jasipereo · 4 months
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“3 tickets to Challengers please”
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ilovespacefumez · 10 months
marl, riebeck, and gabbro?
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you did this to me
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malriebro!!!! Cuties
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that's it!!! bye bye take care :)
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I finally fell down the "Descendants"-rabbit hole (better late than never) and watched all three movies back to back. Here are my first thoughts that came to mind:
Maybe a controversial opinion, but the third one was the best in my eyes and the first one gets the last place, even though it has many wonderful moments too. (That being said, I deeply dislike the very last scene of the third movie, since even for a Disney-movie, everything seemed to be forgiven way too fast and easily.)
2. Say what you want about the movies, but the actors are very talented and dedicated and the songs are absolute bops that will hold up for a very long time.
3. I have never had more conflicted emotions about any protagonist than I have about Mal (I might make a separate post about it later, but others have explained it better than I could, so... :) ).
4. Evie would've been more fitting ruler, in my opinion.
4. My shipper-heart beats into so many directions, but I can't truly root for Ben and Mal. The way their love story began was shady (beautifully expressed) and they both had better connection and chemistry with so many other characters.
5. Ben was done so dirty multiple times, and I feel like he is very underrated.
6. Speaking of chemistry... Harry Hook seems to be Theo Raeken of the "Descendants"-universe - he has chemistry with literally anyone. A huge part of me loves Huma and wanted them to end up together, but the connection and sparks he, Gil and Jay have going on.. ;) I also wanted to know more about the obvious romantic past between Hook and Mal. (Hook seems to be one of my favorite characters in many fandoms, huh.)
7. The fact that they didn't make Malvie canon is a huge crime (nothing against Doug, though, he is a great guy).
8. Uma and Audrey deserved so much better, to be honest.
9. Carlos is such a wholesome and sweet bean, he deserves the world as well. I would love to have him as a friend. What happened to Cameron was so tragic and unfair, and thinking about it while seeing his radiating presence on screen made me constantly tear up.
10. I never would've thought I'd say this in any circumstance, but Hades is hands down the best villain-parent and I truly hoped to see more of him.
All in all, I liked the movies way more than I thought I would and they make me feel really nostalgic. ...Plus, the songs will surely be stuck in my head for the next couple of weeks.
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homogeenilamppu · 11 days
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Can't believe I haven't drawn them since January
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macabrecabra · 3 months
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Has been a LONG while since I've picked up the drawing pen to draw characters/faces...so did a five minute warmup of two characters that have been bouncing in my head!
Au'Shura is a character I'm importing into my world from elsewhere! The ambitious prince with a plan and of course, his bodyguard Malari, a tough old warrior who's seen it all at this point.
They are both of a race in my world called the Talvis, known as winter elves by some people around the memory sphere.
Want to do a full-body of both at some time and get em ready for art fight <3
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levitheeldritch · 16 days
*During a conversation with my dad about me becoming a psychologist.*
Dad: Well, you would be the first doctor on my side of the family. Not your mom's though.
Me: Oh? Who's a doctor on Mom's side?
Dad: Malry.
Dad: And her husband's a brain surgeon.
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eternal--returned · 5 months
Christie prowled around his mind that night, as so often.
B. S. Johnson ֍ Christie Malry's Own Double-Entry (1973)
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cruelmiracles · 6 months
Again the charming old lady [Christie's own mother] paused, reflected, and went on: 'I even allowed you to keep a pet, a cat, in order to encourage some kind of loving in you, despite the fact that Austin inevitably meant more work for me in skinning and braising the mice and other small creatures he regularly bought in. Fortunately for you, Austin passed over four months before the occasion of this statement I am at present making, so you are thus spared, Christie, the expense of having him put to sleep at the veterinary surgery. But how I laughed when you first lisped, "I do love pussy!"'
B. S. Johnson ǁ Christie Malry’s Own Double-Entry (1973)
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seek-tomahawk · 1 year
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Academy Paladins from my dnd game
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heartbreakfeelsogood · 7 months
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fan designed merch! via malry on instagram
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welcomingdisaster · 28 days
(if you saw me just make the same poll, no you didn't, i just got another idea i wanted to put on it)
Magrîs: keeps the "shape" of Maglor's name a little better imo, but fewer of the elements. "Mag" from Maka/"cleaver" in "Maglor," "rîs" for "lady" or "queen."
Malris: keeps more of the elements, though changes the connotations. "Mal" from "malt," for gold (now as the element, not light); "ris" for "cut" or "slash," keeping the "cleaver" name.
