#there are 10-15 more tattoos under his clothes btw
jasipereo · 5 months
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This is what adult Leo looks like in my mind’s eye if anyone was wondering 😃
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tundra-tiger · 4 years
Hiya!!!!! @raiswanson tagged me in this, 20 questions to ask your OC. So I’m gonna do everyone’s favorite Talis, the dragonborn paladin himself!!! This is Talis as he is as of the latest short story that I’ve posted on AO3, so to anyone who knows things that happen later, that’s why said things aren’t brought up--this is the newest and freshest of Talis available :3 Fresh out of backstory and into the big city! Prepare yourselves for a lot of uncertainty aLSO HERE’S HOPING THE READ MORE WORKS, BECAUSE THIS IS LONG
1) if they could choose a new name, what would they choose?
Oh! Huh, I uh…. Well… I don’t really know. I… don’t think I’ve ever thought about it, to be honest. It doesn’t… really matter, what I’m called. The name I have is fine [Talis shrugs] I don’t really need a new one
2) what’s a surefire way of making them happy?
Ahh, I’m sorry, I…. I’m… not really sure [He rubs the back of his neck and offers a small, sheepish smile] I’m not doing that well at these questions, am I? Uh… Really, all I need is, uh, I guess down time? When everyone can just sit and rest a bit? 
I think I used to knit. I think… that, used to make me happy
(happy is kind of a tricky thing for Talis, rn, and he doesn’t know how to handle it. Things like hugs or shared snacks or warm, quiet evenings by a crackling fire would make him happy, but also would make him feel a lot of other things at the same time. It’s complicated)
3) what’s a surefire way of making them sad?
Oh, well, the, yknow, pretty usual… I mean…. It’s the… um…
[He’s rubbing his arms and stares off to the side. Shrugs, rubs his arms, shrugs again]
(The answer is a lot. A lot makes him sad)
4) what do they do when they feel sad?
I… [he hunches a little, wrapping his arms tighter around him] I uh…. I don’t know
I’m sorry, I… don’t have anything else to add
5) how do they choose their friends?
Usually, I don’t [Talis laughs softly to himself] Friendship just kind of, happens. Beings who connect well, or work together, or have something in common. Or… someone who reaches out a hand. When you most need it
That’s the kind of friend I want to be. Someone who’s there when people need me most, who can protect those around me
6) what kinds of food do they like?
I’ll eat just about anything, I’m not that particular. Just as long as it’s filling… and there’s enough of it [he chuckles, but then looks uncomfortable]
(Warm, homey foods--stews and curries, harvest foods, bread. That sort of thing)
7) who is the person closest to them?
That… would be Ace. I met him when I uh… first got to town, I guess? [he smiles] He helped me find a place to stay, and… honestly, I don’t know what I’d have done, if I didn’t run into him. I mean, I don’t really know anyone else here, so… I can’t say I have a lot of folks to pick from? But, yeah, Ace. Yeah
(For the record, Talis would have ended up asleep in an alley somewhere, but eventually found his way to a Temple, and likely have found some kind of work and living space there. But things definitely went a lot smoother, running into Ace, and he feels a lot more secure to have the dragonborn to look up to as he gets his feet under him)
8) what kinds of music do they listen to?
Anything that’s, that’s being played, really. I wouldn’t know what to pick if you… asked… which… ah… [he looks like he wants to sink into the collar of his shirt]
9)  if logistics and money weren’t an issue, what kind of animal would they  keep as a pet? (includes fantastical animals like dragons as well btw)
I’m, ah, I’m really in no place to… I mean… I don’t think… [he looks about his room, as if looking for an answer] Uh… a… I don’t… think I need a pet…? Really I… I don’t…. 
(Something low maintenance and soft, like a cat, would probably be good. Maybe a local mouser that he could befriend, he’d love to just sit with a happily dozing cat on his lap ^^ Someday I could also see him getting some kind of pack animal, like a mule, if he has to take to the road with his adventuring party. Even if one of his teammates got a mule, he’d definitely take the time to get to know it and bond with it)
10) what does the landscape of their mind look like?
Uh… [his expression becomes strained] I mean, probably nothing… that interesting…? Like a, yknow, a mind…? I, I don’t know what that would look like…
(His mind looks like a field right before a thunderstorm hits--not as dark as it will be, but dark as night, with a fire in the far distance. A balance of unsettling stillness and precipitating, distant danger
And no, he doesn’t know what to do with it either)
11) why do they like themselves?
