#there are a million more ways i could take this but im just sayin things at this point
strawberryseeded · 3 months
number 1: why is he so crazy even BEFORE becoming a jujutsu sorcerer
it seems like he had a normal and happy upbringing, he never even met his real parents or had any contact w the sorcery world before the events in the series (his own birth doesnt count) so WHY IS HE LIKE THIS T-T
im so serious. he is UNHINGED. its like his survival instinct kicks in a million years later than normal. stubborn and sturdy almost to a fault, both physically and mentally, always running towards danger unprepared, getting seriously hurt, and getting back up again. like yea ok todo picked him up during his fight w mahito but, dude, itadori has died TWICE in the series till now n hes still going, his will stronger than ever before (ya know wat they say tho, 3rd times the charm am i right hahah*WRECKS THE ROOM*)
i mean even gojo says hes not ok in the head in like chapter 5 (FIVE!!!!!!!!!)
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tbh this is the question that bothers me the most but its also prob the one that will never be answered...man..
number 2: did he fucking eat his sibilings.....(spoilers: wrong question)
......who are not rly people i guess..or human.... they are curse/human hybrids which were never truly "born" so they are uh...wombs..or fetuses or smt like dat...mmh yeah knowing this doesnt make it sound less horrifying..
at first i thought he had eaten sukunas last "missing" finger cos he looked so disgusted while saying so (yay sukuita hatred is mutual💕👰🤵)..also hes eaten like 15 of those things till now, so yanno its our daily bread for him..
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but then hes talking 2 choso abt this n its like..dude...... dude what do you mean living as a part of you..
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& obviously since hes itadori yuji they didnt take over n instead he got their powers and techniques. i think thats where he got his cool new armor that kinda looks like tough flesh.
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and apparently he can manipulate his own blood also, which again i think its the result of eating the death paintings. he made it explode in sukunas face lol but idk if he can do other things w it maybe i missed smt.
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he learned to use the technique super fast too BUT thats probably due to the "cheating" yuta metions when sukuna asks how the fuck did they power up so fast. i saw a yt video theorizing this was maybe due to training done in a simple domain that compresses time (like when maki trained w the sumo guy)...idk dude..
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(btw i think so, so often abt how gojo theorized that itadori maybe could use sukunas technique/s since itadori was borrowing his cursed power….i wonder if he never could do it cos sukuna was so freaking uncooperative until the bitter end aka their soul divorce lol.. bc clearly itadori is capable of learning techniques that are not his own..idk idkkkk just sayin….wondering…)
OH YEA i almost 4got cos i just made another post abt it but he can also use the fucking reverse curse technique as well. bro even gojo had trouble mastering that..like again yea they "cheated" but still wow.
number 3: this freaking dude can touch souls now
ok we kinda knew this already from mahito and itadori's 1st fight but..this scene:
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they switched bodies!!!!!!!......????? i think???!! and i cant think of other reason except an "exchange of souls" bc in jjks world sukunas soul habiting itadoris or megumis body, or the death paintings taking over human bodies are possible ways in which a soul can get inside another body. whats more, mahitos or nobaras techniques can directly affect the soul so this shud totally be possible.
& it looks like itadori in particular can affect others' soul with precision.
the question is How the hell..... bc as far as we know no one else has this power amongst the surviving sorcerers (i want her (nobara) back so bad rn....)
IT COULD BE that book choso got from yuki that contained all of her research abt the soul..still, itadori is the only one whos shown to be able to actually be able to do this so accurately. sukuna is the one who confirms it:
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yea idk dude itadori yuji is an absolute beast..im so weirded out when i see ppl underestimate him n caling him an npc, dumb, etc, lol ToT he is such a good character it drives me insanies ..i didnt even touch on his thematic weight in the series (bc OF COURSE, as the main character, he is key in this. his beliefs are core to his character and directly opposes sukunas, in spite of the asshole always laughing in his face about ..just kidding its obviously BECAUSE he is so different from itadori that he just doesnt get it n simply disregards him as a powerless idiot..i mean we r talking abt the guy who valued power so much he casted away everything else, even his own humanityaaaAAAH ok ill shut up nowwww)
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foryouthegays · 4 years
techno liveblog w timestamps lets go for ‘a new home (dream SMP)’ stream
good laugh times: 00:13:50, 00:14:55, 1:38:45, ik it doesnt look like a lot but like u should watch the stream anyway bc philzas there and his laugh is amazing and they just go so well together
times techno calls phil his friend: 00:6:00 00:37:00, 00:45:17, 0:1:09:30, 01:11:15, 01:26:35, 01:50:05, 2:35:00
i like how, when faced with Leaving Youtube, techno would choose to be an author. i want a book by techno. reblog this if u want a book by techno (with an audiobook by him as well) /hj. 00:1:33
i love how he says ehhhhhh so much lskjhdfas (abt 2 mins in) 
who the FUCK just remembers that the word fortuitous exists wtf 00:5:17
00:8:55 tommy time :/
i love how much philza laughs at technos jokes bc pretty much everything he says IS a joke he just says it in such a serious voice that p much everyone else is like,,,yeah,,,,yup,,,,and phil just knows when hes joking and his laugh is so good with technos voice. sbi? whos that? i only know philza and technoblade
00:19:30 ghostbur joins! this is my first time hearin ghostbur btw
00:19:40 haha string axe technos so bad at crafting what a fool /j
00:21:07 ghostbur: “Even I remember how to make a fishing rod!” ghostbur u just MURDERED technoblade oh my god im gonna scream hgjdfksla i love ghostbur so much
00:23:55: GHOSTBUR NO!! DON’T DIE YOU’LL BECOME A DOUBLE GHOST!!!! -technoblade 2020
00:24:55 technoblade neva lies -guys he almost did the technoblade neva dies ahh!!!!!
i havent heard anyone talk about this but techno has a dedicated roleplay voice. like listen to him talk to tommy at 00:25:08. his voice gets more even, he uses names a lot more often (seriously, listen to his theseus speech. he says tommy so often, its incredible.), and his voice gets,,,,deeper? not deeper but smoother, in a way, and he repeats what he says for emphasis instead of humor. and his voice is louder, and he seems more assertive. 
00:27:30 philza: where we goin, by the way? techno: to our- to my new home. 
techno cmon let phil live w u wed get so much more content cmonn
00:28:50 the fact that he calls the manhunt theme “dream music” makes me laugh so hard. and then his version of it,,,,,m love he (also he sings it here and at  01:14:20)
00:35:10 why is ranboo so cryptic im-
why does he just casually know the word sentry wh at i hate him 00:39:45
this is the worst sentence (structurally) ive ever heard techno say im gonna cry 00:49:33 ‘im too busy thinkin of new ideas to sleep so i could actually execute them’ and tubbos *oh?* after is just hdsfgkjlka
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LKSJDHFJK 00:51:49
techno: thats one of dreams powers, he can just stop the rain
tubbo, quietly: like jesus!
i love them sm dsfhkjla they kept going but i jus gdfhjksa jesus has op
techno @ being the second worst thing to ever happen to those orphans: haha funnie!!
techno @ having fun w religious stuff: i wILL BE CANCELLED NO-
00:58:10 “hey if ur [ghostbur]  a ghost, do instant damage potions heal you now?” “...no,, they hurt me still :(” DSIULZKJHFSLKFJH 
01:04:00 his brother named the cow bob im- aww 
also he has a fanart wall again!!!
01:09:30 “phil, you’re the only friend i have left in this world.” aWWWWW HE GAVE HIM THE COMPASS 
“dont smoke, it’s a joke” -technoblade 01:14:15
ROLEPLAY SPEECH VOICE IS BACK AT 1:16:10 “they pillage my base for everything i’m worth, they use me for the revolution, but oooOOOoo i took a pickaxe with his consent? oOOOooOo i’m a thief!”
holy shit 01:17:15 “you know what, phil? for you, the world, alright? it’s fine.” oH MY GOD HHHHGHG (context, right before they were arguing bc phil took some blocks from his base and techno thought that when he said phil could take anything he meant from the chests)
the COMIDY of that villager coming in and sleeping while techno was readin donos at 01:22:05 RIGHT AFTER phil freaked out abt inturruptin his dono readin im SFDHKJLA:
techno talkin bout the winstreak and how he wont be able to live up to that sort of playin at 01:22:30ish is super important and ill transcribe it tomorrow, but if u can id highly rec watchin it. 
01:24:20 “[readin dono] what’s your favorite movie? uh, the princess bride is pretty good” techno ily that movie rocks also he said it so fast like hes ashamed of it noo
techno says no to canon ranboo son btw! 01:25:30
01:25:55 “i wasnt in that story, therefore it doesnt matter” all of technoblr be like 
01:37:49 is great lemmie transcribe
“how have you still not gotten a second monitor?? holy shit.”
“let me tell you something. and im only telling you this because i know that so many people in the chat are gonna be furious. so i recently realized- i think the second monitor can just be any ol’ monitor, right? you literally just plug it in, and its set up? well i mean you have to turn on some settings, but like, thats it, or something?”
“yeah,,,,, uh techno you fuckin destroyed my chat, by the way, oh my god, [earlier techno told his viewers to twitch prime philza] there has been like 40 primes just flying through”
“yeahhh twitch prime!!! twitch prime philza yeahh!!! so anyways the other day, i like, i looked to my left, and realized that my old monitor has been like, five feet away from where i sit and stream for the last three years?”
“oh my god...”
“so i- i literally do not have to leave my room to set up a second monitor and i havent. and i’m still usin my laptop for this stream.
“is this gonna be one of those situations where you like, you have a thing, you just refuse to do the thing?”
“listen, my desk is-
“bruhhhhh [philza laughs] thats FREE VIEWS what are you doing??”
“ill open it at 8 mil :/.”
“you could LITERALLY make a video of you just like, throwing it off a wall, and then thumbing up, like doing a thumbs up, and then that would be it. 10 seconds. ten seconds. thumb and elbow in shot. [laughs]”
techno is such a disaster i love him
01:34:18 the way techno says “tommy, that statement has NEVER been true” i dont like sayin i simp for block men but GOD sometimes his voice is nicer than usual hhhgn
“man i sure wish tommyinnit was in this stream” -nobody ever (just after previous timestamp)
01:40:15 is fuckin hilarious and im actually crying oh my god techno just says things and says them well with a completely straight face how does he do it
i cannot WAIT until theres a president w the last/first name andy so we can say president andy and think abt technoblade
i love when techno talks abt his vids. like u can tell he puts a lot of thought into the vids (esp these ones) and like at 01:47:00 he talks abt the “I DIDNT PUT DEAPTH STRIDER ON THOSE BOOTS, FUNDY!” and how its just that creepin realization that you were doomed from the start and how he made the armor, he isnt intimidated by the netherite bc he didnt enchant it all the way and only he knows that,,, and i just,,,hgg he
he reveals that hes writin the next arc at 01:48:00: “oh, speakin of arcs, chat, i’m writing the next arc. so, you know. hope nothin bad happens in two weeks, chat!” IM SO EXCITED like he clearly has his character fleshed out and is SO good at writing and retellin history im so so excited to see where he takes it AHHHH and also taht means he might stream more bc he might make his character more important (keep in mind this is the guy who wrote self insert hypixel fanfics. he has no shame in puttin himself first and i respect him so much for it) 
01:51:20 “they’re tryin to get a second customer but they’re riskin their first” is lowkey a good line
has anyone else noticed that techno says wise a lot? like at 01:55:10 he literally says “wise dragon armor” as a joke but like i think he says wise so much BECAUSE of skyblock like hjkfdsla
01:57:30 techno plea se eat 
ok 1:58:45 is hilarious and all but at the end of his ramble he says “come back, i miss you” and lowkey im crying 
techno needs to stop knowing his audience more than we know ourselves im hsfkjda 02:05:25 “the chat’s spammin ‘eat technoblade, eat!’ like they’re not gonna start, like, theyre not gonna get super sad if i ended the stream right now, like theyre not gonna all cry ‘i miss technoblade *sniffs* why- whyd he leave to eat food, why did he listen to our advice noooo’”
02:17:40 “i could start a potato farm out here to show how much ive changed” techno last time u made a potato farm u started an entire war that lasted a year that does NOT say calm and retired to me lskgdfjagsldj
02:23:00 why does techno just reference greek mythology so much. makin me scared for his arc. 
also he talks abt smp earth a lot in this stream i love it so much
i also just. love?? how much sbi respect tommy like they bully him but when talkin bout him they just have so much respect for how much work he puts into youtube and i just,,,,hgnn they r friends 
02:33:13 sbi streamer house lets go cmon
02:34:15 “i think if i streamed every day i could keep up” on one hand YE S  but on the ohter oh god techno no we have to keep up tho
hearing techno say “violence isnt the answer” is so scary  02:35:40
02:37:30 technosneeze 
hiS BROTHER SENT HIM 46 DISCORD MESSAGES SFKDJLFLKASF 2:49:25 i love his end screen so much hes just sadness,,,,retirement,,,t,echnoblade,,,the government is going to fall on its own due to lack of organization and ideals,,,,,,subscribe,,,,,sadness,,,,,also 2:50:45 is making me laugh so hard its just sad music and technos like??? whys phil in my house drinking milk????? 
overall, fantastic stream, if ya want some chill techno philza content i highly recommend. 
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angelmichelangelo · 4 years
i’m about five years too late and nobody asked for this except me and i need to just get this out of my brain because it’s 2am so here’s a list of things i wish happened on glee that didn’t HERE WE GO:
- new directions being actual teenagers. just them hanging out. going to group sleepovers. giant study sessions (because school exists in this universe?) like remember in tpp when they were eating lunch together ? that’s what i wanted MORE of. just them being actual friends. a sleepover episode is all i wanted imagine all the abba songs we could have gained from that episode
- a halloween themed episode. the closest to this that we got was the ‘thriller/heads will roll’ mashup which YES was iconic but im greedy and it’s not enough. my idea for a halloween episode is that the gang gets trapped inside the school after staying behind to idk rehearse? or something? and then things get progressively worse as they start to go a little mad, thinking the school is haunted and they split up into pairs trying to find an escape and they think they’re seeing ghosts/someone lurking around the school and they’re getting real spooked but it turns out it’s just sue fucking with them lmao
- kurt and finn being brothers. THE POTENTIAL WAS THERE and sadly after furt we are left with crumbs. why ?? WHY?? little moments like finn saying that he’s driving back home with kurt or them saying they can’t do something because they have a family thing would have been good enough. more scenes of them hanging out in their home with their parents would have been *chefs kiss* but alas. it never happened because glee writers are bastards
- based off my last point: sam actually living at the hudson-hummel house because he actually did live there? but nothing is ever said like what’s the dynamic there why weren’t kurt and sam and finn close if they all lived together for what? like a year? was sam living in the mf shed? did he ever get close to carole and burt?? where tf did he live when everyone went off to college did he just stay in their house lol who knows not me LMAO
- blaine dealing with his trauma ? mental health was never dealt with very well on this show. emma’s ocd was just ignored after she got married or whatever and blaine mentioned his trauma once and then it was ignored until it was mentioned in passing a few seasons later and even he just brushed it off and it was never brought up again like wtf. i have no idea how they wrote a whole episode about hate crime in bash and they never once thought to have blaine and kurt have a single conversation together, let alone a conversation about how they’d both been victims of a hate crime. AND THE ONLY TIME BLAINE DOES MENTION IT IS IN TESTED WHERE ITS JUST USED AS A REASON FOR THEM TO FIGHT AAAAAAAA no wait im calm it’s okay. i just would have liked to have seen kurt and blaine have an emotional moment together in that episode that didn’t include blaine singing and kurt being knocked tf out. just sayin.
- kurt dealing with HIS trauma !! again, glee gets bad points for talking about mental health and it just is crazy that they had so much potential with kurt, ie: depression, anxiety, ocd (kinda?) his bullying, being literally assaulted (i see u ryan murphy taking that whole plot line so loosely mmhm) and then shoehorning in the fact that he was suicidal AT THE SECOND TO LAST EPISODE when they had a whole episode about suicide and they could have mentioned it at any time but ofc they didn’t because the writers just wanted to shove in as much as they could in the flashback episode AYE AYE AYE the potential!!!! oof.
- literally just more tina. jenna ushkowitz is a fantastic actor/singer/preformer and she was criminally underused. i like the episode props because of two reasons: one. everyone switching characters was amazing. and two. some actual tina scenes. even if she.. technically was rachel but also herself or something? either way. i digress
- this is just in general but MORE ABBA AND ALSO THE CARPENTERS and also some sound of music songs would have worked GREAT but they already had like a million songs and as the show progressed they veered away from old songs and more towards popular songs at the time to help chart numbers blah blah blah whatever it’s cool. but also how did they only do a few abba songs that is criminal
- a more fleshed out ending that wasn’t so rushed. like rachel won a tony and everyone else is just? there? why is sam at mr shue’s house ??? how did artie get up the stairs? did quinn graduate from yale? and where tf was kurt and blaine’s child during ‘i lived’ because burt and carole are vibing in the audience and rachel isn’t pregnant so like? is the baby just?? alone somewhere in the wings?! lmao where are u bby girl!! but once again i know they didn’t have the time to do it so idk it’s fine what they did it just sucks we didn’t get more! but again. fanfic exists so yah im all good
- more of blaine’s mum. or mom, in this case i guess. why cast gina gershon and then give her ONE line like ? ik there was a whole deleted script that explained why she was there but i love that up until that point blaine seemed like he genuinely murdered his parents, lived in their big house all alone and when people got suspicious he just told them that they were “out of town” :) either way pam is great i love her and i wish she had more to do in the one episode she was ever in. not even a moment with blaine?? wasted.
