lyxiem · 8 years
Red delicious apples being named ‘delicious’ is one of the biggest deceptions of the human race.
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lyxiem · 8 years
so much passion in this baby boy
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lyxiem · 8 years
the best analogy for bisexuals i've ever heard
werewolf: i’m a werewolf person: ok so when you’re in human form you’re a human, and when you’re in wolf form you’re a wolf though. werewolf: no. i’m a werewolf. human form = werewolf. wolf form = werewolf. always a werewolf. no matter the circumstance or appearance, I AM ALWAYS A WEREWOLF
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lyxiem · 8 years
*school bully voice* “where’d you buy THAT outfit, the soup store?”
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lyxiem · 8 years
Hispanic= Spanish speaking
Latino= From latinamerica
A peruvian is latino and hispanic, a Colombian is latino and hispanic.
Someone from Brazil is latino but not hispanic
Someone from spain is hispanic but not latino
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lyxiem · 8 years
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In 1863, Jules Verne wrote “Paris in the 20th Century,” a manuscript that predicted glass skyscrapers, submarines, the technology to land on the moon, feminism, and a statistical rise in illegitimate births. His publisher rejected the story because it was unbelievable, so Verne put it in a safe - where it was forgotten until his great-grandson rediscovered in in 1989.
It was one of the first science-fiction novels written by Jules Verne, but because it was lost in a safe for over 125 years, it was the last to be published.
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lyxiem · 8 years
If you ever want people to think you’re a lesbian wear a tank-top and backwards baseball cap. Trust me
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lyxiem · 8 years
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>Additional Characters: +50% of the price
Hey guys, so…! I’m out of one job and the other is rapidly approaching an end. I’m a non-binary kid off to college next year, and I really really need extra funds. 
I’m adaptable so there are NO RESTRICTIONS FOR WHAT YOU CAN COMMISSION ME as far as content except NSFW, but that will be available in the hopefully near future if it’s something that’s wanted. (I’m not very experienced with it, both gore and sexual content.) 
***Prices listed are starting prices, and may be changed depending on the complexity of the character, pose, or requested color scheme.***
Thank you!! Please consider supporting me even if it’s just the single-color/half-price commission!
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lyxiem · 8 years
mercutio: hey babe-
benvolio, romeo, and tybalt: yeah?
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lyxiem · 8 years
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Let’s be honest here: Mercutio is tumblr’s baby. If there was a poll on favourite Shakespeare characters, he’d win by a landslide. So we had to make a cocktail for him, but we were also very specific about what we wanted to make it suit the character. It had to contain enough hard alcohol to put you in insta-party mode, but it also had to be pretty damn sweet. It had to give off a joyful and incredibly queer vibe while being colourful as fuck. We pondered and pondered, and then it hit us. Now we proudly present: The Mercutio.
Pomegranate juice (red)
Apricot juice (orange)
Mango juice (yellow)
Woodruff syrup (green)
Powerade “Mountain Blast” sports drink (blue)
Blackcurrant juice (purple)
Rhubarb juice (pink)
2 cl vodka
2 cl Bacardi Razz
4 cl Cointreau
Make ice cubes from the various different juices; obviously you can use different flavours so long as the colours match up, but these go well together. (Handy hints: the woodruff syrup needs to be mixed with water, but not too much, else it will turn out turquoise rather than green; the blackcurrant juice works best when mixed with a bit of Powerade and a bit of water, to become more purple rather than dark purple-red; if you don’t like Powerade, Curaçao is an alternative for the blue bits.)
Stack the ice cubes in a tall glass so that they make a rainbow (i.e. in the order they’re given above). Top up with the alcohol - pre-chilled, ideally, so that the ice takes longer to melt. Ta-daah! Drinkable, alcoholic rainbow. Go crash a Capulet party with your boyfriend and the Montacrew.
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lyxiem · 8 years
I kind of wish disney’s ~weird period~ had lasted longer. Like all of a sudden we were getting these films like lilo & stitch and Atlantis and the emperor’s new groove and treasure planet and they were so fun and DIFFERENT. Just thinking about what the pitches for those movies had to have been like is so surreal?? A little blue criminal alien crash lands on a Hawaiian island and gets adopted by two sisters dealing with social services that teach him about the value of family. An Inca emperor gets turned into a llama and john goodman helps him get back to his palace and one of the bad guys talks to squirrels. Treasure island but in SPACE. Like, on the surface, the premise for these films seem so random but they all TOTALLY WORKED IN REALLY GREAT WAYS??? idk I just really miss that early 2000s spark of offbeat creativity in Disney’s timeline.
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lyxiem · 8 years
hades isn’t a badass. hades named his three-headed-guard-of-the-underworld-dog spot. hades whispers to his flowers to make them grow. hades grows fruit. there’s no sun in the underworld.
hades isn’t a badass. stop saying this false thing
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lyxiem · 8 years
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Gustave Courbet, Le Sommeil,1866.
Le Sommeil [The Sleepers], which depicts two women entwined in a post-coital embrace, caused a stir when it was first shown in the 1870s. The police were called in, and the painting was not shown again until the 1980s. But its brief showing had an influence on a number of contemporary artists, and helped challenge the taboos associated with lesbian relationships. For modern audiences it’s a good reminder that people in the 19th century were not ignorant of lesbian relationships, as we tend to believe. And it’s pretty damn sexy, don’t you think?
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lyxiem · 8 years
My kink is people underestimating me and ending up wrong and embarrassed
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lyxiem · 8 years
I want to write an alternative version of Romeo and Juliet where instead of being a little ponce and trying to work things out for himself, Romeo asks his smarter friends what to do about the whole thing and Benvolio and Mercutio come up with the world’s greatest plan:
Marriage of convenience between Juliet and Mercutio.
Think about it.
Juliet’s parents want her to marry into the Prince’s family. Mercutio is a good compromise between no marriage and Paris.
Mercutio probably won’t get his inheritance if he keeps being HELLA FUCKING GAY ALL OVER THE PLACE so a beard is only a benefit to him.
They would probably get along great rolling their eyes at how adorably stupid Romeo is.
Romeo and Benvolio could get a “bachelor pad” right next to Juliet and Mercutio’s house. Every night, Romeo and Mercutio high five as they hop the fence to go bang their one true love.
The second half of the play is just all of them trying to keep up the charade and being “THIS CLOSE” to getting caught all the time. But everything ends nicely because true love conquers all.
Everybody wins. Nobody dies.
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lyxiem · 8 years
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lyxiem · 8 years
Why do people say “oh I can’t eat that it’s breakfast” time is a man made concept and I’m ready for this popcorn chicken
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