Magloth: "cleaving" + "flower" - something something maidenhood & lost innocence
Maglos: "cleaving" + "snow/gleaming white." Not entirely sure how I would justify it, but it suits the "shape" of the name well.
they… may both be incorrect. i welcome people to tell me if this is the case. I am aware "Maglor" is technically gender-neutral, but for the vibes would prefer to change it (switching up several other characters).
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jasipereo · 5 months
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This is what adult Leo looks like in my mind’s eye if anyone was wondering 😃
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partiallypearl · 3 months
Surf Surf Crazy - a liper Teen Beach Movie au
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Or the summer before senior year, Piper and Leo find themselves getting dropped into Leo’s favourite movie, Wet Side Story. With all the hijinks one would expect from a 1960s movie about surfers and bikers, the two friends start to realize things about where they stand in the world, and in their friendship.
tagging: @jasipereo @malrie @happinessismagicc @lazarusphenomenon @blackgwenstacy @kyoukainokanata @ishades
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beanmom-blogs · 11 days
FFXIV Write 2024 Prompt#10 : Stable
“You know I love you, correct? Just not in the way that men and women are supposed to love each other.” She hesitated, shifting her tiny frame on the oversized chair. “I cannot. I will not. I cannot be for anyone what a wife is supposed to be. I am too frail, too sickly. Too much in love with living life to be in love with any one man in it.”
Rousellmont sat across from her, lounging on a sofa. In essence, with her in a small chair and he on the larger lounger, they almost gave the illusion of being of a similar size. They both fit the same amount of space on their respective seats. But it was just an illusion, and illusions were something Rousellmont was intimately familiar with. “My foolish friend, are you still determined in your head of heads and heart of hearts that I am chasing after you? How long have we known each other, Malrie? Have I ever, even once, indicated an intention beyond this friendship? What are you reading into my actions, Mal-adroit?”
Her eyebrows rose, as well as her shoulders, a shrug to fit her proportions. “It wouldn’t be the first time, Rose. Kinky lustful men look at me and think it might be a novel thing to have me on their arm. Men who say they want nothing, but show more in their eyes. I’m just making for certain you are not merely better at hiding said intentions. You have always maintained that certain mysterious streak, that walk through life as if you have walked through life since you were born and not grew into it as everyone else.”
His head tilted, one eyebrow rising along with his own shoulders this time. “A fair assessment, confidence as well as a security of mine own place in society leaves me with little room for letting the trivialities of life bear into me so.” He wasn’t about to tell her how close to the truth she was. Not yet. In time, perhaps.
“Rousey, what is it your stubborn self is hiding, hmm? And do not tell me ‘nothing’, I may be youthful still yet, but being as I must sit and observe through all these long and boring days, I see that which others do not.”
Or perhaps this was the perfect opportunity. He sniffed once, leaning forward. Letting his elbows rest on his knees, bringing his hands together in a light clasp. “How tired of the games are you, My Lady Feaugard.”
Her head pulled back at being addressed by him in so formal of a manner. “Games? What games? The ones where I flirt but I mean naught by it all and the men all flock around me for a chance that they’re never going to receive?”
“Yes. Precisely. I know you find it entertaining, but do not you also find it exhausting? I see the lines on your face, the ones that should not yet be there. I hear the weary tone in your voice when you have been entertaining for bells and would rather go lie in bed but society dictates you continue till even further bells have passed. I hear your words, that you have not the proper desire to be that which most women yearn for. You could have any pick of any eligible man yet you turn them all down time and again. Those with whom decide to ask. A breaker of hearts, though always done so soothingly that they are still smitten with you despite it all. What toll does such take?”
“My Lord, what is it you are getting at. What does this have to do with the secrets lying in wait behind your eyes. Tell me true, are you after what they are after? You know I cannot let it be so. Please. Save yourself the humiliation… save our friendship.”
He rose up a finger. “I am not. Though I do look to offer you an opportunity. Our friendship will remain just friendship, naught else. However. I offer to you a chance at something stable. Secure. For I love you too, but not in the manner in which men and women are meant to love each other. I wish the best for you, I wish you to be free of those societal chains, I wish to offer you a calm life. A full life. A life you choose for yourself, not one with which others choose for you.”
“But you still wish to make me your wife.”
“I do. In name only. You would have your own spaces, I would have mine, but I would ever be there, a ring of a bell should you need me for anything at all.”
