#there *are* some bs rules about blood donation that are based in homophobia amd shit
definite-human · 2 years
There are approximately 10 pints of blood in the human body. When you donate blood, the maximum amount you can give is 1 pint every 8 weeks.
No matter how severe the crisis, no matter how much more you feel others need your blood, no one will let you drain yourself dry to save others. Nor should they - even aside from the ethical issues, realistically there will always be a need for blood. Even the coldest, most utilitarian ethicist would tell you that it is better for them to accept 1 pint as often as you can *safely* donate, rather than letting you risk your health just to get now what you could safely give over the next 2 years.
That's logical, right? None of us are seriously considering asking the red cross to drain us dry, nor do we feel guilty for respecting the reasonable limits placed on blood donation. It's not selfish - it's what's best for everyone.
Right. So why do you feel bad right now about "how little" you're doing about the issues in the world?
Sure, you have some time and energy. You could give all of it. Except that's not what's best for anyone, is it? Because then you won't have any energy left to take care of yourself. To restore your energy. To come back and donate more in the future.
"But I'm not doing anything!"
Ok. Why is that? Because it's not that you don't want to. You wouldn't be upset about it if you didn't *want* to do something. Which means it's because you *can't*.
"But I should be able to! Other people can! I'm just being lazy/selfish/cowardly!"
You aren't other people. You have your own limitations. Plenty of people can't donate blood for reasons as major as being in chemo to something as minor as a slight iron deficiency.
Hell, I've been the person turned away for an iron deficiency. And you know what? It feels petty and stupid and like a personal failing - what, I didn't eat enough spinach so now someone who needs blood can't get it and might die??? Surely I should just give blood anyways - I can cope with being extra dizzy for a few days!
But that wouldn't be safe for me. And again, giving more than I can afford to, risking my health in the long term in order to help out in the short term is mathematically unwise.
Sure, maybe you *could* overcome whatever it is that's preventing you from acting right now. But the fact that you are struggling to do so is proof positive that you *need* the energy and resources you currently have. It's not a moral failing to take care of yourself - it's a long-term investment. Someone *will* need your help in the future. You can only give that help if you survive the present.
So go. Invest in yourself. Heal what needs healing. Fix what need fixing. Build yourself a sturdy foundation socially, financially, and psychologically. When you can't fight a battle, don't use that to put yourself down, but rather take it as inspiration to keep going, keep getting stronger.
I promise, there will be battles to fight when you are ready for them, be that next week or next decade. Don't deny the future all that you could be.
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