Oh, well, um…. [he draws his arms around him] Well, um… I know.... I was called to be a paladin… that… I was chosen. So… that has to mean there was something worth choosing. In me… right?
(this question assumes a character has things they like about themselves, and…. yeah)
12) what do they dream of doing if they had anything and everything open to them?
[he sits very quiet for a length of time] I would… I would ensure… no one would have go through the hell that… [he winces and stares at his hands in his lap. His voice is very soft] I would make sure all had a chance to live well, safely, and freely in the light of the day
13) what fashion choices do they make? do they go more for comfort or style?
I uh… haven’t made many fashion choices lately [he gestures with amusement to his own clothes, which are practical and too big for him, plain workers clothing] I mean, really, whatever’s… available, and sensible for whatever I have to do. Uh… I’m thinking of getting some, uh, gloves soon, it’s, it’s a little cold and… And maybe a, a sweater? Just for days out and about, and, [he holds back a small laugh, looking down at himself] and maybe a splash of color
(Talis loves warm, homespun fashion--vivid marigold and crimson and rich browns, embroidered collars and hems, layered belts and jackets, knitted vests and hats and gloves. Coordinated layers, varying bolder and softer tones, etc… He might decry it, but he loves picking out what to wear, when he actually does take the time to choose what to wear, and doesn’t just go to sleep in whatever he was wearing that evening ^^; Old habits die hard, eh?)
14) if they had to go somewhere without a map, what’s the likelihood that they would make it there without getting lost?
Aaaaaahhh, that would... very much depend on… uh, where this place is…? If I’ve been there…? I, I really haven’t been around, uh, much of Neverwinter yet [he bashfully rubs the back of his neck] I don’t think I could find my way down the street, as it stands
15) what types of people do they attract?
I, um, ah, well… I… I hope I attract people who need my help? So, so I can help them. I’m a paladin, that’s… what I’m here to do
(So far, anyone who’s been around him for longer than half a second has immediately gone “oh no, you need an adult, don’t you?” so mostly: he attracts parents XD )
16) what types of people are they attracted to?
Oh, uh…. Oh. Oh, that kind of….? Ummmmmm….. [his face flushes and he stares at the floor] Um, I really, I really don’t, I… I don’t…. know….?
(Romantically, Talis attraction has been just a giant pile of question marks to me ^^; It’s not something he’s thought much about, and right now, it’s extraordinarily low on his priority list to pursue. He definitely feels some form of draw towards anyone who’s hurt or scared, but it’s more a draw to alleviate that fear/pain than a draw towards the actual person. Yeah, there’s an intimacy to helping another, and he feels it, but that’s all there is, really. He’s got a lot on his plate rn, and isn’t looking for a romantic relationship. He isn’t looking for friends, either, he’s not really looking for anything--he’s just trying to get by ^^)
17) what is their greatest fear?
[his face blanches, and he’s staring at something with unfocused intensity] I……. I……. I don’t…..
I don’t want to hurt anyone [he twists his hands in his lap] I don’t want… anyone to get hurt, because of me
(More specifically, he doesn’t want anyone to use him to hurt others, but he doesn’t really know how to articulate that point)
18) what kinds of body modifications would they do if they could? (e.g. tattoos, dyeing hair, piercings, etc.)
[he idly rubs the scar on his cheek, then pulls his hand away] I hadn’t really thought about that, either… I… don’t know what I’d get… if I could. I don’t really have much to work with here [he laughs and offers a shrugs]
19) what are they insecure about?
I’m… [he unconsciously rubs his wrist] I’m.... I… I-I don’t have time. For insecurities. Thinking… thinking like that just… [he frowns down at his boots] I-I’d rather skip this question, if you don’t mind
(Yes. The answer is yes. He has a lot of them and isn’t ready to admit to any of them)
20) how do they treat people/beings who have less power than them?
You protect them. You look out for them. That’s, that’s just what you do. Anyone who doesn’t look out for those less powerful than themselves doesn’t deserve that power. Then they’re as good as abusing the power in their hands, if they can help another and don’t then they-- Sorry, I, I didn’t mean to… 
[he takes a breath]
I swore an oath to protect and aid any who cannot protect or aid themselves. Because that’s. That’s what you do. If you have strength, you use it to help those without
///The boy. The legend. *waves hands jazzily*
Here’s the part where I tag @jcckwrites and @void-tiger and @skairipaassassin and @queenofhelheimr and @linkhecometotown and @maebird-melody and @gryphongirl and anyone else with an OC? I feel like Rai tagged the whole council, but if any y’all are reading this, I’m tagging you again (only it won’t let me tag anyone else so I’LL JUST BADGER YOU LATER)
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autumn-in-phandom · 7 years
Dan and Phil play Dream Daddy
I loved this video! I was dying of laughter in the first fifteen minutes and just had to make timestamps. Very very long under the cut.