Staring at him for a longer, quieter time, she chewed at her lip. “Security. Stability. And your explicit promise that our marriage would be only for the title of Husband and Wife, naught else expected nor wished for nor hoped for?”
“My explicit promise.”
Her eyes flickered over his face, trying to read the curves and lines of it, pressing her gaze at the blue-green of his eyes. More long moments of silence before she replied in hushed tones, “Tell me more.”
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homogeenilamppu · 8 months
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hazellvsq · 11 months
hazel levesque fic recs:
i put this together from ao3 and ff.net, the criteria is that the fic is good and does something interesting with hazel. most of them are under 10k or 5k words, and i tried to roughly group them by pairings or by subject so people can go for what they're interested in (romance, friendship, au, whatever)
pre-series: Horses by SpellStorm, Opposites by Band10hut, A Land Beyond the Gods by TagTheScullion, Unnatural, A Minimal Height of 54 by hecatea, blessed joan, duty bound to God, give me courage by staybeautifulnow, Hazebug by Leaf Skeletons
gen/au: Hazel’s Problem by MikeWritesThings, Ignis Aurum Probat by romanitas, not a second time by seaweedbraens, A Short Story on the Revival of Hazel Levesque by LastHope, the end of the line by Pets, all my flowers grew back as thorns by revelationinthelightofday, when i'm ready i will fly us out of here by blackcatintherue, Sixty Days, Make Death Wait, Maximum Security, So Be It, A Brief History of Dance by HecateA, Turn My Sorrow into Treasured Gold by Thatcrazyfan, Tired by Donzepan, Cross My Heart And Hope To Die, interregnum by bunnyinthemeadow, golden gods by adaimperium
hazel and nico: How the Death Squad Saved New Years by scrhaiser, We Have Each Other Now by ikeasharksss, Brother of the Bride by celestialshimmer, Centuries by FlyingBoar, in the bleak midwinter by yrbeecharmer, i don't wanna be alone like this (why don't you make it what you want it to be) by rainnows, Those Who Run by HecateA, spring's stepchildren by dovetail (icedmango)
frazel: Do I Wanna Know by PastyPirate, Cold Toes Heavy Shoulders, Burned Out, Behind the Scenes by notcoolenoughtobehere, In the Stables by TheGirlWhoRemembers, Un Peu d’Amour, un Brin de Miel by mautadite, ghost hunter, 20 by waddled, It's Nice To Have You With Me Tonight by queerlettuce, A Way to Hurt by FoxyAtlas, I'll Keep You Warm (When You're Frozen to the Bone), Half bloods, assemble!, HALLOWEEN EXTRAVAGANZA 2017 by sssssssim
hazel friendships: the sketchbook, The Red of the Rising Sun by femmepire, mea maxima culpa by ExceedinglyPeculiarChick, For the girls by MagnusFierro2020, Embers in My Fingers by auristelaswife, Old Eyes by theforgetfulalchemist, Hazel's Hair by Vikingfangirl23, dance of the corpses by rosegoldblood, just as we have by 723, Hold on to the memories (they will hold on to you) by anna_was_here, if we make it through december, everything's gonna be alright, i know by polypanpercyjackson (ineedibuprofen), Cards, Monster Fighting, and Other Girly Things, glitter in their eyes, smoke in their lungs by ash_ish, Outside Assistance by malrie
hazel rarepairs: Hazel’s Wash Day by afuckingcastleintheclouds, Birthday 20 by HecateA, Master of the Stick by ryoku, Domestication of the common vampire, Reunion by historicallyredacted, digital love by rosegoldblood, aurum et argentum, There's something in the way you roll your eyes by Thunder3Zigon7, our love was made for movie screens by levesquelsimp
ensemble fics/non-hazel fics with good hazel content: twist your brain around by artfulacrostic, Tattoo by ricecookerwritings, Stucco Hearts by ananbeth and writergirl8, The New Rule by books4belle, Siamo Nei Guai by kingburu, a necessary not-evil by Notebrooke, Mortals Meet Demigods by MaryaDmitrievnaLikesSundays, Apartment 305 by waddled, we could walk straight through hell (with a smile) by seaweedbraens, Hold Tight and Pretend it’s a Plan by Rynna_Aurelius, The Standard Job by CrystalZelda, Caged by historicallyredacted, Connected by Chaoticneutralpaladin, memento mori by rosegoldblood, Invictus Maneo by adaimperium, Only Honey in the Valley by Baye
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