- more of cooper anderson, matt boomer is so fucking funny everytime i think of the emotion tornado i bust a lung laughing like it’s so fucking stupid but oh my good i love it. (and if you haven’t watched the special feature of cooper’s transformers audition tape please please watch it because it’s just so funny.) ik he was just a special guest but i wish they got him back for at least the wedding ep but guess my mans was just busy. boo ;(
- going back a couple of points, i wish they’d done a whole episode like props. every actor here just shines when they’re impersonating each other. finn and puck as kurt and blaine is beautiful and quinn and sugar is incredible. also idk why they refused kevin the right to wear the cheerios skirt; they could have put a little more effort into some characters but that’s glee for ya lmao but yeah. a whole episode like that would have been so much fun
- they should have let chris colfer write more episodes. purely for the fact that he wrote with his own bare hands the whole scene where lea michelle’s character gets dragged down a road by dogs. this guy. it’s a shame he only got to write one since he actually did a really good job! i would have loved to have seen what other episode ideas he had :)
- glee in the summer! obviously it only was centred around the school year but after season 3 who honestly gave a shit about the glee club and mckinley lmao i wanna see them in SHORT SHORTS and POOL PARTIES but nope we just got september - june so like rip all my hopes and dreams
- WHAT HAPPENED TO DALTON? bitch just burst into flames ?? and for WHAT?? oh yeah plot convenience smh this is so sad i wish they’d either written something better than “we need the warblers to team up with new directions so uhhh the school burnt down” like. it’s a private school. if the school is gone and they’re just staying at mckinley what are the parents paying for? they’re just cool with sending their kids off to public school now? every adult in this universe has been murdered by these kids, haven’t they? they’re just doing whatever they want jfc
- a wedding was a good episode. ish. and yknow, huge kudos to them because gay marriage wasn’t legal in the us at the time so im less harsh on the fact that they definitely threw up the rainbow flags and made it less about the characters getting married and more so “we have gay characters and look they’re getting married what a concept” but i do wish we could have gotten some more married!klaine since they don’t really have much to do after this understandably but a little moment alone together after the wedding would have been nice :) IT WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE IM TELLING YOU
- get rid of the hummelberry friendship and send mercedes to new york instead. i have nothing else to add to this other than the fact that i mourn the fact that kurt and mercedes went from bffs to just. school mates. this is tragic this is traaaaagic !! and all for more of the rachel berry show smh
- every day i wonder what was going through carmen tibideaux mind when she watched the kurt hummel preform not the boy next door and was like :) and then watched rachel berry have a breakdown on stage and then proceeded to give rachel the spot at nyada and kurt gets payed literal dust. and THEN she had the nerve to tell him it was because his performance had no heart. AND HOW DID ADAM GET IN THIS BABY GOT BACK MOTHERFUCKER?! nyada is a circus school oh my god !!!!! kurt deserved better im telling yall he deserved so much better
there’s so much more i could rant about but im going insane im so tired and i need psychological help after watching glee so im gonna leave it here and say peace out homies it’s been fun but i need to sleep so bad
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leavetwn · 3 years
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* AMANDA CAMPANA, NOBINARY + SHE/HER/THEY/THEM  | you know RAMONA GALLO, right? they’re TWENTY-THREE, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, TWENTY-THREE YEARS? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to CRYING ON THE BATHROOM FLOOR BY MUNA like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole COLD PIZZA AS A HANGOVER CURE, TALKING SHIT ABOUT CUSTOMERS IN THE BREAKROOM, LONGING FOR WHAT COULD'VE BEEN,  thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is AUGUST 17TH, so they’re a LEO, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( claire, 22, est, she/her )
HEY , BESTIES ! happy new year (the way it’s 11:55pm here so barely) !! my name’s claire and i’m 22. i’m livin in the est timezone, and my pronouns are she/her. i’m bringing y’all a mess of a muse 😈 because well  ,,, it’s what i’m best at. if you’re feelin ramona & wanna plot, just go ahead and like this & i’ll hit you up. i usually plot on discord, but if you prefer the tumblr ims, that’s no problem at all. anyway, lemme stop waistin time and get to introducing you to ramona. * tw: mentions of cheating & alcohol. 
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 .
full name: ramona gallo.  nickname(s): anything your muse wants to call her tbh. age: twenty-three. date of birth: august 17th. zodiac sign: leo. gender/pronouns: non-binary, she/her/they/them. sexual orientation: bisexual. romantic orientation: biromantic. hometown: irving, north carolina. current residence: irving, north carolina. occupation: employee at zoinkies currently,  a lifeguard during the summer. eye color: brown. hair color/style: had long hair up until her breakup then had one of those breakdowns and cut her own hair into a bob and then her own bangs. i bet it was a mess lol so she probably called her friends or went to a salon the very next day to get it fixed. also highlighted the ends red but her natural color is brown. height : 5′5″. clothing style: simple and comfortable. t-shirts, croptops, turtlenecks, all usually paired with either jean shorts or jeans in general. she prefers to feel cozy rather than cute. tattoos: yes. a small one on her wrist. wants more eventually. piercings: both ears peirced & a navel piercing that she did herself against better judgement lol.
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 .
you were born on a scorching hot day in irving , your father says so, anyway. you’re convinced he’s being dramatic. your birth went smoothly; after two previous children, your parents had become disillusioned by childbirth. just another one to add to the bunch, and one that was meant to save a dying marriage. still, they loved you nonetheless. your father, to this day. your mother, until you were ten, and then she up and left without a warning. 
your father keeps food on the table by fixing cars. you spend your days in the hot sun watching him replace parts and continuously try to crank vehicles until they run. he fist pumps every time one does. ‘ how lame, ’ you think, but it’s inspiring how hard he works to take care of three kids. and he does a good job. 
therefore , you spend much of your early life trying to make him proud. you’re smart as a whip, and all your teachers have good things to say about you when it comes to academics. you’re a bit of a troublemaker, though. your father doesn’t mind that too much; he was the same at your age. and he’s proud  —  proud to see you work so hard. 
you spend your teenage years doing much of the same. though , you begin to come home a bit later than usual, and your excuse is that you’ve been at ashley’s or samantha’s, but really all three of you were out partying. you don’t think your father would care (your grades are fine & he wants you to live like a normal teenager) ,  but you still lie about it. why ? well, who knows, maybe you like the adrenaline rush it gives you. like most things, you do them for the thrill. 
you join the swim team. you’re kind of bad , but that’s okay. just like always , you work hard, and you realize that you’re kind of a natural. your father cheers louder than anyone else in the stands. it pushes you to do better. with your good grades and athletics , your guidance counselor tells you you’re a shoo in for a scholarship from whatever university you want. you apply to several. if it’s one thing you hate, its this town. you can’t wait to make it out, and you figure, this might be your only way. 
you’re eighteen, and you’re in love. it’s crazy how love can make you see things differently. suddenly , this town doesn’t seem half bad. all your friends find it cute , and you tell them everything. the things he tells you or the way he makes you feel. it’s a crazy feeling; you never want it to end. 
you throw your cap in the air. finally , high school is over. college is looming. you’ve been accepted to several & received scholarships from at least a few. you lie in bed thinking about it. now, you suddenly don’t want to leave so bad. don’t want to leave him behind. how could someone leave another they love so easily? it makes you hate your mother more.
for the first time, you disappoint your father. you don’t go to college. you don’t give a damn. you want to stay where love is. you’re addicted to the feeling. this lasts for three years. now, you’re twenty-one; you’ve gotten a job at zoinkies, and that keeps you away for most of the day. you randomly decide to visit your boyfriend during a lunch break one day. you find him in bed with someone else. suddenly , you realize love isn’t as addicting as you once thought. what once made the world beautiful now made it hideous. what once made you feel so high had somehow made you feel so low. it was horrible, and you’d realized your mistakes. 
you threw away your future for love. something as rotten and twisted as love. something you swore you’d never let yourself feel again. something that you put away in a locked box with no key. irving was the same place you’d always known it to be. boring, drab, familiar. at least you had your family. that was barely enough to keep you sane, though, and it was hard to feel normal.
you turned to the thing that help. alcohol, partying, any escape at all. you lacked coping skills   —  that much was clear, but you didn’t care. you blamed it on something else entirely. just as your teachers had said, you’re a bit of a troublemaker. you do anything to make yourself feel alive, to make yourself feel free of the hurt. 
it’s two years later now. you’re still not over it in some ways, as regret turns to anger and resentment. you’re bitter. who wouldn’t be? but you feel like you’ve had time to mourn. maybe it’s because you never acknowledged it in the way you should’ve ( it’s still locked away in that box. ) you still have your bad habits. you still work at your stupid job that you hate. you’re lost, but you’ll figure it out. you always do. so, you continue to float , seemingly stuck in the town that you never let go of, and you wonder what comes next. only time will tell.
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 .
still swims but doesn’t have as much time for it. probably not as good, but since she spends the summer lifeguarding, she uses that time to practice & try to get back to where she was. also kinda jaded asf so even if she says she wants to get back into it, she probably won’t lmaoo.
is a horrible driver. how did she get a license ?? not even she knows. def the type to like have a leg up on the dash board, hand out the window, and only one hand on the wheel while speedin idk how she makes it out alive
can take a car apart and put it back together again thanks to her dad. also changes her own tires so let her change your tires. im just sayin 
stays up way too late & would sleep until 2 pm everyday if she didn’t have to work. should probably work on being an adult and going to bed at a normal time but just half the time doesn’t give a fuck so she’s probably sleep deprived a lot. therefore also has a 
character parallels: alice ayres/jane jones (closer, 2004) , clementine (eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, 2004) , fiona gallagher (shameless, 2011-present) , more to be added.
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 .
ok but plots really do be making my world go ‘round. 😳 i love em, so literally hmu with anything you’re feeling, and i’ll be down. just wanna plot & write with everyone 💕 but here’s a couple of wanted connections for y’all. i’ll prolly have a most wanted tag sooner or later & i’ma be make a plot page soon.  
* the unholy trinity  — these two are the friends she cherishes most. i’m assuming they’ve been friends since at least early high school , maybe earlier. they went through a lot together. these two were with her through all her relationship troubles. true ride or dies. she’s do absolutely anything for them, and she trusts that they feel the same way. they’re rowdy & wild, do whatever they want, and have a damn good time doin it. also have a gc where they just talk shit and send tiktoks idk just gimme this plsss 🥺
* friends with benefits / one night stands  —  this would probably be the extent of ramona. clearly not over what happened to her the last time 😭, so she’d have plenty of these tbh. she probably wouldn’t think too much about it, but it could be awkward for you muse maybe, etc. 
* unrequited love / crush  —  here’s a toast to the ones who crush on ramona. it would be an absolute tragedy lmaoo. she’s not really mean about it, but she is 100% certain she’s not looking for any type of relationship. could be really dramatic and messy and those are tha best kind. literally this
* former friends / enemies  —  she’s lived here her whole life, so she’s at least got one. these two just don’t get along/no longer get along for whatever reason that can be plotted out. 
* coworkers   — she works zoinkies throughout the year and picks up shifts as a lifeguard during the summer so your muses could know her from that. could delve into a close friend territory too lmao. they probably just sit in break rooms and talk about rude customers or bossy managers lmaooo.
* literally anything your heart desires — a lot could work. we could even just start from nowhere & have them meet for the first time if they’re newer/just to town. 
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ryncorrect · 5 years
university!au: day6 jae
following my uni!au with young k (idk how to link my own post asbajdnskmd im Dumb) so here another one with jae lol i think im gonna make one for each one of them buttttttt no promise bc my brain works in a very mysterious way LOL
anyway leggo
Tumblr media
warning: this is lame lmaooooo
name: park jaehyung / jae
major: politic science
other activities: guitarist (and sometimes vocalist) of university band, member of music club, founder and leader of LOL SQUAD
everyone knows that tall skinny guitarist of the band i mean he’s hard to ignore tbh
he always wears loose T-shirt, ripped jeans, a cap that he puts backward, and round big specs to campus
professors hate his ripped jeans but can’t really say anything because oh well style doesn’t define someone’s grades and boy, does this kid actually get some braincells in him
well i mean at least he never fails his classes
he has this giant LOLSQUAD badge on his backpack because he’s proud af of his title as the club founder and leader
he actually started that club so he could to brag about his gaming skill to everyone who wanted to listen but he ends up getting his ass handed to him every single time they play together smh
if he’s not in class or hanging out with his game buddies, he can be seen following that Popular Student™ kang younghyun or as jae prefers to call him, “brian” or “brIBRI” because they both joined music club and are in the band
yes yes he’s well known and easy to spot
“jae? park jaehyung?? who???”
everyone refers to him as “that foreigner student”, “the American guy” or “the gamer guy”, or my favorite: “chicken little”
i will never let that joke die im sorry but seriously he looks like chicken when he plays his guitar on the stage don’t @ me
there are only like 5 students in the whole university who know his actual name
anyways in this scenario you’ve always been interested in playing guitar but haven’t gotten a chance to learn and your friend kim wonpil invites you to join music club so you’ll have friends to practice with
“you know our jaehyungie, right? he’s really chill, you’ll get along well with him!!”
deep inside you’re like
who the heck is jaehyung
but wonpil is so excited to have you there so the next week you come to the club meeting
you introduce yourself to everyone and finally you meet him
“ohmygod the chicken little!!”
“sorry- i mean the chicken guitarist- wait no-”
he glares at you, you laugh instead
scaring the new member challenge: failed
but yeah you’d seen him performing before and honestly you almost decided to become his fan
a l m o s t
at first he (jokingly) refuses to teach you guitar because you called him chicken little
and since then you keep calling him that just to mess with him
“hi chicken little”
“what’s poppin chicken little”
“why do you look so flustered, chicken little? do i make you nervous??”
he turns red chicken little is now an angry bird “gO AWAY NEWBIE YOU’RE SO ANNOYING”
jae’s a foreigner but he speaks fluent korean
he tells you that even though he was born and grew up in america he always speaks the language with his parents
but of course since he lives abroad there are lots of words or slang he doesn’t know, so you gotta be an ass and slip some difficult words when you speak to him
he gets his revenge by replying to you in english
whenever you two are having an argument (usually over stupid things) everyone in the club suddenly gets headache
wtf they’re not even making any sense
besides music, jae is the most excited when talking about LOL or social topics because well his major
honestly idk much about politic science so cmiimw
one time someone asks for his opinion about social welfare and he ends up starting a sudden debate session with the said person about social welfare programs in south korea and america and the difference between both countries
you mention human rights and he sNAPS
i mean he gives a full 15 mins speech about it
“yknow what im sayin?”
“dude… i honestly don’t get it at all”
because he be speaking in full english like wat
he’s just so passionate about everything it’s almost adorable
a l m o s t
and it’s not only his passion but also his small eyes, his laugh, his voice, or the way he occasionally lifts his head to look at you while playing guitar and you smile and he smiles because you smile first shnshsbshs soft
even the corners of his lips are so cute wow
oh fuck im emo i love him
but you adore him just as a good friend
he’s always been bubbly and friendly with everyone, not just you, so yeah it’s really easy to fall for him but you assure yourself that you’re nOT
are we having “in denial” shit again omg im so uncreative
anyway fast forward it’s ur birthday!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYY
you decide to throw a small party at your place and invite 5 or 6 of your closest friends but damn on the d-day it rains so hard
if ur bday falls on winter then change it to snowing hard, if it’s spring then maybe there’s strong wind or something, whatever suits you fam lol
so no one comes to your party lol you are Sad
no you didn’t invite him because idk
are we really that close??? ehhhh he probably won’t come anyway haha why bother
he’s carrying an umbrella but it didn’t really help apparently because he’s soaking wet
imagine that view i mean nvm
“i happened to be near here and i remember it’s your birthday today so i think i’m gonna drop by to say hi and suddenly it’s raining too hard on the way but anyway happy birthday can you let me in first i’m cold”
ofc you let jae in i mean we can’t let the chicken catch the flu amirite
but you warn him that he’ll have to leave before 11 or your RA will kick you both out the dorm lol
after a towel, two cups of hot tea, and one shared piece of chocolate cake, you told him you were supposed to have a small party tonight but no one could make it because of the rain and he’s like “hOW DARE YOU HAVING A PARTY BUT NOT INVITING ME I THOUGHT WHAT WE HAD WAS SPECIAL” and you’re just like “lol shut up chicken here eat more cake”
anyways you two spend time joking and talking about random stuff and it’s probably not the best birthday ever but at least you don’t have to spend it alone and to be honest you’re happy that he’s here
then jae pulls out his ultimate weapon
i mean his guitar
he was soaking wet but the guitar is clean and dry and all fine like hoW EVEN
“priorities” -park jaehyung
he said he gonna play a song of your choice because he came empty handed and he feels bad about it
you blush and pick whatever song comes to your mind because you can’t really think of any, and he starts strumming his guitar and sings
and while he keeps looking at you, you find yourself too can’t take your eyes off him
the song ends and you’re about to clap your hands when he suddenly starts another one
wait you’ve never heard this song before
it’s a slow song and the lyrics are all like, the sky turns dark on the birthday of the brightest star so that it’ll be the only light in his world, how he feels regretful that he has nothing to give but his small heart, and he hopes that this lovely person will hold his hand as they listen to this song together, that this lovely person will feel warm beside him
guys just imagine the song okay i can’t Romance
it’s dead silent until you whisper, “is that… a song for me?”
jae’s face turns red and he starts panicking™ like “i made up the lyrics just now okay i know it’s fricking sappy and cheesy as hell okay i just uhhh want to cheer you up!!!! because you seem kinda down!!!!! let’s not talk about this again uGh WhatEvER leT Me LIvE!!!!!”
but you chuckle and thank him, it was the best present you can get from anyone
you two stare at each other for a second that feels like years and he finally breaks the silence, “you know,,, maybe i came here on purpose,,, maybe actually i want to see you,,,”
“and why is it?”