0:00 Phil is wearing his rainbow zebra shirt! Being his best self.
0:03 Wow was that second “daddies” necessary Phil? (Yes, it was.)
0:42 “Cause you know Dan and Phil they like to have the raw naked-”- Dan
0:45 “Immersion”- Phil
0:46 “They just like to go in-”- Dan
0:47 “Are you saying we’re going to have to be blurring some things-”- Phil
0:48 “Bare. What?”- Dan (what?)
0:58 “Give me that Daddiest graphics.”- Phil
1:00 “Oh it’s like Yuri on Ice.”- Dan
1:10 Phil will be a long haired vampire in ten years. Yes, something to look forward to.
1:25 “Phil, don’t do your chin like that, you’re fine.”- Dan (damn fine)
2:07 “Is that your best dad voice?”- Dan
2:14 “Do you wanna be Dad?”- Phil (sass)
2:15 “Phil, everyone wants you to be Dad.”- Dan (the honest truth)
2:34 “Moving house? Oh my god!”- Dan (omg!)
2:45 “Coordinating the headband with the nails.”- Dan (noticing the important stuff)
2:46 “Definitely.”- Phil
2:53 Phil’s yawn, wtf was that? Sounds like a dog.
2:55 “Are you American now?”- Dan
2:56 “I don’t knowww.”- Phil (poor frustrated Phil)
3:03 “Build that Dad!”- in sync
3:30 “Dilddy! No?”- Phil (Dan’s face)
3:36 “Yeah sure. Let’s not think about that anymore Phil.”- Dan
4:04 “Thor. We just made Thor by accident.”- Phil (always with the Thor)
4:07 “Ah the bun hair.”- Dan
4:08 “Man bun.”- Phil
4:09 “That’s very like modern dad aesthetic.”- Dan
4:12 “That’s quite Dil-y”- Phil
4:13 “That’s the most Dil-esque, I think.”- Dan
4:19 “Heart eyes.”- Phil
4:20 “SENPAI!!!”- Dan
4:30 “Can you just have heart eyes the entire game?”- Dan (are you asking for permission Dan?)
4:31 “The whole time.”- Phil
4:32 “Is that just going to ruin the game?”- Phil (no.)
4:33 “Would that be slightly distracting?”- Dan (well, yes.)
4:58 “Noman Rose.”- Phil (has a bit of a Roman nose)
5:10 They love the lips, sassy mouths
5:39 “He banged it on some kind of exercise equipment.”- Phil
5:40 “Wrestling another dad for territory.”- Dan (sure)
5:45 “Yes!”- Phil is excited by facial hair options (and I’m excited for him)
5:50 “More people should have black hair and blonde beards.”- justifying your ginger eyebrows Phil?
5:51 Dan has to think a second before agreeing
5:55 Hunger Games aesthetic, okay.
6:00 “I asked you yesterday if you’d grow a full beard. If you wanted to. Like what’s your answer to that question?”- Phil (I’m going to cry.)
6:04 “What in like twenty years?”- Dan
6:05 “Yeah.”- Phil
6:05 “Yeah, sure. I’ll give it a crack.”- Dan
6:06 “Do you think you’ll ever have a full beard?”- Phil
6:09 “Ever?”- D
6:10 “Ever.”- P
6:10 “Yeah, maybe in like ten years when I finish going through puberty.”- Dan
6:13 “I kinda wanna try.”- Phil wants to try a beard, people! And it might be a different color than his fringe. I see.
6:15 “This is the best part!”- Phil on clothing
6:19 “Can’t you just like have nothing?”- Phil (for underroos apparently)
6:22 “Captain America! Yes!”- Phil (nice six pointed star)
6:25 “Egg nips. I mean totally, I can see that.”- Dan
6:31 Phil saying “Daddy Dil” kills me
6:35 “Cats! With a suit jacket.”- Phil (we have a winner)
6:43 I agree with Dan about that pattern, it reminds me of party centers, roller rinks and tour busses. Phil with the Saved by the Bell reference.
