuff i like
Be warned that I'm a very horny individual and my blog will reflect that
Bigots and the like begone from this place, your foul ilk are not welcome here!~
Welp that's my 2nd version of a self introduction post, slightly better than the first I think?
Hello to whoever reads this!
We wish a nice day upon any who read this~
Edited in addition
Our brain spontaneously split us into 2 heavily blended together cognizant entities that are almost always both present in some capacity if we aren't currently so blended together as to not bother distinguishing (this is surprisingly not actually that common) or if one of us is too focused for there to be spare mental energy to have the other present
A subby cuddly foxgirl
And a Dominant Dragon Anthro who just loves reducing cute girls into molten puddles~
I swear Dragon can't go 10 minutes of interaction without trying to tease someone 🤭
This is a weird but fun thing going on with our brain
Anyways uh
That's that
Bye everyone!
We hope you all have nice times!
Even the assholes out there!
Though we hope they learn and grow as individuals
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therapardalis · 1 year
"No getting up," Julian said as a hand gently laid on her shoulder to keep her from trying. "You took a bad blow to the head." One hand moved to briefly flash a light over both her eyes. Concussion, definitely, among the lacerations and bruising. The lights in the infirmary dimmed just a bit.
"A betazoid smuggler decided to pick a fight with you in Quark's. I'm told it was purely fists until he drew a knife. Needless to say, you have a stab wound in your side. No major organs hit, though." He could hear the drunken ramblings from the Betazoid in the next room alongside Constable Odo's calm replies. There was a hum of a dermal regenerator swinging over her temple, other hand shielding her eyes from the added light. "You'll be alright, but I'm sure the Constable will like to know why the two of you decided to get into it." The regenerator hummed, moving over a bruise on her neck next.
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"I know there's a fucking stab wound, Julian." And the head impact, and the rest of the knocks and bruises, each one gnawing at her as a personal failure. Letting some half-arsed crook score that many hits on her was ... pathetic, to be honest, and Thera was as angry with herself as she was at the Betazoid.
Along with at Julian, though he was by far the least deserving of her ire. But right then to her slightly rattled brain he sounded like every pacifistic sort, who when violence broke out were all too quick to blame the Marine.
Ex-Marine. What the fuck ever.
"We got into it because I was keeping him off everybody else." Dry, a touch bitter; she hadn't just been in a fight, she'd been the protection, holding the line until the civilians had gotten away. "And this is what I got for not just ending the bastard then and there." Which would have given the 'Constable' something to really complain about. Thera hissed over her teeth, threw a sideways glare in the direction of the Betazoid's noise.
"Tell that fucker if he doesn't shut up I'm gonna knock him out cold all over again."
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verysaxyberry · 2 years
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I posted 23,762 times in 2022
That's 2,915 more posts than 2021!
57 posts created (0%)
23,705 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,045 of my posts in 2022
#andraste - 17 posts
#val rambles - 15 posts
#aiyala - 11 posts
#thera - 8 posts
#vyth - 7 posts
#and? - 6 posts
#😔 - 6 posts
#me - 5 posts
#yeah - 5 posts
#correct! - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#like i could see it for the clone wars cartoon but i think eveb that stretches it when you already have dooku grievous ventress and sidious
My Top Posts in 2022:
"Pathfinder this, 5e this-"
My brothers and sisters in Christ, play what you love and ignore everyone else.
But also play 13th Age
5 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
I make fun of Supernatural knowing full well that if I had watched it in high school I would have been really into it
5 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
Had to break the news to my husband that this baby is probably only going to make me crave sweets
6 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
Brawl was the best because it had Pikachu and Samus team up
8 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Played a one-shot that was supposed to be combat oriented, but the ranger didn't want to ya know forcefully evict fire giants from their home. Anyway, our highest charisma character was also incredibly naieve, so you have her doing diplomatic communications with Mr. 6 CHA Ranger jumping in and my Ms. 9 CHA Rogue trying to point out intelligent reasons why the giants should form an alliance with our benefactor, who never explicitly said murder them just clear the way of hostilities, to push back a mutual foe.
Cool thing about the 13th Age RPG system is your character has a one unique thing. It can't be mechanical and it can be as mundane or extravagant as you want, but it is something only your character has in the entire world. My rogue, Aiyala, has a twin named Thera, and they have an actual telepathic connection.
Long story short, this was the only thing going on in Aiyala’s mind for 99% of that one-shot.
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12 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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etherealaberrance · 2 months
When the PWP starts getting worldbuilding, you begin to realize you deeeefinitely fucked up somewhere…
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heartbreaktrio · 14 days
Spent a lot of time writting today and im very proud of myself.
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Sky: Cult of the Light
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Sky: Chaos with your Friends XD
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newromanticsmuses · 2 years
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@therapardalis​ asked: “You keep staring at me instead of watching the film. What’s up?” [Giles]
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He couldn’t quite justify pretending that he hadn’t been staring. For all the time that he spent with Thera, they had never spent time together casually like this. Clearing his throat, he turned towards her. “I’m sorry. I don’t often watch these sorts of things and I wondered--” His mouth went dry and he tugged off his glasses. “Well--the kids have mentioned some strange ritual that involves uh--films and chill or something of the like. I guess I’m just trying to decipher your intentions,” he rambled, his cheeks heating. He was grateful that he couldn’t see her reaction.
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I just know once everything dies down and they manage to go a year without crazy shit happening Thera will immediately go into retirement. The Vanguard will be like "We could give you a job off the field and in the Tower-" and Thera will be like "Nope. I'm done. I'm looking at a house in the City right now with a nice sized kitchen. I will check in at least once a week and you may see me in the Crucible every once and a while. I will see you when I see you." And then she throws up a peace sign and she walks out. Then she peeks her head back in "Oh and btw if you're looking for Crow he won't be living in the H.E.L.M anymore. He'll be with me :) See you!" Because Crow will definitely move in with her. He'll still work as a guardian of course but Thera will want to settle down away from all the craziness for a while. She'll want to live in the city where she'll go out everyday and take walks and share stories with the children and speak with the citizens. She'll want to live a life where she doesn't have to wake up every morning and go out to fight. But she will be ready the second shit starts going down again and this bitch will not hesitate to get out of retirement to protect her city once again.
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