“because i think,,, i miss you,,, kinda”
and you don’t say this out loud but maybe you do know that
even if you say you’ll never
in fact you’ve already fallen for him a bit
or perhaps a lot
like a lot
then he leans in to kiss your lips and you kiss back and it’s almost not awkward at all, it just feels right as if you’ve kissed him million times before
a l m o s t
you two still blush real hard after
but yeah that’s how you two start dating
none of you two tell anyone about it but it’s pretty obvious, i mean jae always picks you up at your dorm, he walks with you to your class or vice versa (if your classes don’t overlap tho), you two keep stealing glances at each others, also—
jae with you: “hey,,,, come here sit with me u3u,,,,, did you have lunch??? oh i wrote a song last night check this out,,,, what are you gonna do this saturday? oml you’re so cute”
welp actually he’s not always sweet with you, sometimes you two still argue about silly things using mixed languages but now everyone in the club knows better to just run away once it begins
because it’ll end up with you two fighting or you two kissing
yes im nasty and a disappointment bye
btw wonpil is excited af it’s almost like he’s dating you both
“it’s really nice seeing you two finally together!!!!!!! especially because jaehyung really couldn’t shut up about you ever since the first day you joined our music club”
“wait wha-”
I’m so in love with park jaehyung y'all hsnshsbsh aNYWAYS!!! 100 blocks limit has lifted from tumblr app AYEEEEE
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starrysence · 5 years
Since I'm Home sick can I get a Ravey fic where Davey is sick?
sure thing hon!! im sorry this took so long. homesickness is the absolute worst tho. i hope you like this :)
quick reminder that requests for fics, headcanons, and moodboards are currently close as i’m trying to clear out my inbox before it floods even more for the sake of my mental state. thank you!
genre: floof
words: 818 or somethig like that
race sighs heavily as he lies down, sprawled out across the couch and watching the rain tap, tap, tap against his window. while it isn’t the most entertaining thing, he’s still thankful that it’s something. with his entire family gone because of their own individual plans, he’s home alone, and, sure, he could throw a party and get himself grounded until he goes to college, but he decides that he doesn’t have the energy or willpower to be surrounded by people and loud music today - even he gets tired of the social scene sometimes.
so, naturally, when his phone vibrates, indicating a text or some sort of notification, he thanks whoever is watching over him for offering a solution to his supposedly incurable boredom.
he plucks his phone off the coffee table and squints at the sudden brightness in his eyes after turning it on, seeing several texts from davey.
[4:13 p.m.] nerd 💕
come over?
i’m tired
and bored
[4:14 p.m.] nerd 💕
and sick
upon seeing the last text, race’s eyes widen and he hops up while unlocking his phone, opening the messages quickly and typing a response.
me - aw baby :( hang tight i’ll be right over
seen at 4:15 p.m.
nerd 💕 - thank you hon ❤
received at 4:16 p.m.
me - 💖
sent at 4:16 p.m.
race smiles when les greets him at the door of the jacobs household, but it quickly drops when he sees the worried look on the boy’s face.
“thank god you’re here,” les says, voice heavy with a tone of relief. he grabs race’s wrist and quite literally drags him inside the house before shutting the door behind them. “it’s davey. he looks awful - like, he’s even paler than usual and his breathing is alarmingly shallow and he can barely stand and he’s been on bed all day but he won’t let me near him to take his temperature because he doesn’t want me to get sick-”
“slow down, pipsqueak, you’re sayin’ all that in one breath and i can tell ‘cause your face is turning blue,” race cuts him off, his voice assuming a soft edge as he continues, “but, okay, it’s okay. he probably has a fever, though, is he in his room?”
les exhales deeply and nods, “yeah.”
race whispers a thanks and shares a smile with les before he makes his way into davey’s room, knocking gently to signal his arrival. when he thinks he hears a very quiet, raspy come in, he slips into the bedroom, and his heart drops at the sight.
“oh, honey,” race breathes as he sits down on the bed beside his boyfriend, “you look like shit.”
“gee, thanks,” davey rolls his eyes before a cough leaves him, followed by several more. race frowns and quickly hands him the water bottle sitting in his nightstand, and davey accepts it gratefully, taking a generous drink from the bottle.
“but, seriously,” race places the back of his hand on davey’s forehead and gasps, “you’re burning up.”
“for you, baby,” davey jokes weakly, and race can’t help but laugh loudly.
“god dammit, dave, was that a jonas brothers reference?”
“only for you.”
race shakes his head, “alright, well, let’s get down to business - have you taken any fever medicine?”
davey nods, “telynol.”
“so… is there anything that i can do for you?”
“soup. or tea.”
“how about your favourite tea? chamomile vanilla, right?”
“sounds good,” davey whispers with a smile. race smiles back and kisses the top of his head.
“okay. i’ll be right back, then, alright? get some rest while i’m gone, baby.”
davey nods again, and with a final kiss on the cheek, race leaves the room to prepare his tea.
“can we cuddle?” davey blurts when race enters his room. race pauses in surprise, tea cup held firmly in his hand as he blinks owlishly at davey.
“did you just ask me to cuddle?” he says slowly. davey rolls his eyes but nods, a bit of colour rushing to his cheeks. the sight relieves race, easing some of his worries about davey’s ghostly pale complexion earlier. "fine, maybe, but only after you drink this,“ race hands davey the tea cup, and davey relishes the warmth rushing through his body as he holds the cup.
“maybe?” he repeats, earning a smile from race.
“maybe,” race replies, and davey recognises this tone. it’s race’s you couldn’t pay me a million bucks to change my mind about this tone - annoying yet endearing all the same.
“oh, fine,” davey mumbles defeatedly, taking a sip from the cup, sighing contentedly at the familiar flavour. he knows that he and race both follow the same instructions when making the warm beverage, but somehow, it always tastes better when race makes it.
race chuckles and presses a soft kiss to davey’s forehead, “feel better soon, darling.”
its been a hot miute since ive written anything huh?? sorry yall depression has been a bich and so has life in genral :”) but i really hpe you enjoyed this!!
tag list:
@one-candy-cane-please | @suddenly-im-respecsable | @intoomanyfandomstopickaname | @be-more-chill-evan-hansen | @aw-jus-let-em-try | @bencookisagod | @well-the-kids-do-too | @auspicioustarantula | @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn | @have-we-got-news-for-you | @not-a-scab | @pineappapizza | @andthewoildwillknow | @concrete–donuts | @stopthe-presses | @thomasbeingthomas | @i-love-loki-and-sherlock | @maxvanna | @spot-me50-papes | @and-i-lostmy-shoe | @i-got-no-clue-what-im-doing | @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog | @backgroundnewsies | @ridin-in-style | @sunshine-e-cigarettes | @macaroni-0verlord | @probablyeunoia | @thebroadwayaesthetic | @how-bout-a-crookedpolitician | @fellthroughableedingtrapdoor | @awkwardstranger98 | @bxnesof92 | @papesdontsellthemselves
[if you want to be added to my tag list, please shoot me an ask or a message letting me know! i’d be happy to add you!]
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i have so many theories!!! theyre all screaming at me!!! i must write out them all!!!!! 
so here’s one that’s been knocking around my head since finals week began:
the Writing 3 Playlist on Spotify 
I think this bad boy is a hint at the game’s timeline
maybe not 100% explanatory, but I think we can guess certain parts of the game through this
and i just wanna tell y’all now, almost all of this is speculation, as honestly im 90% sure the playlist was created bc it had borderlands-y songs in it (although the last few have me scratching my head)
lemme explain why im writing this, though I’m very thirsty for lore
tl;dr: game goes like this: lilith powers stolen. go to promethea, go to jungle, find brick mordy and tina, get into a fight, lose fight, go find other VHs, get into another fight, Krieg shows up to save Maya, maya die. (oh no she ded), the twins have their we are GODS moment, the VHs get summoned to the Eridian homeworld, there’s a huge ass final battle, someone attempts to create an end-of-the-world scenario
so the playlist itself was created to help one of the authors of the game get into their borderlands jam 
it starts with a Cage the Elephant song, “Trouble”, the band of which we all know wrote the first song used in BL1. Not really much else to say here, but we do know the opening cutscene of the game involves our current team of Vault Hunters being attacked by the Children of the Vault. this is, of course, not indicative of any songs used in bl3, but we can assume it captures the general feeling of the game.
Second song: “Fire” by Barns Courtney (holy shit I love this guy so fucking much!! if you’ve never listened to his music, PLEASE do so! I really recommend “Rather Die”- I am in the process of making a bl3 animatic to it actually lmao). 
So anyway, I’m just sayin’, the lyrics of this song...
“Oh, a thousand faces staring at me Thousand times I've fallen Thousand voices dead at my feet Now I'm gone... And my mother told me son let it be Sold my soul to the calling Sold my soul to a sweet melody Now I'm gone... Oh gimme that fire ...”
Honestly, I would not be surprised if this song was about Lilith’s loss of her powers. I mean, she used to call herself the Firehawk because she burned the shit outta bandits. c’monnn.
The man, the myth, the legend himself even says that "[The song is] quite defiant as well, like this cannot be how it ends, it cannot be my situation."
Mooooving on
“Majesty” by Apashe and Wasiu
holy fuck i love this song so much. and its so very obviously about the Calypso Twins- at the very least its Tyreen.
“All the stars and galaxies address me as your majesty So better say your majesty, I might react erratically Throw you in a fire, purify you I'm the sire, my empire's on the rise You better find yourself a place to hide Your place to find, but say it twice My name divine, I'm aimin' high Don't look in my face or eyes Take a bow and save your life Glory to the emperor, my temperature is risin' Always hot, it's getting violent”
I mean come on if its not when we meet the twins for the first time after they steal lily’s powers, then its definitely when they do something absolutely badass and really show us why they’re revered as gods. Possibly related to the Holy Broadcasting Center?
“The Way I Do” by Bishopp Briggs 
this one honestly had got me stumped as to its purpose, i lowkey kinda think its getting Sanctuary 3 up and running (and possibly meeting Maya for the first time- still not sure about that). I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a whole thing for Scooter and this song fits pretty well. I imagine we also meet Vaughn and the Children at some point, so maybe here?
“Greeting the Menace” by Zack Hemsey 
yeah i uhhhh dunno. This sounds like a song about a dude getting tortured which scares me a bit lmao. 
I thought maybe this song and the next 2 could be VH-based songs, as the next 2 have no lyrics whatsoever and the third is called “Best Friends”, but who knows... If this is the case I could make the argument this is about Zane or Moze, leaning towards Zane cuz he’s pretty covered up, plus I think “Best Friends” would be more Moze’s style lmao
I could also see this being a song about Troy... could explain all the ‘body mods’ and the missing arm.
“ProtoVision” by Kavinsky
If we’re going with the idea that these next few songs are about the Vault Hunters, then I imagine this would be Fl4k’s. It’s got that synth and some guitar which I think fits perfectly with his robo-hobo aesthetic lol
Other than that, I truly have no idea what part of the story this song could reference since there aren’t any lyrics. Maybe Promethea’s city? I could kinda see it, it sounds pretty high-tech
Similarly, “diatribe.” by Oliver Michael
the beginning gives me a whole meditation vibe which I kinda associate with Amara and her phasecast skill which “sends out an astral projection” of herself. 
Then again, this could be the outskirts of the Promethean city... I could see myself wandering around the huge ass foliage and discovering an abandoned research base to this song idk
“Best Friends” by grandson
aaahh i love grandson. I think this could be a Moze-based song. I just get that vibe from her leather jacket... anyway
I also could totally see this as discovering Brick, Mordecai, and Tina in the research base (if that truly is where they are). Cause we saw them in the trailer hanging out there. 
tbh the lyrics themselves kinda remind me of pre-Tales Rhys and Fiona and all their friends
“All of my best friends Like to go and get fucked up Then they talk about all the lives they never got to live Oh, they're still waiting for some sort of invitation It's never coming along, oh no, you'll get just what you give”
but idk if that’s what its meant for
“Bap U” by Party Favor
hmm another ‘lyricless’ song. not really lyric-less but uhhh the lyrics are pretty nonsensical lol
I could see there being a fight scene with Brick Tina and Mordy as AIs helping out here, maybe exploring the abandoned research base?
“Not Human” by elegant slims 
oh you know what im going to say here hahaha
monster troy p l e a s e
i wouldn’t be surprised if Tyreen started accumulating more powers here, like perhaps the previous fight scene was over the Vault on Promethea and the twins were able to access it before us? and Tyreen gives the Vault Monster the succ
“Crack in the seams You're breaking through The animal inside of you You're not human anymore... Your eyes go black electric blue The animal inside of you Life on a string Watch it swing Hide your teeth”
and one (or both) of the twins start going feral lol
“Way Down We Go” by KALEO
one (1) fear and that’s that someone dies during the scene that corresponds to this song
hopefully its just the boys being depressed over a loss instead of a victory, but oof
anyway, you know what they say: “sometimes you gotta fall before you make it big” ;) thats a typhon deleon quote
“I’m a Wanted Man” by Royal Deluxe
I want to believe these next few songs are us recruiting the rest of the Vault Hunters not seen yet
I kinda associate this one with Axton since his whole History with DAHL, but who knows! It could be Gaige, too. or Maya since she looks like she’s being incredibly gay criminal on the Maliwan Monastery planet. Maybe both Axton and Gaige? I would love that
“The Devil You Know” by X Ambassadors 
Could also be Axton! I lowkey think its Salvador or Timothy Lawrence. The reason I think its Timothy is cuz the whole song gives me huge Handsome Jack vibes, but it could also be Sal cuz I totally imagine him becoming a bounty hunter to fund his gun addiction lmao
“00000 Million” by Ella Vos
this one also gives off Maya vibes imo. I wouldn’t be surprised if this one is about her and the introduction of Little Blue. I could also see Athena and Janey here, just living their lives out in a cottage somewhere. awww
“Jungle” by Tash Sultana
Ahh a love song [pukes] Hopefully this one is about Athena and Janey, cuz there is a depressing lack of both of them in all the trailers we’ve seen! It sounds lowkey sad, though. I hope nothing happened to them D:
“Don’t Wait Up” by Dustbowl Revival
this one gives me very big Fiona and Sasha vibes. 
Of course, there’s also the fact that the song is about a dad, and we still don’t know who the heck “the Father” is on all those Calypsos posters. We also dunno who in the heck “Mother” is, either. Sounds like Father left the cult, though, oof, and Mother stuck around. Wonder what that’s all about, maybe he felt like the twins were working fast/efficient enough and left to do things himself? Very lost on this idea tbh. the song seems very out of place, but it has to connect to something, yknow?
“Dies Irae” by Apashe and Black Prez
For those of you who don’t speak fluent Latin (the fuck guys?? lmao jk), the title means "Day of Wrath". Nice, nice, nice. 
the lyrics, you might be asking:
“'Cause I'ma beast. Where you at? I've been unleashed. Whatchu doin'? Sink my teeth. Y'all can't fathom I'ma beast”
me: [vibrating in my seat] monster twins monster twins monster twins monster twins
at the very least this is definitely a fight scene here. Probably with the twins again (hopefully). Maybe they found some way to imbue the cultists with fucked up powers and are sending them against the VHs as giant demon things and as we fight through the temple (apparently with some Guardians) we realize the final one is Troy and/or Tyreen?
I like to imagine this is where Maya gets her powers stolen, if only because the next few songs... I think she’s around because she’s now the only person with Siren powers on the side of the Crimson Raiders, so they might need her help with the Vault in some way
y’all wonder why I seemingly forgot about Krieg in the above songs? Well, this is why. 
The only lyric for this entire song is “Bitch, I'm on a rampage- mask on my damn face”
I mean come on, Krieg with his psycho mask on, the fact his action skill is literally called “Buzz Axe Rampage”, the fact he loves Maya as shown in his introductory trailer... it’d be so perfect. And I bet badass psycho Krieg would be the only thing able to beat back whatever’s attacking at the moment. I’m just imagining him smashing down a wall and going apeshit
“Black Out Days” by Phantograms
Another song I think is about Krieg and Maya. I don’t think Maya does too hot in this game, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she gets the Roland treatment if you know what I’m saying. I wonder if this causes Krieg to devolve back into insanity cause the whole song seems to focus around that. I hope not D:
“Hide the sun I will leave your face out of my mind You should save your eyes A thousand voices howling in my head Speak in tongues I don't even recognize your face Mirror on the wall Tell me all the ways to stay away”
To be honest I could also see it being that Maya gets her powers stolen and thoughtlock-ed by the twins to fight on their side (as she’s seen fighting with the big demon elemental things), and maybe we have to kill her or hurt her in some way to get her to stop attacking us. God I hope not.
Let’s hope this is someway about the twins and definitely not about our favorite Siren and/or Psycho
“The Finishing” by Stavroz
oof i think somebody dies... If its not Maya, my best guess is Krieg or Lilith. Maybe Mordecai or Brick? Oh I hope not, I love both of them way too much for it to be healthy. But, hey, at least Tina learned some coping mechanisms :(
“Intro” and “Apocalypse Please” by Muse
merged these into 1 because Intro is like 15 seconds long and is literally the introduction to Apocalypse Please. 
Definitely reaching the end of the game here... 
“And it's time we saw a miracle Come on, it's time for something biblical To pull us through And pull us through And this is the end This is the end Of the world Proclaim eternal victory Come on and change the cause of history And pull us through”
I think the twins (or whoever may have become the main villain- perhaps the Eridians?) have claimed victory/gotten the ultimate power in one way or another, and/or this is the Crimson Raiders getting themselves ready for a final stand-off with the big bad evil guy. 
I would really love if there’s a scene right at the end of this where the Twins have their huge “BOW TO ME” moment and then they just get COMPLETELY obliterated by a new villain. Just absolutely decimated.
New villain, like if they opened a Vault and whatever was being imprisoned there just wipes the floor with them (something like the Destroyer, if not the Destroyer itself), or fuck shit maybe even Tannis? or the Eridians looking for help in the war. or the Eridians bringing war. Who knows!
Again, could just be the Twins having gotten their hands on the end-game material, like realizing they can turn troy into big demon fuck (no i am not letting this one go) and we are kinda fucked now.