7:00 “Goals. As the kids would say.”- Dan
7:26 “Be that dad. The dad you always dreamed to be.”- Dan
7:28 “Now do we get to date some dads?”- Phil Lester asking the important questions.
7:58 Phil’s second child syndrome
8:13 “No mum’s must exist in this universe!”- Dan (okay Dan, interesting justification)
8:35 “I was just given a bin bag and some sticky stars to say I was a ‘wizard’. Yeah.”- Phil (dang that’s cheap, Lesters)
8:43 “Princess Dragon!”- in sync
8:45 Dan would watch a scaley fairytale movie
9:05 “I wish I had a horse phase.”- Dan (I’m glad I did)
9:09 “Or a Horse Prince phase.”- Phil (he’s not over it)
9:11 “Oh we all had that.”- Dan
9:20 “Why aren’t we going to McFridayz?”- Phil
9:50 Adoption +1
10:00 Kangaroo existential crisis
10:19 “Hit me.”- Dan
10:25 “He knows what to do.”- Dan (getting really into it)
10:30 “Yeah. Then what?”- squeaky over dramatic Dan
10:35 “And then he ran away with a kangaroo.”- Phil (there are two types of people in this world)
10:44 “Just look him up on Facebook! Or did he die?”- Phil
11:02 “The old house!”- fake crying Dan
11:05 Hawaiian backstories, driving distraction
11:15 Hydration: “I can get behind this.”- Dan
11:22 Phil, waving your hands in the air where Dan sneezes is not going to keep the germs away. Maybe if you both actually covered.
11:33 Everyone does bicep curls in this Daddy themed universe
12:12 Dil Howlter house without the owl slide is no Dil Howlter house at all.
12:44 “Dogs!”- Phil
12:48 “CLICK!”- Dan
12:55 Dog to person ratio should be the highest thing on the agenda for any neighborhood
13:11 “Side quest!”- Dan
13:11 “Dog quest!”- Phil
13:12 “Dog time! I’m here for some cute drawn dogs.”- Dan
13:16 Woofing song to the tune of the Katamari theme!
13:27 “What is this idyllic pastel utopia that they’re living in right now? Honestly.”- Dan
13:30 “Where’s the diseased pigeons?”- Phil (London summarized by Phil)
13:47 “DOGS! (toddlers) NOT INTERESTED! (dogs) INTERESTED!”- Dan
13:52 Panting puppies D&P
14:05 “A corgi! Of all the dogs!”- Phil (this is the only reason Phil agreed to play this game)
14:14 “Delet this doggo.”- Dan
14:20 Second “Bork!”
14:26 “Oh god this is the cutest dog. Can we just do dog adoption simulator instead?”- Phil (I’m sure you could)
14:30 “Pet the dog!”- Phil
14:58 “Woah! Irish father of my children!”- Dan
15:13 Gruff and slightly offensive leprechaun
15:18 Puppy role play ;)
15:25 Phil saw the aubergines come out.
15:35 Phil apologizes for “Dilddy”
16:05 Dan loves the freckle representation.
16:22 “Oh my god it’s a Dad Child Proud Of Brag Off”- Dan (very Undertale)
17:33 “Bam. Amazing.”- Dan, “Slapped.”- Phil
19:55 “I’m torn though, cause he has a corgi.”- Phil
19:57 “He has a corgi, but-”- Dan
19:58 “Can we not just date him to hang out with the corgi?”- Phil
20:01 “Can we date him, adopt the corgi and then break up with him?”- Dan
20:04 “Yes!”- Phil (a good plan)
20:33 “I mean let’s just get our own corgi. Let’s adopt a corgi.”- Dan (a better plan)
21:07 Dan would read horse fan-fiction.
21:36 Chocolate coffee beans btw
22:11 “*Sigh* Why would people sit next to you, they always do that though don’t they?”- Dan
22:26 "Am I being helpful or am I cluttering up everyone’s life?“- Dan
22:44 "Oh my god!”- Dan
22:45 “Another Dad.”- Phil
22:46 “With the ta- the glasses, the hair, the piercing.”- Dan (tattoos)
22:49 “Good layering. On the outfit.”- Phil
22:51 “Definitely.”- Dan
23:00 Dan doesn’t like the “too cool” vibe.
23:13 Husky voice ;)
23:38 Dan would not be able to hold a conversation with this guy in real life. Probably because he sounds too much like himself.