“Free Animal” by Foreign Air
I... have no idea lol
maybe Krieg getting rescued, maybe (one of?) the twins getting recruited by the Raiders for the final fight? It could fit into the ‘Beast’ imagery. Fuck, maybe even rescuing/finding Typhon or something? Idk, im kinda in the party that Typhon is going to be coming back some way or another lol, I’d love to meet the guy
“Dreams” by ZHU and Nero
This definitely sounds like a new BBEG has just been introduced or the big bads just entered the final phase of their plan, like the Crimson Raiders just learned about something life-changing and this is their “oh shit” moment
i wanna believe that the Eridians or another alien race (like the Seraphs!) are going to come in at the ‘end’ of the game and the Watcher is gonna be like “bitch did you really think I thought these dumbass ECHOnet streamers were the epitome of War??” I imagine we’d be on the side of the Eridians here, since y’know, the Watcher came to us for help.
Of course, the twins could still be the BBEG and have gotten their hands on that universe-destroying power that was described on the website (”to recover a map to ancient Vaults and prevent a universe-destroying power from falling into the wrong hands”) so maybe the Eridians called us in in order to meet and get help against the COV?
“Beyond the Fray” by Cassandra Violet
personally i think this one is about the Eridian homeworld
“I'll mark the day When we can meet beyond the fray Don't lose the will to see your home You find the way so we can meet beyond the fray I'll fight to see that you get home Consider this small clue Look beyond your point of view Make a space for honesty hide“
Wouldn’t even be surprised if someone made a sacrifice so we could get there... I imagine its hidden somewhere in the alternate dimension or wherever the Vaults lead to so it couldn’t be found, so maybe Lilith’s got her powers back at this point and she sacrifices herself to send us there?
“Outside the Realm” by Big Giant Circles
ah yes, another reason I think the end of the game involves the Eridian homeworld in some way. Have you heard this?? huge “we just stumbled upon a long-lost-alien-planet” vibe. I love it. Maybe even just a shot of Sanctuary III slowly gliding over the giant planet, having just exited phasewalk. God yes
“Battle Royale” by Apashe
another reason i think the final fight is some giant battlefield/wave fight instead of just against 1 or 2 enemies. not to mention the fact that the VH skills we’ve seen so far are crowd control based instead of raid boss focused. 
Its likely the VHs against the Cult of the Vault, but if we defeat the Twins halfway through the game, then the Cult will dissolve on its own. Either way, I really really really really really want a huge fight against an army. I don’t care if its against the Children of the Vault, the Eridians/some Guardians, or if its against the Seraphs or a new set of aliens we’re gonna get (maybe whatever the Destroyer was/is?). idk idc i just want a huge battle. I imagine we’re on the Eridians’ side, as I said above, but who knows, maybe the Watcher went rogue. 
oh and also, the next song:
“Doomsday” by NERO
oh hey, I recognize this song, it’s giving me major BL2 flashbacks lmao
Also the last song in the playlist, which is giving me the big fear (tm)
I imagine that we wouldn’t have been brought to the Eridian homeworld if it wasn’t kind of a huge deal, and what’s more of a huge deal than the end of the universe?!
that’s what i’d call doomsday, anyway.
could be the reason the Eridians are coming out of hiding after all this time. Either to stop our dumb human asses from opening the Vaults, or to get help against these alien fucks because our dumb human asses keep destroying their first line of defense- the Vault Monsters.
If the twins actually DO remain the main villains throughout the whole game, then I imagine this is them prepping to destroy the universe
but maaaan i really want some aliens... maybe the universe destroying power IS the aliens? aw hell yeah
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stellar-aide · 5 years
> Kanaya: Discuss, once more.
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tumblunni · 6 years
Aaaa phewf a good but scary dayyyyy
I totally forgot i was due for a meeting with the Super Rehab Center For Brain Bads. Its like this intensive boot camp version of therapy, basically? Its a shared housing accommodation where you'd have individual nurses and do lots of lessons and classes every day to work on your particular needs, while also having a bit of a shared community and helping you ykbow meet other people like you and such? So its very scary but also could be really good for me but also its a big commitment and aaaa
Anyway you might recall i talked about this like a year ago and as far as i knew it wasnt actually an opyion for me and i'd got my hopes up/got my anxieties up all fot nothing. Well recently they just suddenly called me back and gave us this short notice appointment! I didnt even khnow i was on the waiting list!!
So yeah it was Big Anxious to go to a big meeting with them again and with different people and a more intense assesment and discussion of the possibilities. But also now i was worried cos i didnt know anymore of i should be here? Like they originally booked me in for this because was in a REALLY bad place mentally last year, like never going outsode for weeks and never cleaning the house and not taking my pills and not going to dpctors appointments and i was just desperate to do ANYTHING that could get me out of this shitty town even if it meant living in an intensive therapy hospital communal dorm thing for a year. And now i've improved quite a bit so i dont know if maybe i was worrying too much and this is something too drastic? Like man is this for people with more serious problems? Am i taking away resources that could be helping someone more ill than me? And also i never even started getting anxious about the size of thecommitment last time, i was just desperate to move house and i didnt even tgink about how i have to survive a year of extra anxiety to fight my anxiety...
So anyway we had that meeting today and i was so freaked the fuck out that as we speak right now i cannot actually fully see and im mostly touch typing. I had so much of a panic attack that i hit off the damn eye twitching dizziness super symptom hell and i nearly fainted when i had to stand up at the end of the meeting and walk out the door. Like holy shit so much adrenaline burning thru my braaaaaainnnn!!! Im gonna be exhausted in a minute i bet. But i'm extra proud of myself cos my new support worker richard said that it didnt show on my face how much i was panicking, i successfully managed to keep that anxiety attack under control and finish yhe conversation with grace! And he also said its no trouble when i ask him for help and stuff cos its not just his job but a job he loves, and he was happy to spend the day this way, knowing he helped someone like me through someyhinh so important. HE'S THE FUCKIN NICEST MAN EVER
also incidentally i also learned he's a SURPRISE GRANDPA?? Like not really, i mean he's more in the older adult range, but he just dropped it casually in conversation that he's 50 and i thought he was like 28?? I mean i have prosopagnosia so i suck at recognising facial expressions but i think even normal peopke would agree he looks hella young! Thats awesome he's even more smart and experienced than i thought!! No wonder he's been so amazing at his job! And he's extra awesome for how he's a dj if he didnt grow up as surrounded by computers and stuff, yknow?
He has a fuckin 'sound room' in his house with 'a million microphones' and he brought it up cos i was sayibg about how i wanted to learn video editing and stuff and he said he can give me a free microphone from one of his spares! Damn i need to find a way to pay him back cps he won't take actual money for it, aaaa!! And also hehelped me remember the name of that one animation software i wanted to get someday, and he offered to teach me all his Super Secrets Of Getting Free Samples And Cheatibg The Time Limit. Like man u literally work for the government are u sure u should be sayin this? XD and i didnt actually say it was lets plays but i said i wanted to practise recording my voice to show my friends in other countries and help get less anxious. And then he started talking about podcasts so man for all i know maybe he watches lets plays too! He's gonba reccommend me some educational podcasts about science abd mental health and stuff :D
So yeah it all went way better than expected and i even got an odd chance to get to know my therapist on a more personal level and get some nice help with my hobbies! Also he's the only other person i've ever met who uses Paint Shop Pro 7! A friggin 1999 art software that i still keep cos im too dumb to learn a new one aaaaa. He validated me by agreeing that its very conveinient and comparatively newbie friendly, yes! But its having incompatibility issues since windows 10 came out so aaa i know eventualky i need to learn a new thing lol
Man my sypport worker is so damn awesome and its so rare i acconplish a good thing and have a good day and dont lose to my anxiety! I jus lt wish i wasnt still experiencing the horrible side effects of that anxiety lol. Typing this up helped distract me for long enough for my vision to clear up a bit but now my headache is extreme! I hate that pills take like an hour to kick in.
Man maybe i should order a takeaway pizza or somethin?? To celebrate not fuckin up at a chance to improve my mental health! And also cos its hard to cook things when you have no functioning eyeballs!
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nerdlemons · 6 years
Part 1 - Royalty
 Pairing: Darkiplier x Wilford Warfstache
Word count:
Warnings: ? none I guess
Part 2 Part 3
The bar was dark and filthy, that much was obvious. The stench of cheap cigars and even cheaper alcohol that lingered in the air was slowly latching onto the expensive suit Dark was wearing. Why he agreed to meet in here, he did not know. The company here was hardly the one Dark was used to. From dirty thieves to drunk workmen, everybody was there to drink away their problems and hat little money they had.
 Dark was getting impatient, the man he was meeting tonight was already late. While contemplating whether he should leave or not, the man, owner of the bar, finally showed up. The owner looked just like his bar, cheap and sleazy.  "Ah, mista’ Dark, you’re ‘ere. Good, good.“ the owner exclaimed jovially as he sat down. “Would ya like somethin’ before we start? A drink, cigar? Maybe some doll to keep ya company… ”  "My time is a very precious thing and you already. Wasted. Enough. Either you get to the point or I’m ending this meeting right now.“ The man, suddenly not so confident, just nodded and began talking. "Well, ya see mista’ Dark, I’m a humble man. All I ‘ave is this bar and the only thing that keeps it runnin’ is that the chief of coppers has a debt in 'ere. But, 'e ain’t 'appy with this and my luck is runnin’ out. I need…”   A loud bang coming from the stage interrupted the man’s speech. They turned their heads to the front of the bar and the musician shot them an apologetic smile while picking up his fallen instrument.   “…As I was sayin’, I need an access to a dock. That’s what I wanted to ask ya. An access to the Northern dock so I can bring some goods 'ere.” Dark’s stare was piercing the man’s head. While he did control an almost whole city, the Northern dock had a prominent position, since most of his good came through there. And Dark wasn’t a sharing person.   “And why pray tell, would I ever do that? What do you have, to ever convince me to let you use it?” he drawled.   “W-well, ya see..”
 If I had the money, let me tell you how it’d be,  I’d take over the country, everyone would bow to me.  Sit up in my palace, baby you would be my queen,  we’d run this ship together, just you wait and see.  We’ll be royalty.
A melodic voice ran through the suddenly silent bar. A man in white and red striped suit, pink mustache, and matching hair was standing on the stage. Dark ignored the man’s rambling and stared at the singer instead. Never in his life, had he heard such beautiful sound. The singer took his breath away and a million questions began to form in his head.   “Who is that?” The startled owner stopped talking and confusedly answered. “Oh, 'im? Wilford, Wilford Warfstache. 'e sings 'ere.  Keeps the scum in check.” Dark was silently considering his choices. Would it be worthy, to partially lose a deck over this? And so, he made a decision.   “Him.”   “Excuse me”?   “You wanted to know the price for the dock. It’s him. Fire that singer and I will allow you to use my dock.”   “Deal.”
  Wilford couldn’t wait to get home and finally relax. He was sitting in what was supposed to be a dressing room. In reality, it was a moldy dump in the back of the bar, rearranged so Wil could change. He folded his suit, careful to not ruin it more than it already was. The owner suggested him to get a new one a long time ago, but Wl couldn’t. He just didn’t have money for a new one. That’s why he was singing here every night, doing a 'woman’s’ job. Nobody else was hiring and no girl wanted to sing in a bar like this. So he just had to roll with it.   A gentle knock on the door interrupted Wil from his musings. He scrambled to open it, knocking everything around him down in the process. Cursing, he made his way around the mess and slammed the door open. A tall stranger in an expensive black suit stood there, patiently waiting.   “May I help you?”   “Depends. Are you Wilford Warfstache?” Wil really didn’t have the patience nor the energy to play games. And somebody as rich as this guy in this type of bar? No, something wasn’t right. “That would be me.” The stranger smiled. “Your performance tonight was quite exquisite. I am here to make you an offer. How would you like working for me?’ Why would anyone want to willingly have a pink-haired male singer, he didn’t know.   "I-what?”   “You heard me.”   “Then I refuse.” This clearly shocked the other man, but before he said anything, Wil continued: “Look, I’m sure there’s plenty of girls outside that would be thrilled by job offer like this, but not me. This is the only place that was hiring and I’m not gonna let this go just because you asked me to. So thanks but no. Goodbye.” Before he could shut the door, the stranger managed to put something in his pocket. “If you ever change your mind, this is where you find me.” Wil sighed. Could this night be any worse?
 "You’re fired.“  "WHAT?”   “Let’s face it Wil, you’re maybe an eye candy for the girls, but that won’t do much in here. So pack your things and get out.” Wil was leaning on the back entrance door, clutching his few possessions to his chest. He couldn’t go back home, the householder was certainly waiting for him, demanding his rent money. Money he did not have. He reluctantly pulled out the card he got from the stranger. There were an address and a name written on it. He made a decision, swiftly walking toward the nearest bus stop.   “So, Upside Down, huh? Delightful name.”
@faaatima hit me with your criticism, i can take it
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harryff · 7 years
Chapter four Bellina. Part One.
The next month it was Emiliano’s birthday and there was no other place to have a large party but Ibiza. Emiliano chose the Hacienda Na Xamena to stay in. He invited a few close friends both from the celebrity world and his personal world. These days he was a mini socialite so the cameras followed him around sometimes depending on who he hangs out with. Bellina and Harry still hadn't talked only exchanging  a few words between each other, she wanted to ask him what was wrong but she knew and she wasn't going to let his ego make her feel guilty. When they arrived it was Bellina and Emiliano first followed by Harry and his friends who were invited months before the tension.
After Harry arrived, he longed to see her, but he wouldn't admit it to himself. After his much needed nap he invited everyone over to kick off the celebration. Bellina was hesitant to go if it wasn't for Emiliano threatening to pick her up and carry her over his shoulder and drop her on Harry's lap, he felt they were both being silly and they  needed to just talk about it.
They walked in Bellina trailing far behind as possible Emiliano introduced his other friends to each other Bellina stood to the side she wore white jeans and a black bandeau with black red bottoms, she picked a seat that hid her view from Harry's perspective. There she sat distracted by her phone, not paying any attention to what was going on.
Harry frustrated texted her. She had greeted him when she walked in, and completely ignored the empty space near him
Harry: could you come here please
She sighed when she saw the text this was beginning to become emotionally draining.Waiting 10 minutes she finally  approached him
“Yes?” she stood arms length away looking down at him
“Come’ere” he said grabbing her hand pulling her down to sit next to him.Immediately after there was an extremely awkward mood between the two. But bellina didn’t like that she wanted things to be ok so looking down at his hands she slinked her hand into his. She played with his rings. He leaned over and kissed her cheek. There wasn’t any conversation between them except him putting his arm around her and her playing with his rings.
As always Emiliano had to have a dance. “Darling” he said holding out his hand
“Yes” she smiled grabbing it.
“A dance shall we?”
The finished and stood in the middle of the room talking
“So Bell what would you get for your birthday, birthday sex or spanks?”
“Why can't you have both?” she challenged
“Oooh hmmm”
She turned to face his boyfriend “he can have both right?”
Mike nodded in response
“I just brokered for you, I want a million dollars” some people laughed
Emiliano blushed “I don't know why i didn't think about it like that”
With a sly grin she said “the question for you now is do you want your spanks by the hand, the paddle, the belt, or the whip?” she said making whipping noise
“Hmmm that's hard, what do you recommend?”
“Well the whip is like acute intense pain cuz its skinny so where it lands obviously will hurt a lot. Then the paddle and belt are in between. The hand is more personable he can squeeze, grab” she raised her brows twice “oooh massage tease hmm? sounds good right”
“You sound like you're into this” he teased
She made a face “Uh i don't know about that” she said before laughing
“Into some kink are we?” he said nudging her shoulders
“I'll never tell,”
“But you can tell me they don’t have to know”
Harry listened very carefully although they had discussed sex this was a topic they had yet to discuss.
She shook her head before saying “But did you know that there's an anatomy to spanking i found on tumblr. Tumblr is dirty”
“Oh yes you showed me, do you guys know?” he asked the room the men looked confused and shook their head “You should find out right Bell?”
“Yes you should add some spice to the relationship” she blushed
“Anyway show of hands ladies and gentleman who says daddy when fucking” Emiliano asked the room. The girls around the room sheepishly raised their hands if not their boyfriends did for them. However Bell did not.
He raised his brow “Bell are you telling a lie?”
“I don't like daddy it's just weird and my mind always goes there...” she made a disgusted face “it's just no a no go for me, might say papi even that doesn’t work, cuz i feel like daddy is like take control but like in a fun flirty way and then it's just weird cuz then it's like the voice you use shouldn't utter those words. But” she smiled
“What?” he said noticing her grin
“I prefer master?” she said unsure
Emiliano’s eyes got big “really? we are delving into the BDSM world”
Harry really started to pay attention, he instantly got hard,hand on  his crotch she was making him horny. It also wasn't helping that his friends were giving him looks “We are” she stated matter of fact
“Have you ever used it or called someone that?” he inquired
“No, no one has earned that privilege, that word is heavy just can’t be calling anyone that. Has to be someone worthy of that”
“But why do you prefer that to daddy? It's weird that’s like BDSM are you into that?”
“Not really, not like that anyway no fifty shades of grey type stuff, maybe twenty five shades of grey cutting down a bit” she laughed
“So what is it?” he smiled
“It's just that..... like when you want someone to take control you say?” she said urging him to answer “Daddy”
“Right but do you really want them to take control?” She paused  “think about it”
“Well.... i don't know” he was having a dilemma
“Master on the other hand hmmm..... implies true submission,take over cuz i want you to be in charge of my person. Does that make sense?”