23:48 Iced Tegan and Sara (yay!)
23:02 Phil got the pun!
24:49 Couches (Starbucks sofa)
24:50 “Okay Amanda, wow. Life isn’t all about listening to cool music. It’s about enjoying the music that you like.”- Dan
25:00 Good lumbar support is important. It’s comfier than their couch. *giggles*
25:48 “Okay I’m about this.”- Dan (feeding kink)
25:50 “He’s got food!”- Phil
25:53 “Yes. Tick that box.”- Phil
27:08 Phil likes Mat’s awkwardness
27:10 Dan is on the fence: “I don’t know how to feel. Runs a coffee shop, bit of a hipster, is socially awkward, gives you banana bread. I think it’s looking mostly good.”
27:27 “Ohhhh.”- in sync (using 'baby’ in flirting)
28:00 “Wow. Are we adults? Cause we just moved recently.”- Yes Dan, you are adults.
28:08 “Do I smell bad?”- Phil
28:09 “Noo.”- Dan with a quick sniff, barely leaning in, he clearly already knew the answer.
28:16 They agree that the dark and mysterious stranger is the most intriguing part of the story. Stupid look at camera.
28:30 Acknowledging that they still have boxes
28:42 Pink duck, succulents and XBox 360 “Nice”- Phil
28:56 “Get the hell out of my life!”- Dan
29:00 “He’s too perfect already.”- Phil
29:08 “Robot. Robot. Robot.”- Phil
29:36 “Guffaw.”- Dan
30:13 Yeah, just move again guys!
30:28 Phil feels bad for kangaroo jokes earlier.
31:11 Phil likes the do over, time flipping, reset thing.
31:33 Louise story mention.
32:18 “What is that wink?”- Dan
32:30 “All of these daddies are mixed bags.”- Dan desk slamming returns
32:40 “He’s a bloody angel. He’s an angel.”- Dan
32:42 “He’s got a dark secret.”- Phil
32:44 “But also angels are terrible. Stop feeling bad by comparing yourself to an angel.”- Dan
32:48 “Dark secret.”- Phil
33:07 “Plot twizzle.”- Dan
33:45 “They are definitely possessed. I told you, dark secret.”- Phil
34:05 “Christie, Christian and Chris. Wow.”- Dan
34:08 “Evil.”- Phil
34:09 “Definitely.”- Dan
34:28 Exorcist
34:34 “Time for the nappy ding dong.”- Dan
35:01 “Bro”- Dan  "Bro"- Phil
35:20 That look
35:22 “Old college roommate.”- Phil
35:23 “Just sayin.”- Dan
35:35 “River. Oh my god.”- Dan (good name)
35:42 Nice baby gurgling Dan
35:51 “Survived that hazing together.”- Dan
36:00 Phil enjoying the matching eyebrows
36:06 “Maybe they got that scar together, doing something, as roommates.”- Dan
36:30 “Copacabana.”- Dan
36:50 “Clearly we didn’t have the American college experience. We did the Smirnoff Slam.”- Dan
37:05 Jogging with baby imitation
37:12 “Wow. Dilddy is just every person probably on the internet and YouTube, in the community watching this.”- Dan
37:25 “Wow. So relatable.”- Dan (shush Dan, #relatable is your schtick)
37:30 “How is he so ripped if he never jogs though?”- Phil (umm you selected that body type and said he works out.)
37:37 “Bro brunch.”- Phil, “A bro brunch?!”- Dan
“Why do we never have bro brunches?”- Dan, “I don’t know”-Phil
“What the hell is a bro brunch?”- Dan, “I don’t know.”- Phil
37:52 “Jog on, Craig.”- Phil, “Jog on, Craig? Jesus.”- Dan
38:18 “I mean, there’s like, stuff in that, isn’t there.”- Yes Dan, they’re tomatoes.
41:01 “The blonde guy.”- Phil
41:10 Phil likes coffee shop guy. Gee I wonder why. Dan is unsure, too cool.
41:30 Dan likes the blonde: confidence, wants to make you happy, “that’s who Dilddy needs in his life, at this important time.” (Dear god Dan can you not?)
Phil still thinks he’s a robot with satanic children. Yep.
41:51 Gee Phil you don’t seem into it. (probably just tired, maybe headache)
42:08 “Thumb it”, tickle, etc.
42:45 “Get a dog.”- Dan
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