He thought about it “i guess”
She turned around and talked to the group “what makes sense ladies you use daddy as the take control word but thats just take control of the situation right?” “Well it depends yea take control but when i say it i mean it in the context of ‘master’ except i might have to like guide my guy” Katie answered
“What about you?” Amanda said “Daddy does imply take control but i don't want to give my all to that person you know?” some nodded “Right so it's more so like take control for the moment, sometimes for the whole time, some men like being called daddy, am i wrong?” she asked looking for answer from the men
“I love it, it just makes me go crazy”
“You know I like daddy, but I think I would much prefer master” Niall said looking at Katie who blushed
“Harry no opinion?” she asked him
He smirked and shook his head tongue tied
She turned to face Emiliano “I just prefer master, not really BDSM but who knows”  with a devious grin on her face her fingers doing waves near her face she’s thinking
“Oh boy what is it?”
“What is the difference between true submission and complete submission?”
“Its...” He paused
“I’ll let you think about that, but enough of dirty talk let's dance shall we”
“Wait we can’t just switch gears like that” “Yes we can and we are” she said spinning around
Sometime during the night Bellina finds herself being pulled towards Harry’s room he was drunk. But not wasted.She sat down on the bed while he stood leaning against the door
“What’s up?” she asked looking at him, he had this distressed look on his face
“We need to talk” he paused “I want to change the rules, cuz its not workin’”
She shrugged in response, he ran his fingers through his hair “‘M sorry for yeh know ‘sjus’ i can’t......the rules need to change” “Why?” she asked
“‘Cause ‘m not an average boyfriend, ‘m not your average bloke! yeah?, ‘nd lets say i was a millionaire without recognition yeh would still let me get yeh gifts, it shouldn' change jus cuz ‘m well known.” “Ok so what are you saying?”  
“Im sayin’ yeh need to let me do stuff that yeh would let a regular millionaire bloke do!” he stressed
“And what's that shower me with gifts and such?”
She made a face and shook her head “it's a bit much that's all im saying, i appreciate it all but it's overwhelming to me”
“I kno ‘s not like ‘m doin’ it cuz i wan’ something from you” he explained walking towards her
“I know”
“So wha’ do you say?”
“That can change” she smiled
“Now let's talk ‘bou yeh ignoring me in public” he stood in front of her with a stern look on his face
She blushed and said “No you cannot change those, we cannot act like we are together”
“I don’ wan to do tha’ but.... it drives me bloody mad! I don’ like men coming up to yeh i hate it even more when yeh ignore me.” he said pulling her up
“So what are we gonna do?” she said looking into his eyes
“ ‘M not sure but i thin’ it needs to change”
“I’m not budging Harry, sorry” she said raking his hair
At that moment her phone rang it was her mother face timing her
“Hi mom” Bellina greeted her stepping away from Harry. It wasn’t like her mother had not seen pictures of him she just wanted to give him privacy.
“Why didn't you call me?!”
“I did!” she smiled, she was lying
“No you didn’t! and where are you?”
“At the hotel mom” she said spinning around so she could see
“Are you ok?” her mom asked
“Yes are you?”
“S tha’ your mum?” Harry asked listening to the conversation “Yes” she said turning to face him
“Who is that?” her mother asked
“Yes!” she said looking at the phone wondering why was she acting like she hadn’t mentioned him before
“I don’t know a Harry”   
She walked over to him and aimed the phone at their faces  informally introducing them “mom Harry, Harry mom”
“Nice to meet you mum” he greeted her doing his 2 finger salute
“Ooh british. What do you want from my daughter?” she questioned
He shook his head.”Not..”
She interrupted him “I'm just joking you take care of her and oh i've heard alllll about you” she said before hanging up
“Omg” she mumbled before hanging up
He started nuzzling her neck
“Time to party” she said doing silly moves moving away
“ ‘M already drunk i don’ need to party” he said pulling her close, he was silent for awhile “ ‘M sorry” he said apologizing for his behavior “I know” she said looking at him  
The next day Harry woke up the next day to an empty bed, the last thing he remembered was refusing to go back out to the party and making Bellina cuddle with him on the bed. Her fingers caressing his scalp was the last sensation he felt before falling asleep. Hearing a lot of movement he decided to wake up.  
Emiliano was expecting the girls to be ready for a shopping spree but he expected them to look their best because after all it was an event not a party the men were expected to do nothing but be ready by 6pm that evening. Bellina settled on a white mini bandage skirt with a orange off shoulder top. Her shoes and accessories were blue her hair in a low updo. Rushing into Harry’s room Bellina needed to find her wallet.
“Don’ yeh look beautiful” He said sitting up and putting his phone down.
She smiled glancing at him, “ Hey,have you seen my wallet?”
“No” he said on sitting the side of the bed watching her tear the room apart
She finally found it under his bed. “Oh yes!” she rushed into the bathroom to do a once over
Harry watched her “Yeh forgive me puddin’?”  he asked.
She giggled, at first she hated that pet name but she didn't mind it now. He gave it to her after he learned how much sweets were part of life but it interchanged from ‘pudding’ to ‘poppet’ to ‘pet’ to ‘love’
“Yes” she confirmed turning to face him
“Can I get a kiss then?” he said reaching out to her
Walking over to him she gave him a quick peck
“Tha's not a kiss luv”
“It was!” she stressed looking down at him
“I wan’ like a true kiss” he said his arms wrapped around her waist
“If it wasn't a kiss then what was it?”
“Shit! Tha’s what it was... I wan’ a kiss” he said resting his head on her chest looking up at her
“I just kissed you” she said caressing his face
Thinking quickly Harry grabbed her wallet off her hand “if yeh don't give me a true kiss yeh won' get your wallet back” he said holding it behind him
“Harry!” she fussed reaching for it
He leaned back “Kiss or yeh’ll be late” she was already pushing the time limit
She huffed before planting a kiss his lips which was followed by another thinking she was slick she tried reaching up for the wallet only to have him to stretch his arm out further,  causing them both to chuckle at their antics, coming up with another plan she went in for a deeper kiss her tongue danced with his slowly, slowly she eased up his body, she got him where she wanted him distracted. Grabbing the wallet quickly she broke away from the kiss
“Bye Harry” she said attempting to flee pushing herself off
With quick reflexes he grabbed her arm pulling her back “I wasn' done Bell” he said in a deep smooth tone with one arm draped across her back fingers spread pulling her in and the other hand on her chin. Harry hungrily attacked her lips this time it was him that had her in a trance. Kissing down her jawline to the nape of her neck to her sensitive spot behind her ears Bellina was helpless grabbing onto his arm she gasped every time he licked her neck which was followed by a moan, Harry's hand traveled down to grip  her ass. Going back for a kiss he teased her taking her bottom lip into his mouth and biting it lightly he watched as ecstasy plastered itself on her face.
“I gotta go Harry” she said when he returned to her neck trying to push herself off of him. Which only gave him motivation and he pulled her back “Harry!” she fussed
He chuckled at her antics only further attacking her neck.
As she regained her strength and focus she knew the only way to get out of this was to act silly . Abruptly she started wiggling up and down
Harry erupted in laughter which caused him to loosen his hold on her. She giggled at herself “I gotta go bye”
“Wha’ the fuck was tha’?” he asked still deep in laughter
“I don't know” she shrugged rushing out
She met up with the girls in the lobby
“You look flustered are you ok?” Katie commented
“Yes!” she stressed
“Ooooohhhh I see” Emiliano teased
“Nothing happened”
“Mhm” he sized her up
“Let's go shopping” Amanda interjected
“Finally!” Bellina said in relief  
There wasn't much Bellina got even with Harry's card she refused to buy much during their shopping spree. They took pictures which Emiliano posted on his Instagram, he posted one particular one of Bellina, with her sitting down leaning on the table legs crossed her hair a mess on her face biting her lip looking directly into the camera
“Whoa!”  Liam said showing Harry the picture
He bit his lip in reaction
“Oii! off it mate! when ‘re yeh gonna make her your girl?” Niall asked
“What's soon?” Niall asked
“Yeh betta secure your spot before someone else does” Jeff commented  
He shook his head thinking about this morning making it official was soon to happen.
The girls decided it was best to surprise the men that evening so instead they got ready at Emiliano's room.  
Bellina settled for a reddish orange body con dress, a midi that stopped right at her knee with an open back that stopped right at the small of her back. Her makeup was a dramatic eye and soft pink lips her hair in bouncy curls that was cascaded to the side to emphasize the back of her dress. Her shoes Giuseppe Zanotti heels and gold accessories to top it off.
“I think you should go get the men” Emiliano commented eyeing her outfit
“Why?” she asked confused
“Cuz girl if Harry didn't jump on you then? he will now! I'll tell the girls to wait for us I'll make something up go go go” he scurried her out the door
“Ok ok” she said
“Confidence ooze it!” he teased
“I will” she laughed
As all the men waited they were having a deep conversation, they didn't notice Bellina walk in
“Gentlemen” she spoke as she walked in they all instinctively turned. Their reactions were priceless although some tried to hide it out of respect for Harry
“Whoo look at yeh!” Liam commented
“Are you ready?”
“Yes!” Jeff said enthusiastically. “Finally!”, they stood up walking towards her
“Follow me” she spoke before turning around
Curse words were mumbled even by Harry.They followed her to the elevator where they stood in silence secretly stealing looks while Harry didn't care at that point who knew and who didn't she looked damn good. They followed her in silence to the elevator. As the elevator dinged indicating they had reached the lobby she spoke before stepping out “meet you at the yacht” before walking the opposite direction towards the front as they walked to the back. Her hips swayed the tight dress accentuated and enhanced her curves. She glanced back a sign of pure cockiness and indeed Harry was still watching other men stopped in their tracks to watch her walk out the door
Jeff taking him by the shoulder said “Come on mate”
Turning around Harry bit his knuckles “fuuuuck!” He exclaimed
As she got to the car she spoke to the “ladies get ready to be fucked tonight”
“Whoo!” they cheered after all it's not a birthday celebration without sex is it?
As the two cars made their way towards the port, the paparazzi were in hot pursuit this was a night anyone hiding something had to behave the pictures would be in the tabloids the next week
The women arrived before the men. They were greeted by the first mate who showed them to the dining area
“Can I get you any drinks ladies?” they ordered and waited for the men who arrived ten minutes later. They were to have dinner then set sail for the party extra people were to arrive after. Harry and Bellina sat across each other which didn't help his situation he had to keep his hand on his crotch the whole time.
After dinner the yacht set sail there was an upper deck which was turned essentially into a lounge/club. Harry sat on one of the sofas paying close attention to the men who approached her. Trying to get close and personal she maneuvered around their arms and hands which yearned to touch her skin. He loved to see her work her charm.  He wasn't going get drunk tonight, this night was a night to remember.
Emiliano grabbed her to dance saving her from the never ending line of men
Texting her he said
Harry: Could you come sit next to me for a bit pet?
When she didn't respond he noticed it was because he had her phone in his pocket she had slipped it to him before the extra guests joined. Feeling eyes on her Bellina turned around to see Harry's intense gaze. Noticing that she was looking back Harry raised his brow and smirked sending chills down her back
“Where's your boyfriend?” A stranger asked her
She challenged “What makes you think I don't have one?”
“What man would let you walk out like this without him close by?”
She shrugged
“So again my question stands”
“Do I have a boyfriend? is he an illusion? is he real? is he a place?” she said being sarcastic
Harry walked up behind them
“Oii! Harry!”
“Hello mate!” he said shaking his hand
“Yeh look good man!”
“Thank you, I need to borrow her real quick “
“Yea no problem she's great company” he flirted
She smiled before walking away with Harry
“Yes Mr. Styles how may I help you?” she said as they stopped to face each other
He ran his fingers through his hair clenching his jaw. His eyes were a dark green, he couldn't say what he wanted to say
She made a face took a step back “cat got your tongue” she teased
He had a devilish smirk
“Should I shimmy for you again?” she said wiggling which caused him to break out in laughter
“Bell come with me” Emiliano said walking up to her and grabbing her hand
“I gotta go”
He lightly dragged his hand down her back as she walked away it was electric
At the end of the night a drunk Emiliano needed to be put to bed
“Sweet dreams darling” she said to him after making sure he was alright
“Thanks” his boy friend said
“Get some dick tonight bitch!” Emiliano commented  she laughed walking away
She walked up the steps to the penthouse suite there she heard noises of lovemaking mixed with giggles.
She retired to Harry's room taking off her shoes and removing the pins of her hair she contemplated sleeping in the dress. Sitting on the bed she did her toe exercises  she was so focused  on her phone she didn't realize Harry had walked out of the bathroom.
“Bell” he called to her as he approached her
“Yes?” she said not looking up oblivious to the evil grin he held on his face
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pinpep · 7 years
An unexpected talk
"Hey guys. It's been awhile. Times are tough. It seems like the world and my life are on the brink, and ive never been so torn. I wonder if it was as easy as you two made it seem. I almost gave up. Sometimes I still want to. I'm trying. I miss you. I'll be brave."
The trees around her felt as empty as ever. The graves, as graves always were, remained silent, but the air a short distance behind her was another matter entirely.
“Oh, wee lamb. Th'easier it looks, th'arder it was. Forged in fire, hey?”
The voice surprised her, knowing she was supposed to be secluded out here, but the young gnome calmed herself, certainly a well-meaning passerby judging by how the tone had no malice whatsoever.  She turned her head around to greet the stranger.
Seated on the grass next to a large oak stump, a woman bearing the not-quite-sharp, not-quite-round features of a middle-aged mother sips carefully from a steaming teacup. Her hair is dark and held up off her neck by a kerchief across her forehead, and her clothing is simple, but fine. The light-colored dress seemed a bit dirty, but it was hard to be sure since she, cup and all, was a softly-shimmering translucent green. “Don’t mind me, luv.”
Calmly adjusting to the fact that a spirit had decided to reveal itself, the gnome can’t help but smile at the ‘luv’, it gave away where the woman was from, anyway, and it did make her think of Leon, almost an uncanny feeling, really. “Oh, it’s no trouble, i’m not far away enough from town to expect privacy.” Adjusting her seating, she turning to face the woman.  "I enjoy coming out here to talk to my parents, pretty place. You on a walk?“
When she chuckled, the slight reverb was much easier to pick up, but it didn’t make her sound particularly alien, rather giving her voice a more songlike quality as she set her cup down. "I do like t'wander in my free time these days. It is a lovely little spot you’ve found for yourself. My apologies for intruding on you, by th’ by. Couldn’t quite 'elp myself. It sounded so …mm, familiar.” Pin gave her a smile. Spirits, though she had rarely encountered them, were rarely malevolent, and in truth she found this one to be pleasant enough that she didn’t want to cause her any discomfort.  "Familiar? I suppose everyone has their troubles.“
"Very much so. First thin’ y'learn that’s worth learnin’ once married, luv; nobody’s marriage is without stumbles. Th’ longer they go, th’ more there are, o’ course, but that’s just probability, innit?”
“Personally, I talked t'my pillows about it.”
She chuckled, “I like to air this stuff out there, or at my training dummy if i’m mad enough.” a brief pause, followed by a deep breath, “There have been ups and downs, but this was the first time I thought I was making it worse. Still feel it.” “Well, in a way, you’re right, luv.” She set her cup down, drawing a second one out of nothing and pouring from a homey little teapot that hadn’t been on the stump before. It certainly smelled nice, lots of bergamot, a little orange. “We’re all responsible for our own lives, aren’t we? So if it’s not goin’ th'way we want it, that’s always a little bit on us. Not quite s'much as we’d gen'rally like, I think, but still.”
It was not a great feeling, to hear those words, but she had a kind way of saying it that put that initial panic to bed, and… well, she was right. “True…. true.  Guess I just let it get to me, though, tried to get away from it, saying it was for the greater good. Guess i’m still a bit of a greenhorn with this love thing.”
“Tch, you are ev'ry ounce his li'l girl, aren’t you? Ideas an’ words bigger'n than you a dozen times over for ev'ry li'l success an’ hiccup.” She gave a silvery laugh as she pressed the teacup into Pin’s hands, feeling solid and smelling heavenly.
“You’ll only ever be a greenhorn, luv. Life never runs short o’ surprises, least of all in love. Dwellin’ in th’ valleys makes climbin’ t'th’ peaks take all that much longer, though.”
The words took a little while to sink in, all of them, and the young gnome held the ghostly teacup in her hands, looking into the woman’s eyes for awhile, her brain catching up with the implications. She took a deep breath… “You… you knew dad?” her voice cracked a bit.
My but meeting that gaze was a familiar sensation, green shimmer or not. Pin looked into eyes like those almost every night. Come to think of it, her smile turned up just a little higher on the same side as Leon’s, too. “I’d be surprised if 'alf o’ creation didn’t know that man by now, luv. 'E’s got personality enough t'man a warship on 'is own.”
Almost by instinct, Pin lifted the cup to her lips, taking a sip of the ethereal, but… very real liquid, best tea she’d ever had, really. It was the only thing keeping her from tearing up. Dad… he was… around. She knew it, of course, proof of spirits and all that, just… to -know-. And as the gnome met her gaze once again… she knew. “You…. you’re Bettany, aren’t you?”
Almost bashfully, she nodded her head and picked up her cup in a half-toast. “Sorry for th’ theatrics, luv. I 'ave t’ find my fun where I can.”
Trying to regain a bit of sanity via levity, Pin gave her a bit of a wry smile, “Well, I suppose i’ve no room to judge on theatricality. I came back from the dead in golden armor.” giving herself a few halfhearted chuckles, she met Bettany’s eyes again. “I…don’t know why or how but… I… really wanted to meet you. Leon really thought the world of you.”
Another loud, full-bodied laugh for the armor comment really hammered home the truth of her identity. “And oh 'ow your poppa glowed fit t’ match when y'did, too! If not fer all th’ bloody nebulous rules of it, 'e’d 'ave already come t'you, luv, and don’t think for a moment that 'e wouldn’t.” Her smile faded just a touch at the edges at the mention of her son, sad but resigned. “'E still does, luv. An’ just like yours, I’ll come to 'im when I can. An’ when it won’t crush 'im further.”
There were the tears. She managed to ward of the outpouring of emotion with a few deep breaths, but it was good to hear… that he saw, that he knew. “I… i’ll do my best to help get him there. I’ve been scared… but he seems to be doing better.”
“It’s very 'ard not to once there’s so much less t'fret over. From what we could see, your time on that side o’ thin’s wasn’t quite th'same.” She waved one hand in an absent sort of swat, and she sipped from her tea again. “'They’ve never been anythin’ less'n’ ecstatic t'see you go, luv. ”
“I do wish 'e 'adn’t gotten t'talkin’ with Graeme fer a while, though.” A long-suffering, but not quite actually upset, sigh. “Thank th’ gods they can’t get themselves killed again, that’s all I’ll say.”
The thought of that scenario made the gnome smile, “I actually was referring to your son, Ma'am, but it is good to know all the same.”
“You’ll pardon me sayin’ so I 'ope, but I’d assumed y'would without needin’ said. I’ll admit I never knew what 'e needed was you, but it’s clear as day now.”
Her cheeks darken a bit as she takes the compliment, she briefly looks down before meeting her gaze again. “Thanks. You raised a wonderful man, Bettany. Heck, two of them, though the other one does have a smart mouth sometimes.”
“Terry never did quite like 'ow much like 'is poppa 'e wound up, but if 'e did, 'e wouldn’t be much like 'is poppa at all. Leon… I’m glad 'e came away from th’ man 'e was becomin’ just after.”
Pin takes another sip of her tea, only to find it just about finished. “Me too. He got me to believe in myself again. Got me to love myself as well as him.” “Always th’ nurturin’ type, that boy.” She set her teacup on the stump where, after a moment, it faded off into nothing. “I think y’ deserve each other, an’ yes, that can be interpreted any number o’ ways, not all of 'em kind. I’ll leave it up t'you t'decide which one I mean just now, hm?”
She nods slowly, “Something to think about, at least. I… anything you want me to say?”
For the first time, Bettany stopped smiling, looking thoughtfully off into the trees around them. “… a great many. But they’d all be selfish. It wouldn’t 'elp Leon any t'hear from me th’ way 'e is now.” It wasn’t something that made her happy to say, but she’d resolved to accept it.
“I’ll ask y’t'keep this chat between us for now, on that note, please.”
“Yes’m.” Pin couldn’t help but go with Leon’s choice of words there.
A knowing smirk followed that familiar utterance. “At least not till I’ve gotten t'ave words with th'other girl.”
At that, Pin smiled, “i’m glad you are, Kae’s a bit lost, and you’re pretty good at this.”
She lifted her chin in mock imperiousness and sniffed once. “I raised one boy through puberty and another almost as far, all th’ while keepin’ their great dafty of a father out o'trouble. I should very well hope so.”
“You certainly lived up to the talk, ma'am.”
With a soft chuckle, Bettany gave pin’s nose a short tap. If she blinks, she’ll simply be gone by the time Pin opens her eyes again. If not, she’ll see the form of Leon’s mother softly pop into a million little green sparkles and whisk off with the breeze.
A faintly amused voice lingers just a few moments longer. “Don’t be a kiss-ass, darlin’.”
Pin can’t help but laugh, cogs, she could tell why Leon was a momma’s boy.
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voidwizerd-archive · 7 years
[[ "Shall we play a game?” Kankri Vantas, hurt and resentful but still in love.
part two of Wiz/Kankri logs!! the questions game ]]
valorousimperial What's your favorite color?
wiz-texts ...purple. especially dark pink n blue are tied for second
valorousimperial Your turn.
wiz-texts you mean i ask you one?
valorousimperial Yes.
wiz-texts well there we go thats it ....kiddin
valorousimperial Shh. I laughed.
wiz-texts what bout your favorite color?? i promise i wont jus be stealin your questions but colors is a good one
valorousimperial Blue, like indigo bloods. It doesn't really fit with the theme of the crown, though. The color just seems peaceful.
wiz-texts yea!!! yea indigo blue is real pretty your turn
valorousimperial If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
wiz-texts oh gosh if....... if there was a way to just.... stand on top of everythin n watch..... all of it roll out in front of you........ i would do that maybe that sounds like some kinda crazy god fantasy but i just think itd be really beautiful but since that prolly aint a doable thing
valorousimperial Considering you're some kind of crazy god, maybe it is.
wiz-texts maybe but my alternate answer would be a garden a huge huuuuuuuuuuuuge garden, w everythin in it!!!! or near everythin i love plants so much
valorousimperial Your lilacs are still overrunning mine.
wiz-texts >:0 theyre misbehavin?!!! i better give em a talkin to they aint usually growin outta their spot so, um, if you remember your dreams.... whats your favorite thing youve ever dreamed about??? for whatever reason, ha
valorousimperial They got so big!!! Mmm... My favorite dream is the one that came true. When I was young, I dreamed of freedom.
wiz-texts n you got it?
valorousimperial I don't know if I'm free. There's a lot of binding about being the emperor.
valorousimperial But at that time, freedom meant being out of my donor's control. I *did* get that.
wiz-texts holy shit thats.... thats wonderful. im so glad you got that maybe...... hm
valorousimperial ?
wiz-texts just a thought. i... hm im scared its a hurtful one so i should prolly just.... keep it to myself for now
valorousimperial If you want.
wiz-texts fuck knows you deserve a break but not yet because uh, your turn to ask a question
valorousimperial If you could change one thing that happened to you, what would you change and how?
wiz-texts ha. loaded question
valorousimperial Doesn't have to be recent.
wiz-texts problem is i dont remember like......... a lot of things. most things i cant remember what th event wouldve been but it had to have started somewhere
wiz-texts th first time my friends ever hurt me. if i could, id change it so id never have believed it was my fault
valorousimperial That's a good thing to want to change.
valorousimperial I think your whole life would have went very differently.
wiz-texts id be different thats for sure maybe less scared i guess th important thing is that i did realize it wasnt my fault or more likely someone told me bc i..... do not come easily to realizations like that on my own
valorousimperial (It was me.)
wiz-texts ....oh thats. huh. so i guess..... i still remember things i learned from you wonder what else there is um!! whats your favorite myth? or folk tale??
valorousimperial Mmmm... That's hard. Fantasy was all I had when I was growing up, so I know a lot of things. I think that probably my favorite stories were the ones that didn't have lessons - they were just full of people doing what they wanted So, ancient mythology really caught my eye. It made the gods seem troll-like, and they just did what they wanted.
wiz-texts oooooh :0
wiz-texts i keep feelin like i oughta look more at myths because so many are bout gods n thats sorta? what i am i guess??? its nice to seem em bein regular but like. actin regular except w mighty powers i guess, ha
valorousimperial Right.
wiz-texts this question thing is sorta fun actually did we play it before??
valorousimperial I agree! No!
wiz-texts we shouldve!!!!!! its.... its a fun sorta way to get to kno each other anyway um, your turn....
valorousimperial I'm thinking...
wiz-texts think fasterrrr im kiddin. take your time
valorousimperial If you could go any*when* and change any*thing* with no horrific consequences, What would it be? It doesn't even have to be something related to you, Just. Something that you want to be different.
wiz-texts well frankly i would go back to last night n smash my goddamn phone [[<BACKSPACE! BACKSPACE!!! ]] gee um all of time is a rough one to pick from
wiz-texts if theres an event that couldve stopped th game from happenin, thats what id go for but then maybe i wouldnt exist???? idk. exchangin me n a few others to save multiple universes seems like a fair trade ....whoa thats a grim answer. oops
valorousimperial From what I've heard of the game, it's not that simple. So many universes wouldn't have been *born* then, right?
wiz-texts not really. they kill a universe and in theory you get to make one maybe..... one in several million sessions actually ends in created universe
valorousimperial I thought it was only one planet that was supposed to be destroyed?
wiz-texts nah they wreck th whole shebang ....i think most of th game is fuzzy between th violence n alcohol my turn!!!!
valorousimperial Your turn!!!
wiz-texts this is sorta silly but i keep thinkin bout it so here goes: do you ever paint your nails??? if you do or dont, what colors do you think youd like?
valorousimperial I do! Lots of trolls paint their claws.
wiz-texts (that totally aint two questions its one question in.... two parts. with a bunch of extra question marks)
valorousimperial It's seen as an accentuating thing, as claws are a vital part of troll standards of beauty.
wiz-texts ooohhhhh :0
valorousimperial My favorites are matte red and metallic gold.
valorousimperial Mm... What's your favorite sort of thing to wear?
wiz-texts mm?
valorousimperial Like, Do you have a favorite type of clothing?
wiz-texts hmm.... button-up shirts. they can be comfy or stylish and i guess accessories that go w that?? though ive only recently started experimentin like watches n bow ties n cuff links also: gold rings. fr some reason i have a bunch: i think there was a party?? i vaguely recall there bein a party
valorousimperial I've had you at a few parties. Do you know how recently it was?
wiz-texts real recent. i think th rings went w a suit?? yyyyea this red n black one
wiz-texts hm. i never really thought of red as my color
valorousimperial Auriel's party.
valorousimperial It matched my suit.
wiz-texts oh my god i promise i didnt mean to diss th color red!!!! i jus figured since i already got th pink thing goin, itd b a bit too much??? so i never wore it ...guess i changed my mind
valorousimperial You came to the party as my quadrant, so you probably decided to just match me.
wiz-texts speakin of clothes, um.... i hope this is an okay question do u wear gloves a lot or somethin???? i know i never rly do but there are a bunch of gloves in my sylladex
valorousimperial ...
wiz-texts all like, really nice material n stuff. black or white. some are gray. um. are they yours??
valorousimperial Oh. They're for my psionic. I always forget gloves, but whenever I touch other people, I feel their emotions. I guess you were preparing for me.
wiz-texts i guess so... ill um, ill keep em in th 'dex if thats alright. in case you need em n im round.....
valorousimperial Alright. ... What were you thinking earlier?
wiz-texts heck
valorousimperial Sorry.
wiz-texts thats kinda... um sorry in advance if this is upsettin?? sorry
valorousimperial I know I said I wouldn't ask, but the curiosity is killing me.
wiz-texts what you were sayin bout freedom made me wonder if.... if maybe freedom had somethin to do with why i made that choice
valorousimperial ... Free of what? Of me?
wiz-texts no!!!! no i mean th scars!! they can be....... bindin
wiz-texts in a real bad way
valorousimperial ...mm. I know about that.
wiz-texts you do???
valorousimperial Yes.
wiz-texts im kinda surprised, i thought round here scars are considered attractive n all that
valorousimperial They are.
wiz-texts (...did you tell me that?)
valorousimperial (Yes.)
wiz-texts (okay)
wiz-texts um... whose turn is it??
valorousimperial It's mine.
wiz-texts oh okay
valorousimperial Wait, No, it's yours.
wiz-texts 0o0 tbh i shoulda asked this first because Super Important what....... is........ your opinion on purrbeasts?
valorousimperial !! We went on a date to a cat cafe
valorousimperial I brought home four of them!
wiz-texts you took me to a cat cafe?? :0
valorousimperial You took ME to a cat cafe!
wiz-texts *what* no way.... where did i get that kinda initiative omfg more importantly!!! there's FOUR MORE KITTIES round here somewhere????? i gotta meet emmm
valorousimperial ?? Shouldn't you remember the cats? They love you.
wiz-texts i guess they were too close to you. i mean now that i think bout it i sorta remember???? but its fuzzy like th ball w that Auriel lady
valorousimperial Their names are Mushik, Halmim, Romila, and Vessin.
wiz-texts that sounds bout right..... yea, bout right i took you out to a cat cafe n you adopted four. wow your turrrn
valorousimperial My question WAS going to be if you DID remember the cat cafe, but that answers that. What's your favorite dessert?
wiz-texts i think it might be milkshakes!! i only tried em recently but theyre super yummy (least favorite is anythin with squash. especially pumpkin)
valorousimperial (Even pumpkin spice milkshakes?)
wiz-texts (i ate nothin but pumpkins for so long....... so so long =_="")
wiz-texts what is........... your favorite..... veggie dish
valorousimperial I really like peas...
wiz-texts omg theyre sweet!
valorousimperial But they get stuck in my teeth
wiz-texts 0-0
valorousimperial The little casings do. The same with corn.
wiz-texts that reminds me of my next question but its ur turn first
valorousimperial What should always be on a sandwich?
wiz-texts food
valorousimperial Hah.
wiz-texts but meat i guess????? though i really like tomatoes tomatoes ARE the red ones right
wiz-texts n when th leaves r all crispy!!!! they taste sweetish n refreshin somehow??? idk i jus like it im just buildin a whole sandwich at this rate
wiz-texts mmm.......
wiz-texts what kinda teeth do you have?
valorousimperial Two rows of something awfully sharklike!
[[ Several Hours In The Future, Because I Heckin Fell Asleep... ]]
wiz-texts ....fallin asleep without rememberin that you even laid down is a surreal dang feelin
valorousimperial I know, right? I passed out without realizing I'd closed my eyes...
wiz-texts yea i had..... felt like some kinda multiple row thing was goin on. otherwise that mark in my shoulder wouldnt make as much sense also because peas stuck in shark teeth is a funny mental image
valorousimperial Shoosh!!
wiz-texts ha so, your turn if um. if were still playin
valorousimperial Hmm.. What's your favorite texture?
wiz-texts dang uh...... thats actually super hard bc i love experimentin with all kinds of textures
wiz-texts i guess my favorite.... kind? of texture? that would be stuff that feels soft like kitty fur!! purrbeast i mean
valorousimperial Why do you keep saying that??
wiz-texts sayin what
valorousimperial Purrbeast You, uh. You know that cat is the normally recognized word, don't you?
wiz-texts oh!
valorousimperial I've been saying cat,
wiz-texts no ive just heard purrbeast n meowbeast used by trolls a bunch so i figured itd be considerate to switch when im talkin to trolls.....
valorousimperial Oh.
wiz-texts ive been tryin to make it a habit...... well now i just feel silly, ha
valorousimperial ' - beast' is generally lowblood vernacular Which I'm trying to phase out by providing better education. Descriptive naming is a habit that trolls without access to worthwhile education picked up so they could communicate ideas.
wiz-texts whoa. i had no idea
valorousimperial I mean, honestly, Mituna still adamantly calls the meowbeasts, so you do what you like, but We do call them cats. So if you don't want to, you don't have to correct yourself, and most trolls will still know what you mean.
wiz-texts huh. okay thanks for th lesson there
valorousimperial Happy to!
wiz-texts so..... my turn.....
valorousimperial It is!
wiz-texts do you want to meet today? it um. its okay if you dont, of course
valorousimperial Mm... We probably should.
wiz-texts so youre.... youre okay w that?
valorousimperial Yes, but Not RIGHT this second, if you don't mind...
wiz-texts oh um, right. of course so... when, then?
valorousimperial It's just that I have a guest right now So maybe not too long, maybe an hour or so.
wiz-texts oh!! oh right, okay. wouldnt wanna impose or nothin, of course
valorousimperial Hours in the future, but like one: -------------------- Okay, I'm ready.
wiz-texts me too. comin back now
valorousimperial You said that before. Except now I can't say 'the hall between my block and yours' because you'll get lost now.
wiz-texts oops
valorousimperial So, I'll just Come to yours.
wiz-texts alright. im still headin over so i guess well see who shows up first
3 notes · View notes
lokbobpop · 3 years
1 : to bring (as by argument) to belief, consent, or a course of action : persuade convinced himself that she was all right— William Faulkner something I could never convince him to read— John Lahr. 2 obsolete. a : to overcome by argument. b : overpower, overcome.
C16: from Latin convincere to demonstrate incontrovertibly, from com- (intensive) + vincere to overcome, conquer.
Convince con Vince con vin ce conv in ce
Writing the word convince
Who am i trying to convince im doing well with process me myself or another what would convince me that im getting somewhere it could be all fake fear of not getting it comes up and have i got what ive got so self doubt is out to play hey how are you self dough how did I allow you to convict me my whole life thought what im doing might not be good enough so i say to here no more self doubt i free myself of this conviction of doubt within myself i need you no longer ive never needed you you have not serves me you have only hindered me so i hereby let you go im finished with you within me.
Reading the word convince
When your trying to convince another to sell something at a cheap price wanting and desiring something but not wanting to pay big bucks for it.
Trying to convince people of stuff like desteni nobody wants to know they think its all wacko shit i can see what it is that who want to think we are run buy an off world cabal that are a bunch of lizard people even i think wtf but i jus thong look at this point i look at the message i look at he change within me i look at who i have become within all this so I need to stop trying to find someone to like it like i do and just live the example of it.
I still need convincing myself i see im not fully like hey this is 100% as in i see things were heading this way anyway as it has been written for 100s o years but we are talking a different change i really don’t know i should ask but i never get the answers i really want in death because i believe none truly knows what the fuck is going to happen its just playing out now.
Ive see ive spent long times trying to convince the girls into going stuff what ive feel is best for them and them not wanting to do anything and having fears come up within me of they are going to have nothing in life they just wont listen when they are in life they are life and they are em bracing life it self i and can only help guide and not live there life for them.
Sayin convince out loud
Who needs convincing lol my husband will never be convinced of desteni and its process no way is he going to do it let a lone believe out to be true.
The need to control someone through convincing them something is so i see im very stuck in the way that no convincing will ever stop me from going what im doing and see anything else as a waste of my time and when someone try’s to convince me otherwise i feel self righteous egotistical towards them
The power that be have convinced the world that they need vaccinating and 85% i believe think this to be true and if this is true what hope is there for there ever t be any change within this planet none we just stop to thing what is best i know you shouldn’t fear the vacs and i know that it mostly fine to take it but why are not more people standing up and saying we dont need it we are fine we have an immune system.
Does this definition support me no it has fear on a global level of people being sheep it has manipulation of wanting to convince others and also i still need convince myself becasue i cant put my whole self into something because i fear it to be wrong and if it wrong ive fucked up i need to let go of my fears of who i might become it i free myself of my mind this is whats best for me millions of years of living the old way dozens word this way works for me i an now living loving who i am ive no it done this in this life time and its much better than before so why is it hard to see this is what i need to bri need to be the change this world needs
Convince co wins
To try to persuade someone with showing them how life could be without there mind.
How will i live this word? I will live this word with convincing myself i am doing whats best for all right now and live whats best for all so all can see whats best for all all the time
With living words of self determination self honesty self perfection
0 notes
beatmyaudio · 4 years
Elevators Me You Song Lyrics – Outkast
Elevators Me You Song Lyrics
Elevators Me You Song Lyrics From Popular Hollywood Artist Outkast from Album.
This song is sung by singer ” Outkast ” in Year 1996.
Lyrics of Elevators Me You :
outkast atliens elevators me you verse one andre one for the money yes uhh two for the show a couple of years ago on headland and delowe was the start of somethin good where me and my nigga rodes the marta through the hood just tryin ta find that hookup now everyday we look up at the ceiling watchin ceiling fans go around tryin ta catch that feelin off instrumental had my pencil and plus my paper we caught the 86 lithonia headed to decatur writing rhymes tryin ta find our spot off in that light light off in that spot known that we could rock doin the hole in the wall clubs this shit here must stop like freeze we makin the crowd move but we not makin no gs and thats a nono verse two big boi yeah uhh check it ahh one two ahh one two doe niggaz in the cadillac they call us went from players ball to ballers puttin the south up on the map was like little rock to bangin niggaz say motherfuck that playin they payin we stay in layin vocals locals done made it with them big boys up in dis industry outkast yea dem niggaz they makin big noise over a million sold to this day niggaz they take it lightly ninetysix gon be that year that all yall playa haters can bite me around this bitch chorus repeat 2x me and you your momma and your cousin too rollin down the strip on vogues comin up slammin cadillac doz doors verse three big boi back in the day when i was younger hunger lookin to fill me belly with that rallys bullshit pull shit off like it was supposed to be pulled full as a tick i was stoned like white boys smokin them white golds before them blunts got krunk chunky asses passes gettin thrown like hail marys and they lookin like halle berry so so fine intertwined but we aint sippin wine wes just chillin im the rabid villain and im so high smokin freely me lil b greet mon and shug and my little brother james thangs changed in the hood where i live at them rats know mama i want to sing but mama i want to trick and mama im suckin dick now we movin on up in da world like elevators me and the crew we pimps like eightytwo me and you like tony toni tone like this eastpointe and we gone chorus verse four andre got stopped at the mall the other day heard a call from the other way that i just came from some nigga was sayin somethin talkin bout hey man you remember me from school smoke some naw not really but he kept smilin like a clown facial expression lookin silly and he kept askin me what kind of car you drive i know you paid i know yall got buku of hoes from all them songs that yall done made and i replied that i had been goin through tha same thing that he had true i got more fans than the average man but not enough loot to last me to the end of the week i live by the beat like you live check to check if you dont move yo foot then i dont eat so we like neck to neck yes we done come a long way like them slim ass cigarettes from virginia this aint gon stop so we just gonna continue chorus
Elevators Me You Song Lyrics
Youtube Channel Link
Lyrics, Edit, Elevators Me You, English, Hollywood, Outkast from WordPress https://ift.tt/3eeGFpc via IFTTT
0 notes
Lorane Oregon Cheap car insurance quotes zip 97451
"Lorane Oregon Cheap car insurance quotes zip 97451
Lorane Oregon Cheap car insurance quotes zip 97451
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Which is better hmo or ppo insurance?
Which is better hmo or ppo insurance?
Health Insurance for stay-at-home Mom & Baby?
I need to find affordable, but good, health insurance for my baby and myself. If my son and I go on my husbands insurance, I'd need a job just to pay for it because it's so expensive! I'm currently working but will be quitting a few months after our son is born. We've decided it would be best if I stayed home to raise our son. So, we need to find health insurance that wouldn't be sky high. Any suggestions? And thanks so much!!""
Can a named driver get covered for business insurance on the policy insurance company sayin no is this correct?
Can a named driver get covered for business insurance on the policy insurance company sayin no is this correct?
Im turning 16 and i was wondering waht my insurance rates will be?
What are the average insurance rates?
What are average prices for teen auto insurance in CA?
just averages not a sports car i have good grades too if that helps
Drive parents car without insurance?
hi, so i just got my license and can not afford insurance or a car. But my parents have insurance on both of their cars. Am i aloud to drive their cars on occasion, with their approval?""
The average price of car insurance?
The average price of car insurance?
How much auto insurance do I need if I own a home and some other assests?
My auto insurance company told me that if I'm in an accident and I don't have enough auto insurance I can be sued and possibly lose my home. I never heard of anyone losing ...show more
So what are the pros and cons of life insurance?
So what are the pros and cons of life insurance?
What is an average cost of IUI without insurance?
What is an average cost of IUI without insurance and what is the success rate?
How can I lower my insurance rates at 19?
So I'm 19 and my insurance is about 100 a month and i pay 400(really its 300 but I pay 400 so I can finish faster) flat a month for a 2012 Chrysler 200 but initially at 18 I wanted a challenger, but my insurance rate was going to be more than my car payment, so here I am at 19 almost 20 in a few months and am wanting to try my luck again at getting a challenger(my dream car) but just want to know if theirs anything I can do to lower my rate for a sports car, I've built a substantial amount of credit I earn 30,000 a yr and have never wrecked is their anything else I can do? P.S I work hard and am a college student and in no way have received help from anyone to get what I want, I just work hard and want my dream car and feel like I can manage it but the insurance is killing me.""
Car Insurance?
right can anyone tell me off there head (with out telling me to go to a insurance website) how much it would cost for a 17yh old to insure a: VW Golf Mk1 GTI and a Williams Clio
Premium vs deductible? Health Insurance?
I'm really confused by everything having to deal with Health Insurance. I know a deductible is what you pay before the insurance company pays the rest. But what is the premium? And are these two related?? Please Help.
Is medicare a good insurance plan or will a lot of things not be covered. I know there is no drug coverage.?
I recently started recieving medicare after becoming disabled, and pay over $100 per month to recieve this insurance out of my small disability income. I am wondering if this will ...show more""
Car Insurance For 16yr old boy?
What is The cheapest car insurance for a 16-18yr old boy that lives in Milwaukie, Oregon?""
California Traffic School Twice Within 18 months?
Can I do traffic school twice in California within 18 months? From what I think I understand the first citation is kept confidential. The second within 18 months is not. Can my insurance company raise my rates even though I did happen to take traffic school even though it was twice within 18 months. Will my insurance rise, if so how much?""
Can you have more than two car insurance policies in New Jersey?
I am under my dad insurance and so is one of my cars. Is it possible for me to be under another insurance with my other car or thats not possible.
Auto Insurance question?
Car hood popped open while driving (apparently was not closed properly when I closed it last) . Damage to windshield and dents on hood. I have a ridiculously high deductible for going to pay myself for the repair. My only question is: I get free windshield replacement thru my auto insurance (no deductible). Is it possible to get just the windshield replaced by them and I take care of the rest? Or are they going to want me to go through them for the whole damage (hood) when I call them for the windshield? Thanks.
Good auto insurance?
i have quite a complicated issue with insurance 1. im CANADIAN andi go to school in the states but do not hold a Michigan drivers license -however i CAN get one 2. i have no document history in michigan so this puts me at a high premuim so is it possible for the insurance companies to insure me in michigan and use my canadian driving history....im 21 years old female...also i was thinking if it is possible to put it under my parents plan who are canadians but if they could purchase an american insurance plan and use there canadian driving history to get a quote...thanks!!
How much does it cost to get a $1 Million Insurance policy for a film?
Approximately how much would it cost to obtain a $1 Million Dollar Insurance Policy for a feature film shoot? No fancy stunts or explosions, a few car scenes with car mounts, shooting on the RED camera with a 5-ton grip truck. Any ideas? All the websites that give quotes make you fill out a lot of information to obtain a quote from a representative. I just need an estimate.""
Will auto insurance be cheaper If i'm on my parent's plan?
I'm 17. I graduated college early, so i'm now a sophomore in college. I have a job, where I make generally $600 a month. Not much but i'll be graduating soon so I can deal ...show more""
""Would like to know what is involved in starting to sell health insurance, part-time for restaurant workers?""
i have no experience, but know the restaurant business very well and know that most have no health insurance, any advise would be helpful, a test is needed and i live in missouri is there an outline for the test and what ins. companies are known for sponsering restaurants for an affordable price""
Born abroad car insurance premiums higher?
I have been gathering quotes for car insurance online on confused and was delighted to see the price down at 615 for once as I have been getting car insurance every year since the age 18 and it has always been over 1000. However, just having a quick check over my details to make sure everything I had entered was correct and then I noticed I had ticked the resident from birth box. I was born in Spain as my mother went over there to work and then had me. I was born in 87 and she took me back home in 88 or 89 roughly. (She is a full British citizen born and raised in UK). As I have no contact with my father and I don't even remember being in Spain or nor can I even speak the language well, I feel fully British and also am regarded as a British citizen. My mum also registered me at a british consulate in april 88, just 6 months after I was born. So I put on the form that I became a resident in 1988. I then calculate the prices again and the insurance quotes shoot up with 955 being the cheapest and the rest going up to 1000. I then think back to all the years I have been paying the insurance and building up my no claims and being the perfect driver with no claims despite having to pay the shocking premiums that young people have to pay and this makes me absolutely livid that my insurance goes up by 340 to 400 based on the fact that I was born in Spain and spent 1 year of my life there and the rest of the 23 years as British Citizen raised here. I am just wondering if I could get away with just going ahead and saying that I was a resident from Birth as I have a baby on the way and really wish that my premiums were a reasonable ammount for once or I should go through it and just demand that they bring the premiums down to the 615 like originally quoted! It just makes me really annoyed that they can get away with this kind of stuff and I really don't like the fact that I am having to pay higher premiums just for the sake of it. Any advice on this?""
Help looking for health insurance for college student in California?
I'm a 20 year old living in California and I'm trying to get health insurance. My previous one in PCIP is dissolved and I'm trying to get enrolled into Covered California, but I got locked out and can't reach anyone there due to high call volumes. I'm looking for an alternative but I have no idea where else to search. I'm looking into Kaiser, Blue Cross etc. but I'm not sure what to do.. Can someone please help me?""
Want to sell my insurance idea?
I have a unique idea 4 a short term insurance in south africa. How do i sell it 2 insurance companies?
Lorane Oregon Cheap car insurance quotes zip 97451
Lorane Oregon Cheap car insurance quotes zip 97451
Does red light camera ticket affect your insurance rate?
If i got a ticket from red light cam, will that affect my insurance? In the state of Missouri""
""If I have a Car note, and I can't afford to pay my insurance, Can the dealership turn off my car until payment?""
There's a gps tracking device and shut me right down so I can't drive.Its not my car note,insurance payment""
""If you buy a refurbished phone from at&t, can you get insurance on it?""
I am wanting to get the black blackjack II, and I was also wondering if it would be worth it to get insurance, since its only $60.""
""Now that my license has no points on it, can the car insurance cost be reduced?""
I am with Tesco Insurance, my license did have points on it when I got my car insured but no that I have lost the points, do I have to wait out the 12month contract or is there the possibility that it can be reduced? I am guessing I have to wait it out. Something like that must have been mentioned in the T&A.""
Aussie car insurance?
who are the cheapest car insurance company for aussie p platers also.. are there any companies that offer reduced term cover.. id like 6 months insurance so i can take up a years insurance once thats finished to break up insurance and rego
Insurance help! Tennessee?
My bf moved here from west virginia... he has to big health problems one life threatening... He needs cheap insurance but i dont know anything about insurance. hes 23. can anyone help me or know of any type of insurance??????? It would be appreciated..
Where do i apply for free state insurance in the state of Georgia?
i dont have health insurance and cant afford insurance
""Car insurance for young male drivers, its cheaper to drive without it and pay the fines!?""
I really dont get it, car insurance on a 2000 plate 1litre yaris is over 10,000 - YES 10K! I do live in manchester, which is the most costly post code to get insured in but 10k is just a joke for a 18year old. Ive done it all correct too putting 1000 annual milage e.t.c So ive read online about how much people are fined when they are found driving without insurance and its about 200 on average. I know it can go upto 5000 but thats still cheaper than shelling out for insurance and your chances of getting caught arnt really high the way i would do it. Get a car, insure my dad on the car so it doesnt flag up on the police cameras when you drive past, drive to and from work only, and say the car is parked at work (nice postcode to get insurance cheaper) over night. which i can say it is my brother takes it on his night shift there. And if i do get caught i will say i took it without owners concent. TWOC the police call it. I just cant get it into my head at why the government dont do anything about insurance it kind of pushes people into breaking the law. And i would use public transport IF it didnt take me 4hours to get to and from work a day! ""
Motorcycle insurance full coverage?
I pay full coverage for my motorcycle and my co worker who is still paying on his bike has way cheaper insurance then me. Were the same age. Is it possible not to have full coverage when you have a loan for the bike? I know your suppose to, i do but i would think the insurance company could find out some how if you told them it was paid off..right?""
Mexico and USA car insurance?
Does anybody know a car insurance company that has coverage 15 miles or so miles outside US boundaries? Thank you!
Ballpark insurance quote?
Can anyone give me a ballpark estimate of how much it would cost me to get car insurance. 18 years old, recently bought a 1983 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am. I just need cheapest possible. Starting to get pissed off how it's legal to discriminate against someones age and jack there insurance premiums. How is that any different then racism?""
Question about Scion Tc insurance?
So I figured it couldn't hurt to ask about the insurance on a Scion Tc. I'm 16 and looking into getting a scion as my first car. My family and I have state farm insurance, and I would co-sign with them. It would be a used scion with about under 50000 miles and probably a year 2006 or 2005. I live in new york if it helps and am a new driver, no tickets or points. So I was just basically wondering how much other people pay a month or year for a scion tc, their age, the year of their car, and the state they live in. Also and more importantly is a scion tc considered a sports car, or is it under sports car insurance. If it is how much extra monthly is that. I would also be eligible for a steer clear program reduction, good grades reduction, and the reduction for taking drivers ed if anyone has any idea how much that would save. Thanks for anyone who can help!""
Free Auto Insurance Quotes At What Website?
I have been looking for a site that gives Free Auto Insurance Quotes, everywhere I have found wants to charge me or run my credit. Can anyone help me? All I want is a Free Auto Insurance Quote is that to hard to find?""
Is car insurance expensive?
Im about to get my driver licence and my mom told me that car insurance is really expensive and that's the reason why she wont buy me a car.
""New driver, car, insurance etc..?""
I've started saving for my first car, driving lessons and tests, and obviously insurance. Any tips on choosing a car, and a teacher? How much would it cost, roughly? Detailed answers really appreciated, thankyou x""
How do I know if my health insurance premiums are pre-tax or post-tax?
I am using H&R Block tax software and they are telling me to enter my health insurance premiums that I have paid for this past year to claim them as deductions. They say NOTHING about whether or not they can be pre-tax or post-tax. I keep reading everyone else saying that they cannot be pre-tax premiums in order to claim it. I have no way of knowing if the premiums I have been paying are pre-tax or post-tax. It does not say it anywhere. My wife and I are both employees of the state. Thank you.
How much would car insurance be ?
I was just wondering how much insurance would be im 17 a girl (ive heard insurance is cheaper for girls) and about to start my lessons but was just wondering what the insurance cost is on a fiat cinquecento or a vauxhall corsa (which model of vauxhall corsa is the cheapest?) I live in a fairly rural area would this make any difference to the insurance cost ? Would it be cheaper to maybe go on my parents insurance ??? Also what insurance company is the cheapest? Please please please someone help :L
Pay-as-you-drive auto insurance: do you think this is a good idea?
An alliance of insurance companies and environmentalists wants to bring a new kind of mileage-based auto insurance to California and charge motorists only for the number of miles actually driven. Called pay as you drive, the option is available from a few insurers in 34 states ... as well as Canada, Japan and Europe. One company, GMAC Insurance Group, says its customers -- whose mileage is tracked by General Motors Corp.'s OnStar system -- have reduced the premiums they pay by 13% to 54%.... The system could cut motoring costs, protect the environment and reduce traffic congestion, boosters say. Opponents, mainly privacy advocates, say they fear that insurance companies could begin tracking more than just a driver's mileage. High-mileage drivers could also see higher rates. from the Los Angeles Times http://www.latimes.com/news/science/environment/la-fi-carinsure15-2008jul15,0,6970018.story""
Is van insurance cheaper than car insurance in uk for first time drivers?
basically im a new driver and am lookin for the vehicle tht offers the cheapest insurance, im male by the way""
Which state has the most affordable health insurance?
Which state has the most affordable health insurance?
2006 ford mustang v6 considered a sports car or a coupe on insurance?
I have been reading that the v6 is considered a coupe and the v8 is a sports car. I have Allstate insurance anybody have a clue on how much my insurance would be a month for the v6?
Which is the best renters insurance company in the cincy area?
Which is the best renters insurance company in the cincy area?
What are some cheap car insurance companies for young adults in Georgia?
I'm a 20 year old male currently shopping around for car insurance, but I can't seem to make a decision. I need the most inexpensive, but quality insurance possible. Do you guys know any companies that may be a little more generous to young adult drivers?""
How do you get long-term heath care insurance in Georgia? And how you pick the best one for you?
My grandma might need to go into an assisted living home soon? My family are thinking about a Sunrise Community and they take long term health care insurance? How do you obtain and pick the right type and does Medicare cover it? thanks
Car Rental Insurance?
What happens if you rent a car and decline any coverage? I was told that if you were involed in an accident you would have to make a claim with your own insurance company. What if you don't own a car and thus don't have an insurance company? Are there limits to the amount of responsibility of the renter? I mean if the car is totaled does the renter really have to replace the entire cost of the car out of his pocket as well as damage to the other car and injury to it's occupants? I know i'm not alone in declining insurance. But if I got into an accident I always assumed I would just be responsible for a deductable and not the total amout of damage to the cars and injuries. Serious answers only. I really don't need to hear yes, you need insurance or you're screwed That tells me nothing.""
Lorane Oregon Cheap car insurance quotes zip 97451
Lorane Oregon Cheap car insurance quotes zip 97451
Car insurance so unfair?
I am 18 and I know the prices are a joke, all I want is a 1.6 astra 2007 and I have to pay 10 k to get insured.Over in the US and over countries kids get massive jeeps, why is it over here, most people can't even afford a 1 litre corsa. Pisses me off that I get tied in with the same brush because of my age, surely can they charge a ridiculous price such as 5k and give you half back if you don't crash? they will still be profiting massively, as my dad pays 280 a year. If i want to suceed in life, I think i'm best leaving the UK, they just want everyone to use public transport and don't want people to have the luxury of driving a car. Anyone else agree ?""
CAR INSURANCE?!?! the quotes im get...?
I Recently passed my driving test, and now i cant seem to find a cheap insurance quote, the minimum im getting is 2000 pound a year!! im only 18 and live in england. does anybody know of any cheap insurance site's?""
How much will insurance be on an R6?
So, i'm 19 and have had my full motorcycle license for a few months now however I can't seem to find any insurance quotes online for an r6 below 2800 a year. Now i've seen 18 year olds online who own an r6 yet am wondering what I should do to reduce this cost to something more realistic. I have a full car license and drive a car however 0 no claims bonus as I am a named passenger. I also specify that the bike would be locked in a garage with added security features. I also owned and rode a 250cc ninja for about 7months but still this ridiculous price appears... HELPPS?""
Car insurance discounts?
i am quoting car insurance and it seems to be outrageous ive heard of a few discounts are there any other im not thinking of ..military ..student ..good driver ..multi cars any others?
""What do you pay for car insurance, if you don't mind me asking?""
I'm curious. I have recently moved and I couldn't believe the difference in price for car insurance. I two thousand miles east and now pay just over a thousand a year as opposed to four and a half thousand where I used to live. So, if you don't mind, could you say where you live and how much you pay in car insurance? I think this will be interesting and rather revealing.""
""25 years old new driver, no cheap insurance :(?
newly qualified driver but cant find any cheap car insurance for 1998 nissan micra :( no less than 3000 per annum. any suggestion. uk
Does State Farm charge higher auto rates for older drivers?
Does a low deductible plus an older driver result in higher charges for auto insurance coverage for liability and collision rates? The driver also has a clean driving record.Thank you for your response.This is for North Carolina.
Is it typically cheaper to pay car insurance monthly ? semiannually? or annually?
Is it typically cheaper to pay car insurance monthly ? semiannually? or annually?
How much will my geico auto insurance rates go up after an accident?
If I've had a couple of accidents in years past, currently pay about 1,200/year for geico. I just had a very minor fender bender in which I sustained no damage but the other car (a BMW) got 2 scratches on the rear. How much can I expect my insurance rates to go up when this is all reported?""
How can I cancel my geico car insurance?
I pay for my geico car insurance every six months because I save some money instead of paying monthly. Here is a thing I am going to out of US for 3 months and I do not need insure my car however I already paid for the 6 months.
How much of a price diference is their between a libaility and full coverage on average?
I have some acidents on my record any my insurance is through the roof.
""Planning on buying a newer car, wondering how much my insurance will go up or if it will at all?""
Right now I have a Ford mustang, and i'm paying about $800 every 6 months, i'm planning on getting a 2006 Grand Prix so since it's not a sports cr but it's newer will my insurance rate stay the same? Will it go up? Or am I lucky and will it go down?""
Motorcycle insurance for 18yr old first vehicle(sportbike)?
I am considering purchasing a 2007 Kawasaki ninja 250r. I was wondering how much insurance would be for me(18) if it was my first vehicle . I have no prior car insurance history. And I just got a motor license.
Help! im trying to find car insurance!?
help ! i am trying to find car insurance for a bog standard vaxhaull corsa and each time I have done a quote for TPFT the price is no less than 1800. I am 19 and have held a clean license for 1 year. Any suggestions? I am going in an hour to buy a car.
What is life insurance quotes?
what are the advantages of insurance quotes?
Change car on insurance?
I had a crash what I am to blame. I've had to go scrap my car, need to put a new car on my insurance I know there will be a fee to change it over but will they now charge even extra now I've had a crash?""
Sport bike insurance?
I am an 18 year old male living in Fargo North Dakota. I plan on purchasing a 2014 Kawasaki ninja 300 sport bike for daily commuting and just general transportation. I would be in college and most likely using it daily, weather permitting. I do not have any previous riding experience, but I will take a safety class and of course have a valid motorcycle license. What can I realistically expect my insurance rate to approximately be?""
Car and insurance question..?
If I had lost my car insurance with my car can someone who is insured still drive my vehicle or does the car itself still have to be insured?
I have a health insurance question for baby?
Hey, I was wondering if there is a type of cheap health insurance me and my husband could get since we don't have any and are wanting to have a baby? We both work and have good jobs but, no insurance. Is there and insurance just to cover the baby because as long as the baby's needs are covered I could care less about us? That includes like before the baby is born but, all the doctor visits pertaining to the baby.""
What can I do if my car insurance company denied my claim for inconsistency in my report?
Im going to lay down what happened and I would appreciate your opinion. It started when my 2007 gs eclipse clutch gave out the dealership close to my house wasn't a very professional looking place when it came to their shop they mistreated the cars that where there and had old rusted cars parked in their lot. So, I did not want to get it repaired there, I made a big fuss with mitsubishi but after sitting the car in my lot for 2 months I lost my job and I had to get it fixed there anyway cause of warranty issues and I needed my car to look for another job i'm a truck driver that's why it took 2 months and my car had 7000 miles on it i hardly ever used it. I noticed that after I had it back the cruise control wasn't working I didn't take it back because of the fear of something worse happening to it. My mom suggested that I get repair by my cousins husband so my mom handed me her cell phone called him and told me to bring it in the morning because he worked all day til 7pm and if i couldn't get to him to leave the key under the plant in front of the garage door (that call was on 6-24-09). I tried to get there early enough (6-25-09) but i missed him and no one was home so I placed the key under the plant and left I told the police officer that I had made a call to him after dropping the key but the phone number to reach him was on my moms cell phone. I thought I did I couldn't remember because I came back a day later for the car. After I walked home I thought id leave it there a day so he could find the problem, since he gets home at 7pm. When I got there on 6-26-09 my car wasn't there and they said they never saw it there so i called the police to see if it was towed it wasn't and the key wasn't there either, police came over and took my statement but on the report he stated that the car was stolen on 6-26-09 and the phone number I used to call to tell them I was leaving the car there was written down wrong. The insurance company said that the inconsistencies where that I did not use my cell to make a phone call on the 6-24-09 or 6-25-09 I told them that i used my mothers cell phone in the oath recorded meeting they recorded my statement a week after i reported my car stolen and i failed to tell them i used my mothers cell phone but they didn't ask and I also told them I called when I placed the key under the plant but I was confused because I had called my cousin twice on 6-24-09. I never failed to make a payment on any of my bills and i have good credit score I'm in fact almost done with my car payment. They also brought to my attention that I tried to sell the car but i have proof that i've been trying to sell my car since 2008 and there was a buyer and i have his emails that offered to buy my car with a $1000.00 profit for me. please tell me what do think i should do about this situation?""
How much does car insurance typically cost for a teenager?
My grandpa bought me a car for my 16th birthday. Now, I'm finally going to get license to drive it after it sitting in the garage for nearly 2 years. I was wondering how much the insurance is going to cost me. The car is a 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 4x4 Automatic 4.0 Liter. I don't know what insurance company my grandpa goes through, but I do know that my Jeep is one of 3 cars on the policy. One is an 80s model F-150, and the other is an SUV that is only a few years old. He said that all I'd have to pay is the extra money to add me to the insurance on the jeep. He's currently the only one listed on it. I have exemplary grades.""
Does my husband need his own insurance on another car?
my husband was insured on his car but its now sold and the insurance run out yesterday, he also drives his business partners car on which he is a named driver on the insurance, now his insurance on his own car has expired is he still covered to drive his partners car even tho he dosent have his own policy? im unsure how it works so just want to double check..""
Violations that show up on insurance quotes in nj?
About 2 years ago i got a ticket for not stopping at a stop sign. I went to court and they knocked it down to something so i wouldn't get any point and just pay a fine. I don't remember what they knocked it down to. But why is it still a concern on my auto insurance. I didn't get any points so should it matter?
How much would motorcycle insurance for 600cc roughly cost for a 24 year old?
just need the rough estimate for 600cc sportsbikes. fireblade, gsxr, r6. please state the type of insurance too. thanks.""
How much is car insurance?
Im 18, living in chicago, but i could register my adress in suburbs with gramma if it would be cheaper.... looking to buy a honda civic 94' or a 94' acura integra....""
Lorane Oregon Cheap car insurance quotes zip 97451
Lorane Oregon Cheap car insurance quotes zip 97451
AARP? Health insurance cost? Car insurance?
i am currently looking into aarp for my parents. they are currently 59 and self employed, entering retirement very soon. i am not too familar with aarp but have gotten an application in the mail as well as researched their website. i know the annual fee is $12.50. it would be very helpful if anyone who is a member give me some prices they are paying for health insurance, car insurance or any helpful information as to whether it is worth joining. thanks!""
Can you or spouse be denied group health insurance?
I have stage 4 cancer. I have insurance through my husbands job. If my husband changes jobs and is offered insurance at the new job can I be denied insurance due to the preexisting condition? I live in Georgia. I already checked and got information on cobra.
Car insurance?
does your physical health affect your car insurance rates?
""New Driver Insurance question , Help me out if u can.?""
Hi i just passed my test and want to know what Insurance company to go with . Im 25 years old . Just got my self Saxo VTR cheap on Ebay , The issue i have is , I only want insurance for 2 months on the car as im getting better car in 2months Time as the VTR is just temp car for me to start with. Anyone know good Insurance company ? Also Note this is ENGLISH Question. So no Yanks please x x x Thanks""
Car insurance help (UK ONLY)?
my mums car insurance company is tryin to screw her over... i need opinions please! the car got wrote off due to something smashing it from the back as it was parked therefore perpitrator was never found! the car was worth 500 which was 100 deducted for policy... then the insurance compony took the whole wak of 12 months insurance aswell when we only had the car for a month! is that fair? deucting that for 500 leaving us with 154.77... IS THIS LEGAL????
How much auto insurance must I have?
I want to know what are the legal limits on car insurance in the state of Ohio for a financed vehicle? I have an 06 Mazda and an 07 Hyundai. They are both financed. How do I go about figuring out the lowest limits I can legally have? Thank you!
""Why is it cheaper to insure a car witha provisional licence, than a full licence?""
I was doing a price comparison check for insurance on my car after I've passed my test and it was around 1,400. I'd been entering that I had a full licence as I was looking for after I'd passed, I then changed it to say I only had my provisional to see how much it would cost to insure now so I can practice with someone sat in and it's only about 750. Why is it cheaper?""
(for people in america) how much does the average 17-18 year old pay for insurance?
im from ireland and was just wondering approx
Sex change versus Car Insurance?
if man changes to a woman would this affect his/her car insurance, would his insurance be cheaper or dearer?""
Auto Insurance?
I have a 1981 Chevy Silverado that I have poured money into over the years. I was wanting to full coverage seeing as how much money I have put into it. These trucks are very common so they aren't worth a lot. I'd say the going rate for a nice specimen would be $3,500 in my area. I have somewhere around $10,000-$12,000 invested in mine. Can I have it insured for what I have in it or just what its worth? I've never had full coverage insurance so I have no idea. Thanks for any input.""
Car insurance help please ?
I'm 18 and I am soon to be having a car, (hopefully) now everybody in the UK knows hows stupid car insurance is for new/young drivers. my dad says he will not put me on his insurance as IF i had a crash and needed to claim it would knock off his no claims, that is perfectly understanding but wile looking on Moneysupermarket i noticed the (protect no claims) if i was a named driver on my dads insurance would i get that cheaper, i know later in life i'm gonna have to start my own but thats for when im on more money at work etc, so what i am asking would this work out? and everybody becomes a winner? thank you for any help (im only looking for a Ford Fiesta mk2/3 1.0/1.1)""
Insurance on a 2000 pontiac grand prix gtp.?
anyone have one of these?? how is the insurance on it,? how much might you think an 18yr old might pay on this car? Ive never had speeding tickets, accidents, nothing. (knock on wood) thanks!""
""Insurance for 17 year old , group 5 . ARGH!?""
Im buying a saxo 1.4i Furio and its in insurance group 5 I was just looking for the best ways/insurers/policies/discounts/offers that i can get I got quoted something stupid like 3300 TPFT online for a frickan 1.4!!!! I know for a fact it goes WAYY cheaper than that seein as i know a first time driver on his own policy that drives a saxo VTR insured for under 2000! I just dont know how to go about gettin the quote below 2000 Can someone PLEASE please help me. I know i have to shop around . but i dont know where or who to go to. and what to do when i get there! Experianced advice, examples and prices you have had on similar sized engines for your first car would be a magic help! Thanks""
Red camoro or mustang or white effect car insurance (boy)?
Hello I am driving in a few months. I am getting a 2011 chevy camaro 2lt or a ford mustang gt. does the color of the car effect the price of the car insurance. I do know being a boy I will have to pay higher insurance. But red is my favorite color. If I get a red camaro or mustang will insurance be higher than getting a white or yellow mustang or camaor. And what is better for everyday driving and safety. and features. and what is best for the money the Camaro or mustang. and trim wise to. camaro 1LT or 2LT or Mustang GT or V6Premium???? help
How much does car insurance lower when you turn 21?
I have insurance with Farm Bureau, and I have a completely clean record. I hear insurance lowers when you turn 21, anyone know about how much? I pay about 600 a quarter..""
Cheaper insurance - Single or Common-law spouse?
I have a car and my own car insurance. My girlfriend has a car and she is going to a new car insurance company. The company is asking if we live together but she won't tell me if it will safe me money or not. All she said is $1,000 difference. Please assist! Thanks.""
Best and cheap major health insurance?
Best and cheap major health insurance?
""Trying to save on car insurance, who should I go with?""
Currently I pay $122.00 for car insurance with State Farm. This is going to go up I am sure since I moved back to a larger city and when I lived here before I was paying a lot more. That is two cars, a 2008 Dodge 4 Door and a 2002 Focus all full coverage 100,000/300,000 Limits with a $500 deductibles you get the idea. Oh and I also have renters for about 10 bucks a month.... okay so I just was quoted by Gieco with lower deductibles, from the more expensive city and I was quoted at about $68 (without the renters) Thoughts on the matter, is this possible should I make the switch? Is $68 too low for two cars and are they baiting me and will they get me later with the higher rates?""
Farmers Insurance problem when changed from CA to OR?
Hi, I've had insurance in CA for 2 years and moved to Oregon recently. I had my insurance tranferred with an useless Farmers Agent in OR. The thing is I already paid my 6 months premium in CA which is covered me until 06/2009. I paid nearly $450 for until 06/29. I've had quite a few discounts in CA but the jug-head agent in Oregon, not shifted any discounts to Oregon automatically. I got a bill for next 6 months from that agent saying that I have to pay $1000, since I haven't lived in Oregon for long enough. Jeez!!!. It's almost a $600 rise in my insurance that too I haven't had any claims or ticket in my last 5 years. I went to meet him in person but he told that's all he can do it. He didn't look my CA policy/discounts too. Then I told him, I can get $500 insurance anywhere else. But he challenges me if I could get something like that. I haven't approached any other insurers yet. Is it anything like insurance history or something like that maintained nationwide or in Oregon? Does he threaten me based on somre record? Can I get some decent insurance from someother insurers/agents? In CA I've never paid my 6 months permium more than $450. I'm the only driver for my car and the car is 8 years old. I've never claimed from any insurance till date. I neither had any speeding tickets elsewhere. Can I get some insurance for some decent rate If I shop around? My farmers insurance expects to pay the additional premium in a week else my policy with farmers expires. I dont want to meet someother farmers agents. I wanna get out of farmers and go with someone else. Can I get some decent insurance in a week?""
Car insurance question?
If I have insurance for me and my husband on our truck, and My Mother in law has insurance for her vehicle. If she borrows our truck and gets in a wreck, whose insurance will pay?""
""Which costs more, Motorcycle insurance or Car insurance ?
I just got my Drivers License earlier this second quarter and I'm going for my motorcycle within the next month or two. My birthday is in February and I am currently 23 years of age.
A question regarding health insurance for couples?
me and my girlfriend have been dating for two years now. i plan on proposing to her this spring, but we can't afford a wedding yet. i was wondering if me and her could get an affordable health insurance, or would we need to get married to do that? i was also thinking, that if we would have to prove marital status, that we could marry at a court house, then eventually i'd propose and have a formal wedding in the future. what do most couples do in this situation, when finding good health insurance? we're healthy, no illnesses and the only prescription my girlfriend has is for her birth control. i also plan to start my own business, so getting our own insurance would be essential. thanks!""
Would not getting your permit prior to getting your license increase car insurance costs ?
I know there are many things that increase insurance costs but would not getting your permit prior to getting your license be one if them? If so how can insurance companies tell you didn't get your permit first ?
What is the best car insurance company?
I have just passed my test and now looking for insurance. which company would you advice?
How do I find out which insurance company I last held car insurance with?
My car insurance expired a year ago. I didn't renew it as I had a company car. I now have my own car again and need proof of my no claims. However, I can't remember which company I was insured with and can't find the old insurance certificate!""
Lorane Oregon Cheap car insurance quotes zip 97451
Lorane Oregon Cheap car insurance quotes zip 97451
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